Development of Hospital Information Mana
Development of Hospital Information Mana
Development of Hospital Information Mana
Abstract — Health institution requires quality data and the patient files in the records have to be accessed by the
information management to function effectively and hospital staff at every request.
efficiently. It is an understatement to say that many The objectives of the work is to provide a system that will
organizations, institutions or government agencies have provide the following:
become critically dependent on the use of database system i. logical data collection and efficient data storage
for their successes especially in the hospital. This work ii. accurate data communication and manipulation
aims at developing an improved hospital information iii. data security so that the hospital data and
management system using a function-based approach. An information are stored centrally in a secure fail safe
efficient HIMS that can be used to manage patient database.
information and its administration is presented in this Bose (2003) noted that the success of electronic health (e-
work. This is with the goal of eradicating the problem of health) depends critically on the collection, analysis and
improper data keeping, inaccurate reports, wastage of unified exchange of clinical and medical information or
time in storing, processing and retrieving information knowledge within and across the health institutions. In
faced by the existing hospital information system in order order to successfully exploit the social and economic
to improve the overall efficiency of the health institution. benefits that are emerging as a result of E-healthcare, it is
The system was developed with Hypertext Markup important to fully understand the developments in
Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), technology, social considerations, government fiscal
Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP), and My Structured Query policy and business objectives (Bali, 2000).
Language (MySQL). The new system was tested using
data collected from Renewal Clinic, Ibadan, Nigeria was II. REVIEW OF RELATED WORKS
used as case study were the data for the research was The literature review revealed the contextual issues and
collected and the system was tested. The system provides brief historical overview of hospital information
a vital platform of information storage and retrieval in management systems. Ouma and Herselman (2008) stated
hospitals. that government of most nations has engaged several
Keywords — Hospital Information Management System means to promote the development of a basic national
(HIMS), clinic, information storage and retrieval. primary care program, but the major concerns abound
about serious lack of specialized health care facilities.
I. INTRODUCTION According to Adebisiet al. (2015), hospital system is one
Hospital is an institution for health care that provides of the most complex of all administrative organizations.
patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment. The primary objective of the hospital is to provide
Usually, hospitals are funded by the public sector, by adequate care and treatment to the people. Several
health organizations (for profit or non-profit), health operational works done in a hospital include: recording
insurance companies or charities, including funds by information about the Patients, generating bill, recording
direct charitable donations. Historically, nevertheless, information related to diagnosis given to Patients,
hospitals were often founded and funded by religious Keeping record of the Immunization provided to patient,
orders or charitable individuals and leaders. Modern-day Keeping information about various diseases and
hospitals are largely staffed by professional physicians, medicines available to cure them etc. Most of this tasks
surgeons, and nurses. are handled in most hospitals on manually. This
The main aim of this work is to design an automated necessitated the creation of an electronic means of
system for controlling the flow of patient’s data in the keeping records, administering discharge, querying of
hospital. This is to solve most of the problems data, prescription guide and also better accountability.
encountered in the hospitals using the manual system of Information technology in general enables intra
medical administration. In the manual system, almost all organizational networking that facilitates effective
3.2 System Design and Implementation This organizes large amount of data and defines the
A relational database management system (RDBMS) relationship between the datasets in a reliable and
design was used to design the database with MYSQL. comprehensible manner. RDBMS also provides a
iii. Patient’s New Record Insertion: Thisform allows new patient to be registered indicating last patient id giving the user
idea of next patient to be registered.
v. Diagnoses Form: Thisform allows a patient to be queried with id and placed on the queue with indicated level of
ii. A Valid Authentication – redirects user to its work environment where the required actions can be executed like
Registration, Diagnosis, Prescription, Data Search etc.