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Development of Hospital Information Mana

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) [Vol-2, Issue-10, Oct- 2016]

Infogain Publication (Infogainpublication.com) ISSN : 2454-1311

Development of Hospital Information

Management Systems
O. O. Lawal1, B. O. Afeni1, J. O. Mebawondu2
Department of Computer Science, Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Ikeji - Arakeji, Nigeria.
Department of Computer Science, The Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.

Abstract — Health institution requires quality data and the patient files in the records have to be accessed by the
information management to function effectively and hospital staff at every request.
efficiently. It is an understatement to say that many The objectives of the work is to provide a system that will
organizations, institutions or government agencies have provide the following:
become critically dependent on the use of database system i. logical data collection and efficient data storage
for their successes especially in the hospital. This work ii. accurate data communication and manipulation
aims at developing an improved hospital information iii. data security so that the hospital data and
management system using a function-based approach. An information are stored centrally in a secure fail safe
efficient HIMS that can be used to manage patient database.
information and its administration is presented in this Bose (2003) noted that the success of electronic health (e-
work. This is with the goal of eradicating the problem of health) depends critically on the collection, analysis and
improper data keeping, inaccurate reports, wastage of unified exchange of clinical and medical information or
time in storing, processing and retrieving information knowledge within and across the health institutions. In
faced by the existing hospital information system in order order to successfully exploit the social and economic
to improve the overall efficiency of the health institution. benefits that are emerging as a result of E-healthcare, it is
The system was developed with Hypertext Markup important to fully understand the developments in
Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), technology, social considerations, government fiscal
Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP), and My Structured Query policy and business objectives (Bali, 2000).
Language (MySQL). The new system was tested using
data collected from Renewal Clinic, Ibadan, Nigeria was II. REVIEW OF RELATED WORKS
used as case study were the data for the research was The literature review revealed the contextual issues and
collected and the system was tested. The system provides brief historical overview of hospital information
a vital platform of information storage and retrieval in management systems. Ouma and Herselman (2008) stated
hospitals. that government of most nations has engaged several
Keywords — Hospital Information Management System means to promote the development of a basic national
(HIMS), clinic, information storage and retrieval. primary care program, but the major concerns abound
about serious lack of specialized health care facilities.
I. INTRODUCTION According to Adebisiet al. (2015), hospital system is one
Hospital is an institution for health care that provides of the most complex of all administrative organizations.
patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment. The primary objective of the hospital is to provide
Usually, hospitals are funded by the public sector, by adequate care and treatment to the people. Several
health organizations (for profit or non-profit), health operational works done in a hospital include: recording
insurance companies or charities, including funds by information about the Patients, generating bill, recording
direct charitable donations. Historically, nevertheless, information related to diagnosis given to Patients,
hospitals were often founded and funded by religious Keeping record of the Immunization provided to patient,
orders or charitable individuals and leaders. Modern-day Keeping information about various diseases and
hospitals are largely staffed by professional physicians, medicines available to cure them etc. Most of this tasks
surgeons, and nurses. are handled in most hospitals on manually. This
The main aim of this work is to design an automated necessitated the creation of an electronic means of
system for controlling the flow of patient’s data in the keeping records, administering discharge, querying of
hospital. This is to solve most of the problems data, prescription guide and also better accountability.
encountered in the hospitals using the manual system of Information technology in general enables intra
medical administration. In the manual system, almost all organizational networking that facilitates effective

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) [Vol-2, Issue-10, Oct- 2016]
Infogain Publication (Infogainpublication.com) ISSN : 2454-1311
information flow within the various units of a firm. The out the current state of their management system and how
application of information technology in health care is to computerize it and make it more efficient. Various
unceasingly evolving as the quality of patient care in medical personnel were interviewed in other to have an
contemporary times seems to depend on the timely idea of their job description and challenges they are
acquisition and processing of clinical information related facing in the discharge of their duties. Their bills of
to the patient (Adegenjo et al., 2012). Hospital payment, receipts and test results ledger were reviewed so
Management System provides the benefits of streamlined as to get how they are referenced and saved for future
operations, enhanced administration and control, superior works and the platform of how to make automate the
patient care, strict cost control and improved profitability information.
(Olusanyaet al. 2015) 3.1 The Existing Management System at Renewal
Musa (2012) pointed out that one of the major challenges Clinic
existing hospital management systems face is around The information flow in the clinic is a mono-directional
operational efficiency and wait times between different system where the receptionist refers patient to doctors,
processes, departments and persons. The paper highlights doctors refers patients to the pharmacist either in or out
several short comings of old systems and proposed a patients and the same way out. The existing system in the
RFID (Radio Frequency ID) and wireless sensor based , clinic is completely manual. When a patient requests
location and information management framework that drugs from the staff in the pharmacy session, all the
facilitates real time tracking of hospital assets, personnel information is recorded manually from the drug dispenser
and patients as they move through pre-set procedures as (Pharmacist). Similarly when the supplier delivers drugs
part of daily activities of the hospitals. Illoet al. (2015) all the information from the dispenser to the account on
proposed a web-based real-time system for the betterment drugs is recorded manually. Such a system is time
of medical research and analysis. Daipinget al., 2005 in consuming when figuring patient data which will lead to
their study on information system of health care services delay in generating medical report. Also, the system of
management in China hospitals paper proposed HSMS information storage is vulnerable to security hitches such
which aims at improving quality of services, identifying as illegal modification and update of records. Waste of
cost reduction areas, analyses and evaluate /rate heath time in data retrieval. Summarily, the existing system
care services. Olusanya et al. (2015) refers to clinics as obviously reduces the efficiency of the clinic.
organizations based on high technology and information 3.2 Requirement Analysis
intensive processes. The computerize clinic activities Requirement analysis is an essential part of system
which includes diagnostic and treatment processes will analysis. Requirement analysis is the most difficult part of
add to the development of networks of clinical, hospital software development. In any system development,
and health care processes (Smith and Pijl, 1999). In perfect requirement analysis is a must, as any error
hospitals, over the years, a variety of models and schemes occurring in this stage, may end up to be a total failure of
for hospital interventions and development have been the whole system. Requirement analysis involves, setting
deployed (Friesner, 2009). The storage and retrieval of up the analysis phase of the project by creating the
patients’ information is very crucial to improving the necessary plans and agreeing the initial scope of the
hospital medical care capability, decision-making process study. A detailed investigation of the existing system is
and the hospital working efficiency. In hospitals, over the undertaken, in terms of system process and data structure.
years, a variety of models and schemes for hospital Requirement analysis is the stage for designing the
interventions and development have been deployed system’s requirements and what the new system must do.
(Friesner, 2009). Therefore, it involves identifying who needs what
information where, when and how. Data, process and
III. SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN interface requirements for the new systems are also
METHODOLOGY identified as this stage. Also physical description of the
The approach used in designing the system is the existing system will be converted into logical description.
structured design approach. It consists of starting with the 3.3 The Conceptual Approach
“Big picture” of the proposed system that is gradually During the preliminary investigation and requirement
decomposed into more and more detail until it is fully analysis of Renewal Clinic, the following fact finding
understood. techniques was carried out:
Renewal Clinic, Ibadan, Nigeria was chosen as a case a. Interview
study. This is because of the ease of to their medical This is the most general way used to confirm the proposed
information and the physicians. The clinic was visited to system design and gather fact about the system. As it was
collect appropriate data. The purpose of the visit is to find not possible due to time constraint, to interview all the

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) [Vol-2, Issue-10, Oct- 2016]
Infogain Publication (Infogainpublication.com) ISSN : 2454-1311
employees and members of Renewal Clinic, the Director with the staffs. In that interview, only structured questions
and some nurses were interviewed. The interviews were asked regarding the new system that was developed.
consisted of both structured and unstructured questions. In b. Record or Document Review
the first interview all the questions were open-ended and As the documents represent formal information flow in
unstructured. After reviewing the responses, a second the organization, thus it helps in understanding the
interview was done. Both and ask both structured and existing system. The following documents were reviewed:
unstructured questions based on the director’s responses Registration forms, patient Cards, Bills.
of the prior interview. After the second interview the c. The Flowchart of the proposed System
system and requirement analysis were almost complete. Flowchart
The design and development of the system had started.
Afterwards, the third and final interview was arraigned This is a chart that shows the different parts of the system
and how they are arranged.

Fig.3.1: The flowchart of the proposed system

3.4 Architecture of the proposed System

The Hospital Information Management System for Renewal clinic will be a 3-tier application architecture. The presentation
will be handled by packages such as the HTML, CSS, JavaScript. The application logic will be handled by PHP hypertext
pre-processor (PHP) while the database is MYSQL database software.
The server will be located directly inside the ICT office for proper monitoring and maintenance operations. The diagram
below shows the pictorial overview of the proposed system.

Fig.3.2: The Architecture of the proposed system

3.2 System Design and Implementation This organizes large amount of data and defines the
A relational database management system (RDBMS) relationship between the datasets in a reliable and
design was used to design the database with MYSQL. comprehensible manner. RDBMS also provides a

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) [Vol-2, Issue-10, Oct- 2016]
Infogain Publication (Infogainpublication.com) ISSN : 2454-1311
structure which is flexible enough to accommodate almost • PHP SCRIPT
any kind of data. The interface were developed using • Internet Explorer (or other equivalent browsers
PHP, CSS and HTML. PHP was used to create links, such as Netscape, Mozilla Firefox, etc.)
manipulate pages, manage relational databases storage • Wampserver
functions, process queries and request flash to integrate
sounds and interfaces was done to develop the model that IV. RESULTS
meets all the requirements of this system. MySQL was Fig 4.1 to 4.5 describe the system inputs modules and Fig.
used to create and connect relational tables to the 4.6 to 4.10 presents the system outputs respectively. The
database. The system will function efficiently and system verify and validate all user input. The user gets
effectively on a server with the following configuration: appropriate notification in case of any error in the course
• 2.0 GHz Intel Pentium IV Processor and above of the use of the system. The system captured patient’s
• Minimum of 512MB of RAM details which is used to create an account with the
• Minimum of 80MB of available disk space physician. The system generates the Patient Identity (ID)
• Input devices (keyboard and mouse) and also the Reference ID automatically and identifies
The software requirements of the implementation of this inpatients and outpatients which is made possible by a
system include: checkbox.
• Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000 or The Proposed System Input: The following represent
higher, Window Vista, Linux snapshots from the system, showing input forms through
• MySQL which required data is inputted into the system.
• Apache server
i. The Welcome screen: This shows the specific information to the user of the system for easy navigation. It is the first
screen that shows up.

Fig.4.1: The Welcome Page

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) [Vol-2, Issue-10, Oct- 2016]
Infogain Publication (Infogainpublication.com) ISSN : 2454-1311
ii. The Login screen: This shows the login form which authorizes access to the system.

Fig.4.2: The login Screen

iii. Patient’s New Record Insertion: Thisform allows new patient to be registered indicating last patient id giving the user
idea of next patient to be registered.

Fig.4.3: Patient New Record Page

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) [Vol-2, Issue-10, Oct- 2016]
Infogain Publication (Infogainpublication.com) ISSN : 2454-1311
iv. Other Record Insertion: This form allows blood group, genotype and room number to be created automatically by the

Fig.4.4: Other Record Page

v. Diagnoses Form: Thisform allows a patient to be queried with id and placed on the queue with indicated level of

Fig.4.5: Diagnosis Form Page

Proposed System Outputs
The following represent snapshots from the system, showing reports which are displayed to the user during various
procedures on the system.

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) [Vol-2, Issue-10, Oct- 2016]
Infogain Publication (Infogainpublication.com) ISSN : 2454-1311
i. Wrong Username/Password Entry –returns user to the same point indication failed authentication.

Fig.4.6: Invalid Access Page

ii. A Valid Authentication – redirects user to its work environment where the required actions can be executed like
Registration, Diagnosis, Prescription, Data Search etc.

Fig.4.7: Valid Authentication Page

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) [Vol-2, Issue-10, Oct- 2016]
Infogain Publication (Infogainpublication.com) ISSN : 2454-1311
iii. Patient’s Prescription Page – displays patient that has been diagnosed with drugs prescription.

Fig.4.8: Patient’s Prescription Page

iv. Records Page– displays all category of patient that have been registered.

Fig.4.9: Record Page

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Infogain Publication (Infogainpublication.com) ISSN : 2454-1311
iii. Listing Page– displays patient that is on queue for doctor’s check-up.

Fig.4.10: Listing Page

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