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EECS 151/251A ASIC Lab 6: Power and Timing Verification

Written by Nathan Narevsky (2014,2017) and Brian Zimmer (2014)

Modified by John Wright (2015,2016), Ali Moin (2017) and Taehwan Kim (2018)

So far, you have learned how to translate a design described in Verilog to a fully-routed design.
Before this design can be manufactured (’taped-out’) there are two last steps that you will learn in
this lab—power analysis and timing verification. Power analysis will determine how much energy
your design will consume, and timing verification will ensure that no hold time violations exist in
the design.

To begin this lab, get the project files by typing the following command

git clone /home/ff/eecs151/labs/lab6

cd lab6

If you have not done so already you should add the following line to your bashrc file (in your
home folder) so that every time you open a new terminal you have the paths for the tools setup

source /home/ff/eecs151/tutorials/eecs151.bashrc

Note: after doing this, you need to manually source your own .bashrc file or open a new terminal.
You can test whether your path is setup properly or not by typing which dc shell and making
sure that it does not say no dc shell in ....

Setting Up the Other Tools Required for This Lab

In this lab, we will be using a tool called PrimeTime in order to look at timing and power analysis
of our design. In order to run this tool, we have to run through the previous tools (synthesis and
place and route) so let’s go ahead and do that now.

The commands below will run through the synthesis flow:

cd dc-syn

Next we need to place and route the design. This can be done with the following commands:

cd ../icc-par
EECS 151/251A ASIC Lab 6: Power and Timing Verification 2

Generating a VCD and SAIF File

In order to get more accurate information for power analysis, we can use information from a
simulation of our design within the tool. You can do so by going into the vcs-sim-gl-par folder.
If you look at the Makefile in this folder you will see a new section compared to previous versions
replicated below:

convert_saif = vcdplus.saif

$(convert_saif): %.saif: %.vpd

vpd2vcd $(patsubst %.saif,%.vpd,$@) $(patsubst %.saif, %.vcd, $@)
vcd2saif -input $(patsubst %.saif, %.vcd, $@) -output $@
date > timestamp

convert: $(convert_saif)

This section will take the vpd file, convert it to a vcd file and also convert the vcd file to a saif file.
A vcd simply contains the time information about the signals, in terms of when they transition and
what their new and old values are. The saif file contains switching activity of the individual nets,
as well as the amount of time that the nets are either 1 or 0. An example signal from the saif file
looks like below (taken from line 1436):

(T0 27639811) (T1 2080189) (TX 0)
(TC 54) (IG 0)

This is entry in the file for the operands bits A[10] register. The T0 is the duration of time in
the logic 0 state, T1 is the time in logic 1, TX is the time in an unkown state, TC is the total number
of transitions (rising and falling combined), and IG is the number of transition glitches during the

While you are in the vcs-sim-gl-par folder type the following:

make convert

which will run through a post place and route simulation and create the necessary files for more
detailed power analysis.

Running Primetime
After generating the switching activity, Primtime is run from the following folder:

cd ../pt-pwr
EECS 151/251A ASIC Lab 6: Power and Timing Verification 3

Now we are going to run through PrimeTime to analyze the power and timing of our design. As
we have learned in previous labs, a very useful way to debug the scripts is to place the return
command inside a script, which allows you to interactively debug during one of the steps.

Open pt scripts/pt.avg.tcl, and on line 18, add return. Then run:


This will create the necessary files and directories to run through Primetime. It will also load and
setup necessary files and variables for running through power and timing analysis.

This should return you to an interactive Primetime shell where we can start inputting commands.
We are going to start with these few lines below:

set power_enable_analysis true

set power_analysis_mode averaged

set report_default_significant_digits 4 ;
set sh_source_uses_search_path true ;
set search_path ". $search_path" ;

Going through these lines, the first one enables power analysis. In order to run any sort of power
reporting (which we will be doing later) you need to set this flag. The power analysis mode sets
how the tool does the calculation for power. Averaged, as set here, is the default, and will only
calculate the power based on toggle-rate and state-probability. There is also a time based option
that will calculate power as a function of time based on waveforms from a simulation that needs to
be setup properly. We will look into this more later in the lab.

Setting the significant digits simply truncates numbers for cleaner printing. The next line allows
files to be found in the search path that is created in some of the setup scripts, and the last line here
adds the current folder to the search path. Continuing, we need to issue the following commands:

set link_path "* $link_path"

read_verilog top.output.v
current_design top

This will setup the link path, which is different from the search path in that it is only used for
the link command, which has the same purpose as it did in Design Compiler. The read verilog
command will read in verilog files, which in this case is the output from IC Compiler.

read_parasitics -format sbpf ../../icc-par/current-icc/results/top.output.sbpf.max

This command will read in the Synopsys Binary Parasitics file which is generated from IC
Compiler to denote the different parasitic resistances and capacitances in the design. Keeping it
EECS 151/251A ASIC Lab 6: Power and Timing Verification 4

as a binary file greatly reduces the file size for large designs, but unfortunately means that it is no
longer human-readable. The fact that the filename has the word max in it indicates that it is the
worst case parasitics, which is what we would be concerned about for the critical path.

read_sdc -echo ../../icc-par/current-icc/results/top.output.sdc

Now we read in the Synopsys Design Constraints, which are very similar to the constraints that
were originally given to the tools when we ran them. Take a brief look at your sdc file and it should
look something like below:

set sdc_version 1.9

set_units -time ns -resistance MOhm -capacitance fF -voltage V -current uA

set_propagated_clock [get_pins gcd/pll/CLK_4X]
set_propagated_clock [get_pins gcd_io/PAD_pll_ref_clk/DOUT]
create_clock [get_pins gcd/pll/CLK_4X] -name fast_clk -period 0.69 -waveform {0 0.345}
set_clock_uncertainty 0.0345 [get_clocks fast_clk]
create_clock [get_pins gcd_io/PAD_pll_ref_clk/DOUT] \
-name slow_clk -period 20 -waveform {0 10}
set_clock_latency 0.15 -clock [get_clocks slow_clk] \
[get_pins gcd/GCDdpath0/clk_gate_B_reg_reg/latch/GCLK]
set_clock_latency 0.15 -clock [get_clocks slow_clk] \
[get_pins gcd/GCDdpath0/clk_gate_A_reg_reg/latch/GCLK]
set_clock_groups -asynchronous -name fast_clk_1 -group \
[list [get_clocks fast_clk]] -group [list [get_clocks slow_clk]]
set_timing_derate -late -net_delay 1.01
set_timing_derate -early -net_delay 0.99
set_timing_derate -late -cell_delay 1.01 [current_design]
set_timing_derate -early -cell_delay 0.99 [current_design]

If you look at the constraints that were passed into IC Compiler in ../icc-par/setup/constraints.tcl
you should be able to tell where most of these constraints are derived from. Others come from
different files, but the main point here is that it sets up all of the clocks and units for everything.
After we have read in the parasitics and constraints, we can move on to update and check the

update_timing -full

check_timing -verbose

If you get a warning saying that there are endpoints that are not constrainted for maximum delay,
do not worry - these paths have to do with the crossover between clock domains and we told the
tools to specifically ignore these paths.

To report the timing of the paths use the following command:

EECS 151/251A ASIC Lab 6: Power and Timing Verification 5

report_timing -delay min_max -input -net -sign 4 -nosplit

Please note that this will return both the minimum (hold time) and maximum (setup time) paths.

Timing Analysis in Primetime

Question 1: Timing analysis

a) Compare the critical path (in the fast clk domain) as reported by Primetime to the same exact
path in ICC. How different are the results?
b) Variation in transistor delay inside gates can cause hold time even if the design passes timing.
How much hold time slack is in your design?

Question 2: Timing analysis

a) Explore VCD file by opening vcdplus.vcd in DVE. Hypothetically, can the information in these
waveforms be used to measure energy due to glitching? Hint: Look into the signals contained
within the gcd/GCDdpath0 block. Submit a screenshot explaining why or why not.
b) Explore SAIF file by opening vcdplus.saif. What is the switching activity of the clk net?
What is the switching activity of result bits data[2]? Using the DURATION and TIMESCALE
information, what is the clock frequency of the simulation (and how did you derive it)?

Power Analysis in Primetime

Primetime can estimate the power your design will consume. There are two ways to analyze power
in Primetime—time-based and averaged. The steps you went through in the first part of the lab
explored average power analysis. Remove the return you added earlier to pt scripts/pt.avg.tcl,
and run the following:

cd pt-pwr
make pt-avg

This will run the averaged power analysis, which is basically the previous set of commands with
the following syntax for a report power command:

report_power -nosplit -verbose -hierarchy

To run time-based analysis, interrupt the script before it exits and open the GUI.

cd pt-pwr
vim pt_scripts/pt.time.tcl (and replace 'exit' on the last line with 'return')
make pt-time
EECS 151/251A ASIC Lab 6: Power and Timing Verification 6

The difference between these files is that the averaged script reads in a saif file, which we learned
about earlier in the lab. The time-based power script reads in a vcd file, which is the time domain
representation of the waveforms from a simulation. This allows the tool to calculate power as a
function of time and should be able to plot it, but unfortunately our liscense for that is not working.

Power is split into two categories: leakage power and dynamic power. Primetime further divides
dynamic power into two categories: internal power and switching power. Internal power contains
all power dissipated within the cell boundary (this includes both short-circuit current and charging
intrinsic capacitances). Switching power includes the power dissipated by driving wire capacitance
and the input capacitances of the gates. From inside the gui, let’s take a look at the breakdown of
our design by different types of power. To do this, go to Power and click on “Show Power Analysis
Driver” which should pop up a window like below:

Figure 1: Power Analysis Driver

Since this is a very small design that we are running very slowly in the testbench, the majority of
the power is leakage, as seen here. For each of these types of power we can see how the power is
broken down by sub-blocks, so let’s look at an example of that now. Go to Power again and click
on “New Power Design Map” and select “Total Power Density”. You should see something similar
to below after increasing the View Level to 4.
EECS 151/251A ASIC Lab 6: Power and Timing Verification 7

Figure 2: Power Tree Map

There are options to select by different types of power, and it shows you the sub-blocks to multiple
levels of hierarchy. The coloring should be based on the total power, and you can change what that
threshold is for visual purposes. Double-clicking on a block will zoom into that hierarchy, and you
can return one level by right-clicking and selecting Pop.
EECS 151/251A ASIC Lab 6: Power and Timing Verification 8

Question 3: Power analysis

Power analysis of the final place-and-routed design will closely match reality, but requires going
through every step in the flow. It is possible to measure power before placement even begins by
measuring the power of the design after synthesis. In this problem, you will learn why the power
results differ between post-synthesis and post-routing measurement.
a) Make a table comparing the post-synthesis power report to the post-routing power report. To
do this, follow this suggested procedure: Generate a VCD and SAIF activity file from your post-
synthesis design by modifying the Makefile in the vcs-sim-gl-syn. Copy the pt-pwr directory
to pt-pwr-syn. Modify the Makefile so that Primetime uses the post-synthesis design instead of
the post-place-and-route results (modify the icc v and icc sdc variables point to the appropriate
results form dc-syn). Also modify the Makefile to use the switching activity from this design
(modify the vcs dir directory). Compare leakage, switching, and internal power.
b) Modify the testbench to replace the current GCD test vectors with different vectors (eg. compute
the GCD of different A/B than before). Re-run power analysis, and report how much the leakage
and dynamic power changed.

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