Space India July-December 2017
Space India July-December 2017
Space India July-December 2017
NGC 2336: A classic spiral galaxy captured in fine detail by the UVIT Oct 2017
NGC 1851: Two star families in one Globular Cluster Nov 2017
this, DOS has evolved the following programmes: PRL: Physical Research Laboratory NARL: National Atmospheric Research
Laboratory NE-SAC: North Eastern Space Applications Centre SCL: Semi-
• Indian National Satellite (INSAT) programme for Conductor Laboratory IIST: Indian Institute of Space Science and
telecommunications, TV broadcasting, meteorology, Technology ISRO: Indian Space Research Organisation Antrix: Antrix
developmental education, etc. Corporation Limited VSSC: Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre LPSC: Liquid
Propulsion Systems Centre SDSC: Satish Dhawan Space Centre ISAC: ISRO
• Remote Sensing programme for the application of Satellite Centre SAC: Space Applications Centre NRSC: National Remote
satellite imagery for various developmental purposes Sensing Centre IPRC: ISRO Propulsion Complex IISU: ISRO Inertial Systems
Unit DECU: Development and Educational Communication Unit
• Indigenous capability for design and development MCF: Master Control Facility ISTRAC: ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and
of spacecraft and associated technologies for Command Network LEOS: Laboratory for Electro-optic Systems
communications, resources survey and space IIRS: Indian Institute of Remote Sensing
• Design and development of launch vehicles with
indigenous technology for access to space and
orbiting INSAT, IRS spacecraft and space science
• Research and development in space sciences and
technologies as well as application programmes for
national development
The Space Commission formulates the policies and
oversees the implementation of the Indian Space
Programme to promote the development and
application of space science and technology for the
socio-economic benefit of the country. DOS implements
these programmes through, mainly, Indian Space
Research Organisation, Physical Research Laboratory
(PRL), National Atmospheric Research Laboratory
(NARL), North Eastern-Space Applications Centre
(NE-SAC) and Semi-Conductor Laboratory (SCL).
Antrix Corporation Limited, established in 1992 as a
government owned company, markets space products
and services.
Both the DOS and ISRO Headquarters are located at
Bengaluru. The developmental activities are carried out
at the Centres and Units spread over the country.
So far, 101 Indian Satellite Missions (including nine
satellites by students and two nanosatellites) have been
conducted. Two Re-entry Missions – SRE-1 and CARE
module and 64 Launch Vehicle Missions (including
RLV-TD & Scramjet-TD) from Sriharikota have been
Resourcesat-2A Completes
One Year in Space
India, with nearly 3.3 million geographical area, namely, crop production estimation, forest cover
is endowed with natural resources such as forests, mapping, mapping and monitoring land & water
crop lands, water resources, minerals, wetlands, resources, environmental applications, rural & urban
snow and glaciers, etc. The accurate information on development plans, geological applications, disaster
the availability of natural resources and their optimal management support, etc. The typical advantage of
management is vital for sustainable development and improved revisit as a consequence of Resourcesat-2
overall socio-economic growth of the country. & 2A constellation is extremely useful for monitoring
vegetation and water resources.
Resourcesat series of satellites, with a unique 3-tier
imaging capability, have created their own ‘niche’ in The inputs for operational programmes, such as
catering to a multitude of applications, specifically in the Crop Monitoring, Horticultural crops assessment
area of land and water resources management. The and development, Periodic water spread maps,
first satellite of Resourcesat series, Resourcesat-1, was Watershed Development projected care ensured
launched in the year 2003 followed by Resourcesat-2 with improved temporal resolution. New initiatives,
in the year 2011. such as, crop insurance, multi-crop inventory and
near real time disaster management support, etc., are
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would see improvement in quality as more classes would
emerge or could be better discriminated. Under Natural
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gratitude. A Compendium of Research Activities in
Chairman, ISRO acknowledged the importance of
LEOS was released by Chairman, ISRO, during this
the services provided by LEOS in ISRO programmes,
Page 7
- Capacity Building in Indian Space programme, in
Space Applications, Evolving Roles of Academia in
Education’. The recent achievements and future plans of 8-11 years from 12 Asia Pacific Countries including
each country and region were deliberated in these four India. There were five different awards in the Poster
July – December 2017
working groups. The working group meetings were Contest event and the ISRO award was won by an
held during November 14-15, 2017. The summaries Indonesian student.
of the working group deliberations were presented in
the plenary sessions during November 16-17, 2017 An exhibition was also organised to provide an
including special sessions on specific themes, namely, opportunity for the Indian and foreign Industries to
‘Sustainable Development Goals’, ‘Space Policy’ showcase their technological capabilities. Nine Indian
and ‘Space Exploration’. There was also an evening Industries and nine Foreign Industries set-up their
session on ‘Space for Future Society’ on November stalls in the exhibition.
15, 2017. Associated events of the Working Groups,
namely, ‘Space Applications For Environment (SAFE) APRSAF-24 was different from earlier annual meetings
Workshop’, Asian Beneficial Collaboration through Kibo in many ways. It had highest number of Heads of
Utilisation - ‘Kibo ABC Workshop’ and ‘Workshop on Space Agencies from Asia Pacific region and South
Space Policy’ were organised on November 13, 2017. Asian countries. Heads of Space Agency session to
deliberate on space agencies’ contribution towards
APRSAF annual meetings were preceded by Water achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Rocket Event and Poster Contest for school students, was organised for the first time with the participation
as a means of generating interests in space and of heads of nine space agencies in Asia Pacific region -
nurturing their creativity and innovative thoughts. India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Russia, South
APRSAF-24 Water Rocket event was organised Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. Two Special sessions,
during November 11-12, 2017 with Water Rocket one each on ‘Space Policy’ and ‘Space Exploration’
making workshop followed by launch competition. were organised for the first time during the main
56 students in the age group of 12-16 years from 11 Asia plenary day. As a host Nation, India has organised a
Pacific countries including India along with Colombia special session on ‘Space Technology for enhanced
in South America actively participated in this event. Governance and Development’, wherein officials
An educator session was organised, in parallel, in which from user Ministries of Central and State Government
about 40 teachers and educators from Asia-Pacific have shared their experience on the utility of space
countries exchanged views on teaching methods. technology inputs for planning, monitoring and
In Water Rocket event, teams from Sri Lanka, Vietnam decision making.
A ‘Space Leaders Round-Table’ was organised in the (GNSS), and remote sensing can contribute to
concluding session on November 17, 2017 to discuss future society.
on the joint statement. • In the Space Cooperation in Asia Pacific session,
representatives of seven international organisations
Following are the major recommendations of the shared their views on the current trends and way
Working Groups: forward in enhancing space cooperation.
• National space agencies in the Asia Pacific region • Space Policy workshop was jointly organised by
to develop small/cube satellites collaboratively, as the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Public
the data from these satellites could provide input Policy, Japan and the National Institute of Advanced
to solve various common issues of the Asia Pacific Studies (NIAS), India, to provide an overview of
region; space policy perspectives in the Asia-Pacific region
• To further promote educational activities, using and to explore further possibilities for international
space technology as a tool that will be beneficial cooperation in the region.
for the human resource development of the next • SAFE (Space Applications For Environment)
generation; is to contribute to the solution to various
• Encourage and accelerate Kibo (in ISS) utilisation environmental problems with space technology
through feasibility studies in each country; and many prototyping which is being carried out
• To further promote space application including by Asia Pacific countries was reviewed.
rice crop monitoring, global rainfall monitoring, • Kibo-ABC (Asian Beneficial Collaboration through
fire hotspot, haze monitoring and disaster Kibo Utilisation) workshop was organised to
management, etc. encourage countries in the Asia-Pacific region to
use the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM). Kibo
Brief of various sessions/events of APRSAF-24 are is a human space facility that provides unique
given below: research capabilities in the International Space
Page 9
• Space agency heads from nine agencies presented Station (ISS).
on current activities and future possibilities/ • A Press meet was also organised on Nov 17,
2017, where all the Heads of Space Agencies
The International Tropical Meteorology Symposium can be translated to the design and development of
(INTROMET-2017) was organised by the Indian meaningful satellite payloads for critical applications.
Meteorological Society, Ahmedabad Chapter
(IMS-A) and Space Applications Centre (SAC), ISRO, The symposium comprised four plenary sessions
Ahmedabad during November 7 - 10, 2017. India with a total of 12 talks by distinguished speakers.
has been one of the front-runners in the field of space “An overview of Indian Earth Science Program” by
based earth observation and weather monitoring. Dr. M Rajeevan, “Monsoon teleconnection with
INSAT series of satellites are providing data over Arctic Ice Melt” by Emeritus Prof. T N Krishnamurti,
multitude domains; Kalpana-1 is the first dedicated Program Scientist, NASA-HQ and “Shri D R Sikka
meteorological satellite, INSAT-3DR along with Memorial Lecture” by Prof. Sulochna Gadgil, Emeritus
INSAT-3D is providing 15 minutes temporal coverage Prof. IISc were the attractions of the symposium.
and 3D information of the atmosphere through A special lecture on “The NASA Airborne Convective
its imager & sounder in multiple channels. The Processes Experiment (CPEX)” was also delivered by
Scatsat-1 carrying Ku-band scatterometer provides Dr. Ramesh R Kakar, Program Scientist, NASA-HQ.
ocean surface winds. RISAT-1 based SAR provides
crucial information regarding sea-ice displacement. The presentations during the symposium were
Megha-Tropiques (SAPHIR, ROSA, SCARAB), organised in several parallel technical sessions under
SARAL (Ka-band Altimeter) and GNSS also provide the themes - Advances in monsoon studies, Weather
complementary observations. The theme of the forecasting, Hydrometeorology, Air-sea interactions,
symposium was “Advances in Space-based Earth
Page 10
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the Hon’ble Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s these societies.
Office, Department of Space, Department of Atomic
the conference on “Strengthening Academic, Industry, more than 900 participants from 53 countries across
Scientific Societies and Space Agencies Interface for the globe.
October 04, 1957: Journey to space started with WSW-2017 Celebrations at VSSC, LPSC,
the launch of the first man-made Earth satellite, IISU and IPRC
Sputnik 1. The WSW-2017 was inaugurated by Honourable Chief
Minister of Kerala Shri Pinarayi Vijayan on October 04,
October 10, 1967: The signing of the treaty on 2017 at Kanakakunnu Palace, Thiruvananthapuram.
principles governing the activities of states in the A Space Expo was organised at S.T. Hindu College,
exploration and peaceful uses of outer space, including Nagercoil during October 5-9, 2017. The space expo
Moon and other celestial bodies. showcased ISRO’s achievements and contributions
Page 13
in space based technologies and applications. The
The Theme of WSW-17 is “Exploring New exhibitions drew more than 1,00,000 people
Worlds in Space”
VSSC Space museum, sounding rocket launch pad arranged in the schools including those in the rural
and control centre. Open house drew more than areas. Sounding Rocket launches were also arranged
July – December 2017
10,000 visitors. The public could see the location at Sriharikota on four days during the week. Students
where ISRO’s space programme took shape and and Public were offered the opportunity to visit the
where pioneers of Indian Rocketry forged their ideas. various facilities at the Spaceport of India on all the
The visitors also witnessed sounding rocket launch at days during the week.
TERLS and visited the Space Museum.
The hosting institution at each venue was chosen
Citizen’s familiarisation programme were considering the approachability to public, availability
conducted in VSSC for 300 registered participants. of large exhibition hall to showcase the exhibits,
The main objective was to provide scientific availability of video screening halls and infrastructure
awareness, increase knowledge and understanding to accommodate a multitude of students participating.
of the benefits from space. Resource materials on Inauguration and valedictory functions were organised
theme of WSW-2017, India’s Mars Orbiter Mission
and Astrosat mission were distributed for students
and other participants.
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screen throughout the day and night. A live display Images and Aerial Data, pertaining to RS Applications
of INSAT-3D imager was also organised. Mobile were displayed. Audio-visual programmes showcasing
Planetarium shows were run throughout the day for ISRO activities, Satellite Launches, Interactive sessions
addressed the students participating in the function Another team visited the Devasandra Govt. High
and 1,80,000 plus students from nearly 3600 schools School near Harohalli in Kanakapura Road on
of Telengana state through the live telecast. October 07, 2017 and briefed nearly 250 students
July – December 2017
Page 17
gained through OSCAT, a few improvements have
been made to the sensor characteristics for better The main operational products from this mission are
Analysis of SCATSAT-1 super resolution data derived The SCATSAT-1 data is extensively used on daily
sea ice had revealed that the seasonal minima of basis by both National as well as International users.
the Antarctic sea ice (occurred in the first week of It provided valuable input data to the global
March 2017) and the seasonal maxima (occurred community in the area of weather forecasting and
on September 15, 2017) were delayed with respect cyclone detection & tracking.
to 2016. An animation was prepared from sea ice
images from January to September 15, 2017. The sea
• On this occasion, Space Science Programme Office, ISRO HQ conducted a ‘MOM Science Meet’ on
September 25, 2017.
July – December 2017
The first dedicated Indian Astronomy mission, AstroSat, also completed two years in orbit on
September 28, 2017.
• In order to commemorate two years completion of AstroSat in orbit, Space Science Programme Office
(SSPO), ISRO Headquarters organised an “AstroSat Science Meet” at ISRO HQ, Bangalore during
26-27 September 2017.
• AstroSat successfully completed 10,000th Orbit on Aug 03, 2017 at 23:49 Hrs (IST) and had observed
more than 360 celestial sources.
• A Poster “AstroSat Picture of the month - September 2017” was also released on this occasion.
SCATSAT-1 completed one year in orbit on September 26, 2017. It was launched on September 26, 2016
on-board PSLV-C35. SCATSAT-1 is a continuity mission for Oceansat-2 Scatterometer to provide wind
vector data products for weather, forecasting, cyclone detection and tracking services to the users.
• It has provided valuable input in the area of weather forecasting and cyclone detection & tracking to the
National as well as International users. The SCATSAT-1 data is extensively used on daily basis with the
usage touching about 85,000 downloads per month from NRSC web portal.
All these Satellites are in good health and continue to work as expected. Analysis of the data received from
these satellites is in progress.
Other Satellites launched during Last Week of September are GSAT-10 on Sep 29, 2012, Oceansat-2 on
Sep 23, 2009, INSAT-3E on Sep 28, 2003 and IRS-1D on Sep 29, 1997.
Operationalisation of
Thunderstorm Nowcasting Services
over NE Region Using DWR Data
North Eastern-Space Applications Centre Meghalaya which was dedicated to the nation by
(NE-SAC) has been providing thunderstorm Shri Narendra Modi, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India
nowcasting (forecasting upto 4 hours) services for on May 27, 2016. NE-SAC is operating the DWR
North Eastern Region (NER) of India since 2015 continuously since then, and the data is made available
under the North Eastern Regional node for Disaster in near real time for public through the MOSDAC
Risk Reduction (NER-DRR) initiatives. This was done (Meteorological and Oceanographic data archival
using the data from satellite images and sounder centre) and IMD websites. The DWR is calibrated
onboard INSAT-3D / INSAT-3DR, automatic weather at regular intervals and the data products are being
station data, and by analysing numerical weather validated. It has unobstructed coverage for the entire
forecast data. However, it was difficult to detect, state of Meghalaya, Tripura, Southern Assam, and part
track and forecast using this data alone as most of of Mizoram and Manipur. For the western and central
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the thunderstorms being localised events, extending Assam region, the DWR has coverage beyond three
only over a few tens of km and having a lifetime of degree elevation only. The DWR also sees large part
The DWR, Cherrapunjee coverage for elevation angle of 3 degree (left). Calibration of the DWR using metal sphere attached to
hydrogen gas filled balloon & Pisharoty sonde (right)
Thunderstorm is a pre-monsoon season (April- reflectivity, Z and its vertical profile (Max Z plots)
May) phenomenon over the NER of India. The data was the backbone of thunderstorm identification and
collected by the DWR during 2016 was used to identification of individual storm cells in large cloud
understand the thunderstorm and storm signatures bands that appear in satellite images. All clouds having
and calibrate the nowcasting model. During 2017, Z value more than 40 dBZ could become a thunder
nowcasting service was made operational. Severe cloud and were tracked in real time. Z of 50-56 dBZ
thunderstorm nowcasting services for Southern was categorised as severe thunderstorm and Z of
Assam, Meghalaya and Tripura were done primarily more than 56 dBZ was categorised as very severe
using the DWR data and for the rest of the NER, thunderstorm with hail. The reflectivity and velocity
the earlier methodology was used. In addition to the of clouds were studied to track every individual storm
Z (radar reflectivity), S (spectral width) and V (velocity) and forecast the likely affected areas within certain
data collected by the DWR, extensive use of the time intervals, based on sustenance potential of such
polarimetric data like ZDR (differential reflectivity) storms, estimated by analysing the local atmospheric
and HV (Correlation coefficient) were also made condition.
to differentiate thunderstorm clouds from non-
thunderstorm clouds. The use of the Cherrapunjee DWR data has
improved the thunderstorm nowcasting accuracy
Almost all the thunderstorms affecting Meghalaya, over Meghalaya, Southern Assam, and Tripura states.
southern Assam, and Tripura could be identified using Altogether 48 severe and very severe thunderstorms
Page 20
the data from Cherrapunjee DWR during the pre- were forecast in these three states during April 1 to
monsoon season of 2017. The spectral width (S) June 15, 2017 period. The accuracy of nowcasting
July – December 2017
data was used to characterise the internal turbulence was more than 90% with lead time varying from
within a cloud system that helped in quantifying the 30 minutes to more than 2 hours. The nowcasting
storm potential (S>5) of a particular cloud. Hail services were disseminated through NER-DRR
potential could also be identified using ZDR (ranging website and also through direct communication to
from 0.5 to - 0.5) and HV (~0.9) data. The radar the concerned at state level.
A squall line formed over Meghalaya, Southern Assam, and Manipur which is clearly identified using DWR data (left). INSAT-3D TIR1
channel image of the same time is also shown (right). The DWR data helped in identifying the individual storm cloud cells in a large cloud
band as seen in satellite image
NARL Studies Tropical Tropopause
Aerosol Layer
Aerosols, Radiation and Trace Gases Group (ARTG) of cirrus clouds, thereby having climate impact.
of National Atmospheric Research Laboratory is Observed increasing pollution trends is a matter
engaged in studying atmospheric aerosols, trace of concern as these trace gases and aerosols could
gases, radiations, clouds and their interactions. affect ozone in the lower stratosphere and modulate
Aerosols, the sub-micron size particles suspended in radiative properties of cirrus clouds. To date, no
air are produced from a variety of man-made as well attempt has been made to prove it as a aerosol layer
as natural processes such as vehicle exhaust, waste- due to its complicity in nature.
burning, wind blown dust, volcanic eruptions, etc.
These aerosols are mostly restricted to the first few In order to ascertain this as aerosol layer, Scientists
kilometers from the surface of Earth’s atmosphere. from University of Wyoming and Science Systems
It is natural to detect them in the Upper Troposphere and Applications Inc., NASA from USA, in
and Lower Stratosphere (UTLS) only during episodes collaboration with NARL carried out balloon borne
like volcanic eruptions. in-situ measurements of Asian Tropopause Aerosol
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Layer (ATAL) since 2014. Under an Implementing
However, recently an intense aerosol layer persisting Arrangement between NASA and ISRO, in-situ
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use of visible and Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) applications.
channels to derive aerosol information. Hence, such
Parts of Ahmedabad as viewed from Cartosat-2 Series Satellite on November 03, 2016
National Workshop on
Popularisation of Remote Sensing
Based Maps and GIS
A National Workshop on Popularisation of Remote Remote Sensing in the country as well as in the Asia-
Sensing Based Maps and Geo-spatial Information Pacific region. He said that ISRS believes that Remote
was organised jointly by ISRS and ISRO on the Sensing and GIS should be the mainstay of our
eve of National Remote Sensing Day on August planning of economic, environmental as well as social
11, 2017 at Indian Institute of Remote Sensing programmes. He urged the participants to contribute
(IIRS), Dehradun. National Remote Sensing Day towards enhanced use of Remote Sensing based
(August 12) is celebrated every year on the occasion information in the development of the country.
of birth anniversary of Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, the Father
of the Indian Space Programme. The Indian Society Dr. A. S. Kiran Kumar, Secretary, DOS and Chairman,
of Remote Sensing (ISRS), having around 5000 life ISRO in his inaugural address, greeted the participants
members, has been in the forefront in popularising on the occasion of National Remote Sensing Day.
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Remote Sensing in the country as well as in the He told that the remote sensing has come a long
Asia-Pacific region. This workshop is a follow-up way since the beginning of satellite remote sensing
programme in 1975. He mentioned that today,
July – December 2017
Dr. A. Senthil Kumar, Director, IIRS welcomed all the Dr. Y. V. N. Krishna Murthy, Director, NRSC gave an
participants. While addressing the participants he said overview of activities of NRSC and diverse areas of
that Remote Sensing and Geographic Information space technology, which is helping central ministries
System provides critical inputs to various welfare and state departments. Dr. Tapan Misra, Director,
programmes / schemes of Govt. of India for effective Space Applications Centre (SAC) in his address,
planning and decision-making. talked about ISRO’s Earth Observation sensors, their
characteristics and applications. Dr. P.G. Diwakar,
Dr. Shailesh Nayak, President, ISRS in the opening Scientific Secretary, ISRO talked about India’s Bhuvan
remarks highlighted the role of ISRS in popularising Geo-portal, its features, products, services and
future activities, Dr. S.K. Srivastav, Group Director, IIRS and CSSTEAP, Dehradun. The panel discussion
IIRS provided an overview of capacity building and was moderated by Director, IIRS. The panelist
outreach programme of IIRS. Dr. Uday Raj, Chief put forward their views on the utilisation of space
General Manager, RRSC/NRSC talked about the technology in their respective domains and also
space inputs for decentralised planning, and SIS-DP highlighted the areas in which application of geo-
initiatives of ISRO. Shri P.L.N. Raju, Director, NE-SAC spatial technologies needs to be demonstrated and
talked about the use of geo-spatial technology in the transferred to the user departments. Dr. Sameer
North-Eastern region. Saran, Secretary, ISRS and Head, Geo-informatics
Department, IIRS offered a formal vote of thanks
ISRO’s Bhuvan team gave a demo on ISRO’s Bhuvan for all those who contributed to organisation of the
Geo-Portal and its use for various projects / schemes workshop and also the participants.
of Government of India. SAC team highlighted the
features and services provided through VEDAS The workshop proved to be one of the largest mass
Portal. IIRS team gave a demo on Indian Bio-resource awareness and sensitisation programmes on remote
Information Network (IBIN) Portal and its online sensing applications in the country. Nearly one lakh
services. people witnessed the proceedings of the workshop
from different parts of the country. The participants
A live panel discussion was held at the state-of- belong to ISRS local chapters, IIRS Distance Learning
the-art studio of IIRS. The panel was joined by the Network of academic and research institutions, IITs,
Page 25
senior dignitaries from Forest Survey of India (FSI), ICAR, MoEF&CC and DST institutes, ISRO Centres
Dehradun, Wildlife Institute of India (WII), Dehradun, (ISRO HQ, ISAC, NRSC including RRSCs, SAC, IIRS,
A quiz on space and astronomy was also organised More than 10,000 students from 60 schools in Ranchi
during the event. About 100 students from various attended the outreach event, which was widely
schools in Ranchi participated in the preliminary round reported by the print and electronic media.
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in which 18 students were short listed for the final
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remote sensing from geostationary platform (INSAT- data helped to delineate the regions, which were
3D/3DR) provides rapid and valuable information flooded, partially submerged or existed in different
Flood as Observed from SCATSAT-1 Sentinel-1A, a C-band SAR imaging satellite high
on cloud patterns and meteorological parameters resolution data on July 24, 2017 helped to compare
(rainfall); however, unable to image the surface water inundated regions over parts of Gujarat. Observations
conditions in presence of cloud. Microwave remote on flooding conditions were well correlated in
sensing techniques have unique advantage in which SCATSAT-1 and Sentinel-1A data.
electromagnetic radiation penetrate the clouds and
Analysis showed the usefulness of SCATSAT-1 mission
senses the surface hydrological characteristics. The
in detecting and monitoring extreme events such as
data from SCATSAT-1 (launched by PSLV-C35 on
flood with high temporal resolution (daily). Further
September 26, 2016) was used for the detection of
details can be obtained from VYOM and VEDAS web
the flood situations over India.
portal of Space Applications Centre.
Indigenous Ship Bound Terminal
Tracks PSLV-C38 Geo-spatial
Information Trajectory Successfully
ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network the entire system within the standard ISO container
(ISTRAC), Bengaluru is entrusted with the major is a very important requirement towards shipping to
responsibility to provide tracking support for all other countries; and Redundancy in drive systems.
the satellite and launch vehicle missions of ISRO.
ISTRAC has also been mandated to provide space The final system performance and validation was
operations support for Deep Space Missions of carried out by a sea trial, wherein, the Antenna system
ISRO. For supporting Deep Space Missions, a large was integrated on SAGAR MANJUSHA Ship hired
number of ground stations are required to provide from National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT).
Telemetry Tracking and Command (TTC) support The ship was stationed at a specified observation
during the launch and initial phase. Based on the point in Bay of Bengal and has successfully tracked
launch vehicle trajectory and visibility requirement, PSLV-C38 launch vehicle from predicted Acquisition
Page 30
many a time, the TTC stations are to be located in Of Signal (AOS) time (T+60sec) to Loss Of Signal
mid sea, wherein, conventional Ground Station (LOS) time (T+596sec) in auto track mode. The
quality of the data acquired was as per the prediction.
July – December 2017
(SBT) Antenna Terminal that meets the launch vehicle of Indian Industries and has been tested and validated
TTC requirements. on a motion simulator. ISRO has built this 4.6 meter
Ship Borne Antenna System indigenously, thus
The SBT Antenna system consists of 3-axis Antenna fulfilling all the specifications and has established
Mount, a Motion Simulator, Reflector & Feed, Servo in-house capability for meeting future requirements.
Control Systems and RF Electronics. Mechanical
Systems Area (MSA) of ISTRAC made a detailed
study of the technical requirements, availability of
similar systems internationally and derived state-of-
the-art specifications. The major design challenges
in this system are: Development of a 3-axis antenna
mount to compensate for the pitch, roll and yaw
disturbances of the ship during tracking of the launch
vehicle; Design and develop a motion simulator to
simulate the base disturbances experienced by the SBT Antenna on sea trial during PSLV-C38 launch
Page 31
the user has access to satellite data and various to utilize the facilities, made available at Jeedimetla, to
applications software for meeting specific requirements the fullest extent and provide best possible solutions
Convinced of the imperative need to use space technology for rapid development, Prof. Rao undertook the
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responsibility for the establishment of satellite technology in India in 1972. Under his guidance, beginning
with the first Indian satellite ‘Aryabhata’ in 1975, over 18 satellites were designed and launched for providing
July – December 2017
After taking charge as Chairman, Space Commission and Secretary, Department of Space in 1984, Prof.
Rao accelerated the development of rocket technology, resulting in the successful launch of ASLV rocket
and the operational PSLV launch vehicle, which can launch 2.0 ton class of satellites into polar orbit. Prof.
Rao initiated the development of the geostationary launch vehicle GSLV and the development of cryogenic
technology in 1991.
Prof. Rao had published over 350 scientific and technical papers covering cosmic rays, interplanetary physics,
high energy astronomy, space applications and satellite and rocket technology and authored many books.
He was also the recipient of D.Sc. (Hon. Causa) Degree from over 25 Universities including University of
Bologna, the oldest University in Europe.
Prof. U R Rao was awarded with Padma Bhushan – the third highest civilian award – by the Indian
Government in 1976 for his contribution to Indian Space technology. In 2017, he was awarded the Padma
Vibhushan - the second highest civilian award. Prof. Rao had the unique distinction of being the First one
from outside the select group of countries like USA, USSR and Europe to be elected as Chairman of the
United Nations Committees on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN-COPUOS), Vienna in 1997. He was
also the first Indian Space Scientist to be inducted into the “Satellite Hall of Fame” at Washington in
2013 and “IAF Hall of Fame” at Guadalajara in Mexico in 2016.
The ISRO/DOS community grieves the passing away of Prof. U R Rao on July 24, 2017 and
remembers with gratitude his precious contributions to the Indian space programme.
July –December 2017 Page 37
This image covers Mars Disc in a Perspective/Ortho view with 3.5 km per pixel resolution and obtained after the
blackout period experienced by MOM. Olympus mons, and three volcano systems Arsia mons, Pavonis mons,
Ascraeus mons opposite to Olympus mons system are seen prominently in this shot. This picture was taken by
MCC on Oct 08, 2017 from an altitude of 70,157 km.