Prodigious Manual
Prodigious Manual
Prodigious Manual
AU - Macintosh HD:\Library\Audio\Plug-Ins\Components
VST3 - C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3
● Click the “Choose Sample Folder” button (it will ask Have you installed the
samples yet, Click “OK” to continue)
● Navigate to the Samples Archive folder you downloaded previously
● Select the Samples Archive folder (contains “.ch1” sample files)
● You will be prompted to open a new instance of the Plugin
NOTE: If you relocate the extracted samples folder, you will have to redirect the Plugin to the folder again.
Simply click the “Change Sample Folder Location” button in the settings popup panel.
Sample Installation Error
Go to the folder that contains the configuration files for the sample library and delete all
the files it contains. Then, reopen the sample library and everything should be just as it
was before you extracted the samples.The configuration files were created when you
installed the software. The location of these files vary between operating systems.
NOTE: You may need to show your “Hidden Files” to view these folder locations.
You may be prompted to do this when you run the library after moving the samples or
you can do it manually by going into the SETTINGS section of the plugin and clicking the
Change Sample Folder Location button & navigate to your new Sample Folder.