Clin Adv Periodontics - 2023 - Chacón - Papilla Reconstruction For An Iatrogenic RT3 Gingival Defect Using A Tuberosity
Clin Adv Periodontics - 2023 - Chacón - Papilla Reconstruction For An Iatrogenic RT3 Gingival Defect Using A Tuberosity
Clin Adv Periodontics - 2023 - Chacón - Papilla Reconstruction For An Iatrogenic RT3 Gingival Defect Using A Tuberosity
DOI: 10.1002/cap.10233
Private Practice, Medellin, Colombia
Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine,
University of Michigan School of Dentistry, Ann Background: Orthognathic surgery is a reliable and safe method to improve
Arbor, Michigan, USA maxillo-mandibular malformations. However, it is a complex procedure that can
Department of Periodontics, University of affect deeper structures and the terminal blood supply of specific areas, thereby
Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, USA affecting the results. Occasionally, despite careful digital planning and diagnosis,
esthetic complications may occur, such as scarring or mucogingival alterations,
Correspondence including localized aseptic necrosis with associated recessions. In more severe
Hom-Lay Wang, Department of Periodontics and
Oral Medicine, University of Michigan School of cases, larger fragments of necrosis may be involved.
Dentistry, 1011 North University Avenue, Ann Methods and Results: The aim of this case report was to present a case, including
Arbor, MI 48109-1078, USA. diagnosis, treatment plan, periodontal plastic surgical technique, and follow-
up for a recession type 3 (RT3) defect. This RT3 gingival defect was associated
with necrotic crestal bone exposure in the anterior esthetic area resulting from
a complication after orthognathic surgery.
Conclusions: Partial reconstruction of the interdental papilla can be possi-
ble through consideration of the defect characteristics, use of microsurgical
principles, and utilization of a suitable connective tissue grafting technique.
complications, gingival recession, orthognathic surgery, root coverage
Key points
Why is this case new information?
∙ To the authors’ knowledge, there is very limited clinical and scientific evi-
dence regarding the management of esthetic complications associated with
ischemic necrosis resulting from orthognathic surgeries. This case study iden-
tified the management of papillary reconstructions of these mucogingival
What are the keys to the successful management of this case?
∙ For an ideal case management, adequate plaque and infection control and
timely notice of the defect appearance are critical. Additionally, proper sur-
gical soft tissue management of the affected papillae and surrounding
area is required. Finally, the type of connective tissue graft to be used, its
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2023 The Authors. Clinical Advances in Periodontics published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Academy of Periodontology.
management and fixation, and proper postoperative protocols are needed for
case success.
What are the primary limitations to success in this case?
∙ Despite the limitations of this study, the authors consider that the treatment of
mucogingival complications related to orthognathic surgeries is possible, using
microsurgical concepts and connective tissue grafts to reconstruct papillae.
Clinical presentation
the stomatological complex. Proper treatment planning of
Suture removal was performed 1 week after surgery and timely postsurgical evaluation is one of the most important
no new adverse events were reported by the patient. aspects of these cases. This allows the clinician to quickly
Clinically, there was an optimal adaptation of the connec- detect complications, determine causation, and execute a
tive tissue graft (CTG) with the primary intention healing treatment plan. Regarding complications, gingival reces-
of the CAF. From initial healing to final evaluation 18 sions have been reported between 0.5 and 3.0 mm and
months postoperatively, there was complete resolution of are more commonly associated with mandibular anterior
the esthetic defect, improved tissue volume, and a high teeth.9 Furthermore, there is a correlation between bone
degree of patient satisfaction. The probing depth of the and tissue thickness, amount of surgical displacement, and
bone crest and soft tissue cleft was also adequately cor- resulting tissue compromise due to larger decreases in
rected (Figure 10). Follow-up beyond 18 months showed blood flow to the area.10,11 If diminished blood flow persists,
continued improvement and the patient was absolutely complications can be seen up to 90 days post-surgery.12
satisfied with the results (Figures 11 and 12). Ischemic necrosis after Le Fort I surgeries has scarce
reports in the literature, occurring in < 1% of cases.3 Possi-
ble sequelae include periodontal defects, loss of pulp vital-
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tic approach to create maxilla-mandibular harmonization of otic therapy, and bone grafting have been suggested to
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The authors declare that they have no conflict of inter-
est with this study. The authors do not have any financial
interests, either directly or indirectly, in the products or
information listed in the paper. How to cite this article: Chacón G, Saleh MHA,
Fleming C, Leon N, Wang HL. Papilla reconstruction
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