SAP Full Notes Latest
SAP Full Notes Latest
SAP Full Notes Latest
Systems applications products for data processing.
Developed in Germony.
Its an ERP
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A computer is a machine for manipulating data according to a list of instructions or an
electronic device for the storage and processing of information or a programmable
machine which runs with two principal characteristics as
It responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner.
It can execute a prerecorded list of instructions (a program).
Written coded commands or set of instructions that tell a computer what tasks to perform
or Computer instructions or data. Anything that can be stored electronically is called as
software. The storage devices and display devices are hardware.
systems software : Includes the operating system and all the utilities that enable the
computer to function.
applications software : Includes programs that do real work for users. For example,
word processors, spreadsheets, and database management systems fall under the category
of applications software.
An organized list of instructions that, when executed, causes the computer to behave in a
predetermined manner. Without programs, computers are useless.
A program is like a recipe. It contains a list of ingredients (called variables) and a list of
directions (called statements) that tell the computer what to do with the variables. The
variables can represent numeric data, text, or graphical images.
Computer Hardware
Hardware is the physical medium built with electronic technology lies between input and
As an example objects that you can actually touch, like disks, disk drives, display
screens, keyboards, printers, boards, and chips.
In contrast, software is untouchable. Software exists as ideas, concepts, and symbols, but
it has no substance.
The distinction between software and hardware is sometimes confusing because they are
so integrally linked.
Random Access Memory (RAM) – The temporary storage device and part of CPU which
is used for program execution and short term data storage, so the computer does not have
to take the time to access the hard drive to find the file(s) it requires. More RAM will
normally contribute to a faster PC. RAM is almost always removable as it sits in slots in
the motherboard, attached with small clips. The RAM slots are normally located next to
the CPU socket.
add-in boards. It's inside the case and is the component that all of your peripherals plug
into. It is also called the "mainboard," or, "mobo," for short.
Processor - The exact term processor is a sub-system of a data processing system which
processes received information after it has been encoded into data by the input sub-
system. These data are then processed by the processing sub-system before being sent to
the output sub-system where they are decoded back into information.However it is
usually termed as the microprocessor, the brains of the modern day computers.
Hard disk – Its is a permanent storage area of a computer and a hardware device part of
CPU which can store anywhere from 20MB to more than 200GB. Hard disks are also
from 10 to 100 times faster than floppy disks.
It is physically a round plate, Magnetic or Optical, on which data can be encoded.
Operating system
It is what is needed to run the programs on a computer. It makes the link between
programs and hardware.
Computer Network
It is combination of multiple computers connected together using a telecommunication
system for the purpose of sharing data, resources and communication. For a while, a
home computer network may consist of two or more computers that share files and a
printer using the network. The size and scalability of any computer network are
determined by the hardware used as well as which protocols are being implemented.
Or a network consists of two or more computers that are linked in order to share
resources (such as printers and CD-ROMs), exchange files, or allow electronic
communications. The computers on a network may be linked through cables, telephone
lines, radio waves, satellites, or infrared light beams.
A Local Area Network (LAN) is a network that is confined to a relatively small area. It is
generally limited to a geographic area such as a writing lab, school, or building. Rarely
are LAN computers more than a mile apart.
A local area network (often called a LAN) connects two or more computers in a house
or an office.
Wide Area Networks (WANs) connect larger geographic areas, such a Solar Soft ,
Ameerpet , the India, or the world. Dedicated transoceanic cabling or satellite uplinks
may be used to connect this type of network.
In fact, two computers connected over the Internet is not considered a computer network.
Some basic types of computer networks include:
Computers can be part of several different networks. Networks can also be parts of bigger
If we consider as the local area network in a department store is usually connected to the
corporate network of the parent company, and may have privileges with the corporate
network of a bank. Any connected machine at any level of the organization may be able
to access the Internet, for example to demonstrate computers in the store, display its
catalogue through a web server, or convert received orders into shipping instructions.
Where in the network technology, there are two different computers existing, known as
Server Computer - A computer that delivers information and software to other computers
linked by a network
Client Computer - A computer that recieves information and software from server
computer linked by a network
OSI Model
The OSI (Open System Interfconnection) model serves as a logical framework of
protocols for computer-to-computer communications. Its purpose is to facilitate the
interconnection of networks. It is the seven-layer Reference model was developed by the
ISO subcommittee and defined as below…
The OSI, or Open System Interconnection, model defines a networking framework for
implementing protocols in seven layers. Control is passed from one layer to the next,
starting at the application layer in one station, proceeding to the bottom layer, over the
channel to the next station and back up the hierarchy.
handling, congestion control and packet sequencing.
Data Link (Layer 2)- At this layer, data packets are encoded and decoded into bits. It
furnishes transmission protocol knowledge and management and handles errors in the
physical layer, flow control and frame synchronization. The data link layer is divided into
two sublayers: The Media Access Control (MAC) layer and the Logical Link Control
(LLC) layer. The MAC sublayer controls how a computer on the network gains access to
the data and permission to transmit it. The LLC layer controls frame synchronization,
flow control and error checking.
Physical (Layer 1)- This layer conveys the bit stream - electrical impulse, light or radio
signal -- through the network at the electrical and mechanical level. It provides the
hardware means of sending and receiving data on a carrier, including defining cables,
cards and physical aspects. Fast Ethernet, RS232, and ATM are protocols with physical
layer components.
What is a Protocol?
What is IP Address ?
IP addresses
are unique, 32-bit addresses which are correspond to connections, not hosts
(generally, move connection == change IP address) & are referenced by humans
via dotted decimal (or dotted quad) notation, one number per 8 bits (1 octet or
byte), e.g., which consist of three primary classes A, B, and C (class
D is for multicast) of the form [netid,hostid]
Class formats
"Natural netmask" has all netid bit locations = 1 and all hostid bit locations = 0
(e.g.,,, and for class A, B, and C networks,
Netmask example:
Data centre is the server room, where all the data of the company will be stored.
Different OSs:
End users:
People who are using for productive work for the company are called as end
1) Mirroring.
2) RAID – Redundant Array of Independent Disks
3) SAN – Storage area network.
4) Clustering - (In case of Overload)
5) Stand by server – Incase of Disaster Recovery
i) Log shipping
ii) Replication
6) Backups.
It is used in case of operating system as well as database log files. If one hard disk
fails another hard disk will take care.
In this technique data is written to two duplicate disks simultaneously. Using this way if
one of the hard disk fails the system can initially switch to another disk without analysis
of data or server.
If any one of the hard disks fails the data will store automatically in a disk called hotspare
by RAID.
If we are having 5 applications for each application here we are having 5 servers.
Maintaining 5 servers is tough. So here SAN came into scenario, where we will store all
data in a common place.
-Here when the load is more on CI (central Instance) automatically it will transfer
the transactions to DB directly is called as clustering.
In other words connecting 2 or more computers together in such a way they
behave like a single computer which is also called as clustering.
Clustering is used for parallel processing.
If any one of the above server fails another server will take of user.
6) Backups:
b) ON line backup:-
When the system is up and running then we take the backup which is called as
ON line backup. It is also called as HOT backup.
1) HUB
Advantages of SAP:
Hour Glass State:
When the user con’t navigate from one screen to another screen that situation is
called as hour glass state.
Hardware Sizing:
We can give over business time, standby time, legacy data, o/s and DB
version, data archiving.
Names Users:
Dialog step:-
Concurrent Users:
Users who are creating more load on the system is called concurrent users.
These are also Named Users.
These are also called as High Users.
Steps for Hardware sizing:
1) Contact SAP
2) Get OSSID (Online SAP Service ID)
3) Login to (It is sap official site)
4) Go to Quick Sizer Tool
5) Enter project name/Customer Number
6) Create Project
7) No. of Users (Low/Medium/High Activities)
8) Amt. of legacy data.
9) No. of modules.
10) I) user based ii) object based.
11) Select operating system of SAP
12) Select database and its version.
13) Select the peak load time.
14) High availability.
15) Data Security[Mirroring/Raid/Clustering ….etc.,]
16) Save the details.
17) Calculate the Results.
1) Disk size.
2) Memory requirement in MB
3) CPU requirement in SAPS [System Application Benchmarks for Performance
Architecture of SAP R/3:
Presentation layer/tier/server:
It is the interface to a user. This is the only layer from where users connect to the
SAP system. DIAG (Dynamic Information Active Gateway) is the protocol which is
used to communicate b/w user and SAP system. Using this we can have
Presentation layer is nothing but SAP GUI: SAP GUI is to facilitate users to log into R/3
system. This logon can be used to all the components of SAP (CRM,APO,BW,XI etc.,)
SAP GUI for Windows: It is for the windows environment. Support platforms
includes windows 98,windws NT4, Windows 2000 and
windows XP.
SAP GUI for HTML: Front end requires only a web browser, an ITS is necessary
to conver the presentation into HTML.
SAPGUI version: GUI versions are released from time to time based on the
component releases. Upto 4.6D version it is following the release of the R3
component. From 4.7D onwards it following the release of SAPWEBAS.
1. saplogon.ini
2. sapmsg.ini
3. saproute.ini
4. sapdoccd.ini
1. saplogon.ini : This files consists of the system details like name of the
server, SID and instance umber. When we click on new tab in SAP GUI to
enter description of the new server after saving it will be entered into this
file. Without this file we cannot logon into the system and there will be no
entries to logon from SAPGUI.
2. sapmsg.ini: This file is used to identify least loaded server in the logon
group, if logon load balance is configured. This file consists of message
server details.
3. saproute.ini: This file is used to communicate with SAP systems over the
Application layer/tier/server:
It is used to :
i) Provides business areas
ii) Configure work process
iii) Reduce traffic on DB.
iv) Configure memory areas.
v) Business logic & presentation logic handled.
It consists of dispatcher, work processes, memory areas, buffer areas and interpreaters,
Dispatcher: This represents an instance, there will be only n e dispatcher per instance.
This is used to handle the user requests. Dispatcher receives the users request and keeps
them in the queue (dispatcher queue) based on the available free resources, user request
will be assigned with work process on FIFO basis. Dispatcher runs by an executable
disp+work.exe. This can be monitor by using a command line tool dpmon(It listens on
the port 3200+instancenumber.
Work process: Dispatcher assigns the user request to a dialog process, dialog is the only
process which will handle user request.
Dialog process: It is used for handling generation of reports, updating the temporary
tables, updating the spool tables, updating the background tables so that update, spool
background processes reads those tables for execution.
Dialog work process runtime is restricted to 600 sec. Which is manipulated by rdisp/
Dialog work processes should be 1:5 to 1:10.
Update work process: This process is used to update the database initially update
requests are handled by dialog work process as they couldn’t execute within the specified
time. The task has been moved to update process. It is also the reason for obtaining the
transaction consistency because dialog process handles starightfull request. Dialog
process updates the temporary tables. Update process reads the temporary tables and
update the database.
Enque process: Enqueue process is used to lock and unlock SAP objects. It will update
the database and takes the users request. In order to handle this mechanism SAP has
defined enqueue and dequeue (unlock) modules. Enqueue process will issue locks to
message server to all the dialog instances. That is dialog communicates with message
server & message server in term talks to enqueue to get the lock.
Dialog process communicates with the message server and message server
communicates to enqueue
Dialog processes on central instance can communicate with enqueue directly
to obtain locks.
Background Process: The long running, time consuming and expensive reports or
updates will be used to schedule in the non-dialog mode using the background process.
Dialog work process receives the background request & updates background request &
updates background job tables. Background work process reads the job tables for every
60 sec & executes them
Message Server: Message server is used to communicate with all the available
dispatchers. If logon load balance is configured, message server identifies the least
loaded server in the logon group. It is run by an executable msg_server.exe. This is also
used to communicate with enqueue to issue locks to the work process coming from dialog
Gateway: There will be one gateway work process for each instance. Gateway is used
to communicate with external system. It listens on the port 3300 + instance no.
Spool Process: Spool process is used to output the documents to the printer, fax, email,
pager and sms. Dialog process receives the spool request and updates spool tables or
stores spool data at OS level. Spool process reads the spool tables or spool data and
output to specific device.
Memory Areas:
In order to define a work process we should have enough resources at the rate of
75mb to 150mb for each work process. When the user request is assigned to a work
process, work process requires certain amount of memory to execute the user request.
Buffer Areas:
User Context: User context is the area where user logon attributes, parameters,
authorizations and earlier accessed content are stored. These are valid until the user
session. User logout, buffers are lost.
R/3 buffers: Frequently accessed contexts like programs, tables, fields, currencies,
calendar, measurements are stored in R/3 buffers.
The data which is frequently accessed and rarely changed is eligible for buffering.
These buffers are accessed by all the users. These will remain until the restart of the
instance. If the instance is restarted, buffers are lost.
1. ABAP Interpreter: This is used to interpret the ABAP code embedded in the
user request
2. Screen Interpreter: This is used to interpret the screens.
3. SQL Interpreter: This is used to interpret SQL Statements in the ABAP
Note: Task handler which is a part of work process handles the interpreters.
Dispatcher: It receives user request and assigns work process or keep user request in
dispatcher queue.
Task Handler: It is the agent which process the user request by segregating into screen ,
abap, SQL interepreters. As it consists 3 interpreaters. context
User Context:
The user context is the buffer area where it stores user logon attributes,
authorization parameters.
Despatcher Queue: It is the queue where user exists when work processor is busy. It
follows FIFO.
Database Layer/tier.
It is the layer where database is hosted. It has its own memory areas, buffer
areas, work processes etc., A central RDBMS realizes the database layer of an SAP R/3
systems. Communication between the application and the database layers occurs
exclusively over SQL. SAP R/3 work processes typically use only the Open SQL
1. saposcol.
2. SAP<SID_instace<number
3. oracle services.
4. osservices.
1. Centrol Instance:
2. Database Instance:
3. Dialog Instance:
Centrol Instance: This is the instance where all the services are configured and it
manages all the instances through message server. CI is named as
“DVEBMGS”00&instance number. The services of instance number are as follows:
D - Dialog
V - Update
E - Enque
B - Background.
M - Message
G - Gateway
S - Spool
4. Go to dump
5. Select centrol instance.
6. Specify the <SID and instance number.
<SID : System Identifier which is of 3 character and it should be
unique in the landscape. It should not be either SAP , ERP or other
reserve words. The main objective of <SID is used to identify the
7. Specify the host name.
8. Specify the ORACLE home path.
9. Assign 60% of memory to CI. (for productive 70%(CI)+30%(DI))
10. Specify the path for usr directory C:,D:, or E….
11. Specify passwords for <SIDADM,SAPSERVICE<SID..
<SIDADM: Is R/3 system administrator which is used to start & stop R/3
systems and has administrative previlieges.
SAPSERVICE<SID: This is a service user which is used to run all the SAP
services like SAPOSCOL, SAP<SID_instancenumber.
12. Specify kernel path.
13. Specify the Dispatcher/Gateway/Message server port numbers.
14. Continue installation.
Database Instance:
[sapreorg, spacheck, sapbackup, saptrace, saparch, oraarch]
9. Specify the path for data directory.
10. Specify the export DVD/dump path.
11. Specify passwords for <SIDADM and SAPSERVICE<SID.
12. No. of parallel processors to expedicate the installation process.
13. Select MNLS [Multi National Language Support].
14. Specify passwords for system,sys,DB etc.,
Installation of GUI:
Check CI installation:-
To see them connect system/mananger
SQL select * from dba_users.
3. Logs:
i) syslog in MMC
ii) Application system logs in Event Viewer.
iii) sapint.log
iv) aler<SID.log
v) Developer traces in work directory.
Note: sapstartsrv.exe : When we were not getting MMC. Type details of the SAP system
which is asking.
4. Directories:
i) \\usr\sap\trans
ii) \SID\sys\exe\run\sys\profiles
iii) Check al lthe sapdata…
iv) Check all the folders in /oracle/SID
Profiles are used to configure various system parameters. For R/3 system we
have 3 types of profiles.
1) Startup profile.
2) Default profiles.
3) Instance profile.
It consists of global parameters which will be applicable across all the
instances in an R/3 system. It consists:
rdisp/mshost = lolla
rdisp/sna_gateway = lolla
rdisp/sna_gw_service = sapgw00
rslg/collect_daemon/listen_port = 37
rslg/collect_daemon/talk_port = 13
rdisp/bufrefmode = sendoff,exeauto
ms/http_port = 8100
dbs/ora/tnsnames = S47
Instance profile:- This profile is sued to set the parameter for an instance.
rdisp/wp_no_dia = 7
rdisp/wp_no_btc = 2
rdisp/wp_no_vb = 5
rdisp/wp_no_vb2 = 2
rdisp/wp_no_enq = 1
rdisp/wp_no_spo = 1
DIR_TRANS = D:\usr\sap\trans
icm/server_port_0 = PROT=HTTP,PORT=8000,EXTBIND=1
DIR_ORAHOME = D:\oracle\ora92
1); - CI
2) Default.pfl
3) <; - CI
DVEBMGS : Specifies centrol instance i.e., all the work processors are configured here.
Procedure :
Procedure :
1. Login into newly created client 111 in D47 with sap* and password pass.
2. Goto SCCL.
3. Give the below details:
Source UMR : 000
Note : We require RFC (Remote Function Call) between two different System.
Procedure :
Procedure :
1. Login into newly created client 222 in D47 with sap* and password pass.
2. Goto SCC9.
3. Give the below details:
This is a client copy which is used to perform within the same system
or between 2 different systems using TMS.
KO -- Cross client
KT -- Client specific --
KX -- Client Specific texts.
Procedure Import(SCC7):
1. Default Profile
2. Startup Profile
3. Instance Profile
Default Profile:
and security parameters. The parameters whatever we add/modify in
default profile which effect comes to
all the applications servers. Only 1 default profile will be there for
one SAP system.
It is represented as DEFAULT.PFL.
2.Startup Profile:
This profile is used to start i) database ii) message server iii) dispatcher.
It is represented as START_DVEBMGS<in>_HOST.PFL.
3. Instance Profile:
It is represented as SID_DVEBMGS<in>_HOST.PFL.
Ans:1DF+3SP+3IN = 7 profiles
1. Startup profile.
2. Default profile
3. Instance profile.
1. RZ10
2. RZ11
3. Os level.
rdisp/wp_no_dia = 4
5. Restart the sap system to see the effect using SAP MMC.
2. RZ11 : It is used to add/modify dynamic parameters, if we
add/modify any prameters using RZ11 then we no need to restart the SAP
system but if we start the SAP system then we lost the effect of the
1.goto rz11
2.type paramenter
3. select display
4. then we get DynamicallySwitchable is tick then the parameter is dynamic.
1. Goto Profiles./usr/sap/S47/sys/profiles.
2. Open the instance profile.
3. increas the parameter by 1
rdisp/wp_no_btc = 3
How to check this at SAP level: GOTO SM50 ( work process overview )
Change the parameter login/system_client = 111 using RZ10 or at level.
Startup problems:
Reason: User couldn’t logon to the system First, ask the user to send the screenshot of
the error msg.
ASAP Methodology:
It stands for Accelerated SAP.
1) Preparation.
3) Business Blue print.
4) Realisation.
5) Pre-go-live.
6) Go-live & support.
Transaction codes in SAP Basis:
If the support package is more than 10MB, UNCAR the file using
sapcar –xvf <filename.CAR
When we uncar two files are generated with extension .ATT or .PAT.
When the support pack is aborted and could not be resolved the final remedy
is to delete entries in the these 2 tables(PAT01 and PAT03).
Packages once applied cannot be reverted back.
If we want to revert, then contact SAP technical support.
3. Then we will get 2 files .ATT and PAT and copy thes in /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in
4. Login into SAP level in 000 client with DDIC type of user.
5. Goto SPAM
8. Continue.
10. If any problem comes, then follow 7,8 th steps until success.
sapcar -xvf KB62042.CAR
3. Then we will get 2 files .ATT and PAT and copy thes in /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in
4. Login into SAP level in 000 client with DDIC type of user.
5. Goto SPAM
9. Import
10. If any problem comes, then follow 8,9 th steps until success.
Error Types
Support Package Manager displays the following types of error messages:
You can always find the cause of the error in the relevant transport
log. A typical example is the TEST_IMPORT phase. This step checks
whether there are unconfirmed repairs to objects that need to be
overwritten by the queue. The objects in question are listed in the
test import log.
3. Incorrect configuration of the Change and Transport System
Errors here often include not having the relevant authorizations for
accessing files in the Change and Transport System, or using old
versions of the tp or R3transprograms. Check the configuration of the
transport tools by choosing Utilities ® Check transport tool.
For more information on known problems, see the OCS Notes referred to
in SAP Note 97620.
Known Errors
In this phase, a dialog box prompts you to confirm the import of the
Support Package. If you are not authorized to use Support Package
Manager, or if the current queue has not yet been confirmed, Support
Package Manager stops with a message to this effect.
In this phase, files from the corresponding EPS parcels are unpacked
and stored in the directory /usr/sap/trans/data (UNIX). It generates
the command files (cofiles) from the accompanying files and saves them
to directory /usr/sap/trans/cofiles (UNIX). It may terminate for the
following reasons:
This phase adds the queue to your system’s transport buffer. It may
terminate for the following reasons:
This phase prepares the transport buffer so that the subsequent import
phases can be processed correctly. It may terminate for the following
This phase imports the object lists for the Support Packages in the
queue into the system. It may terminate for the following reasons:
This phase checks whether any objects overwritten by the import are
still in unreleased tasks. You can find the source of error in the log
of the test import.
You can skip test import errors and continue the import by choosing
Extras ® Ignore Test Import Errors. However, depending on the type of
error, this may cause the error to reappear with very serious
consequences during the real import. You therefore always need to
check test import errors first, and correct them wherever possible.
This phase checks whether any objects overwritten by the import are
still in unreleased requests. It may terminate for the following
for an object in the queue.
This phase checks for conflicts between objects in the queue and
installed add-ons. If it finds any, Support Package Manager stops and
prompts you to import the relevant Conflict Resolution Transports
(CRTs). It may terminate for the following reasons:
Job name
User name
<User name>
Trigger event
Wählen Sie den abgebrochenen Job aus und zeigen Sie das Jobprotokoll an.
Select the job that was terminated and display the job log.
○ Problems with the SAP lock mechanism: Call transaction SM12
and make sure that there are no programs listed with the name
This phase imports the ABAP Dictionary. It may terminate for the
following reasons:
This phase checks whether all modifications to ABAP Dictionary objects
can be adjusted automatically.
This phase locks the development environment. It may terminate for the
following reasons:
choose Goto ® Log ® Queue.
If you import two or more Support Packages in a queue, activation
errors can result from an incorrect activation sequence for Dictionary
objects. If this is the case, the activation errors disappear if the
objects are activated again. To do this, choose Support Package ®
Import queue.
This phase imports all Repository objects and table entries. It may
terminate for the following reasons:
You can also find these logs in the following files in the log
subdirectory of your transport directory (usually /usr/sap/trans/log):
tp step 6: P<YY><MM><DD>.<SID>
tp step N: N<YY><MM><DD>.<SID>
tp step S: DS<YY><MM><DD>.<SID>
This phase generates the runtime objects for the imported Repository
objects (ABAP source code and screens). It may terminate for the
following reasons:
○ TP_FAILURE: The tp program could not be executed. For more
information, read the SLOG or ALOG log files.
The persistence of syntax errors can be due to one of the following reasons:
This phase deletes obsolete versions of program code and program texts
from the system. It may terminate for the following reasons:
This phase completes the import process. The system checks if the
queue has been completely processed. If it has, there should be no
more transport buffer entries for the queue. It may terminate for the
following reasons:
This is the transaction which is used to update the data dictionary tables which
applying SP. This is the phase where functional consultant assistance is required.
This is the transaction which is used to update the repository objects like
programs, reports, functional modules while applying support packages. This is the phase
where technical consultants required.
Note: If the objects are changed earlier with the help of SAP notes, Now these notes are
parts of the support package which are modifying the system, during this scenario each
and every object which was modified earlier with the help of the note are popped on the
screen whether to keep the original or change to version.
Kernel is the heart of SAP system and located in run directory \usr\sap\
SID\exe\run. If consists of various executables which are required for smooth functioning
of R./3 system.
6) Go to exe directory rename the existing run directory to old run and rename
the new run to run directory.
7) Start sap, run SICK any problems it will show.
SAP Notes:
1. Informative Notes.
2. Corrective Notes using SNOTE
3. Corrective Notes using Manual.
Informatiive Notes:
These notes provide information about the note for any problem to fix.
Sometimes to fix a bug a note will be given which
provides steps to modify one or more lines of a particular program,
report etc., in the SAP System.
Adapting the SAP System:
· SNOTE also used to fix / correct the single bug in the SAP system.
1. SE01 - Transport Organizer
Transport or Change Request:
2. SCC1
3. Os level
Example : Importing Transport D47K900028 From D47(111) to D47(222).
1. Login into D47/222 (allways you have to login into target system).
2. Goto SCC1 and give the below details:
Source client : 111
Transport: D47K900028
3. Select start immediately or scheduled as background.
4. Now the transport imported into D47(222).
1. Goto SE09
2. Select F5 and give transport number and select continue, select
transport click transport log.
Every transport will be given Return Code after importing:
0 - Success
4 - Success with warnings
8 - Programmatical Error
12 - Transport error.
Procedure to import transport using os level: (you must have login as
1. Goto CMD.
2. Change directory to /usr/sap/trans/bin
3. type the below commands:
Import Process :
a. To schedule RDD* jobs to read the contents from the tables (TRBAT
and TRJOB) and executes the steps sequentially.
0 - Imported Successfully.
12 - TP Error.
1. Slog file ->It display the each of the activity step by step
during the transport.
2. Ulog file -> It display the change request numbers along with
SID, client, date and time of export and import along with UID.
Work process list is displayed in SM50/ SM66. Each process has the following
Waiting for
PRIV Mode: The process goes into Heap mode. It will be completed only after the task
completion/ timeout.
SLEEP MODE: The work process goes into sleep mode waiting for resources (RFC
- Restart YES/ NO : if the process is terminated and it will restart automatically (Yes),
not restart(NO)
- CPU : The amount of time WP spends utilising CPU resources
- Runtime : The amount of time the process spends on the user request.
- Report : The name of the program/ report the WP is executing
- Client : The client number logged in
- User name : Name of the user
- Action : Select, Update, insert i.e. action on the database.
- Table : Name of the table.
It displays the processes based on status. It displays the processes belongs to all the
From SM66 - Click on SELECT PROCESS
The major advantage of this is it displays the memory consumed by work process.
Double click on the WP to display (Extended, Roll and the Heap Memory)
On Oracle execute
SM04 : is used to display the logged in users along with the sessions. We can terminate
the session or the user completely using End session or logoff user.
It is used to run the expensive programs, reports that consumes more time in the
background mode. i.e. a job is scheduled to run at a specific time or periodically.
Example: Daily report, Weekly sales report or expensive to run in the peak hours so they
are scheduled to run in the background mode during off peak hours.
Process Flow
* To delay the BTC processing increase the time as much as possible.
Example : 100000 seconds 27Hrs
RZ11 (rdisp/btctime)
Refer - BTCTRNS1 from SE38
We can also use BTCTRNS2 to resume the background jobs (Execute the program)
5. BWP looks into the table and identify the jobs which are in the Ready State.
6. BWP runs the job in the Active mode till completion/ Cancelled.
BWP are defined by using rdisp/wp_no_btc=2 (Min 2 per system)
We can increase as many as possible depending upon the resources.
Class A requires a dedicated BTC of class A which are defined in operation modes.
Class B has medium priority over class C jobs
Class C jobs runs with Normal Priority
Execution server - Name of the instance that provides BWP to run the job
Exec Target - Lolla_<SID_00
Click on step
We need to specify the following for the JOB Execution
1. ABAP Program
2. External Command
3. External Program
1. ABAP Program - Is a predefined program that will be run in the background with user
inputs as variants.
Goto SA38 and define variant for 7 & 15 days
Prog: RSPO1041
Variant: lolla SAVE
2. External Commands: The job can be executed by external commands which are
defined in SM49/ SM69. These commands are OS commands that will be executed at
command level.
3. External Programs:
NAME: Name of the program
Target Host:
Name : Specify the name of the program and the parameters. Specify the name of the
target host.
Specify the start condition
Immediate/ Periodic/ Jobstart, Event (SM62)/ Operation. Modes.
It is the process of switching DIA to BTC and vice versa during the peak hours as we
need more dialogue process and during off peak we need more BWP to run the BTC jobs.
RZ04 Define
1. Instance
2. Operation Modes (Peak and Off Peak)
3. Specify the processes for modes
Create new Instance lolla28
Start profile
rdisp/wp_no_btc = 2
rdisp/btctime = 10
Execute SM37
Specify username, date & time, job name, status ----- Execute F8
1. The jobs with status RELEASED indicate the jobs are released with scheduled time
and waiting for their turn/ time.
2. The jobs with status READY indicates the jobs are ready to pickup by the scheduler
Eg: Consider a CAB - might come late
No sufficient CABS
1. The existing jobs are running for a long time i.e. expensive programming or sql
statements/ fetching huge amount of data.
2. The configured BTC processes are not sufficient to handle the requests in
Ready status.
4. Also due to passing the jobs by extending scheduler time/ making BTC to 0 by
running the program BTCTRNS1.
1. Increase BTC work processes based on the available resources by using the
parameter rdisp/wp_no_btc = 2
The job is running an expensive activity like client copy, pay roll run.
Jobs that fetch information from BW systems, annual reports, dunning reports may take
hours together or even days to complete successfully.
1. Some jobs are bound to run for hours and based on history leave them to run.
2. Check the bottle neck on the target system (ERP-BI-EP-SRM-SCM-SRM)
3. Wait until the locks are released/ jobs are completed. Report to SAP in case of
dead locks.
Select the status - Db click - and click on Job Logs
Execute SM37
Click on Job log
The jobs are completed successfully but check the log for further information/
1. User and password Issues (Authentication/ Authorization) user lock, userid expiry,
password change, lack of roles etc.
2. File system problems: BTC reads from the file system to update the database. File not
opened, or corrupted, file sharing issues, file came with different characters, file not
found as well.
10. Problem in the program and inputs (Indefinite loops like 1/0)
1. As a part of the post installation we need to schedule house keeping jobs in SM36
Execute SM36
Click on "Standard Background Jobs"
Click on Execute
1. Used to display the jobs based on job, username, date and status
2. It displays the job logs
By highlighting a job and click on Job Log
5. Background job out put is a report to a spool (Printer), fax or email or even updating a
database (Eg. Client Copy)
1. CONTROL-M Scheduler
2. RED WOOD Scheduler
3. TIDEL Scheduler
4. SAP Job Scheduler
5. MAESTRO Scheduler / IBM
These Third party schedulers are not specific to SAP but we can customise these to SAP
These job schedulers are intelligent to work based on the status of Predecessors.
The tool defines when to trigger, how to handle various statuses and alert users
BTC - Business Case
Sony an electronics company communicates with suppliers for the TV Cabinets/ Circuit
boards, Picture tubes, assembling & packing.
8. Runs standard jobs for House Keeping
9. To run Database jobs using external commands DB13 (SM49 provides commands)
NOTE: In table TSTC, we can get a list of all existing Tcodes and which programs are
called by those transactions.
From SE11 - Provide the table name TSTC and execute providing the T-Code to find the
No bother of "Schedule/ Released" Will not in our scope
We need to take care about the Status
Ready for longer time
Active for the longer time.
BTC logs are deleted by scheduling RSBTCDEL which deletes the log files from
TBTC* based on the time interval in the Variant SA38.
It is used to update the database from Temporary tables. There are three 3 Types of
Technically for every 5 dialogue work process there should be one update of type V1/ V2
Update Flow:
VBMOD - The modules through which the data is updated
VBERR - Update Error Table
And gets a transaction ID from Number Range Buffer (Transaction SNRO and Table
NRIV Number Range Interval Table)
5. Update gets initialized and reads from Temp Tables and updates the permanent tables
synchronously. Update inherits the locks and releases them upon updating permanent
tables. Update updates the record based on transaction-ID using VBMOD Table (Every
update is module based in SAP)
6. When the Dialogue updates the temp tables the record is displayed in SM13 which will
be processed by update.
The record that needs to be updated by update process is displayed in SM13 with
status INIT. If the records stays for longer time in INIT status that indicates the updates
are busy or there are no sufficient update processes or update mechanism is deactivate
from SM14.
1. Longer Update
2. Dead Lock (Needs to inform SAP for Program correction)
Updates which could not be updated will be thrown into ERR Status.
1. Update deactivated in SM14
2. Programming problems in LUW
3. Table Space overflow (ORA-1653; ORA-1654)
4. Max Extents reached (ORA-1631; ORA-1632)
5. Archive Struck (ORA-255; ORA-272)
Each SAP transaction is considered as Single LUW (Logical unit of work) which
in turn contains multiple LUW's needs to be committed to commit the SAP Transaction.
If any one of the LUW is failed the entire transaction is rolled back. That is the reason
why dialogue updates Temp Table.
UPDATE Statuses.
Used to repeat the ERR updates. The update are terminated or cancelled due to the
following reasons
Running updates during deactivation
At this point of time we need to select the update (put a check mark of the update from
SM13) and click on [Repeat Update]
rdisp/vbdelete=30 to delete the update records older than 30 days irrespective of the
1. There will be only one message server through out the System.
2. It is used to manage all the dispatchers and identify the least loaded dispatcher
and forward the user request to the dispatcher provided logon load balancing is
configured in transaction SMLG
Logon Groups SMLG
SMLG Create
INSTANCE: dewall36_R3I_00
We can find the Active servers from SM51 and on db click on the Host name to view all
the Processes.
3. Message server maintains the details of favorite server and routes the request to
that dispatcher
Message server obtains the lock for dialogue process if the request is coming from the
Dialogue instances.
Note: Server Naming convention is used because each of the process serving the user
requests (Dialogue, BTC, Update, Enqueue, Message, Gateway and Spool DVEBMGS)
It is also possible to install and configure all the above servers on different instances or
There will be 1 One Enqueue process installed during installation. It is also possible to
increase Enqueue processes to more than one depending upon the updates but most of the
customer environments there will be only 1 One enqueue process.
X + Y (LUW1) A + B (LUW1)
Z + M (LUW2) X + Y (LUW2) Dead Lock
Q + R (LUW3) R + Q (LUW3)
Enqueue process the locks and unlock the record during an update.
Enqueue server maintains the lock table on the shared memory of the Central Instance (or
on the instance where it is installed)
Technically the Message and the Enqueue should reside on the same instance (It is not
mandatory). If both are installed on the same machine then it will be more comfortable
for message server to communicate with Enqueue process to obtain locks for Dialogue
process that are coming from other instances.
Shared Mode
Exclusive Mode.
Locks are monitored in transaction SM12. In principle the lock which are older
than one hour should be reported to the escalation manager. If the lock table is filled
(Enque/ Table_size) an overflow occurs in the lock table.
1. Check whether the update server is still performing the updates. If the updating has
stopped, then the lock table can quickly become over filled with the locks held by update
requests. We can resolve the problem by restarting the updates. If updating has not been
interpreted, then we must enlarge the lock table.
Eg: Execute SU01 from Shawn user/ 800 and edit shramana user
Execute SU01 from Shawn user/800 and edit shramana user
And now execute SM12 which displays the Exclusive Mode lock
2. Update is deactivate (SM14) due to any of the issues in DB. If the update gets
deactivated then the locks are not released.
3. If the Enqueue time increases i.e. there could be RFC issue or Enque wait time is
increasing then consider increasing Enqueue work processes.
4. Dead locks (Usually never occurs, but there is a collision between PP, Manufacturing
and Material Module, so highlight this issue to SAP)
In some instances we may need to release the locks but we need to follow certain
Do not release the lock in SM12 (Even though there is an option)
Lock deletion is recorded in SM21.
1. Users complaint that he could not update a record and message pop up stating that the
record is locked by user XYZ.
2. Check the period of lock (if it is older than 1 hour inform to the escalation manager)
3. Get the written B&W approval from the user and terminate the session of that user
using SM04. (Only Terminate or End that session)
We may need to allow some locks for more than one hour or days (Eg. Payroll
update processing) consumes lot of time. We need to ensure that dialogue process should
not held for longer time, but however BTC is allowed.
1. User request to print a purchase order (or) user schedule to print dunning reports
(LEGAL Notices, Credits, LOANS etc)
2. These print request are processed by the respective Dialogue/ BTC and stores the
content in TEMSE - Temse is a temporary sequential objects that are stored at OS (File
system) or Database level which is defined by the parameter
rspo/store_location=G or DB
DIALOGUE - Multiplexing
BTC - Single Process
The Advantages of TEMSE.
SU22 - (s_spo_act) - To identify the tcode/ Authorization objects
The Temse can be stored in database or OS level. Temse remains in the DB/OS
unless they are deleted explicitly by SAP standard reports.
OS [G]
1. It is recommended because the print request are printed faster than database. i.e., from
Global directory requests can be converted to output request at faster rate than database.
2. This is only recommended when the requests are small in nature. (Every day 50-100
Docs) if the size increases the search at file level consumes more time as (No indexes at
file system)
3. File system is not backup frequently as Database. File system backup will be weekly,
fortnight, monthly whereas database is hourly (Redo Logs) and daily DB Backup. That is
Temse is not secured at file system.
1. Consumes more time than Temse at OS when there are less no of records. but shows
the performance by using Indexes when the user grows (Temse can handle 90000
Temse is a part of Normal Database (TST01 and TST03) no separate memory is required.
DIALOGUE - BTC request - Spool Process OUT PUT
DIALOGUE - [TST01, TST02] - Spool Process REQUEST
Default setting is DB
RZ11 : rspo_location
: rdisp/ btctime
3. The Spool process reads from TST01 and TST03 i.e. the name of the author (USER),
Name of the Printer, No of copies are procured from TST01 and Printable data from
Spool Process formats or converts spool requests to output requests i.e. Printer specific
format. If the format is performed locally then it is said to be LAN (Local Access
Method). If it is performed remotely then it is said to be RAM (Remote access Method)
Type T denotes Dynamic
X - Whether Changeable or not.
SAP System
Note: We should not touch the Repository data of name space 'A' to 'X'.
SE11 table name : /* (/ is a customer name space)
TADIR is the repository
TSTC - Is the T-Codes with the program name.
Market place keys & Reqs Development Name space.
Spool process reads from TEMSE and convert spool requests to the output requests
(Printer specific requests).
LPD - Line Print Demon
Drivers are specific to O/S and not to SAP
The instance with atleast one spool process is referred as spool server. It is also
referred as Real spool server. (Existing)
This is not existing but pointed to a Real spool/ another logical spool server. This is used
for load balancing the spools.
1. Execute SPAD
2. Click on the Spool Server - Display then Change
3. Click on create
Server Name: LOGICAL SP1
Server Class : Mass Printing
1. Execute SPAD
2. Click on output device
3. Click on display
4. Click on change
5. Click on create
6. Specify the Output device name
Specify the description : Local Printer
Device Class: (Standard, Fax, Telex etc)
Model: 2200
The spool work process and the host spool resides in the same machine i.e. the work
process transfers the spool request to the spool system locally.
Select F for FRONT END printing
Spool work process goes to the user desktop and format the request based on the printer
that is connected to desktop. This is more expensive, time consuming than any other
Disadvantages: No user can print in the background because the desktop initiation is not
possible in the background during off peak hours.
Restrict the no of work process that can go into front end mode using the parameter.
rdisp/wp_no_spo_fro_max = 2
i.e. two work processes can be used for front end printing. If this parameter is not used
spool congestion occurs.
Specify I for Achieving device (Optical Devices, HSM, Jukebox (stores each copy
(output doc)) Hierarchal storage machine
Specify U for UNIX operating system where formatting is performed on the remote
machine (Print server) using Berkeley protocol.
Specify S for windows operating system. It will transfer the formatting to remote
system using SAP specific protocol SAPLPD
When Remote access method is specified we need the following
HOST Printer:
Destination HOST:
i.e. the printer should be configured on destination HOST. It can be a print server.
The spool requests are monitored in SP01. users can monitor the requests using
Put a check mark [ ] Do not query host spooler for output requests. If this option is
checked, It improves performance. If we need the exact status then uncheck the box.
Output Attributes: Depends upon the company requirements. Tray info is also similar.
The Major advantage of TEMSE is the documents can be displayed even before it is
1. Status '- Minus' : Indicates not yet sent to the host system (No output requests exist)
The spool process is busy/ congested, if too many requests with
this Status indicates need for increasing spool WP.
5. Printing : The host spool is printing the output request. If the SAP spool
system does not receive any status information from the host
spool, this status displayed for approximately one minute. The
system then sets the status to Complete (Competed or Error)
during a reorganization.
1. Printer issues like (Page setting issues, cartridge issues, printer not available) paper
out, print server not available) these printer specific issues will be resolved by Network
Team/ Print Team.
2. User complain that they could not print documents to a specific printer.
- Check the availability of the printer, if required we can change the printer and
reprint the document.
From SP01 --- Select the request -- Use Menu "Spool Request and print directly" or
select print with changed parameters.
While changing the parameter we can set the priority between 1 - 10 (1 as High)
- The TEMSE is full i.e. TEMSE will be full when it reaches 99,000 requests and
log is generated in SM21 (System Log)
- We need to reorganize the spool requests using the SAP standard reports.
(RSPO1041, RSPO1043, RSPO0041, RSPO0043). These are used to delete the old
spool requests based on selection criteria. In general the spool requests which are older
than 14 days will be deleted if standard jobs are scheduled in SM36 they also checks the
consistency of TEMSE periodically.
- We can also use SPAD for reorganization of spool (but the logic is same)
For this
Execute - SPAD Full ADMIN ADMIN Delete old spool requests
Or from SA38 execute the program - RSPO0041
Refer SM01 - Transaction Codes [Lock/ Unlock]
Note: If we need to forward a spool request select the request in SP01 and forward it to
another user where user can print from alternative printer.
Use SBWP (SAP business work place) to display the request in inbox.
Note: Should have enough spool work process to format the requests to printer specific
requests. Similarly we should have enough output devices to avoid the print queues.
From SU01 we can specify default printer to the user but do not check the box "delete
the request after output immediately" which improves the spool performance.
2 Min / Instance
75 - 150 MB
5 - 10 Users (Refer ST07)
Handles request Interactively
Rdisp/max_wp_runtime = 600
SM50/ SM66
It initiates update, BTC, spool, Message server and enqueue
Gateway listens on port '3300'+instance number (3300, 3301,3302 where 01, 02 are the
Gateway provides an interface so that the external system can communicate with SAP
system on the specified port.
When RFC's are defined between the systems they use SAP gateway when (ALE, EDI,
IDOC are transferring they use gateway)
1. Default
2. Startup
3. Instance Profile
As part of post installation we import the profiles of Active servers from RZ10.
The profiles resides at OS level in the directory (usr\sap\<SID\sys\profile). They can be
managed/ edited using a notepad. But the consistency is not checked (say for eg. if we
modify the instance profile WP DIA=2000 and there is no error message and versions are
not maintained under OS level)
So these profiles are imported into database management for consistency check and
version management.
Startup Profile
Starting Database
Starting Message Server
Dispatcher + Work.
Do not modify these parameter under any circumstances on OS level.
Default Profile
Instance Profile
Starting Sequence
1. Startup profile is read by the system to start the engine by starting database, message
server and dispatcher in Central Instance.
2. Startup profile is read by the system to start the engine by starting (DISP+WORK) on
dialogue instance.
3. There will be only one default profile in the entire system which provides global
4. Instance specific profile - This is used to set the instance specific parameters.
Eg. How many profiles are available on a system with 10 Dialogue instances.
RZ11 is also used to change some parameters dynamically without restarting the system
but they will be reset once the system is restarted.
There are three types of Administration.
1. Administration data
No need to maintain using this option. It only specifies the path of
the parameters.
2. Basic Maintenance:
3. Extended Maintenance
Used by administrator using parameter names
Specify the input by including new parameters or modify the existing one.
Copy Save and Activate the profile.
The profile changes are updated at OS level and the existing profile is marked as .BAK
and a new profile is created in the profile directory. It will effect only after restarting the
Profiles are changed on SAP recommendation or based on experience. Do not change any
of the profiles on trail and error method. System will hang and may not restart.
Logon Load Balancing SMLG
It is used to route the requests to the least loaded instance of that group.
Factors to define LLB.
Identify the components along with users. If the users are logging to different instances
the buffers are scattered therefore they are not effectively used.
So for this
4. When the user select group. It looks for sapmsg.ini to identify the message server and
etc/services for message server port. saproute.ini, saprfc.ini, sapdoccd.ini (For library),
5. Message server communicates will all the dispatchers and identifies the least loaded
server and mark it as a favorite server in SMLG. The request is routed to the favorite
During the implementation of the legacy system needs to be preserved or used in the
current system.
Example: Customer implemented SAP but the employees who are old cannot make use
of SAP system. They would like to work on the traditional systems. After go live both
systems SAP and legacy travel parallely. The data entered in the legacy system i.e. PO's,
Invoices, Billing, Shipping are to be transferred periodically(Hourly) bi-hourly(for every
4 hrs) or daily
SO --- PO
BI ---- INV
Example: Reliance, Hero Honda [B2B Company to Dealers] not B2C [Distributers to
customers] they communicate with dealers, suppliers, using SAP. But dealers and
suppliers use non-SAP system so it is required to establish communication between SAP
and NON SAP systems and perform the data transfer periodically.
RFC is used to communicate between SAP systems and SAP to Non-SAP systems using
TCP/IP protocol. RFC's are defined in [SM59]. There are 4 types of RFC's
1. Asynchronous RFC
2. Synchronous RFC
3. Transactional RFC
4. Queue RFC
1. Asynchronous RFC - (Like a post card). The sending system may or may not receive
it. i.e. there is no acknowledgement from the receiving . The transmission is not reliable.
2. Synchronous RFC - It is not like ARFC. It gets an acknowledgement from the target
system. (like a register post).
If the receiving system is not available the process goes into RFC/
CPIC/ Sleep mode and waits until it is wakened by the target system. Target system/
Receiving system may be busy i.e. all the resources are used up. This is reliable but time
consuming and expensive (Client Copy) the job should get finished.
Note: SAP uses CPIC protocol SAP specific (Common Programming Interface for
Communication) to communicate between system.
A user is created in the parent client and transferred to the child client when they are
4. Queued RFC - It is an advanced version of TRF and ensures that the transaction is
committed based on FIFO/ Queue. It ensures transaction consistency of LUW and
reliability of data transmission.
SMQ1 - to monitor the outbound queues of a sending system refer SCOTT for FAX...
SMQ2 - Provides interface to monitor Inbound queues.
SAP systems consists of more than one client - technically 1000 client can be created in
one system. So we need to identify which client is the business client. Preciously SAP is
client based (A mandatory field while login)
Each client is defined with a logical system name that is defined in SALE. (Sap System
linking and enabling). Each system is identified by SID, client by 3 digit number. So,
Logical system number should be <SIDCLNT<CLNT_Number
Goto BD64 or SALE To define the sending systems and receiving systems
Use the SAP standard moral for that application.
Execute SCUA / - model : lolla Create
(The logged in system is treated as Sending system)
We need to define recipient/ receiving systems
DELCLNT001 save to configure CUA
Users are distributed to the child client using TRFC(SM58) and if the client system is not
Available the record hangs in SM58 and ensure that is updated in the child client.
To delete : Execute report : RSDELCUA or SCUA select the client and delete.
IDOCS (Intermediate Documents) are used to transfer the data. It will be in the
Understandable format of both sending and receiving systems. SAP - NON SAP.
WE05 Status
0 to 49 - are the outbound IDOCS
50 and above are the inbound IDOCS
52 - States that the application document not posted fully.
53 - states that the document is posted
02 - states that there is error in the port
07 - states there is a syntax error.
Monitor the instance specific processes in SM50 and Global Specific Process
overview based on status in SM66.
Monitor the processes with status(reasons) running, hold, stopped, sleep, RFC/
Identify the user, time, client, Action.
If BTC is running for longer times check whether it is permissible as per the
process document.
Dialogue process should not consume more than 1-2 seconds for normal tasks. It
will be automatically down (Killed) by system in 600 Seconds. If it is not killed the
process might be occupied by dedicated resource and uses heap memory with status
PRIV. The process has to complete the job or Heap Memory should exhaust, so that
process comes out. We may need to kill the processes with status PRIV using DPMON,
Task Manager or Kill -9 Command on UNIX.
If more number goes into PRIV we may need to restart the instance.
Standard Jobs
- RSBTCDEL - Deletes the batch job logs
- RSSNAPDL - Delete Old ABAP Dumps
- RSPO1041 - Delete Old spool logs and files
- RSMO13002- Delete old update request logs
- RSCOLL00 - Collects performance info in Transaction ST03
- RSPO1043 - Spool Reorganization.
DPMON - When the user could not login to the system (Experience Hour glass)
Process the list @ OS Level
Provide SR. Number
Provide PID.
Each user transaction may be served by one or more processes with out restricting to the
user similarly each work process serve multiple users with out restricting the user. (No
dialogue process remains ideal)
Each process can serve 5 - 10 users and Each SAP transaction consists of multiple
(LUW - Logical unit of work) Each LUW contains task which should be completed/
rollback as a group. Each LUW is a commit or rollback (no intermediate stage ... which
makes the system inconsistency)
SM50/ SM66
SM04/ AL08 : Used to identify the number of users logged on to the instance. Identify
the users who are consuming more memory and also identify the transactions and identify
why it is consuming more time. This TCODE is also used to logoff the user session if
SM21: System logs specific to the instance. We can also identify the logs of other
System log Remote system
It is used to display the logs for the following activities.
1. System Startup/ Work process log
2. All ABAP dumps are documented
3. When we delete SM12 the locks are logged.
4. All the database related errors like Space issues, Segment Management, Archive Stuck.
5. Illegal attempts and user locks
6. Session Termination due to network failures.
As a part of monitoring we need to identify the messages with color red.
7. Time out errors
Identify the error message from the log and search in the market place.
8. It displays the logs based on date/time, user, t-code & problem class.
When ever a SAP Program (ABAP program) could not be executed due to an error it will
be thrown out from the GUI- Screen and a dump is recorded in ST22.
1. TIME_OUT error: The program requires more time than the time defined in
2. Memory related issues with error message PXA, SWAP, PAGE, OUT OF MEMORY.
This error requires memory corrections to the parameters.
3. Program Corrections: The problem is with SAP standard program for which SAP
provides a correction through notes (The correction can be applied through SNOTE)
4. Customer defined programs ('Y', 'Z') consumes more memory, endless loops,
improper select statements etc. The program need to be corrected by the developer.
7. Database issues like table space over flow, max-extents reached, archive stuck.
8. Illegal time: (Day light savings) - During day light savings the system date and time
has to be changed. Stop the AS and change the date if not, the above error occurs.
TSTC - Holds the transaction and the Program name
TSTCT - Holds the description/ text of a T-Code.
This complete journey should be completed within 600 Milli seconds on an average or
goes up to 600 Seconds Max.
1. Front End Time/ GUI Time : Time taken by the user to reach the dispatcher is called
as Front end time. The GUI time should not exceed more than 200 M.Sec. If it exceeds
this consider the following.
Note: GUI response time is not considered as a part of the Dialogue response time
because the request is not received by the dispatcher.
2. Wait Time: The amount of time the user request sits in the queue. Generally it should
not be more than 50 M.Sec or 10% of the response time. If the time exceeds, consider the
1. The work process are not sufficient to handle the user requests. (1:5)
2. There are sufficient processes but the existing process are held with expensive
3. Roll in Time: The work process copies the Roll in User context into WP task handler.
The time taken by the work process to copy the context (Roll In) is referred as Roll in
time. Generally it should not be more than 50 M.Sec. If it is more than this consider the
1. The user context is heavy to Roll in (User might having more authorizations,
2. Minimize the authorizations.
4. Roll Out Time: The time taken by the work process to copy the information from its
local memory to Roll Area/ Roll File/ User context/ Roll buffer and it should not be more
than 50 M. Sec.
5. Roll Wait Time: During the processing when a dialogue process communicates with
RFC's and waiting for the response at this time the user context is copied/ rolled back to
Note: Roll wait time is not considered as a part of response time. If the roll wait time
increases consider there is a bottle next on the RFC communication.
6. Processing Time: The time taken by the work process to process the user request
using interpreters. The processing time should not be more than 200 M.Sec. If the
processing time is more we can consider either ABAP program is expensive, screen is
expensive or SQL statements are expensive.
7. CPU Time: When the request are processed using interpreters an amount of CPU is
utilized to process the request using CPU resources is referred as CPU time.
As CPU time is included in processing time it is not calculated in the response time.
CPU time should not be more than (40% of the Dialogue response time - Wait time). If
CPU time is more consider tuning ABAP Programs Refer to ABAP development team
(Also Refer SE30 ABAP Run time Analysis, ST05 Performance Analysis)
8. LG Time: Load and Generation Time: Time required to load the objects such as
source code, GUI info, screen info from the database and generate these objects.
(Refer LC10 : Live Cache). It should not be more than 200 M.Sec.
Run SGEN tcode after patch application, upgrade, new installation or when there is a
mass change in the programs.
9. Enqueue Time: The time taken by the process to communicate with enqueue for
obtaining the lock while updating a record is referred as Enqueue time. Enqueue time
should be 5 M.Sec. on a Central instance and 100 M.Sec on a Dialogue instance. If it
exceeds more than this time we can consider that the enqueues are not sufficient or
Enqueue table overflow. or WP waiting for a lock.
10. RFC or CPIC Time: The time taken by the process to communicate with external
interfaces is referred as RFC time. It should be as minimal as possible. (Communication
between any BW/ CRM/ SCM system). There wont be any threshold value as it depends
on External system.
11. Database Time: The time taken by the process to reach the database and process the
request. Generally it should not be more than 40% of (Response time - Wait time). It is
similar to the CPU time. IF DB Time is more consider the following.
12. Dialogue Response time: The time taken by the Dialogue process to process the
request which includes [Wait time ........ To ......... Roll Out Time]
ST03 It is used to calculate the work load analysis. Select Expert Mode to identify the
expensive programs, transactions, reports and users.
While calculating the average consider the number of dialogue steps of the
transaction user. If the response time is more and dialogue steps of fewer 1 or 2 then the
average response time could not be worked out. The response time should be worked out
only when there are atleast 10,000 dialogue steps.
Physical Memory: The memory that is available or the memory that is configured on the
instance using the parameter PHYS_MEMSIZE.
Virtual Memory: The physical memory and SWAP memory/ Pagging Memory on the
The physical memory will not be sufficient to provide the users for temporary work area/
Calculations/ so a part of the disk which is configured for SWAP is used.
On UNIX during installation assign atleast 20GB of SWAP. On windows assign atleast
3*RAM size/ 20 GB which ever is higher.
Shared Memory: The memory that is used by all the applications (OS, DB, R/3)
Extended Memory: The memory that is used by SAP work processes is referred as
Extended Memory.
Local Memory: The memory that is assigned to work process is referred as Local
Roll Memory/ Roll Buffer: The memory that is used by work process to store the user
context information is referred as Roll memory.
Private/ Heap Memory: The memory that is used by work process exclusively by
restricting itself.
3. WP requires memory to Roll -In the user context.
4. WP gets memory from local memory which is defined in the parameter
ztta/roll_area. It gets only a part of it which is defined by parameter ztta/roll_first
5. If the allocated memory is not sufficient then it gets allocated from Extended
memory ztta/roll_extension.
6. If that is also not sufficient then it uses the remaining ROLL Area.
7. If that is also not sufficient then it uses HEAP/ PRIVATE Memory and the WP
goes into PRIVATE Mode.
8. Heap memory is defined by the parameter
Memory : RAM is the first Memory. Out of this we don't want to allow SAP to utilize
the whole memory.
Virtual Memory: Pagefile.sys
Requires Memory to Roll In to the Task Handler
Ztta/roll_first - 20KB
Extended Memory is used by all the Work Processes.
20 KB ztta/roll_first through ztta/roll_area
Extended Memory ztta/roll_extension : 512 MB
Come back to local Memory
If all the memory is consumed it cant come back so goes to the Heap/ Private Memory.
We have configured 20 WP in the Instance and we know pretty well that each user
request consumes a minimum of 25MB of Memory
When the process uses Heap Memory it is used in Heap/ Private mode.
The processes which are in PRIV Mode cannot be timed out by
So configure so that the process is timed out after this time (600 Seconds/ 10 Minutes)
when the work process goes into PRIV mode it will not listen to
rdisp/max_wprun_time=600sec. It will be released only after the task completion or
Memory is exhausted(Abap/heap_area_dia)/ timed out by rdisp/max_priv_time. This
situation is referred as Hour Glass Mode or WP Congestion. At this situation we can use
DPMON or SM04 to terminate the user session. If not kill the process at OS level based
on PID.
Q. The user complains that he could not login to the system - Hour Glass Mode?
A. 1. WP into PRIV Mode
2. ARCHIVE STUCK (The user could not update any record and results in hour
glass mode)
The frequently used content and less frequently modified is eligible for buffering.
Company Name, GUI, screens, calendars, table definitions, programs etc are eligible for
Eg. Programs can be stored up to 150000 KB, 150 MB in 37,500 directories. If the
directories/ size is full then Buffer Swaps occurs in ST02.
When SWAP occurs the content needs to be fetched again from Database which
increases the response time.
Search Term : SAP Router
Or Go with Message
Select the system & select the component
Dear SAP,
We have installed solution manager and 3 ERP systems in the landscape. Before
we start implementation we would like to establish connecting with SAP using SAP
{ Open the connectivity, How many hours it needs to be opened; Provide Userid and
password/ Client }
Note: from Market Place My Profile Maintain Single Sign on Certificate Specify
From Market place Check the email.
Earlier from the Back End system say for eg: SOLMAN system
Over the web using DIAG protocol. (It is discontinued)
SAP Router is a software program which is used to restrict to access the customer
systems using the table SAPROUTTAB.
SAPROUTTAB is a text file with out any extension in the router directory with prefix P,
D and S (Permit, Deny and Secure sometimes)
SAPRouter is an executable in the kernel directory (usr\sap\SID\sys\exe\uc\NTi386).
Nipping is an executable to ping to the router. This two executables needs to be copied to
the router directory. However we can also download from market place.
On Windows Check whether the SAPRouter service is running or not to make sure
whether the SAPRouter is already configured or not.
3. Login as <SIDADM
6. copy the two uncared files in to the saprouter directory.
It depends on OS
We can download either CAR or SAR file
10. SNC (Secured Network Connection Needs to be added)
For this
Copy [ Shows the Distinguished Name] Hit Continue
Variable : SECUDIR
Path: E:\usr\sap\saprouter
Variable :SNC_LIB
Path: E:\sur\sap\saprouter\nt-X86_64\sapcrypto.dll
Saprouter CD nt-X86_64
sapgenpse get_pse -v -r certreq -p local.pse "Paste the distinguished name"
Prompts for PIN : any password
Sapgenpse - SAP Generic Personal Security Encryption
provide SAP IP
Our IP.
To Uninstall
Ntscmgr install saprouter -b E:\.........
SAPSR3 - 14
SAPSR2 - 9
SAPSR1 - 6
Goto Market Place
Download service connection
Maintain Data System Data
Production System
Goto DB Server
Hostname SOLMAN
IP Address :
OS : NT/ INtel
Version : Win2003
DB Release :
SAP Router is an executable which is used to restrict the access to the customer systems
over the network. It works like a firewall/ proxy to permit and deny the access to the SAP
SAP Router
1. Create message to SAP along with your SAP Router [Hostname], IP Address and
Customer Number (SAP Router need not to be installed on Solution Manager /DEV/
QAS/ PRD. It can be installed on any desktop, but it is advised to install on SOLMAN
system to ensure that it is monitored periodically.
Cust Number : When we buy SAP we will be provided with the customer number.
2. SAP responds with Distinguished name.
3. Create SAP Router directory and copy the executables from exe\uc\NTi386 or
download from the market place. ( copy only SAPCAR.exe,
4. Download the Cryptography files from Market place related to OS and bit version
(Download *.SAR files)
7. Generate the certificate using distinguished "DN" name with executable SAPGENPSE.
8. Copy and Paste certificate from Begin to End the market place url
SAPOSS, SAP-OSS, SAPSNOTE are created on communicating with the Market Place.
ST02 continuation.
Buffer swaps occurs when there are no sufficient directories or space. When more swaps
occur they are displayed on ST02 in swaps column.
Identify the buffer areas whose swaps/ Database access are more.
Do no take any decisions based on the readings on a specific day. Analysis has to be
carried out if there are atleast 10,000 requests.
Key areas that effect the performance are program buffers, table buffers and Table and
Field definitions. Change the program buffer using ABAP/ buffer_size to a maximum of
600 MB on 32 bit Machines.
Remaining parameters based on SAP recommendation from RZ11.
TABLE Buffering
SAP stores the content in tables (Every data except start and stop logs is stored in
DATABASE, no prog/ no data is available in the file system)
1. FULL Buffering
2. Generic Buffering
3. Single Record Buffering
4. No Buffering
1. Full Buffering: The tables which are frequently used and rarely modified are eligible
for buffering. (Also which are small in size)
Eg: T000 have all the clients and required to create a client copy. (This is fully buffered)
2. Generic Buffering: Tables which are relatively large, frequently used, rarely modified
using a set of keys (Fields)
Eg: USR02; T001 Company info
3. Single Record Buffering: The tables which are large in size, frequently used and
rarely modified are buffered using a primary key.
4. No Buffering: The tables which are large frequently used, and frequently modified are
not eligible for buffering.. VBAK (SALES), EKKO (PURCHASE)
When more than one application server is configured then buffers between
different instances may not be synchronized. In order to synchronize buffers set the
1. User1 request to APP1 for update Sales order to Rs. 500 @ 10:00:01
2. User2 request to APP2 for update the same sales order to Rs.550 @ 10:00:20
3. User3 request APP1 for display @ 10:00:40
WP will ask DDLOG table to check for recent update within 60 Sec. (DDLOG is a buffer
synchronization table).
If there is any change then it will fetch from DB and swap out the buffer. IF there are no
updates fetches the same from APP1 Buffer. If the content is requested after 60 Seconds,
by that time it will be synchronized between APP1 and APP2.
DDLOG is a synchronization between instances and maintain TIMESTAMP
All the programs is in Uncompiled mode in TADIR table.
SGEN - Compiles the programs
- Database hit ratio comes down below 94% then consider the following.
Logical Reads is the sum of [Physical reads and Buffer Reads] (Buffer Gets/ Reads)
It Fetches the data using service SAPOSCOL and it displays CPU Utilization, Memory
Utilization and disk response time.
The CPU idle time should not be less than 30% [For Portal up to 80% to 85%]
If it is below 30% we can consider the following.
1. The ABAP programs are expensive with multiple conditions and endless loops.
2. The CPU is not sufficient to handle the load because the hardware is not procured as
per sizing.
Probably the hardware is procured as per sizing but the number of users grown
dynamically (300-600). In this scenario we advice to deploy additional instances.
Note: OSCOL brings the operating system information into ST06. If OSCOL is not
started ST06 will be blank.
We can check TOP CPU utilization for the current in the last 24 Hrs.
LAN CHECK BY PING is used to ping to all the systems in the Network/ Landscape.
If a user complaints that he could not connect to the server (Ping to the desktop)
Click on Presentation Server
ST07 Used to identify whether the system is optimally designed or not.
Say for Eg: from the below screen.
Users are 9944 and the WP are 27 so each WP serves 5-10 Users so 27*10 = 270
Here users are including Active and Inactive Users.
ST11: It is used to display the work directory. It displays the log files related to work
ST01 and ST05
1. RFC Trace
2. Buffer Trace Available in ST01 and ST05
3. Enqueue Trace
4. SQL Trace
1. When the RFC/ CPIC time are going beyond threshold value then switch on RFC
2. When more buffer swaps occurs in the table buffering ST02. Switch on Buffer Trace.
3. Enqueue Trace: When the enque or enque wait time is increasing by 5 M.Sec on
CI(Central Instance) 100 M.Sec on Dialogue instance (Consider switching enqueue trace)
4. When there are too many expensive SQL Statements which are increasing the database
response time in ST04 then switch on SQL Trace. (Identify those statements in ST04)
Eg. Select * from can be fine tuned by using select single * from with appropriate where
6. Kernel Trace: Used to identify the consistency of Kernel. It records all the calls that
are made to kernel when the trace is ON.
Note: Do not switch on the traces when they are not required. It will populate enormous
log files and occupies the complete disk place and system stands still. As a practice
switch on the trace and inform the user to run the transaction. Switch Off the trace.
RC=0 (Return Code)
Note: Tuning is not testing we need enormous analysis and data to justify the conclusion.
1. The existing Hardware is old and the response times are high.
2. The software is out of maintenance with no updates, or with no company
(Company Bankrupt/ Merger etc.)
3. The customer could not be competitive in the market due to the legacy methods
B1 - C++
Customer enquires in the market and calls for the Auditors to identify the software,
hardware and the Implementer.
Delloite, Bearing Point, KPBG, PWC (Price Water Coupons) are the auditors to
identify the requirements in the company. They define the pain points of every business
user owner and document them.
- The software should be installed on all the operating systems and databases.
- The GUI should be compatible, user friendly, ergonomically designed, colors, fonts,
languages, password change.
- The software should be unicoded language to support all the languages.
- The software should support (Online, Offline, incremental, partial, table level backup)
- The software/ Hardware should support mirroring, RAID, clustering, Disaster
Recovery, Restore etc.
- The software should support Mobile devices, Email, Fax, SMS, Pager, PDA etc.
Issue --- Description ---- Possible/ Not Possible/ Customizable/ If customizable Amount
of effort.
These requirements list will be floated as RFQ feasibility of software.
- These list will be submitted to Oracle Apps, NAVISION, Hyperion, Peoplesoft, Seibel
(CRM) implementing partners.
- Customer decides software with the help of feasibility reports and assistance from
- Customer calls for quotation to implement SAP
This is the first official document released to implement SAP.
- Support partners like IBM, TCS, WIPRO, MAHINDRA submits the proposal. They can
also raise questions in the form of RFI (Request for Information)
Ensure that there should not be any .bck files while reinstalling the SAP
Based on the above proposal customer and audit team shortlist the two or three software
vendors (IBM, TCS, WIPRO etc) - Implementation Partners and call them for Interview
(technical discussions) to exhibit their capabilities.
External Security
Internal Security
Authenticating Authorized users is Internal Security.
Project Costing:
3. Project can be a fixed bid let us say 2,00,000 (i.e. @ Million Dollars for completion all
inclusive (Fares, accommodation, staff, Replacement, Holidays, vacations, sick etc).
Payment will be released in Parts ---- Project Start 10%, Blue print - 20% Realization -
20%, Final Preparation - 20%, Go-Live - 30%.
4. Let us say the Project Manager is SAP. We need to provide manpower to SAP to
implement @ customer site. Eg. SAP Project bidder is SAP for 28 Crores in Singareni
Collories ... They out sourced to Seal Infotech for training and implementation.
1. Fixed Bid
2. Time and Material (T&M)
3. Resource Based
4. Activity Based (Try to include Wait time)
The scope of work needs to be defined properly before sign-on. If SOW is not defined
properly, it is vendor responsibility.
Delay in Software, Hardware requirements from customers are to be documented.
It is an exercise carried out by Basis consultant with the help of the customer business
process owners, Project Manager and Hardware vendors (IBM, HP, SUN, DELL). It is
used to determine the CPU's, Storage (Hard disks) and Memory.
Note: Legacy database size (get the details from customer what amount of data they are
planning to migrate into SAP, Example Customer Database size is 400GB but they want
to migrate 250GB into SAP (Customer, Vendor, Supplier, Material, Address, FI
High Availability options (Time of Availability)
These are the general details that are required for sizing.
IBM - DB2 [AIX O/s - DB2 Database]; I Series V5R4 - DB2]
SQL Server - Microsoft
P Series, X Series (I Series V5R4) is the O/s
1. High Availability
2. Type of Users
3. Modules used
1. High Availability
1. RAID1 - Mirroring (1:1) on disk goes down other should take over.
2. RAID5 - (5 Disks---- Util -4; 1 Spare/ Parity)
8. If the complete system collapses due to hardware failure use clustering -- Two Parallel
systems (Used for failover or Load balancing)
Unless unlocked by IBM we cannot make use of the additional Hard Disks
Note: For Upgrade - Sizing
Capacity - Sizing
Module Selection: Select the modules that are going to be implemented like
Logistics, Financials, Product life cycle Management (Currently HR is not going to be
implemented but, there is a plan to implement in future, If it before three years consider
HR in sizing if not.
Service Desk
Component BC-MID-RFC
Test -- TKT No: 008000000001
The Strategy is to migrate/ upgrade the hardware for every three years. The sizing
is based on
1. High Availability
2. Modules and
3. No of users
The sizing is also called as T-Shirt sizing which determines your servers as (S, XS, M, L,
XL, XXL) Sizing output determines the memory, storage and CPU in terms of Saps'.
SAPS are calculated based on Sales module. SAP assumes that a sales order/ Purchase
order consumes around 8-12 Dialogue steps. For every 2000 sales documents that are
generated per hour requires 100 SAPS.
CPU cannot be arrived directly because the process speed depends upon the
hardware vendor. (The hardware vendor determines the CPU Size based on SAPS
example an ISeries machine single CPU generates 800 SAPS.
1. OS
2. Database
3. Interfaces (Like Fax, Email, SMS, Pager etc.)
4. Printers
5. Third party communication (Batch processing etc)
So we can consider adding 30-50% to the sizing results.
- Hardware vendors take 3 weeks to 4 weeks to deliver based on the availability of the
HP ships from Singapore, Philippines and Malaysia
IBM ships from US
Communicate with SAP vendor (Channel Partners) and purchase the license.
License is a single user based. i.e. If we buy one license we can access ... ERP, SRM, BI,
PI, EP, Solution Manager, MI etc.)
If we buy MYSAP business suite then all comes under one license.
* There is no lock for licensed users in the system. We can buy 100 Users and used for
10,000 Users.
* Every year we need to run USMM and send the report to SAP.
For 40,000 we should have atleast 150-200 Users for 10+1 cost 18 Lakhs.
Bin - Points to the target system
Disp+exe ( PING, Etc Entry, Any Kernel upgrade has been done (DEV_DISP.log)
SAP determined to bring all the components on to a common platform and introduced
SAP Web Application Server (WAS)
XI - 3.0
EP - 6.0
ERP - ECC6.0
BW - BI7.0
EP - EP7.0
XI - PI7.0
SRM - 5.0
CRM - 5.0
Install ABAP(CI, DBI), JAVA add on. Install Central System Installation (Select Usage
type during Installation)
Run directory is used to host executables of kernel upto 640 where as OS version
(NTI386, AMD64, IA64) with UC/ NUC is available in version 700.
OLD: The database table spaces are 27 which ends with D(Data) and I(Index)..[SAPR3]
From 620
The database contains only 6 tablespaces(Physical Location) in 640 owner is SAP<SID
The database contains only 8 tablespaces in 700. Owner is SAPSR3 for ABAP engine
and SAPSR3DB is for JAVA Engine.
SYSTEM - Database Related
PSAPUNDO - For Roll Back
SYSAUX - From Oracle Log for Administration
PSAPTEMP - Temp Storage Memory
PSAPSR3 - Component Specific
PSAPSR3700 - Version Specific
GUI Versions
Database Users (DDIC and SAP* are SAP Users resides in USR02 Table)
19,xxx 65xxx
We can also store the data in terms of file system like test.txt, test.pdf, test.doc, test.rtf,
test.xls, test.ppt, test.pps
Database: Used to store the data in the organized format and it has to follow RDBMS
rules (Relational Database Management System)
- Data is stored in terms of tables (Tables contain rows and columns). Columns are
headers and rows are the data.
Eg: As in windows we can create as many folders and subfolders with the same name and
the search criteria depends on the search string.
- Database has its own structure to manage the data using the database specific binaries
and libraries.
Oracle/bin; mssql/bin; db2/bin;
Oracle/lib; mssql/lib; db2/lib;
- Database provides tools for backup management, reorganization, restore and recovery
It consists of one or more transactions that are bundled together which can be committed
as a group or rollback without any data loss.
RFQ(Approved) - Sales Order
Purchase Req - FI Dept (Approval) - Purchase Order - Tenders (Contractors)
(Eg: Purchase Order, Sales Order, Invoice, GR(Goods Receipt), GI (Goods Issued) AP
(Account Payables), AR (Account Receivables)
Process of splitting up the larger tables into smaller tables using primary keys and
secondary keys... ERP(ECC6), SRM.
Process of grouping smaller tables into larger tables for having data comprehensively
available for analysis and reporting BIW.
User requests for weekly status report.
10. The data is fetched into Database buffers before the response is sent to R/3 work
11. R/3 Work process keeps a copy in the R/3 Buffer and response is sent to user.
Log buffers are a small area around 1Mb - 4 Mb. As the log buffer is small the content is
moved in to Redo logs periodically.
Redo logs are duplexed (Mirror logs and Orig Logs) and ensure that the data is updated
in the database.
12. The committed data is updated into database
13. The locks are released and rollback gets invalidated.
Note: Committed data can be updated or Redo.
14. User gets the response that the record is updated.
Oracle is a database that is used by 2/3rd of SAP Customers. In order to
support SAP Customers it is mandatory to know the database management.
Oracle has versions of database
SAP License is costlier on Oracle than any other combinations.
A collection of information that has been systematically organized In form of
physical files for easy access and analysis..
1. Control file
2 Redo file.
3. Datafile
4. Parameter file
PARAMETER FILE (init<sid.ora)
Oracle uses a parameter file when starting up the database. The pfile is a text file
containing the parameters and their values for configuring the database and instance.
The default location is under $ORACLE_HOMe/dbs directory .
The parameter files tell oracle the following when starting up an instance:-
• backup_type: Identifies the default type of the database backup. This parameter
is only used by BRBACKUP
tape_size: Storage size in gigabytes (G), megabytes (M) or kilobytes (K) for the tapes
that will be used for backups and for archiving redo log files.
remote_host: this parameter is to specify the name of the remote host, if you want to
make a backup to a remote disk
backup_dev_type: Determines the backup medium that you want to use .It may be a
disk, tape etc
Database Buffer Cache:
Is a fairly large memory object that stores the actual data blocks that are retrieved
from datafiles by system queries and other data manipulation language commands
Writes to datafiles when one of these events occurs that is illustrated in the figure below.
The Log Writer (LGWR) writes contents from the Redo Log Buffer to the Redo
Log File that is in use. These are sequential writes since the Redo Log Files record
database modifications based on the actual time that the modification takes place.
LGWR actually writes before the DBWn writes and only confirms that a COMMIT
operation has succeeded when the Redo Log Buffer contents are successfully written to
disk. LGWR can also call the DBWn to write contents of the Database Buffer Cache to
disk. The LGWR writes according to the events illustrated in the figure shown below:
The Process Monitor (PMON) is a cleanup type of process that cleans up after
failed processes such as the dropping of a user connection due to a network failure or the
abend of a user application program. It does the task shown in the figure below:
The Checkpoint (CPT) process writes information to the database control files
that identifies the point in time with regard to the Redo Log Files where instance
recovery is to begin should it be necessary. This is done at a minimum, once every three
checkpoint records as a starting point for recovery. DBWn will have completed
writing all buffers from the Database Buffer Cache to disk prior to the checkpoint, thus
those record will not require recovery. This does the following:
• Ensures modified data blocks in memory are regularly written to disk – CKPT can
call the DBWn process in order to ensure this and does so when writing a
checkpoint record.
• Reduces Instance Recovery time by minimizing the amount of work needed for
recovery since only Redo Log File entries processed since the last checkpoint
require recovery.
• Causes all committed data to be written to datafiles during database shutdown.
• If a Redo Log File fills up and a switch is made to a new Redo Log File (this is
covered in more detail in a later module), the CKPT process also writes
checkpoint information into the headers of the datafiles.
• Checkpoint information written to control files includes the system change
number (the SCN is a number stored in the control file and in the headers of the
database files that are used to ensure that all files in the system are synchronized),
location of which Redo Log File is to be used for recovery, and other information.
• CKPT does not write data blocks or redo blocks to disk – it calls DBWn and
LGWR as necessary
Logical Structure:
It is helpful to understand how an Oracle database is organized in terms of a
logical structure that is used to organize physical objects.
A tablespace is a logical storage facility (a logical container) for storing objects
such as tables, indexes, sequences, clusters, and other database objects.
Each tablespace has at least one physical datafile that actually stores the
tablespace at the operating system level. A large tablespace may have more than one
datafile allocated for storing objects assigned to that tablespace, belongs to only one
Tablespaces can be brought online and taken offline for purposes of backup and
management, except for the SYSTEM tablespace that must always be online.
Tablespaces can be in either read-only or read-write status.
Tablespaces are stored in datafiles which are physical disk objects.
A datafile can only store objects for a single tablespace, but a tablespace may
have more than one datafile – this happens when a disk drive device fills up and a
tablespace needs to be expanded, then it is expanded to a new disk drive.
The DBA can change the size of a datafile to make it smaller or later. The file
can also grow in size dynamically as the tablespace grows.
When logical storage objects are created within a tablespace, a segment is
allocated to the object. Obviously a tablespace typically has many segments. A segment
cannot span tablespaces but can span datafiles that belong to a single tablespace.
Each object has one segment which is a physical collection of extents. Extents are
simply collections of contiguous disk storage blocks. A logical storage object such as a
table or index always consists of at least one extent – ideally the initial extent allocated to
an object will be large enough to store all data that is initially loaded.
As a table or index grows, additional extents are added to the segment.
A DBA can add extents to segments in order to tune performance of the system.
An extent cannot span a datafile.
The Oracle Server manages data at the smallest unit in what is termed a block or data
block. Data are actually stored in blocks.
Oracle Database Backup
Three ways of doing database backup:
– Full Offline(Cold) Backup
– Full Online(Hot) Backup - archiving must be on
– Export Utility Backup
Cold backup:
cold backup is taken when database is shutdown normal. The following filles
should be backed up.
– All Datafiles
– All Control files
– All Online Redo logs
– Init.ora
Hot backup:
Hot backup is taken when database is up and running in Archive log mode. Hot
backup Is taken on tablespace by tablespace mechanism .We put the tablespace in Begin
backup mode and after finishing the backup you must set it to end backup mode.
Export and import:
Is an oracle utility used to store database data in export format (.dmp) files for
later retrieval. These files can be later used to write back into Oracle database via import.
• Exports basic function is to extract the object definition and table data from oracle
database and store them in binary format. Three levels of export are:
• Table level
• Schema level
• Database level
Syntax: $ exp <username/password parameters
Exports are of three types:
• Incremental Export
• Cumulative Export
• Complete Export
Types of Backups
• online : Database backup in online mode, in other words, with the database
• online_cons : Database backup in online mode. As well as the database files, the
offline redo log files generated during the backup are copied to the same volume.
You then have a logically consistent dataset available. This backup of the offline
redo log files with BRBACKUP runs completely independently of other
BRARCHIVE backups.
• Offline: Database backup in offline mode, in other words, the database is shut
down during backup. When you select this parameter, BRBACKUP checks that
no SAP system users are connected to the database. If an SAP System is active,
the database is not shut down and BRBACKUP terminates the process with an
error message.
• offline_force: Database backup in offline mode, in other words, the database is
shut down during backup. BRBACKUP always shuts down the database, even if
the SAP System is active.
• online_split: The mirror disks are split and backed up while the database is
running. The tablespaces to be backed up are only placed in BACKUP status
during the split. This backup mode is only relevant for the ‘split mirror’
• offline_split : The database is only shut down for the mirror disks split. The
backup of the mirror disks can take place whilst the database is running. The R/3
System is available during the entire split mirror backup. No transactions can be
carried out during the short period of time that the database is shut down. This
backup mode is only relevant for the ‘split mirror’ configuration.
Before a backup can be performed, you must initialize the tapes to be used,Set the backup
profile parameters ,Label the tapes
The profile init< is used to set the following parameters:
tape_use_count defines how often a tape can be reused.
expir_period defines the length of the backup cycle. To allow the tape to be reused after
28 days,
set this parameter to 28.
backup_dev_type defines the type of backup device used. To perform backups to a local
device, enter tape. Other options include pipe (remote), tape_auto (auto loader), util_file
interface), and disk.
volume_backup defines the tape pool for the database backups
volume_archive defines the tape pool for the offline redo log file backups
When using hardware or software compression, data on tape requires less storage space.
compression factor indicates the degree of compression possible for the backup data.
Use SAPDBA to determine which compression ratio to use when backing up your data.
This factor depends on the fill level of the database files to be backed up. Because of the
fill level , you should redetermine the compression rate frequently (at least once per
backup cycle).
Administration using BRTOOLS
STEP 1. Start BRTOOLS from command prompt to get the below screen
STEP 2. Enter Option 1 to get the below screen where you can perform lots activities on
Switching Archivelog Modes
Enter 4 to switch to Non Archive log mode
Follow STEP 1
STEP 2 Enter 2 for Space management
The below screen displays the list of tablespaces and the % used space
Adding Datafiles
STEP 4 Enter 3 to give tablespace name
STEP 5 Enter N to start adding data file.
Health check procedure
SM51 is the T-Code used to view active application instances/servers . SM51 shows
only active servers. So make sure all the instances are up and running. Below is
the Screen shot of SM51
To check whether all the instances are active/inactive in the SAP system
RZ03 T-Code is used . Below is the screen shot
Check for Work Processes status of all Application servers
Run SM51. It displays all active instances/servers. Double click on each of the
instance then it displays all the work process and their current status (SM50). If the
work processes is in PRIV mode we have to copy and paste it in (SM50).
SM21 is the T-Code which display system logs. Run SM21 , choose log for all remote
application servers and also specify date & time if required.
Then click on Reread system log
When click reread system log it displays the system logs. System Log stores all
messages including problems warnings & information .In this system log we mainly
look for errors related to Database listed as ORA-???? Error and update terminate
errors. Then copy and paste it in SM21.
ST22 is the T-Code which displays the ABAP dumps. Run ST22, in ST22 their will
be 2 options i.e., TODAY and YESTERDAY. Click on Today option
It list out all the ABAP dumps generated for the day. Copy and paste it in ST22 row.
If there are more than 20 dumps ,Shoot a mail to the client.
SM12 is the T-Code which displays the lock entries. In SM12 any lock entry which
is quite old i.e., active more than 26 hours , has to copied and pasted in SM12 and
also shoot a mail to the client.
SM37 is the T-Code used for monitoring background job status. Give the server
time and execute. If there are any cancelled jobs, we will copy and paste it in SM37
Cancelled jobs and also take the job log of that particular cancelled job and paste it
in SM37 Job Logs. If one particular job is cancelled more than 20 times ,a mail
should be shoot to the client.
To check the job log select the job which is cancelled and click on job log
DB02 is the T-Code which displays the Current sizes of all the Tablespace. SAPDBA
is the tool used at OS Level to View size of the Table space. Below is the screen shot
CLICK on Refresh and then click on DB checks & updates histories
Then you will get the below window after the above step .Now click Yes
Then it displays the current sizes of all the Tablespace as shown below
If the Table space has reached near capacity (i.e., above 90%).Mark it in red, but
don’t send mail. If the Table space has reached (i.e., above 97%).Shoot a mail to the
DB02 is also of below page,if it is MS SQL and so copy and paste the box values as
shown below
Check for Log on Load Balancing:
SMLG is the T-Code for Logon Load Balancing. We check for load distribution,
Average Response time and Quality Ratio.
Now press F5 for Load distribution or click. It displays the below screen, copy and
paste only the selected path.
Check Sap System Performance or Average Response time for DIA process:
ST03 is the T-Code used to check system performance. In this we can check the
Dialog Response time for each Application instance.
Click on Detail analysis menu
Then click on other task type and select Dialog and press the tick
Then Copy the below part only means Dialog steps and Average response time and
paste it.
AL08 is the T-Code which displays the users logged on each application instances.
Select only Active Instance and No. of Users and paste it.
Check for Update Terminated:
SM13 is the T-Code which displays the update records. We mainly look for
Terminated Updates. Look at the detailed information of each failed update record.
Select cancelled and execute it
After executing the above step, if there are any cancelled update records copy and
paste it and if there are more than 10 update errors shoot a mail to the client.
Check for Backup Logs
Go to DB12 .Take the information of successful Backups. Below selected part has to
be copied and pasted in DB12 .If the SQL is the server below screen will be
If Oracle is the server then below screen will be appeared. Go to DB12, Click on
Archive directory status as shown below
After Clicking Archive directory status, you will get the below window. Copy and
Paste the selected part.
Check for Traces
To check the traces, go to ST05. Copy and paste the selected part as shown below
After clicking Incorrect Option, if found Batch Input Errors of that particular date
Copy and paste it in SM35.If the errors are more than 20 , mark it RED
Copy and Paste the User Locked and Users created information, As shown below
Check for Scot Errors:-
Run SCOT transaction code for Scot Errors. Copy and paste the selected as shown
below. If the Scot errors are more than 10 escalate to the client through mail
In OS Logs, if there are logs related to DISK, SRV, EVENT LOGS, copy and paste
it in ST11 .
For all the Application servers. Below is the screen shot
After executing, below screen will be displayed. Press Ctrl+Pagedown or
Click on the option which shown below
Once you click on last page option, below screen will be displayed .In this the
Spool Requests with errors should be selected .As selected below,
After clicking on the above option, below screen will be displayed. Copy and paste
the spool errors in SP01 .If there are more than 50 spool errors, then they have to be
Common Basis Transaction Codes
Alert Monitoring
AL16 : Local Alert Monitor for Operat.Syst.
AL18 : Local File System Monitor
RZ20 : CCMS Monitoring
Database Administration
STAT : Local transaction statistics
STUN : Performance Monitoring (not available in R/3 4.6x)
User Administration
Other Transactions
WE07 : IDoc statistics
WE20 : Partner profiles
WE21 : Port definition
WE46 : IDoc administration
WE47 : Status Maintenance
$TAB : Refreshes the table buffers
$SYNC : Refreshes all buffers, except the program buffer
XI / PI - Transactions
XI Transactions
SXMB_IFR Start Integration Builder
SXMB_MONI Integration Engine - Monitoring
SXI_MONITOR XI: Message Monitoring
SLDCHECK Test SLD Connection
Integration Engine -
SXI_CACHE XI Directory Cache
SXMB_MONI_BPE Process Engine - Monitoring
SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING Automatic BPM Customizing
(<host is the host name of the XI server and <sys# is its system number)
RSCOLL00 Performance Collector
RSBPCOLL Collect Values for statistics
Delete old jobs
RSBPSTDE Delete old job statistics
RSBTCPRIDEL Reorganization of Print Parameters for Background Jobs
RSPO1041 Delete old Spool Files
Delete XMI-LOG Files
RSPO1043 Spool Data-Consistentcy check in Background (SP12)
Delete Central User Administration
RSBDCREO Delete Old Batch input Files
SAPconnect: Start Send Process Fax/Email
RSARFCER Deletes entries in arfcstate and arfcdata for RFCs (ARFC)
RSTRFCES Deletes tRFC and qRFC entries (arfcrstate, trfcqout)
RSTS0024 Deletes joblogheaders 4m TST01 that are older thanjobs in TBTCO
SBAL_DELETE deletes application logs (balhdr)
RBDCPCLR Deletes Obsolete change pointers
RSARFCEX Retries entries in sm58 that may have failed due to temp conn errors
RSARFCDL Cleans up log file for sm58 transfers
RSN3_STAT_COLLECTOR- Non R/3 Stat collector
RSN3_AGGR_REORG Program for Starting the Reorganization Function
View v$tables
RSORADJV Select DBA tables
RSANAORA Analyze table stats
AS Java Stack most common LOG Files
This blog describes the most commonly looked log and trace files paths and their
purpose. I felt it will be handy for Basis Engineers in administering and troubleshooting
Java Stack based systems especially for beginners.
This Blog was created to provide comprehensive overview of Java log, trace files paths
and their purpose. Howerver this blog cannot cover all potential items as part of AS Java
troubleshooting related information. At glance, this blog covers instance, server node,
startup framework, bootstrap and etc,. logs, trace files.
Contents... Information about the J2EE instance startup, including parameters such as the
startup profile used, the system ID (SID), the instance name, and the startup command
Use to analyze...Problems with the startup of the entrie J2EE instance. For example, the
central and dialog J2EE instances are running on different physical servers and the
startup profile is stored on the central J2EE instance. If a J2EE dialog instance cannot
access the startup profile on the central J2EE instance due to access restrictions, it would
report the permission problem in this log.
Location The log files of may be located under the following folders depending on the
type of the instance:
•/usr/sap/<SID/JC<XX/work for Java Central instance
•/usr/sap/<SID/J<XX/work for Java Central or Dialog instance
•/usr/sap/<SID/DVEBMGS<XX/work - for ABAP/DoubleStack Central instance
•/usr/sap/<SID/D<XX/work - for ABAP/DoubleStack Dialog instance
•Files starting with std_: Log files from the standard output of the processes. In this file
you may find the output produced by System.out
•Files starting with jvm_ :The file may contain JVM error messages.
•Files starting with dev_ : The file may contain information about the exit code of the
•stderr2 : Redirect out/err before start of framework
•dev_jstart: Developer trace of the JStart controller
Processes and log files
SAPStart service
Content... JStart and all its child processes have different log, trace files and all these
files are located in work directory of jave instance.
Use to analyze...Contains information about startup process. You can check these files in
case of errors and undesired behavior during the startup process.
Log files
sapstart.env: Environmental data
sapstart.log: Log messages from the startup process
sapstart.old: Backup log file from the previous startup
sapstartsrv.log: General logs
Startup framework
Log files
dej_jstart: Log messages containing JStart flow information
dev_jstart.0, dev_jstart.1: Backup log files from the previous startups
dev_*: Log files containing information about the startup of different processes
Example: dev_server0 is log file containing startup flow information about the first server
dev_.0, dev_.1: Old startup flow log files for different processes
Content...Information about files that are synchronized at startup., including the J2EE
component JAR files containing the J2EE libraries, services, and applications, and the
J2EE component property files. In addition to it, java startup and control framework
crates separate log files for each J2EE dispatcher and J2EE server process.
Use to analyze... Problems with bootstrap functionality that results in conditions such as
unsynchronized J2EE configuration modifications or outdated java libraries.
Location: The logs can be found in the locations:
•/usr/sap/<SID/JC<XX/work for Java Central instance (deprecated)
•/usr/sap/<SID/J<XX/work for Java Central or Dialog instance
•/usr/sap/<SID/DVEBMGS<XX/work - for ABAP/DoubleStack Central instance
•/usr/sap/<SID/D<XX/work - for ABAP/DoubleStack Dialog instance
Log files
dev_bootstrap: Contains Startup Framework flow entries
dev_bootstrap.0, dev_bootstrap.1: Old files containing Startup Framework flow entries
from previous starts
log_bootstrap.log*: Rotating log files of the bootstrap process
std_bootstrap.out: The files contain the redirected output of Java's System.out
std_bootstrap.ou0, std_bootstrap.ou1: Backup logs from previous executions of the
jvm_bootstrap.out: The file contains the redirected output of the JVM
jvm_bootstrap.ou0, jvm_bootstrap.ou1: Backup logs from previous executions of the
Contents...Information about a particular J2EE server process startup and shutdown. This
file contains a list of loaded J2EE of loaded J2EE managers (LogManager, PoolManager,
etc.), services and applications. If problem occurs, this log contains a description and
reason, the GC statistics, and a J2EE server process thread dump.
Location: The logs of the Startup Framework and the System.out output can be found in
the locations:
The logs of the Startup Framework and the System.out output can be found in these
•/usr/sap/<SID/JC<XX/work for Java Central instance
•/usr/sap/<SID/J<XX/work for Java Central or Dialog instance
•/usr/sap/<SID/DVEBMGS<XX/work - for ABAP/DoubleStack Central instance
•/usr/sap/<SID/D<XX/work - for ABAP/DoubleStack Dialog instance
Log files
defaultTrace_.trc*: Traces from the server processes, intended for developer's (and
debug) use.
server_.log*: Located in log-server folder. Targeted to system administrators. The file
contains entries for serious problems
dev_server.out*: Startup Framework flow logs from the server node startup
dev_server.0, dev_server*.1*: Old startup flow log files for different processes
std_server.out*: System.out output of the server processes
std_server.out0, std_server*.ou1*: Backup logs from previous executions of the server
jvm_server.out*: The file contains the redirected output of the JVM
jvm_server.ou0, jvm_server*.ou1*: Backup logs from previous executions of the
Report Frequenc Recomm. Jobname, add. Short Description
y Notes
C deletes entries from
tables BTCJSTAT, and
deletes by this statistics
for background job
PERFMONITOR, SAP Note collects various
12103 statistical data for
performance monitoring
gradually deletes old
short dumps that are not
marked for retention
from the SNAP table.
JOBSTATISTIC collects runtime
statistics of background
jobs which are used e.g.
for an SAP Going Live
307970 reorganizes print
parameters for
background jobs that
before 4.6A had been
deleted by RSBTCDEL
is necessary to start
method dispatching for
SAP system monitoring
in the background
reorganizes the table
contains log info on the
XMI interface.
Report Frequenc Recomm. Jobname, add. Short Description
y Notes
RSTS0024 weekly SAP_REORG_JOB2, SAP Report RSTS0024
Note 666290 deletes job logs that no
longer belong to any job
and orphaned jobs after
run of RSBTCDEL.
Search answers for the below.....
What are versions of SAP & R/3, Oracle you are using?
What is common House keeping background jobs that run in your system?
How you will do client copy? If SAP * user is not available at all in
your system then how u will do client copy?
How you will rate your self in SAP, Oracle from a scale 1 – 10?
What are your daily activities in your company?
What are common background jobs that will run in your system?
What are Homogenous system copy and Heterogeneous system copy and how
you will do that?
If a lock entry is holding more than 24 hours then what will you do?
If another user wants to share that lock but the user using that lock
haven’t released lock he went for holiday what will u do? This user
wants lock ASAP then what will u do?
How to increase tables space, resizing, backups and when will you do?
How you will check whether database is active or not from OS level?
How you will rate your self in SAP, Oracle from a scale 1 – 10?
After client copy is table space and database sizes will be increased or not?
What are you roles and responsibilities in your company?
What is Consolidation route and delivery routes? How you will identify them?
The transaction should not be displayed in User Easy access menu but
he must execute that transaction how to do that?
i) It displays list of Active application servers.
ii) It displays the process configuration.
iii) Double click on the servers to login to respective AS.
iv) It takes to SM50 screen.
v) Click on release notes to find o/s, DB and Kernel Version.
i) It displays all the WP of an Instance.
ii) Displays various work process in the application server along
with process it.
iii) Status of the WP (running,waiting,stopped,hold)
iv) Error reason for status[PRIV,reason,NUM,UPDATE]
v) Which Client,User,Report and action on the user worked on
work process.
vi) Here we can will the WP.
i) It displays active work processes in the R/3 system.
ii) Active processes of all Application servers.
iii) Identify work process which is consuming more heap memory
in sm66 and inform the user before terminating workprocess.
Every action will be done through CRF(change request form)
or notification to the user will be using the tcode.
iv) Here we cannot kill the process.
i) The locking process done by Enqueee.
ii) Screen lock required by the users will be displayed among
the user, we need to identify the locks which have been locked
since long time below are the steps to evaluate the locks.
iii) Check the lock table which is used in long time and identify
the user who has locked the table.
iv) Check the user is active are not.
v) If the user is not active are not found the go to SM04 or Al08
then release the lock.
vi) If the user is found try to call the user and send notification to
the user about the lock.
vii) Once approves release the lock.
i) The runtime errors of the system will be logged in dump
ii) Whenever there is a programmatical eror (or) reports exceeds
maximum for time execution, table space overflow, loop
errors, max extents reached will be logged into the screen.
iii) It gives detailed analysis of the error when it was occurred,
why, how, where and what could be done.
iv) When there is a bug in program we need to identify the error,
search sap notes with error.
v) In SM12 screen lock required by the users will be displayed
among the user, we need to identify the locks which have
been locked since long time below are the steps to evaluate
the locks.
vi) More number of locks in SM12 makes the system updates
inactive because of lock argument, will never allow the update
process to update into the database. Therefore it is essential to
monitor the locks.
Status of Update process is init,auto,run and error.
i) Whenever update assumes a problem or an error is occurred
or going to occur or database is inconsistent update server
becomes inactive.
ii) It is locked in syslog and also in sm21
iii) We need to identify the inconsistency and troubleshoot the
areas which are affected.
This is used to optimize the resources of application server by creating
Logon groups and ensure that users are logon to their groups.
Database level, Tablespace level, and the Tables and Indexes
level. In any one of the generated views, double-click the line of
an object to display the elements of the object. From the lowest
level, that is from the Tables and Indexes level, you can access a
history view for this object. Navigating to higher levels of
resolution works for most of the available views.
Operating performance.
The CPU idle time always above 30%.
No. of Instances
No. of users in R/3 system.
It gives details about modules used and no. of
users using the modules.
The main objective is to calculate the load on the
It helps “logon load balancing”.
The Database Alert Monitor (can be started from transaction RZ20) is a tool you can use
to monitor all the preset alerts for different areas of the database
Title Menu Path
DB01 Analyze Exclusive Lockwaits Tools Administration Monitor
Performance Database Exclusive lock
DB02 Analyze Tables and Indexes Tools CCMS Configuration Logon
DB03 Parameter Changes in Database Tools Administration Monitor
Performance Database Parameter
DB12 DB Backup Monitor Tools CCMS DB Administration
Backup logs
DB13 DBA Planning Calendar Tools CCMS DB Administration DBA
Planning Calendar
DB16 DB System Check: Monitor Tools CCMS DB Administration DB
System Check Display alerts
DB17 DB System Check: Tools CCMS DB Administration DB
Configuration System Check Configuration
DB21 DB Cost-Based Optimizer: Tools CCMS DB Administration Cost-
Configuration based optimizer Configuration.
DB24 Database Operations Monitor Tools CCMS DB Administration
Operations monitor
RZ20 CCMS Monitoring Tools CCMS Control/Monitoring Alert
SE12 ABAP/4 Dictionary Display Use transaction SE11
SE11 ABAP/4 Dictionary Display Tools ABAP Workbench Development
ABAP Dictionary
Title Menu Path
SM21 Online System Log Analysis Tools Administration Monitor System
log. Or: Test System log (from the ABAP/4
Development Workbench initial screen)
SM31 Maintain Table Views System Services Table maintenance
Extended table maintenance
SM66 Systemwide Work Process Tools CCMS Control/Monitoring All
Overview work processes
ST04 Select DB Activities Tools Administration Monitor
Performance Database Activity
ST06 Operating System Monitor From the Performance Monitoring screen:
Operating system Local Activity
ST22 ABAP Dump Analysis Tools ABAP Workbench Test
Workbench Dump Analysis
If you are going for interview, please remember the below questions and answers:
Ans: Start from your name, your qualification , your expertise in your sap ( if possible
activiites(kernal upgrade, support packs, spool administration, security , oracle dba etc.,)
and Netweaver(ep,pi,bi) and solution manager.
Question2: In your currect project what is the team size and what your activities?
Ans: Our Team size 4 or 5, your are team member, you are having r3(dev,qas,prd,snd)
four system or five systems landscape, activities you are in support, supporting for spool
administration, security, transports,health check(should remember 20 t-codes).
Question3: What is your RAM and Hard Disk of your R/3 systems?
Ans: For entire landscape(DEV, QAS,PRD etc.,) you will be having same RAM and
Hard Disk . RAM must above 20GB and Hard Disk 800GB on production 20GB or
30GB lesser in DEV and QAS. WHATEVER YOU SAY WITH 100%
Question4: What are the solutions you give in your regulary Health Check?
Ans: You can explan entire your health check procedure and you can say that you will do
daily production health and check weakly all the systems check.
Example : if more background jobs fail then you coordinate the user by intimating about
the situation, if any tablespace problems you add the data files, if any more r/3 locks with
date you delete them by coordinating User and you will be having all the resolution in the
doc(health check) pl proceed as per the same.
Ans: You can say whether your project is 24/7(5 is team size), 24/5(4 is the team size).
Exaplain in detail about your project regarding activities, if you say that you r in
implementation say that you are installing the same, in supporting all the 14 activities in
sap basis you explain, upgrade means find difference between RESOURCE MINIMIZE
AND DOWNTIME MINIMIZE and you can say that you are very very good System
Copies(ABAP , Java, ABAP+JAVA), if you are not having this exposure you will not get
job. You can say that system copies you regularly do like 3 months once from
production to qas or qas to dev or dev to sandbox.
Some more important Questions: