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Módulo Ingles

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Lesson A

Communication and Cultural Awareness

What products can you buy online? What have you bought online?

Buying Online

Nowadays, the way of shopping is changing. Many customers around

the world prefer to shop on the internet. In fact, people in big countries
like the United Kingdom or the United States spend more time shopping
through computers. According to some studies, online sales are increasing
from a 7.7% last year to a 8.8% this year. It sounds incredible, but it is real.

1. Look at the infographic and choose the appropriate answer.


Total: 7.6 billion people in the world.

Total: 29% people buy online.

Total: 49% people will buy online

in the year 2021.

• Amount of people worldwide that will shop online in 2021:

a. 49 million people

b. almost half of the total population

c. 7.6 billion people

2. Put the correct amounts next to the sentences. Look at the highlighted
numbers to help you.
a. Less than half are potential customers for the year 2021.

b. A lot of people are buying online nowadays.

c. All the people in the world.

3. In small groups, search for some information about Ecuador.
customer. buyer, a person that
• How many people in Ecuador shop online?
buys or purchases something
• What are the most popular web
spend. use your money sites used by Ecuadorians
to buy something when shopping online?
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sales. transaction

infographic. a graphic
with information

Oral Communication

What do you wear at a party?

Teen Clothing
1. Listen to a couple of teenagers talk about what they like to wear at
parties. Match the items to the teen. Audio
Listen to the dialogue.


When you listen and there are

words you cannot understand,
copy them and try to deduce
what they are. Or, ask your
teacher to help you guess
or understand the meaning.

2. Listen to other teens talking about their outfits. Then write their name
under the corresponding statement.

a. I am very simple.

b. I like to feel comfortable.

c. My shoes must be a good brand.

d. I am always worried about my clothes.

e. The most important thing for me is not to repeat my outfit. Vocabulary

deduce. to make a logical

3. In your notebook or a piece of paper, draw your favorite outfit, then show
outfit. the combination
it to your friend, describe it, and ask for his or her opinion.
of clothes that someone wears

brand. a commercial name

suit. formal clothes for men
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You could ask: Do you like it?, What do you think of it?, What do you
like best about it? tie. fabric with a pattern
men wear around their neck
with suits


What things do you buy with your parents?

Different Buyers
Value: Financial education
1. You may need to ask your parents or the person who goes shopping
Always be careful with your in your house to answer the following questions.
personal and family finances.
Overspending can cause serious How much do If you see
How often do you
you spend on something nice Do you like
financial problems. go shopping in a
shopping every when passing by, bargaining?
month? you...
a. once a. more than $50 a. just move on. a. yes
b. twice b. more than b. do window b. sometimes
c. more than $150 shopping c. no
three times c. more than (observe, but
$300 don’t buy
c. buy it.
a. If you have b. If you have c. If you have d. If you have
more a’s, more b’s, you more c’s, a little bit
you are an can control you are an of everything,
educated yourself from impulsive you are an
buyer. buying at times. buyer. average buyer.

Studies show that people like to buy things. Shopping is something

necessary and it can cause different sorts of behavior. There are some
people who shop when necessary. They are called “educated buyers.”
However, there are others who can’t control themselves from buying.
It is like a sickness or an addiction. They don’t feel good if they don’t buy
something, even if they don’t need it. They love shopping; these are called
“compulsive buyers.” Finally, there are some who need to buy things but
don’t have the resources to do it and they are excellent “bargain hunters.”
It means they get good things for very reasonable prices.
Whatever we want, need or have to buy, we must consider that every

extreme is bad. It is important to be balanced in order to control the way

we shop.

Vocabulary 2. Read the text again and answer the questions.

behavior. a particular way a. How many kinds of buyers are there according to the text?
of acting

buyer. person who buys

b. What happens to compulsive buyers if they don’t shop?
impulsive buyer. people who
don´t feel well if they can't
buy things, even if they don't
c. Is it important to budget our money according to the text? Support
need them
your answer.
resources. stock of materials
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bargain hunter. person who

looks for special prices 3. What do you think about shopping? What kind of things do you prefer
to buy when you go shopping with you parents? Discuss with a partner.
reasonable. acceptable


Do you have a blog? Which blogs do you read regularly?

My Fashion Blog
1. Look at the picture on your right. What do you see? Do you feel identified
with it? Discuss it with your partner.
2. Read the two blogs posts below. Notice the expressions in blue, what
are they expressing?

I am Jane and I love shopping. My closet has Tip
different clothes and accessories. I go shopping
every week. However, I don’t have many shoes. Make a first draft with all
I would like to have a pair of shoes for every outfit your ideas. Then, read it and
I have. I would also like to have purses. I’d rather have a re-write it making spelling,
trendy school bag than just a regular backpack. I’d like grammar or punctuation
to go to Panama to buy lots of clothes, and referring to corrections. A third draft
accessories I’d love to visit a Persian country to have should be the final one double
some exotic ones.
checking it expresses your
ideas clearly and accurately.

I am Jack and I love accessories to look cool. I have

lots of watches, but I don’t have technological ones. Grammar Tip
I would rather have a high tech watch that works
like a cellphone than mine which is just to make would like / would rather….
calls. I would like to have different watches with would love than...
sophisticated technology. In fact, I would love It is used to indicate It is used to
to have one watch and one cap that match. When a wish or desire indicate a
I travel, I like to wear caps, so I’d also like to have that you have. preference.
different colored caps. I’d love to have those new caps It is similar to
Do you remember

that include technology, too. “would prefer.”

the genius from the
lamp in “Aladdin”? To establish your
The genius gives
3. You are a very popular teenager. Write your own blog post about what preference, use
three wishes. vs than*
you would like, would love or would rather have in your closet (clothing
and accessories). You can take as examples Jane’s or Jack’s blogs. When My wish = a high
My preference =
it is ready, read it to the class. (40-50 words) tech cell phone
video games or
I would like/love board games
to have a high tech
I would rather
cell phone. Or I’d play video games.
like/love to have
Introduction a high tech cell *I would rather
phone. play video games
than board games.
Detail 1


Detail 2 blog. online writing about

a particular subject
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high tech. with sophisticated


cap. a hat that protects you

from the sun

Oral Communication

What is an allowance?

An Allowance
1. In small groups find out who receives an allowance.

2. Some people receive an allowance per week. Discuss if you think it is fair
or not that parents give their children one.

3. Use your math ability to complete these exercises!

Listen to Julian talking about his weekly allowance and then, complete Audio
his allowance calculation. Listen to the dialogue.

$ X (days) = per week

4. If Julian wants to receive $10 a week, how old he must he be according

to the website his parents showed him?

$ 0,50 X 12 (years old) = $6 per week

X = $ 10 per week
You can say: I think it is/
means…., I 'm not sure what it
is, I have no clue/idea.
5. If Julian makes $1.75 every day, how much will he make in a year?


allowance. a quantity
6. In order for Julian to make $800 in a year, how much money does he have
of money given weekly,
to earn each week? Each day?
usually from parents to their
children for completing jobs
around the house

per. every

fair. balanced
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expense. something you spend

money on

budget. plan for spending



Lesson B

Communication and Cultural Awareness

Social Studies

How often do you buy groceries?

Fresh Groceries

Ecuadorians have a variety of food. Most people in Ecuador buy

groceries every two weeks or weekly. Most Ecuadorians eat their meals
three times a day, and some snacks two times a day. The diet is balanced,
Freepik / valeria_aksakova

however there is a big percentage of obesity among children.

Did you know that Italian people who eat pasta such as noodles
or spaghetti, cheese and so forth don’t have big problems with obesity?
Experts explain that this is because they consume high percentages
of carbohydrates, but they also eat them with salads. Besides, they shop for
their groceries daily. They cook every time they need to eat. They don’t
heat food. Their food is always fresh. Maybe, that is why they don’t gain
Value: Health care
a lot of weight!!
Drinking lots of water and
eating nutritious and fresh food 1. Make a list of the groceries your family buys for the week.
every day in the correct amounts
is essential to keep a healthy and • •
energetic lifestyle.
• •
• •

Vocabulary 2. Now, classify the items above according to the following categories. Write
some examples of each in the second column. When you finish, think
grocery. food items from stores
of some dishes you like that have these products and compare with your
meal. food eaten at breakfast, partner. i.e. I love the fruit salad my mom makes with different fruits.
lunch, dinner
Categories Examples
snack. small amount of food
between main meals fruit
noodles. pasta in small pieces
heat. to change from cold dairy products
to hot
dairy products. products others
that contain milk like yogurt
and cheese 3. Do some research to complete the table below to find out how much
your family spends on groceries monthly. Ask your parents and go to the
store with them to buy groceries to get the answers.

Grocery Expenses
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dairy products

Oral Communication
Social Studies

What groceries does your family buy at the market each week?

Groceries to Buy
Value: Financial education
1. Look at the picture. What do you see? Who and where do you think
they are? What are they talking about? Discuss with your partner. Children must be understanding
of their parents when they go
shopping. Buy only what is
necessary and do not be too

2. Listen to the discussion between a mother and a father. Select below

what their situation is. Audio
Listen to the dialogue.
a. good communication

b. they don’t have much money

Grammar Tip
c. their children are vegan
Yes/no questions have falling
3. Listen to the conversation again to complete the following sentences. intonation. i.e.
Pay attention to the intonation in the questions.
Are you sure?
• Darling, I don’t know what to . Our children don’t want to
eat anything. You know what I mean? Wh-questions have rising
• Ok, let’s see, then let’s buy some like lentils for replacing intonation. i.e.
the protein. Is that ok?
Where are you?
• What about the money? We can’t just buy they ask for,
we don’t have a lot.
• Then, I don’t !! What do you think we should do? Vocabulary

4. Write 2 yes/no questions and 2 wh-questions to practice falling and vegan. person who doesn’t
rising intonation. Draw the arrows as in the examples. Practice with your eat meat
darling. a beloved person

mean. to want to express

lentils. beans that are small
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• and brown
• protein. category of food
including beans, meat, eggs,


Lesson A

Communication and Cultural Awareness

How many places have you visited in the countryside, outside of the city?

Living in the Countryside

Did you know that…
richness. abundance • Ecuador has most of its cultural richness in its countryside.
still. continuing, up to • There are still some tribes that don’t have any kind of human
the present, up to a moment contact in Ecuador’s Amazon region and some of them do not even
wear clothes as we know clothes. They do wear clothes made from
countryside. rural area
materials in nature such as ropes and leaves, but not like we see
in the city every day.
• Quichua is a language that some students in the countryside learn
at schools.
• Ecuador has protected areas and they are in Ecuador’s countryside.

1. Look at the pictures and think of at least two advantages and two
disadvantages of “Living in the Countryside.” Compare your answers
Tip with a partner.
You can ask your partner’s
opinion by saying:

Pixabay / Jerzy Andrzej Kucia

What do you think (of…)?
Or what’s your opinion/
point of view (about…)?

2. Challenge! Complete the chart below by writing two examples

of a small city or a town in the countryside that you know about. Also,
write a characteristic that makes the place special. There is an example
to help you.

Place Characteristic
Guano in Chimborazo It has the best “cholas.” A kind
of bread that looks like “allullas”
but sweet.

3. Now write three sentences comparing a big city with a small town
in the countryside. You can go over Module 1 to remember the correct use
of comparatives such as busier, quieter, more crowded, etc.
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Pixabay / Free-Photos

Oral Communication
Social Studies

What is it like living in the countryside? Would you like to live in the country?

Pros and Cons of Living in the Countryside

1. Your cousin from a big city wants to know about your town which is in
the countryside. Look at the pictures and write P for Pros (advantages)
and C for Cons (disadvantages) of living in the countryside. Compare
your answers with a partner.

Pixaba / Quinn Kampschroer

Pixabay / Steve Buissinne

Pixabay / Pexels
Pixabay / Poswiecie
Pixabay / Pexels


2. Listen to the conversation between Jan from Quito and Kevin from Pintag.
Complete the dialogues by using the words in the box. Audio
Listen to the dialogue.
sick pollution are town air

Jan: Hey, Kevin. How you doing?

Kevin: I am OK, and you? You look pale.
Jan: Yes, I'm . You know the weather changes
so quickly, and there is lots of pollution near my house. So, my doctor said
all those things cause allergies, and that is what I have now.
Kevin: I'm so sorry to hear that. I, on the other hand, feel very good. pale. skin with very little color,
I can breathe fresh , the food we eat is what sickly
my grandparents cultivate so its organic and doesn’t have any chemicals. weather. climate
Another advantage is that in my home town, there are not too many cars
so there is very little . pollution. dirty (air, land,
Jan: You are right! Your lifestyle is healthier, but I really like living
in Quito. There is a lot of public transportation, a lot of malls, cinemas breathe. to take air in
and even hospitals.
to each his own. each one can
Kevin: Well to each his own. I don’t want to change my beautiful choose what they prefer
for any place else.

3. Listen to a conversation between a father and son. In your notebook,

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write down the advantages of living in the country and the advantages Audio
of living in the city. Listen to the dialogue.

4. Listen to the conversation again. Write down any disadvantages you hear
about living in the country and/or the city.

Social Studies

What time do you get out of bed to start your day?

Grammar Tip
Daily Activities in the Country
1. Your friend who lives on a ranch is telling you her morning routine.
To express the sequence
Look at the sequence of pictures and describe what the girl was doing of events you can use
before school. connectors like:
• First, First of all, At first…
• Second, Then, After, Later

Freepik / grfxrf
(on), Third, Right after (that),
Sometime later…
• In the end, Eventually, Finally,
At last…
05:00 05:25 06:00 07:00

2. Write numbers 1-6 in the circles next to the sentences to make a logical
sequence of the activities your friend did this morning. Remember

• Then she fed the chickens. Simple past Past progressive

• And in the end she gave the horse water. describes past
describes finished actions in progress
• Today while I was sleeping, Louise was doing activities in her ranch. actions in the past. during
a period of time.
• She wakes up very early every morning. Structure: Structure:
Subject + verb Subject + was/
• For example she milked the cows. in the past + were + ing verb +
complement. complement.
• This is my friend Louise. Examples:
- I was watching
- Before school, vs
TV when you
I watched TV this
3. Challenge! Now it is your turn to tell your friend what your morning called me last
routine was. First write a sequence of activities you did this morning night.
before coming to school and then share your ideas. Use the sequence - My friend helped
- Louise was
her mother and
connectors from the writing tip above. working in her
after she went to
ranch while
1 I was sleeping.
It uses regular
2 When combined
verbs (watch-
with simple past,
watched, help-
3 it uses connectors
helped) or irregular
like: as, while,
verbs (go-went,
4 when

4. Exchange books with a partner and read his/her routine to contrast
it with yours. routine. something done
frequently at the same time
5. Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb forms in parenthesis.
fed. past of the verb feed.
a. My friend the cows while I was sleeping. (milk) To give food to animals
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b. She very early this morning. (wake up). ranch. a farm

c. My mom when I arrived. (cook). milk. the job of getting milk
d. My friend to the beach yesterday. (travel) from animals

Language Through the Arts

What are some ways to get someone's attention?

Short Songs to Attract Someone

Value: Intercultural diversity

Ecuador is a megadiverse country and everywhere you go there’s

culture. In this section, we'll refer to the coastal region of Ecuador,
where people have an original tradition called in Spanish “amorfinos.”
You must be wondering what an "amorfino" is. An “amorfino” is kind
of a rhyme that is a mixture of a romantic poem with some humor.
It has influence from the couplet which has its origin in Spain. People
from the coastal countryside of Ecuador are called "montubios" and
Flikr / Ministerio Turismo Ecuador

they have lots of traditions. To make women fall in love, they use
the popular and funny “amorfinos.”

1. Write Correct(C) or Incorrect(I) next to the following statements

according to the text above. Then make small groups and write corrections
to the incorrect statements.

• “Amorfinos” are from the capital of Ecuador.

• “Amorfinos” are some rude expressions.

• “Amorfinos” have Spanish influence.

• “Montubios” live in Cuenca.

2. Pair work. Answer the following questions and compare with a partner.

a. What is a typical way on the coast of Ecuador to make a woman fall

in love?

b. Describe with your own words what "amorfinos" are.

c. In your city or town, what does a boy do to get a girl’s attention?


megadiverse. with a lot of

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wonder. to ask oneself

d. Challenge! In your notebook, write an "amorfino" in your own
couplet. a short song language. Share it with your partner and ask him/her if he/she likes it.

Lesson B

Communication and Cultural Awareness

Where are rain forests in Ecuador that you can visit?

1. You are interested in traveling next summer but you are not sure where
You are a tour guide, to go yet. Make a list of the most popular tourist places that you have
and want to convince heard. Compare the list with a partner.
foreigners to visit the Amazon
region of Ecuador. Prepare 2. Now your friend gives you a travel magazine to help you make up your
a little poster to promote it. mind. Read the article below about The Amazon Region of Ecuador
Challenge! Use some of the to decide if you want to go visit this place.
new vocabulary from the text.
Most people travel in order to visit and discover new places, new
cultures and traditions. Many tourists prefer very well-known attractions
like Disney World in the U.S.A., The Eiffel Tower in France, and the
Egyptian pyramids. However, there are some others that prefer to go
to exotic places like the Amazon region in Ecuador or the ancient ruins
of Machu Picchu in Peru. The Amazon region of Ecuador is an incredible
place that hundreds of tourists choose to visit every year. They love
to see the amazing vegetation of its rainforests, its wild animals or the
way some communities live. They want to learn from their customs,
see their houses, try their food, and go fishing. Indigenous people from
Tip the Amazon have a different way of dressing, they grow different types
of fruits and vegetables, and use different ways of cooking. For example,
Use the expressions below
they use spices that are typical in the region. Some spices are even brought
to express your ideas.
from the rivers that connect to the famous Amazon River, the largest
The place that I am speaking about river in the world. Also, there are some tribes that are still uncontacted.
is …...It’s located in… There are For all of the reasons mentioned, the Amazon Region of Ecuador is an
some…The natural reserve called … attractive tourist place where people from all over the world come to visit
is there. and enjoy it.
It has……and…We can see…
Its typical………...is/are…….….

Pixabay / blackend464


make up your mind. decide,

make a decision

in order to. to
3. After reading the article, you decide to go visit the Amazon Region
well known. very popular of Ecuador. In your notebook, write reasons and explain to you teacher
ruins. old architecture why you chose this place.
Flikr / Ministerio Turismo Ecuador

fishing. activity that consists 4. In your notebook, write a description of

of catching fish the place using the tips on the left. Also
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spices. condiments write a slogan such as “All you need is

uncontacted. virgin/not visited
or known

Oral Communication
Social Studies

What could be some reasons that Guayaquil is called “La Perla del Pacífico”? Have you visited Guayaquil?

City Life in Guayaquil

1. Have you been to Guayaquil? What do you know about it? Write notes
and discuss in small groups to compare your ideas.

2. Listen to Alexia, a teenager visiting Guayaquil, a big city on the coast

of Ecuador. Then complete the following statements using the verbs Audio
in the boxes in the past tense. Listen to the dialogue.

can visit decide

a. Alexia different public places in Guayaquil.

b. She to go see her friends there.

c. Alexia is happy she walk along Pier 2000.

3. Look at the pictures and check the ones Alexia mentioned.
When discussing ideas
in groups, it is important
Pixabay / Juan Carlos Rodríguez Clavijo

to be polite and respect each

other’s turns. You can use
expressions like:
May I say something?,
Flickr / VVNincic

It’s my turn, I’m sorry.

It’s your turn. Go ahead!,
Why don’t we…?
Pixabay / Gabriel Vera
Flickr / MeRyan


port. a place where ships

arrive to load and unload cargo

crowded. full of people

handicrafts. objects made

Pixabay / Walkerssk
Flickr / GustavoM

by hand for decoration.

Many places, such as Otavalo,
have specific handicrafts

along. to go in one direction

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pier. a place built in the water

Research and write notes about other interesting public places, where ships park. On top
attractions, or important facts about Guayaquil. Then, you can share there may be attractions
your new ideas with the class. where people can go

Social Studies

Give examples of places where people go when they want to do something away from their home.

Public Places
1. Your little brother wants to learn about some public places in the city
Write a list of public places and why people go there. Circle the city images your brother recognizes
you like to go to. and explain why people go to the places.
Who do you go there with?
When do you go there?
What do you do there?

2. Now read the text and find the words to label the pictures above.

All cities around the world, small or large, quiet or noisy, clean
or polluted, have public places. There are some where people can
enjoy time with family or friends like parks, swimming pools, stadiums
and concert halls. Others are for business and commercial purposes.
For example, stores, markets and banks. When we need medicine, there
are public hospitals, medical centers and drug stores. Young people look
for some fun time at the movie theaters, restaurants and bars; mostly at
Vocabulary night. There are also day care centers, schools and universities where
people go to learn. No matter where you live, people share public places
label. assign to a category almost every single day.
quiet. a silent or calm place
or person
3. Complete the following statements using words from the text above:
swimming pool. place where
you can swim • Soccer players, sports coaches, kids and pets go to
to play, practice sports and relax.
concert hall. a large room
for concerts • You can go to the beach, or rivers to practice water sports.
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mostly. usually, generally

• We find vegetables, fish, chicken, soda, etc. at a .
day care center. places
that provide attention • Babies and toddlers don’t go to school yet. They stay at a
and care for young children when their parents work.

English What do you do in
Pedagogical Module 1 your free time?
Curricular Threads: Communication and Cultural Awareness,
Oral Communication, Reading, Writing, Language Through the Arts

Ninth Grade EGB

Connecting words 4 Music festivals:



Simple present

Urban music

and continuous

and soccer


Strong adjectives

and adverbs


Blog post: writing

Time 7 a post for a blog

about hobbies

Determiners and
1 Activities

gerunds: ing forms


11 Tolerance 10 Freedom of speech 9 Human rights 8 Interculturality

Time Management is the Key to Success and Having Fun

It’s common for everybody to spend their free time Nowadays, people can choose from a lot of hobbies to
doing interesting activities. For example, playing have fun or learn something new. There are indoor
sports, listening to music, reading books, etc. and outdoor activities, paid or free, in groups or alone.
You decide, the time you spend on yourself is priceless. Pixabay
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• What do you usually do after school?

• Are you interested in starting a new hobby? Which one? Why?

Lesson A

Communication and Cultural Awareness

What kind of music do you like?

The Importance of Music

Value: Interculturality Did you know that you can manage

stress and cure an illness with music?
Music can make people feel In some universities in the United
better in so many ways. It has Kingdom (UK), professors offer their
the incredible power to connect students the opportunity to lower
people and change their mood. their stress level by listening to music
All music such as pop, jazz, or learning to play an instrument.
reggaeton, salsa, bachata, It works effectively because people who
are unique and valuable.

relax with music before or after any
activity feel better and they study happily.
All the courses start in a quiet environment. Participants listen
to classical or instrumental music in a quiet room. Then, a lovely voice says:
“Breathe, and feel the music in your heart.” After this short meditation,
students go to their different classes. For example, guitar, piano lessons,
or hip-hop. They learn about instruments and music theory. Finally,
students have the opportunity to compose songs and play in a band.
Grammar Tip As Nietzsche said: “Without music, life is a mistake.”
Adverbs are words that describe
verbs. In English, many of them
1. Answer the questions below in complete sentences using your own
end in –ly:
• Adjective + ly:sad = sadly
They sadly walked home. a. According to the reading, what are the two main benefits of music
• Adjective ending in “y” = therapy?
change “y” to “i”, add “-ly”
Happy = happily
They happily sang the song. b. How do the courses start?

c. Why is it important to relax before a difficult task?

2.. Complete these students’ opinions about music therapy. Choose an

adjective from the box and write its corresponding adverb in the blank.

quick happy effective correct


stress. feeling of pressure

“For me, music therapy works . My performance in
and anxiety
class is great.” –Kelly
cure. to make an illness
or injury better “After piano lessons, I study . I always smile.” –Robert
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illness. sickness, not feeling “I do all my math homework . I get only 10.” –Mia
“I run in Physical Education class. I’m fast.” –Ben
mistake. error, not correct

Social Studies

Why do you think electronic music is popular?

Music Festivals: Tomorrowland

Do you love electronic music? Go to Tomorrowland. It happens

once a year (every summer in June or July) and it takes place in Belgium.
A lot of people go every year. Electronic music lovers of all ages go there

to experience the music with DJs and music producers. Each festival
has a different theme. For example, the 2018 theme was “The Story
of Planaxis”. What about the tickets and their price? This is the difficult
part: the tickets are sold out in minutes. The prices depend on the type
of ticket and the accommodation you choose. People spend between
98€ and 6000€. Yes, it’s very expensive! The performers are musicians
and DJs like David Guetta, Martin Solveig, Armin van Buuren, Steve
Angelo, Axwell Ingrosso, Dimitri Vegas, and others. Tomorrowland
is not only about music; it is an amazing theatrical production with
Value: Freedoom of speech mind-blowing sets.

Pop, hip-hop, reggaeton, salsa,

cumbia, vallenato, etc. It does
not matter what your favorite

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music is, just do not forget
an important thing: Music does
not define you as a person,
your values and actions do.

1. Answer the following questions in your own words based on the reading.

a. How old are the people who go to this event?

b. How much do people spend on the tickets?

c. Are you interested in this event? Why or why not?

2. Some friends are considering going to the Tomorrowland festival.

Choose the correct verb and write it in the present simple or present
continuous form. Add words if needed (is, are).

Vocabulary plan love buy like

theme. a topic/subject for an
event or party

accommodation. a place Joseph Tomorrowland festival, so he

a trip to Belgium for the next year. Charles and Stephanie
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to sleep away from home

like a hotel pop music, but they know nothing about electronic
mind-blowing. amazing, music. Today they a David Guetta CD to listen
incredible to this kind of music.

Language Through the Arts

How do you describe urban music?

Urban Music

Defining urban music is very difficult because the most popular

music belongs to this genre, and it changes every day. Urban music
began in the 1980s and includes a multicultural diversity of amazing
Pixabay / StockSnap

artists. A large, mostly young audience listens to this music. Today’s

popular artists belong to the urban genre. Some examples of urban
music are reggaeton and hip-hop. It has influences from traditional
rhythms such as Latin pop, dance, soul, salsa, cumbia, and merengue,
but it isn’t related to jazz or rock. Those are different genres.
The Latin Grammy Awards is an important ceremony that gives prizes
to the best urban songs, singers, and bands.

Value: Human rights

1. Circle the correct answers based on the article.
Everybody has the right
to express themselves as they • Urban music is:
like. Music, no matter the
a. a modern genre b. old Latin music c. easy to define
genre, is a way of cultural
• Urban music genre is related to:

a. rock music b. hip-hop c. jazz

• Young audiences listen to

a. jazz b. urban music c. soul

2. Each of these people are interested in music, but in different ways.

Match the sentence parts to make simple present sentences.

dance hip-hop music

Irene usually
with my friends.

Peter doesn’t listen to music

like to while he works.

create a dance school


I like to in our neighborhood.

My cousin sings reggaeton while

and I want to she is cooking.
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genre. a specific type of music

or movie such as rock, hip
hop, fiction, comedy

Lesson B

Communication and Cultural Awareness


What are your favorite sports to play and watch?

FIFA World Cup

Value: Interculturality The FIFA U-20 World Cup is a championship

in which male players under twenty years old
Soccer is a very popular sport participate. Twenty-four teams from different
in many countries around countries participate in this tournament every
the world. At any time, people two years.
are playing this sport on a field,
in a park, or in school. The FIFA World Cup is another great
There are millions of soccer championship, and professional male players
fans. There are also many are the stars. There are a total of sixty-four
local and international matches. FIFA organizes it every four years.
championships. The most The champion in 2018 was France. In the
famous is, of course, the FIFA play-off against Belgium, the score was 1-0,

World Cup every four years. and in the final game against Croatia it was 4-2.

1. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

Grammar Tip a. What are two different kinds of FIFA competitions?

Use the present progressive

for actions that are happening b. What’s your favorite Ecuadorian team?
right now, future plans or
• Affirmative: Subject + to be + c. Why do you think soccer is a popular sport in your country?
They are playing at the
2. Complete the sentences with one word from the box. There’s one extra
• Negative: Subject + to be +
negative + verb-ing
Julio is not watching the game
champion score tied tournament team
on TV.
• Yes/No Question: to be + a. This is short. It has only twelve matches.
Subject + verb-ing ?
Are you taking the bus to b. The match is . The score is 2-2.
the stadium? c. I don’t want my favorite to lose, but the score is 1-0.

d. Real Madrid is the this year.

3. Create your own sentences with these words:
tournament. a series of games
a. play-off:
play-off. game to decide
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who is playing in the final b. championship:

tie(d). both teams have c. win:

the same score
d. lose:

Oral Communication

What popular sports championships are you familiar with? Which have you watched on TV?

Sports Championships

1. Listen to this interview with a soccer expert.

2. Write the name of the championship and the country. Listen to the dialogue.

Championship Country

3. Listen again. Write the details about what is happening.


4. Who do you think will win the soccer championship in Ecuador this
year? Explain why.

5. Complete the sentences with one verb from the box. Use the simple

present or present continuous.

play win talk

train take sign

a. Right now, the reporters to Lionel Messi

about his last match.

b. Many soccer teams games at Estadio Olimpico

c. Antonio Valencia some autographs,

and he selfies with his fans after every game. expert. someone who knows
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a lot about something

d. Both Barcelona and Emelec in Guayaquil. sign. to write your name

on a receipt, check,
However they games in Quito at this moment. photograph, etc.

Language Through the Arts

What kind of dancing do you like to do?

Dance for Fun

Value: Interculturality “When you are dancing you are not only moving your body, you are
also communicating. Your mind is experiencing new ideas. Many dancing
Dance is a beautiful artistic schools can help you to improve your skills. You can practice different
expression. Anyone can styles: traditional, modern, classic, urban, etc. And, if you work hard,
participate and feel the rhythm. maybe you can be part of a dance competition.
All around the world, there
are thousands of dancers There are many championships. One of them is the famous World
competing and participating Hip Hop Dance Championship. In this competition, teams from over
in different championships. fifty countries participate, and competitors are trying to show the culture
and art of their countries. In this kind of championship, there are various
categories and styles, like breakdancing and hip hop. In these events, you
can meet great dancers and artists from different cities around the world.
What style of dancing do you like to practice?

1. Based on the article, decide if the sentences are True(T) or False(F).

a. Dancing helps people express feelings.

b. Dance schools only teach classic dancing styles.

c. In the World Hip Hop Dance Championship

there’s only one style.

2. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Then, discuss

them with your classmates. Pay attention to your verb forms.
a. What do you think of hip-hop dancing? Is this a common type
of music and dance in your country?

b. How do you feel when you are dancing?


c. Why do you think dancing is popular all over the world? Explain.

d. Describe where and when you had fun dancing?

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improve. make better e. What types of dancing have you tried?

compete. participate
in a competition


How often do you go cycling? How far can you ride your bike?

An Ecuadorian Champion
1. Read the article. Underline the new words for you.

Richard Antonio Carapaz Montenegro is a national hero.

His nickname is “La Locomotora” because he cycles fast and furiously.
He’s from El Carchi, and he lives in his hometown. He sometimes
Flickr/Agencia ANDES

travels to Italy to train or participate in races. He’s married and he has

two children.
He participates in different races around the world. His most
important victory was the Giro d’Italia in 2019. He also has some other
medals and trophies. His family and friends really admire him because
of his hard work. Richard is a happy and friendly athlete who enjoys
simple but important things in life like family.

2. Answer these questions according to the article.

Read the article again. Correct
the sentences. a. What’s Richard’s nickname? Why?
Richard Carapaz:

a. doesn’t live in Carchi.

b. Where does Richard usually compete?

c. What is Richard like and what does he enjoy?

b. doesn’t like to train in

3. Match the sentences with the pictures. Pay attention to the words
in blue. Write the letters.
c. participates only in Latin
America. a. There aren’t many races in my city.

b. My coach is strict.

c. My training is exhausting.

d. Athletes run on a track.



nickname. a name friends call


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someone, different from their

real name

race. a competition in which

the fastest wins


1 Interview a classmate about sports and music. Ask The woman is

them the following questions and create a question
of your own. Take notes on the lines.
The woman has
a. What do you think about studying while music
is playing?
Student B

b. Who is your favorite singer or band? Why?

c. How often do you play sports?

d. Do you think sports are important to relieve
stress? The boy has

The man has

e. Share the information with the class.

The boy is

2 Describe these pictures about hobbies. Describe the

people and the place. Use at least three descriptive The man is
adjectives in each.

Student A
3 Listen to two friends and fill in the blanks in the

a. Jaime is using her headphones to

b. Jamie likes a group called


c. Ed Sheeran is

She is d. John and Jamie don’t like

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She has
e. Jamie suggests they go to a


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