100 Best Weight Loss Tips To Take Off The Pounds Forever
100 Best Weight Loss Tips To Take Off The Pounds Forever
100 Best Weight Loss Tips To Take Off The Pounds Forever
Pounds Forever
What's The Secret To Losing Weight?
What are the best weight loss tips? How can I lose weight quickly? What is the best way to take
oII pounds? What diet works best? These are just a Iew oI the many questions that get asked all
the time about dieting. The truth oI the matter is that weight will come oII iI you work at it.
There is no magic cure. Nor is there a secret diet that works better than others. Losing weight
involves consuming less calories then your body burns.
I do not have a secret plan to losing weight but there are many tips that will help you in your
goal. I have put together a list oI the 100 best weight loss tips. Use a Iew or use a lot. The choice
is yours but they will help you lose weight. I have catergorized each tip into diIIerent sections Ior
easy reading.
Exercise Tips For Weight Loss
1. Park your car in a spot that is Iarthest away Irom where you are going.
2. Take the stairs instead oI an elevator.
3. Try playing a sport Ior exercise. Not only will it help you lose weight but you will meet new
4. Plan exercise time into your daily schedule.
5. Walk on the treadmill while watching television. Or you can get up and walk around during
6. Hire a proIessional trainer to give you a Iitness plan.
7, Cardio workouts burn the most calories so get moving.
8. Try out new exercise routines such as yoga or new DVDs.
9. Make a CD oI upbeat music with a Iast rhythm that you can use to walk to.
10, Buy yourselI some workout clothes so you Ieel good while you are working out.
11. Take a walk aIter dinner every night.
12. LiIt weights to add more to your workout.
13. Get a pedometer and set a goal to take 10,000 steps per day.
14. Work out 3 to 5 times per week Ior at least 30 minutes.
15. Take a walk on breaks at work. Every little bit helps.
16. Choose an activity that is Iun Ior you otherwise you will not stick with it.
17. Listen to music when you are walking or doing things around the house.
18. Find an exercise buddy. It is easier to do when you have someone to do it with.
19, Choose an excercise that will work your whole body rather than one that targets a speciIic
body part.
20. Sneak a little extra exercise into every activity such as doing leg liIts while sitting at your
desk or dancing around while doing housework.
Food Tips For Weight Loss
21. Do not drink your calories away. Juices and drinks that are high in sugar will put weight on
with no nutritional value.
22. Keep a container oI vegetables cleaned and in the Iridge Ior eay access when you are hungry.
23. Drinking green tea will help you burn calories.
24. Build up sandwiches with plenty oI vegetables such as lettuce, tomato, peppers and
25. Use oils that are healthy such as canola or olive oil.
26. Remember that Iat Iree does not mean calorie Iree.
27. Eat less sugar.
28. Eat plenty oI vegetables to help you Ieel Iull.
29. Get rid oI extra calories by eliminating sweet condiments, dips and spread.
30. Choose white meat over red meat.
31. Eat a salad beIore each meal along with a glass oI water.
32. Add lemon or lime to your water Ior more Ilavor.
33. Stay away Irom high calorie sodas.
34. Eat ice milk or Irozen yogurt rather than high Iat ice cream.
35. Try to eliminate adding salt to your Ioods.
36. Drink skim milk rather than whole milk.
37. Eat cereal Ior breakIast 5 days a week. You will be consuming more Iiber and less Iat.
38. Pickles are a good low calorie snack.
39. Use yogurt instead oI mayonnaise or cream in recipes. You will save yourselI a lot oI
calories and still have the same great taste.
40. Eat beeI, pork or lamb only one time per week.
41. When eating a salad, rather than drenching it in salad dressing have the dressing on the side.
Dip your Iork into the dressing Iirst and then snag some salad.
42. Make a great tasting smoothie by combining Iruit and ice in a blender.
43. Stir in Ilavor to your Iood. Use Ilavor boosters like chili powder, caynne or curry powder to
season your Iood.
44. Avoid Iried Ioods. Boil, broil, and bake Ioods to achieve best results.
45. Cut 100 calories Irom your Iood intake each day. The calories you save will add up and the
weight will come oII without even knowing it.
46. Eat less processed Ioods and more Ioods that are naturally good Ior you.
47. Get into the habit oI reading labels on Iood so you know the nutritional value oI Ioods.
48. Try new recipes that are low in Iat.
49. Have meals pre-cooked and ready to go.
50. Use no Iat broths to cook meat or prepare vegetables. It will add Ilavor without adding
51. Spicy Ioods will increase your metabolism and help you burn Iat Iaster.
52. Eat more Ioods that have Iiber like Iruit, vegetables and oatmeal.
eneral Diet Tips For Weight Loss
53. Never eat aIter 8:00 p.m. at night or in other words, 3 hours beIore you go to bed.
54. Drink plenty oI water every day to wash away Iat residue.
55. Use smaller plates Ior your meals so it seems like you are eating a Iull plate oI Iodd.
56. Keep low calorie snacks easily accessible.
57. East Iive or six small meals or snacks daily.
58. Eat less but eat more oIten to keep your metabolism moving.
59. Chew your Iood slowly to make your meal last longer.
60. Don't go grocery shopping when you are hungry. You will tend to buy Ioods that are not
good Ior you.
61. Sit down while eating your meals.
62. Don't clean your plate when eating. Leave a little bit on your plate.
63. Do not skip meals.
64. The color blue is known to suppress your appetite. Use blue plates and blue napkins.
65. Stop eating when you Ieel Iull.
66. Lose weight Ior yourselI not Ior anyone else.
67. II you are having a craving Ior Iood, go brush your teeth instead.
68. Drink a glass oI water when you wake up every morning.
69. Chew sugarless gum when you have a craving Ior something sweet.
70. When you are bored and are looking Ior something to eat, go take a walk.
71. Plan your meals ahead oI time so you won't be apt to grab something that is Iast and
72. Write down everything you eat.
73. Pack your lunch with healthy choices.
74. Don't eat at Iast Iood restaurants.
75. When you eat at a restaurant ask Ior a take out box and put halI oI the Iood away beIore you
start eating.
76. Move more.
77. Watch less television.
78. Don't nibble on Iood while your cooking.
79. Make sure you measure and weigh Ioods.
80. Measure your weight loss progress on a regular basis not only by pounds but by measuring
inches lost.
81. Weigh your selI weekly. Weight Iluctuates on a daily basis.
82. Watch televsion shows on weight loss like The Biggest Loser Ior weight loss inspiration.
83. Make your goal to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week.
84. Avoid products with caIIeine.
otivation Tips For Weight Loss
85. Join a weight loss support group.
86. Keep thinking you can do it.
87. Set small goals Ior yourselI. Focus on losing 2 pounds at a time.
88. Reward yourselI when you reach goals that you have set Ior yourselI.
89. Put a picture oI yourselI on the reIrigerator to stop yourselI Irom cheating.
90. Write down motivational quotes and keep them where you can see them daily.
91. Make a list oI reasons why you want to lose weight.
92. Visualize yourselI at your goal weight.
93. Read success stories oI people who have been successIul at weight loss.
94. Let other people know you are trying to eat healthy so you receive their support.
95. Keep a journal oI your Ieelings during your weight loss journey.
96. Get rid oI all oI your old clothes that are too big Ior you as you lose weight.
97. Focus on the positive not the negative.
98. Don't set unrealistic goals.
99. Keep in minds all the advantages oI losing weight such as a healthy body, more energy and
less Iood bills.
100. Every day that you stay on your weight loss plan will bring you closer to your goal.
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Weight loss Tips - Tips 1 to
50 1
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Weight loss Tip 1
When eating out, always choose the smallest portion size available.
When we choose larger meals, most oI us tend to eat past the point oI hunger and in doing so
consume more kilojoules than we need which contributes to weight gain.
Remember that iI you are still hungry aIter choosing a smaller meal, you can always Iill up with
something else and enjoy a wider variety oI tastes in the process.
Weight loss Tip 2
II we absolutely must eat chips, opting Ior straight-cut and Iatter chips instead oI crinkle-cut and
thin chips will help minimize fat intake.
Straight-cut and Iat chips have less surIace area than crinkle-cut and thin chips so hold less Iat.
Extra Iat equals extra taste, but iI we want to lose weight we have to make some sacriIices!
Weight loss Tip 3
Try drinking a glass oI water beIore a meal.
II you tend to overeat at certain meal times (like dinner Ior example), try drinking a medium to
large glass oI water 10 to 15 minutes beIore you sit down to that meal.
Drinking water beIore your meal will partially Iill your stomach and may reduce your hunger
levels, because oIten when we think we are Ieeling hunger, our body is actually telling us that it
is getting dehydrated and needs some water.
Weight loss Tip 4
OIIer to be the "designated driver" more oIten.
II you go out Ior dinner and drinks with Iamily and Iriends, oIIering to be the designated driver
will save you hundreds oI kilojoules because you can't drink as much alcohol.
In addition to drinking Iewer kilojoules, you'll probably eat less as well because alcohol oIten
makes us "let our guard down" and eat when we are no longer hungry.
Weight loss Tip 5
II you oIten Iind yourselI reaching Ior chocolate or lollies in between meals, try eating a handIul
or two oI mixed, unsalted nuts instead.
For best results, mix your own and include nuts that you don't necessarily eat on their own.
Eating mixed nuts together means you won't even notice the ones you don't normally eat.
Although some nuts are relatively high in fat, the Iat they contain is good Iat that our body needs
to stay healthy. And because they are so Iilling, you will probably end up consuming Iar less
total calories than iI you ate a less healthy alternative.
Weight loss Tip 6
Try to break unhealthy Iood associations.
Many oI us get into the habit oI enjoying unhealthy Iood and drink while we're doing everyday
things like watching our Iavourite TV shows, visiting cinemas, going to our Iavourite club, etc.
Every time you go to the movies do you habitually order a large popcorn, ice-cream, large coke,
bag oI lollies or chocolates beIore sitting down? Or can you watch your Iavourite soap opera
without a cup oI coIIee or tea and a Iew chocolate biscuits?
II the answer is yes and no respectively, you could have some unhealthy Iood associations that
could be making you heavier or preventing you Irom losing weight.
Weight loss Tip 7
II you oIten Iail to go on planned bicycle rides because it's too windy, reconsider.
II it's windy outside, it does make it harder to ride our bikes, particularly heading directly into a
strong wind.
But Ior those oI us who want to lose weight, this is actually a good thing because the harder we
are Iorced to work, the more calories we'll burn each minute!
Just be sure not to try to maintain the same speed you were doing with the wind when you're
against it, you may get your heart rate a bit higher than is absolutely necessary.
Just slow down a little and enjoy the ride (as best you can under the circumstances!).
Weight loss Tip 8
Get into the habit oI carrying a bottle oI water with you wherever you go.
Keeping water handy will help keep you suIIiciently hydrated and will help stop you reaching
Ior the closest thing available when you inevitably become thirsty, such as carbonated drinks Iull
oI sugar or coIIee, which actually causes Iurther dehydration.
It's a well documented Iact that many oI us oIten mistake hunger Ior thirst and actually eat
unnecessary calories when we are actually thirsty. When we are well hydrated, we're also less
likely to overeat when we do sit down at the table.
Weight loss Tip 9
II you're a weekend Iood binger, plan ahead to make sure you have plenty oI healthier snacking
options in the house.
For example, pre-prepare some air-popped popcorn, mix up a blend oI your Iavourite unsalted
nuts, have some low fat yogurts ready to go in the Iridge and try adding a dash oI cordial to
carbonated mineral water instead oI drinking high sugar colas, etc.
Weight loss Tip 10
Opt Ior lighter choices once in a while at restaurants.
Many restaurants have lighter options on their menus these days, some have low-fat options
and some have even jumped on the low-carb band wagon and oIIer low-carb options.
Whenever you're sitting in a restaurant looking through the menu, ask yourselI iI a lighter option
would be a better choice. Where possible choose steamed, poached, boiled or baked Ioods rather
than those that have been Iried or deep Iried.
Weight loss Tip 11
Try to reduce the Fat, Sugar and Salt in your diet.
Diets high in Iat and sugar are typically also very high in kilojoules or calories which when
combined with low levels oI exercise or activity can contribute greatly to us being overweight.
In addition, excessive levels oI Iat, sugar and salt in our diets have been shown to contribute to a
variety oI serious health conditions.
Foods that are 'low in Iat' have 3g or less Iat per 100g. Drinks low in Iat have 1.5ml or less per
Foods 'low in sugar' have 5g or less per 100g and drinks low in sugar have 2.5g or less per
Foods 'low in salt' have 120mg or less per 100g.
While all the Ioods we eat won't have levels oI Iat, sugar and salt as low as this, these measures
can be useIul when we are comparing Iood options.
Weight loss Tip 12
Join a gym or hire a personal trainer with a Iriend.
Joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer with a Iriend has many advantages.
Foremost among these advantages are that you'll have a workout buddy, who can keep you
motivated and keep you company while you get used to the gym environment and exercising
regularly, and you'll save money because most gyms and personal trainers oIIer discounts when
you join or train with a Iriend.
Just be careIul to make sure that both oI you are as committed to exercise as each other and be
prepared Ior the time when your workout buddy isn't able, or doesn't want to, workout any more
or as regularly as you do.
HopeIully by the time this happens (iI it happens at all), you'll have made new friends at the
gym or enjoy exercising so much that you are motivated and happy enough to do it on your own
or Iind a new workout buddy.
Weight loss Tip 13
Participate in a weight loss challenge.
Getting yourselI a diet buddy or buddies and setting yourselI a 12 week weight loss goal is a
great way to lose weight.
Losing weight when you've got someone else to compete against will give you extra motivation
and help you to stay on track.
The members oI the Weightloss Forum currently have such challenges which you can
participate in simply by registering as a member oI the Iorum, which is totally Iree.
Weight loss Tip 14
Walk Ior a hour instead oI watching TV.
Some people believe that watching TV is a great way to wind-down aIter a hard day and doing
exercise is oIten the last thing on their minds.
But going Ior a halI-hour or hours walk instead oI plonking down in Iront oI the TV can help
you de-stress, clear your mind and set you up Ior a relaxing evening and a great night's sleep.
You can make the walk even better iI you take your partner, children or dog with you.
Weight loss Tip 15
Share an entree or dessert with a Iriend.
Many oI us put on weight because we make careless or unconscious eating decisions, like
automatically ordering an entree or dessert while at a restaurant.
Most restaurants main meals are already too big and as well as eating them, many oI us eat
entrees and/or desserts as well.
II this sounds like you, start sharing your entree or dessert with a Iriend and your waist-line will
thank you.
Weight loss Tip 16
Vary your exercise.
In addition to helping us avoid boredom, adding variety to our exercise program actually helps
us lose more weight and become Iitter.
When we perIorm the same exercises at the same intensity, our bodies get used to our routine
and stops responding. Muscles only get stronger when they need to adapt. By changing exercises
and the order in which we do them, we keep our body guessing and Iorce it to respond and adapt.
Weight loss Tip 17
To get a an idea oI your Iitness level beIore starting a new exercise program, try running or
walking Ior 12 minutes and see how Iar you get.
II you can walk or run 1.6 kilometres in 12 minutes or less, then you're in decent shape. Most
beginners won't make it this Iar in under 12 minutes, so don't be too hard on yourselI iI you
Beginners should start out at a comIortable pace and increase their speed as their Iitness
Weight loss Tip 18
Eat leaner red meat & poultry.
Fat contains 37 kilojoules (9 calories) per gram while protein and carbohydrates only contain
around 17 kilojoules (4 calories) per gram so it makes sense to try to reduce the amount oI
dietary Iat in our diets iI we are trying to lose weight.
One relatively simple way oI doing this is to eat the leanest red meat and poultry available to us.
As well as buying the leanest meat and poultry we can in the Iirst place, we can also trim oII any
access Iat Irom our cuts oI meat and remove any skin Irom our poultry.
Weight loss Tip 19
One oI the reasons many oI us are putting on weight year aIter year is that we have lost all sense
oI correct portion sizes.
Because most meals served in restaurants and at home are much larger than we actually need to
maintain a healthy body weight, some people use a very simple technique to successIully lose
weight and keep it oII they only eat halI oI what is on their plate!
Could this work Ior you?
Weight loss Tip 20
Walk during your lunch break.
For most oI us our lunch break is an ideal time to go Ior a walk but many people miss this
opportunity to build their Iitness, relieve stress and burn precious extra calories.
II you aren't motivated enough to go walking alone, organise a walking group among your
colleagues, you're sure to Iind other people who want to get Iitter and lose a little weight.
Weight loss Tip 21
Park your car Iurther away Irom the shops and walk.
Increasing the amount oI incidental exercise we do each day is one oI the secrets to successIul
weight loss.
By parking Iurther away Irom the shops than you normally would you'll Iorce yourselI to
increase the number oI steps you take in a day which will help burn oII extra calories and help
improve your Iitness.
Weight loss Tip 22
Set Realistic oals.
SuccessIul weight loss doesn't happen overnight, it takes months and years, not days and weeks.
Concentrate more on changing your habits than you do on what your bathroom scales say and
with time what they tell you will start to reIlect the changes you've made in your liIe.
Weight loss Tip 23
Don't Keep Goodies You Can't Resist In The Cupboard.
Keeping chocolates, lollies, soIt drink and other tempting goodies in your cupboards makes
eating them inevitable.
Even people with very strong will power have moments oI weakness Irom time to time and iI
we've got a lot oI weight to lose, will power is not likely to be one oI our strong points.
Clean your cupboards out (including those nooks and crannies where you've got an emergency
stash oI chocolate hidden!).
What you'll Iind iI you do is that when you go looking Ior goodies to satisIy a craving you'll be
Iorced to eat a healthier option which in time will become your new habit.
And remember; there are plenty oI shops Iull oI goodies that will still be there when you're ready
to eat them in moderation again.
Weight loss Tip 24
Have A Support System In Place To Help You Stay Honest.
Because dieting is a day to day challenge it becomes easy to Ieel lonely. At the end oI the day,
dieting is one oI those things that no one can do Ior you but they can help; particularly iI they are
dieting themselves or have successIully dieted in the past.
Having a support system can take many Iorms including Iamily and Iriends you trust, work
colleagues or Iellow dieters on a weight loss forum like ours.
Sometimes having a solid support system is the only way to make it through a tough day.
II you've been obsessing over a particular Iood or you're tempted to eat Ior reasons other than
being hungry, a telephone call, an email or writing a post on a forum may be just the way Ior
you to regain control.
Weight loss Tip 25
Eat More Than Just Three Meals A Day.
II you've ever dieted beIore you'll know that 3 meals a day just doesn't cut it; particularly when
the new diet severely restricts calories.
When we restrict calories, our body senses it and slows down our metabolism (the rate at which
it burns energy) to compensate. One way oI overcoming this is to eat smaller meals more
Irequently, say every two or three hours or Iive to six times per day.
Weight loss Tip 26
Pre-Plan All OI Your Meals.
There's an old saying in business 'Plan the work - work the plan.
This saying is just as applicable to successIul dieting as it is to successIul business.
By pre-planning and where possible pre-preparing your meals, you'll Iind those times when
you're in a situation where you're tempted just to grab a quick take away and set your diet back
weeks will almost disappear.
Weight loss Tip 27
Keep A Food Diary Or Weight Loss Diary.
Keeping a log oI what you eat, when and why you eat it allows you to look at the big picture and
learn more about your eating habits.
Be sure to write down as much inIormation as possible and use the knowledge you gain to plan
ahead and change your daily eating habits Ior good.
Weight loss Tip 28
When Eating Out, Don't Be AIraid To Ask For What You Need.
In the Iuture, restaurants are going to be Iorced to make their mainstream menus much healthier
as more and more oI us become increasingly conscious and knowledgeable about good nutrition
and demand to be oIIered healthier food choices. Until then it's going to be up to us individually
to speak up and ask Ior what we want.
Luckily, most restaurants are getting used to adapting their Iood to the dietary needs oI their
patrons. Most waiters don't even batter an eyelid when someone requests an entree sized meal as
their main, their salad dressing on the side, or their Iish steamed instead oI pan-Iried.
Weight loss Tip 29
Shop With A List And Shop The Perimeter.
Have you ever noticed that in every supermarket you've visited, regardless oI its banner, that the
staple products, like bread, Iruit, vegetables, meat, Iish and dairy (notice that most oI these are
unprocessed) are situated around the perimeter while products like chocolate, soIt drinks, potato
chips, biscuits, lollies and the like are in the aisles near the centre oI the supermarket.
This being the case, those oI us watching our weight should do most oI our shopping around the
outside oI the supermarket and only venture into the inner sanctum Ior other essential items. We
just need to be aware that some oI those essential items will be strategically placed right next to
the chocolate bars and this is where our shopping list comes in.
Once you have your shopping list, only buy things that are on it and nothing else.
Weight loss Tip 30
Look To The Mirror And How Clothes Fit Instead OI Scales.
Let's Iace it, how we look and Ieel is what matters most.
Don't get too caught up on what you weigh. Scales don't diIIerentiate between body Iat and
muscle (even those Iancy ones that purport to do so) and body weight is only one oI the measures
that can provide us with Ieedback about our progress.
So what iI you've only dropped a kilo or two, or even weigh the same as you did when you
started! The important thing is, do you look and Ieel better?
Weight loss Tip 31
Eat Meals On Smaller Plates.
Getting used to eating smaller portions is oIten more important that getting used to eating
healthier foods when it comes to weight loss.
Two simple ways to reduce our portion sizes are to leave some oI the Iood on our plates uneaten
or to eat everything on a smaller plate.
Because some oI us can't stand leaving Iood on our plate the best option is usually the smaller
Weight loss Tip 32
Keep Going... Plateaus Happen!
Our bodies don't like dramatic change.
Thousands oI years oI evolution have taught our bodies that dramatic weight loss is a bad thing
and it has automatic responses designed to minimise the damage.
Most people do notice immediate results when they Iirst start a diet. Inevitably, these results drop
oII sharply aIter a Iew days or weeks.
Weight Iluctuation is quite normal and sometimes our body just needs to get used to the idea oI
being at a new weight, even iI it is a healthier one.
Above all else, persistence and consistency are the most important aspects oI any weight loss
program or diet. II you experience a plateau, don't waste your time worrying about it, just stick
with your program and try mixing things up a bit and you'll get there.
Weight loss Tip 33
Tape a picture oI your skinny selI to the reIrigerator Ior inspiration. To remind yourselI what you
can look like.
Weight loss Tip 34
To make a delicious low Iat mayonnaise, simply combine one teaspoon Dijon mustard or one
teaspoon oI satay sauce with a low Iat yoghurt.
Weight loss Tip 35
When you get a sweet tooth or Ieel like something you know you shouldn't, go brush your teeth.
Even iI you do go ahead and eat you won't like the taste as much and it may stop you Irom
craving it again in the Iuture.
Weight loss Tip 36
II you're having problems dropping the kilos, consume Negative Calorie Foods
These are Ioods that take up more caloric energy to digest then the calories that are in them.
Your body has to expend energy in order to digest and absorb Ioods, in Iact, 10 oI your daily
caloric intake is used to process Ioods in your body. So these "negative" calorie Ioods are Ioods
that take more calories to digest then actual calories in the item oI Iood.
Weight loss Tip 37
II you're overweight and start to Ieel tired while walking or you Iind yourselI with a hill to climb,
do what I do:
Think about what you've done to yourselI through neglect and bad living. Get angry with
yourselI, and speed up while you're going up that hill (don't run). You'll Iind that you get to the
top quicker that way.
Walk down the other side with your head up high. You did it. Watch out world - nothing can
stop you now!
Weight loss Tip 38
Go dancing.
Dancing is a great Iorm oI exercise because it's Iun and doesn't Ieel like exercise at all.
Best oI all you'll burn plenty oI calories, get Iitter and meet lots oI new Iriends.
Weight loss Tip 39
Ride your bike to work.
II you don't have time to exercise outside oI working hours this is a great way to get your daily
does oI Iat burning activity.
Because you'll be planning your day ahead on the way there and planning your evening on the
way home you probably won't even realize that you're exercising and the time will Ily.
II riding to and Irom work is a bit much to begin with, catch a train to work with your bike and
ride home.
Weight loss Tip 40
Buy some exercise DVD's to keep at home and use them on rainy days.
Exercise DVD's are very cost eIIective and are very convenient because you can use them at any
time that suits you.
Weight loss Tip 41
II you are going to have a treat, work out how much exercise you need to do to burn it oII and
only have that treat iI you are willing to do the exercise.
Weight loss Tip 42
Stop sabotaging your potential Ior change.
We subconsciously use deIense mechanisms to shield us Irom situations we perceive to be scary
or painIul. A part oI you may want to grow and change, but another part may be resisting
because change always moves you into new territory in your thinking and emotions.
II you Iind you are getting anxious, IearIul, angry, Irustrated, dismissive or unmotivated, then
deIense mechanisms are at work. Watch Ior them and know them to be signs oI Iear that wants to
hold you back. Then courageously move through them.
Weight loss Tip 43
Recognizing emotional hunger (as apposed to real physical hunger) is one oI the keys to
overcoming or staving oII Irequent emotional eating.
Some oI the characteristics oI emotional hunger include:
* Emotional hunger comes on suddenly.
* One minute you're not hungry at all and the next minute you're starving.
* Emotional hunger oIten craves speciIic Iood, like pizza, chocolate, or a cheeseburger.
* Emotional hunger begins in the mouth and the mind, not the stomach.
* Emotional hunger oIten accompanies an unpleasant emotion.
* Emotional hunger involves automatic or absent-minded eating.
* Emotional hunger isn't satisIied when you're Iull.
* Emotional hunger makes you Ieel guilty.
Weight loss Tip 44
Keep believing in yourselI.
You are in control and have the power to make changes in your liIe.
Weight loss Tip 45
Develop new mood regulation strategies.
For example, share your problems when anxious and exercise when you're bored.
Weight loss Tip 46
Try to eat more Ioods that are high in fibre.
Research shows that people who have diets high in Iibre typically have lower body weights,
lower body Iat and lower body mass indexes.
Some researchers believe that the high incidences oI obesity in the western world is in part due
to the Iact that our diets are typically very low in Iibre compared to other regions oI the world
such as AIrica and Asia, where diets are predominantly plant based.
Weight loss Tip 47
Where possible, eat whole Iruits instead oI drinking Iruit juices.
Many Iruits have most oI their goodness in the skin which isn't always used in making Iruit juice.
Weight loss Tip 48
Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole-grain products.
These products are less reIined than their white counterparts and oIten have much more Iibre in
them which is digested slower, keeps us Ieeling Iuller longer and releases its energy slower
which keep our blood sugar levels even and helps us avoid cravings.
Weight loss Tip 49
II you internalize hurt and rely on Iood to deal with negative emotions, don't swallow your
emotions Ior the sake oI sparing others Irom getting upset.
II they've upset you, let them know about it and tell them that you won't tolerate that kind oI
behaviour in the Iuture
Weight loss Tip 50
Love yourselI Ior who you are and Iorget about trying to be perIect.