Complete Book
Complete Book
Complete Book
Conceptual Multiple choice questions
Table of Contents
Chapter 11 ...................................................................... 1
Chapter 12 ...................................................................... 5
Current Electricity
Chapter 13…………………………………………………………………..8
Chapter 14………………………………………………………………11
Electromagnetic Induction
Chapter 15………………………………………………………………14
Alternating current
Chapter 16………………………………………………………………15
Physics of solids
Chapter 17………………………………………………………………17
Chapter 18………………………………………………………………19
Chapter 19………………………………………………………………20
Atomic spectrum
Chapter 20………………………………………………………………22
Nuclear physics
Answer key……………………………………………………………..24
a. 16 b. 17
c. 18 d. 22
49 Xerography means
a. Type writing b. Wet writing
c. Dry writing d. None of these
53 Selenium is an
a. Insulator b) Conductor
c) Semiconductor d) Photoconductor
Current Electricity 12. A device obeying ohm’s law must have resistance which
Encircle the correct option. a) Proportional to voltage
1. If the length and diameter of conductor is double, the b) Proportional to Current
resistance is c) Constant
d) Zero
a) Remain same b) Double 13. A piece of wire has resistance 10Ω. It is stretched so
c) Half d) four time
that its length becomes doubled. Its new resistance will be
2. An electric heater 220V, 440W has a resistance
a) 30 Ω b) 40 Ω
a) 2 Ω b) 110 Ω
c) 50 Ω d) 100 Ω
c) 0.5 Ω d) 20 Ω
14. A battery of emf 6V has internal resistance 1Ω.The
3. Mathematical form of ohm’s law is
power delivered by battery to load resistance is
a) I = VR b) I = V/R
a) 6W b) 9W
c) I = R/V d) R = IV
c) 12W d) 36W
4. Ohm’s law is valid for only current flowing in
15. The resistivity of wire depends upon
a) Conductors b) Transistors
a) Length and area of wire
c) Diodes d) Electric Areas
b) Material and temperature
5. At null point the current through the galvanometer is c) Temperature
a) Zero b) Max d) Dimension, material and temperature
c) Min d) can’t determine 16. There are three bulbs of 500W; 220V, 50W; 220V
6. A current of 10A flows in conductors of 10 Ω 100W; 220V. Which of them has lowest resistance?
resistance for 1 mint the heat produce will be a) 500W; 220V b) 50W; 220V
a) 102 J b) 6 x 102 J c) 100W; 220V d) all above
b) 6 x 10 J d) 6 x 104 J 17. A current of 4.84A is flowing in a conductor. The
7. The unit of conductivity is number of electrons flowing per second through conductor
a) Ω. M b) (η.m)-1 will be
c) Ω.m d) none a) 3×1019electrons/s
8. In series circuit the net resistance is b) 76.8×1020electrons/s
a) Increase b) Decrease c) 7.68×1020electrons/s
c) Remain constant d) none d) 3×1020electrons/s
9. The graph b/w V and I in case of ohm law is 18. Two resistances of 100Ω and 0Ω are connected in
a) Parabolic
b) Curve parallel. The overall resistance will be
c) Slope a) 100 Ω b) Infinite
d) Straight line c) 50 Ω d) 0 Ω
10. Electrical P.E per unit time is called 19. The current is branch CD of the circuit of resistance 5
a) Current ohm connected to 20V DC
b) Voltage a) 1A b) 4A
c) Power
c) 2A d) 3A
d) Resistance
11. Fractional change in resistivity per kelvin is negative if 20. How much energy is consumed by 10 bulbs each of
a) Fractional change in resistivity is very low 100 watt in 2 hour?
b) There is increase in resistivity with decrease in a) 200W b) 0.5 unit of electricity
temperature c) 3.6MJ d) 7.2MJ
c) Increase in resistance with temperature
23 The heating effect of current utilized in 32 In series circuit the net resistance is
a. Iron a. Increase
b. Tube light b. Decrease
c. Fan c. Remain constant
d. Motor d. None
25 Ohm’s law is valid for only current flowing in 34 The graph b/w V and I in case of ohm law is
a. Conductors a. Parabolic
b. Transistors b. Curve
c. Diodes c. Slope
d. Electric Areas d. Straight line
is a. ± 2%
b. ± 4%
c. ± 5%
d. ± 6%
44 A variable resistors is called
a. Resistance
b. Rheostat
c. Amplifier
d. None
d) Zero
9 The relation between current I and angle of deflection
19 If the resistance of a certain length wire, diameter 27 The magnetic flux will be max, for an angle of
5mm is 10Ω if the diameter is charge to 10mm, then new
resistance is a. 0o
b. 60o
a) 40 b) 5 c. 90o
c) 2.5 d) 20 d. 180o
20 The S.I unit of e.m.f. is same 28 The Weber and Maxwell are unit of measure of
a) Work b) Energy a. Conductance
c) Voltage d) Power b. Electric current
c. Magnetic flux
21 A current carrying conductor carries current away
d. Electric flux
from you the direction of magnetic field with respect
to you is
29 One weber is equal to
a. Away from you
a. N.A2/A
b. Towards you
c. Clock wise
b. N.m2/A
c. N.A/m
d. Anti-clockwise d. N.m/A
22 The shape of magnetic field around a long straight 30 An electron moves at 2x102m/sec
current carrying wire is perpendicular to magnetic field of 2T what is
the magnitude of magnetic force
a. Electrical a. 1 x 10-6N
b. Squire b. 6.4 x10-17N
c. Varies with current c. 3.6 x 10-24N
d. Circular
d. 4 x 106N
23 one Tesla is equal to
a. 104G
b. 10-4G 31 The waveform of sinusoidal voltage, its
c. 106G frequency and phase can be found by
d. 10-6G a. CRO
24 The flux through an area of 1 m2 in x -y plane in a b. Diode
magnetic field of 1T directed along Z - axis will be c. Transistor
a. Zero d. Radio
b. 1 wb
c. 0.5 web 32 The force on a charge particle moving
d. None parallel to magnetic field is
a. Maximum
25 The toque in the coil can be increased by b. Minimum
increasing c. Zero
a. No, of tarns d. None
b. Current and magnetic field 33 The presence of magnetic field around a
c. Area of coil current carrying conductor was detected by
d. All of above a. H. orested
b. Ampere
26 A current carrying loop, when placed in a uniform c. Weber
magnetic field will experience d. Henry
a. Electric flux 34 In C.R.O. the deflecting plats are
b. Torque a. Two
c. Magnetic flux b. Three
c. Four
d. Force d. None
15. The energy stored per unit volume in the 22. What energy is stored in an inductor of 40mH,
magnetic field of and inductor is when a current of 8A passing through it
a. ½ LI a. 160 MJ
b. ½ µ0 IAB2 b. 1.28 J
c. B2/2µ0 c. 1.6 MJ
d. IAB2/2µ0 d. None
e. Will becomes 4 times
f. Will be halved 23. Lamination of lamina core of transformer is to
g. Will remain unchanged decrease its
a. Eddy current
16 A current of 7Amp/sec flows a steady rate, through a b. Hysteresis
inductor of inductance 25mh, what is the induced e.m.f? c. Electric resistance
d. Inductance
a) 3.57mv
b) 175mv 24. In Pakistan the frequency of A.C. is
c) 350mv a. 50 Hz
d) None b. 100 Hz
17 The energy stored in the inductor is c. 150 Hz
d. 220 Hz
a) ½LI2
b) ½ L2 I 25. The difference b/w A.C. and D.C. generator
c) ½ L2 I 2 in due to
d) None a. Slip rings
b. Commutators
18 Mutual inductance is numerically equal to the e.m.f. c. Slip – chip
induced in the secondary coil when the rate of change of d. None
a. One ampere in secondary coil 26. Two parallel conducting wires placed closer
b. Magnetic flux to each other carry current in the same
c. Current in one ampere in secondary direction will.
d. None a. Attract each other
b. Repel each other
19 Mutual-inductance exists c. No effect
d. None of these
a. Within coil
b. Out of coil 27. The back motor effect exist in the
c. B/w two coil a. Generator
d. None b. Motor
c. A.C. Motor
20 In case of A.C. generator the slip rings d. None
28. The principle of transformer is
a. Move parallel to coil a. Amperes law
b. Are stationary b. Mutual induction
c. Move along the direction of coil c. Motional e.m.f.
d. None 29. A transformer is a device which step up
21 The principle of transformer is or stop down
a. Energy
a) Amperes law b. Power
b) Mutual induction c. Voltage
c) Motional e.m.f. d. All of above
d) None
a. An electric field
b. A magnetic field
c. An electromotive force
d. Gravitational field
a) Matter b) Wavelength
18 X – rays can penetrate into a solid matter upto a) Straight line b) Circular path
c) Parabolic path d) None
a) Few millimeter b) Several millimeter 29 With the help of laser beam we can produce
c) Few centimeter d) Several
centimeter a) Fusion reaction
19 Computerized axial tomography (CAT-scanner) is b) Holograms
a system in which X – rays are c) Fragment of kidney stone
d) All of these
a) Maximum through the subject 30 In Laser a Meta-stable state is
b) Minimum absorptions through the subject
c) Depending upon the subject e) An excite state
f) In which an electron is usually stable
d) None of these
g) In which an electron reside 10-3 sec
20 X – rays can cause cancer in living cells due to
h) None of these
radiation exposure which is
31 The Meta-stable state of Helium and Neon is
a) Small b) Large
c) Excessive d) None of these a) Different b) Identical
21 The name of electron was suggested by
c) Nearly identical d) None of these
a. Rutherford b. Chadwick
32 Laser beam can be used for
c. Thomson d. Stony
22 X – rays was discovered by e) Wilding of detached retinas
f) Destroy tissues in a localized area
a. Bacquerel b. Mari – curie g) Sealed off capillaries for prevention of
c. Roentgen d. Lane disease
23 The idea of laser was first introduced in h) All of them
1958 by
33 Radiation with wavelength longer
a. Frank – white b. C.H.Towner than red light
c. Dr. Gilbert Young d. C.H.Towner
24 The ratio of volume of an atom to the a. Ultraviolet rays b. X-rays
volume of nucleus is c. Infrared radiation d. Visible radiations
a. + ive b. – ive
c. zero d. None
28 When magnetic field is applied in the path X – rays
, they will be moving in
Answer Key
Chapter-11 Chapter-12
1 D 28 C 1 C 28 B
2 D 29 B 2 B 29 C
3 D 30 D 3 B 30 B
4 A 31 A 4 A 31 B
5 A 32 B 5 A 32 A
6 B 33 C 6 D 33 A
7 A 34 A 7 B 34 D
8 D 35 A 8 A 35 C
9 A 36 C 9 D 36 B
10 A 37 A 10 C 37 D
11 B 38 C 11 B 38 A
12 C 39 C 12 C 39 C
13 A 40 A 13 B 40 D
14 A 41 A 14 D 41 C
15 A 42 B 15 D 42 A
16 C 43 C 16 A 43 C
17 B 44 B 17 D 44 B
18 A 45 A 18 A 45 C
19 C 46 A 19 B 46 B
20 C 47 D 20 C 47 C
21 B 48 A 21 C 48 B
22 B 49 C 22 B 49 C
23 A 50 B 23 A 50 C
24 C 51 A 24 B
25 D 52 A 25 A
26 B 53 A 26 B
27 D 54 B 27 C
55 B
Chapter-13 Chapter-14
1 C 2 A
1 A 2 C
3 E 4 C
3 B 4 D
5 A 6 A
5 B 6 D
7 C 8 D
7 C 8 D
9 A 10 B
9 C 10 A
11 D 12 C
11 C 12 A
13 B 14 C
13 A 14 B
15 C 16 B
15 C 16 A
17 A 18 C
17 B 18 A
19 C 20 B
19 C 20 C
21 B 22 B
21 B 22 D
23 A 24 A
23 A 24 A
25 A 26 A
25 D 26 B
27 C 28 B
27 A 28 C
29 C 30 A
29 D 30 B
31 B 32 A
31 A 32 C
33 C 34 A
33 A 34 A
35 C 36 A
37 B 38 C
39 D 40 B 1 B 2 D
3 C 4 B
Chapter-15 5 B 6 A
7 C 8 B
1 A 2 A 9 C 10
3 A 4 A 11 12
5 A 6 D 13 A 14 A
7 D 8 D 15 D 16 B
9 B 10 B 17 B 18 B
11 C 12 C 19 A 20 D
13 B 14 C 21 B 22 B
15 B 16 D 23 A 24 C
17 C 18 C 25 A 26 C
19 A 20 B 27 C 28 D
29 A 30 B
31 C 32 B
33 C 34 A
Chapter-17 Chapter-18
1 B 16 B 1 B 11 C
2 D 17 A
2 A 12 A
3 A 18 A
4 A 19 A 3 A 13 A
5 C 20 C
4 B 14 D
6 B 21 B
7 D 22 C 5 A 15 C
8 A 23 B 6 B 16 B
9 B 24 B
7 C 17 A
10 D 25 C
11 C 26 B 8 A 18 B
12 B 27 C
9 C 19 C
13 C 28 A
14 B 29 C 10 A 20 A
15 G 30 C