Yesbank CSR
Yesbank CSR
Yesbank CSR
- YES BANK has a vision to champion 'ResponsibIe Banking' in ndia, where the concepts of Corporate SociaI
ResponsibiIity (CSR) and SustainabiIity are integrated in its Business Focus
YES COMMUNITY is a Responsible Banking initiative, launched through the retail branches of YES BANK
- an innovative Responsible Banking initiative to be executed through micro-events being organised at the Bank's
retail branch network nationally.
-The objectives of YES COMMUNTY
-to build relations with the stakeholders around the Bank's retail branches thereby identifying with causes which
are in public interest within the given community
- to work towards a safer and healthier society by engaging communities surrounding our retail branches across
the country through on and off site events and activities.
-n the first year of its inception, YES COMMUNITY has adopted the theme of 'PIanet Earth' for the FinanciaI Year
The 'Planet Earth' micro-events focus on the following sub-themes:
O PoIIution Prevention
O RecycIing and Minimizing Waste
O Conserving Energy
O Conserving Water
O Improving Sanitation and CIeanIiness
-The YES COMMUNITY program will be implemented through micro-events organised at YES BANK branches
around the theme of Planet Earth.
- The micro-events would be executed over weekends(to be executed across all the 67 branches currently
operational in 57 Iocations) at YES BANK retail branches There will be events specially designed for children
- The first step towards this program is a workshop aimed at bringing consciousness on reuse and recycIing by
productively engaging with children.
- To ensure sustainability of the program in thought and action across diverse locations, the Bank is in the process of
appointing 'Responsible Champions' in each Branch to enable smoother execution of the micro-events.
-The other Responsible Banking initiatives include supporting development of social and physical infrastructure,
advocating efficiency in public service delivery, and strategic interventions that support sustainable development.
- Through regional activities , a comprehensive work programme, training programmes and research, UNEP F
carries out its mission to identify , promote, and reaIise the adoption of best environmental and sustainability
practice at all levels of financial institutions operations
- As KnowIedge Partners, YES BANK will play an important and proactive role in sustainable development and that
sustainability services will increasingly become a critical component of the banking portfolio of services.
- YES BANK is the first Indian Bank to become a Signatory with UNEP F.
This partnership aims to
-to promote the concept of corporate sustainability and use it as an opportunity for social and economic value
- will work towards strengthening to develop profitable, sustainable mechanisms for integration into financial
business models.
- t will also foster private sector investment in sustainable industries and technologies and exemplify the Bank's
commitment to walking the sustainability talk.