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AP US HRG Unit 8 Noteguide Answers

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UNIT 8 1945-1980
ANSWERS VIDEO NOTES : THE COLD WAR For additional review, watch .

Answers from Video: Extra Info/Evidence:

• A conflict between two belligerents in which neither engages in open

Define “cold war”. military conflict with the other. However, tension is so high that war could
erupt at any time.

• The US had a democratic government and capitalist economic system

What was the source of the rivalry while the USSR had a communist system in which the political and
between the United States and the economic systems were one in the same. Both countries sought to expand
Soviet Union? their ideologies globally.

• Containment. Marxist-Leninism was inherently expansionist, calling for • George Kennan’s “Long
What was the overarching US worldwide revolution, which compelled the US to attempt to halt its spread • Telegram”
strategy during the Cold War? economically, diplomatically, and militarily. • Truman Doctrine
• Marshall Plan

How did democratic/ capitalist • The notion of collective security on both sides caused like-minded • North Atlantic Treaty

nations and communist nations countries to enter into mutual defense pacts. Organization (NATO)

align themselves? • Warsaw Pact

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UNIT 8 1945-1980
Answers from Video: Extra Info/Evidence:

• The advancement and stockpiling of new weapons, specifically nuclear • Hydrogen bomb
Define “arms race”. Why didn’t bombs during this period. As the US and USSR flaunted their newest • Mutually assured destruction
nuclear war happen? weapons through massive tests, both sides came to realize the devastating
For additional review, watch . potential for the planet should war break out.

• The ideological conflict between democratic capitalism and communism

was not exclusive to the US and USSR. The Korean peninsula became
How was the Korean War a
ideologically divided, as well, and war broke out. The Soviets and Chinese
“proxy war”?
rallied behind the North and the United States and the UN on behalf of
For additional review, watch .
the South. “By proxy,” the Cold War belligerents attempted to further their
goals via the Korean conflict.

• Like the first back in the 1920s, paranoia surrounding the potential for • McCarthyism
widespread infiltration of communism into the US ran high following • Army-McCarthy Hearings
What was the Second Red Scare? World War II. This paranoia reached the federal government, as military
For additional review, watch . officials and high profile civilians were accused of connections to the
USSR by Senator Joseph McCarthy and the House Un-American Activities
Committee (HUAC).

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UNIT 8 1945-1980
Answers from Video: Extra Info/Evidence:

• Learning from economic woes following World War I, the GI Bill (officially • Panic of 1893
What was the GI Bill? the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act) gave WWII veterans access to a free
For additional review, watch . college education and low-interest home and business loans.

What caused the demographic spike • The postwar population spike in the United States as a result of young men • Baby Boom
and shift after World War II? returning from war to a generally prosperous economy. Massive planned • Levittown suburbanization
Where did people move? communities sprang up in suburban areas across the country, especially in • Sunbelt
For additional review, watch . the South and West.

What were two primary causes for • The succession of the radio by the television and the continued growth and • Consumerism
increased mass culture? pervasiveness of the advertising.
For additional review, watch .

• Literary movement that rejected the conformity and capitalism of postwar • Kerouac’s “On the Road”
What was the Beat Generation?
America through their writing, as well as through their fashion and drug • Beatniks
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UNIT 8 1945-1980
Answers from Video: Extra Info/Evidence:

• Segregation justified by Plessy v Ferguson was overturned on the basis of • Bussing

What was the decision in
“separate but equal” being “inherently unequal”. This led to the long and
Brown v Board of Ed.?
arduous process of school integration.
For additional review, watch .

• Massive resistance was the broad strategy employed by Southern, white- • Southern Manifesto
Describe the reaction to majority state legislatures. Over 100 Southern congressmen publicly • Little Rock Nine
Brown v BoE? rejected the decision, leading to threats of school closures and violence
For additional review, watch .
against black students.

Describe two examples of civil • The Montgomery Bus Boycotts, orchestrated by the NAACP and Dr. • Rosa Parks
disobedience used by civil rights Martin Luther King, Jr. forced local authorities to desegregate busses. • SCLC
activists in the 1950s and 60s. Similarly, the sit in movement, led predominantly by black college • Greensboro Four
For additional review, watch . students, resulted in mass arrests and the eventual desegregation of public • SNCC

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UNIT 8 1945-1980

Answers from Video: Extra Info/Evidence:

• The 1963 highlight of the civil rights movement in which MLK, Jr. led 200-
What was the March on
300,000 supporters and gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech from the
steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

• Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson publicly befriended the • Fair Housing Act of 1968
What examples of political success
civil rights movement. LBJ signed multiple pieces of legislation, including
did the civil rights movement have
the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
in the 1960s?

• Malcolm X was a very vocal critic of Dr. King’s optimism and nonviolent • Black Power
methods. He saw white racism as unavoidable, thus the separation of races • Black Panther Party
Describe alternative approaches to was the pragmatic way forward. This sentiment gave rise to more extreme • Black Nationalism
civil rights from that of Dr. King. and militant forms of activism as well as increased conflict with police and • Nation of Islam
the federal government.

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UNIT 8 1945-1980
Answers from Video: Extra Info/Evidence:

• This movement called for legislation protecting the economic and social • Women’s Liberation
Describe the women’s rights
rights for women. The Equal Rights Amendment would have been the • Feminine Mystique
movement during this period.
crowning achievement but conservative backlash prevented it from being • National Organization for
For additional review, watch .
ratified. Women
• Phyllis Schlafly

• The support and successes of the African American Civil Rights Movement • César Chávez
How did other groups approach inspired the Chicano Movement, American Indian Movement, the • Wounded Knee Occupation
the issue of civil rights? Gay Liberation Movement, among others to use similar tactics of civil • Occupation of Alcatraz

For additional review, watch .

disobedience, nonviolence, and militant activism for gaining protections • Self-Determination Act
and equality. • Stonewall Riots

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UNIT 8 1945-1980
Answers from Video: Extra Info/Evidence:

What was the counterculture • Predominantly young people who cast off societal restraint with rebellious • Woodstock Festival
movement? styles of clothing, and music, along with experimental drug use and free • Sexual Liberation
For additional review, watch . love.

• Baker v Carr established the precedent for legislative reapportionment,

or redistricting, subject to court review. This attempted to balance the
How did the Supreme Court address representation of rural and suburban white communities with increasingly
civil liberties in the 1960s? minority-majority urban communities.
For additional review, watch . • Engel v Vitale further reaffirmed separation of church and state, making
mandatory Bible readings and teacher-led prayers in public schools illegal.

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UNIT 8 1945-1980
Answers from Video: Extra Info/Evidence:

• The leftist revolutionary who established a communist regime in his native • Che Guevera
Who was Fidel Castro?
Cuba in 1959. The US attempted to overthrow his regime through invasion • Bay of Pigs
How did the US respond
and assassinate him, though both failed. • Cuban Missile Crisis
to his actions?
For additional review, watch .

What actions did the US take • The Central Intelligence Agency assisted in the overthrow of a socialist • Mohammed Mossadegh
in the Middle East? government in Iran amid its efforts to nationalize Iranian oil reserves.
For additional review, watch .

• Similar to the Korean War, conflict between communist and democratic • Domino theory
forces broke out, bringing Russia and China to North Vietnam’s aid and • Ho Chi Minh
What caused the Vietnam War?
the US to the South’s.

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UNIT 8 1945-1980
ANSWERS VIDEO NOTES : THE COLD WAR IN THE 1960’S (CONT’D.) For additional review, watch .

Answers from Video: Extra Info/Evidence:

• The Gulf of Tonkin incident, though disputed like the sinking of the USS • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
What escalated American Maine in Cuba, was used as justification for increasing American troop
involvement in Vietnam? presence in Vietnam.

• After over a decade of military involvement in Vietnam, over 50,000

Describe the outcome of the Americans died which paled in comparison to the upwards of 2 million
Vietnam War Vietnamese deaths. The US withdrew in 1973 amid massive protests
throughout the late 1960s and early 70s, having never declared war.

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UNIT 8 1945-1980
ANSWERS VIDEO NOTES : THE GREAT SOCIETY For additional review, watch .

Answers from Video: Extra Info/Evidence:

• President Lyndon Johnson’s continuation of New Deal era government-led • War on Poverty
social and economic reforms. These programs and legislation focused on
What was the Great Society?
safety nets for the poor.

• Medicare- Provided health insurance to people over the age of 65 • Elementary and Secondary
• Medicaid- Provided health insurance to people in low-income situations or Ed. Act
Describe 3 significant Great Society with disabilities • Food Stamp Act
acts of legislation. • Immigration Act- Abolished immigration quotas • Expansion of Social Security

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UNIT 8 1945-1980
ANSWERS VIDEO NOTES : SOCIETY IN TRANSITION For additional review, watch .

Answers from Video: Extra Info/Evidence:

• A recession, or a decline in economic activity, struck in the early 1970s.

What was stagflation? This slow economic growth, or stagnation, occurred at the same time as
rising prices for goods, or inflation.

• The 1972-1974 political scandal involving the Nixon administration

in which the Democratic presidential campaign was brazenly spied.
What was the Watergate Scandal?
Investigative journalists uncovered the plot. Nixon was impeached,
choosing to resign in order to escape removal from office.

• The Supreme Court ruled that abortion was a constitutional right on • New Right
What was the Roe v Wade decision? the basis of the “right to privacy”. This decision galvanized evangelical • Moral Majority
What effect did this decision have on Christians around the conservative Republican Party as a vehicle for
society? opposing the right to abortion.

• The Environmental Protection Agency was a regulatory agency that sought

What was the EPA? to put limits on the environmental impact of industry on the land, and air,
and water.

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