Introduction To The Cold War
Introduction To The Cold War
Introduction To The Cold War
Success Criteria
• To understand the causes of the Cold War.
• To analyse how the relationship between the Grand Alliance
changed between 1943-1945.
• To make a judgement on whether a war was inevitable or not.
The Grand Alliance
• The term ‘Cold War’ was first used in 1947 by Bernard Baruch,
to describe the worsening relations between the USA and
• The term was quickly popularised by media as an apt way to
describe the war of words, propaganda and threat between the
USA and
the USSR.
Take Notes
Explain why it was
called the ‘Cold War.’
Long Term Causes
Ideological Differences
Following the Bolshevik revolution in 1917, USSR became the first
communist country in the world. The USSR believed that the USA wanted to
destroy communism; the USA believed that the USSR wanted to spread it
around the world. This mutual distrust was at the root of a lot of the issues
between the USA and USSR.
USA Change in Foreign Policy
During the interwar years, the USA had followed a policy of isolationism,
concerning themselves with foreign policy which only had a direct affect on
the USA. Following the USA depression and WWII, the USA decided that they
needed to have a much bigger role in world politics if they wanted
democracy to succeed. This change of policy worried Stalin and the soviets
as they feared this decision was fuelled by a desire to destroy communism
and stop it from spreading.
Take Notes
Complete the
resource sheet.
Short Term Causes
The Three Conferences
The leaders of USA, USSR and Britain met on three separate occasions
1943-45. Over the course of these three conferences, relations between the
USA and USSR worsened.
Take Notes
Complete the
resource sheet.
The Tehran Conference 1943
Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill
Agreements Disagreements
• They agreed that the USSR • They couldn’t agree on
should have a ‘sphere of how to treat Germany
influence’ in Europe in when the war ended. Stalin
which communism should wanted them to be
be respected. punished harshly and
reparations to be paid. USA
• Britain and USA would also and Britain wanted to help
have a ‘sphere of to rebuild Germany.
influence’ in the west in
which capitalism would be
Key Terms
isolationism, foreign policy,
marriage of convenience,
tension, ideologies
Causes of the Cold War
Discuss the following terms and
where you would put them on the
• USA and USSR have differing
• Mutual distrust between USA and USSR.
• USA change from Isolationism.
• Arms race between USA and USSR.