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Jesd51 2a

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Integrated Circuits Thermal Test

Method Environmental Conditions
- Natural Convection (Still Air)

(Revision of JESD51-2, December 1995)




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JEDEC Standard No. 51-2A




This document is in the JESD51 series of specifications that specify the methods to determine and report
the thermal performance of integrated circuit packages. The specification was formulated under the
cognizance of the JC-15.1 Committee on Thermal Characterization Techniques for Electronic Packages
and Interconnects.


The purpose of this document is to outline the environmental conditions necessary to ensure accuracy and
repeatability for a standard junction-to-ambient (θJA) thermal resistance measurement in natural
convection. Without the standardized control of the environment, the test results from different vendors
or from different packages will not be consistent and cannot be used to judge relative performance. The
intent of θJA measurements is solely for a thermal performance comparison of one package to another in a
standardized environment. This methodology is not meant to and will not predict the performance of a
package in an application-specific environment.

NOTE: “Still air” (in the title) signifies natural convection in an enclosure as opposed to a natural
convection measurement made in a wind tunnel with the blower off.

JEDEC Standard No. 51-2A

JEDEC Standard No. 51-2A
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(From JEDEC Board Ballot JCB-07-111, formulated under the cognizance of the JC-15.1 Committee on
Thermal Characterization Techniques for Electronic Packages and Interconnects.

1 Scope

The environmental conditions described in this document will apply only to natural convection, θJA,
measurements for packages mounted on standard test boards. The board will be placed in a horizontal
(package up) position in an enclosure that prevents extraneous air currents and allows only natural
convection generated by the package under test.

2 Normative reference

The following normative documents contain provisions that, through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these
publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated
below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.

[1] JESD51, Methodology for the Thermal Measurement of Component Packages (Single Semiconductor
Devices). This is the overview document for this series of specifications.
[2] JESD51-1, Integrated Circuit Thermal Measurement Method - Electrical Test Method
[3] JESD51-3, Low Effective Thermal Conductivity Test Board for Leaded Surface Mount Packages
[4] JESD51-4, Thermal Test Chip Guideline (Wire Bond Type Chip)
[5] JESD51-5, Extension of Thermal Test Board Standards for Packages with Direct Thermal Attachment
[6] JESD51-6, Integrated Circuit Thermal Test Method Environmental Conditions – Forced Convection
(Moving Air)
[7] JESD51-7, High Effective Thermal Conductivity Test Board for Leaded Surface Mount Packages
[8] JESD51-8, Integrated Circuit Thermal Test Method Environmental Conditions – Junction-to-Board
[9] JESD51-9, Test Boards for Area Array Surface Mount Package Thermal Measurements
[10] JESD51-10, Test Boards for Through-Hole Perimeter Leaded Package Thermal Measurements
[11] JESD51-11, Test Boards for Through-Hole Area Array Leaded Package Thermal Measurements
[12] JESD51-12, Guidelines for Reporting and Using Electronic Package Thermal Information
[13] JESD30D, Descriptive Designation System for Semiconductor-device Packages
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3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this standard, the terms and definitions given in JESD51-1, Integrated Circuit Thermal
Measurement Method - Electrical Test Method and the following apply:

TA - Ambient air temperature.

TA0 - Initial ambient air temperature before heating power is applied.

TAss - Final ambient air temperature after heating power is applied and steady-state has been reached.

TT0 - Initial package (top surface) temperature before heating power is applied.

TTss - Final package (top surface) temperature after heating power is applied and steady-state has been

ΨJB - Thermal characterization parameter to report the difference between junction temperature and the
temperature of the board measured at the top surface of the board as described in section 7. This
measurement must be done on boards with two internal planes such as specified in JESD51-7 or

ΨJT - The thermal characterization parameter to report the difference between junction temperature and
the temperature at the top center of the outside surface of the component package, divided by the
power applied to the component. When Greek letters are not available, ΨJT is written Psi-JT.

4 Environmental conditions for natural convection measurements

4.1 Test enclosure assembly

The enclosure shall be a box with a nominal inside dimension of 305 mm x 305 mm x 305 mm as shown
in Figures 1 and 2. This is approximately 1 foot x 1 foot x 1 foot in keeping with previous specification.
All seams should be thoroughly sealed to ensure no airflow through the enclosure. A list of potential
construction materials is detailed in 4.6. The box material shall be a low conductivity material (less than
0.5 W/m K). The box should sit on a table or shelf constructed of low conductivity material.

NOTE For high power devices, dissipating >3 watts, increasing the size of the box should be considered if the
ambient temperature rise above the initial ambient temperature is 10% or more of the rise in junction temperature
during the test (ΔTJ). Any dimensional changes in the box size must be reported in the data and labeled as non-
standard if the deviation of the dimension from the nominal is more than 10% of the nominal dimension.
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4 Environmental conditions for natural convection measurements (cont’d)

4.2 Test fixture support

The support fixture shall be constructed per Figures 1, 2, and 3. The package shall be positioned in the
geometric center of the chamber by adjusting the position of the support structure as necessary. The
material used for the fixture shall be a low thermal conductivity material as detailed in 4.6.2. There shall
be no structures above the package and board being tested to avoid disturbing the convection plume
unless it can be proved that the deviation causes less than a 2% change in the measured thermal
resistances. Alternate structures for mounting the connector and board are acceptable if it can be
demonstrated that the measured thermal resistances are within 2% of the values measured with this
reference design.

NOTE 1 Dimensions in mm.

NOTE 2 Wiring not shown, but will be placed to avoid interfering with the convection air flow.

Figure 1 — Side view of the test fixture and enclosure

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4 Environmental conditions for natural convection measurements (cont’d)

4.2 Test fixture support (cont’d)

NOTE 1 Dimensions in mm.

Figure 2 — End view of test fixture and enclosure

Figure 3 — Isometric view of the test board and fixture without the enclosure
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4 Environmental conditions for natural convection measurements (cont’d)

4.3 Edge connector and printed circuit board support

The socket shall accommodate the printed circuit board.

The board must be horizontal within +/- 5 degrees. If the edge connector and socket do not provide
adequate support, it may be necessary to provide additional support such as a rod with diameter less than
3.5 mm to support the end of the board. The rod must be made of a low-thermal-conductivity material
(less than 0.5 W/m K) or must be thermally insulated from the board.

4.4 Ambient temperature thermocouple

The wire diameter shall be no larger than AWG size 30 (or no larger than 0.26 mm diameter). Placement
of the thermocouple shall be 25 +/- 5 mm below the bottom plane of the printed circuit test board and 25
+/- 5 mm from the side wall. Refer to Figures 1, 2, and 3. The accuracy of the thermocouple and
associated measuring system shall be 1°C or better.

4.5 Test board

The test board defined by the JESD51 series of specifications shall be used for the thermal measurement.
The board used shall be referenced when the thermal performance is specified by both the JEDEC
specification and the short reference. Table 1 lists the packages, appropriate JEDEC board specification
and the suggested short reference name that would be used when reporting data.

Table 1 — Thermal test boards

Package Specification Short Reference
Leaded Surface Mount, Peripheral JESD51-3 1s Board
Leads (e.g. QFP) JESD51-7 2s2p Board
Leaded Surface Mount Peripheral JESD51-3 plus 1s Board
Leads with direct thermal attach (e.g. JESD51-5
exposed pad QFP) JESD51-7 plus 2s2p Board
Leadframe based perimeter array JESD51-3 plus 1s Board
with direct thermal attach (e.g. QFN) JESD51-5
JESD51-7 plus 2s2p Board
Array surface mount (e.g. BGA, or JESD51-9 1s Board
LGA JESD51-9 2s2p Board
Through Hole Perimeter Array (e.g. JESD51-10 1s Board
DIP) JESD51-10 2s2p Board
Through Hole Array (e.g. PGA) JESD51-11 1s Board
JESD51-11 2s2p Board

Table 1 lists the thermal test boards standardized under the JESD51 series of specifications at the time
that this specification was updated. Refer to the JESD51 overview document for a current list of
standardized boards.
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4 Environmental conditions for natural convection measurements (cont’d)

4.6 Material

The suggested construction materials listed in this document are intended as a guideline and are not all-

4.6.1 Enclosure (box)

The following materials, or their thermal equivalent, have been and may be used for construction of the
enclosure: cardboard, polycarbonate, polypropylene, wood, and plywood. Each of these materials has a
low thermal conductivity (less than 0.5 W/m K) and high infrared emissivity. Minimum wall thickness of
3 mm is required. Considerations for changes in room temperature

The room ambient temperature when the tests are conducted shall be between 15°C and 30°C. If the
room in which the testing occurs suffers from drastic temperature changes (>±3°C), then placement of a
larger box over the test enclosure should be considered. Thicker test enclosure walls should also be

4.6.2 Test fixture

The following materials, or their thermal equivalent, may be used for construction of the support
structure: plywood, wood, polycarbonate, or polypropylene. Each of these materials has a low thermal
conductivity. Common fasteners and adhesives may be used in the construction.

5 Thermal measurement procedure and methodology

This section details the steps necessary to perform a thermal resistance measurement in a natural
convection (still air) environment. The following equations describe the measured and calculated
parameters required for making a thermal measurement for a single chip (die) package with one heat

5.1 Methodology

The junction-to-ambient thermal resistance (RθJA or θJA or Theta-JA) is determined from equation 1:

θJA = (TJ - TA)/ PH (1)

where θJA = thermal resistance from junction-to-ambient (°C/W)

TJ = junction temperature when the device has achieved a steady-state after application of PH
TA = ambient temperature (°C)
PH = power dissipation that produced change in junction temperature (W)
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5 Thermal measurement procedure and methodology (cont’d)

5.1 Methodology (cont’d)

As described in the JESD51-1, a temperature-sensitive parameter (TSP) is used to sense the change in
temperature of the junction operating area due to the application of electrical power to the device. In
equation terms,

ΔTJ = (ΔTSP x K) (2)

where ΔTSP = change in the TSP caused by the application of PH

K = K factor, which is the ratio of junction temperature change to temperature-sensitive
parameter change in the linear region of the temperature-sensitive parameter -
temperature relationship.

The junction-to-ambient thermal resistance can then be described by equation 3:

θJA = ((TA0 + ΔTSP x K) - TAss)/ PH (3)

where TA0 = Initial ambient air temperature before heating power is applied.
TAss = Final ambient air temperature when steady-state has been reached.

Applying the change in the ambient temperature to the equation will provide data correction to achieve an
absolute θJA value.

5.2 Device mounting

Mount the device to be tested on the appropriate test board as listed in Table 1.

5.3 K factor calibration

Prior to making actual thermal measurement, the junction or other temperature-sensitive parameters
must be empirically calibrated. Reference 3.3 of JESD51-1, for the procedure to determine the K Factor
value. Record the K Factor value.

5.4 Test start-up and initial equilibrium verification

Place the test device in the natural convection chamber and apply measurement current for the
temperature-sensitive device, (e.g., diode, metal resistor, etc.). Prior to recording the initial conditions at
the beginning of the thermal test, verify that the enclosure environment has reached a state of equilibrium.

To verify that stabilization has occurred, wait an initial 5 minutes minimum, then record the TSP, wait an
additional 5 minutes and record a 2nd TSP. If ΔTJ as determined by the TSP measurement is less than or
equal to 0.2 °C, then equilibrium has occurred. If equilibrium has not occurred, continue measuring the
TSP at 5 minute intervals until (ΔTSP x K) ≤ 0.2 °C where ΔTSP is the change in the TSP measurement
in the most recent five minute interval.

After equilibrium has been reached record the values for TSP and the initial ambient temperature TA0.
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5 Thermal measurement procedure and methodology (cont’d)

5.5 Power level selection and applying power

The power levels at which devices are tested should be governed by actual use conditions. The minimum
recommended junction temperature rise for testing is 20 °C. The typical junction temperature rise during
testing is between 30 °C and 60 °C, which is the normal range of use for most devices. Hence, the
following guidelines are recommended:

Table 2 — Recommended Power Levels

Power θJA Range
0.5 watt θJA > 100°C/W
0.75 watt 60 < θJA < 100°C/W
1 watt 30 < θJA < 60°C/W
2 watt 20 < θJA < 30°C/W
3 watt 15 < θJA < 20°C/W

After selecting the appropriate power level, apply the heating voltage (VH) and the heating current (IH) to
the device.

NOTE Air flow in natural convection is naturally unstable; it is more unstable at higher surface temperatures and
power levels.

5.6 Verification of thermal steady-state and test completion

For the test measurement to be completed, verification that thermal steady-state has been reached shall be
done before the final reading can be taken. For a discussion on determining steady-state conditions, refer
to 3.6 of JESD51-1.

After a steady-state has been reached, record the values for the TSP, the heater voltage (VH), the heater
current (IH), the time required to reach equilibrium (tHss), and the final ambient temperature at the end of
the test (TAss).

The junction-to-ambient thermal resistance is then calculated using equation 3.

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6 Thermal characterization parameter - ΨJT, Junction-to-Top of Package (Optional Procedure)

6.1 Purpose and limitations of the thermal characterization parameter

The thermal characterization parameter, ΨJT, is proportional to the temperature difference between the top
of the package and the junction temperature. Hence, it is a useful value for an engineer verifying device
temperatures in an actual environment. By measuring the package temperature of the device, the junction
temperature can be estimated if the thermal characterization parameter has been measured under similar

The use of ΨJT should not be confused with θJC which is the thermal resistance from the device junction to
the external surface of the package held at a constant temperature. The use and reporting of the case
temperature during the junction to ambient thermal resistance test is optional.

The measurement may be made using a temperature transducer such as a thermocouple, fluoroptic sensor,
or infrared sensor.

6.2 Thermocouple placement location

For single chip (die) packages, the thermocouple junction shall be attached to the package at the
geometric center of the top surface.

The measurement may also be made using a temperature transducer such as a thermistors, fluoroptic
sensor, or infrared sensor.

6.3 Package thermocouple application

CAUTION: Usefulness of this measurement is dependent on the procedure.

Application of the thermocouple is critical to ensure proper thermal contact to the package and to ensure
that the θJA measurement is not disturbed. Determination of the package surface temperature, of a low
conductance package body, requires that the following factors be considered:

6.3.1 Attachment technique

The thermocouple wire and thermocouple bead shall touch the surface of the package. Best practice for
attaching the wire and thermocouple junction is the use of a minimal amount of thermally conducting
epoxy. The distance across the epoxy bead shall not exceed 2.5 mm in any direction.

6.3.2 Wire routing

The thermocouple wire shall be routed next to the package body down to the board and along the board.
This reduces cooling of the thermocouple junction by heat flowing along the wire.
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6.3 Package thermocouple application (cont’d)

6.3.3 Thermocouple wire size

Thermocouple wire size shall be small such that heat loss along the wire does not cause anomalous low
readings. Recommended maximum thermocouple size is 36 gauge. For type T thermocouples, 40 gauge
is required.

6.4 Procedure

The junction temperature and package temperatures are determined at the steady-state condition in the θJA
measurement as specified above. The junction-to-top center of package thermal characterization
parameter, ΨJT, is calculated using the following equation:

ΨJT = (TJss - TTss)/PH (4)

where ΨJT = thermal characterization parameter from device junction to the top of the package
surface (°C/W)
TJss = the junction temperature at steady-state.
TTss = the package (top surface) temperature, at steady-state, measured by the thermocouple,
infrared sensor, or fluoroptic sensor.

The thermal characterization parameter, ΨJT, has the units °C/W but is a mathematical construct rather
than thermal resistance because not all of the heating power flows through the exposed case surface.

7 Thermal characterization parameter - ΨJB , Junction-to-Board (Optional Procedure)

It is occasionally useful to determine a junction-to-board thermal characterization parameter, ΨJB , in a

natural convection environment. It must be remembered that the junction-to-board thermal
characterization parameter, ΨJB, is not determined under the same conditions as the junction-to-board
thermal resistance and hence will not be the same value. This method is useful only for packages which
have sufficient symmetry that a single representative board temperature is useful.

7.1 Board temperature

The board temperature is measured using the location and attachment method defined in JESD51-8 on the
top surface of the board. The board temperature for this measurement shall be determined by a 40 gauge
thermocouple that is soldered in place. Since type T thermocouples are easily soldered, type T is
preferred. Type J or K can also be used. Contact to the board trace or package lead foot is verified by a
resistance measurement. A small amount of thermally conductive epoxy is placed over the thermocouple
junction and about one mm of wire extending from the thermocouple junction. The epoxy dot shall be no
larger than 2 mm in diameter. The thermocouple meter must electrically float the thermocouple to avoid
electrical interactions with any voltages applied to the package during test.

For a leaded package, the thermocouple is attached to the foot of a package lead halfway along the side of
the package. For a rectangular package, the lead is on one of the longer sides. The thermocouple is
attached to the lead foot where the lead is joined to the test board as illustrated in Figure 4.
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7 Thermal characterization parameter - ΨJB , Junction-to-Board (Optional Procedure)


7.1 Board temperature (cont’d)

For an area array surface mount package, the thermocouple is attached to a test board trace halfway along
one side of the package. The location is illustrated in Figure 4. The solder mask should be removed to
allow attaching the thermocouple directly to the trace. The trace should be a trace to which the package is
soldered. The thermocouple junction must be within 1 mm of the package body.

Array Package Body

soldered to foot of
package lead
Thermocouple, centered at the
edge of the package soldered to
top surface trace on board

Figure 4 — Board thermocouple location (top view)

7.2 Calculation of junction-to-board thermal characterization parameter

The junction-to-board thermal characterization parameter, ΨJB, is calculated using the following equation

ΨJB = (TJss - TBss)/PH (5)

TJss is the junction temperature at steady state condition
TBss is the board temperature at steady state condition.

Normally the junction to board thermal characterization parameter is measured only on the 2s2p test
boards because the 2s2p test boards provide a more uniform temperature in the vicinity of the package

8 Test conditions to be documented

Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance determined per this specification should be reported with the
following information along with the statement that the measurement conforms to JESD51-2 with any
deviations from the specification reported. As an example, if the package is tested on a non-standard
board, that deviation must be reported in the footnotes to the results. It has been found that complete
package identification helps with interpretation of the data. For instance, a package might be identified as
a 100 lead 14 mm x 14 mm x 1.4 mm LQFP with a flag size of 7.5 mm x 7.5 mm.

Units of thermal resistance in °C/W are numerically equivalent to thermal resistance values in K/W.
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8 Test conditions to be documented (cont’d)

Table 3 — Test Conditions and Data Parameter Summary

Measurement Area Condition Parameters Data and Example Results
Identification Device Identification
Package Identification
Environmental Test Board 1s or 2s2p
Applicable Specification
Test Board Drawing Number
Test Board Orientation Horizontal
Enclosure (box) Size mm x mm x mm
Measurement Results for single Junction-to-Ambient thermal RθJA or θJA °C/W or K/W
chip packages Resistance
Thermal Characterization ΨJT °C/W or K/W
Parameter junction-to-package-
Thermal Characterization ΨJB °C/W or K/W
Parameter junction-to-board
Measurement (Raw Data) Power PH watts
Ambient Temperature TA0
TSP - Temperature Sensitive Kind of TSP Sensor
Parameter Diode, Resistor, etc
IM Measurement Current (ma)
Calibration or K factor
Time required to reach tHss seconds
Package Case Temperature Sensor Thermocouple, Fluoroptic
details sensor, or Infrared sensor
Sensor location Center or x,y dimensions mm
Thermocouple Wire gauge 36 or 40 gauge
Thermocouple Type K, T, J, etc

Attachment Method Epoxy type

Junction-to-Board details Thermocouple location e.g. center trace closest to edge
Thermocouple Wire gauge 40 gauge
Thermocouple Type T, K, or J
Thermocouple Attachment Solder
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Annex A (informative) Differences between JESD51-2A and JESD51-2

This table briefly describes most of the changes made to entries that appear in this standard, JESD51-2A,
compared to its predecessor, JESD51-2 (December 1995). If the change to a concept involves any words
added or deleted (excluding deletion of accidentally repeated words), it is included. Some punctuation
changes are not included.

Description of change

1. Forward and Introduction changed to conform to style manual.

2. Removed requirement that only single layer boards be used.
3. Dimensions changed to metric
4. Added requirement that board be horizontal within 5 degrees. Allowed support rod if needed.
5. Added list of thermal test boards and the appropriate specifications.
6. Relaxed requirement for room temperature.
7. Specified “low conductivity” to be less than 0.5 W/m K for the fixture materials.
8. Tightened requirement that Type T thermocouples used for the ΨJT measurement be 40 gauge.
9. Added Section 7, the measurement of the junction to board characterization parameter.
10. Rearranged the data reporting list and made it more consistent with the other specifications.
11. Committee after considerable discussion decided to remove ΨTA from document.
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Standard Improvement Form JEDEC JESD51-2A

The purpose of this form is to provide the Technical Committees of JEDEC with input from the
industry regarding usage of the subject standard. Individuals or companies are invited to submit
comments to JEDEC. All comments will be collected and dispersed to the appropriate

If you can provide input, please complete this form and return to:
Attn: Publications Department
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Arlington, VA 22201-3834
Fax: 703.907.7583

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Requirement, clause number

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Unclear Too Rigid In Error


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