For the Leaving Certificate you only need to know how to measure the specific heat capacity of water or a
metal by a mechanical or an electrical method.
Joulemeter, block of metal, heating coil to match, beaker, lagging, thermometer accurate to 0.1 °C,
glycerol, electronic balance and a low voltage a.c. supply.
The specific heat capacity of the metal c can be calculated from the following equation:
Energy supplied electrically = energy gained by the metal block
Q = mcDq .
Joulemeter, calorimeter, heating coil, beaker, lagging, thermometer reading to 0.1 °C, electronic balance
and a low voltage a.c. supply.
Mass of the calorimeter m cal =
Mass of the calorimeter plus the water m1 =
Mass of the water mw = m1 – mcal =
Initial temperature of water qSUB>1 =
Final temperature q2 =
Rise in temperature Dq = q2 – q1 =
Final joulemeter reading Q=
Given that the specific heat capacity of the calorimeter ccal is known, the specific heat capacity of water
cw can be calculated from the following equation:
Energy supplied = energy gained by water + energy gained by calorimeter
Q = mwcwDq + mcal ccalDq
Q = mwcw Dq+ mcccDq
2900 = 0.07 × cw × 9 + 0.08 × 390 × 9
2900 = 0.63 cw + 280.8
cw = 4157.46
= 4.2 × 103 Jkg–1 K–1
1. Place some copper rivets in a boiling tube. Fill a beaker with water and place the boiling tube in it.
2. Heat the beaker until the water boils. Continue boiling for a further five minutes to ensure that the
copper pieces are 100 °C.
3. Find the mass of the copper calorimeter mcal.
4. Add cold water to the calorimeter until it is quarter full. Find the combined mass of the calorimeter and
water m1. Hence the mass of the water mw is m1 – mcal.
5. Record the initial temperature of the calorimeter plus water q1.
6. Quickly add the hot copper rivets to the calorimeter, without splashing.
7. Stir the water and record the highest temperature q2. The fall in temperature Dqc of the copper rivets
is 100 °C – 02. The rise in temperature Dqw of the calorimeter plus water is q2– q1.
8. Find the mass of the calorimeter plus water plus copper rivets m2 and hence find the mass of the rivets
Assume that heat losses to the surroundings or heat gains from the surroundings are negligible.
Given that either the specific heat capacity of water cw or the specific heat capacity of copper cc is
known, the other specific heat capacity can be calculated from the following equation:
Energy lost by copper rivets = energy gained by copper calorimeter + the energy gained by the
mcoccDqc = mcalccDqw + mwcwDq2
If cw is known, then cc can be calculated or alternatively if cc is known, cw can be found.
Sample results
Mass of calorimeter 0.082 kg
Mass of calorimeter + water 0.158 kg
Mass of water 0.076 kg
Mass of copper pieces 0.033 kg
Initial temperature of copper pieces 100 °C
Initial temperature of water in calorimeter 16 °C
Final temperature of water in calorimeter 19 °C
Specific heat capacity of water 4180 J kg-1 K-1