Semester 4 Syllabus
Semester 4 Syllabus
Semester 4 Syllabus
1. In the fourth semester, the candidates will have to submit a Research Project Report
on a problem/topic (from the specialization areas) to be assigned by the MBA
department under the supervision of a core faculty member of the department.
2. The Research Project Report will carry 150 marks.
3. The evaluation of the project report will be done by two examiners (external &
internal). The evaluation will consist of (1) an Evaluation of the Project Report (2) a
Presentation and Viva Voce.
4. The evaluation of the Project Report will comprise 50 marks and will be evaluated
the internal guide.
5. The evaluation of Viva Voce of Project would comprise 100 marks and would be
evaluated by two examiners (1 external and 1 internal). The average of the marks
awarded by the 2 examiners will be considered for the results. In case the difference
in the marks given by the examiners is 30 or more, the project report will be referred
to a third examiner. In such cases, the average of two closer awards (given by three
examiners) will be considered for the results.
6. The report will contain the objectives and scope of the study. Research
Methodology, use and importance of the study, analysis of data collected, conclusions,
recommendations. It will contain relevant charts, diagrams, and a bibliography. A
certificate of the supervisor and the Head of the MBA program certifying the
authenticity of the report shall be attached therewith. The student will submit two
copies of the report to the Head of the MBA program. The number of pages in the
report will be a minimum of 75 or more. The report should be typed on A-4 size paper.
The parameter on which both evaluations (1 & 2) would be carried on would be based
Code : KMBN OM03
Course Credit : 3 Teaching Hours :
Unit 1 ( 7 Hours)
Sourcing Management: Introduction to Sourcing, Sourcing v/s Procurement,
Purchasing: Purchasing Cycle, 8 R’s of Purchasing, Role of a Purchasing Manager,
Risks associated with the purchasing process and its Mitigation, Concept, and
Applications of Make or Buy Decision: Case Studies
Unit 2 (7 Hours)
Evaluating Suppliers' Efficiency: Vendor Rating, Selection, and Development: Need for
Measuring Supplier Performance, Categorization of Suppliers, Suppliers Evaluation
Methods/ Vendor Rating Methods, Supplier Selection Process, Vendor Rating
process, Factors Affecting the Selection of Optimal Suppliers or Vendor Rating,
Advantages of Vendor/Supplier Rating, Identify and evaluating the international
suppliers. Case Studies
Unit 3 (7 Hours)
Price Determination and Negotiation: Objectives of Pricing, Factors Influencing Pricing,
Types of Pricing Strategies, Negotiation in Sourcing: Meaning of Negotiation,
Examples of Negotiation, Types of Negotiations, The Process of Negotiation, Skills
for Successful Negotiating, and Obstacles to Negotiation. Case Studies
Unit 4(7 Hours)
Introduction of Project: Characteristics of Project, Types of Projects, Project Life
Cycle, Concepts of Deliverables, The Project Management Process, Roles of Project
Team & Project Leader, Fundamental components of Project Cost, Types of Costs:
Direct, Indirect, Recurring, Non-Recurring, Fixed, Variable, Project Financing and
Budgeting: Sources of Finance, Top-down Budgeting, Bottom-up Budgeting, Activity
Based Costing
Unit 5 (8 Hours)
Project Scheduling, Network Analysis & Control: Steps in Project Scheduling and
Network Design, Gantt Chart, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Identifying and
application of the Nodes and Activities, Activity on Arrow (AoA) and Activities on
Node (AoN) methods, Application of PERT and CPM, Planning- Monitoring and
Control Cycle, Tracking through Gantt chart. Earned Value Analysis (EVA): Planned
Value (PV), Earned Value (EV), Cost Variance (CV), Schedule Variance (SV), Cost
Performance Index (CPI), Schedule Performance Index (SPI). Project Termination:
Types of Terminations, Project Termination Process. Case Studies
Unit-I (8 hrs.)
Introduction: Overview, database system Vs file system, Database system concept
and architecture, data model schema and instances, data independence and
database language and interfaces, data definitions language, DML, Overall Database
Structure. Data modeling using the Entity Relationship Model: ER model concepts,
notation for ER diagram, mapping constraints,
Unit-II (7 hrs.)
Relational data Model and Language: keys, Concepts of Super Key, candidate key,
primary key, Relational data model concepts, integrity constraints, entity integrity,
referential integrity, Keys constraints, Domain constraints, relational algebra,
relational calculus, and tuple and domain calculus.
Unit-III (10 hrs.)
Introduction on SQL: Characteristics of SQL, advantage of SQL. SQL data type and
literals. Types of SQL commands. SQL operators and their procedure. Tables, views
and indexes. Queries and sub queries. Aggregate functions. Insert, update and delete
operations, Joins, Unions, Intersection, Minus, Cursors, Triggers, and Procedures in
SQL/PL SQL Data Base Design & Normalization: Functional dependencies, normal
forms, first, second, third normal forms.
Unit-IV (7 hrs.)
Transaction Processing Concept: Transaction system, Testing of serializability,
serializability of schedules, conflict & view serializable schedule, recoverability,
backup, Recovery from transaction failures, log based recovery, checkpoints,
deadlock handling.
Concurrency control, Locking Techniques for concurrency control, Time stamping
protocols for concurrency control, validation-based protocol, multiple granularity,
Multi version schemes,
Unit-V (6 hrs.)
Recent Trends in Database Management Systems: Centralized and Client-Server
Architectures, Distributed Databases, Object-Oriented Database, Spatial & Temporal
Databases, Decision Support Systems, Data Analysis, Data Mining & Warehousing,
Data Visualization, Mobile Databases, OODB & XML Databases, Multimedia & Web
Databases, Spatial and Geographical Databases, Web and Mobile Databases, Active
Unit-1 – INTRODUCTION ( 6)
Introduction to Cloud Computing ‒ Definition of Cloud ‒ Evolution of Cloud
Computing – Cloud Models ‒ Cloud Characteristics - Cloud Computing
Characteristics - Essentials - Benefits, Business and IT perspective
Cloud Services Requirements ‒ Cloud and Dynamic Infrastructure - Cloud Adoption
Measured Service - Cloud Models - Public versus Private Clouds ‒ Hybrid Cloud ‒
Community Cloud – Cloud Infrastructure Self Service.
Cloud Architecture -Layered, NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture, Service
Oriented Architecture ‒ laaS ‒ PaaS ‒ SaaS ‒ Architectural Design Challenges
Cloud Storage ‒ Storage as-a-Service ‒ Advantages of Cloud Storage ‒ Cloud
Storage Providers ‒ S3 in AWS, Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure Cloud Offerings
- Information Storage, Retrieval, Archive and Protection ‒ Cloud Analytics - Testing
under Cloud - Information Security, Software-as-a-Service Security, Security
Governance, Security Standards.
Cloud and Virtualization -Basics of Virtualization ‒ Types of Virtualizations
Virtualization Defined - Virtualization Benefits - Server Virtualization - Hypervisor
Management Software, Storage virtualization, Virtual Machine Security, IAM