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EFFUSION. Bluish grey retracted or bulging tympanic membrane, ear pain is rare, parental
smoking is a R/F, audiogram show conductive hearing loss, reassure and review after 3 months,
surgery grommet insertion, hearing aids
ACUTE OTTITIS MEDIA: usually preceding viral URTI, red, erythematous or cloudy bulging
tympanic membrane, absence of cone reflex or light reflex not visible rapid onset of ear pain,
fever, bacterial [s.oneumonia] or viral [conservative treatment, PCM, analgesics] , Amoxicillin 5
days course. erythro or clarithromycin.
Tonsillar CA: SCC [70%] Lymphomas, smoking, plummer vinson syndrome [R/F]
Laryngeal CA: last resort: chemoradiation + larynx preservation, cordectomy, initial advice s/b to
avoid smoking [major R/F], HPV 16
Lipoma: soft, mobile, round and painless mass within dermal layer of the skin. Epidermoid cyst:
firm, round nodules of various sizes with a central punctum, cutaneous cyst results from
proliferation of epidermal cells within a circumscribed pace of dermis. Cystic hygroma:
transilluminates. Branchial cleft cyst: do not transilluminate
Stensens duct drains the parotid gland. Whartons duct drains the submandibular glands. Stones
are common in submandibular glands.
Parotid gland: most tumors; submandibular gland: most stones
Viral sinusitis: no fever and clear nasal discharge. Bacterial sinusitis: fever present and nasal
discharge can be colored
Allergic rhinitis: for mild to moderate cases oral or intra-nasal antihistamines can be used; for
moderate to severe cases intranasal corticosteroids can be used. Topical decongestants should
not be used for more than a week as they may cause rebound congestion [rhinitis
medicamentosa] on withdrawal, also tachyphylaxis.
Nasal polyps: if small and bilateral not causing severe nasal obstruction managed with saline
nasal douche and intranasal steroids. If unilateral, large polyps causing obstruction or bleeding
present refer to ENT or nasal endoscopy.
Otoscopy for examination of external auditory canal, tympanic membrane, and the middle ear.
Actinic keratoses: pre malignant skin lesion that develops as a result of chronic sun
exposure. Small, crusty or scaly lesions (different colored) on sun exposed areas like
temples of the head feet hands ear etc. fluorouraxcil cream/ topical diclofenac/ topical
Acanthosis nigricans: GI cancer, PCOD, DM, obesity, cushing’s disease, familial, prader
willi syndrome, acromegaly, OCP, nicotine acid.
Milia: small benign keratin filled cysts seen usually around the face, common in
newborns, white papules.
Keratoacanthoma: benign epithelial tumour, seen in advancing age, smooth dome shaped
papule at first then grows as a volcano/crater centrally filled with keratin. S/B surgically
excised as it is difficult to exclude SCC.
Pityriasis versicolor: malassezia furfur, superficial cutaneous fungal infection, affects the
trunk, patches are hypopigmented/ depigmented, pink/brown, scaly, itchy notes after
suntan. Topical antifungal: ketoconazole or oral itraconazole.
Herpes zoster/ shingles: reactivation of varicella zoster virus, acute painful blistering
rash, unilateral, oral acyclovir, NSALD’s for pain. To decrease incidence of post-herpetic
Dermal melanosis: mongolian blue spot, seen at base of back and on buttocks.
Bullous pemphigoid: no mucosal involvement, autoimmune condition causing sub-
epidermal blistering of the skin. Elder patients, antibodies against hemidesmosomal
proteins BP180 & 230. Itchy, tense blisters, around flexures, no scaring, mouth spared
(involved in pemphigus), refer to dermatologist for skin biopsy immunofluroscence
shows IgG and C3 at derma-epidermal junction) and confirming diagnosis, Oral
corticosteroid, topical steroids, immunosuppressants, AB’s.
Athlete’s foot: tinea pedis, scaling, flaking, itching seen between the toes. Topical
imidazole, undecenoate, terbinafine, miconazole.
Erythema herpeticum: severe primary skin infection by the herpes simplex virus 1 or 2,
common in children with stupid eczema, asthma, itchy painful blisters or rashes on the
face, torso, arms and legs, systemic upset: fever, flu-like symptoms, feeling extremely
unwell, life-threatening condition so admission and IV acyclovir.
Lanugo hair: fine, soft, unpigmented [malnutrition, newborns, anorexia nervosa]. Thick
dark hair seen on certain areas of the body like face [hirsutism]
Type 4 hypersensitivity reaction: allergic contact dermatitis, scabies [pruritis d/t delayed
Type 4 reaction
Kobner phenomenon: trauma precipitating new lesions. Lichen planus, psoriasis [auspitz
sign], vitiligo
Endometritis: co-amoxiclav
Pre-eclampsia [BP>140/90 OR >30 SBP OR >15 DBP FROM NORMAL: labetalol 1st
line, nifedipine if patient is asthmatic, [nifedipine or methyldopa], MgSO4 eclampsia.
Severe pre-ecclampsia start treatment if BP>/= 160/110, target sbp<150 dbp 80-100
Rubella varicella : immunization after delivery. Varicella IG can be given if non immune.