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1.. Hi and how are you?

you have a very nice picture on you profile,

am new here on this site and I like to meet you and get together as
friends . I hope this okay, please do reply.

2.. Thank you for your kind reply and am in Afghanistan now for peace keeping,
am based in US, am a soldier by profession in Afghanistan for peace
keeping.I have been with the U.S. Air Force Thunderbird's for 25 years now and am
second Lieutenant here from Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. I lost my wife
years ago, and i have a beautiful daughter named Esther and she is 13 and she is
living and studying Edinburgh.

3.. i am an orphan, i grow up in an orphanage home, i lost my lovely wife

during childs birth
I was lonely and i need to talk with some one to wipe off my sadness so I
decided chat on facebook may be the only way out of my sadness , I came accross
your faces book so i decide to say hello and I was surprise when you
respond back. hope you are not angry about this?

4.. I am Caldwell George,,,,,,, you are so pure as lily what is your lovely
The world is wonderfully made,,,,,,,,,,,,,i will like to know about your
weather condition over in your country........

5.. How the situation of things over there in regards to the economic standard and

6.. Life is precious and i think nations economy grows as a result of good
government and understanding of the people... What do you think???

7.. Are you married with kids?

8.. What do you do for a living...to overcome economical expenses and to sustain
your-self & your family?

9.. Losing a love one is difficult but we have to move on in life ..

I have been here for 18 months now and i should be retired or transferred
from here in less than 3 months and this is why i want to make friends before i
leave here it's easy for me when am out cause i don't have friends or relatives
out there except Esther.
can i ask why a smart, educated and beautiful woman like you is still
single ?

10.. I am a responsible man who once had a lovely family I am widower with a
daughter & I am looking forward to my retirement very soon.
11.. When am retired, i intend to go in to supplies of copper wires and
tractors for buildings
and telecommunications networks so am not idle. i have and that is
also one of the reasons i want to retire soon too.

12.. I hope to retire soon cause i want to be able to spend more time with
my little girl and also have a family again " complete family " ..
I have no siblings and same is Esther so she is in a boarding school
for now and all we have is each other too..Life hasn't been fair to us too over
here ..sorry i can't call you cause we are not allowed to use mobiles here
because the Taliban insurgents cause manipulate it to detonate bombs so for
security reasons we don't use phones... am sorry we can't talk on phone until am
out of here.

13.. There is a saying that it is difficult to find a prominent person of high

principles which are responsible for online regards to good friendship and business
& productivity---------- tell me your opinion on this?

14.. Well I will appreciate us being good friends in sincerity, honesty and

15.. i hope i can get to know you more though cause i hope to make honest
friendship and more with you..warm hugs to you.

16.. I want you to know that a friend is never a coincidence in your life, they
are meant to enter your life to bring you joy and laughter So,
I will always treasure the friendship between us and hope it can be more
in future that will bring joy and laughter into each others lives cause i
do think of you often as if we have know each other in the previous life .

17.. you seem like a fun girl and note that God has a plan for everybody ok, we
just have to believe and be patient .. I really hope we can share more about
ourselves honesty cause that is the bases for true friendship or
relationship cause am quite interested in you now .

18.. Although we just got to know each other,,,i will like us to share ideas
and discuss about more issues as we talk more about ourselves, and i believe as
time goes on there may be something great for us in the future ...What do
you think?

19.. with this step of trust and willingness to begin this friendship, I request
you add me to your contact list so that we can chat some other time after now...

20.. Thanks alot I assure you that we will be best of friends that people will
envy you and I, all we need to do is to be sincere in our communication as good
friends... Okay.

21.. I enjoy going to the beach,love the ocean and mountain view. Enjoy some
Travel and weekend trips. Movies and dinners with a nice glass of wine.Going to
concerts or comedy club and more. Cuddeling at home to a good movie. I like
to go to the races as well.walks in a nice park followed by a picnic.( Romantic
thought.) Dont care for the cold and or snow. Nice to look at but prefer
warm weather now..

22.. I'm kind and Humble with a good heart and i have great values for human
life because is in my nature as a man and that is what also makes me a true US
Army. My friends and those close to me never have to question whether the
words I say are sincere because they know i always put others first before my self.

23.. I am supportive and caring and have a loyal and tolerant character's very
humble, honest, understanding and truthful. I'm a very passionate, physical person
that would want the same in a mate, deeply romantic, optimistic, hopeful, wise, &

24.. I have a good, honest heart and don't like being lied to. I don't need to
be buttered up. If you are straight with me from the on set, I'm more likely to
grow to care for you. If I can't tell where you are coming from and what
is that you really know more about me. yourself, then it isn't likely to go
anywhere further than this page.

25.. I'm insistent on personal/mutual respect, kindness and honor. I am

affectionate by nature, but believe that trying to sense the boundaries of others
shows caring, sensitivity and a willingness to look beyond yourself to
see that I am a truthful.person instead of only being concerned with your own
desires and needs.I'm 175cm , i weigh 75kg, with an athletic
physique, and I have always been a very sports-oriented / active person. I have
light black hair and blue eyes. I enjoy movies, music, fine dining,
traveling. A quiet walk or just talking over some wine and soft music with someone
special is always a great ideal to pass out time too.

26.. I haven't had much time to get out and meet someone new because of the
nature of my job so I am giving this service a shot. As i will end here and i look
forwardto you.


1: What is your favorite color?

2. are you married or single or divorced
3. Would you loved to get married again or even have another child?if you find the
right someone?
4. When is your birthday?
5.do you like to play with the heart of a man?
'6. What are your favorite types of food?
7. Do you attend church?
8. How tall are you?
9. What type of music do you listen to?
10. Are you right handed or left handed?
11. Do you take showers or bath?
12. If you were giving three chances to make a choice in life what would you
13. Are you an affectionate person?YES Do u like to kiss?
14. Do you have any tattoos or body piercing?
15. Are you a handy woman?, for example if I bought a ceiling fan can u put it in?
16. Do you like to cook? YES Can u cook?
17. What would ur ideal soul mate be like in terms of education, body type, and
overall personality?
18:would you ever apologies to your husband when ever you at fault or your prefer
him apologizing?
19. If you and I were a couple and we have a disagreement, how would u handle it?
unresolved and act like nothing happened?
20. When was the last time you had sex? Are u what Americans call a freak in bed?I
enjoy the physical part of a relationship .freaky??
21. snxn
22. Is there any male (s), beside myself, that ur trying to get to know or want to
23. Do u wear jewelry?
24. Where were you born?
25. What made u decide to reply to my messages at American bearshare?
27. Are u a night or morning person?
28.what is your favourite -movie?
29 .What was your most memorable childhood moment?
30.What's the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?
31.What was your most embarrassing moment?
32.What was the single most significant turning point in your life?
33.What things do you feel passionate about?
34.Do you believe in love at first sight?
35.What's the difference between love, romance and sex?
37.What is your idea of a dream... ?
38.If you had three wishes, what would they be?.
39.What do you want most from life??
40.What do you do when you feel sad or depressed?
41.What do you do when you feel angry or upset?
42.What three words best describe you?
43.What is your idea of a perfect date?
44.What is your favorite romantic gesture?
45.What are the top ten gifts you love would like to receive?
46.What is your idea of the perfect romantic gift?
47.What is your idea of the perfect romantic vacation?
48:would you ever spend fund on assisting your partner when in need or in
trouble ??

28.. I do not think much, I do not think often, but when I think now, I think
of you and this scares me cause it's been long i felt this way.

29.. Yes it's strange how we met and have stayed in contact you know ..
i hope maybe we could be more but for now we have to keep this to
ourselves until we are sure of what we are doing ok..

30.. Working here is like " a storyline in a typical American movie or news "
cause everyday something happens which most times involves dead bodies.
I have been here for 18 months now but am soon to be retired in 3 months
time cause
i miss my daughter now i kinda miss you too ( strange ) ? yes ..
you can say that again. It hurts me that i can't here your voice as long am
here cause we aren't allowed to use mobile devices for security reasons.
31.. I want you to know that I need a woman who can communicate what she desires
and has the ability to
listen and the ability to share her heart .I want to share my life with
someone who won't be as a playmate.
You need to be ready to make a commitment if the relationship matures.

32.. I am a very passionate man, and i need a passionate woman to be my partner.

i have got to know the value of a woman in a man's life.
And also to let you know that the distance can never be a problem because
all that matters
is understanding, trust and passion as i am ready to travel miles just to
spend the rest of my life time with
the woman i love.Hope you find this mail understanding.

33.. Evening my queen and how was your day ? i want you to know that the first
time my heart was broken I thought I was through, I swore I'd never love again and
believe me this was true, but when you walked into my life the second i saw you on
Facebook, I knew you were worth loving, even more than before, just like the
first time.

34.. I think I love you my queen. I think about you every second of every day.
When I fall asleep, my dreams are about you. When I wake up, I look at the empty
pillow next to me and wish you were there looking into my eyes. I wish I could tell
you how I really feel. I�m just afraid that it�s too late...

35.. I wish I could tell you but I don�t want to scare you away from me, and I
would rather write you and not be with you then to never see you , because writing
you every day is a gift from God that I was blessed with. I guess I will
never know how you feel unless I confess my love to you. Who knows - you might feel
the same about me. I really think I love you my queen . I just don�t know how
to tell you.

36.. The language and distances difference is not a worry to me, cause i believe
that distances, age and language is not a problem when it comes to the things of
the heart. I want a long term relationship and one that will last forever
but now we have to take it slow and get to know more about each other better.

37.. I want you to know that You, you, you and you alone ... You will rule in my
heart. You are the wish that I could not finish without me. I will live for you
alone, and I will work for you alone. Let me give you my thoughts, my heart, my
soul and my body. I will not force you to even with words. In your presence, I
have to always be honest, transparent and understanding. I always want on your side
... I want to love you. I want you to know that you are the one, which leads
to my heart , I wish we can tonight chat so i wish you a wonderful day and please
know that you are always in my thought ok, I will think of you and i will
always do.

38.. I writing to you so you know how much i love you so if you are willing to
wait for me and have fate then be patient my love cause i just have less than 3
months left for my retirement.
39.. They say honey is the sweetest substance on earth and you are the sweetest
thing that have happened to me in recent time so i will call you sweetie if
you don't mine.

40.. my day has been so, so terrible cause i lost a comrade last night and am so
sad ... i pity for the wife and his 2 kids cause they are so young ... am really
not happy today ..

41. I just wanted to write you a little that am back to base now ... so don't
worry too much about me ok .. I will write Esther a little mail now also..

42...Hi and how are you ? am sorry i made you worried yesterday, i couldn't sleep
and you know that the comrade was my boy cause i trained him. Am so sad cause i
don't know what to say to his family when i leave here. The worst is that we
risk our lives on the field only to get little pay though am the commander in
operations on field.

43....This morning we all gave our last respect to the soldier that died and i hope
i can do something nice for his family when i live here cause his married with two
kids.. like i told you before and they are 7 and 10 years old..

44.. Am so sorry for my late reply darling cause i went for a rescue mission in the
city of Kandahar and i just came back so i wanted to write you to know how
everything is with you. My dear, i have been in a state of dilemma and not knowing
what to do but i have picked up courage to seek for your advice/help because this
is important to my life and i believe you will not deceive me cause i believe when
there is love, there is trust too. Please do read the my message carefully and get
back to me. Here is the secret I want to share with you, I have $1,200,000.00 USD.
( One Million, Two hundred Thousand US Dollars) here in a security company. please
for your kind information, This money was made from the big amount of money we
discovered from a strong room during one of my special operation here in Kabul
Afghanistan but I have a little problem now with the Security Company where I save
the money because they sent an email to me and told me that the last date for me to
move this money from their custody is: 10th june 2018, which is very difficult for
me to do at this time. I have thought a lot about the possibility, I'm really
confused now cause i don't know what to do since Esther is too young ( under aged
an in a boarding ). I don't know what to do again and if I fail to remove this
money from their custody, the money will be confiscated to the government unused

I cried when I heard this, my heart is so bitter because I don't want to loose this
money that I suffered for. It is impossible to send this money out through Bank
transfer because of the financial regulation in Afghanistan. The government has
since banned the banks from sending huge amounts because of the war here. I think i
need your assistance as time is running fast. All I need is your trust. I have
spoken with the company, I want the Security Company to help me move this money by
Diplomatic means to you there in your country so that you can help me save this
money as my duty will be over soon. As soon as I complete my job, I will be coming
to your country. I plan to go into investment with this money as i told you before
also after my retirement. The money will be delivered by a Diplomatic delivery

This delivery process is very safe and secured. Please I want you to know that
Diplomatic Couriers are granted diplomatic immunity and are thereby protected by
the receiving state when performing their work. This is the safest means to send
anything. As you know because of regulation, it will be very difficult to send this
type of amount with bank transfer or any transfer for that matter. It will be
impossible to send from here by Bank Transfer to you as the banking policy here now
is very difficult and strict. Please kindly send to me these information below to
enable me register the package with Diplomatic delivery Company. I was informed
that package will be registered as personal use items and the package will be
delivered to you at your house or office address successfully so please send me

(1) Your full name

(2) Telephone number
(3) email address
(4) Your home or office address

NOTE :I have some savings that i made here and i think it will be enough for
us to buy some properties ( house and car ) and then start a business like a big
restaurant or cafe ( Like KFC ) that we can run together as a family and also be
able to spend time with each other .. what do you think about that ?

:I have discussed it with Esther also and she like the idea that we
relocate to you so you are not far from your friends and family since i don't have
any here . so we can be staying there when i come and also buy a car
that we can use.

: I really trust you so much in my heart that's why am sharing this with
you because i strongly believe that you won't mislead me but always show me the way
and i want us to be there together, i don't want to be there alone honey, will you
be there with me? hope am not bugging you out sweetheart. one more
thing, i will like you to assist me with prayers so i don't get transferred to the
war zone before my retirement is processed in a short time

: What's the time there now ? I am was busy but i brought out this
little time to share something important and some good ideas with you.. always
Take care of yourself . Note when we marry, Esther will your
daughter and remember i will always love and cherish you always.

Things to know about

I am in the signal room. i am sending informations to other camp and the U.S Army

What is your favorite color?

Wow that is so lovely, is that the color of your car? (Mine is white)
when i wear white its makes me feel very pure and peaceful.




honey you have to look for the money quickly or we wuold be arrested for money


pass/ osarumen55

0048 8387
0600 2860
2779 4019
3121 7600
4185 1155
CODE #11
5962 6085
CODE #13
7020 9254
CODE #15
8228 0158
CODE #17
8607 4672
CODE #19
9715 9640

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