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All content following this page was uploaded by Mohammed Ubaid Hussein on 16 November 2018.
1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
There are many types of neurons, basically, a neuron consists of a cell body
that receives electrical messages from other neurons through contacts called
"synapses " located on the dendrites or on the cell body .
The dendrites are the parts of the neuron the specialist for receiving
information from stimuli or from other cells .If the stimulus is strong enough,
the neuron transmits an electrical signal outward along a fiber called an axon.
The axon ,or nerve fiber, which be as long as 1 m ,caries the electrical signal to
muscles ,glands ,or other neurons .
In this section we discuss the electrical behavior of neuron ,much of the early
research on the electrical behavior of nerves was done on the giant nerve fibers
of squid .
The conveniently large diameter (1mm) of these nerve fibers allows electrodes
to be readily inserted or attached for measurements.
A cross the surface or membrane of every neuron is an electrical potential
(voltage) difference due to the presence of more negative ions on the inside of
the membrane than on the outside ,the neuron is said to be polarized.
The inside of the cell is typically 60 to 90mv more negative than the outside ,
this potential difference is called the resting potential of the neuron.[Look
fig.2]…shows schematically the typical concentrations of various ions inside
and outside the membrane of an axon.
1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
(Fig 2) The typical concentrations of various ions inside and outside the membrane of an axon.
1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
(b)Stimulation on the left causes Na+ ions to move into the cell and depolarize
the membrane.
(c) The positive current flow on the leading edge ,indicated by the arrows
,stimulates the regions to the right so that depolarization takes place and the
potential change propagates .(d and e).mean while K+ ions move out of the core
of the axon and restore the resting potential(repolarize the membrane).the
voltage pulse moving along the nerve is the action potential.
The myelin sleeve is a very good insulator and the myelinated segment of an
axon has very low electrical capacitance. The action potential decreases in
amplitude as it travels through the myelinated segment just as an electrical
signal is attenuated when it passes through a length of cable .The reduced
signal then acts like a stimulus at the next node of Ranvier (gap) to restore the
action potential to its original size and shape. The conduction in the gap is the
same as shown in fig.(4).This process repeats along the axon ;the action
potential seems to jump from one node to the next ,that is ,it travels by
salutatory conduction.
Two primary factors affect the speed of propagation of the action potential: the
resistance within the core of the membrane and the capacitance (or the charge
stored) across the membrane .A decrease in either will increase the propagation
velocity .The internal resistance of an axon decreases as the diameter increases,
so an axon with a large diameter will have a higher velocity of propagation
1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
than an axon with a small diameter. The greater the stored charge on a
membrane ,the longer it takes to depolarized it and thus the slower the
propagation speed because of the low capacitance ,the charge stored in a
myelinated section of a nerve fiber is a very small compared to that on an
unmyelinated fiber of the same diameter and length, hence the conduction
speed in the myelinated fiber is many times faster .The unmyelinated squid
axons (~ 1mm in diameter ) have propagation velocities of 20 to 50 m/sec
,whereas the myelinated fibers in man (~ 10μ m in diameter )have propagation
velocities of around 100 m/sec .The advantage of myelinated nerves as found
in man is that they produce high propagation velocities in axons of small
diameter .A large number of nerve fibers can thus be packed into a small
bundle to provide for many signal channels.
(H.W).Q. //What is the advantage of myelinated nerves over unmyelinated
1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
Fig 6: Schematic of an action potential moving down the wall of the heart
Action potential moving down the wall of the heart some of ion current
indicated by circles, passes through torso, indicated by the resistor. The
potential on the chest wall is due to current flow through the resistance
of torso.
Fig 7. The potential distribution on the chest at the moment when the ventricles are one –half
The potential distribution on the chest when the ventricles are one-half
depolarized by equipotential measured on the surface of the body depend
upon the location of the electrodes for obtaining the ECG located on the left
arm(LA), right arm (RA), and left leg (LL).
The measurement of the potential between RA and LA is called Lead I
The measurement of the potential between RA and LL is called Lead II
The measurement of the potential between LA and LL is called Lead III
The surface electrodes for obtaining the ECG are most commonly located on
the left arm (LA),right arm (RA)and left leg(LL),although the location of the
electrodes can vary in different clinical situations, sometimes the hands or
positions closer to the heart are used. The measurement of the potential
between RA and LA is called lead I, that between RA and LL is called lead II,
and that between LA and LL is called lead III, (fig.8); this configuration was
pioneered at the turn of the century by willem Einthoven, a Dutch physiologist,
1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
and these three leads. Usually all three standard limb leads are used in a
clinical examination.
The potential between any two gives the relative amplitude and direction of the
electric dipole vector in the frontal plane.
Three augmented lead configurations, a VR ,a VL , and a VF, are also obtained in
the frontal plane, for the a VR lead ,one side of the recorder is connected to RA
and the other side is connected to the center of two resistors connected to LL
and LA(fig.9.).
The other two augmented leads are obtained in a similar manner :for the a VL
lead, the recorder is attached to the LA electrode and the resistors are
connected to RA and LL; for the a VF lead, the recorder is attached to the LL
electrode and the resistors are connected to RA and LA.
Each ECG tracing maps out a projection of the electric vector, or the electrical
activity of the heart, through each part of its cycle.(fig.10),shows schematically
the lead II output with the standard symbols for the parts of the pattern.
The major electrical events of the normal heart cycle are:-
1.the atrial depolarization ,which produces the P wave.
2. the atrial repolarization ,which is rarely seen and is unlabeled.
3.the ventricular depolarization ,which produces the QRS complex.
4. the ventricular repolarization ,which produces the T wave [fig.10].
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
Fig.11.Six frontal plane ECG, some cases the waveform is positive and in other cases it is negative.
The sign of the waveform depends upon the direction of electric dipole vector and polarity and
position of the electrodes of the measuring instrument. For transverse plane measurement the
negative terminal of ECG recorder is attached an indifferent electrode at the center point of three
resistors connected RA, LL, LA, and other electrode is moved across the chest wall to the six
different positions.
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
The sign of the wave form is depends upon the direction of the electric dipole
vector , the polarity and position of the electrodes of the measuring instrument.
In a clinical examination, six transverse plane ECGS are usually made in
addition to the six ,frontal plane ECGS ,for the transverse plane measurements
the negative terminal of the ECG recorder is attached to an indifferent
electrode at the center point of three resistors connected to RA,LL and LA
[Fig14-a] and the other electrode is moved across the chest wall to the six
different positions shown in [fig.14-b].
ECGs are usually interpreted by cardiologists who can quickly determine if the
patterns are normal and if arrhythmias (rhythm disturbances ) exist.
An ECG shows disturbances in the normal electrical activity of an abnormal
condition known as heart block.
If the normal SA node signal is not conducted into the ventricle then a pulse
from the AV node will control the heartbeat at frequency of (30 to 50
beats/min. ),which is much lower than normal (70 to 80 beats/min.),while a
heart block like this could make a patient a semi-invalid ,an implanted
pacemaker could enable him to live a reasonably normal life.
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
LA In the same location where RA was placed, but on the left arm.
LL In the same location where RL was placed, but on the left leg.
In the fourth intercostal space (between ribs 4 and 5) just to the right of the sternum
V2 In the fourth intercostal space (between ribs 4 and 5) just to the left of the sternum.
V4 In the fifth intercostal space (between ribs 5 and 6) in the mid-clavicular line.
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
heart (interventricular
V3 and V4 Look at electrical activity
from the vantage point of
the anterior wall of the
Anterior leads right and left ventricles
(Sternocostal surface of
In addition, any two precordial leads next to one another are considered to be
contiguous. For example, though V4 is an anterior lead and V5 is a lateral lead,
they are contiguous because they are next to one another.
(H.W) Q//1.Give the locations of the electrodes for the standard ECG limb
leads? 2. What electrical phenomenon in the heart produces the QRS
complex of the ECG?
Fig 15: International standard 10 -20 system of electrode location for EEG
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
The frequencies of the EEG signals seem to be dependent upon the mental
activity of the subject ,for example , a relaxed person usually has an EEG
signal composed primarily of frequencies from 8 to 13 Hz ,or alpha waves .
When a person is more alert higher frequency range , the beta wave range
(above 13Hz) ,dominates the EEG signal ,the various frequency bands are as
*Delta ( δ) ,or slow [0.5 to 3.5 Hz]
*Theta (θ) ,or intermediate slow [4 to 7 Hz]
*Alpha (α ) [8 to 13 Hz]
*Beta (β ) ,or fast [greater than 13Hz
As a person becomes drowsy , particularly with his eyes closed ,the frequencies
from 8 to 13Hz (alpha waves) dominate the EEG .The amplitude increases and
the frequency decreases as a person moves from light sleep to deeper sleep.
Occasionally an EEG taken during sleep shows a high frequency pattern called
paradoxical sleep or rapid eye movement (REM) sleep because the eyes move
during this period.
Paradoxical sleep appears to be associated with dreaming , besides recording
the spontaneous activity of the brain ,we can measure the signals that result
when the brain receives external stimuli such as flashing lights or pulses of
sound ,signals of this type are called evoked responses .
The EEG is used as an aid in the diagnosis of diseases involving the brain.
It is most useful in the diagnosis of epilepsy and allows classification of
epileptic seizures.
1-The EEG for a sever epileptic attack with loss of consciousness, called a
grand mal seizure, shows fast high voltage spikes in all leads from the skull
(Fig. 16- a).
2-The EEG for a less severe attack, called a petit mal seizure, shows up to
3 rounded wave per second followed or preceded by fast spikes (Fig.16- b).
The EEG aids in confirming brain tumors since electrical activity is reduced
in the region of a tumor.
_The EEG is used as a monitor in surgery when the ECG cannot be used.
_It is useful in surgery for indicating the anesthesia level of the patient.
_Much research on sleep involves observing the EEG patterns for various
stages of sleep.
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
Fig. 17
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
fig.(18). The B wave is the most interesting clinically since it arises in the retina
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
EOGs provide information on the orientation of the eye , its angular velocity
and its angular acceleration .Some studies have been done to determine the
effects of drugs on eye movement and the eye movement involved in sleep and
in visual search.
(H.W)..Q. // what is the difference between an ERG & EOG?
Magnetic signals from the Heart & Brain (MCG & MEG):
Since a flow of electrical charge produces a magnetic field, a magnetic field is
produced by the current in the heart during depolarization and repolarization.
Magnetocardiography measured these very weak magnetic fields around the
heart, the recording of the heart's magnetic field is the magnetocardiogram
The magnetic field around the heart is about (5×10 -11tesla"T" ) or about one-
millionth of the earth's magnetic field "the cgs unit for magnetic fields is the
gauss,(T=104gauss)" ,to measure fields of this size it is necessary to use
magnetically shielded rooms and very sensitive magnetic field detectors
One such detector called a SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference
Device) ,operates at about 50K and can detect both steady (dc) and alternating
magnetic fields as small as 10-14 T. The SQUID is so sensitive that it can detect
the changing magnetic field caused by someone walking past a horseshoe
magnet 400 m (0.25 mile) away from it!
The magnetic detector probe in the low-temperature Dewar almost touches the
subject and various points on the chest are measured by moving the Dewar.
The output of the magnetic detector is recorded at a station outside the shielded
room; the total time involved for each MCG is usually less than 1 minute.
The MCG gives information about the heart without the use of electrodes
touching the body; since the MCG and the ECG arise from the same charge
movement they have similar features and can MCG compared.
The MCG provides information not available in an ECG because it measures
magnetic fields due to direct currents, which occur in injured muscle and nerve
The SQUID magnetometer has also been used to record the magnetic field
surrounding the brain .The recording of the this field is called the
magnetencephalogram (MEG).During the alpha rhythm ,the magnetic field
from the brain is about (1×10-11T),this is almost one-billionth of the earth's
magnetic field.
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
Not all magnetic fields produced within the body are due to ion currents ;the
body can be easily contaminated with magnetic materials ,for example ;
asbestos workers inhale asbestos fibers which contain iron oxide particles. The
size of the magnetic field from the iron oxide in a worker's lungs can be used to
estimate the amount of inhaled asbestos dust.
(H.W)Q.//What is the difference between an MCG & MEG?
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
At the peak of the R wave, the potentials on the surface of the body are as
shown in (fig.21),we measure these potential differences on the surface of the
body by placing electrodes on the skin, amplifying the potentials, and then
displaying the result as an ECG. moving the electrodes to different positions on
the body may result in amplitude changes or even inversion of the signal,
as( fig.21)shows.
At the interface between the body and a metal electrode ion flow must be
converted to electron flow through a chemical reaction.
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
If ordinary metal are used for electrodes polarization results from this chemical
reaction as shown in (fig.22-a).at one or both electrodes, gas bubbles from due
to electrolysis, and the resulting electrodes-to-solution interface is electrically
unstable. This instability produces electrical noise and drift which may be
much large than the ECG signal. These problems may be avoided by using
silver-silver chloride electrodes, as shown in (fig.22-b) these electrodes are
easily made by electrodepositing a silver chloride coating on pure silver
electrodes, current passes very readily through silver-silver chloride electrodes.
The coating merely depletes on one electrode and builds up on the other. There
is no formation pf gas, and there is no electrical noise from the electrode –to-
solution interface.
For these reasons the silver-silver chloride electrode is the natural choice for
the typical patient monitoring electrode shown in (fig.23), at the electrode-to-
solution interface, complex layers of positive and negative charge form. This
electrical double layer should not be disturbed by patient movement, which
might cause artifacts (undesirable voltage changes).hence the metal electrode is
recessed from the skin, and the space between the electrode and the skin is
filled with a conductive paste. The plastic electrode case is attached to the skin
by a pressure-sensitive adhesive.
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
The amplitude of the typical ECG signal is only about 1MV.however, in
atypical building the current competitively coupled into the body from the
120Vpower lines can produce a much larger potential. The amplifier used to
record the ECG must be able to eliminate interference from voltages induced in
the body from such external sources.
4. Patient Monitoring:
After amplification, the ECG signal must be displayed. When a routine
diagnostic ECG is taken, a permanent record is required for analysis and a pen
recorder is usually used (Fig.24).
In a pen recorder, the amplifier output passes through a coil of wire suspended
in a magnetic field. In the same way that a galvanometer twists when current
passes through it, the pen twists to write on a moving strip of paper.
Prompt therapeutic action can be taken to save the patient's life. Many heart
attack patient's undergo sudden changes in rhythm. The orderly heart muscle
contractions associated with normal heart pumping change to the
uncoordinated twitching of ventricular fibrillation, which halts the heart
pumping action. Death follows within minutes unless the heart can be
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
The pacemaker is usually implanted in a pocket on the right side of the chest.
The pacing wire is fed through a vein in the shoulder and advance through the
right atrium and through the valve, until its tip is at the bottom of the right
ventricle. The atria of the heart are separated from the ventricles by a fatty
layer that does not conduct electricity or propagate nerve impulses. At a single
location, the atrioventricular node, impulses from the atria are conducted to the
ventricles, which perform the heart's pumping action.
If AV node is damaged, the ventricles receive no signals from the atria, the
ventricles do not stop pumping, there are natural pacing centers in the
ventricles a pulse if none has been received from the atria for 2 seconds. The
resulting heart rate, 30 beats/min, will sustain life, but the patient may have to
live a life of semi-invalidism.
To improve the quality of life with faulty AV nodes, artificial pacemakers have
been developed. The pacemaker contains pulse generator that puts out 72
pulses /min.
The pacemaker is put in place, the patient is given local anesthetic and flap of
skin just below the right collar is lifted.
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
The pacing wire is fed through a slit in the shoulder vein and advanced under
fluoroscopic control until the tip is imbedded in the wall of the right ventricle,
then the pacemaker is placed in the pocket under the skin and the flap is
The pacemaker runs on batteries that last about 2 years, it is made of materials
that are impervious to body fluids and not cause tissue reaction.
About 150,000 patients were wearing pacemakers and living near-normal lives.
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
(116/t½) mA
Where t is the time (in seconds) the shock lasts …For example, if t=1sec, the
safe current is 116 mA, if t=4sec, the safe current is 58 mA.
Current levels of 6 A and above cause sustained muscular contraction of the
heart similar to the (cannot let go) behavior of the hands. Defibrillators make
use of such current levels. If a potential has ventricular defibrillation, a brief
shock from a defibrillator usually restores normal coordinated pumping in the
heart. The defibrillator uses a brief pulse of up to 10 kV. A defibrillator can
also be used to synchronize the heart to its normal rhythm when a patient has
atrial fibrillation, in this case the electrical pulse is applied after R wave but
before T wave .
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
current flow from the ac power parts to the metal case of the instrument is
called Leakage current, usually flows to ground through ground wire in the
power cord. The main source of the Leakage current is capacitance between the
power wires and ground or between power transformer and its case.
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
V=B dv
Where d is the diameter of the blood vessel, since V, B and d can all be
The mean velocity can be obtained ,the volume flow of blood Q through the
vessel can then be calculated ,since Q is the product of the mean velocity times
the area of the vessel (πd2/4) ,or
d 2 V
4 Bd
3. Current research involving electricity applied to the body.
At lower current levels than those used for electroanesthesia, electro-sleep can
be induced, a 100 Hz signal of 1mA average current used with electrodes
placed over each eye and mastoid (the bony protuberance behind the ear) is
Electrosleep has been discussed in the foreign literature for a number of years,
but there has been limited interest in the some world countries, recent research
on this phenomenon in the U.S.A has dealt with its basis and its usefulness in
The Eastern art of acupuncture and its medical applications have aroused
considerable interest in the U.S.A as communication channels with China have
been renewed ,the origin of acupuncture dates back several thousand years in
China's history.
Acupuncture is used today to reduce or prevent pain associated with surgery
and dental work.
Stainless steel needles are inserted in one or more different acupuncture sites
(there are about 1000) depending upon the area to be anesthetized.
The needles are then either twisted, moved up and down or connected to small
electrical currents, the effectiveness of acupuncture varies with its intended use
and it is more effective on some subjects than on others.
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
Electro surgery:
-What makes electrosurgery work?
Current flows when a high frequency probe is immersed in tissue and under
certain conditions a high power density will exist around the probe.
For example, if 15W is dissipated by a 0.25mm diameter, straight wire probe
used at 5MHz, a direct application of electrical principles would show that the
power density at the probe is 3.3×103 W/cm3and the power density 1.25cm
from it is 0.3 W/cm3 ,these power densities would cause rapid temperature rises
of about 8000C at the probe and about 0.10C at 1.25cm from the probe .
The "cutting" of electrosurgery is thought to be the physical rupturing of tissue
due to rapid boiling of the fluids from the intense local heat.
Since the cutting of tissue takes place rapidly, the probe must be moved rapidly
(5 to 10 cm/sec) to reduce the destruction of surrounding tissues.
With proper control ,the destruction can be limited to a depth of about 1mm
from the probe .Electrosurgery is often used in operations on the brain ,spleen
,bladder ,prostate and cervix.
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1st stage Medical Physics
Assistant Prof. Dr.Mohammed.O.AL-Lheiby
EX: A magnetic blood flow meter is positioned across a blood vessel (0.005m)
in diameter, with a magnetic field (300gauss), an induced voltage of
(15×10-6V) is measured.
1. Find the mean velocity in the vessel?
2. Assuming all the blood travels at the mean velocity, what is the volume flow
1. 300gauss=3×10-2T
V 1.5 105
v 2 3
0.1m / sec
Bd 3 10 5 10
d 2 V (5 103 ) 2
Q (0.1) 1.9 106 m3 / sec
4 Bd 4
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