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Research and Implementation of B2B E-Commerce System: Qi Ligen

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International Conference on Education, Management, Computer and Society (EMCS 2016)

Research and Implementation of B2B

E-commerce System
Qi Ligen
Jiangxi College Of Foreign Studies

Abstract—Informatization accelerates economic unclear and affecting management decisions .Enterprise

globalization and makes profound changes in the way internal management of B2B E-commerce system requires
human produce and live. In the tide of economic to divide the authorities of the internal business personnel
globalization and informatization, with its advantages of (mainly system officer, salesperson, buyer and finance
high efficiency, fast and convenience, E-commerce has personnel)clearly, and no unauthorized operation. Besides,
become a major application field of economic globalization B2B E-commerce system should also have the functions
and global informatization because of the brand-new of auction, bidding and intelligence search engine. B2B
management idea, management means and management E-commerce platform can not only promote business
environment. E-commerce is no longer the development goal
process automation, reduce production cost , improve
of one enterprise or industry in this era, but a topic facing
all the world. It has gradually become the evaluation of a
enterprise overall efficiency and guarantee the safety and
reliability of E-commerce.
country’s economic strength and an important index to
This paper gives a detailed introduction of the design
measure a country’s international status. This paper first
process of B2B E-commerce system and the establishment
elaborates E-commerce from the definition, mode,
of PHP + My SQL development environment and explain
characteristics of E-commerce and its influence to social
economy and then have a comprehensive and systematic
in detail each module in the system and gives some
study of the knowledge and technology required to construct examples. Besides, it also briefly introduces some
E-commerce. It introduces the developing environment, information system related to E-commerce system.
structure design and business process of B2B E-commerce
system from analyzing E-commerce system.
E-commerce refers to achieve the entire business from
Keyword-E-commerce; B2B; Platform; Structure;
pre-sales to after-sales or the electronic and automation of
Business process
trading activity segment. For enterprises, E-commerce is
I. INTRODUCTION to make use of information technology with the core of
internet to carry on business activity and enterprise
At the end of the 20th century, under the impetus of resource management. It’s core is to efficiently manage
the globalization and informatization, the most charming
all the enterprise information ,help enterprise to create an
slogan is “ E-commerce ” . E-commerce can unit
smooth information flow between customers, enterprise
people’s thought and action in the shortest time and it is internal and suppliers and connect customers, enterprises
a innovation in global economy field. E-commerce means and suppliers with high efficiency management, value
the main body of economic activity is no longer be added and application, respond market with the quickest
confined to the developed countries but people all over the speed and lowest cost , timely grasp the business
world. E-commerce is the embodiment and integration of opportunity and constantly improve and consolidate the
globalization and informatization and the inevitable result competitive advantages.
of the globalization and informatization development. It’ E-commerce can be divided into four categories: First,
s changing the social economic life and the whole world. products operating activities through network
E-commerce in our country has made great progress after implementation between enterprises and enterprises.
several years ’ development and penetrated into all Second, service operating activities through network
aspects of social economy. Application of leading, implementation between enterprises and enterprises. Third,
market-orientation, resource sharing, technology products operating activities through network between
innovation, competition and development have become enterprises and individuals. Fourth, service operating
the guideline to develop E-commerce in our country. activities through network between enterprises and
E-commerce system must be able to accurately reflect individuals.
the real world of business activities , achieve all kinds of The goal of E-commerce:
business process between enterprises and provide a 1.Amplify consumers, deepen the contact between the
feasible method marketing means and marketing method users and expand market to increase income.
on international internet to enterprises marketing 2.Reduce cost
management to solve the problems of slow goods 3.Reduce products circulation time
information flow, inaccurate information and small 4.Speed up the responding speed to consumer
circulation surface. B2B E-commerce system aims at requirements
providing an brief, reasonable, convenient, just, fair and 5.Improve service quality
open trade method , properly solving the existing
problems of enterprise fund , management condition

© 2016. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press 1773

E-commerce has the following characteristics: should perform their duties and no unauthorized operation
structural, interactivity, real-time, global, low cost and allowed.
competitive. B2B E-commerce system includes foreground and
background. Foreground mainly provide operation for
III. B2B E-COMMERCE SYSTEM DESIGN ANALYSIS members, including browsing, query and information
In order to set up a reasonable, convenient and safe statistics and so on; Background mainly provides
B2B E-commerce system, first it should have the maintenance and supervision site operation for supervisor
management work of background manager; second, the and management committee.
trading modules divided according to business processing The life cycle of E-commerce application system
flow of the members should be reasonable and refers to a life cycle from the establishing to abandoning
user-friendly; third, in B2B E-commerce system, since E-commerce system .It can be divided into 6 stages:
members represent for companies, the business salesman E-commerce application system feasibility analysis,
(buyer, sales, finance,etc.)within membership system plan, system analysis, system design, system
achievement and system operation management. As
shown in Fig .1.

Feasibility analysis


Beginning of new cycle

Operation Design

Figure 1. Life cycle of E-commerce system

The development of E-commerce application system is and transfer way. The middle layer is E-commerce basic
the first 5 stages. platform, including certificate authority (CA), payment
Gateway and customer service center. The real core is CA.
IV. DESIGN OF B2B E-COMMERCE SYSTEM The third layer is various E-commerce application system,
There is no authoritative discussion about what a including E-commerce, remote medicine, stock trading
perfect E-commerce system should include. Overall, and video on demand. E-commerce safety system is in
E-commerce system is a three-layer frame structure. The charge of the information security in the process of
first layer is network platform, which is the carrier of business transaction. E-commerce foundation platform is
information transmission and the means of user the foundation of all kinds of E-commerce application
intervention. It includes various physical transfer platform system. As shown in Fig .2.

Safe e-mail

Safe WWW site

Remote education

Video and music on demand

Booking tickets online

Pay fees online

Declare and pay taxes system


Remote medicine

Stocks trading



Security system of E-commerce

CA center, payment gateway and customer service center
Chinese public multimedia data network
Figure 2. Three-tier structure of E-commerce

The specific function service description of

E-commerce basic platform REFERENCES
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