Eft Rulebook Digest
Eft Rulebook Digest
Eft Rulebook Digest
~ Written By ~
Matthew Whitehouse ~ Featuring Art by ~
Tom Sweo Heath Foley
Emily Fontana Noah Page
Santiago Díaz González
Ekoi Panot
Page 4.
Consume Items Players will pick opposite edges of
These items are used during the Act the table to be their Deployment area
Phase, with the Use Item Action, on in a basic game. One player should
the Turn of the Model that possesses roll a die (4+, their team) to determine
the item. Once the Item provides its which side deploys first. Each player
benefits, the Item is discarded and has a deployment zone which they
cannot be used again. These items can may place their Models within. In
be used on adjacent Models, or on the a standard game, the deployment
Model holding the item. You are not zones must be At least half the table
required to show your Consume Items must separate deployment zones. The
until they are used. Keep the items Deployment of Models is alternating.
face down under the Model’s stat card Each player will place a Model,
until it is used. Consume Items are starting with the roll winner. Going
dropped when a Model dies. back and forth deploying a single
Model, players will continue until
Break Items every Model has been deployed. If one
These items may be used at any player has additional Models, they
time, even during another Model’s may continue to deploy after the other
turn. Break Items can only be used on player has finished. The deployment
the Model holding it. Like Consume rules may be different for specific
items, after applying their effect, scenarios, refer to scenario’s rules for
Break Items are discarded. Break any changes.
Items are not required to be shown
until they are used. Keep the items
face down under the Model’s stat
card until it is used. Break Items are Designer Note: “Unless
dropped when a Model dies. Stated Otherwise”, This
Timing - For Break items to provide should be your mantra as
their effect to a roll, the Breaking of you read through the rules of
the item must be declared before the Endless: Fantasy Tactics. Many
roll is made. This includes bonuses to mechanics may be stated that
rolls, or healing HP before damage is are contradicted by the special
dealt that would kill a Model. abilities of Models. These special
abilities will override any core
Model Turn
During a Model’s Turn, the player Turn Phases
progresses through three Phases 1. Move Phase - The Model is
before handing play over to their moved across the battlefield and
opponent. These phases must be decides on a facing.
performed in order. The Move 2. Act Phase - The Model
and Act phases may be ‘passed’ performs an attack or uses an item.
performing no action, but the Status 3. Status Phase - The duration of
Phase must always be performed. status and beneficial effects on the
Model reduce by one.
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Status Phase
In the last stage of a Model’s Turn, Effects, such as Burn or Poison
the player reduces the duration of that cause damage, occur when the
the Status Effect and Beneficial Effect duration is reduced. Roll/Apply
currently attached to the Model. When damage even on the Phase that the
the Effect’s duration is reduced to Effect’s duration is reduced to zero
zero, it is removed from the Model. and removed.
The duration is always reduced The Status Phase still occurs at
by one during this phase unless the the end of a Model’s Turn even if
Effect was applied during this Model’s an ability calls for a Model to use its
Turn. If the Effect was just applied, its entire turn to perform the ability.
duration remains the same.
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Ending a Game
In a basic skirmish game, at the end This setup describes the Skirmish
of Round 7, one player should roll a Scenario. To play with different
die. Play continues for another Round objectives, refer to the Scenarios
if the die result is 2+. After Round 8, section for alternative rules. Many
play continues for another Round if changes can occur in Scenarios:
the die result is 3+. Each turn, increase different objectives, special Terrain
the required roll by 1. If a roll is failed, or Scenario Effects, varied Party
or the players finish Round 12, the restrictions, or a different number of
game ends. Game Rounds.
After the final Round is over, each
player totals the Crystal Cost of
enemy Models they killed. The player
that slew more Crystals wins the
Game Terms
This sections describes any x2 (Times Two)
additional game mechanics or Some commands have a multiplier
vocabulary that are used throughout that doubles the final result of the
the rules. The first time you play, dice rolls. For ATK and MAG attack
you may wish to ignore these terms rolls, double the number of successes
and simply use the Basic Rolling AFTER the subtraction of defense
Mechanics to get an idea of how to rolls. For DEF and MAG defense
play the game. Once you have a grasp rolls, double the number of successes
of the basics, you should begin using BEFORE applying to attack rolls. If
the rest of the rules found on the more than one effect would cause x2
following pages. to a roll, each additional x2 instead
adds +2 Dice.
ATK+MAG ATK x2 Example:
Some powerful commands will call A 5 ATK roll results in 3 Successes
for ATK+MAG. With these commands, on a command that calls for ATK x2
the attacker will roll a number of dice and the defender gets one success. The
equal to the total of ATK and MAG. attacker deals 4 damage.
The defender will roll the higher of DEF x2 Example
DEF or MAG. An attacker gets 3 successes against
a defender that will get DEF x2. With
3 DEF, the defender gets 1 success. The
attacker deals 1 damage.
ATK and MAG attack rolls succeed
on a 3+, when attacking from the
target’s rear arc.
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Multi-Target Tags
Some Commands may be able to hit more than one Model, applying damage
or an effect to all of them. Commands with Multi-Target tags do not have to
directly target a Model and may be aimed at an empty square. Multi-Target
Commands cannot tell the difference between friend and foe, a Fireball will
damage a friendly Model just as much as an enemy. When rolling dice for a
Multi-Target command, the Acting Model rolls its dice once per target and
each defender rolls their defense dice to compare to the attacker’s result. Large
Models can be attacked multiple times, once for each square of their base under
a Multi-Target command.
The Area of Effect of a command. Indicates how many squares out from the
target the command affects. An AoE tag of 1 indicates that the AoE is a basic
5 target AoE (The target and the adjacent squares). AoE Commands will also
have a RNG value, indicating the maximum distance that the center square of
the AoE effect may be targeted. The size of AoE Commands are not changed
when used by Large Models.
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Cone affects an area out from the front square of the Acting Model that
widens the further it goes. The value after the Cone indicates the number of
squares that the Cone goes out from the first square, and the width from the
center line that the cone widens to.
A Line Command affects an area out from the front square of the Acting
Model in a straight line. The value after the Line indicates the number of
squares that the Line goes out to.
Follow Through
This tag is sometimes added on to a Command with the Line Tag. After
resolving this Command, place the Acting Model in the next empty square,
beyond the targeted squares. If no squares are available, leave the Model in it’s
starting square.
Including Diagonals, Around Tags affect every Model, out to the listed value,
away from the acting Model. Unlike other Multi-Target commands, Around has
no specific target. As such, it does not require Line of Sight to affect Models.
A Wide Command affects a square, and the two squares adjacent to it that
are parallel to the Front Arc of the attacking Model. A Wide command can also
have a RNG value. The center square of the Command must fall within this
range, and the affected squares must remain parallel to the Front Arc.
This tag indicates that the Multi-Target Command does not apply healing to
enemy Models or damage to friendly Models.
Page 16.
Dark Element
ATK/MAG x2 against Holy Blood.
Damage heals Dark Blood.
Arcs and Squares
Each Model has a facing, denoted
by the direction the front of their
body is facing. If it is not clear, paint
one side of the Model’s square base
so as to denote the front facing.
Every Square in front of this facing is
considered to be in the Model’s Front
Arc. The squares in a line to the sides
of the Model are the Side Arcs. Every
square behind the Model is in its Rear
Additionally, the squares
immediately adjacent to the Model in
the Front/Side/Rear Arc are known as
the Front/Side/Rear Squares.
Page 18.
Models that occupy squares along the direct path to your target block Line of
Sight. The direct path can be determined by using a stat/item card, or another
straight edge, lining up the center of the attacker and target’s squares. Large
Models, taking up 4 squares, measure Line of Sight from the center of any of
their squares to determine Line of Sight. In either case, the vertical Line of Sight
must also be checked to determine if a Model blocks Line of Sight.
Regular Models have a height profile of 2, and large Models have a height
profile of 4. If, along the horizontal Line of Sight path, terrain rises 2 or more
height levels above both the acting Model and the target, Line of Sight is
blocked. If either Model is Large, only terrain 4 or more height levels above
blocks Line of Sight. The same effect applies not just for terrain but Models on
the field. Models along the horizontal Line of Sight add their height profile to
the terrain they are standing on to determine if they block line of sight.
Example: A Normal Model on height 5 Terrain blocks line of sight, as if the square
was height 7; a Large Model on height 1 Terrain blocks line of sight, as if the square
was height 5.
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Rule Variations
Game Size - If you’re playing at larger or smaller Party Sizes, consider
playing on larger or smaller tables. This keeps the game from feeling
crowded or empty.
More Uniques - If you ignore the Unique restriction on Characters or
Items, consider making them cost an additional 1C or 1 ITM.
End Control - To End a Game, players can also roll Initiative and the
winner can decide if play continues or ends.
Page 24.
Crystal Shard
HP - 6
Shatter Proof - The Crystal Shard blocks the first 2 successes of a
ATK attack and 1 success from a MAG or ATK+MAG attack. It can take no
more than 1 point of damage from any attack. The Crystal Shard cannot
suffer from push back, status effects or beneficial effects, nor can it be
Magical Resonance - Each time the Shard is dealt damage, reroll its
Aura effect and replace its effect with the new result.
Aura - At the beginning of each Game Round, roll a D6 and refer to the
list of Effects below. The Crystal applies the Effect to all Models within 4
Squares. When the Effect changes, the previous Effect is removed. These
Effects supercede Effects applied by Commands.
1 - Dark Blood
2 - Stop
3 - Blind
4 - Fear
5 - Silence
6 - Holy Blood
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