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Fresh Forge

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Fresh From The Forge

A Rebalanced Weapon System For Old School Play

By L. L. Blumire
Introduction............................................................................... 3
Combat....................................................................................... 4
War.............................................................................................. 6
Axe Type..................................................................................... 10
Blade Type.................................................................................. 12
Bludgeon Type........................................................................... 14
Simple Type................................................................................ 16
Light Class.................................................................................. 18
One-Handed Class.................................................................... 18
Two-Handed Class.................................................................... 19
Polearm Class............................................................................. 19
Bows & Arrows.......................................................................... 22
Slings & Stones........................................................................... 22
Spear Throwers & Javelins........................................................ 24
Blowguns & Darts...................................................................... 24
Crossbows.................................................................................. 26
Muskets (Optional)................................................................... 26
Nets............................................................................................. 27
Enhancements........................................................................... 30
Bane & Slayer............................................................................. 31
Spell............................................................................................. 32
Special Effects............................................................................. 32
Melee........................................................................................... 36
Missile......................................................................................... 37
Random Weapon....................................................................... 38
OGL............................................................................................. 42

Combat is dangerous, and a thing Melee weapons will be broken up by
often best avoided if you wish to type and class, a melee weapon has
live a long and happy life. But all one of each. Type indicates function,
heroes—even those who seek to avoid and class indicates form factor.
combat—need a weapon, Arthur The four types of melee weapon are
and Excalibur, Thor and Mjölnir, Blades, Axes, Bludgeons, and Simple
Cúchulainn and Gáe Bulg, Aragorn Weapons. Blades cut with precision;
and Anduril, Arjuna and his Astras, axes cut with brutality; bludgeons are
Muramasa and Muramasa. merciful to people but not objects;
In fantasy adventure games, the and simple weapons can be used by
weapon a hero wields can often be a those with no formal training.
defining part of their legacy. Be it the The four classes of weapon are
blade they wield when first setting light, one handed, two handed, and
out, or the magical weapon of legend polearm weapons. Light weapons
they use to vanquish the king of all can be thrown and dual wielded; one
demons. handed weapons free up a hand for
In these pages, I’ll describe a system spellcasting or a shield; two handed
that can be used to ensure that the weapons can be used with greater
weapon a character uses is a mean- force; polearm weapons allow more
ingful choice. Of course, magi- allies to fight side by side.
cal enhancements might make one
weapon a strict upgrade over another,
but with these rules the weapon a
person chooses to use will be a mean-
ingful decision they have made.

How combat actually manifests in In Combat
the game is likely changed slightly
In combat, first determine the width
from the procedures presented
of the combat environment. Each
in your favourite fantasy adven-
side should then arrange its melee
ture game. These rules are entirely
combatants to fill the combat width
optional, and if you wish to avoid
as they desire.
using them the only real change that
you will need to make to the content Place these two orderings next to
of this book is to replace combat each other—accounting for width—
width effectiveness bonuses to some characters will be able to attack and
equivalence in the combat system you be attacked by those who are oppo-
chose to run. site them.
These rules also only apply and
take effect in the restricted spaces Corridor
of dungeons, or in large wilderness 20’
battles of armies.
Hagen 3
Combat Width 5 Orc
Bob 5
The measure of the number of
combatants that can be involved in 7 Troll
Amariel 4
a melee is called the combat width of
the fight. In tight spaces, this will also Ser Dave 3
be the missile combat width before 5 Orc
the combat begins, in open spac- Riss 5
es—“missiles clear”—ranged combat-
ants will suffer no such restrictions.
Combat width is measured in feet. A Flanking: If one side does not fill
standard combatant is combat width the combat width, and the other side
5', with a sword that might fall to 4', has a higher width than them, any
with a pike that might fall to 3'. combatant who does not have an
adjacent foe may attack the enemy
on the closest flank to them and they
gain a +1 to their attack and damage
rolls against this target.

Characters can take up to their base Combat Width: Monsters
combat width of 5', regardless of their
and Demihumans
lowest combat width, such that having
a smaller combat width is never made The combat width of demihuman
into a disadvantage due to flanking. classes and monsters can be broadly
Thus, even a pikesman (CW 3') can determined by their height, though it
still defend a 5' wide space. is up to the referee to specify the exact
combat width of creatures. Gener-
Though only the front rank will be
ally, most characters and monsters
involved in melee, you may wish to
can simply be assumed to have a base
specify the orders of back ranks also,
combat width of 5'. Halflings should
so they can fill in for their fallen allies
have a width of 4', and large human-
in the front ranks.
oids such as frost giants and clay
If someone dies or retreats: a gap golems should have a combat width
will form in the formation. Unless of 6'. In general, if it is not listed on
this gap is filled immediately by some- the following table, round up 80% of
one from a back rank, this provides a creatures height in feet to determine
opportunities for people to attempt to its combat width—though monsters
break through and attack spellcasters that large are rarely encountered in
or missile attackers. The entire flank the tight spaces where these rules
can choose to fighting withdrawal and matter most.
reconsolidate to prevent this. Other-
wise, anyone opposite the new gap Race Height Base CW
gains a +1 bonus to hit and damage less than 2' 3' or less
enemies on either side of the gap. 2–3' 4'
Firing into melee: If characters wish 4–6' 5'
to fire missile attacks into the melee
ranks of battle, they will struggle very 7–8' 6'
much to do so without risking hitting more than 8' 7' or more
their allies. If the enemy's front rank
does not fill the combat width fully,
then missile attackers can attack it
at its sides, or can attempt to make
missile attacks at enemy back ranks.
If the allies are flanked, then missile
attackers can shoot at enemy flankers.

Wars are larger scale conflicts, Step 2. Deploy forces
involving many more combatants
Each side should deploy their forces
than just the player characters and
up to the maximum combat width
their immediate foes. As such, it can
available along a line. Any forces that
be difficult to handle if you were to
cannot fill the line should be held in
attempt to resolve it as a full scale
reserve and might be used later to
fill in the ranks of their allies. Note
The other important thing to know the total hit dice count of each side,
is that in a war, it is exceptionally deployed and in reserve.
unlikely that either side will fight to
the death. Morale will break for one Step 3. Character combat
side before the other, and they will Resolve the section of the battle field
surrender. the player characters are engaging in
as a single, smaller scale battle.
Step 1. Mark the lines
Here, player characters might die, or
Draft a rudimentary map of the
their magic or experience might win
terrain the war is going to take place
the day for them to great effect. The
in. Draw lines roughly 100 yards
players may cover as much width as
apart from each other. These will
they wish, between themselves and
be the lines the battle will be fought
along. These will also represent a
kind of larger scale 'combat width' If they retreat, move to step 4, if they
for each side. Determine which line defeat their enemies, they may choose
the combatants will initially clash to fight a reinforcement wave from
on, and what the furthest back each the enemy reserve. In this way they
side is willing to be forced is before might battle through many reinforce-
surrendering. ment waves and have a truly impact-
ful effect on the battle.
Some of these lines might be follow-
ing fortifications such as walls or This should be a battle with terrain
castle keeps. In this instance, give that players might interact with, and
them a defence rating: 1 for town interesting consequences, as might
walls, 2 for city walls, and 3 for castle be done for any normal battle in a
walls. dungeon or in the wilderness.
At any time the players wish, they
may move to step 4.

Step 4. Reckoning Step 5. Surrender
In the reckoning, the total impact of If at any point either side surren-
the battle is determined. If the party ders, either due to soldiers fail-
retreated in step 3, make this roll ing morale, or due to the side being
twice and take the lower value. forced to retreat back from their final
The HDR (hit dice reduction) line of defence, then each side must
percentages are taken as a percent- meet to negotiate terms. In the rare
age of the hit dice of the opposing circumstance that surrender is not an
force. This amount is then subtracted option, the side that will fight to the
from the allied force. For example, an death may not break morale, and will
opposing force with 100 HD versus continue to the last man.
an ally force with 75, if the Ally HDR It may reach the point where the
was 20% then 20% of 100 is a 20 hit party wishes to desert, rather than
dice reduction, so the ally total hit continue to face death on the battle-
dice would fall by 20 to 55. field. If this should occur, they may
If a side has been reduced to half do so as part of any retreat their side
their original total forces, they must makes. This will likely have repercus-
check morale (with any bonus from sions for them with whichever faction
their leader) or surrender. Repeat this they are deserting.
each time step 4 is reached.
Add all the HD from any waves the
party defeated to the final Foe HDR.
Add the HD from any retainer or
player character deaths from step 3
to the ally HDR.

d20 Ally HDR Foe HDR

1 20 5
2–7 15 7
8–13 10 10
14–19 7 15
20 5 20

After applying the hit dice reduction

and checking morale, move the line in
the direction of the side that suffered
greater losses as a percentage of their
total army size. Go back to step 2.
Melee Weapons
Axe Type
Axes are a type of top-weighted Polearms (Halberds)
weapon designed to cut and cleave.
Though halberds may have the form
A basic (one-handed) axe deals d6! factor of an axe, for the purpose of
damage, weighs 60 coins, and costs 7 these rules, their weighting does
gold to buy. not vary significantly from that of a
pike or glaive, as such a polearm axe
Exploding Damage is a polearm blade for mechanical
Though axes may lack the precision purposes.
and consistency of swords, they are
able to strike with deadly power. Throwing
Damage from axes explodes, which Though light axes can be thrown like
is noted as "d#!", this means that if the most light weapons, larger axes can
damage die for an attack with an axe also be thrown with a missile range
shows its maximum value, the die is of 5'–10'/11'–20'/21'–30'. As missile
rolled again and the new damage total weapons, the damage from thrown
added to the previous maximum. This axes does not explode.
process can repeat itself indefinitely, In addition to this, a penalty to
effectively creating no upper limit on throwing is inflicted based on the size
the damage an axe can do. of the axe.
Shatter Wooden Door Class Penalty
When faced with a wooden door Light None
that is locked or stuck, an axe can One-handed -2
provide a significant increase to the
Two-handed -4
effectiveness with which it can be
bypassed. It thus provides a +1-in-6
(maximum 5-in-6) improvement to Dwarven Masters
forcing open the door, but will leave In spite of their stature, dwarves may
it in an condition that is not easily wield two handed axes by holding
repaired. For smaller axes, this will them higher up the shaft for balance,
involve cutting enough of the door to and utilising the longer shaft for grip.
shove it open, or smashing around the
lock; for larger axes the entire door
might be destroyed in a few quick

Light Axes
e.g. hand axes, throwing axes, light
axes, tomahawks, hatchets, hurlbats,

Damage d4!
Cost 5gp
Weight 30cn Two-Handed Axes
Combat width +0 e.g. great axes, dane axes, double
Throw 10' / 20' / 30' axes, labrys, crusader axe
d4 damage Damage d8!
Force door +1-in-6 Cost 10gp
Weight 90cn
One-Handed Axes Combat width +1
e.g. battle axes, logging axes, horse- Throw 10' / 20' / 30'
men's axes, archer's axes.
-4 to hit
Damage d6! d8 damage
Cost 7gp Force door +1-in-6
Weight 60cn
Combat width +0
Throw 10' / 20' / 30'
-2 to hit
d6 damage
Force door +1-in-6

Blade Type
Blades are a consistent weapon Non-Thrown Light Blades
designed to slash and puncture.
Blades are one of the most varied
A basic (one-handed) blade deals d8 types of weapon. It might make
damage, weighs 60 coins, and costs 10 sense for a spear to be a light blade
gold to buy. Blades reduce the combat that can be thrown, but much less so
width of their wielder by 1’. for a short sword. If it does not make
sense for the flavour of a weapon
Weapon of Prestige for it to be throwable, then you can
Blades are wielded by the rich and simply discard that property of the
important. When openly carrying a light blade.
blade, others will recognise you as a A benefit you can grant instead is the
person worth respect: the spears of power to lunge and attack things with
guards, the arming swords of knights, a narrower stance.
the rapiers of nobles, the cutlass of an
Light blades that cannot be thrown
accomplished sailor, or the dirk of an
give an additional benefit of reducing
the combat width of their wielder by
If your blade is on display, you gain a an extra 1' (in total, 2').
+1 bonus to the reaction rolls of NPCs
that are intelligent and civilized, such
as commoners or allied soldiers, or
that would recognise your weapon
such as a pirate recognising a cutlass.

Popular Magical Vessels

Mages have enchanted more swords
than any other weapons. Funded by
knights and kings, a lot of research
has gone into efficiently enchanting
Due to this pre-existing body of
research, one only needs 75% of the
usual magical resources to enchant
a sword.

Non-Thrown Light Blades
e.g. seaxes, gladii, dirks, shortsword

Damage d6
Cost 7gp
Weight 30cn Two-Handed Blades
Combat width -2 e.g. zweihanders, longswords, great
swords, scottish claymores
Prestige bonus +1
Damage d10
Throwable Light Blades Cost 15gp
e.g. light spears, falaricas Weight 90cn
Combat width +0
Damage d6
Prestige bonus +1
Cost 7gp
Weight 30cn
Polearm Blades
Combat width -1
e.g. fauchards, glaives, halberds,
Throw 10' / 20' / 30' pikes, tridents
Prestige bonus +1
Damage d8
One-Handed Blades Cost 15gp
e.g. claymores, sabres, rapiers, hook Weight 120cn
swords, knightly swords, norman Combat width -2
sword, whips, spears, bastard swords Force door +1
Damage d8
Cost 10gp
Weight 60cn
Combat width -1
Prestige bonus +1

Bludgeon Type
Bludgeons are a blunt weapon Light Bludgeons
designed to impact with great force.
As a certain amount of weight is
A basic (one-handed) bludgeon required to make a bludgeon effec-
deals d6 damage, weighs 30 coins, and tive, light bludgeons are not viable
costs 5 gold to buy. weapons in combat and thus do not
Shatter Wooden Door
When faced with a wooden door Dwarven Masters
that is locked or stuck, a two-handed In spite of their stature, dwarves
bludgeon can provide a significant may wield two handed bludgeons by
increase to the effectiveness with holding them higher up the shaft for
which it can be bypassed. It thus balance, and utilising the longer shaft
provides a +1-in-6 (maximum 5-in- for grip.
6) improvement to forcing open the
door, but will leave it in a condition Lances
that is not easily repaired. Lances use the statistics of a polearm,
but deal 1d4 damage unmounted, and
Shatter Fragile Enemy 1d6×2 damage while charging on a
When faced with a fragile enemy mount.
such as a skeleton, any bludgeoning
weapon has a +1 to hit and a +1 to Two-Handed Exploding
Non-Lethal Bludgeoning Two-handed bludgeons do not
receive the usual increase in dice
Strike step of bludgeons, but instead their
It is far easier to strike non lethally damage explodes.
with a bludgeon than with other
kinds of weapon; while striking non
lethally with a bludgeon the weapon
will receive a bonus of +1 to hit and
+1 to non-lethal damage. It is for this
reason they are favoured by clerics,
as they enable and encourage mercy.

One-Handed Bludgeons
e.g. maces, short staves, virges, Polearm Bludgeons
pernachs, morningstars e.g. quarterstaves, bo staves, long
Damage d6
Cost 5gp Damage d6
Weight 30cn Cost 7gp
Combat width +0 Weight 60cn
Force door +1 Combat width -1
Shatter enemy +1 Force door +1
Shatter enemy +1
Two-Handed Bludgeons
e.g. mauls, flails, warhammers, great Lances
Damage d4 / d6×2
Damage d6! Cost 7gp
Cost 7gp Weight 60cn
Weight 40cn Combat width -1
Combat width +0 Force door +1
Force door +1 Shatter enemy +1
Shatter enemy +1

Simple Type
Simple weapons are by far the most Wizard Staves
varied of weapons, from pitchforks
A trivial modification can be made
to staves to clubs to daggers. They are
to staves by arcane magic users to
easy to make, and easy to use.
grant them a +1 to their saves versus
A basic (one-handed) simple magic while wielding a staff they have
weapon deals d4 damage, weighs 30 modified.
coins, and costs 4 gold to buy.
Simple Polearms
Training Not Required There is no such thing as a simple
Anyone can use a simple weapon, polearm, weapons that might seem
no matter how much or little martial as polearms such as pitchforks should
training they possess, so long as they be classified as two-handed simple
have the required number of arms to weapons instead.
wield them.
Two-Handed Exploding
Dual Wielding Without
Experience Two-handed simple weapons do
A character who may only wield not receive the usual increase in dice
simple weapons may not dual wield step of bludgeons, but instead their
light simple weapons. damage explodes.
Light Simple Weapons
A character who may wield more
than only simple weapons may
conceal a light simple weapon on
their person, for example a hidden
dagger. These weapons will only be
found on a 1-in-6 when patting down
a person for weapons, and for thieves
they will not be found at all unless
extensive searches are carried out.
Light simple weapons do not gain a
benefit to damage from the wielder's
strength bonus.

Light Simple
e.g. daggers, shivs, brass knuckles,
gauntlets, kunai, stakes

Damage d4 no strength bns Two-Handed Simple

Cost 3gp e.g. pitchforks, staves
Weight 10cn
Combat width +0 Damage d4!
Throw 10' / 20' / 30' Cost 6gp
Weight 40cn
One-Handed Simple Combat width +0
e.g. clubs, cudgels, sickles (arcane stave) +1 save vs magic

Damage d4
Cost 4gp
Weight 30cn
Combat width +0
Prestige bonus +1

Light Class
Light weapons weigh little, which Dual Wielding
greatly improves their manoeuvra-
A character may fight with two light
weapons. When fighting like this, they
A light weapon reduces the basic make an attack roll for each weapon
damage dice by one step, reduces the and take the higher value to deter-
cost to 75% (rounded down to the mine whether the attack hits. Even
nearest gold), and reduces the weight if both weapons roll high enough to
to 50% (rounded down to the nearest hit, the character only hits with the
10 coins). higher rolling weapon. If both values
If this reduction in damage dice rolled are the same, and both would
would apply to a d4, instead of reduc- hit, then both weapons hit (but the
ing it to a d2, it should instead remain bonus to melee damage from strength
a d4 but does not add any bonus from is only added once).
strength to its attack rolls or damage. This may at first seem incredi-
bly powerful, but consider that not
Thrown Light Weapons only is the character giving up the
Light weapons with the exception use of a shield or a free hand, light
of some blades can be thrown as a weapons deal reduced damage than
missile attack with a range of: one-handed weapons, and thus the
5’–10’ / 11’–20’ / 21’–30’ weapon damage is likely only d4 or
d6, compared with the d10 of using
Light Simple Weapons both hands for a single weapon.
See Light Simple Weapons, under
Simple (page 16.) Non Thrown-Light Blades
See Non Thrown-Light Blades,
under Blades (page 12.)

One-Handed Class
One handed weapons are the basic Dual Wielding
form of any weapon type. They are
It is possible to hold two one-handed
versatile and highly functional.
weapons, one in each hand. However
this does not provide a benefit.
Two-Handed Class
Two handed weapons are heavy, but Exploding Damage
with a more powerful strike.
Two handed bludgeons and two
A two-handed weapon increases handed simple weapons do not
the basic damage dice by one receive the usual damage dice
step, increases the cost to 150% increase, and instead their damage
(rounded down to the nearest gold), explodes.
and increases the weight to 150%
(rounded down to the nearest 10
coins). Two handed weapons increase
the combat width of their wielder by 1’.

Polearm Class
Polearms are long and allow for Brace
striking over the heads of your allies.
Polearm weapons may be braced
A polearm retains the basic damage to deal double damage against a
dice, increases the cost to 150% charging foe. Charge attacks must
(rounded down to the nearest gold), be declared at the same time as spell
and increases the weight to 200%. casting or retreating. Then, if the
Polearm weapons reduce the combat character wins initiative versus the
width of their wielder by 1’. charger, they may brace and will
then both hit automatically and deal
Longer Reach double damage to the charging foe
Due to their longer reach, when immediately before the foe would
stretching out with a polearm a deal damage to them. If the charging
person can interact with objects from foe dies from this braced attack, then
up to 10 feet away. they do not deal damage.
In combat, this is represented by the
combat width reduction.

Missile Weapons
Bows & Arrows
Bows are powerful projectile weapons Shortbows
that fire arrows with deadly accuracy.
Shortbows weigh 20 coins, and cost
They are differentiated primary by
25 gold to buy. They have a range of:
their draw weight.
5'–50' / 51'–100' / 101'–150'.
All bows require two hands to wield,
one to hold the bow, and the other to Bows
notch and fire the arrow.
Bows weigh 30 coins, and cost 30
Arrow projectiles, regardless of bow gold to buy. They have a range of:
weight, deal d6 damage.
5'–60' / 61'–120' / 121'–180'.
20 arrows can be purchased in a
bundle for 5 gold. Two arrows weigh Longbows weigh 40 coins, and cost
1 coin. 40 gold to buy. They have a range of:
5'–70' / 71'–140' / 141'–210'.
A quiver can hold up to 20 arrows
or bolts, and weighs 10 coins. It can
be purchased for 1 gold.

Slings & Stones

Slings are a method of propelling a Rocks
stone over a higher range than could
Are free if available on the ground,
be thrown with one's hands.
weigh 10 coins, and can be thrown:
Rock projectiles deal d4 damage.
5'–10' / 11'–20' / 21'–30'.
Slings and rocks are simple, and can
be used by those without any martial Slings
training. Weigh 10 coin and cost 2 gold. They
extend the range of a propelled rock
Rock Pouch to:
A rock pouch weighs 10 coins and
5'–30' / 31'-60' / 61'–90'.
costs 1 gold. It can hold 5 rocks.
Damage d6
Cost 5gp for 20
Weight 1cn per 2

Damage d4
Capacity 20 arrows or bolts
Cost free from ground
Cost 1gp
Weight 10cn
Weight 10cn
Throw 10' / 20' / 30'

Rock Pouches
Cost 25gp
Capacity 5 rocks
Weight 20cn
Cost 1gp
Missile 50' / 100' / 150'
Weight 10cn

Cost 30gp
Cost 2gp
Weight 30cn
Weight 10cn
Missile 60' / 120' / 180'
Missile 30' / 60' / 90'

Cost 40gp
Weight 40cn
Missile 70' / 140' / 210'

Spear Throwers
& Javelins
Spear throwers are designed to A javelin can be used in melee, as
enable a person to throw a javelin a light melee weapon that does not
over a much further distance and have the dual wield or lunge property.
with more force than they could with
their natural throwing power. Spear Throwers
A spear thrower can be purchased
Javelins for 20 gold, weighs 20 coins, and a
A javelin can be purchased for 1 javelin thrown by it deals d6 damage.
gold, weighs 20 coins, and deals d4 It has a missile range of:
damage when thrown. As a thrown 5'–50' / 51'–100' / 101'–150'
missile weapon, it has a range of:
5'–30' / 31'–60' / 61'–90'

Blowguns & Darts

Blowguns and darts are highly Blowguns
specialised weapons designed to
Blowguns provide a means to send
deliver chemicals at range.
a dart further, and with far greater
stealth. They rely on the strength of
the user's breath, rather than their
Darts are hollow thrown weapons. hands. They are small, and can be
They deal no damage, but can deliver easily concealed. If concealed, blow-
effects such as potions and poisons guns will only be found on a 1-in-6
(made by an alchemist, or purchased when patting down a person for
as described in Old-School Essentials weapons, and for thieves they will
Advanced Fantasy Genre Rules). not be found at all unless extensive
20 darts can be purchased for 5 gold, searches are carried out. They can be
and they weigh one coin each. They purchased for 10 gold, weigh 5 coins,
have a range of: and have a missile range of:
5'–10' / 11'–20' / 21'–30'. 5'–20' / 21'–40' / 41'–60'
Damage d4
Damage 0 (often poison)
Cost 1gp
Cost 5gp for 20
Weight 20cn
Weight —
Throw 30' / 60' / 90'
Throw 10' / 20' / 30'

Spear Throwers
Damage d6
Cost 10gp
Cost 20gp
Weight 5cn
Weight 20cn
Missile 20' / 40' / 60'
Missile 50' / 100' / 150'

Crossbows are a powerful but slow Complex Reloading
weapon requiring ability and time to
A crossbow may be loaded by any
arm. They cannot be kept in a armed
martially trained character. This
condition while travelling due to the
process must be declared at the same
high tensions they are held under.
time as spells and may be interrupted
Thus they are primarily useful as siege
in a similar fashion. On any round a
weapons or as defensive weapons,
character declares loading a crossbow,
where they can be armed in response
they have a 2-in-6 chance to load it,
to foreknowledge of an attack.
ready to fire on the next round. Once
A crossbow costs 70 gold, weighs loaded it may be fired by anyone.
100 coins, and deals 2d6 damage. It
has a missile range of: Bolts
5'–80' / 81'–160' / 161'–240' 20 bolts can be purchased in a
bundle for 8 gold, each bolt weighs 5
coins. These may be kept in quivers,
see Bows & Arrows (page 22)

Muskets (Optional)
Muskets are more primitive and Complex Mechanisms
unreliable than crossbows, but inflict
Muskets require advanced training
deadly harm.
and experience to maintain, load,
A musket costs 200 gold, and weighs aim, and fire. Because of this they
150 coins. Those shot at by muskets may only be used by martially trained
must save versus wands or suffer 3d6 characters who, when their bonus to
damage if within 200'. hit with missile weapons is subtracted
from their THAC0, have a score of
Misfire 16 or lower. They also have Complex
A musket has a 1-in-6 chance to Reloading (see Crossbows),
misfire each time it is fired. After a
misfire it may not fire again until a Bullets
turn is spent repairing it. 1 bullet costs 1 gold, and weighs 2 coins.
A net (or bolas) costs 10 gold, and
weighs 5 coins. A thrown net has a
missile range of:
5'–20' / 21'–40' / 41'–60'
A target of moose size or smaller
must save versus paralysis or become
unable to move or attack. A netted Bullets
creature may attempt to break free
(repeating the save), but if the trapped Cost 1gp
creature does not have a knife or Weight 2cn
equivalent cutting implement this
must be declared and can be inter- Muskets
rupted as if it were a spell. Any magi-
cal enhancement on the net acts as a Save vs Wands
penalty to the save. Damage 3d6 on fail
Cost 5gp for 20
Weight —
Range 200'
Reload 2-in-6
Misfire 1-in-6
Cost 8gp for 20
Weight 5cn each Nets
Cost 10gp
Weight 5cn
Damage 2d6 Missile 20' / 40' / 60'
Cost 70gp
Weight 100cn
Missile 80' / 160' / 240'
Reload 2-in-6

Magic Weapons
Enhancements are the most basic Enhanced Weapon
kind of magical enchantment that
might be placed on a weapon. They
are a pure upgrade to the effective- The cost to enhance a weapon is
ness of a weapon with no additional fairly stable across weapon types.
unique effects. Weapons with other
Enhancement Cost
kinds of enchantments will always
have enhancements on them, as no +1 2,500 gold
mage would go the effort of applying +2 (req. +1) 5,000 gold
further enchantments to a weapon +3 (req. +2) 10,000 gold
that has not already received basic
enhancement. The cost is paid in gems and precious
metals, from which the mage extracts
Effect the magical energy used to enhance
A an enhanced weapon is described the weapon.
as "[weapon] +X", where X is the In order to enhance a weapon to
number representing the strength of +2, it must already be a +1 weapon,
the enhancement. as such it costs 7,500 gold total for a
This represents a +X to any to hit or +2 weapon, and 17,500 gold total to
damage rolls made with the weapon. reach a +3 enhancement.
For projectile missile weapons, it is
only +X on to hit rolls, and for the
Enhanced Projectile
actual projectile that is fired it is +X Creation
to only the damage roll. When enhancing projectiles like
arrows, bolts, and darts, the cost is the
Enhanced Projectile same, but will be taken on by more
Recovery than one projectile.
Spending a turn after combat allows Enhancement Projectiles
for fired enhanced projectiles to be
+1 2d12
recovered, as they generally will not
break on impact due to the magic +2 (req. +1) 2d8
protecting them. +3 (req. +2) 2d6

Bane & Slayer
Bane and Slayer effects cause a Slayer Creation
weapon to be significantly more
A bane weapon will eventually
powerful when fighting a specific
become a slayer weapon after it has
type of foe. They are closely coupled
slain over 100 HD worth its target
effects, and in fact it is possible for
creature type. It does not need to
a bane weapon to become a slayer
have the killing blow on them, but
weapon without any magical effort.
they must be struck by the weapon
and killed within the same turn.
Bane Effect
For every time a bane weapon is
Bane weapons have a much higher
used in the killing of a creature once
enhancement level (e.g. +3) against a
it has slain 100 HD worth, it has a
specific type of enemy. This type is a
percentage chance equal to the total
broad category such as birds, dragons,
hit dice of the most recently killed
spiders, undead, or wolves.
Slayer Effect For example, a dragon's bane sword
Slayer weapons are upgraded bane (Sword +1, +3 vs dragons) has killed
weapons, dealing double damage to over 100 HD worth of dragons, and is
their quarry. In addition to this, if then used to kill a black dragon with a
the target has 45 or fewer hit points total of 7 HD. After it is fallen, a d100
when they are first struck by the slayer is rolled, and on a result of a 1 to a 7,
weapon, they must save versus death the weapon becomes a slayer weapon.
or die. This enchantment process can be
sped up using magic. After crossing
Bane Creation the 100 HD kill threshold, a bane
A bane weapon is created by taking weapon can be bathed in blood once
a +1 enhanced weapon, and bath- more, and be given an additional
ing it fully in a large pool of blood 4,000 gold worth of precious gems,
extracted from the creature it is being it will then be 5 times more likely to
enchanted to kill. In addition to this, become a slayer weapon after killing.
a further 2,500 gold worth of magical For the above example, if it had been
gems and jewellery must be supplied treated with more blood and magic,
to bind the enchantment. the weapon would upgrade on any
For projectiles, bane uses the same result between 1 and 35.
numbers as enhancements.

Weapons with a spell enchantments Spell Storage Creation
hold an instance of a spell or spell
A spell weapon is created by taking
like effect that can be released at the
a weapon of enhancement +1 or
wielder's command.
greater and combining it with the
same reagents that would be required
to create a scroll of that spell must
A spell weapon is enchanted with be acquired (see Magical Research
a spell or spell like effect of up to in Old-School Essentials) if you are
third level, which can be used by the unsure what to require, consider
wielder of the weapon by speaking a requiring some monster component
command word determined by the for a monster with similar properties
enchanter. In combat, the spell does to the spell, with a number of hit dice
not need to be declared, will happen equal to triple the level of the spell.
at the same time as other cast spells This must be combined with gems of
would resolve, and may be done on a value of at least 10,000 multiplied by
the same turn as an attack is made. the level of the spell being enchanted.
Each spell storage weapon may use
its inner spell once per day.

Special Effects
Special enchantments are effects Lesser special enchantments require
that do not match any of the previous 5,000 gold worth of gems to make.
descriptions. They can be grouped Medial special enchantments require
into three tiers. The following is not 10,000 gold worth of gems to make,
an exhaustive list of these effects, but and greater special enchantments
should indicate the relative costs of may only be made by those who can
effects such as these to enable you to cast the highest level of arcane magic
expand if a player requests such an and require 50,000 gold worth of
effect. gems to make.
Additional requirements are written
in [square brackets].

Lesser Greater
Detection will reveal if an enemy Wishes weapons have the power
of a certain type is within 120' [the to grant the wielder's spoken wishes
corpse of an enemy of the type]. 1d4 times (see Wishes, under Magic
Light will allow the weapon to glow Items in Old-School Essentials)
in a 30' radius [a firefly or glowbug]. [the heart of a faerie lord].
Parrying allows the weapon to add Energy drain weapons may on a
its magical enhancement bonus to successful hit choose to expend a
their AC, but prevents the user from charge (from 1d4+4 charges), to in
also using a shield [a dead soldier]. addition to dealing their normal
damage, permanently remove one
Tracking allows a weapon to be
experience level (or Hit Die) from
commanded to point towards the
the struck creature. This reduces their
last creature it struck—provided that
max hit points and current hit points
creature, or its corpse, are within 48
by the same amount, and loses them
miles [the heart of a deer, or similar].
any other benefits. A character's XP is
Medial reduced to the lowest amount for the
new level. A person drained of all levels
Grievous weapons inflict damage
dies [the corpse of a max level hero].
which may not be healed by magical
methods [a destroyed holy symbol]. Vorpal weapons will instantly kill
some of their victims—through
Shieldbreaker weapons have a +1
means of beheading via a slash
bonus versus shield wielder's, and will
through the neck or through blunt
destroy a shield if the wielder's attack
force so powerful as to disconnect the
roll is a 20 or greater [a shield].
spine. If an attack roll made is at least
Flaming weapons can burst into 20, the wielder may choose to remove
flames on command. They cast the head of their target, killing them
light in a 30' radius when lit. They instantly. This may be done 1d4+4
are treated as a torch and may set times [a hydra's severed head].
things on fire. They give an extra +1
enhancement vs creatures such as
trolls which cannot regenerate versus
fire, and bird like creatures. They give
an extra +2 enhancement versus plant
based creatures and undead. These
increases may not improve the weap-
on's enhancement above +3 [5 gallons
of oil].

Reference Tables
Type Class Damage Cost Weight Example
Axe Light d4! 5gp 30cn Hand axe
Axe One-handed d6! 7gp 60cn Axe, flail
Axe Two-handed d8! 10gp 90cn Great axe
Blade Light d6 7gp 30cn Shortsword
Blade One-handed d8 10gp 60cn Sword
Blade Polearm d8 15gp 120cn Glaive, halberd
Blade Two-handed d10 15gp 90cn Longsword
Bludgeon One-handed d6 5gp 30cn Mace
Bludgeon Polearm d6 7gp 60cn Quarterstaff
Bludgeon Two-handed d6! 7gp 40cn Maul
Simple Light d4 3gp 10cn Dagger
Simple One-handed d4 4gp 30cn Club, sickle
Simple Two-handed d4! 6gp 40cn Pitchfork, staff

Weapon Range Damage Cost Weight Ammo
Shortbow 50/100/150 d6 25gp 20cn Arrows
Bow 60/120/180 d6 30gp 30cn Arrows
Longbow 70/140/210 d6 40gp 40gp Arrows
Rock, thrown 10/20/30 d4 free 10cn
Sling 30/60/90 d4 2gp 10cn Rocks
Javelin, thrown 30/60/90 d4 1gp 20cn
Spear thrower 50/100/150 d6 20gp 20cn Javelins
Dart, thrown 10/20/30 none 5gp —
Blowgun 20/40/60 none 10gp 5cn Darts
Crossbow 80/160/240 2d6 70gp 100cn Bolts
Musket 200' 3d6 200gp 150cn Bullet
Net 20/40/60 none 10g 5cn

Ammo Set of Cost Weight per For

Arrows 20 5gp 1/2cn Bows
Rock — free 10cn Slings
Javelin 1 1gp 20cn Spear thrower
Bolts 20 8gp 1cn Crossbows
Bullet 1 1gp 2cn Musket

Container Cost Weight Holds

Quiver 1gp 10cn 20 arrows or bolts
Rock pouch 1gp 10cn 5 rocks

Random Weapon
When rolling for treasures gives you
d20 Ammo quantity
a magic weapon or sword, consult the
following tables to determine which 1–2 3d10
variant of a sword, or weapon is 3–13 2d6
obtained. Simple weapons are usually 14–20 1d6
not enchanted.
Begin by determining form factor, d% Missile weapon
and if it is a melee weapon class the 1–20 Shortbow
weapon type.
21–57 Bow
d% Form factor 58–77 Longbow
1–70 Blade 78–82 Sling
71–80 Axe 83–87 Spear thrower
81–90 Bludgeon 88 Blowgun
91–97 Ammo 89–94 Crossbow
98–00 Missile weapon 95 Musket
96–00 Net
d% Weapon Type
1–30 Light Once you have determined what the
weapon is, roll for its enhancement.
31–60 One-handed
61–80 Two-handed d% Enhancement
81–00 Polearm 1–2 -2, cursed
If you roll an axe polearm, convert it 3–4 -1, cursed
to a blade polearm. If you roll a light 5–93 +1
bludgeon, convert it to a light blade. 94–98 +2
99–00 +3
d% Ammo
1–70 Arrow Cursed equipment have no further
71-85 Crossbow bolt enchantments. For more on cursed
86-95 Javelin weapons, see Cursed Swords and
Weapons, under Swords and Weap-
96–98 Dart
ons in Old-School Essentials.
99–00 Bullet

Some weapons only have an If the result is another magical effect,
enhancement, others will gain extra roll for its degree. You may then come
magical properties. up with an effect of the appropriate
degree, or roll for one.
d6 Enchantment
1–3 only enhanced d20 Magical effect
4–5 and bane or slayer 1–5 Spell
6 and magical effect 6–13 Lesser
14–18 Medial
d6 Bane or slayer 19–20 Greater
1–5 Bane, +3 vs creature type
6 Creature type slayer If the effect is spell, roll for a random
spell according to the rules for Spell
If the result is bane or slayer, it will Scrolls, under Scroll and Maps in
apply to the following creature type. Old-School Essentials.

d8 Creature type d4 Lesser effects

1 Giant 1 Direction
2 Lycanthrope 2 Light
3 Spell user 3 Parrying
4 Dragon 4 Tracking
5 Goblin, kobolds, and orcs
d6 Medial effects
6 Non-native entities
1–2 Grievous
7 Regenerating creatures
3–4 Shieldbreaker
8 Undead
5–6 Flaming

d6 Greater effects
1–2 Wishes
3–4 Energy drain
5–6 Vorpal

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do so. based on original material by Nick Louth.
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You Rot Grub from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002,
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Open Game Material so affected. Labyrinth Lord™ © 2007-2009, Daniel Proctor.
Author Daniel Proctor.
13. Termination: This License will terminate
automatically if You fail to comply with all terms B/X Essentials: Core Rules © 2017 Gavin Norman.
herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days Author Gavin Norman.
of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses B/X Essentials: Classes and Equipment © 2017
shall survive the termination of this License. Gavin Norman. Author Gavin Norman.
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is B/X Essentials: Cleric and Magic-User Spells ©
held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be 2017 Gavin Norman. Author Gavin Norman.
reformed only to the extent necessary to make it B/X Essentials: Monsters © 2017 Gavin Norman.
enforceable. Author Gavin Norman.
15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE B/X Essentials: Adventures and Treasures © 2018
Open Game License v 1.0 © 2000, Wizards of the Gavin Norman. Author Gavin Norman.
Coast, Inc. Old-School Essentials Core Rules © 2018 Gavin
System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of Norman.
the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Genre
Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material Rules © 2018 Gavin Norman.
by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Cleric and
System Reference Document © 2000-2003, Magic-User Spells © 2018 Gavin Norman.
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Monsters
Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, © 2018 Gavin Norman.
Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Treasures
James Wyatt, based on original material by E. © 2018 Gavin Norman.
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Rules
Modern System Reference Document © 2002- Tome © 2019 Gavin Norman.
2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Old-School Essentials System Reference Docu-
Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, ment © 2019 Gavin Norman. Author Gavin
Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Norman.
Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based
on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Fresh from the Forge © 2021 Lucille L. Blumire.
Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. END OF LICENSE
Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, © 2004,
Your world might be a world of

heroes, villains, armies, kings, war

dragons, monsters, mazes, and gold

if it is, then it’s certain that those

who live there will need a weapon

an old sword, a trusty spear,

a mighty axe, a deadly bow

whatever they wield, you’ll find

rules for it, and more, within

Requires Old-School Essentials

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