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Future Harn 722

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Future Hârn 1

“and so, as you embark upon your studies remember those

who have gone before, with meticulous research and often
in trying times to build upon our lore. May your endeavours
prove as fruitful as we push the boundaries of our
understanding for the good of our great Kingdom.” – excerpt
from an address to new entrants given by Piotr the Leech, Viran of Physic,
Academie of Caleme, Belisaran House, shortly before his first trail for heresy,
841 TR.

Table of Contents
SEEDS OF DISASTER.................................................................4
Miginath’s Motives......................................................5
Secret Players: Council of Eleven.................................5
Dark Conspiracies........................................................5
Changes from the Year 720..........................................6
THE CHARACTERS....................................................................6
Leading Candidates...........................................................6
Maldan Harabor (Olokand)..........................................6
Cheselyn Hosath (née Elendsa)....................................7
Conwan Elendsa (Querina)..........................................7
Orsin Firith (Kobing).....................................................7
Erelar Hirnen (Nenda)..................................................7
Troda Dariune (Kiban)..................................................8
Tulath Kaphin (Athelren)..............................................8
Royal Household...............................................................8
Erila Kaphin (Privy Seal)...............................................8
Meliem Elendsa (Chamberlain)....................................9
Kytem Curo (Seneschal)...............................................9
Koris Harabor (Guard Marshal)....................................9
Ruta Inamis (Chief Clerk)..............................................9
Ernell Mered (Royal Physician)..................................10
Ertol Dracayne (Royal Alchemist)...............................10
Rodin Kynn (Astrologer).............................................10
Derwen Verdreth (Shek-Pvar)....................................10
Migray Hosath (Royal Herald)....................................10
Armagaster of Esaldin (Fool)......................................10
Eltan Lithas (Royal Bard)............................................10
Midal Sarathid (Inquisitor General)............................10
Chilmin Bastune (Exchequer Clerk)............................10
Mirald Alkinil (Treasurer)...........................................10
Erdar of Orinain (Architect)........................................11
The Earls..........................................................................11
Hemisen Curo (Gardiren)...........................................11
Declaen Caldeth (Minarsas).......................................11
Thilisa Meleken (Qualdris).........................................11
The Barons......................................................................12
Chimin Indama (Getha)..............................................12
Tarmas Verdreth (Ternua).........................................12
Kisan Tesla (Esenor)...................................................12

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Wevran Ethasiel (Setrew)..........................................12
Churus Londel (Yeged)...............................................12
Uthris Pierstel (Tonot)................................................13
Karsin Ubael (Uldien).................................................13
Greon Bastune (Kolorn).............................................13
Arwyn Elorieth (Nubeth)............................................13
The Sheriffs......................................................................13
Harapa Indama (Bidow).............................................13
Ranal Gybsen (Sirendel).............................................14
Eris Karondal (Shebra)................................................14
Meden Curo (Hutop)..................................................14
The Constables................................................................14
Haldare Venera (Tashal).............................................14
Garath Ruseller (Pendath).........................................14
Dagald Jendral (Fisen)................................................14
Shernath Mirdarne (Jedes)........................................14
Danyes Bernan (Kyg)..................................................15
Coreth Lothlar (Zoben)...............................................15
Eres Tereneth (Baseta)...............................................15
Bereden Pawade (Heru).............................................15
The Laranian Church........................................................15
Conwan Elendsa’s Oath.............................................15
Edine Kynn (Caleme)..................................................16
Tyrnal Dariune (Cholas)..............................................16
Ilor Hadan (Abriel)......................................................16
Cerdan Bantire (Ledyne)............................................16
Sheryd Quathis (Brynd)..............................................17
Houla Artona (Whyce)...............................................17
Luisan Kelic (Jenkald).................................................17
Tae Sarela (Yaltako)...................................................17
Mulron Charyn (Vadan).............................................18
Remiu Valador (Nebulan)...........................................18
Clan Elendsa....................................................................18
Lerela Alsar (née Elendsa)..........................................18
Arlin Alsar (Nicomen).................................................19
Cheselyn Hosath the Younger (Tashal)......................19
Merela Hosath (Tashal)..............................................19
Lenera Firith (Caleme)...............................................19
Serli Ubael (née Firith)...............................................19
Serli Ubael the Younger (Uldien)................................19
Karsin Ubael the Younger (Kobing)............................19
Mirild Harabor (Olokand)...........................................19
Scina Dariune (Kiban).................................................20
Kornuska Harabor (Olokand).....................................20
Kymen Firith (Qualire)................................................20
Asorn Firith (Tashal)...................................................20
Tarkin Hirnen (Tashal)................................................20
Siwen Elendsa (Kiban)................................................20

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Raditha Elendsa.........................................................20
Korwyn Elendsa (Bromeleon).....................................20
Undine Indama (née Elendsa)....................................20
Donesyn Dariune (Tashal)..........................................20
Astaroc Cranalson (Tashal).........................................20
The Mangai......................................................................21
GoAL (Arcanists).........................................................21
Lia-Kivair (Thieves).....................................................21
Litigants (Lawyers).....................................................21
Ostlers (Horse breeders)............................................22
Physicians (Medics)....................................................22
Foreign powers................................................................22

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Thardic Republic..............................................................27
PRELUDE TO CHAOS..............................................................27
Pre-war Factions..............................................................28
The Bastard Faction...................................................28
The Cheselyn Faction.................................................28
The Conwan Faction..................................................28
The Firith Faction.......................................................28
The Dariune-Laranian Alliance...................................28
Military Dispositions........................................................29
Standing Armies.........................................................29
Lady of Paladins.........................................................30
Forces of Meselyneshire............................................30
Forces of Nephshire...................................................31
Forces of Vemionshire...............................................31
Forces of Thelshire.....................................................32
Forces of Oselshire.....................................................32
Forces of Balimshire...................................................32
Forces of Semethshire...............................................33
Forces of Chybisa.......................................................33
Forces of Azadmere...................................................34
Forces of Melderyn....................................................34
Forces of Orbaal.........................................................35
Forces of Kanday........................................................36
Forces of Rethem.......................................................37
Forces of the Republic of Tharda...............................38
Forces of Emelrene....................................................38

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Forces of Shorkyne....................................................39
Forces of Hurisea.......................................................40
Forces of Chelemby...................................................40
Forces of Trierzon......................................................41
Forces of Palithane....................................................42
Forces of Harbaal.......................................................42
Forces of Azeryan......................................................43
Role of the Player Characters..........................................43
EVENTS OF THE CRISIS..........................................................44
Birth of War (Nuzyael, 721 TR)...................................44
The King’s Death (Nuzyael 23-26)..............................44
The Conspirators Plan (719 – 721 TR)........................46
Maldan’s Reaction (Nuzyael 24-28)...........................46
The Royal Household (Nuzyael 26-28).......................47
Conwan’s Reaction (Nuzyael 24-30)...........................48
News in the Kingdom (Nuzyael 24-30).......................48
Tulath’s Reaction (Nuzyael 26-30).............................48
The Battle of Heru (Nuzyael 30).................................49
Possible Events................................................................50
Battle’s Aftermath (Peonu 1).....................................50
Unfolding War (Peonu, 721 TR).................................50
Maldan’s Next Moves (Peonu 1-10)...........................50
Curo Rouses (Peonu 1-10)..........................................51
Dariune Enters the Fray (Peonu 1-10)........................52
Confusion in the South (Peonu 1-10).........................53
Involving the Player Characters.................................53
Maldon Consolidates (Peonu 11-24)..........................53
Southern Charm (Peonu 11-24).................................54
Soft Centre (Peonu 11-24).........................................54
Northern Power (Peonu 11-24).................................55
The Council! (Peonu 25-30).......................................55
The Second Battle of Heru (Peonu 25-30)..................58
Elsewhere (Peonu 25-30)...........................................59
Battle of the Mists (Kelen 2-4)...................................60
Swamp Fighting (Kelen 1-15).....................................60
Crusade fever (Kelen 16-30)......................................61
Clown Courts (Nolus 1-24).........................................62
Second Succession Council (Nolus 25-30)..................63
In a Hole (Larane 1-24)...............................................65
Rumbling Thunder (Larane 25-30).............................67
Storming (Agrazhar)...................................................68
Refugee Crisis (Azura 1-24)........................................70
The Long Council (Azura 25-30+)...............................73
Harvest Home (Halane 1-24)......................................74
The Coronation (Halane 25-30)..................................80
Taking Stock (Savor)...................................................84
Wild West (Ilvin)........................................................90
Into the Depths (Navek).............................................93

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Deep Midwinter (Morgat)..........................................97
Leading Candidates.........................................................98
Maldan Harabor (Olokand)........................................98
Cheselyn Hosath (née Elendsa)..................................98
Conwan Elendsa (Etoss).............................................98
Orsin Firith (Oselbridge).............................................98
Erelar Hirnen (Nenda)................................................99
Troda Dariune (Kiban)................................................99
Tulath Kaphin (Athelren)............................................99
Royal Household.............................................................99
Erila Kaphin (Privy Seal).............................................99
Koris Harabor (Guard Marshal)..................................99
Migray Hosath (Royal Herald)....................................99
Armagaster of Esaldin (Fool)......................................99
The Earls..........................................................................99
Hemisen Curo (Gardiren)...........................................99
Declaen Caldeth (Minarsas).....................................100
Thilisa Meleken (Qualdris).......................................100
The Barons....................................................................100
Chimin Indama (Getha)............................................100
Wevran Ethasiel (Setrew)........................................100
Churus Londel (Yeged).............................................100
Uthris Pierstel (Tonot)..............................................100
Karsin Ubael (Uldien)...............................................100
The Sheriffs....................................................................101
The Constables..............................................................101
Haldare Venera (Tashal)...........................................101
Shernath Mirdarne (Jedes)......................................101
The Laranian Church......................................................101
Edine Kynn (Caleme)................................................101
Ilor Hadan (Abriel)....................................................101
Sheryd Quathis (Brynd)............................................101
Houla Artona (Whyce).............................................101
Luisan Kelic (Jenkald)...............................................102
Tae Sarela (Yaltako).................................................102
Mulron Charyn (Vadan)...........................................102
Remiu Valador (Nebulan).........................................102
Clan Elendsa..................................................................102
Lenera Firith (Caleme)..............................................102
Raditha Arcona nee Elendsa (Chelena)....................102
King Astaroc Cranalson I (Tashal).............................102
King Miginath I.........................................................102
The Mangai....................................................................102
GoAL (Arcanists).......................................................102
Lia-Kivair (Thieves)...................................................102
Foreign powers..............................................................103

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Thardic Republic......................................................106
The Conspirator.............................................................109
THE SHADOW WAR.............................................................109
The Conspirators Agents..........................................110
Agents of the Council of Eleven...............................110
Dark Churches..........................................................110
Gargun Invasion.......................................................111
Altering the Scenario...............................................111

One of the strengths of Hârn is how the world lives and The material in this article is based largely on the
breathes, consequences following on from actions. So, events information in Edward Barach’s analysis of the crisis in
keep moving on, regardless of the actions of PC’s. They can’t Thonahexus #9. I’ve made extensive use of Jonathan
be everywhere all the time. They can effect and influence Nicholas’s Great Clans of Kaldor and Kerry Mould’s Lady of
events but things will happen regardless or because of their Paladins article. It draws heavily on The Earls Progress,
choices. So, this article defines an eventful year that affects Asolade Hundred (and A Shower of Silver), the Nelafyn
all strata of society including PC’s that they can influence in Hundred project and Fethael Hundred by Joe Adams. I was
some ways. Some key events of the year are the looming inspired to write this by a similar article detailing the
Kaldoric succession, the Tormau rebellion and the Menglanan succession crisis by Paul Strack. I’m particularly indebted for
invasion. The published material is intentionally vague on his description of the role of Migray Hosath and many of the
how these may turn out, leaving it open to interpretation. motives and descriptions of the main contenders and military
I’ve followed a mix of what’s interesting, plausible and by dispositions of the factions (which I have amended slightly).
following consequences. This article describes how I intend Like those articles, I also relied heavily on the Kaldor articles
these to occur in my p-Hârn. The campaign involves battle from Columbia games and NRC’s original writings, along with
and intrigue and is designed to start badly, leading to civil war random material from a multitude of other canon and fanon
in Kaldor in 722. articles. Any errors are my own.
But, the world doesn’t stand still and events occur Some of the elements of the scenario are my own
elsewhere on Hârn and northwest Lythia. While it focuses on interpretation, particularly Miginath and Troda Dariune’s
the east, primarily Kaldor it encompasses the world. The motives. The outline below is written as if the year is 722.
timeline is constructed in such a way that PCs can affect
several major events but not all of them, giving a feeling of a
living breathing world.

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Future Hârn 8

SEEDS OF DISASTER Miginath’s Motives

The foundations of the succession crisis were laid many Despite his passionate love-life, Miginath is dedicated to
years before, during the reign of King Torastra. Torastra was a the prosperity of Kaldor and does his best to rule wisely and
vigorous militaristic king. His first son and heir, Haldan, was well. While he wants the best for his children, he is convinced
similar, but his second son Miginath was of a frail and that he cannot acknowledge them without sparking conflict in
intellectual bent. Young Miginath was a great romantic and at the realm. Kaldor’s nobles are conservative, and the head of
age 20 he fell in love with a beautiful commoner, Lesil the Laranian church, Edine Kynn, will not support a bastard
Harabor, insisting he would have no one else for his bride. (or not Maldan at least) unless no alternative is available.
Torastra was furious and Miginath was exiled from Kaldor Several years ago, the brilliant Miginath discovered the
in 673, along with his lover who was heavy with child. Lesil identity of Melderyn’s most highly placed agent in his
and Miginath travelled for two years, eventually settling in kingdom and was appalled to find it was the Lord Privy Seal,
Cherafir. Lesil’s second birth went badly and she did not his lover Erila Kaphin! There followed one of their explosive
survive. Distraught Miginath did his best to care for his two rows, a memorable experience even by their standards.
young sons while studying heraldry in Melderyn. Miginath withheld the reason for his apoplexy and Erila never
discovered it. After calming down, Miginath discussed his
Miginath’s aunt Kethele, wife of the influential Earl of findings with his friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer,
Balim, worked to reconcile her brother Torastra with Troda Dariune. They reviewed all of Erila’s decisions and
Miginath. After Torastra’s victory in the Treasure War, advice but decided to keep her in position, as they decided
Kethele arranged a meeting between in 679 at Jedes keep, what to do and which information to feed to Melderyn.
which belonged to her husband. Meetings continued as the
king and his son warmed to each other. Throughout his reign, Miginath has done little to name an
heir, letting the line of succession default to Merik. He has put
In 682, Torastra’s first son died after a riding accident. his sons in strong positions, so they will have places in the
Miginath returned from exile and was designated royal heir at kingdom after his passing. He extracted a private oath of
age 30. Torastra would not grant Miginath permission to Balim to ensure their survival and prosperity. Merik’s death
acknowledge his bastard children, but Miginath was allowed two years ago has thrown everything into chaos and Miginath
to raise them noble. Miginath became Constable of Olokand is forced to make a choice. It seems likely that the next king
and continued his studies under the famous herald, Lady will be Conwan Elendsa or Maldan Harabor, Miginath’s son.
Caniara Dariune. Miginath began suffering from ailments that Either is acceptable.
would plague him the rest his life and most expected he
would either die before his father, or soon after. The king is old and tired but has sensed an opportunity.
Together with his confidante Troda, he has laid plans over the
Torastra died in 693 from complications of an old war last two years for his death to enact those policies Melderyn
wound. In the succession council that followed, 21 year-old would oppose, whilst it has a reduced capacity to act.
Cheselyn, daughter of Torastra’s first son Haldan, argued that
she should be queen as eldest in direct line of succession. One possibility is that Miginath is a Shek-Pvar, a Viran of
There were precedents for such a transition in Kaldoric the Savorya convocation.
history; but Torastra’s siblings, Kalabin and Kethele, voted for Secret Players: Council of Eleven
Miginath, perhaps expecting the kingship to pass on to one of One hidden player in the Kaldoric succession is the Council
his healthier younger brothers, Brandis or Merik. Miginath of Eleven in Melderyn. The council was concerned over the
became king at age 41. expansionism of Torastra and wanted to nudge Kaldor
There was much speculation on possible brides for the towards a more contemplative monarch. The council worked
king. Two years into his reign, Miginath had a torrid affair discreetly to reconcile Torastra and Miginath. Though they
with a fiery 16 year old maiden-knight, the remarkable Erila had nothing to do with Haldan’s death, they soon took
Kaphin, who was soon with child. All chances of marriage advantage of it, to advance a king more to their liking.
were squashed, however, when a rumour emerged (spread A timely bribe to Miginath’s corrupt uncle Kalabin Elendsa,
by the embittered Cheselyn) that Erila was a bastard daughter the Laranian Archbishop, helped ease the ascension of the
of Torastra. Without proof, the church refused to permit a king. Miginath’s physicians have secretly been Fyvrian Shek-
marriage, but Miginath would not throw aside Erila and she Pvar in the employ of the council. The council even co-opted
has remained his mistress throughout his reign. the king’s mistress Erila to their cause.
Miginath never formally acknowledged any of his three The Council’s plan was to keep Miginath on the throne as
sons; though he made sure they are well provided for and long possible, then to arrange the ascension of intellectually
placed in positions of power. Nominally, his younger siblings oriented Conwan Elendsa. Although an oath bars Conwan
were Miginath’s heirs, but each predeceased him; first from taking the throne, the Council expected Miginath’s
Brandis in 699, Erelora in 716 and Lenera and Merik in 719. younger brother Merik to become king, giving them time to
This leaves no clear line of succession and an uncertain fate negotiate with the Laranian church and free Conwan of his
for Kaldor after the death of Miginath, approaching his 70s. oath. Merik’s death unravelled the Council’s plans and they
were slow adjusting to the new status quo.

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Future Hârn 9
Dark Conspiracies indirectly here. As a result, Shernath Mirdarne has increased
Another secret player works against the kingdom of the Constables Guard by four, for an over strength guard
Kaldor. There are several possibilities for this shadowy actor. detachment, half light-horse, half medium-foot.
This could be the Gray Mage Dyalne Dulye, known as The Will in the Way has taken place in Nelafyn hundred,
Gwadira. From her Gargun stronghold of Ejatus, she plans to adding a few acres and an extra knight and yeoman to
throw Kaldor into a civil war, leaving it ripe for conquest. Olokand’s muster as feudal obligations are reset. PCs can
enter Maldan’s service (together with other Nelafyn
Gwadira was a member of the Council of Eleven 18 years
adventures) here.
ago, so has a general idea of their plans, but not recent
Fork Handles has taken place in Uldien. Baron Ulbael has
details. Most of the council believes Gwadira dead; only her
been appointed bailiff of the hundred and gained control of
twin sister Eilyn thinks otherwise and she has no inkling of
three manors and some military forces. This could lead to PCs
Gwadira’s current location or schemes. entering his service.
Another possibility is the Thardic Senate or factions within
it. Still smarting over the Salt War and with designs on Events in the Bastard Bailiff have occurred, with the
Trobridge, they would welcome chaos in the east. They also manor returned to full productivity. PCs could enter Hemisen
have designs in the west and would welcome a reduced Curo’s service here.
capacity to act by Kaldor, which seems likely in some fashion. The events in On the Edge have resolved and the King
Hazmadul III Bridge is a success. Investors have made
Another antagonist could be the Morgathian church,
fortunes, led by Halime of Falesh’s second cousin. Halime
looking to sow chaos and spread its doctrine unhindered in
himself is a minor investor.
the east or distract the attention of the mother church from
its own activities in the west, as it declares independence of This paved the way for the conquest of Fana. The trading
season with Azadmere has expanded by a month and trade
Rethem, with a new Golothan theocracy.
has increased. The majority of the increased trade in Kaldor
Unlike other players in the Kaldoric Succession, this actor
has benefitted the Earl of Balim, though all trade along the
has no concerns over who will ascend the throne. They only Silver Way has increased. The Earl of Neph and Baron of
want to sow chaos and destruction, which makes unearthing Nenda has seen modest but significant increases in
their plans challenging. It was this actor that arranged the mercantile activity.
deaths of Lenera and Merik Elendsa in 719, in preparation for The King is considering improving the trail between the
engineering a crisis and civil war. bridge and Zerhun to a road. This would further improve
This dark player used magic and poison to make both trade and military response times, making Azadmere
deaths look natural. As yet no one suspects their accessible to carts with a portage over the bridge. The Baron
involvement. is Axxon is a potential beneficiary of this.
This article presumes Gwadira is the mastermind behind Fana has been reclaimed from the Gargun and the
the plot, but these or other alternatives are all viable. Khuzdul are bringing it back into production affecting the flow
Changes from the Year 720 of metal goods and ores, particularly weapons, to Kaldor. The
A few things happen in the years 720 and 721 that affect Lost Barony of Axxon has been awarded, following events at
the arrangement of Hârn in 722: Fana, possibly to a PC. Axxon is far from productive yet as
Rekela Verda Emerel of Brynd has died and was succeeded land is being brought back under cultivation and manors
by Sheryd Quathis in a bitter ascension that has seen Sheryd repaired. The increased security has improved trade and
appoint his great rival for the post, Kolas Ubael, Abbot of reduced costs. It is still a hazardous route.
Brynd in an unsuccessful attempt to side-line him and shore The Melderyni Prince is in Azadmere, a guest of King
up his weak authority. Hazmadul, having completed a progress through northern
Merek Curo, heir to the Earl of Neph, was appointed Melderyn and Kaldor.
Sheriff of Osel, in a futile attempt to placate the earl over lost Braen Ledrin of Palithane has returned from his pilgrimage
trade from the Silver Way. to Tengela and founded two new Laranian Orders: a clerical
Derwyn Elorieth, Baron of Nubeth, has died and been order, the Order of the Shattered Lance and a fighting order,
replaced by his son Arwyn. the Order of the Laurel. Both are based in Palithane, with few
Houla Artona sent members of both factions within the
Lady of Paladins south to the Solari crusade to Other than the above, the situation in Hârn in 722
(unsuccessfully) try to quiet conflicts within the order in 720. remains more or less the same as described in the published
There was a vote to secede from the mother Order in 721, a material, though in some cases the passage of two years has
draw that Houla cast the deciding vote upon; only due to had further effects. For example, the Earl of Osel has been
Houla appointing three Reblena the preceding year, one of missing over two and a half years, instead of a few months.
which voted against him anyway. The year is 722 as this impacts who can vote in a
A Shower of Silver in Asolade hundred has taken place. succession council and several potential electors are close to
PCs could enter the service of one of the factions, Balims, their majorities. This makes the timing of votes crucial and
adds more tension. It allows time for PCs to bed down into

© 2017, Michael Mann, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld
Future Hârn 10
the setting and enter the service of one or more factions, passing of her aunt Lenera makes Cheselyn the eldest woman
forming alliances before situations develop. in clan Elendsa and de-facto matriarch.
Despite her influence, Cheselyn is widely disliked and has
no access to military power. Her main asset is her name, and
THE CHARACTERS she plans to marry her daughters to important houses to give
This section outlines the major characters in the struggle her the alliances she needs to hold power. Cheselyn is in
for the throne of Kaldor and the reactions of outside powers negotiations to marry her older daughter, 18 year old
to that struggle and wider events. Cheselyn the Younger, to Scina Dariune, heir to Balim. Mirild
Harabor, heir of Maldan, is enamoured of younger Cheselyn
Leading Candidates and she plays the field for the greatest advantage.
The following are the most likely contenders for the Cheselyn’s only hope for the throne is a peaceful
throne of Kaldor. When the crisis arises, these are the transition and victory in the succession council. When things
individuals that will become the focus of the various factions turn violent, her position worsens considerably and she will
for the throne. be forced to ally herself with another faction to have a chance
Maldan Harabor (Olokand) at victory. Nevertheless, she’s politically astute and willing to
The eldest son of Miginath, Maldan would be undisputed take risks. She plays a weak hand well. She knows many
heir were he legitimate. However, Maldan is an secrets and quite a few nobles are indebted, financially.
unacknowledged bastard with no direct claim to the throne. Motives: Become queen and destroy the legacy and
Maldan understands why he could not be acknowledged children of her hated uncle Miginath.
while Torastra lived, but expected to be named heir after his Conwan Elendsa (Querina)
grandfather’s death. Decades have passed and nothing has
Nephew of Miginath and eldest son of the king’s brother
changed. Maldan has done all he can think of to prove his
Brandis; Conwan has the best claim to the throne by
worthiness to rule, to little avail.
primogeniture, as eldest Elendsa male by direct descent.
Without acknowledgement, Miginath appointed Maldan Unfortunately, he took an oath renouncing his claim to
Sheriff of Meselyne and Constable of Olokand, positions the throne.
traditionally held by the Heir and the seat of Elendsa power. Thirteen years ago, 21 year-old Conwan wished to marry a
Were he heir, the barons of Getha, Kobing, Nenda and Ternua minor noble, Hesena Inamis, a devout worshipper of Save-
would owe fealty. Maldan demands (and Miginath permits) K’nor. While Miginath sympathised, Conwan’s great-uncle
feudal service from these lords, but most do so grudgingly. Kalabin Elendsa, the Laranian Serekela (archbishop) of Kaldor
Now 48, Maldan hopes to be acknowledged by his father opposed the match on the religious grounds. Young Conwan
before his death but lays plans for otherwise. Maldan believes impulsively gave an oath, to Kalabin, renouncing his right to
that unless he takes the throne, he will be stripped of all his the throne. Soon after, the corrupt prelate was assassinated.
lands, power and life, together with that of his entire family. Now 34, Conwan is in his Minigath’s favour and is Sheriff
Therefore, Maldan prepares for all eventualities, gathering of Semethshire. He is popular with many nobles, who think he
wealth and allies. If he cannot take the throne as heir, he would make a good successor to Minigath. However, Serekela
must to do so by force. Edine Kynn refuses to release Conwan from his oath. Conwan
Olokand is at the heart of Kaldors most fertile region, will struggle to take the throne if opposed by the church.
exporting great quantities of food to Tashal and Azadmere. Conwan has some military forces as Sheriff and is
Motives: Become king no matter the cost. effectively in command of the army of Chelmarch, as deputy
marshal Korus Ynel reports to him. He could easily find other
Cheselyn Hosath (née Elendsa)
allies if released from his oath.
Niece of Miginath and eldest daughter of his deceased
older brother Haldan, Cheselyn thinks of herself as the Conwan controls important mines, directly and as sheriff.
legitimate heir. After opposing Miginath in his succession Motives: Have his oath annulled so he can take the
council and scuttling his marriage to Erila through vicious throne. Meanwhile, keep potential usurpers off the throne.
rumours, Miginath has been carefully ensured Cheselyn has Orsin Firith (Kobing)
never been in a position of power despite her intelligence and
The Baron of Kobing, Orsin Firith is another nephew of the
ability. Now 49, she has engineered her family connections to
king, the eldest son of Miginath’s sister Lenera. To date, Firith
gain considerable wealth and influence.
has expressed no interest in the throne, being focused on
Although Cheselyn has no position in government, she improving his own holdings. However, he is ambitious, a
wields considerable “soft power” as the Grand Dame of proven war leader and holds power as marshal of the
Tashal. Long a resident of that city, her parties set the social Oselmarch. Orsin’s relationship with Miginath is strained.
calendar for the nobles of Kaldor. Crossing Cheselyn can Orsin aggressively pursues conflict with nearby tribes of
mean losing important prospects for marriage and business Pagaelin, having lost an eye in battle against them. He has
opportunities and few nobles want to be on her bad side. The requested permission to crenelate at Oselbridge, with the
support of the local Laranian Reblena (Knight Commander).

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Miginath does not wish to stir up trouble with the southern promised to oppose Melderyns interference in Kaldoric affairs
barbarians, Chybisa or Melderyn and has so far denied Orsin. and reverse some of Miginaths more placating decisions as
At 47, Orsin is the eldest male descendant of Torastra opportunity presented itself, as both planned. To that end,
unencumbered by any oath. Orsin is neither especially Miginath placed a number of levers-of-power in his friends’
politically astute, nor favoured by the king, but would be in a hands, to pull after his death. Miginath is operating on trust.
good position should Miginath die without a clear heir. His He publically swore to respect the decision of the
command of the Oselmarch army and his vassals gives him Succession Council for the choice of new monarch, which
access to considerable military force, albeit far from the heart leads many to suspect he intends the throne for himself or his
of the kingdom. His military prowess makes him a popular son. Troda denies this, but finds it amusing and useful to have
choice for more militant nobles. others misread his motives, as he knows he has little chance
Kobing is important pastoral country that could be of taking the crown.
exploited more efficiently if the Pagaelin were removed. He faces serious opposition to his economic policies,
Motives: Improve his holdings in southern Kaldor; punish which whilst they benefit Kaldor, line his purse at the expense
the Pagaelin; build a keep at Oselbridge. Put himself forwards of his rivals, particularly the merchants of Tashal, Hemisen
for the throne if there is no better candidate. Curo, Earl of Neph and Chimin Indama, Baron of Getha.
Once fighting starts, however, the earl’s position may
Erelar Hirnen (Nenda) change. If there is no good candidate for Troda to prop up, or
The Baron of Nenda is the eldest son of Miginath’s the leading candidate is one with no respect for the Dariunes,
youngest sister Erelora. Erelar’s claim is inferior to many he could press his own claim. Not only does the he command
other candidates and he is extremely unpopular due to his his own vassals, but he has strong connections to the
unpleasant personality. Though he would be happy to take Laranian church. His greatest strength is also a weakness.
the throne, he has no support and will be a minor player in Other major Kaldoric nobles would oppose his ascension to
the coming struggle. He is estranged from his wife and avoid concentrating too much power in the throne.
daughter, Ithina 17, who he intends to use as a bargaining
Troda’s two young children 21 year-old Enoriel and 17
chip to better his positon. He gets along poorly with his
year-old Karison could become important bargaining chips in
brother, the influential Lord Chancellor, Tarkin. His heir is one
the marriage stakes, though Troda concentrates on his 23
of the few stands his presence, but even 20 year-old Arlbis
year-old heir, Scina and marrying him to Cheselyn the
avoids him, claiming attention from his new wife. Arlbis will
younger. Enoriel will vote and will undoubtedly follow her
be able to vote this year, but is likely to follow his own council
father’s lead, whilst Karison is serving as squire to Troda’s
or that of his uncle rather than his sire.
friend, Constable Mirdarne, in Jedes.
Motives: Sulk and complain bitterly that no one takes him
Motives: Become the man who controls the next ruler of
seriously as a candidate.
Kaldor from behind the scenes. Keep his oaths to Miginath.
Troda Dariune (Kiban) Counter the schemes of Melderyn where there’s opportunity.
The 48 year-old Earl of Balim, Troda has a claim to the Increase his power without seeming to do so.
throne as the son of Miginath’s aunt Kethele. He has Tulath Kaphin (Athelren)
considerable power and influence as Earl, but Troda is happy At 25, Tulath is one of the youngest contenders for the
with his current position and is more interested expanding throne, but is a dark horse. Minigath’s youngest bastard son
the wealth and power of his domain. The Dariunes are old and the child of king’s mistress Erila Kaphin, he would be heir
allies of house Elendsa and have long played kingmakers in if his mother had married the king. Rumours that Erila and
Kaldor. Troda is likely to be no different. Miginath were half-siblings prevented a marriage.
As Chancellor of the Exchequer, Troda holds a great deal Tulath is convinced he will be king someday, as his father
of economic power. He has a vested interested in maintaining favoured him by appointing him Sheriff of Vemionshire.
the status quo and a peaceful transition of power. The other Tulath is too naïve to understand how poor his position is. He
earls in the kingdom are rivals and the Dariunes stand to lose has not experienced the decades of helpless waiting of
more than they would gain in a war for the throne. Maldan. Tulath’s potential ally is the Earl of Vemion, but he
In any interregnum he wields considerable power, as he mishandled that by favouring the earl’s son over the father.
sits on the Succession Council, the Council of Ministers (and All of Vemionshire is important for herding, exporting vast
Chief Ministers) and Council of Peers (as a Tenant-in-Chief), volumes of wool.
should any of them be convened. Tulath lives beyond his means and is in debt to a local
The recent recapture of Fana has increased his influence mercantyler, Danzys of Cuke. He has made a few poor
and power further, as the bulk of the revenue from the decisions, but has realised his many mistakes. Not even his
increasing trade flows into his coffers, through Kiban. mother believes Tulath is ready to be king. Tulath has settled
Troda swore private oaths to his friend Miginath; that he somewhat since his marriage and has pulled back his
wishes to honour. He swore to protect Miginaths sons and expenses considerably, sourcing additional revenues as he
ensure their prosperity in the new kingdom and that of his seeks to reduce his debts. His young wife is expecting their
lover, Erila, despite her being an agent of Melderyn. He also first child, which seems to have further matured him. Few

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believe the young wastrel has matured enough to support the king’s death and the means to keep him alive for as long
him for the throne, a fact his naivety leads him to dismiss. as possible, Erila agreed to act as an agent of the council.
This is why Tulath will be the chosen heir. Erila sees no place for herself in Kaldor when Miginath
Motives: Expect to coast easily to the throne. Be surprised dies. After helping to meet the council’s goals, Erila expects to
when that doesn’t happen. Thereafter, realise how weak his retire to Melderyn with her son.
position is and work to shore it up. Motives: Protect her son. Serve Melderyn secretly as long
as that gives her the best hope of future security.
Royal Household Meliem Elendsa (Chamberlain)
The members of the royal household have the most The youngest daughter of Haldin Elendsa, Meliem
influence on the king’s day-to-day life and will be important in admired her uncle Miginath. Unlike her sister Cheselyn,
the early days of the crisis as the remnants of the central Princess Meliem found the king’s intellectualism a source of
government. As the crisis proceeds, their power will wane. strength, developing an early crush upon him. She imitated
her uncle’s career as a student of heraldry and law. Meliem
Erila Kaphin (Privy Seal) was appalled by Miginath’s affair with Erila. How could her
Note: I agree with Paul Stracks interpretation of this beloved uncle fall under the sway of a conniving child only 18
character: that the rumour she is the king’s half-sibling is not months her senior? Young Meliem privately swore to protect
widely known. It is known that some scandal prevented their her uncle from the machinations of Erila and others
marriage, but common folk don’t know the details. threatening the kingdom. Erila became a master herald and
The 42 year-old mistress of the king, Erila is a strong and litigant. When the Lord Chamberlain died in 706, Meliem
energetic woman. Her father, Galorad, was a minor Chybisan convinced her uncle that she was ideal for the position.
noble that supported Torastra in the Treasure War and was Since then, Meliem has acted as chief lady of the royal
rewarded with the Chybisan barony of Lerenil. There were household, queen in all but name. She controls who meets
rumours, though, that he was granted the fief to keep quiet the king and arranges the Royal Chelebin Tournament in
an affair between his wife and King Torastra. Olokand. The years have given Meliem a measure of grudging
In 687, Chybisa was lost to Kaldor and Galorad fled to respect for Erila, but she still doesn’t trust the women.
Tashal with his wife and daughter. He took a place in the
court of Torastra as baron-in-exile, but his wife died the Recently, Meliem has begun to suffer a midlife crisis. At
following year. Homeless and with no other children, Galorad 41, there is little chance of her marrying or having children.
raised Erila as a knight to one day reclaim his land. After her uncle dies she will have nothing to leave, a footnote
in history. Her moodiness has made her irascible, as she seeks
Erila proved an apt pupil and her exploits amused the a legacy.
royal household. She caught the eye of the new king,
Miginath. The sudden passion between the 16 year-old and Motives: Protect her uncle and his legacy. Do what she
the king caught both by surprise. After a brief, tumultuous believes is best for Kaldor. Find a place in the kingdom, after
affair, Miginath was smitten and declared that the now- the king’s death.
pregnant Erila would be his wife and queen. Kytem Curo (Seneschal)
Then rumours of the affair between Torastra and Erila’s A younger son of the Earl of Neph, Kytem acts as his agent
mother surfaced. Most believed the source of those rumours in the capital where he provides intelligence to his father. As
to be the king’s niece Cheselyn. Unable to prove Erila’s part of his duties he organises the caers servants, particularly
paternity, Kalabin Elendsa would not countenance a possibly the kitchens where he presides over feasts. A noted
incestuous marriage. Years later, Miginath forced Cheselyn to gourmand, he spends more time at his city residence than the
wed Ralan Hosath, a minor noble and younger brother of the castle. He leaves its operation to his underlings, whilst he
Royal Herald. hosts receptions and politics. He is friends with Cheselyn the
As romantic in his middle age as he was in his youth, Elder, though he competes with her socially.
Miginath refused any bride other than Erila. Erila’s Motives: Have a good time; stay abreast of the city’s
relationship with the older man was complex: she wanted to politics and advance the interests of his father and Neph.
maintain her independence but was attracted to the brilliant
mind of the king. They frequently fought over the path her Koris Harabor (Guard Marshal)
life would take, but they always came back together. Koris is Miginath’s middle son and younger brother of
After her father’s death in 705, Erila took a post as Lord Maldan. Although a bastard, Koris is devoted to his father and
Privy Seal. Since then, their relationship has mellowed; has never left his side. After being knighted, Koris worked his
though their strong opinions, means they still fight regularly. way up through the ranks of the royal guard, achieving the
rank of Marshal in 712.
As she aged, Erila became concerned with her future and
that of her son, Tulath. Miginath’s health was poor and the Koris is popular among the common folk of Tashal, seen as
fate of the kingdom uncertain. Erila was quietly approached a humble man, justly raised to high rank. Unlike his brother,
by agents of the Council of Eleven. Though loyal to Miginath, Koris maintains ties to his mother’s family, the merchant clan
Erila had no affection for Kaldor. In return for protection after Harabor from Vemionshire. His friendship with the Constable

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of Tashal, humble Haldare Venera, is another point in his Rodin Kynn (Astrologer)
favour. If anyone ever learned the men are lovers, the public Related to the Earl of Neph and Serekela Kynn, Rodin is a
would likely turn against Koris. scholarly man who treats his post as a sinecure. He is closer
Koris’s attitude after his father’s death is uncertain. The 46 to the earl politically than to the Serekela. His nephew is his
year-old Marshal will be torn between loyalties to his brother journeyman, lecherous Meriven of Busin, whilst a young
and kingdom. He favours his brother but not at the cost of cousin, politically minded Yenin Kynn, is his apprentice. They
bringing the kingdom to ruin. Other royal guards will be both have leisure time to explore the city instead of study.
similarly torn, in their loyalties between their commander and Motives: Potter around the caer. Occasionally study and
their families. support his patron the Earl of Neph.
Koris has recently been pursuing bands of Nevehans
throughout the city, convinced they have a presence there. As Derwen Verdreth (Shek-Pvar)
such he has led a crackdown on their activities and that of the The Master of Esoterica Derwen Verdreth is the younger
Lia-Kavair. sister of Miginath’s vassal Tarmas Verdreth. The 45 year-old
One candidate Koris finds difficult to stomach is Conwan. Lyhavi Shek-Pvar’s primary role is to prevent undue magical
As Sheriff of Semeth; Conwan has jurisdiction over Tashal and influence on the royal court. Trained at Tengela chantry in
he has clashed with Koris on several occasions. Only the Trierzon, she suspects Ernell is Shek-Pvar with connections to
mediation of Constable Venera has kept them from blows. Melderyn. It seems his presence is benign, however, so
Koris finds the high-born arrogance of Conwan insufferable. Derwen has taken no action. She has no idea of Erila’s ties to
the Wizard’s Ilse. She is aided by Ertol Dracayne, a Fyvrian
Motives: Protect his beloved father and his secret lover. alchemist who monitors the Royal Physician for her.
Oppose the rule of arrogant Conwan. Help his brother
Maldan and be blind to his faults. Motives: Prevent magical manipulation of Kaldor’s
government, particularly by Melderyn. If it comes to it,
Ruta Inamis (Chief Clerk) support her brother Tarmas, Baron of Ternua.
Younger brother of Hesena Inamis, wife of Conwan
Elendsa, Ruta is a devoted follower of Save-K’nor like his
Migray Hosath (Royal Herald)
sister and is Chief Chamber Clerk of Kaldor. This makes him The older brother of Cheselyn the Elder’s deceased
chief bureaucrat and he keeps much of the kingdoms husband Ralan Hosath, Migray is chief diplomat of Kaldor and
paperwork, treaties and legal decrees. Some believe the 29 travels extensively on the king’s behalf. The 56 year-old
year-old a secret agent for Melderyn, but the young man is detests his sister-in-law and is loyal to the realm. He married
nothing other than what he seems. Vena Peltrei, daughter of the Master Herald of Kaldor and is
respected throughout Kaldor and its neighbouring kingdoms.
Motives: Get by and do his job. Help his sister.
Unknown to anyone, including himself, Migray has been
Ernell Mered (Royal Physician) an agent of another power (possibly Gwadira) for the last
Trained in Melderyn, youthful 53 year-old Ernell is Royal decade. Magic was used to turn the herald into a sleeper
Physician and secretly a Fyvrian Shek-Pvar in the pay of agent and so far, this has remained undetected.
Melderyn. This fact is known only to Erila Kaphin, though Motives: Eventually, become Master Herald of
Master of Esoterica Derwen Verdreth suspects the truth.
Kaldor; undercut the position of Cheselyn the Elder.
Ernell is dedicated to healing and will not compromise his
Subconsciously sow chaos.
patient. With the help of the Royal Alchemist, Ertol Dracayne,
Ernell has kept Miginath alive longer than anyone expected. Armagaster of Esaldin (Fool)
Motives: Keep the king alive. Serve Melderyn. Aid Erila Armagaster is a member of the Rydequelin who became
Kaphin as long as she serves Melderyn. Keep his magical attached to the king’s household whilst he was estranged
powers secret. from his father. Though Miginath discovered his vocation, the
Ertol Dracayne (Royal Alchemist) two got along well and Miginath respected his scholarship,
whilst the fool was awed by Miginath’s intellect. Despite
Like his friend, Ernell Mered, Dracayne is a Fyvrian Shek-
fruitless attempts to convert the king to the worship of Save
Pvar, although he hails from Kaldor near Tonot. Less
K’norr, Esaldin has remained with Miginath ever since.
interested in the healing arts and more concerned with
Miginath always assumed the jester was spying for Melderyn
concoctions, elixirs and potions (an expert on poisons) to
and acted accordingly. Actually, Armagaster was spying for
alter and augment physical and mental states than Mered,
the church and working to influence Miginath to support
Ernell has done his part to sustain Miginath. Though they
K’norrian values. Since the church is close to Melderyn it
studied at Glenoth together, Ertol is not an agent of Erila
usually amounts to much the same thing. Erila Kaphin is
(who is unaware of his skills), but follows Derwen, the Master
aware of Armagaster’s position, whilst he is unaware of hers.
of Esoterica and is a reserved but loyal Kaldorian.
Motives: Promote the church of Save K’norrs interests.
Motives: Keep the king alive. Aid Derwen Verdreth as long
Influence the new monarch and promote a peaceful
as she serves Kaldor. Continue his studies in peace. Keep his
transition. Gather information about all candidates and
magical powers secret.

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events. Mock the self-important and deflate inflated egos. ambitious intriguer. Although he is without ties to the current
Teach lessons through ridicule, satire and parody. dynasty, he has a distant claim to the throne as the most
Eltan Lithas (Royal Bard) legitimate descendant of the old royal house, the Artanes.
From the mysterious Evael and cousin to a master The Curos are longstanding rivals of the Dariunes. Recent
perfumer in Elshavel, few know of the Royal bard’s sylvan actions by Troda, to divert trade along the Silver Way from
heritage. Those that do often assume he is a plant or spy for Gardiren to Kiban have cut deeply into Curos’ wealth. The
the Sindarin of Evael. In truth he merely wants to perfect his recapture of Fana and increasing Silver Way trade have
craft and dwell amongst the humans for a few centuries as he helped fill Gardiren’s coffers a little, but this increase benefits
learns their tales. He has no interest in the crisis. Kiban more and seems unlikely to reverse Gardiren’s decline.
Noron’s Way doesn’t compensate as a trade route.
Motives: Be wrapped up in his music.
Although Hemisen married the sister of the Serekela,
Midal Sarathid (Inquisitor General) theirs is a loveless marriage and Dariune enjoys a closer
A ruthless and aggressive layer, Midal is a poet at heart. relationship with the church. In a struggle for the throne,
Utterly loyal to Kaldor, he is more interested in what’s best Curo’s first instinct is to do whatever it takes to undercut the
for the realm as he sees it, than the strict letter of the law. Dariunes and elevate his own position.
Motives: Root out corruption and investigate Hemisen is unlikely to press a claim to the throne for
malfeasance. Investigate interference to the succession. himself, but will support whatever candidate advances his
Chilmin Bastune (Exchequer Clerk) own position. Less traditional than other nobles, Hemisen is
Cousin to the Baron of Kolorn, Chilmin maintains the unconcerned with legitimacy or proper lines of succession,
kingdoms financial records and organises royal tolls. He except as those affect a candidate’s chances of success.
dislikes his licentious cousin and his hedonistic wife, having Hemisen has several unmarried sons that could be used for
more time for their son Lyndar who might finally bring the forge alliances with a rising star.
family back to some semblance of honour. Should no good candidate be available, Hemisen may
Motives: Oppose the schemes of his cousin and his wife support the claim of the young grandchildren of his brother-
on principal without letting them know of his antipathy. in-law, Chimin Indama; hoping to benefit from a prolonged
Protect their son Lyndar if possible. regency. Failing that, Hemisen might press his claim as a
descendent of house Artane, or restore the kingdom of
Mirald Alkinil (Treasurer) Serelind in northern Kaldor.
Brother-in-law to Maldan Harabor, Mirald works diligently
Motives: Increase his power and influence. Destroy his
at the Royal Mint, directing the royal tax collectors and mint.
rival, the Earl of Dariune. Play the other factions off each
A fussy, careful man, he is loyal to his sister and her husband
other to gain the most advantage.
but wants an orderly, controlled existence. Within the city he
acts as an additional set of ears for Maldan, though he has Declaen Caldeth (Minarsas)
little interest in politics. He may become important if Maldan From Minarsas, 45 year-old Declaen is clear-headed and
requires additional funds. calculating, if overly opinionated. While the Earl of Vemion is
Motives: Run his department well. Protect his sister and loyal to Miginath, he has long been frustrated by the king’s
support her husband. Become distressed at any irregularities unwillingness to declare an heir. Declaen will follow the king’s
as they occur. wishes if they are known, but absent that information, he
Erdar of Orinain (Architect) must make his own choices.
A member of the Khuzan mason clan of the same name, A traditionalist, Declaen has little admiration for the king’s
Erdar is a no-nonsense dwarf committed to his work. Skilled bastard sons. Cheselyn is a conniving witch who would make
and no fool, he’s seen it all before and is more concerned a poor queen. Conwan might be decent, but even if released
with his work than some passing turmoil. from his oath, he showed poor judgement making it in the
first place: as king he would be a pawn of the church.
Motives: Promote the interests of Azadmere. Keep his
nose clean and stay out of the whole sordid mess until the In Declaen’s eyes, that leaves only one choice: Orsin Firith.
dust settles. Though charmless, Orsin is an effective military leader who
commands considerable force from a secure base in southern
Kaldor. If they were to ally, Declaen can safely deliver the east
The Earls and put them in a firm position to take the throne.
The nobles of Kaldor have a tradition of strong baronial Rivals in power, Declaen trusts neither Dariune nor Curo,
power. Other than Troda Dariune (see above), none of the believing they have aspirations for the throne. However, the
earls are in line for the throne, but they all have a vested Osel is in the hands of his daughter, Thisila. He intends to
interest in the succession and their own power and influence. convince her to join him in backing Orsin, should it come to
war. A concern is that earldom seems less than secure, as his
Hemisen Curo (Gardiren) daughter faces opposition with the continuing absence of her
From his stronghold at Gardiren, the 52 year-old Earl of husband and she has already been forced to accept aid.
Neph has a reputation as a hedonist, but is a talented and

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Following the events of The Earl’s Progress, Declaen has Chimin Indama (Getha)
increased his household troops. This is a possible way for PCs Vassal of the king, 47 year-old Chimin holds an isolated
to enter his service. He has increased the Wyvern Guard by northern keep. Sheriff of Neph, he delegates this function to
two elite light-horsemen, the town watch by two light- his son Harapa, who holds Bidow as constable. The Indamas
footmen and the castle guard by two light-footmen and two are comparatively powerful, but neither Chimin nor his son,
longbowmen, with a Knight Lieutenant to assist their are astute politicians. Chimin’s younger son, Haradoc, is more
commander, Sir Kobar Drelican. He has increased Morgal’s able (and ruthless) and serves as hundred bailiff of Fethael
Rangers to four companies of 24 men each. He is considering hundred.
further increases to the town watch. These troops are
Harapa married a niece of the king, Udine Elendsa, the
detailed below. Additionally, he has purchased arms to equip
an additional company of medium-foot and company of youngest daughter of Brandis. As such, she and her children
knights (one squadron each of medium and heavy horse). He have a claim on the throne, but so distant that no-one
hasn’t acquired the mounts for these, nor taken them into his (except Harapa) gives it much consideration.
service, but stands able to do so at short notice. Indama is loyal to the king, but is an ally of Earl Curo,
especially in his rivalry to Earl Dariune.
Minarsas is Vemion and Kaldors most important pastoral
centre. Chimin has been badly hurt by trade wars along the Silver
Way and has made his own power-play, garrisoning Naniom
Motives: Protect the holdings of himself and his daughter
Bridge and setting up a toll. Getha is still an important
Thilisa. Encourage Orsin Firith to take the throne. Keep the
exporter of food to Azadmere with the annual grain fair,
transition as peaceful as possible.
which looks set to become the focus of the local economy as
Thilisa Meleken (Qualdris) it rebalances.
The smallest Kaldoric earldom, Osel is in a peculiar In the coming crisis, Chimin will follow Curo, giving him a
situation. The earl, Sir Sedris Meleken, is missing. He left in solid hold on northern Kaldor.
summer 719 in pursuit of a murderer, leaving the earldom in Motives: Take control of Naniom Bridge. Undercut Balim.
the hands of his bride Thilisa, daughter of the Earl of Vemion. Support Neph so long as their goals align. Get led by the nose.
Sedris has a reputation as an honourable knight. Were he
present, he would support the king’s proclaimed heir or, if Tarmas Verdreth (Ternua)
that choice was unavailable, the candidate with the most The 46 year-old baron of Ternua, Tarmas is a heavyset
legitimate traditional claim to the throne (probably Conwan). man with holdings in the centre of Kaldor. He has a
reputation for indolence and crassness, but few believe him
While Sedris is missing, the choice falls to his wife Thilisa.
the fool he pretends to be. Tarmas is ambitious and aims to
The 25 year-old countess wrestles over whether she should
elevate his house back to former glories, putting a strain on
follow what she knows of her husband’s wishes (Conwan), or
his relationship with the king. He has quietly used his wealth
to follow the choice of her father (Orsin Firith).
to build a force of mercenaries for the coming trial.
What is unclear, though, is whether her vassals will follow
Tarmas’s eldest daughter Ieara married the heir of Curo, a
Lady Thilisa. Despite her able stewardship, the legitimacy of
potential alliance. His second daughter Elana married the
her position is in question. Since she and Sedris have no
king’s youngest bastard, Tulath Kaphin. The baron thinks little
children, many in clan Meleken feel that the earldom should
of him, considering him a wastrel. The baron’s loyalty is for
put under a regent until the he returns. Thilisa can only count
sale to whoever offers him the most power. Tarmas holds the
on the distant Constable of Heru. The support of nearby
strategic bridge over the Nephen River, the main route from
Baron Elorieth of Nubeth and lesser vassals is less certain.
south and eastern Kaldor.
She has (reluctantly) approached her father for support to
Motives: Increase his family’s power, regaining their
help her retain her position and buy time for her husband to
earldom. If it comes to it, support his sister Derwen, Master
return. She has sought his aid in finding him and the aid of the
of Esoterica.
Rekela of Pagostra, also concerned over his absence.
Together, they have dispatched several expeditions seeking Kisan Tesla (Esenor)
the earl and are increasingly coordinated. Kisan, the 50 year-old Baron Esenor is a vassal of Earl Curo
Motives: Protect her holdings and rule as best she can. and married the Earl’s eldest daughter Orella. Kisan and his
Learn what happened to her husband. wife are estranged, poisoning that relationship and Kisan’s
loyalty is questionable. Esenor is centrally placed and Kisan is
connected to the seats of power in Kaldor. He is considered a
The Barons cunning and dangerous schemer.
A couple of the kingdom’s barons are contenders for the Kisan plays many forces off one another. He has ties to the
throne: Orsin Firith and Erelar Hirnen (above). Most play roles Laranian church and is friends with Rekela Tyrnal Dariune,
through their alliances with greater noble houses. giving him a connection to Balim. He is also friends with Erila
Kaphin who visits his hunting lodge at Padel manor; some
whisper they are lovers. Kisan can’t ignore the commands of

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his liege, however. In the conflicts early days, Kisan will play it to do what he would like best: go to war. Tonot threatens the
safe and keep close to home, offering aid at the right time to heartland of Neph and is a counterbalance to Gardiren.
the winning parties. Motives: Seek glory in war. Get led by the nose by those
Motives: Avoid risks and manipulate things from behind who are more talented politically. Be isolated and surrounded
the scenes. by nearby Earl Curo.
Wevran Ethasiel (Setrew) Karsin Ubael (Uldien)
Vassal of Earl Curo, 53 year-old Wevran holds Setrew in A vassal of Dariune, 49 year-old Karsin is honourable and
northwest Kaldor. Distant from Gardiren, clan Ethasiel has loyal to king and liege. Uldien guards the northern reaches of
few ties to other Houses in the kingdom. Wevran is a corrupt his lord’s domain. Karsin will undoubtedly follow Dariune’s
and rapacious lord, letting the Lia-Kavair use his lands as a wishes in the crisis.
smuggling base. Baron Karsin recently accepted the newly vacant post of
The nearest great lord, Sheriff Maldan in Olokand, knows bailiff of the hundred from the sheriff, Eris Karondal, further
of Wevran’s activities and has suborned him. They have an tying him to their patron Troda. Ubael endured some
understanding, if the succession comes to war, the baron will mockery from other nobles for accepting a relatively lowly
support Maldan. Wevran’s connections may help both though position, yet it adds to his strained purse and increases the
Wevran is unreliable. military force at his command.
Wevran’s 29 year-old son Romlach is one of the most Karsin’s wife Serli is younger sister to Orsin Firith and
brutally dangerous knights in the kingdom. His prowess in encourages her husband to use his influence with the earl to
combat may be important in battle. He and Haldare Venera, further her brother’s claim. As such, their children have a
Constable of caer Elend, are longstanding rivals. distant claim to the throne, but they know they haven’t the
Motives: Increase his wealth. Keep his underworld ties influence to prosecute it. Many of Karsin’s connections in the
secret. Get out from under Earl Curo. realm come from ties to the Firiths, so he cannot ignore his
wife and brother-in-law’s wishes.
Churus Londel (Yeged)
The Ubael’s distant ancestor Uldine was officially beatified
38 year-old Churus, Baron of Yeged, is a loyal but
by the Laranian church, following a long campaign by his
incompetent vassal of Earl Curo. His deceased brother
cousin Kolas, then Seloran of Udien Abbey. She is on the way
married the second daughter, Mysena, of the earl. The baron
to sanctification. His cousin was thwarted in his attempt to
married Urila Pierstel, cousin of the nearby Baron of Tonot.
become Rekela of Brynd, but was mollified by becoming
Urila runs the barony, as her husband is obsessed with art
Seloran at the diocesan seat. He has quietly gathered the
and other flights of fancy.
reins of power there and is almost as influential as the bishop
Yeged is next-door to the castle of Curo. As the conflict his rival (and superior) and is demonstrably more capable.
begins, the earl will co-opt the baron’s forces and will try to
There is a longstanding rivalry with the Londels of Yeged,
use Churus’s wife to neutralize Tonot.
dating to before either family became barons when the
One of Londel’s ancestors murdered one of the Baron of Londels ancestor murdered the Ubaels. Churus Londel has
Uldiens ancestors, before either family held baronies. This old never cared about the dishonour; it’s long passed. His wife
wound recently reopened, as the Uldiens ancestor long Urila and some of his clan feel the shame keenly.
worshipped as a minor unofficial saint, was beatified after
Colenia Caldeth, older sister of the Earl of Vemion, wed
lobbying by Kolas Ubael, a Laranian Abbot and cousin of
Ferin Ubael, a cousin of Karsin. Ferin died on one of the
Baron Karsin. Churus is uninterested in the conflict, but his
adventures of Karsin’s brother Belsin, a well-known explorer.
wife and several clansmen feel the shame keenly.
Colenia returned to Vemionshire with her sons and there has
Motives: Be quickly side-lined as a useless twit. Let his been tension between the Ubaels and the Caldeths since.
wife Urila take the reins, as she splits her support between
Motives: Obey his liege. Don’t alienate the Firiths. Fail to
Earl Curo and Baron Pierstel.
repair relations with Vemion. Improve his economic position.
Uthris Pierstel (Tonot) Greon Bastune (Kolorn)
The northernmost keep in Kaldor, Tonot, is held by 47 A distant vassal of Earl Caldeth, 51 year-old Greon is a
year-old baron Uthris from Earl Dariune. Uthris considers wenching degenerate. His wife Peresta spends her time in
himself the warden of northern Kaldor and is more interested Tashal pursuing her own pleasures. The administration of
in hunting and battling the Taelda than ruling his fief. He their estates is in the hands of their 24 year-old son Lyndar.
leaves administration to his wife Adel, which she runs half-
Unknown to his liege and son, Greon is deeply in debt to
heartedly. This mismanagement has strained his relationship
Khuzdul Clan Rakin. He can barely afford to pay the interest. If
with the distant earl.
the kingdom collapses into chaos, Greon won’t be able to
The Pierstels have long supported the Dariunes and the keep his secret long.
Baron’s sister Olena is wife to the Earl. Despite tension, Uthris
His wife Peresta has her own secrets. She had an affair
is unlikely to turn on his liege, especially if it gives him chance
with the king’s bastard, Koris Harabor. Lyndar is, in truth the

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son of Koris, something known only to Koris and Peresta. This Motives: Support Earl Dariune. Protect his family.
fact could become important as the crisis expands.
Meden Curo (Hutop)
Bastune is an important horse-breeding centre, secondary
Sheriff of Osel, Meden Curo (heir to Neph), was appointed
to Jedes and a major exporter of grains to Azadmere.
two years ago to replace the king’s brother, Merek. For a
Motives: Live for pleasure. Keep his debts secret. Suffer year, the shire was in the hands of Kodar Maradyne, who was
apoplexy after learning Lyndar is the son of another. Lose not up to the task. Meden is still cleaning up messes left by
control to his liege once his debt is discovered. his predecessors, but has made solid progress.
Arwyn Elorieth (Nubeth) The keep would be an unimportant backwater, if not for
36 year-old Arwyn became Baron of Nubeth after the the fact that it controls one of the few silver mines in Kaldor.
death of his father last year. Arwyn married Lenia Meleken, That makes it ripe pickings in the struggle for the throne.
distant cousin of the missing Earl Sedris. The Elorieths are Meden is removed from his father’s holdings and the
loyal to the Melekens, but are unsure of the rule of Thisila. heart of the kingdom, but will do what he can to support
Nubeth is the stronghold of the Meleken faction that feels Curo’s goals. West of Hutop; lays Jedes, a stronghold of the
the earldom should be put into regency until the earl’s return. Dariunes. The sheriffs’ writ is weak in Asolade hundred and
Nubeth controls the road through eastern Kaldor, giving it Meden would like to increase his presence there.
some importance. How they act during the crisis depends on Motives: Clean up his shire. Support his father. Play it safe
many factors, such as the strength of Thisila’s alliances and unless opportunity knocks. Consolidate his control.
whether the fate of Sedris is known.
Motives: Serve clan Meleken. Replace Lady Thisila with a
regent until the earl returns. The Constables
Many keeps in Kaldor are held by constables of the major
lords. Chosen for loyalty, most will follow the commands of
The Sheriffs their liege, but not all are in a position to act.
Three of the sheriffs of Kaldor are contenders for the Haldare Venera (Tashal)
throne: Maldan Harabor, Conwan Elendsa and Tulath Kaphin.
Haldare Venera of Tashal is arguably the most important
The other sheriffs are in a difficult position. Nominally, their
constable. With Koris Harabor, Haldare protects the seat of
power is derived from the king. If the king is gone, the nature
government at caer Elend in the city of Tashal. A landless
of their authority is unclear.
knight, Haldare won the melee at the Royal Chelebin
Harapa Indama (Bidow) Tournament eight years ago. The king was so impressed that
23 year-old Harapa performs the function of Sheriff of he elevated Haldare to his current post.
Neph on behalf of his father; Chimin. He will follow his father. The city and castle guard adore their commander and
The keep at Bidow is undergoing expensive repairs. As such, would follow him even after the king perishes. As with many
it’s weaker than would otherwise be the case. landless knights, 42 year-old Haldare wants a manor for his
Motives: Brag that his children could rule Kaldor, but family. A convincing offer might win his allegiance, especially
otherwise follow the wishes of his father and wife. if allowed to keep his position in Tashal.
Ranal Gybsen (Sirendel) Haldare does not want the manor for himself, since that
would require he wed and Haldare is secretly homosexual. He
Sheriff of Thel; 30 year-old Ranal is a recent appointment
has been having a quiet affair with Koris for the last three
and has no major connections, having worked his way up
years. They get along well, but Haldare is unsure that Koris’s
through the royal guard. He is unmarried and loyal, but is
brother Maldan is the right man to be king.
unpractised in politics. After Miginath’s death, he will try to
fulfil his liege’s last wishes, but could be co-opted by any Motives: Do what is best for the kingdom, advance his
number of factions. family. Keep his sexual preferences secret.
Motives: Rules as best he can. Find the best candidate to Garath Ruseller (Pendath)
follow. Earn a place in the future kingdom. Constable Garath is cousin to his liege Earl Curo: his aunt
Lysela was the wife of the Earl’s father Melsen. It is this tie
Eris Karondal (Shebra) and the remoteness of his keep that allows the incompetent
The 40 year-old Sheriff of Balim owes his post to the Earl constable to maintain his post. Garath is a useless drunk and
of Balim. With the support of the Dariunes, Karondals have administration of the fief is in the hands of his useless son,
been sheriffs for generations and Eris holds several manors Taran. Once fighting starts, Curo will try to replace Garath,
from the earl. Eris is a solid, unimaginative administrator in a though this may be difficult if Pendath is surrounded by the
peaceful district. His wife is a mystic who spends her time earl’s rivals.
wandering the woods. He will follow Earl Dariune in the
Motives: Be useless until replaced. Keep quiet news of an
coming crisis. He recently awarded the newly vacant bailiff of
Chyle hundred to Baron Ulbael. ancient Khuzan silver mine discovered on one of his manors.

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Dagald Jendral (Fisen) Danyes spends more time in his Tashal townhouse than he
63 year-old constable Dagald is a landless noble married does in Kyg itself. When the crisis starts, he will not even be in
to a distant cousin of Earl Dariune. He owes everything to the his holding.
Dariunes and will not oppose them. He has grown wealthy Besides drugs, Kyg is a secondary centre of horse-breeding
through friendly contacts with the Fenlanders, who use Fisen behind Jedes and an important area of sheep rearing.
as a market. He has passed some of this wealth back up to the Motives: Keep his many secrets. Be side-lined in Tashal.
earl. These may be a source of mercenaries in any coming Betray anyone if a better offer comes along.
conflict, employing poisoned arrows.
Motives: Support Earl Dariune.
Coreth Lothlar (Zoben)
Constable Coreth is an able administrator loyal to Earl
Shernath Mirdarne (Jedes) Caldeth. After heroism in the Oselmarch, common-born
46 year-old Shernath is a childhood friend of Earl Dariune. Coreth was knighted by the earl. After years of service in the
The Earl’s youngest son Karison squires at the keep. Its earl’s household, he was promoted constable of Zoben.
isolation make it a safe holding, but it is far removed from the Despite his wounds, 40 year-old Coreth is an accomplished
earl’s other lands and the heart of the kingdom. If the keep warrior, eager to serve his lord.
plays a role in the coming conflict it will be a minor one, such Motives: Support his liege Earl Caldeth.
as being a neutral meeting ground, as it was between
Miginath and Torasta. Eres Tereneth (Baseta)
The constable was made a Commoner of Tarwyn last year The Tereneths have served clan Caldeth as constables for
by king Miginath, following years of manoeuvring (to gather generations, watching their holdings in Meselyne. The current
the required votes for the petition). These Commoners have constable, 49 year-old Eres, is a competent lord. A widower,
ancient rights to Tarwyn and appoint foresters to patrol the he is happy with his home and mistress and has no great
royal forest. Backed by Balim for the post; he was granted the goals in life. He has the misfortune of living north of the
right to settle three manors in the Neald, an abandoned area conniving Baron of Setrew and ambitious Maldan of Olokand,
within the hundred. This generates men for the muster, far away from the support of his liege.
available to constable and earl. Motives: Live well, protect his family and serve his liege.
Following unrest, the constable rewarded some Fall quickly to more powerful neighbours.
adventurers by expanding his garrison to an over-strength
Bereden Pawade (Heru)
company then increased it to a full second company with his
Constable Bereden is the emissary of the Earl Meleken in
increasing revenues. He could raise light-horse if needed.
central Kaldor. He controls the crossing of the River Shem
One of the earl’s loyal bailiffs settled an outlying manor of between Olokand and Tashal. Unlike some vassals, Bereden
the earls with his war-band. These veterans turned farmers, has nothing but admiration for Thisila. He has asked the
with hardy locals who’ve long relied upon their own defence, countess’ permission to mount an expedition to find her
could supply the constable with an additional company of husband. So far, she has refused, preferring to keep this loyal
yeomen-foot if called. retainer in a strategic position.
The new sheriff at Hutop, Meden Curo, has been making Motives: Serve Lady Thisila. Learn what happened to his
inroads into the constable and earl’s power, reinstating royal liege, the Earl Meleken. Protect Heru.
authority and asserting control over the shire. Longstanding
rivals of the earl; the increased oversight is a concern.
Jedes is Kaldor’s most important horse-breeding centre,
exporting quality warhorses, which may become important. It The Laranian Church
is a source of high quality light horsemen’, who dominate the The Laranian Church has a special position in Kaldor.
local yeomanry. Quantities of food particularly meats, are Though not a universal religion, it is influential in the corridors
exported to Tashal to feed it during the summer fair. of power. Kaldoric nobles are expected to be members of the
church: to do otherwise is to invite social ostracism, especially
Motives: Protect his holding. Support Earl Dariune.
for land-holding nobles.
Reduce the influence of the sheriff under Curo.
Laranian ritual is intertwined with noble life. The rites of
Danyes Bernan (Kyg) knighthood are performed by a Laranian priest. Nobles are
Constable Danyes holds Kyg on behalf of Balim. The 45 expected to be married in the Laranian church. The Laranian
year-old was appointed recently and is exploiting his distance Serolan of Tashal traditionally crowns the king of Kaldor.
from Kiban to defraud his lord. Danyes has used extensive Lia- The church also has considerable temporal power.
Kavair contacts to turn the area into a centre of drug After the king, it is the largest landholder in Kaldor. Through
manufacturing. This was recently discovered by Constable its fighting order, it controls the largest active military force.
Mirdarne, who ordered agents to quietly audit Kyg. A dossier The church does not usually interfere with the succession, but
of evidence has been passed to the earl, who is livid, but who it is difficult to become king if opposed by the church.
hasn’t had opportunity to act upon it yet. Danyes is unaware
his activities are discovered.

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The church is divided in two: the clerical Order of the his oath (whilst they negotiate terms of release) has hobbled
Spear of Shattered Sorrow and its fighting order, the Lady of the most legitimate contender for the throne.
Paladins. Nominally, the fighting order is subordinate to the In Conwan’s candidacy, Edine sees (correctly) the
clerical order, but has considerable leeway. meddling of Melderyn within Kaldoric politics. He suspects
(incorrectly) that Conwan’s wife Hesena is an agent of the
Conwan Elendsa’s Oath
Melderyni court. Edine has been using the oath to cement his
One peculiarity of the imminent crisis is the oath of
hold over Conwan, ensuring he will be beholden to the church
Conwan Elendsa. Thirteen years ago, Conwan wished to wed
during his reign.
Hesena Inamis, a minor noble devotee of Save-K’nor. Such a
marriage would not ordinarily be a problem, provided the Edine wants a Laranian church independent of Melderyni
children were raised as Laranians. Conwan’s great-uncle influence, which he sees as tied to secular concerns and
Kalabin, objected to the marriage. Since Kalabin was Serekela, Pvarism. The pressure he has received from the Laranian
the dispute took on religious overtones. primate in Thay to release Conwan’s oath confirms his
suspicion. Whilst he desires autonomy from the Melderyni
Kalabin refused to allow the couple to be married in the
church, he doesn’t want a complete break and thinks a
Laranian church. Conwan countered by threatening a
schism within the Lady of Paladins is to be avoided. The
K’norrian wedding. Kalabin escalated by promising to disown
Kaldoric branch of the order is already arguably more
Conwan. In exasperation, Conwan said “If the throne is all you
influential than the Melderyni one, a trend set to continue.
care about, I renounce my claim.” Kalabin angrily declared
Waiting to break from a position of strength or reversing the
that that is what it would take for him to marry a K’norrian.
positions of the two branches to better reflect political reality
Furious, Conwan took the oath. Under a year later, Kalabin seems a prudent course. The Solori Crusade in Melderyn is
was assassinated at Caleme Abbey. Conwan and Hesena were deeply troubling, with reports of genocide and atrocity.
married in a quiet ceremony in caer Elend presided over by
Edine’s relationship with the Curos has cooled over the
priests of Larani and Save-K’nor a few months after the death.
years, in part because of his sister’s problems with her
Kalabin’s murder was never solved and no one alive epicurean and Halean leaning husband, Hemisen. Edine
knows his motives (probably political) for denying the remains a close ally of the Dariunes and he believes the
marriage. Kalabin was notoriously corrupt and had many church and Balim will form a solid block that can dictate who
enemies. Most assume his assassination had nothing to do will be the next ruler of Kaldor.
with the wedding, despite the timing.
Motives: Expand the Laranian church’s religious
Years later; regretting his recklessness, Conwan quietly dominance. Make sure the next ruler is a moral Laranian
approached the new Serekela, Edine Kynn, to rescind his rash beholden to the church.
promise. Since it was a family dispute with a disgraced
prelate, Conwan did not expect this to be an issue. He was Tyrnal Dariune (Cholas)
shocked when his request was denied. The two have been in Rekela of Kephrus 49 year-old Tyrnal is cousin to the Earl
negotiation ever since, over the terms of annulling the oath. of Balim and the first appointment of Edine Kynn, replacing a
Edine Kynn (Caleme) political crony of the previous Serekela. His appointment
undermined the old order and rewarded the Dariunes.
The current Serekela of Larani, 55 year-old Edine Kynn is a
charismatic and vigorous reformer. Son of the bailiff of Trilgen Groomed as the likely successor to Edine, Tyrnal is
manor, Edine became a rising star in the church early in his worldlier than his mentor. Positioned in the heart of Kaldor,
career. His prospects were sufficiently bright that his sister he frequently visits the royal and Kiban courts. A supporter of
Meliara was able to marry the heir of Earl Curo, though the the Lady of Paladins, Tyrnal has curried favour with Conwan
marriage proved less useful than everyone expected. Elendsa by aiding Korus Ynel in patrolling the Chelmarch. He
views Rekela Hadan with disdain, considering him a liability
At 26, Edine Kynn became Serolan (high priest) of Kiban.
that should be replaced.
He was the spiritual advisor and friend of young Troda
Dariune. With the support of Curo and Dariune, Edine In the last few years there have been three attempts on
because Rekela (bishop) of Nurez in 701 at 35. After the Tyrnal’s life. The reasons are unclear; so far no instigators
assassination of the corrupt Kalabin Elendsa in 709, Edine was have been caught. The earl has offered a £100 bounty for
put forth as a candidate who could reform the church. information leading to an arrest.
Since assuming power, Edine has replaced all Kaldoric Motives: Become the next Serekela. Support his cousin
Rekelas with his own appointments. Edine’s mission is to Earl Dariune. Find out who wants him dead.
bring the Laranian church back to its position of moral Ilor Hadan (Abriel)
dominance, after the abuses of the previous Serekela.
Another Rekela appointed by Kynn, Ilor Hadan was a
Edine’s moralizing has indirectly impacted the Kaldoric member of the Ethelanca (holy office) in Trierzon. After a
succession. His opposition to the bastard sons of the king decade of service Edine called Ilor home, to serve as Rekela of
(and antipathy towards Maldan) discouraged Miginath from Nurez in 714. Edine believed Ilor was a like-minded reformer,
acknowledging them. Edine’s refusal to release Conwan from but the men have different visions of what makes a strong
Laranian church.

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Now 51, Ilor is a proponent of the philosophy, “the Motives: Support the Serekela. Improve his position in the
Reluctant Way”. This teaches the view that the Laranian path diocese. Crush his rival.
is one of prayer and introspection, to protect the spirit of the
people and that the sword should be taken up as a last resort. Houla Artona (Whyce)
This is in contrast to Edine’s goal of putting the church in a 50 year-old Houla is the senior Reblena (knight-
more dominant political position. commander) of the Order of the Lady of Paladins in Kaldor.
Maldan Harabor has taken advantage of Ilor’s teachings to Nominally, Houla is subordinate to the Chabla
marginalize Laranian forces in Meselyne. The sheriff knows (grandmaster) of the order in Melderyn and also obeys
the church is unlikely to support him for the throne, so Serekela Kynn. The Chabla is distant and Houla levered the
noninterventionist Ilor fits Maldan’s goals. Following events ambiguous chain of command, into effective independence.
described in The Will in the Way, the church lost access to a Houla is loyal to Kaldor and wants what is best for the
small Thorpe, to its previous overlord’s heir, with the sheriff kingdom. Much of his time is spent in political manoeuvring.
as liege. This reduces the churches obligations and income Houla is worried about the succession. He wants a peaceful
including the loss of a yeoman. transition and will support the strongest contender for the
Motives: Return the Laranian church to its proper place as throne. He is also concerned for the influence of his order and
a moral leader, not a political entity. Divest the church of wishes to support a supporter of the church. Maldan, in
temporal responsibilities. particular, harbours resentment over the orders longstanding
absence from the Royal Chelebin Tournament to attend its
Cerdan Bantire (Ledyne) knighting ceremony, despite this predating the tournament
40 year-old Cerdan is Rekela of Pagostra and the youngest by centuries. The Reblena is hiding divisions within his order,
Laranian prelate in Kaldor. He was appointed in the spring of between those loyal to the order’s grandmaster in Melderyn
719 and has settled into his role, increasing revenues by over and those who want an independent Kaldoric order.
10%, following a survey of church lands. He is focused on his Two years ago, Houla sent the two factions more vocal
diocese and spends little time thinking about Kaldor at large. adherents south to participate in the Solori Crusade in
He is concerned about the missing Earl, Sedric Meleken. Melderyn. This quieted the conflict but did not resolve it. This
Though he respects Lady Thilisa, he is caught between the also thinned the ranks of the fighting order. Upon their return
countess and Melekens who think the earldom should revert another vote was demanded about seceding, a dead heat.
to one of their own. It has been over two and half years since This was broken by Houla casting the deciding vote. That was
the earl was seen and some say it is time to declare him lost, only possible as Houla appointed three new Reblena that
so that a replacement can be chosen. year, one of whom voted against him anyway.
Motives: Be a good Rekela. Learn what happened to the Last year, following the substantial forces dispatched the
missing earl. previous year, the Chabla neglected to demand another large
contribution. As such, Houla sent a token force of volunteers
Sheryd Quathis (Brynd) and malcontents, as he had in previous years. This year, the
Sheryd Quathis is the newest Rekela, having replaced Chabla has intimated he intends to demand more men again.
elderly Verda Emerel in 721. Verda was deeply loved by the Houla intends to personally journey south to finally resolve
Laranians of the diocese and 44 year-old Sheryd has difficulty the situation one way or another and carries dispatches from
filling his shoes, despite being Serolan of Brynd for the several powerful nobles, including King Miginath and Serekela
previous eight years. Kynn supporting his demands to end the crusade. He has
It doesn’t help that he was forced to appoint his rival for carefully gathered a meticulous and damning dossier of
the position as his replacement Serolan, in Brynd. This was an evidence detailing abuses by the order against the Solori
(unsuccessful) attempt to reduce Serolan Kolas Ubael’s during the crusade. This is known only to himself, the
influence, by removing him as Abbot of Uldien Abbey. Serekela and Reblena Charyn.
Unfortunately, Kolas was able to get his own protégée to Houla believes the current status-quo is best for the order
replace him, whilst moving to the richest Abbey in the and gives it the most freedom of action. Were the Kaldoric
diocese. order to become independent of Melderyn, it would end up
Quathis’ appointment was already in doubt, as Ubael had more subordinate to the clerical order and the Serekela.
accompanied the elderly Emerel on pilgrimage to Tengela, his Motives: Maintain the status-quo. Keep politics from
dying wish. Whilst there, he managed to get his own distant tearing the order apart. Keep the royal succession as peaceful
ancestor Uldine Ubael beatified. She’d long been recognised as possible. Support the church and its goals as he is able.
as an (unofficial) local saint. Her eventual canonisation looks
certain. Kolas follow’s the same policies as Quathis and has Luisan Kelic (Jenkald)
the same alliances, but is seen as more capable and less 47 year-old Luisan Kelic is Reblena of the Jenkald chapter
sycophantic, if overly political. of the Lady of Paladins and protects eastern Kaldor and the
Sheryd adheres closely to the wishes of Serekela Edine, to Silver Way. He leads the Kaldoric Patriots faction within the
shore up his waning authority. Local Laranians pay him little order, seeking an independent order within Kaldor. Luisan
mind, seeing him as a sycophantic puppet of the Serekela. sees the Melderyni grandmaster’s genocidal crusade in Solora

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as a dishonourable use of the knights of Larani and feels Recently Mulron’s men have worked with Korus Ynel,
Kaldor would be better off charting her own course. patrolling the Salt Route at the behest of the Rekela. Mulron
Luisan is the bastard half-brother of the powerful Baron takes this as a sign of support for the Sheriff of Semethshire,
Indama. He has used his connections to the baron to push his Conwan Elendsa and assumes clan Dariune favours the
agenda for a Kaldoric branch of the order. This political debt candidacy of Conwan, despite his oath. The politics are
could pull him into the conflict for the Kaldoric throne. Houla deeper than Mulron can follow, but he trusts his friend Houla
Artona sent Luisan and his men to the Solori Crusade two and the Serekela to guide him.
years ago. Getting wind of the scheme from sympathisers, Motives: Support Houla Artona and the Dariunes.
Luisan sent word to his ally Remiu and took the bare Uphold Laranian ideals. Keep the Order out of politics and
minimum of men, citing a need to protect the border. As secure the borders. Reorganise the order to take advantage
such, his forces suffered greater casualties than expected. of advances in military thought.
Though these have been replaced, the replacements are
somewhat inexperienced. Remiu Valador (Nebulan)
Motives: Create an independent Kaldoric branch of the Note: The canon material (deliberately) gives no clan
name for Reblena Remiu. I agree with Paul Stracks choice of
Lady of Paladins. Support his half-brother, Baron Indama.
putting him in clan Valador to give him a tie to Earl Caldeth.
Uphold Laranian ideals.
44 year-old Remiu is Reblena of Nebulan and his chapter
Tae Sarela (Yaltako) protects the dangerous southern border of Kaldor. He works
38 year-old Reblena of the northernmost chapterhouse of closely with Orsin Firith and they admire each other’s skill at
the order, Tae is removed from the heart of the diocese of war. Both have been pushing the king to establish a keep at
Nurez. He is focused on protecting the kingdom’s borders and Oselbridge, though Orsin is unaware that Remiu plans to have
collaborates closely with his friend, Baron Pierstel of Tonot. the keep put in the hands of the order. Remiu is cousin to
Tae is devoted to the hierarchy of the order and is appalled Lady Ialny, wife of Earl Caldeth, another man he admires.
by the Patriots attempts to split away. Tae is especially Two years ago, Artona sent Nebulan chapter south to join
antagonistic to Luisan Kelic, leader of the Patriots movement. the Solori crusade. Luisan Kelic sent word of the plan in
Two years ago Tae’s forces, particularly in comparatively advance, so Remiu took the bare minimum with him south to
peaceful Meselyneshire, were pulled away by the senior thwart his rival. This was rendered moot when Yaltako
Reblena Houla Artona to support the Solori Crusade in brought an over-strength contingent. Worse, Tae Sarela was
Melderyn. Leaving defence of Norons Way to his friend Baron then placed in command of the Kaldoric contingent. During
Pierstel, Tae took his entire chapter and stripped all the the campaign the order witnessed atrocities on both sides
supporting chapters of men for the march south. He even and upon his return Remiu was able to force a new vote on
hired mercenaries to supplement his numbers. When they divorcing from the parent order. He came close to winning,
arrived, the Chabla was delighted with the response and but Houla thwarted his ambition, barely. Valador looks set to
placed Tae in charge of the Kaldoric contingent. As such, his force the issue again as tension builds. Remiu’s forces took
casualties were comparatively light compared to the other comparatively heavy casualties with his small contingent, but
Reblena as the Solori sought easier targets, though similar in these have been replaced and the active nature of the border
absolute terms. These loses have been replaced and their means they have quickly gained experience.
impact is minimal.
Though devout, Remiu is ambitious. His Rekela is
Motives: Keep the Kaldoric branch loyal to the inexperienced, so Remiu charts his own way. This is becoming
grandmaster of the order. Support the Serekela. harder as Bantire gains greater control. Remiu supports the
Patriot faction, less because of concerns about the Solori
Mulron Charyn (Vadan) Crusade (despising barbarians) but because he expects to be
Reblena Mulron’s chapterhouse at Vadan is in the heart of named the new Chabla. In a crisis, Remiu will ally with men he
the realm, positioned to work with the Whyce chapter should knows, unconcerned with the church at large.
war break out. He is an ally of the Rekela of Kephrus, Tyrnal Motives: Replace Artona as leader of the Kaldoric order.
Dariune and the senior Reblena, Houla Artona. 49 year-old Oppose Artona’s candidate and policies. Increase the order’s
Mulron squired with Houla in their youth and they have been power but otherwise support his allies.
friends since.
As a wandering knight, Mulron spent time in Trierzon on
the Plain of Karetan and Azeryani border where he observed
developments in military evolutions there, particularly
Clan Elendsa
amongst the cavalry. As such, he has conceived of a plan to Excluding heirs, clan Elendsa plays a role as electors in any
update the order and its horse breeding program, moving the succession council. They vote for three positions: clanhead,
chapterhouse to Swune and creating a new unit of medium- king and Earl of Olokand. Expectations are that these
horse squires at Vadan. This plan has the support of the positions are filled by the same individual, but that need not
Serekela and Artona and awaits the king’s permission before be so, particularly that of the earldom and kingship.
enacting it. This seems likely to be granted soon.

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The succession council is limited to adults (at least 21) Cheselyn will not hesitate to jump ship, if it looks like the
who have 50% Elendsa blood. This includes those born Harabors are in a better position to win the throne.
Elendsa’s plus adult children of female Elendsa’s married into Motives: Marry a powerful man whom she can keep
other clans, as well as adoptees into the clan. All legitimate under her thumb. Cut out her mother and become queen
candidates for the throne qualify but not the king’s sons, herself. Become heir (with her husband or to her mother) if
unless they are acknowledged by one of the (forged) wills. If she cannot become queen.
acknowledged, their children also qualify.
Merela Hosath (Tashal)
To add tension I have also included those of direct descent
who have joined other clans. This makes voting closer and Younger daughter of Cheselyn Elendsa, 16 year-old Merela
allows for more politicking. This is determined by the Clan is too young to be anything other than a pawn in the coming
Herald, Migray Hosath and the College of Heralds at the conflict. Her marriage may be a valuable bargaining chip. She
Enclave of the Holy Oak. This is a liberal interpretation of the is a naïve dreamer, not as treacherous as her mother and
canon, but I think adds value. sister. Her greatest desire is for a Chelni pony.
Most of the council consists of direct descendants of Motives: Be an unaware pawn.
Haldan I, first king of Clan Elendsa. There are another dozen Lenera Firith (Caleme)
or so minor clan members (not listed) descended from Eldest daughter of the king’s sister of the same name,
Haldan’s male relatives, but they are low-born and ineligible Lenera is sister to the Baron of Kobing and sister-in-law of the
to decide anything. Baron of Uldien. 45 year-old year Lenera is Laranian Suloran
Lerela Alsar (née Elendsa) (keeper of archives) at Caleme Abbey. Serekela Edine Kynn
expects to be able to influence her vote. He may be surprised.
The middle daughter of the king’s older brother Haldan,
Lerela supported Cheselyn in the council that elected Motives: Advance her position in the church, otherwise
Miginath, though she was too young to vote. Lerela regrets support her brother.
that decision as Miginath married her to a minor knight, the Serli Ubael (née Firith)
bailiff of Nicomen manor. Lerela has since lived in quiet
Twin sister of Lenera, she is an advocate of her brother
seclusion in southern Kaldor. Her uncle Merik lessened her
Orsin’s claim to the throne. The 45 year-old wed Karsin Ubael,
isolation and now, he too is gone.
Baron of Uldien. The baron is loyal to Troda Dariune, but Serli
Lerela is 46 and her husband died six years ago. She gave is trying to convince him Orsin’s candidacy is best for all
over management of the manor to her son Arlin a few years concerned. Her children have distant claims to the throne,
ago. She has no intention of making the mistake she did years but Serli is aware of their poor prospects.
ago: she will vote for a candidate that she knows will win.
In poor health, Serli had a recent near death experience,
Motives: Keep her vote hidden until she knows who is where she was saved by divine intervention. This event
going to win, then vote for them. Take no chances. helped secure her husband’s ancestors’ beatification and
probable canonisation in time. Serli is not so sure of the
Arlin Alsar (Nicomen) divine nature of her aid.
Known as the “First Knight of Kaldor” (an unofficial title)
She started studies under the local tutor, a powerful Shek-
the 25 year-old bailiff of Nicomen, Arlin is frustrated that he
Pvar of Odivshe. As a Mavari she is drawn to the convocation
cannot turn his family connections into a better position.
of Lyhavi and sourced a Lyhavi mentor in Tengela.
Although his fief is prosperous and nearby hunting is
excellent, he would rather be closer to power. Unlike his Uldien is experiencing an economic boom. The fertility of
mother, he will gladly trade his vote for the promise of the land has inexplicably increased. Serli suspects the
influence. He will seek to get his mother to vote with him. constable of the keeps’ new wife is somehow responsible.
She was accepted as another Mavari; who is advancing
Motives: Use his vote to improve his position.
rapidly in her studies and is definitely drawn to Odivshe. Her
Cheselyn Hosath the Younger (Tashal) presence seems benign and supportive of the baron (through
19 year-old daughter of Cheselyn Elendsa, the younger his constable) so Serli is letting things lie, for now.
Cheselyn was raised in a household where her mother Serli encouraged her husband to accept the position of
insisted she was a princess. The girl learned a great deal from bailiff of the hundred following the incumbent’s murder.
her mother’s political machinations. Why should young Some of her noble peers poured scorn over his accepting the
Cheselyn settle for princess, when she might be queen? position, but it greatly increases their local influence and
Cheselyn’s mother has arranged for her to marry Scina improves their financial position. With the boom, the baron
Dariune to cement an alliance to that powerful house and instituted an annual tournament, following donations by the
launch herself onto the throne. Cheselyn is not opposed to mangai to coincide with the fur fair. This has all led to an
that plan, provided she can get herself or Scina declared royal increase in crime, together with prosperity.
heir. She has hedged her bets by stringing along Mirild Motives: Support her husband and brother. Hide her
Harabor, son of the king’s eldest bastard son. Younger growing powers and continue her studies. Develop Uldien and

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improve its financial position. Tackle the growing crime Motives: Support his father, thwart Mirild. Harness the
problem in the town. flower of Dariune chivalry.
Serli Ubael the Younger (Uldien) Kornuska Harabor (Olokand)
18 year-old Serli has had the run of Uldien and run 20 year-old Kornuska is a capable warrior and great
somewhat wild. She was recently taken in hand by her admirer of his uncle, Koris, Marshall of the Guard. Loyal to his
parents (particularly her mother) and uncle, Serolan Kolas family, he is no fool. Though he supports his father and
Ubael. Tutored in the use of her “gifts”, particularly healing, brother fully, their actions trouble him, particularly those of
by the local tutor, an Odivshe Shek-Pvar Sheneva, she wishes Mirild. He inconsistently works to mitigate some their worst
to continue her studies and become an apprentice mage. Her excesses, though he supports both fully.
mother is aware of this and doesn’t approve. Though Motives: Support his brother and father. Do well at war.
sympathetic, the philosopher already has a mavari (the new Behave with what honour he can.
wife of the constable of the keep). There seems little local
scope for learning. He is making discreet enquiries for a Kymen Firith (Qualire)
suitable teacher. She is reluctant to enter the church or abide 44 year-old Kymen is a firm supporter of his brother Orsin,
by an arranged marriage. Fortunately, her uncle recently and will follow his lead. He is bailiff of Qualire manor for his
transferred to a more prestigious abbey and her brother. His son, 23 year-old Kymed, will join him.
overprotective (younger) brother is in distant Kobing. She Motives: Support his brother.
seems drawn to Peleahn.
Motives: Continue her studies despite her mother’s Asorn Firith (Tashal)
wishes and locate a mentor. Develop her psychic gifts. Keep Lord Advocate of Kaldor and Orsin’s youngest brother,
her growing magical prowess secret. Support her family. Asorn is closer to power than his siblings and worldlier. He is
Become involved in things and cause trouble. not opposed to his brother’s ascension, but his time in court
has given him a broader view. The 43 year-old master litigant
Karsin Ubael the Younger (Kobing) will support whomever he believes will be the best ruler and
The 16 year-old heir to Uldien is acting as squire for his leans towards Conwan, though he’ll need to take note of
uncle Karsin on the southern border. He has seen a lot of whomever holds Tashal.
combat against Pagaelin and is learning the art of war at the His 20 year-old son; Asorn the younger, will support him if
knee of a master. However, he is inexperienced and liable to it becomes relevant, when he can vote.
jump into situations he isn’t prepared for. He is shaping to be
Motives: Keep his royal post. Support the best ruler.
a fine war leader, in several years.
Motives: Learn from his mentor Orsin. Support his father Tarkin Hirnen (Tashal)
and uncle. Protect his sister. Go haring after adventure. Lord Chancellor of Kaldor, Tarkin is the younger son of the
king’s sister Erelora and brother to the Baron of Nenda. A 42
Mirild Harabor (Olokand) year-old bureaucrat, he has no desire to support his brother
23 year-old Mirild is heir to his father’s estates and and will vote to his own advantage.
constable of Olokand. Raised as a prince and acutely aware of
Motives: Keep his post. Support whoever holds Tashal.
Maldan’s bastardy, he is more ambitious than his father and
Use his vote to retain or advance his own position.
less honourable. A petty tyrant, he inflicts cruelties on those
he can bully and cow. He’s infatuated with Princess Cheselyn Siwen Elendsa (Kiban)
the younger and competes with Scina Dariune for her The 39 year-old Peonian high priestess of Kiban is the
affections. He sees Scina as a rival and works to one-up the elder sister of Conwan. Siwen would prefer to stay out of
young man. The dislike is mutual. politics. She has problems with those who believe her
Motives: Support his father to seize the throne. Enjoy his elevation to high priestess is due to family influence. When it
petty cruelties. Gain the approval of his father. Be less comes time, she will vote her conscience.
capable than his father but be blind to it. Marry Cheselyn the Motives: Stay out of politics. Promote the Peonian church.
younger, whatever the cost. Support the best candidate for the throne. Be a touch naïve.
Scina Dariune (Kiban) Raditha Elendsa
23 year-old Scina is heir to the powerful earl of Balim, who Younger sister of Conwan Elendsa, the 33 year-old has
is deep in negotiations with Cheselyn the elder about proclaimed she is uninterested in the throne and is traveling
marrying her daughter (Cheselyn) to Scina. Scina dislikes the abroad in Trierzon. An unscrupulous faction might try to
younger Cheselyn, but goes along to spite Mirild Harabor snatch her to tip the vote in their favour.
whom he detests, who is infatuated with her. Scina glories in
Motives: Stay away from Kaldor entirely.
war, a trait inculcated in him squiring for his uncle at Tonot,
to whom he is close. Less thoughtful than other family
members, Scina is bright if impetuous and supports his father
whilst trying to win his approval.

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Korwyn Elendsa (Bromeleon) GoAL (Arcanists)
The 32 year-old Peonian priest, is less interested in politics The Guild of Arcane Lore is a very weak guild containing
than his sister Siwen. He wishes a quiet life at Bromeleon some powerful individuals. A disparate collection of
Abbey. He is inclined to support his brother Conwan. academics, tutors, astrologers, charlatans, psychics, mystics
Motives: Support his brother but stay out of politics. Be and arcanists they rarely present a united front and are most
appalled at suggestions he should be king as a compromise. disinterested in politics.
They are unconcerned with who will be the next king. If
Undine Indama (née Elendsa) they learn of Melderyn’s interest, most would favour that
The younger sister of Conwan Elendsa is the wife of the urbane and eldritch realm. Many worship Save K’norr.
heir of the Baron of Getha. At 22, she is barely old enough to
One group who could become concerned are the Shek-
vote. Though her husband Harapa boasts that their children
Pvar, the most powerful and influential members of the GoAL.
could sit on the throne, Undine is realistic. She is inclined to
They are more likely to resent Melderyni interference than
support her Conwan. She lives in Bidow with her husband and
others. If foreign actors such as Gwadira employ arcane
two young children, Dosyl and Halene.
means to alter events, they will become concerned enough to
Motives: Support her brother Conwan unless this overcome their inertia. If pressed, they will call in the Most
endangers her family, particularly her children. Gentle Order of the White Hand, to investigate and rectify
Donesyn Dariune (Tashal) matters. This is a possible entry point for powerful PC’s.
Daughter of the king’s aunt Kethele and sister to Troda, 44 Motives: Keep out of politics. Neutralise magical
year-old Donesyn is unmarried and lives in Tashal seeing to interference. Reduce the influence of Melderyn.
her clan’s interests. She is a devout Laranian involved in local Clothiers
politics. Donesyn is loyal to her clan and trusts her bother and
This wealthy powerful guild has familial links to the
will back his play.
Harabors, though they are closer to Koris than Maldan. They
Motives: Support her brother and promote the church. are also close to Earl Caldeth of Minarsas. They may be
Astaroc Cranalson (Tashal) induced to provide monies or loans to these parties.
A misanthropic Odivshe Virana 83 year-old Astaroc is Motives: Support Maldan in his bid to be king with monies
uninterested in the throne. An unacknowledged bastard of and loans. Don’t alienate other powerful nobles, particularly
Princess Kaisirin, young Astaroc joined the church of Save the Earl of Vemion.
K’norr, where he proved unsuited to life as an acolyte,
despite his intelligence. Heralds
This noble guild will split along clan lines but members
He left to join a Savoryan chantry of arcane lore at
serve as important messengers and envoys. The Royal Herald
Cherafir but suffered violent seizures upon attuning and was
and Guildmaster are influential and apt to meddle for their
unable to progress. With trepidation he was allowed to try to
own ends.
attune to Odivshe at Chyrefal instead. This proved successful
and has caused resentment with the Savoryans ever since. Motives: Maintain the neutrality of the Heralds, whilst
acting as go-betweens and insert themselves into the
After years study he left to join a merchant vessel as a
corridors of power wherever possible.
common seaman. When he left the sea he travelled for a
while before he returned to Tashal to occupy a townhouse Lia-Kivair (Thieves)
that had been left to him. During his travels he refused The thieves will try and take advantage if they can,
control of a chantry and was made Virana. He barely noticed. exploiting corrupt barons and constables. They’ll hire their
Ever since, he has studied in solitude and ignored society. services (including as assassins) out to those who pay. They
Occasionally, as at present, he has taken on an apprentice. He maintain links with the Navehan Church, god of assassins.
is close to Cheselyn the Elder, who values his counterpoint at The Tashal chapter of the guild is expanding its control
her parties, whilst Conwan’s wife Hesena has tried to get to throughout Kaldor. Otherwise they’ll keep a low profile
know him as a fellow adherent of Save K’Norr. during heightened security.
Motives: Ignore everything except his interests and be Motives: take advantage wherever possible, particularly
very annoyed if interrupted. with the corrupt. Avoid notice and make money.
Litigants (Lawyers)
The Mangai The “Most Honourable and Worshipful Guild of Master
Some guilds within Kaldor are wealthy and powerful. Litigants” will split according to its members own interests.
Representative of the growing power of the middle classes; The guild includes several slippery political operators.
some enter the fray of politics for their own ends. Their Members will support every faction and others remain
reach, influence and engagement differ widely. Not all neutral. Some members are principal led, but they are
guildsmen support the positions chosen by the guilds but exceptional for it.
many have similar interests.

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Motives: Play all sides of the conflict against each other Motives: Do their best but, above all, make money.
and back whoever seems likely to win.
Masons These craftsmen are almost all bonded to nobles or
The masons’ guild won’t get involved. However, bonded fighting orders. They’re likely to stick with their employers.
or hired masters are important for sieges and fortifications, Motives: Do a job of work. War is business.
where they will support their current employers.
Motives: Ensure their expertise is appreciated.
Foreign powers
Merchants Several foreign kingdoms become involved in events
Politically astute merchants will lend money to all parties. throughout the year. Not all are interested in Kaldor but all
The rates they charge are a good indication of the current have impact with far-reaching consequences that affect Hârn.
odds and performance of each faction. Of course, they’ll lend Motives are discussed whether these impact the crisis or not.
regardless when a sword is at their throats.
Merchants retain guards for their goods, concentrated in
population centres, which can be co-opted or hired as Ibanvaal
additional troops. This powerful, aggressive realm is allied to Rogna.
Some Tashal, Olokand and Vemion members are close to Together they aim to invade and carve up Menglana. They
the Harabors, whilst other Tashal members are backed by have a claim to the fealty of Orbaal which they may press if
and back Cheselyn the elder. Kiban members are close to the that land looks weak. They’ve been besieging the Vathran of
Earl of Balim. Froyaheim for several years.
Motives: Support all sides and make money, whilst Motives: Conquer Menglana. Go Viking for plunder and
maintaining their own chattels and positions. Back the take advantage of any weaknesses along the coasts and
Harabors, if it looks like a sound investment. navigable rivers.

This wealthy, organised guild sticks to their own; rural Menglana
affairs, but millwrights are important for siege equipment. Currently under threat of invasion by Ibanvaal, this
Mills are local strongpoints and maintain supplies of milled fractious realm has reached out to allies and relations in
grains and flour. Orbaal, Harbaal, Jarenmark, Seldenbaal, Palithane and
Motives: Keep to their manors and protect their goods. Chelemby to resist. They are divided, the High King alienating
Don’t risk their lives foolishly to protect those goods. powerful subject clans, by refusing to support his rivals the
Stahlers at Foyaheim, until they are crushed by Ibanvaal. The
Miners succession of the royal clan is contested between powerful
The most interesting guild; they are wealthy, unpopular, contenders. They demand tribute from Orbaal, which hasn’t
powerful and ambitious. Militarily capable in their own right been received for generations; though clans retain blood ties
they employ numerous mercenary guards. Essential in a siege which may provide arms, or sanctuary.
they provide crucial expertise. Nobles dislike them due to Motives: Be swept away by Ibanvaal and consumed. Flee
their abused privileges. They’re close to the crown through to Orbaal and invade, displace, join or supplement kin.
the Chancellor of the Exchequer but are likely to move into
Maldan Harabors camp, where they can provide him monies,
troops and miners in return for political preferment.
Motives: Meddle in the crisis and get in way over their A powerful aggressive realm, the most organised and
heads, only to keep digging. united of the Ivinian kingdoms, it is more feudal than
Ostlers (Horse breeders) tributary. Harbaal covets Chelemby off her coast, where she
Essential to maintain cavalry, most master ostlers are has been repulsed twice in living memory. She has a claim to
bonded and will follow their employers. There are the fealty of Orbaal through settling clans but has not pressed
concentrations of them employed by the Lady of Paladins it. She may claim Hurisea, which the Ledensen clan contests
fighting order (especially Vadan), king (Royal Guard), Kolorn with Shorkyne. She raided Shorkyne in the past, though that
Kyg and Jedes. has calmed since the Dukes of Alagon rose to prominence
there. She opposes the expansion of Ibanvaal and that realms
Motives: Follow their employers and care more for their
annexation of Menglana.
steeds than them or anything else.
Motives: Oppose Ibanvaal. Use its dynamic, well trained
Physicians (Medics) and united armies and fleets. Look for a profitable war to
A week guild; members follow their own lights. Physicians wage and land to grow, through annexing neighbours.
are important for the armies they accompany together with
their allied professions, the herbalists and apothecaries.

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Chelemby interests and ambitions in Lankor and look to add that Grand
The mercantile island kingdom is the most densely Principality or portions of it to their domains.
populated and cosmopolitan of the Ivinian kingdoms. It twice Motives: Oppose their rivals in Alagon and garner power
fought off attempts to incorporate it into Harbaal, its dynamic in Parliament. Crush their opponents and members of the
neighbour. Not above a little piracy, it contributed to the fleet Alagon alliance and sponsor their own allies, Avan and
lost at the Cape Renda Disaster. They oppose expansionist Pilatha. Conquer Hurisea and add it to their domains and
Ibanvaal, but maintain a wary watch to their northeast. make inroads with Lankor, securing a political marriage.
Manufacturing Karunes and Daks, they are armed with
numerous Daks and increasing numbers of Karunes. They
have the most powerful modern fleet in Lythia, perhaps of Emelrene
Kelestia, organised in a feudal manner around a core royal Powerful and enigmatic Emelrene has a mighty feudal
fleet. They hire out portions of their navy for profit and war. navy and a number of key alliances with other kingdoms;
Motives: Make money and expand their trading network, Chelemby, Palithane, Shorkyne and particularly the Wyrding
whilst maintaining independence of Harbaal. Isle of Melderyn in Hârn.
Motives: Restrict trade with Hârn and carefully balance
the competing powers, maintaining the status quo. Oppose
Jarenmark Ivininan expansionism and play the political game, well.
This powerful realm between Hurisea, Harbaal and Ivinia
is a primary mover against Ibanvaaler aggression. With
interests in Hurisea, nevertheless they organised a defence of Palithane
Menglana. An Ivinian realm transitioning to Laranianism, the
Motives: Expand into Hurisea, oppose Ibanvaal. southern counties practice traditional Viking and piracy. All
must worry over Trierzi attempts to reclaim her territory. She
opposes Ibanvaaler hegemony over Menglana as the
Shorkyne aggressive kingdom is unlikely to stop there. One of the few
This large feudal kingdom contends with fractious politics places that constructs Karunes, the regional magnates
(including two antagonistic semi-autonomous duchies, Ensel (including the King) maintain powerful private fleets.
and Alagon) and threat of invasion by Trierzon. It has fought Motives: Resist Trierzi retrenchment and reconcile her
off Viking raids by from Harbaal, Menglana and elsewhere. Ivininan Sarajinian past with the growing Laranian influence.
Some magnates propose annexing territories in Hurisea and
Lankor, with opposition from local powers and rivalries with
foreigners, also looking to expand. Trierzon
Motives: Defend against Trierzi aggression, expand to the The largest, most populous, richest and most powerful
east if it looks feasible and contain the rivalries of Alagon and feudal kingdom in Lythia, Trierzon is an ambitious realm
Ensel. Strengthen a weak Crown against regional magnates. surrounded by enemies. Seat of the Pontiffs of Larani and
Peoni, they strongly oppose all the Dark Churches, especially
Alagon Agrikanism. They once ruled Shorkyne and many would see
Ruled by the Pelanby’s, Alagon is the richest, powerful and the return of those lands, with frequent clashes across the
most populous Duchy of Shorkyne. Fierce rivals with the Plain of Karetan along their mutual border. More recently,
Tabins of Ensel, Alagon is more powerful than many nations. the Kingdom of Palithane was carved from their lands by
Extended clan Pelanby is the most powerful non-ruling clan in invading Ivinians, who continue Piracy and Viking along her
Lythia. southern coasts. Were it not for the threat of the Azeryani
Motives: Frustrate their rivals in Ensel and garner more Empire, whose province of Beronium lies to the east, they
power in Parliament. Crush neighbouring opponents and would surely reclaim their lands to the west, whose ambitious
members of the Ensel alliance like the Count of Avan and counts continue to eat away at her western marches. They
sponsor their allies of Aneola, Shaplane and Dumala. Harness must also contend with religious schism in their north, along
the dynamism of the Pelanby clan and forward her interests the border with Lankor, where the Tobran Heresy threatens
in Palithane, Harbaal, Chelemby and abroad. their unity once more.
Ensel Motives: Maintain their border with Shorkyne, taking
advantage if they can. Resolve the Tobran Heresy and the
The largest Duchy of Shorkyne and rivals to the Pelanbys’
militant Knights of Avarkiel, peacefully if possible. Defend
of Alagon, the Tabin clan work to garner support in
against and resist the aggressive Azeryan Empire. Reclaim
Parliament and frustrate their rivals and their supporters
their lands in Palithane and end the piracy originating there.
Shaplane, Aneola and Dumala whilst supporting their allies,
Avan and Pilatha. They are contesting Hurisea with Aneola,
the Harbaalese, Jarenmarkers and the locals. They have

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Hurisea missing, though he has currently managed to keep that secret
This patchwork of petty states furiously attempts to stave from the Jarin Lord of Pethwys who is concerned for his
off conquests by neighbouring powers of Harbaal, Shorkyne, nephew.
and Jarenmark, all whilst stabbing each other in the back with Several clans have suspect loyalty and harbour ambitions
their constantly shifting alliances. of their own. He can only really count on the loyalty of the
Motives: Maintain their independence and get whatever Crimson Dancer in Quimen and the Valhakar of Vaagel. The
deals for themselves that they can. price of Crimson Dancer support is continued friction with
more traditional Sarajinian clans and religious strife, but he
can’t afford to alienate the powerful Fighting Order.
Azeryan Several foreign lands demand tribute from the King as a
The Azeryani Empire is under a renaissance, following colony. None has been paid in over a generation, but its lack
years of decline. Flowering under improved leadership, she’s makes it difficult to enforce his own demands on his unwilling
aggressively reclaiming her lost territories and colonies. She vassals. With Menglana (who demands his vassalage) facing
currently threatens Laranian Trierzon, Halean Karejia and , destruction at the hands of Ibanvaal, they have sought his aid
but must contend with Navehan Dalkesh. Strongly influenced and men to fight their war. Should he refuse or dither and
by Morgathianism and Agrikanism, Azeryan is a polytheistic they emerge victorious they could back up their demands
society that tends towards religious moderation. Building up with force. Should he acquiesce, it implies vassalage and
in the westernmost province of Beronium, her greatest target should they lose he acquires the ire of powerful Ibanvaal and
is currently the rebellious Province of Lankor, which itself Rogna. Either way, he faces refugee clans joining their kin in
favours Agrikanism. his lands (including his own) and upsetting the local balance
of power.
Motives: Harness the resurgent Empire to retake lost
territories and restore Imperial hegemony. Finally, several of his warriors have gone Viking to the
West in Rethem with the Earl of Tormau. He needs those
warriors in these unsettled times, but cannot afford to
alienate them seeking their fortune abroad.
The duplicitous principality faces threats from within, with Motives: Dither constantly and fail to take any decision
its fevered politics and without, as it’s still considered a until too late. Fail to contain the situation but take advantage
rebellious province by the Azeryani Empire and eyed with of any developments if he can. Remain paranoid.
avarice by other neighbouring kingdoms. The Lankori Royal Tawheim
House struggles with who the High Prince should marry off A subject of the king, Tawheim holds Orbaals only silver
his three daughters to; with much interest from Ensel in mine which is protected by a company of the king’s huscarls.
Shorkyne and Trierzon. Valhakar Dagaas Zwaiga is a curious and thoughtful individual
Motives: Play politics for its own sake. Carefully play all fascinated by the local Ilviran cult and has allowed the
sides against each other and remain independent of Azeryan. formation of a Jarin militia who he works to integrate into his
Motives: Gain control of the silver mine and more
Orbaal independence from Geldeheim. Smother tensions between
Orbaal is a patchwork kingdom of competing fiefdoms Ivinians and Jarin within his fief. Investigate the strange Jarin
ruled by invading Ivinian clans over a resentful Jarin cult.
population to the north of Kaldor. A handful of territories
remain in Jarin hands but all owe tribute to the King in Lerial
Geldeheim, the most powerful magnate in this fractious The most powerful of the Jarin lands, canny Prince
kingdom. The Jarin resistance smoulders restlessly and the Marwyn pays tribute to the king reluctantly and
threat of rebellion is never far from being realised. surreptitiously supports rebel groups whilst professing his
Motives: Each polity follows its own policies and they loyalty to the king. He balances the desire of his people for
rarely act in concert, following their own interests and private freedom from Ivininan hegemony against Viking aggression.
vendettas, with scant regard to the king, who is little trusted Motives: Increase his power at the expense of the Ivinians
or respected. Most fear Menglana and their claims to tribute, if he can, but guard against the risk of provoking them. Take
which have not been honoured for over a generation. in as many fleeing thralls as he can. Maintain plausible
The paranoid King in Geldeheim seeks to unite his Pethwys
fractious realm but has several worries gnawing at him, A subject of the Prince in Lerial, Felan Weymyss hates the
leading to indecision. The Jarin are restless and never far king and his clan for murdering his sister, one of the Kings
from revolt. This isn’t helped by the probable murder of his wives. He fears for the fate of his nephew Jorni and actively
Jarin wife by his newest and current wife. Their son Jorni is plots to overthrow the hated invaders.

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Motives: Rescue Jorni. See the king dead and overthrow Motives: Conquer Sherwyn and unite the northeast of
the hated Ivinians. Have his revenge. Prepare for war. Orbaal. Complete the upgrades to Marby castle and usher in a
more enlightened feudal court.
Clan Cyeen and its Valhakar Tursi have long sought Zuden
coexistence with their Jarin subjects, marrying into the Ruled by Valhakar Bjaal Ruindael, Zuden was conquered
previous ruling House. They are more concerned with by a branch of clan Ruind of Seldenbaal. Owed tribute by Mul
colonising lands to the West, either Morvilya Bay or the and Thursa, Bjaal is a competent seafarer and often away
Aferezir islands than Orbaals turbulent politics. To that end Viking and trading. His daughter recently married Mikaar
they have forged links with Ymodi tribesmen to combat the Serewyn of Marby, cementing and alliance between the two
warlike Equani. However, they must contend with restless clans.
subject clans at Vold and Pjagel and have sent large numbers Motives: Aid his son-in-law in the conquest of Sherwyn.
of warriors Viking West to Rethem in aid of the Earl of Spend his time Viking and trading and command the greatest
Tormau, whose Ivinian mercenaries they have organised. fleet ever seen in Orbaal.
Motives: Make money Viking in the West. Found viable
colonies in Morvilya Bay and resolve the unrest at Pjagel and Sherwyn
Vold. Stay out of any wider Orbaalese conflicts. The strongest castle in Orbaal, this formidable fortification
is ruled by the violent Venril Sherwyn and his cunning cousin
Pjagel Welrys. Owed tribute by Kjen and Thoen, clan Sherwyn is
A junior branch of a powerful and wealthy clan from locked in a bitter feud with their distant kin at Marby.
Menglana, the Valhakar Skudrin Baelinsen, is not respected Motives: Attack Marby, brutalise the Jarin and be
within his clan, who mutter at his boorish personality and surprised when his tributary clans rebel. Be replaced by his
incompetent leadership. duplicitous cousin whilst besieged before he too falls in his
Motives: Alienate support from all sides, inciting revolt turn.
before being overthrown by ambitious and ruthless Agrikan
refugees from Clan Baelin. Pled
Pled is ruled by the brutal and stubborn Knurri Storzand.
Vold He harbours ambitions to rule all of the Vaagelsfjord and is
A junior branch of a very powerful clan from Menglana, exploiting the accidental crippling of his second son Ursin, to
Thurri Maaren is a brutal and stupid leader, oppressing his pursue vendetta against Vaagel as he aims to unite the
serfs relentlessly. Vold contains several mines, particularly a holdings. He doesn’t realise how perilous his position is, with
valuable amber one. Vaagels alliance with the king and careful diplomacy. Still, he
Motives: Suppress all dissent, before being outwitted by has sought warriors and mercenaries from kin in Menglana to
fleeing relatives from clan Maar. bolster his forces and will attack if he can sense opportunity.
Motives: Attack Vaagel whilst her warriors are away. Be
Tandir crushed by returning warriors before being usurped by his
A powerful holding to the north of Geldeheim with kin in Menglanan kin.
Menglana, the Valhakar Bjan Verakaar hates the King Alegar II
and plots rebellion should opportunity arise. He has sought Lorkin
alliance with several other Clans, hired mercenaries (quietly) Brutal Taabri Geldestaar rules Lorkin. Offshoots of
and receives tribute from Gyfyn and Quiam. He has had one powerful Clan Gelda from Rogna, the piratical Geldestaars are
son of Alegars, Merak, killed and another Jorni kidnapped rapacious predators of shipping and rapacious overlords to
whom he plans to use to cement an alliance with Pethwys. the Jarin thralls. They’re suffering from piracy themselves,
Motives: Bring down the King whatever the cost. Form conducted by rebels and Esobran the Pirate. In response,
alliances with other disaffected clans. they’ve taken to the decimation of suspected sympathisers.
Motives: Brutalise his people. Crush the resistance but
Marby make things worse through his heavy handed tactics. Alienate
Marby to the northeast of Orbaal is held by the potential allies. Fail to bring Esobran to heel.
progressive Valhakar Mikkaar Serewyn. Educated in Alagon in
Shorkyne, where he retains strong links and recently married Arone
to his fourth wife, the youngest daughter of the Valhakar of Subject to the rapacious Geldestaars of Lorkin, Zaarli
Zuden, Mikaar is owed tribute from Antir and Asax. He also Hulthard is in poor health, but his mind is still sharp. Resentful
has an “understanding” with the Zwaiga’s of Tawheim. He has of his overlords’ practices, he dreams of independence from
the secret support of Kjen against their common enemies in him and growing his own power, preferably at Lorkins
Sherwyn and has built an impressive alliance to conquer their expense. There is a secret alliance with the Pirate Lord
common foe. Esobran of Galtene, who’s plunder he fences and activities he
uses to mask his own piracy.

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Motives: Break free from Lorkin. Increase piracy and Shostim
maintain links with Esobran. Grow Arone as a port and build King Chafin III in Shostim has the best chance of uniting
closer relations with his kin in Rogna. fractious Rethem in generations. He has united the disparate
Keiren lords and gained the backing of most Agrikan Fighting Orders.
Only the powerful Earl of Tormau holds out; incensed by
Ruled by the Galbart brothers, Keiren is one of the more
Chafins murder of his sister-in-law in his climb to the throne.
powerful Orbaalese holdings, with three tributary keeps. All
Then, it’s only a matter of time before a unifying war with
three of these keeps have issues with their leadership which
hated Kanday to the South or reviled Kubora to the
need resolving. Of more concern is the aggressive Crimson
Dancer to the south in Quimen. Pjersi and Raalir fear the
aggressive Agrikans, given their traditional Sarajinian beliefs. Motives: Break Tormau, before killing his nephew and
Whether they have cause for concern is debateable. niece who have better claims to the throne. Take advantage
where he can as he unifies the realm. Resolve the crisis
Motives: Steer a neutral path in Orbaals turbulent politics.
between Thameson and the Thardic Republic.
Avoid being swallowed up by a stronger faction or becoming
beholden to the king. Quietly promote Sarajinianism and Tormau
oppose Agrikanism if it can be done without too much risk. The powerful Earl of Tormau rules an all but independent
Resolve the issues at the subject clans. domain in Hohnamshire. For the last few years he’s built a
Vaagel mercenary army of allied Kuboran tribesmen and Orbaalese
Vikings. The sheriff is safely suborned. He’s set brigands to
The brilliant diplomat and ruler Halvor Karolaan rules this
raiding the kings’ lands and is poised to crush the weak Earl of
fief. A rare Orbaalese patriot, Halvor knows the future lies in
Ithiko. Currently exploring alliances with Kanday to the South,
unity. The kings’ strongest supporter, Karolaan believes the
he waits only the right opportunity to exploit.
king is the best hope of uniting the divided realm. A far-
seeing ruler, he is aware of threats from Menglanan refugees, Motives: conquer Ithiko, break rival Agrikan orders.
Ibanvaal aggression, Seldenbaal opportunism, Jarin Protect his beloved niece and nephew from the hated Chafin
resentment and Harbaaler adventurism. Only together can and launch a rebellion when the time seems right.
they hope to weather the coming storm. The clan faces Golotha
travails of its own, as neighbouring Pled vigorously pursue a
Dominated by the church of Morgath, the dark and
vendetta following an accident to one of their sons. This
brooding city chafes under the royal yoke. It seeks to recreate
vendetta needs resolving, one way or the other.
the glories of the Morgathian Theocracy in a marriage of
Motives: Try and fail to forge unity in the fractious realm. convenience between the Gurim and the Agrikan Primate,
Resolve the Pled crisis and prepare for the coming storm. Klydres Bisidril.
Quimen Motives: rebel if it can get away with it. Crush internal
The only Orderial fief in Orbaal, hope to the pitiless opposition and free itself of the meddling of the overarching
Agrikan Order of the Crimson Dancer and their sponsoring church in Meokolis, before discarding any allies who have
clerical Order of the Kukshin. Evicted from Rethem following outlived their purpose.
the disastrous Ezars War, they long to return and resume Ithiko
their rightful place in the Infernal Order of Balgashang. They
An economic backwater, the Earl hates Tormau with a
see opportunity in the coming Tormau rebellion. Then, they
poison and lives only to see him brought low. He has strong
can avenge themselves on hated Kanday.
alliances with the Morgathian church and is a loyal supporter
Motives: Return to Rethem in triumph, before prosecuting of the king.
war against Kanday. Supress any Jarin rebels and support the
Motives: be utterly crushed in the ruthless politics of
king in Geldeheim in a marriage of convenience.
Rethem. Have apoplexy when seeing his hated rival of
Rethem Techen
Rethem teeters on the brink of civil war. The powerful Earl Interested in peace and concerned by the Thardic
of Tormau despises the king, who murdered his predecessor Republic the earl is neutral towards the king, but wants rid of
and tried to murder his niece and nephew, who stood next in Thameson.
line for the throne. The weak Earl of Ithiko is in thrall to the Motives: Stay neutral.
king and the Morgathian church and hates Tormau with
passion. The Earl of Techen is neutral, fearing the advances of Hyen
the Thardic Republic and Kanday. He is contemptuous of the The Copper Hook is surrounded in hostile Kanday. Once
Cohorts of Gashang at Thameson and would destroy them for war breaks out they’ll lose much needed funding and realise
peace. Golotha looks to enact a Morgathian theocracy. Tormau was their secret patron.
Motives: Spiral into civil war and get taken advantage of Motives: defend their lands, increase revenues and take
by all sides. advantage if they can.

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Bedenes Menekod
A strong keep on the edge of Peran, the Akarata chafes Headquarters of the Order of the Chequered Shield, the
under the leadership of Bisidril. Humiliated by secret losses Chabla Sir Syman Tolfane is locked in dispute with the
against the Kubora, they are desperate for revenge and the militant Bishop of Perinore, Sir Tamys Bakyth over control of
capture of Kustan. the order. He’s appealed to the king to resolve the issue as he
Motives: stay neutral until it looks like a winner has seeks to temper his more militant knights.
emerged then join them at the last moment. Motives: prevent the Banners of Avarkiel faction
precipitating war with Rethem, yet defend against her
Menekai aggression.
The Red Shadows of Herpa and Order of Herpa the Mace
hates the forces of Thameson and wants it back, preferably
over the charred corpses of their enemies. They back the king Thardic Republic
in expectation he’ll unify the kingdom and crusade north
The opportunistic Senate seeks to profit from all sides, yet
against the Kubora of Peran.
is riven by internal dissent. There are currently five major
Motives: destroy the Eight Demons and Cohorts of factions, the Imperialists, the Monarchists, the Expansionists,
Gashang. Crush the Kubora. the Consolodationists and the Reformers. Major projects
Thameson before the Senate include the Aramal Road Project,
The Order of the Eight Demons and Cohorts of Gashang Thameson keep and the Salt Route pacification.
has not committed to the king. They negotiate with the Motives: act whichever way looks most profitable.
Thardic Senate to defect, handing the land up to the Confuse enemies and allies alike with their unpredictability.
Gomisien River back to the Republic. What Techen and Chafin
make of this is uncertain.
Motives: betray Rethem to the Thardic Republic to survive Azadmere
against hostile foes. A close ally of Kaldor that relies upon the Silver Way
caravan to import grain and feed its population, the dwarven
Kanday kingdom has recently experienced something of a
Kanday is ruled by the scholarly king Andasin IV. He must Renaissance, reclaiming Fana and refounding Axxon after
constantly reign in more militant members of his court as he years of trying. The success of the King Hazmadul III Bridge
seeks to prevent war with Rethem and the Thardic Republic. over the Guthe Gorge has cut travel time by a week on the
Motives: prevent war. End what can’t be prevented. Make Silver Way and extended the trading season by a month. This
a better peace treaty than the last one. trade is growing fast as costs fall, profits rise and security
improves. Trade is increasingly being barged downriver at
Selvos Naniom Bridge to Kiban, cutting Getha and Gardiren out of
The weakest and youngest of the Kandian earldoms, this lucrative caravan. There is talk of paving the road down
Selvos is ruled by the elderly but lucid Grolis Charyn. He is to the new chain bridge, making this part of the route
acutely aware of the dangers of the Rethemi border and passable to wagons and the whole trail suitable for carts.
works to protect his hard fought over lands. Motives: ensure the Silver Way caravan arrives. Protect
Motives: seize lands from Rethem whilst she is weak, food shipments and end the crisis quickly and peacefuly.
before having to face her whilst she is strong.
Sarkum Chybisa
Ruled by the father-in-law of the king, many at court
Hârns smallest and weakest kingdom, king Verlid must
resent Ranald Milaka’s influence. He knows his son makes the
balance the jealous power of his barons, who appreciate a
best king, but advocates a stronger presence on the border to
weak throne against the needs of the kingdom and its risk of
deter aggression.
being swallowed by her powerful neighbours Melderyn and
Motives: be concerned about adventurism by the Kaldor, both of whom have held it recently or ravaged by
Republic of Tharda and aggression by Rethem. Have his sound numerous barbarian tribes.
advice ignored.
Motives: Have conniptions at events beyond their control
Heroth and try to react to them as best as they are able.
Concerned over adventurism by the Thardic Senate, Sinel
Cassean is worried over the lack of a royal heir and
concentration of power in House Milaka. Melderyn
Motives: marry his daughter to the king. Be prepared for The mysterious Wizards Isle is secretly ruled by the
Thardic aggression. mysterious Council of Eleven who supports King Chunel. They
subtly have an aggressive foreign policy, seeking to maintain
the status quo on Hârn, where they are uppermost. Allied

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with Kanday, Emelrene and the Elder peoples, they seek to
limit Lythian influence. Their influence can be described as
aggressively benign. The Bastard Faction
Influential, with agents and operatives seeded throughout Among the king’s bastard sons, Maldan Harabor has the
Hârn, they are neither omnipotent nor omniscient and events strongest position militarily. Maldan holds much of northwest
quickly spiral out of their control and they must soon choose Kaldor, dominating Meselyneshire. Without his father’s
where to spend their limited resources for the most effect. recognition, Maldan will have no votes on the succession
council. Though he still hopes he will be acknowledged
Within their borders, the aggressive actions of the Lady of Maldan has spent the last decade preparing for war.
Paladins during the Solori crusade is of growing concern as
they increasingly act without restraint or heed of authority. Maldan knows the church and kingdom’s nobles will not
support him, so he has tried to minimize their influence in his
Motives: maintain the status quo. Interfere whilst heartland. He has positioned himself as the champion of the
appearing not to. common man, hoping to capitalize on the popularity of his
brother Koris.
The baron of Setrew is in Maldan’s pocket. The Sheriff has
PRELUDE TO CHAOS a sizable guard at Olokand and more forces scattered
The traditional starting date for a Hârnic campaign is the throughout manors in the shire ready to move quickly.
year 720. The succession crisis outlined here will not erupt Without acknowledgement, Maldan knows his only hope for
until 722. The years prior can be used to introduce the player the throne is swift victory in war. He has prepared forged
characters to the world of Hârn and the major characters in documents to give himself the veneer of legitimacy. Maldan is
the crisis to come. This also gives time for several events to also encouraging his brother’s loyalty, but Koris will not
have already occurred, perhaps with PC involvement. discuss the succession while their father is still alive.
A good introductory scenario is the Earl’s Progress by
Kerry Mould, or something like it. This places the player The Cheselyn Faction
characters as members of the household of Earl Caldeth, Though Cheselyn believes she is the most legitimate
either family members or other retainers. candidate, she recognizes she cannot win the throne without
allies. She has been cultivating the powerful clan Dariune with
Other entry points include the Bastard Bailiff by Kerry
the promise of marrying her daughter to Scina and effectively
Mould which places characters into the service of the Earl of
making him the next king. She has also used her wealth and
Neph as a major Bailiff and his retinue.
influence to get as many nobles in her debt as possible.
A Shower of Silver puts characters into the service of
Cheselyn knows her best chance for the throne is a victory
Constable Shernath Mirdarne in Jedes and ultimately the Earl
in the succession council. She believes she can count on the
of Balim, probably as a part of his military.
votes of her sisters and the Dariunes, and has been cultivating
Fork Handles identifies PCs with the poverty stricken the Firiths with a promise to help Orsin expand his holdings to
Baron Ubael of Uldien where they act as a party mixed across Oselbridge.
the social spectrum.
As a hedge against fortune Cheselyn and her daughter
Whilst the Will in the Way by Peter Leach or any of several encourage Mirild, son of Maldan, in his suit should
events of the Nelafyn Hundred Project could involve negotiations or fortunes with the Dariunes change. She also
characters with Maldan Harabor at any level. holds out the hand of her younger daughter Merela as a
Events in Fethael Hundred by Joe Adams could place bargaining chip.
characters as minor nobles and knights in the employ of the Cheselyn sees Conwan to be her greatest rival. She lives in
powerful Sheriff of Neph, the Baron Indama of Getha. fear of him being released from his oath, which would
Outside of Kaldor, events at Fana by CGI could place PCs immediately make him the favourite for the throne. She
as subjects of Azadmere, possibly even enfoeffed as Barons of knows the church is quietly negotiating with Conwan, which is
Axxon for more powerful and influential figures. why her alliance to the Dariune’s is so important. If she can
The Men in White may induce PCs into the shadowy ranks come to an understanding with Troda, he can use his
of the Gentle Order of the White Hand, loosely allied with influence with the church to block Conwan indefinitely.
Melderyn for powerful Shek-Pvar, magic users. Though she has no military power, Cheselyn is completely
The section outlines the situation before the Kaldoric ruthless, is quite wealthy and knows many of the kingdom’s
succession crisis and general factors to consider in the coming secrets. She will bribe and blackmail whoever she needs to do
war. gain the throne, though she will try not to alienate clan
Dariune or the church.
The Conwan Faction
Pre-war Factions Among the landed nobility of Kaldor, Conwan is the
Here is how Hârns leaders are organized prior to the favoured candidate. Were it not for his oath, there would be
outbreak of war. no contest for the throne. Most of his siblings would support

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Future Hârn 32
him in the succession council, and his position as Sheriff of mobile than they first appear, largely consisting of light
Semethshire is a solid military base. cavalrymen.
Conwan has cultivated a strong working relationship with Politically, Dariune is the best placed Peer, as Chancellor
the Laranian Reblenas of Whyce and Vadan. He had an of the Exchequer and with several influential posts held by
understanding with Earl Meleken and worries the Earl’s followers. In the Elendsa Clan Councils, Troda is also well
disappearance was to undermine his candidacy. He tries to placed commanding a secure core of votes and influencing
stay on the good side of both Earl Curo and Earl Dariune, but others.
Conwan knows Dariune is in a better position to help him
with the church. Outliers
Conwan recognizes that he has no path forward without a The other nobles of Kaldor do not have direct influence on
release from his oath. Since Serekela Kynn has proven to be the royal succession, but should not be discounted. Their
intransigent, he was written letters to the Laranian primate in power, particularly military power, will be important when
Thay asking for an intervention. He is unaware that he has the the crisis devolves into war. The attitudes of the Earls are
secret backing of the kingdom of Melderyn, largely because particularly important. Earl Curo especially intends to
Conwan favours the church of Save-K’nor due to his wife’s overthrow the status quo whilst Earl Caldeth has a powerful
influence. military at his beck, should he call it up, more concentrated
than other magnates with few vulnerable holdings.
The Firith Faction
On paper Orsin Firith has a good claim to the throne as the
eldest unencumbered male descendant of clan Elendsa. In
practice, he expects the next ruler will be either Cheselyn or
Military Dispositions
Conwan. Orsin could count on most of his siblings in the Most of Kaldor’s active military is in the form of keep and
succession council, but no one else. Though he commands castle guards. There are only four forces resembling armies:
considerable military forces, they are far from the heart of the Royal Guard, the Army of Chelmarch, the Army of
the kingdom. Oselmarch and the Laranian Order of the Lady of Paladins,
the last being the largest by far.
Orsin’s plan is to extract whatever promises he can from
the leading candidates, especially permission to expand his These forces are supplemented by feudal levies of knights
holdings to Oselbridge. He is open to a more aggressive play and yeoman from vassal manors. The feudal service of these
should the opportunity arise, however. Lately he has received vassals is limited, though, typically from 60 to 90 days a year.
interesting overtures from clan Caldeth. As such, their lieges generally use these forces part time.
After feudal obligations are up, Lords must pay their
The Dariune-Laranian Alliance forces. Though pay is often late and the risks certain, most
Clan Dariune and the leaders of the Laranian church have forces stay in the field. This has an impact upon crop yields,
been close allies for over a decade. Together they intend to particularly during busy harvest time if many militia or
play kingmakers. Ostensibly their plan is to milk Conwan yeomen are away from their lands. The impact of calling up
Elendsa for all the concessions they can before releasing him men-at-arms and knights tends to be less severe. The quality
from his oath. Their dominant position angers the other Earls, of these more professional troops tends to be higher.
particularly Earl Curo. During peace time, most lords rotate their feudal levies to
This alliance is more fragile than it looks, however. have a small but constant number of troops patrolling their
Troda Dariune realises that if his son Scina marries Cheselyn lands. During war, the lords call in all their obligations at once
the Younger, a Dariune could end up heir to the throne. Given to maximize the size of their force. Regardless of pay, forces
Cheselyn’s lack of popularity, a quick succession may not be must be fed and equipped. This cost cannot be deferred. It
hard to arrange. Backstabbing the church would be risky, but can be lessened by destructive foraging or hunting. Though
Troda believes he can smooth things over; failing that he time consuming, this is popular on enemy or wilderness
could arrange for his cousin Tyrnal to become Serekela. lands.
Troda is worried, though, that he does not know who is The result is that the pace of war is focused around the
trying to assassinate Tyrnal and fears a power play by another “fighting season”, mostly in the summer, where the weather
of the Earls, most probably Curo. is best and yeoman farmer-soldiers have time between spring
planting and fall harvest. Lords pay their vassals to fight
Though the most powerful Earl militarily, Troda’s forces
longer, but this is expensive and could strain the resources of
are the most diffuse, either remote, surrounded or both. His
even the wealthiest lord. As part-time soldiers, much of the
most secure areas are in Asolade Hundred in the distant
levy is less skilled then the lord’s household troops.
south and Balimshire itself. Tonot in the North looks
vulnerable to the Earl of Neph, a rival. He can’t afford to use Another complexity of feudal levies is that each lord’s
all of his strength as some must be reserved for defence. vassals are never concentrated in a single region. To make it
Though he’ll struggle to assemble his forces, they could be difficult for nobles to rebel, most lords have vassals scattered
formidable once raised and those from Jedes are more throughout the kingdom. This not only makes it harder for a
lord to gather his forces in one place, it also means vassals of

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his enemies may live nearby and pose a more immediate hardened and formidable. It is, however, far from the centre
threat. of the kingdom.
As a supplement to feudal forces, there are many
mercenary companies in Kaldor and elsewhere in Hârn. Most
companies survive as caravan escorts or in brief military Lady of Paladins
campaigns in various places on the island. A civil war in Kaldor The Laranian Order of the Lady of Paladins controls 150
would be a bonanza for mercenary companies throughout knights, a like number of squires and another 300 men-at-
Hârn, who would flock to the region looking to serve with arms. They also have quite a few retired knights and soldiers
whoever could pay them. Finally, there are several hundred that could be called back into service at need. There are also
independent knight-bachelors in Kaldor. Many landless around a core of wandering Knights and trusted men,
knights serve in the household of one lord or another, but undertaking various missions. Some of these could be
others, the youngest sons of landed knights or members of recalled. The Order can also count a variable number of pious
families in decline, have not found a firm place. They too can laymen, knights and foot, up. If these forces were
swell the ranks of the various militaries. Many will follow the concentrated in one place, they would dominate the field of
allegiances of their families, but others will seek the battle.
opportunity to gain lands of their own. The Laranian forces are scattered throughout the
Note: The military numbers below are derived from the kingdom, however. About a tenth of their men travelled
Kaldor (v2) article, with the assumption that each manor south two years ago to support the Solori Crusade at the
yields one knight and roughly one yeoman per 400 acres, command of the order’s grandmaster. Last year token forces
mostly light foot with some archers and medium foot. It were sent as the Chabla neglected to quantify his demands
follows Kerry Mould’s Lady of Paladins article in that each of again. This year the Senior Reblena and commander of the
the five major Laranian chapter houses normally have 50 Kaldoric Chapter, Houla Artona, intends to lead roughly 20%
men, but assumes that the rest of the order’s forces are of his forces to meet renewed demands for men and resolve
represented by the church’s feudal levy. Most knights the situation with the Solori if he can.
(Laranian or otherwise) also have a squire. For brevity, squires
are usually omitted in the accounting below. These forces Kaldoric forces are mainly concentrated in several chapter
have been supplemented in some instances by additional houses under the five senior Reblenas (knight commanders)
troops raised in canon and fanon. of the order. The remainder serve as guards for temples and
church officials, or as bailiffs and protectors for the manors
Standing Armies held by the order.
As noted, there are four groups resembling standing The frontier chapter houses of Yaltako, Jenkald and
armies in Kaldor. The three secular armies are: Nebulan normally hold about 50 men each. Whilst at full
The Royal Guard (40 knights with squires and 80 medium- complement, around 10 men at each manor are relatively
foot): This force protects the king and his household. Without green and untested as they have replaced losses from fighting
the king, its function is less clear. The Marshal of the Royal the Solori. The Whyce and Vadan chapter houses are at their
Guard is Koris Harabor, and he is well liked by his men. As full strength of 50 men, but the Rekela of Kephrus sends the
long as the guard believes Koris is following a legitimate path, forces of Vadan to aid the Army of Chelmarch each year.
they will follow him. The knights of the Royal Guard include Nominally the knights of Whyce should be patrolling the Fur
many scions of different noble houses however, who might Road, but Maldan Harabor has refused this service.
put family loyalty first. Most other holdings of the order are small, with no more
Army of Chelmarch (80 soldiers): The army of than a dozen men. There is, however, a full company of
Chelmarch is mainly responsible for patrolling the Salt Route Laranians in Tashal protecting the temples of Larani and
and keep the path to Western Hârn free from brigandage and Peoni, a company protecting each of the Rekelas and two
barbarian raids. Nominally, the Warden of Chelmarch is the companies in Caleme protecting the Serekela. In Abriel the
king himself. In practice the command of the army is in the order’s forces are mostly relegated to the chapter house at
hands of Conwan Elendsa as Sheriff of Semethshire. The day- Iversen, since the Rekela, Ilor Hadan, has refused their
to-day command of the army is under Korus Ynel, deputy protection.
warden of Chelmarch. The army is based at Kathane manor
west of the River Kald. At the outbreak of hostilities, most of
this army will be out patrolling the wilds of Chelmarch. Forces of Meselyneshire
Army of Oselmarch (80 soldiers): The army of The strongest noble in Meselyneshire is Sheriff Maldan
Oselmarch protects the southern border of Kaldor. The Harabor. Harabor commands 60 guards at Olokand to protect
Pagaelin barbarians are much more warlike than the the king’s household, but he has ensured they are loyal to
barbarians on Kaldor’s other borders, making this a more him personally. Harabor has hired another 40 mercenaries,
dangerous posting than Chelmarch. Orsin Firith commands in nominally to patrol the Fur Road, but in practice to
his role as Warden of Oselmarch. This army is battle- supplement his own forces.

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This is further supplemented by the bandits of Telin the on another 40 guards, 20 knights and 85 yeomen. The Earl
Red, secretly in Maldan’s employ with another 40 bandits, can also quickly hire a company of mercenaries away from
half short-bowmen and half light-foot. the caravans of the Silver Way.
When the crisis starts, Maldan will quickly hire another The Earl’s forces are counterbalanced by the baron of
company of guards from the Fur Road caravan and a Tonot, vassal of his rival, the Earl Dariune. The Order of the
company of volunteers from Olokand, passing off Telins men Lady of Paladins at Yaltako has a close working relationship
as more volunteers. He will also seek Viking mercenaries from with the baron and the church is also allied with clan Dariune.
Orbaal, though these may take longer to arrive. Between them, they can muster a force of 80 experienced
The events of the Will in the Way have taken place with soldiers and a feudal levy of 29 knights with squires and 135
the fief returned to its original holder. This has added one yeomen. Unfortunately, the supplemented forces of Yaltako
more knight and yeoman to the Olokand force at the expense are amongst those headed south to deal with the Solori
of the church. Crusade. The baron of Tonot can also hire a company of
Maldan’s ally Wevran Ethasiel has another company of mercenaries away from the Norons Way caravans. The Earl
guard further enforced by a company of mercenaries. The cannot move out of Nephshire without first neutralizing these
loyalty of Wevran’s men is surprisingly good and they are opponents.
skilfully led by his militaristic son Romlach. The brutal There is another complement of Laranians at Jenkald.
Romlach indulges his men’s excesses. Their Reblena, Luisan Kelic, is half-brother to the baron of
The constable of Baseta has a company of guards, and is Getha and a rival of the Reblena at Yaltako. He could likely
isolated from his liege in Vemionshire. There should be an have been persuaded to work with Earl Curo. Unfortunately,
active company of Laranians spread between Abriel Abbey these are amongst the forces headed south to deal with the
and Iversen manor, but their numbers have been reduced in Solori Crusade.
the last few years from fighting local bandits and the The baron of Getha’s local rival in Fethael Hundred, Lord
antipathy of the Rekela. Kobarney, is obligated to the baron of Uldien. He maintains
large numbers of yeomen and sponsors a force of
tournament knights and Laranian Priests that can
The breakdown of forces in Meselyneshire is as follows, supplement his forces.
with official forces sizes (mostly from the Kaldor article) in
The breakdown of forces in Nephshire is:
Liege Acres Guards Knights Yeomen
Liege Acres Guards Knights Yeomen
Bandits 0 40 1 0
Bidow 28,000 20 15 70
Baseta 22,000 20 13 55
Gardiren 32,000 60 (40) 22 80
Kiban 7,000 0 4 17
Getha 6,000 20 5 15
Laranians 18,000 15 (20) 8 44
Heru 4,500 0 2 10
Olokand 58,000 100 (60) 35 146
Laranians 34,000 40 16 85
Qualdris 4,000 0 3 10
Jenkald 5,500 40 4 15
Setrew 33,000 40 (20) 20 80
Olokand 8,000 0 4 20
Supplementary 0 40 0 0
Legally Tonot and Yeged are part of Meselyneshire, but Setrew 4,000 0 3 10
geographically they are closer to Nephshire, so their forces Tonot 21,000 40 13 50
will be considered there. The manors Antiven and Tullar, both
Uldien 5,500 0 15 18
fiefs of Heru across the Kald River, are counted with the
forces of that keep in Semethshire. Assuming Maldan and his Yeged 20,000 20 11 50
allies leave a third of their feudal forces in Meselyneshire as The holdings of Meselyneshire near the Shem River are
garrison, he can muster 220 guards and mercenaries plus a included in the counts above for the geographically adjacent
feudal levy of 36 knights, 36 squires and 166 yeomen (458 Nephshire. The remote Ascur manor is instead counted
totals). Maldan knows this army will only be useful if he can among the nearer Laranian forces of Balimshire. The
strike swiftly. ambiguously allied Laranian forces of Jenkald are noted
Forces of Nephshire
The strongest noble in Nephshire is Earl Curo. He will
quickly take control of his vassal’s forces in Yeged, giving him
Forces of Vemionshire
access to 60 guards, 33 knights and 130 yeomen. His ally Earl Caldeth is undisputed master of Vemionshire. The
Chimin Indama, Sheriff of Neph and Baron of Getha, can draw shire has a number of keeps held by vassals of other lords,

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but they are isolated and generally incompetent, posing little The baron Ternua has a number of vassals in the north-
threat to the Earl. This gives him freedom to deploy his western part of the shire, and can easily move forces back
forces. and force across the river Nephen. The few active Laranian
Between the Earl and his vassal at Zoben, he can forces in the shire are centred on Ledyne, the politically-
command 60 guards, 34 knights and 165 yeomen. It is likely unattached diocese seat.
the Earl will initially work with Tulath Kaphin, Sheriff of
Vemion, who commands another 40 guards, 14 knights and The breakdown of forces in Thelshire is:
55 yeomen. The baron of Nenda can be placated, and the
constables of Kyg and Pendeth are not much of a threat at Liege Acres Guards Knights Yeomen
the beginning of the war. The constables may be replaced Esenor 11,000 0 5 25
with competent leaders if the war drags on. He has a unique
force of rangers and woodsmen available to him, unmatched Kobing 1,500 0 1 4
except by the king through his foresters who answer to the Kolorn 33,000 20 17 80
royal sheriffs and forest wardens. He also has arms to equip
Laranians 29,000 20 14 70
additional forces at short notice should it become prudent.
Minarsas 3,000 0 2 7
The breakdown of forces in Vemionshire is: Nubeth 27,000 20 16 65
Liege Acres Guards Knights Yeomen Qualdris 10,000 0 6 25
Minarsas 44,000 46 23 110 Sirendel 66,000 20 40 110
Watchme 2,000 16 (13) 0 0 Ternua 12,500 0 6 30
Rangers 8,000 96 0 0 Forces of Oselshire
Zoben 18,500 20 11 45 Oselshire is dominated by the baron of Kobing, Orsin
Firith. The baron’s holding is not especially strong, but he
Athelren 23,000 40 14 55
leads the army of Oselmarch and is a close ally of the
Nenda 19,000 40 11 45 Laranians at Nebulan. Unfortunately, Nebulan is amongst
Getha 6,000 0 4 15 those forces sent south to deal with the Solori Crusade.
Between his guard, the army and the Laranians he can call on
Kyg 22,000 20 12 55 120 of the most battle-hardened soldiers in the kingdom,
Larani 17,000 0 9 40 along with a feudal levy of another 40 guards, 21 knights and
105 yeomen. His biggest weakness is the distance his troops
Pendeth 8,000 20 14 20 are from the centre of the kingdom. He could hire a company
Kiban 5,000 0 4 12 of mercenaries from the Genin Trail and additional forces of
Chybisans and Hodiri barbarians.
Kobing 5,000 0 3 12
The Countess of Osel has a strong holding in the shire.
The manors Chesel and Lachel, both fiefs of Nubeth, are
Ordinarily she could call on her vassals in Thelshire, but there
counted among the forces of Thelshire instead.
are the difficulties arising from her missing husband and his
disgruntled clan members who are centred there. The Sheriff
of Osel in Hutop also commands a sizable force, but he is far
Forces of Thelshire removed from his father, Earl Curo, and his vassals are still
The strongest lord in Thelshire is the Sheriff of Thel, Ranal reorganising after years of mismanagement.
Gybsen. The keep of Sirendel only has a small guard of 20
The constable of Jedes in the western part of the shire is
men, but the feudal levy owed to the sheriff is an impressive
loyal to his distant liege the Earl Dariune, and could strike
40 knights with squires and 110 yeomen. The sheriff has no
north or east. More likely, though, he will hold this corner of
allegiances to any of the factions in the succession crisis, and
the kingdom until he is called on to act. He was recently
will be slow to act until he knows who has the proper claim to
granted lands of his own within the hundred, adding to the
Earls forces. One of his vassal knights, the Bailiff of Keldkith,
The eastern part of the shire is dominated by the Baron of possesses a large war-band from his days as a mercenary that
Nubeth, a vassal of clan Meleken, though not necessarily an could be called to fight. When he does act he commands
ally of the current Countess of Osel. The western part should large numbers of light cavalry and can equip more, moving
be dominated by the baron of Kolorn, but the baron cares surprisingly quickly if he’s prepared to leave his foot behind.
more for his pleasures than politics. The baron’s son Lyndar
would answer the call of his liege, the Earl Caldeth, but the 24
year-old is not particularly experienced. The breakdown of forces in Oselshire is:
Liege Acres Guards Knights Yeomen

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Army of Oselmarch 80 – – Given its location, Ascur manor is included in the Laranian
forces above. Conwan Elendsa’s fiefs, Etoss and its
Hutop 44,000 20 23 110 subordinate holdings, are instead counted among his forces
Jedes 30,000 40 (20) 20 91 at Querina in Semethshire.
Kiban 2,000 0 1 5
Kobing 24,000 40 12 60 Forces of Semethshire
Laranians 19,000 40 9 45 Western Semethshire holds the heart of the Kaldoric
government: caer Elend in the city of Tashal. When the king is
Minarsas 2,000 0 1 5 in the city, the castle is held by the Royal Guard: 120 men
Nubeth 3,500 0 2 8 under the command of the king’s bastard son, Koris Harabor.
The castle’s constable Haldare Venera leads one company of
Peonians 3,000 0 1 6 Royal Guard, along with the city watch, which he has just
Qualdris 33,000 40 17 80 increased to 36 light-foot to combat increasing violence in the
city. The city holds several mercenary companies available to
those who can hire them and several companies of volunteers
Forces of Balimshire could be raised from the populace.
Balimshire is the heart of the realm, and many lords hold a
The Sheriff of Semeth, Conwan Elendsa has a dozen men
manor or two in the region. The shire is largely controlled by
in the city. He commands a further 40 guard at Querina and a
the Earl Dariune and his allies in the Laranian church. The
feudal levy of 27 knights and 145 yeomen. Conwan is also the
loyal Sheriff of Shebra owes his post to the Earl. Between his
de-facto commander of the Army of Chelmarch.
holdings at Kiban and his vassals at Fisen and Uldien, the Earl
Unfortunately, its 80 men are on the other side of the Kald
commands 120 guards, 60 knights and 195 yeomen. He can
patrolling Chelmarch along with the Laranian soldiers of
also hire a company of mercenaries from the Silver Way
Vadan. Conwan could quickly hire a company of mercenaries
caravan which he supports.
away from the Salt Route and additional squadrons of horse
The church has a force of 50 soldiers at Vadan and from amongst Chelni barbarians.
another 60 guarding the Rekela of Kephrus and the Serekela
The church of Larani has a significant presence in
Edine Kynn, along with a feudal levy of 20 knights with squires
Semethshire. Its chief chapter house, Whyce, is less than a
and 110 yeomen. However, the forces of Vadan are patrolling
day from Tashal, with a full complement of 50 veteran
Chelmarch at the beginning of the crisis, and the church will
soldiers and numerous recruits. Unfortunately, these
not commit its temple-guards unless this situation is dire.
veterans are with the force headed south to deal with the
In theory, the Baron of Esenor could threaten the Earl’s Solori Crusade. There are 20 temple guards in the city and the
flank. The baron is nominally a vassal of the Earl Curo, but church has a feudal levy of 10 knights and 70 yeomen in the
wily Kisan Tesla will sit out the conflict in his keep until he can shire.
use his political connections to his best advantage.
The Constable of Heru, Bereden Pawade, controls the
The forces of Getha are vulnerable to any move by the strategic crossing of the river Shem. Unlike many of her other
Earl or his vassals as they are separated from their lord by the vassals, Bereden is loyal to the Countess of Osel, but will be
wild forest of Kirsta. forced to make his own decisions until he can contact her.
Similarly, the Baron of Ternua controls the crossing of
The breakdown of forces in Balimshire is: Nephen. He is independent-minded and will play the situation
to his best advantage, with easy access to his vassals in
Thelshire to bolster his forces. He recently hired a company of
Liege Acres Guards Knights Yeomen mercenaries to supplement his sizable guard.
Esenor 16,500 20 8 40
Fisen 14,000 20 10 35 The breakdown of forces in Semethshire is:
Liege Acres Guards Knights Yeomen
Gardiren 2,000 0 1 5
Royal Guard 120 – –
Getha 6,000 0 4 15
Tashal City Guard 56(44) – –
Heru 4,000 0 1 10 Army of Chelmarch (80) – –
Kiban 25,000 60 13 60 Esenor 4,000 0 2 10
Qualdris 2,000 0 2 5 Heru 19,000 40 9 45
Laranians 43,500 (110) 20 110 Kiban 10,000 0 5 25
Laranians 29,000 70 10 70
Shebra 28,000 20 28 70
Minarsas 10,000 0 5 25
Ternua 3,000 0 2 7
Uldien 12,000 20 9 30
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Peonians 3,000 0 0 6
Querina 59,000 40 27 145
Ternua 18,000 60 (40) 9 45

Forces of Chybisa
The tiny kingdom of Chybisa supports a large complement
of knights and yeomen with its superb land quality. There are
yeomen for every 300 acres, the majority of which are
longbowmen. The king maintains a small elite royal guard and
the Lady of Paladins maintain one overstrength chapter to
defend the tiny realm. Many of Chybisa’s warriors are
exported as mercenaries on the Genin Trail or abroad as the
situation allows. Relations with the aggressive Pagaelin are
relatively neutral as king Verlid contests north of the
Ulmerian with Kaldor. Relations with the Hodiri are better as
Chybisa hires them and trades horseflesh with them.

Royal Guard forces are included in the entry under Burzyn.

Each knight can be assumed to be accompanied by a light
horse squire. Hodiri forces are appended after Chybisan ones.
They may be available as mercenaries and are considered
bow armed light horsemen, a third of whom, are considered
medium horse knight equivalents. They are not included in
Chybisan totals. The breakdown of forces in Chybisa is:
Forces of Azadmere
The Khuzan kingdom has a small professional Royal Army,
Liege Acres Guards Knights Yeomen made up of the High and Low Guard answering to King
Aereben 17,380 9 58 Hazmadul III in Azadmere city and the Crown Prince in
Zerhun. The High Guard are super-heavy-foot and the Low
Andazyn 12,370 7 41 Guard are heavy-foot, the only such units on Hârn. This is
Burzyn 16,280 95 52 54 supplemented by the Khuzdul militia which can be considered
particularly effective medium foot, made up of most adult
Caermel 12,990 8 43 males in the kingdom. The Khuzdul field a higher proportion
Geda 19,730 20 13 66 of their population as militia at need than other kingdoms,
due to the unique demographics, where males outnumber
Lerenil 18,640 20 11 62 females three to one.
Onden 17,540 20 15 58
Larani 5,570 30 4 19 The human Baron of Habe provides Zerhun a seasonal
company of light-horse from his feudal levy (for 80 total light-
Total 120,500 150 119 402 horse) and Azadmere city with similar numbers of light-foot.
Hodiri 6,355 These experienced troops hunt Gargun. This is supplemeted
by a fuedal levy of medium-horse Knights (and squires) and
This gives a force of just over 800 professional troops, of
light-foot yeomen. As the king prefers scutage in agricultural
whom over 400 are full-time (as knights and in garrisons) and
produce, these troops are inexperienced though well
over 4,000 troops, including mercenaries and volunteers, not
equipped. This doesn’t count volunteers and mercenaries.
counting the militia who tend to be more experienced than
comparable light foot.
The human forces of Axxon and khuzan forces of Fana
(which holds a small number of human manors) are more
The breakdown of forces in Azadmere is:
experienced, but not up to full strength yet.
This gives a force of just over 800 professional troops, of
whom just fewer than 400 are full-time and under 4,000
troops, including mercenaries and volunteers, not counting
the militia. Of these, around 1,600 are khuzan and the rest
are human.

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Liege Acres Knights SF HF MF LF LH by the Kaldoric branch of the order and is under scrutiny from
the Lirath in Thay and Sebrath in Trierzon. King Toron and his
Azadmere 70 210 magnates are concerned over their excessive zeal.
Axxon 38500 21 20 64
Fana 4000 3 40 7 Royal Guard forces are included in the entry under
Cherafir. Each knight can be assumed to be accompanied by a
Habe 69300 36 20 116 80 light horse squire. Lady of Paladins lifeguard under the Rekela
Zerhun 390 20 60 1 and Lirith are unevenly divided between under Cundras and
Fosumo. Dyriamarch forces are under Laket. It can be
Total 112,190 60 90 310 40 188 80 assumed each medium horse-knight is accompanied by a
Forces of Melderyn light-horse squire. Roughly four times as many volunteer and
The eldritch realm of Melderyn exerts subtle pressure mercenary light foot may be raised as other forces combined,
throughout Hârn, though it has never fielded an army on the not counting the militia.
mainland. The Lady of Paladins is conducting a genocidal The forces of the Solori tribal nation are listed after that of
pogrom against the Solori, the Solori Crusade that is opposed Melderyn. These are not included in the Melderyni totals. The
breakdown of forces in Melderyn is:
Liege Acres Guards Knights Yeomen
Cherafir 178,280 200 173 297 This gives a force of just under 5,500 professional troops
Chyrefal 67,480 40 39 112 and just under 30,000 troops, including mercenaries and
volunteers, not counting the militia.
Coysuh 32,540 20 20 54
Cundras 22,480 145 69
Forces of Orbaal
Cupeth 34,980 20 21 58 The Viking north of Hârn is a series of squabbling fiefdoms
osumo 13,760 76 21 owing nominal alliegiance to the the king at Geldeheim.
Militia quality is extremely high, being comparable to regular
Glenoth 33,880 20 21 56 light foot elsewhere and is included in the regular forces here.
Gosus 93,460 20 59 156 They are prone being called and have a martial tradition of
Gythrun 55,930 40 34 93
Harden 78,360 40 49 131 Geldeheim has a company of light foot at each of the Jarin
Huvos 36,400 20 23 61 principalities and at the distant silver mines of Tawheim.
These forces are accounted for in the Geldeheim entry but
Jetust 67,780 20 43 113 are not readily available in a crisis.
Jothet 41,320 20 26 69
Karveth 122,640 40 77 204 The Jarin principalities at Lerial have a very poor militia,
whose numbers are included for comparison. Around a sixth
Laket 40,820 100 25 68 of these numbers or ten companies are regular light-foot and
Lyf 22,940 20 14 38 of better quality. Geldeheim (through Tawheim) maintains a
company of Jarin militia, whilst Arathel (with Wethom)
Menio 34,020 20 21 57
maintains two, which are included in the light-foot numbers
Moque 25,590 20 16 43 and of similar low-quality.
Nurisel 78,460 40 50 131
Ontur 23,730 20 15 40 The light-foot Laumaki of the Crimson Dancer at Quimen
are professional soldiers and probably the best quality most
Parios 13,300 20 8 22 battle-hardened troops in Orbaal, together with their Hagriki
Parnam 31,940 20 20 53 (knights).

Racyn 57,540 20 36 96
Medium-horse knights (accompanied by similar numbers
Ramere 33,060 20 20 55 of squires) are rare in Orbaal, bein maintained only by the
Shenap 67,860 20 44 113 orderial forces of the Crimson Dancer at Quimen and the
Jarin principalities of Lerial.
Thay 40 0
Wharo 51,940 20 33 87 Orbaal maintains Hârns largest navy, though these ships
Yael 22,810 20 14 38 are used for Viking and held by indidual clans. These are
Zuilos 27,170 20 17 45
© 2017, Michael Mann, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld
Total 1,410,470 1141 1008 2290
Solori 1 949
Future Hârn 39
either warboats, holding around 60 warriors and capable of This gives a force of just under 4,000 troops and includes
being portered over short distances, or longboats, holding 80 the militia which are particularly active.
– 100 warriors, which are swifter and more formidable in
battle but may not normally be carried.te king at Geldeheim
also maintains a dragonship (not included in the figures), a
large aggressive vessel holding 140 warriors.

The breakdown of forces in Orbaal is:

Thranaal Acres Knights MF LF WB LS
Geldeheim 93,480 110 380 8 2
Liege 61,880
Acres Guards 70 230
Knights 7
Dyrisa 64,720
34,980 100 70
49 170 4
117 1
Aleath 50,080
8,000 35
40 35 1,245 27
Avertu 50,640
22,500 20 70
19 140 754 1
Chison 46,800
27,040 20 60
23 150 903 1 Forces of Kanday
Kanday maintains several companies of royal guard to
Edino 41,040
33,800 20 40
28 110 5
113 supplement her feudal levies, which tend to be experienced
Ibonost 12,120
30,040 25
20 525 115 100 from constant skirmishing over the Rethemi border. The
Order of the Chequered Shield maintains a large complement
Imiden 32,560
61,840 20 40
52 120 4
206 1
of knights and meken to defend Kanday and persecute
Kedis 48,080
59,250 20 60
49 130 6
198 foreign Agrikans.
Menekod 41,440
147,670 525 60
175 140 5 1
Zuden 42,640 20 60 Royal Guard forces are included in the entry under Dyrisa.
Minilaeou 23,980 20 130 803 1
Each knight can be assumed to be accompanied by a light
sTotal 585,480 60 680 3,060 49 9 horse squire. Chequered Shield forces under the Rekelas are
Ohetis 21,440 20 18 71 included in the entry under Menekod. It can be assumed each
medium horse knight is accompanied by a light horse squire.
Pinide 25,820 20 22 86
Roughly four times as many volunteer and mercenary light
Quivum 31,270 20 26 104 foot may be raised as all other forces combined, not counting
Torthan 22,880 20 19 76 the militia. The breakdown of forces in Kanday is:

Heroth 60,370 40 50 201

This gives a force of over 5,500 professional troops and
Ewen 27,300 20 23 91 just under 30,000 troops, including mercenaries and
Findumon 19,780 20 16 66 volunteers, not counting the militia.

Sepire 23,790 20 20 79
Sumon 29,550 20 25 99
Sarkum 44,730 40 37 149
Cuton 24,090 20 20 80
Gimon 21,260 20 18 71
Hebon 13,740 20 11 46 Forces of Rethem
Selvos 64,650 40 54 216 The anarchic kingdom poises on the brink of civil war,
contested by the king and Earl of Tormau and complicated by
Dunir 15,290 20 13 51 the presence of numerous Agrikan fighting orders.
Zerien 23,540 20 20 78
Forests 60,000 10 200
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Total 978,600 1185 842 2770
Future Hârn 40
Royal Guard forces are included in the entry under a legion and reenlist once each four year term is over.
Shostim. Tormau’s Kuboran mercenaries and his bandits are Recruits must equip themselves at their own expense or be
included with his yeomen, whilst his Ivinian mercenaries are equipped by the legion as light foot. As such, the Republic
included with guards. Tormau’s army is larger than in 720TR. boats the largest professional army on Hârn, though it is
Each knight can be assumed to be accompanied by a light heavily skewed towards light infantry. It also has an effective
horse squire. The breakdown of forces in Rethem is: body of veteran retirees who can be called up at need, if
reservists are insufficient, concentrated around legion bases.
Liege Acres Guards Knights Yeomen
Arketh 41,420 138 35
Around half of each active legion is made up of reservists
Bedenes 32,250 108 27 on active duty. These are divided between the cohorts. At
Bekar 31,200 20 18 52 need, other reservists can be called up to fill out legion ranks.
Each filled-out cohort should have strengths of 400 men. The
Chakta 36,780 20 14 61 shortfall of 2,400 would be made up of volunteers and
Dasen 21,350 20 10 36 retirees. The full-time strength of the Thardic Republic is:

Golotha 40 Legion Light-foot Knights Light-horse Cohorts

Henwe 24,400 20 13 41 Gerium 260 80 30 4

Hyen 27,690 92 23 Coranan 215 70 20 6

Ithiko 35,660 40 17 59 Shiran 155 65 20 5

Ithius 16,330 20 9 27 Eidel 135 65 20 2

Menekai 54,990 183 46 Kom 125 45 20 3

Norienar 34,290 20 18 57 Ramala 110 25 30 2

Omnis 51,110 20 28 85 Red Guard 160 30 1

Phira 22,220 20 14 37 Total 1,160 380 140 23

The six legions and Red Guard have a total 1,160 full-time
Quiso 24,590 20 13 41 foot and 380 knights. Reserves of around 4,500 foot and 820
Quste 16,720 20 8 28 knights fill legion rosters, of whom, a quarter is on active
service at any one time. Just over 1,000 foot and under 250
Senun 32,880 20 18 55 knights who have retired can be recalled in extremis. Over
Shostim 99,980 140 71 167 30,000 volunteers and mercenaries, mostly light foot of
questionable quality, not counting the militia could be raised
Techen 57,410 40 29 96
at need.
Themeson 47,610 159 40
Thiri 43,000 20 22 72 Forces of Emelrene
Tormau 58,050 280 34 193 The force calculations don’t account for the KP Emelrene
source books so may not be accurate before updating.
Weseda 26,140 20 14 44
Winen 18,890 20 10 31
Emelrene maintains a strong feudal navy, with ports
Zaza 19,810 20 11 33 required to provide ships to the fleet on five and thirty days’
Total 874,770 1,520 541 1,214
She also maintains a feudal army which provides troops
Each magnate can raise around four times the total and scutage to the crown, roughly one quarter of which is
number of troops already available to them as poor quality generally available at any one time. All troops could be called
light foot volunteers and mercenaries. upon if needed for quadruple this number (barring garrisons
which are counted once). The Free Emela tribal peoples may
Forces of the Republic of Tharda volunteer additional warriors at need, though this value is
The Thardic Republic organises its military differently to hard to predict and is not included. These Emela are present
other Hârnic realms. Each clan must volunteer a number of in Emelerene but also neighbouring Palithane, Shorkyne and
members to serve in the legions or pay a Legionary tax to Trierzon. All are more liable to follow Emelrene than other
fund them, equipped according to the amount of land the kingdoms.
clan holds. As the main means of social and financial Emelrene operates a system of Royal Shires, whose
advancement there are strong incentives to volunteer to join fortifications are garrisoned by appointed sheriffs. These
garrisons effectively form the royal army and are available

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Future Hârn 41
year round. The manors supporting these fortifications follow Cohort / Foot Longbow Knights Light- Support
the usual feudal model. Liege horse (Engineers)
Chures 202 101 (2) 21 95 (21)
Heavy knights are below, whilst medium knights are given (101)
in parenthesis (). The breakdown of forces in Emelrene is:
Fedonale 202 101 (2) 21 95 (21)
Shire Light- Medium- Longbow Knights Light-
foot foot horse
Montevel 202 101 (2) 21 95 (21)
Berema 115 115 70 70 (19) 89
Quandas 98 98 50 50 (20) 70
Regona 202 101 (2) 21 95 (21)
Algram 110 110 65 65 (19) 84 (101)
Fandalon 100 100 60 60 (16) 76 Guard (122) 32 (26) 18
Malad 118 118 70 70 (20) 90 Laranians 40 (40) 40 (20) 10
Alwina 158 158 95 95 (28) 123 ALAGON 194 194 194 194
Ulama 95 95 55 55 (16) 71 (194) (194) (194)
Jerinala 10 10 5 5 (3) 8 ENSEL 229 229 229 229
(229) (229) (229)
Garrisons 350 350 (145) 145
THARIA 117 117 117 117
Total 803 803 470 470 (140) 610
This gives a force of over 14,000 professional troops, of
whom just fewer than 1,000 are full time (in garrisons) and KOLARE 78 (78) 78 78 78
over 70,000 troops, including mercenaries and volunteers, VADONE 135 135 135 135
not counting the militia.
Aneola 46 (46) 46 46 46
Forces of Shorkyne
Shorkyne maintains four cohorts as a standing army, the Avan 44 (44) 44 44 44
Royal Army. These are supplemented by the elite Royal Guard Dumala 31 (31) 31 31 31
and feudal muster. One quarter of the feudal muster is
Falimae 43 (43) 43 43 43
available to the king, one quarter to the Malnir raising them,
and one half to the Esuar supporting them. Roughly 10% of Loala 38 (38) 38 38 38
these are rendered in winter, 20% each in spring and autumn Malpynia 37 (37) 37 37 37
and the remaining 50% in summer. There is a Laranian
fighting order, the Guardians of Dolithor. The militia (not Netela 15 (15) 15 15 15
specified) defends the kingdom when the entire feudal muster Pilatha 37 (37) 37 37 37
is summoned as sometimes happens. Large numbers of
volunteer light-foot can be relied upon to join armies with Sabinia 55 (55) 55 55 55
hope of plunder or in defence of their lands. These roughly Shaplane 67 (67) 67 67 67
quadruple all other forces combined and vary greatly in
quality. Total 2,014 1,570 1,238 1,260 380 (84)
(1,732) (74)
Shorkyne is a large feudal realm ruled by powerful
regional magnates, of whom the king is one. The antagonistic This gives a force of almost 40,000 professional troops, of
dukes of Alagon (clan Pelanby) and Ensel (clan Tabin) whom over 2,500 are full time (in the army, guard or fighting
dominate this fractious realm, whilst the king as duke of orders) and almost 200,000 troops, including mercenaries
Tharia (clan Delames) resists the kingdom of Trierzon to the and volunteers, not counting the militia.
south, across the bloody Plain of Karetan.
Forces of Hurisea
Light foot is given as foot, heavy horse as knights, medium Each keep has been allocated 20 medium-foot guards,
foot and medium horse are given in parenthesis (). Engineers each fort 10 medium-foot guards and Beldira Town 60
are given in parenthesis () after support troops. These forces medium-foot guards. Huscarls in the Ivininan fashion have
represent the kings’ quarter share of the available levy before been allocated at one per subject holding and feudal yeomen,
roughly half is paid as scutage. Duchies are capitalised. In a generally longbowmen, have been allocated at roughly half
general callout this could be quadrupled. The breakdown of this number. For every yeoman, there are roughly ten militia
forces in Shorkyne is: of poor quality light-foot. These numbers could vary widely.

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Future Hârn 42
There are also large (unspecified) numbers of mercenaries
and Quarph tribesmen in Hurisea.

Fractious Hurisea is beset by factions. It is contested by

forces from at least three kingdoms and the independent
Huriseans themselves. Jarenmark (clan Pelstrom), Harbaal
(clans Ledensen and Pelanby) and Shorkyne (clans Tabin and
Gavarines) all contest the region. The objective of most
factions seems to be to prevent the hegemony of all others.

The breakdown of forces in Hurisea is:

Holding Clan Huscarls Guards Yeomen

Antol Daldranos 39 40 20
Beldira Elofen 123 60 65
Chegen Tabin 23 20 12
Dechen Urpath 28 20 15
Ekedon Felganes 21 20 10
Figend Pelstrom 9 10 5
Helgen Ledensen 46 20 24
Jondes Pasaral 31 20 16
Ogened Gavarines 8 10 4
Ponel Ponelsen 29 20 15
Unten Pelstrom 5 10 3
Independent 128 70

Forces of Chelemby
Chelemby operates the largest most modern fleet in
Lythia, portions of which she hires out according to the king,
to keep them well trained at war.
She also has a formidable military establishment and a
well-trained active militia after the Ivinian fashion, with
around a thousand urban huscarls and 2,100 rural yeomen,
mostly light-foot. In theory each Nalard provides around two
dozen of these light-footmen, but is not obliged to provide
other military, such as knights. In practice they average just
over eighteen foot per Nalard. More could be raised at need.

The breakdown of forces in Chelemby is:

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Future Hârn 43
District Guards Huscarls Yeomen of the available levy before roughly half is paid as scutage.
Duchies are capitalised. In a general callout this could be
Chelemby 60 1,000 quadrupled. The breakdown of forces in Trierzon is:
Evanekin 80 Cohort / Foot Longbow Knights Light- Support
Koladis 60 Liege horse (Engineers)
Amnos 202 (101) 101 (2) 21 95 (21)
Andstrad 60
Gebrond 202 (101) 101 (2) 21 95 (21)
Guard 600
Mankon 202 (101) 101 (2) 21 95 (21)
Nalard 2,100
Mekarno 202 (101) 101 (2) 21 95 (21)
The naval forces in Chelemby are: Ojarion 202 (101) 101 (2) 21 95 (21)
Ships Spring Summer Autumn Winter Sumas 202 (101) 101 (2) 21 95 (21)
5-day 4 9 5 2 Ubarian 202 (101) 101 (2) 21 95 (21)
30-day 68 63 67 70 Avarkiel 2100 1050 1050
There are currently 72 ships registered in Chelemby, Holy (800) 400 400
which must make themselves available within 30 days in Sepulchre
event of war, as summoned by a “declaration of imminent Irula 330 (50) (130) 130
emergency”. This is less than those on active call-up which
must be available within 5 days, for any reason when UBAI 815 (510) 305 393
summoned. Most vessels are large Daks, but there are about (88)
a dozen Karunes in commission, including four of the six royal Perna 303 (188) 115 148
vessels, with more under construction. There are minimum
standards for gross burthen, good repair and crew numbers.
All are well-armed. KOGAMIN 525 (335) 190 248
Forces of Trierzon Tengela 310 (195) 115 148
Numbers are speculative for the forces raised here, based (33)
on numerous averages, with a wide margin of error. DOVALIN 525 (345) 180 240
Trierzon is the strongest feudal realm in Lythia but must (60)
contend with disputes on all its borders. The Trierzi crown
sponsors seven cohorts in the royal army, professional troops GELAMO 1213 465 591
who’s makeup is similar to that of Shorkyne (which is based (748) (126)
off them) and funded from the royal estate. Little is paid for TRABANT 1,268 470 611
through general taxation or aids. Each spear raised from the (798) (141)
naloren has a lighter burden than in Shorkyne, as no
longbowmen are required, merely light foot. There is no Peltane 268 (168) 100 126
comparable royal guard. Around a quarter of the feudal levy (26)
is available to the crown, although more can be called up at STALFORE 648 (403) 245 313
need. Around half of this quarter is paid as scutage, though (68)
this varies locally and is more common in the south with the
full force common in the north. Several Laranian orders ZHOREN 390 (255) 135 176
provide troops, such as the Knights of Avarkiel, scattered (41)
around the kingdom. Roughly four times as many Agelos 240 (150) 90 116
mercenaries and volunteers, mostly light foot could be raised
as all other forces combined. Their quality varies. There is a
large professional navy, mostly laru to protect the coasts. This Anfaldon 365 (225) 140 179
is wholly outclassed by the larger fleets of Azeryan and more (39)
modern fleets of Palithane. Areshomes 478 (293) 185 235
Medium foot, knights and engineers are given in
Baldeme 315 (195) 185 235
parenthesis (). Light foot, heavy knights and support staff are
the default. These forces represent the kings’ quarter share (50)

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Future Hârn 44

Faldin 325 (200) 125 159 Trierzon maintains a large professional navy based on
laru. This is insufficient to meet the numbers Azeryan
possesses or the more modern ships of Palithane.
Enala 215 (135) 80 (24) 104
Halmo 135 (85) 50 (14) 64 Forces of Palithane
Hadames 140 (90) 50 (16) 66 Palithanes earls maintain powerful navies and offer up
feudal dues to the king, following the Laranian model.
Ilaska 258 (163) 95 (26) 121
Jaleda 260 (165) 95 (26) 121
These forces represent the kings’ quarter share of the
Korun 225 (140) 85 (28) 113 available levy before roughly half is paid as scutage. In a
Malagos 200 (125) 75 (21) 96 general callout this could be quadrupled. Four times this
number of mercenaries and volunteers could be raised at
Manas 298 (193) 105 141 need. They are higher quality than comparable kingdoms. The
(36) breakdown of forces in Palithane is:
Melesuma 580 (355) 225 286 County Light Medium Heavy Medium Light-
(61) Foot Foot Knights Knights horse
Nadamia 430 (260) 166 210 Norimar 160 255 95 29 124
(44) Liguno 188 298 110 31 141
Palama 158 (103) 55 (20) 75 Athamas 155 245 90 25 115
Rindi 290 (180) 110 141 Tamanias 118 183 65 23 88
Luindar 85 135 50 14 64
Senedalo 390 (240) 150 191
Skagia 123 188 65 21 86
Tashones 48 (33) 15 (5) 20 Batana 118 178 60 25 85

Total 14,742 707 5,785 7,31 665 Total 945 1480 535 168 703
(9,834) (1,394) 2 (147) This gives a force of over 15,000 professional troops and
over 76,000 troops, including mercenaries and volunteers,
This gives a force of over 40,000 professional troops, of
not counting the militia.
whom over 10,500 are full time (in the army or fighting
orders) and over 200,000 troops, including mercenaries and The fleets of Skagia and Batana dominate the coasts, with
volunteers, not counting the militia. large modern ships comprising karunes and daks.

Forces of Harbaal
One warrior, generally medium-foot, is assessed as being
Kingdom Clan Population Huscarls / Warriors provided for every 240 population. These are better equipped
(Guards) and higher quality than their feudal counterparts as no
Anval Varken 40,500 56 169 knights are provided. Around 15% of the total population can
be raised to fight at need, the balance of these being light-
Avastran Elendy 72,836 102 303 footmen archers. Most warriors ride, but dismount to fight.
Elgosia Gos 36,900 48 154 Harbaal can summon 100,000 warriors, at least in theory.
Getting them all to work together may be another matter.
Gatenlund Gathsen 27,700 33 115
The Pendragon in Ifane keeps the only professional troops,
Gavrios Marensen 76,400 94 318 though each subking maintains a body of huscarls as their
Gelthiem Gelt 52,700 64 220 household guard. Most Harbaalers are trained to arms,
including most women. Each household is required to provide
Ketania Paraden 53,241 69 222 one warrior when called, many can provide more.
Ledenheim Ledensen 72,000 97 300
Lytheim Rustel 36,400 46 152 The breakdown of forces in Harbaal is:
Padona Pelanby 57,300 89 239 The Pendragon’s fleet contains 3 Dragonships and 14
Warboats and 11 Daks which operate as trading vessels. Most
Saliom Stahlin 39,900 53 166 clans operate warships and more modern trading vessels.
Tonanby Guline 59,000 80 246
Pendragon Elendy 624,877 831 (480) 2604
© 2017, Michael Mann, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld
Future Hârn 45
Forces of Azeryan and Trierzon. In the east this is contested by the Karejian and
Beronium is the westernmost province of the Azeryan Ulmerian leagues and Empire of Dalkesh.
Empire. Like most border provinces it is highly militarised and
has seen further recent reinforcement. There is speculation it Role of the Player Characters
is building for an invasion of the west as an experienced
The events outlined in this campaign assume that the
prince has been named military commander. Azeryan
player characters are in Kaldor in service to or associated with
organises it’s military differently than feudal realms, with no
one of the factions present. They could also be independent,
levy or militia but standing legions comprising full-time and
though there will be some difficulties encountered if they are.
reserve troops. The cohorts of provincial legions tend to be
smaller than their feudal counterparts, whilst court legions They could be members of the household of the Earl of
have similar numbers. The empire employs a higher Vemion. Earl Caldeth makes for an interesting party in this
proportion of engineers but has fewer cavalry. The foreign conflict, not directly in line for the throne and with a relatively
legions are organised differently, but are larger than court safe stronghold. He is therefore inclined to negotiate with
ones. There are also a number of fighting orders present, most of the other factions in the succession conflict, which is
mostly Agrikan although the Argent Blade is Laranian. There is a good excuse for the player characters to wander all over the
a strong provincial guard comprising two cavalry cohorts. field of battle. The Earls Progress by Kerry Mould offers a
good pre-game that could bring them into the Earls inner
circles and set things up for the crisis.
Medium knights, foot and engineers are in parenthesis (). Alternatively, they could follow Maldan Harabor from his
The breakdown of Azeryan forces in Beronium is: base in Meselyne. Maldan has interests all over the land and
Legion Foot Short Knights Light- Support is a dynamic character, inclined to reward successes. The
-bow horse (Engineers) many pieces of fanon set in Nelafyn Hundred could bring
characters to the attention of Maldan or his rivals.
1 Beronium 480 400 320 (120)
(720) They could be members of the church, either
accompanying the forces south to the Solori Crusade and
2nd Beronium 800 380 300 (110) getting involved in the politics there or remaining in Kaldor
(320) whilst most of their strength is away. The Lady of Paladins,
Gorium 760 360 260 (90) the Spear of Shattered Sorrow or infeudated to the church
offers good openings at all levels of free society. They could
be members of a visiting sister order from another kingdom.
Darimur 580 600 320 (120) They could serve the powerful Earl of Balim, directly or
(420) through events in Asolade Hundred and the Constable of
Guard (600) 120 (30) Jedes. Though remote, his forces contain large numbers of
light cavalry and can move surprisingly quickly, whilst his fief
Present 480 600 450 (150) acts as something of a secure base and staging ground for the
Destiny (1200) Earl.
Righteous (1800) 600 400 The events leading on from the Fork Handles fanon could
Might bring a party from all walks of life into the service of the
Baron of Uldien. He must balance following his liege of Balim
Ivinian (800)
with the needs of the powerful Firith clan to which he is tied
Guard and the needs of his own fief and strained purse. He is an
Argent Blade 1160 (540) 540 300 energetic and honourable lord.
(240) Joe Adams Knights of Kaldor campaign and fanon could
Bloodied 400 bring players into the service of the powerful baron and
sheriff at Getha, where he is unlikely to sit on the side-lines of
Demon 400 (80) The Bastard Bailiff leads characters into the service of the
Pameshlu (320) scheming Earl Curo and his machinations during the crisis.
Kurriksor 980 220 (480) 480 400 The powerful Baron of Kobe is always in need of warm
Lashwielder (240) bodies to help him patrol the Oselmarch and is known as the
best general in the realm and generous patron to those who
Total 5160 1960 1080 1620 2870 (620) serve him well.
(5100) (2900) Powerful Shek-Pvar could become involved with or be the
This raises over 21,000 professional troops. Azeryan Men in White and get involved in the arcane aspects of the
maintains large naval fleets of laru, giving it dominance of the campaign, happily trampling over the politics of any
western Venarian Sea, though this is contested by an alliance opposition.
of Ivinian colonies, including Palithane, using modern vessels

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Future Hârn 46
The heroes of Fana could serve the King of Azadmere,
perhaps with one as Baron of Axxon, surely interested in
events in their close neighbour. This section outlines how the crisis and civil war may
unfold. It details the whole year and ends with a new
Alternatively, they could serve the interests of one of the
monarch on the throne of Kaldor and the immediate
foreign powers, perhaps Melderyn, the Prince in Lerial or the
aftermath of the crisis. It also details key events throughout
Thardic Senate, all of whom are interested in the events in
western Lythia that occur that year, including the conquest of
Kaldor and inclined to take a hand, provided it’s at arm’s
Menglana by Ibanvaal, the Ivinian Refugees in Orbaal, the
length of course.
Solora Crusade, the invasion of Hurisea by Shorkyne, the
In the outline of events below, the conflict will begin in continued military build-up of Azeryan and the Tormau
the second month of the year 722 TR. The campaign should rebellion. It also gives the reactions of other interested
actually start in the year 720 TR (as is usual for Hârnic parties and kingdoms such as Melderyn as they react to and
campaigns). This will give the player characters time to try to steer these events. Though it focuses upon Kaldor and
familiarize themselves with the kingdom and the major the East, players could easily be caught up in any of these
contenders for the throne. It also gives them time to other events instead or as well as the Succession Crisis.
thoroughly integrate into one of the factions and play
through some of the fanon adventures without unduly Birth of War (Nuzyael, 721 TR)
changing events (unless the GM wants to). Events at the end of the month of Nuzyael initiate the
The campaign could start with an introductory adventure crisis that leads to civil war in Kaldor.
in the spring of 720 to introduce the player characters to
events. This can be followed by some of the many fine The King’s Death (Nuzyael 23-26)
examples of free fanon available on Lythia.com followed by Each year Miginath travels to Jedes of which he’s fond for
any consequences of their actions. If they control or reside on the annual Horse Fair and tournament with most of his
a manor, it allows players the chance to play through a year household. It’s important to note who’s with him as this
of manorial life, embedding the setting and making the grand affects the spread of news upon his death. He’s accompanied
events to follow all the more shocking. by his mistress, Erila Kaphin, Lord Privy Seal, his son Koris
Harabor and two companies of the Royal Guard and two
One other reason events start in the year 722 is that
squadrons of the High Guard. Most are interested in horses.
several electors to the Elendsa succession council come of
His physician, herald, fool and bard are all with him. He’s
age of majority (21) and can vote, adding to the political
joined there by the Earl of Balim (who’s holding this is), with a
tension and adding a timing element to votes. It’s also the
squadron of knights and company of foot, together with
year the creator, N. Robin Crossby used to set his own
various servants and hangers on. His vassal the Baron of
Succession Crisis, though this is in no way official. It’s almost
Uldien joins him with a small entourage. The Sheriff of Osel,
as though the tension was designed to mount in this way…
Meden Curo meets the king there with most of his knights
Once the crisis begins, the player characters should be in a and two companies of foot. These forces are all supplanted
position to influence the events as they unfold. The outline of by the Jedes garrison and feudal muster, which the Constable
events below covers the whole year as events keep occurring calls up every year for the visit. A number of nobles also
whether the players are there or not. They can hear of events attend the fair or send representatives, either to join the
this year later through rumour and news. This adds to the feel court in a less formal setting than the capital or purchase
of a living world, where they influence events, perhaps quality horsemeat, usually both. The Earl of Vemion is one of
profoundly, near where they are but don’t dictate them. As these, having sent several trusted retainers to purchase new
such, the GM will need to alter events to reflect PC actions. warhorses.
This involves more work on the part of the GM but can be
Miginath dies in Jedes early on the morning of the 23rd
very rewarding.
Nuzyael in the year 722, nearly a month before his usual
This is the first part of the Future Hârn series, where a departure to Olokand for the summer months. As usual he’s
series of profound events are described for GMs to use as a visiting Jedes of which he’s fond, for the Horse Fair. A servant
backdrop for their campaigns. They are my interpretation of saw the king staggering in a daze at the top of the stairs near
things (before PCs influence them) and are in no way official. his bedroom. The king stumbled and fell down the stairs. The
Official products will doubtless continue to be set in the game servant shrieked and the king’s physician was sent for, but by
year 720. Events as I have written them are a combination of the time he arrived it was too late: the king had breathed his
how I think (or others who have influenced my thoughts last.
think) things will progress based on canon and fanon and
The keep is stunned by the sudden violence of the king’s
things I think would be interesting. There is a lot of
death. Koris Harabor questions the servants, and determines
interpretation and things could easily progress in numerous
no one was close enough to have pushed the king. He quietly
other directions.
asks the physician, Ernell Mered, to look into the king’s food
from the preceding evening. The king is laid in state in the
keep’s crypt. Koris immediately dispatches a quick messenger

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to his brother Maldan in Olokand with news of their father’s a message to his sister Areta in Olokand, the wife of Maldan
death. Harabor.
All purchases of livestock at that fair are voided to great In Beronium, the Azeryan Empire announces the
uproar as the price of horseflesh suddenly rockets. formation of a new Provincial Legion, the 3rd Beronium
Initially, messengers are dispatched by the Constable to recruited from Kethano, Deamus and Xemium. Recruited
the great lords around the kingdom before Koris and the from merchants’ guards, the Legion takes on a Halean bent
Sheriff halts further travel by mid-morning, including the and names itself the Golden Stags. Prince Urvaen increases
messengers. Rumours fly though the village. In the evening, the Provincial Guard to legion strength, mostly medium
the Royal Herald, Migray Hosath, formally announces the horse, but with cohorts of light and heavy horse.
king’s death on Jedes Common, though without giving any
In Trierzon, Queen Vivane gives birth to a son after a
details. Later that day, Meden Curo dispatches his own
difficult pregnancy and moves into the Queens Apartments in
messenger despite the curfew to his father the Earl of Neph.
the White Citadel as the Dowager Queen Inella moves out.
The following morning, Kaldor’s chief herald, the aged They name the boy Kalhames. In celebration, King Dalhaga
Archebal Peltrei is sent word by Koris and the Meden Curo. commissions many jousts and tournaments, encouraging
They prepare to move the court back to Tashal with the Kings other magnates to follow suit. From the competitors he
corpse. The journey takes two days by barge. None are announces the formation of a Royal Guard, of both High and
allowed to leave the party, though several may stay in Jedes Low Guard of two cohorts under the command of a Lord
where the Sheriffs men will delay departures for a ten-day. Constable, naming the Duke of Stahlfore as the first
Once in Tasha, Peltai calls the royal court to the Enclave of incumbent of the post. He charges the traditional aid of his
the Holy Oak for a private meeting. The meeting is attended subjects to commemorate the birth.
by Princess Meliem Elendsa, Migray Hosath, Tarkin Hirnen,
Erila Kaphin, Mirald Alkinil, Koris Harabor and Haldare Each cohort of the Royal Guard consists of three
Venera. Archebal presents a sealed document that he squadrons of heavy horse (10 men each), three squadrons of
describes as the royal will. Archebal tells a strange tale: medium horse (10 men each) and six squadrons of light horse
squires, half of whom are drawn from the yeomanry as
“Fifteen months ago, not long after the death of his
professional light horsemen. This constitutes the High Guard,
highness’s brother, prince Merik, I was visited by a cloaked
with each squadron commanded by a Knight Commander and
woman late in the evening. She gave me this document,
Knight Lieutenant, with a High Guard Commander under the
claiming it was the last will and testament of his highness,
Cohort Commander and Deputy Cohort Commander. The
King Miginath. I inspected the royal seal and it was indeed
squires are commanded by the Master of Squires and his
valid. The woman refused to tell me more, even her identity,
saying only that the will was a caution against the kingdom’s
future, and should only be revealed in the event of the king’s The Low Guard consists of six companies of medium foot
death.” (20 men each), with two manus commanders, a decad
The gathering immediately accuses Erila Kaphin of commander and company commander per company. The
delivering the document. She denies this, saying she knew Commander of the Low Guard is assisted by a Deputy
nothing of it. The normally lucid Archebal seems confused Commander, both foot knights who report to the Cohort
about the event: it was late, he was tired, and he cannot Command and his Deputy.
recall much about the woman herself. The will is opened and A Royal Weaponcrafter, four journeymen and six
read by Archebal. apprentices maintain arms; whilst a Royal Ostler is assisted by
“I, Miginath Elendsa son of Torastra, king of Kaldor, Earl of six journeymen and eight apprentices. A Master Physician is
Meselyne and of Chybisa, Marshal of Chelmarch and Lord of assisted by four apprentices. The last of the supporting staff is
the Realm, do declare this my last will and testament. I a Master Hideworker with four journeymen and ten
declare that Tulath Kaphin is my son and heir, Prince of the apprentices. There is no commissary.
Realm. In the event of my death, I appoint his mother, my
Each cohort is smaller than the seven cohorts of the Royal
love, Erila Kaphin, Lord High Chamberlain and executor of my
Army but costs 36,264d per month, plus 17,928d in support
will, that she may shepherd our son to his rightful place as
and 150d in administration.
King of Kaldor.”
The room is in an uproar. Erila again insists she has not The Conspirators Plan (719 – 721 TR)
seen this document before today, but that she recognizes These events are unfolding according to the plans of the
Miginath’s handwriting. She goes on, saying: “This situation is Conspirator (who may be the Gray Mage Gwadira, the Council
most strange. Let us leave the office of Chamberlain in the of Eleven the Thardic Senate, one of the evil churches or
hands of Princess Meliem until the truth behind this some other agency with arcane means at their disposal who
document can be uncovered. In any case, it will upon the foments chaos in Kaldor). Through their agents in Kaldor, they
succession council to name the next king, not I or this will.” have a good understanding of the political situation. They
A messenger is sent to caer Elend for more of the king’s engineered this scenario as the one they believe most likely
documents for comparison. Mirald Alkinil slips out and sends to plunge the kingdom into civil war. They may not care who

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takes the throne: they want to weaken and destabilize the Maldan confer, Wevran’s son Romlach rides with half of
kingdom, making it vulnerable to the next phase of their plan. Maldan’s guard to Baseta.
In 719, the conspirator quietly had both Lenera and Merik By this point the Constable of Baseta, Eres Tereneth, has
Elendsa poisoned, taking care to make them look like natural received word of the king’s death but nothing more. When
deaths. This eliminated the expected successors to Kaldor’s Maldan’s men arrive, he assumes they bring further news,
throne. They believed (correctly) that the death of both his and lets the guard captain and Romlach into the keep. He is
siblings would sufficiently shock king Miginath that it would shocked when they announce the king’s murder, and that
be some time before he could arrange a new successor to the Maldan is the true heir to the king. Eres refuses their
throne. demands for aid, saying he will await word from his liege.
Soon after killing the Elendsas, the conspirator used their Exchanging glances, the captain holds open the keep’s
puppet, Migray Hosath, to forge a new will for the king. They door, while the mighty Romlach single-handedly sweeps aside
forged the king’s handwriting, and Migray was easily able to the unprepared guards in Baseta’s hall. Maldan’s men storm
access the king’s seal. Migray’s only tie to the royal succession and quickly take the keep: four guards are killed, one of
is his sister-in-law Cheselyn, whom he despises, so none Maldan’s and three from Baseta. They leave a company to
would suspect his involvement, doubly so after the hold the keep and take Eres’s son as a hostage back to
conspirator erased his memory. Olokand. Maldan orders the Elendsa Bridge across the Kald
The conspirator had the will delivered, using magic or closed to prevent news of this act from reaching Tashal too
drugs to cloud the mind of Archebal Peltrei, lulling his quickly.
suspicions and dulling his memory. The conspirator knows On the 28th, the vassals of Harabor and Ethasiel gather in
that the choice of Tulath Kaphin will infuriate both the great Olokand along with the mercenaries hired by the two lords.
houses of Kaldor and his older half-brothers. Erila Kaphin is a Word is sent to Maldan’s brother Koris in the capital to
convenient scape-goat for their machinations. prepare for their arrival. The vastly outnumbered Laranians of
The conspirator is not aware that Erila herself is an agent Iversen and the vassals of other lords are tasked with
for the Council of Eleven (or a different faction of the Council “protecting the shire” during the Sheriff’s absence.
if the Council is the Conspirator) and more resourceful than On the 28th, in Mycepris Square in Olokand, Maldan
they know. This is the only flaw in their plan. However, the presents the forged will and announces that he is the rightful
false will is enough to spark war in Kaldor. heir of the king. He goes on to say that Erila and Tulath
When the king failed to pass away on his own, the Kaphin have conspired to take the throne and murdered king
conspirator intervened a second time to arrange the death of Miginath. Harabor rises a force of 60 ‘volunteers’, including
the king. They used magic to get into his chambers, weakened the 40 bandits of Telin the Red. Maldan rides to “avenge” the
the king’s body with poison, and befuddled his mind to get king leading a force of 40 knights and their squires, 150
him to fall down the stairs. This plan is more blatant than the guards and 95 yeomen south to Tashal, leaving the other part
Conspirator’s usual approach, but they deemed the risk worth of his forces (mostly yeomen) to garrison Meselyneshire. If
the reward, since delaying further risked having their plans nothing stands in their way, they will arrive in 2 days. He
unravel. sends his son Kornuska north to Orbaal to hire mercenaries
with the company of actual volunteers, whipping them into
Maldan’s Reaction (Nuzyael 24-28) shape along the way.
A rider arrives in Olokand well after sundown on the day
after the king’s death. The household is roused out of bed for The Royal Household (Nuzyael 26-28)
the shocking news. Maldan and his wife Areta stay up nearly The royal council agrees to keep the king’s will secret for a
until dawn wrestling with what to do next. On the morning of few days to verify the document. The Lord High Chamberlain
the 25th, Maldan’s sends word to his vassals of the king’s Meriel Elendsa demands that Erila be imprisoned on suspicion
death, but given the peculiar circumstances of the king’s of treason, but Koris will not do so without further proof.
passing, asks them to prepare for muster. Erila and the Chief Clerk Ruta Inamis search the king’s
On the afternoon of the 27th, another rider arrives, this papers for his previous will from five years ago. Erila knows
one with news of the king’s will. Maldan is enraged. It is as if that this will does not declare an heir, but it may provide
the king’s choice of his younger half-brother Tulath as heir some guidance on the situation. However, the old Will is
was deliberately engineered to insult him (it was). Maldan missing (it was stolen by Migray Hosath over a year ago). In
and Areta summon their herald and retrieve their own forged the evening, Erila quietly arranges a message to be sent to
will, long prepared against this day. Ironically, this will her son Tulath warning him of the situation, telling him to
legitimise all three bastard sons of the king: Maldan, Koris and stay in Athelren until things calm down. She urges Tulath to
Tulath. Maldan and Areta decide to leave Tulath in the will, as seek the council of Earl Caldeth and follow the older man’s
it increases the verisimilitude of the document. advice.
On the 27th, Maldan calls all of his vassals to muster, Migray, Archebal and the other chief heralds of the
saying only that the king was murdered and swift action is Enclave of the Holy Oak pour over Miginath’s will and can find
needed to defend the realm. He calls his secret ally, the Baron no sign that it is anything other than genuine (the forgery is
of Setrew, Wevran Ethasiel, to Olokand. As Wevran and masterful). The Lord Advocate Asorn Firith also examines the

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will. The physician Ernell Mered, using Fyvrian magic, finds and Constable Haldare. The last command shocks his men,
signs of poison in the king’s blood. Not knowing who is but they trust Koris and reluctantly obey.
responsible, he keeps this a secret from the royal household, Koris’s and Haldare’s men clash inside the entrance to the
though he sends word to Melderyn. Koris demands Ernell’s castle. Haldare is the better fighter, but he is vastly
report on the king’s death: Ernell says he can find no sign of outnumbered. Haldare kills two guardsmen but is
foul play. The mage Derwen Verdreth also finds no signs of overwhelmed; five other guards die in fighting. Koris takes
witchcraft (the conspirator hid their magic well). That Haldare alive and has him thrown into the castle’s dungeons.
evening, embalmers prepare the king for burial. He orders his men to bring him Erila.
By the 27th, rumours of the king’s fall down a staircase Forewarned an hour earlier, Erila has changed into
reach the public. Through her contacts (Tarkin Hirnen), breeches and strapped on the sword she has not born in
Cheselyn the Elder learns of the king’s secret will and its years. She goes to the chambers of Princess Meliem to warn
contents. She immediately begins a whispering campaign that her as well. The two argue; Meliem has no love for Erila. In
the king was murdered and conspirators plan to usurp the exasperation, Erila tells Meliem that the princess can either
throne. She sends a message to Troda Dariune and prepares leave with her or chance the mercy of Maldan Harabor.
to travel to Kiban to negotiate directly with the Earl who has Hearing fighting downstairs, Meliem relents. The two women
returned to his seat. flee upstairs and out the secret exit in the king’s chambers,
Messages are exchanged with Serekela Edine Kynn in known only to Erila now that the king is dead. Erila takes the
Caleme to prepare for a succession council; the previous privy seal, a purse of silver and a bundle of usurer’s notes.
council from thirty years ago was also held at the Caleme Frustrated in his search for Lady Erila, Koris meets the city
Abbey. watch at the entrance to caer Elend. He announces the
On the 28th, Cheselyn’s whispering campaign bears fruit. existence of the Olokand Will and that Lady Erila has
Citizens of the city mutter among themselves at the shocking conspired with Constable Haldare to seize the throne. Koris
news. Constable Haldare Venera learns of the rumours in the takes command of the city watch, issues an arrest warrant for
street through the city watch. That evening he and Koris Lady Erila and orders the gates sealed to prevent her escape,
Harabor stand in Kald Square to address the public. They say not knowing she and Princess Meliem are already out of the
that a council is being called to determine the succession and city. Conwan Elendsa’s men quietly slip away into the night.
until then, the protection of the city remains in their hands. The heralds of the Enclave of the Holy Oak overhear
Seeing these two men together calms the people for now. Koris’s speech. Archebal Peltrei quietly orders a young herald,
For her part, Cheselyn rides out of the city that afternoon Herik Curo, to take the Tashal Will and hide it. Herik does not
headed towards Kiban, to finalize Cheselyn the Younger’s go far, secreting the will with the priests of Save-K’nor in the
betrothal to Scina Dariune so that she can cement her neighbouring temple. He then sneaks to the townhouse of his
position in the succession council and undercut Conwan. She father the Earl to hide himself.
arranges for her daughters to follow a few days later with the The city awaits the arrival of the first army.
rest of the household.
Late on the 28th, Maldan’s messenger sneaks into caer
Conwan’s Reaction (Nuzyael 24-30)
Elend. He meets with Koris who is together with Haldare. Conwan learns of his uncle’s death by messenger on the
Koris insists the constable can also hear his brother’s evening of the 24th. He consults with his wife Hesena and
message. The messenger claims that Maldan holds the true prays to Larani and Save-K’nor for guidance. The following
will of the king, naming Maldan as heir and legitimising all of morning, he decides he is out of time for negotiating with the
his sons. The Tashal Will must be false, part of a conspiracy to Serekela. He has at most a month to get his oath nullified
steal the throne. before the succession council begins. He sends a message to
Serekela Edine Kynn in Caleme begging for an audience.
Koris and Haldare argue. Haldare reminds Koris that there
were no signs that the king was murdered or that his will was Edine, also aware of the king’s death, knows what this
falsified. Koris vacillates, but his brother’s message fits his message means. Pleased, Edine responds that he cannot
own preconceptions well. Koris asks his lover to support him grant an audience until after the Soratir on the 25th; the
and his brother. Haldare cannot agree. The two part... circumstances are such that the Serekela himself must lead
the prayers of the nation after the death of the king. On the
Haldare sends a royal page to warn Lady Erila, and
26th, the Serekela delays again, saying he has received word
another to summon the city watch and Sheriff Conwan’s men
from the capital that the succession council must be
in the city to his aid. He then goes to the company of the Low
arranged. He finally agrees to meet with Conwan on the 27th.
Guard under his direct command.
Fuming, Conwan meets with the Serekela just after noon.
Koris calls the rest of the Royal Guard to the Great Hall. He
Edine drives a hard bargain. To be released from his oath, not
announces there is a will in Olokand legitimising both him and
only must Conwan’s children be raised as Laranians, but his
his brother, but there is also a conspiracy to usurp the throne
wife; Hesena, must renounce Save K’nor and join the church
on the part of Erila Kaphin and her son Tulath (the contents of
of Larani. Conwan must also recognize the church’s eternal
the Tashal Will are still secret). He further states that the king
right to crown the king of Kaldor, effectively giving the church
may have been murdered, and orders the arrest of Lady Erila

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veto power over future kings’ ascensions: this is Edine’s true Troda Dariune is the first of the Earls to learn of the Tashal
goal. Will of the king: Cheselyn the Elder’s news arrives on the
As Conwan struggles to swallow this bitter pill, another 28th. Cheselyn herself arrives two days later. As the two old
messenger bursts into the room with urgent news. Conwan’s conspirators discuss what the king’s unexpected will means to
spy in Olokand informs him that Sheriff Maldan began a their plans, they are shocked by the news that Tashal has
muster of his vassals on the previous day; it can only mean fallen to Koris Harabor. Neither thought that the Marshal of
the king’s bastard son plans to march on Tashal. the Royal Guard would be so bold. There is no word on the
Conwan sweeps out of the Serekela’s chambers, saying fate of Cheselyn’s daughters.
“Before we can decide who sets the crown on the king’s Earl Curo learns of the Tashal Will by the evening of the
head, we must first save the throne for him to sit in.” Conwan 28th through his contacts in the Enclave of the Holy Oak. As
rides back to Querina to call up his own vassals. He also sends yet he is unsure how he can use this to his advantage, but he
word to both Vadan and Whyce to call up the Order of the dispatches his herald to far off Athelren offering his
Lady of Paladins, knowing they are the most readily available congratulations to Sheriff Tulath. Two days later he learns of
forces near the city. Unfortunately, the men of Whyce have the fall of Tashal and realizes that this year is likely to be very
marched south to the Solori Crusade and the men of Vadan interesting indeed.
are away to the west patrolling the Salt Route. News of Tashal’s fall filters out to the edges of the
Vadan begins to mobilize on the 29th, but Serekela Kynn kingdom by the 30th.
sends word to Reblena Houla Artona of Whyce who’s Earl Declaen Caldeth is the last Earl to hear of the fall of
marched south. The Serekela advises the Reblena to keep Tashal, but he is already busy with the “king to be” Tulath in
with their plans for the Solori Crusade until he sends word, Vemionshire.
but to hire additional mercenaries and preserve his men as he
In Rethem, there is increased piracy and banditry in that
can, saying the Sheriff hopes to legitimise himself in the eyes
fractious realm, particularly against the king’s holdings and
of the people through war when he cannot do so before the
that of his allies as that kingdom teeters on the brink of civil
gods. It will be some time before the Serekelas messages
reach Houla, by which time the proposed advice will be the
most viable course, the chance for swift action having passed. Tulath’s Reaction (Nuzyael 26-30)
The Serekela summons the Reblena of Vadan, whom Houla Word of the king’s death reaches Athelren on the 26th.
left in charge in his absence. Tulath is genuinely distraught at the passing of his father,
By the 30th, barely half of Conwan’s feudal levy has whom he loved dearly. He receives condolences from Earl
arrived in Querina. That morning word arrives that Koris Declaen Caldeth the next day, as Tulath and his wife prepare
Harabor has taken Tashal. Conwan is out of time: if he cannot to travel to Tashal for the funeral.
stop Maldan at Heru Bridge, the two brothers will unite their On the 28th, Tulath receives a strange message from his
forces. Conwan rides forth leaving only skeleton guard at his mother. The king had a secret will hidden at the Enclave of
keep, but still only has 40 guards, 12 knights with squires and the Holy Oak which named Tulath the king’s son and heir.
40 yeomen to face Maldan. Erila emphasizes that she knew nothing of this will, and urges
Conwan departs for Heru, desperately hoping some more Tulath to remain in Athelren and consult with Earl Caldeth
troops or the army of the Chelmarch will join him in time to until things become clearer.
stop Maldan as the rest of his forces ride to catch up. Tulath wants to ride immediately for Tashal, but his
News in the Kingdom (Nuzyael 24-30) pregnant wife Elana presses him to follow his mother’s
Word of Miginath’s death begins to spread through the advice. He grudgingly agrees to visit Minarsas with the letter
kingdom almost immediately. All of Semethshire and much of on the following day. The Earl finds the entire affair puzzling.
Balimshire know by end of the second day. News reaches Earl Were he to have received this news independently, he would
Curo on the 23rd. By the end of the 26th, nearly all major assume the Tashal Will to be a forgery. Reading Erila’s letter
nobles in the kingdom know their king is gone. directly, it seems her ignorance of the will is genuine, and that
she fears for her son’s safety. Declaen agrees with Erila that
In the south, the Countess of Osel, Lady Thisila takes the
until they know more, it is best to stay put.
news calmly. Now is not time for her to act. The Baron Orsin
Firith is out along the Genin Trail. Riders don’t find him for Tulath disagrees: “I cannot miss my father’s funeral, and I
weeks and he is not back to his holding until quite late. must take up the reigns of the kingdom.” Declaen points out
that even if the kings will names him heir there will be a
In the north, Earl Hemisen Curo is unsurprised by the
succession council and it will have the final word. Tulath
news, but frustrated that once again Dariune seems to hold
answers: “All the more reason for me to hurry to Tashal to
all the cards. He sees no clear way to turn the king’s death to
press my claim.”
his advantage. He sends word to Undine Elendsa in Bidow
with condolences for the loss of her uncle, and also to her The Earl cannot dissuade him. Declaen gives Tulath an
father-in-law the Baron of Getha suggesting they “hold the escort to supplement the Sheriff’s guards. Tulath leaves for
north safe” during the transition. the capital with his wife late on the 30th. Earl Curo’s herald
arrives on the 30th, but it is too late: the

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Sheriff is already on his way west. News of the fall of Tashal Constable of Heru. He gnashes his teeth as his scouts inform
passes Tulath and his escort on the road; they know nothing him of the arrival of Maldan’s infantry. Then some good
of that disaster. news: the army of the Chelmarch are riding up the road in full
force along with the Korus Ynel himself. This is still not
The earl increases the size of the Town Watch by another
enough to match Maldan’s forces, but with an ambush they
four light-foot, bringing it up to a full company.
might win the day.
The Battle of Heru (Nuzyael 30) The Army of the Chelmarch and Conwan quickly set up on
Confused news of the king’s death has already passed either side of the road to Tashal in a small wood near Touvant
through Heru, followed quickly by rumours of his murder. manor. Unfortunately, they have lingered too long and the
There has been much traffic along the road and Constable scouts of wily Wevran Ethasiel have reported their
Bereden Pawade longs for instructions from the Countess of movements back to Maldan. The Sheriff decides he must risk
Osel. There has been a light rain for the last few days, but leaving Heru unclaimed behind him and pushes south to face
yesterday’s sun has dried out the road. the immediate threat.
On the morning of the 29th news arrives that Marshal Maldan uses his superior numbers to drive a wedge
Koris Harabor has arrested Haldare Venera and accused him between the opposing forces, with Conwan forced to the
and Lady Erila of conspiring to seize the throne, which west side of road and the Army of the Chelmarch to the east.
apparently belongs to the king’s eldest bastard son Maldan. Burly Romlach dominates the battle field, wounding Korus
Shortly after noon a rider arrives from the Sheriff Conwan Ynel. Maldan’s numerous archers wreak havoc on Conwan’s
Elendsa claiming that the Harabor’s themselves seek to usurp flanks, and he is forced to flee. Conwan and most of his
the throne and demanding Bereden close the bridge to Sheriff knights escape, but half his guard and most of his yeomanry
Maldan. are lost.
As Bereden tries to puzzle out what to do, one of his The more disciplined Army of the Chelmarch are able to
guards rushes in, claiming an army of over two hundred are retreat in better order. Their knights draw off their pursuers
riding towards the bridge. Looking out the window and with while their footmen flee north. These men-at-arm eventually
less than a minute before the horses arrive, Bereden makes a connect with the Laranian forces of Vadan, who have been
snap judgement. It is unlikely he can hold the bridge against searching for Conwan on the back roads of Semethshire. The
such a large force. Even if he could, his vassals on the other Army suffers only a few casualties. Maldan orders his men to
side of the river would be helpless; there is no time to bring let them go; he does not want to waste men hunting them
them across. Bereden chooses to parley, meeting the army at down. He captures a number of knights, mostly landless
the bridge’s gates. volunteers, though some will raise valuable ransoms.
Sheriff Maldan Harabor approaches, along with Baron Maldan has lost nearly a company himself, but it is a small
Wevran Ethasiel and his son Romlach. The Sheriff has price to pay for annihilating Conwan’s forces and clearing the
commandeered many of the horses in Meselyneshire to get road to Tashal.
his men here as quickly as possible. Wevran declares Maldan
to be the rightful heir of the king, riding to Tashal to avenge Possible Events
the murder of his father at the hands of Lady Erila. He Here is a collection of interesting optional events that may
demands Bereden’s fealty. occur at any time during the crisis. The war itself should
Bereden equivocates: “I am a humble man, and the proceed in a way that gives no one side a clear advantage, so
understanding of such things is beyond me. Prince Maldan is that heroics by the player characters can still sway events.
welcome to pass through my Lady’s lands, and I will see him Tashal: A propaganda counter-campaign is launched by
again when he is crowned king.” This isn’t exactly an oath of Conwan to undermine Maldan’s popular support in the city.
fealty, but Maldan is willing to accept it. His horsemen cross Tashal: Derwen Verdreth, now in Maldan’s camp along
the bridge. They water the horses and re-provision as they with her brother, uncovers messages in Erila Kaphin’s room
wait for the infantry to catch up. The battering ram they linking her to Melderyn. Derwen puts two-and-two together
planned to use against the bridge gate is left behind in the and tells Maldan and Koris that the king’s physician Ernell
forest. Mered and Lady Erila are agents of the Wizard’s Ilse. They use
Maldan considers his next move. He now knows his this to build a case against the Tulath Will as a magically-
brother has taken Tashal. He needs to hold Heru’s bridge, but engineered plot of Melderyn. This is almost true while at the
cannot afford either to leave men behind or to alienate same time being completely wrong.
another Earldom by attacking the keep. He also knows that Tashal: Even if the city is not besieged, disruptions to
Conwan Elendsa is moving somewhere to intercept his forces. trade make food increasingly expensive and scarce in the city.
For his part, Conwan is a league east of Heru, having The poor especially get desperate and dangerous. If the city is
swung wide around Tashal in the hopes of finding the soldiers besieged, Lia-Kavair smuggling may be all that keeps it alive.
of Vadan. The Laranians are nowhere to be seen. A dozen Tashal: If the war goes badly for Maldan, he will threaten
landless knights, hoping for advantage join up with the his hostages to slow down his enemies.
favourite to win the throne. He does not have the men to
challenge Maldan, and it seems he will not get help from the

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Gardiren: The dwarves will be hesitant to travel down the Nobles start sending their children to Caleme for schooling
Silver Way with war brewing. Earl Curo offers to buy all the in greater numbers whilst hoping to place them under the
Khuzdul weapons they can bring using his stockpiled gold, protection of the church in these unsettled times whilst
which is technically illegal to spend. The dwarves need food. others again try to convince the Serekela to move to a safer
Kyg and Pendeth: Someone competent and loyal is sent to locale. Again, he refuses. Others make for safety at Whyce.
replace these constables, making Vemionshire less secure for In Menglana, an early thaw (following years of late thaws)
Earl Caldeth. allows Ibanvaal to resume the bitter siege of Froyaheim.
Minarsas: With trade and travel interrupted, the
Khuzdul mercantyler Clan Rakin sends emissaries to Minarsas In Trierzon, concerned over growing Azeryani militarism in
to collect the debts of Gereon Bastune, Baron of Kolorn. Earl Beronium, King Dalhaga encourages towns to wall themselves
Caldeth is not pleased to learn of his vassal’s extravagant and improve fortifications. Most eastern and central
debts. magnates follow his lead, granting crenelation licenses.
Several keeps begin upgrading to castles. Western magnates
Minarsas: Someone is still trying to kill Earl Caldeth. are more reluctant, whilst the north is already fortified. A
Kiban: Migray Hosath is sent to Kiban as a neutral cohort of the Royal Army is ordered off the northern border
emissary that no one would arrest to negotiate a truce. with Shorkyne to Melesuma in the east.
Unfortunately, as a secret pawn of the Conspirators, Migray
sows further discord to keep the war going. Unfolding War (Peonu, 721 TR)
Battle’s Aftermath (Peonu 1) From this point forward, the outlined events become
The following day Maldan rides into Tashal at the head of increasingly speculative. If PCs are with Tulath (perhaps as
a column of victorious men. He declares his intention to part of Vemions forces) with some effort the characters may
restore order and punish the murderers of the king. The learn of Tashal’s fall along the road. Even if they don’t, they
common people greet him with acclaim. The Mulron Charyn can make the difference on whether Tulath is captured.
quickly rides south in a futile attempt to convince the The actions of the PCs will probably have a large effect on
Serekela to move further away from Maldan’s forces in how things play out in their part of the kingdom, wherever
Tashal. Conwan limps back to Querina where the rest of his they are. Events elsewhere will likely proceed more or less as
muster has assembled. He is surprised to meet none other outlined here, but the ripple effects of the PC’s actions will
than his older cousin Princess Meliem and Lady Erila. grow over time.
Princess Meliem has convinced the doubtful Erila that Maldan’s Next Moves (Peonu 1-10)
Conwan is an honourable man and the first person they must On the 1st of Peonu, “Prince” Maldan addresses the city of
speak too. The Princess quickly explains what has happened Tashal. He announces the funeral of his father for the 3rd of
in the capital: the Tashal Will, Koris Harabor’s treachery, and Peonu and that he will protect the city from those who would
the daring escape of the two ladies from caer Elend. do it harm. Maldan calls on citizens of the city to join an
Conwan listens quietly, and when they are done “honour guard” for the king’s funeral and afterwards. This
immediately orders the arrest of Lady Erila. “We will sort out guard swells his forces in the city by another 100 men, though
who is and is not treasonous when all this is done” he most are inexperienced. He also hires another two mercenary
proclaims. Meliem protests Erila’s innocence, but Conwan will companies (40 men), including the men of Rathbar of Marby.
hear none of it. The royal seal is no longer on Erila’s person, Maldan quietly sends his own men throughout the city to
however. The crafty knight has hidden it somewhere along collect members of noble families and bring them to caer
the road. Elend “for their protection”. Some escape into hiding, but his
As Erila is settled in Querina’s dungeon, Conwan sends a real prize is the daughters of Cheselyn the Elder, trapped in
warrant for the arrest of Tulath Kaphin to Sheriff Ranal in the city when Koris closed the gates to capture Erila Kaphin.
Sirendel. It arrives that evening. Sheriff Ranal has already Superficially, the Harabors’ position looks good: they hold
received a similar warrant in the morning from Tashal. The the capital along with its treasury. However, they desperately
young Sheriff Ranal is not sure who he should answer to, but need allies: they cannot face the rest of the kingdom alone.
everyone seems to agree that Tulath Kaphin should be Prince Maldan sends messages south to Ternua, east to Kiban
arrested. and north to Gardiren. He also sends five men west to Tharda,
Ranal sends a company of soldiers east hoping to promising a knighthood and a manor for each one who brings
negotiate with Earl Caldeth for help against Kaphin. Ranal’s back of company of Thardic mercenaries (whom he promises
soldiers head directly towards Tulath’s party, who are double pay for the campaign season). He sends his son
unaware (probably) of the events in the western side of the Kornuska north seeking Orbaalese mercenaries with less
kingdom. grandiose promises.
On the 2nd, Maldan sends 50 men back to Heru with to
secure the bridge to the north. By this point Constable
Bereden has received word from the Countess of Osel: he is
not to surrender the keep, but is otherwise not to risk his

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people until reinforced. The bridge gate is not designed to be Curo Rouses (Peonu 1-10)
defended from the south. Bereden reluctantly cedes control Earl Hemisen Curo’s herald Serys Curo (a distant cousin)
of the bridge to Maldan’s men, though he does not give them arrived in Athelren on the 30th of Nuzyael only to learn that
access to the keep. A tense peace settles on Heru. With the Tulath Kaphin had already left. News also arrives that Tashal
road secure, Maldan’s wife, Lady Areta, slips into Tashal. has fallen to Koris Harabor. He urges that a rider be sent to
Maldan publically takes the oaths of several knights catch Tulath on the road. On the 1st of Peonu, the herald
trapped in the city, together with some of those he captured goes to visit Earl Caldeth.
at Heru before the Serolan. The remaining losers are For his part, Earl Caldeth has received word both of
imprisoned pending ransom. Maldan has the unsworn city Tashal’s fall and Maldan’s overthrow of his vassal in Baseta,
knights confined to areas of the caer but not imprisoned for the latter from a brave serf who travelled the north roads of
now. the kingdom. Furious, there is little the Earl can do to relieve
Several merchants, including Querene of Valain, make Constable Eres. When Earl Curo’s herald Serys learns this
Maldan heavy loans at good rates, whilst the clothiers guild news, he proposes an alliance between Curo and Caldeth:
also provides substantial monies based on the Harabors perhaps the Earl of Neph can aid Caldeth’s vassal. Earl Caldeth
family ties. does not trust Curo, but sees no alternative. He agrees to a
tentative alliance.
The king’s funeral on the 3rd is a spectacle for the masses.
The Laranian Serolan Deni Trochi reluctantly leads a public Serys rides back to Gardiren, arriving on the 4th, at the
service in Kald square, but the people of the city are touchedsame time as Maldan’s emissaries to Earl Curo. The Earl
by Maldan’s honour for his father. The city can no longer weighs his options. Hemisen knows the Elendsas will be in
remain closed, as food prices are already climbing. Traffic Dariune’s pocket. His best options are to back either Orsin
resumes through the gates, carefully watched. Firith (whose commitments are unknown) or one of the king’s
After the funeral, Maldan wants to execute Constable bastards. Caldeth’s offer of alliance is too good to pass up,
but Hemisen doesn’t yet want to commit himself.
Haldare, but Koris argues against the death of his secret lover:
“Haldare was only doing what he believed was just and he is a Baron Chimin Indama visits Gardiren, and the two men
popular man. His death could turn the city against you.” quickly hatch a plan. They send word to the Baron of Tonot,
Maldan reluctantly lets Haldare live. ostensibly from Harapa Indama in Bidow, that the Sheriff’s
Maldan names his brother-in-law Mirald Alkinil the acting forces will be moving south to join Conwan and relieve
Exchequer Royal and his wife Lady Areta acting Lord Tashal. The message from “Harapa” asks Uthris Pierstel, to
Chamberlain “until Lady Meliem returns”. Since the royal seal flank Maldan in Meselyneshire and relieve Baseta.
is missing, he orders a new one cast. For now, the rest of the Uthris takes the bait. On the 7th, he takes a force of 110
royal court retains their posts, at least in name. men (hiring a company of mercenaries from the Norons Way
Maldan quietly demands that the “forged” Tashal Will be caravan), east along the road to Olokand, leaving a skeleton
delivered to Caer Elend. The chief herald Archebal Peltrei defence in Tonot (mostly his well-trained militia). The bridge
counters that the Olokand Will should instead be brought to over the Kald is held against them, so they sack Tentru
the Enclave of the Holy Oak so that “its veracity can be manor, Maldan’s personal holding. They then ride north to lay
proven beyond a doubt.” Maldan knows his forgery cannot siege to Baseta.
survive the same scrutiny given to the Tashal Will, and delays: Meanwhile, Hemisen sends a message to Maldan in Tashal
“The road from Olokand is not yet secure.” He sets a watch naming his price for support. Hemisen asks for a new vassal
on the Enclave, but cannot risk breaching its neutrality. He barony, one of his sons to be named Sheriff of Semethshire,
can however, keep the existence of the Tashal Will secret. his youngest daughter to marry one of Maldan’s sons and
Maldan has done all he can to establish his claim. He musthimself to be named Exchequer Royal. For Baron Indama, he
now wait for responses to his messages and for the moves of asks that a crenulation license be granted for Naniom Bridge
his enemies. Maldan is not surprised when his emissary to and that one of the baron’s relatives be named to the royal
Kiban is imprisoned, but he receives more hopeful responses court. These demands are steep but not unreasonable and
from Gardiren and Ternua. It is something to build on. Hemisen awaits Maldan’s reply.
In the meantime, Hemisen begins to marshal his own
On the 6th Mirild and Cheselyn the Younger announce troops. He urges his spies to learn more about events
their betrothal with a beaming Maldan looking on. elsewhere in the kingdom: reliable news is getting difficult to
On the 8th, unknown assailants steal the Olokand will and come by.
deliver it the Enclave of the Holy Oak on the 9th, where they
are spotted by Maldans men. Dariune Enters the Fray (Peonu 1-10)
Earl Troda Dariune’s plans for an orderly succession have
On the 9th, several knights stage a breakout from the unravelled quickly. For now, he shunts aside a frantic
caer. Haldare and the Hosaths are kept secure, but several Cheselyn the Elder, who is demanding the rescue of her
escape into the city. Several are killed and a hunt for the daughters from Tashal. Word comes of Conwan’s defeat
fugitives begins. south of Heru. As much as Troda hates the idea, he must take
direct action.

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Troda calls up his vassals and asks for counsel from the As the troops prepare, Troda returns to negotiating with
church. It takes until the 4th for all to arrive. Houla is away in Cheselyn the Elder. Without her daughters, Cheselyn has little
the south but his deputy Aubis arrives along with Reblena to offer other than the Elendsa name. Nevertheless, Troda
Mulron of Vadan whom he left in charge in Kaldor in his feels that Conwan has proven to be a weak leader, and wants
absence. Rekelas Tyrnal Dariune and Sheryd Quathis an alternative. He says that to win his support, not only must
represent the Laranian clergy. Dariune’s vassals Baron Uldien Cheselyn’s oldest daughter marry Troda’s heir Scina, but her
and Constable Dagald Jendral of Fisen also attend, as well as younger daughter Merala will be betrothed to the man of
the sheriffs Conwan Elendsa and Eris Karondal (of Shebra). Troda’s choosing. Troda will name the members of Cheselyn’s
The lightly wounded Korus Ynel is last to arrive, his men court, effectively making Cheselyn a puppet queen. She is in
having regrouped to Querina. Cheselyn the Elder tries to no position to disagree.
worm her way into the council, but fails. Believing (incorrectly) that Cheselyn is safely taken care of,
Between them these men control a huge force from the Troda turns to planning the assault on Tashal. On the 9th, he
relatively safe stronghold of Balimshire. Even with Conwan’s receives word of Uthris Pierstel’s attacks in Meselyneshire.
losses, they command 150 guards, another 100 soldiers of the Troda is unnerved. This puts pressure on Maldan, but it also
Lady of Paladins, 120 knights and 500 yeomen within leaves Earl Curo free to move from the north. He sends a
Semethshire and Balimshire. Even if they leave a third in strongly worded letter to Gardiren warning Earl Curo to stay
garrison, this gives them 600 men they can quickly field in the north while Troda deals with Maldan. Troda takes the
against Maldan. They believe they can also command the risk that this letter doesn’t backfire.
army of Chelmarch, with another 100 men, to circle around For her part, Cheselyn sends messages to the lords who
and squeeze Tashal from the west. They estimate that are secretly in her debt through her mercantyler contacts.
Maldan and his brother Koris have several hundred men in She refuses to be side-lined by Earl Dariune in what will be
Tashal. her own kingdom and quietly slips away.
They cannot simply sack the capital, however, and even if
Dariune quickly brokers an agreement between the
they take the city, Caer Elend will be a tough nut to crack.
Church and Conwan. The terms are onerous, but less than the
“We must draw him out” Korus Ynel suggests.
Serekela was originally asking.
Mulron Charyn informs them he sympathises, but will
follow the Serekelas advice and remain out of the fray, 1. Conwans children must be raised as Laranians and his
guarding the borders until his friend and superior Houla wife must join the Church of Larani (she can retain her
Artona returns. They protest, but he holds firm. It does mean Save K’Norrian faith privately and conterminously but
they can bring more of their own forces to the fray as the must publicly support Larani).
Church defends their lands, particularly the Army of the 2. When crowned, Conwan must double the amount of
Chelmarch. He promises to call up the retired and associate lands enfoeffed to the Church.
members of the order and send to Kanday for volunteers. Troda was opposed to the acknowledgement of the
With that he leaves the meeting, so as not to compromise churches eternal right to crown the monarch, so suggested
them further. the second point as a compromise. It’s still a good deal for
The remaining men agree to break the connection the Church though less than Kynn was after, whilst the most
between Olokand and Tashal. They will send a third of their onerous of the terms have been softened for Conwan.
forces to take the Heru Bridge. If Maldan responds, the With Constable Bernan of Kyg trapped in Tashal, Troda
remainder will sweep in and take Tashal, hopefully without appoints his son Scina acting Constable and sends him south
too much bloodshed. They order siege ladders and rams to assume control of those forces. He keeps news of Bernans
prepared for the assault on the city. perfidy quiet for now. Sorting out that mess will have to wait.
At this point, they turn to the question of succession. Scina is to return with the mounted troops and send the foot
Conwan argues they will have an easier time rallying the rest on to the muster at Jedes.
of the kingdom if the heir to the throne is clear: he asks again
for his oath to be lifted. Troda is evasive: “The situation is still Confusion in the South (Peonu 1-10)
delicate, and your desertion of the Serekela during the On the 2nd, whether or not Tulath Kaphin is captured by
negotiations did not help matters. Let me smooth things over Sheriff Ranal Gybsen Constable Gybsen declares for Conwan
with His Grace.” Conwan fumes. For his part, Earl Dariune still in reaction. He sends emissaries to find Conwan with offers of
hopes he can make a deal with Cheselyn (keeping his options his support. Even if Tulath remains free, the brutal fight
open). against Ranal’s men pushes that Sheriff into Conwan’s camp.
At the insistence of Dariune, the men agree not to Earl Declaen Caldeth does not particularly want to be
blockade trade to Tashal as of yet. Their forces gather in two allied with either Tulath or Earl Curo; it is only these odd
groups: the Army of the Chelmarch and Conwan’s men at circumstances that have forced him to do so. The Earl sends
Querina and the larger force of Earl Dariune and his vassals at word to his daughter Thisila to work with Orsin Firith to bring
Kiban. Supplies for this sizable army will be a problem, with a better option to the table. Declaen still hopes to resolve the
the kingdom’s serfs busy planting the spring grains. conflict quickly so that the kingship can be determined
peacefully by a succession council.

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He still increases his Town Watch by another four men, to loot, declining to contest the issue, where he calls up his
an overstrength company to manage the influx of refugees. militias and lays stores in, in case of reprisals. He has his
In Oselshire, Thisila has her hands full with her own peasants bury what wealth he doesn’t bring into his fortress.
vassals. Clan Meleken is unhappy that the Countess is calling Kornuska strengthens the defences but decides not to
them to war. Thisila argues that they cannot leave the pursue, carrying on to Tashal after setting the peasants to
Constable of Heru to the mercy of the forces surrounding restoring Tentru.
him. The Melekens still want a regent. 14th. The Enclave of the Holy Oak declares the Olokand
On the 10th, Baron Orsin Firith hears of events whilst will fake! This causes great shock. Maldan demands to see it.
returning from Chybisa. He is a wily campaigner who To even greater shock, Maldan agrees! He states the real Will
recognizes the issue is likely be decided by war. He opens was stolen off him and this crude forgery obviously sent in its
negotiations with the Countess of Osel and the Earl of place to discredit him. However, he managed to reclaim the
Caldeth. He hopes Maldan and Earl Dariune will exhaust each real will and reluctantly presents it now to the Heralds. He
other, so that Orsin can sweep in with the other Earls passes them the Kaphin Will. It legitimises all three sons and
(possibly even Curo) to take the throne. He’d hired 2 names Maldan heir to Olokand. A very generous
companies of Chybisan longbowmen for a planned campaign interpretation could read it as naming him heir to the throne.
against the Pagaelin. After pondering, he sends word north to Privately, Maldan thinks the Will real and is overcome
raise his muster and sends men back to Chybisa to hire with emotion for his dead father. Though he doesn’t
mercenaries from the Genin Trail caravan and the Hodiri. He personally buy the Will names him heir to Kaldor, he
decides he’ll still hit the Pagaelin, both to whip his forces into
professes to as it suits his purposes very well. It could even be
shape and to provide an excuse for hiring them, should that a fake by Kaphin. This does lend credence to Kaphins denial of
prove necessary. all knowledge of the Tulath Will. It makes Maldan think
In Ternua, Baron Tarmas Verdreth happily accepts someone has been playing him and Tulath (whom he thinks a
Maldan’s offer of an Earldom and a new vassal keep from patsy) for fools. It can’t have been Conwan, as it’s even more
among Maldan’s fallen enemies. Although his daughter is damaging to him. He has no idea who it was, but starts
married to Tulath Kaphin, Tarmas doesn’t think much of the looking to the borders (and elsewhere) and orders discreet
young man or his chances for the throne. Tarmas prepares to enquires. He suspects the mysterious cloaked woman may
pressure Dariune and his forces from the south, as well as have been Cheselyn. He is still an experienced Sheriff.
holding the bridge across the Nephen should the southern Ironically, he can’t share his suspicions with anyone.
lords’ move against Maldan. Baron Verdreth and Maldan agree terms.
Involving the Player Characters 15th. Kornuska arrives in Tashal with his forces and
informs Maldan of the siege and sack of Tentru. Maldan
The player characters will affect events wherever they are,
shrugs, though Areta is incensed. Maldan informs Kornuska of
being drawn into the machinations of whichever faction they
his betrothal to Curo’s daughter, much to his surprise, as
serve and having a spreading impact on described events.
negotiations between them conclude. He doesn’t object to
Their actions and how they handle things will have a major the vivacious girl. They announce the betrothal to rejoicing
impact on the unfolding conflict. It is important to keep the Tashal crowds. The Enclave of the Holy Oak declares the
player characters in the centre of the story, so their choices Kaphin Will real, though it’s superseded by the Tulath Will.
have interesting ripple effects on the expanding war. Caleme demands to see both Wills for ratification.
Maldon Consolidates (Peonu 11-24) Caleme announces a Succession Council in 10 days’ time
On the 11th, Maldan prepares a sudden assault on the on the 25th.
Enclave of the Holy Oak, using the men of Telin the Red and Maldan prepares to assault Caleme, which is filled with
several thugs. The Olokand Will could cost him crucial useful hostages and enemies.
support. Before he orders the strike, one of his men searching 16th. The Miner’s Guild comes out in support of Maldan
Erila Kaphins rooms finds the hidden will of five years ago (who appears ascendant). They provide him with a fat purse
(perhaps returned by Migray Hosath). He hastily calls off the of silver and two companies of guards, drawn from their
assault whilst he studies it. Romlach is seen riding pell-mell mines. More crucially; a decad of miners volunteer for his
through the streets of Tashal to prevent the tragedy. armies, as siege experts. Maldan hands out several
Knighthoods to the Miners (they bear the armorial costs
By the 12th, Serys Curo arrives from the Earl of Neph with themselves).
his price. Maldan blanches some, but agrees. Prehil Firith 17th. Maldan arrives outside Caleme with a small army,
sneaks out of Tashal in some empty sacks of grain and starts made up of his non-Laranian foreign mercenaries over 100
making his way to Kobing. veterans, including 2 companies from the Republic of Tharda
who arrived that morning. He promptly knights the two
recruiting soldiers as promised and lodges their arms with the
13th. Kornuska returns to Baseta with his men, having College of Heralds. It’s likely the missing soldiers are dead or
hired 2 companies of Orbaalese mercenaries and breaks the captured.
siege. The Baron of Tonot returns home with his men and

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At Caleme, Maldan is confronted with the Serekela and Vemion into the alliance and drawing Maldan out of Tashal as
two Rekelas together with their entire lifeguard and a they threaten Olokand. He moves most of his professional
contingent of veterans from Whyce. The Serekela drily and mercenary troops, leaving his feudal levy to catch up. He
observes that Maldan is early. Maldan grimaces and sends for leaves around a third of his levy to congregate in Kiban as his
his voting bloc. reserve and to hold the town. His vassals of Uldien and Fisen
24th. Maldan receives word of the Earl of Balims further are to join him together with the Sheriff of Shebra.
relief column to Baseta. He dispatches Kornuska (who is too 12th. Increasing bandit raids are found to the work of
young to vote) to reinforce the occupying garrison and link up members of Clan Londel of Yeged in retaliation for the slur on
with Earl Curo’s men. He sends him with the foreign their ancestral name as Baron Ubaels ancestor is beatified.
mercenaries, half the miners and Olokand volunteers, 125 It’s likely they have at least the tacit permission of the
men. It’s unlikely he’ll arrive in time to affect matters but Baroness of Yeged (the Baron is too much of a dreamer). Earl
Maldan needs to make the effort. Curo’s position on this is unknown. Baron Ubael is able to
Southern Charm (Peonu 11-24) break these bandits in a short skirmish, though most flee
after he raises a surprisingly strong muster. A large
14th. Scina Dariune arrives in Kyg and assumes temporary
proportion of the troops are from his vassals the Kobarneys
command. He summons a full muster for the next day.
of Fethael Hundred, near Getha. They bring far more men
15th. Scina sends most of the regular infantry and than required of their feudal obligations in honour of the
yeomanry to muster at Jedes, whilst he assembles the Knights beatification of their shared ancestor and the aid the Baron
and cavalry. He selects a senior bailiff to act as Steward with a provided them in eliminating a local bandit problem, when
skeleton guard of militia and late coming yeomen and leaves the sheriff had proven unable to do so. Sir Kobarney of
the next day. Hyzevel also donates large sums to the Abbey at Uldien to
17th. Baron Kobing returns to Oselbridge and immediately build an infirmary, which the Baron reluctantly matches. The
starts fortifying it as he gathers his levy. The next day, his son Baron also takes on Sir Kobarneys spinster daughter (secretly
joins him from Tashal. The Baron receives the offers from a Savoryan Shevnava) and her peasant apprentice as his
Minarsas. He leaves with his son for the Succession Council as Chamberlain at the urgings of his wife. He is unaware of her
his deputy gathers the mercenaries and organises his forces. status as Shek-Pvar.
In Hutup, Sheriff Curo is isolated but slowly gathers his He is ignorant of the growing chantry within his holding.
might to take advantage if he can. He gives verbal instructions This includes; two Shevnava of Odivshe, the local scholar at
to the bailiff of the hundred in Asolade to cause discreet the Old Mill and his former apprentice; a Satia-Mavari of
trouble for Constable Mirdarne if he can. Odivshe, the Constable of Uldiens newly “healed” bride, who
20th. In Chybisa, King Verlid learns of the situation in appears to be progressing remarkably quickly; the Mavari
Kaldor, giving him conniptions. He summons his advisors and wife of the Baron (though apprenticed to an Odivshe
plans out what to do. They agree to allow mercenaries to join Shenava, she seems more drawn to the convocation of
whoever pays for them, but to stay strictly neutral and Lyhavi) and the new Chamberlain, daughter of the Kobarneys
uninvolved in the affair, despite Crown Prince Belasirs more of Fethael, a Savoryan Shevnava and her peasant Mavari. The
aggressive position. Barons daughter has also been identified as a powerful
22nd. In Qualdris, Thilisa Meleken is forced out as psionic talent and intends to progress as Shek-Pvar. Though
significant numbers of her vassals refuse to aid the Constable taught to control her talents by the scholar Shevnava, her
of Heru. She retreats in good order with the castle guard and progress has been blocked by her mother and the lack of
what forces rally to her with much of her portable wealth. Masters to teach her. She seems unlikely to allow this to stop
Sympathisers hide other wealth within the castle. She dons her.
armour to join her knights in the relief she promised. The Baron moves his augmented forces north with the
The next day Meleken clansmen attack her, demanding permission of the Earl, where they’ll relive the siege of Tonot.
the wealth she left with. She crushes the rebels, with the aid 13th. In Querina, during the confusion of the muster Erila
of two companies of Rangers and a company of foot from Kaphin is able to escape, possibly aided by Princess Meliem.
Minarsas that were waiting in the woods for her. She strings She looks to join her son (if free) or join him (if not).
the survivors from the trees as common bandits. The Rangers 14th. Serli Ubael the Younger is sent to Caleme for
return to Minarsas whilst she continues on to Heru with the “finishing” in a compromise between the Baron and his wife.
company of light-foot. It seems safer than Uldien and allows the Baron to defer his
24th. A clan council is called to depose Thilisa from the choice for her husband for a few years whilst the Succession
Earldom. As her strongest supporters are with her, the Crisis is resolved. Several others nobles children have been
council easily succeeds. In Minarsas, Earl Caldeth coordinates sent there for safety, where Serli is senior in rank. Most take
messengers with Kobing, Balim and Curo. a couple of armed servants with them. The church organises
these servants into militia units to supplement their defences.
Soft Centre (Peonu 11-24)
11th. Balim starts moving his forces to Querina. The plan 15th. In Cholas, an attempt is made on Rekela Dariunes
is to relieve Tonot and recapture Setrew, hopefully drawing life as he is distracted by the crisis. He barely escapes with his
life due to the actions of a passing knight. The assassin takes

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poison before she can be questioned. The bishop moves to 16th. Baron Ubael arrives in Fethael hundred. He keeps to
Caleme to consult with the Serekela. He takes his entire his vassals’ lands in the west, scrupulously avoiding the Baron
augmented lifeguard. The new Rekela of Brynd joins them, of Gethas lands, before heading off north towards Tonot. He
leaving his Abbey undefended. In his absence Seloran Ubael leaves a skeleton force of militiamen and unseasoned boys to
organises a militia and instigates mandatory arms practice for defend the manors.
all the clerics. 18th. Earl Curo arrives in Heru, resting his men a day
17th. In Querina Constable Jendral takes command of Earl before heading south. He ignores the idea of seizing the keep
Dariunes host as the Earl continues on to Caleme. The put forward by Maldans men, but leaves a company of
Constable takes his force north cross-country towards Heru. yeomen archers to supplement the force.
Conwan hands control of his forces to Sir Korus Ynel as he 19th. The Earls forces arrive in Olokand and Tashal. The
joins Troda going to Caleme. Earl takes to his townhouse to plot. The Indamas travel on to
18th. Earl Dariune and Conwan Elendsa arrive late in the Caleme.
evening at Caleme for the vote. Cheselyn the Elder had Baron Ubael sacks the manors of those forces that were
arrived earlier that afternoon. raiding his lands. Yeged refuses to stir from his keep whilst
20th. Scina Dariune arrives at Ternua with a large cavalry outnumbered. As a relief force from Gardiren approaches,
force in the morning. Things are tense as Scina negotiates a Ubael slip away.
passage with the Baron. He leaves in the early evening with 22nd. Baron Indama seizes several vessels at
his forces, not wanting to press his hospitality. Naniombridge. Troops from Yeged join his forces as they start
22nd. Scina arrives at Caleme. The knight’s horses are to embark. Indama is forced to prevent their sacking
blown and they rest for a day before moving north at a more Kobarney lands in Fethael.
sedate (though rapid) pace as Scina re-joins his father. 23rd. Baron Ubael harasses those forces surrounding
23rd. Lady Thilisa arrives at Heru. With no orders, Tonot, forcing them to pull things into a tighter siege.
Harabors men stop her at the bridge and prevent her from 24th. Baron Indama and the forces from Yael set off to
accessing the keep as word is sent to Tashal for instruction. seize Uldien in increasingly heavy weather.
24th. Forces from the keep arrive behind Maldans men. The Council! (Peonu 25-30)
Though still outnumbering Thilisa and the men of Heru, the
Day 1: The day opens early with Laranian High Mass,
position is now a poor one. With word of an advancing
Soratir, performed by the Serekela and all four Rekela who
Dariune army somewhere nearby, Maldans men reluctantly
are present. The presence of the assembled Lifeguard is
let Thilisa pass and enter the keep. They try to extract
pronounced. The high nobility who’ll attend council (plus
agreements to join against Dariune out of necessity. Thilisa
others) are invited to attend. None refuse. Lengthy prayers
merely says she’ll protect the keep.
are said for the dead king, a smooth and wise choice and for
24th. In the middle of the night, Baron Kobe arrives with the new monarchs reign. As proceedings begin, Cheselyn the
his party in Caleme for the vote. At Ternua he’d had to Elder joins the congregation.
threaten the Baron with annihilation if he’d prevented his
All Elendsa’s may attend the Council, together with a
number of clan officers. These include: Migray Hosath
Northern Power (Peonu 11-24) (Herald, presiding), Edine Kynn (Serekela), Kytem Curo
11th. Word reaches King Hazmadul in Azadmere. His (Chamber Seneschal) and Erila Kaphin (Lord Privy Seal –
immediate concern is for the grain shipment normally due absent, clerk). They may observe and advise but not vote.
with the Silver Way caravan. He starts preparations for a hard They may also make procedural rulings according to their
winter and sends additional hunting parties out. roles. Also present is Armagaster Esaldin (Kings Fool). He has
12th. Earl Curo raises his muster, hiring a company of no right to attend but only the king can bar his presence, so
mercenaries away from the Silver Way caravan. He starts an he joins in. Asorn Firith (Lord Advocate) is vice, though he
interdiction of Tonot (preventing all contact with the keep, attends in his own right and may vote.
without much violence). He sends the force of mercenaries By mid-afternoon the Council is convened and the three
and infantry dressed as mercenaries to Olokand to join wills (Olokand, Tulath and Kaphin) are read out. Migray asks if
Maldans forces there. He leads his main force towards Tashal, any of the Wills are contested. Asorn replies they all are.
collecting the Sheriff at Bidows men along his way. Migray nods. People are getting impatient. Migray gives a
13th. The Baron of Getha raises his banners in support of detailed history of each will and the lengths the College of
Curo. His son (and wife) joins Curo at Bidow and head to Heralds went to, to authenticate them. He does his best to
Caleme. extract maximum tension from the process. He then states
15th. The Baron seizes Naniombridge “to better regulate the Olokand Will is a forgery by persons unknown. No-one
and protect trade”. He instigates a toll on those few objects. He declares both other wills in order and asks if there
merchants braving the war and starts construction of a keep are any legal objections. Asorn says, there are none, though
overlooking the bridge. the monarch may not post-decease his designation of heir.
I.e. any declaration to the honours of clanhead, earldom and

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king is advisory, not binding. Some look thoughtful; most just Before the vote on clanhead, Migray drily asks if anyone
look annoyed (this is well understood). else will be joining the Council, to general titters. Cheselyn
Migray then asks if there are any other objections. After a immediately proposes Astaroc Cranalson as another Royal
tense pause, Serli Ubael asks that the two wills in contention Bastard from an earlier generation. He’s not even present.
be blessed and verified by the Church. The Serekela looks The motion is easily defeated as he’s clearly never been
surprised but happily accedes. Migray calls for a vote on the acknowledged (unlike the Kings children) and this is seen as a
motion. There are some abstentions, but the vote easily naked vote grab by Cheselyn.
passes and the wills are passed to the churchman. Who then Migray then sets the order of the votes. First is Cheselyn,
has them passed to be verified by the Rekela of Abriel, his where she is easily defeated, despite a vote from Maldan.
political rival, a noted expert from the Ethelanca in Tengela to Astarocs extra vote wouldn’t have mattered.
general shock! The Rekela is sent for. A tense wait ensues; all Next is Tulath, with the Will as his justification, again
the while Maldan, Mirild and Kornuska wait outside the against his mother’s personal advice. He does worse than
meeting, unable to intervene or even observe. After a Cheselyn since he garners little respect. Maldan abstains.
protracted wait the Rekela delivers his verdict. Both wills are As the tension again mounts, Migray calls a halt for lunch,
valid! Serli declares herself satisfied. where much horse-trading again occurs.
Erelar Hirnen then objects! He appeals the wills to the Maldan spends a lot of time with Erila Kaphin, letting her
Serekela. The Serekela mildly observes he’s less experienced know from his investigations that he no longer thinks she
in this area than Ilor Hadan but again professes himself willing forged the Tulath Will (which he still believes false). He
if it’s the Councils will. It again goes to a vote, this time much believes it written by someone looking to stir trouble,
closer with many abstentions, several opposed and only the possibly, Melderyn or Chybisa, perhaps Cheselyn. At any
Conwan block vote pressing the issue. On passing, Edine Kynn event he’s looking to identify the culprits. She’s currently the
duly examines the documents. After another tense wait, he only other one he’s certain isn’t responsible, though Dariune
declares the wills appear genuine and he’s happy to accept or Conwan would be doubtful. So, he proposes an alliance.
the counsel of his subordinate. He declares the wills valid. As She allows as she’ll think on it and quietly informs her
the session draws to a close, the Harabors are summoned by Melderyni superiors of events. At this point, whilst not certain
Migray and brought before the Council. Migray informs them there’s substance to the rumours of magical malfeasance
of all the votes, including how each elector voted, in exacting (and they needs take action regardless) Melderyn are
detail before informing them of the decisions. He then puts sufficiently concerned to inform the Most Gentle Order of the
admitting the Harabors to the Council (with them before him) White Hand of their suspicions and dispatch the Men in
to another vote! Dariune abstains, which is followed by his White to investigate and take action if needed.
supporters. Most of Conwans block votes against, whilst the
Royal Officer’s and those in Tashal vote for. In the end, the Back in Tashal, Constable Haldare Venara is sprung from
count for the Harabors is: Arlin Alsar (First Knight of Kaldor), prison. He makes his way from the city taking the City Watch
Erelar Hirnen, Arela Hirnen, Tarthil Hirnen and after a long and company of Low Guard with him. He makes his way to
pause, Cheselyn the Elder. Against are: Conwan Elendsa, Heru, where he can sit out events in neutrality.
Siwen Elendsa and Korwyn Elendsa. The others, including the After lunch Maldan and Conwan face off in the votes, both
Firiths, abstain. The Harabors duly join the Council, which is making impassioned reasoned speeches. Finally, Conwans
then adjourned for the night to much horse trading and vote is called for by Migray.
dealing. For: Siwen Elendsa, Conwan Elendsa, Korwyn Elendsa,
During the night a Navehan assassin strikes at Koris Meliem Elendsa, Troda Dariune, Scina Dariune, Donesyn
Harabor! He’s badly wounded and only saved by the Dariune, Serli Ubael. The count is 8.
attentions of Ernel Mered. He spends the rest of the session Against: Cheselyn the Elder, Maldan Harabor, Mirild
recovering. Whoever hired the assassin (if anyone) is Harabor, Erelar Hirnen, Tarkin Hirnen, Tulath Kaphin, Udine
unknown. Indama, Arlin Alsar. The count is 8.
Day 2: Maldan is incensed at the attack on his brother the A dead heat. All eyes move to Orsin Firith and his
next day, but joins the Council on the back of his recent wins. presumed block of 4. Maldan looks particularly tense. Orsin
Migray opens the second day, where Conwan and Maldan pauses, but eventually states that at this time, he is unsure of
put themselves forward as the next clanhead (and king). So his decision and will ruminate on it. He abstains. Later,
does Cheselyn the Elder. Before they vote on any candidates privately, he makes it clear that Conwans recent military loses
Erila Kaphin and her son arrive and demand entry! There are weighed heavily on his mind (despite them never officially
objections, but Migray rules Kaphin as Lord Privy Seal, is having taken place). Maldan looks triumphant (and relieved).
entitled to attend if she can produce the seal, which she duly The grin fixes upon his face as Conwan produces a letter from
does. Tulath makes to join the electors, which is put to a vote. his sister Raditha granting him her vote in proxy. Migray duly
Surprisingly, Maldan votes his half-brother onto the Council takes it and says he’s happy the letter is genuine. Maldans
where he puts forth his own candidacy against his mother’s grin turns sickly. However, Migray continues it doesn’t matter
advice, based on the Tulath Will. as she must be present to vote and can’t grant a proxy to her
brother anyway. Conwan looks angrily at Asorn to confirm

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the legal basis for this, who shrugs and says it’s a matter for speech that purports to bring unity whilst subtly inflaming
the clan and College of Heralds and entirely within their passions and hardening positions within the two main camps.
purview. He looks defeated and Maldan triumphant. Until, Balim, Earl Dariune becomes suspicious (as an able politician)
Migray states the Council normally requires a two-thirds of Migray and orders discreet enquiries be conducted to see
majority supporting the winning candidate (a flat if his suspicion has any foundation.
impossibility for any). If the Council agrees it could move to Conwan increases his offer to Orsin, with one of Firiths
simple majority, currently 14 votes, challenging, but viable. brothers (his choice) appointed Sheriff of Oselshire. Maldan
This unanimously passes a vote. Migray then halts suggests he’ll found several fortified manors along the Osel
proceedings for dinner. With more dealing, few get the and Genin Trail towards Chybisa, providing beachheads
chance to eat. against the Pagaelin and perhaps further afield. At least half
Maldan and Conwan both promise Orsin permission to of these Manors will be granted to Orsin. Conwan buys Arlin
crenelate at Oselbridge. Troda promises he’ll promise to Alsars loyalty by offering to make First Knight an official
support Orsins request to whoever is the next king. position, together with a barony of Conwans choice. Arlin
Maldan and Cheselyn set a date for the 5th of next month agrees (Conwan appears to be pulling ahead). With his vote
for Mirild’s wedding to Cheselyn the Younger. he’ll be 4 short, 3 if he can get his mother to join the vote.
Edine Kynn reveals the details of Conwans oath to Lenera Maldan makes offers to Korwyn and Siwen Elendsa to fund a
Firith and that he expects her to help him get him elected. new Peonian orphanage and infirmary if they’ll vote his way,
She is unmoved until he agrees to appoint her Serolan of an together with the manors to support them. Korwyn demurs,
important Abbey at the next opportunity. He agrees, but only but Siwen agrees for the greater good after a persuasive plea
after Conwan is crowned, possibly using some of the new by Ilor Hadan, leader of the Reluctant Way philosophy.
lands to found an Abbey. As the jockeying continues, Earl Balim proposes a vote for
Word arrives of the Second Battle for Heru and the neither candidate! Tensions mount as he lays out an appeal
reverses suffered by Maldans forces at the bridge. for unity and clear leadership in the kingdom. He points out
Apparently, Dariunes forces are retreating towards Olokand things are deteriorating as officials receive competing
and Baseta. Maldan quickly sends word to Earl Curo to contradictory commands. Maldan looks furious and Conwan
reinforce the troops currently with Kornuska. This will regain sickly. Dariune lays out his proposal. Simply, until a king is
the bridge without weakening the defences of Tashal much. elected, all current ministers maintain their posts and
They’ll greatly outnumber Dariunes forces. portfolios on an interim basis, making decisions within their
spheres of influence until the new king decides otherwise.
The council reconvenes for a vote on Maldans candidacy. Maldan and Conwan strongly back the proposal, as do most
Again it’s tense. For: Cheselyn the Elder, Maldan Harabor, with a royal post, the motion passing by a landslide 14 to 4.
Mirild Harabor, Erelar Hirnen, Tarkin Hirnen, Arela Hirnen, Only a few who hold no post oppose the notion, chief
Tulath Kaphin, Udine Indama, Arlin Alsar. The count is 9. amongst them Cheselyn the Elder and Arlin Alsar.
Against: Siwen Elendsa, Conwan Elendsa, Korwyn Elendsa, Word reaches the council of Baron Ubaels spirited defines
Meliem Elendsa, Troda Dariune, Scina Dariune, Donesyn of his demesne and pursuit up the Neph, the perpetrators
Dariune, Serli Ubael, Lenera Firith. The count is 9. rumoured to be Londels of Yeged. It barely affects Maldan,
Conwan then calls for another vote for him! Again it ties. but reflects well upon Balim.
Again privately, Orsin lets Conwan know his position hasn’t During a break for lunch several toasts are offered by
materially improved despite Dariunes recent advance Migray, increasing levels of drunkenness amongst some
(according to rumour) as he lost all the “discussions” he’s had entourages, though little comes of it. Worse, several are
with Maldan to date. struck down by food poisoning, some critically. Lerela Alsar is
Migray adjourns for the day as there seems to be little the worst affected, though a few of the servants die. Ernel
prospect of a swift resolution. That night Conwan offers Firith Mered, treating her, suspects sorcery. Upon investigation, all
the office of Lord Marshal of Kaldor, whilst Maldan offers him he detects are mundane poisons. He keeps his discoveries to
the vacant Earldom of Chybisa and all the support required to himself for now. Unable to vote, Lerela is carried into the
enforce the claim! Orsin is appreciative to both, but commits council chambers on a litter as Migray refuses to lower voting
to neither, merely allowing as he’ll consider their proposals. requirements until she dies or recovers. Under Mereds skilled
Maldan learns of Haldares escape and orders a discreet hand, she starts a slow and painful recovery. Though Koris is
search of Tashal for him. Koris is particularly distraught at the also bedbound he is lucid enough to vote. The day ends in
news when Maldan informs him later at his sickbed. They confusion as Migray calls a halt, to reconvene the next day.
keep the news quiet for now, though they know it cannot Day 4: Earl Dariune opens the day by presenting his
last. Maldan organises troops for a massive assault on Caleme daughter Enoriel. Despite a few objections, she is admitted to
should things deteriorate further. the council (there were few real grounds to object upon),
Day 3: The next morning, Migray makes an impassioned effectively granting him another vote. Word then reaches
speech about unity and putting aside ones differences, no Serli Ubael of forces from Yeged travelling down the Selene
matter how well founded, for the good of the clan and from Naniom under Baron Indama. If they were to strike at
putting aside all past slights and arguments. It’s a masterful Earl Dariunes holdings, Uldien would be their first target. The

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Baron has taken the bulk of their forces north. She has a quiet He is effectively now in Maldans camp. His mother returns to
word with the Earl, but he has few forces to spare. They pull Tashal to oversee Melderyns response, investigate the Tulath
together a scratch company from assembled from their Will and keep an eye on Maldan in the capitol.
various guards with a handful of knights. They can gather The Second Battle of Heru (Peonu 25-
more from Kiban. Word soon spreads, but the Serekela keeps
the Lifeguard at Caleme, not wanting to involve the Paladins 30)
at this point. Serli herself is required for the vote. Sentiment Day 1: The Earl of Balims forces come upon Heru and find
swings away from the Earl again in response to this threat. the bridge held against them, though they vastly outnumber
Maldans force. They demand to be let past with a deadline of
The day is spent horse-trading. Maldan offers Conwan a
noon that day to decide. With good defensive positions the
Barony, which Conwan reciprocates with. Neither accepts,
bridge defenders refuse, prevaricating. Both sides appeal to
but both agree to consider the others offer. Arlin Alsar is
Thilisa in the keep for aid, where she maintains her own
offered the post of Sheriff of Sirendel by Maldan and Marshal
counsel. Dariunes forces attack under heavy rain, sending
of the Royal Guard by Conwan. He sticks with Conwan for
men down the river on commandeered pindas and barges.
now, but is receptive to Maldans offer.
With missile fire rendered useless, the fighting is brutal,
Towards the end of the day, Conwan calls another vote. slipping in the suffocating mud, as Troda’s forces overwhelm
This time he gains 9 votes (with Enoriel) to Maldans 8. With the defenders. Many escape into the countryside. Balim’s
Lerela incapacitated this is shy of a majority even if Orsin men decline pursuit, but secure the town and bridge. They
voted with him, an uncertain prospect. seek Thilisa’s support, offering to return town and bridge if
Finally Cheselyn proposes adjourning for two months, to she’ll join them. She refuses. Why should she deal for what is
see if Lenera recovers. If not her leaving could reduce the already hers?
required majority. Conwan agrees (as he intends sending a Day 2: Constable Karondal moves his men north at a good
party to retrieve his sister Raditha, two months is still tight). pace, handing the town and bridge to Thilisa anyway as he
With Kornuska achieving his majority in two months, Maldan hears rumour of an approaching force from the south. Thilisa
is amenable as is Orsin, since his nephew Asorn the Younger resumes control and summons all her surrounding vassals.
matures shortly before. Conwan believes a successful military She raises the militia and starts fortifying the town and bridge
campaign will gain him Orsins support (which will be no which have suffered the occupying forces. She erects
cheaper). Troda is less pleased, though it gives him time to hoardings at the keep.
pursue Miginaths plan. The motion is carried.
Late that night Constable Haldare of Tashal arrives with
Word of Haldares escape reaches the council as Migray is the Tashal Watch, his company of Low Guard and a handful of
closing proceedings. Conwan calls for another vote, which knights, seeking sanctuary. Thilisa seeks his fealty. He
Migray refuses to his consternation. declines, but agrees to fight with her men whilst there if it
Most parties remain the night as travel overnight in comes to it. She takes him and his troops in, quartering them
pouring rain is treacherous. Some though have pressing in the town and giving him operational command of its
business and leave immediately. defences.
Day 5: Maldan leaves in the night, making his way to In the dead of night, Kornuska and Ethasiel arrive. They
Tashal to hunt for Haldare and organise a response to the demand access across the bridge as they pursue Balims men.
Second Battle for Heru. Kornuska follows the next day with Haldare refuses.
his main party, slowed by his wounds. Day 3: When they see who opposes them, Maldans men
Serli Ubael leaves at the crack of dawn to rally a defence appeal directly to Thilisa, demanding she hand Haldare over
of Uldien and retrieve her daughter (missing from Caleme). to them and offering her a large bounty. She again seeks
It’s discovered she intended to aid the defence and left in the Haldares fealty for her protection. Again he declines. She
night, her disappearance concealed from the Church by her refuses to hand him over anyway. They then repeat their
classmates. Serli manages to scrape together a second demands to cross the bridge. Thilisa agrees, provided they
company of foot from the Dariune guards and gets pay her toll of a farthing a man! Whilst negotiations continue,
permission to take more from Kiban (within reason). Firith Prince Kornuska gathers the survivors from the earlier
catches his squire, Karsin Ubael the Younger, trying to sneak assault. Thilisa agrees to a heavy discount for the numbers
away to join the defence. Sympathetic, he merely thrashes crossing.
the young man. To the west, Balims men press on. They leave a rear
Serekela Kynn sends word south to Houla Artona to return guard, which digs trenches and pits along the road behind the
when possible. He leaves it up to Artona to determine when main host, breaching the swollen banks of the Kald to flood
as the political situation in Kaldor and with the Solori is fluid. the road before hurrying to catch up. Where the road leaves
He sends several letters with different tones to aid him there. the river, they set fire to it, further slowing pursuit.
Word breaks about the poisoning, which Mered confirms Towards evening, Earl Curo’s men join arrive to join
to uproar! Maldans under one of his many sons. With numbers that
Tulath moves off shortly afterwards to return to his shire, could crush her, Thilisa agrees to let the host past without
rouse his forces and hopefully patch things up with Vemion. payment, withdrawing all her men into the keep. Ethasiel

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wants to leave men to hold the town, but Kornuska overrules Conwans other allies gather at Querina. Sir Korus Ynel
him and the host presses forwards with all their strength. again assumes command and brings three squadrons of
They give Thilisa a token payment in lieu of the toll. She Chelni light horse mercenaries.
continues to strengthen the defences after they leave, digging At Shebra, Lady Mesela, the wife of the Sheriff is seized by
ditches, building berms and setting up lookout posts. She lays a vassal bailiff with her children. He accuses her of witchcraft!
in stores for a lengthy siege. The militia are unusually Declaring himself acting sheriff, he sends to Brynd and
motivated to train. Caleme, calling for the Church to pass judgement whilst he
Day 4: Maldans host presses on to Olokand but are holds them in the cells!
delayed by the damaged road and several disruptive Everywhere: Peasants flee the increasing violence or
ambushes. They do little damage, but slow the army down. threat of violence. Many turn to banditry with the breakdown
When they re-join the river, Balims men breach the Kald of all central authority, whilst others flee to perceived places
again as they threaten Olokand. They recuperate for half a of safety. Temples are filled to capacity, particularly the great
day, before pressing on, leaving the castle town unmolested. temples of Caleme and Bromeleon. Others fill the marshes or
The men of Olokand harass them some, but are half-hearted head to quiet Oselshire and Vemionshire. Some go the safety
once it becomes clear they’ll leave the town alone. of the thick walls of Tashal and Kiban. Oppressed serfs
Day 5: Balims forces head to Setrew, threatening the abandon cruel masters as their lords are away. The Church of
keep. Some troops break off to raid nearby manors before Larani maintains control of its lands as islands of safety and
pressing east, but most move off to storm Baseta. They take order.
the keep from its occupiers when some residents open a sally Orbaal: Tursi Cyeen sends a fleet of six ships and 200 men
port to Karondals men. The fighting is fierce and the attackersto colonise Morvilya Bay, having reached agreement with a
are joined by some of the local knights hoping to free their number of Ymodi chiefs. Over the next few weeks as the ships
lord. After half a day, the keep is won. Many prisoners are return and refugees are accepted from Menglana,
executed with the nobles held for later ransom. Constable reinforcements are sent, doubling the number of colonists.
Terenath is freed and his loyalty sought. He refuses, but is Day 2: The sheriff at Hutop arrives at Asolade to sort out
naturally friendly and agrees to write to his liege the Earl affairs. He brings a company of foot and handful of knights
Caldeth. He raises the local muster and levy, though they’ll with him. The Bailiff at Keldkith fetches a company of foot,
need to circumvent Maldans forces to reach him. Karondal half veterans, to the Constables muster at Jedes. Shernath
and Teranath agree to split the ransoms and leave the Mirdarne arranges for the Agisters of Tarwyn to watch the
wounded at Baseta. Teranath hires several of the mercenary sheriff, who call up retired members to double their number,
companies away from Karondal with his leave. The army then and suggests to the Verderers that they appoint more. He
leaves in the late afternoon, heading southeast cross-country, loads his entire force onto the barges.
not wanting to stay the night. They stock up on some
supplies. Brynd: Serolan Ubael, a gifted orator, convinces a
company of clerics and laity to march to the aid of Uldien and
Romlach, Kornuska and Curo’s men arrive at Olokand his ancestor the Blessed Uldine. He uses the current heavy
having pressed the pace, just behind Balims men. They collect rains delaying Baron Indamas forces as a sign of Larani's and
some troops and push on to Setrew, arriving at dusk. Uldines blessing.
Elsewhere (Peonu 25-30) Elsewhere, Baron Indama is forced to disembark his forces
Day 1: Constable Mirdarne calls a muster of all his forces after several overloaded barges are swamped in the raging
at Jedes, where they are joined by the foot of Kyg. His men Neph. They wade on foot to Uldien through a morass of mud.
start assembling pre-built barges prepared for the task. He A few of the commoners are drowned in the chaos.
raises two new squadrons of light horse and hires a squadron Day 3: at Ternua the negotiations are rendered moot as
of Hodiri horse archers, which arrived for the fair. Constable Mirdarne arrives with his forces. The Baron decides
The new bailiff of the hundred is caught sabotaging the not to press the issue, as these reinforcements flank his
barges, slowing their deployment. Mirdarne uses the extra position. The combined force makes for Querina.
time to load additional supplies. He hands the miscreant over In Uldien, Serolan Ulbael arrives with his makeshift
to Sheriff Meden Curo at Hutop when he claims patronage. company to rejoicing, though the informed know it won’t be
The sheriff promptly hangs him at the hundred moot. nearly sufficient. The acting sheriff’s messenger arrives with
There is panic in Uldien as word comes of Indamas seizure news of Lady Mesela’s arrest on charges of witchcraft and
of the merchant barges at Naniom Bridge. The newlywed begs the churches intervention. Serolan Ulbael departs for
Constable raises the militia and sends word to the Baroness in Shebra, promising to bring more men whilst he investigates.
Caleme and Serolan Ubael at Brynd. Some serfs flee into the Along the Neph, Baron Indama makes determined
marshes. progress in heavy mud. His troops beat a rough trail along the
Ternua: The forces of Sirendel congregate at Ternua swollen riverbanks.
despite the Baron not (officially) declaring for any candidate Oselshire: Baron Firiths supplemented forces hit the
and begin negotiating for passage. Pagaelin hard along both sides of the Osel, sending them

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reeling. Several merchants are caught selling weaponry to the Day 5: Baron Indama’s forces reach the road towards
Pagaelin and are imprisoned to await the Marshals pleasure. Uldien and rest as they regroup for a final push.
Chybisa: King Verlid, concerned about the situation in Serolan Ubael returns to Uldien with the squadron of
Kaldor and taking advantage of her distraction and that of the Knights (and squires) and handful of foot he acquired, Serli
barbarian Pagaelin authorises the construction of half-a- the Younger and Lady Mesela and her children. The new wife
dozen manors north of the Ulmerien at Onden, by wealthy of the Constable has organised the militia and ordered the
landless knights including Marshal Semadin. He uses the digging of ditches, pits and traps whilst the Constable
projected revenues to increase the Royal Guard by one High organises the rest of the defence.
Guard and two Low Guard companies. Orbaal: Ivininan clans increasingly look to Kaldor for
Day 4: Constable Mirdarne and the Ranal Gybsen link up mercenary work. Several talk of plunder. Immigration from
with and reinforce the forces at Querina southeast of Tashal Menglana picks up pace.
along the Ternua road. Chybisa: there is growing discontent at the growing
Serolan Ubael meets up with Serli Ubael the Younger in relative power of the Crown, with the increase in size of the
Shebra. Exasperated at her presence, he takes her in hand Royal Guard, though no active opposition yet.
whilst investigating the witchcraft charges. He meets the Battle of the Mists (Kelen 2-4)
acting sheriff, who makes it clear he wants the position
In heavy fog, the combined forces of Conwan face those
permanently and desires the churches help. Ubael meanwhile
of Maldan along the road south of Tashal. Conwan now
wants troops to help defend Ubael. The would-be sheriff is
outnumbers Maldan by about a sixth, but Maldans command
reluctant to oppose Indama. Negotiations ensue. Meanwhile,
is more unified. Much confused skirmishing occurs over two
Serli the Younger and her party help free Mesela. The Serolan
and a half days and nights as Conwan pushes towards Tashal.
comes to terms and agrees to make a ruling on the case. Serli
The bailiff of Keldkith and his men save Constable Mirdarnes
sends word to her distant cousin, to his consternation, of her
life. Both sides withdraw following the inconclusive combat.
Maldan re-enters Tashal, hailing it as great victory. Mirild
In front of the assembled court, the Serolan pronounces marries Cheselyn the Younger to much fanfare, officiated
the charges against the Lady Mesela unproven and calls for over by Rekela Ilor Hadan at the Tashal temple.
her release! The acting sheriff refuses, pending appeal to the
Rekela. For spite, he publically orders none to join in the Swamp Fighting (Kelen 1-15)
defence of Uldien. Ubael skilfully manipulates the crowd and Asolade: Meden Curo increases the guard establishment
several knights join him as do a handful of foot. As they in the hundred to a permanent company. He imports another
prepare to leave, the usurpers men accost him upon company from the rest of the shire to bolster his presence
discovering Lady Mesela’s absence. Though outnumbered, whilst in residence. Alarmed; the Verderers follow the
the sly Serolan defies them, daring them to accost a scion of Constables suggestion and increase the number of Agisters to
the church. They continue unmolested. a decad (not counting retired or prospective members),
allowing them to patrol more of the Forest of Tarwyn, not
Asolade: Meden Curo announces the annual shiremoot
just the settled areas, though they remain in the Hundred.
will be held at Asolade. As his first order of business he moves
Worship of Siem quietly increases as a result.
jurisdiction of all mines in the hundred to the hundredmoot.
The miner’s objections are ignored as spurious. This increases Osel Bridge: Baron Kobing takes charge of the merchants
the revenue of bailiff of the hundred and the crowns under arrest for arms dealing. He finds them guilty and under
oversight within the hundred. He deals with several small his powers as Oselmarshal could sentence them to death.
matters and encourages local freemen to bring cases before Instead, he takes them to the Sheriff at Asolade for
him. Most demure in the absence of the Constable but it confirmation of verdict at sentencing at trial. He has them
gives definite notice of an increased presence in the region. dragged behind a horse the whole way. He makes a point of
He starts construction of a second story above the stables to riding the horse himself, maintaining an even pace. At
reduce overcrowding. Asolade the sheriff is offered huge bribes to find them
innocent, which he accepts. Due to overwhelming evidence
Azadmere: the Baron of Axxon takes in fleeing serfs and
he finds them guilty. However, he spares their lives, merely
settles them on his domains. The Silver Way caravan declines
fining them each £50 in silver, payable within the month. It’s
to depart for Kaldor, though a large shipment of weaponry is
a ruinous amount, half to the Crown, half to the Warden. The
sent to the Earl of Neph at Gardiren for some of is hoarded
Merchants Guild declines to pay on behalf of its errant
gold (illegal for him to spend) at vastly inflated prices. The
party is made of merchants and most of Azadmere based
mercenaries. A company of Royal Low Guard accompany Chybisa: the Genin Trail caravan arrives to hear of the
them. The Baron of Habe sends additional troops under his chaos enveloping Kaldor. Some merchants cut their losses
heir and the Baron of Axxon leads them. They are to return and return to Thay, but most remain to determine their next
with all the food they can bear by autumn. The King increases moves. Roughly half decide to take ship to Aleath, which King
fishing of Lake Arain. Verlid offers to help organise. They release the majority of
the mercenaries they typically travel with, who are hired by
the other half of the merchants. This group buys up all the

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surplus supplies they can, particularly foodstuffs, intending to Chybisa: the merchants of Oselbridge flee Asolade
profiteer from the turmoil. Verlid arranges for a company of (without paying their fines), abandoning their bond. They
Low Guard and the Lady of Paladins at Ulmstane to seek sanctuary with the Crown Prince at Onden. King Verlid
accompany them to Tashal. In both cases, he takes a modest increases the size of the Low Guard by another company to
percentage of future profits for his trouble. protests from his Barons, who object to the changing balance
Melderyn: Houla Artona finally learns of the situation in of power. In reply, Verlid undertakes not to increase the
Kaldor through messages from the Serekela. He decides to Guard again and grants crenelation licenses to Aereben and
exercise his discretion (as instructed) and remain in Melderyn Andazyn. He hints they may want to use Khuzdul masons for
as he’s had productive meetings with several magnates prestige (increasing their costs). Refugees arrive from Kaldor,
including King Chunel and the prelates of the church. He’s which are settled on the newly founded lands.
met the indecisive Primate but has more hopes of the Papal Melderyn: Houla Artona meets the Papal Legate and King
Legate whom he’s due to meet shortly. The Solora are under Chunel. With increased Harbaalese aggression, the King lets it
pressure but are winning more engagements than they lose be known he’ll order the Lady of Paladins to cease their
due to the unorthodox tactics under a unifying new leader, aggression against the Solori and consolidate Thay, rather
Metasum. They only engage on favourable terms, conducting than just hinting, as had been the case until now. Artona
ambushes and raids. They’re beginning to threaten mainland provides copies of the evidence he’s gathered on the conduct
holdings. Pressure to conclude a peace treaty is intense. of the Crusade to the Legate and King. He shows them the
Northwest Kaldor: Orbaalese raiders hit several outlying letters from the Serekela and his Rekelas and the magnates of
manors before being chased off. Kaldor denouncing the Crusade. He confidentially lets them
Tonot: the Earl of Balims men break the siege at Tonot know of the moves of the Kaldoric Patriots Faction to
with an overwhelming assault. They’re aided by Baron Ubael separate the Order and their moral argument. Chunel is
having thoroughly scouted the area and an effective sally by particularly concerned over the last. The Chabla defies the
Baron Pierstel from the keep. Pierstel immediately leads the king’s summons to account for his actions and stop
best men of the combined army west to delay the pursuing prosecuting the Crusade. The King formally strips the Order of
forces upon learning of them. This is the start of his its holdings at Fosumo, but makes no move to enforce his
rapprochement with his liege, the Earl of Balim. Baron Ubael order. The Legate summons the Chabla to stand trial and
takes charge of the keep, whilst Constable Haldare raids the defend his actions. He lets it be known he’ll commandeer the
manors of Yeged for supplies. The feudal levy is summoned, might of the Kaldoric Order to enforce his summons and
with all the supplies they can fetch. Orders to hide and bury excommunicate them, declaring them apostate rebels if
the rest are sent. The remaining men set to digging ditches, ignored.
building fences and berms and erecting hoardings. Baron Orbaal: increasing refugees from Menglana arrive as the
Ubael learns of Baron Indamas march south to Uldien. Ibanvaal invasion progresses relentlessly. Increased
Minarsas: Earl Caldeth learns of the relief of Baseta. He population pressure leads to the settlement of wilderness
doesn’t ally with the Dariunes, but owes them for their help, fjords to the west of Sherwyn. Several holdings change hands
improving relations. with violence. Jarin flee to Lerial, where the Prince founds
several inland villages. The Morvilya Bay colonies are initially
Uldien: Baroness Serli brings a handful of volunteer prosperous from trade and fishing. A trade route from
knights, the two scratch companies of guards she’s Wethom, Pjagel and Vold to Pethwys is forged north of Lake
assembled and three companies of yeomen from Kiban to Arain, bypassing Geldeheim and its taxes, as it joins the Fur
join the forces raised by the Serolan. They set up defensive Road.
lines across the spatting stream and raging river, slightly
outnumbering the assaulting forces, which attack through Tonot: the Baron of Tonot leads a fighting withdrawal to
heavy mud. Despite incurring heavy loses, their superior the keep in good order as he’s besieged by Maldans pursuing
quality and arms tells and they reap a slaughter of the army who are joined by the remnants of the forces of Yeged.
defending peasants when they reach them. The defenders Tonot is easily Balims best field general and takes command
retreat to prepared strongpoints at the manor, mills, inns, the of the combined army defending his keep.
keep and Abbey, whilst Indama sacks the rest of the town. Uldien: Baroness Serli sends the surviving yeomen back to
Many valuable had already been hidden or moved to the Kiban and begins the slow process of rebuilding. She asks for
keep, but the Baron seizes significant plunder and carries out relief from the devastation from the Earl of Balim who arrives
much rapine. Without the numbers remaining to threaten with his guard. Seeing the ruined town, he relives the Barony
further settlements along the river, Indama starts the long of its feudal obligations (baring military) as it definitely
trek home with his loot. defended the heart of his holdings. Baron Indamas men
continue to be plagued by wet weather as they march home
Crusade fever (Kelen 16-30) along the road. Dysentery and cholera spread through the
Conwan regroups at Querina, whilst Maldan holes up in ranks. Few succumb, but it’s a miserable trek.
Tashal, seizing the property of Conwan and his followers. He
Heru: Thilisa sends Constable Pawade and some of her
merely holds it for now. He leaves that of Earl Balim and
best men to search for her husband, the Earl Meleken. He
other Barons alone for the moment.

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seeks the aid of the Rekela of Ledyne, Cernan Bantire and referring the matter to the King, but refusing to hand over the
Minarsas. traders. Kobing leaves a very strong force to watch the keep
Harbaal: King Lerden Elendy of Avastran leads 1,800 and takes a guard to Burzyn to see the King. Verlid
volunteers to join the Ivinian Guard of Azeryan, with him as prevaricates but Firith simply states that if the fugitives aren’t
leader. Most are untested. He makes no secret of his handed over he’ll seize them by force. He agrees to take
intention to use it as hardening for booty and pay, before them to stand trial (again) rather than executing them out of
launching his own adventures. They take many warboats, hand. The King reluctantly agrees and hands them over to the
longships and dragonships, bringing a formidable navy. Oselmarshal. Orsin meets with the remnants of the Thayan
Veterans and more modern vessels of the trading fleet are caravan and agrees to guard them up to Tashal. They wait a
left at home. few days to make last minute preparations, whilst Firith
quietly folds their guards into his command.
Clown Courts (Nolus 1-24)
Melderyn: Harbaal sets up seasonal camps on Keron
Kiban: Constable Mirdarne gathers his forces from
Island as a possible prelude to the conquest of Orbaal.
Conwan together with the foot of Kyg. The Kyg horse remains
Melderyn and Emelrene are concerned. Melderyn redirects
with Conwan. Mirdarne makes his way to Uldien where he
new settlers from the islands to the area north of Thay along
rests and gathers the two scratch companies and squadron of
the coast and directs local forces and the Lady of Paladins to
knights who defended the town to his force.
push back the Gargun.
Shebra: Sheriff Gybsen arrives with his men to take back
Houla Artona joins the trial of the Chabla, where his
control of his keep from its occupiers. The acting sheriff flees
evidence is meticulous, comprehensive, compelling and
with his supporters to his manor where he quickly gathers his
damning. When it becomes clear the Papal Legate is going to
portable goods and family and races north a short step ahead
find against him and order the cessation of the Crusade (at
of the vengeful sheriff. Sheriff Ranal takes his men to Uldien
the least) the Chabla elects for Trial by Combat! As a
where he joins those of Jedes, as they prepare to head to
subordinate nay not normally face him and he should handily
defeat anyone the Church or King is likely to sponsor, his
Getha: Baron Indama settles his troops after the hard victory seems assured (if somewhat risky). A silent witness
march home. Several suffer from dysentery and malnutrition. states he will face the Chabla, the Metasum of the Solora, the
It’s been a profitable expedition but hasn’t made much missing heir to Nurisel, Hulthor Thabel!
difference to the war. The men of Yeged continue on to
Though skilled, it soon becomes apparent Metasum is no
Gardiren to join the siege of Tonot.
match for the veteran knight. Though the Chabla lands
Tonot: the Earls forces besieged at Tonot lead several several minor blows, the Chabla can’t seem land a telling
raids under the Baron against Maldans besieging army. They strike. Finally, in frustration, he lashes out wildly at the young
hit his siege equipment and his stores, slowing them heir and lands a deep cut to his leg, but is pinned by the
considerably during the hungry spring. The miner’s begin riposte to his throat! The young noble offers mercy instead of
sapping towards the keep, hoping to undermine a wall. executing the furious knight. Declared the victor, the Solori
Kornuska turns 21 and heads to Tashal with a small elite must be left in peace. Sir Enyel is stripped of all his titles bar
guard, leaving Romlach Ethasiel of Setrew in command. Knighthood and exiled from Melderyn.
Tashal: with food stocks running low and supplies slowed Before departing, he insists Thabel face Trial by Ordeal for
to a trickle, hoarding occurs as prices climb and the poor his crimes against the Order. He brooks no delays for the
starve. Maldan sells small quantities of stables at a modest injury. Surprisingly, Thabel survives and passes the Ordeal. He
profit (far below market prices) directly to the poor, even converts a couple of the Solori chiefs to Laranianism.
increasing his popularity. He seizes the stores of his enemies
Houla and all his Reblena remain in Melderyn to help sort
and uses the seized goods of Conwan and his supporters to
out the Oder and choose a new Chabla. Their men remain
fund this. He houses his troops and vassals in their properties
with them for the duration.
as the caer becomes crowded. Kornuska and Curo’s daughter
wed after a week of festivities under Princess Cheselyn the Trobridge: the Salt Route caravan arrives and learns of the
Elder, handing out rye bread and leftovers from the feast to situation in Kaldor. Too dangerous and committed to turn
the destitute. Maldan increases his forces by offering to feed back west, they’ll have to press on. Some brave souls are sent
all those who sign up, gaining four companies of low quality back to inform the Thardan Senate of events. Meanwhile, the
foot. He sets Kornuska to drilling and improving them. caravan pauses to recuperate and hire additional Chelni as
guards to Tashal if they can be enticed.
Asolade: due to “instability” Sheriff Curo summons a
further company of foot from Hutop. He instigates a Menglana: Froyaheim finally falls to Ibanvaal after an epic
recruitment drive throughout Osel, for another company to two year siege. The survivors flee to clan Storzand in Orbaal
patrol the shire. and their allies the Daas of Ygesdram. Most make it, as non-
combatants evacuated over the previous winters and tunnels
Chybisa: Baron Kobe takes the bulk of his force to Chybisa,
were dug to aid the defence. Minor clans either stay put with
leaving his son to attend the succession council for him, but
the new overking or flee south to Seldenbaal, Harbaal and
declining to vote himself. At Onden he demands the fugitive
Chelemby. Several clans had sent warriors to join the defence
merchants be turned over to him. The Prince demurs,

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in defiance of the king, as had Seldenbaal, Harbaal, Orbaal, time for the deliberations, to the surprise of all and catching
Chelemby and Jarenmark. several nobles out. Migray Hosath outlines the current
Now his hated rivals have fallen, the King in Pelyn calls a situation and summarises the previous deliberations. He is
great Kronraad and general muster. The response is mixed. not all brief, to the mild annoyance of all. Kornuska Harabor is
Baelin responds to the call as does Taaren. Clans Daas and introduced to the council having attained his majority. His
Maar also effectively join the alliance, despite their antipathy admission is put to a vote, but passes with only a token
to the Stahlers out of self-preservation. The allied states of protest.
before continue to send warriors and reinforcements. Clan Lerela Alsar is borne in upon a litter but is conscious
Rald lends its axes but swears fealty to Gelemaar in enough to vote. Koris Harabor, though unfit comes in under
Seldenbaal. They exchange daughters with Clan Gelem his own power. He has a prognosis from Ernel Mered of an
making them kin. Pelyn is in no position to object (though eventual full recovery, provided he doesn’t aggravate his
they do) and grudgingly accepts the aid. Clan Algaar flee to wounds.
join their kin at Pyberg in Orbaal. Their vassals the Forseths There is shock and consternation when Prehil Firith
join them. Clan Idain switches sides to Ibanvaal and joins the announces his fathers’ absence and that he will be forgoing
invaders. Others clans remain neutral. his vote at this council as he attends to matters in the south.
The last resistance in Hutheng is snuffed out as Rogna Conwan and Maldan are immediately filled with suspicion as
completes its conquest. Taxes are relatively light; lighter than to his motives, location and actions.
under Menglana, though twice that of the Elkieri islands. Clan Chybisa: Orsin Firith sets off north bearing a heavy
Beren of Inlevik is decimated, but continues to hold their shipment of food. With the trader’s who’ve left and his extra
lands after submission. The Agrikan Dassels of Yafors lead the forces, the Genin caravan is of a similar size to most years,
rebellion against the Rognans after the conquest, turning on though its composition is very different. Firith folds a sizable
their former allies. They are crushed by the fierce Sarajinians portion of his guards into the caravan itself, with only slightly
and the exiled survivors flee to join their king, the Daas of increased numbers of scouts and outriders to a typical
Myna and Ygesdram where the aid the defence against caravan.
Ibanvaal. A few of the bloodiest of their kin join the Daasens Jebril Rythal suspects he hasn’t been granted a
of Orbaal where they help crush a Jarin revolt with prejudice. crenelation license like his Peers, the other Barons (without
The Jarin survivors flee to Lerial, their land seized by the Daas. keeps) due to his close friendship with the Crown Prince,
Clan Visoly submit to Rogna and quickly join the pirate who’s estranged from Verlid. Verlid lets him quietly know
economy. that Caermel is too close to Burzyn but he’d consider a
Orbaal: Lerial settles Jarin refugees who flee a bloody licence further away at Meldun. If he were to improve the
revolt in Pjagel and Vold, which was brutally crushed into a road between Meldun and Kynadin, an application would be
series of new fortified villages along the Fur Road at various very favourably viewed.
fords. The area becomes increasingly dangerous for Ivinians. Day 2: with small prospect of breaking the deadlock,
Marby builds an alliance against Sherwyn. Together with Cheselyn the Elder again proposes admitting Astaroc
their own forces (including Antir and Asax) they lay siege to Cranalson to the council. Though she gets a few more votes,
Sherwyn Castle (the town easily falling) with Zuden, Mul, she is again easily defeated. Afterwards, she does get
Thursa, Kjen and Tawheim. Though vastly outnumbered, agreement from several delegates to look at the matter more
Sherwyn is the strongest castle in Orbaal and can hope for aid seriously if the council again ends inconclusively.
from the King in Geldeheim. Only Mirild then proposes his father be granted the Earldom of
Mikaar Serewyn’s niece marries the Duke of Alagons Olokand as it was in the late kings will! Migray agrees the
youngest son, converting to Larani in the process. In return council has the right to vote for a new earl separately to the
the Pelanby’s send considerable support for the siege, positions of clanhead and monarch. Asorn Firith agrees,
notably from Alagon in Shorkyne but with contingents from though he points out accepting such an appointment is in the
Palithane, Chelemby and Harbaal. purview of the King. He then falls silent. It’s widely
The Gargu Kyani of Nuthuk settles a new cave complex on understood (though not stated) that a new monarch is
the upper southern slopes of Mount Hoengrab after trading unlikely to oppose such an appointment as it almost
their fealty for a Princess from Amekt. The colony is very guarantees armed conflict (of greater intensity than current
small and goes unnoticed by the local Jarin or tribesmen; they disagreements). Migray calls for an extended lunch before
acquire livestock to herd, beginning to settle. the vote.
Trierzon: increasing piracy strikes along the coast, as Chybisa: Orsin Firith passes through the paved section of
Ivinians strike from bases in Palithane, Menema, Tarkain and road and out of Chybisa. It remains quiet. He pushes the pace
Korlua. as if he can reach Kaldor quickly he may be able to attend the
Second Succession Council (Nolus 25- end of the council (riding as a separate party from
Baron Rythal of Caermel undertakes to improve his
Day1: the day dawns bright and clear as the Serekela section of road (though not to maintain it) whilst the other
leads a mass, praying for unity. He’s unusually brief, giving

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Barons are engaged improving their fiefdoms and crenelating. of friendly bandits and rather larger numbers of Gargu Araki.
There is some competition to build the strongest fortification, It’s an absolute massacre.
which the king encourages. At the Battle of the Trail: the attacking tribesmen are
Caleme: in the afternoon session of the council, Migray unaware of Baron Indamas presence with the caravan or of
recounts the matter under consideration for voting, namely the additional Chybisan troops or Paladins escorting it. The
the Earldom of Olokand. He reminds everyone that an caravan is similar in size to previous ones; its composition is
absolute majority is required to be binding, 14 votes. Against very different. There is a much higher proportion of fighting
are: Conwan Elendsa, Lenera Firith and Korwyn Elendsa, three men, many of them seasoned veterans, under an able
votes. For are: Maldan Harabor, Koris Harabor, Mirild commander and unified command. The Barons advance
Harabor, Kornuska Harabor, Cheselyn Hosath the Elder, scouts detect the ambush in advance, giving him time to plan
Tulath Kaphin, Udine Indama, Tarkin Hirnen, Erelar Hirnen the accordingly. The Oselmarshals casualties are relatively light,
Elder, Erelar Hirnen the Younger, Arlin Alsar and Lerela Alsar, their superior armour and discipline telling, whilst the
12 votes. After a pause Asorn Firith adds his vote, 13. After a Pagaelin and Gargun are overwhelmed. The cavalry chase
longer pause, Migray starts to close the vote, before Troda down many of the fleeing survivors. Few escape. The
Dariune interrupts and casts his vote yea, 14. A bare majority, merchants are suitably grateful to Indama.
Migray pauses again and declares the motion carried. Maldan Day 4: Asorn the Younger joins the council on his birthday.
Harabor will be the next Earl of Olokand, King willing. He calls There is little opposition to his membership. He makes clear
for a second vote for unanimity. Dariunes block falls into line that he intends to abstain on any vote for king and clanhead
as does Firiths. None vote against, although Conwan abstains at present whilst he considers the issues. This raises the count
with a wry smile. Asorn states the Earldom of Meselyne for a majority to 15. Minor matters are discussed and several
includes the seat of Olokand but some of the subject manors nobles engage in arranging nuptials for their offspring.
will still answer to the king through the sheriff and which if Cheselyn the Elder is conspicuous in this, arranging for the
any Barons are subject to Olokand and which remain hand of Merela.
Tenants-in-Chief will be some of the first decisions of the new Genin Trail: Marshal Kobing reorganises the caravan and
king, whomever that will be… the council retires for the day. settles the wounded. The merchants claim the loot from the
Day 3: the delegates spend the day discussing just what fallen Pagaelin on the understanding that half the profits of
the Earldom entails. Despite much disagreement, a rough its sale will be passed to Firith to distribute to his men as he
consensus emerges. Olokand itself is included as the primary sees fit. There’s now no prospect of making the end of the
seat. At least one subordinate barony is included, drawn from council in Caleme but Orsin judges the delay well worth it. He
the Royal Domain, potentially two. This would be determined doesn’t suggest the Pagaelin and Gargun attacked to rescue
by the next king. The manors and holdings currently subject the Osel Bridge merchants but does remind everyone that
to Olokand would be split with the sheriffdom of Meselyne they were caught red-handed selling them weaponry. An
(currently held by Maldan anyway). The hundred moots and examination of the corpses identifies a notable quantity of
their directly subject manors would definitely remain as part arms of Kaldoric make. Firith despatches heavy parties of
of the royal estate. Other manors would also stay with the scouts to locate any other Pagaelin for assault or evasion as
Royal holdings, but the majority would stay with Olokand. circumstance dictates, but they find nothing.
Any that were removed from Olokands sphere would be Day 5: the council draws to a close with no further
replaced, on a rough one-to-one basis, with manors drawn resolution. They agree to reconvene next month in Larane in
from the Royal Estate in other parts of the kingdom. All these the hope that divine guidance may bring them some closure.
details would be determined by negotiation by the new Earl,
with the next king, with decisions resting with the king. Osel Bridge: Firith returns to Kaldor, where he sets camp
Assuming they’re different people of course. and dispatches raiding parties to maintain pressure of the
Pagaelin before leading the caravan on towards Tashal. He
Chybisa: as most Barons are fully committed financially to sends the recaptured merchants on to the sheriff under
building their new keeps, Verlid grants Abelrumer as a heavy guard.
subordinate fief to Ulmstane. In return the Lady of Paladins is
to double the number of knights they support to 10, though In a Hole (Larane 1-24)
they needn’t be based there. This effectively increases the Melderyn: King Chunel quietly lets it be known to Harbaal
force available to the king through the Reblena his nephew that he considers Keron Island a part of Melderyn. Harbaal
without Verlid breaking his word. Since the church cannot ignores this and sets up a permanent colony on the island.
afford to support these extra knights, even with the grant of There are several approaches to Houla Artona to make a
this large and generous manor, it further increases their play for the now vacant position of Chabla (supported by his
dependency upon the king. rival Remiu Valador). King Chunel quietly makes it clear he’d
Four starving tribes of Pagaelin barbarians, hit hard by prefer a Melderyni to lead the Order. After a tense vote the
Baron Firith over the hungry spring season, band together in head of the Rekela of Eloria’s Lifeguard is elected. Artona
desperation to sack the Genin Trail caravan. Rumours of the quickly makes clear the situation in Kaldor regards the push
large quantity of food it is delivering to crisis-ridden Kaldor to found a new Order, sharing sight of several confidential
have spread far and wide. They are joined by small numbers documents. In a surprise move, the new Chabla appoints the

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head of Whyce as Deputy Chabla, making the Kaldoric Order interregnum. Most of the blame falls on Abriel and the
virtually autonomous. Kaldor itself will choose future Deputy Reluctant Way, as few members of the Lady of Paladins were
Chabla, with only its feudal obligations to meet. The Kaldoric present for any defines. More nobles decide to tithe direct to
contingent prepares to return home next month. Sir Selic the Lady of Paladins rather than through the church. After
Orgone is incensed at being passed over and leads several over a week Maldan and his party are still missing.
disillusioned members of the Lady of Paladins into exile in the Tashal: the Salt Route caravan arrives to much rejoicing
west. They openly take much of the Order’s treasure with though it bears little in the way of food which the city is short
them. of. The Fur Road and Silver Way caravans fail to arrive.
Solora: the Solori agree a peace with Melderyn centred on Combined, several merchants take heavy losses before Baron
the west bank of the Nuem River. United under Metasum, the Firith arrives to a Hero’s welcome, escorting the grain laden
decimated Solori elect an overchief after Metasum departs Genin Trail caravan into the city. The merchants involved all
vowing to return during The People’s greatest need. The make fortunes with the sky-high prices. Verlid of Chybisas cut
newly united Solori defend the east bank of the Biren River as is duly passed back to the Lady of Paladins to return to
they were pushed back by raiding Hodiri during the Crusade. Burzyn. The merchants also sell the booty from the Battle of
Many slaves have been seized by the horselords. Metasum the Trail, mostly weapons at inflated prices. It’s a fraction of
departs, though he has converted a couple of Solori chiefs to what they make on the grain, though it is pure profit, passing
a version of Laranianism. Baron Orsins cut to him as agreed. Greatly enriched, he
Chybisa: King Verlid receives several members of the passes half of what he receives down to his forces to be
Order of the Lady of Paladins who’ve chosen to follow the distributed among his men.
former Reblena Selic Orgone into exile. They bring some Getha: Constable Mirdarne and Sheriff Gybsen move east
yeomen, serfs and Meken with them, all unhappy with the after taking the soft targets in Fethael and Chyle hundreds
Soloran Peace. Bitter at Melderyn and angry with Kaldor, they answering to Baron Indama. They seize Naniom Bridge,
seek sanctuary in Chybisa, bringing much of the Order’s hanging some of the Barons men as bandits operating an
treasure with them. In consultation with the Rekela and illegal toll and interfering with free movement on the Kings
Reblena of Ulmstane, Verlid accepts their oaths and settles Highways. They carefully dismantle the work on the keep,
them at the newly granted Abelrumer under Sir Selic as handing the materials used to the nearby merchant’s camp.
Reblena. He makes it clear to them that they are to guard the The merchants hire away two companies of mercenaries from
miner’s in the Anadel Hills and that he expects to see a the army, with its blessing. The Taelda watch on and are
reduction in bandit activity and Gargun presence before the reassured. The Kiban merchants start reinforcing and
Order makes any move against any barbarians. Sir Selic expanding their facilities at the bridge and their camp. The
agrees to the terms. He’ll need to help found the fief, army then returns to Fethael and again loots the soft targets,
doubtless using some of their appropriated wealth. Verlid more thoroughly this time (ignoring the keep) before moving
contracts with the Miners Guild for additional payments if he off north towards Gardiren and Tonot.
arranges for more security around the Anadel mines. With his Tonot: Romlach Ethasiel, besieging Tonot, hears of
new Knights he collects immediately. increasing Viking raids into Meselyneshire. With his
Trobridge: the Salt Route caravan departs Trobridge patrimony threatened, he sends home the Olokand and
having hired a squadron of Chelni, others being unavailable at Setrew yeomanry. This also reduces the costs of maintaining
this time. One company of mercenaries refuse to press on, his army and retains some obligations of the returning
staying at Trobridge for the caravans return and forgoing a yeomen as he rotates the troops. He sends a single knight
large part of their fees, even though they’ve passed through with them, to return with the third of yeomanry left in the
the most dangerous stretch already with the barbarians and west for defence, increasing the numbers available there to
Gargun. The company are Thardic veterans. The caravan repulse raids. Though he will be undermanned for the month
makes its way cautiously to Tashal. Increased bandit activity is it takes them to arrive, he should manage as he retains the
evident, though the caravan is too strong to attack. The Kath regulars and great numerical superiority.
watch on but nothing happens. Shortly thereafter, he learns of the army ravaging Fethael
Olokand: Maldan returns to Olokand to be invested as hundred and is forced to send the yeomen of Gardiren home
Earl. He takes a small guard with him, leaving the rest of his with similar orders. Some of their commanding knights join
men in Tashal to defend the capitol. He takes the time to them, concerned for their fiefdoms, taking their regulars with
review the manors and receive fealty from their holders, them despite orders to the contrary. This leaves Romlach
increasing his grip on his demesne. Whilst visiting Sangara shorthanded and he is forced to suspend mining operations
manor in Nelafyn hundred a large raid of Vikings from Orbaal as he can no longer guard them adequately whilst
catches his party unawares. They quickly retreat towards maintaining the siege and his reserve. Baron Pierstel
Olokand but are caught and forced into Ona Setrum, where immediately takes advantage, pushing against the besiegers
the Vikings decline pursuit. They pillage the outlying villages, and their stores, though he cannot break the siege.
taking easily transportable goods before retreating back up Orbaal: increasing Menglanan refugees join several Viking
the Fur Road before a defence is mounted. Recriminations raids into Rethem launched from and organised by Arathel.
run rampant as many knights are absent during the

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The Crimson Dancer of Quimen; Pjagel, Vold and Geldeheim the Thrangaad. Less divisive than his father, he puts aside all
send raiders to join Arathel. differences with his brothers during the crisis and sets to
The Valhakar of Clan Jalp of Genheim, subordinate to further improve Vulenheims defences as warriors now more
Pjagel, marries a Thayan Priestess. The priestess founds a readily heed the call to arms.
Laranian Abbey at the abandoned village of Saaxra. With Following the fall of Pelyn, Clan Daas send most of the
many fighting men away, the Jarin of Pjagel and Vold revolt warriors of Daasens to Vulenheim, to join its defence and
again against their vicious overlords. The rebellions are put ease overcrowding. The Daasens Warboats return to Myna
down bloodily. Clan Jalp are a somewhat moderating force and Ygesdram where they join the remnants of the Storzar
and lead the minor clans in putting down the rebellion. Many fleet. This fleet contains every vessel that of the Daas and
survivors flee to Pethwys. Maar that floats and heads south to Thegholm on Lake Imua.
Geldeheim: raiders are away down the Fur Road to hit With most of the Taaren fleet at Pelyn and Vulenheim, they
wealthy but weakened Kaldor and in the west, raiding demand succour from their common enemies of Ibanvaal.
Rethem at the behest of the Earl of Tormau. Clan Verakaar of When this is denied, they overwhelm the thran. Meanwhile,
Tandir unexpectedly attacks! Supplemented by the warriors every man, woman and child who couldn’t fit on the fleet has
of Clan Veraak who fled Menglana and two companies of marched along the southern trails to Isenwhich on Lake
mercenaries, Tandir and her subject Clans launch a massive Sorad, stripping the lands of Daas, Maar and Storzar naked.
assault. King Alegar recalls his Clansmen from Pethwys, Lerial Warriors going ahead storm the thran as reinforcements are
and Gwaeryn and calls for aid from his vassals. Though sent to Thegholm. The new holders of Thegholm, set up a
depleted with warriors in Rethem, Quimen and Vaagel send solid defence whilst the Clans porter everything steadily
warriors. Tandir scores some early victories but is unable to through the Kejelrian Mountains at Undba Pass. It is a
take Geldeheim as the King holes up in the castle whilst his monumental undertaking, worthy of the skalds. They
warriors arrive, and Tandir retreats home. abandon their lands and pass into Seldenbaal where they
Pethwys: Lord Weymyss recovers his nephew Jorni and his regroup.
nursemaid, who were taken by Tandir and delivered to him Thardic Republic: the Senate debates the Kaldoric
(to create trouble for Geldeheim). The King is too Succession Crisis and fails to agree a common response. It
preoccupied to object at present, beyond a demand for his does decide to send a “fact-finding” delegation to Trobridge
sons’ return, which is ignored. to investigate matters. It dispatches four companies of foot
Sherwyn: the Marby alliance quickly seizes Thoen and all under a legate and cohort commander. It’s joined by two
the outlying villages of Sherwyn, to add to the town which companies of legion retired veteran “volunteers” looking for
they hold most of. Some of the minor outlying clansmen are business opportunism and two companies of unpaid
incorporated into the clan of their distant cousins, the mercenaries, looking to profit in the unsettled east. The
Serewyns of Marby whilst others are seized as warbrides and Churches of Halea and Order of the Eight Demons add to the
thralls. The new clansmen are moved to outlying villages of delegation with another three companies of Templars and
Marby where their lot is improved. The siege is tightened as Guards between them
negotiations ensue. The remnants of Clan Mordauk of Thoen Rethem: the Earl of Tormau declares war on the Earl of
swear fealty to Serewyn and whomever the besiegers choose Ithiko over Ithiko’s treatment of his heir and seizes Zaza. The
to hold Sherwyn. sheriff of Winen declares his support for Tormau’s position
Rogna: Rognan pirates raid the sea-lanes heavily, hitting (at knife point and with a healthy bribe). The King in Shostim
the vessels of Menglana and their allies hard, particularly raises his troops to counter Tormau and aid Ithiko. Tormau
Gelemaar. They use Arone and Lorkin as friendly ports and recalls all his troops and vassals and the majority of his
staging posts, enriching both holdings. With the conquest of tenants from Henwe in response. Large numbers of barbarian
Hutheng complete, the Rognans consolidate, killing all raiders and pirates under the Tirsa Pirates plague Tormau’s
Agrikans they can catch. Some members of the Orders of the enemies along the coast. The Order of the Crimson Dancer
Pillar of Fire and Companions of Roving Doom flee to from Quimen in Orbaal aid Tormau with lots of mercenaries
Vulenheim, whilst others make for Rethem on Hârn. and battle the Companions of Roving Doom outside Arketh.
Casualties are high on both sides, particularly amongst the
Menglana: Ibanvaal sails past Trond and Vulenheim to mercenaries. The Crimson Dancer crushes the Roving Doom
seize Pelyn in a surprise assault! They are joined by Clan and move to invest Arketh keep.
Tejaal of Trond, who offers tribute to Ibanvaal. Many
clansmen flee to Vulenheim and Hilm but the vathran falls, Chymak: youths who’d signed on as crew with passing
along with King Hlanakar! Captured by the Tejaals, Hlanakar is merchant vessels start returning home in growing numbers.
brutally executed, using the Blood Eagle, by Horvald of Trond They don’t replace those who continue to leave, but bring
for the murder of his father. He has a long memory. The poor much knowledge of the sea and a sophisticated knowledge of
of Pelyn are abandoned to their fate, due to a lack of ships, so Kekamar with them. Increasing efforts by Peonian
they break into the Pelynburm and manage to excavate an missionaries improve agricultural techniques in the interior,
old Warboat and sail it to Hilm bearing much wealth. Defence though the pacifist philosophy gains few adherents. Some
shifts to Vulenheim as additional forces from distant successful mariners forge trade links to supplement their
Jaarenmark join the fray. Adric is quickly proclaimed King by

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fishing along the southern coast with Kanday, Melderyn, have recovered the Sword of Calsten wouldn’t he?
Domid and Adaenum. Meanwhile Maldan reminds all of the promises he made
Rumbling Thunder (Larane 25-30) should he attain the Crown and that Conwan appears to in
thrall to the Church. He doesn’t need to remind them of
Day 1: the succession council convenes with a Laranian
Conwans military losses. He doesn’t mention the Mace
high mass as news of Maldans absence due the events in
Thunderer but wears it conspicuously and is happy to present
Meselyne spreads. Whilst Maldan appears out of the picture,
when asked. He is asked a lot. Finally, he appeals directly to
Conwan fears Firiths growing popularity and his making a
Conwan and his party for unity and promises he’ll make
successful bid for the throne. There are already whispers that
Conwan Earl of Semeth, not just Baron.
he should declare his candidacy, though he’s made no moves
in that direction himself. Late that night as Conwan is about to settle for what sleep
he can get, as he ponders whether to accept Maldan offer, he
Since Maldan remains missing, his son Mirild calls for a
receives a letter from his sister Raditha announcing details of
vote on his own ascension to the throne as Maldans heir! He
her nuptials to the Elgar of Horaga, younger brother to the
gains a respectable vote, but falls comfortably short of the
Count of Halmo in Trierzon. Enclosed is a letter from his new
required majority. Next, he calls for a joint monarchy with his
brother-in-law, stating his intention to visit shortly along with
wife Cheselyn the Younger, gaining a couple more votes, but
his household and a few of his personal men. It gives Conwan
still falling shy. Firith had abstained both times. Finally he calls
food for thought and hope.
for a vote to be confirmed as the new Earl of Meselyne!
There is confusion as to whether this is legal, as the office had Day 3: on a bright morning the council reconvenes.
passed to Clan Harabor (which would make this their choice) Looking tired, before the session opens Conwan announces
and the King hadn’t accepted fealty from the Earl as he does his sisters’ marriage to the Count of Halmo’s brother, giving
for all tenants-in-chief. The motion is put on hold as legal several pause for thought. The vote for King Maldan is the
clarification is sought, but it’s likely to wait on the crowning of order of business. It’s close. Against are Conwan Elendsa and
a new monarch. Mirild announces he’ll travel to Olokand to Lenera Firith. For are Maldan Harabor, Mirild Harabor, Koris
seek their fealty with his wife after the council, to their Harabor, Kornuska Harabor, Cheselyn the Elder, Erelar
annoyance. With considerable tension the council retires for Hirnen, Arela Hirnen, Tarkin Hirnen, Tulath Kaphin, Arlin
the night to much horse trading. Alsar, Lerela Alsar, Udine Indama, Asorn Firith and Asorn the
Younger; for 14 votes, one short of the required 15. There’s a
Day 2: the day starts with almost all eyes drawn to Orsin
long wait to see if anyone else will declare, particularly Troda
Firith to see if he’ll launch a bid for the throne. In a dramatic
Dariune or Orsin Firith, before Migray declares the vote
moment Maldan arrives at the council! Looking haggard,
closed. As the session closes it becomes clear both camps
weary and drawn he recounts how he was caught by raiding
need a military victory to secure the prize. A knockout blow
Ivinians from Orbaal whilst outnumbered at least three to
or series of smaller wins.
one. His party of 30 retreated but were forced into Ona
Setrum. Whilst this could occur to anyone, it is not viewed Conwan needs military successes of his own, whilst
favourably. Nevertheless, Maldan asks for a vote on his Maldan needs to either take out substantial parts of Conwans
candidacy. Before the vote takes place, Maldan brings forth support (and Balim appears to have sent orders not to
the Mace Thunderer and claims divine providence! Uproar directly engage) or punish the Orbaalese hard.
ensues and Conwan demands the artefact be examined and As everyone recovers from the tension, Kymen Firith
verified. Acquiescing, Maldan passes it to Serekela Kynn. The declares he may as well get it into the open and proposes his
archbishop closes his eyes and mumbling prays. He says it brother Orsin for King! A noted military leader, popular in
appears genuine but he’d like to take it away to confer with Tashal and a solid compromise between the two factions,
his fellow bishops. Maldan reluctantly agrees. In the Orsin for King! Orsin tries to look surprised at the nomination,
meantime, he regales the group with its recovery. Two thirds but can’t quite pull it off. He weakly states he’s unworthy, but
of his party perished and including himself were wounded. He offers no real objections. Against are: Conwan Elendsa,
expresses his belief (perhaps sincere) that his retreat was Maldan Harabor, Mirild Harabor and Cheselyn the Elder. For
ordained and necessary to recover the heirloom, proving his are Kymen Firith, Kymed Firith, Meliem Elendsa, Asorn the
divine favour to rule. Towards the end of the day, the Younger and Arlin Alsar. After a pause Lerela Firith and Serli
Serekela returns, leading in the four Rekela. With reverence, Ubael cast their votes too, for a total of seven votes. Orsin
he declares the artefact appears genuine and the Royal Firith and his son abstain. It’s not nearly enough to take the
Weapon of Nurez. He refuses to comment on divine favour. throne, but indicates strong support and possibly improves
Before a triumphant Maldan can collect his vote, given the his bargaining position. It also puts the thought of him as king
lateness of the hour, Migray Hosath defers the vote to the firmly in people’s heads. As yet, he’s offered no deals to
next day to Maldans consternation. improve his chances.
Conwan spends the night furiously working to block Day 4: Earl Dariune opens the day by enquiring of Maldan
Maldans candidacy. He reminds all, especially Firith, that how he intends to pay heriot. It vexes Maldan, but Asorn
Maldan lost his skirmish with the Vikings. He points out Firith confirms it is indeed due. Whilst commonly referred to
Thunderer (if genuine, he expresses doubt) is a relic of Nurez, as a death tax, it’s actually a fee payable for entry to ones
not Serelind or Kaldor. If he had divine favour, Maldan would lands and estates and therefore, due. That’s in addition to

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feudal dues. It’s customarily been assessed as £10 per manor, they enforce some of the merchants’ claims against his men.
£20 per keep and £100 per castle, payable between five and He sends word to Kaldor, together with some of the
10 years in instalments to the exchequer. Details are by dissatisfied from the settlement. The Thardans aggravate the
negotiation between vassal, crown and exchequer. This can Chelni with their Imperial disdain.
be offset somewhat by an aid on ones vassals, but that is Battle of Heras: Conwan Elendsa diverts his forces from
typically a tenth part of the fees those vassals pay in the year
threatening Tashal and demands as Sheriff of Semethshire
if they hold their lands in fee simple. If they’re bailiffs the cost
and on behalf of the Army of the Chelmarch that the Thardic
is borne by their overlord. It’s a good indication of the status
Cohort leaves. The Legate accompanying the Cohort laughs in
of any lands. The balance is to be met by the heritor. An Earl their faces, whilst the Cohort Commander sneers at them.
could expect to pay between £300 to over £800. Balim paid Though outnumbered greatly, Conwan attacks! His forces are
over £1200. joined by two companies of Meken and two squadrons of
This reopens the debate about just what the Earldom of Knights and squires from the Lady of Paladins, commanded
Meselyne will entail. It’s expensive, but Maldan reckons he by Mulron Charyn. They are joined by three squadrons of
can just about afford it, depending on the terms. It would still
Sera Chelni light horse as they join battle to the east of Lake
pay to maximise his holdings of course. Balim later implies to Heras. The Thardic Cohort is supplemented by two companies
him that negotiations on payment rates with the exchequer of mercenary light foot provided by Terlin of Wesendan and
could go much more smoothly if he desists from ravaging the the Mercantylers Guild. The battle starts against Conwan as
keeps and holdings of his vassals, such as by lifting the siegethe Thardic numbers start to tell, before his veterans steady
at Tonot. the line. When Kurson Ondalis attacks the Cohort from
Day 5: the council wraps with an agreement to meet again behind with his two companies of brigand light foot, it
in two months. It’s hoped the long break will end the disrupts their positions and Conwan quickly takes advantage
deadlock. with his cavalry and scatters their forces. He sends the rest
packing and wins a decisive victory. Kursons forces took
Storming (Agrazhar) heavy casualties, but those of Terlin suffered worse and
Gardiren: sheriff Gybsen threatens Gardiren castle, one of Ondalis is now undisputed master of Trobridge! Conwan
Kaldors weakest. He systematically pillages the surrounding quickly knights him and takes his oath, recognising Trobridge
area as Gardiren musters a response. Though stronger than as containing two double-knights fee manors. They agree to a
the opposing force, he declines battle a moves north to Royal Toll, subject to the King and Sheriff of Semethshire.
Yeged, threatening and pillaging those lands in turn. In both There is scope for expansion, with a further large manor.
cases he draws troops off from the siege of Tonot. He Conwan agrees to arrange a marriage for Kurson to a noble
declines battle again. Whilst the two fortresses send some clan. As part of his feudal dues, Kurson provides Conwan with
men to shadow the army, they’re forced to retain the bulk of a company of light foot assembled from the survivors of
their troops to reassure their vassal manors. The sheriff Terlins forces. The Lady of Paladins desecrates the temple of
moves to threaten the besiegers of Tonot. Agrik of the Order of the Eight Demons and their
Tonot: Romlach Ethasiel receives his reinforcements from accompanying Matakea consecrates it to Larani. The Temple
Olokand and Setrew, reinstating the siege. The miners sap to Halea is thoroughly looted and a Peonian priestess
towards the keep, constantly harried by sorties from the installed.
keep. The reinforcements of Yeged and Gardiren never arrive, Olokand: Maldan returns home to set the defence and
with the Dariune army sacking their lands. reorganise the manors. Several were ravaged by the
Tashal: the Tashal fair continues with reduced numbers. marauding Vikings, apparently at random. Some will struggle
Some merchants are ruined whilst others make fortunes. to make their feudal payments this year and it’s likely a few
Those from the Genin Trail with their grain supplies do free farmers will sink into serfdom. With the yeomanry
particularly well. rotated, the forces available for defence are increased by a
Trobridge: the “investigative” cohort arrives from the third. The Lady of Paladins also increases their presence over
Thardic Republic. They hire the mercenaries who had the objections of the Rekela of Abriel. Maldan hold his tongue
remained there, together with one of the companies from over the matter. The new Earl sets increased patrols and
Fort Taztos who had accompanied them. They make orders simple pits and breastworks erected, mostly for
overtures to the merchants who reside there and open a morale. The Mace Thunderer inspires confidence and awe as
small temple to Halea, together with courtesans’ parlour and Maldan puts his house in order. He arranges with his brother
brothel. They use these to entice Kurson Ondalis and his for a company of Royal Low Guard to accompany him as the
brigands to their cause. The Order of the Eight Demons and border is obviously insecure.
Cohorts of Gashang also found a temple in the community Melderyn: the Primate of Larani is recalled to Tengela
which immediately begins harassing the temple of Sarajin. It from Thay to account for her actions during the Solori
soon becomes clear the Cohort is here to stay and Crusade whilst Houla Artona returns with his troops to
incorporate Trobridge into the Republic. Initially distracted Kaldor. The casualties he suffered are made up by new
Kurson soon comes to realise the presence of the recruits and volunteers (mostly untrained prospective squires
Legionnaires represents a loss of influence and power when and commonality) and those Knights and Meken transferring

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from the Melderyni chapter to the Kaldoric one, disgusted by Clan Stahler claim the unsettled Kjenfjord in Orbaal,
events in Melderyn or impressed by Houla’s actions as the founding thrans in the south of the inlet. They don’t swear
case may be. This reduces the pressure on the Melderyni fealty to anyone, certainly not the King in Geldeheim.
purse somewhat, as the loss of the keep and its associated The clansmen returning from Viking in Kaldor boost the
manors will hurt them financially and politically. Houla also economy of Geldeheim and help steady things against the
hires two companies of veteran light foot mercenaries (one of advancing Verakaars.
whom are actually Melderyni Crown agents, using the Clan Maar join their kin at Vold, the eldest daughter of the
opportunity to journey to Kaldor clandestinely). ruling matriarch marrying the young Valhakar and soon
Hultor Thabel, heir to Nurisel leaves Melderyn due to the becoming the true power behind the throne, much to the
increasing attention he receives, positive and negative. Some relief of most of the Maaren clansmen. The fief becomes
are calling him a living saint (which he denies). He sets off to better run, though still remains brutal to the serfs. They re-
western Hârn with a trade delegation to Kanday with a couple found abandoned villages at Troz, Zun and Lund (ignoring
of companies of the Crowns light foot. Tandir) and displace several minor clans. This makes Vold
Keron: Harbaal develops its settlement at Belhafen on substantially more populous than Arathel, with more farmed
Keron Island. As the ships are unloading, the mountain land and a larger military. Evicted clans go to Arathel, where
undergoes a minor eruption, venting smoke and ash! It had they gain land in the Morvilya Bay colonies. Several Jarin serfs
previously been thought dormant. The eruption causes little take the opportunity to flee to Pethwys where they settle.
direct damage, but the resulting tsunami devastates the port Overcrowding in Pethwys causes some excess population
and shipping. Coastal communities on both sides of the gulf to journey to Lerial, where there is ample land to farm.
suffer damage. The Harbaalese abandon the island, calling t In Arathel, the Morvilya Bay colonies under Sorli Cyeen
cursed. A couple of Melderyni Masters of Peleahn arrive to come under increasing pressure from Equani tribesmen. Sorli
study the phenomenon and found a small chantry. is aided by increasing numbers of settlers and Ymodi
Chybisa: Winnesa Afaelin, Chancellor to Chybisa and heir tribesmen who hate the Equani. There are several large
to the barony of Aereben marries Frethard Alaga, brother of skirmishes, the majority of which are decided heavily in
the Earl of Harden over the objections of King Verlid (who Arathels favour. This culminates in the Battle of Grundheim,
wants to restrict the influence of Melderyn, yet doesn’t want where a large force of Equani attack and are brought to bay
to antagonise them with an apparent alliance with one of by an even larger mixed Arathel and Ymodi force. Both sides
their strongest internal critics). Alaga brings his household suffer heavy casualties, particularly among the tribesmen as
with him, together with a number of settlers and monies the Equani are repulsed. Ymodi continue pursuit, harassing
which offset the construction of the keep. He marries into the survivors. The future of the colonies seems assured,
Clan Afaelin. though the tribal war continues unabated. Sorli takes the clan
Houla Artona arrives with his forces from Thay and name Tursik as he is confirmed Valhakar of the colonies.
prepares to journey north to Kaldor. In Pjagel, Clan Jalp rebel and overthrow Clan Baelinsen,
Menglana: Ibanvaal consolidates, taking all the minor with the tacit approval of Arathel and certainly with the aid of
holdings behind Vulenheim whilst clan Taaren retake the Laranians. The new overlords ease demands on the Jarin
Thegholm and Isenwhich. They face no opposition as clans somewhat and seem more loyal to Arathel than the previous
Daas, Maar and Storzar have fled, stripping the lands bare rulers. They legalise worship of Larani and make worship of
and torching what they couldn’t take. The fleeing clans sail to Agrik a crime punishable by death at the tidestake. They send
Orbaal where they join their kin. The Dagen continues word to Thay, asking for volunteers to settle and root out the
negotiations at Vulenheim, where he attempts to turn various vile Agrikans. The surviving Baeliinsens are reduced to one
Stahler factions against each other. minor village.
Orbaal: Clan Jalp found a second village near Pjagel, Kalma Sherwyn: the Marby alliance seizes Sherwyn after the
using volunteers from Melderyn and retiring members of the surviving Sherwyn clansmen defect to Serewyn following a
Order of Paladins, who set up a small chapter house and series of heavy assaults, enlarging the clan. The surviving
swear fealty to the new Laranian Abbey of Saaxra (who’s new Thrangaad are thrown over the cliff walls onto the rocks
Abbess is married to the Valhakar), which in turn swears below, including Venril and his cousin Welrys. Welrys screams
fealty to Clan Jalp. he only wanted peace the whole way down. The new
Clan Karolaan of Vaagel retreat from Geldeheim as their clansmen either go to Marby itself or join an expedition to
holdings are assaulted by Pled. The Verakaars use the found a new thranal on the west coast of the Fyssen
lessening pressure to reverse their losses against the peninsula. Sherwyn is to be held by a new branch of Clan
Geldestaars and again press Geldeheim. Karolaan quickly gain Pelanby. With increasing Rognan piracy off the coast, most of
the upper hand in the Vaagelsfjord, despite some warriors the clans agree to increase naval patrolling. The new Earl of
being away in Rethem and look set to overwhelm Pled. Pled Sherwyn (as he titles himself) goes further, swearing fealty to
are then reinforced by their kin, the Storz of Menglana. This the Earl of Marby as Duke of Fysse. Zuden follows suit
massive influx of men reverses the situation again, with Pled (though as Valhakar) as his daughter, Marbys new wife,
ascendant. announces her pregnancy. Tawheim declines to swear, but
enters into a defensive alliance and starts construction of a

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keep at the mouth of Merylom fjord, which is named This is declined. Instead, a militia is organised for each city
Meryheim. This makes the new Duke far richer and more ward. Caer Chaftar remains in the Crowns possession, though
powerful than the King. He immediately names Zuden the Queen is known to be sympathetic to Morgathianism. An
admiral of the combined fleet and restarts construction of assault by the sheriff from Caer Chatka is bloodily repulsed as
Marby castle in the continental style. The Pelanbys build a he attempts to regain the city for the king. Work starts on
chapel to Larani and make Agrikanism illegal. They look to fortifying Apiseda Island to ward off future incursions from
found a new Abbey, with settlers from Lythia. Marby legalises the sea and fortification of Nemiran commences. The
Laranianism but doesn’t go so far as to ban worship of Agrik. Heptarchy auctions off defines of the locks to several
Harbaal: Clan Paraden of Ketania takes advantage of the mercenary companies who extort travellers for improving city
absence of many Pelanby’s abroad to attack Padona over its defences.
restrictive trade practices. Both kings are summoned before The Duke of Hohnam proposes an alliance with Golotha
the Pendragon to arbitrate the dispute. King Sandal is against the king, or at least a non-aggression pact. His envoy
murdered before he can attend, greatly reducing the is seized and handed over to Caer Chaftar. In response, he
Pelanby’s position. His son, Prince Sandal escapes violent declares worship of Morgath illegal upon pain of immolation.
attack thanks to his personal bodyguard in Hurisea. The case He levels the Ithiko temple, handing the site over to
is decided against the Pelanby’s in their absence. The new Sarajinians for a temple and legalises Peonianism throughout
king sends out a call to arms to all Pelanby’s, greatly the Duchy. The Shrine of Balsha is left alone as few will
escalating the situation. approach it and it appears haunted or cursed.
Rethem: the Earl of Selvos seizes the lightly held Weseda Refugee Crisis (Azura 1-24)
with little opposition; when hearing of this, the Earl of Orbaal: increasing numbers of Menglanan refugees
Tormau sends strongly worded objections to the Kandian displace the Jarin who flee to Lerial where there is ample land
Crown and Selvos. Meanwhile, Tormau takes Ithiko as the free to farm.
Company of the Argent Wyvern are bribed to open the way
Shipping lanes grow perilous as Rognan pirates target the
into the castle! Upon seeing Denyl Lynaeous, Earl Herrin
easy pickings of their ancestral foes. There is increased
Barzak goes into a rage suffers apoplexy, dying two days later.
shipping to the Duchy of Fysse from Alagon, Harbaal and
His son Gyal is proclaimed Earl. His wife, Themael Yonah,
encourages him to swear fealty to the Earl of Tormau. The
Earl accepts, proclaiming himself Duke of Hohnam. He sends Marby: the Duke of Fysse consolidates his new lands,
Heralds to the king seeking peace. The Order of the Kukshin founding a small standing army under his brother, built
seizes the temple of Agrik at Ithiko where they cremate the around feudal lines around a core of huscarls. He sells this as
former earls’ corpse in the holy flame. needed for defence during these troubled times. Few believe
him, thinking it preparation for King Alegar’s response to the
The Companions of Roving Doom are reinforced by
new Dukedom with some opportunism, looking to snap up
refugees from Orbaal and Hutheng, forcing a further battle
new domains. As such it is immensely popular.
outside Arketh keep with the Crimson Dancer. The Crimson
Dancer are reinforced by the Duke of Hohnam’s mercenaries Clan Pelanby of Chelemby opens Kantehausen at
are force the Roving Doom to retreat back to the keep. The Sherwyn, whilst Clan Redaro and Dasendisen open them at
siege continues. Marby, improving trade and prosperity at both. Clan
Tarkenby build Kantehausen at Arone.
The Republic of Tharda takes Thameson, after the Order
of the Eight Demons and Cohorts of Gashang defect, forming Ivinian refugees from Fysse flee to Arone under Larryl of
the nucleus of the cohort centred there. Argone and his wife Dorese where they settle in the town and
surrounding villages. Most bring little more than the shirts on
The Tirsa Pirates lead a large force of Vikings through the
their backs, as most skilled tradesmen remain in the north.
defences of Golotha and sack large portions of the city. The
Castle, Rusu Island and Compound quarters of the city remain Geldeheim: returning Vikings bring home much plunder
untouched. The Vikings retreat at leisure, laden to from Rethem. These additional forces, together with
overflowing with booty. mercenaries from clan Baelinsen allow the king to press
Tandir back into their fortresses. King Alegar learns of the
The Order of the Kukshin seizes the Temple of Agrik from
formation of the Dukedom of Fysse with alarm, but is unable
the Order of the Eight Demons. The Primate of Agrik, Klydres
to address this at present. More warriors from the related
Bisidril, tacitly recognises them after the Vikings have
Clan Algaar of Pyberg join the king, against the wishes of their
overlords of Pled.
The Duke of Hohnam accepts the fealty of Bjari Hirsen as
Arathel: Vikings returning from Rethem bring vast wealth
first Baron of Bjariheim and the Tirsa Isles. He names him
and new thralls. New villages are founded in Wethom, Pjagel
admiral of the fleet.
and Vold. Most though, travel to Morvilya Bay, improving the
Golotha declares independence from Rethem after the colonies viability. Construction of a keep at Tursik is begun.
Vikings leave. Morgathians dominate the Heptarchy. Klydres There is much trade with the Ymodi, mostly superior
Bisidril who chairs the council proposes the Warriors of weaponry for jade, furs and timber. They conduct joint raids
Mameka provide two additional companies to guard the city. against the Equani, maintaining pressure. Arathel booms with

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the influx of wealth and starts organising an even larger raid and Antol. More minor holdings willingly submit to stronger
on Golotha for next year. lords.
Pjagel: Clan Baelinsen Vikings returning from Rethem try Menglana: Ibanvaal invests Vulenheim but makes no
to regain Pjagel unsuccessfully. Much of their plunder and move to assault the fortified town. Instead, they bring more
thralls are seized as they arrive unknowing about the change warriors and settlers into Menglana to consolidate their gains
of leadership. Many of the warriors escape to Vold and go on and seize Baelinlund, taking Altenhus. Many Baelins are at
to Geldeheim in their warboats where they agitate for an Vulenheim. Others escape to Hilm or through Myna, making
attack on the keep. The King offers them aid, if they fight well their way to their kin at Vold in Orbaal.
for him against Tandir. Reluctantly they agree. They arrange Chybisa: Houla Artona leaves with the Lady of Paladins,
to hire mercenaries with the expected plunder. heading north along the Genin Trail. He attempts to hire
Pled: Clans Algaar and Trajaka both depose their mercenaries to supplement his forces, but none are available.
Valhakars, removing their men from the fight against Vaagel. He intends hitting the Pagaelin but finds few to assault, the
Clan Algaar goes further, taking their clansmen to fight for survivors or Orsins attacks having fled to Setha Heath or the
their cousin, the King, as he gains the upper hand in the Hodiri as slaves. The only opposition he encounters are
Geldesfjord, defying Storzand wishes. The Karolaans of Gargun, which he scatters. He continues towards central
Vaagel gain much needed respite from this, whilst the Kaldor, collecting church forces as e progresses, including a
immigrant Clan Storz take heed of events. sizeable minority of lay members of the order, who haven’t
Lerial: the Prince settles his new subjects in the hill-lands committed to a faction yet.
to the north of Lerial, towards Pethwys. Whilst there, they After Houla’s departure, King Verlid announces the
discover valuable copper and iron deposits, suitable for appointment of Bjan Forsetha the Younger as Forrester Royal
mining in both fiefdoms. at Rynath manor, commanding 10 foresters, half
Harbaal: with action in Orbaal dying down, Clan Pelanby shortbowmen and half longbowmen. Some Barons protest,
of Alagon sends considerable numbers of troops to Harbaal as saying it goes against Verlids promise not to increase his
does the Palithane branch. Those troops already committed military forces further (when they’d remained silent over the
to the Menglanan theatre remain; most were from Harbaal. Lady of Paladins). Verlid makes the Royal Forrester
Nevertheless, the massive influx of troops soon starts to tell answerable to the Chancellor, not the Marshal, pointing out
and Clan Paraden is quickly pinned back into their holdings. they aren’t part of the Royal Guard and so he’s kept his oath.
The Pendragon again summons both underkings to explain He also points out that though the Pagaelin have been
themselves as he mediates. The new King Sandal presents pushed back by Kaldor, the new foresters will be able to give
strong proof of his fathers’ assassination, though he can’t advance notice of approaching forces, at least from the north,
prove who’s responsible. However, the Pelanbys have grumbling; the Barons acquiesce.
previously been strong supporters of the Crown and could Raditha Elendsa arrives at Burzyn with her new spouse,
easily raise an army that matches and possibly exceeds that Parel Arcona and two companies of his men. Half are light-
of the Pendragon. Significant forces already gather and the foot and half are medium-foot, together with a squadron of
Paradens guilt is probable. Tralis orders Kereon to the accompanying knights (in a show of power, as the Elgar of a
Pelanbys in Padona. For their part, the Pelanbys agree to end major city and brother to a count). Upon learning of the
restrictive trade practices. The remainder of Ketania is gifted political situation in Kaldor, the knights immediately purchase
to the Valhakar of Clan Tegas, who’ve long resented Paraden warmounts, equipping themselves as medium horse. They
rule. Ilbra Paraden takes his remaining and bitter clan to depart upon the Genin Trail in haste and are dismayed to
Hurisea. The Pelanbys consolidate, sending this new force to discover no mercenaries are available to supplement their
colonise Sherwyn and fight in Menglana. forces. Raditha is four months pregnant.
In Leden, Kolvis Ledensen the Younger is murdered in his Keron: Melderyn sends a small party of knights and
bed, stabbed through the heart. His twin Hatran is grief struck settlers to re-found Belhafen. They start work on the harbour
and starts a new attempt to end or solve the Ledensen curse. and fortifications.
Alagon: assassins narrowly fail to kill the Duke. Their Gythrun: the Earl of Gythrun improves his port facilities on
employer remains unknown, amongst his various enemies. the advice of his chancellor, Sir Dael Firth and shipwright,
Regardless, the Duke blames the Count of Avan, sending his Nemiral of Balrzak, with the goal of building karunes.
remaining armies into the county to seize it for the Duchy. Rethem: the King requires his niece and nephew off the
The King in Quarrelin halts matters by calling a Royal Duke of Hohnam in return for peace, which he rejects, to no-
Inquisition. Evidence against Avan is scant. The Pelanbys halt one’s surprise. The King hires large numbers of mercenaries
their advance and fighting ceases as they hold around a third from the Thardic Republic on generous terms, using monies
of the county, mostly the populous west. he borrows from the Republic at favourable rates. Prince
Clans Tabin and Dasendis both send significant forces into Anaflas of Kanday sails to Ithiko where he meets with the
Hurisea, with a tacit non-aggression pact. Both seize large Duke of Hohnam to discuss the taking of Wethom. His ship is
tracts of minor holdings before the rest unite behind Beldira packed with three companies of veteran mercenaries to
account for all eventualities. He apologises profusely, but

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cannot hand the keep back. Instead, he offers substantial Eight Demons put up a very fierce resistance as they flee
sums of silver in recompense. He also offers a non-aggression through North Haven and on to the Thardic Republic. Few
trade and cultural exchange treaty with Kanday. The Duke survive. The trials are popular and free to witness. The Order
reluctantly accepts the silver and signs all three mercenary of the Chequered Shield rounds up moneylenders, including
companies from the prince with the funds. He’ll consider the Largo of Lorjan; following tip-offs, seizing their assets and
treaty. books. They examine these, before torching the records,
Ithiko: the Duke puts all his prisoners to digging out a which goes some way to improving their popularity as well as
passage through the Emetan Bog, to allow the passage of filling their coffers. All slaves within the city are freed and
small vessels. He ships all his current prisoners to Ithiko to offered work as warriors (for former gladiators) or as serfs if
work on the project. He opens negotiations to sell his they wish in Kanday. This is far less popular.
prisoners to the Octagonal Pit or ransom them to their Tirsa: the new Baron settles many of his new thralls at
families where profitable (on acceptance of an oath of non- Bjariheim as serfs and founds two new thrans to join his
aggression). Many Vikings sail back to Orbaal laden with growing vathran. Some Vikings settle with him in the three
plunder. They promise to spread word of the opportunities villages as others return to Orbaal laden with plunder.
available to their fellows. The King’s forces and those of the Duke meet east of
The Earl of Selvos and Order of the Chequered Shield seize Ithinko, before Norienar. The Dukes more unified forces win
Chatka, as its forces are depleted. Several escape across the the two day battle, but the King retreats with a sizeable
bridge to the dubious safety of Golotha. portion of his army back to Norienar, where he regroups,
Arketh: the Crimson Dancer are on the verge of starving calling up additional levies. This strips all his holdings bar
the keep into submission when it is relieved by the Cohort of Golotha, which can’t spare the men. The Baron of Omnis
Gashangs remaining Rethemi troops, supplemented by a host sends significant aid, despite owing official fealty to the Earl
of sympathetic hired mercenaries. Unable to break the siege, of Heroth, who has stayed neutral. The Copper Hook at Hyen
they’re penned within the keep, bringing much-needed seizes several manors from Omnis and Chatka, evicting their
supplies. The Crimson Dancer smuggle assassins in with them possessors.
who reap a fearsome carnage, enabling a successful if bloody Tonot: miners undermining the keep walls complete their
assault, finally seizing the fortress. They execute most tunnelling and light fires, collapsing part of the east wall.
inhabitants, hanging their corpses from the battlements. Maldans men immediately press forward with a heavy
Golotha: the survivors from Chatka are allowed into the assault. The Baron of Tonot sallies forth in response, hitting
caer, where the sheriff is placed under guard before he Romlach and his armies in the flank. The impact knocks
explains his actions. Forces from Kanday pour over the bridge Romlach and his forces back, before numbers turn the tide
and into the city. They bribe several companies of back into their favour, pushing into the breach. Constable
mercenaries to join them, including some who were holding Gybsen arrives with his army and presses a fresh attack. Now,
the canal gate locks. flanked and outnumbered, Ethasiel begins a masterful
Fighting becomes general through the city, where Kanday withdrawal, preserving the bulk of his men. The cost is to the
quickly overwhelms the disorganised militias, despite being rear-guard, under the Constable of Bidow, Harapa Indama,
outnumbered. The Kings forces’ and Orderial troops put up who takes a nasty wound and is captured during the defence.
stiffer resistance but don’t have the numbers to halt the Balims armies capture a number of valuable knights for
advance and a hampered by a lack of cooperation between ransom, Indama being the highest ranked. His armies are
units. united for the first time.
The defenders are pushed back into Rusu Island, the Caer Romlach retreats west in good order towards Olokand,
and the Compound, surrendering the rest of the city which whilst Balims Host heads southeast to plunder the fiefs of
Kanday seizes in an orgy of violence. Yeged and Gardiren, looting the towns and manors.
Defenders retreat to the safety of their fortresses.
During the fighting Khala-Morvrin is killed. His corpse is
said to burn like a candle when the Chequered Shield tosses it Tashal: Conwan resumes his watch on Tashal
into the fires of the Pamesani Arena. accompanied by Kurson Ondalis and his men. His army is
again poised outside the city but with better preceding press,
The Laranians open the canal gates to cleanse the city of having defeated the Thardic Cohort. He introduces Kurson to
some of its filth, setting captured prisoners to cleaning up the several eligible ladies. The comely Ondalis’ putative estates
city and greatly improve security. They are generally loathed. generate some interest.
They ignore the Li-Kivair.
The Long Council (Azura 25-30+)
The Laranians start a well-armed inquisition and pogrom,
Day 1: in Tashal, the day dawn’s bright and clear as Migray
taking to hanging Agrikans and burning Morgathians who
convenes yet another council. Raditha arrives, visibly
refuse to recant. They use the Pamesani Arena for the
pregnant and reluctantly takes her place. Migray informs all
executions, where they hold popular public trials.
that this raises the required quorum to 16 votes. Maldan calls
Temple hill attracts particular attention as it is desecrated, for a vote in response. To keep the council sitting until a new
exorcised and reconsecrated to Peoni. Many Morgathians are king is chosen. Arlbis Hirnen reaches his majority in seven
torched. The surviving Cohorts of Gashang and Order of the

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days’ time and could be expected to vote for Maldan. which she may have won before Trodas intervention. She
Conwan abstains, but most support the move and it carries loses, though Troda actually abstains in the event.
easily as Migray announces the result. Migray looks annoyed. That evening Troda sounds out several delegates to see
Conwan then recounts his defence of Trobridge from the what they’d like to see from the next monarch. Most see this
Thardic Republic. Most congratulate him, but Dariune and as preparing the ground for himself. He speaks to Orsin Firith
Firith look concerned whilst Maldan appears alarmed. Kurson and promises he’ll try and arrange for a crenelation license
Ondalis is presented to the council to give account of his from the next king for Oselbridge. Obviously, his negotiating
lands. He is awed by the power on display. The Chancellor of powers will vary depending on the next rulers’ identity.
the Exchequer duly notes the arrangements as agreed for Whoever that may be…
tribute. Conwan, looking to capitalise, then calls for a vote on Whyce: Houla Artona gives account of his time in
his candidacy. Melderyn, telling of the situation there and the trial. He
Against are: Maldan Harabor, Mirild Harabor, Koris details the ongoing fortification of Chybisa and the
Harabor, Kornuska Harabor, Cheselyn the Elder, Erelar pacification of the Osel Pagaelin. It takes most of the day,
Hirnen, Arelar Hirnen, Tarkin Hirnen, Tulath Kaphin, Arlin with additional comments from the other Reblena present at
Alsar, Lerelar Alsar and Udine Indama, for 12 votes. the end. Houla wraps up with the news of the appointment of
For are: Conwan Elendsa, Raditha Elendsa, Siwen Elendsa, a Deputy Chabla, with increased autonomy and the dramatic
Korwyn Elendsa, Lenera Firith, Troda Dariune, Donesa ending of the Solori Crusade.
Dariune, Scina Dariune, Enoriel Dariune, Serli Ubael, Asorn Day 3: at Caleme, Earl Dariune opens the day with a
Firith and Asorn the Younger, for 13 votes. The motion fails. speech which many think is his opening bid for the throne. He
Whyce: Houla Artona calls an extraordinary session of the says none of the candidates is perfect, but asks for unity
Soylana Assembly to discuss events. Outlying and northern during these troubling times, lest outside forces take
church forces continue assembling as the council convenes, advantage of poor Kaldor whilst she is weak, divided and
joining its army. jealous of her growing prosperity and power.
During the first day, Mulron Charyn gives account of They need a king now; not later, not tomorrow, today! He
current events in the kingdom. He mentions external threats then proposes Astaroc Cranelson for king! Amidst uproar, he
which he was to guard against. Trobridge, where church input calmly casts his vote yea.
was significant and the raiding of Olokand; where it was not. For are: Troda Dariune, Scina Dariune, Donesyn Dariune,
He then goes on to discuss the succession and each faction’s Enoriel Dariune, Serli Ubael and Cheselyn Hosath the Elder.
apparent military actions as he sees them. After a pause, Maldan speaks, looking all the while at
Day 2: at Caleme, both main camps make extravagant Conwan. He says this is a king he could accept, for however
promises to all parties should they gain the Crown. Firiths long he sits. He votes yea! Koris Harabor, Mirild Harabor and
party is a major focus. Both point out that he doesn’t Kornuska Harabor join him. Tapping the table, Conwan
command the support required to take the throne himself. agrees. He votes yea! Siwen Elendsa, Korwyn Elendsa and
Again, they offer to crenelate Oselbridge, gift him several Raditha Elendsa join him, for 14 votes, two short. Arlin Alsar,
manors and make him Marshal of Kaldor. Maldan offers to Lerela Alsar and Tarkin Hirnen all add their votes in quick
make one of his brothers Royal Seal plus a centad of succession. 17. A majority! Migray waits to see if any others
mercenaries and the entire Royal Guard to join his bid for the will vote. Belatedly, Orsin Firith, his son and brothers join
Earldom of Chybisa. Conwan offers one of Orsins brothers or them for a firm majority, with no objections. A fast rider is
son the post of Sheriff of Oselshire and a general call-up to sent to Tashal for Astaroc as they break for lunch and the
seize Burzyn. Firith lets each side know what the other has import sinks in.
offered and they each agree to match it on top of their After lunch they receive a note from Astaroc saying he’s
current offers! busy and can’t come. After discussing this with Migray and
When the council meets, Cheselyn the Elder notes that at Asorn the Elder, who both confirm that he can’t refuse to
the previous meeting they’d agreed to consider and review attend, the council send several members of the High Guard
the inclusion of Astaroc Cranelson in their number. Naturally, to collect him, politely if possible, bodily if necessary. Migray,
most haven’t. Troda Dariune however, has. He goes into looking haggard, then calls for a vote asking for unanimity in
great detail discussing his findings and observations. It seems the council’s choice, so that the clan can present a united
critical but contains much to recommend Astaroc to both front. All acquiesce and none demur.
camps. He points out Astaroc is an unrecognised bastard, Whyce: the Soylana Assembly spends the day discussing
though of undoubtedly noble antecedent. He dropped out of the current situation in the Kingdom and their position. Houla
a Save K’norrian Seminary and went to sea. Though in relates the churches view (from the Serekela) that the
excellent health, he’s 89 nearly 90, older than Miginath ever preferred candidate at this time is Conwan Elendsa as the
was by a decade. And, he appears completely uninterested in eldest legitimate male heir of direct descent. He also relates
government. He closes with the observation that he won’t that certain assurances have been received regarding his
recommend his joining the council and will personally oppose K’Norrian leanings and continued support for the church.
it, to Cheselynes fury. Nevertheless, she insists upon the vote,

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Various options are debated. Essentially, they boil down Azadmere: Baron Axxon arrives back home with his
to staying out of the conflict and guarding the borders or erstwhile caravan. They’ve made a good profit on the
backing a candidate. If they back a candidate, they’ll have to weaponry but have acquired insufficient food. Rationing is
select one to follow. Should it be the churches choice and intensified (it was in effect as a precaution). King Hazmadul III
what if anything should they ask for in return? starts organising an exodus to Kaldor and increases hunting
Day 4: at Caleme the delegates are getting antsy as and fishing. He calls up his army and feudal muster for an
Cranelson fails to appear in the morning. By lunchtime, talk is assault on Zhakom, though he’ll try to preserve khuzdul
starting over their options. Eventually, the old man appears numbers as he can. He equips his human subjects with
escorted by one of the knights sent to retrieve him. The khuzan arms and armour.
knight is limping badly and sports an impressive bruise over Orbaal: the Dukedom of Fysse pushes back the Rognan
his eye. Apparently, he’s the least injured of the escort sent pirates from its waters, though they cannot protect the rest
to collect Astaroc. of Orbaal or shipping lanes. The Duke assembles a Guard of
Astaroc demands to know why he has been summoned 60, drawn from the best of his vassals’ huscarls as the nucleus
and it had better be important as he was busy! He’s informed of a High Guard, though they are all footmen. A decad of
he’s been elected Elendsa Clanhead and the next King of shieldmaidens forms part of the retinue. He begins recruiting
Kaldor. He refuses! He can’t refuse. He’s not even a member peasants and thralls into a nascent Low Guard, though he can
of the clan. It doesn’t matter; he’ll become one as clanhead. only scrape together an overstrength company to start. The
Fine, he abdicates. He can’t abdicate; he’s not been crowned High Guard are organised into three companies of medium
yet. He informs the council he has no interest in being king foot, whilst the Low Guard company are mixed light foot and
and he has important work to be doing instead. They inform shortbowmen.
him they’ll be happy to share his burden and help him rule, Remaining huscarls, including his own, guard the halls of
which draws a sharp glance from him. Finally, he begs. Please their masters.
no; tough. Tawheim: the silver tribute to Geldeheim is seized as it
Armagaster Esaldin looks on, fascinated. makes its way home. The king’s warriors are slain and
Troda Dariune is silent through all of this, watching. With warboat seized. This leaves him with no presence in the east
bad grace, Astaroc accedes, at least, until he can abdicate. of Orbaal.
Heralds are sent for, to spread word across the land. The Vaagel: with the powerful Clan Daas joining the Daasens,
coronation is provisionally for the 25th of next month. Karolaan has a large influx of warriors. These are joined by a
Whyce: the assembly convenes to vote. First is a vote to diverse range of clans who send warriors to help after years
split from the parent order in Melderyn. With the Chabla of successful diplomacy and alliances. Alarmed at the course
replaced, the Solori Crusade ended and increased autonomy of the war, which is turning against them, Clan Storz
for the chapter the motion is defeated. A sizeable minority overthrow Clan Storzand, killing Knurri at the urging of Jarla
still back cessation. Throkaar upon his return from pilgrimage to Lokis, saying
Next is a vote to confirm Houla Artona as Deputy Chabla; “the Doom of Pled lies with the King of Storzand.” Feljar
inheriting the powers surrendered by the Melderyni branch. escapes into the mountains whilst his brother Ursin leads the
Remiu Valador puts himself forwards as an alternative rest of the rather weak thrangaad and clan to merge with the
candidate. Houla Artona wins comfortably. Storz without opposition. Hard pushed, Clan Storz calls a
truce with Karolaan and commences negotiations.
Finally, they vote on what policy to follow in the
succession crisis. This is close, with many calling for non- With the support of Karolaan, Clan Daas easily assume
intervention and the majority abstaining. However, it’s control of Daasen.
eventually decided that they’ll follow the Serekela’s lead and On all the holds of the Vaagelsfjord, displaced Jarin are
back Conwan. They’ll ask for nothing in return and trust to pushed south to Lerial by settling Ivinians. Karolaan then
Larani, the Serekela and the Church for guidance. convinces many of his allied warriors to progress to
Day 5: in Caleme the council concludes with a raucous Geldeheim with him to succour the king.
feast to much relief. The whole group then moves off to Geldeheim: increased reinforcements allow the king to
Tashal. The Royal Guard escorts Astaroc, either guarding or push Tandir hard. He seizes all outlying settlements and
protecting him. The ones he wounded stay particularly close. pushes his foes back into their fortresses.
They looks they cast at him aren’t entirely friendly. Arathel: with the Morvilya Bay colonies self-sufficient and
Whyce: the Soylana Assembly closes with prayer and fortified, construction of trails linking the settlements to
meditation as the last of the troops assemble. The host then Wethom begins. Most traffic continues by sea. Construction
moves off towards Caleme. Before they arrive, they receive of the keep continues, greatly aided by the wealth flowing
word of events and join the progression. They Soylana from Rethem. Wethom starts construction of outlying
unanimously decide to keep their mouths shut. villages.
Harvest Home (Halane 1-24) Pethwys: lord Weymyss settles increasing numbers of
refugees throughout his lands, bringing marginal lands under
Harvests throughout Kaldor and Hârn are good, where
cultivation. Fishing from Jariga Lake substantially increases.
there are peasants to reap them.

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The mines expand significantly as their labour shortage ends. long reign at 89 years-old can’t be expected though. The main
Felan improves the dock facilities at his growing town. Food concern is an alliance between Kaldor and Melderyn as a
imports from the south start to feed the expanding result, with Chybisa bartered to one or the other, though this
population, funded from industrial output. He builds a is unlikely.
fortified toll booth across the Geldeheim road as it enters the Construction of a keep at Oselbridge under the militant
steep mountain pass. He sells his poorer quality arms and and ambitious Martial Firith is worrisome, but a price Chybisa
armour to the king at inflated prices as he reequips his men has to accept.
to a higher standard. The Lady of Paladins at Abelrumer wipes out a small band
Pethwys also sells better quality weapons to the Wolves of Gargun and some bandits threatening the Anadel miners.
of Jara rebel group at cost, as Felan ramps up war production They institute patrols of the area, improving security and
and profiteering. The rebels act as bandits, hitting all sides in increasing productivity. They consider the terms of their
the civil war to the north and selling their plunder to oaths met. King Verlid concurs.
Weymyss to distribute. Weymyss puts aside a growing purse Hodiri and Chelni mercenaries hired by various Kaldoric
of silver whilst complaining of fictitious bandit raids. He trains factions return home, much laden with plunder.
a company of medium foot to man the toll and patrol his
lands, the Ivinians having left. Solora: Laranian priests carefully coached in Soloran
culture and etiquette are allowed into Solora by the
Lerial: the Prince settles the latest wave of immigrants to overchief. They are mostly ignored and viewed with much
the east, founding new villages. He raises some commoners suspicion and bile, but this meets the terms of the peace and
to the minor nobility, mostly able administrators with a eases border tensions somewhat.
smattering of warriors. These manage the villages, most as
bailiffs as the Prince follows the southern model of land The overchief launches large raids across the Solora River
distribution. The local nobility also fund construction of some against the Hodiri. The Solorans superior organisation and
villages, which they give to younger sons to hold in fee taile, veteran warriors initially prevail, before the Hodiri respond.
founding cadet branches to their clans. Marwyn starts They repatriate many slaves who though still enslaved, re-
rebuilding some fortifications in stone, starting with Baryns enter Soloran society.
Tower. Horadir: Solori attacks against the Hodiri encourage
Melderyn: the loss of Cundras and its subordinate manors several tribes in the southeast of their ranges to coalesce into
means the Lady of Paladins can no longer afford to employ all a supra-tribal group to halt their advances. They lose large
their members, even with some leaving for Kaldor and numbers of captured slaves but retain control of the land due
Chybisa. Nevertheless, King Chunel intimates he’d prefer they to their improving organisation and superior numbers.
keep to their existing recruitment schedules or even pick The Hodiri thin out the forested hills in former Solora,
them up slightly as the west of Hârn appears unsettled, as making them more suitable for grazing ponies. As the
does Orbaal. He’ll make up any shortfall in the meantime situation improves, they again start raids over the river to the
from royal coffers, binding them more firmly to him. In east, as the new border moves to a rough state of balance.
return, the king offers the order settlement rights for two Many mercenaries returning from Kaldor are a part of
new manors, one on Keron Island, the other north of Thay. those tribes that are loosely allied to Chybisa and trade
The order also sends numerous volunteers to Pjagel in extensively with them. Their increasing wealth improves their
Orbaal, where a priestess has recently founded a Laranian standing within the Horadir nation. Their influence grows as
Abbey with the support of the local ruler, but faces violence other nearby tribes join their association.
from some locals. She’s received leave to sponsor a new Tribes to the west of the Hodiri range find the reeling
village under the fighting order to provide security. It’s likely Pagaelin easy targets for raiding and gain much wealth,
to be a hostile posting. There are plenty of volunteers. though the Pagaelin make poor slaves. Some Pagaelin enter
The order retains Prosuzan and its subordinates which are slavery voluntarily to escape Kaldoric ravages, though they
transferred to Fosumo, whilst Vabeth is awarded to a loyal remain little trusted. These tribes form another
knight under Racyn in the royal domain. Its subordinate fief confederation.
reports as a bailiff to the hundred moot at Calenir. Cundras A few tribes remain uncommitted to the gathering tribal
and the rest of its fiefs are handed to an old and loyal groups and enter into alliance to resist more forceful
Melderyni family, Clan Torele, who are made barons. approaches to join a group.
Word is quietly passed to the Solori overchief of the The largest supra-tribal group remains the most
location of those members of the order who chose exile in aggressive. They favour a great march against Chybisa and
Chybisa, rather than accept cessation of the crusade to do the civilised realms. Their numbers swell as tribes see the
with as he will. growing fortification of Chybisa as a threat or fear the
Chybisa: King Verlid learns of Astarocs election as opportunity to attack is slipping away. Chybisan expansion
clanhead and king elect. He ponders this as he investigates his north into former Pagaelin lands reassures some and alarms
background. As a misanthropic K’Norrian scholar, things look others but acts to limit the groups growing influence.
a great deal better than Chybisa could ever have hoped for. A

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Menglana: Ibanvaal intensifies the siege of Vulenheim. hiring more mercenaries. Some are Kuboran or Thardic, but
The outcasts of Pelyn who seized the interred warboat join most are sent for from Kanday. They should arrive over
the defence as Clan Pel, setting up at Millsyde Bay. They’re coming weeks.
only tolerated as extra axes but not welcomed. The wealthy Baron Tirsa becomes embroiled at home as a bloody
Agrikan miller and his clan are notably hostile. revolt erupts amongst his men. Despite the initial fury of the
Harbaal: Clan Zhulensen of Hutsinby swear fealty to Clan rebellion, he rallies his followers and beats back the rebels.
Pelanby. Their Valhakar, Levin, hopes to see some discipline He starts hunting them down.
imposed on his unruly clan by the move before his imminent Golotha: the Banners of Avarkiel, a radical faction of the
passing. Given Hutsinby’s location upriver of Kereon, it was Chequered Shield mount a fierce assault against Rusu Island.
always likely to join Padona. More forces are rapidly drawn into the escalating conflict, on
Shorkyne: Parliament opens with requests from Aneola both sides. The Heptarchy appeals to the caer for aid, which
and Ensel to be recognised as Malnir of Hurisea and for offers it upon Golotha renouncing its declaration of
Shorkyni forces to join the conquest. The king moves the vote independence.
on this to the penultimate item on the agenda, before any Whilst deliberating, the Morgathians launch fierce
aids are awarded. counterattacks with their militiamen and fifth columnists that
A special session is held on the alleged assassination had gone undetected by the Laranian Inquisition. They are
attempt of the Duke of Alagon by the Malnir of Avan and repulsed with heavy losses, but serve to buy needed time for
subsequent invasion of Avan by Alagon. The Lord Advocate the defenders of Rusu.
presents a strictly neutral account of events. That there was The Laranians appeal for local volunteers to join the
an assassin and subsequent invasion is not in dispute. The assault, who mass in prospect of looting the rich enclave.
first question is if the Malnir is responsible for hiring the They also start to pour their mercenaries into the conflict,
killer. The second question turns on whether invasion was adding much quality to the attack. When regular Kandian
legitimate and proportionate. Both sides may present their forces commit, they finally force an expensive breach in the
cases to Parliament. walls.
Hurisea: all the minor esuaren have now submitted to As the situation starts to look hopeless, the temple guards
stronger lords, as they unite to resist Shorkyni aggression. all enter the fray, which turns into bitter street by street
Beldira hires mercenaries from Quarphor and Harbaal. They fighting. This buys time for the priests, particularly the
effectively gift the lands north of Helgen to Clan Paraden of Mamekans, to move much treasure and most of their records
Jarenmark, who send significant forces for this payment, to to the Compound.
aid in resisting Shorkyne. The Red Shadows of Herpa fight well but are forced to
The Ledensens of Helgen replace Peln with the more retreat with the Warriors of Mamaka, after the latter have
dynamic Landin, removing him from clan succession politics expended all of their incendiaries. These reaped a fearful toll
and bolstering Helgen. He quickly gains the allegiance of on defenders and attackers alike, with many Morgathian
those esuaren east and southeast of him, before entering the dead. Both orders conduct a disciplined fighting withdrawal
alliance with Antol and Beldira, gaining a few more manors to the Compound, where they bolster the defences.
for his aid. Importing Ledensen warriors and hiring Harbaaler The Copper Hook then takes charge of the remaining
mercenaries, he begins upgrading Helgen to a castle. defenders and mounts a spectacular defence, despite the
Rethem: the king retires to Shostim to plan the next phase rapidly deteriorating odds. In street by street fighting, the
of the war. The Duke of Hohnam personally leads a daring Hook are cut off and pushed towards the caer, every inch of
night-time raid with his best troops, seizing the fortress! He ground soaked in blood, which is shut against them. Prepared
leads his men across the water to open the way to the castle for a desperate last stand, they seize several pindas and flee
for his army. The king and his treasury are captured! to Apiseda Island, with as many mercenaries as they can cram
The kings’ army starts to desert, as the Duke declares into the boats.
himself Regent for his nephew, the rightful king. The queen in The Crimson Dancer is slaughtered by the Banners of
Golotha takes command of remaining troops at Norienar and Avarkiel in a glorious charge.
refuses to recognise him or ransom her husband. Shostim city Morgathian casualties are very high, as their fanatics die
remains in royal hands, but they daren’t assault the caer. in droves against the determined warriors.
The Duke of Hohnam ransoms several of his captives back The temple guards of Halea fight well, becoming key parts
to their lands and lords following his victory. He gifts the of the defence, but most are captured during the breach. The
Kubora with the captured commonality from the Red Laranians then extort extortionate ransoms of their temple as
Shadows of Herpa. They die grisly deaths. He sells some of they redeem them from bondage.
the least valuable of his captives to the Pamesani Games in
Golotha, using the example to encourage the rest to work Victorious, the Laranians claim a bloody victory and
harder at Ithiko. Other captives he retains for now. desecrate the dark temples. They reconsecrate the temple of
Mameka to Larani and that of Morgath to Peoni, whilst their
He uses his increasing wealth to reward his army, followers loot the district.
particularly the Ivinians and Kuborans, which he expands by

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Khala-Kenet-Retsa is killed during the fighting, her corpse Warrior seeks formal leave of the Senate to found a separate
dragged off to be burnt in the Pamesani flames. Khala-Khida fighting order to protect the shores of Lake Beneth. For now,
is dragged kicking and screaming and joins her, to be burnt they remain guarded by the Chequered Shield.
alive. The public execution is very popular. It’s notable that a Tashal: on the 1st, Astaroc retires to his house where he
great many of the Morgathian dead formed the internal refuses the offered honour guard or to move to the caer.
opposition to the Gurim and their followers. Earl Balim starts negotiations with Maldan Harabor on
Elsewhere in Golotha, the Laranians systematically heriot and what the Earldom of Olokand might entail. They
impound and seize the goods of those devout Agrikans and needs confirm everything with the king, but Astaroc just told
Morgathians they identify. An efficient spy network is them to get on with it. Maldan remains sheriff for now.
embedded throughout the city. They seize the Kraken, having In Heru, Constable Haldare receives word of the end of
learnt of its half-ownership by the Morgathian church when the interregnum and returns to Tashal with his men. Thilisa
they seized Largo of Lorjans goods. Following an anonymous starts putting the keep and town to rights, taking it off its war
tipoff (from Jarop of Zarainson) they hit the Bondmaster, footing. She releases the local yeomanry back to their manors
Largo’s brother Harald, burning him as a Morgathian. They to collect the harvest, though retains the rest of her forces
then seize the quality warhorses of Gorexin on the same whilst she puts her House in order and looks to recapture
grounds. Gorexin escapes with a few of his men, but Lorjan Qualdris.
family power is broken. Jarop and the Lia-Kivair move in and
seize the remnants of the busted smuggling network. On the 2nd, large packs of thugs ambush monarch elect
Astaroc outside his house. The vicious outlaws are quickly
In Temple Hill, the Laranians are brutal, burning the dispatched when their initial volley of crossbow bolts misses.
surface temple to the ground, again. They again reconsecrate Several Royal Guardsmen pour out of his house, where they’d
it to Peoni. After exorcism, they begin systematic excavation. been waiting to try and convince him of his need for them,
The convicts doing the digging require heavy guarding. battling the criminals.
In Kanday, King Andasin IV grows alarmed at the growing Afterwards, they concede on his using his house to reside
conflict with Rethem. In response he reluctantly marries the in, as it’s in a good area and defensible. Astaroc still refuses.
Earl of Heroth’s daughter and assigns control of several He already has a guard, thank you for your concern, his
northeastern border chapters of the Chequered Shield to the tenant the renowned tournament knight Sir Trelberan
Chabla from Perinore on the understanding that he’ll reign in Brailor! They are not impressed. Surviving thugs are tortured,
his more reactionary followers. The Dovan estates remain but only reveal the job came from their leader who died,
with the Rekela, forming the heart of the Banners of Avarkiel before they are executed.
faction. This has the added benefit of increasing the kings’
influence at the cost of the church. Constable Haldare is recalled to Tashal as Maldan eases
his grip on the city. He immediately sets the watch back to
He provisionally recognises Weseda as a holding of the work, whose duties had been co-opted by Maldans men. He
Earl of Selvos, increasing his feudal dues, though he lets him is shocked to see the condition of Koris, his lover, from the
know it’s subject to the terms of the peace. attempted assassination. The private and emotional reunion
He then moves to enter into negotiations with the dispels any lingering bad blood between them.
Rethemi Crown, looking for peace. However, he does move a Gardiren: Baron Pierstel of Tonot with the Balim Host
large portion of the feudal muster and Royal Guard to threatens to sack Gardiren unless they pay an indemnity of
Quivum and Imiden, where they can intervene in the conflict £120, in specie. They pay, mostly in khuzan gold. Yeged pays
if needed. Whilst there, they are set to drilling and improving the smaller amount of £40 under similar threat. The army
the defences. then moves towards Getha.
Thardic Republic: the survivors of the Trobridge debacle 3rd: Thilisa Meleken starts releasing the local nobility and
are publically castigated as the Senate disavows them. their man back home in Heru, but lets them know to expect a
Though the leaders are dismissed from the legions, none are campaign to recover Qualdris after the coronation, if her
further censured. They may still collect their land grants. errant vassals don’t come to their senses.
The Halean church uses its influence to purchase a new On the 5th, whilst en-route to Getha, the Dariune Host
Senate seat for Aramia of Coranan. Goaded by her rivals’ receives word of the cessation of ‘incidents’ as a new king has
ascension, the chief priestess of the Order of the Eight been elected. Debating on how to proceed, the host
Demons borrows heavily to purchase herself a further seat. continues on the next day to Naniombridge where they can
Unknown to her, most of these loans are provided by the expect word and instructions from Earl Troda.
Halean church. The Haleans use some of the profits to
purchase a second seat for the High Priestess of the Shiran Having made its statement, the Lady of Paladins releases
temple. its lay brothers and retired members back to their manors.
Many stay on for the coronation. The Order holds the few
The Laranians try to leverage support for a seat, but mercenaries it has hired as it plans a short campaign against
decline to pay the extortionate bribes required. Instead, they the Kath, to justify hiring them. They move men and supplies
amicably set up a separate church from Kanday, with a to the western chapterhouse’s, mostly the commonality.
bishopric centred on Coranan. The Order of the Noble

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With his yeomanry already released, Conwan sends his Since Orsin has settled the north-eastern Pagaelin for
remaining men and mercenaries west to join the push against now, Troda will recommend Maldans settlement rights are
the Kath with the Army of the Chelmarch. They begin raiding along the upper Osel, to secure the land. He’ll still need to
and pushing as they await Church reinforcements. A watch for Gargun of course.
successful campaign here would lessen Firiths relative power, Dariune indicates his particular upset at the actions of the
which has increased substantially over the year. miners undermining Tonot. Maldan replies that he needs to
8th. In Tashal, bands of mercenaries assault Astarocs protect and reward those who acted on his behalf, but agrees
house! Fortunately, their incendiaries fail to ignite in the to do nothing for the guild itself. Balim agrees to this
damp air. Sir Trelberan and the staff are able to hold them compromise. Normally, the Miners Guild is supported by the
off, before suspiciously large numbers of Royal Guard Exchequer, not now.
intervene. They “happened” to be in the area. Astaroc relents They’re separately worried about Migrays actions during
and allows a company of Low Guard and Squadron of High the crisis, suspecting him of acting for a foreign power. They
Guard to join his household. They bunk in the barely used launch independent investigations into the Herald as does
fourth floor. The mercenary leader escapes but is found, with Erila Kaphin, following her discussions with Harabor.
his throat slit, a few days later floating in the river. 8th to 10th: The Fourth Battle for Heru!
The other sheriffs return their men home, to bring in the The missing Earl of Osels relatives raise a force of eight
harvest. companies of mercenaries; mostly those forces released by
Balim and Maldan agree the new Earldom will include Maldan, together with similar numbers of their own men and
Olokand but not the hundred moots, or their subject fiefs and launch a surprise assault on Heru! Wary from previous
at least one barony, to be determined by the king. A few assaults, the defenders soon retire to the reinforced keep.
other manors under Olokand will be excluded, but they agree After the initial assault fails, the attackers demand Thilisa
to include the majority. Maldan will owe heriot of £10 per hand over the keep and vacate all claims to the earldom.
manor, £60 for the keep (but not the indirectly subject With her commanding position, Thilisa laughs in their faces as
manors) and £100 for Olokand. He’ll also gain some manors she organises the defence. They then demand the garrison
elsewhere in the kingdom, for which he’ll also owe heriot. hand Thilisa over to them, with similar results.
They’ll determine which manors later. They agree to pay this Meanwhile, riders rally the countryside to Thilisa’s
in equal instalments, starting next year after harvest with his banner, recalling the local nobility and yeomanry.
scutage over seven years. He still owes his scutage for this Maintaining contact through sally ports, the next day Thilisa
year. It’s traditional to charge an aid of a tenth of his tenants, dons armour and sallies forth as her returning troops assault
payable to Maldan next year. Maldan will probably have to the flank of the besieging army. Caught in the vice, the
relieve his vassals of this where they’ve suffered Viking mercenaries are sent reeling by the unexpectedly fierce
attack. Harabor will also be granted rights to found several counterattack by Thilisa’s now veteran force. Several are
manors (a typical boon to any baron or earl) which he won’t slain, but more are caught as the remnants abandon the town
owe heriot for. He’ll owe the service and scutage for these, and bridge, which Thilisa recaptures and garrisons. Though
five years after founding them. They’ll negotiate on a case by still outnumbered, she now commands a very strong position,
case basis when relevant. Though opposed recently, the two demanding an unconditional surrender of rebel leaders,
men work well together. including the Baron of Nubeth and the putative heirs to
Separately, the two discuss the recent crisis and its effects Qualdris. The rebels refuse, but continuous harrying attacks
on the realm. The agree Kaldor is weaker than she was and causes their hired help to trickle away and they’re forced to
several neighbours, such as Orbaal and Rethem have sought retreat in haste. The army is badly mauled whilst Thilisas
to take advantage. The large numbers of armed men and small force fights over familiar terrain.
mercenaries present also worries both men as it greatly 9th. At Naniom, where much plunder had previously been
increases the risks of brigandage. Displaced serfs make sent, the host releases the yeomanry back home, their share
matters worse. They agree it’s simply not worth the effort to of the plunder to be paid later. Mercenaries are organised
track down serfs who’ve fled, though some manor lords will into a caravan with the bridge merchants and regular
doubtless do so. Some freemen will be pushed into serfdom guardsmen. They’ll travel the Silver Way with four companies
by events, but this won’t replace all those lost. of knights to sell the plunder and return with and distribute
Next year, they should punish the Orbaalese and recover the proceeds. A couple of days are spent organising, whilst
some serfs, but it’s too late for now. That will employ some of they await the rest of the caravan from Kiban. Remaining
the armed men, but they need dealing with before that. forces start the long trek home down the river or on to Tashal
Some will replace military losses, be rewarded or hunt for the coronation.
bandits but that won’t suffice to occupy them. 10th. There’s little consensus between Maldan and Troda
Balim informs Maldan he’s sent a large number to on where Olokands new subordinate manors should lie. They
Azadmere which should account for them during the agree to return to the manner after the coronation. Dariune
remaining campaign season but leave them available for is reluctant to advocate anywhere until he knows the king
Orbaal in the spring. They’ll likely winter on his lands, at least better and other matter are resolved, such as which Barony
he’ll relieve them of some cash.

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Maldan will gain. Next, Balim raises the possibility of building presence. They can’t rule this out without a living captive to
a new keep in Meselyneshire for the sheriff, since Maldan is interrogate but it’s plausible. Lumede is now engaged by the
now earl? Maldan isn’t keen, but Dariune omits out he’s academic challenge whilst Lady Risai is intrigued. Bresyn then
unlikely to have much choice even if he remains sheriff. The makes Astaroc a series of predictions for next year, based
site he favours is south of Olokand, where Hemurin and Kald upon his becoming King of Kaldor. She predicts, terror, death
Rivers meet. This would protect the realm if Orbaal ever and war!
attacked in greater numbers. It’s also well positioned against Constable Pawade returns to Heru with a much smaller
the Kath and Gargun. They could use Nelafyn stone for party and a haggard-looking Earl! He has quite a tale to tell,
construction, pumping the economy. Maldan could also but his priority is to be reunited with his wife and regain his
construct two or three manors there, near his base. Finally, patrimony. In consultation with the constable to whom he is
Maldan reluctantly agrees, though it still requires the kings’ indebted, Sedris spends the remaining time before the
instruction. coronation quietly discovering just what has been going on.
11th. Sir Trelberan disturbs and incapacitates a Navehan He must attend, but they decide to keep his presence secret
assassin who comes after Astaroc, getting badly wounded in for now.
the process. Two other Navehan assassins use the 16th. Astaroc spends the next few days reviewing and
commotion to attack Astaroc whilst he’s alone in his daily strengthening the subtle wards around his home. The
bath. When the guardsmen burst in, they find the dead household routine is tedious in the extreme. Some
assassins whom Astaroc has drowned. The Guardsmen Guardsmen who haven’t faced any assassins complain. The
include some of those that Astaroc has previously wounded, more experienced prefer the boredom.
who are suitably impressed. Security is beefed up. Constable The Kiban caravan arrive upriver, bearing food and pack
Haldare increases watch patrols in the area as they mules. The combined caravan is much smaller than usual,
coordinate with the Royal Guard. The wounded assassin takes even counting the plunder. They recuperate for a day before
poison. Astaroc is now annoyed. He hasn’t been able to setting of for Azadmere on the 18th.
concentrate on his studies.
20th. Astaroc starts a series of walks around Tashal,
12th. Constable Haldare contacts the Serekela and poking into several corners regardless of rank or seeming. He
between the watch, Guard and Paladins start a sustained spends much time at the river and peering down wells.
hunt for suspected Navehan activity. They find few leads as Despite having to smooth matters over in a number of areas,
the church lies low. it’s a welcome break from the tedium and becomes a sought
13th. In consultation with the council of ministers, Haldare after assignment for the younger guards.
increases the size of the city watch to 30 men per company, 22nd. The King Elect climbs down into the city sewers and
most recruited from Maldans Tashal volunteers, whilst starts clambering along them. This duty is not popular
Marshal Koris increases the size of the High Guard by a amongst the guards. Worse, it’s dangerous, with bands of
squadron (under Sir Trelberan) and Low Guard by a company, thieves and outcasts about, all of whom know the tunnels
recruited from the forces raised by the claimants and their better than them, not to mention the filth and disease
supporters. Squires and Royal Page numbers are increased in present. Astaroc ignores the discontent and continues his
line, mostly from orphaned nobles, including Baron Ubaels explorations, merely bathing immediately afterwards. The
young cousins. guardsmen are not permitted use of his bath.
Astaroc calls on Lumede of Tiselwaith. The first time Thilisa Meleken takes Qualdris House with little fuss and
they’ve met. Despite being unannounced, he gains his maximum force, seizing her husband’s townhouse for the
attention and is granted entry. The guards have to wait coronation. Senior retainers present are overjoyed at her
downstairs. The Shek-Pvar ignores their protests. Cranelson return and eject the squatters trying to claim her husband’s
tells Lumede of the assassination attempts and that he has lands.
been unable to determine who sent them. He has no skill
with Savorya, so has sought Lumede to seek answers. The gathering nobility provide something of an economic
Lumede is totally uninterested in helping until Astaroc boon to Tashal as they assemble for the coronation. Most
threatens to make him Master of Esoterica if he doesn’t. They stay with family or in the retinues of their liege lords, but inns
make some preliminary attempts together but get nowhere. remains packed and space is at a premium.
Astaroc arranges to have the assassins various remains and 24th. The caravan makes good time to Azadmere bringing
effects discreetly delivered to Lumede. Lumede then amends welcome supplies. Merchants and mercenaries make good
the memories of the guards to occlude his actions. returns on their goods, especially foodstuffs. It’s enough for
15th. Astaroc returns to Lumede to progress things now Azadmere to barely scrape through winter with rationing.
they have the assailants’ effects. After a morning of fruitless Next year should be less perilous as Axxon produces more
investigation (which is worrisome), Lumede invites noted food. Five days of heavy trading ensue. Most trade is at
scholar Lady Bresyn Risai to help. Together, they are still Zerhun, though some merchants go on to Habe for increased
unable to determine who hired any of the killers. This is very profit.
concerning. Although not impossible, the lack of information Fethael hundred: Getha has been badly hit during the
is unlikely and it’s possible a skilled Savoryan has hidden their interregnum, with the town and all vassal fiefs (plus those in

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Chyle hundred) losing much portable wealth. Much of the Day 2: space is at a premium within Tashal and cutpurses,
looted goods went on to Naniombridge but substantial thieves and pickpockets make a killing, despite or because of
amounts were kept on the estates of Lord Kobarney of the large number of armed men present, compensating some
Hyzeval. Some of these are ransomed back to his neighbours for the dismal trading season. Merchants and inn keeps also
as he returns home with his contingent of troops from the profit handsomely with the party atmosphere. Food remains
Ubael muster. He makes fat profits, impoverishing several expensive, though not as extortionate as during the crisis.
other families who Baron Indama is obliged to aid, lest their The King Elect and royal party move into the caer, with
peasants starve despite his own problems. Many free families many servants and guards, who sleep in shifts. Precedence is
and tradesmen move to Kobarney lands. This makes him hotly contested. Those who can, use residences in the city,
unpopular with his neighbours; he doesn’t care. which are packed with clansmen, vassals and retainers.
Lord Indamas eldest son and heir, Harapa Indama, returns The day is spent feasting, where Astaroc causes a stir by
home, after his father pays the substantial ransom of £100. refusing anything but absolutely fresh produce. Several
He was the highest ranked captive of the war. Crippled from dishes are returned and the kitchens sent into frenzy as he
his injuries, he’ll be lucky to walk again and will father no complains. His household is sent for, to advise the staff. He
more children. He’ll certainly never fight. As such, he returns still eats and drinks little.
to Getha. There are rumours about his suitability as constable Shorkyne: both sides offer testimony on whether the
of Bidow and Deputy Sheriff. His ability to carry out his duties Pelanby response was proportionate. Aba Misyr speaks even
is called into question. though under confinement as he is still Malnir. The debate
The Coronation (Halane 25-30) causes great discussion within Parliament and is a closer thing
Day 1: the day starts with a high mass under a thin drizzle to decide.
at the Laranian Temple in Caleme presided over by the Rumath holds private talks with the King, Chancellor and
Serekela, which lasts for the morning. Edine Kynn gives a his cousin, the Exchequer. He agrees to construct a road
long, rambling sermon with no firm conclusion, testing the through Loala at his own expense and rebuild Calamisa,
stoicism of the congregation. which will be taxed as a town of 4,500 souls, with 14 nalor.
The aisles are packed with the suffering cream of the He won’t hold rights to the road after construction. The port
Kaldoric nobility. Astaroc raises a few eyebrows by having will owe one ship to the Royal Navy on 5 days’ notice and two
multiple blessings given by other faiths over the Serekelas on 30 days’ notice. These will be major expenses for the Duke
objections. Peoni, Save K’Norr, Halea, Sarajin, Ilvir and Siem and depend on his holding Avan. If approved by Parliament,
are all represented. The last four are notably unusual. Many he will gain an additional vote. He starts making
wonder where he managed to get a Siemist priestess. arrangements for followers to be granted the naloren, with
A long procession then walks to Tashal, where Astaroc is construction of a keep and port to follow at the “town”. His
ceremonially invested in the caer. The urban poor have been troops will need to incorporate existing settlers, mostly
paid to clean and scrub the streets. As a result, the cities bandits. He’ll doubtless leave the lepers alone.
stone gleams in the golden light of dusk. Parliament votes on whether the invasion was
Shorkyne: Parliament hears depositions from both sides. appropriate. For are Alagon, Shaplane, Aneola and Dumala.
Evidence against Avan is circumstantial and comes down to Also with him are seven votes from Avan, for a total of 84.
whether you believe the Duke. Despite this, Pelanby is the far Against are Ensel, Pilatha, Loala, Vadone and 1 vote from
more accomplished politician. It doesn’t help that Misyr Avan, for 86 votes. When Malpynia votes with Alagon and the
follows his cousin’s lead and antagonises many with his king abstains, it is narrowly decided. It seems the Duke won’t
ranting over Pelanby perfidy. face censure. The disposal of Avan is deferred until the next
day’s session. All the while, the kings’ coffers fill as
The debate is furious and involved, but a consensus
parliamentarians’ debate and spend in Quarrelin.
emerges that on a balance of the probabilities Misyr is likely
guilty. This makes him guilty of treason with an accompanying Day 3: in Tashal, Astaroc meets the current ministers to
death penalty. The king abstains during the vote. discuss policy and plays games. He only meets each minister
whilst they play a game of Malnirala. Most games are
Against his guilt votes Ensel (43) and Pilatha (10); for are
vanishingly brief as he is a master of the game. Most are
Alagon (45), Shaplane (13), Aneola (11) and Dumala (8).
somewhat familiar with play as King Miginath was fond of a
When 4 of Avans barons vote with the Pelanby block, Misyr
match and was also a master player.
violently protests. Pelanby holds those electors families and
keeps in the territory he seized! This is duly ignored. The only Afterwards he makes notes on his impressions of each
vote they muster is that of Teklekur, their seat. With that, minister. He takes little note of their policies.
Loala (8), Sabinia (10, Kolare (15) and Vadone (24) all support Tulath doesn’t last long, but shows some promise. Orsin
Pelanby and the matte is decided. Firith needs to be shown the rules before playing, but proves
The question of whether the Pelanby response was a remarkably quick study. He could mount an interesting
proportionate remains, but Aba Misyr the Elder looks set to game given practice. Asorn Firith the Elder is particularly
lose his head at least. skilled, though unoriginal in his play. Maldan Harabor
obviously dislikes the game, but played an aggressive and

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skilful bout. Koris Harabor had a very able strategy, less this makes Rumath by far the richest and most powerful
aggressive than his brother but less daring too. Erila Kaphin noble in Shorkyne, more so than the king and eclipsing his
was very able; she’d obviously enjoyed her frequent games rivals of Ensel.
with Miginath. Migray Hosath plays a deceptive game, Day 4: the day is spent feasting in Tashal. At the caer, the
surprisingly opaque. Armagaster Esaldin played the most great hall is packed and the top table is crowded even with
confident game, obviously no fool. No game lasts more than the ladies in the gallery, which is also full. There is much
40 minutes, few last 10, Astaroc winning all of them easily. jockeying for position and precedence. The meal itself is a
Armagaster watches them all whilst he capers, japes, cracks formal affair, though the further below the salt one passes
jokes and generally distracts people. Astaroc ignores him, but the more riotous and less decorous it becomes. Astaroc is
doesn’t ask him to leave. abstemious, eating and drinking little, his attention seeming
However, Troda Dariune is undecided whether to play for elsewhere. What little he eats is perfectly fresh, as even the
the win or for a narrow loss. He’d played Miginath often. As smallest hint of it not being causes him to send the food
such, he keeps his options open for the first 17 turns before away.
realising his folly. He switches tactics to go for a win. He lasts Several speeches are made, most of them long, declaring
another 37 turns before victory is mathematically impossible. this or that in purple prose. Astaroc merely sits without
Armagaster is merciless in his mockery. In all, he lasts 22 listening, perfectly bored. He’s not the only one.
minutes. He asks for a rematch. Intrigued, Astaroc grants it, A cask of Karejian red wine is brought from the cellar and
the only such request he grants that day. presented to the top table with much ceremony. A gift from
After 19 minutes Armagaster ceases his mockery and pulls the Thardic Republic of a few years ago, it is very expensive.
up a stool to watch the new game. 26 minutes later, he sends The Thardic ambassador seems much taken to see it
for other K’Norrian priests. 76 minutes later food is sent for, broached and drinks copious amounts. Astaroc sticks to
but goes untouched. No policy is discussed, though the water. Others follow his example and drink other drinks
combatants discuss a number of issues. The priests enforce following the misunderstanding at Trobridge. Kurson Ondalis
total silence on all but the players present, terrorising several is seated just above the salt, marking him as a wealthy
servants. Finally, 4 hours, 37 minutes after play began, manorial lord. Some can’t resist trying the rare vintage.
Astaroc wins as Dariune concedes a technical victory. The Suddenly, the ambassador bolts upright, coughing blood!
priests burst into thunderous applause and fierce debate The poison was slow-acting and very painful. Several at the
amongst themselves. Astaroc actually nods at Dariune as he high table are taken ill, a couple dying in agony. Several
leaves, scattering the priests and collecting a seedcake as he servants, one of the under chefs and a food taster are found
passes. Troda pauses to chat to a few and seems amused at dead in pools of vomit and blood. Apparently, they’d decided
their futile attempts to convert him. to quietly indulge. No trace is found of the culprits and arcane
Quarrelin: Parliament quickly comes to vote on the investigations reveal little. With the caer so busy lately there
disposal of Avan. It comes down to a choice of returning it to was ample opportunity for almost anyone to doctor the wine.
the king for disposal (it’s too distant to easily join the Royal Earl Balim and Cheselyne the Elder spend hours in
Domain, though Parliament would ratify the Kings choice for consultation with Astaroc.
Malnir) or whether to join it to the Duchy of Alagon.
Quarrelin: Duke Rumath Pelanby causes uproar when he
Duke Pelanby privately offers to heavily contribute to a announces he’s re-founding the town of Calamisa! He humbly
road through the poor county of Aneola if he can have their requests Parliament recognise the Esuaren with its attendant
votes. They’d get large say on the route and control of the vote and accompanying naloren. He add that tough it’s
road afterwards. He doesn’t mention earlier negotiations currently a poor holding, he’ll accept its being registered as a
with the king. They eventually agree on an 80% contribution small town with attendant feudal obligations, including
by Rumath, if Pelanby gains the Malniran. providing ships to the Royal Navy. The vote is surprisingly
For Alagon are Alagon, Shaplane, Aneola and Dumala with quick. Against are Ensel, Kolare, Vadone, Pilatha and Loala,
eight from Avan, for 85 votes. Against is Ensel, Pilatha, 1 vote for 100 votes. For are Alagon (including Avan), Shaplane,
from Avan, Vadone and Kolare. When the king abstains, it is Aneola, Dumala, Tharia, Falimae, Sabinia and Malpynia. It
decided. passes. The Chancellor notes that feudal obligations are
This is a very bad day for Ensel. Alagon will now have 9 calculated annually, so Alagon will owe dues for the year past,
more votes, taken from Ensels block, together with the including for Aids already delivered. This is expensive, but
resources of the Malniran and land access to the rest of undoubtedly worth it, with Alagons growing influence.
Shorkyne. Ensel and Dumala both appeal to the crown and
Rumath announces the road plans in celebration, which Parliament for support in their bids for hegemony in Hurisea.
Aneola will contribute a fifth towards the cost of, likely in This would add a Malniran to the kingdom. The debate on the
labour, supplies and troops. The Chancellor interjects on costs, merits, risks and consequences is hotly contested and
behalf of the king that the plans will be subject to royal continues over into the next day.
inspection and approval for their military value, which Day 5: in Tashal, the hunt for the assassins makes little
Parliaments concurs with. Even with these substantial costs, headway as the coronation takes place at the Laranian

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temple, presided over by the Serolan. This is a relief to the He’s conscious of trouble with his brother the count back
congregation as he is a much more gifted speaker than Kynn. home over his marriage, so sends for additional followers and
The Serekela is a prominent guest. Astaroc again insists on settlers from Halmo and Horaga.
the prominence and involvement of clerics from other faiths. Tomorrow the king will appoint his ministers and make
They offer their blessings as part of the proceedings. The any proclamations to commemorate his reign.
service is packed and the Royal Guard are resplendent in their In Quarrelin Parliament debates dispatching an army to
raiment. They are also heavily armed and very paranoid. The Hurisea. The king indicates he’s willing to back this, provided
Lady of Paladins is interspersed with them, no less gorgeous sufficient funds are made available to support the troops.
and just as wary. The security is extreme. As the ceremony Parliament largely seems amenable to passing such an aid.
closes, Astaroc takes his oaths to serve Kaldor to the utmost
of his abilities as king and is ceremoniously wed to the land. The next question is who would command such an
Each invited denomination gives him its blessings. Thus expedition. The king successfully argues the appointment lies
begins the reign of King Astaroc, the First of his name. within his remit.
Proceedings then progress to the caer, where each As for who will hold the new Malniran, the decision is
tenant-in-chief is to swear fealty on behalf of their lands and deferred until they actually hold the county. It’s generally
vassals. understood that facts on the ground will determine the
political reality.
The Earl of Neph, Hemisen Curo, swears first in the brief
ceremony, followed by his rival, the Earl of Balim, Troda Day 6: in Tashal Astaroc briefly interviews the current
Dariune. They are all smiles towards one another. Thilisa ministers, no interview lasting over 10 minutes. He then
Meleken steps forth on behalf of her father, the Earl of assembles the court for his appointments. Everybody is
Vemion, Declaen Caldeth, who couldn’t attend. To the reappointed unless he says otherwise. Armargaster capers
consternation of the court, he sends apologies through his and makes several mocking remarks at the absurdity of this. A
daughter. Astaroc seems amused. few pronouncements will follow.
Before Thilisa can offer obeisance as Earl of Osel; a Kytem Curo, Chamber Seneschal, a younger son of the Earl
delegation steps forth from the Baron of Nubeths party with of Neph is summoned and dismissed for incompetence. At his
one of Thilisas vassals. He offers his allegiance to the king as protests that he had nothing to do with the poisoning and
the holder of Qualdris and Earl of Osel, as his kinsman Sedris couldn’t be held responsible for it, he’s informed that’s not
is dead! In the silence that follows, Thilisa retires quietly to the reason for his dismissal. Astaroc was repeatedly served
her party and Sedris steps forth, saying “reports of my food that was going off, even after his complaints. Cheselyne
untimely demise are sadly premature!” He offers his oath, the Elder replaces him. Armagaster makes rude noises and
which is accepted. Nubeth and his party depart in the ensuing retching motions. He’s clearly in a mood for slapstick.
commotion, though Thilisa seizes the erstwhile claimant. Next Rodin Kynn, Royal Astrologer (related to the Earl of
Maldan Harabor comes forward, bearing the Mace Neph and Serekela), is summoned and dismissed for
Thunderer, somewhat anticlimactically and is accepted as Earl ignorance and idleness. Astaroc will tolerate no sinecures. He
of Meselyne and liege to the Barony of Nenda. For Olokand appoints Lady Bresyn Risai to the vacancy, who’s offered no
he holds all the subordinate manors that aren’t held by or choice in the matter. When she protests at this, the king is
answer to hundred bailiffs, except those of Sangara and unmoved; he had no choice in becoming king. Armargaster
Kessen. He owes heriot on his new holdings as agreed with makes exaggerated noises of sympathy at her discomfort. The
the Exchequer, payable over seven years from next year. He king sends her to interview her new subordinates.
still owes feudal dues for this year, most of which he agrees Orsin Firith is brought before the throne and informed
to supply in men. As is usual with peers of the realm, he is he’s been granted his crenelation license of Oselbridge. It will
granted settlement rights to some proposed manors, which be attached to the office of Oselmarshal and supported by
he isn’t liable to pay heriot on. In his case, these are in lower new manors along the Osel River at every ford. He’ll consult
Meselyneshire. with the sheriff as he appoints bailiffs to construct these
Barons swear fealty next. Ternua, Kobing and Getha all manors. This increases his military power considerably, as the
swear in turn. Conwan Elendsa is called forth and offered a feudal levies become available to him and guards are
crenelation license for Etoss, together with the manors of appointed to the new keep, but falls short of making him Earl
Kessan. He owes heriot for his new fiefs, but not existing ones as the office is not heritable. Armargaster marches right
or the costs of construction of a keep, which he must bear. under Orsins nose, well within his personal body space.
With settlement rights to new manors along the River Osel, Nevertheless, Orsin appears satisfied. This provides him with
he accepts and makes his oath. a path to seizing Chybisa in time…
Finally, Parel Arcona is summoned before the crown and It seems clear to most that Dariune and Cheselyne now
offered a barony centred on Chelena. He’ll need to fortify and hold the reins of power within the kingdom.
build manors, but is offered some of those that currently With the ministerial appointments done, Astaroc
answer to Sirendel. To sweeten the offer, he’s offered announces a series of building works throughout Tashal to
support from the Army of the Chelmarch to pacify the area. mark his coronation as is traditional. He announces the
After considerable consultation with his new wife, he accepts. digging of a dozen public wells and repairs to the city sewers.

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This isn’t the sort of grand gesture as is usually proposed, but Troda Dariune, Chancellor of the Exchequer announces a
will be popular with the city’s tradespeople. Armargaster special Aid will be charged of all tenants-in-chief to mark the
mimics squatting in an outhouse. coronation, as is traditional and to pay for the proposed
He then announces an expansion of the caer, which is works. Each tenant will owe £1 per manor, £5 per keep and
more in keeping with expectations. The northwest tower £20 per castle held. The towns of Tashal and Kiban will owe
cellar and crypt are to be extended and dug out. The lower £50. To be paid in silver. This hits Baron Indama and the Earl
level will provide a bathing chamber, whilst the upper level of Meselyne hard as their finances are particularly stretched.
will be for general storage and additional guard quarters. Privately, Dariune confirms to Uldien and Tonot that he won’t
Finally, the king declares that Kaldor will stay within her seek his feudal dues of them for five years as they repair their
historic borders. This causes a murmur among the nobility. It fiefs. He still expects their military muster as usual.
takes some a while to realise that those borders once Quarrelin: intense discussions occur over the budget and
included Chybisa and the statement is ambiguous about proposed Aids to fund it. A naloren aid of 60d per naloren has
whether it is included in those borders. Orsin seems satisfied. been levied by every Parliament to sit for over 10 years. Its
That concludes royal bulls and the king will now hear passage is never in doubt, though it’s hotly debated and
petitions from the gathered assembly. Chief Ministers may arguments for raising it and the purposes to which it is put
follow with their own proclamations. are still aired.
Earl Sedris Meleken gifts the crown £50 and requests that Parliament has already raised a town aid of £50 per town
Constable Haldare of Heru be made baron for services to his this year (which Alagon now owes extra for) and one of £2
family. On the advice of the exchequer and sheriff, this is per castle, £1 per keep. As six aids per year have been raised
granted. Since this leaves the earl without a constable held for the last few years, any additional levies represent an
keep, he is granted leave to construct a keep at the increase.
confluence of the Rivers Osel and Ilmen, with enough manors The king seeks a new aid to fund the proposed conquest
to support it. Armargaster makes lewd motions as to what of Hurisea. The debate is fierce and Alagon is resistant (as it
those services may have been. will cost them most for the least gain). As part of a
The young journeyman astrologer, Meriven of Busic, compromise, the crown offers to spend part of the aid on
nephew of the deposed Rodin, approaches requesting leave other matters, increasing the Royal Bureaucracy, whose
to speak. This is unusual but granted. He’s supported by his control is divided amongst parliamentary factions. They’ll
cousin, the apprentice Yenin Kynn, who is sent off with a flea send one cohort of the royal army, together with volunteers
in his ear for impertinence. The Serekela does not look from the Manlier, and crown troops funded from royal
amused. Armargaster mocks the young man’s nervousness. It coffers. This is tentatively accepted, as the debate shifts to
is not appreciated when the young man requests to be where in the bureaucracy increases will be made.
allowed to serve under someone other than Lady Risai as she The Chancery will employ a new Crown Advocate (at 96d
is both a woman and foreign. His reputation as a gadfly per month, with 24d support per month and 36d in
doesn’t help. The new Astrologer Royal is sent for and asked administration budget).
to explain things to the young man. He strenuously objects to The Private Office will recruit two clerks to serve the
this public dressing down. It becomes apparent his real Secretary of the Privy Seal (64d each, 24d and 120d).
objections are that he’s expected to work and study and that The Exchequer gains two Royal Tax Assessors (96d, 72d
his knowledge was found deficient for his position. and 36d).
Armargaster is merciless in his mimicry at this. Astaroc stands The Chamber takes on three Royal Heralds (88d, 72d and
and declares young Meriven a fool. Since he is such a fool, he 56d), to be stationed in Trierzon, Chelemby and Harbaal; an
can apprentice himself to one and serve under the Royal apprentice physician (0d, 24d and 24d); a journeyman of
Jester until Lady Bresyn will take him back, if she ever does. esoterica (80d, 24d and 36d); a journeyman astrologer (72d,
This shuts up both the young noble and Armargaster! 24d and 24d) and an apprentice fool (0d, 24d and 24d).
Ministerial pronouncements follow. Only the chief The Navy will receive a new inspector of the fleet (144d,
ministers announce any plans. More junior ministers and the 72d and 120d) and two naval clerks (56d, 24d and 24d) to
sheriffs may announce things over the coming weeks. review all the extra vessels and facilities.
Sir Tarkin Hirnen, the Lord Chancellor, lets it be known This comes to 2,528d per month or 7,584d per quarter.
that there’ll be no investigations over events during the
interregnum, but that further reprisals will not be tolerated. The rest will be spent on the military campaign in Hurisea.
It costs 16,656d per month per cohort to campaign, or
Koris Harabor, Marshal of the Royal Guard, now mostly 49,968d per quarter. The number of troops sent will depend
recovered from his poisoning, announces that the Royal on the monies actually raised.
Guard will increase by two squadrons of High Guard and two
companies of Low Guard to maintain order. The assassination Parliament then agrees to raise an aid of £50 per town.
attempts likely play a part in this increase. It can be assumed This is pushed for by Tabin as an alternative to raising an aid
there’ll be a similar increase in Royal Squires. based upon castles and keeps, as it will cost Alagon the most
(as it holds two of the 17 towns in Shorkyne) despite it also
costing them more. This is approved by the peers as a check

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on Alagons growing influence. This raises 204,000d to which some aid, he is remote from Tashal and not useful enough
is added the 15,180d additionally owed by Alagon, together politically for either of them. Merela, does however, get a
with three spears (which they agree to render as troops). The Chelni pony. Constable Mirdarnes son is distraught. He would
grand total this quarter is 219,180d, which is just short of that
actually have been a better match.
required to raise a legion of four cohorts. Masons descend into the sewers at the king’s behest to
After its passage, the king agrees to send the Montivel conduct surveys and present him plans. They are soon
cohort (as Trierzon has removed troops from her northern attacked by criminal elements resenting the intrusion into
border), plus a cohort of the feudal levy and a cohort from their domains. The king orders the Royal Guard to accompany
the Duchy of Tharia, under the command of the Malnir of the survey parties; High and Low Guard. This is not a popular
Monteval, Elgar Raldon Piredos. A fourth cohort of volunteers duty, but is fully endorsed by Marshal Koris.
from Ensel and Shaplane is already in country. Two thirds of Since Constable Haldare has seen fit to increase the City
these volunteers are from Ensel. Watch to 30 men per gate, he is instructed to put them to
The king also sends two squadrons of the High Guard, a work patrolling the walls and streets. This he does, sending
squadron of squires and three companies of the Low Guard them out in pairs, though they stick to better areas, avoiding
under the Commander of the High Guard to accompany Elgar Eastside and only patrolling during daylight. Nevertheless,
Piredos. This costs 4,356d per month or 13,068d per quarter. there is a noticeable reduction in crime.
The price to dispatch this army is 164,892d per quarter. It The new wells are less contentious and work starts at sites
will doubtless be joined by several hundred adventurers and chosen by the king, together with work on the cellars at the
mercenaries. caer.
The king expands the Royal Guard by a squadron of High In recognition of the kings good standing within the
Guard (288d and 96d), with Knight Lieutenant (360d and 96d) Seaman’s Guild (which comes as a surprise to many nobles)
and Knight Commander (432d and 96d); two companies of they finally open a small guildhall in the city, after years of
Low Guard (56d and 32d), with four manus commanders (64d lobbying by the bondmaster. The Pilots Guild don’t follow
and 32d), two decad commanders (96d and 32d) and two suite, but their noises towards the idea become more positive
company commanders (120d and 32d); two overstrength than previously.
squadrons of squires (0d and 72d); a company of mounted Tashal sees a slight uptick in economic activity with all this
bowmen (112d and 72d), with two manus commanders (120d building.
and 72d), a decad commander (128d and 72d) and a company The masons and guardsmen discover some of the Lia-
commander (136d and 72d); a Deputy Master of Cavalry Kivair tunnels beneath the city and clash with the thieves
(288d and 72d) and Master of Cavalry (384d and 72d); a during chance encounters. They map the newly discovered
journeymen ostler (48d and 48d), with two apprentice ostlers tunnels. Despite the criminals better knowledge of the area,
(0d and 24d); and a journeyman weaponcrafter (48d and 24d) the numbers, training and arms of the guardsmen soon tell.
with two apprentice weaponcrafters (0d and 24d). This Things only improve for the silent guild when they bribe some
increase will cost 16,568d per month including a 376d palace clerks to learn the inspection schedule of the masons
administrative budget, or 49,704d per quarter. and can avoid them more effectively. When work commences
Of course, there is uproar at this. The king calmly explains,
these schedules will also be filed, so this should follow
it’s needed to combat the increase in Trierzon military might.through whilst the works are carried out.
They might have moved forces to the eastern border to Members of the Order of the Yellow Hand work to get
counter Azeryan imperialism, but they’ve also increased their adherents placed in the work crews beneath the streets, to
armed might. Regardless of what happens, those forces or aid in their search for The Scant Illumination of Vision.
Azeri ones remain a threat. The king also promises to
dispatch these forces to Hurisea once recruited and trained. Before heading to his holdings, Troda Dariune, the
Chancellor of the Exchequer issues a policy signed by the
The total cost of all these measures is 220,260d, just more
king. Mineral rights will henceforth only accrue to the crown
than that raised by the aid. The king must make up any for noble metals, namely gold, silver, copper and iron. The
shortfall, which has increased slightly. rest will henceforth be subject to fief holders control as per
The increase in the military and fiscal power of the kingother rights, though guild privilege still needs observing!
will put him back on a comparable footing with the expanded The Miners Guild is outraged and nobles are overjoyed as
duchy of Alagon, if this can be maintained. He still falls behind
they lose little time enforcing their new rights against the
in parliamentary votes, but a rough balance of power is hated guild.
Troda quietly lets it be known that the miners should have
Taking Stock (Savor) stayed out of the politics of the succession. He also hints that
In Tashal, Kurson Ondalis is found with Merela Hosath in a their prospecting rights could be further curtailed, as could
compromising situation. Despite claims of innocence, the two their labour rights and wood rights if they cause further
are swiftly betrothed and marched down the aisle, to the trouble.
displeasure of both Cheselynes. Although Kurson holds two The mangai refuse to support the miners after a tense
wealthy and strategic manors and could found a third with vote, where the allied guilds support the miners and others

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are opposed. Sentiment against them is running high. The Clan Kobarney did well out of the interregnum. Whilst
miners threaten to halt production. Troda tells them to go Balims armies were ravaging the rest of the hundred, they
ahead, but they fold before his threat. gained several new free farmers and tradesmen who fled to
Olokand: Maldan returns home to a hero’s welcome and their manors and safety.
takes charge of his domains. As sheriff he persuades the They supplied more than was required of their feudal
Rekela of Abriel, Illor Haldan, to relinquish the office of bailiff muster to Uldien and Balim, gaining substantial plunder in
of the hundred. It’s a political distraction from the mission of return.
the church. The Rekela readily agrees despite the church’s Much of the difficult to transport loot, such as livestock
outrage. The office is transferred to the bailiff of Medarsin, and large goods was kept on their holdings, which they now
together with the subordinate holding of Aeborn. This dispose of. Whilst some needs returning to their lieges for
increases the sheriff’s income at the churches expense. distribution to the rest of the army, as well as their share they
He then cajoles the Rekela into releasing the contract for take a commission for the sales. They ransom some of these
Abriel Quarry to the sheriff, in return for a gift of a £5 silver goods back to their neighbours on relatively generous terms,
ewer, beautifully etched and engraved with scenes of but take fat profits. Several nobles in the hundred take loans
Dolithor. The church is very upset. Maldan sweetens the deal with the Kobarney to meet their obligations, offering sureties,
by commissioning a new stained glass window, depicting the rather than deal with the Haleans. The Kobarneys are
glories of Serelind in which the Mace Thunderer is prominent. sympathetic with this, but wring additional advantages from
This does little to mollify the church, but Illor is pleased. it.
Maldan honours the miners’ leaders he’s knighted and The clan bribe Sheriff Haradoc (who needs funds to repair
they continue to personally prosper under him. He offers his clan finances) and gain approval to expand Medtald by
them positions in his household military, over half accept. 550 acres, up to the hundred border.
These take on each other’s kin and apprentices as squires, On behalf of one of their vassals, one of their captains Sir
together with sons of other prominent guild members. Talnin Asane who is away with the forces in Azadmere, who
Gardiren: Earl Curo is furious at the dismissal of his son, had a lucrative war, they further bribe the sheriff and gain
Kytem. His heir, Meden, remains sheriff but it’s a serious loss permission for him to found a new subject manor of 1,800
of face and influence. The humiliation of his distant cousin as acres to the north of Elmeze, where he currently serves. This
Apprentice Fool, he rather thinks he brought upon himself will be subject directly to Kobarney.
and it’s clear to the earl that he’ll be returned to his position, Lord Dolastar of Elmeze uses his funds to pay off his debts
eventually. and pay for the extension and renovations to his manor
He appoints Kytem Constable of Pendath, moving his house.
cousin to a minor manor where he can do less harm. Kobarney uses the remainder of his bounty to make
Getha: Baron Chimin Indama finds his fief devastated by donations to the local abbey of Larani (and Uldien Abbey) and
the visiting armies of Balim. All of his tenants will struggle to build a stone Peonian chapel on his fief.
pay their feudal dues and so will he. Only his own and his He and all his vassals can expect another windfall when
vassals holdings have been ravaged, in return for his foray his remaining men return from Azadmere with the caravan,
downriver. His lands in Fethael and Chyle hundreds have having sold their share of the plunder. He happily passes on
been stripped to the bone and beyond. the third of his takings downriver to Uldien, his liege.
With his son’s wounds, Chimin is obliged to replace Uldien: the town has been badly damaged by assaulting
Harapa as Constable of Bidow and Deputy Sheriff with his troops and Baron Ubael sets about righting matters. The
younger son, Haradoc (to Haradoc’s delight). Harapa replaces earl’s waving of non-military feudal dues for five years helps,
Haradoc as hundred bailiff of Fethael as a sinecure, though as does plunder from the wars. He uses this bounty to aid his
he’s incapable of performing the duties which are handled by tenants, relieving many of next years’ feudal obligations, on a
others. case-by-case basis. Karsin approves the application of his
Indama then borrows heavily from the Halean church to vassals to found new fiefs where able.
cover his obligations. The church itself was extensively looted, He makes the Fur Fair Tournament an annual event, to
but sends to Tashal for new funds. The additional aids raised pump the local economy, eliciting contributions from local
worsen the baron’s situation. As a consequence of the loans, tradesmen and merchants to offset costs.
he grants tax exempt status throughout Neph to the Haleans, Finally, he instigates several postponed and deferred
to the displeasure of many Laranians and rural nobles, though projects and repairs around town with the windfall.
tradesmen are pleased.
Some of his major tenants, the Kobarneys make large
His plans to found manors along the Silver Way are put on donations to Uldien Abbey again, which Karsin matches. They
hold due to lack of funds. construct several outbuildings and an infirmary (which is
The Aramia of Getha realises there will be no economic staffed by Peonian clerics and hired staff); hiring servants and
boom town in Getha now, without a lot of help for the baron, permanent staff as their articles of founding prevent them
but she has a firm hold of the local situation and counts expanding their clerical compliment. Increasing pilgrimage to
herself satisfied. the Shrine of St. Uldine; further pumps the economy.

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Increased numbers of Marsh People (from immigration by town and caer with only token resistance once the earl
fled serfs) across the Selene River leads to an increase in illicit becomes known. They dismiss several bailiffs who opposed
trade. All this increased activity leads to an increase in Thilisa, many of them family members, appointing knights
criminal acts. who supported her.
Kyg: Earl Dariune quietly dismisses the constable for not They formally forgive the Baron of Nubeth and those who
providing during the crisis. He remains silent about the illicit held land in their own rights, noting that they followed their
activities that were uncovered. Danyes Bernan rails some duty as they saw it, however mistakenly.
against this injustice, but garners little sympathy and quietly They plan to build a new keep at the confluence of the
drops the issue. Ilmen and Osel Rivers as instructed next year, with manors to
Troda personally takes charge for a month whilst he sets support it. Finally, they start serious work on conceiving an
the holding to rights. He appoints his son Scina Acting heir.
Constable whilst he considers matters. Azadmere: King Hazmadul III offers to hire all the
Danyes quickly makes his way to Kyg to claim his goods mercenaries who accompanied the caravan to sell their
and escape to Chybisa before his illegalities come to light. He plunder for an assault on Zhakom. They are accompanied by
makes arrangements to rent out his Tashal property. representatives from all of the Earl of Balims followers. They
Meanwhile the earl quietly lets it be known that he are offered good wages and khuzan arms and armour. They
appreciated Danyes’ help apprehending several criminals can keep the arms and equip them before the assault
whom he arrests, tortures and seizes the goods of. This leads regardless of the outcome. He makes similar offers to the
to other criminals; that the earl also takes. caravan guards and the earls men. He also summons the
When Bernan arrives, the earl (who he didn’t know was feudal muster of Habe and Axxon.
present) throws him a lavish public feast. The next day he is Discussing it amongst themselves, the knights of Balim
seized by some of his former business partners. The earl (mostly middle ranking warriors of the earl and his vassals
mounts a rescue of his “loyal” retainer as he is being tortured. and younger sons of his tenants) agree it’s in the earls’ best
Unfortunately, the former constable dies of his wounds interest to join the assault and retain command of the
painfully a few days later. However, the earl does manage to mercenaries and caravan guards. They accept, lending the
capture most of those holding his erstwhile vassal. He seizes mercenary army much needed leadership.
the goods of all concerned and has them executed. The king takes those of his dwarfish troops who are
The remaining knights of Kyg use the bounty of the war to unmarried or veterans who will father no more children as his
improve their fiefs. battle cohort, so that losses don’t affect the population of
Shebra: the sheriff returns home to assert control of his Azadmere overly.
dominions. The Marsh People’s increasing numbers cause The battle starts with heavy scouting. Several Gargun
them to colonise and found several new villages north of the hunting parties are captured and tortured for the layout of
River Selene, populating the northern marsh so as not to the complex and disposition of any guards. Several entrances
overburden the ecology. They find an accommodating are put under discreet observation, to be plugged once the
secondary market at Uldien, selling herbs, furs and other fight starts in earnest. Mounted knights and super heavy
goods. khuzdul foot who fight best in open terrain are chosen for this
Asolade: Constable Mirdarne is granted rights to found a task. Some routes north are left open, providing channels of
forth manor in the Neald in recognition of his support for the escape. These are watched closely, with cavalry on hand to
earl. This makes his, the most powerful local family. Mirdarne pursue any princesses escaping. A £10 bounty if offered per
sets about restoring the earls hold over the hundred which female killed.
has been eroded by the sheriff. He increases the permanent The dwarven host assaults the Gargun complex, tossing in
garrison at Jedes to two overstrength companies, one of light firebombs in the bright midmorning. This is followed by
horse and the other a mix of light foot bowmen and medium furious assault, achieving total surprise. Initial opposition is
foot. overwhelmed, before they meet stiffening resistance as they
Lord Krisagon Lartyne is granted another 400 acres assart press on towards the queen’s chambers.
at Kithkald in absentia as he is currently at Azadmere. His Volleys of crossbow bolts launch from the khuzdul ranks
brother Draco takes charge of the increased plot and starts skewering defenders and allowing a rush by the heavily
constructing a secondary manor at Kithkald. armoured mercenaries; which disrupts the opposition's ranks,
The Lartyne war band is granted their promised acres forcing a passage. Fighting then moves to a series of brutal
within the two manors, many marrying into Clan Hestin and room to room conflicts. No quarter is asked or given.
tying the yeoman clan to the Lartynes. The dwarven crossbows are devastating in the corridors
Both Draco and Mirdarne spend considerable wealth and open spaces, whilst the humans’ heavy armour is decisive
improving their new holdings. in cramped confines. The Gargun king and his elite guard
force an escape, escorting one of the princesses through an
Qualdris: Thilisa Meleken and her husband Sedris return overlooked side tunnel to the surface.
to Qualdris to assert their authority. They take control of the

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Cavalry set off in hot pursuit once they learn a female is is no more is also pleasing, as is the reducing trade. Increased
present, leaving other Gargun to escape. They corner the pirate activity in the Gulf is very satisfying.
fleeing foul spawn in a blind canyon where they fight Less pleasing is the increased trade between Orbaal,
savagely. The result is in little doubt as the orcs and princess Shorkyne and Chelemby. The pirates are helping disrupt this,
are slaughtered. but not well enough. Aid is quietly funnelled to support the
The others escaping goblinoids makes their way north, pirate operations against this trade.
where they are hunted by Noron and his sons or the Taelda. Most worrying is the movement of Clan Pelanby to Orbaal
Few survive. and the increasing links with the continent. Information is
In the complex, the dwarfs confront the queen and discreetly passed to their most aggressive rivals.
princesses. Incendiaries are tossed in, followed by crossbow The situation in the west is too fluid for Melderyn to make
bolts through the smoke. Human warriors then charge in, judgement upon yet. It’s heartening that Kanday seems to be
eager for the rewards and overwhelm all within. All the eggs swallowing parts of Rethem and that the rebellion seems to
are crushed and burnt, acrid smoke filling the air. The dwarfs be going well. The Thardic Republic has always been the
reclaim the land as the humans depart. concern, which is why they pushed Rethem to fragment and
Returning to the Low Town of Azadmere (none are be swallowed by Kanday. An independent Morgathian
permitted entry to the inner city) the Dariune army receive Golotha would be ideal, but that now seems unlikely.
their pay with bonuses for each female destroyed. They may Shorkyne: the Montivel cohort departs for Hurisea and is
keep their new arms and armour. joined by other forces en-route. As the cohort gathers the
Despite moderate casualties each and every man is rest of the legion it accumulates volunteers from the
wealthy. Some of the knight’s and leaders gain more wealth Malniran, effectively adding a fifth cohort to the force. They
than most continental barons see in a year. The traditional spend the journey east training them and welding them into
third of the wealth is passed up the line to one’s superior. an effective army.
They are then asked to leave Azadmere and may not The remains of Clan Myna flee Avan to Chelemby, where
overwinter in the kingdom. They depart with the dwarves they found a new trading House. Many are executed by Clan
good wishes. Pelanby before arriving, whilst a few elect to join Clan
The Baron of Habes forces fought poorly. Though brave Pelanby instead.
and well-equipped, their lack of experience was telling. Those There is concern that Trierzon may take advantage of the
forces who’d served at Zerhun and Azadmere as part of the drawdown of troops on the Karetan Plain, but their window
fueudal levy fared better. of opportunity is very short. More worrying would be what
The Baron of Axxon offers several manors to the knights could happen come the spring, if the troops aren’t returned.
and mercenaries as bailiffs if they take his oath and help Hurisea: Landin Ledensen of Helgen seizes Ekedon from
found them. Success after seven years means he’ll grant them Clan Felganes to the rejoicing of the locals. They accept an
the manors in fee taile. The knights decline, though some influx of recruits eager to oppose the Shorkyni, which Landin
mercenaries take up the offer. equips and trains. Landon further fortifies Helgen,
Melderyn: news of the coronation filters back to the constructing an impressive castle. He uses his increasing
Melderyni, who send their congratulations. Unlike most, wealth to hire Harbaaler mercenaries and offering land to
they’re aware Astaroc is a mage, one who declined the those who fight, gaining many volunteers. The Ledensens of
opportunity to lead a chantry years ago when it was offered Ledenheim send volunteers and troops due to his successes.
to him. They also know he served as an acolyte of Save K’norr Surviving Felganes flee to Chelemby rather than Shorkyne as
but was never ordained and is a somewhat lapsed follower of many were former outlaws.
the deity. They suspect he will follow a non-interventionist Prince Yarus II Paradal of Jondes swears fealty to Beldira
policy and take little interest in affairs of state. It may not be to better oppose the Shorkyni. The Karadens evicted from
the ideal that Conwan represented, but it is a most Ketania by Clan Pelanby are distant relations and surviving
acceptable result. members flee here with much wealth and many warriors
The situation in Chybisa appears worrisome to the eager to earn their places. They’re keen to face any Pelanby’s
Melderyni, with the increasing fortification. Expansion to the from Shorkyne.
north along the Genin Trail is desirable though as is the Prince Sunell II Ponelson of Ponel follows Jondes’ lead and
growing ability to resist Kaldor should she need to. They’re swears fealty to Beldira. He also has Harbaaler relatives and
mostly pleased with these developments. sends for aid and settlers.
The lancing of the Solori Crusade is a major relief to the Though the three fiefs were already allies, this formalises
crown and the settlement of Keron Island provides a useful the arrangements and creates a more unified command
boost to Thayan commerce. structure.
The coalescing of Orbaal into more powerful Dukedoms Prince Tory Urpath of Dechen is deposed and a distant
follows Melderyns long-held plans for the fractious kingdom. relative enthroned, following Urpaths mediocrity. The new
The increasing antagonism with Ibanvaal now that Menglana Prince immediately swears fealty to Antol, securing his throne

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from his erstwhile supporters and cementing his control of None are forced off their lands but all suffer much loss. Some
the region. of these losses to Burgastau are offset by the gains from
Antol enters into alliance with the distant city-state of Rethemi adventures, but remain steep.
Orlet, far up the Tirga River, bringing in considerable wealth Tandir holds out defiant for winter, but sends to Ibanvaal
and troops. for aid and with offers of fealty.
The three greater fiefs of Hurisea unite to forge a unified Vaagel: Clan Storz conclude negotiations with Karolaan
allied front, opposing Shorkyne under Beldiran leadership; and swears allegiance to Halvor as Duke of Kogen. They lose
hiring mercenaries from Quarphor and Tarenmark. the tribute from Pyberg and Thrand which swear directly to
Menglana: at Vulenheim, King Adric is murdered by his Vaagel but retain Pled. Halvor is now more powerful than the
brother Branwaals men. In retaliation, the Vulenhaus is burnt king, though less so than the Duke of Fysse. He sends many
to the ground and its inhabitants, including Branwaal, warriors, particularly those of his three new vassals, to aid his
slaughtered. Asa is killed in the vicious street fighting that king at Geldeheim.
erupts in the town. Arone: Zaarli Hulthards mad brother converts to Ilvirism,
Ibanvaal takes the opportunity to attack once the fighting where he is regarded as a prophet! Zaarli takes the
is fierce. Vandryn leads a valiant defence, fighting surprisingly opportunity to be rid of the embarrassment and make some
well, but is cut down when outnumbered four to one, after money by moving him to the colony of Oranoam, where he
being wounded from earlier combats. He stands on a pile of joins the two existing priestesses as they re-found the village
his slain. His body is honoured by his foes, unlike that of his and holy site.
brothers. He surely rests in Taalagaad tonight. The village is assessed standard tributes by Zaarli but
Clan Pel rescue several dozen poor families as the town otherwise left in peace. This attracts numerous pilgrim
burns and they flee, seizing a new warboat to do so. settlers, which Zaarli encourages. It also provides Zaarli a tool
Many refugees flee to Hilm as the town falls to Ibanvaal. to cow the Ilviran and Sarajinian High Priests of Arone if he
Menglana is no more. chooses to use it.
Pel sneak back the next day under the cooling ashes as the The increased wealth of the settlement from settlers and
city smoulders. The temple of Agrik has been burnt to the piracy allows conversion of the keep into a castle to resume.
ground then flooded. Sarajinian priests even now exorcise the The village prospers and grows into a small un-walled town,
site. They break into the unguarded Vulens Barrow, stripping almost doubling in size from a year ago.
large amounts of plunder before they are discovered. The A small temple to Halea is permitted, founded by a
growing clan flee to Chelemby where they found a new warbride priestess and her husband, refugees from Sherwyn.
House. It’s attached to an accompanying brothel and tavern. Zaarli
Clan Taaren flee Horko to Orbaal, joining their kin, the taxes all three as businesses.
Tareskelds at Geldeheim. They’d been loading all their goods Dealings are also conducted with the Marsh Pirates of
for the last four months, since Froyaheim fell. Esobran, which continues to prey on Ivininan shipping,
Chelemby: increasing refugees are welcomed to the particularly that of Lorkin. The Hulthards manage to keep
kingdom, where they swell the population, particularly the these dealings discreet.
poor districts of the city. Several clans who have amassed or The association with Rognan pirates, who prey on all, is
rescued wealth submit applications to the treasury for trading more open as Arone provides them with safe harbour and an
concessions, posting bonds and paying the steep fees. The open port, in exchange for fencing some of their rich plunder.
bonds will be returned to the unsuccessful at auction, but the This is built on the familial ties with Rogna and becomes well
fees retained by the testrad. The increased interest should known.
push prices still higher at auction and additional fees pad the Pethwys: refugees continue to pour in from Geldeheim,
crowns income regardless. but Lord Weymyss can’t house more of them. Nevertheless,
Orbaal: in Geldeheim the king seizes Gyfyn, using the large he provides what aid he can afford and greatly eases their
influx of men and wealth from his kin, slaughtering many of plight, helping them on towards Lerial.
the Ibanvaalers. He hands the keep to Clan Taaren as his loyal Some craftsmen do settle in Pethwys town and more
subjects. labourers join his mines, including the new ones, but even
Surviving Ibanvaalers flee to Menglana, now part of they absorb all they can as production ramps up.
Ibanvaal with what they can gather or reinforce the defence The Wolves of Jara gain much support amongst the
at Tandir. disaffected and train two companies worth of light foot,
Jarin are displaced to Pethwys and Lerial, losing what little which they scatter about the region and house in their
wealth they held but gaining much resentment. strongholds.
Clan Burgastau of Quiam sends their most fanatical The Wolves have mostly subsumed the Jara’s Midwives
warriors to reinforce Tandir, before surrendering to the king. resistance movement of Vold and Pjagel, who mostly act as a
In the negotiated terms, they are assessed a head tax of 10% mystical offshoot. This has added another two companies of
of all their wealth, pressing most heavily on poor Jarin thralls. light foot to the Wolves operations, who they are busily

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training and providing much-needed leadership and rallies the rest of his Shostim army and retakes the caer,
organisation for. They have set up several smuggling routes, though the Duke of Hohnam and his men escape with the
for goods and thralls fleeing to Pethwys. The brutality of Vold treasury.
makes it a favourite for bandit raids. They are slowly The king then hires more mercenaries from the Republic
expanding their control west and taking over the resistance in using monies lent to him by the Senate and collects this army
Wethom, Arathel and Morvilya Bay, where they have links before heading to Golotha to negotiate with Kanday. They
with the Jarin militia. agree to cease hostilities during the negotiations.
Claiming bandit activity, Lord Felan trains a company of Simultaneously, the king negotiates with the Golothan
medium foot as household guard and a company of light Heptarchy on retaking the city. He demands a large aid for his
horse scouts and outriders. He claims he needs so many as help following their rebellion and several political concessions
times are unsettled and his warriors are worth less than those that will increase his grip on the city at the expense of the
of the Ivinians man for man. Morgathians. He doesn’t reveal the armistice with Kanday.
He continues fortifying and building his toll booth and Pushed, they very reluctantly agree, but only upon
starts fortifying his outer villages, particularly the mines. He regaining control of the metropolis.
doesn’t move to fortify Pethwys village, but develops his The king then proceeds to hire away most of the
docks further and improves shipbuilding facilities on Jariga remaining mercenaries defending the town anyway, together
Lake. Immigrants from Ivinian shipyards add much skill to with the Mamekan and Herpan fighting orders following
Clan Jurgat. secret talks. Morgathian militia make up most of the
Lerial: refugees stream into Lerial, bitter at their losses. remaining defenders. He borrows large sums from the
Prince Marwyn continues to settle them in new villages to the Haleans on surprisingly fair terms and hires their temple
east and his mines. He fills the land north of the Anoth River guards to join his growing army, almost two companies
as far east as the Etece River and is busy settling the land worth.
between the Etece and Nethil Rivers. The city is barely defended as the king marches to meet
He continues to improve the town, which is growing the Duke in battle outside Ithiko. He will still be outnumbered
steadily, rebuilding Baras Tower in stone. almost two to one, but the quality of his troops is much
Increasing economic activity is a boon to his coffers even improved.
with the loss of the Fur Road caravan this year. In Golotha the Laranians consolidate their grip on those
Increased Gargun activity causes the Prince to order a sectors they control, greatly improving order. Crime is
modest increase in the number of guards he houses, with a reduced and the Inquisition further embeds their spy
company of medium foot added to his household. network.
The Primate of Ilvir hires a company of mixed light and Meanwhile, they seize many Agrikans and Morgathians,
medium foot guardsmen to protect pilgrims to Araka-Kalai killing them in popular bloody spectacles.
who laughingly refer to themselves as “Templars of Ilvir”. To maintain peace, the Banners of Avarkiel are removed
Arathel: Valhakar Tursi sends a few warriors to aid the from the city and sent to skirmish with the Copper Hook and
king, as does Pjagel, both sending a company apiece. This prevent them relieving the city-state. They’re close enough to
seems to be more to do with the king gaining the upper hand be recalled quickly if required.
than for any other reason. Those sent are invariably those Thardic Republic: news of the Iracu gold mines reaches
eager for plunder. the Senate, who immediately move to take control of the
The increasing trade with the Ymodi and thriving colonies operation, crushing dissent.
of Morvilya Bay cause Cyeens purse to swell comfortably. The Senate debates the situation in Rethem and looks to
In Morvilya Bay, amber and jade deposits are discovered take further advantage. They agree it’s not in their interest to
near the colonies and small operations to exploit them allow Kanday to swallow all the territory and discuss ways to
started. Work on the keep at Tursik continues. A company of seize big chunks of it themselves; should the kingdom
trusted Jarin militia is started to improve security and provide disintegrate further.
advancement and integration, following the examples of With respect to the new Kaldoran king, they concede a
Wethom and Arathel. Some clansmen begin trading covertly scholarly non-interventionist monarch could suit them and
with the Gargun of Pujet, facilitated by the Ymodi, trading send a delegation to offer congratulations and negotiate
food for silver and worked goods. trade concessions, ideally improving their control of the Salt
At Pjagel, Clan Jalp reluctantly arms a company of trusted Route trade.
Jarin militia to further resist conquest by the Baelinsens or The Aramal Road project is initiated whilst Kanday is
Baelins, currently with the king. They’d already eased matters distracted. A site for the port is selected and funds and troops
with their thralls, but this causes them to improve the lot of allocated to construct it. A road can be forged from Moleryn
the Jarin further. The contrast with Vold is stark. later, as they beat tracks in the meantime. The route is
Rethem: the king is rescued by a force of Thardic diverted through Taztos to gain support in the Senate,
mercenaries, whom he then hires at exorbitant rates. He

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minimise costs and increase security. This leaves site 1 as the cannot afford these costs without heavy borrowing. Telin the
only viable port, though future options remain open. Red is one of those who must wait for spring for his rewards.
Three abandoned manors over the River Teb from Ibonost He defers payment on his many outstanding loans until
are re-founded. One is made a minor legion fortress with a next year. The holders of these bonds are displeased, but
garrison company. The Constable of Ibonost raises objections, accept reality and prefer it to an outright default.
which are duly ignored. Etoss: Conwan Elendsa cannot meet his obligations either,
Kanday: silver is found at a lead mine near the Thardic though he’s less encumbered than Maldan. He commissions
border. The miner’s had known for years but kept quiet. The masons to upgrade Etoss to a keep as he accepts his barony.
sheriff seizes the silver and fine’s the miners but takes no He also defers payment on his loans, with similar results to
further actions against them. The hundred moot is moved to Maldan.
the mine head to improve the sheriffs’ control and oversight. His debts are quietly bought up by the Laranian church
A company of guards is stationed there to control the silver and Earl of Balim, further cementing their hold upon him.
rush that follows as word spreads. He agrees to dispatch the feudal levy, together with some
The sheriff incorporates several independent villages that of his household troops and the Army of the Chelmarch along
have been founded into the hundred, increasing royal Torastra Way to secure Chelena against the Kath as his
control. brother-in-law fortifies. In return he gains settlement rights to
Wild West (Ilvin) some manor sites near the planned keep.
Tashal: the Lia-Kivair feed several troublesome members Kyg: the Earl of Balim returns home, leaving his heir Scina
to the watch to alleviate the increasing security. An to manage Kyg for the foreseeable future. The fief needs
apothecary dealing drugs, a bookie and a gang of thigs are all careful skilful management to ring it back into full production
implicated in criminal acts and hung. again. This is probably more than Scina can manage, but he’s
Two prominent guildsmen marry. The inn keeps Perla of a vast improvement on the previous constable and loyal.
Rabita and Halime of Falesh wed in a sumptuous Halean Troda lets him know it’s a temporary measure, but a chance
ceremony at Galopea’s Feast. In what’s clearly a business to prove worthy of the earldom.
deal, both remain at their current establishments. Kiban: earl Dariune returns home to discover the
As the current guild master retires as head of the Kadoric mercenary army he sent to Azadmere overflowing with
chapter, Halime is elected to replace him in a comfortable plunder! He retroactively approves his knights decision to
win. These events comfortably increase his obvious income. support Azadmere, noting he would have done so himself. He
takes his third of the fee (not collecting the arms which he
The king orders the City Watch to patrol the sewers,
agrees are gifts to the troopers).
which they reluctantly do. They patrol in decads of 10, split
into squads of five, rarely patrolling from their gate areas, but He also receives his share from the goods sold in
do patrol. Azadmere, which he adds to his previous windfall. This year
his income, including other sources, is greater than that of all
Constable Haldare also orders them to patrol at night,
other tenants-in-chief combined. Little of it requires passing a
which they do. They still remain in the better
share up to the crown.
neighbourhoods, avoiding Eastside.
Work has progressed on the Kiban town wall and most
The king reviews the plans put forwards to improve the
towers are complete. It should be completed late next year.
sewers and amends them extensively. When completed, the
flow of water through and beneath the city will be greatly The population has swelled with refugees who sought
increased. No magic was used. safety in his dominions. They’ve started to integrate into the
economy, though many are poor. Troda provides work
Olokand: sheriff Harabor receives instructions to build a
labouring on his walls and most will survive the winter. Come
keep for the shire since the earldom has left the royal domain
spring, he’ll settle those who care to as serfs, though most are
and Olokand is no longer suitable as shire moot.
likely to remain urban.
He immediately orders ground cleared at the junction of
With the influx of wealth, he passes a third of his martial
the Kald and Hemurin Rivers, ordering Nelafyn Stone be
bounty back down to those of his warriors who didn’t
floated downriver. The crown will fund the construction of
participate in the wars to divide amongst themselves. He
several manors, to be managed by bailiffs there. He’ll sponsor
encourages his major tenants to follow suit. Most will.
some more as earl and accept the oath of nobles wiling to
fund some themselves. Balim invests large sums buying up some of Conwan and
Maldans debts for future use and improving his lands. He
Maldan rewards several vassals as promised, though he
puts aside monies to found new manors. He then clarifies to
doesn’t have enough manors available to meet his
Uldien and Tonot that he’ll cover their aids to the crown this
obligations. Those promises that relied upon his taking the
year from his bounty as they bore the brunt of his enemies’
throne, he needn’t honour. He also states that he’ll found
attacks. Finally, he retains large sums to add to his privy
more new manors along the Osel River come spring as the
kingdom expands. Though this will meet his obligations, he

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Hurisea: the Shorkyni Royal Army arrives and immediately To assuage Maaren and Maars, the king defers help until
pressures the region to capitulate. Several manors are next year or he’ll release volunteers and mercenaries to them
captured and Beldira is put under particular pressure, aided this year. Fuming, they elect to wait, wintering in Geldeheim.
only by the lateness of the season and newness of the Survivors of Clans Verakaar of Tandir and Djaag of Gyfn
combatants to the theatre. flee to Keiren and the Duchy of Fysse respectively, where
Shorkyne: two Cheler Kantehausen are set up at the port they are given shelter.
of Calamisa in Alagon, with generous trade concessions. Both At Tandir refugees from Menglana and Tandir construct
houses are members of the Pelanby Alliance. This defrays several villages east of Hjael.
some of the construction costs of the port and keep, as work Vaagel: the Duke continues supporting the king and
begins. putting his lands in order. He’s pleased at the consolidation
The new road through Loala is started, though slowly as taking place throughout Orbaal. He expects a busy year next
costs are minimised. spring as it continues and starts training the core of a force to
Orbaal: the Cheyn Mhic Cainte discovers the whereabouts support the kings’ army.
of Sursyl Aeryn a renegade member of the order, working as Pethwys: with the fighting to the north dying down, Lord
a woodworker at Norons Keep. They send assassins, who Weymyss declares his forces sufficient and halts recruiting.
Norons sons tear limb from limb. To prevent future strife at The Prince of Lerial dispatches a company of foot and
the keep, Eneyje of Surilye (as he was known), leaves Noron, squadron of knights to strengthen his hold on his rebellious
thanking him for his hospitality. He makes his way with the vassal, at Pethwys’ expense. Felan is pleased at this, despite
Taelda barbarian nation. The Cheyn Mhic Cainte discovers his the costs, as it increases his available force should he need to
destination but is unable to find him in the trackless depths. defend against the king and it provides him an excuse to
Attempts to coerce the Taelda lead to the assassins’ delay rebellion until he is more ready.
destruction through ambush and traps. The king demands the return of his son Jorni from
Geldeheim: the king finally takes Tandir, which he Pethwys, but early snows close the passes and make passage
garrisons with kin. He awards seized lands to loyal supporters difficult until spring.
and distant relatives and declares himself Duke of Akag. He is Weymyss increases his support for the Wolves of Jara,
now again the most powerful noble in Orbaal. who recruit heavily amongst dispossessed Jarin, adding two
He’s received little of his due tribute this year. Of his companies of light foot to their force. They now control the
major vassals only Vaagel and Quimen have paid (and resistance movement of the west of Orbaal, including all Jarin
Quimen late). There’s also no revenue from the Fur Road lands and those of Arathel. They consolidate their hold and
caravan this season. However, his plunder and share of the increase banditry against Ivinians on the Fur Road. Jara’s
Rethemi and Kaldoric raids means he’s more than made up Midwifes are totally subsumed, though they found an Ilviran
his losses from this. He sends demands for his payment out, temple at Pjagel where repression has eased.
now he can spare the ships. Only Arathel and her vassals pay, Felan maximises output at his mines and further fortifies
though most are distant. them and his new toll booth, digging ditches and building low
He also demands Pethwys return his son Jorni, but early circling walls around them all. The squat toll tower will be a
snows close the passes and he can’t send men to garrison the formidable fortification and control the neck of the pass to
Jarin holdings. Geldeheim. It is garrisoned by a company of foot but could
Alegar no longer worries over Menglana, since the comfortably hold double that, more if pressed. He starts
Ibanvaal invasion and any threats from that quarter seem stockpiling food and siege stores there, at his keep and other
distant. More pressing is Rognan piracy, which he blames for strongpoints, encouraging his petty nobles to follow suit. He
the missing silver of Tawheim. He cannot deal with the Jarin commissions ballista, catapults and hoardings for his
lords until spring anyway, if he chooses to. defences, though they will be held in reserve for now.
Clans Baelinsen and Baelin press the king for help The town of Pethwys continues to prosper, with new port
recapturing Pjagel from Clan Jalp, which has been aided by facilities, bonding house, slipway and piers all under
Arathel. It is probable Clans Maaren and Maars of Vold could construction. The temple of Ilvir also undergoes expansion,
be induced to aid in an overthrow of Clan Cyeen. The Crimson building a craft hall, further improving trade. The town itself
Dancer is incensed at the introduction of Laranianism and remains unfortified.
Peonianism to Pjagel and strongly supports aggression Lerial: Prince Marwyn is alarmed at the conquest of Tandir
against Jalp. Much of their fighting strength is in Rethem and and coalescing of Orbaal into powerful Duchies and a more
unable to help. Sarajinians are resistant to attacking as it unified realm.
weakens the Agrikans considerably and Jalp show no signs of He increases his links with Anoa tribes through trade and
converting to Larani. Besides, it’s late in the season for new dispatches a squadron of knights to Gwaeryn to increase his
ventures, so the king sends his ships east to collect his hold, reduce his costs and raise additional forces if needed.
tribute. The threat is clear. Keiren and her vassals reluctantly He then sends a squadron of knights and company of foot to
pay. Pethwys to keep an eye on his errant vassal and prevent his
doing something rash, that could lead to war with the king.

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He recruits an additional company of foot to replace those The day before the Peace of Golotha is signed, the Baron
headed north. of Henwe swears fealty to Kanday, through the sheriff Prince
The work on Baryns Tower continues as does a series of Anaflas Kand. Neither signatory is aware of this.
towers around the high town, though no further fortification The retiring Kandian force has a week to vacate Golotha,
occurs for now. With the influx of populace throughout the which it reluctantly does, stripping much wealth and hanging
principality, the town grows to support them. Since most Morgathians and Agrikans it finds. The Chatka Bridge is
have been sent to found new villages and mines, growth is destroyed as they leave, both sides claiming the other is
steady and mostly amongst tradesmen who supply the responsible.
region. After they have left, Chafin imposes his conditions on
Arathel: Valhakar Tursi Cyeen hears word of Clan Golotha as he regains the city. First, the Heptarchy must pay
Baelinsens attempt to raise forces to retake Pjagel, with the the king an aid of £400 in silver for his losses. Second, he
support of Vold. The Kings response in Geldeheim seems to takes charge of all the militia for his campaign in the north.
be prevarication as he considers options. His response likely Third, he increases the size of the Guardians of the Golden
depends on how he sees the risks associated with aiding Stag, his personal guard, by two companies. These are mixed
them compared to the rewards on offer. High and Low Guard, the Prince’s Guard, to be based from
Tursi increases his links to the Ymodi tribes and the the caer and funded by the city. He’ll retain total control. If
colonies of Morvilya Bay, sending weaponry and men to press funding is ever lacking, they’ll seize it from the city itself.
the Equani who are forced well back from the river. Fourth, he’s removing the positions of the two Morgathian
Rethem: the king attacks the superior forces of the Duke Heptarch’s who died recently and replacing them with a
of Hohnam outside Ithiko. As the battle turns against Chafin, member of the Guild of Arcane Lore and a priest from the
a large proportion of the Tormaus forces revolt! Turning Church of Ilvir, the Pia-Gardith! He also expects the Haleans
against him the Crimson Dancer follows suit. The king now to assume their seat. The Heptarchy reluctantly agrees to all
outnumbers the duke, whose army starts to crumble. Ivinians of this, though the Morgathians howl at the last point.
fight on both sides. With a desperate rear-guard, the duke The king makes no move to decide which new members
retreats to Hohnam, leading a reduced force. The king should be chosen and the Morgathians ensure Amalya of
reassembles his force before pursuit. Weigela is selected by the GoAL and the physician Horab of
The Agrikan Primate, Klydres Bisidril, appoints Melkea Ardiris is elected for the Mangai seat. This maintains
Akarne Kemelras (bishop) of Orbaal. He condones the Order Morgathian dominance of the council, though their position is
of the Kukshins position in Golotha and the Crimson Dancers much weakened. The king raises no objections.
holding of Arketh Keep. The king then recognises them and The Warriors of Mameka quietly bid or buy out the
accepts their fealty. mercenary contracts to man the city locks, adding two
The Companions of Roving Doom are formally dissolved. companies of Warriors to their municipal complement.
Its members are hunted down by the Crimson Dancer, though The Morgathians dominate the militia of the city, except
some seek refuge and join the Warriors of Mameka where around Arena Town, Rusu Island and the Temples which are
they are posted to Golotha. Agrikan in bent.
The Order of the Eight Demons are not dissolved but are The Copper Hook continues fortifying Apiseda Island and
made unwelcome in Golotha and Rethem. converts it into a keep. They induct or hire the mercenaries
Nemiran Barzak is proclaimed Earl of Ithiko as his brother who joined them in its defence into their forces. Their funding
and brother’s family flee south to Kanday by ship. is increased as the control access to North Hafen, which
remains dominated by the Lia-Kivair. Donations increase as
Golotha: following the fall of Hohnams army, the king they are surrounded by hated Laranians at Hyen and the last
marches his newly swelled force to Quiso whilst he concludes bulwark of Agrik south of the river.
a peace with Kanday from a position of strength. He can’t
wait too long as needs both Golotha and to bring the Duke to The Pilots Guild moves to Helvel Island. Master Halmoren
heel. of Zarainson still hasn’t set foot within his office. Oparn of
Zarainson takes over as Bondmaster and Mercantyler
Negotiations conclude, Chafin conceding all the lands Guildmaster.
Kanday currently holds, bar Golotha itself. Only Chatka
belonged to Chafin, but giving it up will concentrate more From Hyen the Hook starts a road to Omnis as the only
valuable Golothas mind and increase royal influence. He sells friendly neighbouring territory.
the deal as lands taken from his nemesis. Floy of Syerix becomes the lover of Klydres Bisidril and
In return Kanday returns Golotha to the crown, including joins the GoAL, though she makes no move to occupy the
some seized Agrikan artefacts and pays an indemnity of £500 Heptarchy seat they’ve gained. Arjanxis Linneaus also joins
silver in damages. the GoAL, though he too makes no move for the vacant
council seat. Both new members take on apprentices. They
Both sides commit to five years of peace. It’s not stated, recognise each other as practitioners but keep their
but understood that this doesn’t apply to the skirmishing of membership of the Shek-Pvar secret from others. Neither
religious orders, though both sides are to work to limit this. move to occupy rooms at the GoAL. The GoAL benefits from

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its increased membership and influence to not always be on Those someone’s are Navehan assassins! They attack and
the edge of destitution. the fight turns into a pitched battle. A party of town
The two new councilwomen compare notes and drive watchmen are drawn by the commotion and rush to help the
forward their research. Gorvinder of Parindran joins them in struggling guardsmen. The situation continues to deteriorate
their studies and all three make strides in their fields of study. until some of the fled workmen return with adherents of Ilvir!
Kanday: Andasin’s treaty with Rethem is poorly received The Ilvirans die in droves but are fanatical than the Navehans
by the more warlike members of his court, though more and turn the tide. The Navehans withdraw once the situation
considered members feel it’s a good deal. When word breaks turns against them. All the thugs are dead, some to assassins’
of the fealty of the Baron of Henwe (direct to the crown) the blades.
day before the treaty came into force, the treaty and king After some heated debate, the surviving guardsmen,
gain more respect, though that wasn’t his intention. With the watch, adventurers and Ilvirans advance down the tunnel
provision governing continued skirmishing between the until they come to a section where the floor has given way to
Copper Hook and Chequered Shield is discussed, it looks like the ruins of Melvynl. The tracks of the missing child descend
opportunity to squeeze the surrounded keep and permission into the depths. Soon after descending, an eerie glow
to pluck it next year, like a grape, at leisure. This is not what becomes apparent. Some is from patches of Mnogai, some is
the king intended either. The kings stock rises very high with something, other. A powerful psionic blast hits everyone,
the militant members of court, particularly the Banners of where all but a few of the Ilviran priests are knocked over.
Avarkiel. The upright priests scream “Oolongnu, the Orb of Serpents”
The king appoints Petryn of Horsik sheriff of Zabin at and “The Book, the Book!” before collapsing. Apparently it’s a
Chatka. rare ivashu. Their fanaticism redoubles.
Thardic Republic: the Senate backs the king of Rethem The party approaches the glow and hear the child singing
with usurious loans and mercenaries. softly to something that sings back. Though none understand
the eerie song, it seems to sing in their minds, which fill with
Construction of a port on the southern coast at Aramal alien images.
begins over the objections of both Kanday and the Gozyda,
which are ignored. The Gozyda make fine slaves. Coiled within the Oolongnu is the missing child,
apparently unharmed. In her hands is a loose bundle of
Menglana: all of Menglana apart from Hilm now lies as papers, covered in unknown script. The Ilvirans cry out;
part of Ibanvaal or other realms. The Dagen sends his prostrating themselves before the beast and crying that the
hungriest men to besiege Hilm whilst he consolidates his hold child holds their lost relic. The guardsmen and adventurers
on his new domains. Hilm can distract his more unruly are appalled. At the monster’s base lie two Navehans,
subjects, whilst he waits to take it at his leisure. mangled beyond recognition. A third is being slowly
Chelemby: the trade concessions auction is held on the consumed. The child quietly slips the beasts coils and is
first of the month. Population pressure increases the amount enveloped by the waiting Ilvirans, clutching the papers tightly.
raised and the treasury auctions more concessions, increasing As the party makes its way to the surface, they’re attacked
the size of the navy with the increase in geopolitical tension. by a combination of Navehans and thieves. Falling back under
Three winter concessions are awarded at average prices heavy pressure, the party make a last stand in the creatures’
of 9,110d each; five spring concessions are awarded at lair where it aids them with powerful psionic blasts and
5,580d; five autumn concessions are awarded at 3,940d and lashing tentacles. Several guardsmen turn on their fellows to
11 summer concessions are awarded at 2,520d, for a total aid the Navehans, despite fighting them earlier. The increased
raised of 83,610, an increase of 2430 on 719, the previous fanaticism of the Ilvirans reaches new heights, several
high point for raising monies. Clans Myna and Pel manage to transforming into powerful ivashu as flocks of summoned
gain concessions joining the Tarkenby and independent beasts crash into the enemy. Blinking, the thieves are
alliances respectively. Myna is very hostile to Clan Pelanby. slaughtered and the Navehans are forced to retreat with
The additional concessions are taken by Hlanendes and some of the renegade guards. The party cautiously makes its
Redaro. way to the surface where the Ilvirans depart with their prize.
Into the Depths (Navek) As reports are delivered to the king, he orders increased
Tashal: beneath the city streets, a party of adventurers patrols and several more Lia-Kivair tunnels are discovered
track the missing daughter of one of the cities masons. The and incorporated into the sewerage system. No other
trail leads them to secret tunnels in the sewers, where it Navehan routes are found.
appears she escaped her captors. The Navehans take stock after their calamities and split
The adventurers summon a nearby patrol of Royal into two factions. One group, including most of the temple
Guardsmen, who are accompanying sewer workers, when hierarchy, want to strike and remove the troublesome
they realise how deadly and trap-filled the tunnel is. monarch. Others council a burn notice, going deep
Suspicious, the guards accompany them when they are underground, ceasing activities and hiding during his reign or
attacked by a large pack of outcasts and thieves. The thugs until circumstances change.
fight desperately, more scared of something other than the

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The Ilvirans experience a renewal as they announce the Shebra: the sheriff has accumulated significant wealth but
retrieval of their long sought relic, which they slowly try to has limited ways to spend it. He builds a fine house in Kiban
decipher. The adventurers and surviving guardsmen are and invests in all his family manors. He also commissions
honoured (regardless of their wishes) and child inducted into several fine pieces of furniture and art, acting as a patron for
the temple as blessed. craftsmen who are attracted to the town.
Astaroc takes advantage of the astrological convocation to Uldien: Baron Ulbael uses his wealth to make long needed
cast and improve his wards over his home, the caer and the improvements to his fief and repairs to his devastated town.
city. Other Shek-Pvar in the city follow suit. He renovates his manor, extending the outbuildings, adding a
In a comedy of errors, the Earl of Balims men, those of story to his stables and outlying towers. He starts repairs to
Maldan Harabor and those of Erila Kaphin all get mixed up in the keep.
their investigations into threats to the realm and any He donates generously to the Laranian Abbey, which is
meddling or exacerbating of the succession crisis by foreign supplemented by his major tenants, following the
agents. After the misunderstandings are sorted through, they beatification of their ancestor the Blessed Uldine.
compare notes and pool resources. There’s no proof of The Abbey takes on several servants as the new (Peonian
outside involvement, but several events are suggestive of it. staffed) infirmary is completed.
Asolade: Constable Mirdarne puts his considerable new The town booms, despite the damage, though crime is
wealth into developing his new manors, including the forth becoming an issue.
he was granted leave to found. The Earl sends him three The innkeeper at the Staff and Bear Inn marries her ostler,
knights who served well, with instructions to find them bailiff a nephew of Halime of Falesh in Tashal, who opens a legal
positions. He settles two on his own manors and attaches the ratting, baiting and cockfighting ring, paying Karsin a small
third to his court whilst he finds her a suitable position. licence fee.
The earl sends a further knight who became wealthy in his Kyg: Scina Dariune takes control and starts a forensic
service, with instructions to find a suitable site for him to accounting of the holdings, dismissing a couple of bailiffs. He
found a new manor at his expense. Mirdarne applies to the adds a company of light foot to the garrison, together with a
sheriff for permission to found a new manor along the north few knights who recently served well. They bring new blood
road, giving suitable gifts to ensure the application is into the area but have their work cut out rooting out the
favourably received. corruption that’s taken hold.
The constable uses his increased garrison to increase Several new bailiffs are appointed from his fathers’
patrols throughout Asolade, visiting all the manors. He starts followers. Four newly wealthy knights apply to the sheriff to
work to improve the south road, as he has for other routes, found new manors in the area subject to Kyg, whilst
through his new lands in the Neald to Kithkald. construction on two manors for the earl commences. One
He commissions a survey with a view to improving his bailiff in the area is granted his manor for services rendered.
dock facilities and wharf and building a bonding house off the Kiban: the population booms with refugees. Some settle
common. as serfs on the earls manors but most join (or found) the
The earl makes similar provisions throughout his holdings, urban poor). The earl increases his garrison by a company and
with many new bailiffs appointed and manors founded near adds several knights to his household, all veterans of the crisis
Kyg. Other wealthy knights invest heavily in the holdings and Azadmere adventure.
throughout the earls lands. Most bailiffs use their new This counteracts the growing criminal element within the
wealth to acquire manors of their own or add it to their privy town as the increased garrison restricts their activities.
The earl appoints a couple of bailiffs and grants a manor
A few yeomen are knighted for valour by the earl, to a loyal follower, all at outlying manors.
including one of the Snews of Asolade, who takes the name
Smewnew. Most new knights are unemployed or seek Olokand: sheriff Harabor appoints his son Mirild constable
positions at barons, constables and earls courts or join of the new keep under construction, effectively making him
caravans or mercenary groups. A few take to adventuring. deputy sheriff and putting him in charge of construction.
Several new manors are started along the Hemurin and Kald
Krisagon Lartyne, the wealthy bailiff of Kithkald approves Rivers as land is surveyed and cleared. Maldan appoints
of his brother, Draco’s expansion of Chewintin and formally followers as bailiffs of these new royal lands. Appointment as
appoints him subordinate bailiff, as he brings even greater hundred bailiff is deferred for now, retaining it to the sheriff
wealth to the fief (he was a commander at Azadmere). He and pocketing the wage whilst the new hundred is born and
approves of the alliance with the free clan of Hestin, which holding it out as a reward for later. He lets it be known this
his retiring warriors are marrying into. He doubles the glebe, will be after the keep is built and hundred viable.
increasing his popularity with the poor. He then expands his
household with a bonded ostler, clothier and priest of Larani, Maldan funds construction of a couple of manors from his
further weakening the position of the reeve. He announces own funds, which he will retain as earl, appointing bailiffs. He
plans to hire a mason in the spring to oversee substantial also sponsors and grants rights to several wealthy knights to
work on the manors. build manors subject to him as earl.

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Etoss: Conwan Elendsa sponsors construction of several at each major holding by a company each and start
manors west of the River Kald near Chelena; his brother-in- constructing a chain of simple watchtowers.
law’s new keep, appointing loyal bailiffs. He starts The Duke of Vaagel integrates his new holdings and
construction of some manors as sheriff; appointing a hundred continues work on his elite guard.
bailiff to oversee things. Arathel and Lerial increase trade between them, signing
With the threat of Kath raiding, he dispatches most of his pacts. They enter into a mutual defence agreement to deter
military to the area under Sir Korus Ynel, Deputy Warden of aggression from the king.
the Chelmarch, to bolster security. Arathel continues to consolidate its new villages and
Oselbridge: Baron Firith orders the founding of manors Morvilya Bay colonies.
along the north shore of the Osel River at the many fords. Lerial fills her lands with Jarin refugees, making it the most
These will be subject to the Marshal based at the keep under populous demesne in Orbaal. Prince Marwyn quietly
construction. The church through the Lady of Paladins is increases his support for resistance movements whilst
granted leave to found three manors north of the river, publically seeking peace following a tumultuous year. He
though not at fords, to help secure the border and Genin continues work on his defences as Baryns Tower nears
Trail. completion, constructing several towers around the caer and
Earl Balim sponsors three new manors answerable to him high town.
as bailiffs, with one wealthy knight joining them who founds Melderyn: the Melderyni crown receives more reports
his own manor. Tonot also sponsors a couple of bailiff held from Erila Kaphin about suspicious activity during the
manors to complement the earls in the new hundreds. succession crisis and launches their own enquiries.
Finally, the sheriff orders constructing of single manors in As word of the Duke of Hohnam’s reverses filter back to
each new hundred for use of the hundred bailiffs. Cherafir by ship, a small elite force of “volunteers” carrying
Up the river, a site is selected for a new keep for the Earl substantial loans is dispatched to aid the duke.
of Osel. Three of Sedris’ richer followers start construction of Hurisea: almost all fighting ceases as winter sets in. all
manors near the keep, whilst he starts construction of four expect a hot and bloody spring. The cohort of feudal levy
more under bailiffs. All of these knights are ones who return home to Shorkyne as their term ends and the king
supported Thilisa during the crisis. declines to retain them for pay, solidifying the Trierzi border.
The Baron of Uldien also invests his wealth to found three Shorkyne: Parliament hears various dispositions and
manors in the area, plus a fourth by his followers the petitions, including a report on the Hurisea War, which is
Radavern clan. All remain wary of Gargun in the area. deemed broadly acceptable.
The expansion of Kaldor leads to adventurers trickling in The king petitions for a new aid to pay for the
from neighbouring realms, seeking their fortune expeditionary force’s continued activity. As the last aid was
Vadan: Mulron Charyn receives the kings leave with upon towns; the Duke of Alagon presses for any new one to
backing from the Deputy Chabla and Serekela to permanently be on keeps and castles. The king is amenable, but the Duke
move his sword chapter from Vadan to Swune. He announces of Ensel objects. To convince Parliament to pass the aid, the
it to the chapter, which makes preparations for a spring king outlines how he’ll extend the bureaucracy under each
move. Parliamentary faction.
Orbaal: king Taraskeld consolidates his holdings at Tandir The Chancery hires an Inquisitor General to undertake
and Geldeheim. Royal and Parliamentary inquests at 288d a month, with 72d
The Crimson Dancer is delighted at the appointment of expenses and 32d admin costs. It also hires two Inquisitors
the new Kemelras and Rethemi keep, as a few fighting sisters (96d, 72d, 24d each) and two Inquisition Clerks (72d, 48d,
return home. It’s clear many will be staying in the west, so 24d).
they reorganise themselves and recruit from emigres across The Private Office hires a Crown Agent (48d, 48d and
Orbaal. They face resistance recruiting in the Duchy of Fysse, 240d).
Tandir, Keiren and her followers and Arathel and her The Exchequer takes on two Royal Tax Assessors (96d,
followers, apart from Vold. They cannot reach Jarin lands for 72d, 32d), two Royal Masons (96d, 24d, 32d) and two
now to recruit from. Arone demands a large fee before they’ll Journeyman Masons (64d, 24d, 24d).
allow recruiters in and suggests they might want to found a
temple, again for a large fee. Lorkin follows suit. The Dancers The Chamber increases with two Royal Heralds (88d, 72d,
decline for now and recruit in those lands they have access 64d) based in Palithane and Emelrene, an Apprentice of
to. A steady trickle of wealth starts to flow from Rethem to Esoterica (0d, 24d, 32d), an Apprentice Astrologer (0d, 24d,
Quimen. 24d), an Assistant Alchemist (96d, 24d, 24d), a Chaplain of
Larani (96d, 24d, 24d), a Confessor of Larani (72d, 24d, 24d)
Keiren continues building along the east coast road, to and two Acolytes of Larani (0d, 24d, 24d).
house refugees from Tandir, who swear fealty to Keiren. They
enter into an alliance with the Duke of Fysse, to deter The Royal Navy hires two Naval Clerks (56d, 24d and 24d).
aggression by the king. They increase the number of huscarls Many think this makes the Chancery too powerful, but the
King privately counters it counteracts the growing power of

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Alagon as they grow in stature. This just about sways enough Kandian volunteers and adventurers who swell the ranks.
waverers. The Royal Navy is also poorly provisioned Additional Kubora are induced to join the fight outside
compared to other departments, a further blow to Alagons Tormau, leading to roughly equal forces preparing to battle.
faction. King Chafins forces attack over three days of bloody
This increases the bureaucracy by 3,688d a month or skirmishing. They are joined by the Crimson Dancer and a
11,064d a quarter. scratch force recruited from the rescued prisoners at Ithiko.
The king increases the size of the Royal Guard by two Casualties are high on both sides, particularly amongst the
companies of mounted archers (112d, 72d), with two decad militia, barbarians and volunteers. On the fourth day, the king
commanders (128d, 72d), four manus commanders (120d, is reinforced by the Red Shadows of Herpa, whose presence
72d) and two company commanders (136d, 72d); and two sends the Kubora into frenzy. When the Warriors of Mameka
companies of light horse scouts (96d, 72d), with four manus enter the fray on the kings’ side, he punches a hole through
commanders (120d, 72d) and two decad commanders (128d, the lines, winning a decisive if bloody victory.
72d). He increases the administrative budget by 320d. Streaming into Tormau the king sacks and loots the town,
The total for the Royal Guard increase is 16,832d a month which had long prepared for his arrival. Many valuables are
or 50,496d a quarter. hidden and buried and many peasants flee during the battle
Parliament reluctantly passes an additional aid to fund into the forests or on small fishing vessels to the Baron of
this of £1 per keep and £2 per castle together with the Tirsas thranaal, swelling his population.
traditional aid of 60d per nalor. This raises an additional Many fighting men take to the forests where they take up
63,840d, less than the increased costs by over £700. banditry in a clearly rehearsed move. The Duke and many of
The deficit is split between the crown, which pays over his retainers retreat to the castle where they evacuate in
£500 and departments, which must make up the shortfall good order to Peran in waiting ships. They retain control of
from their own coffers. Each department is underfunded by the waterways so the king cannot pursue.
around 4%. Ministers are unhappy at this and look to a swift Many flee to Kanday on ships carrying the mercenaries to
resolution in Hurisea, when it will provide income and reduce Tormau.
costs significantly. Though there is little wealth to plunder, the king is
King Delames recalls the cohort of feudal levy from pleased as he winters in the town, his forces brutalising the
Hurisea, before he has to pay them and ending the drain of peasants. He is now undisputed master of Rethem. The
their support costs. A legion of four cohorts remains in Crimson Dancer returns to Arketh, whilst the Warriors of
theatre. Mameka depart for Bedenes and the Red Shadows of Herpa
Chelemby: with the growing militarism of neighbouring go home to Menekai.
kingdoms, the Nalstrad reluctantly debates and approves the The Morgathian militia is particularly harsh as they start
proposal to grant the king and admiral authority to call construction of a temple to their insane deity.
practice alerts, for Declarations of Imminent Emergency, Golotha: the King strips the city of its Morgathian militia
though they institutionalise that no more than one may be for his campaign to the north, together with most Orderial
called in a year. troops, mercenaries and Royal guardsmen.
They also approve expansion of the City Guard by a The skeleton force he leaves in the city is the remaining
company to reduce increases in crime brought by the new Royal Guard, who makes no moves to combat crime or civil
immigrants. This is funded by the modestly increased disorder but impose their authority on the city.
revenues from national and commercial taxes, whose rates Thardic Republic: the Senate receives a delegation from
remain low. They patrol the Nyvaletby district, increasing Azadmere which has heard about the Iracu gold mine. They’d
property prices there and putting it out of the reach of most. like the republic to desist from mining and recognise Khuzdul
Two districts, Ligabore and Redâro are incorporated into rights to the mines. At the very least, they’d like
the city, leading to a spate of construction and fortification of compensation to be paid.
the new city quarters. This doesn’t include expansion of the They’re given the run around by the Senate and passed
city wall. Nylavetby sees increasing immigration. between committees. As they leave in disgust, they’re set
Construction of a caer at Vâsin is approved. An antanalari upon by gangs of armed thugs. The thugs are suspiciously
is formed to oversee construction and manage the district. well armed, numerous and skilled; former legionnaires of a
The island is divided into four districts, centred on the certainty. The delegates are only saved by the timely
citadels as the Evanekin district is divided in two. intervention of some passing adventurers.
Rethem: the king takes his growing army north and Kanday: the king is uncomfortable with his increased
defeats a number of holding actions by the Duke of Hohnams popularity but moves to incorporate his new lands into the
forces. realm. He confirms the new appointments and accepts the
Before any major engagement, the Duke is reinforced by fealty of the Baron of Henwe as a tenant-in-chief. Weseda
the mercenaries he sent for from Kanday, adding a core of becomes a holding of the Earl of Selvos, whilst Chatka is
professional troops to his levies. They are accompanied by retained by the king where he will appoint a sheriff.

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Church lands are reorganised to marginalise the Banners Rethem: Rethem lies united under King Chafin III. With an
of Avarkiel, giving control of the Rethemi border manors armistice with hated Kanday, Golotha under control and
direct to the Chabla of the Chequered Shield, rather than relations more or less resolved with the Thardic Republic,
through the Bishop of Perinore. expectations are high that the king will mount a unifying
In welcome news, the Queen announces her pregnancy. campaign into Peran next year or the one after, as he
The kingdom experiences a boom with these new cements Orderial support.
acquisitions. Tormau: the king continues to overwinter with much of
Deep Midwinter (Morgat) his army, asserting his authority. He assigns followers as
constables for the keeps, bailiffs and holders of manors. The
Tashal: King Astaroc maintains and improves his wards
entire local nobility is disenfranchised and the goods of many
over the city, instructing his Master of Esoterica and
merchants seized. The Morgathians use slave labour to
Astrologer Royal to do likewise.
construct their temple.
Following the Battle of the Depths, the sewers are taken
Golotha: the Companions of the Stag ignore most of the
much more seriously and patrols of guardsmen and
city and crime and violence increases until the Lia-Kivair move
watchmen increased. No Navehans are uncovered but
to restore order, taking control. They provide discreet
smuggling is much impacted, even with Lia-Kivair bribes to
security and guarantee safety to their clients, though they
learn the patrol schedules.
decline to cross the churches in any way.
A Navehan Temple Master attempts to assassinate
Kanday: the king is much strengthened through his
Astaroc whilst alone in bed. The killer enters the room
marriage to the Earl of Heroths daughter, and his new keeps
undetected, but Astaroc is absent. They track him down to an
and barony.
armchair where he’s studying late into the night. In the
ensuing fight, the assassin barely escapes, severely wounded. The Earl of Selvos passes away in his sleep and is
succeeded by his son, whose power is now similar to that of
They return to temple, but before they can ritually suicide
other earls with Weseda to which he appoints a constable.
or inform temple of Astarocs arcane nature, they asphyxiate
unnaturally and expire. Astaroc is drained and badly shaken The five-year armistice should give time to integrate the
but otherwise unharmed. The first the guard was aware of new holdings, whilst the Order of the Chequered Shield and
the attempt was during the assassins escape. Banners of Avarkiel prepare to pluck Hyen (regardless of the
wishes of the king).
Azadmere: with Zhakom and Fana recovered by the
Khuzdul and the Hazmadul III Bridge at Guthe operational the Orbaal: King Alegar II is again the most powerful
kingdom booms. Exports increase exponentially, aided by the landholder in the realm as it unifies into powerful duchies.
security provided by the new Baron of Axxon. Any unity remains fractious.
With the renaissance, some clans start pressing the king The Prince in Lerial is relatively diminished, despite now
and Crown Prince for an assault on Pyxyn. The royals resist, having the most populous demesne. Geldeheim is the largest
but consent to plans being drawn up for an assault on the city and Pethwys the most densely populated holding.
complex. Arone is the fastest growing settlement, as it’s built on the
Instead, they concentrate on reintegrating the reclaimed back of Rognan piracy, acting as a safe haven and free port.
lands into the kingdom and improving food security. Axxon
produce should start picking up next year as farms become “…so, I’ll conclude this introduction by noting that many
profitable. Plans to improve the Silver Way between Guthe have proposed various dates for the start of the Gargun
Bridge and Zerhun are drawn up to make the trail suitable for Wars, that brutal period of conflict in the mid 700’s. I have
carts and increase trade through Kaldor. chosen 722 as mine for the arbitrary reason of being in the
The Baron of Habe on his sons’ advice institutes a small middle of most accepted ranges. Some place it up to two
annual tourney, with entry open only to Azadmere citizens to years earlier, as the Khuzdul retook Fana and some a year
improve the quality of his troops. This improves cultural later, with the great waves of Gargun that swarmed out of
interchange with Axxon. Axxons experienced troops win the mountains. A few have attributed the start earlier, with
nearly all competitions they enter, only a few khuzan entrants rising Gargun populations brought on by years of clement
occasionally besting them. weather, but these studies are generally discounted. Whilst,
Chybisa: work on the new keeps halts for the winter, others (such as Raditha of Shostim) more plausibly have
though the aggressive Oselmarshal is viewed with concern. treated the Wars as separate events of two, sometimes
Verlid is under few illusions that his increased military could three separate and escalating waves. This can also be
halt a determined assault by the veteran warrior if he had discounted as the events of each wave clearly affected and
even minimal support from the crown. The keeps won’t be contributed to later waves.”
enough even when complete, which is years away. - From “A brief later history of the Gargun Wars of the
Refugee serfs from Kaldor cause a population boom as Kald Basin”, by Viran Aemond Inamis, Ste Ubael
they settle in prosperous Chybisa. House, Academie of Caleme, 960TR.

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The crown is in contention for next time and she gets
ROUNDUP along with the King. Better, she’s gained power as Chamber
A brief summary of how each faction, nation and major Seneschal, though answerable to her sister; a good war.
grouping follows if events as outlined here are more or less
followed. This will need altering depending on the actions of Conwan Elendsa (Etoss)
PCs and is intended as a starting point. The factions aren’t Well, he didn’t gain the throne and has made strong
exactly the same as the start of the scenario as some have concessions to the church but has done reasonably well.
developed or fallen away with events. The most onerous concession, Laranian coronations in
Leading Candidates perpetuity, is firmly scotched.
None of the leading candidates took the throne in the end He’s gained a barony at Etoss and his influential new
and how they performed in the crisis is mixed, but most have brother-in-law has another at Chelena, bracketing Tashal. He
done relatively well, with a king they can support. gained a useful ally and subordinate in Kurson Ondalis.
He built new alliances and maintained existing ones.
Maldan Harabor (Olokand)
As Earl of Olokand, Maldan has done reasonably well. His Militarily he did poorly, saved only by victory over the
position is solid and heritable and in the location where he Thardic Republic.
already has control. He’s encumbered financially, with heavy debts. These are
Both sons married well, consolidating strong alliances with less than Maldans though and he has scope to pay them off,
Cheselyne Hosath and Hemisen Curo. even with expected charges next year.
He holds the sheriffdom for now. He may lose it in time He may lose influence over his sheriffdom or the
but should profit first and he’s placed his son Mirild in a Chelmarch but remains the favourite to be next king.
position of power at the new keep under construction. Basically, he had a good war.
Personally, he performed well militarily as did his son Orsin Firith (Oselbridge)
Kornuska, whilst his rival Conwan performed poorly. He ably He had a mixed crisis.
ruled Tashal and increased his popularity there. On the one hand, he did very well militarily against the
With the age of King Astaroc, who has no heirs he can Pagaelin, securing the River Osel and southeast Kaldor.
expect another chance to inherit. Usefully, Astaroc is an He’s gained control of a new keep at Oselbridge and some
unacknowledged bastard, setting a handy precedent. Maldan new manors.
and his line are now acknowledged members of Clan Elendsa. On the other hand, Chybisa fortifying is a concern. Firith is
Financially, he’s very weak, having overspent with large in no position to attack next year, so could do with some
loans. He’s made commitments to his followers, not all of disruption to these plans, if he can arrange it.
which he can afford to keep. These issues have been deferred If he’d committed his forces, he may have been able to
for now, which most accept, but this only buys time. He has take the crown himself. He never really wanted it though.
the political strength to survive this, probably.
A non-interventionist king isn’t in his interests, which is
He works well with Troda Dariune, the Exchequer, though the common consensus on Astaroc, but he’s stronger than
they were on opposing sides. There was some damage but it Conwan.
seems repairable. There are lots of charges coming the Earls
way, but he’ll find some way to shoulder them. Erelar Hirnen (Nenda)
He barely took part in events, but loses out anyway. He’s
He’s gained further power at the expense of the church in
no longer a tenant-in-chief but subject to the Earl of Olokand.
his shire, but remains on good terms Rekela Hadan, though
Maldan has a poor opinion of him too, but accepts his fealty
the same is not true of the rest of the church.
The Mace Thunderer is very important to his claim and
strengthens him considerably, an unexpected boon. Troda Dariune (Kiban)
Going forwards, there needs to be consolidations and On the face of it, it looks like he maintained his position,
there are debts to pay. All in all, he had a very good war. not a bad result for him, with some diminution of influence.
Scratch a little deeper and he’s done very well indeed.
Cheselyn Hosath (née Elendsa) Though some vassals suffered on his behalf, all gained
Cheselyne never had a chance to gain the throne when significant wealth. Many are investing this in new manors, as
the military situation escalated and she knew it. Yet she is he. If even half of these are successful he should add
played her politics very ably. further to his power, military and wealth, in time.
Her eldest daughter married well, wedding the heir to an Relations with the Khuzdul are greatly improved and trade
Earl and gaining a good alliance. Her youngest married poorly looks set to prosper, mostly to his benefit.
(though she got her pony), as Trobridge adds too little to her
Kyg has been replaced with his more effective and loyal
son. It requires work to rectify things, but a start has been

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Relations with Tonot have improved too, despite the Armagaster of Esaldin (Fool)A fellow
damage to the fief.
K’Norrin is king! A brilliant one at that,
Ties with the church remain strong; he has a solid grip on
Conwan and works well with Maldan. Relations with Minarsas
of course he has lumbered Armagaster
have improved too, with debts of honour owed. with a young fool to educate. Still, the
His rivals at court are badly weakened; one facing coming years should be interesting.
destitution. Relations with both have deteriorated further,
but it should make others think hard about crossing him. He
The Earls
can turn the financial screws even harder next year, to the
benefit of the kingdom. The other earls generally had poor to neutral years, but all
were affected.
Best, it’s all behind the scenes; a very good crisis indeed.
Hemisen Curo (Gardiren)Neph had a
Tulath Kaphin (Athelren)
Despite not gaining the throne, he had a fair result.
terrible crisis.
He made a good marriage for his daughter to Maldans son
He’s firmly allied to Maldan now, but has retained his Kornuska, securing a valuable alliance with the earl. They
sheriffdom and been legitimised. His illusions have been
struck a good deal for Neph, but it can’t be honoured if
shattered but he has the time he needs to mature.
Maldan isn’t king. Still, that remains a good prospect and
Royal Household together they control the north.
The Royal Household did well for the most part, retaining His rival Dariune is ascendant and he’s lost a great deal of
their positions, which was the major aim for most. Unnamed money, including a large part of his reserve. He can afford it,
characters can be assumed to have had a largely neutral year. but it hurts. Balim will doubtless inflict greater financial pain
Erila Kaphin (Privy Seal) to come.
She did surprisingly well. Her son is more secure and she The decline in the Silver Way trade looks set to accelerate,
retains her position. Her serving the Council of Eleven with any increase using Naniom Bridge.
remains secret. She remains suspicious of events during the His ally Indama is near destitute. It may be possible to gain
crisis, but has new resources to investigate them and an something there, perhaps his fealty, though that looks
understanding with Maldan and Troda. unlikely. His vassal at Yeged is weakened, perhaps fatally.
Koris Harabor (Guard Marshal) He’s in no position to profit from expansion within the
Badly wounded, he’s come through events with mixed realm as he retrenches and he’s alienated the powerful Earl
results. His brother is earl and he remains Marshal. He is Caldeth further.
legitimised and his reputation remains solid whilst his But worst by far, he’s lost out at court, where he was
brothers’ has improved. The Mace Thunderer validates his already weak. Two of his followers have been dismissed, the
support of Maldan. The Guard is expanding and he’s finally only dismissals. His son Kytem is replaced as Seneschal for
getting support to root out Navehans. idleness, but can oust the weak constable of Pendath, who is
His sexuality remains secret but his relationship with his shipped off to a lesser manor.
lover is damaged. There’s a long hard road back to complete His cousin Rodin Kynn, one of only a few remaining links
trust between them, though they’ve started the journey. to the church, he takes into his own household after he was
Migray Hosath (Royal Herald)He’s had a let go for incompetence as Royal Astrologer.
Rodin’s journeyman rather brought his fate upon himself
mixed set of results. He remains
with his hubris, though it’s embarrassing. It’s likely he’ll be
undetected to create mischief, but reinstated in time, but it’s still a poor result.
damage to the realm is superficial. At least Meden remains sheriff of Osel, where he appears
There is increased fortification and armed men in the to have prospered, one of the few in the family to do so.
kingdom, which seem to be being integrated into the military
Declaen Caldeth (Minarsas)A mixed
rather than causing trouble.
There’s increased tension with some parties but Astaroc
crisis, though he may be slightly ahead.
appears elderly if unifying compromise. Astaroc himself has His candidate performed well, but never made the bold
proven worryingly difficult to kill. play required for the throne.
Next year he may add to the tension, but will likely lie low. At least the weak Conwan, treacherous Cheselyne or
avaricious Maldan didn’t become ruler, even if Maldan is now
earl. Balim is set to become even more powerful, whilst the
royal estate is weakened.
Thilisa has regained her husband and earldom, but was
obliged to create a barony in doing so. She faces internal
opposition which he can’t help with.

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He’s obligated to Balim for relieving his keep in Meselyne, Deeply indebted to the Haleans, he has made them
where military weaknesses were exposed. Militarily, he did political and tax concessions, hurting his financial base and
well otherwise, particularly Morgals Rangers. alienating many pious Laranians.
He stayed neutral and is well placed to take advantage of Control over Naniom Bridge is ended and the bridge
new dynamism within the kingdom, with future manors near merchants are upset with him.
some of the many new keeps springing up. The powerful Earl of Balim is now an outright enemy
He’s aware of the financial state of Kolorn at which he’s instead of a rival and as Exchequer can turn the financial
livid and is slowly buying up Clan Rakins debts, to bring his screws tighter.
errant vassal to heel. Not a good war, their survival is doubtful.
Thilisa Meleken (Qualdris)Had a Wevran Ethasiel (Setrew)His ally
successful campaign, she’s regained her Maldan didn’t get the crown, but is now
earldom and husband Sedris. Militarily his near neighbour as earl. His liege
she performed well. followed his play, allowing him to
Her strongest supporter is now baron at Heru, a mixed operate more openly. His son Romlach
blessing, but she can build a new keep to replace it on the
Upper Osel. It’s not as strategically located but a good did particularly well militarily, gaining
location in its own right. much renown. His lands were raided by
Her enemies within the clan are weakened but not Orbaal, but it’s superficial and reason to
destroyed. They retain enough power that she’ll need to be claim poverty to Neph.
cautious in routing them out. Nubeth remains a concern,
though he professes loyalty to the earldom rather than to her Churus Londel (Yeged)His lands are
personally. ravaged and his wife ran the politics
poorly, alienating her cousin at Tonot.
The BaronsThe barons are strongly His ancestor is denigrated for
affected by the year past. Those not murdering and raping the beatified
mentioned are discussed elsewhere, ancestor of Ubael who’s likely to be
whilst those with greater impact are sanctified in the future. He should
discussed here. A few, such as Greon survive though.
Bastune, Tarmas Verdreth and Kisan Uthris Pierstel (Tonot)He is one happy
Tesla, saw little change. man.
Chimin Indama (Getha)He had the His lands were besieged and ravaged for a long time, but
he survived against the odds and gained substantial wealth.
worst crisis of anyone. His lands are Relations with his liege who rescued him have improved and
thoroughly ravaged and his military he’s been granted needed financial concessions. He led the
scattered. His heir, Harapa is badly great host, if briefly, a led it well. Relations with his
wounded, barely survived and had to be neighbours of Yeged and Gardiren are poor, but he was on
the winning side. Orders to repair his keep are ones he can
ransomed for a ruinous sum. follow, perhaps well. A good war in all in all.
Comprehensively outmanoeuvred, they are losing even
more of the Silver Way trade. Despite trade increasing,
they’re losing out in absolute terms as well as proportionally.
Their allies and faction performed poorly.
Luisan Kelic, the baron’s half-brother is unlikely to be
Chabla and the Patriot Faction is emasculated, much like
Harapa is incapable of performing Chimins duties as
sheriff, so his brother Haradoc has taken on the role. Harapa
is made hundred bailiff of Fethael, but as a sinecure since he
can’t perform their either.
To recoup desperately needed monies, the Baron as
Sheriff has been forced to approve and grants for expansion
and new manors of their local rivals, the Kobarneys.

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Karsin Ubael (Uldien)His fief was Haldare Venera (Tashal)He had a
damaged and his stretched finances tumultuous year. He was ejected from
broken. But, he gained much needed Tashal and betrayed by his lover, who
wealth to repair these and improve his then prevented his execution. Koris was
financial position, lands and prospects. badly wounded in an assassination
He gains from the increase to the Silver attempt and the two have started to
Way trade and Marsh People make up.
population. His wife, daughter and He fought well at Heru.
second cousin gained renown. Uldien is Upon his return to Tashal he was tasked with securing the
city as the king survived numerous assassination attempts
expanding and his dependants taken on and reorganising an expanded watch. He still needs to
at court as squires. His brother-in-law is complete this, liaising with the Marshal to map and secure
more powerful. His ancestor is beatified the sewers and patrol at night. The activity suits him.
and likely to be sanctified in the near Shernath Mirdarne (Jedes)
future, increasing the pilgrimage trade. He had a very active campaign. He organised Balims
reserves and mobilised a large army. He was made a
He’s on very good terms with his liege
Commoner of Tarwyn and arranged for them to increase their
and his vassals have done well, verderers to patrol in his absence. Despite this, the Sheriff at
increasing his own influence. Uldien is Hutop has increased his authority at the cost of the earl and
expanding, though increased criminality constable. He’ll need to address that. He gained considerable
wealth and has been granted four manors in the Neald in his
is concerning. own right, which he needs to found. He needs to integrate
The Sheriffs followers of the earl into his dominion and has an active year
The sheriffs have retained their positions. Meden Curo in ahead of him. The containment of the Pagaelin is another
Hutop is strengthened even as his House is weaker and has to positive, though the Kath have always been more trouble.
stop the Constable of Jedes reasserting his authority.
Ranal Gybsen is firmly with his sponsor the Earl of Balim
and continues to prosper. He must replace those who seized
The Laranian ChurchThe Kaldoran
his family but is more secure than ever, though he owes the church as a whole has done well, though
church for their salvation. With little else to spend his bounty factions within it have had mixed
on he makes substantia donations to the Abbeys of Uldien successes.
and Brynd. The increased population of the Marsh people
The church has gained some new manors for its fighting
further swells his coffers. order, which has grown in autonomy from Melderyn, without
Eris Karondal is now firmly in Conwans camp, but must breaking from it.
repair relations with Tulath.
The Solora crusade is satisfactorily resolved.
Conwan didn’t assume the throne, but neither did
The ConstablesDanyes Bernan of Kyg Maldan. The church is weakened in Meselyne.
is dead and has been replaced by the Conwan made some hefty concessions to have his oath
more loyal Scina Dariune, the fief is a annulled even if the church couldn’t quite achieve hegemony.
Cerdan Bantire at Ledine contributed to the recovery of
mess but he’s slowly putting it to rights.
his parishioner, Sedris Meleken.
Garath Ruseller has been replaced by Kytem Curo, son of
his liege of Neph. Garath and family have been moved to a Tyrnal Dariune at Cholas has done well by backing winners
minor manor where they can do less harm. with little risk, the Serekela and Earl of Balim.
Coreth Lothlar of Zoben and Dagald Jendral of Fisen are
unchanged, though Dagald gained great wealth.
Eres Tereneth lost and regained Baseta. A competent
administrator, he is now aware of his military exposure and
applied to his liege for aid in stopping a repetition of events.
He owes Dariune and has grievances with his neighbours
Maldan and Wevran, but will follow the interests of Minarsas.
Bereden Pawade is now Baron of Heru for rescuing his
liege, Earl Sedris. His town has been fortified but he needs to
use his extra revenues to secure it.

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Edine Kynn (Caleme)He had a good Luisan Kelic (Jenkald)The patriot
year. Where the church has prospered, faction is emasculated but the order has
so has he. He led it skilfully during the increased its autonomy, perhaps Artona
crisis and increased its power. His was the man to follow after all. The
rebellious Rekela in Meselyne remains Melderyni chapter is weakened and
an issue as does his weak one at Brynd; Kaldoric one growing.
at least his subordinate Abbot there is There’s no hope of a keep at Oselbridge now, yet Naniom
remains a possibility. His half-brother was seriously
more able, though there is bad blood
weakened in briefly seizing it though, and his nephew
between the two. The indecisive Primate emasculated.
in Thay is also a concern and he would The Silver Way is busier yet safer than ever.
prefer stronger leadership from above. Tensions with Artona have eased. He really needs to take
Ilor Hadan (Abriel)Politically naïve, Ilor stock.
has been comprehensively Tae Sarela (Yaltako)The Patriot Faction
outmanoeuvred. His candidate, Maldan, is emasculated and the natural
failed to gain the throne but took the hierarchy maintained, albeit with
hundred moot, a fief and Nelafyn Quarry Melderyn weakened. His faith is
off of him. As he despises secular rewarded.
concerns, this is a relief but is poorly Tonot is damaged and Meselyne neglected, both of which
need addressing, but the order can now heal its divisions.
viewed by the rest of the church.
There’s tension with Orbaal, but Tae can confident in the
Sheryd Quathis (Brynd)His faction did church’s leadership and follow blindly on.
well, but he vacillated and looked weak Mulron Charyn (Vadan)He followed his
whilst his subordinate and rival Serolan friend Houla, keeping the order neutral
Ubael appeared dynamic. Ubael and prospered. The politics may have
consolidated his grip on Brynd and been beyond him, but he followed the
Uldien and is more popular in the Serekela as agreed. It appears to have
church, despite similar policies and worked out well.
alliances. His ancestor is beatified, likely He’s gained backing and permission for his pet projects of
to be sanctified shortly. He’s far too moving the sword chapter to Swune and developing the
secure to remove easily. He has to shore Vadan medium cavalry as he saw on the Plain of Karetan.
his position up, again. He’s pleased the kingship has been resolved.
Houla Artona (Whyce)It was a trying, With expansion in the west, he can expect work securing
it against the Kath.
but successful year. The Lady of
Remiu Valador (Nebulan)What an awful
Paladins stayed neutral yet retained the
year! The Patriot Faction is dead and
backing of the Serekela.
Promoted to Deputy Chabla, his authority and autonomy
Artona more secure than ever. The
are increased, yet a schism avoided and ties to the mother Solori are secure. Melderyn is weakened
chapter retained. (not a bad thing itself). He’s lost
The Patriot Faction is neutralised with developments. The complete control of Oselbridge.
Solori Crusade has ended and ended well. At least he’s retained ties to Firith and the Pagaelin are
The parent chapter in Melderyn has lost out but survived reeling. He can expect work securing the border as Kaldor
and lost lands and a valuable keep. They’re recovering but expands southeast.
appear weaker than Kaldor. There’re a few new chapter houses, but Houla will appoint
The order gained a few chapter houses, albeit in the the Reblena. Still, they’re extra troops and funds he can use.
domains of his rival Remieu Valador. Artona will still appoint
the Reblena.
Increasing tension with Orbaal as missionaries proselytise,
presents some risks and opportunities.

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Clan ElendsaSeveral members are The MangaiMost guilds aren’t
barely affected by the crisis, despite massively affected beyond the
their efforts, such as the Alsars of disruption to trade. Plenty of individuals
Nicomen, Tarkin Hirnen, Meliem, have won or lost out but few guilds as
Siwen, Korwyn, Kymen and both Asorn entities are affected.
Firiths. GoAL (Arcanists)
Lenera Firith (Caleme)She extracted a The GoAL is much as it always has been, but several
powerful members amongst the Shek-Pvar have become
promise from the Serekela for a position
concerned over events and are in communication with one
as Serolan at a prominent abbey for her another to see if there’s been magical interference.
vote, contingent on Conwan becoming Evidence is inconclusive, but the inability to magically
king. That hasn’t occurred. That said, determine the identity or employers of several assassins is
she still expects to be made Serolan worrying and suggestive. August members bestir themselves.
soon, but may have to accept a less Lia-Kivair (Thieves)
They’ve had a torrid time in Tashal, with many members
prestigious appointment.
caught and hung and great disruption to the thieves’ roads,
Raditha Arcona nee Elendsa the sewers of Tashal, decimating smuggling.
(Chelena)Nine months pregnant, she Halime of Falesh seems to have weathered matters by
has other concerns. She wanted to avoid sacrificing a few guildsmen who were causing trouble and
the crisis at all costs but couldn’t. lying low. Bribing the caer clerks for guard and work
schedules has helped, but the increase in the watch still
Parel, her husband has issues with his brother, the Count
makes things tough.
of Halmo, but gets along better with his son, the heir
presumptive. Control over Uldien has been extended as Halimes
nephew is made master there and offers up tribute to
They’ve gained a barony and have powerful allies but
Halime. He married the owner of a local inn, who has joined
must fortify in the teeth of Kath opposition.
the guild as a journeyman.
King Astaroc Cranalson I (Tashal) Setrew is a stronghold of the guild without name and
The new king doesn’t want the crown; it’s a distraction Halime has extended Tashals influence there completely.
from important things!
The influx of poor to Kiban has allowed an increase in
That said; he’ll make a good job of it if he must, just to control of that city by Halime, though the earl has started
spite all the assassination attempts he’s had to endure. He crime reduction measures, surviving guildsmen will likely
may not have wanted it, but he’ll be damned if he’ll let them answer to Tashal.
or those who sent them get away with this!
Kyg is in uproar as Balim decimated the lucrative crime
The office of King is weakened, with the creation of the spot and his son is busy cleaning house. What’s left will turn
earldom of Olokand, the loss of Nenda as a tenant-in-chief to Halime in desperation, leaving him in control of most of
and a handful of manors from the royal domain to various Kaldor and in position to extend his grip.
The Navehan church is reeling, badly wounded and under
The realm is expanding, with new keeps on the frontiers assault. Its survival is at risk.
and the office of Oselmarshal further tied to the king. He’s
strengthened the court, replacing the useless but his new Miners
astrologer has made worrying predictions of war for the year Individual miners and the guild leadership have done well
to come. under Maldan who knighted them and hired them, giving
them the means to sponsor their families and apprentices.
King Miginath I
The guild itself has made an enemy of Balim who has
He had a good year with his death. His sons all live and massively restricted their activities. He’s probably satisfied
remain in post, as does his lover.
with what he’s done to them but the message is clear, don’t
Melderyni influence is reduced without alienating her and meddle in high politics.
his friend Troda continues to pull the strings of the plan they
hatched together.
The ghost of the king can rest easy, for now.

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Foreign powersThroughout Lythia, MenglanaMenglana is dead. Now part of
events have been moving and few are Ibanvaal and Rogna, there only Hilm
where they were after a tumultuous holds out. Ibanvaal needs time to
year. consolidate whilst the Rognans raid.
Kaldor Outside Hutheng the temples of the
Kaldor is bruised but standing. She managed all the armed Pillar of Fire are seized by the Crimson
men roaming around in her with relatively little destruction,
Dancer or other Agrikans.
though there’s been disruption. Fethael and Nelafyn
hundreds saw the worst damage, whilst Tonot and Uldien Rogna
were hit hard. The Rognans have conquered Hutheng in Menglana and
Most trade has continued, apart from the Fur Road greatly increased their power. They’re busy slaughtering the
caravan. Increased trade with Azadmere makes the Silver Agrikan Pillar of Fire and Companions of Roving Doom as they
Way vibrant with heavy traffic. consolidate.
There’s a new king and the wounds of war are superficial. Raids around Orbaal continue, with Lorkin and Arone as
friendly ports. Fysse has started defensive fleets which were
The king is old though and wounds could be reopened, hurting until enemies of the Pelanybs started passing
information via Arone, allowing more successful raids.
With two new baronies and a new earl, plus a keep being
built in Meselyne and two in Osel, the kingdom is vigorous HarbaalThe Pendragon clings on, whilst
with construction and fortification. his son in Avastran has led forces south
Relations with Chybisa are strained, deteriorating with the to join the Azeryani Ivinian Guard for
Thardic Republic and poor with Orbaal. plunder. Pelanby have added Ketania to
Azadmere their dominions whilst refugees flee to
King Hazmadul has reconquered Fana and Zhakom. The Huisea where the Ledensens are
Hazmadul III Bridge is built at Guthe Gorge and Barony of
Axxon reconstituted and entering production. pushing the defence against Shorkyne.
The Wolf of Harbaal lost a minor expedition to Keron
Some in the royal court are encouraging the king and
Island, blaming Melderyni witchery, which they neither deny
crown prince to evict the Gargun of Pyxyn, but both are
nor accept. He casts his eye towards Orbaal, vulnerable
resisting as they consolidate. They’ve allowed plans to be
despite its growing unity or east to the lands of Hurisea.
drawn up to waylay matters.
The near famine of the year should be prevented as Axxon ChelembyLarge numbers of refugees
produces. It has convinced the king to improve the road from have swelled and strained the islands
Guthe to Zerhun to increase trade and allow passage by carts economy. Building in the City is picking
as more stores are laid by in future. Mushrooming at Fana
and Zhakom is started, mostly by Jarin under khuzdul
up as it expands as does a new castle
direction. town of Kolare on the east coast. The
The dwarves are en Marche. navy is expanding as concessions are
IbanvaalThe Dagen has conquered sold.
Menglana. It was swift once Froyaheim Fortification across the Cheler Passage from Harbaal is
underway at Vâsin.
finally fell. Time is needed to
The Pelaby’s and their allies have built Kantehausen in
consolidate, but there was a request for Orbaal and Alagon. The Orbaalese face increasing piracy as
“aid” from Orbaal and they have claims their trade rivals inform the Rognans of their movements.
there that they may want to prosecute in ShorkyneThe king has doubled the size
future. of the Royal Guard and increased the
Hilm resists, but the Dagen finds tis useful to occupy his bureaucracy. He raised eight aids from
unruly subjects. Seldenbaal and Rogna carved off portions of
the kingdom, but that can be ignored for now.
Parliament and got Alagon to fund
construction of a useful road. The army
is campaigning in Hurisea which would
add a county to the realm.
However, the king’s relative power has decreased as the
Pelaby’s consolidate power, though they are not rivals. If he

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can maintain the aids raised he will be able to compete This allowed Shorkyne to invade Hurisea. This is the least
militarily if he has to. of Trierzons concerns as she must contend with increasing
Alagon: the Duke is triumphant! His second son has been Palithanian belligerence and a growing Tobran Heresy.
named Earl of Sherwyn in Orbaal (a weak earldom, but it can AzeryanThe westernmost province of
be developed) and married the niece of the Duke of Fysse.
Beronium has been massively
He’s conquered the county of Avan, increasing his
Parliamentary vote at the expense of the Ensel faction.
reinforced by troops. They are led by the
Trade is increasing, with Kantehausen at his new port. crown prince of the empire and threaten
All this has stretched his finances, especially the large Trierzon and Lankor.
bribes to the king to get all this through Parliament. LankorThe Grand Principality must
Ensel: the duchy has invaded Hurisea with Shaplane. contend with ambitions from Shorkyne,
Rivals they compete but work with a royal army dispatched to Trierzon and Azeryan who considers it a
bring the new county into the kingdom. They made good
progress until winter, despite regional opposition. rebellious province.
The High Prince considers the matrimony of his four
In Parliament the duke has lost out to his rivals of Pelanby,
daughters in the duplicitous realm, looking to marry them off
who has swallowed his allies of Avan.
well and preserve his crown. Alliances with Trierzon and
EmelreneClosely allied to Melderyn and Shorkyne are desirable.
with links to Alagon, Chelemby and OrbaalOrbaal has coalesced into three
Palithane, the eldritch Emelens are powerful duchies and a series of less
content to meddle subtly. powerful fiefs, at risk from their larger
Menglana’s fall was inevitable and they follow Melderyni brethren. Large numbers of Menglanan
policy in Hârn regards Orbaal.
The Royal Fleet has grown as they have armed all their
refugees have renewed vigour,
merchantmen. displacing the native Jarin and causing
HuriseaThe major domains of Hurisea resentment.
The Menglanan threat is ended, but Ibanvaal looms large.
have united in opposition to Shorkyni
The increased trade with Chelemby and Shorkyne is
invasion. They’ve imported numerous threatened by Rognan pirates. The Fur Road caravan failed
mercenaries and accepted substantial this year, but there is wealth from raiding Kaldor and Rethem.
foreign aid. The future looks bleak Geldeheim: personally, King Alegar II is more secure than
though, their best hope being increased ever, having conquered Tandir and given their lands to his
Menglanan relations. Some Jarin thralls have fled, but this is
tension along the Plain of Karetan more than made up by immigrants.
drawing away Shorka forces. There’s been no Fur Road caravan this year, but that’s
PalithaneIncreased piracy off the Gulf of been eclipsed by loot from Kaldor and Rethem.
Batan is leading to increased tension Menglana is no longer a threat, having been swallowed by
with Azeryan, who rightly blames Ibanvaal.
Skagian and Batanan reavers. Many other thrans have coalesced into powerful duchies,
The Pelanby’s of Batana and Degau have improved their but Geldeheim remains strongest. There’s been a reluctance
trading position, despite modest involvement with the to pay tribute which Alegar will let slide this year, due to his
extended clan. They’ve promised more help next year. being busy, but he can enforce it next.
Jorni has been taken to Pethwys and this needs
Trierzon addressing. There are issues with Rognan piracy and tension
A dispute between the Count of Halmo and his heir over with Kaldor, but generally it’s been a good year, though touch
preserving racial purity has led his brother to marry a Kaldoric and go at times.
noble and accept a barony in that backwater realm. This has
Lerial: has taken in large numbers of refugees and is
led to increased interest in the island of Hârn.
booming despite the loss of the Fur Road caravan. Prince
The royal military has expanded with two cohorts of a Marwyn is slowly increasing his military and fortifying and
Royal Guard under a Guard Marshal, the Duke of Stahlfore to recently received overtures of a defensive pact with Arathel,
celebrate the birth of a royal heir. These have immediately which he is considering.
moved to reinforce the Azeryan border, together with troops
The antagonism of Pethwys towards Geldeheim is
guarding against Shorkyne as the Azeri reinforces Beronium.
worrying as is Geldeheim’s adventurism. Mountain Gargun
remain dangerous and are not to be discounted.

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Pethwys: is full to bursting with Jarin refugees and has into the strong realm he knows will be needed. The king is
grown the economy and military greatly. The town and stronger and now is the time to unify the kingdom.
military is just undeveloped enough for deniability, should the With Menglana consumed by Rogna and Ibanvaal it is only
king become suspicious. a matter of time before they turn their hunger towards
The Wolves of Jara are recruiting strongly and Lord Orbaal unless Harbaal or Seldenbaal beat them to the feast.
Weymys’ backing remains hidden. They add to the raiding The duchy of Fysse is both threat and opportunity, if it can
economy and military reserve. They have expanded their be brought into the royal fold.
influence all over western Orbaal and are now the second Quimen: the Crimson Dancer and Order of the Kukshin
strongest rebel group. are on the rise, with much plunder from Rethem. Better, their
Felan requires the Prince of Lerial to resist the kings wrath rivals the Companions of Roving Doom are wiped out.
next spring for holding his nephew Jorni. Next year looks They’ve supplanted the Order of the Eight Demons in Golotha
challenging. The lack of the Fur Road caravan hurt financially. and the Roving Doom in Arketh, which they hold after
Arathel: Morvilya Bay has been colonised and is going betraying Tormau. Thye’re allied loosly to King Chafin and
well. There’s a good relationship with the Ymodi tribesmen Herpa the Mace and more closely to King Alegar and the
and the Equani are reeling, with a buffer of Ymodi between Primate, Klydres Bisidril.
them. Melkea Akarne is appointed Kemelras (bishop) of Orbaal
The Ymodi have pushed the Equani out of Himod and far and the north. Their numbers are stretched but they’re busy
into Equeth. Armed by Arathel and Wethom, they have recruitin in Rethem and those parts of Orbaal they can still
extended their ranges and are heavilly trading with the reach. They should be stronger than ever.
Morvilya Bay colonies, where some have been seduced by However, Laranians have gained footholds in Fysse and
civilisation to settle. Most see honour in the alliance. Pjagel and need rooting out now there’s time to turn their
Pjagel was seized by clan Jalp, following a Jarin revolt and attention to them.
the Baelin’s overthrown, which is much more to Tursi’s liking. Rethem
Melderyn has shown some support with a Laranian abbey
Battered and bloody, Rethem in one. With debts to the
and Peonian mission. The dispossessed clan are formenting
Thardic Republic and territorial losses to Kanday, the rump of
trouble with Vold and Geldeheim which is worrying.
Rethem looks stable for the first time in decades. A unifying
An alliance or defensive pact with Lerial seems prudent, to campaign into Peran looks set for next year or the year after.
dicourage Geldeheim.
Shostim: king Chafin III is ascendent, having united the
The raids in Rethem with Tormau were lucrative but don’t realm. He’s brought Golotha to heel, recaptured Ithiko and
seem viable again. A major raid against Golotha may still be conquered Tormau. His debts to the Thardic Republic are
worth contemplating. recouped from Kanday, Golotha and Tormau.
Marby: the Duchy of Fysse unites Marby, Zuden, Sherwyn Weseda, Henwe and Chatka are lost to Kanday, but only
and all their vassals. There are strong alliances with Tawheim Chatka matters and it’s loss is a small price for Golotha. The
and Alagon. A powerful fleet is bein constituted, the castle at five year non-aggression pact allows him time to consolidate
Marby upgraded, the new Keep of Akag constructed and a and invade Peran before looking south once more.
core guard for the army being built. Tribute to Geldeheim has
Thameson is gone to the Republic of Tharda, but that
not been rendered and they may be more powerful than the
solves a thorny diplomatic issue.
king now. Rognan piracy is an issue, but where will this
dynamic entity go next? Tormau: Tormau is devastated. Conquered by Chafin who
has reintroduced Morgathianism and occupied by his armies.
Lorkin: benefitting from Rognan piracy which uses the
The Morgathians have started an orgy of violence whilst the
port as a safe base with increased wealth. They neglected to
kings men are casual in their brutality.
pay tribute to Orbaal this year further increasing their wealth,
whilst their vassals at Arone have benefitted too. The Delta Most of the army scattered to their countryside as
pirates preying on their shipping are an annoyance as are insurgents or fled to Kanday, Peran and Tirsa, where the
recuring rebellions but the situation is secure. The rise of baron hold out at Bjariheim, with most of the fleet.
Rogna provides opportunity for trade and plunder.Arone: Weseda and Henwe have gone over to Kanday.
increasing wealth from Rognan piracy and refugees from Golotha: the dream lives on, but independence was brief.
Sherwyn have allowed conversion of Arone into a castle town The city is beholden to Chafin after liberation from Kanday. It
to continue. Alliances with Esobran, pirate of the Delta cost a great deal of wealth and several seats on the
continues undetected, whilst the Rognan connection is Heptarchial council.
public. There’s been a religious blooming and pluralism, with Haleans have taken their seat and the deceased
a temple to Halea being constructed and Zarli’s insane Morgathian seats have gone to the Guild of Arcane Lore and
brother converting to Ilvirism. He’s been sent to Oranoam, Pia Gardith of Ilvir (who are beholden to the Octagonal Pit of
which is reviving as a pilgrimage site. Agrik). Morgathian dominance has eased. The surviving
Vaagel: with the conquest of Pled, the Duke is more church is united behind the Gurim.
powerful than ever. Better, Orbaal seems to be coalescing

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Following the Ivinian sack of the city, the Mamekans have Dyrisa: silver has been found at lead mines between
increased their presence in the city by two companies, who Dyrisa and Aleath. The miner’s had known for years. The king
patrol the walls, locks and gates. Many districts remain under merely seizes the silver as punishement, stripping the chief
Morgathian militiamen. The Copper Hook have fortified the miner of authority and mining the silver himself with more
lighthouse on Apiseda island and are converting it into an settlers in the area.
impressive keep. The Kukshin have supplanted the Order of Thardic RepublicThrough deft
the Eight Demons in their temple. City defences are
undergoing renovations, with districts being walled. manipulation and judicious bribes the
Ithiko: the earl is dead! Long live the earl! With his elder Halean Church has gotten the Shiran
brother fled to Kanday, the earl owes his position to Chafin. Amiratta elected to the Senate. The
Whethher, he’ll follow him as avidly as his father is doubtful, Sheneselra of the Eight Demons
but he’s probably more loyal than his brother.
followed suit with massive bribes, most
The town was being renovated by the Duke of Hohnam,
that that has ceased. the Argent Wyvern are no longer being unbeknown to the Haleans. The Haleans
borne by the town. The harbour remains silted up. used this wealth to get the Coranan
Agrikans: the Agrikans are more united, with the Mistress of Cloth appointed as well.
destruction of the Roving Doom and expulsion of the Eight The Agrikan Primate confirms the high priest of the
Demons and Cohort of Gashang to the Thardic Republic. Octagonal Pit as Kemelras as the Thardic Republic, securing
The Crimson Dancer, Mamekans and Copper Hook have their loyalty.
increased in power and influence, whilst Herpa the Mace and Khudzul objections to the Iracu gold mines have been
Octagonal pit remain well placed. All have gained in Golotha ignored. Surviving an assassination attempt, they have
at the expense of the Morgathians, who maintain dominance. promised consequences.
Morgathians: the Morgathians dominate Golotha, dispite Thameson: the Cohorts of Gashang turn the keep over to
losing two Heptarch’s. prominent laymen fill the positions of the Republic on the orders of the Eight Demons, becoming
the Guild of Arcane Lore and Mangai seats and thie militias the core of the garrison. Tensions with Rethem and Techen
are prominent throughout the town. The temples in Rusu ease, but increases with the Herpans. In retaliation, the
Island and Temple Hill were desecrated by Laranians but Kukshin seize the Eight Demons temple in Golotha.
nothing substantial was disturbed. Dominance at Ithiko is Telen: the Aramal Road project starts, cutting through the
restored and a presence at Tormau established. Mimea Hills. Many Gozyda, especially Ramali are enslaved. To
KandayThe king signs a five-year build support in the Senate, the Nordakas agree to others
armistice with Rethem and pays them a controlling the new port and diverting the road through
Taztos. They’re more interested in trade along the route.
large indemnity for the sack of Golotha, Kanday’s protests are ignored.
but gains three keeps in return. This was Trobridge: the expedition to claim Trobridge has returned
unpopular with militant members of the unsuccessful. The Senate disavows them. There are few
court until it emerged that the Baron of consequences beyond a loss of reputation. This was galling as
theirs was the only battle their opponent Conwan won.
Henwe has sworn fealty just in time to
take advantage of the agreement and ChybisaKing Verlid has increased his
Hyen remains vulnerable during the military forces to what his barons will
peace. The militant Banners of Avarkiel bear and instigated a spate of
faction become his strongest supporters fortifications. In turn, this encourages
as they plot to seize the keep. those four barons to recruit garrisons,
Selvos: the earl has taken Weseda (with little opposition) to keep the king in check. Competition to
who appoints a constable. The former constable is made build the most impressive (khuzan)
sherif of Zabin at Chatka, after the Chequered Shield and fortifications is encouraged.
some motley adventurers seize it from Rethem. Mines have opened in the Anadel Hills and refugees from
Heroth: the earl’s daughter has married the king and is Kaldor accepted, with manors started along the Genin Trail.
expecting their child, reducing the influence of Sarkum. Merchants have done well, selling food to Kaldor.
Menekod: the king formally transfers control of those The Lady of Paladins losers from the Solori Crusade have
Chequered Shield chapters on the Rethemi border directly to been granted a manor to found with their considerable
the Chabla. This allows the Chabla to defenestrate the wealth.
Banners of Avarkiel as requested and increases the order’s The new Kaldoric king is a relief, as he seems unlikely to
and king’s influence at the expense of the church. press aggressive policies, though the increase in her military

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and ambiguous statement regarding her ancestral borders Nurisel: the heir to Nurisel was found and turned out to
are worrying. be Metasun! This mythical leader united the Solori against
Chybisa has increased her number of fighting men, though the Lady of Paladins. There has been a movement to get him
they lack experience. The new keeps will make her more named a living saint of Larani. Sensibly, the young man has
defensible, when finished. Verlid’s grip on the kingdom is departed for Tormau and Peran rather than face this.
tighter at the expense of his barons, though tensions should Keron: the island has been claimed following a
ease as their keeps are built. “fortuitous” erruption, which decimated a Harbaalese fleet.
There is tension with Melderyn and Kaldor. Orsin Firith They were warned. A minor Peleahn chantry has established
could still swallow the kingdom before its defences improve. itself, together with a keep under construction at Belhafen
Geda: Baron Forsetha’s heir has been appointed Royal port and a manor for the Lady of Paladins.
Forrester, extending his power together with that of The isle contains valuable iron mines, is very fertile,
government and the kings forces. controls rich fishing grounds and sea routes to Thay. It’s
Aereben: Winnesea Afaelin, Chancellor to Chybisa and useful for watching routes to Orbaal.
heir to Aereben has enaged to marry the brother of the Earl Solora: the Crusade is finally over. The damaging attacks
of Harden in Melderyn. This offsets the costs of building a are over and the Lady of Paladins put into its place. There’s
keep and maintains Aereben’s strength, over objections from some resentment within the order but this is mostly
Verlid and Chunel. squashed and malcontents exiled to Chybisa. Most hostility
Horadir: the Hodiri are more united, having formed four focuses on the church, the Solora and Kaldor.
sub-tribes. They’ve gained substantial booty, either as The order has remained united. The increased
mercenaries in Kaldor or by raiding Solora. Solora up to the independence of the Kaldoric chapter is deemed an
Biren River has been incorporated into the Horadir Nation. acceptable price to pay, when the alternative is divorce.
Pegaelin: persecuted by Kaldor and enslaved by the Usefully, Cundras has been reclaimed from the order and
Hodiri, they’ve abandoned their north-eastern marches over awarded to a loyal baron. To mollify the order it has been
the River Osel. The survivors are increasingly dominated by granted some manors north of Thay and on Keron Island. This
the Navehans of Bejist. is a major loss of influence, causing resentment but more
manors are held out as a reward if they behave.
MelderynMelderyn is the largest, most
The order now holds many fewer lands than the Kaldoric
populous and most powerful of the chapter, though it still holds a keep at Fosumo, which Kaldor
Hârnic kingdoms. Under the Toron cannot match. An unstated threat for poor behaviour is the
dynasty it’s also the most loss of Fosumo. These are good results for Melderyn.
interventionist, where it favours subtle Orbaal: Melderyn’s views on Orbaal are vast. They’ve
worked for a long time to bring about the current situation.
understatement, whilst appearing
The unification into semi-autonomous duchies suits
isolationist. Melderyni interests, though unification beyond that does not.
It’s been blessed with a long line of able monarch’s, of They’ve subtly encouraged this. They’re now building on the
who Chunel the current king is exceptional where the bar is distrust between those duchies that have coalesced, building
set high. They have a reputation for arcane power, which animosity. A stronger Orbaal is more able to resist Ibanvaal or
they have carefully cultivated by neither confirming nor Harbaal, whilst their animosity to Rogna and Ibanvaal reduces
denying complicity in events. They are closely allied with trade. This was deemed necessary as the conquest of
Emelrene which takes a similar approach to northwest Lythia. Menglana was judged inevitable. More duchies are required.
The past year has been challenging, with resources badly
Fysse: Marby uniting Zuden and Sherwyn creates a
stretched. Results have been mixed.
powerful north-eastern duchy. This is as designed by
CoE Melderyn. Acceptance of Larani and antagonism to Agrik is
Thay: merchantmen have been armed in response to also welcomed, as it gives Melderyn a tightly controllable
Oiracy in the Sea of Ivae, though a navy hasn’t been formed. avenue of deniable support.
Trade between Lythia and Orbaal is growing despite Unfortunately the import of the younger son of the Duke
attempts to disrupt it. Word has been passed to Rognan of Alagon as Earl of Sherwyn is not welcome. It increases
pirates via Arone of the movement of Chelembian and trade between Orbaal and Alagon/Chelemby substantially,
Alagonian merchants, particularly Pelanby ones to seize this, beyond Melderyn’s control.
which helps but not enough. It’s assumed they’re trade rivals In response they’ve encouraged Tawheim to remain
of the Pelanby’s, which is fairly accurate. independent of the duchy (helped as Fysse isn’t for
Harden: in Elorinar, the dissident earl has allied with the antagonising the king over this). Tawheim is also building a
Chybisan Baron of Aereben, as his brother marries the heir to keep at the mouth of the fjord as he claims the silver mines
the barony. This is slightly concerning, but merely bares from king, which Melderyn quietly backs.
watching at present as other priorities are favoured.

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They also provide Rognan pirates with information on Lorkin (and Shese which guards it) or build one at Gedan. This
Chelembian and Alagonian shipping via Arone, hitting will cause a hostile response by Lorkin.
maritime trade hard. This only slows its growth and pushes Arone: is allied with Esobran the Delta pirate and Rognan
up costs though. pirates providing a free port and market. Melderyn has
The Dukes response in organising a navy under the passed them details of trade sailing the Sea of Ivae, which
Valhakar of Zuden is unfortunate if obvious. Fortification of they have pillaged, unaware of the source of their
the coastal settlements and completing Caer Marby in the intelligence.
continental style is better, as is the building of a professional The situation in Orbaal is fluid and developing and of
warrior corps. interest to Melderyn. Unification into stronger antagonistic
It should be simple to build tensions with Geldeheim short duchies follows long held plans developed since the Rape of
of war, by encouraging or tribute to be withheld. Thay, to better resist Harbaal and Ibanvaal when they invade.
Vaagel: the Duke conquering Pled was expected to Antagonism with Rogna and Ibanvaal progresses well.
Melderyn’s displeasure. The man supports the king too However, some weaker regions remain at risk from the king,
strongly and seeks more unity than the Chunel desires. should he conquer them he may unite Orbaal.
Resources are better spent dealing with other matters at Of greater concern is growing trade with Alagon and
present. Chelemby. Piracy offsets this, but it’s a short-term measure.
Geldeheim: the king remains weak and paranoid, despite Rethem: events have progressed poorly for Melderyn.
taking Tandir. Excellent! Melderyn did little, relying on the Tormau: the earl successfully proclaimed the Duchy of
king to alienate everybody with little prompting. Hohnam, but fled to Peran with his court, including the heir
Arathel: Tursi Cyeen has colonised Morvilya Bay, building to Nurisel, to escape King Chafin and his Thardic mercenaries.
alliances with the Ymodi. He organised Orbaaler mercenaries Melderyns agent, his seneschal, and considerable investment
to Rethem. Melderyn has supported these events. have fled with him. Melderyn operates some of his former
It supported Jarin rebels, including Jara’s Midwives in this army as bandits striking the king. The Baron of Tirsa operates
area, but they were precipitous launching rebellions in Vold his fleet to raid the coast.
and Pjagel which have been crushed. The group has been The Crimson Dancer and many Ivinian mercenaries
usefully subsumed by the more organised Wolves of Jara. betraying Tormau to Chafin, for monies supplied by the
Clan Orp, the leading minor clan of Pjagel was Thardic Senate, suggests a worrying alliance between them.
instrumental in crushing dissent, before their Valhakar Melderyn thinks it likely the Republic will encourage an
married a minor Thayan priestess of Larani. She founded an invasion of Kanday so that it can swallow a weakened Kanday
abbey in the ruined village of Saaxra. When the ambitious or Rethem, before turning on the survivor, then heading east.
abbess sent to Thay for settlers, Melderyn took advantage to Ithiko: is held by an ally of the king, though his elder
seed operatives. He husband, encouraged by tax revenues brother and family have fled to Kanday under Prince Anaflas,
allowed a second village to be founded at Kalma by a chapter from where Melderyn can meddle when opportune.
of the Lady of Paladins. Melderyn sent malcontents and Golotha: sacked twice, it was unable to maintain
hotheads from the crusade, easing finances for the order. Orp independence despite help. A Morgathian theocracy would
used these men with Arathels aid to overthrow Pjagel. be useful there. The balance of power within the city has
Melderyn sends more armed settlers. shifted towards Agrik and Chafin III, though Morgath
The dispossessed clan are fomenting trouble with their dominates. Many Kandian spies have been inserted.
allies in Vold and agitating with Alegar. Unexpected, all this Melderyn considers aiding the Morgathians and city.
delights Melderyn who back the ambitious Serolan who is Chatka, Henwe and Weseda have joined Kanday as
now pregnant. planned by Melderyn. Hyen, Omnis and Thiri remain
Quimen: with the Kukshin named Kemelras of Orbaal and vulnerable. The armistice suggests Hyen be seized.
the Crimson Dancer taking Arketh then betraying Hohnam, Thameson has gone over to the Thardic Republic, as the
this is mixed for Melderyn, though they can work to keep the Cohorts of Gashang and Eight Demons defected. This
sisters in the west whilst their Orbaal plans bear fruit. removes the main point of contention with Rethem,
Lerial and Pethwys: the influx of refugees has led to an unfortunately.
expansion of fortifications and holdings. Rethemi events have progressed poorly for Melderyn. The
Wymyss of Pethwys has antagonised Alegar by giving realm is united under the king and an alliance with the
refuge to his nephew Jorni, the king’s son. So far, he has been Republic seems likely. Melderyn still believes Rethem is
too distracted to respond, but even with rebel help it seems doomed, but would prefer it be swallowed by Kanday than
likely that the king will crush him. Melderyni resources are the Thardic Republic, which will only use it to weaken Kanday.
better spent elsewhere for now. Thardic Republic: Melderyn continues to destabilise the
Gedan: Melderyn has promised the Anghyssa rebel group Senate, playing factions against each other, but the recent
aid in rebelling if they secure a port. They can either seize Aramal Road project and Thamesen capitulation, looks set to

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increase the influence of the expansionist faction. Worryingly, Either Cheselyne would have been acceptable if not ideal
an alliance with Rethem, funded by Iracu gold looks likely. monarchs. The elder did improbably well during the crisis and
Kanday: the king is more firmly in control and has gained has strengthened her position. They remain dark horses for
lands. This still looks insufficient to resist combined Thardic the crown.
and Rethemi assaults, as the king prevaricates over Whyce: the Soylana council elected to remain with the
reinforcing the borders. Melderyn continues to seed agents parent order in Melderyn, though they gained autonomy.
to resist the inevitable attack. They remained aloof of the crisis and hit the Pagaelin.
Chybisa: a stronger Chybisa suits Melderyn as Verlid Melderyn are pleased with these results.
(rightly) remains terrified of the wizard’s isle. This improves Olokand: Earl Medan is acceptable as it lessens the power
its use as a buffer state against Kaldoric adventurism. of the royal domain. His legitimisation is regrettable as is his
The alliance between the Chancellor and Earl of Harden effectiveness militarily. Both increase his chances of
appears opportunistic, but manageable. They will be becoming the next king.
observed. Qualdris: the return of Sedris Meleken requires factoring
The Lady of Paladins exiles relocation appears in hand as into Melderyn’s plans. The keep to be built where the Ilmen
Verlid seems liable to neutralise them after making use of and Osel Rivers meets threatens the Chybisan buffer state.
them. To be certain Melderyn informed the Solori of their Kiban: the earl didn’t move on the throne and never
new location, so that hot-heads can either eliminate the issue appeared to want it. However, the divestment of Olokand
or refocus it upon the Solori. from the royal domain lessens the concerns of other
Azadmere: the expansion of the Khuzan realm and magnates should he move on it after Astaroc moves on.
destruction of two Gargun nests appears positive. Melderyn Balim gained considerable wealth during the crisis, which
has no agents present, but the crown prince is there and he and his followers are using to consolidate their power.
there are open lines of communication and a practical king. Etoss: Conwan failed to take the throne. Melderyn’s
The king and prince are sensibly resisting expansion as they preferred candidate, he was likely to pursue inward looking
consolidate. Trade must still pass through Kaldor and then policies. His oath has been rescinded, though at what cost?
Thay in Melderyn. He’s been made baron which helps. He’s still the preferred
Kaldor: Melderyn is largely pleased with developments candidate and favourite despite his frequent military losses.
here, though there are many implications to work through. Chelena: Parel Arcona as baron is an awful result for
Astaroc as king suits Melderyn. An academic follower of Melderyn. His poor relations with his brother the Count of
Save K’norr (though not religious) suggests disinterest in Halmo mollify them, but he sends to Horaga for immigrants.
governance and inward looking policies. Unlike most, they His alliance with Conwan and exposure to the Kath stays
know he’s Shek-Pvar, which reinforces the belief of passivity. Melderyn’s hand for now. Besides, the damage is done.
He’s likely to allow his ministers to rule, leading to weak Osel Bridge: events for Melderyn are mixed. Pushing the
government. The multiple assassination attempts are Pagaelin and improving trade is good. Everything else is bad.
concerning, though the assassins clearly didn’t know of his The Osel Marshal won great renown with a brilliant
mystic skill. Melderyn is actively investigating this, together campaign. Aggressive, with an eye on seizing Chybisa he
with other troubling indications of outside interference would have been the worst choice for king and would have
(besides their own) that came to light during the crisis. required assassinating. He’ll be occupied building up Osel
The continuation of royal appointments is generally good. Bridge and securing the border. Unfortunately, settlement
The replacement of incompetents with Shek-Pvar is mixed as means he’ll have reinforcements when he’s done. He crushed
it improves Kaldors arcane defences but makes it more his mercantile opposition, yet maintained good terms with
insular. Lady Risai as a member of the White Hand is an the mangai. He bears watching for now.
interesting development, increasing their influence as it does. Trobridge: Kurson Ondalis swearing fealty as Lord of
It merely means taking even more care in the kingdom. Trobridge, with two large manors and the defeat of the
Usefully, Curo has been disenfranchised. His antipathy Republic is ideal for Melderyn. It focusses Kaldors attention
could be exploited if trouble is desirable. westwards and acts a stop against republican ambition.
Tashal: the increased size of the Royal Guard and watch, Better, the battle was commanded by Conwan, burnishing his
with the general increase in military power throughout Kaldor tarnished reputation.
is a concern of Melderyn. It was long predicted with the The Conspirator
looming crisis and forces should atrophy with a period of The Conspirator had a poor crisis. Kaldor remains bruised
relative peace as lords reduce spending. Astaroc’s age but standing; largely unscathed. There is a new king and
suggests this will not progress as far as ideal. They managed internal tensions have died down. Still, valuable time has
to place a company of agents posing as mercenaries, who are been bought and the next stage of the plan is ready to
still in kingdom. Their highly placed agent Erila Kaphin has implement. Indeed it cannot be held back.
retained her position undetected and is an asset. Her son
remains a non-entity.

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royal court after the king’s death. He will be in a position to
THE SHADOW WAR nudge events in the direction of complete chaos in service to
One of the premises of this campaign is that the civil war whoever the Conspirators are. He may not even be aware of
in Kaldor is due to the machinations of a shadowy conspiracy his role, if he’s been magically influenced.
as part of a larger plot to destabilise Kaldor. The events above
Other agents in the kingdom are unspecified for now, so
make little reference to the Conspirators, however. From the
they can be placed in situations where they can cross the
perspective of the public, the civil war may not involve any
paths of the PCs. Possible agents include:
fantastic elements at all.
If the mundane events of the campaign are enough to • A highly placed member of the Laranian church.
occupy players and they show no particular interest in the • A Navehan assassin.
secret war, the Conspirators schemes can be omitted. • A mad Ilvirin priest with many Ivashu servants.
Perhaps their plans are uncovered by Melderyn and a team of • A Shek-Pvar brought into their schemes.
the White Hand takes them out. Perhaps they were never
These agents know nothing of each other or their broader
involved and an aging and addled Miginath really thought
goals. All of the agents will work to continue the war for as
Tulath was the best candidate to rule after him.
long as possible by undercutting whichever side seems to be
If player characters want to look into the dark conspiracies doing the best and blocking any possible truce or peace.
behind the war, they have a chance to uncover the
If using Gwadira, she was once a member of the Council of
machinations of the Conspirators, the Council of Eleven and
Eleven and has a broad understanding of its goals, but her
other supernatural actors.
information is nearly two decades out of date.
If player characters do fight in the secret war, it is
important that the drama of ordinary human actions not be In particular, any Conspirator is not aware that their
overshadowed. Neither the Conspirators nor the Council of scapegoat for the war, Erila Kaphin, is an agent of the Council
Eleven, are omnipotent or omniscient. Once war starts, their of Eleven. Erila knows that the Tashal Will was not created by
influence is limited. Even if the Conspirators and all of their her and that it is uncharacteristic of Miginath. She will share
agents are beheaded, the war won’t suddenly stop. that information with the Council. This might be enough for
them to start piecing together the plot.
The Conspirators Agents
The Conspirators will not directly participate in Kaldor’s Agents of the Council of Eleven
war. They are busy preparing their next moves. At the beginning of the war, the Council of Eleven will be
If Gwadira the Gray is behind the conspiracy she will be playing defence (unless they are behind it). They are caught
readying her Gargun legions: see the Nasty, Brutish and Short off guard by the Tashal Will and the violent reactions to it.
module for further details. She will, however, have a number Before this, their goal was to have Conwan Elendsa ascend to
of skilled and magically brainwashed agents within the the throne, where his Save-K’norrian sympathies would
kingdom. Even if not the mastermind, she may take produce a government to Melderyn’s liking. They have been
advantage of the chaos or be unable to hold the Gargun back assuming the major obstacle to their success was Edine Kynn
much longer, if she even cares to. and have been quietly pressuring him to release Conwan from
his oath.
If the Council of Eleven is behind the conspiracy, they
could want a weaker Kaldor or have a more sinister motive in After the war starts, the Council’s primary goal will be to
mind and be preparing to invade. Regardless, they will have stabilise Kaldor. Their motives are not altruistic: Kaldor is
meticulously planned for many outcomes and have several central to trade and economics on the island and an extended
agents in place. war will hurt Melderyn as well. It could also produce a more
militarised and aggressive Kaldor, to Melderyn’s detriment.
If the Republic of Tharda is behind events, they could be
intending to act in the west with a freer hand or planning to Despite their great resources, Melderyn’s ability to control
seize Trobridge with a mighty host. Even if they’re not behind events is limited. There are simply too many parties involved
events, the opportunistic Senate will attempt to take to influence directly. The position of their chosen candidate
advantage of events if they can. Conwan is undermined early in the war and most other
candidates are more aggressive than Melderyn wants.
If the Dark Churches of Agrik, Morgath or Naveh are
involved, either separately or in concert they could be They also have numerous other concerns taking up their
spreading chaos as they weaken the Laranian church and its resources, particularly the situations in Rethem and Orbaal
kingdoms. They could offer a dark bargain of support to one (with the Menglanan Refugees) which seem to be coming to a
or more of the contenders in their bid for the throne, head. If forced to choose, Melderyn will commit its precious
particularly where things are going badly and have agents resources to these more urgent theatres. Kaldor can likely
ready to whisper in ears and act. Even if they aren’t recover and Melderyn deal with the outcome if necessary.
responsible, they’ll surely try to take advantage. Melderyn will push for a formal succession council. In the
One of these agents, Migray Hosath, is mentioned above. long term, a peaceful selection of a legitimate king will better
As Royal Herald, Migray has travelled the kingdom working serve Melderyn’s interests than one seizing the throne in
on the king’s behalf, and continues to do so, on behalf of the battle. Their best chance of arranging this is by pressure via

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the Laranian primate, Kerthede Talvail, though the Thay- that can be pitted against each other in constant war, much
based church-leader has proven politically timid in the past. like western Hârn. As such, they will try to manipulate
With information from Erila Kaphin and Ernell Mered, the characters like Curo, Caldeth and Orsin Firith to form new
Council soon suspects some other party is manipulating nations out of the chaos.
events in Kaldor, having arranged the king’s death and
possibly other events. The Council may provide this Gargun Invasion
information to parties in Kaldor already investigating (e.g. Regardless of whether Gwadira is the secret villain; one
PCs) or may take matters into their own hands (if the logical follow-up to the succession crisis is an invasion of
Conspirator needs to be taken out off-screen). Kaldor by an army of Gargun. Gwadira won’t be able to
restrain them much longer, even if she cared to. As discussed
Melderyn’s best placed agent in Kaldor, Erila Kaphin, is on
in Ejatus, Gwadira has worked to take control of a number of
the run herself. Melderyn has other agents they can use,
Gargun tribes. War in Kaldor gives her time to finalise her
(possibly Lady Bresyn Risai in Tashal). Like the Conspirator’s
plans to conquer Kaldor for herself.
pawns, it is best to leave them unspecified, so they can
appear where needed to move the plot forward. Just as civil war seems to be winding down to some kind
of resolution, Gwadira can show up at the head of an army of
Dark Churches 5,000 Gargun, sweeping in from north and west. A force like
Leaving aside the machinations of the Conspirator and the this hasn’t been seen since the time of Lothrim. It would
Council of Eleven, other supernatural forces may involve certainly be a great challenge for the new king. If you are
themselves in Kaldor’s war. If they did not engineer the feeling cruel, the invasion can take place in the middle of the
situation, the dark churches may still take advantage of it. war, instead of its end.
The church of Naveh has a presence in Kaldor and the Altering the Scenario
uncertainties of war give them opportunities to eliminate
The events outlined here are one of a multitude of
threats. Koris Harabor is a target, but they may attack anyone,
scenarios arising from the succession crisis. This scenario can
either because they were paid to do so, or to spread terror.
be changed in a variety of ways depending on your own view
They may choose to establish Navehan cells elsewhere in the
of Kaldor. Edward Barach’s article from Thonahexus #9 is
particularly useful for alternate ideas, as are the events
The mission of the church of Morgath is to spread chaos described in Paul Stracks article which inspired this one.
on behalf of their mad god. War in Kaldor is an excellent
The personalities and motivations of any of the characters
opportunity for them to gain a foothold. The Gurim of
can be altered to better suit your views. Small changes can
Golotha may send agents to Kaldor to foment further
have a big impact on how events unfold. In this scenario
upheaval and establish enclaves of Gulmorvrin against the
outline, Maldan Harabor is mostly cast in a villainous if tragic
day when their dark lord rises; or he leads his own successful
role, though his motives are perfectly reasonable. If however,
rebellion, as a hedge against disaster, to side-line rivals, or
Maldan’s will is genuine, he becomes the true heir and
switches from villain to underdog hero. One possibility is that
The church of Morgath may be the instigators of the Miginath married Lesel Harabor in exile, making Maldan and
entire crisis. Perhaps they offered Miginath immortality as an Koris legitimate sons. Sir Orbert from the Fortified Manor
Amorvrin in exchange for naming Tulath heir and plunging article on lythia.com gives one way to introduce this idea.
Kaldor into war, or killed him when he wouldn’t.
Erila Kaphin is mostly portrayed heroically, but that
The church of Agrik is unlikely to be directly involved in a doesn’t have to be so. She could be a sly manipulator, playing
war in far off Kaldor, but some Agrikans may participate in the Miginath and Melderyn off each other, in the hopes of
war as mercenaries or seek to establish Missions during the promoting her son. If so, she would push the legitimacy of the
chaos. Tashal Will harder and may have been involved in its creation.
Her biggest ally would be Baron Tesla, but she would work
Morsindari hard to bring any of the Earls over to her side. This option
Another possible participant in the war is the Morsindari. works well if you eliminate the supernatural origin of the
If Gwadira is your villain, including the Morsindari is overkill. conflict, replacing the Conspirator with Erila.
However, the Morsindari can be the Conspirators, especially if
player characters have ties to the Sindarin. Changing any of the characters can have a big impact on
how things play out. Dariune could be a true Kaldoric patriot
If the Morsindari are behind the bloodshed, events play aiming for the best of the kingdom; or a conniving schemer,
out as outlined above, but the Conspirator is Gwydriel. The aiming to place himself or his children on the throne. Kyne’s
nature of the Conspirators servants’ changes: rather than personality could be exaggerated into a Laranian zealot
magically controlled sleeper agents, the Morsindari use working towards a theocracy or relaxed to a reasonable aim
changelings placed among various Kaldoric households. of teaching Conwan a moral lesson, releasing him from his
Migray Hosath is one such changeling. oath once Kynn sees the kingdom swinging towards war.
The Morsindari are motivated by hatred of mankind. They Even if you throw out the entire scenario and start from
want to splinter Kaldor into a number of smaller kingdoms scratch, there are pieces you may find useful. The list of major

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characters is probably relevant, even if you change their
personalities. The section on the military disposition of the
kingdom is likely to be useful no matter what the scenario, if
the succession crisis leads to war or not.
Finally the world doesn’t stand still. It is not frozen in aspic
or 720. Actions have consequences and the rest of Lythia
continues to move regardless of events on an inconsequential
isle. Perhaps that is where your PCs are headed, into a wider,
wilder bigger world. If not, maybe it’s headed to them…

“thus did the reign of Astaroc of Kaldor begin.

Inauspicious, born in contention, a realm divided. Old, with
few allies, he seemed a poor compromise for king. Should
Kaldor face any threat, never mind the tumult she soon
bore, she would be vulnerable, or so it seemed” from Father of
a Nation, Astaroc the Great by Viran of History, Piotr Strackensen, Caleme
Academie Impress, 820 TR.

© 2017, Michael Mann, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld

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