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Efficacy of Doctorvox Voice Therapy Technique for Mutational

*I. Ilter Denizoglu, †Mustafa Sahin, *Seda Bayrak, and *M. Nur Uygun, *Izmir, and yAydin, Turkey

Summary: Objective. This study investigated the efficiency of the DoctorVox Voice Therapy Technique using
high back-pressure on mutational falsetto.
Study Design. A total of 21 men with mutational falsetto and 25 age-matched healthy men were included. All
patients received DoctorVox voice therapy using the doctorVOX device with high back-pressure. Ear nose and
throat examination, videolaryngostroboscopy, and acoustic (SPL, mean F0, first three formants, jitter%,
shimmer%, and NHR) and electroglottographic analysis (Closed Quotient and Contact Index) were performed
at pretreatment, and at 1 and 6 months after treatment. The VHI-10 and the GRBAS scales were used for percep-
tual voice evaluation.
Results. Compared with the pretreatment values, the first and sixth month values after treatment demonstrated
a significant decrease inVHI-10, GRBAS, F0, F1, F2, F3, Jitt %, Shimm %, NHR, and contact index and a sig-
nificant increase in closed quotient among MF patients. In the sixth month after treatment, VHI-10, jitt%, and
NHR parameters were significantly lower than those of the first month. The first-month data for VHI-10, jitt%,
and NHR values was significantly higher than that of the control group, while there was no significant difference
between the sixth-month data and that of the control group.
Conclusions. The DoctorVox Voice Therapy Technique is highly effective in mutational falsetto treatment. At
the first session, the patients reach a lower fundamental frequency in the chest register; by the 1 month after
treatment, they have a normal pitch at speaking. The improvement in perturbation measures may continue for
6 months. Patients should be followed up regularly for at least 6 months after treatment to obtain optimum treat-
ment outcomes.
Key Words: Mutational falsettoPuberphoniaVoice therapyDoctorVox voice therapyLaxVox voice

INTRODUCTION A detailed history, ear, nose, and throat physical exami-

In the pubertal period, with the effects of growth and sex nation including videolaryngostroboscopy (VLS), and per-
hormones, the respiratory, phonation, and resonation parts ceptual and acoustic analysis of the voice are required for a
of the body start to develop, and consequently the intonation diagnosis of MF. In some patients, psychological evalua-
and quality of voice alter.1 At the end of this period, the tions may also be required.4,5
mean fundamental frequency decreases by almost 1 octave In general, patients explain that they feel more relaxed in
in males and three to five semitones in females, and reaches the falsetto register but that they are aggrieved because their
the adult levels.2 As a functional voice disorder Mutational speech does not sound ‘right’ compared to other people in
Falsetto (MF) is a vocal register shift that is seen in the their age or peer group . Their main complaints include an
pubertal period. It may be defined as an effort to phonate inability to talk loudly, and being mocked.5
that is similar to phonation in the preadolescent period in MF may also cause psychosocial problems, especially in
adolescent males.1 Although there is no anatomical or physi- conservative societies, where it may result in prejudice
ological defect, the vocal behavior pattern has not been able around sexual identity.6 MF is a voice disorder that should
to adapt to the new physio-anatomy, and so patients pho- be treated because of the effect it has on personal and social
nate in falsetto register.2,3 This results in a high pitched voice cohesion, and integration. Over time, MF can trigger prob-
which is discordant with the patient's age and gender. In lems such as introversion, social phobia, anger and depres-
addition to an abnormally high pitched voice, vocal instabil- sion, and these problems can continue into adulthood.46
ity, poor voice control, pitch breaks, breathiness, effortful There are two main categories of treatment methods for
phonation, and talking in a monotonous pitch are other MF: surgery and voice therapy (VT).3,4 The main surgical
common voice abnormalities resulting from MF.24 methods defined in the literature for MF treatment are bot-
ulinum toxin type A injection, suprahyoid release, and
Accepted for publication May 24, 2018.
relaxation thyroplasty, such as modified relaxation Isshiki
From the *Medical Park Health Center, Department of Otolaryngology, Clinical (type III) thyroplasty.79 Surgical methods may be the
Vocology Unit, Izmir, Turkey; and the yAdnan Menderes University Medical School,
Department of Otolaryngology, Aydin, Turkey.
treatment of choice for recalcitrant MF patients, however
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Mustafa Sahin, Adnan Menderes some authors strongly oppose the surgical approach.10,11
University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Ayd{n 09100,
Turkey. E-mail: iskebaha@gmail.com
VT seems to be the primary treatment method for MF.
Journal of Voice, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 950.e1950.e8 Various voice therapy techniques have been defined:
© 2018 The Voice Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
the chewing approach, relaxation exercises, breathing
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvoice.2018.05.012 training, coughing, digital manipulation, laryngeal

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I. Ilter Denizoglu, et al Doctorvox Voice Therapy Technique for Mutational Falsetto 950.e2

FIGURE 1. Three main factors in the clinical programming of DVT: patient, clinician, and the exercise.

manipulation, half swallow boom, and auditory and resonance, and breathing in VT. It is a multi-dimensional,
visual feedbacks.1215 multi-level treatment strategy, and uses an integrative
One of the most popular VT technique groups for dys- approach for any given voice patient. DVT provides an
phonia are the semioccluded vocal tract exercises (SOVTE). action plan and the tools to be used; the clinician decides on
SOVTE aim at improving voice quality and promoting easy each step according to the patient's clinical condition
phonation, and have been recommended for vocal patholo- (pathology, clinical survey, motor learning state, state of
gies such as vocal fatigue, recurrent laryngeal nerve paresis, change, motivation, personal capabilities, etc) throughout
and nodules.16 SOVTE were defined to increase vocal tract the treatment process (Figure 1).
inertance, enhance vocal economy, and balance activation
of the TA and CT muscles. The squared-up vertical edge of
the vocal folds is especially important in order to achieve Patient monitoring during DVT
the optimal glottic configuration of the chest register.17 This The clinician must consider the motor learning level of
may happen through the active contraction of the vocalis the patient when developing a new skill, and creating a
segment of the TA muscle, in order to resist the high back- new vocal behavior instead of the former unhealthy one.
pressure. The use of tubes to extend and constrict the vocal The treatment plan ought to be designed for each patient
tract was proposed as early as 1899 by Spiess.18 Phonating in bespoke fashion. Therapy adherence is a major factor
into glass tubes with one end submerged in water is known in the treatment of voice disorders. Task orientation,
to have started in Finland in the 1950s, by Antti Sovijarvi.19 motivation, and attentional focus are important factors
The glass tubes were then called resonance tubes. LAX for motor learning Schmidt RA, Lee TD. Motor Control
VOX exercises with a silicone tube were first demonstrated and Learning: A Behavioral Emphasis (4th ed.). Cham-
by the Finnish voice pathologist Marketta Sihvo.20 paign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2005. In order to gain a
These exercises were modified and expanded by Ilter Deni- motor skill, three phases can be distinguished throughout
zoglu into the DoctorVox Voice Therapy Technique (DVT). the whole therapy process, the cognitive, associative, and
The DVT is a new framework providing the clinician with a autonomous phases, as explained below for the DVT
comprehensive schedule. The DVT program combines differ- process.
ent approaches (physical, clinical, and pedagogical), and pro-
vides a multidimensional-multilevel approach to voice Cognitive phase. The first process when starting a new
therapy. The program can be utilized with pedagogical vocol- exercise is learning what to do and understanding the goal
ogy, and a similar process can be applied to singing voice or purpose. Multichannel biofeedback (visual, kinaesthetic,
therapy. New therapy devices (doctorVOX, pocketVOX, and and auditory) is helpful provided by DVT tools and tasks
maskVOX) were also devised for vocal exercises.21 for processing the new information and for the verification
of a given (correct) exercise pattern at home. In the cogni-
DoctorVox Voice Therapy Technique tive phase, the duration of the sessions may be 2040
DVT is a technique which directly changes the vocal mecha- minutes (even more), and the session rate may be as often
nism. It is a holistic approach combining phonation, as 25 times a week. Home exercises are simply given as

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950.e3 Journal of Voice, Vol. 33, No. 6, 2019

1 minute every 1 hour. This would take 15 minutes daily, but Preset. Preset includes counseling, relaxation, posture,
the impact is better than that of an exercise performed once and breathing issues. Counseling is mainly about the
a day for an hour. patient's understanding of what to do, how to do it, and
why. Relaxation is not a slouched state, it involves balance
Associative phase. Exercise is the main tool for motor or ‘resetting to the factory settings’. Consciously, relaxing
learning; in the associative stage, a new vocal skill is devel- the shoulders, neck, and jaw will help greatly. Posture is
oped. Starting from the simple (basic tonal exercises) to the defined in a simple way (high sternum, relaxed shoulders,
complex (combined tonal exercises and linguistic load), a balanced head, and a dynamic spine) which is known as the
movement program is developed by gathering the pieces noble posture in singing pedagogy. Breathing instructions
together. Less feedback is required during this phase. The have a simple goal: relaxing the secondary breathing
duration of the sessions in this phase is between 20 and 30 muscles and redirecting the effort from upper chest and
minutes. The session rate may be once or twice a week. In shoulders to the abdominalwaist region. In this step,
this phase home exercise is 35 minutes 57 times a day. blowing into the tube without phonation requires monitor-
This can be arranged according to the patient's daily life. ing the breath by controlling (estimation of transglottic air-
flow) the bubbling.
Autonomous phase. The skill which was gained in the
associative stage is to be converted into a behavior. The Exploration. The gateway to target vocal behavior
autonomous stage involves less and less attention from the involves two main elements: maximum vocal economy and
patient so that they can do other tasks at the same time. safety. This step is dedicated to finding a reflexive voice
Moving from the primal sound through tonal exercises, the which is defined as primal sound in vocal pedagogy.22 The
patient is supposed to transfer the new vocal pattern to primal sound is supposed to be a neutral vowel (schwa),
reading a text, singing a song, or holding a conversation. which has no meaning and does not relate to the linguistic
Unless there are serious mistakes, the voice patient has very brain activities. This vocal pattern can be achieved through
few feedback requirements during this stage of motor learn- probing therapy techniques and directly by DVT exercises.
ing. The time between therapy sessions may be more than a
week, or a conversation may be held on the phone or Development. Once the primal sound is achieved,
through audiovisual internet communication. Homework tonal exercises are started in order to develop and stabilize
schedules may differ among subjects. the target vocal pattern. The first step is to refine the pri-
mal sound by establishing a balanced glottal attack and
glottal damping, lowering the larynx, and releasing the ten-
Clinician’s action plan in DVT sion in the supraglottic region. The clinician then chooses
DVT has four sequential steps from the clinician's perspec- among various tonal exercises (Table 1) and prepares an
tive: preset, exploration, development, and adaptation. exercise program for each patient according to their needs

Vocal Development Exercises in DVT
Refining the Primal Sound Balancing the Glottal Attack and the Glottal Damping
Comfortable vertical laryngeal position (suprahyoid relaxation)
Modifying the supraglottic activity
Basic exercises Pitch based exercises Sostenuto, Glissando, Portamento, Portato, Staccato, Legato
Loudness based exercises Stable (Piano, forte)
Variable (Crescendo, decrescendo)
Combined exercises Vocal play Descending glissando
Monotone staccato
Descending staccato glissando
Messa di Voce Constant loudness with variant pitch
Constant pitch with variant loudness
The corridor exercise
Melodies with primal sound (happy birthday song, etc)
Linguistic load From primal sound to meaningful vowels (start with [u], [o] by
Melodies with a single vowel (songs which patient knows well)
Various vowels phonated with the same tone using the
Phonating vowels out without device

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I. Ilter Denizoglu, et al Doctorvox Voice Therapy Technique for Mutational Falsetto 950.e4

and capabilities, and the pathological process. The linguis- Demographic information, medical and voice habitua-
tic load in the DVT process means that the vocal task tion history was obtained. Detailed ear, nose, and throat,
becomes more complex by adding meaning to the tone. It and neurologic examinations were performed. Voice-related
may be performed with a specially devised oral mask data from the time of diagnosis and after DVT treatment
(maskVOX) which provides free articulation through DVT (first and sixth months) was gathered for all patients. VLS
vocal exercises. (Karl Storz Pulsar GmbH&Co. KG, Tuttlingen, Germany)
was performed to evaluate vocal fold movements and muco-
Adaptation. The treatment process, in general, is not sal waveform pattern. There were no signs of upper airway
finished without the behavioral transfer of the new vocal infection in any evaluation. The validated Turkish version
skill. Adapting the new muscle technique (vocal pattern) to of the Voice Handicap Index-10 (VHI-10) was used for sub-
daily life starts with taking the tube or mask out and main- jective self-reporting of the severity of vocal symptoms.23
taining the same vocal pattern in the syllable-word-sentence- The perceptual voice quality of patients was evaluated
reading-conversation hierarchy. Psychological adaptation is using the GRBAS scale by an experienced specialist who
the second major goal of the last phase of DVT practice. did not know the subjects. GRBAS is a reliable and valid
The patient may need to be motivated by the clinician, and scale consisting of five parameters (Grade, Roughness,
it is advisable to discuss the new vocal image with the Breathiness, Asthenia, and Strain).24 Judges scored GRBAS
patient, and in the context of their social environment. by listening to voice recordings reading a passage in Turkish
Data regarding the role of DVT, which has been used in which comprises 219 words with rich and balanced
the treatment of many voice disorders in our clinic for years, phonemes, and noted the total GRBAS score for each
in MF treatment is limited. This study, with the main aim of recording.
investigating the effectiveness of DVT in MF treatment; is Voice samples were recorded in a sound-insulated room
the first to report the treatment outcomes of the DVT with a high-quality unidirectional electret condenser micro-
method performed with the doctorVOX device using high phone (Beick, BE 8800). Each patient was given a short
back-pressure in patients diagnosed with MF. practice period prior to the first recording to adapt to the
procedure. The subject was instructed to phonate a sus-
tained vowel [a] at a habitual pitch and comfortable loud-
MATERIALS AND METHODS ness for at least 5 seconds. The task was repeated 3 times for
This prospective single-blinded clinical study was carried each subject and each trial was captured on hard disk at a
out in the clinical vocology unit of the otorhinolaryngology 44.100-Hz sampling rate and 16-bit resolution. Dr.Speech
department at a research and training hospital. It was (Tiger Electronics Inc.) software (Vocal Assessment, Real
approved by the research ethics committee of Adnan Mend- Analysis) for Windows (Version-4.30, MA, US) was used to
eres University (decision number: 2016/029). The patients, capture and analyze the voice samples. One second at the
whose voice symptoms had lasted at least 2 years, and were beginning and 1 second at the end of the analyzed voice
diagnosed with MF, were informed about the disease, avail- samples were removed to avoid unintended irregularities
able treatment methods and about the study protocol. Con- and variability in voicing onset and offset. The mean values
secutive patients admitted to the clinic were enrolled. were then calculated for each subject. Acoustic parameters
Written informed consent was obtained from the patients were obtained, namely, mean fundamental frequency (F0),
who agreed to be involved in the study. The study was con- the first three formants (F1, F2, and F3), sound pressure
ducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration level (SPL), jitter percent (Jitt%), shimmer percent (Shim%),
of Helsinki. Exclusion criteria included: metabolic, neuro- and Harmonic-to-Noise Ratio (NHR).
logical, vascular, or autoimmune diseases, and any severe Dr.Speech electroglottography (EGG) was performed to
systemic disorder; a history of any respiratory, neurological, synchronically analyze the EGG and acoustic parameters.
psychiatric, or endocrine diseases; laryngeal surgery, head Each participant phonated the vowel [a] at a comfortable
and neck trauma, radiotherapy to the head and neck region, pitch and loudness. The test was repeated several times
chemotherapy, voice therapy, or vocal training. Patients before obtaining a good tracing of the graph. The middle 3
with any vocal fold pathologies such as vocal nodules, pol- seconds of each sample was used for analysis. The EGG
yps, or sulcus vocalis, found in the laryngeal examination parameters analyzed were the Closed Quotient (CQ) and
were excluded from the study. Contact Index (CI).
Twenty-four volunteer patients, fitting the defined crite- The sessions were all performed by the same phoniatri-
ria, were included in the study. Two patients were excluded cian for all patients, who was experienced with DVT. No
from the study since they did not regularly attend the DVT other treatment methods were used to change the voice reg-
sessions, but their treatment continued. One patient was ister. Psychotherapy was not used with any patient.
excluded from the study because his first- and sixth-month The DVT procedure applied in this study for MF was:
evaluations after treatment could not be performed. Conse-
quently, the data of 21 male patients was evaluated in this 1. Counseling: the nature of the disorder was explained in
study. The control group consisted of 25 age-matched, detail. The patients were taught about the ‘normal’ tim-
healthy males who did not have any voice problems. bre and pitch of the voice.

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950.e5 Journal of Voice, Vol. 33, No. 6, 2019

2. The doctorVOX device was used with its tip-tuner in The back-pressure range was between 17 and 25 cm H2O
order to increase back-pressure. In the first session, the for register transition (falsetto to chest) in the first few ses-
amount of back-pressure was decided empirically and sions. Intraoral air pressure was measured by adjusting a
raised until the chest register was observed. The water pressure sensor (Keller PR-4) to the silicone mouthpiece of
depth and the tip-tuner were used to adjust the back-pres- the doctorVOX device.
sure. IBM SPSS Version 20.0 software was used for statistical
3. Patients then performed the DVT exercises at home; and analysis (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY). The changes between
10 sessions of therapy (each session lasting approxi- different time periods within patients were evaluated using
mately 25 minutes) were given. The first five sessions paired sample t test. The numerical results were submitted
were made every consequent workday. as a mean § standard deviation. Statistical significance level
4. Back-pressure was gradually decreased by retracting the was set as P < 0.05.
tip-tuner. When the patient had acquired the skills for
phonating in the chest register, the back-pressure was RESULTS
adjusted between 4 and 7 cm H2O. The intraoral air pres- The mean age of the 21 patients with MF was 22.4 §
sure was measured by adjusting a pressure sensor (Keller 8.1 years, and the mean age of the 25 control cases was 21.8
PR-4) to the silicone mouthpiece of the doctorVOX § 7.3 years. There was no significant difference between
device. groups for age (P = 0.984). There was no pathological find-
5. The subsequent sessions were set at twice a week, then ing of vocal folds in either control or MF groups in VLS
once a week. evaluation.
6. When the sessions were complete, the patients were When the pretreatment voice evaluation parameters of
taken to the consultation period for transfer and adapta- patients were compared with the control group (Tables 2
tion. The new skill, using the new muscle setup during and 3); there was a statistically significant difference
phonation, is then transferred to behavior by sustaining between these two groups in all values except SPL. There
the phonation without the device (counting, reading, was no statistically significant difference in SPL regarding
conversation, and singing). The new vocal skill was the pretreatment values and first- or sixth-month values
used with different vocal tract shapes (ie vowels) in the after treatment.
linguistic load step of VT. The last phase was the adap- There were statistically significant alterations in the eval-
tation phase of the VT; patients first counted in the tube uated data of MF patients for both the first and sixth month
with low backpressure and then without the device. after the treatment, compared with the pretreatment data.
Reading and speaking with the new motor skill was This alteration was a decrease in VHI-10, GRBAS, F0, F1,
encouraged by the participation of the family or friends F2, F3, Jitt%, Shimm%, NHR, and CI values, and an
in the therapy. increase for CQ values (Tables 2 and 3).
7. Adaptation to the social environment (family, friends, When the first- and sixth-month data after treatment were
etc) was then achieved through counseling. compared; the alterations in GRBAS, F0, F1, F2, F3,
8. Patients were called for the first- and the sixth-month Shimm%, CQ, and CI values were not statistically signifi-
examinations. cant. GRBAS, Shimm%, and CI values were less in the sixth

The Control Group and Patient Vocal Analysis Parameters at Three Different Times
Pretreatment Post-treatment 1st mo Post-treatment 6th mo Control Group
Mean § SD Mean § SD Mean § SD Mean § SD
VHI-10 34.3 § 7.4 4.02 § 2.24 1.48 § 0.66 0.38 § 0.41
GRBASt 2.32 § 1.48 1.37 § 0.51 1.12 § 0.58 0.94 § 0.43
F0 (Hz) 211.9 § 30.8 138.5 § 25.6 139.4 § 28.7 134.7 § 20.1
F1(Hz) 868.6 § 94.3 721.1 § 73.8 718 § 69.3 706.8 § 72.1
F2(Hz) 1775.2 § 213.6 1304 § 159.5 1316 § 171.5 1288 § 164.6
F3(Hz) 2773.5 § 286.3 2394 § 178.1 1426 § 184.1 2457 § 176.3
SPL 71.4 § 7.1 72.3 § 8.2 70.9 § 7.3 72.6 § 6.8
%Jitt 1.12 § 0.47 0.82 § 0.28 0.61 § 0.23 0.57 § 0.16
%Shimm 3.41 § 1.22 2.66 § 0.84 2.54 § 0.71 2.57 § 0.64
NHR 0.57 § 0.19 0.36 § 0.07 0.21 § 0.05 0.15 § 0.04
CQ 51 § 12.3 63.1 § 7.6 66.8 § 8.2 65.1 § 6.4
CI ¡0.38 § 0.04 ¡0.53 § 0.03 ¡0.56 § 0.03 ¡0.58 § 0.0
Abbreviations: CI: contact index; CQ: contact quotient; F0: fundamental frequency; F1, 2, 3: first, second, and third formant frequency; %Jitt: jitter percent;
NHR: noise-to-harmonic ratio; %Shim: shimmer percent; SPL: sound pressure level; VHI-10: voice handicap index-10. Values are expressed as mean§SD. P <
0.05 is considered statistically significant.

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I. Ilter Denizoglu, et al Doctorvox Voice Therapy Technique for Mutational Falsetto 950.e6

Statistical Significance of Differences Between Three Different Periods of Patient Results and Between Post-Treatment
Patient Results and Control Group Results
Precontrol Pre-1st mo Pre-6th mo 1st mo6th mo 1st mo-Control 6th mo-Control
VHI-10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.038 0.001 0.116
GRBASt 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.238 0.421 0.335
F0 (Hz) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.673 0.749 0.602
F1(Hz) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.826 0.562 0.313
F2(Hz) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.459 0.632 0.506
F3(Hz) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.357 0.334 0.216
SPL 0.128 0.229 0.656 0.685 0.866 0.718
%Jitt 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.023 0.012 0.422
%Shimm 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.254 0.438 0.238
NHR 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.022 0.010 0.127
CQ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.317 0.223 0.440
CI 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.261 0.661 0.547
Abbreviations: CI: contact index; CQ: contact quotient; F0: fundamental frequency; F1, 2, 3: first, second, and third formant frequency; %Jitt: jitter percent;
NHR: noise-to-harmonic ratio; %Shim: shimmer percent; SPL: sound pressure level; VHI-10: voice handicap index-10. P  0.05 indicates statistical

month, while CQ was higher. At the sixth month after treat- dysphonic patients, and Hammarberg reported this inci-
ment; VHI-10, jitt%, and NHR parameters were statisti- dence as 2%3%.2,25
cally significantly lower than those of first-month data The behavioral treatment of MF is short, easy, and highly
(Tables 2 and 3). effective but if MF is untreated it may lead to a chronic
When the data obtained from the patients on the first communication disorder, causing psychological and social
month after treatment was compared with the control problems in patients that may continue into adulthood.10
group; there was no statistically significant difference for VT is the first intervention given to patients with MF.11
F0, F1, F2, F3, Shimm%, CQ, and CI parameters, and In this study, we used DVT as the voice therapy method,
VHI-10, jitt%, and NHR values were significantly lower in and it was determined that DVT treatment performed with
the control group (Tables 2 and 3). the doctorVOX device was highly successful in MF. This is
When the data obtained from the patients at the sixth the first study reporting the treatment outcomes of this
month after treatment was compared with the control method in MF treatment.
group; no parameters demonstrated a statistically signifi- DoctorVOX, which uses the mechanisms of DVT, was
cant difference (Tables 2 and 3). devised by Denizoglu. The main mechanism involves artifi-
All patients were able to speak and sing with the chest cial elongation of the vocal tract and a secondary vibrating
register at the end of the first month of treatment; the chest resistance (ie water bubbles) for vocal tract impedance. The
register was also successfully phonated in the first two ses- artificial vocal tract elongation is provided by an adjustable
sions in all patients. built-in tube; back-pressure is formed by a certain amount
of water (forming a back-pressure due to the height of the
water column), and the tip-tuner in the device (Figure 2).
DISCUSSION During vocal exercise, the user blows air/voice through the
Despite the high incidence of MF, which cannot be underes- inner tube and takes the physicalphysiological advantages
timated among patients with dysphonia; it is a disease that of DVT.
is rarely diagnosed. Tatlipinar and Dursun reported the The primary benefit of resonance tube exercises has been
incidence of MF as 1.8% (among 1946 patients) in attributed to the need to modify respiratory flow and

FIGURE 2. doctorVOX device mounting the tip-tuner for higher back-pressure (technical drawing).

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exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
950.e7 Journal of Voice, Vol. 33, No. 6, 2019

subglottal pressure because of the change in vocal tract reso- criteria in treatment success, but the patients should be sup-
nance caused by the semiocclusion of the vocal tract.26 In ported with longer treatment and consultation periods for a
addition, two sources of vibrations reduce the load on the healthier voice adaptation period, because corrections in
vocal folds and encourage a constant flow of breath with an VHI-10, GRBAS, jitt%, NHR, and CQ parameters were
adequate glottal configuration that is neither pressed nor continuing after the first month.
breathy.27 In DVT a second source of vibration at the distal Improving the phonation skills of the patient in the
part of the vocal tract creates a varying supraglottal pres- modal register does not mean the termination of treatment;
sure that affects the vocal fold vibration pattern.21 In order it is necessary that the skills should be transformed into
to use this second vibration source more effectively, some behavior.
modifications may be performed in a resonance tube. In this Although at the end of the sixth month after treatment,
study, as performed in our daily clinical routine practice, we the voice-associated life quality and perceptual voice quality
determined the back-pressure level that was allowing the of the patients were fairly close to the normal values in the
larynx to work most comfortably and maximizing the control group (without a statistically significant difference),
source-filter impedance match (comfortable phonation, they still did not reach those normal values. This may reflect
comfortable low larynx position, feeling the vibration on the low number of patients/cases in this study and the con-
the face, etc) for each patient. In general, a back-pressure tinuation of voice alterations. For that reason, long-term
level of 47 cm H2O was appropriate for comfortable pho- follow-up of patients (at least 6 months, as per this study) is
nation in most of the patients. During therapy termination, important. Even though MF patients had significant bene-
decreasing the back-pressure by removing the tip-tuner, fits from the initial treatment, slightly above normal voice
decreasing the water level, and performing phonation with quality and voice associated life quality scores suggest that
the empty tube was used to continue the system behavior there are still vocal issues that need to be clarified in this
without assistive physical support. patient group. Similarly to our results, Liang et al reported
It has been reported that, after therapy for MF, the that VT may last 1 year, especially in the patients without
vocal fold contact area became wider, and the respiration laryngeal hyperfunction.11 More studies are therefore war-
pattern, and voice quality were improved.2 In this study, at ranted in this subject.
the end of treatment, all patients reached a more appropri- The frequency of therapy visits was highly intensive in
ate basic fundamental frequency range for their age and our treatment model. The rationale for this intensity
gender. Significant improvements determined in voice- involves the specific VT process for the MF. The main goals
related quality of life and voice quality of patients of voice therapy in puberphonia can be summarized in three
(decrease in VHI-10 and GRBAS) were also reflected as issues: (1) acquiring a new motor skill (ie chest register), (2)
significant alterations in the results of acoustic and EGG adaptation of the skill to behavior, and (3) preparing the
analyses (decrease in jitter, shimmer, and NHR; increase patient for the major personal image change. The register
in CQ). According to perceptual GRBAS evaluation, all of shift can be obtained in a few sessions and muscular adapta-
our MF patients successfully lowered their modal speaking tion is quite fast. The patient's motivation for their new
voice after DVT. image (which also arrives very quickly) and precise motor
Although MF is known as a voice frequency problem, control in the first week is very important. For these rea-
vocal instability is a comorbidity possibly due to an imbal- sons, the first five sessions of the DVT program for puber-
ance in glottal tension.3 DVT can eliminate this by supply- phonia was held on five consecutive workdays. When the
ing a second source of vibration at the distal part of the patient is confident with the new motor skill and the sound
vocal tract, which creates a varying supraglottal pressure of their voice is assured, the session rate was reduced.
that affects the vocal fold vibration pattern. In our study,
this data was also supported by the determination of an
approach to the normal values in jitter, shimmer, NHR, CONCLUSIONS
and CQ parameters. Dagli et al evaluated the treatment out- DVT was shown to be highly effective in the treatment of
comes of 45 patients, and there was no significant difference mutational falsetto using the high back-pressure levels in
regarding the voice analyses results (F0, F1, F2, F3, jitter%, the beginning of therapy obtained by the doctorVOX
shimmer%) at the third and sixth months after treatment; device. In the first month, the patients reach low speaking
and low voice frequency was continuing for after 6 months.6 phonation frequency, and the corrections to perturbation
Compared with the pretreatment data in our study, the con- irregularities continued for at least 6 months. Investigating
tinuation of the corrections in perturbation parameters this treatment method in larger patient groups with different
determined in the first month after treatment to the sixth auditory issues is warranted.
month (except F0) supports the idea that the new frequency
was stabilized and that the adaptation of laryngeal muscles
for the phonation mode (vocal plasticity) was continuing. Conflict of Interest
For that reason, we suggest using such perturbation param- The authors declare that this study has received no financial
eters in the follow-up of patients with MF. This data also support and that there is no conflict of interest between the
suggests that alterations in frequency are not the only authors.

Descargado para Anonymous User (n/a) en University of Rosario de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en marzo 19, 2024. Para uso personal
exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
I. Ilter Denizoglu, et al Doctorvox Voice Therapy Technique for Mutational Falsetto 950.e8

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exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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