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Unit 3

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1. The electronic configuration of an element is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5. Name the period and the group to
which it belongs?
Ans: 3rdperiod and Group-17
2. In how many groups and periods the elements in modern periodic table are
classified? Ans: In 18 groups and 7 periods.
3 . An element is symbolized as ‘Unq’, what is the atomic no and of the element?
Ans: 104
4. Arrange the following in increasing order of size.
N3-, Na+, F–, O2-, Mg2+
Ans: Mg2+< Na+< F– < O2- < N3-
5. Arrange the following elements in the increasing order of metallic character: B, Al, Mg, K.
Ans: B < Al < Mg < K 2
6.Predict the position of the element in the periodic table satisfying the electronic configuration
(n – 1)d1 ns2 for n = 4.
Ans: For n = 4 it becomes 3d1 4s2. It lies in the 4th period and, in the 3rd group.

7.Predict the formulae of the stable binary compounds that would be formed by the following pairs of
elements (a) Silicon and Oxygen (b) Aluminium and Bromine
Ans: (a) SiO2 (b) AlBr3
8. Which of the following elements has the most positive electron gain enthalpy? Fluorine, Nitrogen, Neon.
Ans: Neon.
9.Why electron gain enthalpy of Be and Mg are positive?
Ans: They have fully s-orbitals and the additional electron cannot be placed in the much higher energy p-
orbitals of the valence shell.
10.What would be the IUPAC name and symbol for the element with atomic number
120? Ans: Unbinillium and its symbol are Ubn.
11. Which of the following has the largest and smallest size? Mg, Mg2+, Al, Al3+.
Ans: Mg has the largest and Al3+ the smallest size.
12. What are super heavy elements?
Ans: Elements with Z > 100 which have high densities are called superheavy elements.
13. Which group elements in the periodic table show the maximum electronegativity in their compounds?
Ans: Halogens belonging to the 17th group.
14. Arrange the following elements in order of decreasing -ve electron gain enthalpy :B, C, N O.
Ans: O> C > B >N
15. State the modern ‘Periodic law’?
Ans: The physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers.
16. Why Li and Mg show resemblance in chemical behaivour?
Ans: Due to diagonal relationship their atomic size, electro negativity and ionisation potential are almost
the same.
17. Define a neutral oxide
Ans:Neutral oxides have no acidic or basic properties. (eg. CO).
18. What is an amphoteric oxide?
Ans: Oxides which behave as acids with bases and as a base with an acid are called amphoteric oxide. (eg.
ZnO, Al2 O3)
19. The atomic radius of elements decreases along the period but Neon has highest size among 3rd
period element? Why

Ans: Ne is the only element in III period element which has Van der walls radius whereas the rest has
covalent radius. And it is known fact that Van der walls radius is always greater than covalent radius.
20. The second electron gain enthalpy of oxygen is positive. Why?
Ans: when an electron is added to O- ion to form O2- ion , energy has to be given out in order to
overcome the strong electronic repulsions between O- and e-. Thus, the second electron gain enthalpy of O
is positive.
1. Among the elements of the 3rd period, Na to Ar pick out the element.
(i) With the highest first ionization enthalpy.
(ii) With the largest atomic radius.
(iii) That is the most reactive non-metal.
(iv) That is the most reactive metal.

Ans: (i) Argon (ii) Sodium (iii) Chlorine (iv) Sodium.

2. Consider the elements N, P, O, and S and arrange them in order of

(a) increasing negative electron gain enthalpy
(b) ) increasing non-metallic character.
Ans: (a) N < P < O < S (b) P < N < S < O
3. (a) Define atomic radius .
(b) Arrange the following radius in their decreasing order-

covalent radius, metallic radius and Vander Waal’s radius.

Ans: (a) An atomic radius is half of the distance between two adjacent atoms of the same element
in a molecule.
(b) Vander Waal’s radius > Metallic radius > covalent radius
4. Among the elements B, Al, C and Si
(a) Which has the highest first ionization enthalpy?
(b) Which has the largest atomic radius? Ans.
(a) Carbon has the highest first ionization enthalpy.
(b) Aluminium has the largest atomic radius.

5. What is the oxidation state and covalency of Al in [Al(H2O)6]2+ ?

Ans: Oxidation state of Al is +3 and Covalency of Al is 6 3
6. Give the electronic configuration of the first and the last element of the first transition series.
Ans: Sc (21) = 1s2, 2s2 2p6, 3s2 3p6 3d14s2 .
Zn (30) = 1s2, 2s2 2p6, 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2.

7. Why do the elements of the 2nd period show anomalous properties than the other members of
their respective groups?
Ans: (i)small size (ii)large charge/radius ratio
(iii)high electronegativity (iv)Absence of d-orbitals.

8. In each of the following pairs, which species has a larger size? Explain.
(i) Kor K+ (ii) Br or Br-
Ans: (i) K is larger in size than K+. (ii) Br- K is larger in size than Br

9. What is electronegativity? How does it vary along a period and within a group?
Ans: Electronegativity is defined as the tendency of an atom in a molecule to attract the shared
Pair of electron towards itself.
Variation across a period: Electronegativity generally increases from left to right across a period.

Variation within a group: It generally decreases in going from top to bottom within a group.

10.Although F is more electronegative than chlorine but the electron gain enthalpy of Cl is more
negative than that of F. Why?
Ans: Electronegativity decreases from top to bottom in a group and therefore Cl is less
electronegative than F.
Electron gain enthalpy of F is less negative than Cl because of the compact size of its atom
(2 orbits) as compared to Cl (3 orbits) the mutual electronic repulsion in F is more than that of Cl.

11. element ‘A’ of 13 group forms ionic compounds. Write (a) formula of it’s oxide and
(b) Arrange the following in decreasing electro-positive character Na, Mg ,Al and Si
Ans: (a) Formula of oxide - A2O3
(b) Na> Mg >Al >Si

12. The elements Z = 117 and 120 have been discovered recently. In which family /group would you
place these elements and also give the electronic configuration in each case.

Ans: Element with Z= 117, would belong to the halogen family (Group 17) and the electronic configuration
would be [Rn] 5f146d107s27p5. The element with Z = 120, will be placed in Group 2 (alkaline earth Metals),
and will have the electronic configuration [Uuo]8s2
13. An element belong to third period of p-block elements. It has four electrons in the outermost
shell. Predict its group. How many unpaired electrons are present in an atom of that element ?
Ans: Since the element belongs to third period with four valence electrons . It’s outer electronic
configuration is 3s 2 3p2. It’s group number is 10+4=14 and it has 2 unpaired e- .
14. Arrange in the following in increasing order of property indicated:
(a) Size I, F, Cl, Br (b) Oxidising power I2, F2, Br2, Cl2
Ans: (a) F, Cl , Br , I (b) I2, Br2 ,Cl2 ,F2,
15. Describe the two merits of long form periodic table over the Mendeleev‘s periodic table?
Ans: 1. It removed the anomalies about the position of isotopes which existed in the Mendeleev‘s
2. It relates the position of an element in the periodic table with its electronic configuration.
1. Name a halogen, a metal and a group13 element which are liquid at 30°C.
Ans: Bromine(Br), Mercury(Hg) and Gallium (Ga)
2.State the reasons for the following:
(a) Cations are smaller in radii than their parent atom.
(b) Second electron gain enthalpy of Oxygen is positive while the first is negative?
(c) The first ionization enthalpy values of Ga (579 KJ mol-1) is
slightly higher than that of Al(577 KJ mol-1)
Ans: (a) The cations are smaller than their parent atoms due to the following reasons:
Disappearance of the valence shell.
Increase of effective nuclear charge
(b) O + e-  O-2, Second electron gain enthalpy of Oxygen is positive because incoming electron

experiences repulsion from O- ion.

(c) The presence of additional 10 d-electrons in gallium offer poor screening effect.
3. (a) Why is ionization enthalpy of nitrogen is greater than that of oxygen.
(b) Why do elements in the same group have similar physical and chemical properties. 3

(c) Electron gain enthalpy of noble gases is almost zero.

Ans: (a) nitrogen have half filled p-orbitals
(b) similar electronic configuration
(c) Completely filled sub shells/ fulfilled configuration
4. Explain why-
(i) Halogens act as good oxidizing reagent.
(ii) 2s electron is difficult to remove than 2p electron.
(iii) Anions are larger in size than that of their parent atoms.
Ans: (i) Halogens have high negative electron gain enthalpy and high electronegativity.
(ii) 2s electrons have more penetration effect than 2p electrons.
(iii) An increase in the number of electrons in the valence shell reduces the effective nuclear charge due
to greater mutual shielding by the electrons. As a result, electron cloud expands.

5. (a) To which block (s, p, d or f) does the element with atomic number 33 belongs.
(b) A student reported the radii of Al3+, Mg2+ and F- as 136 pm,65 pm and 50pm respectively.
Is the order correct? Comment.
Ans: (a) p block
(b) No ,The correct order is- Al3+, Mg2+ and F- and 50pm, 65 pm and 136 pm
6.Use the periodic table to answer the following questions
(a) Identify an element with five electrons in the outer sub shell.
(b) Identify an element that would tend to lose one electrons.
(c) Identify an element that would tend to gain two electrons.

Ans: (a) Any element of group 17

(b) Any element of group 1
(c) Any element of group 16

7. Arrange the following as stated:

(i) N2, O2, F2, Cl2 (Increasing order of bond dissociation energy)
(ii) F, Cl, Br, I (Increasing order of electron gain enthalpy)
(iii) F2, N2, Cl2, O2 (Increasing order of bond length)

Ans: (i)F2 < Cl2 < O2 < N2


(ii) I < Br < F < Cl

(iii) N2 < O2 < F2 < Cl2

8. Out of group 2, 18 and 1, predict:-

(a) Which has tendency to form dipositive cations?

(b) Which shows most metallic behaviour ?
(c) Which has highly positive electron gain enthalpy?
Ans: (a) Group 2 elements (b) Group 1 elements (c) Group 18elements
9. Among the second period elements, the actual ionization

enthalpies are in the order: Li <B< Be <C<O<N<F< Ne

Explain why-
(i) Be has higher ∆iH1than B ?
(ii) O has lower ∆iH1 than N and F?
Ans: (i) In case of Be (1s2 2s2) the outermost electron is present in 2s-orbital
while in B (1s2 2s2 2p1) it is present in 2p-orbital. Since 2s – electrons are more
strongly attracted by the nucleus than 2p-electrons, therefore, lesser amount of
energy is required to knock out a 2p-electron than a 2s – electron.
Consequently, ∆iH1 of Be is higher than that ∆iH1 of B.
(ii) The
x y z
on of N7 =
1s2 2s2 2p 1
2p 1 2p 1
O8 x=1s2 y2s2 2p
2p 1 2p 1
We can see that in case of nitrogen 2p-orbitals are exactly half filled. Therefore, it
is difficult to remove an electron from N than from O. As a result ∆iH1 of N is higher
than that of O.

10.(a) Name the element with highest negative electron gain enthalpy.
(b) What is basic difference between the terms electron gain enthalpy

and electro negativity

(c) Ans: (a) Fluorine

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