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HW 6

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HW 6

Problem 1

(a) The number of multiplications required to compute Ai x Ai+1 is 30.

Here is the code:

def multiplications_required(A1_dim, A2_dim):
Calculates the number of multiplications required to compute Ai x

A1_dim: The dimension of the first matrix (rows x columns).
A2_dim: The dimension of the second matrix (rows x columns).

The number of multiplications required to compute Ai x Ai+1.
return A1_dim[0] * A1_dim[1] * A2_dim[1]

# Example usage
A1_dim = (3, 5) # 3 rows, 5 columns
A2_dim = (5, 2) # 5 rows, 2 columns
multiplications = multiplications_required(A1_dim, A2_dim)
print(f"Number of multiplications required: {multiplications}")

This code outputs the following:

Number of multiplications required: 30

(b) Here is the code for part (b):

def multiplications_required_bk_ck(Bk_dim, Ck_dim):
Calculates the number of multiplications required to compute Bk x Ck.

Bk_dim: The dimension of the first matrix (rows x columns).
Ck_dim: The dimension of the second matrix (rows x columns).

The number of multiplications required to compute Bk x Ck.
return Bk_dim[0] * Bk_dim[1] * Ck_dim[1]

# Example usage
Bk_dim = (3, 5) # 3 rows, 5 columns
Ck_dim = (5, 2) # 5 rows, 2 columns
multiplications = multiplications_required_bk_ck(Bk_dim, Ck_dim)
print(f"Number of multiplications required: {multiplications}")

This code outputs the following:

Number of multiplications required: 30

Therefore, the number of multiplications required to compute Bk x Ck is 30.

(c) Here is the recursion relation that defines the function T(i, j):

Base case:
T(i, i) = 0

This base case states that multiplying a single matrix (i.e., A_i) requires no scalar

Recurrence relation:
T(i, j) = min(
T(i, k) + T(k + 1, j) + p_i * p_k * p_j
for k in range(i, j)

This equation states that the minimum number of multiplications to compute the
product A_i × A_(i+1) × ... × A_j is achieved by finding the optimal way to split the
chain into two subchains:

1. A_i × A_(i+1) × ... × A_k

2. A_(k+1) × A_(k+2) × ... × A_j

For each possible split point k, we recursively compute the minimum number of
multiplications required for each subchain (T(i, k) and T(k + 1, j)) and add them. We
also add the number of multiplications required to compute the product between the
two subchains, which is p_i * p_k * p_j, where p_i, p_k, and p_j are the dimensions
of matrices A_i, A_k, and A_j, respectively. Finally, we take the minimum over all
possible split points k to find the optimal solution for T(i, j).

This recurrence relation effectively implements dynamic programming by breaking

down the problem into smaller subproblems and solving them recursively. It builds
up the solutions for larger matrices by utilizing the solutions for smaller ones.

(d) Algorithm for Matrix Chain Multiplication

Here is an algorithm to find the minimum required number of multiplications for a

given matrix chain:

• A sequence of matrices: A1, A2, ..., An

• Dimensions of each matrix: p1, p2, ..., pn

• Minimum number of scalar multiplications required to compute the product of
all matrices

1. Initialize:
o Create a 2D table T of size (n x n) to store the minimum number of
multiplications for all subchains.
o Initialize all diagonal elements of T to 0 (base case).
2. Fill the table:
o For chain length l (2 to n):

▪ For each diagonal offset k (0 to n-l):

▪ For each split point i (k to k+l-1):

▪ Compute the number of multiplications required for
the current split: multiplications = T[k][i] +
T[i+1][k+l-1] + p_k * p_i * p_(k+l-1)
▪ Update the table: T[k][k+l-1] = min(T[k][k+l-
1], multiplications)
3. Extract the minimum value:
o The minimum number of scalar multiplications required is stored in
This algorithm uses dynamic programming to solve the problem efficiently. By filling
the T table from bottom-up, it progressively calculates the minimum number of
multiplications for all possible subchains. Finally, the minimum value for the entire
chain length (n) is obtained from T[1][n].
Computational complexity:
• Time complexity: O(n^3)

• Space complexity: O(n^2)

This algorithm provides a time-efficient solution for finding the minimum required
number of multiplications in a matrix chain.

(e) Dynamic programming accelerates the computation of the matrix chain

multiplication problem in two main ways:

1. Avoiding redundant calculations:

• Instead of repeatedly calculating the minimum number of multiplications for
the same subchain, the algorithm stores it in a table. This table is efficiently
accessed and reused during calculations, eliminating redundant computations
and saving time.

2. Exploiting subproblems:
• The algorithm breaks down the problem into smaller subproblems and uses
their solutions to find the solution for the original problem. By solving these
smaller subproblems only once and reusing them, the algorithm avoids
recomputing solutions and simplifies the overall computation.

Therefore, dynamic programming significantly reduces the number of calculations

needed compared to a naive approach that analyzes every possible split point and
subchain independently. This results in a significant speedup, particularly for larger
matrix chains.

Here are some additional factors that contribute to the efficiency of dynamic
programming in this problem:

• Memoization: The table T stores the results of previously calculated

subproblems. This avoids unnecessary recalculations and further improves
• Ordering: The algorithm calculates solutions for smaller subproblems before
larger ones, ensuring that all necessary information is available when solving
larger chains.

In summary, dynamic programming leverages efficient calculation strategies and

avoids redundancies to achieve faster computation of the matrix chain multiplication

Problem 2

Definition of NP-complete:

A problem C is considered NP-complete if it satisfies two conditions:

1. Belongs to NP: This means that there exists a verification algorithm that can verify
a solution to the problem in polynomial time (bounded by a polynomial function of the
input size). In other words, given a candidate solution, the algorithm can quickly
determine whether it is valid or not.
2. Is NP-hard: This means that every problem in NP can be reduced to C in
polynomial time. In other words, any problem in NP can be transformed into an
instance of C efficiently, without losing any information.
Complexity Classes:
• P: The class of all decision problems that can be solved in polynomial time by
a deterministic Turing machine.
• NP: The class of all decision problems where a solution can be verified in
polynomial time by a deterministic Turing machine.
• co-NP: The class of all decision problems whose complement (opposite)
belongs to NP. In other words, a problem is in co-NP if its "no" instances can
be verified in polynomial time.
Therefore, a problem is NP-complete if it is both "easy to verify" (in NP) and "at least
as hard as any other NP problem" (NP-hard).

(b) Minesweeper is NP:

To show that Minesweeper is in NP, we need to demonstrate a verification algorithm

that can check a given board configuration (candidate solution) and confirm whether
it is a valid Minesweeper board in polynomial time.

Here's the algorithm:

Algorithm: VerifyMinesweeper(board, clues)

• board: An N x N matrix representing the board, where each cell contains
either a mine ('M') or a number (0-8) indicating the surrounding mines.
• clues: A list of numbers revealed on the board.
• True if the board configuration is valid, False otherwise.

1. Check board size: Verify that the board size is N x N. This takes constant time
2. Validate clues: For each cell with a revealed number, ensure its value is
between 0 and 8. This takes O(N^2) time.
3. Count surrounding mines: For each revealed clue, count the number of mines
in its surrounding cells (including diagonals). Compare this count with the
revealed number. If they differ, the board configuration is invalid. This takes
O(N^2) time.
4. Check unrevealed cells: For each unrevealed cell, ensure its surrounding cells
with revealed clues have a total mine count equal to the revealed number.
This takes O(N^2) time.
Time Complexity:

The algorithm iterates through each cell of the board twice, once for verifying clues
and once for checking unrevealed cells. Therefore, the total time complexity is:

O(N^2) + O(N^2) = O(N^2)

Since the time complexity is polynomial in the size of the input (N x N board),
Minesweeper belongs to the class NP.

(c) Minesweeper is NP-hard:

We can show that Minesweeper is NP-hard by demonstrating a reduction from the

Boolean Satisfiability Problem (SAT) to Minesweeper. SAT is a well-known NP-
complete problem, meaning it is both in NP and NP-hard.

Reduction Process:
1. Encode SAT Formula: We first encode a given SAT formula as a
Minesweeper board. Each variable in the formula is represented by a cell on
the board, with a revealed number indicating the number of clauses the
variable participates in.
2. Implement Logical Gates: We can implement logical gates like AND and NOT
using Minesweeper configurations. For example, an AND gate can be
constructed using a configuration where a cell is revealed only if both its
neighbors are revealed. This ensures that the revealed number on the cell
matches the number of clauses it participates in only when both
corresponding variables are true.
3. Constraint Enforcement: We can impose additional constraints on the board
to ensure that the configuration satisfies the SAT formula. For instance, we
can use surrounding clues to force certain variables to be true or false,
depending on the clauses they participate in.

By following these steps, we can effectively transform any SAT instance into a
corresponding Minesweeper board configuration. Checking whether the board
configuration is valid can be done in polynomial time using the verification algorithm
presented in part (b). This demonstrates that SAT can be reduced to Minesweeper in
polynomial time, making Minesweeper NP-hard.

Informal Explanation:

The key idea behind this reduction is that we can leverage the "logic" inherent in
Minesweeper configurations to represent and solve logical problems. By carefully
arranging revealed numbers and surrounding clues, we can effectively simulate the
behavior of logic gates and enforce constraints that correspond to the clauses in a
SAT formula.

Note: While a formal proof of the reduction is not provided here, the explanation
demonstrates the feasibility of such a reduction and justifies the NP-hardness of

(d) Completing Φij(A) for Aij = 1

Given Aij = 1 (one mine in cell Aij), we need to express Φij(A), which represents the
consistency of the sub-board ij. This means ensuring the revealed numbers on
surrounding cells match the actual number of surrounding mines.

Here's the complete boolean expression for Φij(A) considering only the case Aij = 1:

Φij(A) = (x1 ∨ x2 ∨ x3) ∧ (x4 ∨ x5 ∨ x6) ∧ (x7 ∨ x8 ∨ x1) ∧ (x1 ∨ x4 ∨ x7) ∧ (x2 ∨ x5 ∨
x8) ∧ (x3 ∨ x6 ∨ x1) ∧ (x5 ∨ x6 ∨ x7) ∧ (x1 ∨ x2 ∨ x3) ∧ NOT(x4 ∧ x5 ∧ x6) ∧ NOT(x1
∧ x4 ∧ x7) ∧ NOT(x2 ∧ x5 ∧ x8) ∧ NOT(x3 ∧ x6 ∧ x1) ∧ NOT(x7 ∧ x8 ∧ x5)

• Each clause represents a constraint based on the number of surrounding
mines. For example, the first clause (x1 ∨ x2 ∨ x3) ensures that at least one of
the three surrounding cells (x1, x2, x3) must be a mine (revealed number >=
1) since the total number of mines in the sub-board is 1.

• The middle clauses (x4 ∨ x5 ∨ x6) and (x7 ∨ x8 ∨ x1) ensure at least one mine
in the corresponding surrounding cells based on revealed numbers.

• The clauses with "∧" (AND) ensure that the revealed number on a cell
matches the number of surrounding mines. For example, (x1 ∨ x4 ∨ x7) ∧ (x5
∨ x6 ∨ x7) guarantees that the revealed number on cell A4 is 1 only if one of
its neighbors (x1, x4, x7) and one of its diagonal neighbors (x5, x6, x7) are

• The clauses with "NOT" ensure that there are no contradictions. For example,
NOT(x4 ∧ x5 ∧ x6) prevents all three cells surrounding A5 from being mines
simultaneously, as this would violate the revealed number.

Notation Simplification:
To avoid lengthy expressions, we can utilize notations:

• _Ni=1 xi := x1 ∨ x2 ∨ ... ∨ xN: This represents the "OR" of all xi variables.

• _Ni=1 xi := x1 ∧ x2 ∧ ... ∧ xN: This represents the "AND" of all xi variables.
Simplified Expression:

Using the notations, the simplified version of Φij(A) becomes:

Φij(A) = (_N i=1 xi)^3 ∧ (_N i=4 xi) ∧ (_N i=7 xi) ∧ (_N i=1,4,7 xi) ∧ (_N i=2,5,8 xi) ∧
(_N i=3,6,1 xi) ∧ (_N i=5,6,7 xi) ∧ NOT(_N i=4,5,6 xi) ∧ NOT(_N i=1,4,7 xi) ∧ NOT(_N
i=2,5,8 xi) ∧ NOT(_N i=3,6,1 xi) ∧ NOT(_N i=7,8,5 xi)

This expression effectively captures the consistency conditions for the sub-board ij
when Aij = 1, utilizing the provided notations for concise representation.

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