The document provides vocabulary terms across 6 lessons, including words like spooky, party, legacy, debate, politician, authoritative, pledge, conservation, opponent, firecracker, befriend, consumer, and nitpick. Definitions are given for each term.
The document provides vocabulary terms across 6 lessons, including words like spooky, party, legacy, debate, politician, authoritative, pledge, conservation, opponent, firecracker, befriend, consumer, and nitpick. Definitions are given for each term.
The document provides vocabulary terms across 6 lessons, including words like spooky, party, legacy, debate, politician, authoritative, pledge, conservation, opponent, firecracker, befriend, consumer, and nitpick. Definitions are given for each term.
The document provides vocabulary terms across 6 lessons, including words like spooky, party, legacy, debate, politician, authoritative, pledge, conservation, opponent, firecracker, befriend, consumer, and nitpick. Definitions are given for each term.
Lesson 4 Lesson 5 sign, shape or object used to represent spooky (adj) strange and frightening symbol (n) something else organisation of people who share the to force someone to leave an party (n) to expel (v) same political views organisation or school long-lasting impact of a particular fuel that comes from the earth like gas, legacy (n) fossil fuel (n) event or action coal or oil to receive something from someone carbon emission harmful and polluting chemicals that to inherit (v) after they have died, e.g money or (n) planes, cars, factories, etc. produce property formal discussion or argument about a device that regulates the temperature debate (n) thermostat (n) particular topic of a home or building machine or piece of equipment that is politician (n) someone whose job involves politics appliance (n) used in the home, like a washing machine showing that you’re confident, in to cover something in order to prevent authoritative (adj) control, and expect to be respected to insulate (v) heat, cold or noise from getting in or and obeyed out of it something that you give as a sign that plan to carefully preserve and protect pledge (n) conservation (n) you will keep a promise something to hold the attention of someone or an something that you give in order to to captivate (v) audience by being extremely contribution (n) help produce or achieve something interesting, exciting or charming smell that is strong, warm, and slightly working quickly in an organised way; musky (adj) efficient (adj) sweet not wasteful Lesson 6 someone who competes against opponent (n) another person in a contest, game, or argument type of firework that makes a loud firecracker (n) noise when it explodes get to know someone or make to befriend (v) someone your friend person who purchases and uses goods consumer (n) and services to extend the time of something to to prolong (v) make it last longer one after another without any gaps or consecutive (adj) breaks probably caused by the thing attributable (adj) mentioned e.g a person, situation, or event way people make and use money by economy (n) production and trade to move people from a dangerous to evacuate (v) place to somewhere safe to criticise someone for making small to nitpick (v) mistakes; giving too much attention to details that are not important