Energy Management
Energy Management
Energy Management
Energy Management
for Battery Storage
Edited by
Andrei Blinov and Sheldon Williamson
Printed Edition of the Special Issue Published in Energies
Power Electronics and Energy
Management for Battery Storage
Power Electronics and Energy
Management for Battery Storage
Andrei Blinov
Sheldon Williamson
MDPI • Basel • Beijing • Wuhan • Barcelona • Belgrade • Manchester • Tokyo • Cluj • Tianjin
Andrei Blinov Sheldon Williamson
Tallinn University of Technology University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Estonia Canada
Editorial Office
St. Alban-Anlage 66
4052 Basel, Switzerland
This is a reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal Energies
(ISSN 1996-1073) (available at: issues/peem for
battery storage systems).
For citation purposes, cite each article independently as indicated on the article page online and as
indicated below:
LastName, A.A.; LastName, B.B.; LastName, C.C. Article Title. Journal Name Year, Volume Number,
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Rafał Kopacz, Michał Harasimczuk, Bartosz Lasek, Rafał Miśkiewicz and Jacek Rąbkowski
All-SiC ANPC Submodule for an Advanced 1.5 kV EV Charging System under Various
Modulation Methods
Reprinted from: Energies 2021, 14, 5580, doi:10.3390/en14175580 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Ilya A. Galkin, Andrei Blinov, Maxim Vorobyov, Alexander Bubovich, Rodions Saltanovs
and Dimosthenis Peftitsis
Interface Converters for Residential Battery Energy Storage Systems: Practices, Difficulties and
Reprinted from: Energies 2021, 14, 3365, doi:10.3390/en14123365 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Van Quan Dao, Minh-Chau Dinh, Chang Soon Kim, Minwon Park, Chil-Hoon Doh,
Jeong Hyo Bae, Myung-Kwan Lee, Jianyong Liu and Zhiguo Bai
Design of an Effective State of Charge Estimation Method for a Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Using
Extended Kalman Filter and Artificial Neural Network
Reprinted from: Energies 2021, 14, 2634, doi:10.3390/en14092634 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Andres Annuk, Wahiba Yaı̈ci, Matti Lehtonen, Risto Ilves, Toivo Kabanen and Peep Miidla
Simulation of Energy Exchange between Single Prosumer Residential Building and Utility Grid
Reprinted from: Energies 2021, 14, 1553, doi:10.3390/en14061553 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
About the Editors
Andrei Blinov
Andrei Blinov received an M.Sc. degree in electrical drives and power electronics and a Ph.D.
degree, with a dissertation devoted to the research into switching properties and performance
improvement methods for high-voltage IGBT-based dc–dc converters, from Tallinn University of
Technology, Tallinn, Estonia, in 2008, and 2012, respectively. After his Ph.D. studies, he spent two
years in Sweden working as a Postdoctoral Researcher with the KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
He is currently a Senior Researcher with the Department of Electrical Power Engineering and
Mechatronics, Tallinn University of Technology. His research interests are research into switch-mode
power converters, new semiconductor technologies, and energy storage systems.
Sheldon Williamson
Sheldon Williamson received his Bachelors of Engineering (B.E.) degree in Electrical Engineering
with high distinction from University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India, in 1999. He received a Master’s of
Science (M.S.) degree in 2002, and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree (with Honors) in 2006,
both in Electrical Engineering, from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, specializing
in automotive power electronics and motor drives, at the Grainger Power Electronics and Motor
Drives Laboratory. Currently, Dr. Williamson is a Professor at the Smart Transportation Electrification
and Energy Research (STEER) group, within the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Software
Engineering, at Ontario Tech University, in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. He also holds the prestigious
NSERC Canada Research Chair position in Electric Energy Storage Systems for Transportation
Electrification. His main research interests include advanced power electronics and motor drives
for transportation electrification, electric energy storage systems, and electric propulsion. Prof.
Williamson is a Fellow of the IEEE.
An Efficient Non-Inverting Buck-Boost Converter with
Improved Step Up/Down Ability
Omar Abdel-Rahim 1,2, *, Andrii Chub 1 , Andrei Blinov 1 , Dmitri Vinnikov 1 and Dimosthenis Peftitsis 3
Abstract: In this article, a new non-inverting buck-boost converter with superior characteristics in
both bucking and boosting is presented. The proposed converter has some distinct features, such
as high step-up/-down ability and low voltage/current stress on its switching devices. The voltage
gain of the proposed converter is double the reported value for the traditional buck-boost converter.
Although it has three switches, the three switches operate simultaneously, hence no dead-time is
required. Two out of the three switches are under voltage stress equal to half of the output voltage.
The overall efficiency of the system is promising because of the ability to select devices with low
voltage drops. Converter analysis and steady-state performance in both continuous conduction
mode (CCM) and discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) are presented in detail. A 1 kW hardware
prototype of the converter was implemented in the laboratory; with a step-up ratio of 3.5 and 1 kW
power, the measured efficiency is above 95.4%, and with step-up ratio 8, it is around 91.5%.
Citation: Abdel-Rahim, O.; Chub, A.;
Blinov, A.; Vinnikov, D.; Peftitsis, D. Keywords: high-gain non-inverting buck-boost converter; continuous conduction mode (CCM);
An Efficient Non-Inverting Buck- discontinuous conduction mode (DCM)
Boost Converter with Improved Step
Up/Down Ability. Energies 2022, 15,
en15134550 1. Introduction
Academic Editors: Alon Kuperman Traditional buck-boost converters, CUK and SEPIC, are able to buck or boost input
and Marco Pau voltage; however, their bucking or boosting abilities are limited, and they have high stress
on their switching devices, hence their efficiency and applications are limited [1–6]. In order
Received: 17 May 2022
to improve step-up/-down abilities, a group of power converters have been developed
Accepted: 20 June 2022
in the literature [7–17]. The topology proposed in [7] is a modification of the traditional
Published: 22 June 2022
buck-boost converter with improved voltage gain, but it has an inverted output and two of
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral the switching devices are under high voltage stress. A high gain with continuous input
with regard to jurisdictional claims in current buck-boost converter has been proposed in [7,8], but the converter is inverted and
published maps and institutional affil- includes many storage devices. In [9], a novel buck-boost converter is proposed with lower
iations. component stresses and less storage devices, However, the converter has limited voltage
gain; high ripple; and the converter switches operate in a complementary manner, which
increases dead-time and switching protection issues.
The quadratic voltage gain buck-boost converters developed in [10–12] provide good
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
performance in step-up mode, but their step-down ability is very limited.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
In [13,14], semi-quadratic buck-boost converters are proposed. Despite their improved
This article is an open access article
performance in both bucking and boosting modes, there is no common ground and the
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
input current is discontinuous. A quasi-Y source-based buck-boost dc–dc converter is
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
introduced in [15,16]. This converter achieved a very high voltage gain using two inductors.
Nevertheless, the severe slope of the voltage gain ratio makes controlling the converter
4.0/). very difficult.
In order to achieve higher voltage and gain and sustain higher efficiency at a wide
range of input voltage change, this paper presents a new high-gain non-inverting buck-
boost converter. The structure proposed has different merits, such as non-inverting, high
voltage gain, reduced components’ stresses, and the ability to sustain better efficiency at
wide voltage and load ranges.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses the principle of
operation and analysis of the proposed converter; Section 3 presents the experimental
results of the converter; and finally, Section 4 presents the conclusions.
D Co Ro Vo
The converter is able to operate in continuous conduction mode (CCM) and discontin-
uous conduction mode (DCM). Both modes of operation will be considered in the following
Capacitor voltage ripple is very small compared with the voltage itself, thus it could
be neglected.
Inductor current ripple is negligible because of its very small value.
All semiconductor devices are ideal.
The converter power switches are triggered ON and OFF simultaneously, hence the
converter will have two operating modes; see Figure 2a,b. Typical waveforms of the
converter in CCM are shown in Figure 3.
Mode I [0-DTS ]: In this time period, switches (S1 , S2 , S3 ) are turned ON, while diodes
(D1 , Do ) are turned OFF. This mode is illustrated in Figure 2a. As can be seen from the
figure, the two inductors charge in parallel from the source. Applying Kirchhoff voltage law
(KVL) and Kirchhoff current law (KCL) to Figure 2a, the following equations are deduced:
v L1 = v L2 = Vdc (1)
ic = − (2)
id = 0 (3)
Energies 2022, 15, 4550
D Co Ro Vo
VDC Co Ro Vo
Co Ro Vo
Figure 2. Operation modes of the proposed converter: (a) operation mode #1, (b) operation mode #2,
and (c) operation mode #3.
Mode II [DTS -TS ]: In this time period, switches (S1 , S2 , S3 ) are turned OFF and,
consequently, diodes (D1 , Do ) are turned ON to provide a freewheeling path for the current.
This mode is illustrated in Figure 2b. As can be investigated from the figure, the two
inductors discharge their energies to the load in series. Applying Kirchhoff voltage law
(KVL) and Kirchhoff current law (KCL) to Figure 2b, the following equations are deduced:
v L = v L1 = v L2 (4)
2v L = −Vo (5)
iC = IL − (6)
id = IL (7)
The steady-state voltage gain of the proposed converter could be deduced from the
analysis of the two modes of operation by applying voltage second balance, and the voltage
gain of the proposed converter is as follows:
Vo 2D
=M= (8)
Vdc (1 − D )
Energies 2022, 15, 4550
DTs Ts
Figure 3. Typical converter waveforms in CCM.
vL = 0 (9)
iC = (10)
id = 0 (11)
Applying inductor volt-second balance in Equations (1), (5), and (9), the relation
between input and output voltage is obtained:
D1 ∗ vdc = D2 ∗ vo (12)
Energies 2022, 15, 4550
D1Ts D2Ts
id = (13)
A sketch of the inductor and diode currents in DCM is illustrated in Figure 5a,b. The
dc component of the diode current is given by
1 S
id = id (t)dt (14)
TS 0
t t
DT6 DT6 T6 DT6 DT6
Figure 5. DCM operation (a) inductor current and (b) diode current.
Energies 2022, 15, 4550
i pk = ∗ D1 ∗ TS (15)
Solving Equations (13)–(15), the second required equation is obtained as
1 Vo Vo
id = ∗ D2 ∗ TS ∗ ∗ D1 = (16)
2 2L R
k= (17)
D2 = 2 ∗ k/D1 (18)
Finally, the converter voltage gain in DCM operation is given as
Vo D12
=M= (19)
Vdc (2 ∗ K )
where D1 , D2 , TS , and R0 are periods when the switches are conducting, periods when the
diode is conducting, switching time, and load resistance, respectively.
The boundary for CCM and DC operation can be obtained by relating inductor current
and inductor ripple
IL > Δi L For CCM (20)
IL < Δi L For DCM (21)
Substituting CCM solutions for IL and Δi L in (20)
Vdc 2D Vdc
∗ > ∗ DTS (22)
R 1−D 2L
Hence 2
Kcri = D ∗ (24)
where Kcri is the critical boundary between CCM and DCM.
According to the above analysis, the converter can operate on CCM or DCM based on
the operating conditions; in order to avoid such conditions, accurate design of the converter
must be considered. Figure 6 represents the boundary condition between CCM and DCM
at different duty cycles and different power while the output voltage is fixed at 350 V.
Energies 2022, 15, 4550
IS1 = 2 ∗ IL (26)
VdsS2 = VdsS3 = (27)
IS2 = IS3 = IL (28)
Diodes D1 and Do work as freewheeling diodes and are activated in complementary
manners to the switches. The voltage and current stress of both diodes are given by
Id1 = IL (30)
Vdo = Vdc + Vo (31)
IS2 = IL (32)
A depiction of the devices’ normalized voltage stresses with different voltage gain is
illustrated in Figure 7. In Figure 7, the voltage stress is normalized to the input voltage.
Figure 7. Circuit component voltage stress normalized to input voltage vs. converter voltage gain.
Energies 2022, 15, 4550
of f Vdc DTS Vo (1 − D ) TS
Δi L = Δion
L = Δi L = = (33)
L 2L
9F W
,/ W
Figure 8. CCM operation (a) inductor current and (b) output capacitor voltage.
This equation is valid in both CCM and DCM. By defining the required amount of
ripple, the inductor value could be defined as follows:
(Vo ∗ (1 − D )) ∗ TS
L= (34)
(2 ∗ Δi L )
Based on Equation (29), there is a dependency between inductance L and duty cycle D.
In order to avoid any misoperation of the converter, we design the inductance based on
the extreme condition that the current ripple at the extreme scenario does not exceed the
required ripple and when duty cycle below the ripple will be below the required level.
Let us assume the required ripple Δi L is 10%, then we can calculate L at the duty cycle
around 0.82. Then, when the duty cycle is lower than 0.85, the ripple will be less than 10%.
(Vo ∗ D ∗ TS )
Co = (36)
(Δv ∗ R)
of f of f
where Δi L , Δion
L , Δi L , L, Δv, Δvc , Δvo , and C are inductor current ripple, inductor
ripple while the inductor is charging, inductor ripple while the inductor is discharging,
inductor value, capacitor ripple, capacitor ripple while the capacitor is charging, capacitor
ripple while the capacitor is discharging, and capacitor value, respectively.
Based on Equation (30), there is a dependency between capacitance C and duty cycle
D. In order to avoid any misoperation of the converter, we design the capacitance based on
Energies 2022, 15, 4550
the extreme condition that the voltage ripple at the extreme scenario does not exceed the
required ripple and when duty cycle below the ripple will be below the required level
Let us assume the required ripple Δv is 10%, then we can calculate C at the duty cycle
around 0.82. Then, when the duty cycle is lower than 0.85, the ripple will be less than 10%.
ͺ ͲǤʹ ͵Ǥͷ
Figure 9. Different cases of study for the proposed converter: (a) Voltage gain at different duty cycle
and different loading. (b) Voltage gain with fixed loading and different input voltages. (c) Converter
efficiency at different input voltages.
Energies 2022, 15, 4550
However, in both case studies, the differences in the voltage gain do not have a very
high ratio.
Converter efficiency depends on many factors such as the load profile, source voltage,
and voltage gain. In the scenario illustrated in Figure 9c, the load profile is fixed while both
voltage gain and source voltage are variable. In buck mode, as the source voltage increases
and the bucking ratio is lowered, the converter demonstrates the highest efficiency, while
with lower input voltage and a higher bucking ratio, the converter efficiency is low. During
boosting mode, as source voltage increases, efficiency increases too.
Another case study is considered in Figure 10a, where input voltage is set to 150 V,
while load profile is variable and efficiency is measured at different voltage gains. With
heavy loading, the converter demonstrates lower efficiency than with a medium or moder-
ate loading profile. A comparison between the proposed converter and different converters
reported in the literature is illustrated in Table 1. In the voltage gain comparison illustrated
in Figure 10b, both the proposed converter and switched inductor buck-boost converter
have similar step-up/-down ability, but the proposed converter has higher efficiency; see
Figure 10c.
Converter Gain Components’ Count Switches’ and Diodes’ Switches’ and Diodes’
Topology M = Vo /Vin Switch Diode L C Voltage Stress Current Stress
Buck-Boost [18] (D/(1-D)) 1 1 1 1
D:(Vo +Vin ) IL
S1 :Vin IL
S2 :Vo IL
Non-Inverting [19] (D/(1-D)) 2 2 1 1
D1 :Vin IL
Do :Vo IL
S1 :Vin /(1-D) IL
Cuk [5] (D/(1-D)) 1 2 2 1 D1 :Vin IL
Do :Vo IL
S1 :Vo +Vin 2IL
SEPIC [19] (D/(1-D)) 1 1 2 2
D1 :Vo +Vin IL
S1 :Vo +Vin 2IL
D1 :Vin IL
SIBBC [20] 2D/(1-D) 1 4 2 1 D2 :Vo /2 IL
D3 :Vo /2 IL
Do :Vo +Vin IL
S1 :(Vo +Vin )/2 IL
S2 :(Vo +Vin )/2 IL
Lakshmi [21] (1+D1)/(1-D1 -D2 ) 3 2 2 1 S3 :Vo IL
D1 :Vo IL
Do :Vo +Vin IL
S1 :1/(1-D)*Vin IL
S2 :Vin *(1+D)/(1-D)2 IL
[22] 2D/(1-D)2 2 3 2 3 D1 :Vin /(1-D) IL
D2 :Vin /(1-D) IL
Do :Vo +Vin /(1-D) IL
S1 :1/(1-D)*Vin 2IL
S2 :Vin *D/(1-D)2 IL
[23] D2 /(1-D)2 2 2 2 2
D1 :Vin /(1-D) IL
D2 :Vin *D/(1-D)2 IL
Energies 2022, 15, 4550
Table 1. Cont.
Converter Gain Components’ Count Switches’ and Diodes’ Switches’ and Diodes’
Topology M = Vo /Vin Switch Diode L C Voltage Stress Current Stress
S1 :Vin 2IL
S2 :Vo /2 IL
Proposed 2D/(1-D) 3 2 2 1 S3 :Vo /2 IL
D1 :Vin IL
Do :Vo +Vin IL
Figure 10. (a) Converter efficiency at fixed input voltage and different loading, (b) voltage gain
comparison among the proposed and other buck-boost converters, and (c) efficiency comparison
among the proposed and other buck-boost converters.
Energies 2022, 15, 4550
3. Experimental Verification
This section provides the experimental results of the developed system, and the
parameters used to build the prototype are illustrated in Table 2. A photo of the proposed
system is shown in Figure 11.
Parameter Value
Input voltage range [V] 33–150
P [W] 700 W
Fs Switching Frequency 30 kHz
Switches S1 , S2 , S3 IMZ120R030M1HXKSA1
Diodes D1 , Do DPG10I300PA
Inductors L1 = L2 1 mH
Capacitor Co 320 μF
Figure 11. Experimental set-up schematic.
A case study where the duty cycle is set to 0.6 with 30 V input voltage is illustrated
in Figure 12. Three switches are operating in synchronous manner, hence the gate source
pulses for the three switches are the same as illustrated in Figure 12a. Diodes D1 and
Do are operating as freewheeling diodes. The cathode–anode voltages of the two diodes
are illustrated in Figure 12b. The input current is the sum of the two inductors’ currents
when the switches are on and zero when the switches are off, and the input capacitor
smoothens the input current. The drain source voltages of the three switches are illustrated
in Figure 12c. Switches S2 and S3 face the same voltage stress and carry the same current.
Figure 12d illustrates switch S1 current, which is equal to the sum of the two inductors’
currents. Switch S2 current is illustrated in Figure 12e, which is equal to the inductor
current. The output diode current is illustrated in Figure 12f, where spikes are noted in the
switches and diode currents because of a problem in the used probe; however, it does not
exist in real current as there are no spikes in the measured voltages.
A boosting case study is considered in Figure 13, where the input voltage is 25 V and
the output voltage generated is around 38 V, and a bucking case study is illustrated in
Figure 14, where the input voltage is 23 V, output voltage is 9.25 V, duty cycle is 0.2244, and
voltage gain is 0.4.
Energies 2022, 15, 4550
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Figure 12. Experimental results of converter at duty cycle of 0.6 and input voltage of 30 V: (a) gate
source pulses; (b) Ch1 diode D1 voltage, diode Do voltage, and input current; (c) Ch1 output diode
Do voltage, Ch3 switches’ S2 and S3 voltage, and Ch2 inductor L1 current; (d) Ch1 switch S3 voltage;
Ch2 switch S3 currents; (e) Ch2 switch S2 voltage, Ch3 switch S2 current, and inductor current; and
(f) Ch2 diode Do voltage and diode Do current.
Figure 13. Boosting case study, where the input voltage is 25 V, output voltage is 38 V, duty cycle is
0.428, and voltage gain is 1.52.
Energies 2022, 15, 4550
Figure 14. Bucking case study, where the input voltage is 23 V, output voltage is 9.25 V, duty cycle is
0.2244, and voltage gain is 0.4.
The converter voltage gain was measured experimentally, and the theoretical and
measured voltage gains of the converter with varying duty cycles are illustrated in Figure 15.
For comparison purposes, three prototypes were built in the laboratory for the traditional
buck-boost, non-inverting buck-boost, and proposed converter. The three prototypes were
built using the same parameters as in Table 2. In the first case study, which is illustrated
in Figure 16, the input voltage is set to 100 V and the step ratio is fixed at 3.7. For such a
step-up ratio, the proposed converter requires a duty cycle of 0.68, while the conventional
and non-inverting buck-boost converters both require a duty cycle of 0.8.
Figure 15. Calculated and measured converter voltage gain vs. duty cycle.
Figure 16. Measured efficiency comparison between the proposed converter, non-inverting buck-
boost, and traditional buck-boost converter at a step-up ratio of 3.7.
Energies 2022, 15, 4550
In this case study, the non-inverting converter demonstrates the highest efficiency,
while at high power, both the proposed and conventional converter have the same efficiency.
In the second case study, which is illustrated in Figure 17, the input voltage is fixed at 30 V
and the step-up ratio is 8. The efficiency of the proposed converter and the non-inverting
converter is comparable, but with the increase in power (over 300 W), the proposed
converter demonstrates the highest efficiency.
Figure 17. Measured efficiency comparison between the proposed, non-inverting, and traditional
buck-boost converter at a step-up ratio of 8.
The last case study demonstrates step-down comparison. In Figure 18, the input volt-
age is fixed at 150 V and the step-down ratio is 3. The non-inverting converter demonstrates
the lowest efficiency. The proposed converter and the conventional converter demonstrate
comparable efficiency at low power, but with the increase in input power, the proposed
converter demonstrates the highest efficiency.
Figure 18. Measured efficiency comparison between the proposed, non-inverting buck-boost, and
traditional buck-boost converter at a step-down ratio of 3.
4. Conclusions
In this paper, a new non-inverting high-gain buck-boost structure is developed with
improved step-up/-down ability. The performance of the converter in both CCM and
DCM is studied and analyzed. The design of the converter elements is investigated and
described. The operating conditions and voltage/current stress of each device are studied.
Based on the performed analysis, the proposed converter devices are under low voltage
and current stress compared with other buck-boost converters. A 700 W prototype was
built for the converter to investigate its performance experimentally. The efficiency of
the proposed converter is measured at different voltage gains and compared with the
traditional buck-boost converter.
Energies 2022, 15, 4550
The theoretical and measured voltage gain matched. While working in step-up, the
converter demonstrated better performance at high power. The peak measured efficiency
of the converter at a step-up ratio of 3.7 was 95.4%.
Author Contributions: O.A.-R. developed and simulated the idea; O.A.-R., A.C. and A.B. imple-
mented the idea prototype and verified the experimental results; O.A.-R. and D.V. revised the data
and results; O.A.-R. wrote the first draft; O.A.-R., D.V. and D.P. revised the manuscript. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was financed in part by the European Economic Area (EEA) and Norway
Financial Mechanism 2014–2021 under Grant EMP474 and in part by the Estonian Research Council
under Grant PRG1086 and the programme Mobilitas Pluss (Grant MOBJD1033).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Smart Core and Surface Temperature Estimation Techniques for
Health-Conscious Lithium-Ion Battery Management Systems:
A Model-to-Model Comparison
Sumukh Surya 1, *, Akash Samanta 2 , Vinicius Marcis 2 and Sheldon Williamson 2
Abstract: Estimation of core temperature is one of the crucial functionalities of the lithium-ion Battery
Management System (BMS) towards providing effective thermal management, fault detection and
operational safety. It is impractical to measure the core temperature of each cell using physical sensors,
while at the same time implementing a complex core temperature estimation strategy in onboard
low-cost BMS is also challenging due to high computational cost and the cost of implementation.
Typically, a temperature estimation scheme consists of a heat generation model and a heat transfer
model. Several researchers have already proposed ranges of thermal models with different levels of
accuracy and complexity. Broadly, there are first-order and second-order heat resistor–capacitor-based
thermal models of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) for core and surface temperature estimation. This
paper deals with a detailed comparative study between these two models using extensive laboratory
test data and simulation study. The aim was to determine whether it is worth investing towards
developing a second-order thermal model instead of a first-order model with respect to prediction
Citation: Surya, S.; Samanta, A.;
accuracy considering the modeling complexity and experiments required. Both the thermal models
Marcis, V.; Williamson, S. Smart Core
and Surface Temperature Estimation
along with the parameter estimation scheme were modeled and simulated in a MATLAB/Simulink
Techniques for Health-Conscious environment. Models were validated using laboratory test data of a cylindrical 18,650 LIB cell.
Lithium-Ion Battery Management Further, a Kalman filter with appropriate process and measurement noise levels was used to estimate
Systems: A Model-to-Model the core temperature in terms of measured surface and ambient temperatures. Results from the
Comparison. Energies 2022, 15, 623. first-order model and second-order models were analyzed for comparison purposes.
Keywords: electric vehicles; stationary battery energy storage system; battery automated system;
Academic Editor: Haifeng Dai
online state estimation; thermal modeling; first-order model; second-order model; Kalman filtering
Received: 14 November 2021
Accepted: 4 January 2022
Published: 17 January 2022
and some other safety inspection functionalities. Several recent research studies highlighted
that the accuracy of estimating cell SOC [15], SOH [16] and remaining storage capacity [17]
depends on the accurate estimation of cell temperature as all these states are the function
of temperature. Moreover, the Columbic efficiency of a cell is greatly affected by the cell
temperature during the charging and discharging period. It is worthwhile to mention
that the temperature distribution inside the cell is not uniform, and the core temperature
remains higher than the surface temperature during practical application, especially under
high charging and discharging current [18]. Typically, the difference between the core and
surface temperature varies in the range of 5–10 ◦ C [19,20]; however, under high current
loading with rapid load fluctuation, it could be even more. Therefore, accurate informa-
tion on the core and surface temperature is essential to achieving the effective thermal
management of an LIB pack besides fault detection. While most of the existing temper-
ature measurement techniques measure the surface temperature directly using physical
sensors [21], the measurement of cells’ internal temperature is highly challenging when
using a physical sensor. Moreover, any high-capacity LIB pack consists of thousands of
single LIB cells; thus, installing physical sensors in each cell is not practically feasible from
the viewpoint of incremental cost and manufacturing complexity.
To sum up, accurate information on core temperature undoubtedly serves as the
essential basis for the thermal management and safety of LIB apart from SOC and SOH
estimation whilst it is difficult to measure the core temperature using physical sensors.
Therefore, a precise thermal model is crucial to accurate temperature estimation. Moreover,
it should be easy to model and computationally inexpensive in order to be implemented
in onboard BMS for online prediction of temperature. Several temperature estimation
techniques have been proposed by researchers. Typically, a temperature estimation strategy
consists of two models, namely, a heat generation model and a heat transfer model [22].
The heat generation model takes physical measurement signals from a cell, typically
voltage current, to estimate the total heat generation during charging and discharging.
Then, the heat transfer model takes the estimated total heat quantity as model input to
predict the temperature of that cell. Depending on the modeling, it can only estimate the
core temperature (single-state) or both the core and surface temperature simultaneously
Broadly, heat generation models can be classified into three groups, electrochemi-
cal models [23–26], data-driven empirical models [27–29] and equivalent circuit models
(ECM) [30–32]. Few other researchers have also grouped the heat generation model from
the perspective of heat concentration. According to them, the heat generation model could
be a concentrated model (all heat is generated at the core), distributed model (heat gener-
ated uniformly over the cell) [33] and heterogeneous model [30,34] (due to temperature and
current density gradient inside the cell). On the other hand, the heat transfer model can be
grouped into finite element analysis (FEA)-based models [32,35–38], lumped multi-node
models [27,39–41] and heat capacitive-resistive models [42]. The lumped multi-node model
and heat capacitive-resistive models are typically developed based on the analogy between
thermal and electrical phenomena. It can be seen that the electrochemical model can pro-
duce a very accurate heat generation value provided all model parameters are carefully
tuned. However, the electrochemical models are highly complex and computationally
expensive. The accuracy of data-driven empirical models highly depends on the experi-
mentally acquired data. Collecting such high-resolution data is challenging, and with the
increase in data volume and the number of feature vectors, computational expenses also in-
crease exponentially. On the other hand, an ECM-based estimation model can be designed
suitable for online prediction and real-world application by establishing a balance between
the computational cost and prediction accuracy. Therefore, ECM-based battery models are
extensively used in practice for estimating heat generation in LIB. Further, as far as the
heat transfer model is concerned, the heat resistor–capacitor models are easy to develop
and computationally efficient compared to FEA-based methods and lumped-parameter
multi-node models. The FEA-based methods are highly accurate; however, they come at
Energies 2022, 15, 623
Energies 2022, 15, 623
model and a heat transfer model, where the heat generation model provides input to the
heat transfer model. Therefore, the modeling strategy and mathematical analysis of the
ECM-based heat generation model are considered here as well.
The VOCV and V in Figure 1 represent the open-circuit voltage and the terminal
voltage, respectively. The steady-state DC series resistance, which represents the electrolyte
resistance to the lithium-ion transportation, is denoted as R0 in Figure 1. Further, the short
transient response is caused by the lithium-ion flow in the solid electrolyte interphase layer,
and the anode electrode is represented by polarization resistance (R1 ) and capacitance (C1 ),
respectively. These R1 and C1 appear only during the transient period [53]. A 1-RC battery
model was considered in this study due to its optimum performance, ease of modelling,
low computational cost and adequate accuracy when compared to other higher-order
RC models [54,55]. Further, the online determination of heat generation inside LIB with
these higher-order models is challenging due to computational cost. For this, Bernardi
et al. [56] developed a simplified equation for LIB heat generation calculationthatis suitable
for online prediction over other computationally expensive methods such as constant heat
generation rate [57], curve fitting technique [58] and Joule’s Law [59]-based methods. The
governing equation for the total heat generated inside the battery (Q) as developed by
Bernardi et al. [56] is shown in Equation (1).
Q = I (V − VOCV ) (1)
The parameters of this equation are also the function of charging–discharging current
(I), SOC and temperature, which are estimated using the ECM of the cell. Finally, the
Energies 2022, 15, 623
value of the Q, obtained from Equation (1), is used as one of the inputs to the first-order
and second-order thermal model for temperature estimation, which is discussed in the
following section.
In Figure 2, the thermal parameters, that is, the heat capacity of the core, heat transfer
resistance inside the cell, heat transfer resistance outside the cell and total quantity of heat
liberated concentrated from the core, are represented by Cc (J/K), Rc (K/W), Ru (K/W) and
Q (J), respectively. The unit of each respective quantity is mentioned in the parentheses. The
temperature of the core, surface and ambient is represented by Tc , Ts and Tamb , respectively,
measured in K. The core temperature at node Tc and surface temperature at node Ts can
be monitored using this model; thus this type of model is also referred to as a two-node
or two-state thermal model [22,60].The heat resistor–capacitor model uses the analogy
between the thermal and electrical systems, as discussed in the introduction section. Thus,
for mathematical analysis, the heat transfer rate is represented by electrical current (i), and
the branch currents are represented by ia , ib in the respective branch, as shown in Figure 2.
Therefore, the governing equation of the model can be derived by applying Kirchhoff’s
Current Law (KCL) at the Tc node. The current balance equation at node Tc reads:
i = i a + ib = Q (2)
Now, by rewriting Equation (2) in terms of thermal parameters, Equation (3) can
be found:
dTc Ts − Tc T − Ts
Q = Cc + + amb (3)
dt Ru Rc
By re-arranging Equation (3) we find:
dTc Ts − Tc T − Ts
Cc = Q+ + amb (4)
dt Ru Rc
Energies 2022, 15, 623
Finally, the value of Tc can be calculated by integrating Equation (4) with respect to
the total heat transfer time while the values of Ts and Tamb are known. While Tamb can
be easily measured by employing only one temperature sensor, the measurement of Ts
with physical sensors in a high-power LIB pack is challenging. Therefore, the alternative
solution is to estimate the surface temperature using a temperature estimation scheme.
One such estimation scheme is also proposed in reference [8], which estimates Ts from
known Tc .
The transfer matrices of the KF-based temperature estimation model can be found by
reducing Equation (6) in the form of state models as shown in Equations (7)–(9).
A = [1 − ] (7)
Cc Rc
1 1
B=[ ] (8)
Cc Cc Ru
C=D=0 (9)
Energies 2022, 15, 623
Q needs to be estimated for the same ECM-based strategy mentioned in Section 2.1. To
derive the mathematical analysis of the second-order thermal model, heat balance analysis
in the core and surface is performed. The heat balance equation at the core and surface is
represented in Equations (10) and Equation (11), respectively [8].
dTc Ts − Tc
Cc = Q+ (10)
dt Rc
dTs ( T − Ts ) ( Ts − Tc )
Cs = amb − (11)
dt Ru Rc
2.3.3. Fundamentals of KF
It is worth providing a basic explanation of KF as it is the heart of the temperature
estimation scheme discussed here. A KF is a linear quadratic estimator and is mainly used
in statistics and control engineering. It outputs the estimates of an unknown state and uses
the noise and the inaccuracies of the measured output. Some of the common examples of
KF usage include guidance, navigation and core temperature estimation in EVs; the general
form of KF is shown below:
Energies 2022, 15, 623
Yk = Ck Xk + Dk Uk + Vk (17)
where Xk is the state of the system (Tc,t ), Yk is the output of the system (Ts,t ), Uk is the input
to the system ([Tamb,t Q]T ), t presents the state of the system and t−1 represents the previous
state of the system. The block diagram of a KF is shown in Figure 4. It is a robust and simple
technique used to estimate data based on its input signal. It uses mathematical modeling
of the system and by giving the same input as an actual system, it predicts the output.
The measured output from the actual system and predicted output from the mathematical
model are then compared to obtain the error. This error is multiplied with Kalman gain
and is added to the predicted state to obtain an accurate estimated state [65].
Energies 2022, 15, 623
Experimental Setup
Battery testing was performed on a 18,650 NMC (Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt
Oxide) LIB, manufactured by LG Chem. Detailed specifications of the cell as provided
by the manufacturer are mentioned in Table 1. A programmable power supply (Model:
E36313A) from Keysight and a programmable electronic load (Model: BK8601) from B&K
Precision were used for charging and discharging the battery with a predefined charging–
discharging current profile. Further, a programmable temperature chamber was used to
maintain the Tamb based on a predefined set-point. Finally, to control the BAS a MATLAB
script-based program was used. A programmable data acquisition system (DAQ) (model
DPM66204) from Chroma was used to collect the cell voltage, current and temperature data.
Different current profile sat three different ambient temperatures (Tamb = 273 K (0 ◦ C), 293 K
(20 ◦ C) and 323 K (50 ◦ C)) were used for charging and discharging experiments. Finally, a
nonlinear least square algorithm was used for online parameter estimation for developing
the ECM and thermal model as demonstrated by Surya et al. [8]. All the model components
were designed in MATLAB using three-dimension interpolated look up tables where the
feature vectors were SOC, Ibat and Tamb . The heat generation model and the first-order
and second-order thermal model were also developed in the MATLAB/Simulink and
Simscape environment. Finally, an extensive simulation study was conducted to collect the
simulated core and surface temperature data for further analysis. Simulation results were
used for model validation as well as model-to-model comparison between the first-order
and second-order thermal models. The core temperature (Tc ) was estimated using a KF
for various patterns of currents that were within the permissible limit specified on the
manufacturer datasheet to ensure no capacity fade occurred during testing.
Energies 2022, 15, 623
Energies 2022, 15, 623
In the subsequent sections, firstly, Tc was estimated using the combined first-order
thermal model and KF for three different current profiles and ambient temperatures, which
are illustrated in Case 1, Case 2 and Case 3, respectively. Secondly, a similar study was
also conducted for the second-order model and finally, the results were compared. All
experiments were carried out with different current profiles as per the manufacturer’s
recommendation to ensure no battery health degradation [58]. In all cases, the initial
currents were kept high for rapid charging of the cell.
Energies 2022, 15, 623
Figure 10. Variation of the difference between the estimated Tc and measured Ts .
Energies 2022, 15, 623
Figure 11. The pattern of the discharging current applied to the cell.
Figure 13. Variation of the difference between the estimated Tc and measured Ts .
Energies 2022, 15, 623
difference between the estimated Tc and measured Ts . It can be noticed from Figure 15 that
at the beginning the magnitude of Tc and Ts were very large. This was due to the high value
of discharging current during this period. It was also observed that the temperature rise
is a slow process due to the presence of thermal resistances (Ru and Rc ). The temperature
difference increased as the value of discharge current increased. Therefore, it can be inferred
from these observations that the temperature rise closely follows the current through the
battery, and the rate of rising of Tc was the same as Ts for a low value of current. However,
for higher values of the current the rise in Tc was much higher than that in Ts . From these
observations, the importance of accurate core and surface temperature estimation alongside
the requirement of effective and efficient thermal management to maintain Tc under the
safe operating limit is evidenced.
Figure 14. The pattern of the discharging current applied to the cell.
Energies 2022, 15, 623
Figure 16. Variation of the difference between the estimated Tc and measured Ts .
Figure 17. The pattern of the discharging current applied to both the models.
Energies 2022, 15, 623
Figure 18. Difference between Tc and Ts obtained from the second-order thermal model.
Figure 19. Difference between Tc and Ts obtained from the first-order thermal model.
It was observed that the difference in temperatures was larger in the first-order ther-
mal model due to the change in Tc and not Ts . This is because of the decoupling between
Ts and Tc , as seen in Equation (3). Moreover, while comparing Equations (7)–(9) with
Equations (12)–(14), it was noticed that the output parameter Ts in KF showed no depen-
dence on the state Tc,t −1 which is also a major reason behind the estimation error in case
of the first-order model. Further, references [43,61] demonstrated that Cc and Ru of the
second-order thermal model have a significant effect on Tc . Since these parameters were
not present in the C and D matrices of the first-order model, a large increase in Tc was
observed. The thermal parameter sensitivity analysis, as conducted in references [8,61],
also confirmed the same reason behind the difference in temperature estimation by the
first-order thermal model. It was found that the difference between Ts and Tc is increased
if the discharge current increases. Hence, for currents with dynamic changes, Tc estima-
tion using the first-order model provides a large difference from the second-order model.
Further, Cc only contributed to the transient part of Tc . However, with small changes in
Rc and Ru , a large variation in Tc was also observed. The modeling complexity, experi-
mental requirement and computational expenses in the used second-order model were not
considerably high compared to the first-order model considered here. A tradeoff between
Energies 2022, 15, 623
4.5. Comparison between First-Order and Second-Order Thermal Models for Higher C Rates
As discussed in the introduction, the performance of different types of battery models
is highly influenced by the value of charging–discharging current. As was already wit-
nessed from the above discussion, the second-order model is more accurate compared to
the first-order model. However, it is equally important to assess the performance of the
second-order model in a high value of discharge current for almost all practical purposes a
high value of discharge current is used. Therefore, a discharge current of 5A was applied
to both the first and second-order thermal models to observe the change in Tc . and Ts . The
difference between the estimated Tc and estimated Ts for the first and second-order thermal
models is shown in Figure 20.
It was observed that the error (Tc -Ts ) was higher in the first-order model than in the
second-order model. Therefore, it could be concluded that the second-order model can also
predict a highly accurate temperature state in practical applications as well.
5. Conclusions
This paper deals with the core temperature (Tc ) estimation of lithium-ion 18,650 cell
using a Kalman filter (KF). This estimation provides effective thermal management, state
estimations, operational safety and the longer useful life of LIB. Initially, a detailed discus-
sion regarding the importance of core and surface temperature estimation was presented
followed by a review of the state-of-the-art temperature estimation strategies and thermal
modeling of LIB. Equivalent Circuit Models (ECM) of LIB-based heat generation model
and heat resistor–capacitor-based thermal models were developed in a MATLAB/Simulink
environment. Regarding heat resistor–capacitor-based thermal modeling, one first-order
and one second-order thermal model were developed and validated using laboratory ex-
perimental data. Further, extensive simulation studies were conducted to demonstrate the
influence of battery current and ambient temperature on the core and surface temperature
of the LIB cell. The heat transfer equations for a first-order and second-order thermal model
were derived, modeled and simulated. KF with appropriate process and measurement
noise levels was also used to estimate Tc in terms of measured surface (Ts ) and ambient
temperature (Tamb ). Finally, these results were compared to assess the prediction accuracy
Energies 2022, 15, 623
of these models. The difference between the core and surface temperatures was noted as
approximately 7 K to 8 Kin the first-order model, whereas it was only about 1 K to 2 Kin
the second-order thermal model. Ts showed no dependence on Tc in the first-order thermal
model. Further, the output parameter Ts in KF showed no dependence on the state Tc,t −1 ,
which is also a major reason behind the estimation error in the case of the first-order model.
The thermal capacitance of core (Cc ) and resistances (Ru ) of the second-order thermal model
have a significant effect on Tc . Since these parameters are not present in the C and D matri-
ces of the first-order model, a large increase in Tc was observed in the first-order thermal
model. Hence, the inaccuracy was only due to the error in Tc estimation. The findings are
also supported by several other research studies in the domain. Further, the consideration
of the thermal capacitance of cell casing and the impact of ambient conditions on the second-
order model were the reasons for high accuracy. Further, the performances of first and
second-order thermals were also judged with a high value of discharge current for assessing
their performance during practical operation. It was observed that the second-order model
performance was highly satisfactory compared to the first-order model even in practical
applications typically requiring a high value of discharge current. However, estimating
the additional parameters of the second-order model requires more experimental data and
time. Moreover, due to the complex mathematical form of the second-order model, it takes
more computation time. However, looking at the prediction accuracy and the increasing
stringent requirement of highly accurate states of battery, it could be stated that it is worth
investing more time, cost and expertise in developing a second-order thermal model for
more accurate temperature estimation in LIB. This is especially true for the advanced BMS
required for high-power LIB packs used in EVs and grid-tied energy storage alongside
highly sophisticated consumer electronics. The discussed second-order thermal of a single
cell can be extended to an LIB pack by integrating the thermal gradient and the impact of
peripheral cells alongside optimal placing of temperature sensors inside the battery casing
to adjust the ambient temperature parameter value in the model. All these aspects will be
considered in our future research.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.S. and S.W.; methodology, S.S. and A.S.; software, S.S.
and A.S.; validation, S.S.; formal analysis, S.S. and A.S.; investigation, S.S. and A.S.; resources, V.M.
and S.W.; data curation, V.M.; writing—original draft preparation, S.S. and A.S.; writing—review
and editing, A.S. and S.W.; visualization, S.S. and A.S.; supervision, S.W.; All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. No data/information from Robert
Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions Private Limited (RBEI) were used for this work.
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Controlled Energy Flow in Z-Source Inverters
Zbigniew Rymarski, Krzysztof Bernacki * and Łukasz Dyga
Abstract: This paper proposes a method to reduce the output voltage distortions in voltage source
inverters (VSI) working with impedance networks. The three main reasons for the voltage distortions
include a discontinuous current in the coils of the impedance network, the double output frequency
harmonics in the VSI’s voltage output caused by insufficient capacitance in the impedance network,
and voltage drops on the bridge switches during the shoot-through time. The first of these distortions
can be reduced by increasing the current of the impedance network when the output VSI current is
low. This method requires storing energy in the battery connected to the DC link of the VSI during the
“non-shoot through” time. Furthermore, this solution can also be used when the Z-source inverter
works with a photovoltaic cell to help it attain a maximum power point. The Z-source inverter
is essentially a voltage source inverter with the Z-source in the input. In this paper, the theory
behind basic impedance networks of Z-source and quasi-Z-source (qZ-source) is investigated where
simulations of the presented solutions and experimental verification of the results are also presented.
Keywords: impedance network; Z-source; quasi-Z-source; voltage source inverter; voltage distortions
high boost factor. The impedance network circuit based on three coupled inductors with
a delta (Δ) connection is presented in [12] and further developed in [13]. The networks
found in references [11] and [12] respectively were functional where an additional switch
was used without an inverter. A broad review of the impedance network topologies
is presented in [14,15], amongst other newly developed solutions based on impedance
networks [16–20]. Additionally, several methods of controlling impedance networks have
been considered which can be reviewed in [21,22]. However, the symmetric structure of a
Z-source with discontinuous input current due to a diode connected in series (Figure 1),
and an asymmetric quasi-Z-source (Figure 2) with maximum boost control is sufficient
to show the influence of an impedance network on VSI output voltage distortions and
proposed ways of reducing these distortions.
Figure 1. (a) Non-shoot-through state and (b) shoot-through state of the Z-source impedance network
with the VSI.
Further investigation of these improved network structures has shown that the power
efficiency of these systems including the decreased efficiency of the inverter is lower than
the efficiency of basic structures. Owing to this decreased efficiency the real boost factor
is also much lower than expected [23]. It is worth mentioning that significant differences
in recorded levels of radiated disturbances can be expected depending on the type of
impedance network structure used [24]. Unfortunately, additional losses in the switches
of the VSI during the shoot-through time are observed when switches are absent in the
impedance networks. Comparing the performance of a boost converter [23,25], it can be
shown that the VSI with an input synchronous boost converter can have a higher efficiency
than the same inverter with an impedance network.
Energies 2021, 14, 7272
Figure 2. (a) Non-shoot-through state and (b) shoot-through state of the qZ-source impedance
network with the VSI.
The basic structures of Z-source and qZ-source impedance networks are utilized today
in photovoltaic systems [26]. The main disadvantage of these impedance networks lies in
the discontinuous current mode (DCM) where the current in the inductors is equal to zero
for a time period during Ts where there is a low load of the VSI and a low dZ coefficient.
This is the main reason for the VSI output voltage distortions as shown in Figure 3a,b. By
calculating a sufficiently large inductance of the coils [23,27,28] and selecting an appropriate
magnetic material [29] for the lowest load while assuming the value of dZ , the current
in the coils should not decrease to zero. During operation, it cannot be guaranteed that
the load current will be nominal. Thus, the additional current taken from the impedance
network is a solution of DCM omitting for a low load current.
Another reason for output distortions is the insufficient capacity of Z-source capacitors.
Input current from a VSI bridge is like a “rectified” waveform that is filtered by the
LC input network and is approximately the first harmonic of the “rectified” current at
100 Hz. This means that 100 Hz distortion is present in the 50 Hz output waveform
as shown in Figure 3c. For the insufficient capacity, the output sinusoidal waveform is
left-skewed [23,27]. The third type of VSI output distortions are observed after crossing
zero output voltage caused by the additional voltage drops on the switched-on transistors
during the shoot-through time (see Figure 3a–c), thus causing oscillations after a change
of polarization in the PWM voltage. The impedance network influences the dynamic
properties of an entire ZSI [23,27,28] which introduces additional resonant frequencies and
the additional damping to the Bode plots of the ZSI. The main objective of this paper is
to demonstrate how charging the battery from a DC-link after the impedance network
during the non-shoot through times can reduce output distortions caused by the DCM
of the impedance network. However, charging a battery with too high a current can
lead to distortions of the output voltage after the voltage current is zero crossing and
oscillations as the result of the higher voltage drops on the switches during the shoot-
through time. Experimental results presented will show how charging the battery for a
Z-source decreases the output of total harmonic distortions (THD) even in the case when a
sophisticated feedback loop, for example, a passivity-based control (PBC), is used.
Energies 2021, 14, 7272
Figure 3. Inverter output voltage distortions, (a) Z-source in DCM using a VSI output filter capacitor
CF = 1 μF, (b) Z-source in DCM using a VSI output filter capacitor CF = 50 μF, (c) 100 Hz harmonic
distortions with a Z-source capacitor CZ = 100 μF.
Figure 3 presents the different types of output voltage distortions of the ZSI. In
Figure 3a,b, the DCM of the Z-source uses a low load current and ZSI output filter capaci-
tors of CF = 1 μF and 50 μF respectively. Figure 3c shows the distortions caused by a 100 Hz
current harmonic using a high load current and a Z-source capacitor of CZ = 100 μF.
Section 2 presents the basic structures of impedance networks and calculations of the
minimum ZSI output current IOUTrmsmin that ensure their continuous current mode (CCM).
In Section 3 the idea of the inverter with the impedance network charging the battery from
the DC link (during non-shoot-through time) to keep the impedance network in CCM
is presented. The simulations and results of the experimental verification are presented.
Section 4 contains the discussion of what kind of previously presented types of ZSI output
voltage distortions can be canceled by the controlled charging of the battery. Section 5
presents the final conclusions.
Energies 2021, 14, 7272
where η is the efficiency, VDC is the input voltage, M is the VSI modulation coefficient, and
kV ’ is the DC voltage boost factor of the impedance network without power losses [23,27,28].
It is assumed that the capacitance CZ in the Z-source and qZ-source networks are suf-
ficiently high. The average voltage on the capacitors of the Z-source and the CZ2 capacitor
of the qZ-source are identical to the average voltage VLZav on the inductors [23,27,28] given
in Equation (2) as follows:
1 − dZ
VLZ1av = VLZ2av = VLZ = V (2)
1 − 2d Z DC
The input power PIN and output power POUT of the VSI connected to the impedance
networks for a Z-source or qZ-source can be calculated using Equations (3)–(5):
And the average inductor current ILZav for the root mean square (rms) value of the
inverter output current IOUTrms is given Equation (7) as
1 M
ILZav = √ IOUTrms (7)
2 1 − 2d Z
The iLZ inductor current illustrated in Figure 4a comprises three components. These
components are the average current ILZav , the current iLZ2fm which is averaged in the Ts
switching period, and the triangle component iLZΔ of the inductor current. The current
iLZ2fm has the double fundamental frequency caused by the envelope of the input current
of the VSI bridge in the non-shoot-through time while the triangle component inductor
current iLZΔ is caused by storing energy in the coil during the shoot-through time and
recovering energy in the rest of the switching period (in CCM). A plot of the VSI input
current is displayed in Figure 4b.
The inductor current iLZ is defined in Equation (8) as
Figure 4 shows plots of a Z-source or qZ-source impedance network coil current and
an inverter input current including shoot-through current pulses for cases of maximum
and close to zero crossing of the inverter output voltage (in CCM).
This most important harmonic component 2 fm of the VSI bridge input current flows
through the LZ CZ circuit of the impedance network as shown in Equation (9). It is assumed
that all power losses are within the impedance network including the power losses on the
VSI switches during the shoot-through time.
4 √
i LZh2 f m ( abs(i LOAD (t))) = 2IOUTrms cos(4π f m t) (9)
3π 1 − (4π f m )2 L Z CZ
Energies 2021, 14, 7272
Figure 4. A Z-source or qZ-source impedance network (a) coil current and (b) the VSI input current
including shoot-through current pulses (that do not supply inverter) in the case of wide (for the
maximum of the output inverter voltage) and short (close to zero crossing of the output inverter
voltage) inverter PWM pulses in the CCM.
The triangle component iLZΔ of the inductor current iLZ in the CCM is calculated
approximately with the assumption that a sufficiently low capacitor voltage ripple ΔVCZ is
approximately equal to 0 and VCZmax is nearly equal to VCZav for the shoot-through time.
The triangle component iLZΔ can thus be expressed in Equation (10) as
VCZav VCZav 1 1− d Z
i LZΔ (t) ≈ L Z t, i LZΔmax = L Z Tst = L Z 1−2d Z VDC d Z Ts , i LZΔmax =
√ 1 1− d Z (10)
2 LZ η M VOUTrms d Z Ts
Energies 2021, 14, 7272
As shown in Figure 4a, the requirement for CCM is that iLZmin must be greater than 0.
This phenomenon is expressed in Equation (13) as
1 M 4 2 1
1 1 1 − dZ
[ − ] I −√ VOUTrms d Z Ts > 0 (13)
2 1 − 2d Z 3π 1 − (4π f m )2 L Z CZ OUTrms 2 L Z ηM
From Figure 5a, the absolute value of load impedance expressed in Equation (14)
should be lower in value (but always positive) than the value calculated in Equation (14)
for CCM for the assigned parameters: dZ , LZ , and CZ , M = 1 − dZ .
η ML Z M 1 8 1
| ZLOAD | < (√ − ) (14)
(1 − d Z )d Z Ts 2 1 − 2d Z 3π 1 − (4π f m ) L Z CZ
Figure 5. (a) Maximum load impedance, and (b) minimum output current, that keeps the impedance
network in the continuous current mode.
Energies 2021, 14, 7272
As shown in Figure 5b, the minimum output current for CCM is given Equation (15) as
1 1− d Z
ML Z 1−2d Z VDC d Z Ts
IOUTrms > √
8 2
1−2d Z − M3π 1−(4π f m )2 L Z CZ
1 1
The impedance network (Figure 5b) operates in the CCM for the ZSI load current
IOUTrms higher than the value calculated from Equation (15) for assigned LZ = 1 mH and
three parameters: VDC , dZ , and CZ . The modulation index M has the assigned maximum
possible value M = 1 − dZ .
In Figure 6, the continuous current mode is illustrated where the output voltage of the
ZSI is undistorted.
Figure 6. CCM waveforms of (a) the ILZ coil current, ZSI output voltage, and inverter PWM pulses,
and (b) the undistorted inverter output voltage.
Figure 7 presents the DCM where two cases can be distinguished. From this figure, the
distortions of the output voltage are small when the output voltage is below the maximum.
When the output voltage is closer to the maximum, the distortions are higher, and the
output voltage maximum is lower than expected. For the large VSI output capacitor the VSI
output and PWM envelope voltages are shifted when the large VSI output capacitor e.g.,
CF = 50 μF is used. As shown in Figure 7, the short PWM pulses are undistorted in DCM
Energies 2021, 14, 7272
while the wide pulses are distorted, and the output voltage is lower. The simulation of a
DCM operation using the Z-source is presented in Figure 8 for the third PWM modulation
schema [30]. The variables used to obtain the measured plots in Figure 8 are given as:
CF = 1 μF, dZ = 0.3, M = 0.65, RLOAD = 1000 Ω, 3rd modulation schema.
Figure 7. Measured DCM waveforms of the LZ coil current, ZSI output voltage, and the inverter’s
PWM wide and short pulses for CF = 1 μF and 50 μF inverter capacitors.
Figure 8. Simulated DCM waveforms for inverter CF = 1 μF, dZ = 0.3, M = 0.65, RLOAD = 1000 Ω, 3rd
modulation schema.
Energies 2021, 14, 7272
Figure 9 (if this difference is negative the charging battery current is equal to zero). The
actual difference of these currents IOUTrmsmin − IOUTrms is recalculated (if positive) to match
the required increase of the average ILZav current expressed in Equation (7). The battery can
be charged only during the non-shoot-through state. Energy from the battery is discharged
when VDC decreases below the assumed value of VDCmin , the Z-source is switched off and
the shoot-through pulses are blocked.
Figure 9. Proposed idea of the inverter with the impedance network charging the battery from
the DC link (during non-shoot-through time), and automatic switching to supplying directly from
the battery (the positions of switches are presented in the position of discharging the battery when
VDCmin − VDC > 0).
The idea of this system is presented in Figure 9 (for switches placed in the position
of discharging the battery). When the battery returns energy, the following happens: the
shoot-through pulses are stopped, and the 48 V battery is connected directly to the VSI.
This battery voltage should be higher than the amplitude of the output sinusoidal voltage
and the modulation index M of VSI is increased i.e., M2 is greater than M1 (Figure 9).
Figure 10a presents the simulated waveforms of the VDC changed 24/12/24 V (the bor-
der value is set to 15 V) with the described automatic action from Figure 9 but without con-
trolled charging the battery when Z-Source operates in the DCM. The following parameters
were used in this scenario: dZ = 0.3, M1 = 0.65, M2 = 0.75 and RLOAD = 1000 Ω. Figure 10b
presents that same operation but with controlled charging of the battery for keeping Z-
Source in the CCM. The current charging of the battery is calculated as
IBATT = f (IOUTrmsmin − IOUTrms ) using Equation (15), where f is a function of Equation
(7). The battery charging current IBATT calculated from Equations (7) and (15) should
be reduced because too high a value of the battery charging current leads to distortions
of the VSI output voltage time after the output voltage is zero-crossing (see Figure 11b).
These distortions are caused by the high voltage drops on the VSI switches during the
shoot-through time. The presented (Figure 10b) reduction of the output voltage THD from
4.6% to 3% without any feedback loop is quite promising.
Energies 2021, 14, 7272
Figure 10. The waveforms of the DC input and AC output voltages of the ZSI switched from a mode
of supplying the VSI from Z-source to the mode of supplying VSI from the battery in case of the low
input DC voltage, (a) without controlled charging battery for Z-source in the DCM for the low load,
and (b) with controlled charging battery for Z-source in CCM.
Energies 2021, 14, 7272
Figure 11. Inverter output voltage (a) without charging battery, (b) the battery charging current
directly equal to f (IOUTrmsmin − IOUTrms ), where f is a Equation (7), and (c) the battery charging with
the reduced value of current.
Figure 12. Cont.
Energies 2021, 14, 7272
Figure 12. (a) The inverter experimental set up and (b) inverter output voltage distortions com-
parison for an IPBC controller where RLOAD = 2000 Ω, RMS battery charging currents: IBATT = 0
(DCM of the Z-source), IBATT = 120 mA and IBATT = 200 mA (CCM of the Z-source), dZ = 0.3, and
dB = 1 − dZ —battery charging pulses coefficient.
The current source from Figure 9 was simply substituted with resistors. Charging
the battery allowed for a substantial reduction of output voltage THD from 2.63% to 0.9%.
for IBATT = 120 mA, but THD increased to 0.97% for IBATT = 200 mA. Further research will
be on the use of battery charging current not only to reduce the distortions of the output
voltage but also looking for a maximum power point (MPP) when the impedance network
is supplied from the photovoltaic cell. The battery charging current can be controlled by
the coefficient dB for the input current of the impedance network would be closer to MPP.
4. Discussion
The presented results of the simulation and measurements of the experimental ZSI
proved that charging the battery from the DC link between impedance network and VSI
in the non-shoot-through time can seriously decrease the ZSI output voltage distortions
keeping the impedance network in the CCM. The controlled energy flow solution is
particularly predicted for the case of wide variations of the input DC voltage and variations
of the load current. The output voltage distortions are decreased even when a strong
feedback loop of the VSI is present. The controlled charging of the battery can help in the
maximum power point tracking when the ZSI is supplied from the photovoltaic cell and
this is the perspective of the further studies. In [23], three types of VSI output voltage
distortions were distinguished. The controlled charging of the battery can cancel one of
them but setting too high a value of this current increases the other reason for distortions.
Charging the battery from the DC link of the ZSI during the non-shoot-through time was
not presented yet, however, another approach to the controlled power flow for qZSI with
charging the battery connected parallel to the CZ2 capacitor (Figure 2) was presented in [32].
5. Conclusions
In this paper, a technique has been proposed to reduce output voltage distortions in
voltage source inverters connected to impedance networks. The proposed method has
been validated using simulations and experimentally under different operating conditions.
It was discovered that by connecting a rechargeable battery to a DC link placed between
Energies 2021, 14, 7272
an impedance network and a VSI and employing proper control of the battery charging
current during the non-shoot through time, the output voltage distortions in a system with
or without feedback can be reduced when a continuous current mode of the impedance
network is forced. However, too high a current charging the battery may increase other
types of VSI output voltage distortions presented in Figure 11b caused by high voltage
drops on the VSI switches during the shoot-through time. Furthermore, the battery charg-
ing current can be controlled to increase the impedance network input current to enable
the system to reach the maximum power point when the DC source is a photovoltaic cell.
The results presented in this paper thus demonstrate that the proposed method is suitable
and can be applied in practice to real-time supply systems.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Z.R.; methodology, Z.R. and K.B.; software, Z.R.; valida-
tion, Z.R., K.B. and Ł.D.; formal analysis, Z.R. and K.B.; investigation, Z.R. and K.B.; resources, Z.R.
and K.B.; data curation, Z.R. and K.B.; writing—original draft preparation, Z.R.; writing—review
and editing, Z.R. and K.B.; visualization, Z.R.; supervision, Z.R.; project administration, Z.R. and
K.B.; funding acquisition, Z.R. and K.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This work was partly supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
funding for statutory activities.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or
in the decision to publish the results.
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A Comprehensive Review of Lithium-Ion Cell Temperature
Estimation Techniques Applicable to Health-Conscious Fast
Charging and Smart Battery Management Systems
Akash Samanta 1, * and Sheldon S. Williamson 2
Abstract: Highly nonlinear characteristics of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are significantly influenced
by the external and internal temperature of the LIB cell. Moreover, a cell temperature beyond the
manufacturer’s specified safe operating limit could lead to thermal runaway and even fire hazards
and safety concerns to operating personnel. Therefore, accurate information of cell internal and
surface temperature of LIB is highly crucial for effective thermal management and proper operation
of a battery management system (BMS). Accurate temperature information is also essential to BMS for
the accurate estimation of various important states of LIB, such as state of charge, state of health and so
on. High-capacity LIB packs, used in electric vehicles and grid-tied stationary energy storage system
essentially consist of thousands of individual LIB cells. Therefore, installing a physical sensor at each
Citation: Samanta, A.; Williamson,
cell, especially at the cell core, is not practically feasible from the solution cost, space and weight
S.S. A Comprehensive Review of
point of view. A solution is to develop a suitable estimation strategy which led scholars to propose
Lithium-Ion Cell Temperature
Estimation Techniques Applicable to
different temperature estimation schemes aiming to establish a balance among accuracy, adaptability,
Health-Conscious Fast Charging and modelling complexity and computational cost. This article presented an exhaustive review of these
Smart Battery Management Systems. estimation strategies covering recent developments, current issues, major challenges, and future
Energies 2021, 14, 5960. https:// research recommendations. The prime intention is to provide a detailed guideline to researchers and industries towards developing a highly accurate, intelligent, adaptive, easy-to-implement and
computationally efficient online temperature estimation strategy applicable to health-conscious fast
Academic Editors: Andrei Blinov, charging and smart onboard BMS.
Sheldon Williamson, Seung-Wan
Song and Mario Marchesoni Keywords: electric vehicles; machine learning; Kalman filter; thermal modelling; online prediction;
electromagnetic impedance spectroscopy; computational cost
Received: 5 July 2021
Accepted: 13 September 2021
Published: 20 September 2021
1. Introduction
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Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are widely used in electric vehicles (EVs), grid-tied sta-
published maps and institutional affil- tionary energy storage systems, and several other consumer electronics primarily due
iations. to their high voltage rating (>4 V/cell) and high energy density (~265 (W h) L−1 ) and
longer operational life. The use of LIBs in automotive and aerospace applications has led to
larger cell sizes and large battery packs for a higher driving range and the requirement for
more aggressive charging and discharging. However, thermal instability and temperature-
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
dependent nonlinear behavior is some of the common concerns behind the safe and reliable
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
operation of LIB systems. It is noticed that the operation of batteries outside the safe
This article is an open access article
operating temperature directly affects the performance of LIBs, such as cycle life, efficiency,
distributed under the terms and reliability and safety. Researchers investigating the thermal performance of LIB showed
conditions of the Creative Commons that the best operating temperature range is from 25 ◦ C to 40 ◦ C [1,2]. Richardson et al. [3]
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// demonstrated that the difference between the core and surface temperature could reach more than 10 ◦ C during real-life applications, especially during the high discharging condi-
4.0/). tion and fluctuating load current demand. The excessive temperature difference and the
accumulation of a large amount of heat inside the cell could lead to thermal runaway or
even explosions and fire [4]. That necessitates the employment of a battery management
system (BMS) for effective monitoring of battery parameters (current, voltage, temperature),
estimation of battery states (state of charge (SOC), state of health (SOH), remaining useful
life (RUL), state of temperature (SOT) [5]). Research studies demonstrated that SOC [6],
SOH [7], and remaining storage capacity [8] are a function of temperature; thus, the esti-
mation of the battery states also depends on the accurate estimation of cell temperature.
The Columbic efficiency of a cell is greatly affected by the cell temperature during the
charging and discharging period. Few other popular functionalities of BMS include cell
balancing [9] and fault detection/diagnosis [10] to ensure optimum capacity utilization,
operational safety, reliability, and longer battery life often requires temperature information
of an individual cell and battery pack as well. Therefore, accurate information of core and
surface temperature is highly crucial for effective thermal management and safety of a
LIB pack. Moreover, in cold climate areas, the battery capacity is drastically reduced due
to low-temperature operation that requires preheating the battery to a suitable range for
optimum performance [11,12]. It is also evidenced that for every 0.1 ◦ C beyond the safe
operating region the battery capacity degrades by about 5% [13]. It is evidenced that maxi-
mum heat is generated during the discharging period especially with fast discharging [14].
Therefore, accurate temperature estimation is essential for effective thermal management
and safety during fast charging and discharging and preheating of the cell to minimize
capacity fade.
In summary, it could be stated that the accurate information of cell temperature is
undoubtedly serving as the essential basis for the thermal management and safety of LIB.
While the surface temperature of each cell can be measured by installing a temperature
sensor on each cell, the core or internal temperature measurement directly using physical
sensors is challenging. Moreover, installing a temperature sensor on each cell surface is not
practically feasible from a system cost, space and weight point of view as any high-capacity
battery pack used in EVs and grid-tied systems essentially consists of thousands of individ-
ual cells. Researchers have also incorporated multi-dimensional sensing and self-healing
functions into a single battery cell to develop a smart battery [15–18]. Smart cells are typi-
cally capable of parameter measurements and estimation of cell states including the state
of temperature. Despite the modularized application of BMS in smart batteries, accurate
temperature estimation is still required, as otherwise installing sensors in each cell results
in high implementation cost and complexity. Therefore, researchers are struggling hard
to develop a high-fidelity, accurate, easy-to-implement, and computationally inexpensive
online temperature estimation strategy suitable for low-cost onboard BMS. Several tem-
perature estimation techniques have been proposed by researchers so far. Each different
type of method has its advantages and limitations with respect to the above-mentioned
features of an optimum BMS. Therefore, a summary of all the prominent techniques would
be very helpful to researchers and developers serving as a baseline for further research
and as a guideline for selecting appropriate techniques suitable for a specific requirement.
However, such a summary with detailed discussion on current progress and explanation of
the existing issues, challenges and future research scopes has not yet been presented in the
literature. Therefore, this article covered the research gap by conducting a comprehensive
review of the state-of-the-art temperature estimation strategies reported in the literature
so far.
The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, generic temperature estimation strat-
egy of LIB is presented. The classification of temperature estimation strategies is presented
in Section 3. Section 4 is dedicated to presenting the existing estimation techniques, their
evolutions, limitations and challenges. It should be noted that temperature estimation
strategies for LIBs reported in the literature between 2010 to 2021 are primarily consid-
ered. However, few prominent research articles published between 1990 to 2010 are also
considered for understanding the fundamentals and evolution of temperature estimation
schemes. Commonly used search platforms, such as “Google Scholar”, “Science Direct”,
Energies 2021, 14, 5960
and IEEE Xplore, were used to find research articles published within this tenure. The
search criteria were “Temperature Estimation of Lithium-ion Batteries”. Section 5 discusses
the current issues, challenges and future research recommendations. Finally, Section 6 is
dedicated to a summary of the major findings and concluding remarks.
Figure 1. Schematic layout of a generic temperature estimation strategy for a LIB cell.
Energies 2021, 14, 5960
between the concentrated and heterogeneous models. The heat transfer models can be
classified into finite element analysis (FEA)-based models [27,33–36], heat capacitor-resistor
models (lumped or distributed parameter) [28,37–40], and data-driven techniques. Heat
capacitor–resistor-based models use the analogy between electrical and thermal systems.
A heat capacitor–resistor can be further classified as mentioned in Figure 2. Lumped
parameter models are simple and useful for online applications, however, only one or two
average temperatures can be predicted with these models whilst the battery temperature
distribution is not spatially uniform, especially in larger capacity cylindrical LIB cells. On
the other hand, complex distributed models [41,42] can describe the detailed temperature
distribution in a cell, however, they are not suitable for online application due to their
computational complexity. Several other detailed models of LIB accounting for the thermal
characteristics of different layers are studied in [43–48]. A two-state/node model provides
information on core and surface temperature whereas a one-state/node model can provide
only core temperature.
Figure 2. Family of (A) Heat generation model, (B) Heat transfer model, (C) Temperature estimation strategy.
The heat transfer model where the total heat generation is one of the input parameters
is collectively called the battery thermal model where the total heat generation is estimated
by the battery heat generation model. The thermal modelling of LIB is a separate area
of study and is not under the scope of this study. It deals only with the temperature
estimation strategies. However, as most of the temperature estimation strategies are
extensively depending on thermal modelling, an overview of each modelling technique is
Energies 2021, 14, 5960
also discussed with the respective temperature estimation strategy for better understanding.
Researchers employed different types of heat generation models with different kinds of
heat transfer models to come up with a temperature estimation scheme. Therefore, it is
challenging to classify these estimation strategies. Broadly, the temperature estimation
schemes can be grouped into electrochemical thermal modelling-based, equivalent electric
circuit model (EECM)-based, machine learning (ML)-based, numerical-model based, direct
impedance measurement-based, magnetic nanoparticles-based schemes. The families of
the LIB heat generation model, heat transfer model and temperature estimation strategy
are illustrated in Figure 2.
Energies 2021, 14, 5960
Al Hallaj et al. [53] showed that a simplified transient one-dimensional thermal model
with lumped parameters is sufficient for cell design purposes, especially to simulate the
thermal behavior of scaled-up LIBs. Detailed knowledge of the role of different cell com-
ponents, such as electrodes, electrolytes and separators in heat generation is also not
necessary. Few researchers used this type of complex electrochemical model to explore
pulse power limitations to prevent thermal runaway and to design thermal management
systems [62,63]. Those are mostly used for designing LIB cells as well as LIB packs. A
lumped electrochemical-thermal-coupled model was used to predict the thermal perfor-
mance of LIB alongside the performance of individual electrodes at various operating
temperatures by Fang et al. [64]. The model was validated against the experimental data
for constant current and pulsing conditions characteristic of hybrid electric vehicle (HEV)
which are merely providing the laboratory experimental results instead of a real-work
application scenario. The impact of charging current on internal temperature behavior
was investigated in [65]. Gerver et al. [66] included more detailed information and cell
characteristics to develop a multi-dimensional electrochemical thermal model of LIB to
analyze the thermal performance and heat generation more accurately. Despite estimation
accuracy, the modelling complexity and computational burden limit its application in
embedded BMS.
Due to a lack of clear understanding of the electrochemical processes inside the LIB
and their corresponding mathematical equations alongside to reduce the computational ex-
penses, often all heat generation sources were not modelled/considered. These unmodeled
heat generation behaviors lead to significant errors in temperature estimation. Regarding
this, Zhang et al. [67] developed a two-state thermal model utilizing discretization and
inverse model techniques which do not require prior knowledge of thermal boundary
conditions. Moreover, the model is capable of estimating the total heat generation of a
battery cell, thus, thermal modelling of each heat source is not required and abnormal
heat generation can also be detected from the estimation results. The effectiveness and
robustness of the model were tested for varying thermal boundary conditions and fast
charging conditions. While the strategy is designed for self-heating pouch cells, a sim-
ilar approach could also be adapted for other types of LIBs. Thus, further research is
recommended here. A high-fidelity electrochemical model and onboard measurements
such as terminal voltage and current were used by Wang et al. [68] to estimate the cell
temperature at a wide range of C-rates during the charging/discharging period. They
have also used a dual ensemble Kalman filter (DEKF) which incorporates enhanced single-
particle dynamics to relate terminal voltage to battery temperature and Li+ concentration.
Besides, modelling complexity and high computational cost, the accurate determination
of lithium (Li+) concentration is challenging. Therefore, the application of the model in
real-life online prediction is questionable. The spatial distribution of internal temperature
in LIB was estimated using a pseudo-2D electrochemical model and soft-constrained dual
unscented Kalman filter (DUKF) by Marelli and Corno [69]. It is mainly developed to
estimate the Li+ concentration and modelling complexity and computational expenses
are very high. However, the approach could be extended for temperature estimation.
Smith et al. [62] developed a one-dimensional electrochemical, lumped thermal model to
explore pulse power limitations and thermal behavior of a LIB pack. The electrochemical
thermal modelling-based temperature estimation strategies proposed by different authors
are summarized in Table 1 for a quick reference to the readers. In general, the major
limitations of any electrochemical model-based strategies are the modelling complexity
and high computational cost making these models unsuitable for online prediction and
application at low-cost onboard BMS.
Energies 2021, 14, 5960
Energies 2021, 14, 5960
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Thermal model of a LIB cell (a) First-order model, (b) Second-order model.
Q = I (V − VOCV ) + ITc (2)
where Vocv represents the open-circuit voltage of the battery cell and the term dV ocv
dTc is the
entropy coefficient. Finally, Tc and Ts are estimated using the mathematical form of the thermal
models shown in Figure 3. Mathematical equations for temperature estimation using the first-
order and second-order thermal model are represented by Equations (3) and (4), respectively.
Energies 2021, 14, 5960
model as shown in Figure 3a. The mathematical representation of the first-order thermal
model as used by Forgeze et al. reads
Tin = Ts 1 + in − Tamb in (3)
Rout Rout
The strategy developed by Forgez et al. lacks quantitative analysis of the influence
of heat generation. The operating current is much higher compared to the very low
current value used in EIS. Therefore, model parameters determined using EIS are not
appropriate for capturing the thermal dynamics accurately. Moreover, they have considered
uniform internal temperature, however, more than 10 ◦ C temperature difference among
different internal points of a cell has been reported in the same study. This strategy
requires surface temperature measurement by installing a temperature sensor at each cell,
thus scaling-up is impractical. Maleki and Shamsuri [73] developed a thermal model of
notebook computer LIB-pack to understand the thermal response under various operating
conditions aiming to reduce the battery pack designing cost and time. They revealed that
the temperature rise during charging is dominated by heat dissipation from the control
power electronics while during discharging it is dominated by the heat generated inside
the LIB cell. These relevant observations must be considered while designing an effective
thermal management system of LIB pack, especially for health-conscious fast charging.
Surya et al. [13] developed a second-order thermal model for core and surface temperature
estimation scheme using KF. Here, the least square (LS) algorithm was employed to identify
the battery thermal parameters. Despite the simplicity and good accuracy, environmental
uncertainties were not considered during modelling. Moreover, they presented the results
based on simulation study alongside very simple and low-current discharge profile was
used for model validation, thus, the accuracy in the real-world applications needs further
investigation. Previously, models were validated using a simple charging/discharging
current profile. However, the load profile in real-life applications much deviates from
those simple loading profiles. Therefore, a second-order thermal model and ECM-based
two-state thermal model of cylindrical LIB cell were validated with two basic drive-cycle
tests, covering an SOC range 25–100%, temperature 5–38 ◦ C, and maximum C-rate of 22 by
Lin et al. [74]. The influence of the constantly varying temperature and SOC on the EECM
parameters and consequential effect on battery thermal performance was investigated
by Lin et al. [74]. The model demonstrated good prediction accuracy and robustness.
However, testing using standard internationally referred drive-cycles was not conducted.
Thus, accuracy and robustness in practical scenarios need further investigation. EECM
parameters are influenced by cell ageing, thus, Li and Yang [75] considered the influences
of ageing and heat transfer conditions on thermophysical model parameters. Li and
Yang identified the parameters of the extended lumped parameter model online where a
forgetting factor recursive least squares (FFRLS) algorithm was employed.
Further to this research, the uncertainties in practical operation were considered by
Lin et al. [45,76] alongside the impact of cell ageing during online parameter identification.
As an up-gradation, the commonly deployed LS algorithm was augmented with non-
uniform forgetting factors to track the time-varying internal parameters making the model
adaptive to cell ageing and other uncertainties. In [77], only two lumped models were
used to approximate the core and surface temperatures, respectively, which may not be
suitable for a large capacity LIB pack due to strong spatiotemporal thermal distribution.
While the influence of overpotential entropy changes on battery heat generation was
considered, core temperatures estimation of only a single cell was considered. Sun et al. [78]
developed a second-order lumped parameter thermal model with the KF technique for
core temperature estimation only (single-state). They used an ECM-based heat generation
model to mathematically model the accumulation of the total heat generation at the cell
core. As an improvement of previous studies, this study considered the influence of
entropy changes and overpotential on cell thermal behavior and was quantitively analyzed
to develop an online internal temperature estimation strategy. This strategy utilized surface
Energies 2021, 14, 5960
and ambient temperature for core temperature estimation during charge and discharge
cycles where the KF was used for adaptive estimation by the process of state and time
update in real-time. The impact of unmeasurable modelling error, the initialization error
and the possible time-varying external thermal resistance on the temperature estimation
accuracy were considered by Dai et al. [79]. In that paper, a second-order lumped parameter
thermal model, as shown in Figure 3b, was developed for adaptive core temperature
estimation based on the KF. Further, joint Kalman filtering (JKF) was used to simultaneously
estimate both core temperature and time-varying external thermal resistance online. The
mathematical equation employed by Dai et al. for core temperature estimation can be
represented as Equation (4):
1 + RRout
+ Cs Rin s
Tin (s) = Q(s) (4)
Cs Cc s2 + Cs + Cc + RRinout
s + R1out
where s is the Laplace operator. Other parameters are the same as mentioned in Figure 3.
The LS algorithm based on the experimental data was also used to determine the
lumped parameters of the thermal model. Dai et al. enhanced the modelling accuracy by
constructing a separate thermal model for core and battery shell alongside considering
the external heat exchange coefficient as time-varying. The authors simply stated that
the proposed method computes efficiently, however, no information about computation
time, hardware requirement was presented. Several assumptions were also made during
modelling, leading to inaccurate estimation in real-life applications.
A trade-off between the detailed and lumped parameter thermal modelling ap-
proaches was considered by Doughty et al. [80] and Park et al. [71]. They developed
a two-state thermal model that predicts the surface and core temperature of LIB. The novel
intention was to provide more information compared to the lumped model while reducing
the computational cost. Few researchers also termed the lumped parameter model as
a reduced-order model (ROM). Whilst the primary intention is same, that is, to reduce
the complex thermal problem into a simplified heat transfer problem characterized by a
reduced set of thermal parameters. A combination of lumped parameter two-state thermal
model with 2RC (second-order) ECM along with a joint Kalman filter (JKF)-based core and
surface temperature estimation strategy was proposed by Chen et al. [72]. The simulation
and experimental test were conducted to verify the adaptiveness of the model to constantly
varying temperature and SOC and, finally, the prediction accuracy was also assessed. It
was also demonstrated that the proposed model has higher prediction accuracy compared
to previously discussed EECMs. It was also demonstrated that the model is highly robust
against automatic correction for surface thermal resistance.
To provide more detailed information on the temperature distribution in cylindrical
LIB, Xie et al. [81] developed a one-dimensional (radial) lumped parameter thermal model
with a dual Kalman filter (DKF). As an improvement, this model is capable to provide
temperature information at three different points of the battery, compared to only core
and surface temperature. Thus, the researchers termed this modelling as a three-node
thermal model. In this study, the anisotropy of thermal conductivity was also considered in
identifying internal resistance and SOC during the temperature estimation to enhance the
prediction accuracy and robustness. The impact of different charging/discharging current
conditions was not considered. Moreover, 1-RC ECM-based heat generation model is
considered, thus presumably, the accuracy can be further improved with the application of
the 2-RC ECM-based heat generation model. Online parameter estimation using a particle-
swarm algorithm with pulse discharge experiments under different ambient temperatures
was employed by Pan et al. [19]. A combination of 2RC ECM and a multi-node heat
transfer model based on the battery geometry was employed in the study to obtain a more
detailed temperature gradient inside the large prismatic LIB. The research showed that the
hybrid model could provide similar results to the finite element method (FEM), however,
the computational burden was reduced by around 90%. They also revealed that the cell
Energies 2021, 14, 5960
geometry has a strong influence on the cell temperature profile. Despite good accuracy, the
effect of cell ageing and the effort of developing pack-level thermal modelling were not
considered in this study.
The impact of heat dissipation through radiation from the surface of the cell was
introduced in the thermal modelling of LIB by Sun et al. [82]. A lumped thermal model
considering the radiation effect was then used for core temperature estimation with the
help of an Extended Unscented Kalman Filter (EUKF). The sensor bias was augmented as
an extended state to enhance the prediction accuracy and model robustness. While the
load profile of residential energy storage was tested, the suitability in commercial vehicle
applications was not tested. Further, model parameters were assumed to be constant
irrespective of environmental uncertainties which may be in conflict with the facts when
the operating conditions will vary significantly. Zhu et al. [83] developed a lumped two-
state thermal-electrical model for estimating both the surface and the core temperatures
where the thermal impact of the adjacent cell was also considered during modelling.
Further, an extended state observer (ESO) with the feedback of the surface temperature was
employed to address the model uncertainties and time-variant parameters in the estimation
model. This approach is specifically designed for rapid self-heating of self-heating batteries.
The concept of model-based virtual thermal sensors (VTS) was introduced by Xiao Y. [84]
that combines the tuned thermal model with a KF observer along with an online parameter-
identification algorithm for surface and core temperature estimation utilizing a single
temperature sensor input. While the strategy is adaptive to environmental uncertainties,
it still requires a sensor for feedback; thus, the strategy cannot be termed as completely
sensorless. Despite that it minimizes the sensor requirement and enhances the model
adaptability, the concept is similar to other lumped parameter EECM-based methods.
The effect of fast-discharge on core temperature of LIB was demonstrated by Surya and
Mn [14] where a combination of 1-RC ECM, single-state thermal model and KF was used
for core temperate estimation. They used a recursive least square (RLS) algorithm to
identify model thermal parameters. However, further research is recommended to develop
health-conscious BMS suitable for fast charging/discharging.
Energies 2021, 14, 5960
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Table 3. Cont.
Energies 2021, 14, 5960
Energies 2021, 14, 5960
perature estimation. A combination of Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) thermal model and
a polytopic observer-based battery-cell temperature estimation algorithm was proposed
by Debert et al. [102]. The EIS-based strategy was also employed in references [3,103–106]
to estimate the core temperature. Despite high accuracy, the major limitation is the de-
termination of accurate impedance-temperature characteristics and it should be acquired
in advance through tedious preliminary tests. In addition, the impedance-temperature
characteristic of a cell is influenced by cell ageing leading to inaccurate prediction due
to SOH deterioration. A summary of direct impedance measurement-based temperature
estimation strategies is presented in Table 4.
Energies 2021, 14, 5960
not tested. Moreover, the computational efficiency and the suitability for online application
are questionable. The back of the ETNN is the electrochemical model thus encompassing
drawbacks similar to electrochemical models. In general, while ML-based schemes are
computationally efficient, collecting training data and model training procedures are highly
complex and time expensive. Moreover, real-life battery test data were not considered
during ML-based model training in the existing literature; therefore, the accuracy of the
existing ML-based strategies is still questionable. A summary of ML-based techniques
reported by researchers is presented in Table 5.
Energies 2021, 14, 5960
Table 5. Cont.
Energies 2021, 14, 5960
Energies 2021, 14, 5960
Table 6. Cont.
• These strategies use FEA and FVA. FEA and FVA based • Significant research and development are
temperature estimation strategies are considered the most required to improve computational cost
accurate and most computationally expensive to make this suitable for online
Numerical Model-based
• Due to iterative complex mathematical calculation, its prediction.As it is most accurate, it could
computational cost is very high, thus not suitable for be used for other model validation and
online prediction accurate data collection
6. Conclusions
This article presented a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art temperature
estimation strategies for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) covering the necessity of an optimum
estimation strategy, detailed discussion on the existing strategies, current issues, challenges
and future research recommendations. It can be inferred that an accurate temperature
estimation of LIBs is indispensable for effective thermal management, operational safety
and several other crucial tasks of a Battery Management System (BMS). Measurement of
each cell temperature using physical sensors is not practically possible, especially for a
high-capacity battery pack consisting of thousands of individual cells. To develop an ideal
temperature estimation scheme, one needs to concentrate on several factors, such as high
accuracy, adaptability, small size, real-time estimation, distribution (to monitor the tem-
perature gradient of the entire cell), low cost, and easily implementable for wide adoption.
Typically, a temperature estimation scheme consists of a heat generation model and a heat
transfer model. Depending on the modelling and computation strategies temperature esti-
mation schemes can be grouped into six categories, namely, electrochemical model-based,
equivalent electric circuit model (EECM)-based, machine learning (ML)-based, numerical
analysis-based, direct impedance measurement-based, and magnetic nanoparticle-based.
So far, numerical analysis-based schemes are most accurate followed by electro-chemical
model-based schemes. However, both strategies have very high computational cost making
them inappropriate for online prediction by a low-cost onboard BMS. Moreover, mod-
elling complexity and experimental requirements are very high alongside the necessity of
domain-specific knowledge. EECM-based schemes can be designed with different levels of
complexity, accuracy level and computational cost. Simplified lower-order EECM-based
schemes are extensively used in the literature and practice. Machine learning (ML)-based
schemes are very promising due to their higher level of accuracy, ease of implementation
and adaptability. In addition, reduced or even no requirement of equivalent modelling and
domain experts. However, to obtain the feature vectors, very large volume and high-quality
data are required which are typically very challenging to acquire. Here, a hybrid strategy
combining an EECM and an ML is presumably a suitable solution. Direct impedance
measurement and magnetic nanoparticle-based schemes are very newly developed. It is
too early to assess their capability and suitability for online prediction and implementation
in onboard BMS. Therefore, systematic guidelines about open research areas and future
Energies 2021, 14, 5960
research directions are highlighted in this study. It is also noticed that the majority of the
research studies proposed temperature estimation schemes of a single LIB cell whereas
temperature estimation of a LIB pack is much more challenging. Thus, significant further
research is recommended here a well.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.S.W.; methodology, A.S. and S.S.W.; investigation, A.S.;
resources, S.S.W.; writing—original draft preparation, A.S.; writing—review and editing, A.S. and
S.S.W.; visualization, A.S.; supervision, S.S.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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All-SiC ANPC Submodule for an Advanced 1.5 kV EV
Charging System under Various Modulation Methods
Rafał Kopacz, Michał Harasimczuk, Bartosz Lasek, Rafał Miśkiewicz and Jacek Rabkowski
˛ *
Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics, Warsaw University of Technology, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland; (R.K.); (M.H.); (B.L.); (R.M.)
* Correspondence:
Abstract: This work is focused on the design and experimental validation of the all-SiC active
neutral-point clamped (ANPC) submodule for an advanced electric vehicle (EV) charging station.
The topology of the station is based on a three-wire bipolar DC bus (±750 V) connecting an ac
grid converter, isolated DC-DC converters, and a non-isolated DC-DC converter with a battery
energy storage. Thus, in all types of power converters, the same three-level submodule may be
applied. In this paper, a submodule rated at 1/3 of the nominal power of the grid converter (20 kVA)
is discussed. In particular, four different modulation strategies for the 1.5 kV ANPC submodule,
exclusively employing fast silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFETs, are considered, and their impact on
the submodule performance is analyzed. Moreover, the simulation study is included. Finally, the
laboratory prototype is described and experimentally verified at a switching frequency of 64 kHz.
Citation: Kopacz, R.; Harasimczuk, It is shown that the system can operate with all of the modulations, while techniques PWM2 and
M.; Lasek, B.; Miśkiewicz, R.; PWM3 emerge as the most efficient, and alternating between them, depending on the load, should
˛ J. All-SiC ANPC be considered to maximize the efficiency. Furthermore, the results showcase that the impact of the
Submodule for an Advanced 1.5 kV different PWM techniques on switching oscillations, including overvoltages, can be nearly fully
EV Charging System under Various omitted for a parasitic inductance optimized circuit, and the choice of modulation should be based
Modulation Methods. Energies 2021, on power loss and/or other factors.
14, 5580.
en14175580 Keywords: ANPC converter; EV charging; multilevel converter; PWM methods; SiC MOSFETs
Energies 2021, 14, 5580
cation, there are modulation techniques that can target various factors, such as efficiency
or power density, ensuring equal loss distribution, or, finally lowering line filter require-
ments [10,23–25]. Furthermore, according to the literature, the impact of commutation path
lengths is a crucial matter, determining the proper PWM method for a specific application
as well. This is especially relevant when systems with SiC power devices are considered,
as wide-band-gap semiconductors are capable of high-speed switching, and thus are more
prone to ringing and overvoltages compared to its Si counterparts.
However, in this paper, except for validating the constructed low-volume prototype
of the all-SiC ANPC single leg rated at 1500 V DC and 6.67 kVA power (1/3 of three-phase
20 kVA system), it is shown that when enough care and focus is put into the design process
of the converter and thus the commutation path lengths are vastly minimized, the variances
between different modulation techniques in this regard are not as apparent and the choice
may be limited to other factors, namely in this case, efficiency. The conclusions are based on
a parasitic inductance optimized ANPC leg that can be used as a submodule to construct
full power electronic systems, e.g., three-phase bidirectional AC/DC converters as shown
in Figure 1.
Furthermore, in this paper, the PWM techniques are compared based on efficiency
and switching performance, strictly for an all-SiC system. In contrast, other researchers
have focused on a comparison between different Si/SiC configurations with strictly bound
modulation techniques, where each configuration was tested with its specific PWM method.
Finally, the conclusion is drawn that while all modulation techniques are viable, two emerge
as the most competent, one for lower power ratings and another for higher power ratings.
Thus, the assumption is made that to operate optimally, the modulation technique should be
changed according to the load. Moreover, while systems comprised of ANPC submodules
have been shown in the past, they are connected with other power semiconductor device
types, such as IGBTs [26,27] or IGCT [28]. There are no publications regarding SiC MOSFET-
based systems rated at MV level, whereas for such an application, the impact of parasitic
inductances due to high dv/dt rates and a high switching speed is much more severe, and
thus also more critical during the design process [29].
The paper is organized as follows. After the introduction, in Section 2, the basic
principles of the ANPC topology are explained together with the considered PWM methods
and their operation principles. Then, the simulation study is shown in Section 3, and, in
Section 4, the experimental model of the SiC-based submodule is presented along with
the results showcasing the experimental validation and further the discussion. Finally, the
paper is concluded with a summary in Section 5.
Energies 2021, 14, 5580
In the ANPC converter, when the output voltage is positive, the inverter is switching
between positive +V DC voltage and zero voltage; and when the output voltage is negative,
the inverter is switching between negative −V DC and zero voltage. Control of the converter
when the voltage is positive and negative is analogous. Therefore, in this article, the
different control methods are only described when the voltage is positive. P and N states
can be obtained only by turning on transistors S1 and S2 in P state, and S3 and S4 in N state.
During P state, transistor S6 can be turned on. Similarly, during N state, transistor S5 can
be on as well. This ensures constant vDS voltages equal to V DC on transistors S3 and S4
during P state, and on S1 and S2 during N state. Simultaneously, in the ANPC topology,
there are different approaches to obtain zero state. Four modulation strategies of the ANPC
and one of the NPC converters are depicted in Table 1 and Figure 3. In this paper, there
are four different modulations described (PWM1–PWM4). These PWM techniques differ
from each other in regard to the zero state, in which the current flows through different
conduction paths marked in Figure 4 by 2 and 3.
Energies 2021, 14, 5580
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3. Different modulation strategies for the ANPC converters (a) PWM 1, (b) PWM 2, (c) PWM
3, (d) PWM 4.
Figure 4. ANPC converter with depicted stray inductances and highlighted conduction paths.
In method PWM1 [34], during zero state transistors, S2 and S5 are on, and the current
flows through conduction path two (marked in blue in Figure 4). In this control method,
during transition P–0 a high value of di/dt in Lσ1 , Lσ5 , Lσ7 causes voltage spikes on the
switching transistors. In technique PWM2 [35], during zero state, the current flows via
transistors S3 and S6 , and in this case during the transition there is a high value of di/dt
in stray inductances Lσ1 –Lσ3 , and Lσ5 –Lσ7 . When we compare the transition in PWM2 to
Energies 2021, 14, 5580
the one in PWM1, the equivalent stray inductance is higher, and thus, di/dt is higher as
well, which leads to a higher value of voltage spikes. In method PWM3 [23,36], during
zero state, transistors S2 , S3 , S5 , and S6 are on, and current flows through conduction paths
two and three; equivalent resistances of both conduction paths are lower, which leads to
immensely lower conduction losses. PWM4 [22] is similar to PWM1. In both cases, after
the transition from P to 0, the current flows through conduction path two. However, in
PWM4 instead of transistor S6, transistor S4 is turned on, and thus, even if the modulation
pattern differs, the outcome is highly similar.
Generally, the described modulation strategies can be applied using SiC MOSFETs
and/or IGBTs in one inverter leg. For hybrid topologies mentioned in Section 1, MOSFETs
should be controlled with high frequency, while IGBTs should be switched with fundamen-
tal frequency to maximize the system performance. As mentioned before, SiC MOSFETs
are more expensive than IGBTs, and thus using different transistors in one module leads to
a reduced cost of the converter. However, as SiC MOSFETs become less and less expensive,
and the system exhibits better performance with all-SiC configuration. A system with
six SiC MOSFETs per leg is thus justified and interesting for further studies, especially
including the impact of various modulation techniques.
3. Simulation Study
The system in which the ANPC leg submodule was tested with the different PWM
techniques in this paper has been chosen as an open-loop single-phase inverter with a
resistive load, as it can mimic the converter’s behavior for a power factor near one quite
satisfactorily while keeping the circuitry simple. Thus, both simulation and experimental
tests were conducted in such a setup, according to system parameters shown in Table 2.
Parameter Description
DC voltage 1500 V
AC voltage 230 V RMS/50 Hz
Rated power 6.67 kVA (1/3 of 20 kVA)
Operating frequency 64 kHz
Filter inductor 220 μH
Filter capacitor 4.7 μF
DC capacitors 2 × 610 μF
Energies 2021, 14, 5580
loss reached just 114 W, while other PWM methods (PWM1, PWM2, and PWM4) settled
close to each other at roughly 137 W.
3:0 3:0 3:0 3:0
Figure 5. Power loss distribution among the converter components.
When we consider the power loss distribution among the converter components,
the situation differs quite notably for the semiconductor power devices, as shown in
Table 3, whereas the inductor exhibits nearly identical power loss for all the modulation
techniques. At first, PWM1 shows medium total power losses, in which MOSFETs S1 and
S4 are characterized by the highest value of roughly 30 W each, while pair S2 and S3 show
17.3 W, and the last pair S5 and S6 just 11.9 W per device. The second modulation method,
PWM2, is similar in terms of total power loss. However, it is also characterized by a highly
imbalanced distribution—transistors S2 and S3 are the sources of over a 70% semiconductor
power loss with 42.5 W, while pairs S1 , S4 , and S5 , S6 emit 6.4 and 10.8 W, respectively.
PWM3 exhibits top performance in terms of power loss, with nearly the most imbalanced
distribution, as over 60% of the power loss with 30.3 W is dissipated on pair S1 , S4 , while
pairs S2 , S3 , and S5 , S6 are the source of 11.8 and 5.6 W, respectively. However, it is worth
noting that the source of this higher imbalance compared with PWM1 and PWM4 is lower
power loss for the other MOSFET pairs, and not the increase in the S1 , S4 pair. Finally,
results for method PWM4 are very similar to PWM1 in terms of the loss distribution at 30.3,
16.4, and 11.7 W for transistor pairs S1 , S4 ; S2 , S3 ; and S5 , S6 , respectively. In terms of the
conducting paths and thus power losses, these methods are akin to each other.
4. Experimental Study
4.1. The ANPC Submodule Prototype
In order to validate the system experimentally, the next step was to design and con-
struct the ANPC leg prototype. Since the system was to operate with a ±750 V DC bus, at
least 1200 V rated transistors were needed in the multilevel structure. Based on preliminary
calculations from the simulation study and analytical calculations, NTH4L040N120SC1 SiC
Energies 2021, 14, 5580
MOSFETs were chosen from a group of on the shelf, state-of-the-art power devices as all
of the switches, since these are characterized by satisfactory on-state resistance of 40 mΩ
and external Kelvin source connection. Therefore, they lead to minimized conduction and
switching losses and provide the possibility to switch the transistor in a fast and a robust
manner. Furthermore, as mentioned before, it was crucial to minimize the conduction loop
lengths in order to lower the effect of parasitic inductances that could lead to excessive
ringing, and cause overvoltages and increased power loss, which could result in working
outside the safe operating area of the power device and potentially even breakage. This was
achieved through the employment of a 4-layer power board structure along with a highly
compacted layout of the SiC MOSFETs, as well as additional 82 nF fast bypass capacitors,
put between +/0 and 0/− potentials as close to the power devices as possible. Since the
plan was to test several PWM methods, none of the conduction paths were favored, and
all were of similar length. However, such placement of the transistors leads to a situation
where the whole semiconductor power loss has to be dissipated in the near vicinity of the
center of the heatsink, thus leading to a less balanced heat distribution; in summary, more
capable power loss dissipation measures had to be used. Therefore, as the submodule was
to operate with a power of near 6.7 kW in a low-volume system, heatsink Fischer LAM 6
with a highly efficient 48 V fan was employed in the prototype shown in Figure 6.
Moreover, the prototype consists of self-made gate drivers based on the UCC21750
chip from Texas Instruments, providing satisfactory switching performance as well as
fault protection measures. Finally, the component count of the experimental model of
the submodule concludes with two main DC capacitors rated at 800 V and 60 μF. The
constructed ANPC leg prototype is shown in Figure 6.
Energies 2021, 14, 5580
V'& v'6
'& L i$&
3RZHU 9 $
C 9 R v$&
C/ S
I,1 I287
Figure 7. Experimental setup for the ANPC single-phase inverter system with a resistive load—(a) scheme,
(b) photo.
Energies 2021, 14, 5580
Figure 8. Experimental results from a test at 1500 V DC and 6.5 kW power (m = 0.45, vAC = 230 V)
with a line frequency-focused view. From the top: ANPC leg output voltage v0 , DC-link voltages
V DC1 and V DC2 , load AC voltage vAC , and current iAC .
Figure 9. Cont.
Energies 2021, 14, 5580
Figure 9. Exemplary experimental waveforms showcasing drain–source transistors for positive load
current (iAC > 0) for the modulation technique with highest overvoltages (PWM2)—(a) turn-on,
(b) turn-off.
Figure 10. Exemplary experimental waveforms showcasing drain–source transistors for negative
load current (iAC < 0) for the modulation technique with highest overvoltages (PWM2)—(a) turn-on,
(b) turn-off.
Peak overvoltage values for all the studied modulation techniques are showcased in
Table 4. In the previously shown figures, only switching near the peak value of the line
current was considered, whereas the data shown in Table 4 consist of the highest value
throughout the entire 50 Hz period. Thus, this data are the basis for considerations for all
the switches. Based on this data, we can observe that the peak overvoltage value difference
between the PWM methods reached maximally 8% of the nominal drain–source voltage of
750 V for PWM2, while the variances between PWM1, PWM3, and PWM4 were as low as
4% of the nominal voltage. The difference between PWM1 and PWM4 is the most visible
when transistor voltages are compared. For PWM1, transistors S1 and S4 (depending on
the line current sign) are not bound to any constant potential, but rather float depending on
the current ANPC leg state. This is not an issue for PWM4, as transistors S5 and S6 connect
the floating potential to the zero voltage, and thus peak transistor voltage overshoots are
Energies 2021, 14, 5580
lower. The significant difference between PWM2 and other techniques is caused by this
method’s relatively lengthy conduction loop, as mentioned in Section 2. Nevertheless,
the variance is still on a minimal level. Therefore, when a similar power rating as in the
presented system is considered, it is safe to assume that for a well-optimized system, in
terms of conduction path length, the effect of chosen PWM technique on the transistor
overvoltage is somewhat limited and should not be as important as other factors, such
as power loss and its distribution or filter requirements, or even omitted at all. However,
this effect is enlarged when the current is higher. Thus, such an approach should not be
applicable in very high power systems.
Table 4. Results for the different modulation patterns at nominal ratings of the ANPC leg.
Energies 2021, 14, 5580
P/266 >:@
3:0 3:0 3:0 3:0
P >:@
(a) (b)
Figure 11. Experimental characteristics showcasing performance of the ANPC leg in function of
converter power P—(a) efficiency at 1500 V DC, 230 V AC, and m = 0.45, (b) power loss at nominal
operating point (1500 V DC, 6.5 kW, m = 0.45).
Furthermore, to exhibit the difference in actual loss values rather than efficiency,
Figure 11b focuses on the power loss difference for different modulation techniques at
the nominal operating point with the full power of 6.5 kW. When we compare the results
from the experimental tests with the simulation study (see Table 4) we can observe that
the presumptions noted in Section 3 are confirmed via the experiments on the prototype
as well, with lowest power losses for PWM3 with 165 W. In contrast, techniques PWM1,
PWM2, and PWM4 settled close to each other at 182, 177, and 182 W respectively.
5. Conclusions
This paper presents an MV ANPC submodule with state-of-the-art SiC MOSFETs for
an advanced EV charging system. The constructed low-volume prototype of the all-SiC
ANPC leg rated at 1500 V DC and 6.67 kW power has been experimentally validated to
work with satisfactory switching performance and efficiency above 97.5% for the nominal
operating point, which is a substantial value for such a low modulation index and voltage
gain (1500 V DC to 230 V AC). Furthermore, as the design process’s focus was to minimize
the parasitic inductances in the converter, the transistor voltages and ringing were rela-
tively low below 5% of the steady-state value, so that satisfactory switching performance
could be achieved. Finally, several PWM techniques have been analyzed, tested, and
compared for the specific application shown in this paper, focusing on the impact of all the
presented modulation methods strictly for an all-SiC ANPC leg. This is in contrary to other
publications in the area, in which the different PWM techniques were applied, but only
in various SiC/Si hybrid ANPC leg configurations, usually limited to 1–2 modulations
per configuration.
The obtained results show that for an MV all-SiC ANPC inverter submodule rated
at 1.5 kV DC and applied in an advanced EV charging system, shown in Figure 1, PWM2
is the best for lower power, while PWM3 is the choice for a higher power (over 60% of
nominal value). However, for other power electronics applications, depending on the
required voltage levels (and thus the modulation index), as well as for other state-of-the-art
SiC MOSFETs and/or Si IGBTs, the outcomes may vary, as so would the ratio between
switching and conduction loss, power loss distribution among the components, as well as
other factors. Thus, efficiency wise it is not easy to strictly determine which PWM technique
is the optimal choice universally, as there are nuances for each application that can affect
the power loss quite noticeably. Furthermore, changing the modulation technique during
operation, depending on the load parameters should also be considered to achieve the
Energies 2021, 14, 5580
best performance, and thus, the highest efficiency. Nevertheless, based on the theoretical
and experimental performed studies for a parasitic inductance optimized system with
similar power ratings as in the presented ANPC leg, the impact of conduction loops on
transistor overvoltages and ringing between the different PWM methods, even for a quite
high voltage of 1.5 kV, is not crucial, and can be nearly fully omitted. Thus, the optimal
choice for the modulation technique should be limited to other required parameters, such
as efficiency.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, R.K., M.H. and J.R.; methodology, M.H. and R.K.; simula-
tion study, R.K.; experimental validation, R.K., B.L. and M.H.; original draft preparation, R.K. and
M.H.; writing—review and editing, R.K., M.H., R.M. and J.R.; supervision, J.R.; project administra-
tion, J.R.; funding acquisition, J.R. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the
Funding: The research leading to these results has received funding from the EEA/Norway Grants
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Interface Converters for Residential Battery Energy Storage
Systems: Practices, Difficulties and Prospects
Ilya A. Galkin 1, *, Andrei Blinov 2 , Maxim Vorobyov 1 , Alexander Bubovich 1 , Rodions Saltanovs 1
and Dimosthenis Peftitsis 3
1 Faculty of Electrical and Environmental Engineering, Riga Technical University, LV1048 Riga, Latvia; (M.V.); (A.B.); (R.S.)
2 Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics, Tallinn University of Technology,
19086 Tallinn, Estonia;
3 Department of Electrical Power Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway;
* Correspondence:
Abstract: Recent trends in building energy systems such as local renewable energy generation have
created a distinct demand for energy storage systems to reduce the influence and dependency on
the electric power grid. Under the current market conditions, a range of commercially available
residential energy storage systems with batteries has been produced. This paper addresses the
area of energy storage systems from multiple directions to provide a broader view on the state-
of-the-art developments and trends in the field. Present standards and associated limitations of
storage implementation are briefly described, followed by the analysis of parameters and features of
commercial battery systems for residential applications. Further, the power electronic converters are
reviewed in detail, with the focus on existing and perspective non-isolated solutions. The analysis
Citation: Galkin, I.A.; Blinov, A.;
covers well-known standard topologies, including buck-boost and bridge, as well as emerging
Vorobyov, M.; Bubovich, A.;
Saltanovs, R.; Peftitsis, D. Interface
solutions based on the unfolding inverter and fractional/partial power converters. Finally, trends
Converters for Residential Battery and future prospects of the residential battery storage technologies are evaluated.
Energy Storage Systems: Practices,
Difficulties and Prospects. Energies Keywords: residential energy storage; battery energy storage systems; standards; grid interface
2021, 14, 3365. converters; intellectual property; bidirectional converters; AC-DC power converters; DC-DC power
10.3390/en14123365 converters; multilevel converters; partial power converters
Conferences Journals
BESSs nowadays are also readily commercially available. The analysis of the market
of household electrical equipment [13,14] shows that numerous BESSs are already available
as a market offering. On the one hand, the variety of their parameters and operation
conditions provides wide choices; on the other hand, it makes the choice more complicated
for the final users of BESS and complicates the development of the interface converters
for different BESSs. In addition, the elaboration and commercialization of BESSs and their
interface converters have a strong link to the market of some renewable energy sources
and pure electric vehicles, which may not only act as BESSs, but also, after their recycling,
provide high voltage (HV) second-life Li-ion batteries for use in BESS [15,16].
The goal of this work is to analyze the majority of interface converters in the context
of the corresponding BESSs, their operation conditions (standards, energy tariffs, subsidies
and other elements of energy policy), BESS market trends and after this analysis, to formu-
late prospective development directions of the BESS interface converters. In particular, this
regards the converter schemes for HV batteries.
The rest of the paper is organized in five sections. Section 2 reviews the motivating
factors of the BESS study: battery technologies, their applications, as well as standards and
other regulations that may regard this work. Section 3 briefly analyzes the commercially
available BESSs, trying to emphasize their internal structure. Section 4 provides a broad
analysis of converter technologies applicable to BESSs. Section 5 discusses the previously
analyzed equipment and technologies in the context of BESS development. Finally, the
conclusions are given in Section 6.
2. Motivation and Driving Factors for Use of Battery Energy Storage Systems
2.1. Development of Electrochemical Energy Storages
The most intensive development of electrochemical batteries has taken place since
the late 20th century and it is still progressing. Due to the constantly growing demand for
portable electronics, vehicular technologies and energy systems, the battery technologies of
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
known electrochemistry have been “polished” and new technologies have been introduced
to the market. Presently, the most significant commercially available battery technologies
are [17,18]: advanced lead-acid (LA), nickel-oxyhydroxide (NiMH), sodium–sulfur (NaS),
various kinds of Li-ion batteries, as well as redox flow batteries (RFBs), in particular,
vanadium redox batteries (VRBs) [18]. LA technology, the oldest among them, is still the
cheapest as well as quite energy efficient (up to 85%). The drawbacks of LA batteries are
rather low specific energy (Figure 1) and low number of charge-discharge cycles (lifetime).
Historically, the next successive NiMH technology (replacement for NiCd) is characterized
by average specific power, specific energy and lifetime, but undergoes significant self-
discharge and is of low charge-discharge efficiency (65%). The NaS batteries are of high
specific energy, energy efficiency and lifetime (90% and 4000 cycles, respectively [18]), but
their operation temperature is high—they require heating, which makes them impractical
in many cases. Today, the most quickly developing battery technology is the Li-Ion. Its
high specific energy, specific power (Figure 2), lifetime (up to 10k cycles), energy efficiency
(up to 95%) achieved at reasonable price makes the technology very suitable for use in
portable electronics, all-electric vehicles, household energy systems, and, even, in energy
distribution grids [19]. However, the specific parameters of Li-Ion batteries depend on
relevant chemistry and all advantages are typically not concentrated in one device. Finally,
RFBs, in particular VRBs, are the batteries that utilize reduction–oxidation reaction between
two liquids, which occurs through a membrane. The liquids are pumped to the membrane
that makes RFBs similar to fuel cells, where the liquids are chemically restorable. The
main advantage of these batteries is their potentially infinite lifetime. Lastly, it must be
mentioned that modern batteries are not just a series connection of galvanic cells. They
often include electronics for balancing, management and protection as well as chargers in
some cases. Therefore, these batteries can be considered as complex complete energy units
for immediate use [20–22].
Specific Energy [Wh/kg]
Figure 2. Specific energy and specific power of the commercially available batteries (based on
data from [18]).
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
hundred volts for main electrochemical energy storage of PEV is reported. More recent
papers [26–29] consider these PEV storage systems valuable enough to be a part of the
energy supply grid. Further development of the BESs makes their use possible in larger
ground vehicles—first of all, in the public transport [30,31].
Better BESs are also required for water vehicles, first of all, for smaller auxiliary
vehicles—boats, yachts, water buses, etc. For example, in [32], the electrification of the
water buses in Venice is considered as a successful example of BES use in water transport.
At the same time, with regard to bigger ships and vessels, the role of BESs differs with time.
While earlier configurations of marine energy systems utilize high voltage batteries for
stabilizing the traditional on-board AC grid and power smoothing [33,34], modern systems
also take into account the possibility of all-electric propulsion of the ship [34,35].
Finally, the most advanced BESs are applicable in aircraft. The traditional electrical
supply of an aircraft combines an AC and DC grid. Better performance of the applied
batteries leads to a better quality of the 28 V DC grid [36,37]. At the same time, top BES tech-
nologies allow production of extremely light batteries that enable all-electric aircraft [38].
In conclusion, the extensive use of batteries in transport, in particular, the growing
number of light PEVs, high capacity of their batteries and huge capacity of these batteries
in total, as well as their wide distribution, make these BESs a substantial grid resource
for storing energy. These BESs and their interface converters are typically high-voltage
devices, but the corresponding solutions of the interface converters can be adopted for
residential use.
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
of multiple factors [51]: standards, power losses, voltage of majority of available PEVs,
compatibility with pure resistive loads.
BESSs in Supply
(Local, Household, Residential)
BESSs in
Connected BESSs in Distribution Grid
to Distribution Islanded Vehicles
Figure 3. Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESSs) in power and energy supply at a glance.
2.4. Standards and Other Regulations Applicable to Battery Energy Storage Systems
The standards directly related to the electrical energy storage systems of households
are still under development. In Europe, this is being done by the IEC 120 committee
group [52]. They have developed a roadmap for developing standards, which is planned
to be completed by the end of 2023. Until that date, European manufacturers have to use
general standards for the production of power converters, in particular, power interfaces
for alternative energy sources and uninterruptible power supply (Table 1).
In the USA, a universal standard has been developed that describes the operation of
electrical energy converters in distributed networks. With regard to BESS, the manufac-
turers also have to apply general standards for converters. This includes standards for
interface converters of energy storage. In addition, in the USA, the parameters of batteries
are defined and standardized and based on the standards of telecommunication equipment
(Table 1).
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
3.1. Typical Example of Battery Energy Storage Systems Dedicated to Household Applications
The Tesla Powerwall 1 (3.3 kW/6.4 kWh) was one of the first attempts to include
BESS into a household energy system and has been available on the market since 2015.
It operates with a DC-bus and, in general, has to be installed in conjunction with a grid
inverter, which is sold separately.
This precluded its use as a completely independent BESS, reduced market prospects
and shortly led to its replacement by the Tesla Powerwall 2 (5 kW/13.2 kWh) [63]. In
contrast to the previous model, the Powerwall 2 (Figure 4a) includes an AC inverter and
can be connected directly to the AC grid. This enables its use as a residential BESSs,
regardless of the renewable generation source (solar panels or a wind generator). Therefore,
the functional features of Powerwall 2 have expanded significantly, including the possibility
of stand-alone operation without grid connection (islanded mode). For normal operation,
it requires an additional commutation unit called “energy gateway” and its full cycle
efficiency is 90%.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4. Typical examples of system configurations of different BESs: (a) Tesla Powerwall 2, (b) SonnenBatterie, (c) Adara
Power-Residential and (d) Sunverge energy.
Sonnen is another early market player that began offering its residential BESSs in
December 2015 [64]. These BESSs are designed for households with solar and wind power
generators providing energy storage and backup power. They are available in two versions,
with a built-in inverter for PVs (hybrid output) and without it (eco output). In Germany,
the company launched a coordination network that brings together power producers
and storage owners. This service allows the participants resided in the same network to
exchange electricity with each other, exporting surplus to the grid. Currently, this service
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
has over 10,000 users. With LiFePO4 batteries in its system, the manufacturer claims an
output power of 2.5–3.3 kW in the “eco output” version and 5.5 kW in the “hybrid output”
version. The energy capacity of the base model is 5 kWh with the ability to increase it up
to 15 kWh in 2.5 kWh steps. The manufacturer promises a 98% maximum efficiency of
the batteries and a 96% efficiency of the converter, which gives a total cycle efficiency of
around 88.5%. The internal topology of SonnenBatterie and SonnenFlat is not disclosed,
but the structural diagram of their operational environment (Figure 4b) shows that it is
connected to the main supply grid as well as to the secondary grid formed by the solar
panel inverter through an automatic transfer switch (ATS). This enables a SonnenBatterie
to operate in an uninterruptible power supply mode.
Enphase Energy is another company that entered the residential storage market with
its “AC Battery” in 2015. It is a very compact (0.27 kW/1.2 kWh) modular system that can
be used in conjunction with micro-inverters and the “Envoy-S gateway” [65]. Later, the
company’s storage portfolio was extended with the Encharge 3 (1.28 kW/3.3 kWh) [66]
and Encharge 10 [67], which is composed of three of the former units. According to the
datasheet information, the cycle efficiency of a newer Enphase product is 89% at half
power. Backup power from the battery can be provided using an additional microgrid
interconnection device.
Other notable market players are Victron Energy with a range of products like Easy
Solar and MultiPlus [68]; Adara Power’s Residential [69,70] coupled with an inverter from
Schneider Electric (Figure 4c) [71] and Sunverge Energy (Figure 4d) [72]. Moreover, one
of the key market players is the battery manufacturer LG Chem [73], who is offering its
low- and high-voltage battery modules for integration with SMA, Fronius, SolarEdge, and
Huawei inverters/chargers.
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
Table 2. Summary of BESS for general use and use with renewable energy sources available on the market.
(a) (b)
Figure 5. BESS power electronics converters with a transformer: (a) single-stage, (b) two-stage.
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
below in Section 4, is less reliable and energy efficient due to the extra components as well
as due to its hard-switching nature. However, if combined with a soft-switching technique,
for example, applying a resonant network, it may operate with better efficiency [89,90].
DC-DC converter DC Link – –
(a) (b)
Figure 6. High-frequency transformers in the DC-link of the interface converter of LV BES: (a) functional diagram,
(b) transformer in conjunction with classical DAB.
+ LV Vbatt
LV Battery
AC Grid
(a) (b)
Figure 7. Full-bridge DC-AC converter with a high-frequency transformer: (a) functional diagram, (b) converter derived
from DAB.
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
LV BES AC grid
Figure 8. Inverter with a high-frequency transformer derived from a flyback converter.
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
DC voltage to be relatively stable, with their value higher than the amplitude of the grid
voltage, while some of the emerging topologies potentially offer enhanced flexibility.
(a) (b)
Figure 9. Coupling of units in residential energy systems: (a) DC coupling, (b) AC coupling.
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
+ – + –
– + – +
Grid Grid
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 10. Configurations of single-stage bridge rectifiers-inverters for BESs: (a) AC current sourced transistor bridge,
(b) AC current sourced transistor/capacitor bridge (half-bridge), (c,d) three-phase schemes.
Figure 11. Dual-buck grid converter: (a) derived from half-bridge, (b) magnetically coupled branches, (c) diode coupled.
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 12. Dual-buck grid converters: (a) derived from full-bridge, (b,c) synthesized of two combined buck converters.
Due to a low number of elements, the considered single-stage converters operate with
best efficiency at their particular operation point. However, when considered in conjunction
with the attached battery, their efficiency is not outstanding and drops significantly at other
operation points due to the higher losses in the converter and the battery [86]. In addition,
these converters operate as an AC grid supplied boost or a BES supplied buck converter
that requires minimal battery voltage to be higher than the amplitude of the grid voltage.
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
with switches and capacitors. A cell may work as a boost or buck converter and is capable
of shunting the cell if needed.
Energy Storage Energy Storage Energy Storage
and Inverter and Inverter and Inverter
Building Block Building Block Building Block
Grid Inverter
Figure 13. Functional diagrams of cascaded H-Bridge multilevel converters: (a) traditional configura-
tion of AC MLC, (b) configuration DC MLC with unipolar cell converters and grid frontend.
phase phase
Figure 14. Power converters for multilevel converter building blocks: (a) full bridge or H-bridge, (b) H-bridge with
correcting synchronous buck converter, (c) unipolar bidirectional converter [108].
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 15. Multilevel converters with solid HV battery: (a) diode clamped, (b) active clamped, (c) flying capacitor.
The use of neutral point clamped converters in the BESS system is described in [110,111].
Reference [112] demonstrates the use of neutral point clamped and active neutral point
clamped converters in BESSs. In [113], an overview of modular converters (including
active neutral point clamped converters) in BESS systems is given. Diode clamped and
independent source multilevel converters in BESS applications, indicating also larger
operating range of the diode clamped converters, are compared in [114].
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
1f/3f full-bridge
Z-source 1f/3f half-bridge
Push-pull + unfolder
Synchronous buck + unfolder
Matrix converter
Y-source Trans-Z-source
Figure 16. Generalized configuration of the BES interface converter with an impedance source.
In the most obvious operation mode, this DC-DC converter provides the stabilized
voltage in the DC-link at all operation points of the battery (Figure 17a) while the rectifier-
inverter modulates the voltage at the grid end according to the phase of the network
voltage and required grid current. It was demonstrated that two-stage configurations are
overall superior to the single DC-AC inverter/rectifier in terms of efficiency throughout
the battery voltage range [86]. Moreover, the stable DC-link voltage allows integration
of other DC sources and loads; therefore, such solutions can be suited for both DC- and
AC-coupled BESS.
t t t
t t t t
Rectifier- Buck- Polarity Half-wave
Inverter boost converter shaper
Grid BES Grid BES
(a) (b)
Figure 17. Operation and configuration of BES interface converters with two stages: (a) common DC-link, (b) unfolding topology.
However, one more operation mode and configuration is possible. In this mode,
the DC-DC converter forms unipolar sine half-waves in the DC-link, but the rectifier-
inverter applies the formed half-waves to the grid with the correct polarity (Figure 17b).
In the second case, the rectifier-inverter does not operate in a real switch-mode—it just
commutates the half-waves at the grid frequency. Therefore, in this operation mode, the
switching losses of the rectifier-inverter are negligible, while the grid filter can be omitted
or reduced due to the continuous profile of the voltage at the grid port of the rectifier-
inverter [120]. In the single-phase configuration, the AC-DC converter is a bridge or
half-bridge circuit, close to that shown in Figure 16 without the inductance coil. Depending
on the required power and input connection, it can be a single-phase [120–122] or a
three-phase [122,123] circuit.
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
negative impact on the efficiency. One of the recent trends in the power electronic studies
is the use of advanced topologies of the DC-DC stage like differential, partial and fractional
power converters that allow operation with lower voltages/currents and minimization of
power losses. The use of these topologies in BES interface is considered below.
To rectifier-
To rectifier-
inverter or
inverter or
To rectifier-
inverter or
(d) (e)
Figure 18. DC-DC stage of BES interface converters with two stages: (a) inverting bidirectional buck-boost, (b) bidirectional
non-inverting buck-boost, (c) bidirectional zeta-SEPIC, (d) bidirectional Čuk, (e) synchronous buck.
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
formance (more accurate regulation for the same range of duty cycle): add-on circuits for
zero-current/resonant switching, tapped (coupled) inductors or qZ links [120].
Common bus
Common bus
Common bus
Virtual bus
Pd1 DC/DC Pd3 Pd3 DC/DC
Figure 19. Differential power converters: (a) Element-to-Element, (b) Element-to-common-bus, (c) Element-to-virtual-bus.
The B2E architecture works with a common bus connected to the output (Figure 19b)
or with the independent “virtual” bus dedicated to the energy transfer (Figure 19c). Each
element is connected to the bus via own converter. Compared to the E2E architecture, this
approach is more flexible, but neighboring cells are independent of each other. However,
an isolating converter suitable for the full bus voltage is required.
All kinds of DPCs fit well the cell balancing function needed also in BESSs. At the
same time, the use of B2E DPCs as BES and grid interface converters is complicated due
to the following: (1) DC output requires an inverter or unfolder and (2) because the total
power of converters, in fact, is not reduced, but just split into several parts. Lastly, the E2E
DPCs are not applicable as BES and grid interface converters due to the absence of the
common link.
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
Figure 20. Full power operation vs. partial power operation: (a) power distribution in full power converter, (b) power
distribution in partial power converter, (c) diagram showing operation with reduced voltage.
It is possible to distinguish two groups of PPCs: with an isolated and with a non-
isolated converter. The isolated converter can be applied in a quite free form. That is
why such PPCs can be of two types: parallel input—serial output, as well as serial input—
parallel output (Figure 21). In the first case (Figure 21a), the input source and the input
of the converter are connected in parallel, while the output of the converter and the input
source are connected in series (S-PPC). The configuration is suitable to increase the voltage.
In respect to the battery, the parallel input converters can be considered as partial current
converters because only part of their battery current is transferred to the output (bus)
through the converter. On the other hand, in respect to the output, operation occurs with
reduced voltage because only part of output voltage is applied to the converter (see also
Figure 20c).
(a) (b)
Figure 21. Structures of partial power converters: (a) parallel input—series output, (b) parallel output—series input.
In the second case (Figure 21b), the input source is connected in series with the input
of the converter, but its output and the source are connected in parallel (P-PPC). The
configuration is suitable to obtain higher output current. In respect to the battery, the series
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
input converters can be considered as partial voltage converters because only part of their
battery voltage is converted and passed to the output.
It is obvious that both topologies are symmetrical and counter-reversible. In respect to
the output (bus), the first configuration is a partial voltage converter, but the second one—a
partial current converter. To some extent, these PPCs are similar to an autotransformer and
can be described by similar mathematical expressions extracted from Kirchhoff’s voltage
and current laws.
The PPC topology provides benefits when the difference between the input and the
output voltage is relatively small and only a small amount of energy is being converted
by PPC. Due to a more complex design and a larger number of active elements, the larger
difference between the input and the output voltages produces lower efficiency. Moreover,
at 100% of the difference, the efficiency will be less than that of a classical converter.
Practical PPC implementation depends on the particular application. Normally, re-
ports consider PPC with a DAB converter at each end of an isolating transformer that
produces a fully bidirectional PPC (Figure 22a). In many applications, the bidirection-
ality can be omitted, but PPC—reasonably simplified. For example, in [130,131], which
address PV systems, the simplification finally produces full-bridge + buck configuration,
in [131,132]—full-bridge + push-pull, but in [130,132]—a kind of classical flyback. The
latest converter can be easily turned to a bidirectional one (Figure 22b).
+ Vbatt Vbus +
+ Vbatt Vbus +
Vconv V*conv V*conv
– –
– –
(a) (b)
Figure 22. Examples of PPCs: (a) parallel input—series output PPC with DAB, (b) parallel input—series output PPC with
flyback converter.
A PPC topology with a non-isolating converter could be potentially simpler, contain
fewer components, and have higher efficiency. Attempts have been made to implement
such non-isolating schemes. For example, refs. [133–135] report the voltage buck-boost
topology based implementation applied for battery or bus voltage magnification. It is
pointed out that the extra feedback capacitor installed in these schematics is required for
direct power feedforwarding. However, it is possible to show that the obtained converters
are, in fact, ordinary boost or buck converters—see [136] for details.
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
the other hand, the fraction of the power supply associated with the converter operates dif-
ferently from the rest of BES. It has different average charge/discharge current. Moreover,
depending on the applied chopper, it may conduct pulse-mode current. This may lead to
shorter operation cycles, limited state of charge and, finally, may lead to a worse state of
health for the “processed” cells.
Vbus =Vbatt(f1)+V*conv
Vbus =Vbatt(f1)+V*conv
+ + + + + + + + + +
Vconv DC/DC V*conv DC/DC V*conv DC/DC –V*conv
– – – – –
Vbatt Vbus Vbatt(f2)=Vconv
– – – –
Figure 23. Partial power converters (a) vs. fractional power converters: (b) isolated, (c) non-isolated.
+ + + + + +
+ Vbatt(f2)=Vconv V*conv Vbatt(f2)=Vconv – Vbatt(f2)=Vconv
+ V *conv
– – +
– –
+ + +
Vbatt(f1) Vbatt(f1) Vbatt(f1)
– – –
– – –
Figure 24. Examples of non-isolated fractional power converters (in discharge mode): (a) buck, (b) boost, (c) buck-boost.
The FPC shown in Figure 24c is also quite impractical because the polarities of the
input/output voltage are different, which splits the battery or narrows the regulation range.
On the other hand, the use of non-inverting buck-boost topology would double the static
and dynamic losses of the switches.
Finally, the considerations on the non-isolated PPC with a feedback capacitor (given
in the previous section) may also produce, in fact, an FPC if the feedback capacitor is sub-
stituted with an energy source or storage (battery, supercapacitor, PV cells etc.) capable of
keeping its voltage at a constant level. Then the part of the current is actually bypassed, but
the other—processed in the converter (Figure 25a). Practical importance of this converter
is questionable because one fraction of the battery is loaded with increased current and
charged/discharged more intensively.
MV BES (fraction 2)
– + Ibypass
+ + + +
(fraction 1)
– –
Vbatt(f1)=Vconv +
– –
– –
(a) (b)
Figure 25. Specific kinds of FPC: (a) FPC synthesized from “non-isolated” synchronous buck PPC, (b) fractional power
conversion with “virtual fraction” [139].
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
1-ph Unfolders
As it was stated previously, an unfolding circuit provides grid-frequency commutation
of the unipolar voltage formed by a high-frequency switch mode DC-DC converter to
provide sinewave matching to the grid polarity. Paper [142] proposes a combination
of a buck/boost non-inverting converter and an unfolding H-bridge (Figure 26a). This
configuration directly corresponds to Figure 17b and can be considered as a standard double
stage converter with a pulsating DC-link. In [143], the operation and the experimental
verification of a buck-boost inverter/converter based on tapped inductor are addressed.
The inductor magnetically couples four windings with equal turn-ratio (Figure 26b). In the
converter presented in [143], in contrast to [142], explicit parts cannot be identified.
HV or MV
G iid BES
(a) (b)
Figure 26. Examples of single-phase unfolders: (a) buck-boost converter with unfolding H-bridge, (b) tapped inductor
buck-boost converter.
3-ph Unfolders
Three-phase converters with low frequency unfolding stage utilize principles similar
to those of single-phase unfolders. However, the presence of three phases requires that at
least two voltages/currents be formed actively by the dedicated voltage/current source
(shaper), but the third one is obtained as a sum/difference of the other two. Within a period
of the grid, the principles how the actively shaped voltages/currents are applied to the
grid change six times (Figure 27a,b).
Working principles of unfolder topologies are provided in [144]; however, the con-
verters described there are unidirectional and do not fit the requirements of bidirectional
operation. An example of such converter from [144] is a topology derived from a three-
phase two-level voltage source inverter. In this case, amplitude modulated high-frequency
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
BES Grid
i,vup (t)
t DC/DCup va(t)
t vb(t) vb(t)
i-,v-(t) t
Figure 27. Three-phase unfolders: (a) general principle, (b) operation diagram, (c) example of implementation.
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
The typical power electronic interface of a battery with the grid is based on a two-stage
configuration, comprised of a bidirectional DC-DC converter and a DC-AC inverter/rectifier
connected via an intermediate DC-link. Modern Li-ion batteries can sustain current ripples
associated with the grid frequency very well, even in single-phase systems. It is therefore
possible to connect a battery of sufficiently high voltage to an inverter directly. Still, due
to variation of battery voltage depending on its state of charge, the efficiency and power
quality of such system is compromised. As a result, the intermediate DC-DC stage is still
necessary to stabilize the DC voltage and obtain better performance.
With the possibility of using non-isolated converters to interface HV batteries, the
standard approach would assume application of well-known DC-DC topologies, like
buck, boost and buck-boost together with the grid inverter stage. This makes both of the
two conversion stages process full power and exhibit high switching frequency, which
still compromises the efficiency. One of the approaches that is widely addressed in recent
studies is to use emerging solutions, like PPCs and FPCs at the DC-DC stage, which, as it
is already reported, have been achieved extremely high efficiency values. However, the
practical aspects, including transient operating modes, protection and cost, need to be
evaluated further to justify this technology.
A range of alternative concepts utilizes a pulsating DC-link instead of the stabilized
one. This brings the converter system closer to the single-stage converter, where only
DC-DC stage operates with high frequency, while the grid-side inverter just unfolds
the unipolar pulses into the sine wave and exhibits conduction losses only. A similar
approach can be applicable to both single- and three-phase systems [145]. In addition,
mixed concepts with fluctuating DC-link were also proposed, aiming to distribute losses
more evenly between the stages [149]. On the other hand, it would be much more difficult
to integrate other sources into such DC-link and therefore such solutions are generally
suitable for AC-coupled BESS only.
Impedance source inverters are another group of topologies that allow voltage pre-
regulation at a “virtual DC-link” before it is inverted into a sinusoidal waveform. Single-
phase, three-phase and three-level configurations of these inverters were proposed in [150].
They can be more short-circuit-proof, as the shoot-through state is one of the inherent
operating modes of such topologies. However, some studies show that the voltage
stress on semiconductors and volume of components can be larger than for the stan-
dard two-stage configurations [151]. Moreover, only few studies address bidirectional
operation of impedance-source converters [152,153].
In conclusion, there is a range of solutions for HV BESSs that are potential alternatives
to standard buck-boost plus inverter configuration. The most optimal choice would
evidently depend on the parameters of the system and its configuration. For the systems
that incorporate a DC bus for integration of renewables and loads, a PPC/FPC with a
bridge-type bidirectional inverter/rectifier seems to be a very promising solution. On the
other hand, for an AC-coupled BES, the use of pulsating/fluctuating DC-link and unfolding
inverter can bring an advantage in terms of switching loss and absence of a bulky capacitor.
Still, the behavior of such configurations in practical applications, including transient
modes and fault ride-through capabilities, needs to be addressed in more detail.
The configurations that include multilevel inverter topologies also seem quite promis-
ing for residential BESs. Despite generally being used in high-power applications, there
are successful commercialization examples of this technology in residential applications.
Recent works aim to bring such inverters on a new level, particularly taking advantage
of developments in WBG semiconductors [115,116]. The systems with multilevel topolo-
gies potentially enable the use of battery stacks with lower voltage levels as compared to
standard two-level inverters. This could result in a more optimal storage configuration.
On the other hand, presently, the cost of WBG devices is still relatively high to make such
multilevel inverters feasible in commercial BESSs.
The comparative analysis of evaluated power electronic interfaces is presented in
Tables 3 and 4. The considerations above show that the most promising units of composite
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
BESS grid interface converters have somehow completing features (see Table 3 for details).
For example, unfolding circuits provide neither DC regulation at the corresponding port
nor AC half wave forming. This functionality, however, can be performed by a DC-DC
converter. Multilevel converters without pulse mode control do not provide pulse mode
regulation between levels, but partial power converters—provide regulation within a
narrow range. Besides, the multilevel converters and unfolding units have no switching
losses, but have significant conduction losses (Table 3). At the same time, the partial power
converters can reduce both. A logical conclusion from the above is to combine the units
with the adjacent features (Table 4).
Table 3. Losses of converters and energy conversion principles in BESS grid interface.
Energies 2021, 14, 3365
current state of these systems is addressed from multiple directions, including battery
technologies, their market, standards, and grid interface converters.
Instigated by the on-going paradigm shift from centralized to distributed power
generation, the storage technologies will become one of the key components of the future
electrical grids that enable more optimal use of the conventional and local renewable
energy sources and ensure the power supply security. However, a range of technological
and regulatory barriers still stand in the way of these systems, limiting their benefits
and potential.
Today’s market for dedicated residential storage systems is still in the process of
being established. It is currently very dynamic, and several manufacturers have already
introduced and commercialized their solutions, with more companies and products being
announced and trying to enter the market every year. Still, the price for residential solutions
is relatively high for a private client, while the return of investment is not evident in
many cases.
The developments and price reduction of Li-ion battery technologies are mainly driven
by massive transportation electrification and this trend will continue in the following years.
Despite the distinct potential of vehicle to grid (V2G) solutions, they are unlikely to be able
to replace stationary battery systems and their functions due to economic reasons, mainly
related to lifetime and cycle-cost. Nevertheless, the use of second-life Li-ion batteries for
stationary storage has certain potential.
Batteries based on the Li-ion technology are currently dominating the market, however,
at a certain point, the price and performance of other battery technologies, like flow batter-
ies, is likely to make them a more expedient choice for larger-scale stationary solutions.
According to our analysis, the majority of commercial residential storages are currently
using low voltage batteries with voltages of around 50 V, mainly due to the cheaper price
per kWh. These batteries are typically interfaced with the grid by means of a power
electronic converter with a transformer to provide required voltage matching and galvanic
isolation. However, the mass production of HV EV batteries along with their second-life
use is likely to make the HV stationary storage solutions more popular in the residential
sector. This would make the use of non-isolated interface converter topologies attractive
due to their typically lower component count and higher efficiency. In addition to standard
and typically used topologies, like buck-boost or bridge, which are rated for full power of
the system, the recent research interest is also focused on partial- (fractional-, differential-)
power converters. Such topologies have the potential to offer even further improvement of
efficiency in various operating conditions.
Presently, many countries are introducing initiatives that are either directly (by subsi-
dies) or indirectly (via marginal feed-in tariffs) encouraging the use of local energy storage.
Moreover, a range of standards is being developed to regulate the use of such systems
and facilitate unleashing of their full potential. In addition to basic renewable energy
self-consumption increase, battery-based storage systems can provide uninterruptable
power supply functionality, offer ancillary grid service support, enable peer-to-peer energy
trading etc. Together with the large-scale global investments in the battery technologies it
is highly likely that in the following decades, the residential battery systems will follow the
route of photovoltaics and become an essential and inherent part of the future power grid.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, I.A.G. and A.B. (Andrei Blinov); investigation of BESS
market solutions, R.S.; investigation of IP right items and BESS market state for distribution grids,
M.V.; topological analysis of single stage pulse mode converters, I.A.G.; topological analysis of
multilevel converters, A.B. (Alexander Bubovich); topological analysis of partial power processors,
I.A.G. and R.S.; supervision, I.A.G.; Validation, I.A.G.; writing—original draft, all; Supervision and
editing—A.B. (Andrei Blinov) and D.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported in part by the European Economic Area (EEA) and Norway
Financial Mechanism 2014–2021 under Grant EMP474 and in part by the Estonian Research Council
grant (PRG1086).
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Design of an Effective State of Charge Estimation Method for a
Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Using Extended Kalman Filter and
Artificial Neural Network
Van Quan Dao 1 , Minh-Chau Dinh 2 , Chang Soon Kim 2 , Minwon Park 1 , Chil-Hoon Doh 3 , Jeong Hyo Bae 3 ,
Myung-Kwan Lee 4 , Jianyong Liu 5 and Zhiguo Bai 5, *
Abstract: Currently, Lithium-ion batteries (LiB) are widely applied in energy storage devices in smart
grids and electric vehicles. The state of charge (SOC) is an indication of the available battery capacity,
and is one of the most important factors that should be monitored to optimize LiB’s performance
and improve its lifetime. However, because the SOC relies on many nonlinear factors, it is difficult
to estimate accurately. This paper presented the design of an effective SOC estimation method for
Citation: Dao, V.Q.; Dinh, M.-C.;
a LiB pack Battery Management System (BMS) based on Kalman Filter (KF) and Artificial Neural
Kim, C.S.; Park, M.; Doh, C.-H.; Bae,
Network (ANN). First, considering the configuration and specifications of the BMS and LiB pack,
J.H.; Lee, M.-K.; Liu, J.; Bai, Z. Design
an ANN was constructed for the SOC estimation, and then the ANN was trained and tested using
of an Effective State of Charge
Estimation Method for a Lithium-Ion
the Google TensorFlow open-source library. An SOC estimation model based on the extended
Battery Pack Using Extended Kalman KF (EKF) and a Thevenin battery model was developed. Then, we proposed a combined mode
Filter and Artificial Neural Network. EKF-ANN that integrates the estimation of the EKF into the ANN. Both methods were evaluated
Energies 2021, 14, 2634. https:// through experiments conducted on a real LiB pack. As a result, the ANN and KF methods showed maximum errors of 2.6% and 2.8%, but the EKF-ANN method showed better performance with less
than 1% error.
Academic Editor: Andrei Blinov
Keywords: Artificial neural network; battery management system; Kalman filter; lithium-ion battery;
Received: 6 April 2021
state of charge estimation
Accepted: 27 April 2021
Published: 4 May 2021
protect, and optimize [7]. At this point, the estimate of state of charge (SOC) is one of
the critical functions in the BMS. The SOC is defined as the percentage of the available
capacity to the rated capacity of the battery, and many issues with the LiB, such as capacity
degradation, increased maintenance costs, rapid aging, serious equipment failures, and
even dangerous accidents, are related to incorrect SOC estimates [8]. Therefore, an accurate
estimation of the SOC is very important for optimizing battery performance, including
extending battery life and preventing permanent damage to the batteries.
In general, the battery SOC nonlinearly depends on several factors including current,
voltage, temperature, and battery aging [9]. Therefore, an accurate estimate of the SOC
is quite complicated. Various techniques have been presented to estimate the SOC of a
battery cell or a battery pack. Key technologies include discharge tests, open-circuit voltage
measurement, Coulomb counting, inherent resistance measurement, and intelligent SOC
estimation methods [10,11]. Intelligent computation techniques such as artificial neural
network (ANN) and Kalman filter (KF) have been developed for EV applications [12–16].
Compared to other techniques, they have several advantages such as high accuracy, real-
time calculation, simple current and voltage measurements. Specifically, these techniques
are highly adaptable to the dynamic behaviors of batteries due to their self-learning ability.
However, there are still some issues that need to be studied. Applying KF requires accurate
battery modeling, and important factors such as temperature and SOC that may affect the
internal parameters of the battery model are not yet considered. Using an ANN requires
a large amount of training data that can lead to a large dimension and high computa-
tion of the network when implemented in a BMS. Therefore, it is necessary to design a
practical BMS to properly analyze and evaluate the operational characteristics of the SOC
estimation methods.
In this paper, an effective SOC estimation method was designed and implemented in
a smart BMS for a LiB pack based on the extended KF (EKF) and ANN. First, the structure
and specifications of the smart BMS and LiB pack were summarized, and the design
process of the ANN was described in detail. The ANN was then trained and tested for SOC
estimation using real battery data sets. Next, we developed an SOC estimation algorithm
based on the EKF and a Thevenin battery model. Finally, we proposed a combination
model of EKF and ANN (EKF-ANN) to compensate for the shortcomings of the above
two methods. To evaluate the effectiveness of the SOC estimation method, the proposed
methods were experimentally verified and compared with each other. As a result, the
proposed ANN and EKF methods showed an error of 2.6% and 2.8%, respectively, and the
SOC estimation error when using the EKF-ANN was significantly improved to less than
1%. The results show that the proposed SOC estimation method satisfies the requirements
of the BMS for LiB packs.
Energies 2021, 14, 2634
and discharging process after the battery has been disconnected from the load for a long
time [17,18].
Energies 2021, 14, 2634
The estimation of the SOC is a core function in a BMS, but it is still a challenge to accurately
estimate in online-real time, as battery characteristics change with the degree of aging and
strong nonlinear and complex electrochemical reactions of the battery. The SOC can be
estimated by continuously measuring terminal voltage, current and temperature of the
battery. For a battery system in EVs and smart grids, the current trend is the design of
a smart BMS, which includes researches in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) utilized
for the battery SOC estimation. In large battery pack applications, the predictability
and adaptability of BMS are especially important. In this study, in order to verify the
performance of the SOC estimation methods through experiments, we developed a smart
BMS module based on the master and slave topology design for the LiB pack as shown in
Figure 1.
The LiB pack consisted of 3 module units connected in series, and each module unit
consisted of 36 cells with a 9S4P configuration, meaning 9 cells in series and 4 cells in
parallel. There are 3 slave microcontroller unit (MCU) boards to manage the module
units. The main MCU board, which is the master, coordinates two-way communication
between the master and the slave and executes battery management actions. The detailed
specifications of the smart BMS and LiB pack are described in Table 1. We will develop
SOC estimation methods with an error target of 3% as shown in Table 2.
Energies 2021, 14, 2634
Table 1. Cont.
Table 3 shows the design process and design factors of an ANN for the SOC estimation.
It starts from collecting and pre-processing the data, then designing the neural network in
terms of network topology, configuration, activation function, loss function and metrics,
loss optimizer, and learning rate. Finally, the training and validation of the network are
Energies 2021, 14, 2634
Energies 2021, 14, 2634
After tuning the parameters and testing several configurations of the network, the
most suitable specifications for the ANN are described in Table 4.
Specifications ANN
Number of inputs of the network 3
Number of hidden layers of the network 4
Number of outputs of the network 1
Number of neurons in each hidden layer 64
Activation function in hidden layers Sigmoid
Activation function in the output layer Softplus
Adapting learning function Adam
Learning rate 0.001
Loss function MSE
Accuracy metrics [MSE, MAE]
(a) (b)
Figure 4. Training performances of the ANN: (a) Mean squared error (MSE); and (b) Mean absolute error (MAE).
Energies 2021, 14, 2634
After the training process, the model testing was performed to compare the estimated
results and the actual results as described in Figure 5. The trained ANN was tested
randomly with 5,000 samples, and the maximum and average errors of the estimated SOC
were 2.3% and 0.34%, respectively. This result is satisfied with the target of SOC estimation.
(a) (b)
Figure 5. Test results of the trained ANN with 5,000 random samples: (a) error of the estimated SOC, and (b) estimated and
actual SOCs.
When the training process was completed, the weights and bias of the network were
saved and exported as matrices to implement the SOC estimation function in the BMS for
Energies 2021, 14, 2634
Based on the Kirchhoff’s laws, the capacitor voltage variation, its current relationship
and the characteristics of the Thevenin model can be expressed as follows:
VP = − (1)
VL = VOC − VP − IL R0 (2)
From Equations (1) and (2), where τ = R p C p is the time constant and Δt is the sam-
pling time, a discrete-time system for the VL and Vp is built as shown in the
Equations (3) and (4).
−Δt −Δt
VP (k ) = exp( ) × VP (k − 1) + (1 − exp( )) × IL (k − 1) R P (k) (3)
τ τ
VL (k ) = VOC (k ) − VP (k) − IL (k ) R0 (k ) (4)
The VOC , R0 , Rp and Cp are nonlinear functions of the battery SOC [36], thus the
Equations (3) and (4) can also be expressed as below.
−Δt −Δt
VP (k) = exp( ) × VP (k − 1) + (1 − exp( )) × IL (k − 1) R P (SOC (k)) (5)
τ τ
VL (k ) = VOC (SOC (k )) − VP (k) − IL (k ) R0 (SOC (k)) (6)
The SOC describes the relationship between the remaining and the maximum capacity
available in the battery and can be described as Equation (7):
IL (k ) × Δt
SOC (k ) = SOC (k − 1) − (7)
where Ca is the nominal capacity of the battery, and the SOC(k − 1) is the priority SOC.
By using the Equations (5)–(7), we can express the state equation for the nonlinear battery
system as follows:
xk = Ak−1 xk−1 + Bk−1 uk−1 + wk−1
yk = Ck xk + Dk uk + vk
VP (k ) 1 0 RP exp −τΔt
with, xk = , Ak = , Bk = ,
SOC (k ) 0 exp −τΔt Δt
Ck = dSOCdVoc
− dSOC
−1 , Dk = [− R0 (k)].
Where xk and uk are the system state vectors and the measured system inputs at
discrete-time k, and wk is the unmeasured process noise that can influence the system
state. The output of the system is yk , and vk is the measurement noise. Ak , Ck are the first
partial derivatives matrices with respect to xk , and Bk , and Dk are the Jacobian matrice
with respect to uk .
With the matrice Ck , dSOCdVoc
− dSOC
= Ms is a function of the SOC, and thus it can be
built from the battery experiment data.
Energies 2021, 14, 2634
VOC = 2.926 + 0.044 × SOC1 − 0.0012 × SOC2 + 1.511E−5 × SOC3 − 6.72E−8 × SOC4 (9)
In the case of R0 , it can also be determined by using the above battery discharge data.
The value of R0 was calculated corresponding to the SOC of each period by dividing the
value of the voltage drop by the discharge current, where voltage drop is the difference
between the no load and loaded voltages. The variation of R0 according to the SOC is given
in Figure 8, which fits into Equation (10).
R0 = 5.7E−3 − 3.4E−2 SOC1 + 0.146SOC2 − 0.326SOC3 + 0.415SOC4 − 0.29SOC5 + 0.094SOC6 − 6.4E−3 SOC7 (10)
Energies 2021, 14, 2634
From the results of VOC and R0 , we can define the functions of Ms according to the
SOC as below.
(a) (b)
Figure 9. Variation of Rp and Cp according to SOC: (a) Rp; and (b) Cp.
Figure 10. Diagram of the SOC estimation method based on the EKF.
The use of the EKF requires the linearization of the state equations around the operat-
ing point for each sample. This algorithm is described in detail as follows:
Energies 2021, 14, 2634
3.4. Combination of the EKF and ANN for the SOC Estimation
In the case of using the EKF, the battery model was built for the SOC estimation based
on the voltage and current characteristics. However, the battery is a dynamic system, and
with a long operation time, the internal parameters of the battery model can be changed
by other factors such as temperature, load changes, and SOC. These can cause errors in
the SOC estimation model, and the battery modeling is very complex when considering
them. With the method using the ANN, there were only three inputs including the voltage,
current, and temperature of the present sample, and there was no information in the
previous sample. This can cause a large dimension and high computation on the network.
As the above results, the designed network had 4 hidden layers with 64 neurons in each
layer, which means that the weight and bias matrices can take over a large amount of
memory in the MCU and make it difficult to handle computation.
To solve the above-mentioned problems, we suggested a SOC estimation method
combining the EKF with ANN as shown in Figure 11. The EKF model was applied to
determine the battery SOC in the previous sample, SOC(k − 1), based on the measured
values of the previous voltage, VL (k − 1) and the current, IL (k − 1). This SOC value was
used as one input of an ANN to estimate the SOC in the present sample, SOC(k). The ANN
was designed with four inputs including the measured voltage, VL (k), current, IL (k), and
temperature, T(k) at the present sample. The EKF is incorporated with the ANN to adapt
to the dynamic environments, and the SOC(k − 1) generated by the EKF takes into account
battery hysteresis and measurement noise. Thereby, the accuracy and reliability of the SOC
estimation can be improved.
Figure 11. Configuration of the SOC estimation method combining the EKF with ANN.
In this method, the designed EKF model in the previous section was kept to use,
and the ANN was designed and trained again with the same battery dataset. The final
specifications of the ANN are shown in Table 5. This network only needs two hidden
layers, and each hidden layer had 32 neurons. The required memory and computation time
Energies 2021, 14, 2634
in the MCU are significantly reduced. The detailed configuration of the designed ANN
including the input layer, hidden layers, output layer, number of neurons in each layer,
weight matrices, bias matrices, and activation functions are described in Figure 12.
Specifications ANN
Number of inputs of the network 4
Number of hidden layers of the network 2
Number of outputs of the network 1
Number of neurons in each hidden layer 32
Activation function in the hidden layers Sigmoid
Activation function in the output layer Softplus
Adapting learning function Adam
Learning rate 0.001
Loss function MSE
Accuracy metrics [MSE, MAE]
The network training was also performed in 500 epochs, and the performances of
the redesigned ANN are shown in Figure 13. The MSE and MAE in the final epoch are
approximately 0.0064 and 0.057, respectively, which are much lower than that of the ANN
using three inputs. The trained model was also tested randomly with 5,000 samples to
compare the actual and estimated SOC. The maximum and average errors of the estimated
SOC were 0.27% and 0.069%, respectively, as shown in Figure 14.
(a) (b)
Figure 13. Training performances of the redesigned ANN: (a) MSE, and (b) MAE.
Energies 2021, 14, 2634
(a) (b)
Figure 14. Test results of the redesigned ANN with 5,000 random samples: (a) error of estimated SOC, and (b) estimated
and actual SOCs.
Energies 2021, 14, 2634
(a) (b)
Figure 16. Experiment results for the battery pack characteristics: (a) discharge; and (b) charge.
Figure 17 shows the experimental results of the online SOC estimation using the ANN,
and the estimated SOC was compared with the reference SOC. As a result, the maximum
SOC errors in the discharge and charge processes were 2.3% and 2.6%, respectively. This
result has satisfied the initial design target of the SOC estimation error for the smart BMS.
Energies 2021, 14, 2634
(a) (b)
Figure 17. Experiment results of the SOC estimation using the ANN: (a) discharge; and (b) charge.
Next, the above experiment data including the battery voltage, current, and temper-
ature were used to calculate the SOC offline using the other two methods in the Matlab
simulation model. Figure 18 shows the comparison of the SOC estimation results using
three methods with the reference SOC during the discharge and charge processes of the
battery. The detailed absolute SOC errors of each method are given in Figure 19 and Table 6.
Using the EKF, the maximum SOC errors in the discharge and charge processes were
2.8% and 2.4%, respectively, which were similar to that of using the ANN. We found the
significant improvement for the SOC estimation by combining the EKF with ANN, which
had the SOC error of less than 1%. Comparisons were made with other SOC estimation
methods [37–49] and the maximum estimation errors are summarized in Table 7. Through
this, it was confirmed that the proposed method guarantees the accuracy of SOC estimation
similar to or better than other methods.
(a) (b)
Figure 18. Experiment results of the SOC estimations using three methods: (a) Discharge; and (b) Charge.
Energies 2021, 14, 2634
(a) (b)
Figure 19. Errors of the SOC estimations using three methods: (a) Discharge; and (b) charge.
Table 6. Summary of the errors in the SOC estimations using three methods.
4.3. Discussions
From the above experimental results, it can be seen that the SOC estimation methods
proposed in this study were accurate and satisfied the requirements of the designed smart
BMS. However, there are still issues to be investigated. The performances of the method
were evaluated when the battery pack was discharged and charged with a constant current.
In a real battery system such as an EV, the load current continuously changes according
to the vehicle speed. Therefore, to improve the quality of the battery modeling in the
EKF method, the dynamic characteristics of the battery must be considered. Applying
an ANN to EV requires more battery data trained with a dynamic current profile. In
addition, other important issues of SOC estimation and BMS design, such as cell balancing
and battery capacity fade, have not yet been considered. During long-term operation,
more experiments need to be performed to collect battery data for each cell and analyze
the cathode chemistry of the cells entirely. The next study will consider these issues and
improve the accuracy of the SOC estimation method for the LiBs in various real systems.
Energies 2021, 14, 2634
5. Conclusions
The authors proposed effective SOC estimation methods based on the EKF and ANN
for a LiB pack in a smart BMS. Detailed configurations and specifications of the smart
BMS and LiB pack were presented. First, an ANN was used to build an SOC estimation
model, which was trained and tested using a real battery dataset including voltage, current,
temperature, and measured SOC over 20 cycles. Inputs of the designed network consisted
of voltage, current, and temperature, and output was the estimated SOC of the battery. The
design process for the ANN was described in detail. The Google TensorFlow open-source
library was used to design and optimize the network configurations. Next, we developed
a SOC estimation algorithm using the EKF, in which the LiB model was studied and a
Thevenin model was developed to combine it with the Ah integration method. The current
and terminal voltage of the battery represent the input variables, and the SOC represents
the output variable. Finally, the EKF-ANN was proposed to improve the shortcomings of
the above two methods, where the ANN was redesigned by adding one more input of the
previous SOC determined using the EKF method. Both methods were confirmed through
experiments performed on real battery data collected from the battery pack consisting of
the LIB 18,650 35E cells at 4.2 V and 3.4 Ah. With the ANN and EKF, the SOC estimation
performances were almost similar with a maximum SOC errors of 2.4% to 2.8%. Meanwhile,
the use of the EKF-ANN significantly improved the accuracy of SOC estimation with less
than 1% error. We are confident that the results of this study can be effectively applied to a
smart BMS for industrial energy storage systems.
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Simulation of Energy Exchange between Single Prosumer
Residential Building and Utility Grid
Andres Annuk 1, *, Wahiba Yaïci 2 , Matti Lehtonen 3 , Risto Ilves 4 , Toivo Kabanen 1 and Peep Miidla 5
1 Department of Energy Application Engineering, Institute of Technology, Estonian University of Life Sciences,
51006 Tartu, Estonia;
2 CanmetENERGY Research Centre, Natural Resources Canada, 1 Haanel Drive,
Ottawa, ON K1A 1M1, Canada;
3 Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Aalto University, 02150 Espoo, Finland;
4 Department of Biosystems Engineering, Institute of Technology, Estonian University of Life Sciences,
51006 Tartu, Estonia;
5 Estonian Center of Industrial Mathematics, 50090 Tartu, Estonia;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +372-55-6820624
Abstract: Modern households usually have independent energy sources such as wind generators,
photovoltaic (PV) panels, and similar green energy production equipment. Experts predict that
soon, there will be an increasing number of such prosumers who both produce and consume energy.
This process alleviates and reduces the load on large national electricity networks and also contributes
to overall energy security. In this paper, a simulation model of a household, which employs a wind
generator as its independent source of electricity, is developed. It is expected that this approach will
be easily replicated for more complex configurations. The other components of the single prosumer
microgrid that will be assessed are the non-shiftable electricity consumption equipment, which is
Citation: Annuk, A.; Yaïci, W.; used mainly in households and deployed separately for water heater, with a separate battery to meet
Lehtonen, M.; Ilves, R.; Kabanen, T.; the needs of these non-shiftable consumers. The 5-min data intervals for the year of simulation have
Miidla, P. Simulation of Energy been used. The characteristics of energy flow according to production and consumption schedules
Exchange between Single Prosumer
and the capacity of storage equipment have been modelled and simulated. Results disclose that wind
Residential Building and Utility Grid.
turbine production size and buffer battery have a crucial impact on the demand cover factor.
Energies 2021, 14, 1553. https://
Keywords: load shifting; energy storage; wind energy; green energy; self-consumption; cover factor;
Academic Editor: Andrei Blinov
microgrids; buffer battery; distributed generation; simulation
Flywheel storage [12] is also used as a storage device in smart grids, transportation and
for maintaining grid stability; however, for the most part, private use remains theoretical.
Europe largely supports the transition to minimize energy use in which most new build-
ings will consume nearly zero energy with autonomous energy production and adequate
storage systems. In the past decade, microgrid-based prosumers have grown exponentially,
and it is desired that these prosumers would play a more appreciable role in optimizing
the operations of utility grids [13–15].
This article provides a simulation model of a household with a wind generator as
its electricity source. The other components of microgrid under review are so-called non-
shiftable equipment for electricity consumption, which are used in every home. We consider
these appliances and household equipment, known as “non-shiftable” (NS) consumption,
in the energy scheme and simulation experiments. Water consumption and water tank
as storage are evaluated separately in the model because of the requirement for domestic
water to be preheated before use. The final component of the energy scheme within the
microgrid or household is a separate battery that ensures that the needs of NS consumers
are best met and which can store as much energy as possible when it is produced by the
wind generator.
Conventionally, energy consumed in households emanates from either the wind
generator [16] or the utility grid. To attain self-sufficiency, i.e., where electricity generated
locally matches local consumption, it is necessary to find an optimal combination of
installed electricity production units, and storage buffers to mitigate the volatility of the
primary energy carrier such as wind or solar irradiation [2]. The present study introduces
a buffer battery (BB), which stands between the microgrid and utility grid. BB belongs
to the household as material equipment but is virtually considered as energy, being one
of the stores for the energy produced by the wind generator. The energy from the wind
generator that is not consumed in the microgrid during the observation period is loaded
there. If necessary, the energy needed for consumption in the microgrid is also provided
from BB. The energy that cannot be contained in the BB is transmitted to the utility grid.
It is, thus, possible that the energy consumed in the household can come from either wind
generator, buffer or grid.
Cover factor augmentation is indirectly assessed by certain authors. An overview [17]
describes loss minimization and power quality in distributed grids and sets as objective
the decrease in active losses in batteries. Vanhoudt et al. [18] studied the possibility of
increasing self-consumption by heat pump, which is indirectly related to energy storage.
By comparing different renewable electricity sources, they found that the wind generator’s
yield is better compared to photovoltaic (PV) panels. Naval et al. [2] modelled the versatility
of electricity sources and related real-time electricity prices, with the wind as one of the
most suitable primary energy carriers. The combination of wind and solar generation in a
microgrid was studied in [17,19]. For a net-zero energy (NZE) hybrid microgrid, combined
wind/solar generation with intermediate storage was analyzed using the HOMER Pro
software (Homer Energy LLC, Boulder, USA) )suite [20]. A major disadvantage of this
software is the 1-h or longer averaging period that it requires. Therefore, a less granular,
self-developed MATLAB (The MathWorks, Inc., Kista, Sweden )model with an averaging
period of 5 min was applied in this current research.
The cover factor is an indicator of load-shifting technology and is meant to handle
volatile primary energy carriers such as wind and sunlight, by deploying intermediate
storage devices [21–26]. In addition to shifting, Eltanay et al. [23] prioritized loads by
dividing them into two major groups. In some sources, it is described as load matching
index (LMI) or load generation matching index (LGMI) [27,28]. In [29] the optimal storage
capacity for full ride-throughs was discussed. Households require power supplies from
the largest possible number of renewable sources to reduce payoff times [2,30]. Increasing
self-consumption not only levels load peaks [31] but also decreases costs on the electrical
energy import to an economically feasible point of 60% self-consumption level [32].
Energies 2021, 14, 1553
The numerous studies described above indicate the increasing attention to the subject
of the microgrid. However, despite this proliferation of studies trying to solve and predict
the energy exchange between prosumer residential building and utility grid, to the authors’
knowledge, there is still insufficient research into or investigation on optimal system design
of a microgrid system in terms of wind turbine and buffer battery sizes effects on the
system performance and demand cover factor. The main novelty of this work is using a
buffer battery between of microgrid and utility grid to increasing of self-consumption. It is
not yet met in the scientific literature.
Hence, the main goal of this work is to simulate and establish setup configurations
of BB between microgrid and utility grid to increase self-consumption of the prosumer.
It is important to note that for evaluation of effectiveness and distinguishing of these
configurations, a new cover factor was introduced and used. The microgrid parameters
were also set. The approach can easily be generalized and replicated in more complex
configurations. Modelling and numerical experiments were carried out in a MATLAB
With these objectives in mind, the remaining article is structured as follows: Section 2
describes the configuration of the modelled household. Section 3 gives an overview of the
initial data that are used in simulation experiments. Section 4 describes the simulation
setup, while Section 5 presents the main results. Finally, the main conclusions drawn in
this work are provided in Section 6.
2. System Setup
On the base of our computer simulation is a typical private household with an ad-
ditional buffer battery (BB) between the local microgrid and the utility grid. The term
microgrid refers to an electrical installation, which comprises local electricity generation,
loads, storage and utility grid connection by default [33].
In Figure 1, the system setup consists of two scenarios. In the first, the microgrid is
connected to the utility grid Figure 1a and the energy change between microgrid (MG) and
utility grid (UG) is direct and bidirectional. In Figure 1a, Arrow A denotes energy acquired
from UG, while Arrow B means excess energy produced by wind generator (WG) and
sold to UG. In the second scenario, the microgrid has external buffer battery (BB) storage
attached Figure 1b. In Figure 1b, Arrow C means the most expensive energy acquired from
UG for a house owner. Arrow D denotes energy, which is taken back to MG and this is free
for a homeowner as it was earlier saved to BB (Arrow E), produced by a wind generator,
and leftover from household consumption. Arrow F indicates the possibility that wind
generator works well and some energy goes to UG. Figure 2 presents MG. All processes
are driven by the load controller.
Buffer battery
Microgrid Microgrid
ǻa) ǻb)
Figure 1. Energy flows between microgrid (MG) and utility grid (UG). (a) MG without BB, (b) MG
with (BB).
Energies 2021, 14, 1553
(d) (e)
Non-shiftable Water
load heater
Figure 2. Configuration of microgrid (MG). (a) bidirectional energy flow between load controller
and UG, (b) bidirectional energy flow between load controller and battery, (c) one directional energy
flow from WG to load controller, (d) one directional energy flow from load controller to NS, (e) one
directional energy flow from load controller to WH.
The microgrid described in this work can be connected to the energy hub. An energy
hub is considered a unit where multiple energy carriers can be converted, conditioned,
and stored [34]. It is to be noted that this microgrid output is very stochastic and has the
best cooperation with the UG. Through the UG there is also a possible connection with
other energy carriers.
3. Input Data
As input data, a time series of production of the WG which is scaled to rated power
Pnom = 5 kW, manufactured by TUGE Ltd (TUGE Ltd., Paldiski, Estonia) [35] was used.
It is located in a coastal area with coordinates N 59.087694, E 23.591719. The dataset
collected covers the period from 1 December 2015 to 30 November 2016, taking into
consideration that December is the first winter month, and facilitating further seasonal
analysis. The average WG power output is derived by dividing the electricity generated
during the last sampling period by the length of the sample period Δt. In the actual research,
Δt = 5 min, and a year is divided into intervals of 5 min in length. Raw consumption data
is measured at a frequency of 4 times per second with the network analyzer—Chauvin
Arnaux (Chauvin Arnaux Metrix, Paris, France). Unfortunately, raw data have not survived.
After the measurement, raw data have been averaged to 10 s of time series data. In the next
step, data were converted to 5 min averaged interval data. Production data was processed
from the 5 min averaging interval. Generation and loads are sampled equally.
Figure 3 shows the data for one week in December 2015 in 5 min periods of energy
units. Battery and WH capacities are considered usable net values. Adding supercapacitors
as levelling elements to decrease excess power from wind generator to batteries in our
case is not used because of the small probability to increase maximum power allowed
to batteries. Energy-related parameters such as WH temperature are not appraised, and
neither is the energy necessary to reach WH minimal temperature of 55 ◦ C, to avoid
proliferating Legionella bacteria [36]. Operating temperature is assumed to have been
attained, and the state-of-charge charge/discharge dependency is neglected.
Energies 2021, 14, 1553
The annual output of the WG is scaled to match the annual load as closely as possible.
A typical private household’s load pattern is considered with non-shiftable (NS) and hot
water production (B) parts. The recorded annual electricity consumption was 3473 kWh,
47% (1632 kWh) being allocated to NS, and 53% (1841 kWh) to B, based on real measurement
data [37]. We aimed to test the developed model and algorithm from our measured data.
The Nordic climate conditions in Estonia are very changeable and even harsh given the
very cold weather conditions in winter. Climate conditions are also accompanied by
consumption data.
4. Simulation Model
In our simulation model, we first consider the control of energy flows in the power
supply system of a private house that is sourced from a wind generator and that also has
access to a utility grid. In Figure 2 we see the configuration of the microgrid (MG). The load
controller in the center regulates sharing of energy produced by the generator.
This model has been created based on the principle that has been introduced in the
sources [18,38]. This model belongs to multi-period multiple time scales over the year
type [39]. In selecting wind turbine production data, we have based our analysis on
one-year data with average wind conditions. Thus, the results of the simulation do not
reflect the results for the different years to be taken into account when using outputs.
This methodology does not command forecasting or economic issues [40]. These topics are
planned in the following studies.
The sharing algorithm in every time interval is as follows [41], the variables denote
(all in kWh):
X1 : is the output energy of wind generator in the current interval.
X2 : is the energy stored in a battery in the current interval.
Z1 : is the energy needed for NS consumption in the current interval.
Z2 : is the energy needed for hot water equipment in the current interval.
The simulation algorithm is delineated as follows:
(1) Next time interval is opened. Main action—the rest of the energies from previous
intervals is transferred to the current one.
(2) WG output X1 first satisfies NS loads Z1 .
Energies 2021, 14, 1553
(3) If X1 > Z1 , the quantity X1 –Z1 forwarded to WH. Steps 4 and 5 are skipped.
(4) If X1 < Z1 , the quantity Z1 –X1 is taken from the battery, if possible, i.e., if Z1 –X1 < X2 .
Otherwise, missing energy comes from UG.
(5) Energy Z2 is taken from a battery or UG.
(6) Energy movements saved.
If the process does not require all the energy produced in the current time interval,
the excess will move to the battery, and if there is still more energy left after that, it will go
to the utility grid.
For evaluation of effectiveness and distinguishing these configurations and energy
flows, this paper introduced and used a new cover factor. In literature, one can find
several forms of cover factors. In our numerical experiments, expressed in detail below,
the following formula was applied:
1. YD is the demand cover factor.
2. W1 is the total annual amount of energy produced by WG, which is directly consumed
by NS devices needs.
3. W2 is the total annual amount of energy produced by WG, which is used with hot
water consumption from WH.
4. W3 is the total annual amount of energy produced by WG, which is used for NS
consumption from the battery during the year. If the WG is unable to supply directly
to NS load, the missing energy will be taken from the battery.
5. W4 is the total annual amount of energy flowing back from BB to MG. This is if there
is not enough power in the battery and WH, then the energy is taken from BB. This is
new in this paper. The flow is depicted as Arrow D in Figure 1b and is decisive for
finding the new demand cover factor value YD . If there is not enough energy in BB,
it is taken directly from UG Arrow C on Figure 1b.
6. Wtotal is the total annual amount of energy consumed for water heating and non-
shiftable load, in other words, the total energy consumption of the entire household.
The cover factor, shortly, is the ratio of energy produced by the wind generator,
which is consumed in the household under consideration. It is easy to see that the following
inequalities hold:
0 ≤ YD ≤ 1 (2)
Indeed, YD = 0 only when the wind generator exceptionally does not produce anything
during the year. Denote with W the total annual amount of energy produced by the wind
generator. For batteries in microgrid and BB, one can only load energy from a wind
generator. It means that energy flow through Arrow E on Figure 1b can be only from the
wind generator. The same holds for Arrow D and the same fact is true for MG battery.
YD has no unit.
We have, therefore, the following expression:
W1 + W2 + W3 + W4 ≤ W (3)
W1 + W2 + W3 + W4 ≤ Wtotal (4)
The last inequality holds because the total consumption load Wtotal may contain a
part of energy acquired from the utility grid as we see from Steps 4 and 5 of the algorithm.
Energies 2021, 14, 1553
According to the definition based on Equation (1) of cover factor YD , calculation from
Equation (4) concludes that YD ≤ 1. Therefore, the inequalities in Equation (2) are proved.
The microgrid solution we offer, together with the BB between MG and UG, is subject
to certain limitations. This solution is designed to meet the needs of a private house as it is
detailed in the above described methodology. This system is built on the principle that the
uncertain parameters of the WG output power are grounded in storage devices such as WH
and batteries. The present approach adopted in this work is mainly focused on component-
and system-level design approaches rather than taking system parameter uncertainty
modelling as done by the source [42] or by using robust optimal energy management [40].
There is no way to include electric car chargers in this system, nor, for example, fast boilers.
To do this, the microgrid must be built differently, given the larger instant consumer power.
Figure 4. Cover factor YD dependency on battery and water heater (WH) capacity.
Energies 2021, 14, 1553
In the next stage of the simulation experiment, the amplification coefficient RS was
introduced to find the dependence in wind generator production of energy flow from
microgrid through BB to utility grid Arrow F in Figure 1b and vice versa Arrow A in
Figure 1a. The amplification coefficient (RS ) is the ratio of the energy produced per year
by the wind generator to the energy consumed in the microgrid. With different values
of coefficient RS , the output of the wind generator is multiplied. Figure 4 depicts energy
flows, where RS varies between 0.8 and 3. At the crossing point or collocation point of
two lines, RS = 1, (it means the original production time series), the absorbed and injected
energy become equal. Further increase of RS results in a linearly growing part of generated
electricity fed into the utility grid. The energy, absorbed from the UG, is characterized by a
slightly falling line.
In equilibrium Figure 5, the exported and imported energy equal both 1401 kWh,
with YD being = 0.597. Even a minor wind generator over-leverage results in significantly
more electricity being injected into the utility grid.
Figure 5. Dependence of energy flows between the utility grid (UG) and microgrid (MG) without buffer battery (BB) for
different RS values.
The next experiment examines the dependency of energy flows from the buffer battery
size. Figure 6 shows the direct energy flow from grid to MG Figure 1b, Arrow C. Figure 6
depicts the electricity flow back from BB to MG Figure 1b Arrow D. Considering BB
size 10 kWh in Figure 5, the grid-to-microgrid energy is equal to 1180 kWh, while BB-to-
microgrid energy becomes equal to 221 kWh Figure 6. These two numbers sum up as
1401 kWh, which is valid for the “bufferless” case Figure 5. The same approach can be
applied to other RS and BB values.
Energies 2021, 14, 1553
RS = 0.8
RS = 1.0
; RS = 1.2
1200 RS = 2.0
RS = 3.0
Energy, kWh
0 10 20 30 40 50
Buffer size, kWh
Figure 6 shows direct energy flow from UG to MG Figure 1b, (C). Figure 7 depicts the
electricity flowing back from BB to MG Figure 1b (D). Considering BB size 10 kWh Figure 5
the grid-to-microgrid energy is equal to 1180 kWh, while BB-to-microgrid energy becomes
equal to 221 kWh Figure 5. These two numbers sum up as 1.401 kWh, which is valid for
bufferless operation Figure 4. The same approach applies to other RS and BB values as
well. In Figure 7, energy amounts are in the y-axis on the Formula 2 fraction line the fourth
member W4 .
Energy, kWh
300 RS = 0.8
; RS = 1.0
< RS = 1.2
200 RS = 2.0
RS = 3.0
0 10 20 30 40 50
Buffer size, kWh
Energies 2021, 14, 1553
Figure 8 depicts the energy flow from BB to UG. If RS = 1 when moving to UG energy
amount is 1164 kWh, which is nearly equal to MG entering energy flow, that is 1180 kWh,
as in Figure 5. It was found that this difference is not decisive. The small difference is caused
by RS = 1 overproduction of 100 kWh from consumption, which is due to scaling conditions.
RS = 0.8
6000 RS = 1.0
RS = 1.2
RS = 2.0
RS = 3.0
Energy, kWh
0 10 20 30 40 50
Buffer size, kWh
Increasing RS moves all residual energy to UG, as seen in Figure 8. In Figure 9, it can
be seen dependence from BB size to cover factor by different RS . The reasonable capacity
of BB is 10 kWh. If BB = 0 when by RS = 1 is YD = 0.597 and by BB = 10 kWh YD = 0.66.
If we have RS = 2, when YD = 0.796. As seen in Figure 9, the cover factor increase occurs
when RS is much bigger than the BB size, but BB size multiplies RS influence.
Based on Figure 9, results reveal that both, the BB and RS have an obvious influence
on the demand cover factor. This suggests that the greater capacity factor of WG causes an
additional increment in YD .
6. Conclusions
This paper developed and presented a simulation model of energy flows to investigate
the self-consumption of a household with a wind generator as its independent source of
Energies 2021, 14, 1553
electricity. The main assessment parameter is the demand cover factor (1). As input data,
time series of typical private household load patterns with non-shiftable (NS) and hot
water consumption (B) parts Figure 3, as well as the time series of production of the wind
generator (WG) with rated power Pnom = 5 kW, were used. This simulation approach is
easily generalized/replicated in more complex configurations of households, and also for
different individual places such as warehouses, industrial buildings, etc. By increasing
local consumption from renewable energy sources, energy losses in the utility grid and
greenhouse gas emissions are reduced.
The study demonstrated that a buffer battery introduced between the utility grid and
household inner microgrid has a notably positive influence on the demand cover factor.
As a result, it is possible to reduce the amount of energy purchased from the utility grid,
as seen in Figures 6 and 7. Figure 6 shows that if BB = 10 kWh, RS = 1, is purchased
from UG to MG 1180 kWh. If RS = 2 and BB= 10 kWh, we only need to buy 701 kWh of
electricity from UG. Wind turbine oversizing is reasonable based on these calculations,
as wind production varies greatly over the years. Figure 7 shows the amounts showing
how much less electricity we buy from UG compared to BB = 0.
It was proved that the production of the wind turbine is crucial for the value of the
demand cover factor. To demonstrate this, the amplification coefficient RS was introduced
to find the dependency of wind generator production of energy flow from microgrid to the
utility grid and vice versa. Figure 9 shows that compared to the baseline situation as RS = 1
and BB = 0 YD = 0.597 then in a situation where RS = 2 and BB = 10 kWh are YD = 0.796.
This is a significant increase.
Moreover, the amplification coefficient RS affects the cover factor only when applied
to wind generator production. Numerical experiments showed that when applied to
consumption data, the change is marginal.
Future research may focus on the WG production forecast and economic factors and
parameters, which should be included in real simulation models.
Author Contributions: A.A. supervised the work and prepared the original research; W.Y. and M.L.
provided the support in formulating the simulation problem; R.I. and T.K. draft preparation and
evaluation of manuscript; P.M. conceptualization and MATLAB simulation. All authors have read
and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Estonian Centre of Excellence in Zero Energy and Resource
Efficient Smart Buildings supported this research and Districts, ZEBE, grant TK146 funded by the
European Regional Development Fund.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Tuge Energia Ltd., for making the data of the
10 kW wind generators available, Alo Allik for consumption data for this study and the Estonian
Centre of Excellence in Zero Energy and Resource Efficient Smart Buildings and Districts, ZEBE,
grant TK146 funded by the European Regional Development Fund supported this research.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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