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College of Teacher Education: Technology For Teaching and Learning II

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Technology for Teaching and Learning II

Name: Aljay O. Patricio Date Started: 05/04/24

Course & Section: BTLED 3-B Date Submitted: 05/10/24
Activity No. : 4 Rating:

Then and Now

Instruction: Complete the table below by providing the difference in terms of teacher, students
and instruction then and now.

Note: Provide a short discussion on your answer.


Then Now
1. Teachers relied on traditional teaching 1. Teachers are seen as facilitators of learning,
methods such as lectures, textbooks, and guiding students to explore concepts and
blackboards. develop critical thinking skills.
2. Teachers were considered the primary 2. Teachers incorporate technology in their
source of knowledge and authority in the teaching, using tools like smart boards, online
classroom. resources, and educational apps.
3. Professional development opportunities for 3. Collaboration among teachers is encouraged
teachers were limited and often focused on through professional learning communities and
technical skills. shared resources.
4. Collaboration among teachers was less 4. Continuous professional development is
common, and classrooms were more isolated emphasized, with a focus on pedagogy, student
environments. engagement, and social-emotional learning.
5. Teacher-student interactions were more 5. Teachers strive to create inclusive and
formal and less personalized. personalized learning environments that cater
to diverse student needs.
Then Now
1. Student assessment focused on standardized 1. Students are active participants in their
tests and grades, with less emphasis on skill learning, engaging in collaborative projects,
development. discussions, and hands-on activities.
2. Students were primarily passive learners, 2. Education caters to diverse learning styles
absorbing information through lectures and and preferences, with personalized learning
rote memorization. plans and differentiated instruction.
3. Access to information was limited to 3.Assessment is focused on skill development,
technologies, because it’s more on library critical thinking, and creativity, rather than just
learning resources. on memorization
4. Individual learning styles and preferences 4.Students are encouraged to participate in
were often overlooked in the classroom. extracurricular activities, and other real-world
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

5. Communication among students and 5. Students have access more of information

between students and teachers was mostly online, expanding their learning opportunities
face-to-face or through written letters. beyond the classroom.
Then Now
1. Instruction was primarily teacher-centered, 1. Instruction is student-centered, emphasizing
with a focus on delivering content through personalized learning, inquiry-based
lectures and direct instruction. approaches, and project-based learning.
2. Learning materials were limited to textbooks, 2. Learning materials include a variety of digital
workbooks, and other print resources. resources, interactive simulations, videos, and
online tools.
3. Assessment focused on standardized tests, 3. Assessment methods include formative
quizzes, and exams to measure students' assessments, portfolios, projects, and
knowledge retention. performance tasks to measure students'
understanding and skills.
4. Technology integration in instruction was 4. Technology is integrated into instruction,
minimal, with limited access to multimedia and with the use of educational apps, adaptive
interactive resources. learning platforms, virtual reality, and other
digital tools.
5. Classroom activities often revolved around 5. Classroom activities promote critical
memorization, drills, and repetitive exercises. thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and

Short Discussion:
In the past, the relationship between teachers and students was often characterized by a more
formal. Teachers were authority figures who imparted knowledge through lectures and
textbooks, while students were expected to listen attentively and follow instructions without
much room for personal expression or creativity. Instructions were primarily delivered through
traditional methods such as blackboards and textbooks, with limited use of technology or
interactive tools. The focus was more on memorization and rote learning, and there was less
emphasis on critical thinking, collaboration, and real-world application of knowledge. While on
giving instructions, it was often one-way communication, where teachers would dictate tasks and
expectations without much room for discussion or feedback. The learning environment was
formal with strict adherence to rules.

In contrast, today's education landscape has proven a significant changes, with a shift
towards a more student-centered approach. Teachers now strive to create engaging and
interactive learning environments that cater to diverse learning styles and interests. Students are
encouraged to actively participate in their learning process, express their opinions, and engage in
collaborative activities with peers. Instructions are delivered using a variety of multimedia
resources, online platforms, and interactive tools that make learning more dynamic and
personalized. There is a greater emphasis on critical thinking, problem-solving, and skills
development that are applicable to real-life situations, preparing students for the challenges of
the modern world.

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