Carvalho Et Al. - Teaching Portuguese To Spanish Speakers
Carvalho Et Al. - Teaching Portuguese To Spanish Speakers
Carvalho Et Al. - Teaching Portuguese To Spanish Speakers
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Teaching Portuguese to Spanish Speakers
A Case for Trilingualism
Ana M. Carvalho
Juliana Luna Freire
Antonio J. B. da Silva
University ofArizona, USA
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Carvalho et al. /Teaching Portuguese to Spanish Speakers 71
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72 Hispania 93March 2010
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Carvalho et al. /Teaching Portuguese to Spanish Speakers 73
Course for Spanish Speakers with Basic Reference Grammar. Although both volumes contain
several explanations of grammatical differences between Portuguese and Spanish, littleatten
tion is given to authentic readings.
In foreign language teaching in general, authenticmaterials offer a much richer source of
input than textbooks do, and they are intrinsicallymore motivating (Gilmore). Authentic ma
terials are even more essential in the case of Spanish speakers acquiring Portuguese, because
their early advanced reading skills make the gap between authentic and textbook language
unnecessary and counterproductive. Thus, we recommend that textbooks be complemented
by authentic reading materials and a strong emphasis on reading skills. Two sets ofmaterials
based on authentic textsare currentlyavailable: The first, Learning Languages throughCultural
Texts, by Tesser, Pires, and Santos, consists of a series of CD-ROMs with academic presenta
tions and supporting reading materials on different topics of Brazilian culture. The second,
Teaching Portuguese toSpanish Speakers throughReadings, by Carvalho, Luna Freire, and da
Silva, provides authenticmaterials and focuses on the grammatical differences between these
two cognate languages.
In conclusion, the growth in importance of the Portuguese language in theUnited States
forces postsecondary faculty to rethink theirpriorities and recognize the need to expand their
foreign language programs to include Portuguese, particularly for Spanish speakers. Specific
teaching practices and materials can optimize the learning of Portuguese for this group. We
recommend thatmaterials emphasize the reading of authentic texts and be complemented by
activities thathighlight linguistic forms thatdifferbetween Spanish and Portuguese. This ap
proach is ideal for developing Spanish-speaking learners' linguistic competence and enriching
theircultural understanding of Portuguese while maximizing their reading skills inPortuguese
from thevery beginning of instruction. Assuming with De Angelis and Selinker thatall linguistic
systemspresent in the speaker's mind may simultaneously interactand compete in interlanguage
production, we assert that teaching Portuguese to Spanish speakers presents an extraordinary
opportunity to broaden our students' linguistic repertoire, form trilingual individuals, andmeet
the recommendations of theMLA.
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