Bus Action Plan
Bus Action Plan
Bus Action Plan
62 Connections
07 The case for change 63 Our actions: connections
08 Tackling the climate emergency
10 Meeting Londoners’ diverse travel needs
17 Avoiding a car-based recovery from the pandemic 71 Decarbonisation and climate change resilience
22 Complementing walking and cycling in creating Healthy Streets 72 Our actions: Decarbonisation and climate change resilience
26 Enabling London’s sustainable growth and development
Seb Dance
Deputy Mayor for Transport
The pandemic and its impact on our lives We cannot do this alone. Change can
over the past two years has brought the only be delivered by closely working
role of our transport system into greater with boroughs, bus operators and the
focus. At the height of lockdown, buses Government. Improving bus journey times
supported key workers such as doctors, in particular requires a team effort, with 70
nurses, medical support staff, emergency per cent of the most strategic streets for
service and food supply workers in making buses being on borough roads.
their essential journeys around London. As
restrictions eased, buses have re-connected The financial pressures that all public
commuters and brought shoppers and transport authorities are now facing means
visitors back to our high streets. we also need to get better value for money
from the network. Investing in buses can
As we emerge from the pandemic, we now be a win-win: by improving bus journey
face a different kind of challenge. We are in times we can reduce our costs and drive
a climate emergency and the Mayor has set up revenue at the same time as more
an ambitious target for London to be a net people are attracted to use the service. This
zero carbon city by the end of this decade. revenue can be reinvested to improve the
Switching our car trips to more sustainable service further, creating a virtuous circle.
modes is one of the most effective ways
we can all reduce our carbon footprints. For Choosing to take the bus is already a highly
most of us, this will mean choosing the bus sustainable option but we are continuing to
more often. invest in our fleet to ensure that in future,
it will be a zero carbon option. Working
Making bus travel an option Londoners together, we can transform bus services in
choose to use for more of their trips London over the next eight years to tackle
means improving all aspects of the journey. the climate emergency and secure a green
We need to provide a modern network and inclusive recovery. Our Bus action plan
that feels safe and secure, and connects sets out how we will do this.
Londoners with the places they want to go,
with fast and reliable journey times.
Gareth Powell Andy Lord
Deputy Commissioner | Chief Customer Chief Operating Officer
and Strategy Officer
The Mayor’s ambition is for London to We can reduce emissions from the bus fleet
be a net zero carbon city by 2030, with itself. London already has one of the largest
28 boroughs having declared a climate electric bus fleets in western Europe. By
emergency. Improving bus services will be accelerating the delivery of a zero-emission
crucial to achieving this in two ways. bus fleet to 2030, we can make bus travel
a zero-carbon travel option in all parts of
the Capital. This would take 500,000 tonnes
of carbon emissions per year out of the
transport system.
Buses will play a key role in enabling people to reduce car use
Figure 1: Sources of CO2 emissions in London* However, cars are by far the largest source zero-emission cars, emissions would be
Overall emissions Breakdown of road and rail emissions (28%) of land transport emissions, as shown reduced but congestion would increase.
in Figure 1. It is estimated that car traffic This would be bad for Londoners as
1% <1% 1% 1% must be reduced by at least 27 per cent it would not improve road danger or
in London by the end of the decade to emissions from tyre and brake wear and
5% 3% meet climate change targets. The scale of would have negative impacts on health and
reductions needed is likely to require a new wellbeing, and harm local economies. A
9% kind of road user charging. We are starting green traffic jam is still a traffic jam.
17% 32% to explore how a simple and fair road user
charging scheme could be developed using In contrast, a modern bus service that
more sophisticated types of technology. provides an inclusive customer experience,
is safe and secure, offers attractive journey
Implementation of any new system would times and provides the connections people
61% be subject to public and stakeholder need, alongside improved environments
consultation, impact assessment and for walking and cycling, would enable
Mayoral confirmation. A high-quality bus Londoners to live low-carbon, car-
17% 28% service that supports people switching free lifestyles.
away from cars would continue to be an
important part of the overall approach. While London has ambitious policies
This is especially the case in outer London, and programmes to reduce the causes
where trips can sometimes be too long to and effects of climate change, we also
Domestic heat and power generation Cars LGVs and HGVs walk or cycle. need the Government to do its part. The
Mayor has called on the Government to
Road and rail TfL Bus Other Bus/Coach
In the meantime, the Mayor is considering provide the funding needed to accelerate
Industrial heat and power generation Rail Motorcycle a number of policies that could be ready the electrification of our bus fleet.
within the next few years to encourage This will help the UK meet its national
Industrial processes
Londoners and those who drive within decarbonisation targets and support jobs
Aviation the Capital to shift from polluting cars to in the bus industry across the country.
public transport and sustainable active By working together, we can make bus
travel, such as walking and cycling, and travel a zero-carbon option Londoners
River electric vehicles where necessary. choose to use as part of a comprehensive
active, efficient and sustainable
Mode shift to an attractive bus network transport network.
will be critical to reducing carbon emissions
in a way that works for everyone in the
Capital. If more Londoners switched to
Bus travel is a core part of the sustainable Over the same period, walking, cycling and
transport network that keeps London public transport mode share increased
moving and enables Londoners to go about from 52 per cent to just under 60 per
their busy lives. More than six million cent2. The bus network helped change the
bus journeys are made on a typical day, way Londoners live and travel. This was
representing around one in five of all made possible through close collaboration
journeys made in the Capital1. between us, boroughs, bus operators and
other stakeholders, as shown in Figure 2.
In the early 2000s, as part of an integrated
transport strategy to tackle London’s
chronic congestion and insufficient public
transport capacity, we improved the
reliability of bus journeys and the network
was expanded. As a result, bus journeys
increased by 69 per cent between 2000
and 2010.
1984/85 1986/87 1988/89 1990/91 1992/93 1994/95 1996/97 1998/99 2000/01 2002/03 2004/05 2006/07 2008/09 2010/11 2012/13 2014/15 2016/17 2018/19
Eighty per cent of trips in London to be made by walking, cycling and public transport by 2041
Bus services are the only mode of public transport that can cater for the switch in car trips that are too long to
walk or cycle needed in inner and outer London, as buses can cater for the more dispersed nature of these trips
London’s streets will be The Mayor’s aim is for all Londoners to do at least the recommended 20
healthy and more Londoners minutes of activity each day by 2041. As an average bus trip involves around 7
will travel actively minutes of walking to and from the stop, bus customers can achieve much of
the minimum physical activity needed to stay healthy in one return trip.
London’s streets will be safe Increasing our efforts to improve bus safety is an essential component of the
and secure Vision Zero approach to road danger. Furthermore, if public transport doesn’t
feel safe and secure to use, people are more likely to take other options, such
as cars, which in turn will increase road danger.
London’s streets will be used Buses are the most efficient form of motorised transport on our streets.
more efficiently and have less A bus can carry up to 75 people using the same road space as three cars. In
traffic on them central London, buses account for 16 per cent of the road space used but 67
per cent of the movement of people on the carriageway.
London’s streets will be clean Poor air quality affects the health of all Londoners. A greener bus fleet will
and green provide a zero-emission, sustainable option for journeys which cannot be
made on foot or by cycle. We now have more than 700 zero-emission buses
and all new vehicles added to the network will have zero tailpipe emissions.
The public transport network Buses are the most used form of public transport in London, and their
will meet the needs of a flexibility means they can serve areas of the Capital that other public
growing London transport modes cannot reach. More than 96 per cent of London’s
population lives within 400 metres of a bus stop.
The public transport network The bus is the most affordable, accessible and available mode of public
will be safe, affordable and transport in London. It has a central role in ensuring people can travel easily,
accessible for all spontaneously and independently, irrespective of age, income or disability.
Journeys by public transport will An efficient and reliable bus network is the foundation of any city’s
be pleasant, fast and reliable integrated public transport system. By improving bus journey times for
customers and enhancing the experience of using the bus we can deliver the
comprehensive public transport offer that London needs.
Active, efficient and sustainable A well-connected bus network will enable car-free lifestyles by providing a
transport will be the best high-quality, attractive mode of transport to connect new developments to
option in new developments shops, stations and other destinations.
Transport investment will unlock The bus network has the greatest reach of any public transport mode,
the delivery of new homes and the network can be adapted quickly to cater for new demand. It can
spread the benefits of rail investment further by providing a reliable and
comfortable feeder service.
Bus travel is central to Londoners’ lives. The bus is the main mode of travel from Our customers tell us that they choose
After walking, it is the most-commonly origin to destination in more than three- to travel by bus because it’s a convenient
used form of travel in London. In total, 62 quarters of bus journeys. The remaining bus and cheap mode they trust will get them
per cent of Londoners travel by bus at least journeys are part of longer trips by other from A to B, safely and reliably, although Sixty-two per cent
once a week, as shown by Figure 3. modes, mostly rail or Tube, where the bus often not as quickly as they would like. This
is used to access a station. contrasts with the more emotional reasons
of Londoners travel
Travelling by bus is part of daily life Londoners tell us influence their decision by bus at least once
for people of all ages and walks of life.
While some Londoners rely more on the
Londoners travel by bus for all types of
purpose, with work and shopping each
to drive cars: it gives them a sense of
freedom, control and comfort that the bus
a week
bus to get around, the overall profile of representing more than a quarter of trips, does not. If we are to grow bus use in the
weekly bus users reflects the profile of one in five trips being for leisure, and one long-run, we need to address these factors
London’s adult population in terms of age, in six trips being for education. However, which influence mode choice as well as
gender and socioeconomic group. Young when buses are used to access other the functional reasons. We can do this in
Londoners have particularly high bus trip modes like rail or Tube, this is mostly for a number of ways, including by improving
rates, due to the critical role of the bus as work purposes, as shown in Figure 4. how customers can access information to
part of the journey to school. give them a greater sense of control, and by
demonstrating visible investment to give a
sense of progress and innovation.
Figure 3: Frequency of use – at least once a week or more Figure 4: Trip purpose for bus journeys
(% of Londoners aged five and over) Bus as main mode Bus used to access other mode
100 9% 6%
80 21%
20% 40%
70 7%
62 11%
9% 13%
40 43 42
Usual workplace Other work related Usual workplace Other work related
20 Shopping and Shopping and
Education personal business Education personal business
10 Leisure Other Leisure Other
12 11
Walk Bus Car passenger London Car driver National Rail Overground Cycle
Frequency of use
As the most affordable, accessible and apprentices and jobseekers. Through the An accessible mode modes. There is a clear opportunity for
widely available mode of public transport in Freedom Pass, boroughs enable older and The bus is the most accessible mode of high-quality bus schemes to help us build
the Capital, some groups of Londoners rely disabled Londoners to travel for free. These public transport that serves all parts of back a fairer and more equal London,
more on buses to get around. Londoners concessions ensure all Londoners can access London and our comprehensive network with the needs of bus users and disabled
from different groups use the bus more education and other public services they is well-placed to serve short trips made Londoners embedded in all schemes from
frequently than the London average, need. They connect people to family and by those with mobility needs. Low-floor the outset.
including those under the age of 25, those in friends, and allow everyone to experience vehicles run on all our bus routes, and
households with an annual income of less the opportunities the Capital provides. have a dedicated space for one wheelchair An available mode
than £20,000, women and Black, Asian and user and an access ramp. Buses can also Our bus network covers the widest area of
minority ethnic Londoners. After walking, More than one-third of bus journeys be lowered to reduce the step-up from any public transport mode in London. More
Londoners who consider themselves to are made by Londoners with an annual the pavement. All bus drivers complete than 96 per cent of Londoners live within
have a disability use the bus more than any household income of less than £20,0005. diversity and inclusion training when they 400 metres of a bus stop. This ensures
other mode. This makes a large number of our bus start working for a London bus operator almost all Londoners are connected to
customers particularly sensitive to to ensure they can support all customers, their local area, wherever they live. Our
An affordable mode economic downturns. Early evidence including those with specific needs such extensive Night Bus network also supports
Buses are the most affordable public suggests young and low-income Londoners as accessibility. those working during the night.
transport mode serving all parts of London. have been worst affected by the economic
Our concessionary fares extend free travel consequences of the pandemic. This brings Of all disabled Londoners, 52 per cent do
to children under 18 and older Londoners, into focus the importance of bus travel in not have household access to a car and
as well as discounted travel to students, supporting a recovery that is truly inclusive. therefore depend more on sustainable 5 London Travel Demand Survey 2018/19
Over the past decade, the way in which As a result of these changes, a decade and
people travel has changed. Economic a half of growth in bus demand came to
factors have reduced demand for shopping an end in 2015. This means that before the
and leisure trips, and this has hit the bus effects of the pandemic, the bus was the
market particularly hard. Additionally, only sustainable mode where demand was
the increase in internet shopping, leisure falling, as shown in Figure 5.
activity at home and flexible working has
also changed the shape of travel demand,
even before the pandemic.
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
London’s bus network performed a critical autumn 2021, bus demand had returned demand recovered more strongly. While
role during the pandemic by supporting to between 70 and 80 per cent of normal most Londoners are becoming more By autumn 2021,
essential trips, including commuting by levels, showing it is the most resilient of comfortable about returning to the
key workers in health and social care, and all public transport modes. Demand fell network, a small minority still don’t see
bus demand had
food supply. Nevertheless, demand was slightly during December 2021 and January themselves using public transport again. returned to between
substantially lower than normal levels.
Bus customer numbers fell to less than
2022 following the introduction of the
Government’s Plan B restrictions, but has
We need to reassure these customers,
by continuing to address their concerns
70 and 80 per cent of
20 per cent of normal levels during the quickly bounced back. around cleanliness and crowding, and normal levels
spring 2020 lockdown, from 23 March to letting them know the steps we are taking
13 May 2020, before recovering to around Our immediate challenge is to win to keep them safe.
60 per cent of normal levels during back customers, with a focus on
the summer, as shown in Figure 6. By those who switched to car use, where
Figure 6: Change in demand on the main transport networks in 2020/21 (percentage change)
(7-day moving average relative to equivalent period in 2019)
16/02 15/03 12/04 10/05 07/06 05/07 02/08 30/08 27/09 25/10 22/11 20/12 17/01 14/02 14/03 11/04 09/05
Helping more people to walk, cycle and Since 2016, investment in Healthy Streets
use public transport is at the heart of has transformed streets across the Capital,
the Mayor’s vision to transform London’s with an extensive expansion of the cycle
streets and create a healthier, fairer and network, improved town centres and
more sustainable city for everyone. The pedestrian connections, and the Safer
Mayor’s Transport Strategy sets out Junctions programme to tackle some of the
how investing in our streets using the most dangerous locations in London.
Healthy Streets Approach can improve air
quality, reduce congestion and help make Buses also have an important role to play
London’s diverse communities greener, in delivering the Healthy Streets objectives,
healthier and more attractive places to as shown in Figure 7. Prioritising bus
live, work, play and do business. travel over cars and parking will further
decarbonise our transport network and
London’s streets account for more than help tackle the climate emergency. It will
80 per cent of its public space6. Turning reduce traffic and congestion, making
these streets into places where people walking and cycling more attractive to
want to walk, cycle and take public Londoners and visitors alike. This will also
transport will connect communities, while make our streets more attractive places to
enabling Londoners to start enjoying visit and spend time in – creating vibrant
their city again as we recover from the conditions in which businesses can thrive.
pandemic. Creating streets for walking, Prioritising bus travel will also help tackle
cycling and public transport will also the Capital’s serious physical and mental
tackle pollution and congestion, and make health inequalities.
it easier and more attractive for people to
build activities into their daily lives that
can provide health benefits.
Pedestrians from all The Bus action plan will support Healthy Streets
01 walks of life 06 Easy to cross by enabling mode shift from car and reducing
motor traffic. In particular, our actions for buses
10 01 People choose to
Places to stop
will deliver significant improvements for these
Healthy Streets Indicators.
02 walk, cycle and use
public transport
07 and rest
7 Low Traffic Neighbourhoods deliver safe and 8 If buses run reliably every twelve minutes, or
attractive streets for walking and cycling by more frequently, most passengers will treat the
preventing through traffic from using residential service as being ‘turn-up-and-go’ as highlighted in
neighbourhoods to avoid main roads (often the TfL Guidelines for Planning Bus Services
known as ‘rat running’), while retaining local
access for residents and visitors 9 London Travel Demand Survey 2018/19
Because of its role as both a main mode To achieve this, the bus needs to facilitate
and an access mode, bus travel is critical to a significant increase in trips in areas which
achieving the Mayor’s aim for 80 per cent already have high levels of bus demand
of trips to be made by walking, cycling and as well as support trips emerging in new
public transport. To meet this mode share locations where we need mode shift from
target, up to 9 million daily journeys may car, particularly in outer London. The
need to be made by bus by 2041, increasing scale of change will be most significant in
from 6.1 million before the pandemic. outer London, with some of the highest
percentage increases in bus demand
forecast to be in these boroughs.
Town centres
Town centres
The path to a sustainable, liveable and the Mayor’s aim for 80 per cent of trips focus on town centres and interchanges Second, we need to focus our efforts
less car-dependent city runs through to be made by walking, cycling and public where bus use is already high, but a on locations where bus use is currently
outer London, and bus travel will have an transport by 2041. But outer London is also significant increase in bus customers will low, and a large percentage mode shift
indispensable role in making this happen. where car travel is most dominant. We still need to be supported. The bus offer is required. These trips will be more
Currently, around half of bus journeys must transform the bus services on offer needs to be comfortable, convenient and dispersed, and the bus offer needs to be
start in outer London and we will need in outer London to achieve the mode shift reliable, as part of a comprehensive and attractive and relevant to car users for the
to increase this number if we are to meet the Capital needs. First, our work needs to integrated wider transport network. scale of change required to be achieved.
We need the bus network to realise its About three-quarters of Londoners would
full potential to carry more people over consider using the bus when planning their
the next decade. To do this, our vision is trips. We need to welcome them back
for bus services to provide an inclusive to the network as we emerge from the
customer experience, be safe and secure, pandemic, encouraging them to use the
offer attractive journey times, provide the service more and providing them with a
connections people need and provide a positive experience when they do so. We
zero-carbon travel choice. This needs to be also need to address the barriers holding
planned as part of an integrated walking, one in four Londoners back from even
cycling and public transport network, considering the bus as an option. This
enabling Londoners to safely, easily and means seeking to improve bus outcomes
reliably make their whole journeys without across five priorities, as shown in Table 2.
needing to travel by car as far as possible.
Inclusive customer experience A modern bus network that is relevant to Londoners and makes
it easy for people to travel spontaneously and independently
Safety and security A safe and secure bus network, with no one killed on or by a bus
by 2030 and fewer people saying they are put off travelling due to
security concerns
Journey times A faster and more efficient bus network, with journey times
improved by 10 per cent compared to 2015
Connectivity A bus network that provides better connectivity for longer trips,
particularly in outer London, while maintaining our network
coverage of more than 96 per cent of Londoners living within 400
metres distance of a bus stop
Decarbonisation and climate A green bus network with a zero-emission fleet, as a result of
change resilience additional Government funding and support from manufacturers
and operators
Realising the full potential of the bus Sustainability Plan includes proposals to
network to support mode shift and achieve adjust public transport service levels,
a net zero carbon London will only be including a four per cent reduction in bus
possible by working with delivery partners mileage. We believe that, on balance, these
across the Capital. We need a plan that reductions will not significantly damage
everyone can get behind – an ambitious our ability to attract people back to our
plan for 2030 which recognises the diverse network or the Mayor’s and Government’s
circumstances of London’s boroughs. shared policy objectives. However, at
this point further reductions would not
Our starting point brings many challenges. be supported by evidence and could put
The effects of the pandemic have put London’s recovery in jeopardy. We need to
public transport operators across the world welcome our customers back, encourage
under previously unimaginable stress. them to use the bus for more of their trips
We recognise the difficulties we face and and attract car drivers to use the bus.
have outlined our response. Our Financial
Our bus network is world-leading, but we This is now more urgent than ever. The
need to keep raising the bar. We are in a pandemic has exacerbated recurring
competitive environment. New companies problems for our existing customers,
entering the market are offering innovative and in some places created new ones.
transport alternatives, and cars are now Among those who stopped using the bus
safer, cleaner and more comfortable, during the pandemic, around one in five
efficient and advanced than ever. cited concerns around the cleanliness
of surfaces, ability to maintain social
We need to build confidence in the distancing, crowding, and others not using
experience of taking the bus by face coverings as barriers to travel. Among
reconsidering what is needed to non-bus users these barriers were felt even
meet both the evolving needs of our more, further complicating mode shift
existing customers and the car drivers from car. We are listening to customers’
we are looking to attract. This can be feedback. We collect information on bus
achieved through the provision of better users’ journeys every day and will use that
information, developing trust in a safe to inform and drive our activity to improve
environment, and meeting customer people’s experiences on buses.
expectations of having a safe and
comfortable experience at bus stops and Bus travel is at the core of our inclusive
on buses. transport network and will become even
more crucial as London’s population grows
older, with the number of Londoners
over the age of 70 expected to grow by 85
per cent between 2016 and 204110. While
our reputation for offering an accessible
service is good, with significantly fewer
complaints made about the accessibility of
buses compared to other public transport
modes, we must continue to tackle the
barriers to travel and unique pain points
that affect disabled and older people to
10 Mayor’s Transport Strategy: Supporting Evidence
ensure all Londoners can get around more
– Challenges and Opportunities for London’s easily, safely, confidently, spontaneously
Transport Network to 2041, 2017 and independently.
Over the past two decades we have London the first city in the UK to provide However, since these pioneering innovations, information screens with additional journey
pioneered new technologies to provide on board, audio-visual, next-stop and both technology and customer expectations information, including estimated journey
customers with information at all stages of destination information across its entire have moved on, with smartphones driving a times to key stops along the route and live
their journeys, from planning before they bus fleet. desire for greater access to a wide range of departure and disruption information for
set off on their journey to their time on the information ‘on the go’. Tube and rail services. As well as improving
bus itself. Customers responded positively to customer experience, digital displays could
these innovations when they were We have been exploring a range of new improve operational efficiency as we
Our Countdown signs enable greater introduced. Countdown signs were valued technologies including: dynamic bus flags would no longer need to re-print bus stop
flexibility and accuracy than the printed as a practical source of information that which use an integrated battery within information and bus blinds when there is
timetables customers had previously relied customers did not have to actively seek the bus stop flag itself to provide real- a service change. This technology is now
on. Since they were first trialled in the out. iBus next-stop information was time arrival information; e-ink screens mature and with appropriate funding would
1990s, they have been rolled-out at more positively received when initially launched, to replicate and enhance the accuracy of be rolled out across more of the network.
than 2,500 sites in London. In 2009, our iBus with 91 per cent of customers supporting information currently provided by paper
automatic vehicle location system made roll-out across more routes. timetables at stops; and enhanced on-board
Travelling on a bus is the safest form Bus stops that are poorly lit, not
of road transport. However, on average overlooked or suffer from a lack of
around half of all injuries to our customers maintenance can feel unsafe. If a bus stop
and workforce on public transport occur or station feels unsafe, people will not
on buses, due to the high number of choose to wait for a bus there, particularly
people that use them. Without continued at night. We need to ensure that our
investment in critical safety improvements, physical infrastructure makes people
we will not achieve our Vision Zero aim for feel comfortable waiting for a service.
no one to be killed on or by a London bus Our ongoing investment and partnership
by 2030. working with the Metropolitan Police
Service’s Roads and Transport Policing
People need to feel safe both on board Command, will continue to provide
and outside the bus, as well as on the dedicated policing for our bus network,
streets that buses serve. Perceptions of ensuring it remains a safe, low-crime
poor personal security can prevent some environment. This is complemented by our
people from using buses or using them own enforcement activity to ensure that
more often. If we want to meet our target customers pay their fares and follow the
of increasing bus travel we need to address rules that are in place to keep customers
these barriers. and staff safe.
Our world leading Bus Safety Programme is
delivering the greatest reduction in people
200 198
killed or seriously injured per journey of
any mode on the roads, with 77 per cent
fewer people killed or seriously injured on
or by a bus by the end of 2020, compared to 150
2005-0911. The programme is wide ranging,
and includes key themes of safe speeds, 128
safe streets, safe vehicles, safe behaviours
and post-collision response. For example, 100
we have implemented Destination Zero
training for drivers, which demonstrates
road risks with the help of virtual-reality
headsets. Underpinning all this is the 50
People should feel safe both on board and outside the bus
Bus action plan 44
Figure 13: Key safety features introduced through the Bus Safety Standard
We have also taken tough measures to Building on our commitment to the health
improve safety by combatting bus driver and wellbeing of drivers we are rolling out
fatigue, including ensuring that all managers health kiosks to bus operators. We have
in bus garages have undertaken fatigue also expanded our £500,000 Bus Safety
training. All ten London bus operators now Innovation Challenge to focus on driver
have a Fatigue Risk Management System fatigue and health and wellbeing. Vehicle
and between September 2020 and the end technology will continue to change so
of June 2021, we ran nearly 150 sessions, we will also continue to investigate how
with 1,746 bus operator managers and improved connected and autonomous
operational supervisors attending. vehicle technology can further help our Bus
Safety Programme.
We are committed to making our bus Women and girls still have greater levels The Women’s Safety Programme will include: • Considering what more we can do at
network a place where women and girls can of concern about travelling than men, transport hubs to make women and girls
feel and be safe. particularly at night. Different features of • A new communications campaign on buses feel safer
people’s identity, such as race, disability and and at bus stops that emphasises our zero-
For almost a decade, we have worked with neurodiversity, sexuality and gender, can tolerance approach to sexual harassment • Improving support for staff who
the Metropolitan Police Service and the increase vulnerability and victimisation. experience sexual harassment and
British Transport Police to tackle sexual • Training for bus drivers and other frontline misogyny as a form of work-related
harassment on public transport, an issue Acknowledging the experience of women and staff working on the bus network on how violence and aggression, taking a zero-
that disproportionately affects women and girls, as well as the tragic murders of sisters to deal with sexual harassment, including tolerance approach to harassment and
girls. Through our ground-breaking Project Bibaa Henry and Nicole Smallman in 2020, how to handle reports from customers, victimisation in the workplace
Guardian initiative and Report it to Stop and Sarah Everard and Sabina Nessa in 2021 starting in April 2022
it communication campaigns, we worked and the public outcry rightly surrounding • Playing our full part in supporting and
to improve victim confidence to report them, has spurred us to do more and to do • Signage on vehicles, bus stations and delivering on the Mayor’s Women’s
incidents by knowing that action will be better to improve the safety of women and stops about what to do in an emergency Night Safety Charter and strategy to
taken, making it easier for victims to report girls on our network and in our workplace. and how to report a crime end violence against women and girls
and target offenders. Significant progress We have established a Women’s Safety in London
has been made in this area and, while our Programme, which is wide-reaching and • Continuing our Project Guardian sessions
network is generally very safe for our builds on the ongoing work with our police in schools to educate girls and boys about
employees and customers, there is more partners to make our public transport sexual harassment on public transport
work to do. network a hostile environment for offenders. and encourage them to report incidents
to transport staff and the police, and
looking at ways to expand their reach
Until recently, buses had been getting Traffic congestion doesn’t just slow down
slower. In the six years leading up to the buses, it also makes customers’ journey
pandemic in 2020, average bus speeds in times less dependable. A customer may
London dropped by more than three per find themselves on a bus that needs to wait
cent, declining rapidly between 2013 and at stops to even out gaps in the service, or
2016 before recovering slightly towards even terminate short of their destination if
the end of the decade (although remaining significantly behind schedule. Customers
lower than before). perceive these frustrations in different
ways. Time spent waiting for a bus is more
There has been a clear correlation between frustrating than time spent on board a
declining bus demand and deteriorating bus. Interchange can sometimes feel like a
average bus speeds, as shown in Figure 14. hassle, especially if it is not well-designed.
Research shows that a ten per cent increase We now measure weighted customer
in journey times can, on its own, lead to a journey time to reflect this, as shown in
six per cent fall in bus demand14. Many of Figure 15. This captures the whole bus
these journeys will instead be made by car customer journey experience, compiling
or not be made at all, both bad outcomes elements of wait time, in-vehicle time,
for local economies. interchange, crowding, and reliability, and
then weighting these elements to reflect
Slower journey times are more than how customers perceive time spent at
an operational cost, they are also an different stages of the journey differently.
opportunity cost. Every vehicle added Improving journey times means addressing
to the schedule to maintain reliability in all these elements.
congested areas is a vehicle that could
otherwise have been used to enhance
services elsewhere.
2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
We urgently need to deliver a Reducing traffic levels will be critical for through our investment in sustainable
transformational improvement to bus this. We saw the dramatic impact that modes, promotion of low-car development Traffic congestion
journey times in order to provide a bus reduced traffic volumes can have on bus and local measures around parking, but we
service that Londoners will choose to journey times during the first lockdown in need to go further.
doesn’t just slow down
use. If we don’t, we will find ourselves 2020. While average bus speeds have since buses, it also makes
trapped in a vicious cycle where worsening declined as traffic returned, they remain customers’ journey
congestion makes buses less attractive and slightly higher than pre-pandemic levels
more costly to run, driving more customers in most parts of London. We already work times less dependable
to the car and compounding the problem. alongside boroughs to reduce traffic levels
* Not to scale
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P1
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
The city’s roads must also be used for walking and cycling
Bus action plan 55
Focus on: Bus and Focus on: Central
cycle-only streets London Bus Grid
Tottenham Court Road, Central London Bus Grid,
London Borough of Camden City of London, City of Westminster
A street designed for sustainable and London Boroughs of Camden,
modes, delivered by the borough and Islington, Lambeth, Southwark and
partly funded by us Tower Hamlets
Twenty strategic bus corridors in
From March 2021, sections of central London where bus priority
Tottenham Court Road have been open would be most beneficial to bus
to buses and cycles only between operations and customers
08:00 and 19:00, Monday to Saturday.
The scheme aims to reduce congestion The objective of the Central London
and air pollution and improve bus Bus Grid is to deliver reliable average
journey times, while also delivering a bus speeds of 10 to 13mph along key
safer and more attractive environment corridors in central London. Corridors
for walking and cycling, and new were identified using a multi-criteria
areas of high-quality public realm. analysis including bus passenger
Monitoring shows that the package numbers, speed and availability of
of traffic changes introduced has alternative modes. The corridors
improved journey times on four bus provide connectivity to rail termini,
routes, as well as reducing congestion areas without access to Tube services,
across the area. areas with poor rail access and major
hospitals. Enhancements continue
to be delivered with more than 500
metres of new bus priority delivered
on the grid in 2021.
Figure 17 prioritises these links to Figure 17: Priority locations for bus interventions
show where we need to enhance bus
performance. This highlights links in central
London, around town centres and along key
radial routes. The approach for each link
will be determined by local characteristics
and could range from large to small scale,
including bus lanes, junction schemes,
parking policy, traffic reduction measures
and operational changes.
High priority
Medium priority
Strategic streets
Town centres
Buses and active travel are mutually general traffic, rather than at the expense creating a bus and cycle-only street, or footways on the main road, with high
supportive elements of the Healthy Streets of each other. through localised measures to reduce quality, direct cycle routes using a mix of
approach. Improvements for one mode traffic such as bus gates, banned turns and main road and parallel streets.
should either have no impact or, ideally, Reallocating road space other access restrictions. An example of
bring benefits to the other. However, poorly Where the road is wide enough, general this approach is the new bus gate at Stoke Including bus facilities as part of urban
designed measures and those that focus on traffic lanes and parking can be converted Newington Church Street in the London realm projects
single modes can have negative effects on to bus lanes, protected cycling facilities or Borough of Hackney. Urban realm projects provide an
other sustainable modes. expanded footways for walking. An example opportunity to improve walking routes to
of this is Plumstead Road in the Royal A ‘whole corridor’ approach bus stops and enhance bus stop waiting
Recent experience shows that well- Borough of Greenwich, where 800 metres of By planning for bus, cycling and walking environments. Facilities such as bus stands
planned schemes can provide significant bus, cycle and public realm improvements improvements jointly we can improve these can also be integrated as part of changes to
improvements for bus customers while were delivered as part of a holistic scheme. modes in an integrated way, considering the urban realm, such as at Clapham Old
also making walking and cycling safer where their dedicated infrastructure and Town in the London Borough of Lambeth
and more appealing. This can be achieved Traffic reduction enhancement should be located, and avoid where a new area of public realm was
through holistic, multi-modal planning, One of the most effective ways to improve clashes over limited road space. In some created, enabled through a redistribution of
and by designing schemes that prioritise streets jointly for sustainable modes is places this could mean expanded bus bus stands.
walking, cycling and public transport over to reduce traffic levels. This could be by priority, 20mph speed limits and improved
London’s bus network is the only accessible We need a bus network that works for
public transport network that covers the longer trips as well as local ones. This
entire Capital. More than 96 per cent of does not mean a wholesale change in
Londoners live within 400 metres of a how we plan every bus route. Instead, we
bus stop, and 90 per cent are within the will work to make changes incrementally
same distance of a high-frequency service, to transform excellent local connections
defined as five buses per hour, as shown into more than the sum of their parts: a
in Figure 18. Over 60 per cent of Londoners network that is easy to use for short and
also live within 400 metres of a night- simple, and long and complicated journeys
time service. alike. The Hopper fare, launched in 2016
and then extended in 2018, which enables
This dense, high-frequency network customers to take unlimited journeys
provides excellent local connectivity, within one hour of touching in, was the first
taking people from near their home step towards this..
directly to local destinations such as town
centres, schools and hospitals. For longer Our approach needs to consider two types
or more complicated journeys, however, of customer: those we are serving now
the network doesn’t always feel like a who could use the bus for more of their
network. Most customers have a good trips and new customers who don’t use the
understanding of their local services, but bus at all. We must also ensure that the
struggle to use a network that takes in bus network works for a growing London
more than six hundred routes for more and is an attractive choice of travel for
complicated trips. It can be difficult to work people moving to new neighbourhoods, as
out whether travelling by bus is an option. well as those moving to the Capital for the
Navigating unfamiliar journeys can be first time.
stressful and interchanges can be confusing
or unpleasant. Slow journey times and long
or unreliable wait times can amplify these
issues, especially on longer trips.
More than
of Londoners live within 400 metres
of a bus stop
of Londoners live within 400 metres
of a high-frequency bus service
Network Coverage
Day services
Town centres
Our mostly uniform approach to services We will also continue to investigate bus • Reviewing high-frequency corridors
means that customers know what to transit options as a way to provide easy to identify where we could trial
expect from a red bus anywhere across the to follow and accessible mass-transit limited stop services, beginning with
Capital. However, if we are to attract new lines to connect Opportunity Areas to the the identification and assessment of
customers who don’t currently see the bus wider city. options for Old Kent Road in 2022
as an option for their journeys, we need to
reconsider whether the existing approach is When considering this we must also look • Working with boroughs to deliver the
always the right one. This means reviewing at how changes are best communicated supporting infrastructure needed to
the current service offer and considering to customers, how different types of make limited stop services effective
how it can be adapted without undermining service can remain integrated into the
the strengths of a service that is simple, network, what infrastructure is needed • Working with boroughs and operators
consistent and easy to understand. For to maximise the journey time benefit and to investigate and implement other
example, we can take a fresh look at how what other factors are needed to best meet new service types, such as bus
limited stop services fit into the bus offer customer expectations. transit, where these combine service
for longer trips in outer London which are and infrastructure changes
currently mostly made by car, guided by the
principles set out in Table 3.
The bus network can help us to get more • Communicating the role of the
out of scarce land and deliver more new bus in supporting growth and
homes. The connectivity it provides means expectations for bus connectivity
new buildings don’t need to be planned through engagement with boroughs,
around cars, which require more road including when developing Local
space than public transport as well as Implementation Plans, developers
land for parking. The efficient capacity and consultants
the bus network provides means the
street network around a development can • Identifying areas where major
support more people travelling to and from developments are planned or
it, enabling more new homes, shops or under construction and innovative
workplaces to be provided on the site. bus-based solutions can increase
connectivity, support growth
The role of the bus in delivering Good and offer sustainable transport
Growth will be critical over the next during construction
decade. In uncertain times, bus investment
is resilient and can be delivered quickly, • Delivering suitable new streets
often using local funding mechanisms. We for buses and efficient bus
must therefore unleash the potential of the infrastructure, and safeguarding land
bus to unlock growth, particularly where for bus garages, stations and stands
rail investment is not planned or has been to support existing and new services,
deferred. By putting the right supporting where needed
infrastructure in place from the start and
ensuring the bus network has the quality • Working with boroughs to leverage
to meet customer expectations we can give developer funding and other local
developers the confidence to invest. funding sources for bus services
and bus infrastructure, including
welfare facilities
Buses will play a key role in delivering Good Growth for London
Bus action plan 69
Focus on: Unlocking growth with improved bus connectivity
The bus network can provide the transport Enfield Council and TfL have agreed a • Redirecting local bus routes away from Subject to consultation, in the short-term,
enhancements needed to unlock growth comprehensive package of interventions that the A406, which offers a poor walking and one new east-west link can be created and
at different scales. Intervention can range will improve bus capacity and connectivity to waiting environment for bus customers a temporary bus turning circle can be built
from a comprehensive area-wide package support the homes planned. These include: near Brent Cross West station to enable bus
to the local provision of bus infrastructure The funding of these interventions has been access through the site. In the longer-term,
and temporary measures. The examples • Expanding the bus network so it connects secured as part of the planning obligations as a new street network is introduced,
below are at varying stages of planning, the site to local rail stations, increasing linked to this site and specific route changes bus services can be rerouted and new
consultation and delivery. the number of destinations will be subject to consultation. The Area stops and stands can be provided, subject
action plan also recognises the importance to consultation.
Meridian Water, London Borough • Establishing a central public transport of protecting garage capacity, in line with
of Enfield: Network re-structure and active travel spine London Plan policy. Southall Green Quarter, London Borough of
including route extensions and new bus Ealing: New infrastructure and developer
priority infrastructure • Ensuring high-quality bus priority remains Brent Cross Town, London Borough of funding to open up poorly connected site
Meridian Water is one of the largest at the heart of the development Barnet: Temporary measures followed by The Southall Green Quarter (Gasworks)
brownfield development opportunities network re-structure site is planned to accommodate 3,750
in Greater London, with the potential • Restructuring and simplifying local The Brent Cross Town site lies at the new homes, a hotel, cinema, offices and
to deliver up to 12,000 homes and 6,000 bus routes to integrate the site with southern side of the Brent Cross/ retail space. A new road linking South Road
new jobs19. neighbouring communities and Cricklewood Opportunity Area. A new in Southall to Pump Lane in Hayes and
town centres Thameslink station, Brent Cross West, will funding through a Section 106 agreement
improve connectivity to the west but part will enable bus routes to be extended
of the site will still not be easily accessible through the site, providing connectivity to
19 Edmonton Leeside Area Action Plan, 2016 by public transport. an otherwise isolated location.
We need a modern bus service to enable We have also already made good progress
mode shift from cars, the largest source of towards reducing carbon emissions:
road and rail emissions. But we must also increasing the number of hybrid buses in
ensure our bus vehicles are clean and green the fleet has reduced carbon emissions by
so that the bus can be truly a zero-carbon broadly 10 per cent. Our aim is for 10 per
option. At the same time we must also cent of the fleet to be zero emission by the
take action to ensure we are resilient to the end of 2022, and we now have more than
effects of climate change. 700 zero-emission buses on the road.
Delivering a zero-emission bus network remains a priority 20 Contributions of green infrastructure to the
Healthy Streets Approach
Delivering the
Bus action plan
The support of London’s boroughs is and seek to deliver transformative change the delivery of effective schemes. We We will continue to work with boroughs
crucial to delivering the changes we need on the street together by: will also keep boroughs up to date with so that bus service and infrastructure
on the Capital’s streets. We want to reset emerging best practice as the planning enhancements are included in borough
the conversation around buses at all • Ensuring good engagement at both system is subject to reform planning for transport and growth.
levels, to be more open and honest with strategic and tactical levels, recognising Boroughs are actively encouraged to
each other to help us both achieve our the importance of our respective roles to • Supporting boroughs in identifying identify ambitious bus priority projects
shared objectives. deliver a wide range of outcomes funding opportunities and the case- via their Local Implementation Plan
making needed to realise it. Boroughs will delivery plans. Where projects unlock
London’s boroughs are responsible • Engaging early and frequently when be able to use our knowledge, experience growth, boroughs are encouraged to work
for 95 per cent of London’s streets, reviewing and enhancing the bus and comprehensive data closely with us to seek contributions from
including around 70 per cent of the most network. Boroughs will know when route developers to cover the cost of providing
strategic streets for buses. Boroughs reviews are taking place, how they can • Working together to agree and deliver both the infrastructure capital costs to
also understand the needs, concerns and influence the process, and where new balanced outcomes for streets across a enable an efficient and reliable bus service,
aspirations of their local communities. It vehicles and customer measures are wide area, not just on individual corridors. and an agreed level of revenue until the
is vital that we use this insight to get the being introduced This will be critical where it is not service reaches maturity. Boroughs are
most out of investment and deliver the possible to prioritise all active, efficient also encouraged to consider innovative
best possible bus network for Londoners. • Developing a rolling training and skills and sustainable modes on a single link measures such as a workplace parking
programme to help increase knowledge levy to fund infrastructure, customer and
We will work with boroughs to understand around the strategic importance of the service enhancements as part of a fully
their aspirations for bus travel in their area bus network for boroughs and support integrated mode-shift package.
Theme 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Inclusive customer
New iBus
system live
Milestone: (2025)
Action: (2022-2025) Investigate ways to improve the provision of diversion and disruption information
Action: (2022-2023) Trial new digital information Introduce digital information screens at stops and shelters, based on learnings from trial
screens at stops and shelters
Action: (2024-2030)
Provide indicative busyness
Action: (2022-2023) information for each bus route
Action: (2022-2030) Introduce digital bus blinds across more of the fleet
Action: (2022-2030) Renew and upgrade our bus stations, stops and shelters
Action: (2022-2023) Trial new on-bus design Roll-out new on-bus design features, based on learnings from trial
features on Route 63
Action: (2024-2030)
Action Milestone
Theme 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Introduce signage for vehicles, stations and stops on what to do in an emergency and how to report crime
Action: (2022-2030)
Train bus drivers and other frontline staff on how to deal with
Action: (2022-2024) sexual harassment
Action: (2022-2030) Deliver at least 100 Project Guardian sessions in schools a year to educate children about sexual harassment on public transport
Deliver Bus Security Programme, seeking to constantly improve security and address
Action: (2022-2025)
any identified vulnerabilities
Action: (2022-2030) Aim to renew an average of eight driver welfare facilities a year, including mess rooms and toilets
Action Milestone
Theme 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Journey times
Develop new bus priority proposals and deliver bus priority in town centres
Action: (2022-2030)
Action: (2022-2030) Pilot and roll-out integrated approach for journey times, customer experience and connectivity enhancements in outer London
Action: (2022-2030) Deliver signal timing reviews to support bus journey times
Action: (2022-2030) Maintain and improve bus priority and infrastructure databases
Action Milestone
Theme 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Work with boroughs to plan and deliver on-street and bus service improvements to support new homes and jobs, such as at Nine Elms, Old Kent Road, Charlton, Isle of Dogs and Colindale
Action: (2022-2030)
Action: (2022-2030) Continue to safeguard land for bus infrastructure, including bus garages
Action: (2022-2030) Conduct reviews of around 80-120 routes being re-tendered and conduct seven area reviews annually
Action: (2022-2030) Continue to make changes to our bus network to improve the experience for customers with a focus on connectivity, particularly in outer London
Action Milestone
Theme 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Decarbonisation and
Work towards accelerating delivery of a zero-emission bus fleet from 2034 to 2030, subject to additional Government funding and support from manufacturers and operators Accelerated
climate change resilience
target date for
Action: (2022-2029)
Milestone: (2030) Assess hydrogen fuel cell pilot for consumption, reliability and efficiency
bus fleet
Action: (2022-2026)
Action: (2022) Develop Opportunity
opportunity charging pilot
Milestone: (2023) charging pilot goes live
Action: (2022-2030) Seek opportunities to deliver green infrastructure and other climate change adaptation measures, alongside new and existing bus infrastructure
Action Milestone
The bus network serves all parts of the city throughout the day
Bus action plan 86
Figure 22: How we can flex our pathway to achieving our vision for bus services in London Progressing and realising our vision together
Our bus network is central to delivering the
Short term Medium term Long term Mayor’s aim for 80 per cent of Londoners’
Demand returns as Demand begins to A growing bus trips to be made by walking, cycling and public
we come out of the increase as London network is an transport by 2041. We cannot achieve Vision
pandemic and new returns to growth attractive, affordable
travel patterns emerge and sustainable Zero, an inclusive recovery, a net zero carbon
alternative to the car London and Good Growth in the long-term
if London’s bus services are not improved
Safety and security to fulfil their potential and enable people
to travel across all parts of London without
Journey times needing to use a car. High-quality bus services,
together with improved environments for
Fast pace Delivering the walking and cycling, can enable people in
of delivery Bus action plan London to enjoy healthier, safer, low-carbon
lifestyles, while living in more prosperous and
inclusive communities
Active, efficient and Trips made by walking, cycling or using public transport can be collectively These definitions can vary depending on context. The Bus action plan
sustainable modes referred to as ‘active, efficient, and sustainable’. primarily uses the following definitions:
• Central London: an area broadly equivalent to the Central Activities Zone
(CAZ), as defined by the London Plan
Vehicles that perform at least some of the ‘driving’ task themselves.
How autonomous a vehicle is depends on how much it can do (such • Inner London (excluding central London, as appropriate): the boroughs of
Autonomous vehicles as steering, acceleration and braking) and how much responsibility the Camden, Hackney, Hammersmith & Fulham, Haringey, Islington, Kensington
driver retains (including performing some driving functions, monitoring & Chelsea, Lambeth, Lewisham, Newham, Southwark, Tower Hamlets,
only or being free to do other things). Wandsworth and the City of London and City of Westminster, as defined by
the Office for National Statistics
A metric that captures the whole bus customer journey experience, • Outer London: the boroughs of Barking and Dagenham, Barnet, Bexley,
Bus customer journey time combining elements of wait time, in-vehicle time, interchange, crowding, Central, inner and
outer London Brent, Bromley, Croydon, Ealing, Enfield, Greenwich, Harrow, Havering,
wait time buffer and in-vehicle time buffer. Hillingdon, Hounslow, Kingston upon Thames, Merton, Redbridge,
Richmond upon Thames, Sutton and Waltham Forest, as defined by the
A planning approach where streets are designed to reduce bus journey Office for National Statistics
times and improve the reliability of services. It can include bus lanes,
Bus priority measures to reduce the impact of parking and loading on the movement The London Plan also set outs similar definitions of inner and outer London,
of buses, changes to traffic light timings and improvements to bus stops. which may be updated over time. However, for some uses, boundaries based
on borough or CAZ are not appropriate, such as the inner London ULEZ,
which is based on the North and South Circular Roads, or the Congestion
Our programme to implement a safe systems approach that supports the
Charge zone, which is based on the Inner Ring Road. In other circumstances,
Bus Safety Programme Mayor’s Transport Strategy aim for no one to be killed on or by a London
the concepts of central, inner and outer should be used more flexibly, such
bus by 2030.
as when planning where transport services operate, as these are unlikely to
do so only on one side of a boundary.
A standard introduced on new buses entering service from 2018. The
standard uses new technology to improve the safety of buses in London. It
Bus Safety Standard builds on analysis of collisions in the Capital involving buses to inform the A network of key bus corridors in central London introduced to deliver
development of vehicle design and technology, to give the greatest reduction Central London Bus Grid
reliable average speeds of 10 to 13mph.
in casualties.
A digital screen that replicates and enhances information provided by paper Service where buses run reliably every twelve minutes (or more frequently)
E-ink screen High-frequency service
timetables at bus stops. enabling most passengers to treat the service as ‘turn-up-and-go’.
European exhaust emission standard for heavy vehicles, introduced in 2015. A bus that is powered by an electric powertrain whereby fuel cells convert
Euro VI standard Hydrogen fuel cell bus
All London Buses meet the Euro VI standard. the chemical energy of hydrogen into electrical energy.
Flat fare structure The same fare is paid no matter what distance is travelled. London Buses’ automatic vehicle location system. Used to provide
customers with detailed information on their journeys.
Freedom Pass Concessionary travel scheme for older and disabled Londoners.
Journey Planner Official journey planning function of TfL’s website.
The network of parks, green spaces, gardens, woodlands, rivers, green roofs,
street planting, rail and road verges and wetlands that is planned, designed Local Implementation Plans (LIPs) set out how each London borough will
Local Implementation Plan (LIP)
Green infrastructure and managed to: promote healthier living; lessen the impacts of climate meet the objectives of the Mayor’s Transport Strategy.
change; improve air quality and water quality; encourage walking and cycling;
store carbon; and improve biodiversity and ecological resilience.
London Plan The Mayor’s spatial development strategy for London.
A neighbourhood where safe and attractive streets for walking and cycling Activity that produces zero harmful exhaust emissions, including PM, NOx,
Low Traffic Neighbourhood Zero emission
have been delivered by preventing through traffic while retaining local NO2, CO and CO2.
access for residents and visitors.
Mayor’s Women’s Night A charter, introduced by the Mayor in 2018, to encourage councils, businesses,
Safety Charter venues and other organisations to prioritise women’s safety at night.
Opportunity charging Electric bus charging that takes place while buses are in service, rather than
overnight at a garage.
The objects and equipment that populate the surface level of a street.
Street furniture This includes bollards, benches, vehicle charging stations, traffic signs
and streetlights.
Sustainable Drainage Systems Drainage solutions that provide an alternative to the channelling of surface
(SuDS) water through pipes and sewers, reducing pressure on these networks.
TfL Go Official TfL travel app with arrival times, travel updates and transport maps.
A safe systems approach to road danger reduction that aims to eliminate all
Vision Zero
deaths and serious injuries from London’s transport network by 2041.
Our programme to make the transport system, including the bus network,
Women’s Safety Programme
a place where women and girls can feel and be safe.
Activity that causes no net release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
Zero carbon
gas emissions into the atmosphere.
Part of the Greater London Authority We run most of London’s public Supporting the delivery of high-density, None of this would be possible without
family led by Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, transport services, including the London mixed-use developments that are planned the support of boroughs, communities
we are the integrated transport authority Underground, London Buses, the DLR, around active and sustainable travel will and other partners who we work with to
responsible for delivering the Mayor’s aims London Overground, TfL Rail, London ensure that London’s growth is good improve our services. We all need to pull
for transport. Trams, London River Services, London growth. We also use our own land to together to deliver the Mayor’s Transport
Dial-a-Ride, Victoria Coach Station, provide thousands of new affordable Strategy; by doing so we can create a
We have a key role in shaping what life Santander Cycles and the Emirates Air homes and our own supply chain better city as London grows.
is like in London, helping to realise the Line. The quality and accessibility of these creates tens of thousands of jobs and
Mayor’s vision for a ‘City for All Londoners’. services is fundamental to Londoners’ apprenticeships across the country.
We are committed to creating a fairer, quality of life. By improving and expanding
greener, healthier and more prosperous public transport, we can make people’s We are committed to being an employer
city. The Mayor’s Transport Strategy sets lives easier and increase the appeal of that is fully representative of the
a target for 80 per cent of all journeys to sustainable travel over private car use. community we serve, where everyone
be made on foot, by cycle or using public can realise their potential. Our aim is to
transport by 2041. To make this a reality, we We are moving ahead with many of be a fully inclusive employer, valuing and
prioritise health and the quality of people’s London’s most significant infrastructure celebrating the diversity of our workforce
experience in everything we do. projects, using transport to unlock growth. to improve services for all Londoners.
We are working with partners on major
We manage the city’s red route strategic projects like Crossrail 2 and the Bakerloo We are constantly working to improve the
roads and, through collaboration with Line Extension that will deliver the new city for everyone. This means freezing TfL
the London boroughs, can help shape the homes and jobs London and the UK need. fares so everyone can afford to use public
character of all London’s streets. These are We are in the final phases of completing the transport, using data and technology to
the places where Londoners travel, work, Elizabeth line which, when open, will add 10 make services intuitive and easy to use,
shop and socialise. Making them places per cent to central London’s rail capacity. and doing all we can to make streets and
for people to walk, cycle and spend time transport services accessible to all. We
will reduce car dependency and improve reinvest every penny of our income to
air quality, revitalise town centres, boost continually improve transport networks
businesses and connect communities. for the people who use them every day.
© Transport for London
March 2022
tfl.gov.uk PUB21_049