Thermal Conductivity Prediction of Nanofluids Containing Cuo Nanoparticles by Using Correlation and Artificial Neural Network
Thermal Conductivity Prediction of Nanofluids Containing Cuo Nanoparticles by Using Correlation and Artificial Neural Network
Thermal Conductivity Prediction of Nanofluids Containing Cuo Nanoparticles by Using Correlation and Artificial Neural Network (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789().,-volV)
Nanofluids are employed in different thermal devices due to their enhanced thermophysical features which lead to
noticeable heat transfer augmentation. One of the major reasons of the heat transfer improvement by using the nanofluids is
their increased thermal conductivity. Several methods have been applied to estimate this property of nanofluids such as
correlations and artificial neural networks (ANNs). In the present paper, group method of data handling (GMDH) and a
mathematical correlation are proposed for forecasting the thermal conductivity of nanofluids containing CuO nanoparticles.
The inputs of the both models are the base fluids’ thermal conductivities, concentration, temperature and nanoparticle
dimension. Comparison of the forecasted data by these two approaches revealed more favorable performance of GMDH.
The values of R-squared in the cases where polynomial and ANN were utilized were 0.9862 and 0.9996, respectively.
Moreover, the average absolute relative deviation values were 5.25% and 0.881% for the indicated methods, respectively.
According to these statistical values, it is concluded that employing the ANN-based regression leads to more confident
model for forecasting the TC of the nanofluids containing CuO nanoparticles.
A. Komeilibirjandi et al.
attributed to the increment in both TC and nucleation sites. to acceptable forecasting in some cases, considering the
Similar conclusion was drawn by Nazari et al. [9] in the size of particles leads to the increase in the accuracy of the
case of using graphene oxide nanofluid in a pulsating heat proposed model.
pipe. In addition to two-phase thermal mediums, nanofluids Different mathematical approaches are used in order to
have shown the ability of heat transfer augmentation in forecast and model the properties of nanofluids [32, 33].
single-phase devices [10–12]. For instance, Shirzad et al. Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool for various goals
[13] numerically investigated the performance of a pillow such as optimization and modeling the complex systems
plate heat exchanger filled with various nanofluids and [34–37]. Intelligence models are applicable for predicting
concluded that applying nanofluids can increase the heat the dependent values by using appropriate inputs with
transfer coefficient. In addition to the cooling appliances, perfect precision [38–41]. These models are useful for wide
nanofluids are used in different energy systems as shown in variety of applications such as predicting the thermal per-
Fig. 1. Employing nanofluids in renewable energy tech- formance of heat exchangers and energy systems
nologies leads to higher energy extraction, size reduction [10, 42, 43], energy consumption prediction [44], carbon
and reliability improvement [14–16]. dioxide emission [45], weather forecasting [44], etc. In
TC, specific heat and dynamic viscosity are among the addition, these approaches are able to forecast nanofluids’
factors with noticeable impact on the heat transfer ability TC and dynamic viscosity with acceptable precision
of the fluids [23, 24]. Due to the importance of TC in the [33, 46, 47]. Ahmadi et al. [48] employed LSSVM-GA
enhancement of heat transfer, it is crucial to distinguish the method to estimate the TC of Al2 O3 /EG nanofluid. The
factors influencing this property. According to the literature forecasted values by the proposed model were very close to
review, size and concentration of solid particles, tempera- the measured TCs, and the R-squared was 0.9902. In
ture and the type of base fluid are among the most addition to the SVM-based methods, artificial neural net-
important factors [25–27]. In addition to the mentioned works (ANNs) are appropriate tools for prediction of
ones, method of preparation, shape of the solid structures nanofluids’ TC. In a study [29], TC ratio of CuO/EG was
and the pH of the nanofluids affect their thermophysical predicted by utilizing GMDH and LSSVM-GA. The R-
and rheological features [25]. Generally, temperature and squared values of the mentioned approaches were 0.994
concentration increment results in improved TC. More- and 0.991, respectively. In addition to the high accuracy of
over, nanofluids with the more conductive base fluids have the GMDH approach in forecasting the behavior of com-
higher TC. In the majority of previous researches con- plex system, it has some features such as no requirement
ducted in the TC modeling of nanofluids, concentration and for predefinition of numbers of layers, neurons in hidden
temperature have been used as inputs [28]. In some recent layer and active neurons [49] which make it favorable for
studies, size of particles is added as another variable to predictive models. In addition, GMDH networks do not
achieve more comprehensive regression [29, 30]. Accord- suffer from the training data overfitting [50].
ing to the study performed by Ahmadi et al. [31], although The majority of the models represented for estimating
using the temperature and concentration as the inputs leads the TC are applicable for the nanofluids with a single type
of base fluid [51]. Proposing a model with the ability of
forecasting the TC for various base fluids would be very
useful for the researchers. In the current article, GMDH
Solar ANN, as an efficient algorithm, and a mathematical cor-
collectors relation, as an easy-to-use method, are employed to model
the TC of nanofluids with dispersed CuO particles to pro-
vide applicable models. In addition, the confidence of the
Solar water Fuel cell proposed models is compared on the basis of different
heater Applicaons cooling statistical criteria to produce detailed insight into the
of nanofluids employed forecasting models. The base fluids of the
in energy models nanofluids are water, ethylene glycol (EG) and
systems engine oil. The inputs of the models are concentration and
size of solid phase, TC of the base fluid and the tempera-
ture. All the data utilized for modeling are extracted from
PV cooling
Geothermal experimental studies.
Thermal conductivity prediction of nanofluids containing CuO nanoparticles by using correlation…
2 3
Methods 1 x1p x1p x21p x21p x1p x1p
6 x22p x22q x2q 7
A ¼ 41 x2p x2q x2p 5 ð4Þ
Mathematical correlations are employed to model the 1 xnp xnq x2np x2nq xnp xnq
systems and features of the materials. These types of
models have some advantages including simple structure One method to solve this matrix equation (Aa ¼ y) is using
and ease of utilization; however, due to their weakness in singular value decomposition (SVD) method. By using
considering the interaction of variables affecting the out- SVD method, the unknown coefficient a is calculated by
puts, they are not appropriate for complicated systems. Eq. 5 [52].
ANNs are presented as intelligence approaches for mod- 1
eling the systems with complex relationship between the a ¼ AT A AT y ð5Þ
inputs. In general, Voltera–Kolmogorov–Gabor (VKG) In Eq. 5, AT is the transpose of the matrix A. With this
polynomials (Eq. 1) can be used in order to model complex method, unknown coefficient, a; can be calculated in most
systems containing set of data with multiple inputs and one of the cases. If the matrix ðAT AÞ is non-invertible,
output [52]. Tikhonov method is applied to solve the equation.
Xn n X
X n n X
X n X n
In the design of GMDH neural network, the aim is to
y ¼ a0 þ ai x i þ aij xi xj þ aijk xi xj xj
prevent the divergence of the network and relate shape and
i¼1 i¼1 j¼1 i¼1 j¼1 k¼1
þ structure of the network to one or some numerical
parameters in a way that by changing these parameters, the
ð1Þ network structure changes as well. Evolution methods such
In Eq. 1, x ¼ ðx1 ; x2 ; . . .; xn Þ are input vectors, y is model as genetic algorithm have a vast application in different
output, and ai are coefficients of polynomial. VKG poly- steps of designing the neural networks due to their unique
nomials are approximated by second-order polynomials. capabilities in finding the optimum values and investigat-
These second-order polynomials are constructed based on ing the possibility in unpredictable spaces. In this paper,
the dual combinations of network inputs. GMDH algorithm the genetic algorithm is used to design the shape of the
is proposed based on this idea as the learning method for neural network and determine its coefficients [53]. In order
modeling complex systems [52, 53]. to make the GMDH neural networks widely recognized,
GMDH neural network has a structure of a multilayered the constraint of using adjacent layer in constructing the
and feed-forward network containing set of neurons created next level must be excluded. This type of neural networks
from linkage of different input pairs via second-order is called GS in which to build new levels all the previous
polynomial. Each layer in this network is established from layers (as well as the input layer) are used [52, 53].
one or more processing units that each of them has two The criteria used in the current study for the evaluation
inputs and one output. These units actually play the role of of the regressions are R-squared, relative deviation (RD),
components constructing the model and are assumed as a mean square error (MSE) and average absolute relative
second-order polynomial as given in Eq. 2 [52]. deviation (AARD) which are defined as [55, 56]:
Pi¼n experimental 2
y^n ¼ a0 þ a1 x1 þ a2 x2 þ a3 x1 x2 þ a4 x21 þ a5 x22 ð2Þ i¼1 y y predicted
i i
R2 ¼ 1 P 2
Unknown parameters of GMDH algorithm are coefficients i¼n experimental
i¼1 yi yexperimental
of the polynomial in Eq. 2. In order to calculate the output
y^i for each input vector x ¼ ðx1 ; x2 ; . . .; xn Þ based on Eq. 2, yexperimental
i ypredicted
RDi ¼ 100
the average of squared error (Eq. 3) must be minimized yexperimental
[54]. i¼n 2
n MSE ¼ yexperimental y predicted
A. Komeilibirjandi et al.
Results and discussion applicable for different nanofluids, the TC of the base fluids
must be considered as another input. Generally, for the
Since the performance of a model in forecasting the output same concentration, temperature and size of particles, the
significantly depends on the input data, the variables used nanofluids would have higher TC in the cases where the
as inputs must be carefully defined. The majority of the particles are suspended in more conductive fluids (as
researches carried out to model the TC of nanofluids have shown in Fig. 3).
focused on a single type of nanofluid [57]. In these types of In the present research, the data are extracted from
studies, the temperature and volume fraction of solid phase several experimental studies. The ranges of the inputs and
have been used as the inputs due to the noticeable depen- the base fluids are given in Table 1. The base fluids of the
dency of TC on them [58, 59]. As shown in Fig. 2, incre- investigated nanofluids are ethylene glycol (EG), water and
ment in both of these factors leads to TC enhancement. engine oil. In order to consider the impact of the base
Another factor considered in the recent studies, in order to fluids’ TC on the outputs of the model, their values for each
reach more favorable precision and comprehensiveness, is fluids at 20 C are used as one of the inputs. Moreover,
the dimension of particles suspended in the base fluid. In temperature, volume fraction and the size of solid phase are
addition, since the present models are designed to be the other inputs. In the first step, a model is proposed by
(a) (b)
Thermal conductivity/W m–1 K–1
Thermal conductivity/W m–1 K–1
0.75 0.28
2 2
Vo 1.5 60 Vo 1.5 60
lu 50 lum 50
me 1 40 ec 1
co on 40
nc 30
/°C ce 30
en 0.5
ture ntr 0.5 tur e/°C
tra pera pera
20 ati 20
tio 0 on
n/% 10 Tem /%
10 Tem
Thermal conductivity/W m–1 K–1
Vo 1.5 60
lum 1 50
ec 40
on 30
cen 0.5 e/°C
tion 0
pe ratu
/% 10
Fig. 2 Effects of concentration and temperature on the TC of a CuO/water, b CuO/EG, and c CuO/engine oil nanofluids [60]
Thermal conductivity prediction of nanofluids containing CuO nanoparticles by using correlation…
A. Komeilibirjandi et al.
1 6
Outputs of the model/W m–1 K–1
R² = 0.9862
Relave deviaon/%
0 50 100 150 200 250
0.4 –2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 –8
Experimental TC/W m–1 K–1 Data index
Fig. 4 Comparison of the TC values by using polynomial regression Fig. 7 Relative deviation of the regression by using the GMDH ANN
25 6
Relave deviaon/%
10 4
0 3
0 50 100 150 200 250
– 10
– 15
– 20
– 25 0
Data index Polynomial regression GMDH ANN
Fig. 5 Relative deviation of the regression by using the polynomial Fig. 8 Comparison of AARD values for the correlation and ANN
Outputs of the model/W m–1 K–1
Thermal conductivity prediction of nanofluids containing CuO nanoparticles by using correlation…
A. Komeilibirjandi et al.
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