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Subject: -Mobile Computing

Unit : - 1

1.Write a detail note on evolution of Mobile Computing. (6)

2.What are the major milestones in evolution of Mobile Computing. (4)
3.Explain the architecture of Mobile Computing with help of suitable diagram(6)
4Explain the 3-Tier architecture of Mobile Computing (6)
5.What are the various types of Mobile Devices currently used? (6)
6.What are the various applications of Mobile Computing (6)?
7.Discuss the various applications enabled due to mobile communications and computing?(6)
8.Write short notes on:
(i) Smartphones
(ii) Digital Music Players

9.Write short notes on:

(i) Wearable devices
(ii) Digital Personal Assistants

10.Describe various handheld devices currently used in Mobile Computing(4)

11.What is a Smart System? What are the basic parts or components of a Smart System(6)
12.What is a Smart System? What are the possible applications of Smart Systems(6)
13.What are the current and possible applications of Smart Systems(4)
14.What are the limitations of Mobile Devices? (4)
15.How Mobile Computing is contributing to Automative Systems? (6)
16.Write a detail note on Vehicle as a Mobile Computing Platform (6)
17.What are the opportunities and challenges in Mobile Computing? (4)

Unit : -2
What is GSM? Explain the working of a GSM network system. (6)
Write short notes on: (4)
(i) TDMA
(ii) CDMA

Write short notes on: (4)

(i) FDMA
(ii) CDMA

What is CDMA? Explain its working (4)

Explain the architecture of GSM Networks. (6)

Write short notes on: (4)

(i) Network Switching System(NSS)
(ii) Base station system (BSS)

Write short notes on: (4)

(i) Network Switching System(NSS)
(ii) Operations and Support System (OSS)

What are the applications of GSM technology? (4)

What are various Radio Interfaces and Protocols used in GSM networks? (6)
Write short notes on: (4)
(i) Air Interface
(ii) Abis Interface

Write short notes on: (4)

(i) Um Interface
(ii) Abis Interface

Write short notes on: (4)

(i) Air Interface
(ii) Um Interface
What is Localization in GSM? Explain the process of locating MS in the GSM network. (6)
What are various numbers in locating a MS in GSM network? (4)
Explain the role of HLR and VLR in GSM localization. (4)
Explain the process of connection handover between BTS stations (6)
How the is ensured in GSM? (4)
What is SMS service? What are the benefits of SMS service? (4)
What is SMS service? What are the applications of SMS service? (4)
Explain the flow of a SM between two MS (4)
Explain how SMS services are used for Mobile Computing. (4)
What are the examples of Value Added Services based on SMS? (4)
What is SMS bearer? How to access SMS bearer for communication?
What is Media Access Control? Explain the architecture Wireless-MAC architecture. (6)
Explain the types of MAC protocols
What is CDMA protocol? Explain the working of CDMA protocol. (6)
What is Spread Spectrum technology? Explain its use in CDMA protocol. (6)
Explain various coding methods used in CDMA. (6)
Explain following wireless interface protocols: (4)
(i) cdma2000
(ii) cdmaOne

Explain following wireless interface protocols: (4)

(i) IS-105
(ii) IMT-2000
What is orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)? (4)
What is i-Mode internet connectivity service? How is it different than other protocols? (4)
Unit : - 3
Explain the process of Packet Delivery and Call Handover Management in Mobile Networks. (6)
Write a detailed note on Location Management in Mobile Networks.

Explain how tunneling works in Mobile Networks.

Explain how tunneling works in Mobile Networks

How does DHCP Protocol work? Discuss its advatages and disadvantages. (6)

Explain the working of Snooping IP protocol.

Compare and contrast the following Mobile TCP protocols: (6)
(i) Indirect TCP
(ii) Snooping TCP
(iii) Mobile TCP

Compare and contrast the TCP protocols with 2G/3G networks. (4)

Unit : -4
What is databse hoarding? Explain various database hoarding techniques.

Discuss various Transaction Models used in databases for Mobile Computing. (6)

Explain the Data Recovery process followed in Mobile Computing. (4)

Discuss the activities involved in the Data Recovery process followed in Mobile Computing. (4)

What is Communication Asymmetry? How GSM deals with Communication Asymmetry?(4)

What is Selective Tuning? Explain various Indexing Techniques used for data dissemination.
Discuss various Data Dissemination Broadcast Models used in Mobile Computing. (6)
Unit : -5
What are Synchronization Software for Mobile Devices? Name a few popular Synchronization Softwares. (4)

Explain various data Synchronization protocols in mobile computing

What is SyncML? How is it used in Data Synchronization?

What is SMIL? How is SMIL used in Mobile Data Synchronization?

Write a detailed note on Mobile Device Management

Explain the following elements of Mobile Device Management: (6)
Mobile Agent
Application Server
Explain the following elements of Mobile Device Management: (6)
Application Server
Explain the following elements of Mobile Device Management: (6)
Mobile Agent
Application Server

Explain the Service Discovery process in Mobile Computing (4)

Unit : -6
Write a detailed note on the evolution of the Android operating system.
Discuss various features offered by the Android operating system.
Explain the Android Architecture in detail with a suitable diagram. (6)

What is Andriod Manifest File? Explain its role in the Android App.
Discuss the various events and handlers in Android Activity Lifecycle with example code. (6)
Discuss the various events and handlers in Android Service Lifecycle with example code. (6)
What is a Layout in Android? Explain its role in the Android application UI designing.
Explain the usage of following UI components in Android Applications with example code: (6)
(i) TextView
(ii) EditText
(iii) Button

Explain the usage of following UI components in Android Applications with example code: (6)
(i) ImageView
(ii) EditText
(iii) Button

Explain the usage of following UI components in Android Applications with example code: (6)
(i) Slider
(ii) EditText
(iii) Button
Explain the process of event handling in Android operating system.
Write brief notes on following Mobile Operating Systems: (6)
Differentiate between Android and iOS mobile operating systems (4)

What the role of Linux in Mobile Device Operating System such as Android.(4)

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