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Gas If Ication N

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Research Article

Energy Exploration & Exploitation

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Quality assessment of gas ! The Author(s) 2019
DOI: 10.1177/0144598719875272
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types of biomass pellets in

gasification process

Marcel Mikeska , Jan Najser, Václav Peer,

Jaroslav Frantık and Jan Kielar

Gas from the gasification of pellets made from renewable sources of energy or from lower-quality
fuels often contains a number of pollutants. This may cause technical difficulties during the gas use
in internal combustion gas engines used for energy and heat cogeneration. Therefore, an ade-
quate system of gas cleaning must be selected. In line with such requirements, this paper focuses
on the characterization and comparison of gases produced from different types of biomass during
gasification. The biomass tested was wood, straw, and hay pellets. The paper gives a detailed
description and evaluation of the measurements from a fix-bed gasifier for the properties of the
produced gases, raw fuels, tar composition, and its particle content before and after the cleaning
process. The results of elemental composition, net calorific value, moisture, and ash content
show that the cleaned gases are suitable for internal combustion engine-based cogeneration
systems, but unsuitable for gas turbines, where a different cleaning technology would be needed.

Gasification, gas, biomass, renewable energy, cogeneration

• Gas composition from three types of biomass fuels are subjected to quality assessment
• Composition and content of tars before and after the cleaning process were measured

ENET Centre, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic

Corresponding author:
Marcel Mikeska, ENET Centre, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, 17 Listopadu 15, Ostrava-Poruba CZ-708 33, Czech
Email: marcel.mikeska@vsb.cz

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 License (http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) which permits any use, reproduction and
distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and
Open Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).
2 Energy Exploration & Exploitation 0(0)

• Gas cleaning process was evaluated considering its use in internal combustion engine-
based cogeneration systems

World energy consumption is rising, and surely, it will not be limited by more efficient
activities and technologies. This is a reason for huge interests in new and cheaper sources
of energy, alternative fuels, energy recovery, and finally renewable energy sources, including
biomass (Demirbas, 2004; Honus et al., 2016a, 2016b; Knoef, 2012; Saidur et al., 2011;
Sikarwar et al., 2017). This leads to an increase in new installations using local fuel sources
as well as various types of process waste. Wastes are increasingly being used to produce
electricity and heat (Bhoi et al., 2018; Oboirien and North, 2017; Zheng et al., 2018).
A promising alternative to direct combustion is gasification as it has a high energy efficiency
and improved environmental impact (Kirkels and Verbong, 2011; Pereira et al., 2012; Xue
et al., 2014). In the gasification process, solid fuels are converted into gas under high
temperatures (around 750–1000 C) through partial oxidation (Karl and Pr€ oll, 2018;
Susastriawan et al., 2017; Widjaya et al., 2018). The gas mainly consists of CO, H2, CH4,
N2, and CO2 mixture (Kuo et al., 2014). In dependence on the type of biomass fuel, the gas
contains different amounts of impurities such as tars, particulates, nitrogen, and sulfur
compounds (Abdoulmoumine et al., 2015; Filippis et al., 2015; Sharma et al., 2008; Shen
et al., 2016; Woolcock and Brown, 2013).
From all impurities contained in raw gas, tars are the most problematic secondary
products. Tars can be described as complex mixtures of organic molecules, hydrocarbons
containing single to five-ring aromatic compounds, and other oxygen-containing organic
molecules (Filippis et al., 2015). These compounds condensate or polymerize into more
complex molecules resulting in significant problems such as corrosion, clogging, and fouling
in downstream equipment (pipes, filters and heat exchangers or engines, and turbines)
(Richardson et al., 2012; Shen et al., 2016). In addition, tar presence can lead to deactivation
of catalyst in refining process (Shen et al., 2016; Woolcock and Brown, 2013). Amount and
composition of tars depend mostly on fuel composition, processing conditions, especially
temperature, pressure, type and amount of oxidant, and fuel retention time (Devi et al.,
2003; Torres et al., 2007; Woolcock and Brown, 2013). Tar tolerance limit varies depending
on syngas applications; the limit is 500, 100, and 5 mg mN3 for compressors, internal
combustion systems, and direct-fired industrial gas turbines, respectively (Filippis et al.,
2015). Hence removal of impurities is of great importance in gas production, especially
when the produced gas is later used in gas engines and turbines (Balas et al., 2014; Iluk
et al., 2015).
Tar removal processes can be divided into primary and secondary methods. The primary
methods consist of all measures occurring at gasification step to prevent tar formation or
cause its conversion (Devi et al., 2003). The secondary group includes mechanical methods
(cyclone, ceramic filter, fabric filter, rotating particle separator, electrostatic filter, and wet
scrubber) or tar cracking thermally and catalytically (Devi et al., 2003).
The objectives of this paper are to evaluate syngas cleaning process and establish if
application in an engine with internal combustion or in gas turbine is suitable. To be able
to propose adequate solutions for the gas cleaning, this paper examines the composition of
produced gas from gasification of three different types of biomass fuels. Spruce wood pellets
were chosen as standard gasification material for comparison with other two fuels.
Mikeska et al. 3

Spruce wood is a common gasification material in the form of pellets or chips. The two
remaining biomass fuels, straw and hay, were chosen as renewable energy sources of one-
year renewability. The use of these fuel types has increased recently and can significantly
reduce the global carbon emission and environmental pollution (Chen et al., 2019).
In addition to the research on gas composition, the paper focuses on the amount and
composition of tar as well as solid particle content. Biomass fuels were characterized by
elemental composition, net calorific value, moisture, and ash content for comparison with
available literature.

Materials and methods

Gasification unit description
The gasification unit (Figure 1) consists of a fuel tank (0.7 m3), fuel delivery system (screw
conveyer), gasification generator, high temperature filter, gas cooling device, scrubber, fan,
and afterburning chamber for burning of produced gas. The unit is equipped with measuring
sensors (temperature and pressure) connected to the control unit. This allows monitoring
and recording all data from conducted tests in the control room. Gasification unit uses a
generator with a fixed bed reactor, which operates under pressure. Gasification medium was
air, and temperature in generator was 800 C. Fuel feeding speed was 21.8 kg/h, and amount
of gasification medium (air) was calculated to be 33.2 mN3/h.
The gasification process takes place in a fuel bed about 40 cm high. For uniform supply of
gasification medium (air), there are four nozzles placed at bottom edges of the reactor. Edge-
mounted nozzles allow good temperature distribution and high gasification stability.
Produced gas (750 C) leaves the reactor at the upper part, and it leads to a high tem-
perature filter where solid particles are removed. For that purpose, filtration candles from
ceramic fibers (PYROTEX KE85/60x) were used. This material is able to operate in temper-
atures up to 850 C, and it is chemically inert. In the next step, the gas is cooled in a water
cooler and water scrubber to temperature 80 C, which causes a partial removal of tars
and moisture.

Figure 1. The gasification unit scheme.

4 Energy Exploration & Exploitation 0(0)

Biomass fuels characterization

Pellets from spruce wood, hay, and wheat straw of 8-mm diameter were used as fuel. To
determine the sample composition (elemental analysis), we used a LECO CHN628 analyzer.
LECO TGA701 Thermogravimetric Analyzer was used to determine the ash and moisture
(proximate analysis). LECO AC600 Semi-Automatic Isoperibol Calorimeter measured the
fuel’s low heating value (LHV).

Gas composition characterization

A continuous multicomponent GAS 3100 gas analyzer was used to measure the concentra-
tion of gaseous components. The analyzer is equipped with three different types of detectors
to assess the gaseous components. Gaseous product composition was measured in sampling
point 2.
The first of the detectors is a two-beam infrared non-dispersive detector NDIR, operating
on the principle of infrared absorption by selected gaseous components. The rate of absorp-
tion is directly proportional to the amount of gas in the sample. It is suitable for the
determination of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4).
Thermal-conductivity detector TCD works based on comparing the thermal conductivity
of the sample and the reference gas (air). The heated thermistor or platinum fiber is located
in the stream of the sample. If the sample has a higher thermal conductivity than the ref-
erence gas, the temperature of the measuring element decreases, while in the case of lower
thermal conductivity, it grows. These changes cause variations in the electrical resistance
measured by means of “bridge connection.” In the analyzer, it is used to determine the
hydrogen content.
For the determination of oxygen O2, an electrochemical ECD sensor is used in the ana-
lyzer. It is composed of a cathode, an anode, and an electrolyte. Through the permeable
membrane, which keeps the electrolyte in the measuring cell, the oxygen diffuses into the
electrolyte. It reacts with electrolyte and produces the electricity current which is directly
proportional to the concentration of oxygen in the gaseous mixture.
The analyzer is able to measure the composition of dry gas, free from undesirable sub-
stances (especially tars and dust). A sample of gas was passed through four washing vessels
filled with isopropanol, in which the rest of condensation products were captured. Behind
them follows three washing vessels, placed in a freezing box, which serves to precipitate all
the remaining organic substances and moisture. The sampling-track continued with a sili-
cone hose through a laboratory drum gas meter 2 and through T-shaped pipe, which
protects the analyzer from the inadmissible overpressure of the gas being analyzed.
Analyzer pump ensures a permanent sample flow rate of 1 l/min.
The nitrogen content in gas was calculated as the rest to 100% vol.

Tar and solid particles determination

The measurement and laboratory determination of gravimetric tar were carried out by the
modified procedure cited in CSN P CEN/TS 15439 Biomass gasification—tar and partic-
ulates in gaseous products—sampling and analysis. For tars and solid particles content
determination, samples were taken at sampling point 1 and 2 to determine the efficiency
of tar and solid particles’ removal.
Mikeska et al. 5

A sample of gas was taken by a ball valve probe, equipped with a heated glass fiber filter
trap—which has been placed behind it—and on which solid particles and part of tar sub-
stances were captured. The gas temperature at the sampling point was measured with the
thermocouple before and after the measurement. A sample of gas was passed through four
washing vessels filled with isopropanol, where the tars were captured. At the freezing
column, there has been condensing water steam and the rest of tars during the test. The
sampling line continued further through with a silicone hose into the gas-pump and to the
diaphragm gas meter, between which the flow controller was included. From the measuring
line, the gas is brought out into the air.
After completing the sampling, the filter with captured dust particles and tar was moved
to the sampler, and it formed the sample for the determination of the dust content and it
also served as determination of first part of the tar content.
Before further laboratory processing, the exposed filters were dried and weighed (deter-
mination of solids particles with tar). The tar compounds adsorbed on the solid particles
(the first part of the sample) were extracted from the filter with isopropanol in a Soxhlet
extractor. Subsequently, the sample (isopropanol with dissolved tars) was filtered, concen-
trated in a rotary vacuum evaporator (RVE), and transferred within the help of acetone to
the laboratory weight, in which the sample was dried (at the temperature of 50 C) and
weighed using an analytical weight.
The second part of the tar sample (the tar in the liquid fraction) was filtered, i.e. rid of
possible salts and insoluble impurities, concentrated in a RVE, and transferred within the
help of acetone to the laboratory weight, in which the sample was dried (at the temperature
of 50 C) and weighed using an analytical weight.
The total gravimetric tar concentration was calculated as a proportion of the total
amount of tar entrapped on the solid particles and the tar that passed through the filter,
to the volume of dry gas that was taken within the measurements, calculated referring to
normal conditions (0 C, 101,325 Pa).
For tar composition analysis, we used a gas chromatograph GC/MS Agilent GC system
7890 A with MS detector 5975 C. Column DB-XLB 30 m  0.25 mm  0.25 lm. Injector
CTC CombiPal and injection split/splitless. For volatile organic compounds, the headspace
method was used.
The filter with captured particles was dried at 105 C to constant weight and weighed
using an analytical weight. The dust concentration was determined as a proportion of the
amount of captured dust to the volume of the aspirated wet gas converted to normal
conditions (temperature 0 C; pressure 101,325 Pa).

Results and discussion

Biomass fuels characterization
Comparison of elemental and proximate analysis of used biomass fuels is shown in Table 1.
Higher low heating value of spruce wood pellets is caused by higher carbon content, which
represents the energy content. It is also caused by low moisture content in spruce wood
pellets in comparison with hay and wheat straw. On the other hand, the moisture content,
which represents H2O, will lead to an increased content of oxygen and hydrogen in gasifi-
cation process. Those compounds will probably react and increase the production of meth-
ane and CO in produced gas. The amount of ash content is also significantly higher in
6 Energy Exploration & Exploitation 0(0)

Table 1. Biomass pellets elemental and proximate characterization (raw basis).

Parameter Unit Spruce wood Hay Wheat straw

Wtr wt% 7.30 9.00 10.00

A wt% 0.33 8.70 8.70
Cr wt% 47.46 41.00 40.60
Hr wt% 5.65 5.10 5.00
Nr wt% 0.09 1.70 1.00
Or wt% 39.12 35.20 39.50
Sr wt% 0.01 0.13 0.14
LHV Qri mJ/kg 18.80 15.20 15.20

Table 2. Characterization of gas produced from different types of biomass pellets.

Parameter Unit Spruce wood Hay Wheat straw

O2 wt% 0.43 0.87 0.67

CO2 wt% 9.73 14.35 13.40
H2 wt% 10.69 8.75 7.92
CO wt% 25.85 19.68 17.79
CH4 wt% 3.84 2.95 2.33
N2 wt% 49.46 53.40 57.89
LHV Qri mJ/mN3 5.78 4.48 3.93

non-woody biomass. This trend was confirmed by other authors (Azeez et al., 2010; Butler
et al., 2013). High ash content may cause difficulties with its removal from the reactor, and it
can lead to a higher solid particle content in produced gas, which puts greater demands on
the gas cleaning system. The resulting low heating values of used biomass fuels are consis-
tent with the other research (Alzate et al., 2009; Judex et al., 2012; Kirubakaran et al., 2009;
Leijenhorst et al., 2015).

Characterization of produced gas

The results of produced gas from three types of biomass pellets are compared in Table 2.
The main index used at gas evaluation is low heating value of gas. This parameter is crucial
for cogeneration unit performance. The low heating value mainly depends on methane,
hydrogen, and carbon monoxide content in produced gas. Regarding the CH4 content,
decreased levels in non-woody biomass were found. On the other hand, significant differ-
ences between CO and CO2 contents were detected. This was probably caused by secondary
oxidation of CO to CO2. This trend may occur at the local hot spots, which are created at
ash deposits and can reach higher temperatures. In higher temperature spots, CO may
undergo oxidation to CO2 but it also depends on O2 levels which were higher in hay and
wheat straw gasification. This may be explained by the fact that during gasification of hay
and wheat straw, inhomogeneous layers were probably created, thus causing a faster flow of
gasification medium through the fuel bed. For proper gasification, the residence time has to
be sufficient for gasification reactions to occur. In case of gasification of hay and wheat
straw, this condition was not probably met. This could cause higher levels of O2 in the
produced gas.
Mikeska et al. 7

Table 3. Characterization of tars from three types of biomass fuels.

Spruce Hay Wheat

Compound wood (mg mN–3) (mg mN–3) straw (mg mN–3)

Benzene 5366 5432 5218

Toluene 2313 2298 2298
m þ p þ o-xylene þ ethylbenzene þ 353 349 347
Styrene 783 779 792
C3-benzene sum 43 40 42
Others 12 13 11.5
Sum of BTEX 8870 8911 8708.5
Phenol 1067 1039 1042
Methylphenols 804 801 800
Dibenzofuranes 618 600 602
Sum of oxygenous compounds 2489 2440 2444
Nitrogenous compounds 2 1.8 1.71
Indene þ indane 768 731 694
Naphtalene 1171 909 863
Methylnaphtalenes 387 373 354
Alkylnaphtalenes (alkyl  C2) 170 164 155
Biphenyl 89 83 78
Acenaphthylene 487 472 448
Acenaphthene 35 36 34
Fluorene 185 178 169
PAH 0 m/z ¼ 165.166 209 197 187
Phenanthrene 264 253 240
Antracene 83 82 78
Methyphenanthrenes þ 123 121 115
Phenylnaphtalenes 31 35 33
Fluoranthene 137 128 121
Pyrene 98 99 94
Benzfluorenes 50 52 49
Methylfluoranthene þ methylpyrene 61 59 56
PAH with 4 aromatic circles (m/z ¼ 226.228) 96 98 93
PAH with 5 aromatic circles (m/z ¼ 252) 63 64 61
PAH with 6 aromatic circles (m/z ¼ 276) 23 24 23
Others 411 398 378
Sum of Tars (without BTEX) 7432 6997.8 6768.7
Values given in bold represent the sum of the values of compounds belonging to the specific group.

Table 4. Tar content in gases from different types of biomass before and after the cleaning process.

Parameter Unit Spruce wood Hay Wheat straw

Tar content before cleaning mg mN–3 7432 6997.8 6768.7

Tar content after cleaning mg mN–3 93 88 91
8 Energy Exploration & Exploitation 0(0)

Table 5. Solid particles content in gases from different types of biomass before and after the clean-
ing process.

Parameter Unit Spruce wood Hay Wheat straw

Solid particles content before cleaning process g mN–3 3.24 30.87 3.66
Solid particles content after cleaning process g mN–3 0.023 00.024 0.029

The resulting low heating values of produced gas from wood pellets are similar to those
reported by other authors, even when a different type of reactor was used. However, in the
case of hay and wheat straw, slightly lower results were recorded, probably caused by low
gasification stability (Ergudenler and Ghaly, 1992; Erlich and Fransson, 2011; Judex
et al., 2012).

Determination of tars and solid particles

Results from the composition of tars are summarized in Table 3. Toluene and other light
hydrocarbons are not included in the sum of tars because their condensation should
not occur. This is the reason why they are included in BTEX group. Composition of tars
in all three produced gases is very similar. Since the used fuels were all from biomass and
gasification temperature and reactor type were the same, the composition of tars is usually,
and in this case was, similar. These results correspond with the conclusions of other
researchers, i.e. that the composition and amount of tars mainly depend on the gasification
temperature, type of reactor, gasification medium, fuel, and other factors (Hernández
et al., 2013).
Tar amount was determined with regard to its use in a cogeneration engine with internal
combustion. Different applications have different limits for tar contents. The maximum tar
content in the produced gas for internal combustion engine application is 100 mg mN3
(Kirubakaran et al., 2009; Rios et al., 2018). The tar amount was determined in sampling
points 1 and 2 to evaluate the gas cleaning process. In gas produced from all three biomass
pellets, there was a very similar content of tars before and after the cleaning process (see
Table 4). High levels of tar content could be caused by gasification temperature (800 C)
where some authors reported highest yields of tars (Horvat et al., 2016). Tars were effec-
tively removed from gas in the water scrubber, and a small amount could be captured onto
solid particles in filter. The water scrubber was filled with glass Raschig rings (10 mm diam-
eter), and the temperature of used water was 3–5 C. From results in Table 3, it is clear that
after the cleaning process, the gas can be used in the cogeneration engine with internal
combustion. If the produced gas should be used for example in a gas turbine (tar limits
<5 mg/mN3 (Rios et al., 2018)), different cleaning technology would be required to achieve
better results.
Solid particle content was also investigated before and after the cleaning process. Results
in Table 5 show that the high temperature filter efficiency is over 98%. Some solid particles
were probably removed in the water scrubber as well. The solid particle content in cleaned
gases would not cause any difficulties in an engine with internal combustion, but if used in
gas turbines, another cleaning technology would be required.
Mikeska et al. 9

The characterization of produced gases from three types of biomass fuels was compared.
The gas produced from wood pellets with the highest low heating value had the most
desirable properties for cogeneration unit performance. In gasification of hay and wheat
straw, the lower levels of combustible compounds were detected due to low gasification
stability, creation of local hot spots, and inhomogeneous layers in fuel bed. Amount and
composition of tars before and after the cleaning process were conducted. The results of
composition and content of tars were very similar in all three produced gases. This suggests
that the most decisive factors are gasification temperature, type of reactor, gasification
medium, and fuel properties. It was proven that the used cleaning technology is sufficient
for gas cleaning in terms of its use in an engine with internal combustion. High levels of tars
content and solid particles were removed with great efficiency. However, for use in a gas
turbine or other application with higher demands on gas quality, it would be necessary to
use another cleaning technology.

The authors wish to thank Dr. Alena Kaspárková for her kind English language check.

Declaration of conflicting interests

The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or
publication of this article.

The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or
publication of this article: This article was created with the support of the VSB – Technical University
of Ostrava, ENET Centre, specific research SP 2018/54 – Measuring stand for water-ring vacuum
pump and project LO1404: Sustainable Development of Centre ENET

Marcel Mikeska https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1846-2943

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