Public Economics
Public Economics
Public Economics
Gareth D. Myles
October 2001
Introduction xiii
I Foundations 1
1 Intro duction 3
1.1 Public economics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 E¢ciency versus equity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4 Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.6 Preview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.7 Public sector income and expenditure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.8 Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3 Topics in Measurement 61
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.2 The measurement of income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.3 Equivalence scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.3.1 Minimum needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.3.2 Engel and Rothbarth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.3.3 Prais and Houthakker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.3.4 Barten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.3.5 General case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.3.6 In practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.4 The measurement of inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.4.1 Basic de…nitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.4.2 Statistical measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.4.3 Statistical measures and welfare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
3.4.4 Generalised Lorenz Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
3.4.5 Welfare-theoretic indices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
3.4.6 Axiomatic inequality measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
3.4.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
3.5 The measurement of poverty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
3.5.1 Relative or absolute? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
3.5.2 The poverty line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
3.5.3 Standard measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
3.5.4 Axiomatic approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.5.5 Variable poverty line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
7 Risk 193
7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
7.2 General equilibrium with risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
7.2.1 Risk in the Arrow-Debreu economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
7.2.2 E¢ciency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
7.2.3 Including time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
7.2.4 Complete markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
7.2.5 Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
7.3 Private and social attitudes to risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
7.3.1 Private attitudes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
7.3.2 Social attitudes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
7.3.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
7.4 Household choice and taxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
7.4.1 Wealth taxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
7.4.2 Income tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
7.4.3 Imperfect loss o¤sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
7.4.4 Generalisations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
7.5 Labour supply and occupational choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
7.5.1 Labour supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
7.5.2 Occupational choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
7.6 Optimal taxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
7.6.1 Private risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
7.6.2 Aggregate risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
7.7 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
10 Externalities 303
10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
10.2 Externalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
10.2.1 De…nitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
10.2.2 Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
10.3 Market ine¢ciency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
10.3.1 Equilibrium and ine¢ciency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
10.3.2 Pareto irrelevant externalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
10.4 The Coase theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
10.4.1 The Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
10.4.2 Markets for externalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
10.4.3 Non-existence of markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
10.4.4 Bargaining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
10.4.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
10.5 Welfare-improving changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
10.5.1 Local results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
10.5.2 Global results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
10.6 Corrective taxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
10.6.1 Non-uniform taxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
10.6.2 Uniform taxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
10.6.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
10.7 Tradeable licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
10.7.1 Certain costs and bene…ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
10.7.2 Prices versus quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
10.7.3 Nonlinear pricing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
10.8 Internalisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
10.9 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
16 References 499
This is lightly edited version of the …rst edition that has beenconverted to Tex
from Word. Since this has necessitated re-typing all of the maths, errors may
have been introduced. You are welcome to use it provided you report any typing
errors you discover to so that I can put things right.
I would also welcome any comments you may have which could improve the
second edition. I will be adding exercises and additional chapters on voting,
rent seeking, political economy, clubs and local public goods, and international
issues in taxation.
Part I
Chapter 1
1.2 Motivation
The motivation for the study of public economics follows naturally from the
observation that unregulated economic activity does not lead to a socially opti-
mal outcome. At a very basic level, an economy could not function e¤ectively
if there were no contract laws since this would inhibit satisfactory exchange. In
addition, although the anarchic equilibrium that would occur without contracts
may be in the core of the economy, it need not be particularly stable (Bush and
Mayer (1974)). It must therefore be accepted that no economy could operate
without law enforcement and that in order for organized economic activity to
take place, there must be a clearly de…ned and enforced set of contract laws.
These laws cannot be policed free of cost. There is also a need for the enforce-
ment of more general criminal laws and for the provision of a means of defence
for the nation. These are also costly activities.
Consequently, even the minimal requirements of the enforcement of contract
and criminal laws and the provision of defence need the collection of revenue
to provide the required …nance. This is the case whether these services are
provided by the state or by private sector organizations. The coordination of
the collection of revenue and the provision of services to ensure the attainment
of e¢cient functioning of economic activity therefore provides a natural role
for a central state in any economy that wishes to develop beyond the most
rudimentary level. In addition, this reasoning also illustrates that to achieve
even the most minimal level of e¢ciency and organization of economic activity
some unavoidable revenue requirements are generated and require …nancing.
Having determined that the organization of economic activity must generate
a revenue requirement, one aspect of the role of public economics is to determine
how this revenue can be collected at the least cost to the economy. Although
the concept of least cost has several possible interpretations, both positive and
normative, under any interpretation the aim of the economic policy design would
be that of …nding an e¢cient means of revenue collection. Such design would
involve the identi…cation of feasible policy instruments from the set of possible
policies, the choice of policy instruments to be imposed from amongst those
that are feasible and the calculation of the optimal level of each instrument.
The issue of e¢ciency in policy design is a continuing and central theme of
public economics.
Moving beyond the basic requirements for organized economic activity, it is
arguable that there are other situations where state intervention in the econ-
omy has the potential to increase welfare. Unlike the basic revenue requirements
however, there will always be a degree of contentiousness about further inter-
vention motivated on these grounds. The situations where state intervention
may be warranted can be divided into two categories: those that involve market
failure and those that do not. With market failure, the argument for consid-
can be seen as the process of reaching the correct trade-o¤ between equity and
e¢ciency ob jectives. This optimum trade-o¤ will depend upon the concern for
equity that is expressed in the objectives of the policy maker. In many analyses
of policy problems, the resolution of the trade-o¤ between equity and e¢ciency
is the ma jor determinant of the resulting policy program, with aspects of the
policy being attributable to one or the other. This distinction is often a helpful
way in which to think about optimality problems and their solutions. It is worth
stressing that the con‡ict between equity and e¢ciency does not always arise.
For example, in some instances of uncertainty, such as the provision of social
insurance discussed in chapter 8, the two aims of e¢ciency and equity may not
be competing.
To illustrate this discussion, a simple example of the con‡ict between eq-
uity and e¢ciency can be found in the optimal taxation of commodities. Under
assumptions that will be described later, it is e¢cient to tax goods with low
elasticities of demand, as shown by the well-known inverse elasticity rule, since
this introduces the least distortion into the pattern of demand. However, goods
with low elasticities of demand tend to be necessities that are consumed dispro-
portionately by less well-o¤ households. Taxing these goods highly would then
cause a proportionately greater reduction in the welfare of poor households. The
proposed tax program is therefore highly inequitable and equity criteria would
shift the taxes onto goods consumed by higher income groups. The Diamond-
Mirrlees tax rule that is developed in Chapter 5 shows how this con‡ict between
e¢ciency and equity is resolved.
In this context, it is worth adding one …nal note concerned with modelling
techniques. A standard simpli…cation that will be employed on a number of
o ccasions in this book is to work with one-consumer economies or with economies
composed of a population of identical consumers. In such economies there can
be no distributional issues, so the resulting policy recommendations are based
only on considerations of e¢ciency. This generally leads to results that can
be expressed much more clearly and precisely than would be possible if equity
considerations were present, which is of considerable assistance when an issue
is analyzed for the …rst time. In considering the practical value of such results,
the implications of introducing equity considerations must always be borne in
1.4 Information
The role of information is central to public economics. The availability of in-
formation to private agents determines the nature of the equilibrium without
policy intervention and the information set of the government determines fea-
sible policy instruments. If information de…ciencies, particularly asymmetric
information between agents in the economy, lead the market outcome to be in-
e¢cient, the state can only improve the outcome if it is not subject to the same
informational limitations.
As will be made clear in Chapter 2, the …rst-best outcome could be sustained
if the state levied lump-sum taxes that were contingent upon all economically
relevant characteristics of the agents in the economy. Naturally, some of these
characteristics will be private information and therefore not directly observable
by the state. If the state cannot induce the agents to truthfully reveal these char-
acteristics, then the lump-sum tax system that supports the …rst-best cannot
be implemented. Policy design then involves the optimal utilization of the avail-
able information. The outcome that is achieved will necessarily be second-best.
This simple example demonstrates the essential consequences of informational
restrictions and captures themes that will recur throughout the book.
Further examples are easily found. In the context of commodity taxation,
limited information prevents commodity taxes being di¤erentiated between con-
sumers. It also results in the use of an income tax levied upon the observable
income of households, rather than an ability tax on their unobservable earn-
ing potential. The optimal provision of public goods is also prevented by the
fact that the government cannot observe consumers’ willingness to pay for such
goods. The outcome in each of these cases is described in the relevant chapters.
Although asymmetries of information are at the heart of most of the analysis
that follows, their nature will rarely be made explicit. Instead, the nature of
information will be implicit in the assumptions that describe the structure of
the economies employed and the restrictions that are placed upon feasible policy
instruments. In considering results derived below, it will always be advantageous
to re‡ect upon the nature of the informational restrictions involved and the
consequences of their relaxation or strengthening.
1.5 Methodology
The method of analysis adopted within this book is invariably to consider pol-
icy within the context of a general equilibrium representation of the economy.
In Parts I to III of the book, the underlying framework is the Arrow-Debreu
economy and its extensions. The overlapping generations economy employed
in Part IV is a particular in…nite horizon version of the general formulation.
The general equilibrium perspective is maintained wherever it is feasible to do
so. This aim is not achieved in places such as when only partial equilibrium
treatments are available in the existing literature, or when a general equilibrium
treatment would only obscure the major issues.
A general equilibrium economy is undoubtedly the most appropriate frame-
work to adopt since it is the only means by which all the repercussions of a
policy may be captured. In contrast, concentration upon partial equilibrium
can lead to important consequences of policy being overlooked, particularly if
there are signi…cant adjustments in markets other than those forming the focus
of the analysis. However, partial equilibrium analysis is often useful as a means
of obtaining preliminary insights into a problem, but its limitations should never
be underestimated. Although most attention in the literature has been focused
upon competitive economies, with market imperfections are now being widely
used and policy analysis within such economies will also be considered.
1.6. PREVIEW 9
1.6 Preview
Following the discussion of the methodology that will be employed, it is clear
that a necessary starting point is a review of the competitive general equilibrium
economy and the standard results of welfare economics. These represent the
content of Chapter 2. The chapter introduces the agents involved in the economy
and characterizes economic equilibrium. It also introduces a useful perspective
from which to view Walras’ law and formalizes the notion of how policy changes
are modelled. Emphasis is placed upon the institutional assumptions underlying
the competitive equilibrium economy since much of the subject matter of public
economics can be motivated by discomfort with the nature of the equilibrium
of the competitive market or by the failure of one or more of the institutional
assumptions. The Two Theorems of Welfare Economics are proved and a critical
analysis of their scope and relevance is provided. This naturally leads into a
discussion of the measurement of social welfare and the contrast between the
implications for interpersonal comparability of ordinal and cardinal utility.
In practice, if economists are to be concerned about equity it is necessary
to …nd measures that capture aspects of the distribution of welfare. Chapter
3 considers three topics that have been the subject of considerable interest.
Alternative methods of constructing equivalence scales are reviewed as a prelude
to developing measures of distribution. The measurement of poverty and of
inequality are then used to illustrate the axiomatic approach to measurement,
which speci…es the properties that an index should have and then constructs the
indices that have those properties, and the statistical approach which simply
uses readily accessible formulae. These three introductory chapters constitute
Part I of the book.
Part II is concerned with the analysis of …ve topics of fundamental impor-
tance for public economics which are conducted within the competitive economy.
Chapter 4 analyses the e¤ects of corporate taxation and the issues that need
to be taken into account in tax design. Chapters 5 and 6 consider the charac-
terization of optimal commodity and income taxes respectively. Both of these
chapters illustrate the resolution of the equity/e¢ciency trade-o¤ in the design
of policy and the consequences of government informational limitations. In ad-
dition to the theoretical analysis, the results of simulations and applications of
the methods to data are considered. The numerical results are useful since the
theoretical analysis leads only to characterizations of optimal taxes rather than
explicit solutions. Policy reform is the subject matter of Chapter 7 and the
link is drawn between the existence of improving reforms and non-optimality.
The question of production e¢ciency along the reform path is also considered.
Chapter 8 on public economics in the presence of risk completes part I I.
The focus of Part I II is upon the consequences of relaxing certain of the
institutional assumptions on which the competitive economy is based. Chapter
9 introduces public goods into the economy and contrasts the allocation that
is achieved in the private provision equilibrium with the optimal allocation.
Methods of …nancing public goods are also considered and this analysis has
close parallels with the chapter on commodity taxation. Private provision and
preference revelation are also addressed. The treatment of externalities in Chap-
ter 10 relaxes another of the institutional assumptions. It is shown why market
failure can occur and reviews alternative policy schemes designed to improve
e¢ciency. Imperfect competition and its consequences for commodity taxation
is the subject of Chapter 11. The measurement of welfare loss is discussed and
a general equilibrium economy with imperfect competition is developed. Em-
phasis is given to the incidence of taxation and the determination of optimal
taxes. A distinction is also drawn between the e¤ects of speci…c and ad valorem
taxes. Part I II is completed by Chapter 12 on tax evasion and administration.
Estimates of the size of the black economy are reviewed, the tax evasion decision
is modelled and the e¤ect of evasion and administration costs on optimal taxes
are determined.
Part IV concentrates upon intertemporal issues in public economics. The
…rst Chapter, 13, describes the overlapping generations economy that is the
main analytical tool of this part. The relationship between the overlapping
generations economy and the Arrow-Debreu economy is emphasized, as are the
di¤erent e¢ciency properties of the two economies. The concept of the Golden
rule is introduced for economies with production and capital accumulation. The
chapter also touches upon the dynamic adjustment process of the economy.
Chapter 14 analyses social security policy and relates this to the potential non-
optimality of the competitive equilibrium. Both the motivation for the existence
of social security programs and the determination of the level of bene…ts are ad-
dressed. The interaction between debt and taxation is the sub ject of Chapter
15. The e¤ects of government debt and the issue of debt neutrality are consid-
ered. Ricardian equivalence is linked to the existence of gifts and bequests. The
choice between the taxation of income and expenditure is also analyzed.
Government expenditure
United States
United Kingdom
1970 1980 1990 2000
Division of income
Direct tax
Social security
Indirect taxes
Property income
Division of expenditure
than direct taxation. The relative size of social security contributions is also
much less than in Japan. The relative sizes of the expenditure items are very
similar, although the U.K. spends more on goods and services but less on sub-
sidies. The social security item in Japan is equivalent in relative size to the
transfers in the U.K.
Tables 1.2 and 1.3 demonstrate the importance of direct and indirect tax-
ation in the collection of revenue for the U.K. and for Japan. Taken together,
these generate 73% of revenue in the U.K. and 63% in Japan. The third item of
income, social security contributions, are 17% of income in the U.K. and 27% in
Japan. These …gures support the prominence given to the design of commod-
ity taxation in chapter 5, income taxation in chapter 6 and social security in
chapter 14.
An alternative perspective on the relative importance of the three ma jor
categories of income is given in Table 1.4. This shows receipts as a percentage
of GDP for the U.S. and as an average for other OECD countries. For the U.S.,
consumption taxes are relatively less important than as shown for Japan and
the U.K. above and as against the average over OECD countries. However,
consumption tax receipts still equal over 4% of U.S. GDP. Social security taxes
raise twice the income of consumption taxes whilst income tax receipts represent
one tenth of GDP. In contrast, the OECD average shows rather more equality
between receipts from income and consumption taxes.
Table 1.5a shows the expenditure of the U.S. Federal Government broken
down into type and function, expressed as a percentage of total expenditure.
Similarly, Table 1.5b has the same breakdown for State and Local Government.
These tables reveal that the ma jor items of expenditure for Federal Government
Division of income
Direct tax
Social security
Indirect taxes
Property income
Division of expenditure
Commercial activities
Net interest paid
Labour training
Economic development
Postal service
Natural resources
Recreational and cultural
Housing and community service
Veterans benefits
Income support, social security
Health and hospitals
Civilian safety
National defence
International affairs
Central executive
0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 1.7:
are income support and social security, and defence. In contrast, the ma jor item
for State and Local Government is education followed by income support and
social security. Other than these, the most signi…cant items are the net in-
terest paid by the Federal Government and transportation and civilian safety
paid for by State and Local Government. The items can be placed into sepa-
rate categories representing the breakdown of public sector objectives: defence
expenditure is one of the minimal requirements; income support is evidence
of concern for equity; and education represents provision of a public good to
counter market failure.
Although brief, this review of statistics on the size and structure of public
sector income and expenditure has illustrated the signi…cant extent of public
sector intervention in the mixed economies of the industrialized countries. The
Commercial activities
Net interest paid
Labour training
Economic development
Postal service
Natural resources
Recreational and cultural
Housing and community service
Veterans benefits
Income support, social security
Health and hospitals
Civilian safety
National defence
International affairs
Central executive
-10 0 10 20
relative importance of alternative sources of revenue has been shown as has the
range of expenditure.
1.8 Notation
There are many symbols that have a constant meaning through the text. The
most important of these are listed below.
H number of households
m number of …rms
n number of goods
p i pre-tax price (of good i)
qi post-tax price
ti tax rate
R government revenue requirement
G public good supply
x h consumption plan (of household h)
X h consumption set
` h level of labour supply (when distinguished from other commodities)
! h initial endowment
I h lump-sum income
M h total income
- h wealth
T h lump-sum tax paid by h
1.8. NOTATION 17
2.1 Introduction
The competitive general equilibrium economy described in this chapter has been
developed over a considerable perio d of time and has been subjected to closer
study than any other form of economy. The earliest formal construction is
generally attributed to Walras (1874) and this was developed in the German
literature of the 1930s. These developments reached maturity in the seminal
contribution of Arrow and Debreu (1954) and in the monograph by Debreu
(1959); hence its common title of the Arrow-Debreu economy. The importance
of the Arrow-Debreu contribution was the demonstration that an equilibrium
existed for the economy under reasonable assumptions and the formal elabora-
tion of the welfare properties of equilibrium. This chapter provides an informal
but self-contained introduction to the Arrow-Debreu general equilibrium econ-
omy. The discussion emphasizes those aspects of the economy that are most
relevant to the study of public economics. Technical aspects of the economy
that are not strictly necessary for later analysis will be noted but, where there
is no harm from doing so, will not be discussed in detail. Formal treatments
of the issues dealt with here can be found in Arrow and Hahn (1971), Debreu
(1959) and Hildenbrand and Kirman (1988).
The Arrow-Debreu economy is studied for two primary reasons. Firstly, it
provides the analytical foundation for the economies analyzed in later chapters
which are often simpli…cations or modi…cations of the general framework. The
focus of Part I II of the book will be on the consequences of relaxing the assump-
tions on which the Arrow-Debreu economy is based so the results of this chapter
act as a benchmark from which to judge the e¤ects of the relaxation. The second
reason is that welfare properties of the economy, which are commonly known as
the Two Theorems of Welfare Economics, are used as the basis for claims con-
cerning the e¢ciency, and thus desirability, of the competitive outcome. These
2.2.2 Commodities
The concept of a commodity is central to the economy and the ‡exibility in
the de…nition of commodities gives the economy its breadth of interpretation.
Commodities are simply de…ned as the set of goods that are available during the
operation of the economy. The de…nition brings with it the implication that at
the trading date all present and future commodities must be known to …rms and
households. This does not imply that all commodities are available for delivery
at the trading date because some contracts may only be written for delivery at
some future date. In this way, the economy can cope with the introduction of
new products and is consistent with the observation that the set of available
products tends to change over time.
It is assumed that there is a …nite number n of commodities for which trades
can take place. These commodities are indexed i = 1; :::; n. Each commodity
is distinguished by its location and its time of availability. Thus bread avail-
able for delivery today is a di¤erent commodity to bread available for delivery
tomorrow and bread available for delivery today in Coventry is a di¤erent com-
modity to bread available in Exeter. The list of commodities is intended to be
exhaustive and, as already noted, includes all presently available commodities
and all commo dities that will be available for delivery at some speci…ed future
date. A quantity of some, or possibly all, of the commodities is held as an initial
stock by each household; this is the household’s initial endowment. The initial
stock of a commodity is augmented by the productive activities of …rms if it is
an output and diminished if it is an input.
To each commodity is associated a price. For good i the price is denoted
p i. This price can be given two essentially identical interpretations. The …rst
interpretation is that p i is the number of units of numeraire that have to be
surrendered in exchange for one unit of commodity i, where the numeraire is
that good denoted as having unit price. The alternative interpretation is that
p i is the price in terms of some unit of account (ie. money). The distinction
between these de…nitions is that money may be a purely arti…cial construct,
whereas the numeraire is one of the commodities. For the functioning of the
economy, the interpretation does not actually matter. The structure of the
household’ and …rm’ decision problems that are described below make it clear
that it is only relative prices, ppji , that determine choices. Since these ratios are
independent of the interpretation of prices, the interpretation is irrelevant.
2.2.3 Consumers
Consumers are one type of economic agent in the economy. Each consumer
brings to the economy an initial endowment of goods and also holds sharehold-
ings in the …rms. The consumers use the income from the sale of the endowment
and from dividend payments to purchase their preferred choice of commodities.
These commodities are then consumed.
The number of consumers is …xed and is given by H. This can either be
interpreted as the number of individual consumers or as the broadest partition of
the set of consumers into distinct consumption units. In terms of the economies
used in public economics, the second interpretation is often adopted and, when it
is, a consumption unit can be viewed as a household rather than as an individual.
This is acceptable provided the household acts as if following a single ob jective.
In this book the terms household and consumer are interchangeable in Parts
I to III (with household invariably adopted) but are carefully distinguished in
Part IV.
Each of the H households, h = 1; :::; H has a consumption set, X h , that
describes feasible consumption plans. This should be distinguished from the
budget set, de…ned below, which describes a¤ordable consumption plans. As
an example of the kind of restriction that is embodied in the consumption set,
twenty-four hours of work per day and no food would not be regarded as a
feasible consumption plan and the consumption set would therefore not include
this plan. The consumption set is assumed to be convex.
Each household, h, also has a utility function that represents its preferences.
The adoption of utility functions to represent preferences is not restrictive since,
as shown by Debreu (1954a), the conditions necessary for a functional represen-
tation of preferences to exist are very weak. In fact, the required assumptions
are that preferences are re‡exive, transitive, complete and continuous. How-
ever, the comparability of utilities between households is more troublesome and
is discussed later in the chapter. The utility function is assumed to be strictly
quasi concave, so the set
© ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ª
xh : U h x h ¸ U h x^ h ; xh 2 X h ; (2.1)
Included in this endowment is the stock of labour services that the household
can supply. The household is assumed to liquidate this endowment and to use
the resulting income to purchase desired commodities.
The shareholdings of household h in the m …rms in the economy are denoted
µhj = 1; all j = 1; :::; m: (2.6)
In the framework of the basic competitive economy there is no market for these
shareholdings so they remain …xed at their initial values.
With these de…nitions it is now possible to describe the economic behavior
of the household. Each household h chooses a consumption vector
¡ ¢
x h ´ x h1 ; :::; xhn ; (2.7)
and subject to the consumption vector being feasible in the sense that it belongs
to the consumption set of h. The budget constraint simply requires that the
value of expenditure is not more than the value of the endowment plus dividends
Under the maintained assumption of strict quasi concavity of the utility
function, the solution of the household’s maximization problem will result in a
demand function for each good, i, from household h . The demand of household
h for good i is written in the form
³ ´
x hi = x hi p; !h ; µ h ; ¼ (2.9)
Xi = x hi = Xi (p; !; µ; ¼) : (2.10)
2.2.4 Producers
The producers in the economy are the …rms that take inputs and turn them
into outputs. Inputs may come from the initial endowments of households or
they may be intermediate goods that are produced by other …rms. Each …rm
is characterized by the technology that it has available and aims to maximize
pro…ts by their choice of a production plan.
The description of the individual …rms begins with the production technol-
ogy. Each …rm, j, is described by its production set, Y j , which represents the
technology of the …rm. This set describes feasible input-output combinations
that are known to the …rm. In other words, it is a list of all the alternative com-
binations of inputs and outputs of which the …rm has knowledge. An example
of a typical production set for a …rm operating in an economy with two goods
is illustrated in Figure 2.1.
Figure 2.1 has adopted the standard convention in general equilibrium theory
of measuring inputs as negative numbers and outputs as positive. The reasoning
behind this convention is that the use of a unit of a good as an input represent a
subtraction from the stock of that good available for consumption. In addition,
when aggregation takes place across …rms, the inputs of one …rm will cancel
with the output of another so that the aggregate represents net changes in the
The important features of Figure 2.1 that capture commonly made assump-
tions on the structure of production sets are that it is a strictly convex set
and the origin and the negative orthant are included in the set. In addition,
no strictly positive vector is in the production set. The inclusion of the origin
captures the possibility of inactivity on the part of the …rm; at some prices the
…rm may choose not to produce at all. Including the negative orthant can be
interpreted as allowing the …rms to freely dispose of inputs. Finally, a strictly
positive vector would represent the production of outputs with no use of inputs.
This cannot be permitted.
Consider the …rm shown in Figure 2.1 choosing the production plan described
by the vector y j = (¡2; 3). When faced with the price vector p = (2; 2), the
…rm’s level of pro…t, which is given by the inner product of the price vector and
the production vector, is
py j subject to yj 2 Y j : (2.13)
fy g
The maximization in (2.12) determines the …rm’s supply of each good, which
will be negative if the good is an input and positive if an output, as a function
of the price vector. Firm j’s supply function for good i is
Note that if good i is an input for some …rms and an output for others, the
sign convention results in these being cancelled out so that Y i (p) represents net
supply from the productive sector. The vector of aggregate supplies Y (p) =
(Y 1 (p); :::; Y n (p)) will have both positive and negative elements.
2.2.5 Equilibrium
The equilibrium of the economy occurs when demands and supplies are in bal-
ance. In such a state, each agent is able to carry out its planned action and
has no reason for wanting to modify its plan. The equilibrium state is impor-
tant because it is presumed to be the position that the economy will achieve.
However, why the economy should actually reach the equilibrium is not entirely
clear. It is sometimes argued that equilibrium is reached as the outcome of a
dynamic adjustment process but such dynamics …t very uncomfortably with the
static nature of the model. This issue is still subject to debate. The procedure
adopted here is to follow the tradition of focusing upon equilibrium both for the
above reason and because of the lack of any satisfactory alternative.
To permit a precise de…nition of equilibrium, …rst observe that the level of
pro…t of each …rm can be written as a function of the price vector by using the
supply function de…ned in (2.14) to write
In reading (2.18) it should be recalled that the total supply of each good is the
sum of the initial endowment and the additional net output of the …rms. If
Y i (p) < 0 then the available quantity is less than the endowment due to some
of good i being used in the production process.
A natural de…nition of equilibrium is that demand must equal supply or
supply is greater than demand and the price is zero. The second part of the
de…nition re‡ects, for example, the possibility that the economy may be endowed
with a quantity of a good for which no household or …rm has any use. Phrasing
this in terms of excess demand, equilibrium occurs when excess demand is zero
or negative for all goods, with the price of a good being zero if its excess demand
is negative. Stated formally, a set of equilibrium prices satis…es
X m
X n
p ix hi µhj ¼ j + pi !hi ; (2.20)
i= 1 j=1 i=1
X m X
X n
pi Xi µ hj ¼ j + p i! hi ; (2.21)
i=1 j=1 h =1 h=1 i=1
where the …rst term follows from the de…nition of aggregate demand. Now
recalling (2.6) and (2.16), (2.21) can be written
X n X
X m H X
X n
pi Xi pi yi + p i! hi : (2.22)
i=1 i=1 j=1 h=1 i=1
X m
X n
p iXi (p) p iY i (p) + pi ! hi : (2.23)
i=1 j=1 i=1 h=1
p iZi (p) 0: (2.24)
i= 1
2.2.7 Normalizations
It has already been noted that only relative prices matter in determining de-
mands and supplies; this is clear from studying the household and …rm maxi-
mization problems. This observation implies that there is a degree of freedom
in the measurement of prices since the scale of prices does not matter.
In proving the existence of equilibrium this freedom is invariably removed
by restricting prices to a suitable compact set that is capable of capturing all
feasible price ratios. The use of compactness provides a helpful restriction on
the set that has to be searched to …nd an equilibrium price vector. The most
Pn used compact sets are the simplex, so that P the prices must satisfy
n 2
i=1 pi = 1, or the unit sphere where the restriction i= 1 [pi ] = 1 must be
When the Arrow-Debreu economy is used in public economics it is also nec-
essary to choose a normalization rule. Without such a rule, it is not possible
to assign any real meaning to rates of taxation since some basis is needed from
which to measure these. The normalization rule that is normally adopted is to
select a good as the numeraire and to set its price at unity and, often in addition
to this, to …x its rate of tax at zero. Other prices and taxes are then measured
relative to this. This procedure is used repeatedly below. Further discussion of
The relevance of semi continuity is that if preferences are convex, and some
further technical assumptions are satis…ed, the resulting demand correspondence
is upper semi continuous. The aggregate demand correspondence is then upper
semi continuous as the sum of upper semi continuous functions. Similarly, if
the production set is convex then the supply correspondence, and the aggregate
supply correspondence, are upper semi continuous. Together, these result in
upper semi continuity of the excess demand correspondence. The interpretation
of Walras’ law is then that the value of any point in the image set of a price
vector must have non-positive value. This extension allows the important case
of constant returns to scale to be accommodated in the analytical framework.
To minimize the level of technical knowledge required to read this text, there
are very few places where correspondences are employed below. Instead, it is
typically assumed that su¢cient convexity is present to permit the employment
of point-valued functions. It should be borne in mind, however, that almost
all the results given can be extended to apply to correspondences and hence to
incorporate constant returns to scale.
Z = Z (p; ») : (2.25)
© ª © ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ª
x1 (») ; :::; x H (» ) ; x1 »0 ; :::; xH »0 : (2.27)
Proof. Assume that the claim is not true© ªso that the exists some
© ª coalition
S that can improve upon the allocation x~ h with allocation x^ h© , hª 2 S.
This implies, from (i) that ^h =
h2S x
h2 S ! . However, since x~h were
the optimal choices for the households in the economy at prices p~, condition
P (ii)
implies p~^xh > p~!h for all h 2 S. Summing this over h 2 S gives p~ h 2S x^h =
p~ h 2S !h . This contradicts feasibility and proves the theorem. jj
This theorem shows that allocations achieved a competitive equilibria are
in the core of the economy. That there generally exist allocations in the core
that are not competitive equilibria can be seen in an Edgeworth box for a two-
household, two-good economy. The core of such an economy is that part of the
contract curve which is in the trading set and the competitive equilibria are
generally a subset of this. This is shown in Figure 2.6.
Introducing additional households into a two-household economy makes pos-
sible the formation of new coalitions and it is clear that some coalitions will be
able to improve upon allocations that are in the core of the two-household econ-
omy. For instance, if the economy of Figure 2.6 is enlarged by the addition of
a second type 1 household and a second type 2 household, the coalition of two
type 1s and one type 2 can improve upon the allocation labelled x. The limit
of this process is described in the Debreu-Scarf core convergence theorem.
(1964), for a continuum economy the core and the set of competitive equilibria
are identical.
De…nition 3 Feasibility
An array of consumption vectors fx1 ; :::; x H g is feasible if x h 2 X h , all h,
and there exists an array of production vectors fy 1 ; :::; y m g, each y j 2 Y j , such
x y + !; (2.28)
X m
x= xh ; y = yj ; ! = !h: (2.29)
h=1 j=1 h=1
© ª
De…nition 4 Pareto Optimality (P.O.) A feasible consumption array x^ h is
© hª
Pareto optimal if there does not exist a feasible array x¹ such that
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
U h x¹ h ¸ U h x^ h ; h = 1; :::; H; (2.30)
with ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
U h x¹h ¸ U h x^h ; for at least one h: (2.31)
© ª
Therefore ^xh is Pareto optimal if it is not possible to …nd an alternative
© ª
feasible array which gives every household at least as much utility as x^h and
gives strictly more utility to at least one household.
The competitive equilibrium described in section 2 can be given the following
formal statement.
£ © ª © ª¤
De…nition 5 Competitive Equilibrium (C.E.) An array p; x^ h ; ybj is a
competitive equilibrium if
x^ h 2 X h ; p^x^ h p^! h + µhj p^b
y j ; h = 1; :::; H; (2.32)
j= 1
Lemma 6 Let x^h be a locally non-satiating choice for household h at prices p^.
Then ¡ ¢ ¡ h¢
(i) U h xh > U h bx ) pbxh > pbbxh ;
¡ ¢ ¡ h¢
(ii) U x = U b
h h h h
x ) pbx ¸ pbb xh .
Proof. If (i) were false then clearly x h would have satis…ed the households
budget constraint and would have been chosen in preference to xbh . To prove (ii)
suppose pbx h < pbb
xh . Since b
x h is not a point of local satiation neither is x h . There
¡ h¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
then exists xeh at a distance of " from xh with U h e x > U h xh = U h xbh .
The distance " may be chosen small enough so that pbe pxbh . This contradicts
xh < b
the assumption that xb was the optimal choice. jj
With this background it is now possible to state and prove the First Theorem.
£ © ª © ª¤
Theorem 7 (The First Theorem of Welfare Economics) Let pb; x^ h ; ybj be
© ª £© h ª © j ª¤
a competitive equilibrium with no household satiated at xbh . Then bx ; b y
is a Pareto optimum.
£© hª © j ª¤
Proof. Suppose b x ; yb is not a Pareto optimum. Then there exists
£© ª © ª¤
xh ; y j with x h 2 X h , y j 2 Y j and
(i)x ¡y +¢!; ¡ h¢
(ii)U h xh ¸ U h b x all h;
¡ h¢ ¡ h¢
(iii)U x > U xb some h:
h h
Given (ii) and (iii), (a) and (b) imply h=1 pbx h > h=1 pbb xh . Under local
nonsatiation (iii) of C.E. gives pbb
x = pbb
y +bp ! so it follows that pbx = pbby +bp!. Pro…t
maximization ((ii) of C.E.) implies p^ybj ¸ p^y j , all y j 2 Y j and, in particular,
that p^ybj ¸ py
^ j . Summing over j, p^yb ¸£©p^y.ªHence
© ª¤pbx > pby + b p! or pb [x ¡ y ¡ !].
From this inequality it follows that x h ; y j is not feasible thus proving
the theorem by contradiction. jj
To appreciate the generality of this theorem, it is worth reconsidering the
assumptions that were required in its proof. When this is done it can be seen
that all that was used, in addition to pro…t and utility maximization, was the
non-satiation of preferences, which is a very mild restriction, the existence of the
competitive equilibrium and …niteness of the number of goods and households.
Therefore, being based on such weak assumptions, the result cannot easily be
dismissed. The consequences of relaxing the assumption that the number of
goods and households is …nite are addressed by the overlapping generations
economy of Chapter 13 which shows how Pareto optimality can fail when both
are in…nite.
For a two household exchange economy, the First Theorem can be demon-
strated by using an Edgeworth box diagram. In Figure 2.7 the Pareto optima
are given by the tangencies of the indi¤erence curves and the locus of tangencies
determines the contract curve. A competitive equilibrium is given by a price line
through the initial endowment point, !, which is tangential to both indi¤erence
curves at the same point. The common point of tangency results in household
choices that lead to the equilibrium levels of demand. Such an equilibrium is
indicated by point e. It is clear that there is no other point which is preferred
by both households to point e. The equilibrium is therefore Pareto optimal.
In addition, it should be noted that the set of Pareto optima for an exchange
economy, given by the contract curve, generally consists of an in…nite set of
The importance of the non-satiation assumption is shown in Figure 2.8 in
which household 1 has an area of satiation. Trading from !, the equilibrium
is at point e but this is not Pareto optimal since the satiated household would
be equally satis…ed with less consumption which would allow an increase in the
utility of the non-satiated household.
© hª
Proof. Assume that household 1 is not satiated at the allocation b x and
h ¡ h¢ © h ¡ h¢ ¡ h ¢ª ¡ h¢ © h ¡ ¢ ¡ h ¢ª
de…ne the sets C b h
x ´ x :U x >U b h x and C b
h x ´ x : U h xh ¸ U h b x .
Given assumption (a), these sets are convex for all h. Now n de…ne the convex set o
1¡ ¢ P ¡ h¢ P
Z by Z = C xb1 + H h=2 C
xb and the set W by W = w : w = ! + m j j
j=1 y ; y 2 Y
Since the individual production sets are convex, W , the set of© feasible
ª produc-
tion plans for the economy, is also convex. In addition, as b xh is a Pareto
optimum, it must not be feasible to produce a preferred consumption array,
thus no member of W is in Z.
The separating hyperplane theorem implies that there exists a vector b p such
that pbz ¸ pbwPfor all z in Z and w in W: By de…nition any Pm point in Z can be
written z = h= 1 xh and any point in W as w = ! + j=1 y j . Noting that
feasibility implies, ! ¸ h=1 x h ¡ j=1 y j , pbz ¸ pbw is equivalent to
" # " #
h h j j
pb x ¡ xb ¡b
p y ¡ y
b ¸ 0; (2.34)
h=1 h= 1 h= 1 h=1
1 ¡ 1¢ ¡ h¢
for all x 1 2 C b x ; xh 2 C h bx , and y j 2 Y j . Now as the inequality in (2.34)
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
must hold for all x 1 ¡such
¢ that U¡ 1 ¢x 1 > U 1 xb1 , it must also hold in the ¡limit ¢
for any x1 with U 1 x 1 = U 1 b x1 . Hence (2.34) holds for all x h 2 C h b xh ,
and y j 2 Y j . Taking all but one of the x h ; y j equal to xbh ; b
y j , then (2.34) shows
¡ h¢
pbx h ¸ pbb
x h; for all xh 2 C h x
b , for all h; (2.35)
Inequality (2.36) shows that at the price system supporting the Pareto optimum
each …rm is maximizing pro…t (consider (ii) of C.E.).
To show that households are maximizing utility requires a¡ demonstration
¢ ¡ h¢
that pbx h ¸ pbb
x h implies there is no x h with pbxh = pbb
xh and U h x h > U h b x .
¡ ¢ ¡ h¢
Now assume that there is some x h such that pbxh = pbb xh and U h xh > U h b x .
h h h
From assumption
¡ ¢ (c) there
¡ h¢ also exists x
e with p
bxe < p
b x
b but (2.35) shows
that U h xeh < U h b x . Now take a convex combination of e x h and x h. As
preferences are continuous from assumption (d), this convex combination can
be made to satisfy
¡ h ¢ ¡ h¢
U h te
x + [1 ¡ t] xh > U h b x ; (2.37)
£ h ¤
x + [1 ¡ t] x h < b
pb te pxbh ; (2.38)
by ¡moving
¢ arbitrarily close to x h . This contradicts b
px h ¸ pbb
xh , for all x h 2
h h
C xb , all h. Hence the households must be maximizing utility and the price
vector decentralizes the Pareto optimum. jj
Two points about the proof are worth noting. Theorem 2.4 implicitly as-
sumes that the households are given su¢cient income to purchase the opti-
mal allocation. In fact, household h must receive an endowment that satis…es
pb! h = pbb
x h. Secondly the reasoning of the proof is based on the fact that a price
vector that supports the sum of sets also supports the individual sets that form
that sum. This is illustrated in Figure 2.10.
Before proceeding further, it is worth emphasizing that the proof of the
Second Theorem required more assumptions than the proof of the First so there
may be situations in which the First Theorem is applicable but the Second is
not. For instance, an equilibrium may exist with some non-convexity in the
production sets of the individual …rms but the separation theorem can then not
be applied which prevents the proof of the Second Theorem.
A moment’s re‡ection is su¢cient to realize the importance to economic
policy of the Second Theorem. In designing policy, it is almost certain that a
policy maker would wish to achieve a Pareto optimum, otherwise welfare could
be increased at no cost. The theorem demonstrates that the objective of the
policy maker can be achieved by making the economy competitive, selecting
the equilibrium that is to be decentralized and providing each household with
su¢cient income to a¤ord their allocation. The only policy instrument employed
is a lump-sum redistribution of endowments to ensure that each household has
the required income. If this approach could be applied in practice, then economic
policy analysis reduces to the calculation and redistribution of the lump-sum
M 1 = p 1 ! 11 + p 2 !12 : (2.39)
Now, rather than actually redistributing quantities of the goods, the government
could tax household 1 an amount T 1 , T 1 = p1 xe11 , which reduces their income to
f1 = p 1! 1 + p 2 ! 1 ¡ p 1 e
M x11 ; (2.40)
1 2
© 1 H
ª X
T ; :::; T ; T h = 0: (2.41)
Since these taxes sum to zero, they represent a simple redistribution of resources.
Lump-sum taxes have a central role in public economics due to their e¢-
ciency in achieving distributional objectives. It should be clear from the discus-
sion above that the economy’s total endowment is not reduced by the application
of the lump-sum taxes. This point applies to lump-sum taxes in general. As
households cannot a¤ect the level of the tax by changing their behavior, lump-
sum taxes do not lead to any ine¢ciency. There are no resources lost due to the
imposition of lump-sum taxes and redistribution is achieved with no e¢ciency
cost. Having identi…ed the nature and value of optimal lump-sum taxes, the
question of their applicability is now considered.
In practice, the endowment of most households is simply their future labour
supply. Given this, it would be impossible to conduct lump-sum transfers of en-
dowments as a quantity of future labour cannot be transferred from one house-
hold to another without the reintroduction of slavery. It is therefore possible
to dismiss the idea of transferring quantities of goods, except in very particular
and inconsequential cases, and to focus upon the design of optimal lump-sum
In order for a transfer, or tax, to be lump-sum the household involved must
not be able to a¤ect the size of the transfer by changing their behavior. It is clear
that lump-sum taxes can be used, for example by taxing each household some
…xed amount a lump-sum tax is imposed. Setting aside minor details, this was
e¤ectively the case of the U.K. poll tax. This example motivates the following
important observation. The e¢ciency of lump-sum taxation rests partly on the
fact that their imposition is costless but this was far from the case with the
U.K. poll tax. In fact, the di¢culties of actually collecting and maintaining
information on the residential address of all households made the imposition
of a uniform lump-sum tax prohibitively expensive. Therefore, although the
structure of lump-sum taxes makes them appear deceptively simple to collect,
this may not be the case in practice since the tax base, people, is highly mobile
and evasive.
However, the costs of collection are only part of the issue. What is the pri-
mary concern here is the use of optimal lump-sum taxes. Optimality requires
the tax to be based on all relevant economic characteristics and households must
not be able to alter these characteristics in response to the taxes. It may be
possible to di¤erentiate lump-sum taxes according to sex, age or eye-colour for
instance, but these are unlikely to be the relevant characteristics on which to
base the tax. For the exchange economy examples, the characteristics were the
endowments and preferences of the households. More generally they may be the
expected future labour incomes of the households or the determinants of each
household’s human capital. Such characteristics are unlikely to be directly ob-
servable by the government and either it must either rely on households honestly
reporting their characteristics or the characteristics must be inferred from the
actions of households. In the latter case, there is invariably scope for changes
in market behavior which implies the taxes are no longer lump-sum. When re-
ports are the sole source of information, unobserved characteristics cannot form
a basis for taxation unless the tax scheme is such that there is an individual
gain to truthful revelation.
As an example of the interaction between taxes and reporting, consider the
following. Let the system of lump-sum taxes be based on the characteristic IQ
level. If the level of tax was inversely related to IQ and if all households had
to complete IQ tests, then the tax system would not be manipulated since the
incentive would always be to maximize the score on the test. In contrast, if taxes
were positively related to IQ, a testing procedure could easily be manipulated
and the mean level of tested IQ would be expected to fall considerably. This
indicates the potential for misrevelation of characteristics.
These ideas have been developed formally by Mirrlees (1986) who presents
theorems on the (im)possibility of designing non-manipulable lump-sum tax
schemes. The central theorem considers a population of households who each
have the utility function
¡ ¢
U h = U h c1 x h1 ; :::; cn x hn : (2.42)
The households vary, however, in the values of the constants c = (c1; :::; cn )
that appear in the utility function. The preferences of each household are fully
described by their c vector. Since the cs are the only di¤erentiating characteristic
between households, any optimal set of lump sum taxes must be based on these
characteristics. Now assume that the government cannot observe the c vectors,
that households only truly report their characteristics when they do not lose by
doing so and that misrepresentation can only take place by a household claiming
that the values of the characteristics are above their true values.
With this formulation, a tax policy T = T (c) conditional on the characteris-
tics can only be administered, in the sense that it generates truthful revelation
from the households, if the …nal utility allocation U h = U h (T (c)) = U e h (c)
generated by the taxes is non-increasing in c. The following theorem shows
that Ue h (c) will be increasing in ci with the optimal tax policy if good i is nor-
mal. Since some goods must be normal, the policy optimal policy cannot be
where ° (¢) is the distribution function of the cs, then with the optimal tax
policy that maximizes (2.43) given the economy’s endowment, U e h (c) is increas-
ing in ci if commodity i is always a normal good.
Proof. The optimum occurs when the marginal utility of income is identical
for all households. If this were not the case, transfers of income would raise wel-
fare. Inverting this reasoning, the marginal income required to obtain another
unit of utility must be the same for all households. Corresponding to the utility
function (2.42) is the expenditure function for h which takes the form
µ ¶
h h p1 pn h
E =E ; :::; ; U : (2.44)
c1 cn
@Ueh pi
E Uh U ¡ E hU i 2 = 0; (2.46)
@ci ci
³ ´ ³ ´
or, since E hi = Â hi pc11 ; :::; pc nn ; U h where Âhi pc 11 ; :::; pcnn ; U h is the Hicksian or
compensated demand for good ifrom h,
@Ueh pi @Âhi
E Uh U = : (2.47)
@ci ci @U h
With a concave utility function E Uh U > 0 and the normality of good i implies
@Â h eh
@U h
> 0. Therefore the normality of goo d i implies @@c
> 0 at the optimum as
was to be proved. jj
This theorem shows why optimal lump-sum taxes may not be feasible. The
government cannot observe the relevant characteristics and relies on the house-
holds to reveal them. However, under the optimal tax policy it is not in the
household’s interest to truthfully reveal their characteristics. This theorem is
dependent upon the precise assumptions made but it is indicative of the general
results that emerge when policy relies on individual revelation of information.
The main points of the argument can now be summarised. To have any
content the Second Theorem relies on the use of optimal lump-sum transfers but
such transfers are unlikely to be available in practice or to satisfy all the criteria
required of them. The taxes may be costly to collect and the characteristics
upon which they should be levied may not be observable. When characteristics
are not observable, households may have incentives to make false revelations. It
is therefore best to treat the Second Theorem as being of considerable theoretical
interest but of very limited practical relevance.
risk-taking and portfolio choice. This is an area of public economics that is being
developed particularly with respect to the normative implications of uncertainty
and the important aspects of this literature are reviewed in Chapter 8.
Turning to externalities, public goods and monopoly power, since any one
of these will remove the Pareto optimality of equilibrium, the Two Theorems
are no longer applicable to any economy in which they are present. However,
the theorems do show some properties of the state that could be achieved if the
externality etc. could be eliminated. The failure of the Two Theorems in these
cases can be viewed as providing the motivation for the analysis given in Part
In addition, de…ne º P by
s1 º P s 2 , (2.48) (2.51)
State s1 is then de…ned as being Pareto optimal if there exists no other state
that is Pareto preferred to s1 . Formally, s1 is Pareto optimal if 9 no s2 2 S
such that s2 ÂP s1 . It is important to note that this general de…nition has
been in terms of two states and that no utility concepts were involved. This
demonstrates that Pareto optimality is a very broad concept and can be used
for far more than assessing allocations of utility.
is in…nite.
From this simple example it is possible to infer two de…ciencies of Pareto op-
timality. Firstly, extreme allocations may be Pareto optimal and, consequently,
although an equilibrium may be Pareto optimal there is no reason why anyone
should advocate it as good in any other sense. Secondly, it is possible for there
to be a multiplicity of Pareto optimal allocations even for this very allocation
problem. When the Pareto criterion does not provide a unique optimal alloca-
tion it is not be of much assistance as a social rule for choosing an allocation.
The points made in the cake division example are also relevant when consid-
ering allocations in a two-household exchange economy. The contract curve in
Figure ?? gives the set of Pareto optima and there is generally an uncountable
number of these optima, so the ordering ºP does not select a unique maximal
element. In addition, the competitive equilibrium may be as the one illustrated
in the bottom left corner. This is Pareto optimal but highly inequitable.
Another failing of Pareto optimality is that the ordering º P need not provide
a complete ranking of states in S. That is, there may be some pairs of states
which are incomparable under the Pareto criterion. Incomparability arises if, in
the move between two states s1 and s 2, some agent gains and another agent loses.
This is illustrated in Figure ?? where allocations s1 and s2 cannot be compared
although s 1 and s3 and s2 and s3 can. Such gains and losses are invariably a
feature of policy choices and much of policy analysis consists of weighing-up the
gains and losses. In this respect, the Pareto criterion is inadequate as a basis
for policy choice.
To summarise these arguments, Pareto optimality does not embody any
concept of justice and highly inequitable allocations may be optimal under the
dering that determined consumption choices, utility was only relevant as a conve-
nient functional representation of preferences, with no greater meaning attached
to it, and that given a utility function representing the preference ordering, any
increasing monotonic transformation of that utility function would also be an
equally valid representation of preferences. Ordinality and non-comparability
then became the accepted concepts. This acceptance left no scienti…c basis upon
which to justify the comparability of di¤erent household’s utility levels.
Ordinality means that if x 1 Âh x2 then it is given a higher utility number
but the actual relationships between the numbers assigned to di¤erent xs, for
instance the size of the di¤erence between any two, have no content. This,
consequently, prevented welfare comparisons between people and created the
necessity of developing concepts, such as Pareto optimality, that were free of in-
terpersonal comparisons. However the weaknesses of these criteria soon became
obvious and, following Scitovsky (1951), the trend since the 1960’s has been to
explore the consequences of re-admitting interpersonal comparability into the
analysis. Some economists, for instance Mirrlees (1971) and Ng (1985), have
argued most strongly for this, although there is some divergence of opinion on
the acceptable extent of comparability.
Between non-comparability and full comparability there are several interme-
diate cases that vary as to precisely how comparable are the utility levels. For
instance, the claim that one household has a higher level of utility than another
requires rather less comparability than claiming it has 15% more utility. Di¤er-
ent degrees of comparability carry obvious implications for the welfare measures
that can be based upon them.
The various degrees of comparability have been classi…ed by Sen (1977) and
Roberts (1980b). The starting point for the classi…cation is a utility function U h
for each household h and³ the set © ´of admissible transformations of this utility
¡ ¢
function. That is, Á = Á1 ; :::; ÁH 2 © if Áh U h is an equally valid utility
function for h. Alternative degrees of measurability and comparability then
appear as restrictions on the set ©. The alternatives that have been considered
in the literature, in increasing order of comparability, can now be stated as
(i) Ordinality and non-comparability (ONC)
Á 2 © is a list of H independent strictly monotonically increasing transfor-
This is the set of transformations that arises when utility is viewed only as
the representation of preference in conditions of certainty. It implies that there
can be no interpersonal comparability.
(ii) Cardinality and non-comparability (CNC)
¡Á 2¢ © is a list of H independent strictly positive a¢ne transformations:
Áh U h = ah + bh U h ; bh > 0:
When there is uncertainty involved in the decision-making environment CNC
can be justi…ed by appeal to the von Neumann and Morgernstern (1953) utility
representation theorem. Condition CNC demonstrates that cardinality, in itself,
does not carry any implications for interpersonal comparisons.
for any h. One special example of such a welfare function is the Rawlsian or
max-min given by
© ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ª
W = min U 1 x1 ; :::; U H x H : (2.53)
With unit comparability it is possible to asses the gains and losses between
individuals. Furthermore, once one set of the constants appearing in the utility
function are speci…ed, it is meaningful to consider the sum of utilities as a welfare
criterion. Formally, CUC implies that the welfare functional
W = ah U h ; ah > 0; (2.54)
h= 1
³n o´ ¡© ª¢
F eh
U =F Uh ; (2.55)
then the constants ah in (2.54) cannot vary with h so that the welfare functional
reduces to the standard utilitarian form
X ¡ ¢
W = U h xh : (2.56)
W = W (U (x)) ; (2.60)
XH £ h ¡ h ¢¤1¡À
U x
W = : (2.61)
h =1
There has been much discussion of the relationship between the social welfare
function in the sense of Arrow and that of Bergson-Samuelson. Samuelson
(1977) asserts that a Bergson-Samuelson social welfare function can be con-
structed even when the utility levels are ordinal and non-comparable. If such a
social welfare function is expected to hold for all possible preference orderings,
then Theorem 3.4 shows that it must violate one (or more) of U, I, P and D. One
potential route out of this impasse was to suggest that the Bergson-Samuelson
social welfare function needs to hold only for the given set of preference orders
that characterise the economy under consideration. In this case, condition U
is not applicable. This restriction to the given set of preferences represents the
single-pro…le approach to social choice where the social ordering only has to
satisfy the speci…ed criteria for a single-pro…le of preference orders. In con-
trast, the Arrow theorem is characteristic of the multi-pro…le approach where
the ordering must be constructed for any possible set of preference orderings.
Unfortunately, the restriction to single-pro…les does not avoid the impossibility
result. As shown by Kemp and Ng (1976) and Roberts (1980c) the impossibility
result remains intact when the requirements of the social ordering are translated
to the single-pro…le context.
The use of a Bergson-Samuleson social welfare function therefore implies the
adoption of comparability assumptions on individual utilities. Accepting this,
the maximisation of a Bergson-Samuelson social welfare functions is invariably
adopted as the objective of policy in public economics. In such exercises it is
usually assumed that the social welfare function satis…es the Pareto criterion
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¡ ¢¢ ¡ ¡ ¢¢
U h x^ h ¸ U h x~ h , all h implies W U h x^ h ¸ W U h x~h ; (2.63)
@W @2W
¸ 0 and 0: (2.64)
@U @U h2
The assumption on the second derivative is often strengthened to that of strict
concavity or strict quasi-concavity. Unfortunately, as is discussed further in
Chapter 4, this does not always guarantee second-order conditions will be sat-
is…ed when the welfare function is used as the objective in a maximisation.
2.6. SUMMARY 59
For a given value of W (¢) it is possible to draw its level sets, typically called
social indi¤erence curves, as in Figure 2.14.
The convexity of these was the subject of discussion in the 1950’s. Gorman
(1959b) demonstrated the important result that convexity in itself does not
require interpersonal comparability.
2.6 Summary
The aim of this chapter was to introduce the Arrow-Debreu economy and to
review a number of fundamental issues in welfare economics. This material
underlies much of the analysis in the following chapters, providing both the
analytical method and a baseline against which changes can be assessed.
The Two Theorems, which characterise the e¢ciency properties of the com-
petitive economy, were described and proved. Although the Theorems have
strong implications, it was argued that they both are limited in their value; the
First Theorem due to the weakness of Pareto optimality and the Second because
of its reliance upon lump-sum taxation. It was argued that criteria for judging
between economic states that did not employ interpersonal comparisons were
too weak to be of practical usefulness. If comparability is permitted, stronger
criteria are possible.
There are two major conclusions to be drawn from the discussion. Firstly,
the limitations of the Two Theorems provide a natural point of departure for
the study of public economics. Secondly, if decisions about economic policy are
to be taken on welfare grounds, it is necessary that interpersonal comparisons
must be made.
Chapter 3
Topics in Measurement
3.1 Introduction
The previous chapter has reviewed the theory and concepts involved in the
measurement of welfare and the motivations for adopting these approaches. The
welfare judgements that emerged from that analysis were based unavoidably
upon utility concepts and this basis is found by many to be objectionable. In
response to this, alternative means of assessing the economic outcome that rely,
in the main, on observable and measurable quantities are now discussed. At
…rst sight these appear to be rather more tangible concepts than those of utility
and social welfare. Most of what is said below applies equally to a range of
economic indices far broader than just those considered here.
The chapter begins with a discussion of the de…nition of income which is
the basic observable and measurable quantity from which indices of inequal-
ity and poverty are formed. Although there is little doubt about the meaning
of income in a world of certainty, it is rather less well speci…ed when there is
uncertainty about the values of future variables. The distinctions between the
available de…nitions of income are clari…ed and their relative merits noted. Data
on household incomes, though, cannot be used directly in the construction of
economic indices since the households will di¤er in their size and composition
and, consequently, in their requirements. This observation motivates the consid-
eration of equivalence scales, which are a means of adjusting observed household
incomes to take account of household composition e¤ects and to provide a set
of comparable income measures.
This is followed by a review of the measurement of inequality. The link is
drawn between statistical measures and their implied so cial welfare functions.
This motivates the consideration of explicit welfare-based measures and axiom
systems. A similar approach is taken to the measurement of poverty. It is worth
noting at the outset that the ma jor theme to emerge from the discussion is that
the construction of a successful index requires the welfare assumptions on which
it is based to be made explicit.
theory. Following this, the methods of Engel and Rothbarth are considered,
both of which employ restrictive assumptions on the underlying preferences of
households. Relaxing these assumptions then leads into the Barten method and
its generalisation.
Table 3.1 demonstrates that these equivalence scales assume that there are
returns to scale in household size so that, for example, a family of two adults
does not require twice the income of a single person. The ma jor shortcomings of
this method of computing equivalence scales are that by focusing on the cost of
obtaining a minimum level of consumption they are inappropriate for applying
to incomes above the minimum level and, sine they do not take account of
optimisation by the households, they cannot be claimed to measure the true
economic cost of demographic di¤erences.
The Engel (1895) approach to equivalence scales rests on the hypothesis that
the welfare of a household can be measured by the proportion of its income that
is spent on food. In particular, Engel’s law asserts that the food share of expen-
diture falls as income, and hence welfare, rise. If this is accepted, equivalence
scales can be constructed for demographically di¤erent households by calculat-
ing the income levels at which their expenditure share on food is equal. This
is illustrated in Figure 3.1 in which the expenditure share on food as a func-
tion of income is shown for two households with demographic characteristics d1
and d2 . Using the Engel method, incomes M 1 and M 2 are equivalent and the
equivalence scale is given by the ratio MM1
There are two shortcomings to this approach. Firstly, although its content
may be empirically true, this alone does not provide a basis for making welfare
comparisons. Secondly, even if welfare conclusions can be inferred via Engel’s
law, it can be argued that the Engel method overestimates the cost of additional
children for a household. Nicholson (1976) argues that a child is largely a food-
consuming addition to a household. If, after the addition of a child, a household
is compensated su¢ciently to restore the share of food in its expenditure to
its original level, this would represent over-compensation with respect to other
commodities. Deaton and Muellbauer (1986) provide a formalisation of this
The approach of Engel has been extended to the more general iso-prop
method in which the expenditure shares of a basket of goods, rather than sim-
ply food, becomes the basis for the construction of scales. Seneca and Taussig
(1971) employ a basket consisting of food, housing, clothing and transportation
and …nd that this provides less compensation than the Engel method at low in-
The procedure of Rothbarth (1943) selects for attention a set of goods that are
consumed only by adults, termed adult goods, and such that the expenditure
upon them can be treated as a measure of welfare. If these goods also have
the property that changes in demographic characteristics only a¤ect their de-
mand via income e¤ects, then the extra income required to keep their consump-
tion constant when household composition changes can be used to construct
an equivalence scale. Typical examples of such goods that have been used in
practice are tobacco and alcohol.
For the chosen consumption level x, the procedure is illustrated in Figure 3.2
with three Engel curves representing di¤erent household compositions. On the
basis that they generate the same level of demand as family composition changes,
the Rothbarth procedure would assert that M 1 , M 2 and M 3 are equivalent
incomes and the equivalence scale would be constructed from their ratios.
There are a number of di¢culties with this approach. It rests upon the
hypotheses that consumption of adult goods accurately measure welfare and
that they are a¤ected only via income e¤ects; theoretically both hypotheses are
asserting separability between the utility from adult goods and that from goods
which are a¤ected by demographic characteristics. These hypotheses could be
refuted by empirical evidence and, as noted by Cramer (1969), the typical adult
goods, alcohol and tobacco, are empirically unresponsive to income e¤ects. In
addition, it is not clear that their demand is una¤ected via changes in demo-
graphic characteristics. The evidence reported in Deaton, Ruiz-Castillo and
Thomas (1989) supports these doubts about the method’s validity. Further-
more, the ratios of M 1 to M 2 and M 3 will depend upon the level of demand
chosen for the comparison except in the special case in which the Engel curves
are straight lines through the origin, so that utility is homothetic, and the ra-
tios may vary for di¤erent goods. This leads into a further aggregation problem
of forming some total ratio out of the ratios for each good. These observations
suggest that the formulation of equivalence scales should be more closely related
to consumer preferences.
dk @x hi d @eai M h @x hi dk @e
= k ¡ h : (3.2)
x i @dk ei @dk
a x i @M h ea0 @dk
Pn @xh Pn pj xh
j M
h @xh
The budget identity j=1 p j @ djk = 0 and the condition that j=1 M h xh
h =
j @M
Pn pj xhj dk @eaj
1 imply deak0 @e
@d k = j=1 M h ea j @d k . Substituting into (3.2) gives
Xn ¸ n
dk @x hi dk @e
ai M h @x hi X pj x hj dk @eaj
= ¡ : (3.3)
x hi @dk ei @dk
xhi @M h j=1 M h e aj @dk
In principle, (3.3) provides a basis for empirically estimating the e¤ects of house-
hold composition on demand elasticities. An example of an empirical application
of (3.3), which forms the basis for the equivalence scales used by the Department
of Social Security in the UK, can be found in McClements (1977).
3.3.4 Barten
Since the shortcomings of the methods discussed so far are due to their lack of
choice-theoretic foundation, the value of building equivalence scales from a basis
in utility theory is clear. Although each of the methods so far can be interpreted
in terms of the restrictions they place on preferences, see Muellbauer (1977) and
Coulter et al. (1992), this was not explicit in their original motivation. The …rst
attempt at making preference restrictions explicit can be attributed to Barten
(1964) who approached the derivation via the direct utility function. Extensions
of the method using duality can be found in Gorman (1978) and Muellbauer
It has been noted that some goods may not be consumed by children, the
adult goods of Rothbarth, whilst children consume relatively large proportions
of goods such as food. This observation motivates letting a household of type
d be equivalent to ai(d) adults for the consumption of good i; i = 1; :::; n. The
household’s utility is then
µ h ¶
x1 xhn ¡ ¢
Uh = Uh 1
; :::; n
= U h x^h1 ; :::; x^ hn ; (3.4)
a (d) a (d)
where x^ hi = ai (d)
. The behaviour of the household is determined by choosing
¡ h ¢ ¡ ¢
the quantities P x^ 1 ; :::; x^ hn to maximise U h x^h1 ; :::; x^ hn subject to the budget con-
straint M h = i=1 pbi ^xhi , where pb = (b p 1 ; :::; pbn ) is the demographically adjusted
price vector with pbi = p iai (d). The form of this price vector and budget con-
straint motivates the observation that lies at the heart of this approach “When
you have a wife and a baby, a penny bun costs threepence“ (Gorman (1978) p.
9). ¡ ¢
h h h
Solving the ¡maximisation gives the demand ¢ functions x
^i = x^ i p
b ; M or
x hi = ai (d) ^xhi p 1 a1 (d) ; :::; pn an (d) ; M h . The latter of these shows how a
change in composition has two e¤ects upon demand. It a¤ects demand directly
via the equivalence term ai (d) and indirectly via the equivalence terms a¤ecting
the demographically adjusted prices. This speci…cation should be contrasted to
(3.1). In elasticity form the e¤ect of a change in demographic characteristic k
upon demand for good i is
X p j @b ¸ ¸
dk @xhi @ai dk h
i xi dk @a j
= + a : (3.5)
x hi @dk @dk ai
xhi @p j aj @dk
Equation (3.5) provides a basis for empirically estimating the e¤ects of house-
hold composition on demand elasticities and an application can be found in
Muellbauer (1977).
Contrasting (3.5) to (3.3) di¤erences emerge only in the …nal term. If the
Slutsky equation for the e¤ect of a change in the price of good j on the demand
for good i is multiplied by xp jh it becomes
where Âhi is the compensated demand for good i from household h. The spec-
@Â h
i…cations in (3.3) and (3.5) can then be seen to be identical if i
@ pj
= 0 so that
the compensated demand for goo d i is independent of the price of good j. The
two methods are therefore equivalent when the compensated demands depend
are independent.
To construct the¡ equivalence ¢ scale, the expenditure function dual to the
utility function, U h x^h1 ; :::; x^ hn , can be de…ned by
¡ ¢ © ¡ h¢ ª
E h pb; U h = min pb^xh subject to U h x
^ ¸ Uh ; (3.7)
so the expenditure function captures all the demographic information via the
equivalence terms ai(d). For some give level of welfare, U , the equivalence
scale for two-household compositions db and de is given by
³ ³ ´ ³ ´ h´
E h p 1 a1 db ; :::; p n an db ; U
³ ³ ´ ³ ´ h´: (3.9)
E h p 1 a1 de ; :::; p n an de ; U
utility directly rather than just through its interaction with consumption, an
unconditional equivalence scale is required. To see the distinction, let utility
take the form
¡ ¡ ¢ ¢
U h = © U xh ; d ; d : (3.10)
penditure function be
¡ ¢ © ¡ ¡ ¢ ¢ ª
E h p; d; U h = min pxh subject to © U xh ; d ; d ¸ U h : (3.11)
The su¢ciency of this condition can be seen by forming the ratio in (3.12) to
obtain the equivalence scale ³ ´
F p; db
³ ´; (3.14)
F p; de
which is independent
¡ ¢ of the base level of utility. Two
¡ special
¢ cases
¡ ¢arise from
(3.13). If G p; U h is independent of p, hence G p; U h = G U h , the cost
function represents homothetic preferences. When F (¢) is independent of p the
underlying utility function takes the form
µ h ¶
h x
U =U ; (3.15)
f (d)
3.3.6 In practice
There have been many equivalence scales constructed (Buhmann et al (1989) list
34 and their study is not comprehensive) and so it is necessary to …nd a simple
means of summarising their content. Buhmann et al. (1989) suggest that an
For a continuous distribution, the basic data is a density function for income.
Denoting the edensity by °(M ) and assuming the support of this distribution to
£ ¤ RM
be 0; M , where M is the maximum level of income, so that 0 °(M )dM = 1,
the mean level of income is
¹= M °(M )dM : (3.19)
as ¹ varies from 0 to M .
Although the Lorenz curves does not constitute an index of inequality in
the sense of assigning a number to the distribution, it can still be employed to
unambiguously rank some income distributions. As illustrated in Figure 3.4, if
the Lorenz curve for distribution B lies entirely outside that for distribution A,
distribution B can be seen to be less equal. In particular, B could have been
derived from A by transfers from poor to rich. In this case, A can be said to
Lorenz dominate B. If the Lorenz curves representing distributions A and B
cross, an unambiguous ranking of the two distributions cannot be derived from
the Lorenz curve alone. The concept of Lorenz domination therefore provides
only a partial ordering of income distributions.
A fundamental concept in the theory of inequality measurement is the Pigou-
Dalton Principle of Transfers which was …rst formulated by Dalton (1920). The
basis of this principle is that any transfer from a poor household to a rich one
must increase inequality. The principle can be de…ned formally as follows.
household which preserves the ranking of the two households in the income dis-
tribution and leaves total income remaining unchanged.
The …nal way of expressing the Gini coe¢cient exploit its relationship to the
Lorenz curve. As illustrated in Figure 3.5, the Gini index is equal to the area
between the Lorenz curve and the line of equality as a proportion of the area
of the triangle beneath the line of equality. If the area of the box is normalised
at 1, the Gini coe¢cient is then twice the area between the Lorenz curve and
the equality line. Expressed in this way, it can be seen that the Gini coe¢cient
can take values lying between 0 and 1. This de…nition of the Gini index makes
it clear that the Gini can be used to rank distributions when the Lorenz curves
cross since the relevant areas are always well de…ned. Since the measures are
all stronger than the Lorenz dominance criteria, they must each contain some
additional assumptions over and above those which are present in the Lorenz
curve comparisons. What this extra structure involves will be investigated below
when statistical measures are related to social welfare.
{} store
/md /picOriginY
{} store
sub def
def false def}ifelse
so that the entropy measure does satisfy the criteria. However, the change in
the index now depends on the relative incomes of the two households involved
in the transfer. Whether this form of sensitivity to transfers is the correct one
is again open to question.
This concludes the review of the statistical measures of inequality. At a
number of points in the discussion reference has been made to acceptable cri-
teria for an inequality index to possess and to whether the properties of the
indices, such as the manner in which they were a¤ected by transfers, were sat-
isfactory. Obviously, to judge whether criteria are acceptable or not requires
the existence of some underlying notion of distributive justice or social welfare.
Two questions then arise. Firstly, to what extent can income distributions be
compared without the need for an explicit welfare function and, secondly, do
the statistical measures of inequality have implied social welfare functions? The
answers to these questions constitute the subject of the next section.
is bistochastic and 2 3
0 1 0
4 1 0 0 5; (3.27)
0 0 1
is a permutation matrix. The permutation matrices form the extreme points of
the set of bistochastic matrices.
The relevance of these concepts are that given a bistochastic matrix Q and
an income vector M , the vector M f = QM represents an averaging of M , or
equivalently, could be obtained from M by a series of transfers from rich to
poor. If P is a permutation matrix, then M c = P M is obtained from M by
re-ordering the components of M .
Now consider a social welfare function
¡ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢¢ ¡ ¢
W =W f U 1 M 1 ; :::; U H M H = W M 1 ; :::; M H ; (3.28)
W (M ) = W (P M ) ; (3.29)
W (QM ) ¸ W (M ) : (3.30)
The social welfare function is strictly S -concave if the inequality is strict for
all bistochastic matrices which are not permutation matrices. The assumption of
S -concavity is a natural one in the context of inequality since QM can obtained
from M by transfers from rich to poor and a welfare function that is sensitive
to distribution should increase with such transfers. Conversely, an inequality
index is S -convex if I (QM ) I (M ).
The interconnections between these concepts and the inequality indices al-
ready discussed are summarised in the following lemma due to Kolm (1969) and
Dasgupta et al. (1973).
³ ´ ³ ´
Lemma 12 Given two income vectors M ^ = M ^ 1; :::; M
^ H and M~ = M ~ 1 ; :::; M
~H ,
PH ^ h PH ~ h , which are ordered so that M ^1 ^2 ^H
with h=1 M = h =1 M M ::: M
and M ~1 M ~ 2 ::: M ~ H , then the following four conditions are equivalent:
(i) there exists a bistochastic matrix Q (which is not a permutation matrix)
such that ~ = QM ^;
(ii) h= 1 M ^h ¸ k M ~ h for all k H and H M ^h = H M ~ h;
h=1 h= 1 h=1
~ can be obtained from M
(iii) M ^ by a sequence of transfers, with all transfers
from richer³to ´poorer households;
³ ´
(iv) W M ~ >W M ^ for all strictly S-concave functions W (¢).
Proof. The proof that (i) to (iii) are equivalent can be found in Berge (1963).
That (i) implies (iv) follows directly from the assumption of strict S -concavity.
This shows the equivalence of (i) to (iv). jj
The interpretation of this lemma rests on the observation that (ii) is simply
the statement that the Lorenz curve for distribution M ~ lies everywhere inside
that for M . The equivalence of this to (iv) then implies that all S -concave social
welfare functions will assign greater welfare to the distribution that is ranked
higher by the Lorenz criterion. Hence when a ranking can be derived by the
Lorenz criterion, this ranking will be agreed by all S -concave welfare functions.
To complete this discussion, it is noted that S -concavity is a weaker concept
than quasiconcavity; hence any symmetric quasiconcave function is S -concave.
Slightly di¤erent versions of this result can be found in Rothschild and Stiglitz
(1973) and treatment of the continuous case in Atkinson (1970).
The converse of Lemma ?? is that if the Lorenz curves for two distributions
cross, then quasiconcave social welfare functions can be found that will rank the
two distributions di¤erently.
Put together, the lemma and its converse show that the Lorenz dominance
criteria provides the most complete ranking of income distributions that is pos-
sible given only that social welfare is an S -concave function of incomes. To
provide a complete ranking when Lorenz curves cross requires more restrictions
to be placed upon the structure of the social welfare function. In addition, any
index of inequality is necessarily stronger than Lorenz dominance and, when it
can be derived from a social welfare function, is derived from a social welfare
function that has more structure than simply satisfying S -concavity (and may
not even satisfy that condition).
The preceding discussion has demonstrated that the statistical inequality
indices may represent social welfare functions with restrictive properties. To
formalise this link consider a social welfare function
¡ ¢
w = W M 1 ; :::; M H = W (M ) ; (3.31)
that is S -concave and increasing along rays, so that W (¸M ) > W (M ) ; ¸ > 1.
Corresponding to this social welfare function is its transformation, or distance,
function D (w; M ) de…ned by
½ µ ¶ ¾
D (w; M ) = max W ¸w : (3.32)
¸ ¸
The transformation function determines the maximum extent to which the in-
come vector in a given situation can be reduced while social welfare remains on,
or above, a target level. From its construction, it can be seen that D (w; M )
is homogeneous of degree 1 in M and strictly decreasing in w. The distance
function is also an implicit representation of the social welfare function since
D (w; M ) = 1; (3.33)
generates the initial social welfare function.
Employing the transformation function, Blackorby and Donaldson (1978)
suggest as an index of equality (the converse of an inequality index) the function
E (w; M ) de…ned by
D (w; M )
E (w; M ) = ; (3.34)
D (w; ¹e)
where e is the vector (1,...,1). The interpretation of (3.34) is that it measures
the proportion total income can be reduced if it is distributed equally while
remaining on the same level surface of the transformation function. If the so-
cial welfare function is homothetic then D (w; M ) can be written in the form
D (w; M ) = µ (w) D ~ (M ) and the index is independent of the base level of wel-
fare or reference-level-free; in all other cases it will be dependent on its base. In
addition, if social welfare is homothetic then
³ ´ ³ ´ ³ ´ ³ ´
E w; M ~ ¸ E w; M ^ () W M ~ ¸W M ^ ; (3.35)
so that the index has normative signi…cance. It can also be shown that E (w; M )
is homogeneous of degree zero in M and S -concave in M .
To construct a social welfare function from an equality measure, note that
since D (w; M ) is homogeneous of degree 1 in M it follows that
© ¡ ¢ ª
where D (M ) = max¸ ¸ > 0 : W M
¸ w . D (M ) is homogeneous of degree
à (w)D(M ) D( M )
1 so that the index of equality can be written E (w; M ) = = ¹
à (w)D(¹e)
E (M ) where the normalisation D (e) = 1 has been employed. This proves the
equality measure is reference-level-free. jj
The proof of Theorem 3.1 provides the statement required for the construc-
tion of the social welfare functions underlying the statistical measures. It has
been shown that for reference-level-free indices, which all the statistical indices
given above are, the identity D (M ) = ¹E (M ) holds. Given E (M ) the trans-
formation function can be calculated from this identity and then solved to give
the social welfare function.
Blackorby and Donaldson show that the welfare functions corresponding to
the Gini and Theil entropy inequality indices are given respectively by
1 £ H ¤
WG (M ) = M + 3M H¡1 + ::: + [2H ¡ 1] M 1 ; (3.38)
H 2
" H
1 X
h h
W T (M ) = H¹ log H¹ ¡ M log M : (3.39)
H log H
Assume that the social welfare function is of the form (3.31), is S -concave
and is non-decreasing in each income level so that all h. Given two income
distributions and , then it is clear that for any S -concave and non-decreasing
social welfare function if the Lorenz curve of lies inside that of and the mean
of is greater than that . To proceed beyond these su¢cient conditions, it is
necessary to introduce the Generalised Lorenz curve.
Generalised Lorenz curve
In the continuous case the coordinates of the Generalised Lorenz curve are
given by µZ m Z ¶
1 m
° (M ) dM; M ° (M ) dM ; (3.40)
0 ¹ 0
³ Ph ´
(and in the discrete case by Hh ; i=1 H .)
In the continuous case the Generalised Lorenz curve is a continuous curve
connecting (0; 0) to (1; ¹). The same is true in the discrete case if the discrete
points are connected by straight lines and the point for h = 1 is connected to
the origin.
Theorem 3.2 determines the relation between the ranking of income distrib-
utions with di¤erent means by the Generalised Lorenz curve and by the social
welfare function.
³ ´ ³ ´
Theorem 14 (Shorrocks) W M c ¸W M f for all non-decreasing S-concave
Ph Ph
M fi
social welfare functions if and only if i=1
¸ i=1
so that the Generalised
Lorenz curve for M c lies inside that for M
f by ff =M fh for h = 1; :::; H ¡ 1
Proof. To prove the “if“ part, de…ne M M
f =M fH + H [b
andµ M ¶ ¹¡e ¹]. As the social welfare function is non-decreasing,
³ ´ P h ci Ph f i
f ¸W M f . In addition, since b e M f
i=1 M
W M ¹=¹ e and i=1H ¸ H for all h,
³ ´ µ ¶ ³ ´
c lies inside that for M
f so W M c ¸W M f
f ¸W M f .
the Lorenz curve for M
To prove the “only if“ de…ne Wh (M ) = , h ³= 1;
h ´ :::; H, and
³ ´note
that Wh (M ) is S -concave and non-decreasing. Then W h M ¸ W h M f for
Ph Ph
M fi
all h only if i=1H
¸ i=1H
This theorem demonstrates that a ranking of two income distributions with
di¤erent means can only be unambiguous if the Generalised Lorenz curves do
not intersect. It also shows that even if the Lorenz curves for two distributions
intersect, the condition on the Generalised Lorenz curve may still be satis…ed.
response to this is to make the welfare judgements explicit by deriving the in-
equality measure from a speci…c social welfare function. One method of achiev-
ing this was discussed in the previous section; the present section considers the
method of equally distributed equivalent incomes suggested by Dalton (1920),
Kolm (1969) and Atkinson (1970). With this procedure, social concern for eq-
uity can be incorporated in the index by the choice of the utility of income func-
tion assigned to households and the function employed for aggregating household
utilities into social welfare.
To simplify, assume social welfare can be represented by a utilitarian social
welfare function
X ¡ ¢
W = U Mh ; (3.41)
h =1
MEDE is called the equally distributed equivalent income and is that level of
income that if given to all households would generate the same level of social
welfare as the initial income distribution.
Using the de…nition of ME DE , the Atkinson-Kolm index is given by
M EDE ¹ ¡ M E DE
A = 1¡ = : (3.43)
¹ ¹
The concavity of the household utility function guarantees that index A is non-
negative. In addition, it is independent of the mean level of income and is
therefore a relative index.
For a two-household economy the construction of M EDE is illustrated in
Figure 3.6. The initial income distribution is given by M 1 , M 2 and this deter-
mines the relevant indi¤erence curve of the social welfare function. M EDE is
found by moving round this indi¤erence curve to the line of equal incomes. It is
clear the because of the concavity of the social indi¤erence curve ME DE is less
than the mean income, ¹.
The ‡exibility of this index lies in the freedom of choice of the utility of
income function and it is this function that determines the importance attached
to inequality by the index. One form of utility function that was proposed by
Atkinson (1970) is
M 1¡ " 0
U (M ) = ; U (M ) = M ¡" ; " 6= 1: (3.44)
This function is isoelastic and concave if " ¸ 0. At " = 1 and " = 0. the function
takes the following form
I3”, Eichhorn (1988) classi…es the set of functions that satisfy axioms I1, I2 and
one of I3 - I3”. This class of functions has the general form
µ ¶
¹M + [1 ¡ ¹] e M 1 + ::: + M H
I (M ; H ) = Á ; ® (M ) = ; (3.46)
¹® (M ) + [1 ¡ ¹] H
where Á (¢) is Schur-convex and satis…es Á (e) = 0. An application of these
alternative axioms can be found in P…ngsten (1986) where tax changes that are
inequality-neutral under the alternative criteria are identi…ed.
A second aspect of inequality measurement that has been pursued via the
axiomatic approach is that of decomposability. Let the population be divided
into subgroups 1; :::; g; :::; G with the population in each being H g . An inequality
measure is decomposable if total inequality can be found by a weighted sum of
the inequality within the subgroups and between the subgroups. De…ning M g
as the income vector within group g, ¹g as the mean income of group g and e g
as the vector of 1s with H g entries, decomposability is captured in the following
Axiom I4 (Theil Decomposability)
PG P Hg h
h=1 M
I (M1 ; :::; MG ; H) = g =1 w G G
g I (M g ; H)+I (¹1 e1 ; :::; ¹G eG ; H) ; w g = P H M h :
With this de…nition of decomposability, the weights are the ratio of the total
income in subgroup g to total income in the population. The following theorem
is proved in Foster (1983).
Theorem 16 (Shorrocks) An inequality index satis…es I1, I2, I3, I4’ and if
and only if there exists a parameter c and function , continuous and strictly
increasing in I with such that
1 1
PH hh M h ic i
H c[c¡1] h= 1 ¹
¡ 1 if c 6= 0; 1;
PH h M h h
F (I (M ) ; H ) = H
¹ log ¹ if c = 1;
H h =1 log ¹ if c = 0:
3.4.7 Summary
The section began with an introduction to statistical measures of inequality
which, at …rst sight, appeared to avoid the requirement for welfare analysis.
Closer inspection of these indices indicated that each embodied implicit wel-
fare assumptions and that their failings emphasised basic criteria that an index
should satisfy. The …rst point was developed by considering the metho dology
of Blackorby and Donaldson (1978) for generating inequality measures from so-
cial welfare functions and constructing underlying social welfare functions from
inequality measures. The examples given underline the belief that statistical
measures can have unsatisfactory welfare implications. One response to this
has been the suggestion that an explicit social welfare function should form the
basis of the inequality measure and an example of this approach, the Kolm-
Atkinson index, was described. The existence of basic criteria for an index to
satisfy has been developed into the axiomatic approach to inequality. Some of
the directions in which this can be taken were illustrated by the study of rela-
tive and absolute measures and decomposability. It was surprising to …nd that
decomposability led back to one of the statistical measures.
Absolute poverty
The concept of absolute poverty assumes that there is some …xed minimum level
of consumption (or similarly of income) that constitutes poverty and that is
independent of time or place. Such a minimum level of consumption is often
taken to be a diet that is su¢cient to maintain health and provision of housing
and clothing. From this view, if the incomes of all households rise, there will
eventually be no poverty. Viewed as an absolute concept, it is possible for
poverty to be eliminated.
Although a concept of absolute poverty was probably implicit in early studies
of poverty, such as Rowntree (1901, 1941) and in the claims following Rowntree
and Lavers (1951) that poverty was no longer a problem, the appropriateness of
absolute poverty has since generally been rejected. In its place has been adopted
the notion of relative poverty.
Relative poverty
The concept of relative poverty is not a recent one; it is only the usage of the
concept that has been recently adopted. Its history can be traced back to at
least Adam Smith (1776) who frames the de…nition of relative poverty as the
lack of necessities, where necessities are de…ned as “what ever the custom of the
country renders it indecent for creditable people, even of the lowest order, to
be without“. It is clear from this de…nition that relative poverty is de…ned in
terms of the standards and norms of a given society at a given time. As the
standard of living of the society rises and more goods are required to be decent,
the income level required to be out of poverty must increase.
The notion of relative poverty has also been advocated more recently in
Townsend’s (1979) discussion of participation in society. This approach to
poverty considers whether the household possesses su¢cient resources to al-
low it to participate in the activities which are customary for the economy to
which it belongs. The ability to participate is clearly a relative concept and this
view captures much the same features as that of Smith. Relative poverty is also
embodied in the measurement of poverty in the U.K. and E.U.
The adoption of either an absolute or relative view of poverty does have
implications for how the poverty line is determined for a particular economy at
a particular time but is of most consequence for comparisons of poverty across
time or across economies and in the properties that it is felt a satisfactory
poverty measure should have. The latter aspect will become evident in the
speci…cation of axioms for poverty measures.
their historical importance and because of the role they play in the development
of later measures.
It is …rst necessary to introduce the following notation that is used exten-
sively below. The poverty line is denoted by z, so that any income level below or
equal to z represents poverty. For a typical household, h, gh (M ; z) ´ z ¡ M h ,
is the income shortfall of household h and measures the extent to which the
household is below the poverty line. Given the poverty line z and an income
distribution M , the number of households in poverty is given by q = q (M; z).
The dimensionality of the income distribution vector determines the size of the
population, H, via the relation H = H (M ).
The headcount ratio measures the extent of poverty by counting the number
of households whose incomes are not above the poverty line. Expressing this as
a proportion of the population, the headcount ratio is de…ned by
E= : (3.47)
This measure of poverty was used by Rowntree (1901) and has been used in
many subsequent studies.
The major advantage of the headcount ratio is its simplicity of calculation.
Its major disadvantage is that it pays no attention to how far the households
fall below the poverty line and therefore gives no indication of how costly it
would be to alleviate the observed poverty. In addition, a transfer from a poor
household to one that is slightly richer does not change E if both households
remain on the same side of the poverty line and will actually reduce it if the
transfer takes the recipient’s income above z.
The aggregate poverty gap and the income gap ratio both take account of
how far below the poverty line are the incomes of the poor households. They
are de…ned respectively by
V = gh; (3.48)
h =1
1 gh
I = : (3.49)
q (M ; z) z
h= 1
Since both measures take account of income shortfalls, they do provide infor-
mation on the expenditure needed to eliminate poverty but, because they give
equal weight to all income shortfalls, they are not sensitive to transfers unless
the transfer takes one of the households out of poverty.
Sen measure
Let ¡ denote the set of households with incomes on, or below, the poverty line;
there are q of these. Sen (1976) proposes that the general form of a poverty
where Gp is the Gini index of income inequality amongst the households below
the poverty line. Expressed in the latter form, this poverty measure can be
seen as combining a measure of the shortfall of income of the poor with one of
distribution of income between the poor.
The method of constructing this measure illustrates the alternative directions
that could be taken. The general form given is not the only possibility and
Takayama (1979) presents an example of an alternative form. Using the ranking
of the poor as the weights is also restrictive; an alternative to this will be
considered below. Finally, the normalisation axiom is also arbitrary and any
number of other possibilities could be chosen. Although having many features
in its favour, the poverty measure (3.51) cannot be assigned any particularly
special value since any variation in the particular axioms chosen would lead to
a di¤erent index and some of the axioms are not entirely compelling.
An important class of poverty measures that constitute an alternative to (3.51)
have been derived on the basis of decomposability amongst subgroups. To
motivate this discussion, consider the poverty measure given by
1 X 2
P (M ; z) = g : (3.52)
H z2 h2¡ h
The measure given in (3.52) is an example of the general form of measure given
by (3.50) but with the weights given by the income gap rather than the ranking.
Given the composition of (3.51) in terms of the Gini index, it is interesting to
note that (3.52) can also be written
h i
P (M ; z) = E I 2 + [1 ¡ I]2 Cp2 ; (3.53)
3.6 Conclusions
The chapter began with the aim of studying measures of the state of an economy
which were intended to be independent of welfare criteria. To allow income lev-
els to be comparable between households of di¤erent demographic composition
equivalence scales need to be constructed. Although these have been computed
upon the basis of minimum needs and observed expenditure on food, careful
examination revealed de…ciencies in such approaches. It was then shown that,
if the household acts in accord the theory of utility maximisation, exact com-
parisons could only be made by basing the scales upon a comparison of house-
hold expenditure functions and hence upon the underlying utility functions.
A broadly similar conclusion was reached with measures of both inequality and
poverty: statistical measures that appear welfare-free are actually founded upon
implicit assumptions concerning the form of the social welfare function. In any
case, a close examination of the methodology lead back to the need for welfare-
theoretic constructions.
The response to this …nding can either be to construct the required index
directly form a speci…ed utility or social welfare function, as in the Atkinson-
Kolm inequality index for example, or to specify the properties that the measure
must possess and derive the measure from these. This latter approach has gained
popularity in the literature on inequality and poverty and has also lead to some
surprising conclusions. There remains further research to be undertaken, not
least in re…ning the link between inequality and poverty.
Part II
Chapter 4
Commodity Taxation
4.1 Introduction
This chapter is the …rst to consider policy analysis and to arrive at character-
isations of optimal policies. The ideas that it surveys have developed over a
considerable period, beginning with the seminal contribution of Ramsey (1927).
One important feature of this development is the gradual increase in generality
and the recent move towards applying the theoretical analysis to data. This has
moved the theory closer to practical application.
The initial literature on commodity taxation focused upon the following
simple problem. There is a given level of government revenue to be raised
which must be …nanced solely by taxes upon commodities: how should these
taxes be set so as to minimise the cost to society of raising the required revenue?
If a social welfare function is adopted to represent the state’s preferences, the
problem can be conveniently rephrased as that of choosing the commodity tax
rates to maximise social welfare subject to the revenue constraint.
The …rst solution to this problem was given by Ramsey (1927) following its
proposal to him by Pigou. This contribution appears to have been overlooked
for the following forty years during which time the less general inverse elastici-
ties rule became a standard feature of textbooks. The results of Ramsey were
rediscovered by Samuelson (1986) in a 1951 memo to the U.S. Treasury. The
theory of commodity taxation was given its modern form by Diamond and Mir-
rlees (1971) in an analysis that made much use of the emerging duality methods
and results in general equilibrium theory. Diamond and Mirrlees (1971) derived
both single-household and many-household tax rules and proved the Produc-
tion E¢ciency Lemma. Developments since the publication of Diamond and
Mirrlees have been concerned with the practical implementation of the methods
of that paper and in extensions of the basic economy away from the standard
competitive framework with constant returns to scale.
It should be noted that there are close connections between the theory of
commodity taxation and that of public sector pricing. In both cases the gov-
ernment is choosing the set of consumer prices that maximise welfare subject
to a constraint. Under the commodity taxation interpretation these prices are
achieved by setting the level of tax to be included in each consumer price whereas
with public sector pricing the prices are chosen directly. However the choice of
tax rate is equivalent to the choice of consumer price. In the context of public
sector pricing, the optimal prices are generally known as Ramsey prices. The
constraint on the optimisation with commodity taxation requires the raising of
a speci…ed level of revenue. With public sector pricing this can be reinterpreted
as the need to raise a given level of revenue in excess of marginal cost. The tax
rates of the commodity taxation problem then translate into the mark-up over
marginal cost in the public sector pricing interpretation.
The chapter begins by deriving the single-household Ramsey rule and pro-
viding an interpretation of this. It is then shown how the inverse elasticity rule
follows as a special case. The extension to many consumers is made and the
resolution of the equity/e¢ciency trade-o¤ is emphasised. This is followed by
a review of numerical calculations of optimal taxes based on empirical data.
Three more specialised topics are then considered: generalising the production
technology; the status of untaxed goods; and conditions guaranteeing the uni-
formity of taxes. A discussion of the Diamond-Mirrlees Production E¢ciency
lemma concludes the chapter.
4.2 Methodology
The analysis restricts the set of feasible policy instruments available to the gov-
ernment to commodity taxes. The use of optimal lump-sum taxes is assumed
to be prevented by the arguments covered in chapter 2: the relevant character-
istics for the determination of taxes are preferences and endowments but these
are private information and will not be truthfully revealed under the optimal
tax system. In contrast, the employment of commodity taxes requires only that
the government is able to observe trades in commodities, which is a far weaker
informational requirement. Although it may be possible for the government to
levy a uniform lump-sum tax, and in a one-household economy such a tax would
also be optimal, it is assumed for simplicity that such taxes cannot be employed.
In an economy where the households are not identical, their introduction does
not signi…cantly modify the conclusions.
The standard methodology in optimal commodity tax theory has been to
consider only linear taxes, either additive so that the post-tax price of good i is
given by p i + ti or multiplicative with post-tax price . In the competitive frame-
work of this chapter, the choice is immaterial. The analysis of income taxation
in Chapter 6 will present an analysis of nonlinear taxation. A social welfare
function is then maximised by choice of the tax rates and the …rst-order condi-
tions for this maximisation are manipulated to provide a qualitative description
of the optimal tax system. The qualitative description is then interpreted in
terms of e¢ciency criteria and the concern for equity embodied in the social
welfare function. Explicit formulae for taxes are rarely calculated and, indeed,
4.3.2 Derivation
Employing the economy described above, the optimal tax problem can be sum-
marised by the maximisation
max V (q1 ; :::; qn ; w; I) subject to R = ti xi : (4.5)
ft1;:::; tng
From (4.6), the …rst-order necessary condition for the choice of tax rate on good
k is " #
X n
@L @V @xi
´ + ¸ xk + ti = 0; (4.7)
@tk @qk i=1
and a similar condition must hold for all n of the goods. The interpretation
of (4.9) is that for all goods the utility cost of raising the tax rate on good k
should stand in the same proportion to the marginal revenue raised by the tax
rise. Expressed alternatively, additional tax revenue per unit of utility foregone
should be the same regardless of which tax rate is changed to generate that
extra revenue.
From Roy’s identity it follows that
@V @V
=¡ x k = ¡®xk ; (4.10)
@qk @I
The next step in the derivation is to employ the Slutsky equation to note that
@x i @xi
= S ik ¡ x k : (4.13)
@qk @I
X ¸ Xn
¸¡® @xi
ti Sik = ¡ xk + tix k : (4.15)
¸ i= 1
The right-hand side of (4.15) is now simpli…ed by extracting the common factor
x k which yields " #
Xn n
® X @xi
tiSik = ¡ 1 ¡ ¡ ti xk: (4.16)
¸ @I
i= 1 i= 1
The symmetry of the Slutsky substitution matrix implies that S ki = Sik . This
symmetry can be used to rearrange (4.16) to give the expression
" n
X ® X @x i
tiSki = ¡µx k ; µ = 1 ¡ ¡ ti : (4.17)
¸ i=1 @I
4.3.3 Interpretation
To provide an interpretation of the Ramsey rule the focus upon the typical good
k is maintained. First note that, by de…nition of the substitution terms,
Ski = ; (4.19)
can be interpreted as saying that the optimal tax system should be such that the
compensated demand for each good is reduced in the same proportion relative
to the pre-tax position. This is the standard interpretation of the Ramsey rule.
The importance of this observation is reinforced when it is set against the
alternative, but completely unfounded, view that the optimal tax system should
raise the prices of all goods by the same proportion in order to minimise the
distortion caused by the tax system. What the Ramsey rule is approximately
saying is that it is the distortion in terms of quantities that should be minimised.
4.3.4 Implications
The Ramsey rule only provides an implicit expression for the optimal tax rates
and precise statements cannot be made without further restrictions. However,
some general comments can be made. Accepting the approximation interpreta-
tion, this suggests that since the proportional reduction in compensated demand
must be the same for all goods it can be expected that goods whose demand
is unresponsive to price changes will bear higher taxes. Although broadly cor-
rect, this statement can only be truly justi…ed when all cross-price e¤ects are
accounted for. One simple case that overcomes this di¢culty is that in which
there are no cross-price e¤ects between the taxed goods; this limiting case will
be considered in the next section.
Returning to the general case, goods that are unresponsive to price changes
are typically necessities such as food and housing. Consequently, the implemen-
tation of a tax system based on the Ramsey rule would lead to taxes that would
bear most heavily on necessities, with the lowest tax rates on luxuries. This in-
terpretation has been demonstrated more formally by Deaton (1981) under the
assumption of weak separability of preferences. Put into practice, this struc-
ture of taxation would involve low income households paying disproportionately
larger fractions of their incomes in taxes. The inequitable nature of this outcome
is simply a re‡ection of the single household assumption: the objective function
of the maximisation does not care about equity and the solution re‡ects only
e¢ciency criteria.
The equilibrium determined by the set of optimal taxes is second-best com-
pared to the outcome that would arise if the tax revenue had been collected
via a lump-sum tax. This is because the commodity taxes lead to substitu-
tion e¤ects which distort the household’s optimal choices and lead to e¢ciency
losses. Although unavoidable when commodity taxes are employed, these losses
are minimised by the optimal set of taxes that satisfy the Ramsey rule.
Since the single-household framework is untenable as a description of reality
and leads to an outcome that would be unacceptable on the most minimal of
equity criteria, the value of the Ramsey rule is therefore primarily in providing
a framework and a method of analysis that can easily be generalised to more
relevant settings. Contrasting the Ramsey rule tax system with later results will
also highlight the consequences of the introduction of equity considerations.
x k @qk 1
= d; (4.29)
qk @x k "k
where "dk is the price elasticity of demand for good k, (4.28) can be written
tk ®¡¸ 1
= : (4.30)
pk + tk ¸ "dk
Equation (4.30) is the inverse elasticities rule. From inspection, it can be seen
that this states that the proportional rates of tax should be inversely related to
the price elasticity of demand of the go od on which they are levied. Recalling
the discussion in 3.4, this statement can be viewed as an extreme version of
the general interpretation of the Ramsey rule. Its implication is clearly that
necessities, which by de…nition have low elasticities of demand, should be highly
taxed. In this case it is a clearly de…ned result and it is not necessary to be
concerned with approximations. However the restrictiveness of the assumptions
invoked to arrive at (4.30) should not be understated.
These functions vary amongst the households. If they did not, the economy
would reduce to that of a single household since lump-sum incomes are all zero
under the assumption of constant returns to scale. Labour remains the untaxed
numeraire with wage rate w and all households supply only the single form of
labour service.
Writing x h1 ; :::; xhn for the consumption demands from h, the revenue con-
straint is given by
R= tix hi : (4.32)
i=1 h =1
Combining (4.32) and (4.33), the optimal set of commodity taxes solve the
maximisation problem
¡ ¢ n X
max W V 1 (¢) ; :::; V H (¢) subject to R = tix hi: (4.34)
ft1;:::; tng
i=1 h=1
Two alternative presentations of the solution to (4.34) are now given. The …rst
solution follows closely that of Diamond and Mirrlees (1971) and emphasises
e¢ciency and equity aspects. The second solution parallels the Ramsey rule
and has formed the basis for numerical implementation.
From the Lagrangean for the maximisation, the …rst-order condition for the
choice of the tax rate on good k, is
" H n XH
X @W @V h X X @x hi
+¸ xk + ti = 0: (4.35)
@V h @qk i=1
h=1 h=1 h=1
Now de…ne
@W h
¯h = ® : (4.37)
@V h
¯ h is formed as the composition of the e¤ect of an increase in household h ’s
utility on social welfare and the marginal utility of income for h. It can be
interpreted as the increase in social welfare resulting from a marginal increase
in the income of household h. Following Diamond and Mirrlees (1971), ¯ h is
termed the social marginal utility of income for household h.
Employing the de…nition of ¯ h , (4.35) becomes
" H n X H
X X X @x hi
h h h
¯ xk = ¸ xk + ti : (4.38)
h=1 h=1 i=1 h=1
@x hi h @xh
= Sik ¡ xhk ih ; (4.39)
@qk @I
into (4.38) and rearranging gives the tax rule
PH hP i
Pn PH PH n @xh
x hk
i= 1 ti @I h
h h h i
i=1 h= 1 t i Ski 1 h =1 ¯ x k h=1
PH = PH ¡1+ PH : (4.40)
h ¸ h
h=1 x k h=1 x k h=1 x hk
where PH
h=1 x hk
xk = ; (4.42)
is the mean level of consumption of good k across the households.
Now de…ne
¯ h X @xhi
bh = + ti h ; (4.43)
¸ i=1
Tax rule (4.44) shows that the reduction in aggregate compensated demand
for the kth commodity due to the introduction of the tax system should be
inversely related to the correlation between b h and x hk . In other words, to the
extent that the values of b h re‡ect equity concerns, equity implies that goods
consumed by those with high b h s should be less discouraged or, e¤ectively, they
should have lower taxes. In general, the reduction in demand is smaller: (i) the
more the good is consumed by individuals with a high bh ; (ii) the more the good
is consumed by individuals with a high marginal propensity to consume taxed
The two forms of the optimal commodity tax rule for a many-household
economy in (4.40) and (4.44) illustrate aspects of the e¢ciency/equity trade-
o¤ by the manner in which the reduction in demand for a good is related to
the social importance of the major consumers of that good and their general
contribution to the tax revenue. The rules also demonstrate that the ma jor
feature of the Ramsey rule, the focus upon changes in quantities, is maintained
in the general setting.
As with the Ramsey rule, the results do not give an explicit statement of
the structure of taxes but only provide a characterisation of the consequences of
the optimal system. This lack of clear results provides some of the motivation
for the numerical studies reviewed in Section 5. That section will also consider
the information required to implement the optimal tax rule.
H £ ¤ H £ ¤
1 X Ák I h + w Ák X I h + w Á £ ¤
xk = = = k I+w : (4.47)
H qk qk H qk
h= 1 h =1
Thus calculating the ratio of the demand of household h to the mean level of
demand provides the expression
£ h ¤
x hk I +w
= £ ¤ ; all k = 1; :::; n; (4.48)
xk I +w
level of utility is a convex set. In addition, with linearity in labour supply the
indirect utility function may even be strictly convex, see Varian (1984). This
poses di¢culties for many maximisations in public economics.
For the Ramsey rule, the objective function was the household’s indirect
utility function and hence was quasi-convex. In the many-household economy,
the objective was some concave function of the vector of indirect utility func-
tions. Despite the concavity of social welfare in utility it need not be concave in
the choice variables, the tax rates, due again to the quasi-convexity of indirect
utilities. In addition, the set of tax rates that generate at least the required
revenue may not be a convex set.
For these reasons the standard su¢ciency conditions of quasi-concave pro-
gramming cannot be appealed too so there is no guarantee that the …rst-order
conditions actually describe a maximum. This problem occurs throughout pub-
lic economics where many maximisations are ill-conditioned and has been ex-
plored extensively by Mirrlees (1986). This problem is often put to one side
and it is simply assumed that the …rst-order conditions will correctly describe
the optima. Although unsatisfactory, there is typically little alternative to this.
Some comfort can be taken in the present circumstances by appealing to the
work of Diamond and Mirrlees (1971) who prove that their …rst-order conditions
do represent the solution to the optimal commodity tax problem.
4.5.1 Applications
A series of papers by Ray (1986a), Murty and Ray (1987) and Srinivasan (1989)
have presented progressively more re…ned estimates of optimal commodity taxes
for the many-household economy based on data from the Indian National Sample
Survey. To calculate the optimal tax rates, the …rst step is to specify the social
welfare function. The procedure used for this is based on the work of Atkinson
(1970), which was discussed in Chapter 3, and involves adopting an additive
social welfare function and de…ning a social utility of income function for each
household. Together these give the social evaluation of income to the household.
Denote the aggregate expenditure of household h, which is assumed to be
for some positive K. With the additive social welfare function @V h
= 1 so the
marginal social utility of income to h, ¯ h , is given by
@U h £ ¤ ¡º
¯h = h
= K ¹h : (4.50)
The households are then ranked according to their expenditures, with the low-
est expenditure household …rst in the ranking. Setting ¯ 1 = 1 for the lowest
expenditure household in the data set, it follows that
h ¹1
¯ = : (4.51)
n X
R= tix hi ; (4.53)
i=1 h =1
which were derived above as (4.38) and (4.32) respectively. To apply these
equations to data, it is necessary to have knowledge of individual demands and
the demand derivatives. To obtain these, a demand system is speci…ed and then
estimated for the data set. The demand functions estimated are then substituted
together with the de…nition of ¯ h into (4.52) and (4.53). The resulting n + 1
equations are then solved for the n tax rates and the Lagrange multiplier.
The …rst paper to adopt this approach was Ray (1986a). In that paper the
n + 1 equations in (4.52) and (4.53) were taken as simultaneous equations with
the demand levels and demand derivatives held constant at their initial levels.
This constancy implies that the tax rates given by solving the equations are not
fully optimal but only optimal conditional upon the constant demands. A more
advanced approach is given in Murty and Ray (1987) which incorporates the
e¤ects of the taxes on demand and uses an iterative procedure to solve for the
optimum. The demand system used in Murty and Ray (1987) is based on the
indirect utility function
Pn ®1 ®2
h ¡ i=1 ° i pi wh
V h (¢) = ®¯ ®¯
: (4.54)
¦nk=1 pk k w h 0
The form of this function permits the evaluation of various separability assump-
tions via the values of the estimated parameters. There is separability between
goods and leisure in utility if ® 2 and ¯ are both zero and non-separability be-
tween di¤erent goods when ® 1 di¤ers from unity. The tax rates were calculated
on the basis of the estimated values of the parameters °i ; ¯ i; ® 1 given in Ray
(1986a), ¯ 0 was set to zero and the value of ® 2 was assumed.
De…ning µ to be the wage as a proportion of expenditure, the value of which
is imposed upon the analysis, a sample of the results of Murty and Ray (1987)
are given in Table 4.1 for À = 2 and ® 2 = 0:025:
Table 4.1 illustrates that redistribution takes place via these optimal taxes
since cereals and milk products, both basic foodstu¤s, are subsidised. Such
redistribution is a re‡ection of the concern for equity embodied in a value of
º of 2. In addition, the results are not too sensitive to the choice of µ which
could not be estimated from the data set. However, the analysis is limited by
the degree of aggregation that leads to the excessively general other non-food
Ray (1986b) also used this framework to analyse the redistributive impact
of Indian commodity taxes. The method employed was to calculate the total
payment of commodity tax, T h , by household h relative to the expenditure of
that household. The net gain from the tax system for h can then be de…ned by
¡ : (4.55)
The household is gaining from the tax system if ¡ T¹ h is positive since this
implies a net subsidy is being received. Contrasting the gains of household h
from the existing tax system with those of the optimal system then provides
an indication of both the success of the existing system and the potential gains
from the optimal system. For demand estimates based on a linear expenditure
system, the calculations for the existing Indian tax system give the gains noted
in Table 4.2.
Rrual Urban
h h
Expenditure level ¡ T¹ h ¡ T¹h
Rs. 20 0.105 0.220
Rs. 50 0.004 0.037
Table 4.2: Redistribution of Indian commodity taxes
The expenditure levels of Rs. 20 and Rs. 50 place households with these
incomes in the lower 30% of the distribution. In this case there is a net gain to
households at both income levels from the tax system with the lower expenditure
householder making a proportionately greater gain.
From Ray (1986a) the redistributive impact of the optimal tax system for a
household with expenditure level , where is mean expenditure, is given in Table
º = 0:1 º = 1:5 º = 5
¡ T¹ 0.07 0.343 0.447
Table 4.3: Optimal redistribution
For º = 1:5 or more, it can be seen that the potential gains from the tax
system, relative to the outcome that would occur in the absence of taxation, are
quite substantial. Therefore it can be seen that with su¢cient weight given to
equity considerations the optimal set of commodity taxes can e¤ect signi…cant
redistribution and that the existing Indian tax system does not attain these
Production: max py subject to y 2 Y ; (4.58)
where Y is the aggregate pro duction possibility set, with supply correspondence
y (p) : (4.59)
Equations (4.63) and (4.65) capture the independence of household choices from
the producer price vector and of the production choice from consumer prices.
From the maximisations (4.62) and (4.64) it should be noted that both
demands and supplies are homogeneous of degree zero in the relevant price
vectors. This implies
y (p) = y (¸p) ; 8¸ > 0: (4.61)
.Given a set of producer and consumer prices, the tax rates are determined
implicitly by the identity
t = q ¡ p: (4.62)
However, the homogeneity in (4.66) and (4.67) implies that an equivalent tax
system to that in (4.68) is given by
t0 = Áq ¡ ½p; (4.63)
for any Á; ½ > 0. The equivalence of t and t0 follows from noting that the prices
supporting both tax systems elicit the same production choice and the same level
of demand from consumers. In this sense, the values of the tax rates themselves
are of limited interest since these are only determined up to the choice of the
arbitrary constants Á; ½.
This degree of freedom in the choice of tax rates is the basis upon which
Mirrlees (1976) argues for considering the index of discouragement and its gen-
eralisations, which are de…ned in terms of quantities rather than prices, since
it is the e¤ect upon equilibrium quantities that is the real property of the tax
system. It should be recalled that it was reasoning in terms of quantities that
provided the basis for the interpretations of the tax rules given above. The
indeterminacy in the values of the tax rates is usually resolved by adopting the
standard normalisation rule of setting the tax on one of the goods to zero. This
is e¤ectively what was done with the wage rate above, which is why there was
no loss of generality in using that assumption. There has been much confusion
on this point, see particularly the remarks of Mirrlees (1976) which attempt to
provide clari…cation and the discussion in Section 7.
Returning now to the analysis of the more general economy, the optimal
tax system is found by choosing the consumer price vector q to maximise wel-
fare sub ject to there being some producer price vector p that will generate the
appropriate level of supply from …rms in order to match demand with supply,
with demand being the sum of household and government demand. As this pro-
cedure guarantees that all markets are in equilibrium, the government budget
constraint does not need explicit recognition; see 2.6. Writing the production
possibility set in implicit form as
F (X(q) + x G ) 0; (4.64)
where x G is the …xed vector of government demands, the Diamond and Mirrlees
formulation is summarised by the maximisation
¡ ¢
max W V 1 (¢) ; :::; V H (¢) subject to F (X(q) + x G ) 0: (4.65)
pro…ts are returned to the government and the separation between households
and …rms remains. The optimal tax problem is then still described by (4.71),
with suitable assumptions on the production possibility set, and the Diamond-
Mirrlees results still apply. When pro…ts are not taxed at 100%, some pro…t
income will accrue to households through their shareholdings in …rms. Once
this occurs, the separation between households and …rms no longer applies.
To show the e¤ect of pro…ts, the simplest case is chosen and it is assumed
that pro…ts are entirely untaxed. Pro…ts will then be distributed to households
in accordance with the distribution of shareholdings and will modify the typical
household’s decision problem to
X n
X m
¡ ¢
max U h x h subject to qi x hi = qi ! hi + µ hj ¼ j : (4.66)
i=1 i=1 j=1
Since the pro…t levels of the …rms are determined by producer prices, as shown
in (2.15), the solution of (4.72) is now dependent upon p so the household is
a¤ected by the level of producer prices. Household demands are therefore given
x i = xi (q; ¼) ; (4.70)
x + x G = y + !: (4.71)
From (4.77)
y = x + x G ¡ !: (4.72)
Now using (4.75), (4.76), (4.78) and the de…nition of aggregate pro…t gives the
£ ¤
¼= p i x (q1 ; :::; qn ; ¼) x G ¡ ! ; (4.73)
¡ ¢
@f x 2 (q; ¼) + xG G
2 ¡ ! 2 ; :::; x n (q; ¼) + x n ¡ !n
pi = ¡p1 ; i = 2; :::; n: (4.74)
@y i
Normalising p 1 at unity, the n equations in (4.79) and (4.80) will be su¢cient,
when the conditions of the implicit function theorem are satis…ed, to provides
p i = pi (q) ; i = 2; :::; n; ¼ = ¼ (q) ; (4.75)
for the producer prices and the pro…t level conditional upon the vector of con-
sumer prices. Any consumer price vector, q, that satis…es the market equilibrium
x (q; ¼ (q)) + x G = y (p (q)) + !; (4.76)
where p (q) is the vector (p 1 ; p 2 (q); :::; pn (q)), is an admissible price vector. The
set of admissible equilibrium consumer price vectors is denoted Q.
With this formulation, the optimal tax problem involves choosing the vector
of consumer prices to solve the maximisation
Hence the reduction in demand is now related to the e¤ect of consumer prices
upon pro…ts. Further analysis of this result can be found in Munk (1978).
Equation (4.93) states that if the two goods stand in the same relation
to labour, so that "c10 = " c20 , then they should be taxed at the same rate.
Otherwise the good with the lower value of "ci0 , and hence more complementary
with leisure, should be taxed at the higher rate. This analysis is the basis for
claims that the good complementary to the untaxed good should be taxed more.
However, it should be noted that this conclusion is simply an artefact of the
homogeneity of the expenditure function rather than any fundamental result
about the optimal taxes trying to compensate for the missing tax on leisure.
The discussion of Section 6 has already shown that the non-taxation of labour
is simply a harmless normalisation and that any good could have been chosen as
the untaxed commodity. In other words, good 0 could be chosen to be one of the
consumption goods and good 1 labour. In that case, the direct link with leisure
is then lost from (4.93). Additionally, equation (4.90) presents the tax rule in
terms of own-price and cross-price elasticities of the two taxed goods without
any explicit mention of the untaxed good and provides an equally acceptable
point from which to seek interpretations.
For the choice of tax rate on good k the maximisation in (4.94) has the …rst-order
" n
@V X @x i
p k + ¸ pk xk + ti pi p k = 0; k = 1; :::; n: (4.89)
@pk i=1
Eliminating the common factor pk from (4.95) and using the Slutsky equation,
the Ramsey rule in this case takes the form
tip iSik = ¡µx k ; k = 1; :::; n; (4.90)
with µ = 1 ¡ ®¸ ¡ i=1 tip i @x
Treating labour as good 0, the homogeneity of the expenditure function can
be used to write
X n
qiSik + wS0k = 0; (4.91)
where (4.97) is the generalisation of (4.91). Normalising w at 1 and using (4.97)
the optimal tax rule becomes
S0k = µx k ; k = 1; :::; n: (4.92)
In this form of the Ramsey rule the tax rates are set so that the demand for
each good is proportional to the rate of substitution between that good and
labour. Using Shephard’s lemma and the relation of the substitution terms to
the expenditure function, (4.98) is equivalent to
with w = 1.
When a uniform system of taxation is optimal, so that ti = t all i, there
must be some t that solves
C 0k (p1 ; :::; p n ; w 0 ; U) = µ 0C k (p1 ; :::; p n ; w 0 ; U) ; (4.96)
which is called the implicitly separable cost function. More generally, Besley
and Jewitt (1990) have shown that any preferences that can be de…ned in the
f (Á (x; x 0 ; U) ; x0 ; U ) = 1; (4.98)
The important conclusion to draw from this analysis is that the conditions
implying uniform taxation are restrictive and there is no reason why they should
be satis…ed in practice. Therefore there are no grounds for believing that the
optimal tax system should be uniform.
downward sloping.
The optimal tax equilibrium is given by the highest point on the household’s
o¤er curve that is in the production set; in Figure 4.2 the optimum is indicated
by point e. At this point the household is on indi¤erence curve I0 ¡ I0 and
production is e¢cient. To ensure that …rms earn zero pro…ts when producing at
the equilibrium point, producer prices, p, are determined by the normal to the
production set. For both producer and consumer prices, the price of the input
is normalised at 1. The di¤erence between the two sets of prices, t = q ¡ p,
determines the optimal set of tax rates. It should also be noted that there are
points above the indi¤erence curve I0 ¡ I0 which are preferred to e and which
are productively feasible. These can only be reached by the use of lump-sum
taxes and their existence illustrates the second-best nature of the commodity
tax optimum. With the use of an optimal lump-sum tax, the household would
reach indi¤erence curve I1 ¡ I1 .
To see that the optimum must be on the frontier of the production set, con-
sider points f and g. If the equilibrium were at f , the household’s welfare could
be raised by reducing the use of the input whilst keeping output constant. Since
this is feasible, f cannot be an optimum. From g, output could be increased
without employing more input so that g cannot be an optimum. Since this
reasoning can be applied to any point that is interior to the production set, the
optimum must be on the boundary.
Although Figure 4.2 was motivated by considering the input to be labour, a
slight re-interpretation can introduce intermediate goods. Assume that there is
an industry that uses one unit of labour to produce one unit of an intermediate
good and that the intermediate good is then used to produce …nal output. Figure
4.2 then depicts the intermediate good (the input) being used to produce the
output. Although the household actually has preferences over labour and …nal
output and acts only on the markets for these goo ds, the direct link between
units of labour and of intermediate good allows preferences and the budget
constraint to be depicted as if they were de…ned directly on those variables.
The production e¢ciency argument then follows directly as before and now
implies that intermediate go ods should not be taxed since this would violate
the equalisation of MRS s between …rms.
Moving now to a many-household competitive economy with constant re-
turns to scale, the formal statement of the Production E¢ciency Lemma can be
Lemma 18 (Diamond and Mirrlees) Assume that social welfare is strictly in-
creasing in the utility level of all households. If either
(i) for some i, x hi 0 for all h and x hi < 0 for some b
(ii) for some i, with qi > 0, xhi ¸ 0 for all h and xhi > 0 for some bh;
then if an optimum exists, the optimum has production on the frontier of the
production possibility set.
Proof. Assume the optimum is interior to the production set. In case (i),
increasing qi would not reduce the welfare of any household and would strictly
raise that of bh. Such a change is feasible since the optimum is assumed interior
and the aggregate demand function is continuous. The change would raise social
welfare, thus contradicting the assertion that the initial point was optimal. The
same argument can be applied in case (ii) for a reduction in qi .
When decreasing returns are permitted, Dasgupta and Stiglitz (1972) con-
clude that production e¢ciency is only desirable if the range of government
instruments is su¢ciently great, in e¤ect, only if pro…ts can be taxed at ap-
propriate rates. Mirrlees (1972) provides further clari…cation of the relation of
pro…ts and production e¢ciency. These …ndings show that the constant returns
to scale assumption can be relaxed. Whilst retaining the competitive assump-
tion, one partial exemption to the Diamond-Mirrlees rule has been identi…ed by
Munk (1980) and Newbery (1986). If there are restrictions on taxes on …nal
goods, then production e¢ciency is no longer necessarily desirable. In detail,
Newbery demonstrates that if there are some goods whose optimal tax would
be positive but the goods cannot be taxed, then input taxes should be used
as partial substitutes for the missing …nal taxes. Similar results to those of
Newbery are also given by Ebrill and Slutsky (1990), although their analysis is
phrased in terms of regulated industries.
The Diamond-Mirrlees lemma therefore provides an argument for the non-
taxation of intermediate goods and the non-di¤erentiation of input taxes be-
tween …rms. As noted, it has been extended from its original constant returns
to scale setting. However, except for some special cases, imperfect competition
invalidates the lemma and taxes on intermediate goods will raise welfare. This
result will be considered in Chapter 11.
4.10. SUMMARY 129
4.10 Summary
This chapter has reviewed the major contributions to the large literature on op-
timal commodity taxation in a competitive economy. The Ramsey rule, which
represents the starting point for the modern analysis of commodity taxation,
has been introduced and its standard interpretation has been given. Although
e¢cient, the tax system the tax system this describes would be inherently in-
equitable. To introduce equity considerations, the economy was then extended
to incorporate many households following the work of Diamond and Mirrlees.
This extension clari…ed the e¤ects of equity upon the optimal rates of tax and
demonstrated how the equity/e¢ciency trade-o¤ was resolved. The economy
was then generalised further and the Diamond-Mirrlees Production E¢ciency
Lemma was proved. Contrary to the expectations of Second-Best theory, this
lemma showed that production e¢ciency is desirable in conjunction with the
optimal set of commodity taxes.
The motivation behind the theory of commodity taxation is to provide prac-
tical policy recommendations. Although the analysis remains some way o¤ fully
achieving this aim, a number of interesting studies have applied these optimal
tax rules to data. This line of work is still in its infancy but gradual improve-
ments in generality have been achieved. The numerical results indicate that the
optimal set of taxes may be able to achieve signi…cant redistribution via the
subsidisation of necessities.
Chapter 5
Income Taxation
5.1 Introduction
The taxation of income is a ma jor source of revenue in most developed coun-
tries. It is also one of the most contentious. From one point of view, an income
tax is seen as a direct means of e¤ecting redistribution in order to meet objec-
tives of equity. From another, the imposition of an income tax is viewed as a
major disincentive to e¤ort and enterprise particularly when the marginal rate
of tax increases with income. The theory of income taxation shows how these
competing views in‡uence the design of the optimal tax and how the competing
trade-o¤s are resolved.
The analysis of income taxation that is undertaken below follows from the
initial contribution of Mirrlees (1971). Prior to that, there had been no formal
analysis of the structure or determinants of an income tax schedule that fully
captured the e¢ciency/equity trade-o¤ involved in income taxation. In addition,
the Mirrlees analysis also embodied the fact that the truly relevant characteris-
tics for taxation, the unobservable ability levels of the households, can only be
inferred indirectly from observed behaviour. This implies that the structure of
the income tax must be compatible with the revelation of this information by
The chapter begins by providing a general description of the Mirrlees’ econ-
omy which is the basis for the analysis. The major theoretical results that have
been derived both for the general case and for the restricted constant marginal
tax rate case are described. This is followed by a review of the results of a
number of numerical studies. A critical analysis of the assumptions on which
the simulations are based is then given and the implications of modifying these
is illustrated by a brief discussion of labour supply decisions and some attempts
at the direct assessment of labour supply e¤ects. The chapter is concluded by
reviewing extensions of the basic analysis, including the design of tax systems
with both linear and nonlinear taxes, and issues that it omits.
The additional constraint is then that each household must …nd it in their own
interest to choose the pre-tax income - consumption pair that the government
intends for them rather than a pair assigned to a di¤erent household. In other
words, the intended pair be must utility-maximising for the household over the
set of available pairs. Due to its nature, this is termed the self-selection con-
straint. The nature of the self-selection constraint will be discussed in 2.4.
It is worthwhile noting at this point some of the di¢culties involved in the
analysis of the general problem. The tax function is not restricted in form so
that for most tax functions the budget constraints of the households will be
nonlinear. In those cases for which the budget set is non-convex, there may
be non-uniqueness in the solution to the individual households’ maximisations
and the solutions need not form a convex set. These facts prevent the behav-
iour of the individuals being expressible by demand functions, in contrast to
the commodity tax problem of Chapter 5, and therefore introduce considerable
mathematical complication. It is also the reason why the self-selection con-
straint must be made explicit in the analysis of income taxation but not in that
of commodity taxation. Mirrlees (1986) provides a thorough discussion of these
by ¡ (s), so there are ¡ (s) households with ability s or less. The corresponding
density function is denoted ° (s).
All households have the same strictly concave utility function, an assump-
tion that permits interpersonal comparability. This common utility function is
U = U (x; `) : (5.2)
Each household makes the choice of labour supply and consumption demand to
maximise utility subject to the budget constraint. Hence a household of ability
s chooses x(s); `(s) to
De…ne u(s) = U (x(s); `(s)) as the maximised level of utility at the optimal
In the absence of income taxation, a household of ability s would face the
budget constraint
x s`: (5.4)
From (5.4) it can be seen that the budget constraint in (`; x)-space di¤ers with
For the purposes of tax analysis, it is the budget constraint after tax, or
equivalently the imposed consumption function, that is of interest. The analysis
is simpli…ed if all households face the same budget constraint and this can be
achieved by setting the analysis in (z; x)-space. In this space, the pre-tax budget
constraint is given by the 45 o line for households of all abilities. With income
taxation, the gradient of the consumption function (6.1) is equal to 1 minus the
marginal rate of tax, where the marginal rate of tax, T 0 , is de…ned as @T@z( z) ,
and the vertical distance between the consumption function and the 45o line
represents the total tax paid. This is illustrated in Figure 5.1 for the consumer
earning units of income.
U` (x; `) ! ¡1 as ` ! 1: (5.6)
Condition (5.6) implies that each household will endeavour to avoid corner so-
lutions with ` = 1. It should be noted that the quantity of labour supplied
is measured positively in order to conform with the literature. The indi¤er-
ence curves of the utility function are illustrated in Figure 5.2, in which utility
increases to the north west.
Theorem 19 (Mirrlees ) When ` > 0 and the su¢cient conditions for utility
maximisation are satis…ed, z(s) is an increasing function of s.
Proof. Writing the utility functions as U (c (s` (s)) ; ` (s)), the …rst-order
condition for utility maximisation, U` + Ux sc0 (s`) = 0, is equivalent to
U` U`
s`c0 (s`) + ` = 0; (5.9)
s` Ux
or, since s` < 0,
zc0 (z) + ` = 0: (5.10)
5.2.4 Self-selection
In choosing the optimal tax function, it must be the case that each household
will …nd it in their interest to choose the income-consumption pair that the gov-
ernment intends them to select. This self-selection constraint is now introduced
formally and a convenient representation is derived.
Let x (s) and z (s) now represent the consumption and income levels that the
government intends a household of ability s to choose. The household of ability s
will choose (x (s) ; z (s)) provided that this pair generate at least as much utility
as any other choice. This condition must apply to all consumption-income pairs
and to all households. Written using (6.7) the self-selection constraint is as
The self-selection constraint is satis…ed if u (x (s) ; z (s) ; s) ¸ u (x (s0 ) ; z (s 0) ; s)
for all s; s0 .
It should be noted that the utility arising from the pair (x (s) ; z (s)) is com-
pared with that from all other possible combinations. It is this that leads to
some di¢culties in applying the self-selection constraint. Since the economy has
a continuum of ability levels, there is an uncountable in…nity of self-selection
constraints for each household when expressed in the form above. Clearly, such
a set of constraints cannot be easily incorporated as a restriction on a max-
imisation. An important aspect of the analysis is to construct an alternative
representation of the self-selection constraint that can be more easily accommo-
dated into a maximisation problem.
In the case of linear taxation, each household pays (or receives) a …xed
lump-sum and the marginal rate of tax on income is constant. The imposed
consumption function is linear and each household faces a convex budget set.
The optimal tax function is then chosen to maximise social welfare, where wel-
fare is given by the Bergson-Samuelson function
Z 1
W = W (u (s)) ° (s) ds; (5.22)
with W 00 0.
There are two constraints placed upon the maximisation of (5.22). The …rst
is that the chosen allocation must be productively feasible. This requirement
can be denoted in terms of quantities by
X F (Z); (5.23)
where F (¢) is the production function for the economy. This de…nition of
productive feasibility can incorporate the government revenue requirement, ex-
pressed as a quantity of labour consumed by the government zG , by noting that
(5.23) can be written X Fb (Z ¡ z G ) = F (Z). Alternatively, the government
revenue constraint can be used in place of the production constraint to express
the restriction in value terms. Denoting the level of revenue required by R,
R ´ z G , the revenue constraint can be written
Z 1
R [z (s) ¡ x (s)] ° (s) ds: (5.24)
The second constraint upon the optimisation is that it must satisfy the self-
selection constraint. This has already been described in 2.4.
Combined with the consumption function (5.26), (5.27) implies labour supply
and consumption demand functions of the form
` = ` (³ ; ¿ ; s) ; x = ¿ + ³ s` (³ ; ¿ ; s) : (5.28)
Substituted into the utility function, these determine the indirect utility function
U = U (¿ + ³ s` (³ ; ¿ ; s) ; ` (³; ¿ ; s)) = V (³ ; ¿ ; s) ; (5.29)
@V @V
= Ux ; = Ux s`; (5.30)
@¿ @³
where @V
is equal to the marginal utility of income.
The government’s optimisation problem is to choose the parameters of the
tax system to maximise social welfare subject to raising the required revenue,
R. Using (5.26) and (5.29), the optimisation can be expressed as
Z 1
max W (V (³ ; ¿ ; s)) ° (s) ds; (5.31)
f¿ ;³g 0
subject to Z 1
[¡¿ + [1 ¡ ³] s` (³ ; ¿ ; s)] ° (s) ds ¸ R: (5.32)
Using (5.30) and de…ning the social marginal utility of income for a household
of ability s by
@V (³ ; ¿ ; s)
¯ (s) = W 0 (V (³ ; ¿ ; s)) ; (5.33)
the necessary conditions for the choice of ¿ and ³ respectively are
Z 1 Z 1 ¸
¯° (s) ds = ¸ H ¡ [1 ¡ ³ ] ° (s) ds ; (5.34)
0 0 @¿
and Z 1 Z 1 ¸
¯ z° (s) ds = ¸ z ¡ [1 ¡ ³ ] ° (s) ds; (5.35)
0 0 @³
where H is the population size, .
The …rst use of these necessary conditions is to derive a simple expression
for the optimal marginal tax rate, t, that is due to Tuomala (1985). To do this,
divide (5.35) by (5.34) and denote by a bar terms of the form H . This gives
R1 R1
¯z° (s) ds z ¡ 0 [1 ¡ ³ ] @z
° (s) ds
R0 1 = R1 : (5.36)
¯ ° (s) ds 1 ¡ 0 [1 ¡ ³ ] @z
0 @¿ ° (s) ds
The term on the left-hand side of (5.36) is now denoted by z(¯) and can be
interpreted as the welfare-weighted average labour supply. From totally di¤er-
entiating the government revenue constraint whilst holding R constant, it can
be found that R1
d¿ ¡z + 0 [1 ¡ ³] @z@³
° (s) ds
jR c on st = R1 : (5.37)
d³ 1¡ [1 ¡ ³ ] @z ° (s) ds
0 @¿
Proof. It is clear form (5.34) and (5.33) that ¸ > 0 and that ³ > 0 (or else
x; ` = 0 for all s). Now assume that ³ > 1. Then (5.34) and (i) imply that
Z 1
[¯ ¡ ¸] ° (s) ds 0: (5.42)
Formal optimisation
The maximisation problem has been analysed in two distinct ways. The analysis
of Seade (1977) formulated the maximisation in terms of the calculus of varia-
tions and employed as choice variables the functions x(s) and `(s). In contrast,
Mirrlees (1971) and Ebert (1992) employ a formulation based on Pontryagin’s
maximum principle. Naturally, there are slight di¤erences between the two, but
the …nal characterisation is the same. The optimal structure of income taxa-
tion is characterised here by applying Pontryagin’s maximum principle, a good
introduction to which is given in Intriligator (1971). In this framework, the
level of utility, u(s), pre-tax income z (s), and the tax payments of households
of ability s or less, given by
Z s
R (s) = [z (s0 ) ¡ x (s 0)] ° (s 0) ds0 ; (5.44)
are taken as state variables and the derivative of gross income, ´ (s) ´ dz
ds , is
taken as the control variable. The level of consumption can then be found by
subject to
= [z (s) ¡ x (s)] ° (s) ; (5.46)
R (s 1 ) = R (s2 ) = 0; (5.47)
= u s (x (s) ; z (s) ; s) ; (5.48)
= ´ (s) ; (5.49)
µ ¶
µ = µ (´ (s)) ¸ 0: (5.50)
The revenue constraint is captured by (5.46) and (5.47). To simplify, it is
assumed that zero revenue is to be collected and, from (5.44), this is re‡ected in
the upper end-point condition in (5.47). The rate of change in revenue, (5.46),
is derived directly from (5.44). The self-selection constraint is represented by
(5.48) - (5.50). The …rst-order condition (5.14) is written as (5.48) and the
second-order condition is included as (5.49) and (5.50). Condition (5.49) de…nes
the rate of change of the state variable . The interpretation of (5.50) is that the
straightforward inclusion of the second-order condition ´ (s) ¸ 0 would lead to
singularity when combined with (5.49). The second-order condition is therefore
transformed to (5.50) where the di¤erentiable function µ (´ (s)) satis…es µ (0) = 0
and µ 0 (´) > 0.
Introducing the adjoint variables ¸ (s), ¹ (s), º (s) and (s), the Hamiltonian
for the optimisation is
H = u (s) ° (s)+¸ (s) [z (s) ¡ x (s)] ° (s)+¹ (s) us (z (s) ; x (s) ; s)+º (s) ´ (s)+ (s) µ (s) ;
and the necessary conditions are
= º + µ 0 (´) = 0; (5.52)
Proof. Assume ` (s0 ) = 0 and that there is some s, with s < s0 , such that
` (s) > 0. It follows that
µ µ ¶ ¶
s s
U (c (s` (s)) ; ` (s)) < U c s0 ` (s) ; ` (s) ; (5.66)
s0 s0
since ss0 < 1 and therefore the right-hand side of (5.66) represents the utility
derived with less labour supply but retaining the same level of consumption. In
µ µ ¶ ¶
s s
U c s0 ` (s) ; ` (s) < U (c (s0 ` (s 0)) ; ` (s0 )) ; (5.67)
s0 s0
since ` (s 0 ) is utility maximising for the household of ability s0 . Hence if ` (s) >
0, combining these inequalities gives
The next theorem proves that the marginal rate of tax must always be
non-negative. The theorem was …rst proved for an additively separable util-
ity function by Mirrlees (1971) and for a linear tax system by Sadka (1976).
The generalisation of the theorem to nonlinear taxes and non-separable utility
was given in Seade (1982). The version of the theorem proved here relies upon
strong assumptions; in particular it is assumed that there is no bunching. An
extension of the theorem to take account of the possibility of bunching is con-
tained in Ebert (1992). The theorem can also be extended to prove that the
marginal tax rate must be strictly positive except for the households with the
highest and lowest abilities, again see Ebert (1992).
To develop the theorem it is …rst necessary to note that when there is no
bunching Á0 = 0 so that (5.62) can be written as
¹ux © s
1¡©= : (5.70)
Under the adopted normalisation, 1 ¡ © (s) is the marginal tax rate facing the
household of ability s: the pre-tax price of consumption relative to income is 1
and © (s), being the post-tax marginal rate of substitution, is equal to post-tax
relative prices. Given that ¸ will be proved to be positive below, the sign of
the marginal rate of tax is then the opposite of that of ¹. To establish that the
where the second equality follows from the …rst-order condition (5.15). Non-
inferiority of leisure implies u xx ¡ u xuuzxz 0 and, since u xs = ¡ z usxz , the
assumption that uz x ¸ 0 (and u xx < 0) result in du
Solving the di¤erential equation (5.63) gives
Z ¸ "Z 0 #
S2 s
¸ 0 u sx 00
¹ (s) = 1¡ ° (s ) exp ds ds0 : (5.72)
s ux s u x
Progressivity is a feature that almost all actual income tax systems pos-
sess, an observation that illustrates the importance of investigating whether
this property is always optimal.
The following theorem has obvious implications for the issue of progressivity
of the tax function. It is proved both by a direct argument and by appeal to
the necessary condition in (5.70).
Let ABC in Figure 5.6 be the initial graph of c(z) = z ¡ T (z) and HBE be
an indi¤erence curve of a household with ability S2 . Since it is assumed that
T 0 > 0 for ABC , it follows c0 < 1, hence the gradient of HBE is < 1 at B. Now
de…ne a new tax T 1 as follows
Under the new tax T 1 , the tax payment is held constant above income level
z(S2 ; T ).
The graph of c1 (z) = z ¡ T 1 (z) is then ABD where the section BD has a
zero marginal rate. A household of ability S2 will move to K and is evidently
better o¤. Revenue has also not changed. Therefore this must represent an
improvement in welfare and T 0 (S2 ) > 0 cannot be optimal.
The alternative proof is to note that the upper bound on ability implies that
°(S2 ) > 0 and the transversality condition implies ¹(S2 ) = 0. Therefore, from
1¡©= : (5.76)
However, (5.64) and (5.65) imply Á0 is non-positive at S2 , giving 1 ¡ © 0 at
S2 . Combining this inequality with Theorem 5.5, it follows that 1 ¡ © (S2 ) = 0
and the theorem is proved.
For this argument to work in the case of the in…nite support, where it is
natural to assume lims!1 ° (s) = 0, further restrictions are necessary in order
to evaluate the limiting tax rate. Details of these can be found in Seade (1977).
Theorem 5.6 is purely local in the sense that it relates only to the household
of highest ability and, by continuity, to the households of similar ability. The
next result of Seade’s is concerned with extending the improvement further down
the ability scale.
Theorem 25 (Seade) For a population with bounded ability, any income tax
schedule with a positive marginal rate at the top of the scale can be replaced by
one that leaves all households better o¤, inducing them to earn more income but
paying the same tax.
Proof. Start with the initial schedule µ in Figure 5.7 and the optimal
choices, illustrated for households of three di¤erent abilities, given by the tan-
gency points a, b and c.
It is …rst noted, as before, that any movement along a 45o line does not a¤ect
tax revenue since T 0 = 0 and no net payments are made out of the extra income.
Further, any relocation locally up the relevant line 45o for each household will
improve welfare. Hence the tax system bµ drawn in Figure 5.8 improves welfare.
The tax function bµ is constructed by …rst selecting ba for the household of
highest ability and then moving the tax function around their indi¤erence curve
and attempting to cross the 45o line through b (the location of the household
with second highest ability) at the highest point, then continuing downwards.
This will obviously lead to a general improvement in welfare.
Such improvements can be continued until the schedule µ ¤ in the Figure 5.9
is reached.
Point a¤ obviously represents the maximum increase in utility possible with-
out altering the level of the tax payment. The resulting schedule is then con-
structed by working left from a¤ .
The previous two results have been concerned with the shape of the tax
schedule primarily at the top end of the ability scale. The next result of this
section is due to Seade (1977) and determines the tax rate facing the lowest abil-
ity household under the assumption that there is no bunching. This assumption
guarantees that the bottom of the tax function will only apply to the lowest
ability household and that they will be at an interior solution rather than at a
Proof. From the no-bunching condition the lowest tax rate only applies to
the person of lowest ability. Applying the transversality condition (5.65) and
(5.70) then gives the result.
Combining Theorems 5.6 and 5.8 it is clear that, when there is no bunching
at the lowest income, the tax function cannot be progressive throughout since
it must begin with a zero rate and end with a zero rate. When bunching does
occur at the lowest income, the outcome is di¤erent. This is summarised in
Theorem 5.9.
With bunching at the lowest income, x (s) and z (s) are constant over some
interval. Hence over this interval
d [1 ¡ © (s)]
= ¡© x x0 ¡ © z z 0 ¡ ©s > 0; (5.78)
Proof. Theorem 5.8 has already shown that the marginal tax rate on the
highest income is zero. Over the interval of bunching, 1 ¡ © (s) must increase as
s decreases and therefore becomes negative for some s < S2 . This contradicts
Theorem 5.6.
5.3.4 Summary
The major theoretical results for the analysis of the optimal nonlinear tax have
now been derived. These show that the optimal marginal rate of taxation must
lie between zero and one. At the highest and lowest abilities, the tax rate
must be zero. The latter …nding shows that the optimal tax function cannot be
progressive; a result that runs counter to observed income tax functions. It may
also be optimal to force some households to choose to undertake no labour. If
this is the case, it is the lowest ability households that will not work. Finally,
pre-tax income and consumption must both be increasing functions of ability.
To obtain further details of the structure of optimal taxes, it is necessary to
consider numerical analyses.
5.4.1 Simulations
To generate numerical results, Mirrlees (1971) assumed that the social welfare
function took the form
R 1 1 ¡ºU
e ° (s) ds; º > 0;
W = 0R1 º (5.79)
U ° (s) ds; º = 0:
The form of (5.79) permits parametric variations of the form of the social welfare
function by changes in º . Higher values of º represent greater concern for equity,
with º = 0 representing the utilitarian case. The individual utility function was
assumed to be Cobb-Douglas
with a standard deviation, ¾, of 0.39. This value of the standard deviation was
derived from data on the distribution of income given in Lydall (1968). There is
thus an implicit assumption that the skill distribution can be inferred directly
form an observed income distribution. Furthermore, this assumption implies
that the skill distribution is unbounded. A selection of the numerical results of
Mirrlees (1971) are given in Table 5.1.
The most important feature of the results in Tables 5.1a and b are the
generally low marginal rates of tax, with the maximal rate being only 34%.
There is also limited deviation in these rates. Relating the results to Theorem
5.6, the marginal rates do become lower at high incomes but do not reach zero
because the skill distribution is unbounded. The average rate of tax is negative
for low incomes in both Tables 5.1a and b so that low income consumers are
receiving an income supplement from the government.
The set of results reported in Table 5.2, also from Mirrlees (1971), show the
e¤ecting of increasing the dispersion of skills. This raises the marginal tax rates
but these remain fairly constant across the income range. This occurs despite
the greater inequality of skills leads to a greater possible role for redistribution
via the income tax. Further results on the e¤ect of varying the dispersion of
skills are given in Kanbur and Tuomala (1994). These support the …nding that
an increased dispersion of skills raises the marginal tax rate at each income
level but show that if also has the e¤ect of moving the maximum tax rate up
the income range, so that the marginal tax rate is increasing over the majority
of households.
The nature of the tax rate at the upper end of the income scale and the
implications of the zero-endpoint result for nearby incomes has been investigated
by Tuomala (1990). Tuomala’s numerical results show that the marginal tax
rate may be far from zero on incomes close to the maximum. The zero-endpoint
result is therefore only a local conclusion and does not necessarily imply the
incomes near the maximum must also be subject to low marginal tax rates.
Although the numerical simulations of Mirrlees (1971) made a number of
variations in speci…cation, these were very restricted in comparison to the po-
tential range of formulations. In attempting to progress further, Atkinson (1972)
considered the e¤ect of changing the social welfare function to the extreme maxi-
min form
W = minfUg; (5.82)
which places the greatest possible emphasis on equity considerations. The rea-
soning for doing this follows from contrasting Tables 1a and b. From these it
can be seen that increased concern for equity, º going from 0 to 1, increased
the optimal marginal tax rates. The natural question would be: could strong
equity considerations lead to high marginal rates? The interest in this issue
can be appreciated by recalling that the top British tax rate in the 1970’s was
approximately 70% - 98%, dependent on the precise source of income. From
this perspective the rates derived by Mirrlees were relatively low.
The e¤ect of changing to a maxi-min social welfare function can be seen from
considering Table 5.3 which is based on Atkinson and Stiglitz (1980). From the
table it is possible to conclude that the maxi-min criterion leads to generally
higher rates. However they are again highest at low incomes and then decline.
In addition, they remain relatively low.
Utilitarian Maxi-min
Level of s Average rate Marginal rate Average Rate Marginal Rate
Median 6 21 10 53
Top decile 14 20 28 34
Top percentile 16 17 28 26
Table 5.3: Contrast of utilitarian and maxi-min
Labour supply
The choice of optimal income tax is concerned with maximising social welfare
by reaching an e¢cient trade-o¤ of equity against e¢ciency. The factor that is
most intimately linked with the e¢ciency cost of taxation is the wage elasticity of
labour supply or, alternatively, whether labour supply will be greatly a¤ected by
high marginal rates of taxation. This subsection brie‡y reviews some evidence
on the e¤ect of taxation on labour supply and then considers the implications
of alternative formulations of the labour supply function.
Empirical evidence on the e¤ect of income taxes can be found in both the
results of surveys and of econometric estimates of labour supply functions. Break
(1957) conducted a survey of the disincentive e¤ect of high tax rates upon
solicitors and accountants in the UK, 63% of whom where subject to marginal
tax rates above 50%. The survey concluded that as many respondents were
working harder because of the tax rates as were working less hard. A similar
conclusion was obtained by Brown and Levin (1974) in a survey of the e¤ect
of income taxation on the level of overtime worked by a sample of weekly paid
workers; little net e¤ect of taxation on working hours was found.
Econometric evidence has also produced comparable results. Burtless and
Hausman (1978) employ data from the Gary Negative Income Tax experiment
to estimate a labour supply function and …nd a wage elasticity of labour supply
of 0. These results, which relate primarily to the labour supply of males, suggest
that there are grounds for believing the disincentive e¤ect of income taxes for
males to not be great. In contrast, the elasticity of labour supply from married
females may be much higher and for this group the participation e¤ect is also
relevant. This suggests that the analysis should really treat the two groups
separately. Further discussion of the relation of labour supply to taxation is
given in Hausman (1985) and the evidence for the U.K. on female supply is
surveyed in Blundell (1992).
With respect to the response of labour supply to taxation, the speci…cation
adopted for the simulations generating Tables 5.1 - 5.3 was very restrictive due
to its imposed unit elasticity of substitution between leisure and consumption.
As will now be shown, alternative formulations can produce somewhat di¤erent
First, consider the Cobb-Douglas utility as used by Mirrlees (1971) and
Atkinson (1972). The elasticity of substitution, ", between leisure, `, and con-
sumption, x, is de…ned as
@x £ 1¡` ¤
@ [1¡`] @ x
"= 1¡`
¸: (5.83)
x @ @x
where L is full leisure time available. L was …xed at unity in (5.80). For (5.84)
the elasticity of substitution is given by
"= : (5.85)
To understand the consequences that di¤erent values of " may have, con-
sider a consumer maximising the utility function (5.84) subject to the budget
x = A + s`; (5.86)
where s is the net wage and A is the level of lump-sum grant, which may be
negative. The …rst-order condition for utility maximisation is
L¡` ®
= ; (5.87)
A + s` [1 ¡ ®] `
From Figure 5.10 it can be seen that the Mirrlees speci…cation " = 1, º = 1
gives the lowest possible rates of taxation and that tax rates increase to 100% as
" tends to zero; a proof that this always occurs is given by Stern (1976). What
is important to note is that the tax rates are high for " = 0:0408 and º = ¡1.
Therefore high tax rates can be justi…ed without necessarily appealing to the
maxi-min criterion.
With the linear technology, it is possible to take the producer price of each good
2; :::; n to be 1.
The optimal taxes can be found by treating U (s) as the state variable and
x i(s), i = 1; ::; n ¡ 1 as the control variables, with x n (s) determined from the
identity U(s) = U (x 1 (s); :::; x n (s)). The …rst-order condition for self-selection is
derived from (5.14) by using the fact that us = ¡ Us`2z = ¡ Us` ` or, in the present
U x
notation, u s = ¡ x1s 1 . Employing the …rst-order approach, the Hamiltonian
for the maximisation can be written using (5.91) as
" " n
X Ux x 1
H = U + ¸ swx 1 ¡ x i ° (s) ¡ ¹ 1 : (5.92)
@xn Ux
= ¡ k; (5.93)
@xk Ux n
U xk 1 + tk
= : (5.95)
Ux n 1
Substituting (5.95) into (5.94), the optimality condition (5.94) can be written
after some rearrangement as
2 h i3
Ux k
¹x 1 Uxk 4 d log Uxn
tk = 5 ; k = 2; :::; n ¡ 1: (5.96)
¸°s dx 1
h Ux
d log k
The result in (5.96) reveals two facts. Firstly, if dx1 = 0, for all k =
2; :::; n¡1, which holds if the utility function is weakly separable between labour
and all other commodities, then tk = 0 for all k = 2; ::; n ¡ 1. This is the ma jor
result of Atkinson and Stiglitz (1976). In these circumstance the commodity
taxes are unnecessary and the income tax is su¢cient for achieving welfare aims.
This result derives from the tax system attempting to tax the innate ability of
the households but, when the separability holds, there is insu¢cient correlation
between consumption choice and ability for commodity taxation to have any
e¤ect. The second consequence of (5.96) is, holding all other variables constant,
that the tax rate on a good should be positively related to the rate of change
of the marginal rate of substitution between that good and labour as labour
supply increases. Therefore, those goods relatively preferred by the consumers
supplying most labour should be taxed more. Using a more general framework,
Mirrlees (1976) strengthens this conclusion to show that the commodity tax
rates should be highest on those goods for which the high ability households
have the relatively strongest preference.
An alternative perspective upon the combination of income and commodity
taxes has been provided by Christiansen (1984). Christiansen takes as the start-
ing point a situation in which the income tax has been optimised but with no
commodity taxes and then determines the welfare e¤ect of introducing commod-
ity taxes whilst holding revenue constant. The analysis provides the conclusion
that goods for which demand increases if more leisure is obtained, but with
no change in income, should have positive commodity taxes introduced. If no
change in demand follows from the change in leisure, the tax should be zero and
it should be negative if demand falls.
The results noted have determined some relations between income and com-
modity taxes. However, the number of alternative perspectives from which the
model can be approached and the richness of the model prevent any simple and
summary statement being given.
5.5.2 Omissions
The economy that has been studied was, by necessity, highly stylised. Although
this brings undoubted analytical bene…ts, it does eliminate from consideration
many issues that are of practical interest. Some of these are now brie‡y dis-
The economy involved only a single form of labour service but with di¤er-
ences in the ability of households to perform this service. In reality, there are
many di¤erent forms of labour in an economy which di¤er in the skills they re-
quire and in the working conditions they impose. The actual monetary payment
for the supply of labour may only be part of the package of remuneration, and
some of the return (or cost) may be entirely psychic in nature. A income tax
policy designed to maximise welfare would need to take account of the entire
package of characteristics that constitutes labour supply. The labour supply
decision also involves more than simply the determination of the number of
hours to work. As occupations di¤er in their characteristics, the choice between
occupations is important and this choice will be a¤ected by income taxation.
For instance, an increase in taxation will be detrimental to occupations where
the return is predominantly monetary. There are also intertemporal aspects to
the labour supply decision such as the timing of entry to the labour force and
the timing of retirement. As an income tax will introduce a distortion into such
decisions, this increases the potential e¢ciency loss. Some of these issues are
addressed in Christiansen (1988).
The preferences of the households have been taken as identical. This need
not be the case and di¤erences in preferences may arise as in Chapter 4. Fur-
thermore, the household has been viewed as supplying an homogeneous form
of labour but in practice the total labour supply is often the sum of male and
female components. The nature of these is often very di¤erent and empirical
evidence suggests that they have markedly di¤erent responses to taxation. This
observation implies that the analysis should be based upon greater detail of the
structure of households. Furthermore, it also raises issues concerning the tax
treatment of the individuals that constitute the household such as whether they
have the option or not of being tax as separate individuals or whether a joint
household return is compulsory.
5.6. SUMMARY 163
5.6 Summary
This chapter has reviewed the formal analysis of the optimal income tax prob-
lem. The problem has been treated as one of choosing the income tax function to
balance equity and e¢ciency considerations in an economy characterised by in-
equality in the distribution of income. The standard economy of Mirrlees (1971)
has been described and it has been noted that this is the simplest for which the
income tax problem has any real content. The ma jor theoretical results have
been derived and, although they do not provide a precise characterisation of the
optimal tax schedule, they do suggest its most important properties, some of
which are in con‡ict with the structure of observed tax schedules.
Numerical analyses have been used to further investigate the nature of the
tax schedule and its dependence upon the assumed structure of the problem.
Results from some of the most noteworthy of these analyses have been given
above. In particular they demonstrate that the marginal rates of tax may be
rather low but do increase with concern for equity. However, the conclusions
are sensitive to the assumptions invoked by the model. The implications of the
modi…cation of some of these assumptions was considered.
The chapter was concluded by a consideration of two extensions. The intro-
duction of a second form of labour service could lead to a marked change in the
form of the optimal tax function if the indirect e¤ect of taxation upon relative
wages outweighed the direct e¤ect. The optimal combination of income and
commodity taxes was then considered and it was shown that weak separability
of leisure would make commodity taxes redundant.
The methods of analysis can be adapted to treat other forms of nonlinear
taxation. It needs only a minor revision to turn the income tax into an expen-
diture tax with a suitable re-interpretation of the skill variable as a preference
parameter. Many of the theorems derived then apply directly to this new set-
ting. In fact, several of the studies cited, such as Mirrlees (1976) and Seade
(1977) are concerned with general nonlinear taxes rather than income tax per
Chapter 6
Policy Reform
6.1 Introduction
The previous two chapters have considered the determination of optimal com-
modity and income taxes. In practice, if the derived tax rules were to be imple-
mented it would be likely that a ma jor upheaval of the …scal structure would be
required. To be willing to enact such a major change would require the policy
maker to have considerable faith in the accuracy of the policy advice. Taking
this into account, many countries have opted in favour of gradual policy reforms
which involve slowly phasing in some taxes and removing others. The design of
such reforms will be the subject of this chapter.
The theoretical literature on policy reform has been concerned with char-
acterising when there exist feasible reforms that satisfy the policy maker’s ob-
jectives and with determining the optimal direction of reform. For the purpose
of formal analysis, reforms are always interpreted as di¤erential changes in the
vector of policy instruments. This is the limiting interpretation of the reforms
being small.
This chapter will review the standard analysis that has been developed for
determining the existence of worthwhile reforms in the vector of consumer prices.
The inverse optimum problem, which calculates the welfare weights of house-
holds implied by a given set of policy parameters, will be related to this analysis
and the concept of marginal social cost will be discussed. Several applications of
these methods, including empirical investigations, will be described. In consid-
ering the practical implications of these results, it should be noted that admin-
istration costs are not considered. If such costs are signi…cant they will reduce
the potential attractiveness of a series of small reforms.
the equilibrium of the economy is calculated. It is clear that the values of the
policy variables will determine the welfare properties of the equilibrium. Small
changes in consumer prices are then considered and the question is asked: is
there a feasible change that raises welfare? This is the policy reform problem.
It is implicit in this description that as consumer prices change, producer prices
are adjusted to maintain equilibrium.
The welfare objective has typically been either the strict Pareto principle
under which an acceptable reform must raise all households’ welfare or a so-
cial welfare function in which case the policy reform must raise social welfare.
Both of these welfare criteria are considered below. An alternative ob jective,
a unanimous Wicksellian criteria, is studied in Weymark (1981). Feasibility is
de…ned in terms of the satisfaction of an aggregate production constraint or
alternatively, where permissible, a government revenue constraint. When the
production constraint is employed, a feasible change must result in a demand
vector that is in the production set. With the revenue constraint, a given level
of revenue must be collected before and after the change. Further discussion of
the structure of the reform problem can be found in Feldstein (1976a).
Figure 6.1:
F (X (q)) 0; (6.1)
X (q) = x h (q) ; (6.2)
h =1
rF T Xq dq 0; (6.3)
where 2 3
@ X1 @ X1
@ q1 ¢ @q n
Xq = 4 ¢ ¢ ¢ 5; (6.4)
@X n @X n
@ q1
¢ @q n
Figure 6.2:
is the Jacobian of the aggregate demand function. Employing the fact that
producer prices are proportional to rF , the feasibility constraint can be written
in the form
pT Xq dq 0: (6.5)
Hence, as noted by Guesnerie (1977), feasible reforms are those which cause a
change in aggregate demand that has a non-positive value at initial producer
prices. To simplify the expressions below, the expression ¡p T Xq will be denoted
rZ T .
After a change in the consumer price vector, producer prices will also adjust
in order to maintain equilibrium and it is assumed that such adjustment is
in a direction that is normal to p. The following result of Guesnerie (1977)
proves that, when the boundary of the production set is su¢ciently smooth,
the change in demand due to a di¤erential change in the consumer price vector
can be met by a supply change brought about by a di¤erential modi…cation of
producer prices. The proof is based on the observation that when the boundary
of the production set is smooth, its gradient changes continuously. In turn,
the normal to the production set changes continuously around its boundary.
This implies that the producer price vectors that support two nearby points,
which are proportional to the normals at those points, will be similar. Figure
6.2a shows a smooth production set for which a small change in demand can
be met by a di¤erential change in the producer price vector. In Figure 6.2b
the production set has a kink at y ¤ = (y ¤1 ; y ¤2 ) and to move production from
ye = (y ¤1 + "; y2¤ ¡ ") to yb = (y1¤ ¡ "; y ¤2 + ") requires a discrete change in producer
manifests itself in the supply function having rank n ¡ 1. Any lower rank indi-
cates that there are ‡at sections or ridges in the production set, either of which
will remove the property that the normal to the production set changes continu-
ously around the boundary of the production set. Following these preliminaries,
the formal statement of the lemma can now be given.
dW = rW T dq; (6.7)
where à !
T @W @V h @W @V h
rW = ; :::; : (6.8)
@V h @q1 @V h @qn
h=1 h=1
The reform problem, in terms of …nding a reform that raises social welfare,
can now be introduced.
Welfare-Improving Reform (WI)
Does there exist a vector dq of reforms such that
(i) rW T dq > 0,
(ii) rZ T dq ¸ 0?
Condition (i) requires the reform to raise welfare and (ii) that it is produc-
tively feasible.
To formulate the Pareto-improving reform problem, de…ne the vectors
µ ¶
hT @V h @V h
rV = ; :::; ; h = 1; :::; H: (6.9)
@q1 @qn
It is assumed that rV h 6= 0 for all h. From these vectors the matrix P is formed
by using the vector rV hT as the hth row of P . This construction leads to the
following matrix 2 3
rV 1T
P =4 ¢ 5: (6.10)
rV H T
This is simply P
an alternative representation of (4.35) since the aggregate
Pn bud-
n @X i
get constraint q X
i= 1 i i and the relation q i = p i + t i imply ¡ i=1 i @q k =
Pn @X i
Xi +. i=1 ti @qk
The solution of PI requires the use of Motzkin’s Theorem of the Alternative.
Theorem 31 (Motzkin) For two matrices A and B with the same number of
columns, exactly one of the following holds
(a) there exists a vector x such that Ax > 0, Bx = 0, with A 6= 0,
(b) there exist vectors y1 and y2 with AT y 1 + B T y 2 = 0, y1 ¸ 0, y 2 ¸ 0.
or, since @ qk = ¡®h x hk and ® h > 0,
X n
X @Xi
¸ h xhk + y2 pi = 0; k = 1; :::; n; (6.13)
h =1 i=1
rZ T x ¸ 0: (6.14)
In terms
© of (6.5), theª set Q, its ©interior Int Q and
ª frontier Fr ©Q are de…ned by
Q = x : p T Xq x 0 , Int Q = x : p T Xq x < 0 and Fr Q = x : p T Xq x = 0 .
Therefore any vector in Q leads to a change in consumption which has non-
positive value at initial producer prices and that satis…es the production con-
Welfare-improving reform
rW T x ¸ 0: (6.15)
That is, all the vectors in the half-space S satisfy the requirement that welfare
is not decreased by a change of prices in that direction. If there is a solution
to the© reform problemª it must be a vector that lies in the intersection of Int
S = x : rW T x > 0 and Q. A solution will therefore exist if Int S \Q is
non-empty. In fact, only if the boundaries of S and Q are coincident can there
be no solution. This discussion is summarised in Theorem 6.3.
Pareto reform
The Pareto reform problem is analysed in two stages. In the …rst stage it is
determined whether there exist any policy changes that will increase the welfare
of all households. If such changes exist, the second stage is to check whether
any are productively feasible. Only when changes exist that satisfy both stages
does the Pareto reform problem have a solution.
Considering the …rst stage of the Pareto © reform problem,
ª each row of P
determines an open half-space, P h (q) = x : rV hT x > 0 , of reforms that
would bene…t the consumer whose preferences that row represents. As it is
required that the reform must increase the utility of all households, such a
reform will only exist if the intersection \H h
h=1 P (q) of these open half-spaces
is non-empty. A set of vectors rV , h = 1; 2; 3, that generate a non-empty
Pareto-improving set is shown in Figure 6.5a and the implied set of Pareto-
improving reforms in Figure 6.5b. Figure 6.5 is drawn by again aligning T (q)
with the plane of the page and utilising the fact that rV h 2 T (q) for all h,
which follows since rV h = ¡® hx h by Roy’s identity and q T xh = 0.
The intersection of the half-spaces corresponding to the vectors rV h will be
non-empty whenever the cone generated by taking all positive linear combina-
tions of these vectors (the rows of P ) is pointed, where a set K is a cone if k 2 K
implies ¹k 2 K for all ¹ ¸ 0 and a cone is pointed if K \ (¡K) = f0g. That
the vectors generate a pointed cone can be viewed as capturing the fact that
the preferences of the consumers are not be too dissimilar. The importance of
pointed cones in this context was …rst noted by Weymark (1979b). To illustrate
these points, the vectors in Figure 6.6a generate a pointed cone but those in
Figure 6.6b do not. n o
Denote by - (q) the cone generated by the rows of P , where - (q) = - : - = H h
h =1 ¸ h rV (q) ; ¸ h ¸ 0
© ª
and de…ne the positive polar cone to - (q) by £ (q) = ´ : - T ´ ¸ 0 for all - 2 - (q) .
If - (q) is pointed, £ (q) has a non-empty interior and the interior of £ (q), Int
£ (q) = \H h=1 P (q), is the set of strictly Pareto improving consumer price
Proof. A formal proof can be found in Guesnerie (1977) but the theorem
follows directly from the de…nitions and is easily demonstrated by drawing the
implied diagrams, see Figure 6.8.
The proof of Theorem 6.5 is illustrated in Figure 6.8. In (a), it can be seen
that there is no improving reform. The improving reform in (b) leads to a non-
tight equilibrium because any point interior to ¡¤ (q) lies inside Q. Finally, in
(c) the shaded area is (¤ (q) [ ¡¤ (q)) and there are reforms, such as dq¤ , that
are tight equilibrium preserving.
The importance of Theorem 6.5 is that it demonstrates that a Pareto im-
proving reform may lead from an e¢cient point to a non-tight equilibrium with
the demand vector interior to the production set. Production ine¢ciency may
therefore be introduced as part of the reform process. This aspect of reform will
be considered further in Section 4.
optimal taxation. The Pareto improving reform is based upon the gradient vec-
tors of the households but, to determine the Pareto improving set of reforms, it
is necessary only to possess knowledge of the direction of these vectors not the
length. From Roy’s identity, the direction can be determined by knowledge of
individual household demands; there is no requirement to observe the marginal
utility of income. Such information is, in principle, directly observable. To de-
termine whether a change satis…es productive feasibility it is su¢cient to know
initial producer prices and the derivatives, or elasticities, of aggregate demand.
Although this information cannot be directly observed, it can be easily inferred
from market data. The Pareto reform analysis can therefore be applied with-
out the need for specifying the social welfare function. An example of such an
application can be found in Ahmad and Stern (1984).
In contrast, the welfare-improving reform does require speci…cation of the
social welfare function and the individual marginal utilities so that the social
welfare weights can be derived. One methodology for achieving this has been
described in 4.5 but, as noted there, that involved imposing signi…cant restric-
tions upon the structure of the social marginal utilities of income. However, it is
worth emphasising that it is only the direction of the welfare vector that needs
to be known and not its length. The other informational requirements are as
for the Pareto reform.
To re‡ect the fact that the reforms in question are di¤erential, the interpretation
of this normalisation is that units are such that 1 is small.
The optimal reform is identi…ed as that reform on the surface of the unit
sphere which maximises the increase in welfare. Writing
for the production constraint, where the function has been rede…ned to suppress
the dependence upon aggregate demand, the optimal choice of reform is the
solution to
max dW = rW T dq; (6.19)
fdq g
From (6.21), the …rst-order condition for the choice of the ith element of the
reform vector is
rW i ¡ ¹rFi ¡ 2¸dqi = 0: (6.22)
Substituting (6.22) into the constraint on the size of the reforms provides the
restriction that ¸2
rW i ¡ ¹rFi
= 1: (6.23)
As the denominator of (6.24) is positive, substitution from (6.24) into the pro-
duction constraint shows that productive feasibility will be satis…ed if
rF T rW ¡ ¹rF T rF 0: (6.25)
rF T rW
¹¸ : (6.26)
rF T rF
It is from (6.26) that production e¢ciency can be addressed. If rF T rW >
0 then ¹ > 0 and, from the complementary slackness conditions, production
e¢ciency is preserved. Conversely, rF T rW < 0 implies that ¹ = 0 so that the
reform will lead to a new equilibrium with productive ine¢ciency.
The importance of this result is the fact that for many situations, as captured
by the Diamond-Mirrlees Production E¢ciency lemma (Theorem 4.1) and its
extension by Hahn (1973), production e¢ciency will be desirable at the policy
optimum. It would then be expected that it would also be required along the
reform path. In contrast, these results show that this belief is not correct and
that reform may lead to ine¢ciency until the optimum is reached.
The geometric interpretation of the discussion of (6.26) is that rF T rW < 0
implies, in two dimensions, that the vectors rF and rW make an angle of more
than 90 o . The vector of reforms is chosen to make the narrowest feasible angle
with rW as this will maximise the increase in welfare. If rF T rW < 0, the
maximising reform lies along rW itself and can be de…ned by dq = ±rW , where
(±rW )T (±rW ) = 1. This situation is depicted in Figure 6.9 for a two-good
economy with the change in prices is restricted to be on the unit circle.
Production e¢ciency remains after the reform when rF T rW > 0. The
maximising reform is then the vector orthogonal to rF , thus satisfying the
production constraint, that makes the smallest angle with rW . This represents
a reform that moves the economy around the boundary of the production set.
This is illustrated in Figure 6.10.
To summarise the discussion, productive ine¢ciency may occur after the
reform has taken place. Whether it occurs is dependent upon the divergence
between the vector of derivatives of the welfare function and those of the pro-
duction constraint. When these are similar, production e¢ciency is retained.
These results have been extended by Guesnerie (1977) and Fogelman, Quinzii
and Guesnerie (1978) who consider policy reform as a dynamic process. At each
moment in time the process is such that the reform must be Pareto-improving so
that individual utilities must be increasing along the reform path. In addition,
the changes in demand must be capable of being matched by supply changes
and consequent modi…cation of producer prices.
The major …nding of the analysis is, that to be successful, the reform process
must be allowed to pass through points interior to the production set. If it is not,
it may terminate at a point which is not a local Pareto optimum. Despite any
ine¢ciencies that may occur along the path, the process will always terminate
at an e¢cient point.
6.4.2 Interpretation
There are two interpretations of this result that are worth noting. The …rst
interpretation is that the production ine¢ciency arises because the reform is
seeking the maximum increase in welfare and there is no reason why this needs
to be along the frontier. Although the initial point for the reform process and
the …nal point are both on the frontier, the path of greatest increase in welfare
is more likely to go through the production set than to follow its boundary.
The alternative interpretation rests on the observation that the initial point
is not derived as the outcome of a social maximisation but is, in a sense, arbi-
trary. As a consequence, there is no reason to expect any relationship to hold
between the gradient vectors Z and W , or between Z and the gradient vectors of
individual utilities. This should be contrasted to the position at the optimum,
shown in Figure 6.4b, where the gradient vectors Z and W point in opposite
directions. Given this arbitrary relation, it is only natural that production in-
e¢ciency may arise.
or, using Roy’s identity and eliminating the (positive) marginal utility of income,
dI ¡ xh T dq > 0: (6.28)
The change will be productively feasible if the change in demand has negative
value at initial producer prices which can be expressed as
p T x hI dI + pT Xq dq 0; (6.29)
h= 1
¸h x h ¡ ¹p T Xq = 0: (6.30)
An improving reform that requires ine¢ciency will only exist if there exist ¸ h >
0, all h, ¹ ¸ 0 and ´ ¸ 0 such that (6.30) is satis…ed and
¸h + ´ + ¹ pT xhI = 0: (6.31)
h=1 h=1
Since (6.30) requires ¹ > 0, (6.31) can only be satis…ed if H T h
h=1 p xI < 0. That
is, to obtain production ine¢ciency it is necessary
P that the aggregate income
e¤ect must be negative. If, as is more likely, H T h
h =1 p x I > 0 then production
ine¢ciency cannot arise. Hence, if all goods are normal, the use of a lump-sum
subsidy will eliminate production ine¢ciency along the reform path.
The reasoning behind this argument is simple. If the government budget is
balanced at the initial, e¢cient, point, it will be in surplus after moving to an
ine¢cient point. The lump-sum subsidy can be used to disburse this surplus. If
demand rises in response to the subsidy, which it will when goods are normal,
a tight equilibrium will be achieved and e¢ciency restored. This represents a
PH over the ine¢cient position. This process will not work
when h=1 p T x hI < 0 since the lump-sum subsidy will then reduce the value of
demand further and ine¢ciency will increase.
A …nal point worth noting is that the ability to use a lump-sum subsidy
ensures that the Pareto-improving set is non-empty. This follows because each
vector rV h T has a positive entry for the marginal e¤ect of an increase in lump-
sum subsidy so that the cone generated by the vectors must be pointed. With a
lump-sum subsidy only the second stage of the Pareto-improving reform problem
needs to be addressed.
6.6.1 Theory
To formalise the inverse optimum, return to the welfare improving reform prob-
lem. It is convenient to adopt as a normalisation rule that the tax on good 1
is zero and that q1 = p 1 = 1; hence dq1 = 0. The vector rW T can then be
written as
! Ã H H
X @W @V h X @W @V h X h X h h
T h
rW = ; :::; = ¡ ¯ x 2 ; :::; ¡ ¯ xn ;
@V h @q2 @V h @qn
h=1 h=1 h= 1 h=1
where the second equality in (6.32) follows from (4.37). For the remainder of
this section, ¯ 1 ; :::; ¯ h are termed the social welfare weights of the households.
They remain, of course, a composition of social and private marginal utilities.
Employing (6.32), the …rst form of the inverse optimum problem can now
be stated.
Inverse Optimum ³ ´
What must the welfare weights ¯ 1 ; :::; ¯ h be in order that the equations
rW T dq > 0; (6.33)
rZ T dq ¸ 0; (6.34)
Applying the same analysis to the Pareto-improving reform, part (b) of the
Motzkin theorem provides a set of non-negative weights under which no reform
can be found. These can also be interpreted as the implicit social welfare weights
of the households constituting the economy. Evidently, this can only be achieved
if the number of goods is equal to the number of households. With too many
households the ¯s will not be uniquely identi…ed and with too few the equations
need not have a solution. When the inverse optimum is solved it is possible that
some of the ¯ values may be negative. This indicates that a Pareto improvement
may be made.
6.6.2 Applications
In their application of the inverse optimum analysis, Ahmad and Stern (1984)
employ the same commodity groupings and Indian data set as in the work of
Murty and Ray reported in Chapter 4. Their …rst step is to take the revenue
requirement as given and to solve the inverse optimum problem. As their data
set has more households than goods, this is achieved by grouping the households
into 9 income bands to give the same number of households as goods. Table 6.1
describes the outcome of this procedure.
As can be seen from Table 6.1, there is considerable variance in the welfare
weights attached to the di¤erent income groups. There are also a number of
negative weights which indicate that Pareto-improving reforms are possible.
Having identi…ed the possibility of making Pareto-improving reforms, Ah-
mad and Stern proceed to calculate a vector of such reforms. This vector is
restricted by the assumption that the tax changes must not increase or decrease
the revenue raised by more than one rupee. This normalisation rule is an al-
ternative to (6.17). The resulting tax changes are shown in Table 6.2 and the
welfare e¤ects of these in Table 6.3.
The welfare change table shows clearly how welfare has increased for some
groups and decreased for none. Tax changes could obviously be undertaken
until the gains from reform were exhausted.
An alternative approach to the inverse optimum problem is taken by Chris-
tiansen and Jansen (1978). They approach the analysis from the perspective
that the welfare weights are determined by political considerations and the form
of the welfare function can be inferred from study of the political process. A
vector of income changes is de…ned as distibutively neutral if it leaves all relative
welfare weights unchanged and the political process is deemed to view an equal
relative increase of all incomes as neutral. Imposing an additive social welfare
¡ ¢
W = W Mh ; (6.35)
is homogeneous of degree 1 in M h ; M h . From this it follows that the welfare
weight function must take the form
¯ (M ) = KM ¡º ; (6.38)
6.7.1 Derivation
To introduce marginal social cost the Diamond-Mirrlees economy of Chapter
4 is employed. Recalling that analysis, the consumers are described by their
indirect utility functions
¡ ¢
U h = V h q1 ; :::; qn ; w; I h ; (6.39)
Starting from an initial vector of taxes (t1 ; :::; tn ), the e¤ect on social welfare
of a change dtk in the tax tk on good k is given by
" H #
X @W @V h
dtk : (6.42)
@V h @qk
Using these two terms, the marginal social cost of raising a unit of revenue by
increasing the tax on good k, ¸ k , is de…ned by (minus) their ratio
PH @ W @V h
h=1 @V h @q k
¸k = ¡ P Pn PH : (6.44)
H h @ xh
h=1 x k + h=1 ti @q k
It is clear from the …rst-order conditions for the optimal tax problem that at
an optimum all the marginal social costs for goods k = 1; :::; n should be equal.
If they are not equal, the existing tax system is not optimal. In the case that
the ¸s are not equal, those goods with the largest values of ¸ should have their
taxes reduced since collecting revenue via these goods leads to a larger loss in
social welfare for a unit of revenue than would taxes on low ¸ goods.
This procedure can be interpreted as being the …rst step in an iterative
algorithm to …nd the maximum. The speci…c requirement that the goods with
high values of ¸ k should have their taxes reduced is based on the assumption
that the problem has su¢cient regularity so that the direct e¤ect of tk on ¸ k
dominates the cross-e¤ects caused by the adjustment of other tax rates. If this
The marginal social costs will evidently depend upon the chosen value of ". A
selection of the results is given in Table 6.4.
Table 6.3 illustrates that the Belgian tax system is not optimal for any value
of ". However, for all values tobacco has the highest marginal social cost and
services the lowest. The policy recommendation from this would be that the tax
on tobacco should be lowered and that on services raised. Furthermore, heating
also has a generally high marginal social cost. Decoster and Schokkaert also
present the social marginal costs for di¤erent income groupings from which can
be formed general views on the importance of various commodities to di¤erent
income groupings. For instance food appears important to the low income
groups with transport of no consequence. The ranking is exactly reversed for
the highest income group.
T dq ¸ 0; (6.46)
where 2 3
rT 1T
6 . 7
T = 4 .. 5; (6.47)
is the matrix formed from the gradient vectors of the Ts functions. One simple
example arises in the case of a political elite whose welfare must not be reduced
by the reform. The functions Ts (q) are then the indirect utility functions of the
households comprising this elite and T is formed from the gradient vectors of
the indirect utility functions.
Incorporating the political constraints into the WI gives the following reform
Constrained Welfare-Improving Reform (CWI).
Does there exist a vector dq of reforms such that
rW T dq > 0; rZ T dq ¸ 0; T dq ¸ 0? (6.48)
h i
¸F = 0; ¸ ¸ 0; ¹c V c ¡ V = 0; ¹c ¸ 0; c = 1; :::; C: (6.53)
From (6.52) and (6.53), it can be seen that the e¤ect of the constraint is
to raise the e¤ective welfare weight on the constraining households from @@ VWc
@W c
to @V c + ¹ , with the complementary slackness conditions, (6.53), guaranteeing
that ¹ is non-negative. From this it can be seen that the implicit e¤ect of the
constraint is to shift the optimal policy in favour of the constrained household
by e¤ectively giving greater concern in social welfare to them.
This result does have important implications for the analysis of the inverse
optimum problem. Working back from the solution to (6.52) would generate
@W c
the e¤ective weights @V c + ¹ which, whenever a constraint is e¤ective, will
di¤er from the true weights @V c . Therefore whenever political constraints are
binding, it is not possible to recover the welfare function from observed policy.
The inverse optimum can only recover the combined values of the welfare weights
and the additional multipliers.
6.9 Conclusions
This chapter has reviewed the economic analysis of policy reform and has in-
troduced some of the important analytical tools and results. The importance
of Theorems of the Alternative have been stressed since these theorems show
that either an improving reform is possible or that the initial point is optimal.
An alternative insight into the existence of reforms was provided by a geometric
approach that relied on the properties of convex cones.
One of the most important conclusions to emerge from the analysis was that
temporary ine¢ciency may arise during a process of reform. This …nding should
be contrasted to the e¢ciency lemma of Chapter 4 which showed the desirability
7.1 Introduction
Risk is a factor that is evident throughout economic activity. Firms must choose
between investment plans for which both the cost and the return cannot be
known with certainty, households purchase goods whose value in use is deter-
mined by the state of nature and the government receives uncertain revenues
and allocate funds to projects with unknown outcomes. Although the Arrow-
Debreu economy is capable of incorporating risks of these kinds, so that they
can be viewed as having already been covered by previous analysis, the special
features involved with risk justify a separate chapter devoted to the subject.
The interpretation of the Arrow-Debreu economy in the presence of risk is
discussed …rst and the Pareto optimality of equilibrium is reconsidered with
particular focus placed upon the number of markets necessary to sustain op-
timality. This analysis is at the level of generality of previous chapters. The
reasons why there may be too few markets to sustain optimality and whether
this may justify government intervention are also considered. Individual atti-
tudes to risk, in terms of measures of risk-aversion are then contrasted to social
attitudes. Alternative perspectives on social attitudes, including the Arrow-
Lind theorem supporting risk-neutrality of government, are contrasted. A more
general framework is then presented which shows how social attitudes to risk
can be derived from the social insurance e¤ects of pro jects and the weighting of
households in the social welfare function.
A more speci…c interpretation of risk in terms of assets with random returns
is then adopted and household maximisation is analysed in further detail. Reac-
tions to taxation are determined under various assumptions about the loss-o¤set
provisions of the tax system, the return on the safe asset and the number of
risky assets available. Two alternative perspectives on the nature of risk and
the interaction with taxation are then described. The …rst is the standard util-
ity maximisation analysis of labour supply but extended to include uncertainty
about the wage. This is followed by a consideration of choice between occu-
pations where one occupation has a known return and the other an uncertain
Several di¤erent approaches to the design of the income taxation with risk
are described. The …rst set of analyses consider risks which are purely individual:
some households may do well and others badly. The unifying feature of these
is shown to be the welfare gains that can be achieved by the use of a distorting
income tax due to the social insurance that the tax can provide. The social
insurance e¤ect is such that it preferable to raise revenue from a set of ex
ante identical households using the optimal income tax rather than a uniform
lump-sum tax. These results are contrasted to those that apply under purely
aggregate risk where the entire population either gains or loses. In the latter
case, taxation cannot provide social insurance.
Before proceeding, two points are worth noting. In common with most
recent literature, no distinction is made here between risk and uncertainty; the
two terms are employed interchangably. Secondly, the analysis of tax evasion is
reserved for later analysis in Chapter 12. Although tax evasion is an example
of choice with risk, it is somewhat special because of its illegality. In addition,
the substantial literature on tax evasion merits separate consideration.
respondingly specify the place of delivery and the state in which delivery will
be made. Since goods will only be delivered if the relevant state occurs, the
term contingent commodities is often used since delivery is contingent upon the
speci…ed state occurring.
The production set of each …rm is extended, in a manner compatible with the
extended list of commodities, to include all feasible input-output combinations
of contingent commodities. A production plan is then a list of inputs and
outputs of all goods in all states. Denoting the price vector of the n goods in
state s by p s = (p 1s ; :::; p ns ), the extended
³ list of prices becomes
´ p = (p 1 ; :::; p n ).
Firm j chooses a production plan y j = y j11 ; :::; y jn1 ; :::; ynS
to maximise pro…ts
¼ j = py j . With a known price vector this provides a clearly de…ned level of
pro…ts. The structure of this pro…t maximisation problem is formally identical
to that introduced in chapter 2 and, given strict convexity of the production set,
the outcome will be continuous supply and pro…t functions. It should be noted
that these are supplies of contingent commodities which will only be delivered
if the relevant state occurs.
The preferences of each household h are assumed to be representable by a
von Neumann-Morgernstern utility function
X ¡ ¢
Uh = ½hs Ush x hs ; (7.1)
¡ ¢
where xhs = x h1s ; :::; x hns is the vector of consumption of the n goods in state s
¡ h ¢
and ½1 ; :::; ½hn are the probabilities that household h assigns to the possibility
of states 1 to S occurring. The structure of (7.1) allows each of the within-period
utility functions to be state-dependent.
If the endowment vector of h in state s is ! hs, their budget constraint is
X m
p sx hs p s! hs + µhj ¼ j : (7.2)
s=1 s=1 j=1
Once the price vector is known, the budget constraint in (7.2) is clearly de-
termined. The household will then choose their demand for each contingent
commodity to maximise utility subject to (7.2) and subject to the demand be-
ing in the consumption set of the household; the consumption set being de…ned
in terms of contingent commodities. As in Chapter 2, if (i) the utility function is
continuous and strictly quasi-concave, (ii) the consumption set is closed, convex
and has a lower bound and (iii) the endowment is interior to the consumption
set, this maximisation will generate continuous demand functions for all goods.
It should be noted that in this context quasi-concavity of the utility function
implies risk-aversion; see Arrow (1963) and Debreu (1959).
An equilibrium for the economy is a price vector such that demand is equal
to supply for all contingent commodities. Whichever state arises, it is then the
case that the demand for commodities in that state is equal to the supply. Since
the economy is only a reinterpretation of that without uncertainty, the method
7.2.2 E¢ciency
In considering the e¢ciency of the equilibrium that will result from trade, it is
necessary to distinguish between ex ante and ex post e¢ciency. An equilibrium
is ex ante e¢cient if no redistribution of contingent consumption levels can be
found that is Pareto-improving in terms of expected utilities. Conversely, ex
post e¢ciency would be achieved if no reallocation could take place of actual
consumption levels in the state that occurred that would be Pareto-improving
in terms of realised utilities.
The formal equivalence between the economy with certainty and that with
uncertainty implies immediately that the equilibrium will be Pareto e¢cient in
the ex ante sense; the proof of the First Theorem of Welfare economics is directly
applicable. Now let M fh ´ p sx h be the equilibrium value of the contingent
s s
³ demanded
´ by h in state s. Then, relative to the vector of income
levels M f1 ; :::; M
fh , the equilibrium allocation in any state s is also Pareto
s S
e¢cient in the ex post sense: once the state has been realised no reallocation
of consumption exists that is Pareto improving. This result ³ is explained ´ by
viewing households being endowed in state s with incomes M fs1 ; :::; M
fh and
then equilibrium being reached given these incomes. The outcome must be
A further observation merits attention. If no trade were to take place until
the state were realised, the income of household h in state s, M csh , would be
given by the value of the state-contingent endowment, M cs ´ pbs !hs , where pbs is
the equilibrium price vector that would be realised once state s had occurred. It
is also correct to observe that the equilibrium then reached in state s would be
Pareto e¢cient in ³ an ex post sense.
´ However, there is no³reason to expect
´ that
f 1 f h c 1 c h
the income vector M s ; :::; M S is a simple rescaling of M s ; :::; M S nor that
the equilibria reached with the two income distributions are identical. Both are
Pareto e¢cient but they will generally be based upon di¤erent income distrib-
utions. The di¤erence between the two income distributions arises because the
trade in contingent commodities allows households to reallocate their purchas-
ing power between states on the basis of their attitudes to risk and assessment
of the probabilities of the states occurring. Further discussion of this issue can
be found in Dreze (1970-1).
The equivalence between the economy with uncertainty and that with cer-
tainty also justi…es the direct application of the Second Theorem of Welfare
Economics. When the required convexity and continuity assumptions are sat-
is…ed, any allocation that is Pareto e¢cient in an ex ante sense can be decen-
tralised as a competitive equilibrium with appropriate lump-sum transfers. If
there are no restrictions upon policy instruments, the government can therefore
Mh = q¾ z¾h; (7.3)
the household can guarantee the necessary income to purchase the optimal con-
sumption plan. They will, of course, also choose this level of income since it was
de…ned by the optimality of the consumption vector. The …nal step is to note
that since the total income to be allocated to securities is de…ned by the value
of the contingent endowments and the pro…ts of …rms, this remains the same
in both interpretations of the economy. The prices of the securities are then
determined on their market so that precisely the correct levels of income are
transferred forward. In summary, if for each state there exists a unique security
that has a unit return in that state and zero return in all others, the equilibrium
of the economy will be the same as that with a full set of futures markets. It
therefore has the same welfare properties and the Two Theorems can be proved
to hold.
Two further points are worth making about this economy. Firstly, the use
of securities has economised upon the number of markets that are required to
achieve optimality. The initial economy employed nS markets whereas the al-
ternative possessed S security markets and n goods markets since the goods
market was only opened after the state was realised. There is therefore greater
likelihood that the optimum will be attained in the latter case. Secondly, al-
though the economy was introduced in terms of the § elementary securities
that had returns in only a single state, it will also function when securities have
returns in several states provided the returns are such that the securities can be
combined so that any vector of returns across the states can be achieved; see the
discussion in Du¢e and Sonnenschein (1989). This property of the securities is
generally termed spanning in the literature. The applicability of this economy
is therefore broader than the initial description may have suggested.
The discussion above has demonstrated that the Arrow-Debreu economy may
be extended to accommodate uncertainty and, that when extended, it retains
the welfare properties of the economy with certainty. However, the extension
required either an expansion of the number of markets or the introduction of
security markets. The …rst interpretation probably has little to commend it
other than formal elegance since economies with complete sets of markets are
not observed in practice. The second is rather more applicable and does suggest
how economies actually attempt to cope with the existence of uncertainty but,
although securities certainly exist, it is not clear that they actually satisfy the
spanning property. Furthermore, the structure of the economy also places very
strong informational requirements upon the participants. In order to determine
the optimal purchase of securities, it is necessary for the household to know the
prices that will rule in each possible state that may be realised; this is implicit
in the statement of (7.5). It must also be the case that all the agents agree upon
the prices that will be ruling in each state. This position is clearly untenable.
Although the interpretation of general equilibrium with risk shows that there
is no formal di¤erence between the economy with certainty and that with un-
certainty, the structure of the latter makes it apparent that even less emphasis
should be placed upon its welfare properties than was placed upon those of the
certainty economy. As before, the economy provides a benchmark case against
which other, more restricted, economies should be placed. As already noted, the
existence of a market failure is not a su¢cient condition for supporting govern-
ment intervention since the government may also be restricted by some of the
features of the economy that prevent the market being e¢cient. In every case
it must be veri…ed that the government can actually achieve a better outcome
than the market.
given by ³ ´ ³ ´
£ ¤
f + [1 ¡ ½] U h M
E U h = ½U h M c ; (7.6)
f + [1 ¡ ½] M
where E [¢] is the expectations operator. If ½M c = M then household
h is risk-averse if and only if
³ ´ ³ ´
U h (M ) > ½U h Mf + [1 ¡ ½] U h M c : (7.7)
U (M0 ) = E [U (M )] : (7.8)
The value is termed the risk premium and it can be interpreted as the amount
the household would be willing to pay to avoid the risk asso ciated with the
random income M . It should be clear that as risk-aversion increases, so will
the value of the risk premium that the household will pay. In fact, denoting
the variance of the random variable M by ¾ 2 , Pratt (1964) shows that the
risk premium and risk-aversion are related by = 12 ¾ 2 RA (M 0 ) + higher-order
(1970) argue in favour of a lower discount factor for the public sector on the
grounds of the ability of the public sector to spread risk. A simple version of
this argument would go as follows. Although each taxpayer is risk-averse, the
total cost of a pro ject will be divided between taxpayers with each carrying only
a small amount of the cost and therefore only a fraction of the risk. Provided
that the number of taxpayers is su¢ciently great, that the project is not large
relative to the economy as a whole and that the (random) cost to any taxpayer
of the pro ject is not correlated with any existing uncertainty in their income
stream, then as the number of taxpayers increases the risk premium of each
taxpayer and the total risk premium to society tend to zero. Given this, the
public sector should act as if it were risk-neutral.
To prove this theorem, consider an economy with H identical households who
have identically distributed random incomes, M , and concave, bounded, strictly
increasing and di¤erentiable utility functions U (M ) which satisfy the axioms of
expected utility theory. The government carries all costs of investment in a
project and receives all returns. The payo¤, less costs, is denoted by ¦. Its
budget is to be balanced in the absence of the project so positive returns from
the project are given equally to the taxpayers (by reducing taxes) and costs are
carried by the taxpayers (by raising taxes).
The …rst step is to write the payo¤ to the project in the form ¦ = ¦ + X
where ¦ = E [¦] and E [X] = 0. Now consider an individual household and
let s, 0 s 1, be their share of the returns of the project. This household
h ³ pay a risk premium
´i ³(s) to avoid the´ risk where (s) is de…ned by
E U M + s¦ + sX = U M + s¦ ¡ (s) . The value of (s) is the cost
to the household of bearing the risk. With these de…nitions, Theorem 7.1 can
now be proved.
@ h ³ ´i h ³ ´h ii
E U M + s¦ + sX = E U 0 M + s¦ + sX ¦ + X : (7.10)
From the equality in (7.11), using the de…nition of a derivative shows that
h ³ ´ i
E U M + s¦ + sX ¡ U (M )
lim = ¦E [U 0 (M )] ; (7.12)
s!0 s
= ¦E [U 0 (M )] ; (7.13)
where the second equality follows from the de…nition of the risk premium.
Noting that limH !1 H ¡ k (H) = 0, the de…nition of a derivative can be
used to write
h ³ ´ i
E U M+H ¡ k (H) ¡ U (M )
lim = ¦E [U 0 (M )] : (7.14)
H !1 ¦
H ¡ k (H )
lim Hk (H) = 0: (7.16)
¡ ¢
A consumption plan for household h, h = 1; ::; H, is written x h = xh0 ; x h1 ; :::; x hS
¡ ¢
of which e h = eh0 ; eh1 ; :::; ehS is derived from the public sector and xh ¡ e h is
from the private sector; the consumption set is X h . Household h owns an initial
endowment ! h0 of the input; no endowments are held ³ of the state-contingent
commodities. The production plan for …rm j, y = x j0 ; xj1 ; :::; x jS , is chosen
from the production set Y j . The production set is de…ned so that y0h 0 is the
input and ysh ¸ 0 is the output if state s occurs. Government production is de-
noted e = (e0 ; e1 ; :::; eS ) with e 0 0, es ¸ 0, and is chosen from the production
set Y g .
The important feature of the economy is that ine¢cient risk bearing may
arise due to forward markets being incomplete. If the forward market does
not exist for good i, there will be no price quoted in period 0 for delivery of
good i in period 1. In order to determine its optimal production plan a …rm
must decide upon a value for the missing prices. This is assumed to be done
by weighting the valuations of the …rm’s shareholders of good i by the level
of …nal shareholding. This approach, and possible alternatives, are discussed
in Diamond (1967), Dreze (1974) and Grossman and Hart (1979).³ Formally, ´
denote the price vector that …rm j perceives to be facing by p j = p j0 ; :::; p jS
and normalise so that p 0 = 1, all³ j. The vector
´ of marginal rates of substitution
U0h h
US ¡ h ¢ h
for consumer h is written q = U h ; :::; U h = 1; q1 ; :::; qhn . Letting µ j be the
0 0
It should be noted that the economy with complete markets is a special case of
(7.17). With complete markets, trade results in the marginal rates of substitu-
tion being equalised across households and, since the shareholdings must sum
to 1, (7.17) then states the usual relation that price is equal to the (common)
marginal rate of substitution.
With the share price for …rm j represented by rj , an equilibrium of the
economy is de…ned as follows.
Equilibrium h © ª © ª © ª © ª n h oi
An equilibrium is an array pbj ; b rj ; byj ; bxh ; b µ 0 such that:
j j j j j
For all j = 1; :::; m, yb
³ maximises ´ y for y 2 Y ;¡
h h ¢
For all h = 1; :::; H , xbh0 ; b
µ 1 ; :::; bµm maximises U h x h0 ; xh1 ; :::; x hS subject to
i) xh 2 X h ,
Pm Pm h h j
ii) x h0 + j=1 µ hj rj !h0 + j= 1 µj rj + y0 + eh0 ,
iii) x hs ¡ ehs ¡ j=1 µ hj ysj 0, s = 1; :::; S.
Conditions (ii) and (iii) capture the …rst- and second-period budget con-
straints. In (ii) the initial ownership of a share in a …rm implies that the
household must provide a share of the input to the …rm proportional to the
It is now possible to consider the evaluation of public sector projects. The
comparison will be made between the valuation that a typical private …rm, say
j, would place on a project and that which the government would adopt. To
remove one reason for these to di¤er, it is assumed the returns to the public
sector project are distributed in precisely the same proportions as the returns
to the private …rm. Therefore, the proportion of the public sector pro ject that
is distributed to h, £ h , satis…es £ h = µ hj . To value public projects, the govern-
ment employs a social welfare function that is a weighted sum of the household
W (x) = ah qsh xhs ; (7.18)
h=1 s= 0
where ah ¸ 0, all h, and h=1 ¡ = H. A project
ah ¢ is interpreted as a di¤erential
change in consumption dx = dx10 ; :::; dx H
S . Such a project is valued by the
social welfare function at
W (dx) = ah qsh dxhs = ah £h qsh dxs ; (7.19)
h= 1 s=0 h=1 s=0
Employing the restriction that £ h = µhj , the valuation in (7.19) and that in
(7.20) are related by
£ h ¤
W (dx) = F j (dx) + a ¡ 1 £h µhs qshdx s : (7.21)
h=1 s=0
purchase of shareholding in …rms. A project outside the private sector has the
property that it extends the set of securities that are available and permits
further risk-spreading.
For a project contained within the private sector it follows that s=0 qhs dx hs =
F j (dx), all h = 1; :::; H and j = 1; :::; m. Using this relation in (7.21) then gives
" H ¸#
X £ ¤ 1 £ ¡ ¢¤
W (dx) = F j (dx) 1 + ah ¡ 1 £ h ¡ = F j (dx) 1 + cov a h; £ h :
h= 1
The interpretation of (7.22) is that a project contained within the private sector
should be valued more highly by the public sector than by the private sector
when its returns accrue disproportionately to those households that have a high
weighting in the social welfare function. If the returns accrue to those with a low
weighting, the public sector should value the pro ject less than the private sector.
The major implication of (7.22) is therefore the demonstration that there is no
a priori reason for the public sector to employ a discount rate that is uniformly
£ or lower
¡ than
¢¤ that of the private sector. As regards the choice of project,
if 1 + cov ah ; £h > 0, any project that satis…es F j (dx) > 0, and hence would
be undertaken by the private sector, also satis…es W (dx) > 0 so that it would
also be undertaken by the public sector. This result also emphasises the role
played by the assumption of the Arrow-Lind theorem that private and public
risks are uncorrelated. The argument of Hirshleifer (1966) that the government
should employ the same discount rate as private …rms follows from assumption
of complete futures markets which implies that all pro jects are within the pri-
vate sector. Similarly, Sandmo (1972) although assuming incomplete futures
markets, reaches the identical conclusion by considering only pro jects within
the private sector.
As already noted, a project that is outside the private sector introduces
a set of payo¤s that cannot be duplicated by shareholdings in …rms. If such a
project is undertaken, households a¤ected by the project will need to adjust their
portfolios of assets to achieve optimal risk-taking. If the portfolio adjustment
raises utility, then the pro ject can be viewed as providing social insurance and
this will raise the welfare valuation of that project. It is also possible that the
portfolio adjustment may reduce utility in which case the welfare valuation of
the project will be reduced.
To formalise these observations, the pro ject dx ´ (dx0 ; dx ¾ ), dx ¾ 2 <s , is
written in the form dx = de x + dbx, where dex is that part of the pro ject that
can be obtained by combining existing private sector returns and db x is the
uninsurable part. Expressed alternatively, de x´¡ (dx ; de
0 ¢ ¾ ) can be written as a
linear combination of basis vectors of the form dx 0 ; y¾j where y¾j are the future
returns of …rm j and is therefore the projection of dx onto the space spanned by
the future returns of the …rms. The uninsurable part of the project, representing
an addition to the existing set of risky assets, takes the form db x ´ (dx 0 ; dbx¾ )
and is orthogonal to the space of existing risks.
Substituting into (7.21) determines the relation between social and private
valuations as
£ ¤ £ h ¤
W (dx) = F j (dx) + F j (de
x) ah ¡ 1 £ h + a ¡ 1 £h qhs de
h =1 h=1 s=0
£ ¡ ¢¤ £ ¤
= F j (db
x ) 1 + cov ah ; £h + F j (de
x) + ah ¡ 1 £h qh(7.23)
s de
x s:
h= 1 s=0
The evaluation of the project can therefore be divided into three components.
The …rst is the evaluation of the part of the pro ject that lies within the private
sector and can be interpreted in the manner following (7.22). The second and
third components are the …rm’s and the households’ evaluations of the compo-
nent of the project that is uninsurable. Since this part of the project is not
traded, these need not be equal. These can be positive or negative; hence the
social evaluation may be above or below the private valuation. There is there-
fore no a priori reason for believing the social valuation to be above or below
the private valuation. In the Arrow-Lind case for which the public project is
entirely uncorrelated with private returns, de
x would be zero and as the number
of households increased without limit the …nal term would tend to zero. This
leaves the government evaluation equal to the valuation of the risk-neutral …rms.
7.3.3 Summary
This section has considered alternative perspectives on the relation of social
attitudes to risk to private attitudes. There is, of course, some merit in each of
these proposals and it was shown how each could be generated as special cases
of a general state-preference economy. As a …nal approach to this issue, Glazer
(1989) has considered social attitudes to risk from a political perspective and
has argued that strategic voting behaviour may lead to pro jects being adopted
by the public sector that could only be rationalised by a discount rate below that
of the private sector. This emphasises that the political outcome may remain
distinct from that which is economically e¢cient.
return r. The other, the risky asset, has a random return » which is distributed
with density ° (») and variance ¾ 2 . ° (» ) has support on (¡1; 1). The household
is concerned only with their …nal level of wealth, Y , and seeks to maximise
E [U (Y )] by choosing the amount, a, of their initial wealth invested in the risky
asset. The household is assumed to be risk-averse; hence U 00 (Y ) < 0. The
e¤ects of two taxes will be analysed: a wealth tax, denoted tw , and an income
tax, tm .
In order to specify the payo¤ to the household from a given portfolio, it is
…rst necessary to clarify the provisions in the tax system for o¤setting losses
(negative returns) against taxable income. If all losses can be o¤set, the tax
system is said to have full loss o¤set. The other extreme is termed no loss
o¤set. Between the extremes lie systems with partial loss o¤set. The relevance
of loss o¤set provisions is in their e¤ect upon the expected post-tax return from
the risky asset and the distribution of tax revenues. With full loss o¤sets, an
income tax reduces both the potential gains from holding the risky asset and the
potential losses. Conversely, with no loss o¤set only the gains are reduced. These
distinct e¤ects upon the structure of post-tax returns show why the e¤ects of
taxation will be dependent upon loss o¤set provisions. In addition, in all but the
no loss o¤set case, the government will incur some risk in the form of potentially
reduced tax revenues whenever the household holds some of the risky asset. The
extent of loss o¤set then determines the degree to which the government shares
the household’s risk.
Although full loss o¤set may seem at …rst sight a practically uninteresting
case, it should be noted that the investment behaviour under consideration may
only be a part of the broader economic activity of the household. When the
household earns income in addition to that derived from investment, then any
loss on investments can be set against other income in the determination of
taxable income. If all sources of income are taxed at the same rate, the tax
system would then appear as if it had full loss o¤set provisions.
Having clari…ed these distinctions, the analysis will …rst consider the e¤ect
of a wealth tax and then turn to the income tax. The formal results will be
developed for the general case described above but will be diagrammatically
illustrated for the special two-state case in which the risky asset either yields
a high return of a low return. The ma jority of the results are due to Mossin
(1968) and Stiglitz (1969a).
Y = [[- ¡ a] [1 + r] + a [1 + » ]] [1 ¡ tw ] : (7.24)
It then follows that the expected utility of the household can be calculated as
Z 1
E [U (Y )] = U ([[- ¡ a] [1 + r] + a [1 + » ]] [1 ¡ tw ]) ° (») d» : (7.25)
From (7.25) and (7.26) it can be seen that the e¤ect of the wealth tax is
equivalent to a reduction in initial wealth Y . An increase in the rate of tax
will decrease the proportion invested in the risky asset if the wealth elasticity
da -
of demand for the risky asset, d- a
, is greater than 1, will leave it unchanged if
da - da -
d- a = 1 and increase it if d- a < 1. The e¤ect of the taxation is this case is
To illustrate this result, assume that the risky asset provides a high return
» 1 with probability ½1 in state 1 and a low return »2 with probability ½2 in state
2; »1 > r > »2 . Investing all wealth in the risky asset will lead to …nal wealth
of - [1 + » 1 ] [1 ¡ tw ] in state 1 and - [1 + » 2 ] [1 ¡ tw ] in state 2. Alternatively,
if all income is invested in the safe asset, …nal wealth will be - [1 + r] [1 ¡ tw ]
in both states. The expected utility of the household is given by
E [U (Y )] = ½1 U ([[- ¡ a] [1 + r] + a [1 + »1 ]] [1 ¡ tw ])
+½2 U ([[- ¡ a] [1 + r] + a [1 + » 2 ]] [1 ¡ tw ]) : (7.28)
The indi¤erence curves of (7.28) and the budget opportunities facing the house-
hold are illustrated in Figure 7.2.
In Figure 7.2 the budget constraint is given by AB and the chosen portfolio
is at O. The proportion of wealth placed in the risky asset is AO AB
. The e¤ect
of an increase in the wealth tax or, equivalently, of a reduction in wealth is to
move points A and B towards the origin with the new budget line being parallel
to the old. Repeated for a series of changes in wealth, this will trace out the
wealth-portfolio locus of optimal portfolios. This is shown in Figure 7.3.
If the wealth-portfolio locus is a ray through the origin, as in Figure 7.3,
the proportion of wealth invested in the risky asset is constant as wealth or
the rate of wealth taxation change. This occurs when the wealth elasticity of
demand for the risky asset is equal to 1. When the wealth elasticity is greater
than 1 the wealth-portfolio locus will bend downwards away from the ray and
the proportion invested in the risky asset will fall as the rate of tax increases.
Conversely, a wealth elasticity less than 1 will lead to a wealth-portfolio locus
that rises more quickly than the ray and a consequent increase in the proportion
invested in the risky asset as the wealth tax increases.
Y = - ¡ a + a [1 + » [1 ¡ tm ]] = - + a» [1 ¡ tm ] ; (7.29)
Assuming that solution to the decision problem is interior, the optimal portfolio
[1 ¡ tm ] E [U 0 (Y ) »] = 0: (7.31)
The e¤ect of a change in the tax rate upon the portfolio is found by di¤er-
entiating (7.31) with respect to tm . This gives
¸ ¸
E U 00 (Y ) » [1 ¡ tm ] ¡ a» » [1 ¡ tm ] ¡ U 0 (Y ) » = 0: (7.32)
Employing the
h …rst-order
h condition (7.31)i implies that
i equation (7.32) can be
00 @a
reduced to E U (Y ) @tm » [1 ¡ tm ] ¡ a» » [1 ¡ tm ] = 0 or
@a a
= : (7.33)
@tm 1 ¡ tm
From (7.33) it can be seen that the holding of the risky asset is increased as the
rate of income tax increases. With full loss o¤set, an income tax encourages the
household to increase the holding of risky assets.
The surprising aspect of the result in (7.33) is that the response of the
household to the change in taxation is independent of the structure of prefer-
ences. It should be noted, however, that this is strongly dependent upon the
assumption that the safe asset has zero return. The reasoning lying behind
(7.33) is that the change in a described there is such that it keeps the mean
…nal wealth of the household, E [Y ] = - + aE [»] [1 ¡ tm ], the variance of …nal
wealth, var (Y ) = a2 ¾ 2 [1 ¡ tm ] , and all higher moments of the …nal wealth
distribution constant. Since the riskiness of the portfolio does not increase for
the household, social risk taking must have increased due to the government
holding part of an increased level of risky assets.
Figure 7.4: Income Tax with Zero Return on the Safe Asset
In terms of the two-state economy, the result is illustrated in Figure 7.4. The
assumption of zero return on the safe asset implies that point A is not a¤ected
by taxation. Point B moves inward to B 0 . Provided that the change in tax
rate is not so great as to push the household to a corner solution, the original
choice of returns, O, is still available but this now implies a greater holding of
the risky asset. The attainment of O requires the increase in investment in the
risky asset given by (7.33).
When the return to the risky asset is non-zero the result is less clear. The
level of expected utility is given by
Z 1
E [U (Y )] = U (- [1 + r [1 ¡ tm ]] + a [» ¡ r] [1 ¡ tm ]) ° (») d»: (7.34)
da E [U 00 (Y ) [» ¡ r]] -r a
= h i + : (7.35)
dtm E U 00 (Y ) [» ¡ r] 1 ¡ tm
2 1 ¡ tm
The …rst term of (7.35) can be viewed as a wealth, or income, e¤ect on asset
demand whilst the second term is in the nature of a substitution e¤ect. Since
these two con‡ict, no unequivocal conclusion can be given on the e¤ect of the
income tax on portfolio composition.
Further insight can
h be gained byi observing that the concavity of the utility
function implies E U 00 (Y ) [» ¡ r] . To evaluate the term E [U 0 0 (Y ) [» ¡ r]]
note that the wealth elasticity of demand for the risky asset is equal to
da - 1 + r [1 ¡ tm ] E [U 00 (Y ) [» ¡ r]] -
=¡ h i : (7.36)
d- a 1 ¡ tm E U 00 (Y ) [» ¡ r] a
If tn = tm the tax system has perfect loss-o¤set and if tn = 0 there are no o¤set
provisions. A move away from full loss-o¤set can be interpreted as a reduction
in tn .
The return to the household investing amount a in the risky asset is negative
if [- ¡ a] r + a» < 0. Hence for » < ¡ a the tax rate tn is applicable. For
other values of » returns are taxed at tm . The expected utility of the household
is therefore
E [U (Y )] =
Z ¡ [-¡a]r
U (- [1 + r [1 ¡ tn ]] + a [1 ¡ tn ] [» ¡ r]) ° (») d»
Z 1
+ U (- [1 + r [1 ¡ tm ]] + a [1 ¡ tm ] [» ¡ r]) ° (» ) d» : (7.38)
¡ a
@E [U (Y )]
Z ¡ [-¡a]r
U 0 (- [1 + r [1 ¡ tn ]] + a [1 ¡ tn ] [» ¡ r]) [1 ¡ tn ] [» ¡ r] ° (» ) d»
Z 1
+ U (- [1 + r [1 ¡ tn ]] + a [1 ¡ tm ] [» ¡ r]) [1 ¡ tm ] [» ¡ r] ° (») d»:
¡ [-¡a]r
n o
The negativity of the second-order condition implies that sgn. @tn = sgn.
n 2 o
@ E [U (Y )]
. Calculating the latter derivative gives
Z ¡
@ 2 E [U (Y )] a
= [U 0 [» ¡ r] + U 00 [1 ¡ tn ] [» ¡ r] [- ¡ a] r + a»] ° (» ) d»:
@a@tn ¡1
Since the integration is conducted over values of » for which [» ¡ r] < 0 and
[- ¡ a] r + a» < 0, the concavity of the utility function implies that @ @E[U (Y )]
a@ tn
0. An increase the loss-o¤set provisions (tn increasing) therefore increases the
household’s investment in the risky asset. Phrased alternatively, the household’s
purchases of the risky asset will fall as the loss-o¤set provisions are reduced.
A similar analysis is conducted by Diamond and Stiglitz (1974) but with
the tax rate adjusted as loss-o¤set is changed in order to keep utility constant.
The same general result is also shown to hold in that case. With respect to the
e¤ect of changes in the tax rate on positive returns, Mossin (1968) shows that
the result is indeterminate due to the con‡ict between income and substitution
e¤ects even when the return on the safe asset is zero. Since these results are
straightforward to generate, they are not reproduced here.
7.4.4 Generalisations
The results given above are based on a speci…cation that is restrictive in a
number of directions. The analysis has been entirely partial equilibrium and
the use to which tax revenues were put was not considered. It was assumed
that there was a safe asset; such an asset need not exist. The restriction to two
assets is unjusti…able. Some of the consequences of relaxing these restrictions
will now be considered.
With respect to the use of tax revenue, it can always be assumed that this is
used to purchase a public good and that all households’ preferences are separable
between …nal wealth and levels of the public good. Similar reasoning was used
in Chapters 4 and 5. It is possible to consider the implications of tax revenue
being distributed between households but, since no particular mechanism for
redistribution suggests itself as most appropriate and the results are mechanism-
dependent, few general insights can be gained from this. The partial equilibrium
nature of the results will be relaxed somewhat in Section 6 when the design of
the tax system will be addressed.
Although it may appear innocuous, the assumption that there exists a safe
asset is rather a strong one. An obvious candidate for this role is holding cash
which earns a known nominal return of zero. However, if there is in‡ation the
real return will be less than the nominal return and, if there is uncertainty about
future levels of in‡ation, the real return will be uncertain. The same comments
apply to any asset whose nominal return is …xed but whose real return may
vary. Fortunately, the analysis is not critically dependent upon the existence of
a safe asset and can be reworked to include two risky assets.
Introducing further risky assets leads to a number of complications. Firstly,
the extent of risk taking cannot be as easily measured as in the one safe-one
risky economy where the degree of risk taking is given by the proportion of
income invested in the risky asset. Secondly, basic comparative statics results
on the relation of the investment in the risky asset to wealth (with decreasing
absolute risk aversion and increasing relative risk aversion the amount invested
increases with wealth whilst the proportion falls, see Arrow (1965)) no longer
apply except in rather special cases, some of which are noted in Cass and Stiglitz
(1972). As shown by Hart (1975b) with more than one risky asset (plus one
safe) it is generally possible to construct the returns to the risky assets in such
a way that converse comparative statics results can be derived.
Despite these di¢culties, Sandmo (1977) demonstrates that some results still
apply. Consider a household faced with the choice between n risky assets and
a safe asset that pays return r. Let the return on risky asset k, k = 1; :::; n, be
given by »k and the amount that asset purchased be denoted ak so that …nal
wealth is
Y = - [1 + r [1 ¡ tm ]] + ak [»k ¡ r] [1 ¡ tm ] : (7.41)
The e¤ect of changes in the tax rate upon the demand for asset k is then given
@a k -r @ak ak
=¡ + ; k = 1; :::; n: (7.42)
@tm 1 + r [1 ¡ tm ] @- 1 ¡ tm
This result has precisely the form of (7.37).
where t is the tax rate and I is lump-sum income. Assuming an interior solution,
the necessary condition for maximisation is
E [U0 + U 1 [1 ¡ t] w] = 0: (7.44)
dx0 E [U01 + U 11 [1 ¡ t] w]
=¡ ; (7.45)
dI S
where U (¢) is the concave utility of income function common to all households, y
is the quantity of labour employed and R (y; ») is the revenue from entrepreneur-
ial activity when value » of the random variable is realised. It is the dependence
(ii) E [U (R (y (w)
b ; ») ¡ wy
b (w))]
b = U (w)
b :
Condition (i) is the full employment condition that balances the labour demand
from entrepreneurs with the labour supply of those choosing the risk-free occu-
pation. The second condition equates the expected return from the occupations
so that here is no incentive at equilibrium to change occupation.
One course of action open to a government faced with this economy is the
di¤erential treatment of income from the risky and the safe activity. If such
di¤erentiation is feasible, it is natural to investigate which of the two forms of
income should carry the lowest rate of tax. To formalise this, let income from
entrepreneurship be taxed at rate t and that from risk-free labour supply be
subsidised at rate s. Post-tax incomes in the two occupations are then given by
Mne = [1 ¡ t] [R (y (w)
b ; ») ¡ wy b = [1 ¡ t] M e ;
b (w)] (7.49)
Mns = [1 + s] w
b = [1 + s] M s; (7.50)
in entrepreneurship and safe labour supply respectively. The analysis now de-
termines the direction that a balanced budget reform of the tax system should
take beginning in an initial position with t = s = 0. Assuming a utilitarian
social welfare function, the level of per-capita welfare is
W = ½E [U ([1 ¡ t] [R (y (w)
b ; ») ¡ wy
b (w)])]+[1
b ¡ ½] U ([1 + s] w)
b = U ([1 + s] w)
b ;
since, in equilibrium, E [U ([1 ¡ t] [R (y ( w)
b ; ») ¡ wy
b (w)])]
b b In
= U ([1 + s] w).
order that the budget remains balanced, the tax and subsidy must satisfy the
budget constraint
Hence " #
E[M e] ¸
E [M e] @ wy E [M e ]
ds = +t dt = dt; (7.53)
wy @t wy
where the second equality follows from evaluating at the initial point with t = 0.
From (7.51) the e¤ect of a balanced budget reform upon social welfare is
dW 0 dw ds
= U [1 + s] +w : (7.54)
dt dt dt
Di¤erentiating the equilibrium condition guaranteeing equivalence of utilities
and evaluating at t = s = 0 provides the relation
dw ds
[yE [U 0 ] + U 0 ] + E [M e U 0] + wU 0 = 0: (7.55)
dt dt
Combining (7.53), (7.54) and (7.55) and evaluating at t = s = 0 provides the
…nal expression
e 0 e 0
dW 0 E [M ] E [U ] ¡ E [M U ]
=U : (7.56)
dt yE [U 0 ] + U 0
The concavity of the utility function implies that marginal utility and income
are negatively correlated; hence E [M e] E [U 0 ] > E [M e U 0 ]. Using this inequality
shows that (7.56) is positive. From this it can be concluded that starting from
the initial position with zero taxes the government can raise welfare by taxing
the risky occupation whilst subsidising the safe occupation. Furthermore, as
shown by Kanbur (1980), with non-increasing absolute risk aversion and non-
decreasing relative risk aversion such a tax reform will reduce the proportion of
the population that chooses the risky occupation. The analysis provides a clear
prediction that, given the use of di¤erentiated income taxes as available policy
tools, the government should attempt to reduce entry into the risky occupation.
A similar analysis can be conducted to characterise the structure of a linear
income tax that is common to earnings from both occupations. Denoting the
parameters of the income tax by ¿ and t, post-tax income is given by
M ni = [1 ¡ t] M i ¡ ¿ ; i = e; s: (7.57)
Since the marginal rate of tax is t and the average rate + t, the tax is
progressive if ¿ < 0 and regressive if ¿ > 0. The direction of reform from an
initial position with no taxation can be found, as above, by di¤erentiating the
equilibrium conditions and the revenue constraint and evaluating at ¿ = 0; t = 1.
Noting that welfare is a monotonically increasing function of the post tax wage,
Mns, the direction of reform can be found by noting that
dM ns E [RU 0 ] ¡ E [R] E [U 0]
jt=0 = < 0; (7.58)
dt yE [U 0 ] + U 0
where the negative sign follows from observing that R and U 0 are negatively
correlated. Social welfare is therefore raised by the introduction of a progressive
linear income tax with ¿ < 0 and t > 0. This form of tax reduces the risk
carried by entrepreneurs since it raises their raises their income in the worst
state relative to that in the best state.
This analysis of occupational choice is applied to the taxation of pro…t in
Peck (1989) and is extended to include heterogeneous households in the analysis
of optimal linear income taxation in Boadway et al. (1991).
x 1 = [1 ¡ t] wx0 ¡ ¿ + I; (7.59)
R = tE [wx 0] ¡ ¿ : (7.60)
Assuming that the population is su¢ciently large and employing the fact that
the identical households all choose the same level of labour supply, over the
entire population (7.60) is equivalent to
where x0 = x0 (t; ¿ ) = x 0 (t; twx0 ¡ R). The …rst-order necessary condition for
(7.62) follows from di¤erentiation as
¸ ¸
@x0 @x0
E [U0 + U1 [[1 ¡ t] w + tw]] + wx0 + U1 [wx 0 ¡ wx0 ] = 0: (7.63)
@t @I
Evaluating at t = 0 gives
since dU
dw = U11 x 0 < 0. Therefore t = 0 is not optimal. When t ¸ 1, x 0 = 0
where the inequality follows from noting that (7.47) implies @x @x0
@t + wx0 @I is
subject to
E [c (x + ")] = x; (7.68)
U 0 (w ¡ x) ¡ E [U 0 c (x + ") c0 (x + ")] = 0: (7.69)
The constraint (7.68) restricts the tax system to break even in expected terms
and (7.69) is the …rst-order condition for optimal savings choice by each of the
In the case of a linear consumption function with gradient ° and intercept
¡, (7.68) can be solved to write ¡ = [1 ¡ °] x and (7.69) used to write x = x (°).
Together these allow the objective function, (7.67), to be written entirely in
terms of ° as
Setting the derivative of (7.70) equal to zero and employing (7.69) the gradient
of the consumption function can be characterised implicitly by
U 0 (w ¡ x (°)) x 0 (°)
°= : (7.71)
U 0 (w ¡ x (°)) x 0 (°) ¡ E [U 0 (x (°) + °") "]
Since an increase in " reduces U 0 (x (°) + °"), E [U 0 (x (°) + °") "] < 0. From
(7.71) it is then clear that ° lies between 0 and 1. The reason for this …nding
is once again the social insurance role of the income tax. The numerical calcu-
lations presented in Varian (1980) also show that as the degree of risk-aversion
rises so does the level of the marginal rate of tax, an observation which reinforces
the insurance interpretation of the tax system.
In the case of a general nonlinear consumption function, Varian establishes
that the marginal rate of tax must be less than 1, as in the standard income tax
analysis, but that the marginal rate of tax may be non-zero on the household
with the highest value of x + ". The latter result follows from the absence of
the disincentive e¤ect in this framework; high second period income is due to
luck rather than e¤ort.
Diamond, Helms and Mirrlees (1980) also consider an economy where in-
dividuals have a two-period horizon but introduce uncertainty by making the
introducing the possibility that a given individual will be unable to work in the
second period of their life (for instance through ill health). Since the govern-
ment cannot distinguish between those who are unable to work in the second
period and those who choose not to work, there is an additional moral hazard
problem in the creation of social insurance to cover the risk in the second pe-
riod. Numerical simulations for economies based on Cobb-Douglas preferences
show that linear taxation, although having some e¤ect, is of limited value in
providing social insurance.
The analyses of optimal income taxation descried above have fo cused on the
role of income taxation in providing social insurance in economies with uncer-
tainty. The same conclusion arises from each despite the somewhat di¤erent
formulations of the source of uncertainty: the social insurance value of income
taxation outweighs its disincentive e¤ects. Therefore, even when no revenue is
to be raised, social welfare can be increased by the introduction of an optimal
linear income tax. Even when revenue is to be raised, the linear income tax is
preferred to a uniform lump-sum tax for a population of identical households.
xs = - + [1 ¡ tr ] r [- ¡ a] + [1 ¡ t» ] »s a (7.72)
where »s is the return to the risky asset in state s and tr ; t» are the tax rates
on the income from the safe and risky asset respectively. The tax rates are
The optimal tax rates are found by maximising (7.74) subject to (7.73).
To characterise the tax rates, …rst note from (7.73) that if expected revenue
is to remain constant, tr and t» are related by
dtr aE [» ] + [t» E [»] ¡ tr r] @ t»
=¡ : (7.75)
dt» r [- ¡ a]
E [U 0 ] [1 ¡ tr ] r
E [U 0» ] = ¡ ; (7.77)
[1 ¡ t» ]
t» E [»] ¡ tr r 1
= ; (7.78)
[1 ¡ t» ] E [»] ¡ [1 ¡ tr ] r b
7.7 Conclusions
In a competitive economy with complete markets, the presence of uncertainty
does not destroy the Pareto optimality of the equilibrium and suitably in-
terpreted versions of the Two Theorems still apply. Indeed, e¢ciency is still
achieved even if for each state there is only a single asset that has a positive
return in that state. Despite these results there may still be a role for the public
sector in an economy with complete markets if the public sector is able to bear
risk more e¢ciently than the private sector. Whether the public sector should
discount for risk at a lower rate than the private sector has been the subject of
some dispute and alternative perspectives on this issue were presented in Sec-
tion 3. In brief, the treatment of risk by the public sector is dependent upon
the form of the risk that is involved, in the terminology used above whether it
is inside or outside the private sector.
The e¤ects of income and wealth taxation upon portfolio choice were con-
sidered and can be viewed as an example of how taxation a¤ects risk taking.
They also illustrated the manner in which the use of taxation turns the govern-
ment into a partner in a household’s risk-taking activities. This also emphasised
the distinction between private and social risk taking, with social risk entering
through the variability of government revenue. Similar e¤ects were also noted
in the treatment of taxation and labour supply with an uncertain wage and in
the study of occupational choice.
The design of optimal taxes involves issues that do not arise in an economy
with certainty, in particular the speci…cation of the government budget con-
straint and the range of policy tools. Furthermore, in addition to the revenue-
raising and redistributional roles of taxation, there is now the possibility that
taxation can also provide social insurance by transferring from those who are
bene…ting from high random returns to those who are su¤ering low returns. This
e¤ect is su¢ciently strong that a distortionary income tax can raise welfare in
an economy of individuals who are identical except for random components in
their wealth. More interestingly, the optimal linear income tax is preferable to
a uniform lump-sum tax.
Chapter 8
Corporate Taxation
8.1 Introduction
The corporation is treated as a separate entity for tax purposes in all developed
countries. It has been subject to numerous tax instruments with a variety of dif-
ferent motivations. The transfers between the corporation and its stockholders
result in the behaviour of the corporation also being in‡uenced by the structure
of the personal tax system, most notably through the favourable tax treatment
of capital gains. The intention of this chapter is to describe the relevant tax
instruments and to determine their e¤ects. This will give an insight into the
many issues that arise in the analysis of corporate taxation.
This chapter is distinguished from those that proceed it by its focus upon the
e¤ects of taxation rather than upon optimisation exercises. There are several
reasons for this. Input taxes have often been employed in many countries and
the e¤ects of such taxes are important because of this, but it has already been
shown that they would not form part of an optimal tax system for a competi-
tive economy. Therefore there is no need for a further study of optimisation. In
simple settings where shareholders exercise direct control, the corporation can-
not be identi…ed as a entity distinct from its owners. A coherent tax structure
would then involve a comprehensive income tax on owners, covering all sources
of earnings, with no need for separate taxation of the corporation. Although
the e¤ects of corporation taxation are still of interest in such a framework since
they suggest issues that may arise in more complex settings, optimisation is
again of limited interest. When the setting becomes more complex, and the
existence of managers leads to a separation between ownership and control, the
task of clarifying the e¤ects of taxation is di¢cult enough, without considering
The next section will discuss the various taxes to which the corporation
has been subject and will consider the rationale for treating the corporation
as a distinct taxable entity. The incidence of a range of taxes will then be
considered in a two-sector general equilibrium economy. This form of economy
was popular in the 1970s following the work of Harberger (1962) and stills
remains instructive. The incidence results will be derived in the simplest setting
but a number of extensions will also be described. As a tool for studying taxation
of the corporation, the two-sector economy is restricted by its static nature and
its lack of integration with the personal tax system. These features prevent the
study of dividends and bonds and the consequences of preferential tax treatment
of some sources of income. Adopting an intertemporal framework, Section 4 will
consider the e¤ect of taxation upon the policy of the corporation under both
certainty and uncertainty.
The Value Added Tax (VAT) levied by the European Union is essentially a
tax on the output of the …rm. The tax is based on the value added in production.
Alternative taxes on output include production and turnover taxes. In contrast
to the VAT, these are based on the gross output of the …rm rather than its net
where ¿ c is the rate of pro…t taxation, p is the product price, r the rental rate on
capital, L the labour employed and K the level of capital. It is clear from (8.1)
that, provided the tax rate is not greater than 100%, the …rm’s optimal choice of
inputs will be una¤ected by the imposition of the tax. In this circumstance, the
pro…t tax will not cause any substitution e¤ects in the pattern of input use by
the …rm. This should not be taken as a claim that the tax is completely without
distortion. Since the …rm’s net of tax pro…t is reduced by the tax, its return
to its owners will fall and this may cause substitution in the asset holdings of
households and changes, for example, in their labour supply.
The results are modi…ed if payments to capital cannot be deducted before
tax. In this case the …rm seeks to maximise
or equivalently
¼ = [1 ¡ ¿ c ] [pF (K; L) ¡ wL ¡ r³K ] ; (8.3)
where ³ = 1¡¿ c
. If the tax rate is positive, the corporation tax raises the price of
capital relative to that of labour. Denoting total tax payments by ¡, assuming
constant returns to scale it follows that
pF (K; L) = wL + rK + ¡; (8.4)
which is the identity that total income must equal total disbursements. Substi-
tuting from (8.4) into (8.2) and using the zero pro…t identity gives
¼ = [1 ¡ ¿ c ] [rK + ¡] ¡ rK = 0; (8.5)
¡ = ¿ c rK: (8.6)
Given (8.6) it can be seen that with constant returns to scale and with the
non-deductibility of capital costs, the corporate pro…ts tax can be seen equally
as a tax on the value of capital use. Indeed, this is the interpretation that has
been adopted in much of the incidence literature that is discussed in section 3.
Ultimately, the e¤ect of a tax depends upon how it a¤ects the individuals
in the economy and the correctness, or otherwise, of taxing the corporation
depends upon the …nal incidence of the tax. If the tax can achieve ob jectives,
and so raise social welfare, that other taxes cannot then there is a justi…cation
for its existence. In a sense, many of the arguments noted above simply direct
attention away from the main justi…cation for introducing any form of taxation,
which is to achieve speci…ed aims. As is always the case in Second-Best theory,
although a policy instrument may have no role in the First-Best, its use may
still be justi…ed in other circumstances.
This point must be stressed since it has not always been clari…ed in some of the
literature. The extension of the analysis to …nite taxes is described in 3.2.1.
To simplify the analysis by eliminating income e¤ects, it is assumed that the
government spends the tax revenue it receives in the same way that consumers
would have done in the absence of taxes. In conjunction with the fact that taxes
are in…nitesimal, this implies that income does not need to be considered as a
determinant of demand. The demand for good 1 is further assumed to depend
only upon the ratio of consumers prices or
µ ¶
X1 = X1 : (8.7)
Since demand is determined by the price ratio, the underlying utility function
must be homothetic; see Rapanos (1991). Denoting the compensated elasticity
of demand by ", total di¤erentiation of (8.7) gives
³ ´
dX1 d q2
= " q1 : (8.8)
X1 q2
@F i @F i
dXi = dK i + dLi; (8.11)
@Ki @Li
which can be divided by Xi to read
dXi i
= fK dKi + fLi dLi; (8.12)
@K i i
fK = (8.13)
is the relative share of capital in output (or the partial elasticity of output with
respect to capital) and f Li is de…ned similarly.
Let b
ri be the price paid by users of capital in sector i and wbi be the price paid
for labour. The de…nition of the elasticity of substitution, si, between inputs
then implies ³ ´ ³ ´
Ki ri
d Li d w
= si ri
: (8.14)
Li w
The set of input taxes that are to be considered include sector-speci…c taxes
and general taxes on capital and labour. Incorporating these taxes into factor
prices and taking an approximation linearises (8.14) to
dK i dLi
¡ = si [dr + dT K1 + dT K ¡ dw ¡ dT L1 ¡ dT L ] (8.15)
Ki Li
where r is the price received by owners of capital, T K1 the sector-speci…c tax on
capital and T K the general tax on capital. The notation is interpreted similarly
for the taxes T L1 and T L on labour. Units of measurement are also chosen for
inputs so that initial prices are unity. Given this, the tax rates can be interpreted
as being either be ad valorem or speci…c since, for example, the di¤erential of
r [1 + TK1 ] equals dr + dTK1 when r = 1 and T K1 = 0 which is equal to the
derivative of r + T K1 .
The assumptions of competitive behaviour and homogeneity of the produc-
tion functions imply that factor payments are equal to revenue in both sectors.
pi Xi = w
b i Li + b
riKi ; (8.16)
which when totally di¤erentiated gives
pi dXi + Xi dpi = w
bidLi + Li dwbi + b
ridKi + Ki db
ri : (8.17)
dp i = fLi dwbi + f K
ri : (8.22)
dp i = fLi [dw + dT Li + dT L ] + fK
[dr + dT Ki + dTK ] + dT c i + dT c ; (8.23)
Theorem 39 When levied at the same rate the following equivalencies hold:
(i) T Ki and T Li to Tc i ; i = 1; 2;
(ii) T K and T L to T c ;
(iii) T c1 and T c2 to T c :
Proof. To prove (i) it is …rst noted that taxes only appear in (8.15) and
(8.23). When introduced at the same rate, dT Ki = dT Li , and the taxes cancel
from (8.15). From Euler’s theorem f Li + fK I
= 1 so that from (8.23) the increases
in dT Ki and dTL i are equivalent to an equal increase in dT c i. This establishes
that the e¤ect of raising dT Ki and dTL i is identical to that of raising dTc i :
The same argument applies to show the equivalence of T K and T L to Tc ,
where it must be noted that the change in rates a¤ects both sectors. Finally
(iii) is proved by noting that the tax changes involved only a¤ect (8.23).
The explanation lying behind (i) of Theorem 13.1 is that the pair of tax
changes T Ki and TL i together raise the price of factors equally for sector i, so
that no substitution between factors occurs. The consequent increase in costs
has the same e¤ect upon the equilibrium as a consumption tax T ci . In the case
of (ii), the pair of taxes raises the price of inputs equally in both sectors and so
is equivalent to a general consumption tax. The same general reasoning applies
to the pair of consumption taxes in (iii).
The equivalence demonstrated in Theorem 8.1 shows that only a restricted
set of taxes need be considered. To maintain the focus upon corporation tax-
ation, the taxes upon labour will now be set at zero. In addition, the general
consumption tax will not be considered. In the present context with no saving
and …xed labour supply, the general consumption tax is equivalent to an income
tax. A change in its value leads only to an income e¤ect and not a substitution
e¤ect so that it is of limited interest as a source of ine¢ciency. Due to the equiv-
alence result, it is also assumed that dT c 2 = 0. To understand the reason for the
…nal restriction, it is best to return to the original motivation for the analysis.
Harberger (1962) was concerned with the distortion that would arise through
the taxation of capital in the corporate sector while capital in the non-corporate
sector remained untaxed. Under this interpretation, only one of the two sectors
should bear a corporation tax. Correspondingly, it is assumed that sector 1 can
be treated as incorporated but sector 2 cannot. Hence the capital tax in sector
2, dT K2 ; is set at zero. Finally, the wage rate is chosen as numeraire so that
dw = 0 throughout.
Adopting these restrictions and substituting (13.23) for i = 1; 2 into (13.9)
dX1 £ 1 2
= " fK [dr + dT K1 + dT K ] + dT c1 ¡ f K dr : (8.24)
Equating (8.24) to (8.12) and rearranging
£ 2 1
¤ 1 dK1 dL1 £ 1 ¤
" fK ¡ fK dr + f K + fL1 = " fK [dTK1 + dT K ] + dT c 1 : (8.25)
K1 L1
Since the supply of factors is …xed, it follows that dK 2 = ¡dK1 and dL2 = ¡dL1 .
Employing these facts, (8.15) for i = 2 can be transformed to
K 1 dK1 L1 dL1
s2 dr + ¡ = 0; (8.26)
K2 K1 L2 L1
and for i = 1 rearrangement of (8.15) gives
dK1 dL1
¡s 1 dr + ¡ = s1 dTK1 + s 1 dT K : (8.27)
K1 L1
Taken together, (8.25), (8.26) and (8.27) provide a three-equation system deter-
mining the dependence of the endogenous variables dr, dK 1 and dL1 upon the
tax changes dT K1 , dT K and dTc 1 .
Taking the sector-speci…c capital tax …rst, it follows from the solution of the
system that
¸ ¸¸
dr 1 K1 L1 1 L1 K1
= "fK ¡ + s1 f K + f L1 A; (8.28)
dTK1 K2 L2 L2 K2
¸ ¸¸¡1
£ 2 1
¤ K1 L1 1 L1 K1
A = " fK ¡ fK ¡ ¡ s2 ¡ s1 f K + f L1 : (8.29)
K2 L2 L2 K2
To interpret (8.28) it is …rst necessary to establish that A is positive. To
see this, note that ", s1 and s 2 are negative. Now if sector 2 is relatively
2 1
capital intensive then f K > fK and KK2
< L 1
. The converse inequalities apply
if sector 1 is the most capital intensive. In either case the product of the two
terms is negative thus ensuring A is positive. The next point to note is that
since it has been assumed that dw = 0, a negative value of dr implies that
the imposition of the tax reduces the return to capital relative to that of labour
whilst a positive value indicates an increase in the relative return of capital. The
input substitution and output e¤ects of the tax can clearly be seen in (8.28).
The output e¤ect is determined by the elasticity of demand whilst the input
substitution e¤ect is dependent upon value of the elasticity of substitution.
Given these preliminaries, the next theorem follows from (8.28).
Theorem 40 (i) dTdrK can only be positive if sector 1 is more capital intensive
than sector 2;
(ii) If js1 j > j"j then dTdrK < 0;
(iii) As js2 j increases without limit, dTK1 tends to zero;
K1 K2 ¡K 1
(iv) Assume L1 = L2 . Then if js 1 j = js2 j, it follows that dr
dTK1 = K1 +K 2
¡K 1
and capital bears the full burden of the tax. If js1 j > js2 j ; then dr
dTK1 > K1 +K 2
¡K 1
and if js1 j < js2 j ; then dr
dTK1< K 1+K 2 ;
(v) If js1 j = js2 j = 0, then the incidence of the tax depends only on factor
h i
Proof. (i) In (13.28), only the term "f K 1
¡L 1
can be positive. Hence
for dTdrK > 0 it is necessary that K K2
¡L 1
< 0, which is the condition that sector
1 is more labour intensive.
1 L1 1 L1 dr
(ii) If js1 j > j"j then s1 f K L2 ¡ "f K L 2 < 0 so dTK1 < 0.
(iii) This follows from observing that s 2 only appears in the denominator of
(8.28) so, all else equal, an increase in s2 reduces the absolute value of dTdrK .
(iv) The expressions are obvious after substitution. Their interpretation
follows from noting that the total tax burden is K1 dT K1 so if the price of capital
net of tax falls by dr = ¡ K1K+K 1
dT K1 , then capital has borne the entire tax.
(v) From substitution.
It is the calculations of (iv) of Theorem 8.2 that describe the means of cal-
culating the economic incidence of the tax. Since a value of dr = ¡ K1K+K 1
dT K1
implies that capital bears the entire burden of the tax, incidence can be deter-
mined by contrasting this with the value of dTdrK given by (8.28). If the value in
(8.28) is higher then labour is also carrying some of the burden of the tax. What
(iv) achieves is to provide the answer to the incidence question under a speci…c
set of assumptions. Following the same line of enquiry, Harberger substituted
into (8.28) employing values from empirical studies in the US and reached the
conclusion that capital generally bears the entire tax burden. The value of this
conclusion is naturally restricted by the assumptions made about the economy
in which it is derived. Much of the work following Harberger was concerned
with testing the result under alternative assumptions. Some of this work will
be described in Section 3.2.
Returning to the analysis of the present economy, it can easily be calculated
that the introduction of the capital tax in sector 1 reduces employment of capital
in that sector. The e¤ect upon labour use in sector 1 is given by
¸ ¸
dL1 1 1 K1 £ 2 ¤ K1
= L1 s 1 s2 fK ¡ "f K s2 + s 1 ¡ s1 " f K ¡ f L1 A: (8.30)
dT K1 K2 K2
In general, the change in labour use cannot be signed because of the con‡icting
input substitution and output e¤ects but (8.30) permits the e¤ect of various
sets of restrictions on the elasticity of demand and elasticity of substitution
to be tested. As an example, when the elasticity of demand is zero, labour
so that whenever the elasticity of demand is non-zero the change in the price of
capital depends entirely upon the relative capital intensity of sector 1.
These results are intended to be indicative of what can be achieved in the
context of the two-sector Harberger economy. Although only a limited number of
taxes have been considered here, the same methods can determine the incidence
e¤ect of a broad range of tax instruments. However, the assumptions of the
economy are rather restrictive and more is to be gained by relaxing these than
by extending the set of taxes.
8.3.2 Extensions
Since the publication of Harberger (1962), many extensions of the analysis have
been completed. Included among these are studies that have simply addressed
the same issues but under alternative assumptions and others that have applied
the analysis, often under very similar assumptions, to di¤erent issues. A survey
of the latter, which will not be covered here, can be found in McLure (1975).
In addition, Jones (1965, 1971) and McLure (1974) have developed alternative
analytical techniques for studying the Harberger economy. The extensions that
are now discussed are those that modify the structure of the Harberger economy
in order to relax the restrictiveness of its assumptions.
Income e¤ects
The discussion of the demand function (8.7) described how income e¤ects were
eliminated by the assumptions that in…nitesimal taxes were introduced from an
initial position with no taxation and that the government spent the tax revenue
in the same way as consumers. This assumption has been relaxed in two ways.
Mieszkowski (1967) considered demand to be derived from two distinct groups of
consumers whilst Ballentine and Eris (1975) retain the Harberger speci…cation
but incorporate income e¤ects for non-in…nitesimal tax changes.
The consumers in Mieszkowski (1967) are comprised of workers, who earn
income from the supply of labour, and capitalists, who receive the return from
capital. In such a framework, a number of anomalies may arise when compared
to the standard Harberger analysis. For instance, when these two groups have
very divergent spending propensities and the elasticities of substitution in pro-
duction are small, a tax on capital in the capital intensive sector may increase
demand for that sector’s commodity and increase the price of capital relative
to labour. Since the same general principals are involved, this analysis also
suggests the possibilities that would arise if the government did not spend its
revenue in the same way as consumers.
r[ 1+tKi ]K i K1
where £ Ki = q iXi , A= K2 ¡L K1 L1
L2 , B = £L1 K 2 + £K 1 L2 , £L1 =
1 wL1
q1X 1 and
C= 1+tK1 .
The value of (8.34) is that it permits the incorporation of …nite taxes into
the analysis. For zero initial taxes, it reduces to (8.28). It follows from (8.34)
that when sector 1 is capital intensive, capital will bear more of the burden of
any …nite tax than labour (i.e. dr < 0). This extends (i) of Theorem 8.2 to
…nite initial taxes. Similarly (iii) and (v) of Theorem 8.2 extend to …nite taxes
but (ii) and (iv) do not. In addition, (8.34) shows that if s1 = s2 = ¡1 and
the elasticity of substitution in consumption, ¾ , also equals - 1, then the fall in
payment to capital due to the tax exactly equals government revenue. To see
this, note that the homotheticity of demand implies
q1 X1
mq1 = ; (8.35)
q1 X1 + q2 X2
q2 X2
"= : (8.36)
[q1 X1 + q2 X2 ] ¾
With these restrictions, (8.34) reduces to
dr 1 + tK1 K1
=¡ ; (8.37)
r dtK1 K
dr dr 1 + tK1 r rK
K= =¡ : (8.38)
dtK1 r dtK1 1 + tK1 1 + tK1
The e¤ect of the tax change upon government revenue, R = rtK1 K1 , is
dR dr dK
= rK1 + tK1 K1 + t K 1r (8.39)
dtK1 dtK1 dtK1
dr 1 + tK1 rtK1 K s2 L1 s1 rtK1 K L 1s 1
= rK1 + 1¡ ¡ ¡ (8.40)
r dtK1 1 + tK1 A L2 A 1 + tK1 L2 A
Substituting into (8.39) using (8.37) and the restriction that s1 = s2 = 1 gives
dR rK
=¡ ; (8.41)
dtK1 1 + tK1
thus demonstrating that the fall in income to capital is equal to government
Imperfect competition
Monopoly was …rst intro duced into the analysis by Harberger in the original 1962
article. This was achieved by including a mark-up, representing the presence
of some monopoly element, in the pricing equation for sector 1. Doing this for
i = 1, (8.23) becomes
£ ¤
dqi = f Li [dw + dTL i + dTL ] + f K
[dr + dT Ki + dT K ] + dT ci + dT c [1 + ¹] ;
where ¹ is the monopoly mark-up. Although this is a straightforward method of
incorporating imperfect competition, it is not entirely persuasive since it omits
the optimisation of …rms in the determination of the mark-up. In addition,
it also changes the nature of the sector-speci…c tax on capital. It was argued
in Section 2 that this could be viewed as a corporation tax in a competitive
economy with constant returns to scale. The introduction of a mark-up in the
pricing equation now implies the existence of pure pro…ts which, in turn, prevent
this interpretation of the sector-speci…c capital tax.
With the monopoly mark-up included, the e¤ect of the capital tax upon the
return to capital is given by
¸ ¸¸
dr 1 K1 L1 1 L1 1 K1 b
= "f K [1 + ¹] ¡ + s1 f K + fL A; (8.43)
dT K1 K2 L2 L2 K2
¸ ¸¸¡ 1
£ 2 ¤ K1 L1 1 L1 K1
b = " fK
A 1
¡ fK [1 + ¹] ¡ ¡ s 2 ¡ s1 f K + f L1 (8.44)
K2 L2 L2 K2
Comparison of (8.42) - (8.43) with (8.28) - (8.29) shows that the inclusion of
the monopoly mark-up does not a¤ect in any fundamental way the content of
Theorem 8.2.
An alternative formulation of imperfect competition is given in Atkinson
and Stiglitz (1980) but this is based on a particular speci…cation of monopolis-
tic competition with a precise functional form for utility. Although instructive,
it is not able to address the full range of issues associated with imperfect com-
petition. A more general presentation of monopolistic competition is given and
Anderson and Ballentine (1976). They conclude that the existence of imperfect
competition does not much alter the incidence of taxation, concurring with the
…ndings of Harberger (1962), and that compared to the competitive case, im-
perfect competition ampli…es the welfare loss caused by the introduction of a
distortionary taxation.
Intermediate goods
The main e¤ect of the introduction of intermediate goods into the Harberger
economy is to increase the possibilities for substitution between inputs. Unless
the technology is Leontief with …xed input coe¢cients, these substitution pos-
sibilities modify the conclusions on tax incidence. In a series of papers, Bhatia
(1981, 1982a, 1982b, 1986) has addressed these issues.
In an economy where there is a single intermediate good which is not used
for …nal consumption, Bhatia (1981) shows that (i), (iii) and (v) of Theorem
8.2 still apply to the extended economy but the (ii) cannot be proved in the
presence of intermediate goods. In addition to this, it is also proved that when
factor proportions in the …nal goods industries are the same, an increase in
the sector-speci…c capital tax will burden capital relatively more than labour
so long as capital and labour, and capital and the intermediate good, are not
complementary to each other in the taxed sector. Bhatia (1982b) considers
the contrast between a corporation tax and a VAT. It is shown that neither of
these tax instruments a¤ects relative prices if input coe¢cients are …xed and
the elasticity of demand is zero. When input coe¢cients are variable, only a
VAT applied at an equal rate to all industries is neutral.
…xed commitment to pay interest and, eventually, to redeem the bonds. A pro…t-
maximising …rm will naturally wish to choose the mix of these three instruments
that …nance the investment at minimum cost. Furthermore, the extent of future
investment will in turn be determined by the cost of …nance, usually referred to
as the cost of capital. The focus is therefore upon how the tax system in‡uences
the means of …nance and the cost of capital.
Most of the issues involved can be treated adequately under the assumption
of certainty with all agents in the economy fully informed of the future prospects
of the …rm. However, the assumption of certainty does imply some restrictions.
With certainty, there can be no possibility of any …rm becoming bankrupt since
such a …rm would simply not operate. In contrast, in an economy with uncer-
tainty there may be some states of nature in which a …rm is unable to meet its
obligations, essentially the contratual payments to bondholders, and therefore
has to go into bankruptcy. The consequences of this will be discussed further
below. A second issue that arises in the presence of uncertainty is that of the
objective of the …rm. In an economy with certainty, there will be unanimous
agreement of the shareholders that the …rm should maximise its pro…ts. This
need not be the case with uncertainty if there are incomplete markets. Gener-
ally, the problem facing the …rm is that of aggregating the diverse preferences of
its shareholders into a single objective. One possible resolution of this problem
has already been noted in Section 3 of Chapter 7. The issues that arise with
uncertainty have not been fully resolved and this limits what can be said about
the e¤ects of taxation.
The following section will discuss the essential aspects of the tax system that
will be analysed. The di¤erential tax treatment of di¤erent forms of transfer
from the corporate to the private sector imply that the analysis must involve
an integrated treatment of both corporate and personal taxation. The e¤ects of
taxation are then derived under the assumption of certainty with an emphasis
upon the …nancial decisions of the …rm. Uncertainty will then be introduced
and the Modigliani-Miller theorem proved. Some further aspects of taxation
will then be discussed.
of this tax system with respect to corporate …nance follow from the distortions
introduced by the di¤erential tax treatment of dividends and interest payments.
In what follows, the rate of corporation tax will be denoted ¿ c , dividends are
taxed at the personal rate ¿ p and capital gains at the rate ¿ g . To re‡ect the
reality of tax codes, it is assumed that ¿ g < ¿ p .
One of the perceived di¢culties of the classical system is the double taxation
of dividends: they are taxed once as corporate pro…t and then again as personal
income. The imputation system represents an attempt to avoid this double
taxation by integrating the corporate and personal tax systems. It does this by
giving each shareholder a credit for the tax paid by the company on the pro…t
out of which dividends are paid. In essence, any pro…ts distributed as dividends
are deemed to have already been subject to personal tax at what is known as the
rate of imputation. The shareholder receiving the dividend is then only liable
for the di¤erence between the rate of imputation and their personal tax rate. In
the UK the rate of imputation is equal to the standard rate of tax. A further
alternative system that has been employed in the UK and in West Germany
and Japan is the two-rate system. Under this system di¤erent tax rates apply
to distributed and undistributed pro…ts with the latter being taxed at a higher
rate. This is designed to partly o¤set the double taxation of dividends inherent
in the classical system. King (1977) provides further discussion of alternative
systems of corporation tax.
is able to provide, via the investment pro ject, units of good 2 more cheaply
than the consumer can purchase them on the market. E¤ectively, undertaking
the investment expands the budget set of the …rm’s owner. Furthermore, since
the household will be maximising utility subject to the intertemporal budget
constraint, the rate of interest will also be equal to the household’s personal
rate of time preference.
In this context, the interest rate is termed the cost of capital and plays a
key role in determining the choice of investment projects. The conclusion of
the example illustrates a general truth about the investment decision: the …rm
should undertake any investment that gives a rate of return of at least the
rate of interest. In addition, the …rm should continue making investments until
the marginal investment just achieves the rate of interest. These observations
underline the role played by the cost of capital and are now applied to the
analysis of corporate and personal taxation. Further discussion of the cost of
capital from this perspective can be found in Auerbach (1983) who also considers
the e¤ect of imperfections in capital markets.
No personal taxes
The problem of …rm …nancial policy and investment strategy in the presence
of a corporation tax is …rst approached in the absence of personal taxes. The
analysis assumes that the …rm can …nance future investment through either
issuing new equity, by issuing bonds or through the use of retained earnings.
The timing of transactions is as follows. At the beginning of each period the
…rm distributes dividends to the shareholders of the previous period, it pays
interest on its debt and repays the principal (the bonds issued by the …rm are
assumed to have a term of 1 period) and sells new shares ex-dividend. Interest
payments are tax deductible for the …rm. The actions of the …rm in period t
are chosen so as to maximise the wealth of those who hold shares in the …rm at
the beginning of period t. The construction that follows determines the level of
wealth and its dependency upon the structure of the tax system.
At the beginning of period t the …rm chooses an investment policy, a debt
policy and an equity policy. Together these determine its dividend policy. An
investment policy is characterised by the set of cash ‡ows that arise as a result
of the investment rather than by looking directly at the investment itself. Such
an investment policy is denoted by a vector z = (zt; z t+1 ; zt+2 ; :::) where zt is the
…rm’s cash ‡ow at the beginning of period t net of corporation tax. Since bonds
have a term of 1 period, a bond policy, B = (Bt; Bt+1 ; Bt+ 2 ; :::), describes both
the number of bonds that will be issued in each period and the¡ total stock of debt¢
of the …rm in that period. An equity policy is denoted V n = V tn ; V t+1 n n
; V t+2 ; :::
with each V t being the value of new equity sold at the start of t. It follows that
these policies imply the dividend policy through the identity
Dt = zt+1 + Bt+1 + V t+1 ¡ [1 + it [1 ¡ ¿ c ]] Bt ; (8.45)
After the payments of dividends in period t, the value of the …rm’s equity
is denoted V to . Following the sale of new equity the value of the total sto ck of
equity is
V t = V to + V tn : (8.46)
In period s ¸ t, some of the dividends paid will go to equity issued before the
beginning of t whilst the remainder will be received by holders of equity issued
from t onwards. The proportion of equity in period s that is in existence before
the beginning of t is
£ ¤
¹st = [1 ¡ ´ t] 1 ¡ ´ t+1 ::: [1 ¡ ´ s] ; (8.47)
with ´ t = Vtt . In an e¢cient market, the value of the …rm will equal the
discounted value of future dividends. Hence, letting ½t be the discount rate
applied by equity holders, the value of the equity at the beginning of t is
" s #
X Y ¡1
Vt = [1 + ½u ] ¹stDs : (8.48)
s= t u=t
1 ¡ ´t £ ¤
V to = o
Dt + Vt+ 1 ; (8.49)
1 + ½t
The …rm aims to maximise the wealth of existing shareholders and this
wealth is given by
W to = V to + Dt¡ 1 ; (8.52)
The …rm therefore acts to maximise the sum of security market value (equity
plus bonds) plus current cash ‡ow. From (8.50)
Vt = [V t+1 + At ] ; (8.55)
1 + ½t
where At = Dt ¡ V t+1
n , which on solving for V gives
" s #
X Y ¡1
Vt = [1 + ½u ] As : (8.56)
s=t u= t
The result in (8.55) shows that the value of the …rm is independent of the
level of dividends and new equity issues. From the de…nition of At it can be seen
that a one unit increase in dividends …nanced by a unit increase in the value of
new equity has no e¤ect on the value of the …rm, nor has an equal reduction in
both. In particular, the …rm has no reason to sell new equity in order to pay
increased dividends.
Assuming that no new equity is issued, so V t+1
n = 0; rearranging (8.54) and
Vt+ 1 + Bt+1 + zt
B t + Vt = ; (8.59)
1 + b ti t [1 ¡ ¿ c ] + [1 ¡ bt ] ½t
where b t = BtB+tVt is the leverage of the …rm. Combining (8.58) with (8.53)
relates the level of shareholder wealth in two consecutive periods by
cto = zt + [1 + rt ]¡ 1 c
W o
Wt+1 ; (8.60)
From (8.60) it can be seen that the wealth of shareholders is equal to the present
value of future after tax cash ‡ows discounted using the cost of capital derived
above and it is this that the …rm’s policy should be chosen to maximise.
In considering the choice between bond …nanced investment and investment
via the sale of new equity, it should be noted that both these policies keep the
stream of cash ‡ows constant. Their only e¤ect is felt through the change in the
cost of capital and the …rm should choose b t to minimise rt . Assuming that the
…rm takes ½t and it as parametric, when the rates of return on bond and equity
di¤er there is no general presumption about the nature of the choice and the
outcome is dependent upon the corporation tax rate. However, in the central
case in which the rates of return are equal, bond …nancing is always preferred.
This reasoning is summarised as Theorem 8.3
Proof. All these results follow from di¤erentiating the de…nition of rt . Doing
this gives
= i t [1 ¡ ¿ c ] ¡ ½t: (8.62)
@b t
When this is non-zero a corner solutions follows. If it is zero, indi¤erence arises.
The results in Theorem 8.3 encompass several of the most well known …nd-
ings in the study of corporation taxation and its e¤ects upon …nancing. The
conclusion that the …rm is indi¤erent about its …nancial policy in the absence
of taxation is the Modigliani-Miller theorem applied to the case of certainty. It
will be shown in Section 4.3 how this can be extended to the case of uncertainty.
The superiority of bond …nancing over equity …nancing when the discount rates
are equal is usually attributed to Stiglitz (1973). As the theorem shows, this
preference for bond …nancing is entirely due to the preferential treatment of
bonds under the corporation tax.
The analysis developed above can be easily modi…ed to incorporate the provi-
sions of the personal tax system provided that it is assumed that capital gains
are taxed on accrual in each period. This is counter to the usual practice under
which capital gains are taxed upon realisation but is a necessary assumption
since analysing taxation upon realisation would require a comprehensive study
of household choice over time in order to link taxation with timing of asset
sales. Undertaking this would remove the transparency of the analysis. What
the analysis will capture are the consequences of the basic fact that capital gains
are typically taxed at a lower rate than other sources of income.
When dividend income and capital gains are taxed, the net dividend received
by the shareholders is
£ o ¤
¢t = [1 ¡ ¿ p ] Dt ¡ ¿ g Vt+ 1 ¡ Vt ; (8.63)
The wealth of shareholders is still given by (8.51) but after substitution can
be written as
c o = [1 ¡ ¿ g ] V t + [1 ¡ ¿ p ] [Bt + zt ] ¡ [¿ p ¡ ¿ g ] V n :
W (8.67)
t t
Substituting for ¢t and V t+1 in (8.64) and simplifying gives
¸ ¸
1 + ½t ¡ ¿ g 1 ¡¿p n
Vt = Dt ¡ V t+1 + Vt+ 1: (8.68)
1¡¿g 1 ¡¿g
Employing the de…nition of At and solving gives the value of the …rm as
" s #
X1 X 1 + ½ ¡ ¿ g ¸¡1 1 ¡ ¿p
¿p ¡ ¿ g
¸ ¸
u n
Vt = At ¡ Vt+ 1 : (8.69)
s=t u=t
1 ¡ ¿g 1 ¡ ¿g 1 ¡ ¿g
The value given in (8.68) implies the following theorem which can be found in
Pye (1972) and King (1974).
in the UK requires a court order whilst in the US the Internal Revenue Code
prohibits …rms from repurchasing shares in lieu of distribution dividends.
As a consequence of Theorem 8.4 it becomes reasonable to assume that the
…rm will not issue new equity. Hence Vtn will now be taken as zero for all t.
Following the derivation in (8.56) to (8.60), the wealth of the shareholders is
given by " " s¡1 # #
c o
Wt = [1 ¡ ¿ p ] z t + [1 + ru] ¡1
zs ; (8.70)
s=t+1 u =t
b ti t [1 ¡ ¿ c ] [1 ¡ ¿ p ] + [1 ¡ bt ] ½t
rt = : (8.71)
[1 ¡ ¿ g ] ¡ [¿ p ¡ ¿ g ] b t
The …nancial policy of the …rm can be inferred from (8.70) through the …rm
attempting to minimise the cost of capital. To do this, note that after tax a
bondholder receives [1 ¡ ¿ p ] it from each bond held. If households are to hold
both debt and equity simultaneously then their post-tax returns must be equal
so it follows that [1 ¡ ¿ p ] i t = ½t where ½t is the return on equity de…ned in
(8.64). This observation provides the basis for Theorem 8.5
drt [1 ¡ ¿ p ] [it [1 ¡ ¿ c ] [1 ¡ ¿ g ] ¡ ½t ]
= 2 ; (8.72)
dbt [[1 ¡ ¿ g ] ¡ [¿ p ¡ ¿ g ] b t]
so the …rm will choose only debt if it [1 ¡ ¿ c ] [1 ¡ ¿ g ] < ½t and only equity if the
inequality is reversed.
Now suppose that [1 ¡ ¿ p ] it = ½t so both debt and equity are held. If
[1 ¡ ¿ c ] [1 ¡ ¿ g ] > [1 ¡ ¿ p ] then it follows that it [1 ¡ ¿ c ] [1 ¡ ¿ g ] > ½t and the
…rm would switch to an equity-only policy. Conversely, if [1 ¡ ¿ c ] [1 ¡ ¿ g ] <
[1 ¡ ¿ p ] then it [1 ¡ ¿ c ] [1 ¡ ¿ g ] < ½t and the …rm will issue only debt.
The signi…cant content of Theorem 8.5 is its demonstration that the …nancial
policy of the …rm is determined solely by the structure of the corporate and
personal tax systems. As in Theorem 8.3, higher values of the corporate tax
work in the direction of favouring debt …nance as do increases in capital gains
tax. Conversely, an increase in the personal tax rate favours equity …nance. It is
also important to notice that the theorem predicts that a …rm will never use both
equity and debt …nancing except in the special case that i t [1 ¡ ¿ c ] [1 ¡ ¿ g ] = ½t .
The analysis of the …rm under certainty has made a number of strong predic-
tions concerning the e¤ect of the tax system upon the …nancing of the …rm.
8.3.6 Uncertainty
The analysis above has been restricted by the assumption that all actions by
the …rm lead to known future outcomes. Although a valuable assumption for
generating insights into …nancial policy, it is a poor re‡ection of reality especially
where long-term investments are considered. Uncertainty is now introduced
but it must be noted at the outset that the resulting analysis cannot be as
comprehensive as that conducted under certainty. Much of the reason for this
follows from the need to include the di¤ering risk characteristics of equity and
bonds in the portfolio choice problem of consumers. If the …rm does not become
bankrupt, bonds always pay a known return whereas the return to equity, in
both dividend and capital gain, will be dependent upon the state of nature. In
addition, if a …rm becomes bankrupt the equity of that …rm will be worthless
whereas bondholders will receive a share in the remaining value of the …rm.
The Modigliani-Miller theorem has already entered the earlier discussion and
this section begins with a formal demonstration of the theorem for the case of
uncertainty. This will provide a su¢cient set of assumptions under which the
value of the …rm is independent of the choice of …nancial policy. Following this,
the e¤ects of introducing taxation upon …nancial policy are discussed.
to be the value outstanding at the beginning of the period. From these de…ni-
tions it follows that V je (t) ¡ V jo (t) is the value of the change in the number of
shares and V jo (t ¡ 1) ¡ V je (t) is the capital gain or loss between periods. Since
there are no taxes, the gross pro…ts of the …rm must be either held as retained
earnings or distributed as dividends or used to redeem bonds. Thus
Dj (t) = ¼ j (t) ¡ Ij (t) + Wje (t) ¡ W jo (t) : (8.79)
Turning now to the household side of the economy, let w (t) be the wealth
of h at beginning of t, w h e (t) be wealth at end of t, º hej (t) be ownership of h
in j at the end of t and B h (t; ¿ ) be their ownership of bonds with maturity ¿ .
The assumption that there is no bankruptcy makes all …rms’ bonds identical so
they must have the same pricing structure. The wealth of h is therefore given
X m 1
w he (t) = º he
j (t) + p (t; ¿ ) Bh (t; ¿ ) ; (8.80)
j=1 ¿ =t+ 1
2 3
X 1
X m
w he (t) = µ hj (t) W je (t) + p (t; ¿ ) 4B h (t; ¿ ) ¡ µ hj (t) Bj (t; ¿ )5 ;
j= 1 ¿ =t+1 j=1
j (t)
where µhj
(t) = ºe ( t) is the share of h in the equity of …rm j at the end of t.
w (t + 1) = µ hj (t) W jo (t + 1)
2 3
X m
+ p (t + 1; ¿ ) 4B h (t; ¿ ) ¡ µ hj (t) Bj (t; ¿ ) 5 : (8.82)
¿ = t+1 j=1
Pm h
During period t household h receives dividends of j= 1 µj Dj and consumes
x (t) so the wealth levels at the beginning and end of t are related by
w he (t) = w ho (t) ¡ x h (t) + µhj (t ¡ 1) Dj (t) ; (8.83)
…rm and of all its bonds are unchanged. In addition, the portfolio changes of
investors are given by
¢B h (t; ¿ ) = µhj (t) ¢Bj (t; ¿ ) ; all t; ¿ ; j; (8.87)
j= 1
¢µ hj (t) = 0; all h; j; t: (8.88)
Proof. Assume that w h e (t), p (t; ¿ ) and W je (t) remain unchanged after the
change in …nancial policy. Under this assumption, it is clear from (8.81) that
the changes in portfolio described in (8.86) and (8.87) are feasible. From (8.83),
if these changes are undertaken then x j (t + 1) + w he (t + 1) remains constant.
Hence if x j (t + 1) is unchanged, so is w he (t + 1). In addition, for periods before
the change in …nancial policy, wealth levels will be unchanged. Consequently,
any consumption stream that was feasible before the change in …nancial policy
remains feasible after the change. Furthermore, the original consumption stream
must still be optimal since the opportunity set has not changed.
It remains to show that the markets for equity and bonds remain in equi-
librium. From (8.87) it is clear that the equity market must be una¤ected. For
the bond market, it follows from (8.86) that
m X
X H m
µhj (t) ¢Bj (t; ¿ ) = ¢Bj (t; ¿ ) : (8.89)
j=1 h=1 j=1
Since all markets are una¤ected, this justi…es the original assumption that
wealth, prices and values remained unchanged.
The basis of Theorem 8.6 is that any change in …nancial policy by …rms
can be neutralised by adjustment of household portfolio composition. In this
way, the equilibrium before the change can be maintained. The theorem does,
however, rely on some strong assumptions. Firstly, it requires that households
are unrestricted in their borrowing and lending and face the same rates on
loans as the …rms. Secondly, it was assumed that there was no bankruptcy.
The e¤ect of this assumption is to make all bonds maturing at some given date
perfect substitutes regardless of the …rm that issued them. This assumption is
clearly an inappropriate one. The role of the bankruptcy assumption is discussed
further in Hellwig (1981) who shows that the theorem can be extended to include
potential bankruptcy provided that, when only securities issued by …rms can
act as collateral on loans, short-selling of securities is permitted. However when
moral hazard is incorporated as a feature of loan contracts, even this theorem
does not apply.
certain value at the known prices for contingent commodities. Since an increase
in pro…ts of a …rm expands the budget set of all its shareholders, they will be
in unanimous agreement that the …rm should maximise pro…t. The implication
of these observations are that with a full set of markets the results on the in-
teraction of taxation and …nancial policy are the same under uncertainty as for
certainty. Additional content to the problem can therefore only be given in an
economy with incomplete markets.
8.4 Conclusions
This chapter has considered the e¤ect of corporate taxation upon both the pro-
ductive activities of the …rm and its choice of …nancial policy. These represent
the two channels through which the corporation interacts with the other agents
in the economy. The structure of the chapter involved a process of moving from
the analysis of the productive decisions of the corporation in the Harberger
economy to the combination of …nancial and investment decisions in an uncer-
tain environment. The analysis of …nancial policy emphasised the importance
of both the corporate tax system and the personal tax system for the determi-
nation of …nancial policy. The e¤ect of taxation in determining …nancial policy
is emphasised most emphatically when contrasted with the conclusion of the
Modigliani-Miller theorem which asserts the irrelevance to the …rm’s value of
the choice between equity and debt.
Part III
Chapter 9
Public Goods
9.1 Introduction
The formal analysis of public goods began with Samuelson (1954) who de-
rived the rule characterising e¢cient levels of provision and, after de…ning some
necessary terms, this will also be the starting point of this chapter. E¢cient
provision will be considered for pure public goods and for public goods subject
to congestion. The theme of e¢ciency is continued into the study of Lindahl
equilibria with personalised prices. Following this, the analysis of private pro-
vision demonstrates the nature of the outcome when prices are uniform and
illustrates why a competitive market fails to attain e¢ciency.
9.2 De…nitions
A public good can be distinguished from a private good by the fact that it can
provide bene…ts to a number of users simultaneously whereas a private good can,
at any time, only bene…t a single user. If the public good can accommodate any
number of users then it is said to be pure. It is impure when congestion can
occur. This section de…nes a public good, clari…es the distinction between pure
and impure and develops its economic implications.
In practice, public goods tend to eventually su¤er from congestion when usage
is su¢ciently great. Obvious examples include parks and roads. Congestion
results in a reduction in the return the public good gives to each user as the
use of a given supply by households increases. Such public goods are termed
impure. The utility derived by each household from an impure public good
is an increasing function of the level of supply and a decreasing function of
its use. There are a number of ways of representing the e¤ect of congestion
upon preferences and some of these will be described when optimal provision is
To obtain further insight into these de…nitions it may be helpful to think of a
continuum of types of good running from purely private goods, for which there
is complete rivalry and exclusion at zero cost, to pure public goods. Figure 9.1
illustrates the possible division of the consumption of 1 unit of a good between
two households for the two extremes and for an impure public good. With a pure
public good it is possible for both to consume a maximum of 1 unit. In contrast,
the private good must be divided between the households. The consumption
possibilities for an impure public good lies between these limits.
F (X; G) 0; (9.2)
X = xh : (9.3)
h= 1
¡ ¢ H
X h ¡ ¢ i
L = U 1 x1 ; G + ¹h U h x h ; G ¡ U ¡ ¸F (X; G) ; (9.4)
h== 2
where U is the utility level that must be achieved by h = 2; :::; H. Assuming
that the speci…ed utility levels can be reached simultaneously, the necessary
condition describing the choice of a component xhi from x h is
@L @U h @F
´ ¹h h ¡ ¸ = 0; h = 1; :::; H; (9.5)
@xi @x i @Xi
with ¹h ´ 1 for h = 1. At an optimum (9.5) holds for all i = 1; :::; n. For the
choice of the level of public good, forming the Lagrangean and optimising with
respect to G gives
@L @U h @F
´ ¹h ¡¸ = 0: (9.6)
@G @G @G
To interpret (9.7) note that each term in the summation on the left-hand side
is h
@ Uh
; (9.8)
which is the marginal rate of substitution between the public good and the ith
private good for the hth household. The right-hand side of (9.7) is the marginal
rate of transformation between the public good and private good i. Equation
(9.7) can thus be written as
M RSG i = M RT Gi : (9.9)
Equation (9.9) is the Samuelson rule which states that Pareto e¢cient provision
of the public good occurs when the marginal rate of transformation between the
public good and each private good is equated to the sum, over all households,
of the marginal rates of substitution.
The result in (9.9) should be contrasted to the corresponding rule for e¢cient
provision of two private goods i and j
M RSji = M RT ji; all i; j; h: (9.10)
The di¤erence between (9.9) and (9.10) occurs due to the fact that an extra unit
of public good increases the utility of all households so that the social bene…t
of this extra unit is found by summing the marginal bene…t, measured by the
MRS, to individual households. At an optimum, this is equated to the marginal
cost given by the marginal rate of transformation. In contrast, an extra unit of
private good only increases the welfare of its single recipient and an optimum
o ccurs when marginal bene…ts are equalised across households and to marginal
Two points must be noted in the interpretation of this result. Firstly, al-
though non-excludability has been adopted as a de…ning characteristic of a pure
public good, it played no role in the derivation of the Samuelson rule. In fact,
the optimal level of provision is not dependent on the degree of excludability.
Instead, excludability is only relevant for determining feasible provision mecha-
nisms. Secondly, although the Samuelson rule is deceptively simple in form, care
should be taken before believing that it can be easily implemented. In order to
derive the rule it was assumed that the government had complete control over
the allocation of resources. Equivalently the government could employ lump-
sum taxation to redistribute income and to …nance the provision of the public
good, with decentralisation of the provision of private goods. It has already
been argued in Chapter 2 that optimal lump-sum taxes can rarely be employed
in practice and the same observation negates the implementation of the Samuel-
son rule. This conclusion has motivated the investigation of alternative forms of
…nance and the contrast of the resulting allocations to the …rst-best Samuelson
¡ ¢ XH h ¡ ¢ h
i H
X £ ¤
L = U 1 x1 ; g 1 + ¹h U h xh ; g h ¡ U ¡ ¸F (X; G) + ½h G ¡ g h :
h=2 h=1
The version of the Samuelson Rule that applies in this case is given by
X @U h @F
@g h @G
@U h
= @F
; (9.12)
h =1 @xhi
@X i
with the condition @@gUh = 0 if g h < G. The interpretation of (9.12) is that
the marginal bene…t of increasing provision of the public good is set equal to
the marginal cost but allowing for the possibility that some households may be
satiated with the public good and receive no bene…t from additional provision.
This derivation can be extended to permit some households to consume a
zero quantity of the public good by introducing the constraint g h ¸ 0 into the
maximisation. It is also straightforward to remove the free disposal assumption
and replace it with a costly disposal. Oakland (1987) provides a derivation of
the relevant version of the Samuelson rule in these cases.
X @U j
@ gh ½h
@U j
= @F
; i = 1; :::; n; h = 1; :::; H: (9.15)
j= 1 @xj
¸ @X i
X @U h H X
X H @ Uj @F
@g h @g h @G
@U h
+ @ Uj
= @F
i = 1; :::; n: (9.16)
h=1 @xhi h=1 j=1 @ xji @X i
If, at the optimum, g h < G for all h, then from the complementary slackness
conditions ½h = 0 and (9.15) states that each household’s use of the public good
should be expanded until the private return is exactly balanced by the sum
of negative externalities that this in‡icts on other households. Additionally,
the second term in (9.16) will be identically zero and (9.16) will describe the
standard Samuelson rule.
If some, or all, households are not satiated at the optimum, so that g h = G
for some households, then the second term in (9.16) is positive and the left-hand
side of the equation provides a measure of bene…t in excess of that used in the
standard Samuelson rule. This excess arises due to an increase in provision
of the public good a¤ecting utility both directly and through the reduction in
congestion that is brought about.
The public good¡ is ¢produced by using labour alone according to the production
function G = Á `G . This is assumed to have an inverse `G = £ (G) ; £ (G) ´
Á¡1 (G). The equilibrium conditions, that supply must equal demand for goods
and labour, are given by
X m
X m
X ¡ ¢
xh = yj = f j `j; G ; (9.18)
h= 1 j=1 j=1
X m
` = `j + £ (G) : (9.19)
h =1 j=1
@f j @f j 0
= £ ; j = 1; :::; m: (9.22)
@G @`j
The …rst condition, (9.21), ensures that the marginal rate of substitution be-
tween labour and consumption is equated between households and this value
is set equal to (minus) the …rms’ common marginal product of labour. This is
a standard e¢ciency condition. Condition (9.22) is the form of the Samuelson
rule for the public input and requires the sum of marginal products of the public
inputs for the …rms to equal the private good foregone in producing marginally
more public good.
This completes the analysis of rules for e¢cient provision and from this point
the focus will be placed upon pure public goods. The Samuelson rule may char-
acterise the set of Pareto e¢cient outcomes but, as noted, it cannot in general
be implemented. This motivates the study of feasible allocation mechanisms
and the comparison of their outcomes to those that satisfy the Samuelson Rule.
where x h is the quantity consumed of the single private good and G is the
quantity of the public good. Utility is non-decreasing in x h and G. Now let
G h denote the quantity of the public good that household h would like to see
provided when faced with the budget constraint
x h + ¿ h p GG h = ! h : (9.24)
In (9.23) p G Gh is the total cost of providing the good and ¿ h the fraction of
this paid by h. From (9.22) and (9.23) household h chooses G h to maximise
¡ ¢
U h = U h ! h ¡ ¿ h p G Gh ; G : (9.25)
which describes the household’s demand for the public good as a function of the
cost share it faces and its initial endowment. If the second-order condition for
maximising (9.24) is satis…ed and the utility function is strictly concave, then
Lh (¢) is a decreasing function of ¿ h . n o
A Lindahl equilibrium is a pair of cost shares ¿b 1 ; b
¿2 such that
1 2
(i) b
¿ +b ¿ = 1,
and ³ ´
(ii) Lh b¿ h ; ! h = G¤ ¸ 0; h = 1; 2:
The …rst condition guarantees that su¢cient revenue will be obtained to
…nance the equilibrium public good provision and the second-condition that the
households will both be satis…ed with the supply. It follows from the fact that
utility is non-decreasing in G that the cost shares will be non-negative.
The nature of the Lindahl equilibrium is illustrated in Figure 9.2. The
Lindahl reaction functions are formed as the loci of the vertical points on the
indi¤erence curves of the utility function in (9.24) and the equilibrium is given
by the intersection of the functions. At this point, the indi¤erence curves for the
two households are tangential and the equilibrium is therefore Pareto e¢cient.
To demonstrate the latter point, note that (9.25) must hold for both households
at the equilibrium. Summing for the two households then gives
X 2
X 2
UGh h
= M RS Gx = ¿ h pG = p G = M RT Gx : (9.28)
h=1 h =1 h=1
Since (9.27) is the Samuelson rule for this economy, it demonstrates that the
Lindahl equilibrium is Pareto e¢cient. This establishes a form of the First
Theorem of Welfare Economics for the Lindahl equilibrium. The relation of
the Lindahl equilibrium to the Second Theorem will be investigated formally
below. For the present, it is su¢cient to note that by redistributing the initial
endowment it is possible to generate a new Lindahl equilibrium which represents
another point in the set of Pareto e¢cient outcomes.
The aggregate production set of the economy is denoted Y and, with n private
goods available, Y ½ <n+s . It is assumed that Y is a closed, convex cone that
contains the origin and thus that the technology satis…es constant returns to
scale. A production plan is written in the form (g; y) where the …rst s ele-
ments represent public goods and the …nal n private goods. It is assumed that
no public good is required as an input: if (g; y) 2 Y then (b g ; y) 2 Y where
g i = g i if g i > 0 and b
b gi = 0 if gi < 0. Each household, h, from the set of H
h n+s
households possesses a consumption
¡ h h ¢ set X ½ < with a consumption choice
for the household denoted g ; x . Household ¡ h has
¢ continuous preferences
over X h represented by the utility function U h g h ; xh , where U h (¢) is strictly
¡ ¢
monotonic and quasi-concave. The endowment of h is denoted by ! h = 0; ! h .
There are no endowments of public goods. © ª
A state of this economy is an array g; x 1 ; :::; x H of public and private good
vectors. A feasible state is now de…ned.
¡ ¢
(i) gh ; x h 2 X h for all h = 1; :::; H,
³ P £ ¤´
(ii) g; h=1 x h ¡ !h 2 Y .
Condition (i) ensures the consumption allocation is in the consumption set
for each household and (ii) that it is productively feasible.
The relevance of personalised prices has already been discussed and they are
now employed to de…ne the Lindahl equilibrium. Let p hG be the price vector for
public goods faced by h and p be the common vector of private goods prices.
The formal de…nition of a Lindahl equilibrium can now be given.
Lindahl equilibrium © ª
A Lindahl equilibrium with respect to the endowment ! 1 ; :::; !H is a fea-
© ª © ª
sible allocation b x1 ; :::; xbH and a price system pb1G ; :::; pbH
g; b ; pb ¸ 0 such that
hP i h P £ ¤i hP i G
(i) h=1 p bhG ; pb ¢ gb; h= 1 xbh ¡ ! h ¸ bhG ; pb ¢ [g; y] for all [g; y] 2
h =1 p
(ii) pbhG b
g ¡+ pbbxh¢ pb!h¡; ¢ ¡ ¢
(iii) U b g; xbh ¸ U h g; x h for all g; x h 2 X h such that pbhG g+ b px h b p! h .
This de…nition is a direct extension of that in 4.1.
The …rst issue concerning this economy is the existence, or otherwise, of an
equilibrium. Although this is not of direct relevance here, it is worth making
some comments. To develop an existence proof, both Foley (1970) and Milleron
(1972) construct a quasi-economy in which the commodity space is expanded
to allow each public good for each household to be treated as a separate good.
Consumption sets, preferences and the production set are rede…ned to be com-
patible with this. Equilibrium is then proved to exist, under assumptions closely
related to those in Section 9 of Chapter 2, for the quasi-economy and this equi-
librium is shown to be an equilibrium for the original economy. The alternative
approach adopted by Roberts (1973) is to work directly with the Lindahl econ-
omy and to construct a mapping from the price space for private goods and the
quantity space for public goods into the same two spaces. A …xed point of this
mapping is shown to exist and to be the equilibrium for the economy. Further
Unfortunately, this is not the case. It is true that the Lindahl equilibrium is
in the core, and this will be proved below, but Muench (1972) presents an exam-
ple for which the set of core allocations is larger than the set of Lindahl equilibria
despite the economy possessing a continuum of consumers. The relevance of the
continuum is that Aumann (1964) demonstrated the core and competitive equi-
librium are equivalent in this case. Therefore, although the Lindahl equilibrium
has many of the properties of the competitive equilibrium, it does not satisfy
the same core equivalence so that its relation to the core cannot be appealed
to in support of the equilibrium concept. The failure of core equivalence can
be traced to the fact that when a coalition, say S, attempts to improve upon a
given allocation it must be able to provide, from its own resources, quantities
of the public goods. Since there are returns to coalition size in the provision of
public goods, it is di¢cult for coalitions to improve upon existing allocations.
The result that the Lindahl equilibrium is in the core is given in the following
Theorem 9.3 (Foley)
© ª
If ©bg; bx1 ; :::; xbHª; b
p1G ; :::; pbH
G;pb is a Lindahl equilibrium
© 1 for the
ª endowment
1 H H
vector ! ; :::; ! , it is in the core with respect to ! ; :::; ! .
© ª
Suppose the© coalition S ª can improve upon the allocation b x1 ; :::; b
g; b x H with
the allocation g; x 1 ; :::; xH . Since the new allocation is preferred by all mem-
bers of S, it follows from the de…nition of a Lindahl equilibrium that
i2S p biG g + pb i2S xi > i2S pbiG b xi = pb i2S ! i.
g + pb i2S b
PH i P i
Since£ pbiG ¸ 0i¤ for all i, i=1 pbG ¸ i2S pbG so that b g ¸ 0 implies h=1 pbhG g+
pb i2S x ¡ ! > 0. The latter condition contradicts pro…t maximisation in
the Lindahl equilibrium and proves the theorem. jj
The Lindahl equilibrium demonstrates how e¢ciency can be attained in an
economy with public goods by the use of personalised prices. The personalised
prices succeed in equating the individual valuations of the supply of public
goods to the cost of production in a way that uniform pricing cannot. These are
important observations that support the relevance of the Lindahl equilibrium
Unfortunately, the Lindahl equilibrium is not without fault. It is central to
the equilibrium that each household should face a price system that is designed
to capture that household’s evaluation of the public good supply. When it par-
ticipates in the public goods market each household is the only purchaser at its
particular price ratio and is not in the position it would be in a competitive
market of being one purchaser among many. In a competitive equilibrium there
is no incentive for the household to act in any other way than just to purchase
its most preferred consumption plan. In contrast, the fact that the household
is in a stronger position in the Lindahl equilibrium raises the very clear possi-
bility that it can gain by false revelation of preferences in an attempt to adjust
equilibrium prices to its advantage. Such strategic behaviour on the part of
households undermines the foundation of the Lindahl equilibrium. If it does
occur, the Lindahl equilibrium with strategic behaviour no longer possesses the
e¢ciency properties set out above. The consequences of strategic behaviour,
and responses to it, will be discussed further in Section 8.
is not the only assumption and alternatives have been investigated; some of
these will be discussed brie‡y in 5.6.
9.5.1 Equilibrium
The equilibrium with private provision will be derived in the economy used to
introduce the Lindahl equilibrium. The economy therefore has H households
who each have an endowment of !h units of the numeraire which they supply
inelastically. The income of each household is …xed at !h . The single private
good is produced with constant returns to scale using the numeraire alone and
a unit of output requires one unit of numeraire input. The price of the private
good is equal to one. Production of the public good is subject to constant
returns to scale and each unit requires pG units of labour. The price of the
public good is constant at p G .
Each household has a utility function
¡ ¢
U h = U h x h ; G ; h = 1; :::; H; (9.29)
where xh is the quantity of private good consumed, G = h=1 g h and gh is the
contribution of h. The contribution towards the public good by all households
other than h, Gh , is de…ned by
G h = G ¡ g h: (9.30)
h h h
Using the budget constraint x + p G g = ! , utility can be written in terms of
G h and g h as follows
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
U h x h ; G = U h ! h ¡ p G g h ; gh + G h = V h g h ; G h; p G : (9.31)
h h
Household h chooses g h to maximise (9.30) given G h and subject to gh 2 0; !pG .
¡ ¢
Indi¤erence curves of V h (¢) can be drawn in g h ; Gh space. Increasing G h
will always lead to a higher attainable level of V for given g h , g h is limited by
the budget constraint and preferred sets are convex.
Since the household takes the provision of others as given when maximising,
the optimal choice of g h for a given value of G h occurs at the tangency of the
indi¤erence curve and the horizontal line at Gh . This is shown in Figure 9.3 and
the solid locus, the Nash reaction function, traces out the optimal choices of g h
as G h varies. The gradient of the reaction function, when the chosen value of
g h is interior, can be derived by noting that for all g h on the reaction function
¡ ¢
g h = arg max U h ! h ¡ pG g h ; g h + Gh : (9.32)
Di¤erentiating this, g h solves
¡Uxh pG + UGh = 0: (9.33)
Now considering variations in g h and Gh that satisfy the …rst-order condition
dg h U h pG ¡ U h
= h 2 xG h G G h ; (9.34)
dGh Uxx p G ¡ 2Ux Gp G + UG G
This function traces out the optimal response of the household to the supply
G h of the other households.
The equilibrium of the private provision economy occurs at a set of choices for
the households such that all the reaction functions are simultaneously satis…ed.
Private provision equilibrium © hª h
h Ah iprivate provision equilibrium
¡ ¢
is an array of contributions b
g , b g 2
! h h
0; pG , such that bg = ½ Gh for all h = 1; :::; H, with Gh = j=1; j6=h b gj.
If gbh > 0 household h is termed a contributor and is a non-contributor if
g = 0. The set of contributors is denoted C.
The proof that such an equilibrium exists employs the standard argument for
demonstrating the existence of a Nash equilibrium. ¡ Assuming
¢ ¡ that preferences
are strictly convex, the composite function R g1 ; :::; g H ´ ½1 ; :::; ½H de…nes
h i
a continuous function from the compact, convex set £H h= 1 0; p G to itself. From
¡ ¢
¡ 1 theorem¢ R g1 ; :::; g H has at least one …xed point and a …xed point
of R g ; :::; g H is clearly a private provision equilibrium.
It has also been shown that under weak conditions the private provision
equilibrium is also unique. Given ¡ G ¢ h , (9.31) determines the contribution of h as
a function of income, g h = f h ! h . Bergstrom, Blume and Varian (1986, 1992)
@f h(! h)
show that the restriction 0 < @! h
< 1 is su¢cient to prove uniqueness.
This restriction is simply the requirement that both private and public goods
are normal.
For a two-household economy the private provision equilibrium can be pre-
sented diagrammatically. The households solve the following maximisations
¡ ¢
Household 1: maxfg1g U 1 ! 1 ¡ p G g 1 ; g 1 + g 2 ; with g2 …xed.
¡ ¢
Household 2: maxfg2g U 2 ! 2 ¡ p G g 2 ; g 1 + g 2 ; with g1 …xed.
The ¡solution
¢ to these¡ maximisations
¢ are given by the reaction functions
g 1 = ½1 g 2 and g 2 = ½2 g 1 . The equilibrium is then a pair b g1, bg 2 such that
¡ ¢ ¡ 1¢
gb1 = ½1 gb2 ; gb2 = ½2 b
g : (9.36)
This equilibrium is illustrated in Figure 9.4 in which the reaction functions are
simultaneously satis…ed at their intersection.
for social welfare to be maximised at some point below C C. If the optimal point
is P a reduction in the total supply of the public good is required in the move
from the private provision equilibrium to the optimum. It should also be noted
that if the locus does cross C C, a social welfare function can always be found
that places the optimum below C C.
As shown by Diamond and Mirrlees (1973), such anomalies can only be ruled
out by placing restrictions upon the second derivatives of the households’ util-
ity functions. There are no fundamental reasons why restrictions upon second
derivatives should be satis…ed and hence anomalous cases may well occur even
in the two-household model. Therefore, although local results can be estab-
lished without too much di¢culty, it is not straightforward to provide global
g= ; (9.37)
H ¡1
¡ ¢
where g is the households’ common contribution. In terms of g; G space,
an allocation satisfying (9.36) must lie somewhere on a ray through the origin
with gradient H ¡ 1 and, for each level of H, the equilibrium is given by the
intersection of the appropriate ray with the reaction function. The welfare
optima, if all households are treated equally, are the locus of tangencies between
the rays and the indi¤erence curves. This is shown in Figure 9.7.
Whether the quantity of public good at the private provision equilibrium
increases as
¡ H ¢ increases is dependent upon the gradient of the reaction func-
tion. If ½0 G < ¡1, then provision, given by Hg, is an increasing function of
¡ ¢
H . When ½0 G = ¡1, provision is independent of H and it is a decreasing
¡ ¢
function of H if ½0 G > ¡1. These conditions can be related to the structure
¡ ¢
The maximisation of household h can be written maxfxh;Gg U xh ; G sub-
h h h h
ject to the constraints
n ³x + G = G and G ¸ G . This yields the demand
´! +h o
h h
function G = max ³ ! + G ; G . It is assumed that private and public
goods are normal so 0 < ³ 0 < 1. If G > G , the demand function can be inverted
to give g h = ! h ¡ Á (G) where Á (G) = ³ ¡1 (G) ¡ G and 0 < Á0 (G) < 1. De…ne
by ! ¤ the level of endowment above which the household becomes a contributor
and note ! ¤ = Á (G). Then
!h ¡ ! if ! h > !¤ ;
gh =
0 if ! h !¤ :
PH P ¤ £
Hence G = h= 1 gh = !h ¡ ! ¤ = Á¡ 1 (! ¤ ).
! h> ! ¤
¡1 P £ h ¤
Now consider the function MH (s) ´ Á H(s) = H1 ! h >s ! ¡ s which, for
given endowments for the H households, has solution s = ! ¤H . Now add to the
vector of endowments by making random draws from the density f (w). By the
law of large numbers, MH (s) tends to M (s) = s [! ¡ s] f (w) d! as H tends
to in…nity. Denote the solution to this equation ! ¤¤ , then limH !1 ! ¤H = ! ¤¤ .
Á¡1(! ¤ )
Since ! ¤H is bounded and Á¡ 1 is …nite, limH!1 M H = limH!1 H
= 0.
R - ¤¤ ¤¤
It then follows that M (! ) = s [! ¡ ! ] f (w) d! = 0. From this, ! = -
and limH!1 ! ¤H = -.
From this result, (i), (ii) and (iv) follow immediately. (iii) follows from noting
that G = Á¡ 1 (-). jj
This theorem has been generalised by Andreoni (1988) to economies with
heterogeneous preferences. In that case, the same conclusions hold with the
addition that the set of contributors will converge to a set of individuals of a
single type.
The total provision of the public good is una¤ected by any income redistri-
bution that leaves the set, C , of contributors unchanged.
PH h
P It was
£ h shown¤
¤ in the proof of the previous theorem that G =
h=1 g =
h2 C ! ¡ ! and that ! is independent of the income distribution. From
this equality it follows trivially that any redistribution of income that does not
change the set of contributors will leave G unchanged. jj
To consider the e¤ect of an exogeneous increase ¡ in ¢public good supply,
notice that if h chooses G > Gh ; then G = ³ ! h + G h implies that g h =
¡ ¢
³ ! h + G h ¡ G h. Now let the exogeneous increase in supply be denoted by
d¡. The response of household h to this change is given by
£ ¤
dgh = ³ 0 dG h + d¡ ¡ dGh ¡ d¡; (9.39)
dG + d¡ = PH 1¡³ 0
d¡ ¸ 0; (9.41)
1+ h= 1 ³0
assuming normality, so that ³ 0 is strictly less than 1. There exists ¯ such that
PH 1¡³0
H¯ h =1 ³ 0 . Substituting into (9.40) this implies
dG + d¡ = d¡ (9.42)
1 + H¯
Schmitz (1984)), not the one-for-one predicted by the analysis. At the private
provision equilibrium an increase in contribution by one household will lead to
a reduction by all others. This feature has also been criticised as an inaccurate
representation of reality. These observations have lead a number of authors to
investigate alternative maximisation procedures for the households and di¤erent
preference structures with the view to generating equilibria whose properties are
more in accord with empirical observations.
The simplest modi…cation to the private provision equilibrium is to consider
conjectural variations that di¤er from the Nash conjecture. In the maximisation
in (9.31) each household takes the contributions of others as given when making
their decision. The alternative to this is to assume that the household views the
choices of others as being dependent upon their decision and takes this variation
into account when maximising. Including this variation, the …rst-order condition
(9.32) would becomes
2 3
X @g j
¡Uxh p G + UGh 41 + 5 = 0; (9.43)
j=1; j6=h
where the terms @g h are the conjectural variations. Cornes and Sandler (1984b)
investigate the e¤ects of alternative values for the conjectural variation and show
that if they are positive the equilibrium will have greater total public good
supply than the Nash equilibrium. Despite this modi…cation, Dasgupta and
Itaya (1992) demonstrate that the invariance to the distribution of endowment
still holds for any constant conjectures.
Consistent conjectures are those which agree with the actual responses of the
households involved, that is @@ggh must be equal to the change in contribution
that j would make if h were to change theirs. Sugden (1985) argues that the
only consistent conjectures are for all the terms @@ggh to be negative. If this is
the case, equilibrium provision of the public good will be zero under reasonable
Moving to non-Nash conjectures can therefore alter the equilibrium level
of the public good but does not necessarily eliminate the invariance properties.
Overall, this approach must be judged as somewhat arbitrary. There are sensible
game-theoretic motives for focusing upon the Nash equilibrium and these are
not matched by any other set of conjectures. If the Nash equilibrium of the
private provision economy does not agree with observations, it would seem that
the objectives of the households and the social rules they observe should be
reconsidered, not the conjectures they hold when maximising.
One approach to modi…ed preferences has been taken by Andreoni (1989,
1990) who¡ considers¢ the case of impure altruism given by the utility function
U h = U h x h ; G; g h . Here the contribution of h provides both a public and
a private return. This representation of utility leads to equilibria that are not
invariant and produce predictions closer to observed behaviour. There remains
the problem of why a pure public good should provide the private bene…t.
9.5.7 Summary
In the absence of government intervention, public good provision will be left to
the private contributions of households. The basic model of private provision is
built upon the assumption of Nash behaviour and it has been shown that this
leads to an ine¢cient outcome. In addition, the equilibrium level of provision is
invariant to changes in the income distribution and exogeneous changes in public
good supply. These properties, and the limiting behaviour of the equilibrium,
are at variance with empirical observations. Alternative conjectures have been
analysed but these are entirely arbitrary and do not provide a better explanation
of reality. Altering the structure of preferences and the social rules do provide
improved predictions but no alternative has yet received convincing arguments
in its favour.
This will be relaxed when di¤erentiated consumers are considered and restricted
lump-sum taxes become meaningful. The aim of the analysis is to determine
how the distortions caused by the commodities taxes a¤ect the Samuelson Rule
and the level of provision. This is undertaken by following the work of Atkinson
and Stern (1974).
Each of the identical consumers maximises their utility U (x; G) subject to
the budget constraint qx = 0 where q is the vector of post-tax prices and x the
vector of net demands. There is one change from the standard commodity tax
model: revenue must now equal expenditure, G, on the public good
H tix i = G: (9.44)
Market clearing implies that the revenue constraint and the production con-
straint may be used interchangeably as argued in Chapter 2 above. The pro-
duction constraint is used and is written in the form F (X; G) = F (Hx; G) = 0.
It is assumed that
F1 = ; (9.45)
and good 1 is taken to be the numeraire with q1 = p 1 = 1. Pre-tax prices are
chosen so that F k = p k .
For the choice of optimal tax rates, t, and quantity of public good, the
appropriate Lagrangean is
L = HV (q; G) ¡ ¸F (X (q; G) ; G) : (9.46)
From this, the …rst-order condition for the choice of G is
" n #
@L @V X @Xi
´H ¡¸ Fi + FG = 0; (9.47)
@G @G i=1
where ® is the marginal utility of income for each consumer. From each con-
sumer’s …rst-order condition for the utility maximising choice of go od k, @x k
®qk . Therefore the term
@V @U
@G @G
H =H @U
; (9.49)
®qk @xk
is the sum of marginal rates of substitution between the public good and private
good k.
Evaluating the …rst-order condition (9.47) for k = 1, so that q1 = 1, it can
be rearranged to give
@U n
FG ® @G @Xi
= H @U
¡ [qi ¡ ti ] ; (9.50)
F1 ¸ @xk i= 1
but since the consumers’ budget constraints imply ni=1 qi @@G
= 0, (9.49) can
be written Pn
FG ® @U @ i= 1 tiXi
= H @@ G ¡ : (9.51)
F1 ¸ @xU @G
The expression in (9.50) represents the Samuelson rule for optimal provision
with distorting commodity taxation. It di¤ers from the …rst-best rule (9.9) in
two ways: the sum of marginal rates of substitution is multiplied by the term ® ¸
which may not be equal to one and there is an additional term on the right-hand
side. This additional term measures the e¤ect of public good provision upon
tax revenue due to substitutability or complementarity in demand between the
public good and the private goods.
The revenue e¤ect implies that if provision of the public good increases tax
revenue, which will be the case for example if it is a complement to highly taxed
goods, this reduces the cost , measured by the M RT , of providing the public
good. This factor tends to increase provision above the level determined by the
Samuelson rule. The converse holds if provision
Pn reduces tax revenue.
@ i=1 ti Xi
To isolate the …rst e¤ect assume that @G = 0 so that the public good
is revenue neutral. In this case the departure from the …rst-best is determined
by ®¸ alone. To proceed further, consider the choice of tax rate for good k. From
the Lagrangean
n Pn
@V X @Xi @ i=1 p iXi
H =¸ Fi =¸ : (9.52)
@qk @qk @tk
The negativity in (9.55) has the e¤ect of tending to reduce ® belowP ¸. This
would imply that the true bene…t of the public good is less than the M RS:
In contrast, the second e¤ect ni=1 ti @@I Xi
cannot be unambiguously signed. If it
were positive then ® would be less than ¸. This would be the case if all taxed
goods were normal, but this may not be the case.
In summary, when the public good has P to be …nanced by distortionary taxa-
tion there is a divergence of M RT from M RS. This divergence can be broken
down into the e¤ect of provision on tax revenue and two further components:
one of which always P reduces the bene…t measure so that the bene…t becomes
something less than M RS, the other is also likely to reduce it though this
cannot be guaranteed. An alternative perspective upon this issue can be found
in Christiansen (1981) who derives su¢cient conditions P for the standard cost-
bene…t calculation of comparing the M RT to the M RS to be valid even
when there are distributional objectives. Adopting the Mirrlees’ formulation of
labour supply described in Chapter 5 but with a public good and a second pri-
vate good incorporated in utility, Christiansen shows that weak separability of
utility between work e¤ort and all other goods combined with the optimal taxa-
tion of income is su¢cient to eliminate the distributional factors and leave only
the basic cost-bene…t calculation. Outside of these special cases, the additional
e¤ects described above must be included in the optimality calculation.
The analysis above has been addressed to …nding the appropriate bene…t
measure in the presence of distortion and has not directly answered the question
of whether more or less public good should be provided when its provision is
…nanced by distortionary taxation. Unfortunately no complete answer can be
given to this.
Consider an economy where …nance is possible either through a lump-sum
tax T or a tax t is levied upon the single factor of production L . The Lagrangean
HV (t; T ; G) + ¸ [HT + tHL ¡ G] ; (9.57)
with …rst-order necessary conditions
Vt + ¸ L + t = 0; (9.58)
HV G ¡ ¸ = 0; (9.59)
HT + HtL ¡ G = 0: (9.60)
T is treated as a parameter that can vary from 0 to G.
To provide an answer on the level of provision it would be necessary to
demonstrate that (9.57) for T = 0 and T = G could be drawn as, for example,
in Figure 9.8. In the case shown provision is lower when distortionary taxes are
employed. However, to actually show that GC T < GLS , where subscripts refer
to “commodity taxes“ or “lump sum“, it is necessary to contrast ¸ CT and ¸ LS .
The analysis has only been able to determine ® ¸
which is not su¢cient for this
purpose. The question of output levels therefore remains unanswered.
In terms of examples, Atkinson and Stern (1974) show that the for the utility
U (X; L; G) = a log X + [1 ¡ a] log (1 ¡ L) + f (G) ; (9.61)
the level of provision of public good is lower with commodity taxation than for
the …rst-best. Wilson (1991a) has extended this conclusion to the function
9.6.3 Summary
The results have shown how distortionary …nancing a¤ects the form of the
Samuelson rule. Although there is a presumption that when …nance is entirely
by commodity taxation the second-best level of provision will fall below the
…rst-best, this has not been formally established and the form of (9.50) suggests
that it cannot be. In contrast, when some …nancing can be undertaken by lump-
sum taxation their non-distortionary nature provides a reason for second-best
provision to rise above …rst-best and examples have been constructed to con…rm
this.Mechanism design
That a household will choose the action that leads to the maximisation of
their welfare is one of the basic assumptions of economic theory. If applied
consistently, this assumption implies that a household will behave dishonestly
if it is in their interests to do so. This simple observation has surprisingly
important implications for the theory of public goods.
The analysis of the Lindahl equilibrium assumed that households were hon-
est in revealing their reactions to the announcement of cost shares. However,
there will be a gain to households who attempt to cheat, or manipulate, the
allocation mechanism. By announcing preferences that do not coincide with
their true preferences, it is possible for a household to modify the outcome in
their favour provided that others do not do likewise. To see this, consider a two-
household economy in which household 1 acts honestly and household 2 knows
the preferences of 1. In Figure 9.9, honesty on the part of household 2 would
lead to the equilibrium EL . However, by claiming their preferences to be given
by the Lindahl reaction function L20 (¿ 2 ), rather than the true function L(¿ 2 ),
the equilibrium can be driven to point M which represents the maximisation of
2’s utility given the Lindahl reaction function L1 (¿ 1 ) of 1.
Due to this problem, attention has focused upon the design of allocation
mechanisms that overcome attempted manipulation. As will be shown, the
design of some of these mechanisms leads households to reveal their true pref-
erences. From this property is derived the description of these mechanisms as
9.6.4 De…nitions
The set of potential public projects from which the choice is to be made is
denoted by G, where G is a compact set, and a typical element of G is denoted
G. There are H households who have preferences over the public projects and
over monetary transfers, th , where the monetary transfers arise as part of the
game that is played by the households. For the present, each household is
assumed to have additively separable preferences given by
¡ ¢ (9.64)
where w ¡h = w 1 ; :::; w h¡1 ; w h+1 ; :::; w H , so that the true valuation maximises
the payo¤. To demonstrate the existence of a mechanism that satis…es (9.63),
…rst note that from the de…nition of a direct revelation mechanism it follows
that d (w) has the property that
¡ ¡ ¢¢ ¡ ¡ ¢¢
º h 2 arg max º h d w h ; w ¡h + w j d w h ; w ¡h ; h = 1; :::; H:
fw h2V hg
j= 1;j6=h
Hence truthful revelation by h maximises the sum of the payo¤ to h and the
payo¤s, in terms of announced valuations, to the other households. Now write
the transfers in the form
th (w) = w j (d (w)) + rh (w) ; h = 1; :::; H; (9.66)
j=1;j6= h
which can always be done by suitable choice of the functions r h (w). Using
(9.65), the dominant strategy condition (9.63) can be written
¡ ¡ h ¡h ¢¢ ¡ ¡ ¢¢ ¡ ¢
º h 2 arg max
h h
º h
d w ; w + w j d w h ; w ¡ h +rh wh ; w ¡h ; h = 1; :::; H:
fw 2V g
Contrasting (9.66) and (9.64) it¡ can be seen
¢ that social and individual objec-
tives will coincide whenever rh w h ; w ¡h is independent of w h . Following its
introduction in Groves (1973), a Groves scheme is de…ned by a set of transfers
such that
X ¡ ¢
th (w) = w j (d (w)) + rh w ¡h ; h = 1; :::; H; (9.68)
and a Groves mechanism is a direct revelation mechanism with the transfer rule
given by (9.67). The reasoning above can then be summarised in the following
theorem which was originally proved in Groves and Loeb (1975).
¡ ¢ ¡ ¡ ¢¢
r h w ¡h = ¡ w j dh w ¡h ; h = 1; :::; H; (9.69)
¡ ¢ P
where dh w ¡h is the maximiser of H j
j=1; j6=h w (G). In this case the transfer is
exactly the change in welfare of other households due to in‡uence of household
h on the public project decision. This is a special case of the Groves mechanism.
Having demonstrated the existence of an s.i.i.c. mechanism it is natural to
consider whether there are any alternative mechanisms that will also serve the
same purpose. The following analysis will show that there are not: the Groves
mechanism is the only s.i.i.c. direct revelation mechanism. To demonstrate this
result, which is due to Green and La¤ont (1977), it is …rst necessary to provide
the following de…nition.
Proof. First assume that there exists an s.i.i.c. direct revelation mechanism
¡h h h0
for which transfer independence is not ¡ satis…ed. ¢ Then¡ ¡ there are
¢ w ; w ; hw
¤ ¡h h h h0
with the same optimal G but with th w ; w > th w ; w . Now let º =
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
w h 0 and note that th w¡ h ; wh + º h (G ¤ ) > th w¡ h ; º h + º h (G¤ ). The choice
of º h is then not a dominant strategy. An s.i.i.c. direct revelation mechanism
must therefore satisfy transfer independence.
Now assume that the mechanism does not satisfy the compensation
P property.
There then exist w ¡h ; w h ; w h0 such that G ¤ maximises H j=1;j6=h w j + w h over
PH ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
G, G¤0 maximises j=1;j6=h w j + w h0 over G and th w ¡h ; w h ¡ th w ¡h ; w h0 =
PH j ¤
PH j ¤0
j= 1;j6=h w (G ) = j= 1;j6=h w (G ) + " for some " > 0.
0 0 P 0 P
Let w e h (G¤ ) = ¡ H
e h be de…ned by w j ¤
e h (G¤0) = ¡ H
j=1;j6=h w (G ) ; w
j ¤0
j=1;j6=h w (G )+
0 P
and w e h (G) = ¡c for G 6= G¤ or G ¤0 with c > maxfG 2Gg H j
j=1;j6=h w (G) +
0 0
weh (G). Since weh is upper semi-continuous, it is a permissible valuation an-
P 0
Now note that G ¤0 = arg maxfG 2Gg H j e h (G), since it has
j=1; j6=h w (G) + w ³ 0
been shown that the mechanism must satisfy transfer independence, th w ¡ h ; w h =
³ 0
e h . Hence
th w ¡h ; w
¡ ¢ ³ 0
´ ¡ ¢ ³ 0
th w ¡h ; w h ¡ th w ¡h ; w h = th w ¡h ; w h ¡ th w ¡h ; w
= w j (G¤ ) ¡ w j (G¤0) + "
j=1;j6=h j=1;j6=h
h0 ¤ "
w =
e (G ) + w e (G ¤0 ) + :
¡ ¡h h¢ 0
³ 0
´ 0
Rearranging gives th w ; w + weh (G¤ ) > th w ¡h ; weh + weh (G ¤0 ). Letting
ºh ´ w e h then contradicts the assumption that the mechanism was s.i.i.c since
truth is not the dominant strategy. A s.i.i.c. direct revelation mechanism must
therefore satisfy the compensation property.
In the form given, Theorem 9.7 only restricts the valuation functions to be in
the class of semi-continuous functions. However, restricting the set from which
valuation functions may be drawn does not extend the set of direct revelation
mechanisms. As proved by Holmstrom (1979), provided the domain of valuation
functions is smoothly connected (that is, there exists a di¤erentiable deformation
of one valuation function in the domain into any other), the Groves scheme will
be unique.
These results permit the study of s.i.i.c. direct revelation mechanisms to be
undertaken by studying only the properties of Groves mechanisms. Although it
has been shown that a Groves mechanism can implement the correct choice of
project, it should not be presumed that it will necessarily lead to a fully-e¢cient
equilibrium. To be e¢cient the mechanism must also have the property that the
sum of transfers must be identically zero, in which case the mechanism is termed
balanced. If it is negative some resources are being taken from the households
and not used to produce welfare elsewhere. It may be felt that these resources
could be redistributed to the households but if this were done the incentives
would be introduced for the households to choose their announced valuation
taking into the e¤ect it would have upon the redistribution. The s.i.i.c. aspect
of the mechanism would then fail. Conversely, if the sum of transfers is positive,
some resources are being transferred from the centre to the households and the
centre is bearing the cost of implementing the mechanism.
To investigate the possibilities, assume that the valuation functions are dif-
ferentiable and can be given a one-dimensional parametrisation. Let household
h be described by the preference parameter µ³h 2 £ h´where £h is an open interval
of < and assume the valuation function º h G; µ h is smooth. Finally, assume
³ ´
there for any array of household preferences µ = µ 1 ; :::; µH , there exists a dif-
PH ³ ´
ferentiable function G ¤ (µ) > 0 such that G¤ (µ) = arg maxfG >0g h=1 º h G; µ h .
The following theorem describes the conditions necessary for the existence of a
balanced mechanism.
only if
X ¸
@ H ¡1 @º h @G¤
´ 0:
@µ1 ; :::; @µ h¡1 ; @µh +1 ; :::; ; @µ H @G @µ h
Proof. In the case described the transfer functions will depend only on the
parameter vector µ . Denoting the true preference parameter e
h ³ of h byh ´µ , truth
will be the dominant strategy if µe = arg maxf µh2£ hg º h G¤ (µ) ; e µ + th (µ)
h ¤ h
for all µ ¡h . This will only apply if @º @G @th
@G @ µh + @ µh ´ ³ 0 when evaluated at eµ for all
´ R h
@G ¤
µ ¡h . Integrating with respect to µ h then gives th µh ; µ ¡h = ¡ @º @G @ µh
dµ +
³ ´ ³ ´
rh µ¡h , where rh µ¡ h is arbitrary.
PH hR @º h @ G¤ ³ ´i
The mechanism is therefore balanced if h=1 ¡ @G @ µh dµ + rh µ¡ h ´
0. Di¤erentiating this condition for a balanced h h mechanism
i with respect to
1 H PH @ H¡1 @º @G¤
µ ; :::; µ gives h=1 @µ 1;:::; @µh¡1;@µ h+1;: ::;;@µ H @G @µh
´ 0 which establishes
necessity. Su¢ciency is proved by integrating the stated condition successively
to obtain the condition for a balanced mechanism.
Since the condition required for the Groves mechanism to be balanced even in
the simple environment of parametrised preferences is restrictive, this theorem
demonstrates that it will not be possible to always …nd a balanced mechanism.
This result is established formally by Green and La¤ont (1979) who prove that
there exists no Groves mechanism that is balanced for all possible valuations.
It is therefore unlikely that a Groves mechanism will achieve full e¢ciency. The
lack of e¢ciency is, of course, the price that has to be paid for the revelation of
These negative conclusions are somewhat diminished as the size of the pop-
ulation of households increases. As shown by Green and La¤ont (1979) and
Rob (1982), the likelihood that any household receives a negative transfer (i.e.
pays a tax) tends to zero as the population increases without bound and the
expected total transfer also tends to zero. These results imply that the limiting
outcome is approximately e¢cient.
A important assumption that has been employed up to this point has been
the additively separability of preferences described in (9.62). Given the restric-
tiveness of this assumption, it would be hoped that this was simply a convenient
assumption that could be dropped when necessary. Unfortunately this is not
the case. Bergstrom and Cornes (1983) have shown that the Groves mechanism
will still function successfully if preferences are given by
¡ ¢
U h x h ; G = A (G) x h + B h (G) ; h = 1; :::; H; (9.70)
theorem, consider a set ¥ of social states and a set of economic agents. Each
of the H economic agents has a preference order, P h , de…ned over ¥. Let ¦ be
the set of possible preference orders. A social choice function (SCF) is de…ned
as a function from £H H
h=1 ¦ into ¥ which assigns to any P 2 £ h=1 ¦ a social
state » 2 ¥. An SCF, W ¡ , is manipulable ¢at the preference pro…le P if there
exists P h0 such that W P 1 ; :::; P h0 ; :::; P H is preferred by h, with preference
¡ ¢
P h, to W P 1 ; :::; P h; :::; P H . Manipulability means that h can alter the social
decision to one they prefer by announcing a set of preferences, P h0 , which di¤er
from their true preferences. The SCF is s.i.i.c. if there is no set of preferences,
P , at which it is manipulable. Now let the range of the SCF, W , be ¥0 µ ¥.
The SCF is dictatorial when for any » 2 ¥0, » 6= W (P ), W (P ) is preferred by
h to ». Agent h is then said to be the dictator.
Given these preliminaries, the Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem can now be
The …rst result of this subsection, due to Dasgupta et al. (1979), concerns
the relationship between truthful implementation in Nash equilibrium and in
dominant strategies.
rational act for the household would be not to engage in trade but to simply
consume their endowment. Imposing individual rationality, Hurwicz (1979a,
1979b) demonstrates, under mild continuity and convexity restrictions, that the
set of Lindahl allocations is a subset of the Nash equilibria and all interior Nash
equilibria are Lindahl allocations.
These results would seem to suggest that implementation in Nash strategies
provides an attractive means of overcoming the failings of the dominant strategy
mechanisms. Unfortunately, Nash mechanisms are not without their failings.
The ma jor di¢culty is the level of knowledge implied by the equilibrium concept.
Interpreted literally, it requires each household to know the preferences of the
others and to be able to solve the game for the set of equilibrium strategies.
Such common knowledge amongst the households is in sharp contrast to the
lack of knowledge of the centre. Although it has been argued that there may
be situations when this is appropriate (see Moore and Repullo 1988), the public
goods problem is almost certainly not amongst them. Alternatively, the Nash
equilibrium could be seen as being achieved as the outcome of some iterative
process but, again, this falls outside the scenario envisaged.
9.6.8 Conclusions
This review of mechanism design has included some positive results and some
negative ones. It has been shown possible to achieve e¢cient, though not al-
ways fully-e¢cient, outcomes when preferences are separable using dominant
strategies. Unfortunately, the Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem shows that this
result cannot be extended to apply to all possible forms of preferences. E¢-
ciency is attainable using Nash equilibrium but the informational requirements
of the equilibrium concept appear unsustainable in the public goods context.
The same is also true of Bayesian equilibrium. The mechanism design problem
is therefore far from fully solved.
of payo¤s were such that the private provision equilibrium would result in no
investments in the public good although the e¢cient outcome would involve
only investment in the public good. Each participant made a single investment
Although the structure of payo¤s, the distribution of tokens and the nature
of the public good (divisible or lumpy) changed between experiments, the results
were remarkable consistent. In the …rst 11 experiments, the average investment
in the public good lay between 28% and 87% of tokens with most observations
falling in the 40%-50% range. In the 12th experiment, with a group of …rst-year
graduates in Economics, the investment in the public good fell to 20%. These
results clearly do not support the predictions of the private provision model.
Isaac, Walker and Thomas (1984) modi…ed the experiment by repeating the
investment decision over ten rounds with the view that this should allow time for
the participants to learn about free-riding and develop the optimal strategy. The
results from this experiment are not as clear as in Marwell and Ames (1981) and
a wider range of investments occurs. Free-riding is not completely supported but
some instances are reported in which it does occur. However, this …nding should
be treated with caution since having ten rounds of the game introduces aspects of
repeated game theory. While it remains true that the only credible equilibrium
of the repeated game is the private provision equilibrium of the corresponding
single-period game, it is possible that in the experiments some participants may
have been attempting to establish cooperative equilibria by playing in a fashion
that invited cooperation. Additionally, those not trained in game theory may
have been unable to derive the optimal strategy even though they could solve
the single-period game. Similar comments apply to Kim and Walker (1984) who
also employ a repeated game framework. In their experiments free-riding was
found to occur but some odd responses involving occasional large investments
in the public good also arose.
The repeated game framework was also applied by Isaac, McCue and Plott
(1985) who conducted nine experiments with undergraduate economists. It was
found that the contributions to the public good fell short of the Lindahl level
but remained above the zero level that would occur in the private provision
equilibrium. It is interesting to note that in experiments in which the Lindahl
level was announced after 5 or 6 rounds, the contributions then increased. Al-
lowing communication also raised contributions but less noticeably. Overall, the
experiments show some evidence of free-riding but do not conform exactly to
the predictions of the private provision equilibrium. Isaac and Walker (1988)
use the same format to examine the e¤ect of group size upon free-riding. The
results show that increasing group size leads to increased divergence from the
e¢cient outcome when accompanied by a decrease in marginal return from the
public good but the results do not support a pure numbers-in-group e¤ect. This
…nding is compatible with the theoretical …nding that the e¤ect of group size
on the divergence from optimality was in general indeterminate.
The results above indicate that there is little evidence of free-riding in single-
period, or one-shot, games but in the repeated games the contributions fall to-
wards the private provision level as the game is repeated. Andreoni (1988b)
suggests two reasons for these …ndings and attempts to choose between them.
The …rst possibility is that the decay could be due to learning as the partici-
pants are initially unable to solve the game and only learn the optimal strategy
by repeated play. Alternatively, the pattern of contributions observed may be a
strategic choice where some cooperation in the early stages is part of that strat-
egy. To distinguish between the two explanations, one set of participants in the
experiment were placed in di¤erent groups after each round of investment. Since
the groups were randomly chosen, this prevented any bene…t existing from play-
ing a long-term strategy. Alongside these varying groups were 3 groups which
remained …xed throughout the 10 rounds of the experiment. If the strategic
explanation is correct, the …xed groups should have higher contribution levels
in the early stages of the game. In addition to the groups playing a …xed num-
ber of 10 rounds, an identical number of participants again split into …xed and
varying groups were subject to 10 rounds of the game and then told the game
was to be restarted for another 10 rounds. If learning is the correct explanation,
restarting should not a¤ect the level of contributions.
The results do not con…rm either hypothesis. Contributions by the members
of …xed groups were always less than those made by members of the variable
groups and in both cases remained above the level that would be achieved in
the private provision equilibrium After the restart the level of contributions was
temporarily higher for the variable groups. For the …xed groups there was a
lasting increase in contribution after the restart.
Taken together, these experiments do not provide great support for the equi-
librium based on the private provision economy with Nash behaviour. In the
single-period games free-riding is unambiguously rejected. Although it appears
after several rounds in repeated games, the explanation for the strategies in-
volved is not entirely apparent. Neither a strategic nor a learning hypothesis
is con…rmed. What seems to be occurring is that the participants are initially
guided more by a sense of fairness than by Nash behaviour. When this fairness is
not rewarded, the tendency is then to move towards the Nash equilibrium. The
failure of experimentation to support free-riding lends some encouragement to
the views of Johansen (1977) that although such behaviour may be individually
optimal, it is not actually observed in practice.
In a series of papers Bohm (1971, 1972 1984) has suggested a procedure for
dealing with misrevelation, provided experimental results and has described the
outcome of the procedure in practice. To provide a practical method for deter-
mining the valuation of a public good, Bohm suggests running two preference
revelation mechanisms simultaneously. The …rst mechanism should be designed
to lead to an under-reporting of the true valuation of the pro ject and the second
to the over-reporting. The direction of misrevelation can easily be controlled by
the link between reported valuation and the charge levied for use of the public
good. For instance, if the charge is credibly announced to be zero then over-
reporting will always take place if provision of the public good is dependent
upon reported valuations being greater than its cost. If those whose valuations
are sought are randomly allocated between the …rst and second mechanism then
an upper and lower bound are obtained on the valuation of the public good with
the true valuation lying somewhere in the interval. The decision to provide the
public good is then taken if all points in the interval are greater than the cost
and it is not provided if all points are less than the cost. A level of cost lying in
the interval indicates potential indi¤erence between provision and non-provision
of the public good at the given level of cost.
Bohm (1972) conducted an experimental implementation of this procedure
on 200 people from Stockholm who had to evaluate the bene…t of seeing a pre-
viously unshown TV program. The participants were divided into four groups
which faced the following payment mechanisms: (i) pay stated valuation; (ii)
pay a fraction of stated valuation such that costs are covered from all payments;
(iii) pay a low ‡at fee and (iv) no payment. Although the …rst two provide an in-
centive to under-report and the latter two to over-report, the experiment found
that there was no signi…cant di¤erence in the stated valuations, suggesting that
misrevelation may not be as important as suggested by the theory. In the prac-
tical application, Bohm (1984) describes how the choice on whether to collect
statistics on housing is determined by obtaining the local government valua-
tions of these. Two alternative contracts were o¤ered, the …rst had payment
as a proportion of valuation with the proportion chosen to cover costs and the
second had a …xed payment for any valuation over a given …gure. A valuation
below this …gure resulted in exclusion from the use of the statistics. The results
indicated that valuations were on average lower (SEK 827) for the o¤ered the
…rst contract than for those o¤ered the second (SEK 889) with the valuation
interval being small. This work suggests that the misrevelation problem is not
as great as the theory predicts and that simple procedures may well exist that
overcome the actual degree of misrevelation.
In assessing these results, it must be borne in mind that the experimental
procedures are always sub ject to the criticism that the participants do not treat
them in the way they would act in real situations. The rewards involved are
usually small and the experiment is always somewhat arti…cial. Furthermore,
the participants may not be a representative sample of the population.
that part of the attraction of any house is the environmental quality of its
locality, for example whether there is a nearby park. There is obviously no
market for environmental quality as such, but if the prices of a variety of houses
are observed that di¤er in their environmental quality then a valuation of this
can be derived by obtained by observing the prices at which they trade. The
di¤erence in price of two houses that are identical in all respects except for
environmental quality captures the value of the environmental di¤erence.
These observations lead into the theory of hedonic analysis of price which
is the statistical formalisation of the method just described. Examples of the
application of hedonics can be found in Griliches (1971), Ball (1973) and Brook-
shire et al. (1982). It must be noted that the method do es have shortcomings,
particular in that many public goods may have no private good market associ-
ated with them.
9.8 Conclusions
This chapter has reviewed the standard analysis of the e¢cient level of provision
of a public good leading to the Samuelson rule and its generalisations. These
e¢ciency rules generate allocations that can only be achieved if the government
is unrestricted in its policy tools or, as the Lindahl equilibrium demonstrated,
personalised pricing can be employed. If a uniform price must be charged, it was
shown that private provision would not generate a Pareto e¢cient outcome and
that it would be Pareto-improving for each household to increase their contribu-
tion towards provision of the public good. Such results provide a natural role for
the government to participate in …nancing and provision and the consequences
of …nancing public goods by distortionary taxation were analysed.
One aspect of public goods that prevents the government making e¢cient
decisions is the government’s lack of knowledge of households’ preferences and
willingness to pay for public goods. Mechanisms were shown to exist that could
overcome the incentives for households to misreveal their preferences but for
the most relevant equilibrium concept, that of dominant strategies, these were
restricted in the forms of preferences to which they applied. Despite these
rather negative theoretical conclusions, experimental evidence indicates that
household behaviour when confronted with decision problems involving public
goods does not conform with the theoretical prediction and that the private
provision equilibrium may not be as ine¢cient as theory suggests. Furthermore,
misrevelation has not been con…rmed as the inevitable outcome.
Chapter 10
10.1 Introduction
An externality represents a connection between economic agents which lies out-
side the price system of the economy. As the level of externality generated is not
controlled directly by price, the standard e¢ciency theorems on market equi-
librium cannot be applied. The market failure that can result raises a potential
role for correction through policy intervention.
Externalities and their control are a sub ject of increasing practical impor-
tance. The greenhouse e¤ect is one of the most signi…cant examples of the
consequences of an externality but there are any number of others, from purely
local environmental issues to similarly global ones. Although these may not
appear at …rst sight to be economic problems, many of the policy responses to
their existence have been based on the economic theory of externalities. The
purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate the consequences of the existence of
externalities and to the review policy responses that have been suggested. In
particular, it will be shown how the unregulated economy generally fails to reach
an e¢cient outcome and to what degree this can be corrected using standard
tax instruments.
The chapter begins with a discussion of alternative de…nitions of an exter-
nality which di¤er in whether they focus on e¤ects or consequences. Adopting
an e¤ect-based de…nition, it is then shown how the market generally fails to
achieve e¢ciency. This lack of e¢ciency is contrasted to the claim of the Coase
theorem that e¢ciency will be eliminated by trade. An emphasis is placed on
the role of missing markets and ine¢ciency in bargaining with incomplete in-
formation. The design of the optimal set of corrective, or Pigouvian, taxes is
then addressed under alternative assumptions about the feasible degree of dif-
ferentiation between di¤erent households and …rms. The chapter is completed
by contrasting the use of taxes with direct control through tradable licences and
value of internalisation.
10.2 Externalities
Although the nature of an externality as an e¤ect in‡icted by one agent upon
another may seem very clear at an intuitive level, once a formalisation is at-
tempted a number of issues arise that need to be resolved. Of most importance
is the question of whether the existence of an externality should be judged by
its e¤ects or by its consequences. Since both approaches have some merit, but
can lead to di¤erent classi…cations, there is no universally agreed de…nition of
an externality. This section discusses two alternative de…nitions and describes
the representation of externalities adopted in the following analysis.
10.2.1 De…nitions
In the literature there have been a number of alternative de…nitions of an ex-
ternality and several attempts at providing classi…cations of various types of
externality; a survey is presented in Baumol and Oates (1988). There are two
ma jor categories of de…nition, the …rst of which de…nes an externality by its
e¤ects and the second by the reason for its existence and its consequences.
The …rst de…nition of an externality is the most commonly adopted and is
based on the e¤ects of externalities.
Externality (1)
An externality is present whenever some economic agent’s welfare (utility
or pro…t) includes real variables whose values are chosen are chosen by others
without particular attention to the e¤ect upon the welfare of the other agents
they a¤ect.
This is a very broad de…nition but does have the advantage of allowing an
externality to be recognised from its e¤ects. The de…nition also implicitly dis-
tinguishes between two broad categories of externality. A production externality
is said to exist when the e¤ect of the externality is upon a pro…t relationship and
a consumption externality is present whenever a utility level is a¤ected. Clearly,
an externality can be both a consumption and a production externality simul-
taneously. For a household, an externality can a¤ect either the consumption set
or the utility function. In either case, …nal welfare will be a¤ected. Similarly,
for a …rm, an externality may determine the structure of the production set or
it may enter the pro…t function directly.
The di¢culty with this de…nition is its dependence upon the institutional
context in which it is placed. The following example of Heller and Starret (1976)
illustrates this point. In a barter economy with two households, the utility of
each household is dependent upon the quantity that the other household is
willing to give up in exchange. From the de…nition above, this must clearly
count as an externality although such a classi…cation seems inappropriate. If
the institutional setting is altered by the introduction of competitive markets
then the externality is removed. Furthermore, it is precisely the nonexistence
of functioning markets for external e¤ects that leads them to be classi…ed as
externalities. Based on this reasoning, Heller and Starret (1976) provide an
10.2.2 Representation
Having de…ned an externality, it is possible to move on to the formal©representa- ª
tion. Denote, as in Chapter 3, the array of consumption vectors x = x 1; :::; x H
© ª
and the array of production vectors y = y 1 ; :::; y m . It is assumed that con-
sumption externalities enter the utility functions of the households and that
production externalities enter the production sets of the …rms. At the most
general level, this assumption implies that the utility functions take the form
In this formulation the utility functions and the production sets are dependent
upon the entire arrays of consumption and production vectors. The expressions
in (10.1) and (10.2) represent the general form of the externality problem and in
some of the discussion below a number of further restrictions will be employed.
In particular, the case where the total externality e¤ect is due to the sum of
contributions will be used on a number of occasions.
It is immediately apparent from (10.1) and (10.2) that the actions of the
agents in the economy will no longer be independent or determined solely by
prices. The linkages via the externality result in the optimal choice of each agent
being dependent upon the actions of others. Viewed in this light, it becomes
apparent why the e¢cient functioning of the competitive economy will generally
not be observed in an economy with externalities.
Before proceeding to analyse potential ine¢ciency of the market outcome, it
is worth noting that an economy based on the utility and production functions
de…ned in (10.1) and (10.2) may still possess a competitive equilibrium even
though this equilibrium may not be Pareto optimal. Provided demand and sup-
plies remain continuous functions of their arguments, the proof of the existence
of equilibrium can proceed along the lines sketched in chapter 2. Further de-
tails can be found in Arrow and Hahn (1971) and McKenzie (1955). There are
two additional di¢culties that arise in the proof of equilibrium in an economy
subject to externalities which concern the boundedness of the economy and the
convexity of production sets. Boundedness is a technical point that is not of
great importance here, a detailed discussion can be found in Osana (1973). The
possible non-convexity of production sets is of rather more importance and will
be considered in Section 4.2.2.
and ¡ ¢
U 2 = U 2 x21 ; x 22 ; x11 : (10.4)
The externality e¤ect in (10.3) and (10.4) is generated by consumption of good
1 by the other household. The externality will be positive if U h is increasing in
x j1 , h 6= j, and negative if decreasing.
To complete the description of the economy, it is assumed that the supply of
good 2 comes from an endowment to the households whereas good 1 is produced
from good 2 by a competitive industry that uses one unit of good 2 to produce
one unit of good 1. Normalising the price of good 1 at one, the structure of
production ensures that the equilibrium price of good 2 must also be one. Given
this, all that needs to be determined for this economy is the division of the initial
endowment into quantities of the two goods.
In specifying demand it is necessary to make an assumption concerning the
treatment of the externality e¤ect by the households in their maximisation de-
cisions. The standard assumption is that both households take the level of
externality as given when they maximise. Although this may seem inappropri-
ate for a two-household economy, two points should be stressed. Firstly, this
analysis is illustrative and, in the more relevant case of many households, the ef-
fect of each on external e¤ects would be negligible and the assumption is rather
more tenable. Secondly, it is also possible that the households may be aware of
the externality but not of its cause. They therefore take the quantity as given
when maximising.
Incorporating this assumption into the maximisation decision of the house-
holds, the competitive equilibrium of the economy is described by the equations
@U h
@U h
= 1; h = 1; 2; (10.5)
@U 1 @U 2
@x1 @x1
@U 1
+¹ 1
@U 1
= 1; (10.9)
2 @x1
@U 2 @U 1
@x2 2
¡1 @x1
@U 2
+ ¹ @U 2 = 1: (10.10)
2 @x2
In (10.9) and (10.10) the externality e¤ect can be seen to a¤ect the optimal
allocation between the two goods via the derivatives of utility with respect to
the externality. If a positive externality, these will raise the value of the left-
hand terms. They will decrease them if a negative externality. The value of
¹ can be interpreted as the relative social welfare weight given to the second
household and it will change as U changes. For example, if the optimum had
been derived by maximising a utilitarian social welfare function, then ¹ would
be identically 1. It can then be seen that at the optimum with a positive
externality the marginal rate of substitution of both households is below its
value in the market outcome. The converse is true with a negative externality.
Since the marginal rates of substitution can be interpreted as valuations, it can
be seen that the externality leads to a divergence between the private valuations
of consumption given by (10.5) and the corresponding social valuations in (10.9)
and (10.10). This observation has the implication that the market outcome is
not Pareto optimal. It is also tempting to conclude that if the externality is
positive then more of good 1 will be consumed at the optimum than under the
market outcome. However this is not always the case, a point that is discussed
in Section 5.
There is one further point worth noting. When a richer production structure
is added to the model, the question of whether it is always optimal for …rms
to produce on the frontier of their production sets arises. The answer to this
is given by Murakami and Negishi (1964) who provide an example that has an
optimum with ine¢ciency. However, if it is optimal for at least one …rm to be
ine¢cient then the outputs of that …rm must cause a negative externality on
other, e¢cient, …rms and the inputs must cause a positive externality. This is
a fairly restrictive condition so that productive ine¢ciency is probably not of
great consequence.
h i½ h
j j
U h = x h1 xh2 x1 x 2 ; (10.11)
h i½h
j j
where the term x 1 x 2 captures the externality e¤ect on h arising from the
consumption of j . With these preferences, the competitive equilibrium is then
characterised by
x h1
= 1; h = 1; 2: (10.12)
x h2
£ ¤½ 1¡1 2 £ ¤½ 2
x 11x 21 ½1 x21 x 22 x k + ¹x2k x11 x 12 = ¸; k = 1; 2: (10.14)
Dividing the equation for k = 1 in (10.13) by that for k = 2 gives (10.12).
Repeating this for (10.14) also gives (10.12). The existence of the externality
therefore does not a¤ect the e¢ciency of the competitive equilibrium.
Parks (1991) shows that the Pareto irrelevant externalities arise when the
preferences of the households have the general form
¡ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢¢
U h = U h f 1 x1 ; f 2 x2 ; :::; f H xH : (10.15)
¡ ¢
In (10.15) the functions f h xh can be interpreted as the private utility that
h derives form their consumption x h . The total utility of each household is
then given as a Bergson-Samuelson function of the vector of private utilities.
Although for each household this Bergson-Samuelson function must be de…ned
on the true private utilities, it can di¤er between households as it would in the
example of (10.11) if ½1 6= ½2 . It is straightforward to show
¡ that
¢ the competitive
equilibrium derived from the private maximisation of f h x h is described by the
same necessary conditions as a Pareto optimum obtained from the maximisation
of (10.15).
The form of (10.15) clearly demonstrates that it is interdependent utili-
ties that give rise to Pareto irrelevant externalities. The result arises because
the externality e¤ects exactly o¤set each other when the optimal allocation is
determined. Other forms of externality, such as Meade’s (1952) atmosphere ex-
ternality which is a function of the sum of consumption of one of the goods,
cannot satisfy this condition and will be Pareto relevant.
Provided there is no point interior to the production set which is Pareto optimal,
the e¢cient production plan will be a point, by , on the boundary of Y and, if Y is
convex, this will imply a price vector q under which b y maximises qy over all y in
Y . Under this interpretation the price system q captures the true social rates of
transformation between the goods. The optimality question can now be phrased
formally as determining whether there exists any arrangement of trade in this
economy such that the equilibrium is Pareto optimal, so demonstrating the First
Theorem of Welfare Economics, and whether there exists a price system which
will lead, by pro…t maximisation of the individual …rms, to the production plan
yb and hence demonstrating that the Second Theorem of Welfare Economics
Before proceeding, it may be worth recalling how the Two Theorems of
Welfare Economics were demonstrated in Chapter 2. For the First Theorem, it
is su¢cient for it to hold that all agents are maximising subject to parametric
prices with no external e¤ects. The proof of the Second Theorem required
that the …rms’ production sets were independent and that the price vector that
ensured the optimal allocation was pro…t maximising for the economy as a whole
also had the property that it was pro…t maximising for individual …rms to choose
the quantities that lead to the optimal output. These observations indicate that
for the Theorems to apply the important point is to de…ne the production sets
so that they are independent between …rms.
The required independence can be obtained by delineating goods both by
the …rm that produces them and by the …rm upon which they have an exter-
nality e¤ect. Thus de…ne good yikj to be the net output of good i by …rm j as
¡ k1 k1 byk2…rm k. The production
¢ set of …rm k is now de…ned on the variables
y 1 ; y 2 ; y1 ; y k2 k3 k3
2 ; y 1 ; y2 , k = 1; 2; 3. A count of the commodities shows that
this leads to there being 18 di¤erent goods. In addition, the production sets of
the …rms are formally independent since the goods over which any …rm exercises
choice do not appear in the production set of any other …rm. To complete the
argument, a set of prices are introduced that correspond to the number of goods
¡ k1the arti…cial markets. ¢The price vector faced by …rm k is therefore written
p 1 ; pk1 k2 k2 k3 k3
2 ; p 1 ; p2 ; p 1 ; p 2 . Since none of the agents now face an external ef-
fect, it follows that if agents act competitively and an equilibrium exists for the
economy including the markets for external e¤ects, then the equilibrium must
be Pareto optimal. It is also possible to appreciate that there are now su¢cient
prices to allow the control of …rms’ decisions that is necessary for decentrali-
sation. In particular, it is possible to choose the prices such that the identity
k0 j
y kj
i = y i , all k; j; k ; i is satis…ed.
Starret (1972) proves the following result which extends the Second Theorem
to the economy with markets for externalities.
¡ ¢
Theorem 50 (Starret) The price vector p 11 nm
1 ; :::; p n can be chosen such that
the pro…t maximising production plans of the …rms have the property that they
sum to the optimal aggregate output yb and the prices satisfy .
that the sum k=1;k6=j pkji can be seen as total tax payments per unit of good
i by …rm j to cover the externality e¤ects. Equation (10.17) therefore captures
the basic duality between prices on arti…cial markets and corrective taxes. To
summarise, if arti…cial markets are created for the externalities, so that they are
treated as distinct goods according to the …rm that produces them and the …rm
that they a¤ect, then a price system de…ned over these constructed commodities
can support the optimal allocation. In addition, this price system can also be
interpreted as de…ning a set of optimal taxes to counter the externalities.
This analysis can be given two alternative interpretations. Firstly, it can be
taken as prescriptive of what should be done to overcome ine¢ciency due to
the existence of externalities in the sense that if there is an externality problem
then this can be overcome by the introduction of markets for external e¤ects.
Secondly, it can be treated as a proof of the e¢ciency thesis of the Coase the-
orem as it shows that if externalities can be traded on competitive markets
then the equilibrium must be e¢cient. In this context, the Coase theorem be-
comes almost tautological. If the markets exist then, as in the second de…nition
of an externality, there must actually be no externalities. As regards policy
prescriptions, since trading in the arti…cial commodities is equivalent to trad-
ing property rights, the analysis can also be interpreted as showing that policy
should be directed to facilitating the exchange of property rights.
Property rights
The …rst di¢culty in proposing the results above as a solution to the problem
of externalities lies with the assignment of property rights in the market. When
considering trade for commodities de…ned in the usual sense it is clear who is
the purchaser and who is the supplier and, therefore, the direction in which
payment should be transferred. However, when externalities are interpreted as
commodities, this is no longer the case.
If property rights are not clearly speci…ed, it may not be obvious who should
be seen as the recipient of payment. For example, consider the case of air
pollution. It may be that it is acknowledged that the polluter should pay with
the implicit recognition of the right to clean air. On the other hand, the tradition
may have established a right to pollute, with clean air something that should
have to be paid for. When neither tradition is generally accepted, the direction
in which payment should go remains unclear. As a consequence, without clearly
speci…ed property rights, the markets may not function since none of the parties
involved would be willing to accept the responsibility for payment and costly
litigation would diminish the gain due to the existence of the market. These
observations suggest that the clari…cation of property rights should constitute
that …rst step in the construction of a policy towards externalities.
It has been implicit in the discussion up to this point that the standard as-
sumptions on convexity, particularly of production sets, will still be applicable
to the economy despite the existence of externalities. Without convexity, max-
imising choices may not be continuous functions of underlying variables and no
equilibrium may exist. When there is no equilibrium, policy proposals based
on its assumed existence, with or without the arti…cial markets, will be of little
value. Furthermore, even if an equilibrium exists it may not be decentralisable.
Although convexity is not too contentious without externalities, this is not the
case with externalities. As noted by Starret (1972) there are strong reasons for
doubting its applicability.
As an example of the …rst reason for the possible failure of the convexity
assumption, consider the case of a negative production externality. For a …rm
that is a¤ected, if this has the e¤ect of driving its output to zero regardless of
the level of other inputs then the production set will not be convex. Two ways
in which this may occur are illustrated in Figure 10.1 where the output, y, of
the …rm is drawn as a function of the level, z, of some externality for a given
level of inputs.
In the left-hand diagram, output becomes identically zero after some level
of the externality is reached. The right-hand diagram does not have the zero
output level but shows output driven to asymptotically to zero. In both these
case the production set of the …rm is not convex.
In such cases the economy based on arti…cial markets will fail to have an
equilibrium. Suppose the …rm were to receive a positive price for accepting
externalities. The optimal behaviour for the …rm would then be to produce zero
output and o¤er to accept an arbitrarily large quantity of externalities. Since
its output is already zero the externalities can do it no further harm, so that
this plan will lead to an unbounded level of pro…ts. If the price for accepting
externalities were zero, the same …rm would not accept any. The demand for
externalities is therefore discontinuous and an equilibrium need not exist. If
the externality were positive, the …rm would choose a production plan involving
an arbitrarily large negative quantity of the externality which again leads to
unbounded pro…t.
The second reason for non-convexity is due to Meade (1952). It is often
assumed that once all inputs are properly accounted for, all …rms will have
constant returns to scale since they can always replicate their behaviour. That
is, if a …xed set of inputs (i.e. a factory and sta¤ ) produce output y, doubling all
those inputs must produce 2y since they can be split into two identical sub-units
(e:g. two factories and sta¤ ) producing an amount y each. Now consider a …rm
subject to a negative externality and assume that it has constant returns to
all inputs including the externality. From this view, there are constant returns
from the perspective of society. Now consider the …rm doubling all its inputs but
with the externality held at a constant level. Since the externality is a negative
one, it becomes diluted by the increase in other inputs and output must more
than double. The …rm therefore faces private increasing returns to scale. With
such increasing returns, the …rm’s pro…t maximising decision may not have a
well-de…ned …nite solution and market equilibrium may again fail to exist.
Further analysis of these issues is given in Otani and Sicilian (1977). Their
theorem demonstrates that convexity is inconsistent with a set of reasonable
assumptions describing the consequences of external e¤ects. This simply for-
malises the arguments above. However they also note that by not permitting
…rms to demand negative quantities of inputs or supply negative a quantity
of output the problem does not occur with positive externalities. Therefore
non-convexity appears more of an issue for negative externalities.
These comments have been of a fairly negative nature since non-convexities
are the source of severe di¢culties for conclusions based on competitive behav-
iour. Although they may not be of critical importance in practice, they do act
as a warning that decentralised solutions may not be appropriate for dealing
with externalities.
Transaction costs
If the exchange of commodities would lead to mutually bene…cial gains for two
parties, the commodities will be exchanged unless the cost of doing so outweighs
the bene…ts. Such transactions costs may arise from the need for the parties
to travel to a point of exchange or from the legal costs involved in formalising
the transactions. They may also arise due to search required to …nd a trading
partner. Whenever they arise, transactions cost represent a hindrance to trade
and, if su¢ciently great, will lead to no trade at all taking place. The latter
results in the economy having a missing market.
The existence of transaction costs is often seen as the most signi…cant reason
for the nonexistence of markets in externalities. To see how they can arise,
consider the problem of pollution caused by car emissions. If the economy above
is applied literally, then any driver of a car must purchase pollution rights from
all of the agents that are a¤ected by the car emissions each time, and every
time, that the car is used. Obviously, this would take an absurd amount of
organisation and, since considerable time and resources would be used in the
process, would certainly not correspond to the frictionless market envisaged in
the Arrow-Debreu economy. In many cases it seems likely that the welfare loss
due to waste of resources in organising the market would outweigh any gains
from having the market.
Despite these negative conclusions, the transactions cost perspective upon
the Coase theorem still has policy value. The prescription arising from it is that
the cost of transferring legal entitlements between agents should be reduced as
far as possible to permit trade.
10.4.4 Bargaining
When external e¤ects are traded, there will generally only be one agent on each
side of the market. This thinness of the market undermines the assumption
of competitive behaviour that can support the e¢ciency hypothesis. In such
circumstances, the Coase theorem has been interpreted as implying that bar-
gaining between the two agents will take place over compensation for external
e¤ects and that this bargaining will lead to an e¢cient outcome. Such a claim
requires substantiation.
Bargaining can be interpreted as taking the form of either a cooperative game
between agents or as a non-cooperative game. When it is viewed as coopera-
tive, the tradition since Nash (1950) has been to adopt a set of axioms which
the bargain must satisfy and to derive the outcomes that satisfy these axioms.
The requirement of Pareto optimality is always adopted as one of the axioms
so that the bargained agreement is necessarily e¢cient. If all bargains over
compensation payments were placed in front of an external arbitrator, then the
Nash bargaining solution would have some force as descriptive of what such an
arbitrator should try and achieve. However, this is not what is envisaged in the
Coase theorem which focuses on the actions of markets free of any regulation.
Although appealing as a method for achieving an outcome agreeable to both
parties, the fact that Nash bargaining solution is e¢cient does not demonstrate
the correctness of the Coase theorem.
The literature on bargaining in a non-cooperative context is best divided
between games with complete information and those with incomplete informa-
tion, since this distinction is of crucial importance for the outcome. One of the
central results of non-cooperative bargaining with complete information is due
to Rubinstein (1982) who considers the division of a single object between two
players. The players take it in turns to announce a division of the object and
each period an o¤er and an acceptance or rejection are made. Both players
discount the future so are impatient to arrive at an agreed division. Rubinstein
shows that the game has a unique subgame perfect equilibrium with agreement
reached in the …rst period. The outcome is Pareto optimal.
The important point is the complete information assumed to prevail in this
representation of bargaining. The importance of information for the nature of
outcomes has been already been emphasised on several occasions and its conse-
quences are equally important for bargaining. In the simple bargaining problem
of Rubinstein (1982) the information that must be known are the preferences of
the two agents, captured by their rates of time discount. When these discount
rates are private information the attractive properties of the complete infor-
mation bargain are lost and, as shown by Rubinstein (1985), there many be
many potential equilibria with the equilibria being dependent upon the precise
speci…cation of the structure of bargaining.
In the context of externalities it seems reasonable to assume that information
will be incomplete since there is no reason why the agents involved in bargaining
an agreement over compensation for an external e¤ect should be aware of the
other’s valuation of the externality. The formalisation of this situation given
by Myerson and Satterthwaite (1983) considers the sale of an object (which
would be the property right) from one agent to another. Each agent knows
their own valuation at the time of bargaining but is uncertain about that of the
other agent. The characterisation of bargaining is then undertaken by determin-
ing the form of Bayesian incentive-compatible and individually rational direct
mechanisms for reaching agreement (see the de…nitions in Chapter 9 Section
8). Application of the revelation principle, which asserts that for any Bayesian
equilibrium there is an equivalent mechanism that involves truthful revelation,
justi…es the restriction to incentive compatible direct mechanisms.
Agent 1 initially owns the object and agent 2 wishes to purchase. The
valuation of the ob ject by 1 is denoted º 1 and that of 2 by º 2 . Household j,
¡ ¢
j = 1; 2, believes , i 6= j, to be distributed with density function fi º i which
¡ ¢
has strictly positive support on [ai; b i] and
¡ 1 cumulative
¢ distribution F i º i . The
outcome is determined by a function p º ; º 2 ¡which¢represents the probability
that the object is transferred and a function q º 1 ; º 2 that is the payment that
must be made. Given a pair of such functions, the expected payment as viewed
by 1 is given by
Z b2
¡ 1¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
q1 º = q º 1 ; w2 f2 w 2 dw 2 ; (10.18)
and by 2
Z b1
¡ 2
¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
p2 º = p w1 ; º 2 f1 w 1 dw 1 : (10.21)
and that of 2 ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
U 2 º 2 = q 2 º2 ¡ º2 p2 º2 : (10.23)
The characterisation of the mechanism begins by noting that incentive com-
patibility implies for agent 1 that
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
U 1 º 1 = q1 º 1 ¡ º 1 p 1 º 1 ¸ q 1 w 1 ¡ º 1 p1 w1 ; (10.24)
and ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
U 1 w 1 = q 1 w 1 ¡ w 1 p 1 w 1 ¸ q1 º 1 ¡ w 1 p 1 º 1 ; (10.25)
1 1
for any º and w . Taken together, (10.24) and (10.25) give
£ 1 ¤ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¡ ¢
w ¡ º 1 p 1 º 1 ¸ U 1 º 1 ¡ U 1 w1 ¸ w 1 ¡ º 1 p 1 w 1 : (10.26)
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
Choosing w 1 > º 1 shows that p 1 º 1 ¸ p 1 w 1 so that the probability is
decreasing in valuation. ¡Di¤erentiating
¢ ¡ 1 ¢(10.26) with respect to º and letting
1 1 10 1
w ! º shows that U º = ¡p1 º . Integrating gives
Z b1
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
U 1 º 1 = U 1 (b 1 ) + p 1 w 1 dw 1 : (10.27)
Repeating the argument for agent 2 shows that p 2 (¢) is increasing and
Z º2
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
U 2 º 2 = U 2 (a2 ) + p2 w2 dw2 : (10.28)
The central result of Myerson and Satterthwaite (1983) can now be stated.
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
Proof. Substituting for U 1 º 1 and U 2 º 2 in (10.27) and (10.28) using
(10.22) and (10.23) and summing the resulting equations gives
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
q 1 º 1 ¡ q2 º 2 = º 1 p 1 º 1 ¡ º 2 p 2 º 2 + U 1 (b1 ) + U 2 (a2 )
Z b1 Z º2
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
+ p 1 w 1 dw 1 + p2 w2 dw 2: (10.29)
º1 a2
Z " ¡ ¢#
1 2 F1 º 1
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
U (b 1 ) + U (a2 ) = ¡ º + 1
p 1 º 1 f1 º 1 dº 1
a1 f 1 (º )
Z b2 " ¡ ¢#
2 1 ¡ F2 º 2 ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ 2
+ º ¡ 2
p 2 º 2 f2 º 2 dº(10.30)
a2 f2 (º )
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
Replacing p1 º 1 and p 2 º 2 using (10.18) and (10.20) and noting that indi-
vidual rationality requires U 1 (b 1 ) ¸ 0, U 2 (a2 ) ¸ 0, (10.30) implies
Z Z "" ¡ ¢# " ¡ ¢ ##
b2 b1
1 ¡ F2 º 2
2 1 F1 º1 ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
0 º ¡ 2
¡ º + 1
p º 1 ; º 2 f1 º 1 f 2 º 2 dº 1 dº 2 :
a2 a1 f2 (º ) f 1 (º )
Condition (10.31) must be satis…ed by any incentive compatible and individually
rational mechanism.
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
An e¢cient outcome requires p º 1 ; º 2 = 1 if º 1 < º 2 and p º 1 ; º 2 = 0 if
º 1 > º 2 . Substituting these restrictions into the right-hand side of (10.31) gives
Z b2 Z min f º 2;b 1g £ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¤ ¡ ¢
º 2 f 2 º 2 + F2 º 2 ¡ 1 f1 º 1 dº 1 dº 2
a2 a1
Z b2 Z min fº 2;b 1g £ 1 ¡ 1¢ ¡ ¢¤ ¡ ¢
¡ º f1 º + F 1 º 1 f 2 º 2 dº 1 dº 2
a2 a1
Z b2 £ Z b2
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¤ ¡ ¢ © ¡ ¢ ª ¡ ¢
= º 2 f 2 º 2 + F 2 º 2 ¡ 1 F 1 º 2 dº 2 ¡ min º 2 F1 º 2 ; b 1 f2 º 2 dº 2
a2 a2
Z b2 Z b2
£ ¡ ¢¤ ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¡ ¢
= ¡ 1 ¡ F 2 º 2 F 1 º 2 dº 2 + º 2 ¡ b 1 f2 º 2 dº 2
a2 b1
Z b2 Z b2
£ ¡ ¢¤ ¡ ¢ £ ¡ ¢ ¤
= ¡ 1 ¡ F 2 º 2 F 1 º 2 dº 2 ¡ F2 º 2 ¡ 1 dº 2
a2 b1
Z b1
= ¡ [1 ¡ F 2 (w)] F 1 (w) dw < 0: (10.32)
10.4.5 Conclusions
In summary, the Coase Theorem suggests that externalities can be overcome
by decentralised trading between a¤ected parties. In practice it is di¢cult to
imagine that its conditions are actually satis…ed so that it cannot be given too
much weight as a foundation for the formulation of policy. The arguments above
provide some fairly powerful reasons why the full set of markets required for
optimality may not exist. Furthermore they also show why bargaining between
a¤ected parties is also unlikely to achieve e¢ciency.
It is assumed that the externality a¤ects both the consumers, via their utility
functions, and the …rms, via their production sets. The utility of household h
is therefore denoted ¡ ¢
U h = U h xh1 ; :::; x hn ; z : (10.35)
From (10.35) it can be seen that utility is a function only of the total quantity of
the externality and is not related to its distribution across …rms. The production
set of each …rm is written in implicit form as
n ³ ´ o
y1j ; :::; y jn : f j y1j ; :::; y jn ; z 0 ; j = 1; :::; m: (10.36)
It is now assumed that the constraints (10.34), (10.36) and (10.37) are met
with equality so that the e¤ect of the increase in the output of good 1 can be
calculated by total di¤erentiation. Carrying out the di¤erentiation gives
X @z j
dz = dy1j ; (10.38)
X m
X j
dx hi = dyi ; i = 1; :::; n; (10.39)
h =1 j=1
X j j
df j = fi dy i + f zj dz = 0; j = 1; :::; m: (10.40)
To derive an expression for the social value of this change in the production
plan, it is …rst noted that utility maximisation of household h leads to the
Uih = ¸p i; Unh = ¸p n ; (10.42)
where ¸ is the Lagrange multiplier on the household’s budget constraint. If pn
is normalised at 1, then
= pi; (10.43)
is a measure of the value of good i to household h relative to the other goods.
To generate a measure of change in social welfare, the e¤ect of rearrangement
in production is de…ned as
Xn XH ¸ H
X ¸
Uih h Uzh
dW = dx i + dz: (10.44)
Unh Unh
h =1 h=1
In addition, the fact that the initial point is assumed to be a competitive equilib-
rium implies that the …rms must be equating the marginal rate of transformation
between any two goods to the ratio of their prices. In particular, taking all other
goods relative to good n this gives
f ij
M RT i;j n = = p i; i = 1; :::; n; all j: (10.46)
f nj
From (10.41) the terms in fi can be eliminated to provide
2 3
Xm j
¸ XH h
f U
dW = 4¡ z
j +
z 5
dz: (10.48)
j= 1 f n U n
of good 1, the result is purely local in that it refers to the correct course of
action only in the locality of the competitive equilibrium. It must therefore not
be read as suggesting that the output of good 1 should be reduced regardless of
the starting point or that the optimal level of the output of good 1 is less than
that at the competitive equilibrium. Both the latter statements are examples
of global results and could only be supported by stronger arguments.
A global result would relate the production and consumption arrays fx c g ;
fy g at the competitive equilibrium to the optimal arrays fx o g ; fy o g. In fact, as
shown in Baumol and Oates (1988), a comparison between these arrays can only
be made under stronger assumptions than have so far been adopted. In partic-
ular, even with a single externality, convexity of the production sets becomes
Buchanan and Kafoglis (1963) demonstrate that it also possible for coun-
terexamples to be constructed in which, for example, the quantity of a positive
externality is decreased as the economy moves towards the optimum. Consider
a two-consumer, two-good, economy with a single positive consumption exter-
nality. For each consumer, the externality arises from the other’s consumption
of good 2. Under these assumptions the utility functions are of the form
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
U 1 = U 1 x11 ; x 21 ; x12 ; U 2 = U 2 x 11 ; x21 ; x 22 : (10.51)
As each consumer maximises their utility taking the other consumer’s contribu-
tion to the externality as …xed, the equilibrium occurs at a point at which the
indi¤erence curves cross at right-angles. This is precisely the same argument as
for the private provision of public goods in Chapter 9. Therefore, as shown in
Chapter 9 Section 5.3, it is possible for there to be too much consumption of
goods causing positive externalities at the market outcome relative to the social
optimum and too little of goods causing negative externalities.
The conclusion of this section is that although local results can be estab-
lished without too much di¢culty it is not straightforward to provide global
comparisons. However, since many policy recommendations are only concerned
with marginal changes, this is not of too great a consequence for the formulation
of practical policies.
that the rates of tax need to be di¤erentiated between commodities and between
consumers. This is a far stronger requirement than that normally imposed upon
models of commodity taxation and, arguably, is not administratively feasible.
When the requirement that the taxes must be uniform across consumers is
imposed, the …rst-best allocation cannot, in general, be sustained except for
some special cases. This leads to the choice of taxes that will generate the
optimal second-best outcome. Uniform taxes are considered in the second sub-
where the externality e¤ects have been included as arti…cial commodities with
x hi h denoting the consumption of good i by e
h as viewed by h. The aggregate
quantity, Xi , of good i is de…ned by
Xi = x hh
i ; (10.52)
subject to
X e
Xi ¸ x hh hh hh e e
i ; 0 ¸ F (X1 ; :::; Xn ) ; x i = xi ; i = 1; :::; n; h; h = 1; :::; H; h 6= h:
h =1
The …nal set of constraints capture the consistency condition that the con-
sumption of h as viewed by eh must equal the actual consumption of h. Let
h@U h e
¯ ¡ ¸i ¡ » hh
i = 0; (10.56)
i e
h =1;e
h 6=h
and for good xhi h ,
e @U h e
¯h e
+ » hh
i = 0: (10.57)
It can be seen in (10.58) that the multipliers »hh
i are proportional to the exter-
nality e¤ect. In addition, dividing two of the …rst-order conditions (10.57) for
goods i and j for a consumer, h, gives
@U h PH e
@ xhh ¸i + e
» hh
@U h
= PH e
; (10.58)
@ xhh
¸j + e h6= h » j
h =1;e
which would be the …rst-order condition for choice of the consumer if they faced
P e
prices given by ¸ i + He » hh for good i, a fact …rst noted by Davis and
h=1;eh6=h i
Whinston (1965). Therefore the multipliers »hhi can be treated as the per-unit
tax rate on consumer h for each unit of good x i they generate. The total tax
paid on a unit of consumption, that is for each unit of good xhh i , is then the
sum of these individual taxes. This is the same interpretation as given after
(10.17). Note that from (10.58), if the externality is negative, the individual
tax component will be positive.
From the above it can be concluded that for the Pareto optimum to be
achieved the taxes must have the potential to be di¤erentiated between con-
sumers so that each consumer e¤ectively faces a personalised price for each
good. As will be noted below, there are some case where the e¤ects are sym-
metric across consumer so that they actually face the same optimal prices but
these are the exception rather than the rule. These results have precisely the
same interpretation as the demonstration in Chapter 9 that the Lindahl equilib-
rium with personalised prices can decentralise the optimum level of public good
provision. Indeed, public goods can be treated entirely as a special case of the
more general externality framework.
The remaining …rst-order conditions take the form
¸i ¡ ¸0 = 0: (10.59)
These equations imply that the marginal rates of transformation between each
pair of goods is equated to the ratio of the ¸s. Since the ¸s can be interpreted
as pre-tax prices this has the implication that there is production e¢ciency and
hence the optimal tax system distorts only the consumption side of the economy
in response to a consumption externality.
This discussion has demonstrated that a set of taxes can be derived that
will support a Pareto optimum in the presence of externalities. However, these
taxes will in general need to be di¤erentiated both across goods and across
consumers. If the model was extended to include production externalities, the
taxes would also need to be di¤erentiated across …rms. Theorem 2.5 investigated
some of the consequences of attempting to implement a tax system with this
degree of di¤erentiation and showed that such attempts were most likely to fail.
Since they are based on private information of a similar nature, this general
conclusion also applies to the di¤erentiated Pigouvian taxes that support the
…rst-best. Consequently, although a …rst-best outcome can be achieved if the
necessary information were available, the implied tax scheme is unlikely to be
Attainment of …rst-best
Considering the problem set out in (10.55) and (10.56), uniform taxation will
be the solution to this problem when, for a given good i, all the multipliers » hh
have the same value for all h and e h. The …rst case in which this will occur
is the relatively uninteresting one of identical consumers with each given the
same weight in social welfare. Under these conditions the derivatives of utility
in (10.58) will be the same for all h and the claim then follows.
Rather more interesting is the example of Meade’s (1952) additive atmosphere
externality. The level, °, of such an externality is determined by the relation
à H
°=° xhi ; °0 ¸ 0: (10.60)
subject to
X ¡ ¢
Xi ¸ xhi ; 0 ¸ F (X1 ; X2 ) ; ° = ° x11 + x 21 : (10.64)
@U h @°
¯h h
¡ ¸ 1 + »1 h = 0; h = 1; 2; (10.65)
@x 1 @x1
@U h
¯h ¡ ¸ 2 = 0; h = 1; 2; (10.66)
@x h2
¸i ¡ ¸0 = 0; i = 1; 2; (10.67)
@U 1 @U 2
¯1 + ¯2 + »1 = 0: (10.68)
@° @°
As @@°
= @x 2 , (10.66) and (10.69) have the implication that the consumers
1 1
should face the same shadow prices for the two goods or, equivalently, that the
tax rate on good 1 should not be di¤erentiated across the consumers. Therefore
uniform taxes can sustain the …rst-best in the presence of the atmosphere exter-
nality. Alternative derivations of this result, for external economies of scale in
production, can be found in Aoki (1971) and Chipman (1970). A more detailed
characterisation of optimal taxes with the atmospheric externality can be found
in Sandmo (1975).
t1 = PH @xh1
: (10.74)
h=1 @t1
From (10.75) it can be seen that the optimal tax is given by the sum of exter-
nality e¤ects weighted by the demand derivatives.
The simple characterisation in (10.75) was derived on the basis of a num-
ber of strong assumptions. In particular, the separability between the e¤ects
of di¤erent households’ contributions to the externality is almost indefensible.
When this is removed however, the possibility is opened for rather more sur-
prising results to emerge. For example, Diamond (1973a) is able to construct
a two-consumer example which has t1 = 0 as the optimal solution despite the
presence of a negative externality. This line of reasoning is developed further
by Green and Sheshinski (1976) who introduce a third good that enters into
the non-linear part of the utility function. With this formulation they permit
indirect taxation of the third commodity and demonstrate that an optimum
may involve a zero direct tax but a non-zero indirect tax.
These results are placed into a common framework by Balcer (1980) whose
analysis is now described. The previous model is extended by assuming a utility
function of the form
¡ ¢ h¡ ¢
U h x h1 ; x h3 + U x 11 ; :::; x h¡
; x h+1
1 ; :::; x H
1 + x h2 : (10.75)
In (10.76), the externality e¤ect remains separable from the direct level of con-
sumption of good 1 but it is distinguished form (10.72) by the inclusion of good
3 in the …rst component of the utility function. The focus of the analysis is on
the e¤ect of the substitutability/complementarity relation between good 1 and
3 and the structure of the optimal taxes.
Retaining the assumption that all tax revenues are returned to the consumers
via lump-sum transfers, the welfare function can be written
¡ ¢ X h ¡ ¢
W = U h xh1 ; x h3 + U x11 ; :::; x h¡1
1 ; x h+1
1 ; :::; xH
h= 1 h=1
¡p1 x h1 ¡ p3 xh3 + M h: (10.76)
h =1 h=1 h =1
By di¤erentiating the welfare function with respect to these tax rates and de…n-
H H e
h H
X @x hN e X @U X h
£N e N´ eh @xN ; N = 1; 3; i = 1; 3;
i ´ ; Uh ´ e
; U£ i U
@ti @x h1 @ti
h=1 e
h=1;eh6=h e
h =1
the optimal taxes can be implicitly expressed as
2 he i3
U £1
e 16
¡ U£ £22 ¡ £ 21 2
e £1
1 U 7
t1 = 4 1
5; (10.78)
£11 £ 22 ¡
£21 £21
and 2 he i3
U £1
e 11
U£ £12 ¡ £ 11 2
6 e £1
U 7
t2 = 4 1
5: (10.79)
£11 £ 22 ¡
£21 £21
The …rst result that can be derived form these expressions is that if
e 1
U£ e £1
2 1
= ; (10.80)
£2 £ 11
then t2 = 0 and t1 is given by (10.75). This will occur if the either the externality
is of the atmospheric kind so that Ueh is the same for all h or if the consumers are
identical. As has been noted above, these are the situations for which a uniform
tax can sustain the …rst-best so the present conclusion is simply an application
of that result.
In other situations the values of the tax rates are determined by two factors:
the degree of aggregate complementarity (£21 < 0) or substitutability (£21 > 0)
and how those individuals that cause a greater amount of externality at the
margin view the good. When the larger o¤enders view the goods as complements
and the goods are aggregate complements then t2 < 0 and t1 is less than the
value determined by the Diamond formula. Moving to aggregate substitutability
makes t1 greater than the Diamond value whilst the signs are all reversed when
larger o¤enders view the goods as substitutes.
10.6.3 Summary
These results conclude the analysis of the determination of tax rates. Although
the economies have been restricted in comparison to some of those in previous
sections, they have illustrated some of the most important determinants of the
tax rates. In particular, it has been shown that uniform taxation cannot sustain
the …rst-best except in restricted circumstances and that optimality will often
require the use of taxes on related goods. However, even when taxes on related
goods are included the …rst-best will generally not be achievable. Indirect taxes
can also be motivated in situations where direct taxes cannot be employed, such
as when emissions cannot be monitored directly but the level of production that
generates them can be. Finally, the e¤ect of the related goods depends on their
substitutability or complementarity to the externality producing good and upon
how the larger contributors to the externality view the goods.
via the price system. An obvious way to do this, …rst suggested by Dales (1968),
is to introduce licences that permit the generation of an externality and to al-
low agents to produce externalities only to the extent of the licences they hold.
Allowing the licences to be traded should see them held by the agents who value
them most highly resulting in e¢cient generation of externalities. Set against
these observations has to be the fact that the markets on which permits are
traded may be thin so that the competitive outcome will not be achieved.
Administratively, the use of licences has much to recommend it. The calcu-
lation of tax rates requires considerable information to correctly forecast their
relationship to externalities generated. In addition, changes in other prices
will a¤ect the optimal tax rates and in a dynamic setting the taxes will need
continuous adjustment. These problems are avoided entirely by licences. In
a spatial economy, the control of the spatial distribution of externalities will
only be achieved through taxation if the tax rates are spatially di¤erentiated
which raises the information necessary for their design. In contrast, licences can
restrict the right to emit externalities to a given area and control the spatial
allocation directly. Despite these points, when the properties of licences and
taxes are considered in detail, the choice between the two is not as clear-cut as
these administrative advantages may suggest.
so that it satis…es
E [B1 (b½; ´)] = E [C 1 (b
½; µ)] : (10.82)
When a charge per unit of externality is employed, a maximising agent will
reduce the externality up to the point where the charge is equal to the marginal
cost of reductions after the realisation of the random variable µ. This gives the
t = C 1 (½; µ) : (10.83)
When C 11 6= 0, (10.84) can be solved to write
½ = h (t; µ) : (10.84)
t = arg max E [B (h (t; µ) ; ´) ¡ C (h (t; µ) ; µ)] ; (10.85)
so that
£ ¡ ¡ ¢ ¢ ¡ ¢¤ £ ¡ ¡ ¢ ¢ ¡ ¢¤
E B1 h e
t; µ ; ´ h 1 e
t; µ = E C1 h e
t; µ ; µ h 1 e
t; µ : (10.86)
£ ¤ C3 2
C (½; µ) = C 1 + C 2 + µ [½ ¡ b
½] + [½ ¡ b
½] ; (10.88)
£ ¤ B3 2
B (½; ´) = B 1 + B2 + ´ [½ ¡ b½] + [½ ¡ b
½] : (10.89)
£ 2 ¤
From (10.89), di¤erentiation
£ 2 ¤ gives C1 (½; µ) = C + µ + C 3 [½ ¡ b½] and from
(10.90) B1 (½; ´) = B + ´ + B [½ ¡ b ½]. The equality in (10.83) then implies
that C 2 = B 2 . Solving (10.84) using (10.89) gives the reaction of the agent as
t ¡ C2 ¡ µ
½ = h (t; µ) = b
½+ ; (10.90)
h 1 (t; µ) = : (10.91)
Substituting (10.92) into (10.88), cancelling the terms in C 3 and taking the
expectation of B1 (½; ´) gives
e B3 B3
t = B2 ¡ 3 C 2 + 3 t: (10.92)
¡ = E [[B (e
½; ´) ¡ C (e
½; µ)] ¡ [B (b½; ´) ¡ C (b½; µ)]] : (10.94)
10.8 Internalisation
A further method of externality control, as …rst discussed by Davis and Whin-
ston (1962), is to encourage the internalisation of the externality so that private
and social costs become the same. The essence of the internalisation is that if
…rm A causes a negative externality only upon …rm B, then the …rm formed by
merging both A and B will take account of the externality when choosing its
optimal behaviour. Hence, no ine¢ciency will arise. Such arguments have also
been proposed as providing part of the rationale concerning the existence of the
10.9 Conclusions
Externalities are a prevalent feature of economic life and their existence can
lead to ine¢ciency in an unregulated competitive economy. Although the Coase
theorem suggests that such ine¢ciencies will be eliminated by private trading
in competitive markets, number ob jections can be raised to this conclusion.
Amongst these are the lack of well-de…ned property rights, the thinness of mar-
kets and the incomplete information of market participants. Each of these
impediments to e¢cient trading undermines the practical value of the Coase
The obvious policy response to the externality problem is the introduction
of a system of corrective Pigouvian taxes with the tax rates being proportional
to the marginal damage in‡icted by externality generation. When su¢cient
di¤erentiation of these taxes is possible between di¤erent agents, the …rst-best
outcome can be sustained but such a system is not practical due to its informa-
tional requirements. Restricting the taxes to be uniform across agents allows
the …rst-best to be achieved in some special cases but, generally, leads to a
second-best outcome. An alternative system of control is to employ marketable
licences. These have administrative advantages over taxes and lead to an iden-
tical outcome in conditions of certainty. With uncertainty, licences and taxes
have di¤erent e¤ects and combining the two can lead to a superior outcome.
Chapter 11
Imperfect Competition
11.1 Introduction
In the previous chapters, the assumption of competitive behaviour has been
maintained throughout. It is often best to view this as a useful restriction
for developing initial ideas and eliminating unnecessary complication. As a
representation of reality it is clearly ‡awed, an observation easily supported
by casual empiricism. This chapter relaxes the competitive assumption and
reviews some of the major results that have been derived within the framework
of imperfect competition.
The …rst point to note is that there are numerous forms of imperfect compe-
tition which vary with respect to the nature of products, the strategic variables
of the …rms, the objectives of the …rms and the possibility of entry. Products
may be homogeneous or di¤erentiated and the strategic variables of the …rms
can either be prices or quantities with, possibly, additional instruments such as
investment or advertising. The …rms’ objectives may be individual pro…t max-
imisation or, alternatively, joint pro…t maximisation. Entry may be impossible,
so that an industry is composed of a …xed number of …rms, it may be unhin-
dered or incumbent …rms may be following a policy of entry deterrence. To
avoid some of this complexity, this chapter will focus primarily upon economies
with quantity setting oligopoly and homogeneous products although at some
points conjectures are introduced to permit ‡exibility. For a suitable choice
of conjecture, this form of oligopoly has the advantage of being equivalent to
monopoly when the industry has a single …rm and, under most circumstances,
to competition as the number of …rms increases without limit. This makes the
economy both straightforward and ‡exible.
A second point of some relevance is that tax incidence is more complex
with imperfect competition. Under the competitive assumption any taxes are
simply passed forward by the …rms since price is always set at marginal cost.
In contrast, prices on imperfectly competitive markets are set at a level above
marginal cost and an increase in cost due to taxation need not be re‡ected in
in any way provided the ratios of prices remain una¤ected. The same claim
cannot be made for economies with imperfect competition and the general class
of permissible normalisation rules is more restricted than for the competitive
Since the work of Gabszewicz and Vial (1972) it has been recognised that
normalisation rules that would not a¤ect a competitive equilibrium will have
real e¤ects upon equilibrium with imperfect competition as the following ex-
ample demonstrates. Consider an economy with one single-product monopo-
list producing at zero cost and whose pro…t maximising output is …nite. Now
imagine a representation of this economy which, for analytical simplicity, uses a
normalisation rule that selects the monopolist’s good as the numeraire. The mo-
nopolist’s pro…t maximising output in the representation of the economy then
becomes unbounded and so the normalisation rule has altered the real equilib-
rium. Since this normalisation rule is known not to a¤ect competitive equilibria,
this example demonstrates that the class of normalisation rules that do not af-
fect equilibrium is smaller for imperfect competition than for the competitive
model. The actual rules employed by Gabszewicz and Vial are essentially arbi-
trary and were no doubt used for computational convenience. The same general
comment applies to Dierker and Grodal (1986). In contrast, both Negishi (1961)
and Cornwall (1977) restrict prices to the unit simplex in order to exploit the
resulting compactness properties of this set. Cornwall notes that this choice
will a¤ect the equilibrium except in the special case of the Negishi model with
linear subjective demand. Roberts (1980d) employs leisure as the numeraire
and notes that the equilibrium is generally not numeraire free. It is not clear
whether the market for the numeraire is competitive or not. Neither Gues-
nerie and La¤ont (1978) nor Roberts and Sonnenschein (1977) use or discuss a
price normalisation. Finally, each economy in the survey paper of Hart (1985)
employs a di¤erent method of price normalisation.
As the variety of price normalisations noted above illustrates, there is no
common approach but there is general agreement that some price normalisations
will a¤ect the real equilibrium. In Cripps and Myles (1989), it is shown that the
equilibrium is invariant to any normalisation rule that is de…ned as a function
of competitive goods prices but is independent of the prices of goods traded on
imperfectly competitive markets. For the economies described below, a simple
version of this rule is adopted: labour is assumed to be traded on a competitive
market and the wage rate is taken as numeraire.
that consumers’ endowments are of labour alone. The n goods are partitioned
into two subsets. The …rst subset consists of goods i = 1; :::; K and these are
assumed to be produced by competitive industries, each employing a constant
returns to scale technology that has labour as the only input. The assumptions
of constant returns and a single input imply that for each good there is a constant
ci that describes the labour input per unit of output. With a wage rate p0 , the
competitive assumption implies marginal cost pricing so that
Since pro…ts are zero under constant returns to scale, equation (11.1) is a com-
plete description of the competitive sector.
The remaining n ¡ K goods are produced by imperfectly competitive indus-
tries. In the industry producing good i, there are m i …rms, indexed j = 1; :::; m i.
The demand function for good i is denoted by
Xi = Xi (p 0 ; :::; p n ; ¼) ; (11.2)
where the aggregate level of pro…t, ¼, is equal to the sum of pro…ts of all …rms
X mi
¼= ¼ ji : (11.3)
i=K +1 j=1
The demand function in (11.2) is taken to be the true demand for the economy
so it is one of objective demand. Assuming that (11.2) is strictly monotonic in
p i , it can be solved to give the inverse demand function for good i
To analyse the …rms’ decisions, it is assumed that quantities are the strategic
variable. Hence each …rm in industry i chooses its output level to maximise
pro…ts. Denoting a typical …rm by j, the …rm chooses x ji to maximise
³ ´
j j j j
¼ i = Ái (p0 ; :::; p i¡1 ; Xi; p i+1 ; :::; pn ; ¼ ) x i ¡ C i xi ; (11.5)
³ ´
j j
where C i xi is the cost function of the …rm. The Cournot assumption is
j j0
adopted so that when choosing x i …rm j takes as …xed the outputs, x i , j 0 =
1; :::; m i; j 0 6= j; of all other …rms in its industry. In addition, the Cournot
assumption is extended to the other arguments of (11.4) so the …rm also takes
as given the prices on all other markets and the pro…t levels of all …rms other
than itself.
Totally di¤erentiating (11.5) under these assumptions gives
¸ " #
j j @Ái j j @Ái @C i
d¼ i 1 ¡ x i = dxi pi + x i ¡ j : (11.6)
@¼ @Xi @xi
Assuming that the income e¤ect in demand is su¢ciently weak that the left-
hand side satis…es
1 ¡ xji i > 0; (11.7)
then the …rst-order condition that the …rms decision must satisfy is given by
j @Ái @Ci
p i + xi ¡ j = 0: (11.8)
@Xi @x i
In addition to satisfying this condition, at an equilibrium any choice for the …rm
must also have the property that it is consistent with the assumptions made on
the pro…t levels and outputs of other …rms. That is, the chosen level of output
must also satisfy the pro…t identity
³ ´
¼ ji ¡ Ái (p0 ; :::; p i¡1 ; Xi; p i+1 ; :::; pn ; ¼) xji + C ij x ji = 0: (11.9)
Simultaneously solving (11.8) and (11.9) for the mi …rms comprising industry i,
the output and pro…t of …rm j can be expressed in terms of the prices charged
on other markets and the pro…ts levels of …rms in other industries. This gives
the following two equations
0 1
n m i0
j j
X X j 0
¼ i = °i @ p 0 ; :::; p i¡1 ; p i+ 1 ; :::; p n ; ¼ i0 A ; (11.10)
i 0 =K+ 1;i 06=i j=1
0 1
n m i0
X X 0
xji = ¾ ji @ p 0 ; :::; p i¡1 ; p i+ 1 ; :::; p n ; ¼ ji0 A : (11.11)
i 0 =K+ 1;i 06=i j=1
Equation (11.11) can now be used to replace aggregate output, Xi, in (11.4)
by the sum of individual …rms’ outputs and (11.10) to substitute for the pro…ts
levels of …rms in industry i. This determines an equilibrium price on market i
as 0 1
n mi0
X X 0
p i = © i @ p 0 ; :::; pi¡1 ; p i+1 ; :::; pn ; ¼ ji0 A : (11.12)
i 0 =K +1;i 06= i j=1
Using equations (11.10) and (11.12), a general equilibrium can now be de-
…ned formally.
Imperfectly Competitive Equilibrium n n oo
An imperfectly competitive equilibrium is an array fp ig ; ¼ ji such that
(i) pi = ci p0³, i = 1; :::; K,
Pn Pmi0 j 0 ´
(ii) p i = ©i p0 ; :::; p i¡1 ; p i+ 1; :::; p n ; i0 =K+1;i06=i j=1 ¼ i0 , i = K+1; :::; n,
and ³ Pn Pm 0
(iii) ¼ ji = °ji p 0 ; :::; pi¡1 ; p i+1 ; :::; pn ; i0 =K +1;i0 6=i j=i01 ¼ ji0 , i = K+1; :::; n,
j = 1; :::; mi .
costs, or the mark-up over costs, with imperfect competition can be found in
Cowling and Waterson (1977).
A second method of comparison is to return to the economy summarised in
(9.1) and (9.2) but without the inclusion of the externality e¤ects. Repeating
the analysis given there, the conclusion that follows is that at a Pareto optimum
the ratio of shadow prices for any pair of goods, given by the ¸s, should be should
be equal to the ratio of rates of transformation. In addition, at a competitive
equilibrium the ratio of shadow prices is equal to the ratio of market prices
pi ¸i @X i
= = @F : (11.13)
pk ¸k @X k
For the economy with imperfect competition, assuming that there is a single
…rm in each imperfectly competitive industry in order to simplify the construc-
tion, the production possibilities are constrained by the relation that the sum
of labour demand from the competitive and imperfectly competitive sectors
Ci (Xi)
ai X i + ¡ ! 0 0; (11.14)
i=1 i=K +1
where Ci (Xi) is the cost function of the single …rm in industry i and ! 0 is the
initial endowment of labour. For two goods i and k produced by imperfectly
competitive …rms, it follows from (11.14) that
@F @C i
@X i @xi
= @C k
: (11.15)
@ Xk @xk
Equation (11.16) captures the notion of market failure due to the lack of price
taking behaviour. The prices should be proportional to the marginal rates of
transformation which capture the social cost of producing each good. However,
the fact that the imperfectly competitive …rms take the e¤ect of their actions
upon prices into account eliminates the direct proportionality.
monopolist using a single form of labour service. With the utility function
x 1¡"
U = ¡ x0 ; (11.17)
a range of estimates were calculated ranging from 3% of GNP when " = 0:1
to 134% when " = 0:9. In addition, the loss was above 10% for all values of
" > 0:3.
The analyses described above have considered monopoly power to be present
only in the markets for …nal goods and have implicitly taken intermediate goods
markets to be competitive. When the outputs of imperfectly competitive indus-
tries are used both as intermediate inputs and for …nal consumption, welfare loss
can only be increased by the additional distortion of input prices. In a general
equilibrium economy with intermediate goods, Myles (1994a) …nds welfare loss
…gures ranging from 11% of the attainable utility level to 79%.
It can be appreciated from this discussion that there have been a broad range
of estimates of monopoly welfare loss. The …gures generated by simulation
studies are generally greater than those arising from data and indicate that,
theoretically, monopoly may be very damaging in terms of reduced welfare.
chapter will the conducted in terms of speci…c taxes. The interaction of speci…c
and ad valorem taxes is considered in Section 5.
After a review of tax incidence, two economies will be analysed. The …rst
economy is has a single consumer and three goods. This is employed to in-
vestigate the factors that determine the levels of taxation when the taxes are
used solely to counter the distortions due to non-competitive behaviour. The
second economy characterises optimal taxes using the imperfectly competitive
economy introduced in Section 2.3 and provides a non-competitive variant of
the Diamond-Mirrlees optimal commodity tax rule.
denoted 0 1
qi = Ái @ xji ; qk A ; (11.21)
where xji is the output of …rm j and qk is some representative other price. The
second price is introduced in order to allow consideration of the consequences
of its variation. Note that the prices are represented by qs to denote that they
are post-tax consumer prices. Each of the m i …rms aims to maximise
0 1
X 0
³ ´
¼ ji = xji Ái @ xji + x ji ; qk A ¡ tix ji ¡ Ci x ji ; (11.22)
j 0 =1;j 0 6=j
³ ´
where C i x i is the cost function that is the same for all …rms in industry i
and ti is the speci…c tax levied on the output of the ith industry.
The ‡exibility in the example is introduced by assuming that each …rm holds
a conjecture about how the other …rms will respond to changes in its output
level. By suitable choice of the conjecture, it is possible for the model to generate
all outcomes from competitive pricing to monopoly pricing. The conjecture, ¸,
can be de…ned formally as
³ Pmi ´
@ x ji + j 0=1;j 06= j x i
¸= : (11.23)
As will be made clear after inspection of the …rst-order condition (11.24) below,
if ¸ = m i monopoly pricing arises, ¸ = 1 represents Cournot behaviour and ¸ =
0 generates the Bertrand equilibrium with competitive marginal cost pricing.
Employing the de…nition of the conjecture, the …rst-order condition for pro…t
maximisation for …rm j is
@¼ i j @Ái @C i
j ´ qi ¡ t i + x i ¸ ¡ j = 0: (11.24)
@xi @Xi @xi
The …rst question concerning tax incidence is the calculation of the e¤ect
of changing ti upon the equilibrium values of ¼ ji , j = 1; :::; mi , and qi . These
e¤ects are derived by …rst noting that the symmetry assumption implies that
x ji = x i, all j and hence that
0 1
X j
qi = Ái @ x i ; qk A = Ái (mi xi ; qk ) : (11.25)
where it has been assumed for simplicity that marginal cost is constant. The
expression dqdti is termed the degree of forward shifting of the tax and, except
when the equilibrium is in the sense of Bertrand with ¸ = 0, it can be seen from
(11.28) that dqdti is not necessarily equal to 1.
where E measures the elasticity of the slope of the inverse demand function.
In terms of E, when ¸ = 1; condition (11.30) states that overshifting occurs
when E > 1, that taxes are shifted at a rate of 100% when E = 1 and under-
shifted when E < 1. For other values of ¸; the critical values of E are adjusted
Turning now to pro…ts, the pro…t level of …rm j can be written as a function
of the tax rate
¼ i (ti ) = xi (ti) [qi (ti) ¡ ti ] ¡ Ci (x i (ti )) : (11.32)
The result in (11.34) provides the interesting conclusion that the …rm’s pro…t
level may actually increase as the tax rate increases, a result …rst shown by
Seade (1986). The su¢cient condition for this to occur, when ¸ = 1; can be
found from (11.34) to be E > 2. This possibility arises due to the tax change
moving the oligopolistic equilibrium closer to the monopoly outcome. Further
results along these lines can be found in de Meza (1982), Dierickx, Matutes and
Neven (1988), Myles (1987) and Stern (1987).
The tax incidence analysis above comprises what have been termed the direct
e¤ects of taxation, where direct refers to the fact they relate to the e¤ect of
the tax levied on the industry under consideration. In addition to the direct
e¤ects there may also arise indirect or induced changes in prices and pro…ts in
imperfectly competitive industry i due to changes in the tax rates on industries
other than i. From (11.20) and the fact that pro…ts are zero for the competitive
industries, these induced e¤ects do not arise in the competitive model.
To evaluate the induced e¤ects upon price, (11.24) can be di¤erentiated with
respect to qk to give
h h i i
@Ái @ Ái @ 2Á i @Ái @ 2Á i
dqi ¸ @q k @X i
+ x i m i @ Xi2 ¡ x i m i @X i @X i@q k
= @Á i @ 2Ái
: (11.35)
dqk [m i + ¸] @X i + x im i¸ @X 2
Provided the inverse demand for good i is not independent of qk , the induced
price e¤ect is almost always non-zero. Inspection of (11.35) shows that the
change in qi may be of either sign. That is, the induced e¤ect may increase or
decrease the price of good i.
To illustrate the importance of this factor assume that good k is produced
by a competitive industry so that the inverse demand function can be written
as 0 1
X j
qi = Ái @ x i ; pk + tk A : (11.36)
j= 1
dq i dq i
Hence dq k
calculated above is equal to dt k
so, in optimising over tk , these
induced e¤ects must be taken into account. Similar reasoning also holds when
industry k is imperfectly competitive but the additional, nonlinear, relation of
qk to tk must be included. To complete this analysis, it should also be noted
that there will be an induced e¤ect of changes in qk upon the pro…t levels in
industry i.
To summarise this section, it has been noted that with imperfect compe-
tition taxes may be undershifted or overshifted. Overshifting implies that the
…nal price rises by more than any increase in tax, undershifting the converse.
The rate of shifting is determined by the degree of concavity or convexity of
the demand function facing the industry and the cost functions of the …rms
that compose that industry. Concavity of demand leads to undershifting and
su¢cient convexity to overshifting. When marginal cost is constant, the rele-
vant factor is Seade’s E , the elasticity of the gradient of the demand function.
The dependence of the market price upon the demand function introduces a
further factor. If a price of another good alters, due perhaps to a tax levied on
it, then this will a¤ect the demand function and hence the market price of the
imperfectly competitive industry in question. These induced price changes are
considered in detail in Myles (1987, 1989a). To the above e¤ects must also be
added the e¤ects of taxation upon the pro…t levels of the …rms which are not
always as straightforward as may be expected.
An illustration
To begin the analysis of tax design, consider the following simple economy
taken from Myles (1987) in which the tax analysis consists of characterising
the welfare-improving tax reform starting from an initial position with no com-
modity taxation. The economy has a single consumer and a zero revenue re-
quirement so the taxes are used merely to correct for the distortion introduced
by the imperfect competition. There are two consumption goods, each pro-
duced using labour alone. Good 1 is produced with constant returns to scale by
a competitive industry. It has post-tax price q1 = p 1 + t1 . The second good is
produced by an imperfectly competitive industry that faces inverse demand
0 1
q2 = Á2 @ x2 ; q1 A : (11.37)
j= 1
R = t1 X1 + t2 X2 : (11.41)
This framework ensures that one of the taxes will be negative, the other positive
and the aim is to provide a simple characterisation of the determination of the
relative rates. It should be noted that if both industries were competitive the
solution would be dt1 = dt2 = 0 so that non-zero tax rates emerge due to the
distortion caused by the imperfect competition.
From di¤erentiating the indirect utility function, it follows that the e¤ect of
the tax change upon welfare is
where the fact that t1 = t2 = 0 initially has been used. Solving (11.44) for dt1
dt1 = ¡ dt2 : (11.45)
Substituting (11.45) into the welfare expression determines the welfare change
as dependent upon dt2 alone
@V X2 @V X2 @V
dV = h2 ¡ ¡ h 1 dt2 : (11.46)
@q2 X1 @q1 X1 @q2
Optimal taxes
The insights of the example are now employed to provide a characterisation
of optimal commodity taxes when there is also a positive revenue requirement.
This analysis is therefore a development of the commodity tax theory of Chap-
ter 4 to incorporate imperfect competition. The economy to be used is based
on Myles (1989a) and involves introducing commodity taxes into the general
equilibrium economy described at the start of this chapter. To simplify no-
tation, only a single-consumer tax rule will be constructed. The extension to
many-consumers is straightforward.
Treating labour as an untaxed numeraire with a wage rate p0 , the post-tax
price of good i from the competitive sector when the commodity tax is set at ti
is given by
qi = ci p 0 + ti; i = 1; :::; K: (11.49)
Pro…ts remain zero for all …rms in the competitive sector.
Introducing taxes into the de…nition of pro…t for the imperfectly competitive
…rms, each …rm in industry i chooses its output level to maximise
³ ´
j j j j
¼ i = [Ái (q0 ; :::; qi¡1 ; Xi; qi+1 ; :::; qn ; ¼) ¡ ti ] xi ¡ Ci x i ; (11.50)
It should be noted that the arguments of (11.51) and (11.52) are the prices
and pro…ts of other industries and the tax rate on industry i. Aggregating
output and using the inverse demand function determines an equilibrium price
on market i
0 1
n m i0
X X 0
qi = f i @q0 ; :::; qi¡1 ; ti; qi+1 ; :::; qn ; ¼ j0 A : (11.53) i
i 0=K +1; i0 6=i j 0 =1
The derivatives of f i and ° i are precisely the tax incidence terms calculated
in the previous section for which it was assumed that all other variables are
The general equilibrium of the economy with taxation is then the simulta-
neous solution to
qi = ci p0 + ti ; i = 1; :::; K; (11.54)
0 1
n m 0
X X i
qi = f i @q0 ; :::; qi¡1 ; ti; qi+1 ; :::; qn ; ¼ i0 A ; i = K + 1; :::; n;
i 0=K +1; i0 6=i j 0 =1
0 1
n mi0
X X 0
¼ ji = °ji @ q0 ; :::; qi¡1 ; ti; qi+1 ; :::; qn ; ¼ ji0 A ; i = K+1; :::; n; j = 1; :::; m i:
i 0= K+1;i 06=i j 0 =1
Solving equations (11.55) and (11.56) simultaneously for all imperfectly com-
petitive goods prices and …rms’ pro…ts determines the equilibrium level of prices
and pro…ts in the imperfectly competitive industries as functions of the tax rates
and the competitive prices
qK+1 = © K+1 (q0 ; :::; qK ; tK +1 ; :::; tn ) ;
qn = © n (q0 ; :::; qK ; tK+ 1 ; :::; tn ) ;
¼ 1K +1 = -1;K +1 (q0 ; :::; qK ; tK+1 ; :::; tn ) ;
= - 1;K +1 (q0 ; :::; qK ; tK +1 ; :::; tn ) :
These equations can be used to determine the e¤ects of changes in the govern-
ment control variables.
Before proceeding to a derivation of the optimal tax rules, it is helpful to
understand the relation between equations (11.57) and (11.51)-(11.53). To do
this it is necessary to realise that the derivatives of (11.57) capture the e¤ect
of the tax changes taking into account general equilibrium adjustment of all
other prices and pro…ts whilst those of (11.51)-(11.53) capture only the partial
equilibrium e¤ects holding other prices and pro…ts constant.
The choice of optimal commodity taxes are the solution the to maximisation
" n
max L ´ V (q0 ; :::; qn ; ¼) + ¸ t i Xi ¡ R ; (11.58)
ft1;::: ;tng
subject to
qi = pi + ti; i = 1; :::; K; (11.59)
¼ i = - j; i (q0 ; :::; qK ; tK +1 ; :::; tn ) ; i = K + 1; :::; n; j = 1; :::; mi : (11.61)
From this system, di¤erentiation with respect to the tax rate of a typical
good, k, from the competitive sector provides the …rst-order condition
Xn n mi
@V @V s @V X X
+ ©k + -j;
@qk @qs @¼
s= K+1 s=K+ 1 j= 1
2 3
X @Xi X X n n n n mi
@Xi s X X X @Xi j;s
+ ¸ 4 Xk + ti + ti © + ti - 5 = 0:
@qk i=1 s=K+1
@qs k i=1 s= K+1 j=1 @¼ k
In (11.62) the subscripts on ©s and - j;s denote the argument with respect to
which the function is di¤erentiated.
This …rst-order condition is distinguished from its equivalent for the compet-
itive model, (4.7), by the inclusion of the e¤ects of the induced price and pro…t
changes, given respectively by the terms © sk , and - j;s
k . Using Roy’s identity and
the Slutsky equation, (11.62) can be written
n ¸
X 1
tiS ki = ¡µXk + ¡k ; k = 1; :::; K; (11.62)
® X @Xi
µ=1¡ ¡ ti ; (11.63)
¸ i=1 @¼
X n
X ms
X n
X n
X @Xi s
¡k = ® Xs© sk ¡ ® - j;s
k +¸ ti ©
s=K +1 s=K+1 j=1 i=1 s=K+ 1
@qs k
X n
X mi
X @Xi j;s
+¸ ti - : (11.64)
i=1 s=K +1 j=1
@¼ k
£ ¤
If the term ¸1 ¡k were not included, (11.65) would be identical to the standard
Ramsey rule so this additional term can be interpreted as the modi…cation
required to incorporate the imperfect competition. As can be seen from its
de…nition, ¡k is determined by the induced price and pro…t e¤ects which would
not be present in a competitive model. Retaining the standard interpretation
of the Ramsey rule given in Chapter 4, an analysis of the constituents of ¡k
shows that the reduction in compensated demand for good k is smaller when a
tax on this good increases the prices of imperfectly competitive goods (© sk > 0),
reduces pro…ts (- j;s
k < 0) and the induced tax changes lower tax revenue.
Repeating the derivation for a typical good k from the imperfectly compet-
itive sector gives the …rst-order condition for the choice of tax rate
X n
X mi
@V k @V s @V j;s
© + © + -k
@qk k @qs k @¼ s=K +1 j=1
s=K +1;s6=k
2 3
X n
X n n mi
@Xi s X X X @Xi j; s5
+ ¸ 4 Xk + ti © + ti - = 0:
@qs k @¼ k
i=1 s=K +1 i= 1 s=K +1 j=1
After employing Roy’s identity and the Slutsky equation, (11.66) becomes
X ¸
tiS ki = ¡µ k Xk + ¡k ; k = K + 1; :::; n; (11.65)
1 ® X @Xi
µk = k
¡ ¡ ti ; (11.66)
©k ¸ @¼
" Pn Pn Pms j;s #
k 1 ® s=K+ 1 Xs© sk ¡ ® s=K+1 j=1 -k
¡ = k Pn Pn Pn Pn Pm i @ Xi j;s :
©k +¸ i=1;i6=k s=K +1 ti @X i
©s + ¸ i=1 s=K +1 j=1
@ qs k
ti @¼ - k
£ ¤ (11.67)
In (11.67) the term 1¸ ¡k again represents a correction to the competitive Ram-
sey rule for the existence of the induced price and pro…t e¤ects. The interaction
of its constituent parts with the reduction in compensated demand can be bro-
ken down precisely as for (11.65). The distinction between (11.65) and (11.69)
is that for the latter µk is dependent upon the good k under good consideration
where ° = mi
. Now de…ning A by
@ 2C i
A= ¡ i
@Á i
; (11.70)
¸ [1 ¡ tºi ] @X i
the procedure used in (11.26) to (11.28) can be repeated to give the e¤ects of
the taxes upon price as
dqi 1
s = º ; (11.71)
dti [1 ¡ ti ] [1 + ° [1 + A ¡ E ]]
d¼ °Xi [2 + A ¡ E]
=¡ ; (11.73)
dtsi [1 + ° [1 + A ¡ E ]]
d¼ d¼ °qi Xi [1 ¡ °]
º = qi s ¡ d (11.74)
dti dti "q [1 + ° [1 + A ¡ E ]]
with " dq the price elasticity of demand.
These equations indicate that the incidence e¤ects of speci…c and ad valorem
taxes are not identical. It can therefore be expected that they have di¤erent
welfare implications. The …rst step to understanding the welfare e¤ects is to
consider starting from a position with both taxes zero and then varying the
taxes whilst holding revenue at zero. Such a reform satis…es the equation
@qi s
dqi = [£ ¡ qi] dt : (11.77)
@tsi i
Strengthening this …nding, Delipalla and Keen (1992) prove that if the spe-
ci…c tax is restricted to be non-negative, then the solution of the problem
will have zero as the optimal value of tsi . The reason for this result is described
in Venables (1986): raising the ad valorem tax reduces the perceived e¤ect of
changes in output upon prices and leads, in the limit, to the competitive state
in which a change in output has no e¤ect on price. Therefore, the ad valorem
tax is lessening the consequence of the imperfect competition.
so that it maximises welfare given the budget constraint and the restriction that
lump-sum income be zero. In the single sector economy, the solution to (11.81)
will also satisfy the budget constraint
¡ ¢
p¤ X (p ¤ ) = R + mC m ¡1 X (p¤ ) ; (11.80)
where the assumption of symmetry between …rms has been imposed. The Ram-
sey price p ¤ is optimal given that the existing number of …rms is maintained;
changes in the number of …rms are not considered.
The …rst-order condition for pro…t maximisation of a typical oligopolistic
…rm is
[1 ¡ tº ] p ¡ C x ¡ ts + [1 ¡ tº ] °pX X = 0; (11.81)
where ° = m . Since the symmetry implies that x j = x = X m
, all j = 1; :::; m,
(11.83) can be solved to express the equilibrium level of output as a function of
the tax rates. This solution is denoted
X = » (tº ; ts ) : (11.82)
Substituting (11.84) into the inverse demand function then determines the equi-
librium price conditional on the taxes. Hence
Finally, using (11.83) and the pro…t identity determines the equilibrium pro…t
level as
¼ j = ¼ = & (tº ; ts ) ; all j = 1; :::; m: (11.84)
Employing (11.84) - (11.86), a combination of ad valorem and speci…c tax-
ation can generate Ramsey pricing if it is possible to …nd a pair such that the
following three conditions are satis…ed simultaneously
(i)½ (tº¤ ; ts¤ ) = p ¤ ; (ii)& (tº¤ ; ts¤ ) = 0; (iii) [tº¤ ½ (tº¤ ; ts¤ ) + ts¤ ] » (tº¤ ; ts¤ ) = R:
h (11.85)
If (11.87i) and (11.87iii) are satis…ed, then ¼ = [[1 ¡ tº ] p ¡ ts ] X
¡C = ½ ¡ R» m ¡
h i
C , using (11.87iii), ½ ¡ R 1
» m [½» ¡ R ¡ mC] = 0 using (11.87i) and (11.81).
Therefore the satisfaction of (11.87i) and (11.87iii) implies (11.87ii) and the op-
timal tax scheme need solve only two of the three equations. In the analysis
below, the focus is placed upon (11.87i) and (11.87iii).
To give the problem content, it is assumed that the revenue requirement is
su¢ciently small that it can be achieved by use of either of the tax instruments
alone. This ensures that the use of both instruments occurs through choice.
De…ning à 1 = ftº ; ts : ½ (tº ; ts ) = p ¤ g and à 2 = ftº ; ts : [tº ½ (tº ; ts ) + ts ] » (tº ; ts) = Rg,
the …rst lemma relates the relative positions of these curves to the pro…t levels
of the …rms.
¡ º s ¢ 52 If, ¡ º fors ¢a given value of t , denoted
Lemma tbº , t and tes are de…ned
b C x +ts
t ; t 2 Ã 1, b t ; et 2 Ã 2 , and for all pairs ft ; t g that solve (11.87i), t 1¡
º s
tº <
s ¡ º s¢ s ¡ º s¢
¡ [1 ¡ °] p X X, then t < e s
t if & bt ; e s
t > 0, and t > et if & b t ;et < 0.
¡ ¢ ¡ ¡ º s ¢¢ ¡ º s ¢ ¡ ¡ º s ¢¢
Proof. Using (11.81), de…ne G tbº ; ts ´ p » b
t ;t » b t ; t ¡R¡mC m ¡1 » b t ;t .
¡ º s¢
b @G @»
The derivative of G t ; t is given by @ts = [p ¡ C x + Xp X ] @ts . Given that
@» @G
@t s < 0, @ts is positive if p ¡ Cx + Xp X < 0. From (11.82) p ¡ Cx + Xp X =
tº C x +ts
1¡tº ¡ °] pX X which is negative by assumption.
+ [1
¡ º s¢ ¡ º s¢
> 0 it is clear that if G b
Since @@tGs t ; t evaluated at b t ;e
t is positive then
¡ º s¢ s
the solution to G bt ; t = 0 is reached by reducing t and hence t < e
ts: The
¡ º s¢ ¡ º s¢ £º ¤
converse holds if G bt ; t is negative at b t ;e
t . Now note that if b t p+e ts X =
º s º s
R, then G = pX ¡ R ¡ ¡ mC ¢= pX ¡ mC ¡ X [t ¡p º+ ts ¢] = [[1 ¡ t ] p ¡¡ºt ]sX
¢ ¡ mC
= m¼. Therefore G t ; t > 0 if m¼ = m& t ; t > 0 and G t ; e
bº es b e b t < 0 if
¡ º s¢
m¼ = m& b t ; et < 0.
C x +ts
The assumption that t 1¡ tº
< ¡ [1 ¡ °] pX X is clearly very weak. The
right-hand side is always positive but, since only values of tº satisfying tº 1
need be considered and ts < ¡Cx for most points in à 1, the left-hand side is
generally negative.
The next result determines the change in pro…t on the à 1 curve as tº in-
Theorem 54 If there exist tºn ; tsn such that tsn < 1, [tºn ½ (tºn ; tsn )] » (tºn ; tsn ) = R
and & (tºn ; tsn ) < 0, then there exists a unique pair (tº¤ ; ts¤ ) with tº¤ < 1 that
generates Ramsey pricing.
be seen by solving (11.87i) to (11.87iii). Doing this shows that the levels of tº
and ts are characterised implicitly by
" ¡ ¢ #
º Fm s C m¡ 1X F
[1 ¡ t ] = ¡ ; t = ¡m + ; (11.86)
°p X X 2 X °pX X 2
where X and pX are evaluated at the Ramsey price and quantity. From (11.88),
tº can only be less than 1 when F is positive.
The optimal policy when there is no pair of tax rates on the à 2 curve that
lead to negative pro…ts can be found by applying the following lemma.
Lemma 55 Tax revenue is monotonically increasing along the à 1 curve as tº
Proof. See Myles (1995a).
Theorem 56 If there does not exist tºn ; tsn such that tsn < 1, [tºn ½ (tºn ; tsn )] » (tºn ; tsn ) =
R and & (tºn ; tsn ) < 0, then the optimal policy is to let tº ! 1 with ts determined
by the à 2 curve. If lim ¼ = 0 as tº ! 1 along à 2 then Ramsey pricing is
generated in the limit.
Proof. Lemma 11.1 shows tax revenue is less on à 1 than à 2 for given tº :
From Lemma 11.3, the two curves must then converge as tº increases. Hence
the optimal policy is always to let tº tend to 1 to move as close to à 1 as possible
since this takes the price closer to the Ramsey price. The second part of the
theorem follows from Lemma 11.1.
It is therefore possible for the combination of speci…c and ad valorem taxa-
tion to support Ramsey pricing in imperfectly competitive economies and such
an optimal tax system has the e¤ect of eliminating the welfare loss due to
monopoly power. The use of both tax instruments is able to achieve rather
more than the use of a single instrument.
q1 = p 0 + & 1 ; (11.87)
where & 1 is the tax levied upon the intermediate good. Directly from (11.89)
= 1: (11.88)
The monopoly produces with costs given by
C (q1 ; p 0 ; X2 ) + X2 t2 ; (11.89)
where X2 is the …rm’s output level and t2 the level of commodity tax. The
monopolist chooses its price, q2 , to maximise pro…t, ¼, where
X2 (¢) being the demand function. The presence of ¼ on both sides of (11.92)
captures the income e¤ects that occur in a general equilibrium model. Assuming
In addition, the equilibrium must also satisfy the pro…t identity (11.92).
Treating (11.92) and (11.93) as a two-equation system, they can be di¤er-
entiated and solved to give the tax incidence terms
=¡ h @q1 i; (11.93)
@& 1 1¡ @X 2
q2 ¡ t 2 ¡ @C
@¼ @X 2
@¼ X
=¡ h 2 i; (11.94)
@t2 1¡ @X 2
q2 ¡ t2 ¡ @C
@¼ @X 2
@X 2 @ 2C
@q2 @q 2 @ q 1@X 2
= ¡ h i h i2
@& 1 @ 2X 2
2 @X 2
@q 2
+ q2 ¡ t2 ¡ @C
@X 2
¡ @X
@ q22
@q 2
@ 2C
@X 22
h 2
h i i
@C @X 2 @ X2 @C @X 2 @X 2 @ 2 C
@q 1 @¼ + @¼ @q 2 q 2 ¡ t 2 ¡ @X 2 ¡ @¼ @q 2 @X2 2
+h h ii h i 2 h i2(11.95)¸;
@X 2 @C @ X2 @C @ X2 @X 2 @ 2C
1¡ @¼
q2 ¡ t2 ¡ @X 2
2 @q 2
+ q 2 ¡ t2 ¡ @ X2 @q 2 ¡ @q 2 @X 2
2 2
@X 2
@q2 @q 2
= ¡ h i h i2
@t2 @ 2X 2 @ 2C
2 @X 2
@q 2
+ q 2 ¡ t2 ¡ @C
@X 2 2
@ q2
¡ @X 2
@q 2 @X 22
h h i i
@ 2X 2 2
X2 @¼ + @¼ @q2 q2 ¡ t2 ¡ @X 2 ¡ @X
@ X2 @C 2 @X 2 @ C
@ ¼ @q 2 @ X22
+h h ii h i h i2(11.96)
@ 2 X2 @ 2C
1 ¡ @X@¼
q 2 ¡ t 2 ¡ @C
@X 2
2 @ X2
@q 2
+ q 2 ¡ t2 ¡ @C
@ X2 @ q2
¡ @X 2
@q 2 @X 2
2 2
The …rst term of (11.98) is the direct e¤ect of the change in tax upon price
and, as shown above, it may be greater than 1. Assuming @@¼@q X2
> 0, the second
term will certainly be negative if marginal cost decreases with output. This
negativity captures the fact that the tax lowers pro…ts, which then leads to a
reduction in demand. The same interpretation applies to (11.97).
To demonstrate that the intermediate good should be taxed, it is worth …rst
considering the tax reform problem of …nding the direction of change in tax-
ation, from an initial position with both taxes zero, that raise welfare whilst
dR = X1 d&1 + X2 dt2 = 0: (11.98)
From Shephard’s lemma, X1 = @q 1
so (11.100) gives
dt2 = ¡ @q1 d&1 : (11.99)
Substituting (11.101) and (11.95) - (11.98) into (11.99)
@C @X2
@X 2 @ 2C @ q1 @ q2
@V @q 2 @q 1@X 2 ¡ X2
dV = h i h i2 d&1 : (11.100)
2 @X 2
@q 2 + q2 ¡ t 2 ¡ @C
@X 2
@ 2X 2
@q 22
¡ @X 2
@q 2
@2 C
@X 2
@V @ X2
Proof. Since @q 2
; @ q2 and the denominator of the bracketed term in (11.102)
are negative, the resultnfollows from inspection.
o n o
@ 2C
Assuming that sgn. X2 @q@1@CX2 ¡ @q @C
= sgn. X 2 @p0 @X2
¡ @C
@p 0
, so the pro-
duction function is well-behaved, Theorem 11.3 can be stated in terms of returns
to scale.
a¤ect the consumer price. In terms of Theorem 11.4, when the monopolist
has decreasing returns the input should be subsidised in an attempt to induce
a larger level of output by cost reductions. Although the precise structure of
these statements is due to the simple model used, the same features would also
be of importance in any larger model.
As discussed in Chapter 4, the analysis of perfect competition with decreas-
ing returns has demonstrated that production e¢ciency is desirable when pro…ts
are correctly taxed. This can be investigated for imperfect competition by in-
troducing a pro…ts tax into the analysis above. Writing ´ (< 1) for the rate of
pro…t taxation, the demand function now becomes
X2 = X2 (q2 ; p 0 ; [1 ¡ ´] ¼) : (11.101)
Including the revenue from the pro…ts tax, the new revenue constraint is
Repeating the tax incidence analysis, di¤erentiating the utility function and
substituting from (11.105) again generates (11.102). Consequently, the char-
acterisation of policy given in Theorem 11.3 is still valid independently of the
value of the pro…t tax. This is in contrast to the Dasgupta and Stiglitz (1972)
result for competitive economies.
These results demonstrate clearly that non-taxation of intermediate goods
is not theoretically justi…ed in economies with imperfect competition. Although
they do not match the generality of the competitive economy of Diamond and
Mirrlees, they are su¢ciently rich in possibilities to highlight the major factors.
Furthermore, the conclusion that intermediate goods should be taxed is merely
strengthened by increasing the complexity of the economies.
X k
C (y) < C (y k ) ; y = y k ; k ¸ 2: (11.104)
j= 1 j=1
With natural monopoly, the market will not sustain more than one …rm nor can
it be socially optimal to have more than one …rm otherwise costs will not be
minimised. It is therefore necessary to devise some policy other than introducing
The two policy options that have been most widely employed are public
ownership and private ownership with a regulatory body controlling behaviour.
The most signi…cant di¤erence between these is that under public control the
government is as informed as the …rm about demand and cost conditions. It
can therefore determine the behaviour of the …rm using the best available in-
formation. Although this information may not be complete, so policy can only
maximise the objective function in an expected sense, the best that is possible
will be achieved. In contrast, when the …rm is in private ownership, the govern-
ment, via the regulatory body, may well be far less informed about information
pertinent to the operating conditions of the …rm than the …rm itself. Informa-
tion about cost structures and market conditions are likely to remain private
and the …rm may have strategic reasons for not revealing this accurately.
When the …rm is run under public ownership, the level of price should be
chosen to maximise social welfare sub ject to the budget constraint placed upon
the …rm. The …rm may be required to break-even or to generate income above
its cost. Alternatively, it may be allowed to run a de…cit which is …nanced from
other tax revenues. In any case, as already noted in Chapter 4, the structure
of the decision problem for the government mirrors that in determining optimal
commodity taxes and will generate the Ramsey price for the …rm.
Assume all other markets in the economy are competitive. The Ramsey
price for public …rm subject to a break-even constraint will then be equal to
marginal cost if this satis…es the constraint. If losses arise at marginal cost,
then the Ramsey price will be equal to average cost. The literature on public
sector pricing has extended this reasoning to situations in which marginal cost
and demand vary over time such as in the supply of electricity. Doing this leads
into the theory of peak-load pricing (see Brown and Sibley (1986) and Dreze
(1964)). When other markets are not competitive, the Ramsey prices will re‡ect
the distortions elsewhere (see Bös (1986)). The principles involved are the same
in all cases.
As an alternative to public ownership, a …rm may remain under private own-
ership but be made subject to the control of a regulatory body. This introduces
possible asymmetries in information between the …rm and the regulator. Faced
with limited information, one approach considered in the theoretical literature
is for the regulator to design an incentive mechanism that achieves a desirable
outcome. An example of such a regulatory scheme is the two-part tari¤ studied
in Baron (1989) and Lockwood (1995) in which the payment for the commod-
ity involves a …xed fee to permit consumption followed by a price per unit for
consumption, with these values being set by the regulator. Alternatively, the
regulator may impose a constraint on some observable measure of the …rm’s ac-
tivities. Adopting the framework characteristic of regulation in the US, Averch
and Johnson (1962) study the optimisation of the …rm under the constraint that
it must not exceed a given rate of return upon the capital employed. Even more
simple are the regulatory schemes in the UK which involve restricting prices to
rise at a slower rate than an index of the general price level.
11.9 Conclusions
This chapter has shown how imperfect competition leads to a failure to attain
Pareto optimality. As with all such failures, this opens a potential role for
government intervention to promote e¢ciency. Estimates of the welfare loss
due to imperfect competition have been constructed from both observed data
and from numerical simulations. These vary widely from the almost insigni…cant
Tax Evasion
12.1 Introduction
An implicit assumption that supported the analysis of taxation in the previous
chapters was that …rms and consumers honestly report their taxable activities.
Although acceptable for providing simpli…ed insights into the underlying issues,
this assumption is patently unacceptable when confronted with reality. The
purpose of this chapter can therefore be seen as the introduction of practical
constraints upon the free choice of tax policy. Tax evasion, the intentional
failure to declare taxable economic activity, is pervasive in many economies as
the evidence given in the following section makes clear and is therefore a subject
of practical as well as theoretical interest.
After reviewing evidence on the extent of tax evasion, the chapter considers
the tax evasion decision of consumers. This decision is represented as a choice
under uncertainty and naturally employs the techniques of Chapter 7. Within
this framework, the optimal degree of auditing and of punishment is considered.
This is then extended to include decisions over labour supply, since the choice of
o ccupation can determine opportunities for evasion, and the role of public goods
and social norms. The analysis predicts the relationship between the level of
evasion, tax rates and punishments. The results of experiments that investigate
these are discussed. A more developed analysis of the optimal choice of audit
is then given. The analysis of tax evasion is then completed by consideration of
evasion by …rms.
Due to its very nature, the measurement of tax evasion and unreported
economic activity is fraught with di¢culty and uncertainty. Tax evasion should
be distinguished from tax avoidance, which is the reorganisation of economic
activity, possibly at some cost, to lower tax payment. Tax avoidance is legal,
tax evasion is not. This illegality makes surveys prone to error if the fear of
prosecution remains and, by de…nition, tax evasion is not measured in o¢cial
statistics. The estimates reported below therefore rely on a number of methods
of inference which naturally leaves them open to error. They should be regarded
primarily as rough approximations. In addition to measurement errors, there is
also the issue of what should be included. Illegal activities, such as the supply
of drugs or smuggling generally, would not be included in measured GDP even
if they were known. It is open to debate as to whether they should be included
in measures of the hidden economy.
One of the earliest published studies of tax evasion is the analysis by Rey
(1965) of the Italian General Sales Tax. This tax is levied on all exchanges
of goods and services, with some exceptions, and in 1961 raised revenue equal
to approximately 4% of GNP. The tax had several methods of collection and
of the largest of these, which raised two thirds of revenue, Rey estimated that
evasion was equal to 52.46% of actual yield. This is clearly a signi…cant degree
of evasion.
In an article that proved the starting point for many studies, Gutmann
(1977) attempted to measure the extent of unobserved economic activity, or the
hidden economy, in the USA. Based on the observation that transactions in the
hidden economy are invariably …nanced by cash rather than cheque or credit,
Gutmann used the growth of currency in circulation relative to demand deposits
as an indirect measure of unobserved activity. This procedure resulted in an
estimate of $176 bn. for illegal GNP in 1976 which was approximately 10% of
legal, measured activity. This …gure is in accordance with that reported by the
Internal Revenue Service in 1979 which estimated unreported income in 1976
to be between $75 bn. and $100 bn. or 7% to 9% of reported income.
Feige (1979) attempted to measure the same activity as Gutmann but em-
ploying a di¤erent methodology. The method of Feige was to work from the
observation that total economic activity, including both measured and unmea-
sured sectors, is equal to the price level times transactions. An estimate of the
unmeasured sector is then provided by the ratio of the value of measured income
to that of transactions. The major di¢culty with this approach is determining
the number of transactions that actually occur. Feige achieved this by using
data on the life-span in months of bank notes in circulation relative to the num-
ber of times it is expected each note can be used. This analysis provides an
estimate of the unmeasured sector in 1976 of $369 bn., which is 22% of GNP,
and $704 bn., 33%, in 1978. Given the size of these estimates, Feige concludes
that o¢cial statistics must be very misleading.
Applying the same methodology to the UK, Feige (1981) calculates that the
unobserved sector produced a GNP of £28 bn. in 1979 which was equal to 15%
of measured GNP. This estimate must be set against the reported comments of
an ex-Chairman of the Inland Revenue that undeclared income could amount to
where E is the expectation operator and F t [M ¡ X] is the total …ne paid when
caught evading. De…ning Y = M ¡ tX and Z = M ¡ tX ¡ F t [M ¡ X], the
…rst- and second-order conditions for maximising (12.1) are
p [F ¡ 1] U 0 (Z) ¡ [1 ¡ p] U 0 (Y ) = 0; (12.2)
and h i
S ´ t [1 ¡ p] U 00 (Y ) + [F ¡ 1]2 pU 0 0 (Z) 0: (12.3)
dX [F ¡ 1] U 0 (Z) + U 0 (Y )
=¡ > 0; (12.4)
dp S
dX pU 0 (Z) ¡ p [F ¡ 1] U 00 (Z) t [M ¡ X]
=¡ > 0: (12.5)
dF S
As expected, an increase in the …ne leads to a reduction in the level of tax
evasion. There is therefore no ambiguity about the e¤ects of the two punishment
variables upon the level of evasion.
The next variable to consider is the tax rate upon declared income. Di¤er-
entiating (12.2) with respect to X and t gives
U 00(I )
Using the Arrow-Pratt measure of absolute risk aversion RA (I) = ¡ U 0 (I) to
simplify (12.7), the e¤ect of the tax rate upon tax evasion is given by
if tax can be avoided by claiming expenses, there is little additional cost in-
volved in in‡ating an expenses claim and therefore evading taxation. A second
direction taken has been to embed the evasion decision within a more general
choice problem by introducing additional assets with risky returns. This then
makes tax evasion only one of a portfolio of activities that have risky returns.
As shown by Landskroner, Paroush and Swary (1990) even in this generalised
setting the comparative statics results remain much as given above with de-
creasing absolute risk aversion still being the critical factor. A further extension
of the analysis, the choice of labour supply, will be discussed in more detail in
Section 5.
R = tX + pF t [M ¡ X] : (12.10)
@x1 @ [wx 1 ¡ X]
jU c on st. < 0; jU co ns t. > 0; (12.14)
@t @t
where wx1 ¡ X is the level of evaded income. Therefore an increase in the tax
rate, holding utility constant, reduces labour supply but increases the level of
evaded income. If evaded income is taxed at a penalty rate f when discovered,
then the e¤ects of increases in f are
@x1 @ [wx 1 ¡ X]
jU c on st. < 0; jU co ns t. > 0; (12.15)
@f @f
so that an increase in the penalty rate, with utility constant, reduces labour
supply and evaded income. Finally, if relative risk aversion increases with income
and is greater than 1, then an increase in the probability of detection reduces
evaded income.
These results do indicate that some conclusions can be derived when the
labour supply decision is introduced. However, these are almost entirely re-
stricted to substitution e¤ects for a separable utility function. Once such re-
strictions are invoked, it is not surprising that the conclusions do not di¤er
greatly from those with exogeneous income.
Two wages are now de…ned: w r , the wage in the registered or o¢cial market
and w u , the uno¢cial market wage. Since the recipient of the wages does not
pay tax when working on the uno¢cial market, it is assumed that w u < w r .
This has the implication that the gain from evading tax is split between the
supplier and employer of uno¢cial labour. Compatible with these wage rates
are the hours of labour x r1 ; x u1 . The income level when evasion is not detected
is given by
wu x u1 + w r x r1 [1 ¡ t] ; (12.16)
and when detected
w u x u1 [1 ¡ f] + w r x r1 [1 ¡ t] : (12.17)
The consumer chooses x r1 ; x u1
to maximise expected utility subject to the con-
straints (12.16) and (12.17).
The aim is to determine how the allocation of labour between the two mar-
kets is a¤ected by changes in the tax and punishment parameters. However, it
has already been noted that, in general, few of these e¤ects are actually signed.
In order to derive concrete results, it is necessary to place restrictions upon the
utility function. As shown by Cowell (1981), with a utility function of the form
U = U (M; 1 ¡ x r1 ¡ x u1 ) ; (12.18)
where M is total income and the time endowment is normalised at 1, the im-
portant restriction is that h i
@ U 1
= 0; (12.19)
where U1 ´ @@U @U
M ; U2 ´ @ L , with L, the leisure consumed, de…ned by L =
r u
1 ¡ x1 ¡ x 1 . The consequence of this restriction is that it determines the total
labour supply, x r1 + x u1 , as a function of the post-tax wage on the o¢cial market
and any lump-sum income.
To pro duce easily interpretable results, a precise functional form that satis-
…es (12.19) is now employed. Following Isachen and Strom (1980), the utility
function is de…ned by
U = log (M ) + log (L) : (12.20)
The maximisation facing the consumer can then be written
w u [1 ¡ p] > w r [1 ¡ t] (12.22)
welfare function, would prefer all taxpayers to act honestly and does not hesitate
to punish those who do not, should it take account of the welfare of evaders when
formulating policy? Since tax evasion is only a minor crime it may seem that
tax evaders should not be excluded from consideration by society. However,
this cannot be claimed to constitute a general proposition about all crimes since
there probably reaches a point where a crime is so heinous that its perpetrator
does not merit attention in the formulation of society’s preferences. Although
there is no clear set of guidelines to answer this question, the tradition in the
literature, for instance Kolm (1973) and Sandmo (1981), has been to adopt
a utilitarian framework in which the utilities of evaders are included in social
welfare. This is probably for analytical simplicity rather than for philosophical
g = r ¡ c (p) = tX + pf [M ¡ X] ¡ c (p) : (12.31)
Di¤erentiating (12.30) with respect to the choice variables t, p and f and
noting that the optimality of X implies that [1 ¡ p] U 0 (Y ) t +pU 0 (Z) [f ¡ t] = 0,
the …rst-order conditions are
= X [v 0 ¡ E [U 0]] + v 0 [t ¡ pf ] Xt = 0; (12.32)
= p [M ¡ X] [v 0 ¡ U 0 (Z)] + v 0 [t ¡ pf ] Xf = 0; (12.33)
= U 0 (Z) ¡ U 0 (Y ) + v 0p [M ¡ X] ¡ v 0c0 + v 0 [t ¡ pf ] Xp = 0; (12.34)
E [U 0 ] = [1 ¡ p] U 0 (Y ) + pU 0 (Z) : (12.35)
It has already been demonstrated in (12.4) and (12.5) that Xp and Xf are both
positive. In addition, if it is assumed that Xt < 0, then the …rst-order conditions
imply that the marginal utilities can be ranked as U 0 (Y ) < E [U 0 ] < U 0 (Z). The
central inequality is reversed if Xt > 0. In particular it follows that
v0 1
= h i ; (12.36)
E [U 0 ] 1 ¡ 1 ¡ pf t @X
t X @t
so that the ratio of the marginal utility of public income to the consumer, v 0 , to
the marginal utility of private income, E [U 0 ], is a¤ected by the e¤ect of changes
in the tax rate upon the declared level income. Since this valuation of public
funds would be employed in any cost-bene…t calculations, it can be seen that
tax evasion should be taken into account when determining all public decisions.
The main conclusion to be drawn from endogenising the use of revenue and
formulating the objective function in terms of social welfare is that it is possible
to generate an interior solution for the detection probability and the level of
the …ne for evasion. As such, these variables are subject to the same basic
considerations as other instruments of public policy.
absolute risk aversion will lead to increased evasion. This aspect could not arise
in the previous model where the additive separability of the utility function
ensured that the evasion decision was independent of the level of public goods
provided. This intuitive argument has been formalised by Cowell and Gordon
De…ne the level of evaded income by E ´ M ¡ X so that the gain from
evasion is tE is evasion in undetected and ¡tEf if detected. The household can
then be viewed as cho osing a quantity tE of a random asset which has return
r = 1 with probability 1 ¡ p and return r = ¡f with probability p. Hence
consumption can be de…ned as the random quantity
x = [1 ¡ t] M + rtE: (12.37)
where the large-population has been used to replace the random variable r by
its mean r = 1 ¡ p ¡ pf. In contrast to Section 6.1 the quantity of public good
available to each individual is also dependent upon the size of the population;
an assumption that is intended to capture congestion e¤ects. In detail,
R 1 n 1
G= ; lim = 0; lim = > 0: (12.39)
à (n) n!1 à (n) n!1 à (n) Ã
E [U xr] = 0: (12.43)
As noted, the aim of the analysis is to determine the e¤ect of changes in the
tax rate, t, upon the level of tax evasion. To do this, the …rst-order condition
(12.43) is di¤erentiated with respect to t and tE to give
d (tE ) E [Uxx r] M ¡ E [UxG r] @t
= : (12.44)
dt E [Uxxr 2 ]
At the symmetric Nash equilibrium, the level of the public good is given by
d (tE ) E [Uxx r] M ¡ E [U xG r] M
= ; (12.47)
dt E [Uxx r2 ] ¡ E [UxG r] Ãr
and hence E [UxG r] = E [Uxxr] m, where m = UUGx . Using this restriction, (12.47)
can be written h i
d (tE) E [U xG r] M 1 ¡ Ã
= : (12.49)
dt E [Uxx r ] ¡ E [U xGr] mr
h i since the denominator is negative, tax evasion will increase whenever
1¡ is positive. Therefore an increase in tax rate will increase evasion when
public goods are over-provided.
The introduction of public goods represents one way of closing the system
so that tax revenue raised has some bene…cial e¤ect. It has been demonstrated
how such closure can lead to an interior solution for the punishment variables
and thus places these within the standard framework of public economics. In
addition, it was also demonstrated that tax evasion alters the cost of raising
public funds and that this should be taken into account in any cost-bene…t
calculations. Finally, the introduction of public goods may lead to the degree
of tax evasion increasing as the tax rate increases, a result more in conformity
with a priori expectations.
increase in income reduced the propensity to evade. With respect to the atti-
tude and social variables, an increase in the perceived inequity of taxation and
of the number of other tax evaders known to individual both made evasion more
likely. The extent of tax evasion was also increased by the attitude and social
variables but was also increased by the experience of the tax payer with previous
tax audits. This study clearly demonstrated the importance of social variables
in addition to the economic variables.
Clot‡eter (1983) estimated tax evasion equations using data from the In-
ternal Revenue Services Taxpayer Compliance Measurement Program survey of
1969. These indicated that tax evasion did, in fact, increase as marginal tax
rates increased and was decreased when wages where a signi…cant proportion of
income. This result was supported by Crane and Nourzad (1986) employing the
di¤erence between income and expenditure …gures in National Accounts from
the United States for the period 1947 - 1981. Although their major focus was
the fact that in‡ation raised evasion, the results also showed that increased mar-
ginal tax rates also raised evasion. In contrast to this, the study of Geeroms and
Wilmots (1985) of Belgian data found precisely the converse conclusion with tax
increases leading to lower evasion. Therefore these econometric studies do not
resolve the ambiguity about the relation between marginal tax rates and tax
Turning now to experimental studies, Friedland, Maital and Rutenberg (1978)
employed a tax evasion game in which participants were given a monthly in-
come and a set of tax and punishment parameters. Given these, they were
requested to make tax declarations. The major …ndings of this study were that
evasion increased with the tax rate and, that keeping the net gain from evasion
constant, evasion fell as the …ne was increased and the detection probability re-
duced. This result is in agreement with the theoretical analysis of Christiansen
(1980). Further results showed that women evaded more often than men but
evaded lower amounts and that purchasers of lottery tickets, presumed to be
less risk averse, were no more likely to evade than non-purchasers but evaded
greater amounts when they did evade. A similar experiment was conducted
by Becker, Büchner and Sleeking (1987) but with the inclusion of endogenous
transfers of tax revenue back to the taxpayers and with income being earned
by the participants. With respect to the propensity to evade, a high transfer
had a negative e¤ect as did the probability of detection and, surprisingly, the
perceived level of tax. Income level had a positive e¤ect and hence raised the
propensity to evade. Only the audit probability had a signi…cant e¤ect on the
level of evasion.
Finally, Baldry (1986) contrasted the …ndings of two sets of experiments.
The …rst was framed as a tax evasion decision and this determined that some
participants never evaded tax and that the decision to evade was in‡uenced by
the tax schedule. This experiment was then repeated as a simple gamble with
the same payo¤s. The …nding was then that all participants betted and each
made the maximum bet. From these contrasting …ndings, it can be concluded
that there is more to tax evasion than gambling and that the moral and social
dimensions are of importance.
The important lessons to be drawn from these results are that the theoretical
predictions are generally supported, with the exception of the e¤ect of the tax
rate which remains uncertain, and that tax evasion is rather more than a simple
gamble; there are attitudinal and social aspects to the evasion decision. This
latter observation naturally carries implications for further theoretical analysis
of the evasion decision. In particular, the fact that some taxpayers never evade
requires explanation.
where  is the measure of the taxpayers honesty and, with E the extent of
evasion, ÂE is the utility cost of deviating from complete honesty. It is assumed
that taxpayers are characterised by their value of  but are identical in all other
Combining (12.51) with the budget constraint (12.37), individual maximisa-
tion leads to the …rst-order condition for choice of E
E [U 0 (x) rt] ¡ Â = 0: (12.52)
E will only be positive when the marginal utility of evasion is greater than
zero at a zero level of evasion. Formally, evasion will occur when V0 ¡ Â > 0,
where V 0 ´ [1 ¡ p ¡ pf ] tU 0 (M [1 ¡ t]). Hence those taxpayers characterised by
values of  that satisfy V 0 ¡  > 0 will evade and those with higher values of
 will not. The population is therefore separated into two parts with honest
taxpayers not evading whilst dishonest will evade. The term honest does not
have its standard meaning in this context since all taxpayers with …nite  will
evade if the expected gain is su¢ciently great.
The comparative statics with respect to the punishment and income para-
meters are not too di¤erent from those of the model described by (12.1). The
ma jor di¤erence is that the aggregate e¤ect is composed of the changes in the
level of evasion by existing evaders and the marginal changes as either more or
less taxpayers evade. Since these e¤ects work in the same direction, there is no
change in the predicted e¤ects on aggregate or individual evasion.
The e¤ect of an increase in the tax rate is given in the following theorem
from Gordon (1989).
for some range of taxes and to divide the population into those who evade tax
and those who do not.
The introduction of psychic costs and of social norms is capable of explaining
some of the empirically observed features of tax evasion which are not explained
by the standard expected utility maximisation hypothesis. It does this modify-
ing the form of preferences but the basic nature of the approach is unchanged.
The obvious di¢culty with these changes is that there is little to suggest pre-
cisely how social norms and utility costs of dishonesty should be formalised.
Assuming that c00 is positive, this is also a su¢cient condition for the choice of
audit probability. From (12.54), the taxpayer’s optimal report must satisfy
p (r (M )) tf ¡ p 0 (r (M )) t [1 + f ] [M ¡ r (M )] ¡ t [1 ¡ p (r (M ))] = 0: (12.57)
2p 0 (r (M )) t [1 + f ] ¡ p 00 (r (M )) t [1 + f ] [M ¡ r (M )] 0: (12.58)
The consistency condition ¿ (r(M )X) = M can be given the alternative formu-
lation ¿ (r(M )) = r¡ 1 (X), where r¡ 1 (X) is the inverse of the function r(M ).
Using this identity (12.56) - (12.58) can rewritten
£ ¤
t [1 + f ] r¡ 1 (X) ¡ X ¡ c0 (½) = 0; (12.59)
£ ¤
p (X) tf ¡ p0 (X ) t [1 + f ] r¡1 (X) ¡ X ¡ t [1 ¡ p (X)] = 0; (12.60)
and £ ¤
2p 0 (X) t [1 + f ] ¡ p 00 (X) t [1 + f ] r ¡1 (X) ¡ X 0: (12.61)
The advantage of these transformed equations is that they are now in terms of
X and can be used to characterise the reporting and auditing strategies.
Since (12.59) and (12.60) must hold for all X they can be di¤erentiated to
give £ ¤
t [1 + f ] r¡ 10 (X) ¡ 1 ¡ c00 (p (X)) p 0 (X) = 0; (12.62)
£ ¤ £ ¤
p 0 (X) t [1 + f ] 2 ¡ r¡ 10 (X) ¡ p00 (X) t [1 + f ] r¡ 1 (X) ¡ X = 0: (12.63)
The form of the optimal audit function is then given in the following theorem.
Proof. For (12.62) to hold either p 0 > 0 and r ¡10 > 1 or p 0 < 0 and r¡ 10 < 1.
Similarly, for (12.63) to hold either p 0 > 0 and r ¡10 < 0 or p 0 < 0 and r¡ 10 > 0.
These requirements can only be consistent when p 0 < 0 and 0 < r ¡10 < 1. This
proves the theorem.
Theorem 12.2 has the implication that the equilibrium e¤ort at veri…cation
diminishes the higher is the level of reported income. In addition the identity
r ¡10 = r10 and the result 0 < r¡ 10 < 1 imply that r 0 (M ) > 1 and hence that tax
evasion declines with income since M ¡ r(M ) is decreasing in M . The second of
these two conclusions may seem surprising but if evasion increased with income
the revenue service would have an incentive to raise the audit probability on
high incomes.
This analysis has been extended to a social custom model of tax evasion in
Myles and Naylor (1995b). The existence of the social custom results in the
equilibrium being characterised by some taxpayers evading whilst others pay
their taxes honestly. This leads to there being pooling of honest and dishonest
taxpayers at some income report levels. The optimal audit schedule is still
decreasing over the reports by evaders, with the probability of audit reaching
zero at the highest income report of a tax evader. An increase in the …ne rate
raises the audit probability (where positive), in direct contrast to the analysis
of Section 4 where the two instruments are substitutes.
Turning now to the analysis with pre-commitment, somewhat di¤erent re-
sults are obtained. Allowing pre-commitment permits the adoption of strategies
by the revenue service which involve a zero probability of auditing some income
levels. In fact, as shown by Scotchmer (1987), the optimal policy takes the form
of a cut-o¤ rule in which income reports above a certain level are not audited at
all. Since this leads all taxpayers with an income above the cut-o¤ level to …le
a report at the cut-o¤, this can only be an equilibrium when pre-commitment
is allowed because if there were no commitment the revenue service would gain
by reneging on the zero audit probability and catching all the evaders at the
cut-o¤ point. This optimal strategy is clearly an exaggeration of the decreasing
audit probability shown to be optimal without commitment.
The consequence of the cut-o¤ rule is that the o¢cial tax which is pro-
portional at rate t becomes regressive since actual tax payment is constant on
incomes above the cut-o¤ point and the e¤ective tax function is regressive. This
observation illustrates the general point that with tax evasion the properties of
the e¤ective tax function may well be very di¤erent from those of the o¢cial tax
function. This is a point pursued further by Cramer, Marchand and Pestieau
(1990) who also note the di¢culties in determining optimal taxes due to the
nonconvexity of the social welfare function.
q ¡ c ¡ [1 ¡ Á] G(1 ¡ Á) ¡ [1 ¡ ½] Át ¡ ½ [t + [¿ ¡ 1] [1 ¡ Á] t] : (12.65)
g 0 (1 ¡ Á) = [1 ¡ ½¿ ] t: (12.66)
te = [Á + [1 ¡ Á] ½¿ ] t; (12.67)
the competitive assumption implies that market price must be equal to expected
marginal cost or
q = c + g + te ; (12.68)
where g and te are evaluated at the optimal value of Á.
These equations allow the comparative statics e¤ects of changes in the un-
derlying parameters to be calculated. Taking changes in the tax rate …rst,
di¤erentiation of (12.66) gives
dÁ [1 ¡ ½t]
=¡ < 0; (12.69)
dt g 00
so that reported sales decrease as the tax rate increases. The e¤ect upon the
expected tax rate follows from (12.67) as
dte [1 ¡ ½t] t
= [Á + [1 ¡ Á] ½¿ ] ¡ : (12.70)
dt g 00
This e¤ect may be positive or negative since an increase in t directly raises the
expected tax but causes an indirect decrease as evasion rises. Finally, using
(12.69) and (12.70), the e¤ect upon price is
dq dq
= [Á + [1 ¡ Á] ½¿ ] ; 0 < < 1: (12.71)
dt dt
The post-tax prices rises but by less than the amount of the tax since some of
the tax increase is absorbed in increased evasion.
The e¤ect of changes in the probability of detection are also derived from
(12.66) to (12.68). The results are given by
dÁ t¿
= 0 0 > 0; (12.72)
d½ g
dte [1 ¡ ½t] t2 ¿
= [1 ¡ Á] t¿ + >0 (12.73)
d½ g 00
= [1 ¡ Á] t¿ > 0: (12.74)
Hence an increased probability of evasion raises the proportion of sales declared,
the expected tax and the market price. It can be seen from the last result that
an increase in the probability has an ambiguous e¤ect upon welfare since it
raises the price level to the detriment of consumers.
These results are generally without surprises but they indicate that tax eva-
sion can be incorporated onto the analysis of the competitive …rm. They will
also be employed in the characterisation of optimal taxes below. Before con-
sidering imperfect competition, it should be noted that Virmani (1989) studies
…rms with U-shaped average costs and establishes the result that with tax eva-
sion production will not take place at minimum average cost. This raises a
channel through which tax evasion can lead to production ine¢ciency.
X (q) [g 0 (1 ¡ Á) ¡ [1 ¡ ½¿ ] t] = 0: (12.76)
Assuming that X(q) is positive, this is simply the condition given in (12.66)
again. In addition, since X(q) can be cancelled from (12.76), q does not appear
in the condition determining Á. Hence the evasion decision is independent of the
pricing decision. The converse is not true since the evasion decision determines
the expected level of costs, inclusive of tax, and therefore the level of price. To
see this formally, note that the …rst-order condition for the choice of q is given
E > 2 ¡ [Á + [1 ¡ Á] ½¿ ] : (12.78)
qk = ck + gk + tek ; (12.79)
where tek = [Ák + [1 ¡ Ák ] ½k ¿ ] tk is the expected tax payment per unit of output
of a …rm in industry k and the tax evasion cost, gk, the evasion choice, f k, and
the detection rate, ½k , are all industry-speci…c. Employing the argument that
each industry is composed of a large number of …rms permits the claim that
actual and expected tax revenue are equal so that
R= tei Xi: (12.80)
In the optimal tax problem, the choice variables of the government are the
set of tax rates (t1 ; ::; tn ) and the detection probabilities (½1 ; ::; ½n ). The problem
can be written
max V (q1 ; :::; qn ) sub ject to teiXi ¡ C (½1 ; ::; ½n ) = R; (12.81)
ft1;::;tn ;½ 1;::;½ ng
where C(½1 ; ::; ½n ) is the cost of implementing the chosen set of detection prob-
abilities. This problem has the associated Lagrangean
" n #
L = V (q1 ; :::; qn ) + ¸ tei Xi ¡ C(½1 ; ::; ½n ) ¡ R : (12.82)
Ak ´ @q k
: (12.84)
The fundamental result of Cremer and Gahvari (1993) is now found by sub-
tracting (12.85) from (12.83). Replacing [1 ¡ Ák ] tk ¿ by @@½qk and then solving
provides the conditions
@q k @te
@ tk @tk
@q k
= @te
; k = 1; :::; n: (12.87)
@½ k
¡ Xk
The interpretation of these equations are that the taxes and detection probabili-
ties should be adjusted until the rate of substitution between tax and probability
holding the price of good k constant, and hence welfare constant, given by the
term on the left equals the rate of substitution holding tax revenue constant
which is the right-hand term. This equality of rates of substitution provides the
obvious balance between the e¤ects of the alternative instruments.
To provide a direct contrast between the tax rule in (12.83) and its counter-
part with no evasion given by (5.16), the Slutsky equation can be used to write
(12.83) as " n #
Xn X @Xi
e e ®
ti Ski = ti + ¡ Ak Xk : (12.88)
@I ¸
i=1 i=1
This di¤ers from the standard Ramsey rule in two ways. Firstly, it is in terms
of the expected rather than the actual taxes. Secondly, the term Ak enters and
hence the right-hand side is raised or lowered depending on whether Ak is less
than or greater than zero. Ak measures the rate at which the expected tax rate
increases relative to price as the nominal tax is raised. It is therefore preferable
to tax those goods where Ak is relatively high. This is re‡ected in (12.88) where
a high value of Ak leads to a greater reduction in compensated demand.
12.12. SUMMARY 397
12.12 Summary
Tax evasion is an important and signi…cant phenomenon that a¤ects both de-
veloped and developing economies. Although there is residual uncertainty sur-
rounding the accuracy of measurements, even the most conservative estimates
suggest the hidden economy in the UK and US to be at least ten per cent of
the measured economy. The substantial size of the hidden economy, and the
tax evasion that accompanies it, requires understanding so that the e¤ects of
policies that interact with it can be correctly forecast.
The predictions of the standard Allingham-Sandmo representation of tax
evasion as a choice with risk were derived and contrasted with empirical and
experimental evidence. This showed that although it is valuable as a starting
point for a theory of evasion, the Allingham-Sandmo representation some key
aspects of the evasion decision, most notably the e¤ects of morals and the social
interactions between taxpayers. In addition, tax evasion also impinges upon the
broader issues of labour supply and the allocation of hours between markets and
o ccupations. It was shown how each of these issues could be incorporated into
the evasion decision.
Part IV
Chapter 13
Overlapping Generations
13.1 Introduction
The overlapping generations economy, so called because of its assumed demo-
graphic structure, was introduced by Samuelson (1958). It has since proved
useful in many areas of economics including macro economic growth theory, pub-
lic economics and monetary economics. One of the economy’s major points of
interest is the welfare properties of its equilibrium. Even when the standard
competitive assumption are imposed, the equilibrium of the overlapping gener-
ations economy may not be Pareto optimal. This is in marked contrast to the
Arrow-Debreu competitive economy.
Despite its value in many areas, as demonstrated by the previous chapters,
there are several shortcomings of the Arrow-Debreu economy when applied to
intertemporal issues. The …rst is that it is essentially static and, although it can
be interpreted as intertemporal, this is not completely satisfactory as noted in
Chapter 2. It would seem to be stretching the interpretation too far to accept
trading in a single period for all go ods into the inde…nite future. Trades in the
economy are carried out by barter and there is simply no role for money. This is
a consequence of the assumptions that agents are assumed to know universally
the terms of trade between commodities and that any sequence of transactions
can be completed without cost or hindrance. The equilibrium of the economy
is also Pareto optimal, so there can be no ine¢ciency in investment or in the
choice of production techniques. Finally, the economy implicitly assumes the
lives of each agent to be at least as long as the length of the economy itself. In
many ways, the economy is simply too rich: it can cover all possibilities but can
never describe anything in detail.
These observations provide the motivation for the study of overlapping gen-
erations economies. By structuring the evolution of the population and intro-
ducing time in a very real sense, the overlapping generations economy is able
p tx tt + p t+1 xt+
= p t !tt : (13.1)
De…ning 1 + rt+1 = pt+1
, the budget constraint can be written in the alternative
form £ ¤
[1 + rt+1 ] !tt ¡ x tt ¡ x t+1
t = 0; (13.2)
which can be interpreted as saying that any savings out of the endowment earn
interest at rate rt+ 1 .
Generation t is de…ned as the set of consumers who are born in period
t. The population grows at rate n, so that if generation t is of size Ht then
Ht+1 = [1 + n] Ht . An allocation is feasible for the economy if consumption
by the two generations alive at each point in time is no greater than the total
endowment. At time t the consumption levels of the generations must satisfy
where equal treatment of the identical households in each generation has been
assumed. Using the assumed growth path of the population, (13.3) can be
written as £ ¤
[1 + n] !tt ¡ x tt ¡ x t+1
t = 0: (13.4)
From (13.4) a steady state equilibrium for the economy, in which the endowment
and the consumption levels are independent of t, is restricted to satisfy
£ ¤
[1 + n] ! 1 ¡ x 1 ¡ x2 = 0; (13.5)
where x 1 and x2 denote the steady state consumption levels in …rst and second
period of life and ! 1 is the constant …rst period endowment. From these equal-
ities can be proved the following theorem due to Samuelson (1958) and Gale
Theorem 61 (Gale, Samuelson) There are at most two possible steady state
equilibria. Either (i) rt+1 = n all t or (ii) x1 = ! 1 all t.
£ ¤
Proof. In the steady state (13.2) reduces to [1 + r] ! 1 ¡ x 1 ¡ x2 = 0.
Contrasting with (13.5) proves the theorem.
It is interesting to note that there is actually no economic behaviour behind
Theorem 13.1 and that it is simply a consequence of the accounting constraints.
The economic implications follow from studying the welfare properties of the
two steady state equilibria.
Consider case (i) …rst. Assume that the steady state consumption levels
x 1 ; x2 chosen by the consumers when rt+1 = n all t yield less utility than an
alternative pair of stationary consumption levels x 1 ; x 2 . Revealed preference
implies that since x 1 ; x2 were chosen, x1 ; x 2 must be more costly so that, from
the budget constraint (13.2),
£ ¤
[1 + n] ! 1 ¡ x 1 ¡ x2 < 0: (13.6)
However, (13.6) implies that the pair x1 ; x 2 cannot satisfy (13.5) and hence must
be infeasible. It follows that rt+1 = n and the associated choices x 1 ; x 2 represent
a Pareto optimal outcome for the economy. The optimality of this equilibrium
has lead to it being termed the Golden rule path for the economy. Conversely,
the equilibrium in case (ii) with x1 = ! 1 is clearly not Pareto optimal. Given the
assumptions made about the form of the utility function, each consumer would
be willing to trade consumption in the …rst period of their life for consumption
in the second period at any …nite price.
Since there are two steady state equilibria with one strictly dominating the
other, it is now necessary to identify which will arise as an equilibrium of a com-
petitive economy. To sustain a market equilibrium with rt+1 = n it is necessary
that consumers are able to trade some of their endowment for consumption in
the second period of their life since rt+1 = n implies that the price of second
period consumption in terms of …rst period consumption is …nite. Such a trade
would require the household to form a contract which involved transferring con-
sumption in period t to a second party and receiving, from the same second
party, consumption in t + 1. Unfortunately, the only economic agents alive in
both period t and t + 1 are all members of the same generation and they are
all trying to enact the same trade. This absence of trading partners therefore
prevents the equilibrium rt+1 = n being sustained as a competitive outcome.
In contrast, the autarkic outcome x1 = ! 1 can be sustained as a competitive
equilibrium since, by default, it involves no trade. Implicitly, this equilibrium
requires the price of consumption in the second period of life relative to that in
the …rst period being in…nite or, equivalently, rt+1 = ¡1.
The Samuelson economy therefore leads to an outcome in which there exists
a single steady state equilibrium that can be supported by competitive behav-
iour and this equilibrium is not Pareto optimal. The existence of a competitive
equilibrium that is not Pareto optimal, in contradiction to the First Theorem of
Welfare Economics, is just one of a number of surprising features that overlap-
ping generations economies possess. Although the Samuelson economy forces
this equilibrium by preventing any possibility of all consumers simultaneously
transferring consumption from the …rst to the second period of their lives, the
same possibility will be shown to hold in more general economies below. In addi-
tion, only the steady state equilibria have so far been described. More attention
will be paid to non-steady state equilibria below.
failure of optimality so that if consumers could trade in any period the inef-
…ciency would perhaps be removed. Two …nal possibilities may be that the
endowment pattern was responsible for the ine¢ciency or that the assumption
of identical consumers was responsible.
It will now be shown that none of these claims is justi…ed. This will be
achieved by setting out the structure of a general form of overlapping gener-
ations economy in an Arrow-Debreu format as in Balasko and Shell (1980).
Several features will be made more precise including specifying the time periods
over which the economy operates. Once this is done, it will be seen that the
overlapping generations economy is simply a special case of the Arrow-Debreu
economy in which there are an in…nite number of consumers and goods. Hence,
although the structure of the Samuelson economy was certainly responsible for
producing such stark …ndings, none of the assumptions was strictly necessary
for producing the ine¢ciency result.
The economy
¡ 1 ¢ (13.8)
¡ maximisations
¢ result in demand functions x 0 = x 0 p ; M 0 and xt =
x t p t; p t+1 ; Mt or, alternatively, x 0 = x0 (p; M 0 ) and x t = x t (p; Mt ). These
demand functions can be treated equally as mapping into either a vector or
a sequence. For instance, for t = 0 the demand maps either to x 10 or into
a sequence x 10; x 20 ; ::: with a positive entry for x10 alone. Given these demand
functions, a competitive equilibrium for the overlapping generations economy
can be de…ned.
Competitive equilibrium
A competitive
P equilibrium
P is a sequence p ; p ; ::: of strictly positive prices
1 2
Welfare properties
It has already been shown that the equilibrium of an overlapping generations
economy need not be Pareto optimal, even though it is characterised by compet-
itive behaviour and an absence of externalities or any other standard source of
market failure. The purpose of the present section is to formalise de…nitions of
Pareto optimality that are appropriate for in…nite economies and to characterise
Pareto optimal equilibria via the structure of the supporting price sequences.
Pareto optimality is usually tested by considering whether there exists any
reallocation of resources that can raise the welfare of one consumer without
reducing that of any other. In a …nite economy this is a su¢cient descrip-
tion. However, in an in…nite economy it is necessary to consider the number of
consumers that can be involved in any reallocation of resources. Searching for
improving allocations where only a …nite number of consumers can have their
allocation altered will clearly provide di¤erent results than allowing allocations
to be altered for an in…nite number of consumers. Accordingly, the distinction
is made between weak Pareto optimality and Pareto optimality as follows.
Pareto optimality
0 0
TheP allocation P fx 0 ; x 1 ; :::g is Pareto optimal if there is no allocation fx 0; x 1 ; :::g
with t x t = t x t , Ut (xt ) ¸ Ut (x t) all t and Ut0 (x t0 ) > Ut0 (xt0 ) for some t0 .
0 0 0
period of life. The competitive equilibrium in this case must have consump-
tion equal to the endowment. Now consider a series of transfers in which the
consumer who is born in period 1 transfers their …rst period endowment to
the consumer who was born in period 0 and, in each successive period, the
consumer born in that period transfers their endowment to the consumer born
in the previous period. Compared to the competitive outcome, all consumers
born from period 1 onwards still attain a utility level of 2 but the consumer
born in period 0 has their utility raised from 1 to 2. The transfer has there-
fore achieved a Pareto improvement and the competitive equilibrium was not
Pareto optimal. In making this Pareto improvement, the allocation of an in…-
nite number of consumers has been changed. More importantly, it can easily
be seen that a Pareto improvement could not be made if only a …nite number
of consumers were involved in the reallocation. The competitive equilibrium is
therefore weakly Pareto optimal but not Pareto optimal.
The conclusions of this example will now be shown to be generally applicable.
That is, competitive equilibria will be shown to be weakly Pareto optimal but
not necessarily Pareto optimal. The …rst of these statements is proved in the
following theorem.
¡ t¡ 1 ¢ t¡1
…xed and p = 'rUt¡1 xt¡ 1 ; ¢ with x t¡1 …xed. ¡ But,¢ by the assumption that
' t
p 1 ; p2 ; :::; p t supports x0 ; :::; x t¡1 , p t = rUt¡1 xt¡1t¡1 ; ¢ . Hence p 0t
= p . Now
de…ne p t+1 = ' p0t+ 1 . p 1; p 2 ; :::; p t+1 clearly supports x0 ; :::; x t in E t and the
proof is completed.
The characterisation of Pareto optimal allocations is somewhat more com-
plex than that of weakly Pareto optimal. To provide necessary and su¢cient
conditions requires considerable work. As a consequence, the theorem that is
proved below describes only su¢cient conditions. An informal description of
the necessary and su¢cient conditions is also given. To permit proof of the
theorem, a description of Pareto-improving sequences of feasible transfers is re-
quired. Let x be a given feasible allocation. The sequence h = (h 0 ; h 1 ; :::) is
aPfeasible sequence of commodity transfers if x + h is a feasible allocation and
t h t = 0. Since commodities can only be transferred between consumers who
are alive
¡ at the ¢ same
¡ t time, it follows
¢ that h0 = h10 = ¡h 11 and, for t 6= 0,
h t = htt ; ht+ t
= ¡h t¡1 ; ¡h t+1
t+1 . A sequence of transfers is Pareto improving
on the allocation x if Ut (x t + ht ) ¸ Ut (xt ) for all t and with strict inequality for
at least one t. The following theorem gives su¢cient conditions for an allocation
to be Pareto optimal.
Proof. The …rst step in the proof is to show that if an element of a sequence
of Pareto improving transfers, from an initial weakly Pareto optimal position, is
positive at t = t0, it is positive for all t ¸ t0. To show this, assume P the converse.
Hence there exists t1 > t0 such that ht 1 = 0. Now, since t h t = 0, the
P t1 P
structure of transfers implies that t=t0 h t = 0 and t>t1 h t = 0. Therefore the
sequence ht = (0; :::; 0; ht0 ; :::; h t1 ; 0; :::; 0) would be feasible and U t (xt + h t) ¸
Ut (x t ) for all t = 0; 1; ::: . Due to strict quasiconcavity of utility, the sequence
(0; :::; 0; ¸h t0 ; :::; ¸h t1 ; 0; :::; 0), 0 < ¸ < 1, would be Pareto improving. This
sequence has only a …nite number of non-zero elements; a contradiction to the
supposition that the initial state was weakly Pareto optimal which establishes
the claim.
The second step is to show that the transfers involved in a Pareto improve-
ment can be ranked in terms of their values. In particular, it is now shown
p t+1 ht+ 1
t+ 1 p t htt ::: p 1 h 11 = ¡p1 h 11 = ¡p 1 h10 0;
with strict inequality for t ¸ t0 , t0 as de…ned above. To prove this, …rst note
that for generation £ 0, U
¤ 0 (x 0 + h 0 ) ¸ U 0 (x0 ) which, by revealed preference,
implies that p 1 x10 + h 10 ¸ p 1 x10 or p 1 h10 ¸ 0. For generation 1, p 1 h11 + p 2 h21 ¸ 0
so that p 2 h21 ¸ p1 h 11 . From the structure of transfers, h 11 = ¡h10 and h21 = ¡h 22
hence p 2 h22 p 1 h 11 = ¡p 1 h 10 0. This construction can be continued for all t
with strict inequality holding for t ¸ t0 .
The proof is completed by noting that (x0 x 1 ; :::) is bounded from above
and that lim inf t!1 kp t k = 0. Assume that there exists a Pareto improving
sequence of transfers. For such a set of transfers, it follows that for t ¸ t0 ,
p t h tt < p t0+1 h tt00+1 t0 t0
+1 < p h t0 . The assumed boundedness of (x 0 x1 ; :::) implies that
h t is also bounded and the assumption that lim inf t!1 kp tk = 0 implies that
lim inf t!1 kp th tt k = 0. This contradicts the preceding inequality and establishes
that under the conditions of the theorem the allocation x is Pareto optimal.
It should be noted how this result provides a characterisation of Pareto
optimality in terms of the price sequence that supports an allocation rather than
in terms of the allocation itself. The restriction that the sequence of allocations
is bounded above prevents the economy enjoying unlimited growth.
The result described in Theorem 13.3 is not the most general that is avail-
able. Since lim inf t!1 kp t htt k = 0 is a su¢cient condition for Pareto optimality,
it leaves open the possibility that there may be important cases in which this is
not satis…ed but which are Pareto optimal. After placing further regularity as-
sumptions upon the curvature and gradient of indi¤erence curves and bounding
feasible allocation sequences above and below, Balasko and Shell (1980) prove
the following.
In a standard competitive economy that exists over a …nite number of periods,
…at money whose only use is as a store of value would be worthless. This
conclusion can be established by a simple backward induction argument. Money
is clearly worthless in the …nal period since it has no further use as a store of
value. Seeing that it is worthless in the last period, no consumer would wish to
purchase money in the second to last period so that it is also worthless in that
period. This argument can be continued backward until the beginning of the
economy. Money is therefore worthless unless it is arbitrarily assumed that it
must be used as a means of exchange.
This backward induction argument cannot be applied to the in…nite overlap-
ping generations economy and the possibility then arises that …at money may
have value. This can be shown most clearly by returning to the Samuelson
economy. The ine¢ciency in that economy arose because consumers have no
opportunity for turning their …rst-period endowment into second-period con-
sumption. Money provides such a possibility. As …rst shown by Samuelson
(1958), the introduction of money can permit the attainment of Pareto op-
timality provided that all generations believe money to be valuable and are
willing to accept money in exchange for goods.
This argument can be illustrated simply as follows. Assume that each con-
sumer is endowed with one unit of the single consumption good when young
and none when old and that if generation t has Ht identical members then
H t+1 = [1 + n] Ht . In each period the feasible allocations are given by
x t+1
xtt + t
= 1: (13.15)
[1 + n]
This constraint is shown in Figure 13.2. As already argued, the only competitive
¡ for
¢ this economy is the autarkic outcome with consumption alloca-
tion x tt; x t+1
t = (1; 0) whereas the e¢cient outcome is shown as the tangency
between indi¤erence curve and constraint (13.14) at point o.
Introducing money increases the set of potential trades consumers may make.
Suppose at time 0 a quantity of M units of money is divided equally between
those already alive (the generation who will be old in period 1) and that they
and all following generations believe this money to have value. In period t a
consumer then solves the maximisation
¡ ¢
max U xtt ; xt+1 t subject to pt = M td + p t xtt ; p t+1 x t+1
t = Mtd ; (13.16)
fx tt;xt g
Equating this to money demand in period t + 1, which must equal the same
stock, provides the equilibrium condition
µ ¶ µ ¶
pt pt pt+1
M = [1 + n] M : (13.18)
p t+1 p t+1 pt+2
At a steady state solution with p pt+1
= p t+1
´ 1 + ½, this equation is solved
when 1 + ½ = 1 + n. Combining the budget constraints in (13.15) and employing
the solution to (13.17) shows that at the steady state with 1 + ½ = 1 + n, each
consumer faces the budget constraint
x t+1 x t+1
x tt + t
= xtt + t = 1: (13.19)
[1 + ½] [1 + n]
The constraint in (13.18) is identical to (13.14). Faced with this budget con-
straint, each consumer will choose the e¢cient consumption point o. This ob-
servation demonstrates how the introduction of money that is valued allows
the decentralisation of the Pareto e¢cient outcome by extending the range of
allocations that can be sustained through competitive behaviour. It should be
noted that the discussion has been restricted to the steady state.
The fact that money can have value in an overlapping generations economy
is another surprising aspect of these economies. Equally surprising are the
potential e¢ciency gains from the introduction of a commodity with no actual
consumption value. Although money will not receive further analysis in the
chapters that follow, these observations provide an insight into the results that
can emerge. Further properties of monetary equilibria are discussed in Balasko
and Shell (1981) and Hahn (1982).
The analysis to this point has characterised the steady state solutions of the
Samuelson economy and investigated the existence and welfare properties of
equilibria for the generalised economy. The intention now is to consider the
possible dynamics of non-steady state solutions. The dynamics of overlapping
generations economies were …rst investigated by Gale (1973), who provided an
example of an economy with two period cycles, and then in detail by Grand-
mont (1985). The work of Grandmont revealed the potential complexity of the
dynamics that can arise.
The structure of dynamics can most easily be seen by considering a slightly
modi…ed version of the Samuelson economy. It is now assumed that there is a
single consumer in each generation and that an endowment is received in both
periods of life. In addition, the preferences of all consumers are identical and
The aggregate feasibility condition for the economy requires that total consump-
tion does not exceed the total endowment or
Taken together, (13.21) and (13.22) fully describe the dynamic evolution
of the economy from any feasible initial starting value of x10 . Given x 10 , (13.22)
determines x11 and then, using the value of x11 , (13.21) determines x 21 . Returning
to (13.22), x22 can then be found. Repeating this process, whilst taking account
of nonnegativity constraints, provides the entire sequence of consumption levels
for the economy. Although some of the consumption patterns that will arise in
this dynamic process appear not to be feasible trades given what has been said
above, two modi…cations can overcome this objection. As noted by Gale (1973),
a …ctitious central clearing house could be introduced that can organise trades
that would not otherwise be possible. Alternatively, money could be introduced
with only minor modi…cation to the analysis.
The above argument provides a simple constructive approach to the dynam-
ics but it provides limited insight into the dynamic processes that may emerge;
for example it neither con…rms or refutes the possible existence of periodic cy-
cles. To proceed further in this direction, (13.22) can be used to substitute for
x tt in (13.21) giving
£ t ¤ ¡ ¢ £ ¤ 20 ¡ t+1 ¢
x t¡1 ¡ ! tt¡1 U 10 ! tt + !tt¡ 1 ¡ x tt¡1 + !t+
¡ xt+
U xt = 0: (13.24)
2. Convergence to a cycle
After an initial period the system settles down to a cycle in which the same
points are visited after speci…c intervals. An example of an economy with a
cycle of period 2 has already been described.
3. Non-cyclical
Here the system never returns to the same point twice. The system may
simply be erratic or it may be drawn to a strange attractor in which case it
becomes arbitrarily close to some cycle.
4. Chaotic
In the case of chaos the system never returns to the same point and has
sensitive dependence on initial conditions. That is, two solution paths that start
at two initial points an " apart will, after a …nite time, be a signi…cant distant
apart. This has the implication that such a system cannot be investigated by
numerical simulation since rounding errors will be su¢cient to invalidate the
To delineate conditions under which each of these would arise requires con-
siderable further formalisation which is not worth undertaking here. However,
two further points are worth noting. Firstly, if for some starting point the sys-
tem has a cycle of period 3, then starting points can be found that will give a
cycle of any desired order. This is an implication of Sarkovskii’s Theorem : if a
system has a cycle of period 3, it has cycles of all orders. Grandmont (1985)
actually provides conditions under which such a cycle exists in an overlapping
generations economy. Secondly, it is di¢cult to determine if an observed chaotic
times series is generated by a deterministic system or is actually random.
There are two important conclusions that follow from this discussion. The
…rst is economies may be constructed whose dynamics that reproduce the prop-
erties of observed economic time series. Observed series generate cyclical behav-
iour of fairly stable periodicity. Such cycles can be generated by few economies
other than the overlapping generations economy, except for exceptional sets of
parameter values. This gives the overlapping generations economy an important
role in the analysis of business cycles. Secondly, the fact that the economy can
A theorem of Debreu (1970) shows that almost all competitive economies of the
form described in Chapter 2 have a …nite number of isolated equilibria so that
each equilibrium is locally unique. That a similar conclusion does not apply to
overlapping generations economies has been shown by Gale (1973), Geanakop-
los and Polemarchakis (1984) and Kehoe and Levine (1985). For overlapping
generations economies robust examples can be constructed that have a contin-
uum of equilibria so that both …niteness and local uniqueness do not apply.
Such indeterminacy imposes considerable problems for analysis. Comparative
statics exercises are not possible and the concept of perfect foresight along such
indeterminate paths is implausible. The introduction of money compounds the
problem by introducing a further dimension to the indeterminacy.
The problem of indeterminacy is inherent in all applications of overlapping
generations economies. It is sidestepped in the chapters that follow, as well as
in much of the literature, by focusing only upon steady states. As has already
been shown, there are just two steady states for the Samuelson economy and in
the aggregate production economy discussed next it is possible for there to be
a unique steady state.
13.2.5 Summary
This section has described the overlapping generations economy and has illus-
trated a number of the important properties that such economies possess. In
contrast to standard competitive economies, the equilibria of an overlapping
generations economy need not be Pareto optimal, though all are weakly Pareto
optimal, and there may be an uncountable in…nity of equilibria. Furthermore,
…at money can play a socially useful role in leading to the attainment of a Pareto
optimum and, consequently, may be valued.
These features of overlapping generations economies undermine many of the
presumptions developed from analysis of standard competitive economies. Due
to this, it has proved an important tool in the study of public economics. The
version of the overlapping generations economy that will be employed in the
following chapters is less general than that described in this section but the
results here provide the foundation of the analysis.
13.3.1 Consumers
All consumers have identical preferences which, for the consumer born in period
t , are represented by the utility function
¡ ¢
U = U x tt; x t+1
t ; (13.27)
where x tt is the consumption level of the single good when the consumer is young
and x t+1
t consumption when old. There is no disutility from labour supply.
To construct the budget constraint of a typical consumer, note that labour
income must be divided between consumption and savings and that each con-
sumer supplies one unit of labour. With the price of the consumption good in
period t denoted p t , consumption and savings, s t, must satisfy
W t = p t xtt + p ts t; (13.28)
where W t is the wage received for the single unit of labour. The value of second
period consumption must be equal to the value of savings, hence
p t+1 x t+1
t + p ts t: (13.29)
p t ¡ p t+1
rt+1 = ; (13.30)
p t+1
Wt x t+1
´ w t = x tt + t
; (13.31)
pt 1 + rt+1
where w t is the real wage. Employing the de…nition of the interest rate also gives
x t+1
t = [1 + rt+1 ] st . Note that the relevant interest rate is rt+ 1 since interest is
notionally paid in period t + 1.
From (13.26) and (13.29) the utility-maximising consumption plan satis…es
the …rst-order condition
¡ ¢
U1 x tt; x t+1
¡ ¢ = [1 + rt+1 ] : (13.32)
U2 x tt; x t+1
x t+i
t = x t+i
t (wt ; rt+1 ) ; i = 0; 1: (13.33)
13.3.2 Production
The productive sector of the economy is described by an aggregate production
Y t = F (Kt ; Lt ) ; (13.34)
where K t is the capital stock in period t and Lt aggregate labour supply. Since
each young consumer inelastically supplies one unit of labour, Lt = Ht. The
production function can either be interpreted literally as representing the tech-
nology of a single …rm or as the aggregate production function of a set of identi-
cal …rms. A formal demonstration of such an aggregation argument is given in
Sargent (1979). As capital does not depreciate, consumption and saving must
F (Kt ; Lt ) + Kt = Htx tt + Ht¡1 x tt¡1 + Ht st : (13.35)
The production function therefore gives net output not including the non-
depreciating capital.
It is assumed that F (K t; Lt ) satis…es constant returns to scale and is there-
fore homogeneous of degree 1 so that F (º Kt ; ºLt ) = ºF (Kt ; Lt) for all positive
º . As the size of the population is growing at rate n, what matters as a measure
of the output of the economy is not total output but output per head. The ho-
mogeneity of production permits the analysis to be phrased in these terms. To
see this, set º = Lt
in (13.33) and use the homogeneity to extract the numerator
of º. This gives
µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶
1 1 Kt Kt
Y t = Lt F Kt ; Lt = Lt F ;1 = Lt f : (13.36)
Lt Lt Lt Lt
Now de…ne
Yt Kt
yt = ; kt = : (13.37)
Lt Lt
Then output per unit of labour is determined by a function that has the capital-
labour ratio as its sole argument
y t = f (kt ) : (13.38)
so that
µ ¶ µ ¶
@yt Kt Kt Kt
=f ¡ L tf 0 = f (kt ) ¡ kt f 0 (kt ) : (13.40)
@L t Lt Lt L2t
Similarly, the optimum choice of capital equates the rate of interest to the
marginal product
rt = f 0 (kt ) : (13.42)
13.3.3 Equilibrium
At the equilibrium it is necessary that consumers maximise utility, …rms max-
imise pro…t and all markets clear. For capital market equilibrium, the relevant
condition is that capital used must be equal to the level of savings, since capital
is the only store of wealth. To derive the capital market equilibrium condition,
…rst note that the population of young consumers is of size Ht in period t, so
the equality of total savings with capital available in period t + 1 implies that
£ ¤
Ht wt ¡ x tt = Kt+1 : (13.43)
xt+ 1
w t = x tt + t
; (13.46)
1 + rt+1
rt = f 0 (kt) ; (13.48)
w t ¡ xtt = kt+1 [1 + n] : (13.49)
Now substituting (13.49) into the capital market equilibrium equation (13.47)
gives the …nal expression
Equation (13.50) has as its only arguments the capital-labour ratio in periods
t and t + 1 and it represents the basis for studying the dynamic equilibrium of
the economy. Assuming that (13.50) can be solved for kt+1 in terms of kt , the
relation can be written
kt+1 = º (kt) : (13.53)
In this case, if the system given by (13.50) has a stationary solution with kt =
kt+ 1 = k all t, it will be globally stable. That is, if there is a …xed point such
then the system will always converge to k regardless of the initial level of the
capital stock. A stable system of this form is illustrated Figure 13.4.
The system in Figure 13.4 also has the property that the º (kt) function is
monotonically increasing. This may be a reasonable restriction and it certainly
rules out many forms of badly-behaved solution. Su¢cient conditions for the
function º (kt ) to be increasing in kt are that
@x t @ xt+1
a ) @ wtt > 0; @ twt > 0,
and t
b) @rt+1 < 0.
Condition (a ) is the requirement that both goods are normal. The impor-
tance of (a) is that it implies @wtt < 1. Together conditions (a ) and (b) guarantee
that the numerator and denominator of (13.53) are positive. Of course further
restrictions are needed to ensure that the derivative is less than 1.
Alternatively assume that for some values of kt
¯ ¯
¯ @kt+1 ¯
¯ ¯ (13.57)
¯ @k ¯ > 1;
and that º (kt ) is …rst increasing and then decreasing with a unique maximum
which can occur if second period consumption is inferior. This provides the
hump-shaped relationship of Figure 13.3 and permits the possibility of the com-
plex dynamics discussed following that …gure. The Diamond economy can there-
fore potentially generate convergent, cyclical, non-cyclical and chaotic behaviour
in the capital-labour ratio and hence in output per head.
x1 + = f (k) ¡ kf 0 (k): (13.59)
1 + f 0 (k)
w ¡ x 1 = [1 + n] k; (13.60)
f (k) ¡ kf 0(k) ¡ x 1 = [1 + n] k: (13.61)
The points to be made about the properties of the steady state can be derived
from using (13.59) to eliminate x 1 from (13.57). Di¤erentiating the equation
obtained gives
dk 1
= > 0; (13.62)
dx 2 [1 + n] [1 + f 0 + kf 00 ]
under the assumption that 1 + f 0 + kf 00 > 0: It is therefore
¡ ¢ possible to solve for
k as a function of x 2 . This solution is denoted k = k x 2 . The next step is to
substitute the solution for k into (13.59) to give
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
f(k x 2 ) ¡ k x 2 f 0(k x 2 ) ¡ x 1 = [1 + n] k x2 : (13.63)
¡ 1 2¢
The solutions to equation (13.61) generates a locus of¡ pairs ¢ x ; x termed
the consumption possibility frontier and, using k = k x 2 , an implied value
of k. Each point on this frontier is potentially a steady state with the actual
steady state that arises as the competitive equilibrium being determined by
consumer preferences. There are basic economic reasons for expecting the locus
to describe a non-monotonic relationship between x1 and x2 . For low values of
x 2 the capital-labour ratio is also low so that total production, and hence x1 ,
must also be small. As x 2 increases the capital-labour ratio grows and permits
x 1 to rise. Eventually, the capital-labour ratio will become too large and x1 will
again fall. As an example, for the Cobb-Douglas production function
which, since Ht¡ 1 = 1+ n
, can be expressed in per capita terms as
x tt¡1
max xtt + :
1+ n
Since the maximisation will be restricted to the choice between steady states,
(13.64) reduces to
max x 1 + : (13.66)
The constraint facing the central planner is that consumption in any period
must be equal to total output less additions to the capital stock. Hence
x1 + = f (k) ¡ nk: (13.67)
The optimisation in (13.65) is therefore equivalent to maxfkg f (k) ¡ nk. From
this maximisation the …rst-order condition
f 0 (k) ¡ n = 0: (13.68)
f 0 (k¤ ) = n: (13.69)
The capital-labour ratio k¤ is termed the Golden rule capital-labour ratio and
it is the optimal ratio in the sense that it maximises consumption per head.
Returning to the competitive economy, since f 0 = r, if the competitive
economy reaches a steady state equilibrium with r = n, this equilibrium will
satisfy the Golden rule. Since no other equilibrium will, this identi…es r = n
as the Golden rule rate of interest. To understand the structure of the Golden
rule competitive equilibrium, (13.57) and (13.59) can be used to show that the
gradient of the consumption possibility locus is given by
dx1 kf 00 + 1 + n
= : (13.70)
dx [1 + n] [1 + f 0 + kf 00 ]
When f 0 = n, (13.70) reduces to dx2 = 1
1+n . When facing a rate of interest
U1(x1 ;x2)
r = n consumer maximisation implies that U2(x1 ;x2) = 1 + n. Therefore at the
Golden Rule the consumers’ budget constraints, maximal indi¤erence curves and
the consumption possibility locus have identical gradients. This is illustrated in
Figure 13.6.
The modi…ed Golden rule is derived by choosing the growth path of the economy
to maximise a social welfare function de…ned as the discounted sum of future
utilities. This social welfare function is denoted by
X ¡ ¢
°t U x tt; x t+1
t : (13.71)
Although the size of population in each generation does not enter explicitly into
(13.71), it can be incorporated via the de…nition of the discount factor °.
The objective of the social planner is to maximise (13.71) subject to the pro-
duction constraint upon the economy which is summarised in (13.66). Dividing
through by Ht , (13.66) becomes
xtt¡ 1
kt + f (kt ) = [1 + n] kt+1 + x tt + : (13.72)
X s¡2
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
°t U xtt ; x t+1
t = ° tU x tt ; x t+1
t=0 t=0
à !
+° s¡1 U ks¡1 + f (ks¡1 ) ¡ [1 + n] ks ¡ s¡2 ; xss¡ 1
µ ¶
+° sU ks + f (ks ) ¡ [1 + n] ks+ 1 ¡ s¡1 ; xs+1
1+n s
¡ ¢
+ ° tU x tt ; x t+1
t : (13.73)
t=s+ 1
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
@U x s¡1 s
s¡1 ; x s¡1 @U xss ; xs+
s s
¡° [1 + n] + ° [1 + f 0 ] = 0: (13.75)
@x s¡1
Along the optimal growth path, (13.74) and (13.75) must hold for all values of
Moving to the steady state, (13.74) and (13.75) become
U2 ¡ U 1 = 0; (13.76)
1 + n = ° [1 + f 0 ] : (13.77)
Equation (15.77) is the modi…ed Golden rule which relates the optimal
capital-labour ratio to the rate of population growth and the discount factor.
Since social welfare de…ned by (13.71) is only properly de…ned if ° < 1, the
modi…ed Golden rule results in a lower capital-labour ratio than the standard
Golden rule. This is due to the impatience implied by the discounting leading
to higher consumption in the present and less accumulation. The interpretation
of (13.76) is that the steady state must involve optimal intertemporal alloca-
tion of consumption for each consumer when faced with an implied interest rate
satisfying 1 + r = 1+n .
and the production function is y = Ak® . The steady state interest then can be
calculated to be
® [1 + n]
r= : (13.79)
[1 ¡ ¯] [1 ¡ ®]
This will only be equal to the Golden rule rate when
n= : (13.80)
[1 ¡ ¯] [1 ¡ ®] ¡ ®
13.4 Conclusions
Overlapping generations economies have a number of interesting features that
are not shared with standard Arrow-Debreu economies. The competitive equi-
libria can be ine¢cient, complex endogenous dynamics can be generated, …at
money may be valuable as a store of value and its existence can raise the level
of welfare and indeterminacy in equilibria may exist. In the context of public
economics, it is the …rst of these that is arguably the most important since it
provides a role for corrective policies in the absence of any additional market
More importantly, the structure of the economy permits the analysis of the
e¤ects of policies that are essentially intertemporal in nature. This will be
utilised in the analysis of social security in Chapter 14 and debt and taxation in
Chapter 15. In both cases, the nature of ine¢ciency in overlapping generations
economies and the structure of Golden rules will be central in explaining the
results of policy analysis.
Chapter 14
Social Security
14.1 Introduction
The provision of social security to provide cover against disability and the inabil-
ity to work due to old age is a feature of all developed economies. Such programs
are large, both in terms of the proportion of population receiving bene…ts and in
terms of the total payments as a proportion of national income. The programs
are not without their di¢culties. Thompson (1983) describes the adjustments
made to the US program following overly optimistic forecasts of real earnings
growth. The expected increase in the ratio of retired to employed due to greater
life expectancy will also place the system under pressure. There is also evidence,
see Kotliko¤ (1989), that social security programs are required due to the inad-
equate savings and insurance purchases of the elderly which would not support
them through retirement. These observations show that the analysis of social
security and its economic impact is a subject of practical importance.
The …rst issue in the analysis of social security is its e¤ect upon the equi-
librium of the economy and, particularly, upon the level of the capital stock.
If a social security program has the form of a forced saving program, so that
consumers are provided with greater second period earnings than they would
naturally choose, then the program may raise the capital stock. This outcome
will be bene…cial in an undercapitalised economy. Conversely, if the program
simply transfers earnings from those who are working to those who are retired,
savings and hence the level of capital may fall. It can be judged from the di¤er-
ence in outcomes of these simple scenarios that the consequence of the existence
of social security is closely dependent upon the program’s structure. In addi-
tion to its e¤ects on savings, the interaction between social security and the
retirement decision may also be signi…cant.
A second major issue that arises is the e¤ect of demographic change upon
the social security program. Present trends are for the proportion of retired
consumers to increase and for the retired to live longer. At a practical level,
this raises the question of whether the working population can continue to fund
social security. A related, but more theoretical issue, is the question of whether
there exists an optimal rate of population growth. This issue arises from the ob-
servation that if the rate of population growth increases, there are more workers
to support each retired consumer but the level of capital per worker is reduced.
This trade-o¤ suggests there may be an optimal growth rate.
The introduction of a social security program results in a transfer of re-
sources towards the generation that bene…ts on the introduction of the program
and away from later generations. This raises the question of how such a program
receives the support that is required for it to be introduced at all. The mech-
anism by which the level of bene…ts in the program are selected also needs to
be addressed. Furthermore, the reasons why the private sector cannot provide
insurance cover on terms at least as attractive as those o¤ered by social security
must also be addressed.
This chapter begins by setting out the important distinction between fully
funded and pay-as-you-go social security. The economic e¤ects of these two polar
forms of program are markedly di¤erent. An optimal social security program is
then characterised under the strong assumptions of certainty and …xed labour
supply. A number of extensions of the basic result are considered including
an analysis of optimal population growth. Determination of the level of social
security by majority voting and various justi…cations for social security are
then considered including altruism, myopia and aggregate uncertainty. The
…nal section analyses the e¤ect of introducing individual uncertainty about the
length of life.
to save more. If, in the absence of social security, all consumers chose to save an
amount in excess of the taxed levied by the program then, holding all else con-
stant, a fully-funded system will simply replace private saving by an equivalent
amount of public saving. If these conditions are met, a fully-funded system will
have no e¤ect upon the equilibrium outcome. In more general settings with a
variety of investment opportunities, the possibility must be considered that the
rate of return on private savings may di¤er from that on public savings. When
it does, a fully-funded system may a¤ect the equilibrium.
In contrast to the fully-funded system, a pay-as-you-go social security pro-
gram does not own any capital. Instead, a pay-as-you-go system relies on the
contributions of the young of each generation to provide the pensions of the old
of the previous generation. Such a program therefore satis…es the equality
total bene…ts received by generation t ¡ 1 = contributions of generation t.
The system presently in operation in the US is of this form since the capital
it owns would only fund approximately two months of bene…t payments (see
Thompson (1983)).
A pay-as-you-go system leads to an intergenerational reallocation of re-
sources whereas a fully-funded system can at most cause an intertemporal real-
location for each generation. From this observation it can be seen immediately
that the two systems will have rather di¤erent welfare implications, some of
which will be investigated in the following sections.
Systems that fall between these two extremes will be termed non-fully-
funded. Such systems own some of the capital stock but the payments made in
a period may be greater than or less than the revenue, composed of tax pay-
ments and interest, received in that period. The di¤erence between the two will
comprise investment, or disinvestment, in capital.
which states that pension payments must be equal to tax revenue plus return
on capital holdings less investment in capital. Since the population grows at
rate n, in a steady state the identities Lt¡ 1 = 1+n , Lt+ 1 = [1 + n] Lt and
s s s
kt+1 = kt ´ k can be used in (14.1) to generate the steady state budget
= ¿ + [1 + r] k s ¡ [1 + n] ks : (14.2)
1+ n
Employing the equilibrium conditions r = f 0 (k), where k denotes the total
capital stock, the budget constraint of a consumer under the programme can be
x2 ¯
x1 + = f (k) ¡ rk ¡ ¿ + : (14.3)
1+r 1+ r
Note that the pension, ¯, which is received in the second period, is discounted
since x1 +s = w ¡ ¿ and [1 + r] s+ ¯ = x 2 ; hence s = x1+r¡¯
. The budget identity
of the program can be used to eliminate ¯ in the individuals budget constraint
to give
x2 1+n
x1 + = f (k) ¡ rk ¡ ¿ + [¿ + [r ¡ n] ks ] : (14.4)
1+ r 1+r
Equilibrium in the capital market requires that private savings be equal to
total capital less capital owned by the social security program. This condition
can be expressed as
w ¡ x1 ¡ ¿ = [1 + n] [k ¡ k s] : (14.5)
Substitution for x1 from the individuals budget constraint (14.4) gives
x2 1+n
¡ [¿ + [r ¡ n] ks ] = [1 + n] [k ¡ k s] : (14.6)
1+r 1+r
The equilibrium of the economy is then the simultaneous solution to
x2 1+n
x1 + = f (k) ¡ rk ¡ ¿ + [¿ + [r ¡ n] ks ] ; (14.7)
1+ r 1+r
f 0 (k) = r; (14.8)
= 1 + r; (14.9)
x2 1+n
¡ [¿ + [r ¡ n] k s] = [1 + n] [k ¡ ks ] : (14.10)
1+ r 1+r
These equations represent the private budget constraint, the choice of produc-
tion technique, individual choice and the capital market equilibrium respectively.
The aim now is to investigate the e¤ect that the social security policy can
have upon the equilibrium. In particular, is it possible to design a policy that
will generate the Golden rule? To see why this may be possible it should be
noted that the failure of the competitive equilibrium without intervention to
be e¢cient results from the savings behaviour of individuals which may lead to
over- or under-accumulation of capital. With the correct choice of social security
program the government can e¤ectively force-save for individuals. This alters
the steady state level of the capital stock and hence the growth path of output.
Equations (14.7) to (14.10) determine the endogenous variables k; x 1 ; x2 ; w
and r conditionally upon the exogenous variables ¿ and ks describing the social
security programme. The solution of (14.7) to (14.10) provides the following
k = k (¿ ; ks ) ; x1 = x 1 (¿ ; k s) ; x2 = x2 (¿ ; ks ) ; r = r (¿ ; k s) ; w = w (¿ ; ks ) :
For a social security program to achieves the Golden rule, there must exist a
pair f¿ ; ks g that satis…es the equality
r (¿ ; k s) = n: (14.12)
To see the values that should be chosen, set r (¿ ; ks ) in the capital market
equilibrium condition (14.10) and employ the functional relationships (14.11) to
x 2 (¿ ; k s)
= ¿ + [1 + n] [k (¿ ; ks ) ¡ ks ] : (14.13)
From (14.13) can be determined the set of pairs of f¿ ; k sg that will give the
Golden rule rate of growth. Since this is one equation in two variables, there
will in general be a continuum of solutions rather than a single unique solution.
If there exists a solution for ¿ when k s = 0, then the optimum can be sustained
by a pay-as-you-go system.
The structure of this so cial security program is that the young in each gener-
ation give up some consumption, in the form of tax payments, to the old on the
understanding that they will receive a similar a gift when old. There is conse-
quently an element of trust involved in the transactions that support the social
security policy. This should be contrasted to the failure of Pareto optimality in
the Samuelson economy due to the lack of intergenerational trades.
To show that the optimal program will not be fully-funded, note that a
fully-funded program must satisfy the identity
The substitution of (14.14) into the equilibrium conditions (14.7) - (14.10) shows
that they reduce to the original market equilibrium conditions described in
(13.43) - (13.47). The fully-funded system therefore replaces private capital
by public capital and does not a¤ect the consumption choices of individual
consumers. It can therefore have no real e¤ect on the equilibrium and, if the
initial steady state were not at the Golden rule, a fully-funded social security
program cannot restore e¢ciency.
This analysis has demonstrated how a correctly designed social security pro-
gram can generate the Golden rule equilibrium, provided that it is not of the
fully-funded kind. A fully-funded system simply replaces private savings by
public savings and does not a¤ect the growth path. In contrast a non-fully
funded system can a¤ect the aggregate levels of savings and hence the steady
state capital-labour ratio. The results have been concerned only with the com-
parison between steady states. Burbidge (1983a) discusses the stability of the
steady states and presents some simulations of the adjustment paths that are
followed. The optimality result can also be extended, as in Gigliotti (1984),
to show that a social security program can be designed such that the implied
steady state maximises the discounted sum of future utilities and achieves the
modi…ed Golden rule.
x t+1 [1 ¡ ®t ] [wt+1 ¡ ¿ ] ®t ¯
x tt + t
= wt ¡ ¿ + + ; (14.16)
1 + rt+ 1 1 + rt+1 1 + rt+1
x1 + ½x 2 = w ¡ ¿ + ½ [1 ¡ ®] [w ¡ ¿ ] + ½®¯: (14.17)
@U @U
= ½ 1; (14.18)
@x 2 @x
@U @U
= ½ [w ¡ ¿ ¡ ¯] 1 : (14.19)
@® @x
From (14.18) and (14.19) can be derived consumption demands and a retirement
decision that are dependent upon w; ½; ¿ and ¯. It is assumed that the optimal
® satis…es 0 < ® < 1. If the upper bound were attained the model would be
identical to that already analysed.
Pt µ®¯ = Lt ¿ = Pt l¿ ; (14.21)
where L is total labour supply and l is average labour supply given by [1 ¡ µ + µ [1 ¡ ®]]
= [1 ¡ µ®] since proportion 1¡µ of the population work full-time and proportion
µ work for fraction 1 ¡ ® of the time. Equation (14.21) reduces to
By de…nition, d½ 2 dr 1
dr = ¡½ and, from the factor price frontier dw = ¡ k . Since
the level of capital is given by K = P µs and total labour supply L = P l =
µs d½
P [1 ¡ ®µ], k = [1¡®µ ]
. Substituting these de…nitions into (14.24), using d¯
d½ dr dw
dr dw d¯
and collecting terms
dU dU h ½ i dw d¿
= 1 + ½ ¡ ¡ [1 + ½ ¡ ®½] + ®½ : (14.26)
d¯ dx 1 µ d¯ d¯
£ ¤
Finally, since µ = 2+n and ½ = 1+r 1
, 1 + ½ ¡ ½µ = [r ¡ n] ½, the optimal pension
dU dU dw d¿
= [r ¡ n] ½ ¡ [1 + ½ ¡ ®½] + ®½ = 0: (14.27)
d¯ dx 1 d¯ d¯
The contrast between this result and the conclusion drawn from the economy
in which no labour can be supplied in the second period of life can be seen by
setting ® = 1 in (14.27). From (14.22), when ® = 1, d¿ d¯
= 1¡µ µ . Substituting
into (14.27) then gives
¸ ¸¸
dU dU dw µ r¡n
j®=1 = [r ¡ n] ½ ¡ = 0: (14.28)
d¯ dx 1 d¯ 1¡ µ 1+r
Since dx 1 > 0, the solution to (14.28) must have r = n so that the program
substitutes in a CES production function. Since they are not perfect substitutes,
the equilibrium wage rates may di¤er.
The social security program considered by Craig and Batina contains pro-
visions other than a simple retirement bene…t. The retirement bene…t is deter-
mined by the value of earnings prior to retirement and may be di¤erent between
males and females. Furthermore, each female has the option of choosing either
a pension based on their own earnings history or one based on their spouse’s
earnings. The social security program is …nanced by a tax on labour earnings, a
lump-sum tax and an additional tax upon labour earnings when, in the second
period of life, these rise above a cut-o¤ level. Incorporating these provisions, the
budget constraint of a household whose members are born in period t is given
x t+1 wt+ 1 Lt+1 + w 0t+1 L0t+1
x tt + t
= [1 ¡ t] w tLt + w 0tL0t+ ¡T
1 + rt+1 1 + rt+1
" £ ¤ #
¯ [wt Lt + wt+ 1 Lt+1 ] + ¯ 0 [1 ¡ ±] w 0tL0t + w 0t+1 L0t+1 + B
1 + rt+1
¸ " £ ¤#
¾± [[w tLt + w t+1 Lt+1 ]] ¿ wt+1 Lt+1 + w0t+1 L0t+1 ¡ a
+ ¡ (14.29):
1 + rt+1 1 + rt+1
In (14.29) the primes denote variables relating to the female, ¯ is the bene…t
rate on own earnings, ± = 0 if the wife chooses a pension based on her earnings
and ± = 1 if they choose that based on their spouses. ¾ is the bene…t rate on
spouse’s earnings. B is the lump-sum bene…t, T the lump-sum tax, t the tax
rate on earnings and t the tax on second-period earnings above the level a.
For a program with t = 0.15, ¯ = ¯ 0 = 0.2, s = 0.1 and ¿ = 0.5, the results
obtained are summarised in Table 14.1. The primary e¤ects of the program
are to shift labour supply toward the beginning of the life-cycle for both males
and females and to increase the level of household consumption in the second
period of life relative to that in the …rst period. Lifetime labour supply of both
male and female falls. The program also causes a slight shift in relative wages
in favour of males.
w xtt
Lt Lt+1 L0t L0t+1 xtt+1
Without programme 1.790 0.478 0.232 0.434 0.084 0.561
With programme 1.804 0.503 0.095 0.462 0 0.470
Table 14.1 E¤ect of Social Security
In writing (14.32), it is assumed that both the wage, W , and the pension, ¯, are
growing at rate g. The pay-as-you-go identity for the social security program is
given by
¿ W [1 ¡ µ]
¯= ; (14.32)
1¡ µ
with µ the ratio of those working to those retired de…ned by
R R ¡nt
1¡µ e dt
= R 0D (14.33)
µ e¡ nt dt
At each point in time, additions to the capital stock are equal to the savings of
those working plus the savings of those who are retired. For a working consumer
born at date t, their savings are
dKt (t)
= W [1 ¡ ¿ ] eg t ¡ xt (t) + rKt (t) ; (14.34)
whilst for a retired consumer
dKt (t)
= ¯eg t ¡ xt (t) + rKt (t) : (14.35)
Solving (14.35) provides the capital owned by a consumer born in t and solving
(14.36) determines the capital of a retired consumer. Total capital can then be
found be integrating over the population. The total savings provided by con-
sumers can then be equated with the capital demand by …rms and equilibrium
x (t) 1¡®
Adopting an instantaneous utility function of the form U = t1¡ ® and a
Cobb-Douglas production function, the simulation results of Kotliko¤ for the
e¤ect of the introduction of a social security program with a value of ¿ of 0.1
are summarised in Table 14.2. Inspection of Table 14.2 demonstrates that a
social security program can have e¤ects with the order of magnitude identi…ed
by Feldstein. The reductions in the capital stock range from 10% to 21% which,
although somewhat less than 38%, are still signi…cant. Even in very simple
economies it is therefore possible for the introduction of pay-as-you-go social
security to substantially reduce the capital stock and with it the output of the
Net rate of interestAge of retirement Rate of time preference Reduction in capital stock
42 0.0160 -0.213
0.05 45 0.0120 -0.190
50 0.0058 -0.104
42 0.0232 -0.212
0.06 45 0.0196 -0.189
50 0.0148 -0.102
Parameters: ® = 1, D = 55, r = 0.05, ¿ = 0.1, r = n + g, n = g
Table 14.2: E¤ect on Capital Stock
the pension plan. Since private and public savings have the same return, they
are indi¤erent to this rearrangement. It is worth noting that this argument
presumes that private savings are initially greater than the tax used to …nance
the pension. If they are not, then equivalence will not apply.
Introducing intergenerational altruism allows the equivalence argument to
be extended to pay-as-you-go social security. A pay-as-you-go system can be
interpreted as a forced transfer from the young generation to the old. If all
members of the old generation were making a positive bequest to their descen-
dants prior to the introduction of the program, the e¤ects of the program can
be entirely neutralised by the old simply increasing their bequest by exactly
the pension they receive. By the de…nition of a pay-as-you-go system, this in-
creased bequest will exactly match the taxes paid by the young. Therefore,
with intergenerational altruism, pay-as-you-go social security will have no e¤ect
upon the equilibrium provided the bequest motive is operational prior to the
commencement of the program.
In this context, it should be stressed that intergenerational altruism must
manifest itself through each member of generation t having a utility function of
the form introduced by Barro (1974)
¡ ¢
U t = U x tt; x t+1
t ; U t+1 ; (14.36)
where U t+1 is the utility level of their descendent. The dependence of U t upon
U t+1 provides the linkage that e¤ectively turns the separate generations of the
family into a single household. Furthermore, although there may be a bequest
motive, bequests may still be zero if the consumer¡ ¢ is 2at t+1
a corner solution. For
the separable utility function U (x tt ) + ¾ 1 U x t+1
t + ¾ U , Weil (1987) shows
that the bequest will only be positive if ¾ 2 > 1+n 1+re where r
e is the rate of interest
in the absence of bequests. If the no-bequest economy is dynamically ine¢cient
then re < n and with discount rate ¾ 2 < 1 bequests will never occur.
An alternative speci…cation (used, for example, in Hu (1979)) is to assume
that each consumer cares about the size of the bequest, b t, that they leave to
their descendent, rather than their descendants welfare, so that utility takes the
form ¡ ¢
U t = U x tt ; x t+1
t ; b t: (14.37)
With the speci…cation of utility in (14.38), the equivalence result no longer
applies. This follows from observing that the introduction of a social secu-
rity program that has an initial transfer to generation t will result in standard
changes in x tt; xt+
; b t via an income e¤ect rather than an increase in b t exactly
equal to the level of the pension. If it is a normal good, the level of the bequest
will increase but not to the point that maintains the welfare of generation t + 1.
In the presence of intergenerational altruism it is therefore possible for social
security programs to have no e¤ect upon the equilibrium of the economy. Indeed,
the discussion above may suggest that this is the typical outcome. However,
there are many circumstances it which the Ricardian equivalence result does
not apply and, although this pre-empts some of the material of Chapter 15, it
is worth noting some of these. As already stated. the utility function must take
the form of (14.37) and the bequest motive must be active for all consumers
prior to the introduction of the program. The existence of bequests in itself is
not su¢cient; these may simply be left due to uncertainty about the time of
death or poor planning. Taxes and bene…ts must be equal for each household
so that if there is a redistributive element to the program then equivalence will
not apply. In addition the empirical evidence already discussed suggests that it
does not apply in practice.
Although equivalence may apply in the simple economies used so far if altru-
istic preferences are introduced, the limits to the result are soon reached when
obvious extensions to these economies are made. With respect to the analysis of
social security, Ricardian equivalence should therefore be viewed as a theoretical
curiosity rather than a result of practical relevance.
14.4.4 Demographics
The growth rate of population is an important determinant of the success of
a social security program. A rapidly increasing population will make it easier
for the young to provide pensions for the (relatively) smaller number of old. It
will also lead to a dilution of the capital stock which makes it more di¢cult
for the pensions commitments to be met. This trade-o¤ suggests that there
may be a rate of population growth which will maximise the welfare of the
representative consumer. Indeed, Samuelson (1975b) claimed to have provided a
characterisation of this optimal rate. However, it was shown by Deardor¤ (1976)
that in many reasonable cases Samuelson’s conditions actually described the
growth rate that minimised welfare. This fact is further clari…ed in Samuelson
The connection between the rate of population growth and the optimal level
of social security can be investigated by optimising the choice of program for
given n and then varying n; this is the method adopted by Lopez-Garcia (1991).
Assuming that each consumer can choose the amount of labour they supply in
each period. Denoting this level of labour supply by ` tt, a consumer born in t
maximises ¡ ¢
U t = U x tt; x t+1
t ; 1 ¡ `tt : (14.38)
The social security tax is levied proportionately upon labour income at rate ¿
so, in the steady state with identical consumers, the budget constraint for the
program is given by
¯ = [1 + n] ¿ w`: (14.39)
The pension ¯ is assumed to be a constant proportion, ½, of the net wage so that
¯ = ½ [1 ¡ ¿ ] w`. As a function of the replacement rate ½, the tax supporting
the program is equal to
¿ = : (14.40)
The individual budget constraint is
x2 [1 + n] [1 + r + ½]
x1 + = w` = w`;
b (14.41)
1+r [1 + r] [1 + n + ½]
where use has been made of the conditions describing consumer choice. The
sign of (14.44) is the same as that of n ¡ r since it can be shown, employing
the su¢cient condition for stability, that @r @½ > 0. Hence only if r (0; n) < n will
there be an interior, positive solution for ½. In that case, since the second-order
condition can be shown to be negative at r = n, the maximising value of ½
satis…es r (½; n) = n.
Assuming now that an interior solution exists for ½, with ½ > 0, the fact that
optimal social security program can be employed to maintain the equality of r
with n allows (14.43) to be written as
0h i 1
1+n+½ ' (n) ` (' (n) ; n) ¡ x1 (' (n) ; n)
n = f0 @ A: (14.44)
[1 + n] ` (' (n) ; n)
Solving (14.45) for ½, the solution is written ½ = ½ (n). This allows utility to be
expressed as U = V (½ (n) ; n) and hence
@U @V (½ (n) ; n) @½ @V (½ (n) ; n)
= + : (14.45)
@n @½ @n @n
@U @V (½ (n) ; n) @U ½'`
= = 2
: (14.46)
@n @n @x 1 + n + ½
Since it has been assumed that ½ > 0, (14.47) is always positive so that increasing
the rate of population growth will increase welfare. In this case, there is no
optimal rate of population growth. The ability of an increasing population to
provide a larger pension dominates in this case.
Alternatively, if the optimal replacement rate is negative, utility is always
decreasing in the rate of population growth. Finally, if a replacement rate of
0 is optimal, so that no social security program is required for the Golden rule
to be obtained, then (14.47) is always zero. It can easily be shown, however,
consumers are identical, it follows that the program chosen by majority voting
will be that which maximises the lifetime utility of a young consumer. The
program therefore solves
¡ ¢
max U x 1 ; x2 ; ® ; (14.47)
fx 1;x2;®;¯ g
subject to the consumers budget constraint (14.17) and the budget identity of
the social security program (14.22). Assuming that the consumer treats the
wage as independent of ¯ when performing the optimisation, the social security
program chosen by ma jority voting will satisfy
[1 + ½ ¡ ®½] ¡ ®½ = 0: (14.48)
14.5.2 Altruism
Voluntary intergenerational transfers can arise when consumers have altruistic
feelings about other generations. These feelings can extend both to previous
generations and to following generations. Some of the consequences of bequests
have been discussed in Subsection 4.3; the focus here is primarily upon voluntary
gifts from young to old since this is the essence of a pay-as-you-go program.
Altruism has been represented as a consumption externality by Veall (1986)
with the utility of generation t being of the form
¡ ¢
U t = U xtt ; xt+
; x tt¡1 : (14.51)
where the …rst term captures concern for the older generation, with ¾ the rel-
evant discount rate, and the third term that for following generations with
discount rate ¾. Although analytical details are rather di¤erent, the two for-
mulations provide an essentially identical motive for the introduction of a pay-
as-you-go social security program that, on its introduction, involves an initial
transfer to the older generation. Here the approach of Hansson and Stuart will
be followed.
The …rst point to note is that savings must tend to zero. Assume otherwise.
Then (14.57) and (14.58) imply that
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
¡ t+ 1¢ U 20 xt+1
t U 10 (x tt ) [1 + ¾] U 20 x tt¡1 [1 + ¾]2
U xt+ 1 = = = : (14.59)
1+¾ 1+r 1+ r
From the¡ assumption
¢ that ¾ > r, (14.60) implies that as t ! 1, U 10 (x tt ) ! 1
and U x t¡1 ! 1 or x tt ! 0 and xt+
20 t
! 0. The budget constraints (14.53)
and (14.54) can then be combined to give
x tt¡1 1+r
s t = 1 ¡ xtt ¡ + st¡1 : (14.60)
1+n 1+ n
As bt is the …rst period with st = 0, s bt¡1 > sbt which implies from (14.62) that
s t > st+ 1 for all 0 t < b
t. If there were any period after b t with st > 0 then the
same backward induction argument would contradict sbt = 0.
Contrasting (14.56) and (14.59), it can be seen that generation -1 would
prefer that a0 be larger than the level that would be chosen by generation
0. More importantly, since (14.57) are common to the characterisation of the
optimal program for both generations, given a value of a 0 both generations
would agree upon the values of fa1 ; a2 ; :::g and fs0 ; s 1 ; :::g that should constitute
the remainder of the program. Furthermore, (14.57) and (14.58) also capture
optimal choices for the older generation in every future time period so that they
would always support the continuation of the program.
That the program raises the welfare of the introducing generations can be
seen by setting a0 at the level, say a0 , determined in the equilibrium without
social security with further transfers set optimally. Comparison of (14.55) and
(14.57) then shows that the equilibrium set of transfers without social security is
not optimal for generations -1 and 0 so that they must gain by the introduction
of the program. Their welfare could potentially be raised further by choosing
a value of a0 6= a0 . If the solutions of (14.56) and (14.59) both determine a
value of a0 lower than a0 then the maximum of the two would from part of an
equilibrium program. The converse holds when a0 is less then the solutions to
(14.56) and (14.59). In other cases, the level a0 will lie in the acceptable range.
The move to such an equilibrium social security program moves the economy to
a Pareto optimum. Although the program raises the welfare of the generations
that introduce it, this need not apply to any of the later generations although,
as already noted, no generation will seek to change the program. In particular,
if the initial steady state was one without transfers, the introduction of the
program reduces the utility o¤ all generations after a given date. To see this,
note that without social security, total lifetime consumption ¡ would
¢ be 1 + rst
with consumption levels chosen to maximise U 1 (x tt) + U 2 x t+1 t . With social
security savings fall to zero by date b t so, if n = 0, total lifetime consumption
after b must equal 1 and, from (14.58), this is not chosen to maximise U 1 (xtt ) +
¡ tt+1 ¢
U xt . Generations after b
t must clearly be worse o¤.
14.5.3 Myopia
An obvious motivation for the introduction of social security is that consumers
do not make appropriate provision for their retirement. This may be because
they are myopic and fail to appreciate their later needs, either discounting the
future completely or placing a lower weight upon than would capture their true
preferences. Alternatively, consumers may make mistakes in their planning, lack
information or simply be irrational. Whatever the reason, empirical evidence
(Diamond (1977), Kotliko¤, Spivak and Summers (1982)) does suggest that
consumers accrue insu¢cient savings to cover retirement.
Although the behavioural foundations of myopia di¤er signi…cantly from
those of consistent utility maximisation, the formulation of myopic behaviour
of Feldstein (1985) can be incorporated into the analysis developed above by
making only minor adjustments. Assume that the preferences of each consumer
can be represented by the utility function
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
U t = U 1 xtt + U 2 x t+1
t ; (14.62)
x tt = [1 ¡ ¿ ] wt ¡ st : (14.64)
x t+1
t = [1 + r] st + ®¯ t+1 ; (14.65)
with ® < 1. It should be clear that the two aspects of myopia have con‡icting
e¤ects upon
¡ t+1 ¢ the level of savings. Adopting the assumption that U 1 (xtt ) and
U xt are logarithmic, the optimal level of saving is
¸ ®¯ t+1
st = [1 ¡ ¿ ] wt ¡ ; (14.66)
1+¸ [1 + ¸] [1 + r]
where it should be noted that low values of ¸ reduce saving while low values
of ® increase it. Using the budget constraint for the social security program,
¯ t = ¿ wt [1 + n], and assuming that the wage grows at rate g, so that w t+1 =
w t [1 + g], (14.67) can be written
¸ ®¿ [1 + °] w t
st = [1 ¡ ¿ ] wt ¡ ; (14.67)
1+¸ [1 + ¸] [1 + r]
where [1 + °] = [1 + n] [1 + g].
In contrast to the myopia in consumer behaviour, the social security program
is chosen to maximise the social welfare on the basis of true preference. In year
t the total utility of those alive is
t t
W t = [1 + n] ln ([1 ¡ ¿ ] wt ¡ st ) + [1 + n] ln ([1 + r] st¡1 + ¯ t) : (14.68)
The optimal social security program is de…ned as that which maximises the
steady-state value of (14.69). When ® = 0, so that the future pension is entirely
discounted, the optimal tax rate is
[1 + ¸] [1 + °] ¡ ¸ [1 + r] [2 + n]
¿ = : (14.69)
[1 + ¸] [1 + °] [2 + n] ¡ ¸ [1 + r] [2 + n]
[1 + °]
¸¸ : (14.70)
[1 + r] [2 + n] ¡ [1 + °]
Therefore, even though myopia may in some cases justify social security, even
in this simple framework there is a range of partial myopia described in (14.71)
for which social security is not justi…ed. If ® 6= 0 broadly similar conclusions
apply and there remains a signi…cant range of parameter values for which social
security is not justi…ed. In addition, it can be shown that the optimal level of
pension is decreasing in ®.
The main message of this analysis is that myopia is not in itself justi…cation
for the introduction of social security. Although myopic consumers will not
make su¢cient provision for their retirement this is not a su¢cient reason for
providing a state pension.
This myopia formulation is also used by Feldstein (1987) to assess the means
testing of social security. In an economy with a mixture of myopic consumers
and fully-rational consumers, the there is a natural trade-o¤ between providing
protection for the myopic who fail to make adequate provision for retirement
and reducing the incentive to save of the rational. The argument in favour of
14.5.4 Uncertainty
The motivation for social security in the presence of uncertainty has already
been addressed for static economies in Chapter 7. It was shown there how social
insurance could raise welfare by enabling intragenerational transfers of income.
Essentially, the insurance contract reallocated income from the fortunate to the
unfortunate. In a dynamic setting a social security program can also provide
intergenerational income transfers as insurance against unfavourable outcomes.
This intergenerational insurance aspect of social security clearly has important
implications for the design of programs.
Two forms of uncertainty will be considered in this section. The economies
considered up to this point have been characterised by populations that have
grown at a steady rate so that the size of each generation has been known
with certainty. The …rst source of uncertainty to be considered arises from
randomness in the size of the generation that is born at each date. In this case,
social security can play a role in insuring against the risk of being born in a large
generation. The second source of uncertainty is introduced via randomness in
the production technology. That is, given known inputs, output is determined by
a random process. Social security can then act so as to insure those generations
faced with unfavourable realisations of the productive shock.
Random population growth and random output both represent forms of
aggregate uncertainty that cannot be a¤ected by the actions of individual con-
sumers. In contrast, Section 6 will consider individual uncertainty about the
length of life. Since the length of life may potentially be a¤ected by decisions
taken by consumers, lifetime uncertainty is of a di¤erent nature to aggregate
uncertainty and requires a separate treatment.
Population uncertainty
To be born into a generation that is large relative to its predecessor and its
successor has two disadvantages. When working, the wage received will be low
since the labour-capital ratio is high and when retired the return on savings
will be low since the capital-labour ratio will be high in the next period. In the
absence of social security, large generations will therefore have a relatively lower
level of welfare than small generations. These observations are incorporated
into the analysis of social security by Smith (1982).
Population uncertainty can be introduced by taking the economy of Section
3 but treating the growth rate of population as a random variable. The size of
the generation born at t is given by Ht = [1 + nt ] Ht ¡1 where nt is drawn from
some known distribution. To simplify the analysis, it is assumed that consumers
born at t ¡ 1 know the value of nt when making their savings assumption.
Two alternative structures for the pay-as-you-go social security program are
considered. In the …xed tax system, the level of tax remains constant for all
generations but the level of pension received is dependent upon generation size.
Alternatively, in a …xed pension system it is the level of the tax that is variable.
Under the …xed tax system, a tax rate of ¿ in period t is equal to a pension
of [1 + nt ] ¿ for each member of generation t ¡ 1. The budget constraint of a
consumer born in t is therefore
Hence, in a dynamically e¢cient equilibrium with rt+1 ¸ nt+1 if the interest rate
and the wage are una¤ected by the introduction of social security, no generation
(with the exception of the generation that bene…ts when the system is …rst
introduced) can be made better-o¤ by the introduction of the …xed tax program.
The same result can also be shown to apply if the wage rate and interest rate
do adjust provided consumption is never an inferior good. The reason for this
conclusion is simple. With the …xed tax large generations will receive smaller
pensions than small generations despite being the poorest.
Under a …xed pension system with the pension is …xed at ¯ , a member of
generation t will pay a tax of 1+n t
so that their budget constraint is
xt+1 ¯ ¯
xtt + t
= wt ¡ + : (14.72)
1 + rt+1 1 + nt 1 + rt+1
If the economy is dynamically e¢cient with rt+1 ¸ nt+1 , this does not rule
out the possibility that rt+ 1 < nt which, when the interest rate and the wage
rate are constant, will occur when generation t is large. For large generations
(14.73) therefore shows that the introduction of a social security program with
a …xed pension may bene…t large generations although it will reduce the welfare
of small generations. When the wage rate and interest rate are not …xed, the
o¤setting e¤ects of the reduction in wage rate due to reduced saving and the
receipt of the pension leave the outcome ambiguous. However Smith (1982) does
provide an example for which expected utility, where the expectation is taken
with respect to the distribution of generation size, increases if risk aversion is
su¢ciently great.
Output uncertainty
The interaction between output uncertainty and social security has been analysed
Enders and Lapan (1982) in an economy in which labour is the sole input into
production and production is subject to a multiplicative disturbance. Since the
form of technology leads to an absence of capital as a store of value, …at money
is introduced to serve this purpose. In consequence, the underlying structure of
the economy is distinct from those studied in previous sections.
Given labour supply of ` t from a consumer of generation t, the output of
that consumer is given by
y t = Â t` t ; (14.73)
¡ Ât is ¢the random disturbance. It is assumed that E (Â t) = 1, that
cov Ât ; Ât+i = 0 all i and that the same value of  t is realised by all con-
sumers in generation t. With product price p t, the budget constraint in the …rst
period of life is
pt x tt + Mt = pt Ât ` t [1 ¡ ¿ ] ; (14.74)
where Lt denotes aggregate labour supply. This formulation relates the level
of pension to work-e¤ort in period t. Alternative speci…cations could equally
well be adopted. If each generation is of identical size, the market for the
consumption good will clear in period t if
+ x tt = Â tLt [1 ¡ ¿ ] ; (14.77)
with M total money supply. From (14.78) it can be seen that given x tt the
market clearing price level is dependent upon the realisation of Ât .
If there were no uncertainty in the economy, so that  t = 1, all t, the
stationarity of the economy implies that the price level would be constant over
time, and the identical consumers of each generation would each supply the
same quantity of labour. Eliminating M t between (14.75) and (14.76), and
using (14.77), it can be seen that the resulting lifetime budget constraint is
independent of the parameters of the social security system so that the social
security system described has no e¤ect in a certain environment. This conclusion
arises because under the assumption of a constant population, the return on
social insurance taxes is equal to the return of private saving.
When uncertainty is present, each consumer chooses their labour supply
prior to the realisation of  t but chooses consumption and savings after Ât
has been realised. Their preferences are represented by the utility function
¡ ¢ xt
U x tt ; x t+1
t ; ` t . Denoting the propensity to consumer out of gross income, Â t`t ,
by » , a stationary rational expectations equilibrium for this economy is now
Stationary rational expectations equilibrium
A stationary rational expectations equilibrium is a pair of functions p (Â),
» (Â) and a level of labour supply ` that satisfy
(i) [1 ¡ » (Â)] ÂH` = + ¿ ÂH`;
p (Â)
µ µ ¶ ¶
p (Â) Â` [1 ¡ ¿ ¡ s] +1
(ii) » (Â) = arg max U Â`s; E Â +1 + ¿Â ` ; ` ;
fsg p (Â+ 1 )
µ µ ¶¶
p (Â) Âs [1 ¡ ¿ ¡ » (Â)] +1
(iii) ` = arg max EÂ;Â+1 U Â`» (Â) ; + ¿ Â s; s ;
fsg p (Â+1 )
Theorem 65 (Enders and Lapan) Two equilibrium solutions to (ii) exist: (a)
£ ¤1¡½
» 1 (Â) = 1 ¡ ¿ , (b) »2 (Â) < 1 ¡ ¿ . If ¸ 1¡¿
¿ < 1, (a) is the unique solution.
Furthermore, for equilibria characterised by (b) there is a level of the tax rate
¸ 1¡½
¿¤ = 1 , such that a social security program with tax rate ¿ ¤ maximises
1+ ¸ 1¡½
the expected utility of each consumer.
Again employing the observation that  and Â+1 have the same distribution,
expected utility can be written
1 1
E (U ) = [[1 ¡ `]½ + `½ E (½ [» (Â)½ + ¸ [1 ¡ » (Â)]½ ])] ½ (14.82)
high probability. Hence any actuarially fair annuity will entail a loss for its
supplier. If individuals can take actions that a¤ect the probability of survival
which cannot be observed by the suppliers of annuities then moral hazard will
lead to no actuarially fair annuities being o¤ered.
The basic model of uncertain lifetime and the annuity approach to social
security are now described. This is followed by an analysis of the consequences
of adverse selection and moral hazard for economies with both private annuities
and social security.
x tt = w + b t¡1 ¡ at ¡ st ; (14.84)
and ¸
1+ r t+1
b t = [1 + r] st + at ¡ x t µ; (14.85)
where b t¡1 is the bequest received, b t the bequest left and V (b t ) the utility
derived from the bequest. The …rst-order conditions for this maximisation with
respect to st , at and xtt +1 are respectively
¡U 10 + [1 + r] E (V 0) = 0; (14.86)
10 1+ r
¡U + E (µV 0) = 0; (14.87)
and ¡ ¢
E Ux2 ¡ µV 0 = 0: (14.88)
From (14.87) and (14.88) it follows that E (µV 0 )¡µE (V 0 ), so that cov (µ; V 0 ) =
0 and hence, when V 00 < 0, bt is constant for all µ. From the budget constraints
(14.85) and (14.86) it then follows that xt+t
= 1+ r at and bt = [1 + r] st . Since
the consumer chooses the purchase of annuities to maximise welfare, a fully-
funded system with tax rate ¿ equal to the value of at that arises from the
solution to conditions (14.87) to (14.89) will be optimal.
Turning now to a pay-as-you-go system, let the tax paid by generation t be
denoted by ¿ t so that the bene…t received by a member of generation t ¡ 1 is
µ¿ t
. With this notation, the budget constraints facing a consumer are
¿ t+1 t+1
b t = [1 + r] st + ¡ xt µ: (14.90)
To characterise the optimal policy, it is …rst noted that level of welfare of gen-
eration t is now determined by the net bequest, bt ¡ ¿ t+1 , left to the following
generation. The optimal program then solves
¡ ¢ ¡ ¡ ¢ ¢
max U = U 1 x tt + E U 1 x t+1
t ; µ + V (b t ¡ ¿ t+1 ) ; (14.91)
f xtt ;xt+1
t ;¿ t;st g
subject to (14.90) and (14.91). The …rst-order conditions for this maximisation
with respect to s t, ¿ t and xt+1
t are respectively
¡ £ ¤¢
E V 0 (bt ¡ ¿ t+1 ) µ ¡ µ = 0; (14.93)
¡ ¢
E Ux2 ¡ µV 0 (bt ¡ ¿ t+1 ) = 0: (14.94)
subject to
xA A B B
1 + ½ A x2 + °x1 + °½ B x 2 = ! [1 + °] : (14.97)
When both ¹i > 0, the solution to the optimisation is characterised by
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
U 0 xA
1 U 0 xB
¡ ¢= ¡ 1 ¢: (14.98)
U 0 xA
2 U 0 xB
For later comparison, it should be noted that this optimum can be sustained by
the provision of two private annuities that have returns of ½1 and ½1 . The …rst
will be purchased by type A consumers and the second by type B. This results
in a separating equilibrium with both types of consumers purchasing annuities
that are actuarially fair for their group.
Asymmetric information is introduced by assuming that each consumer knows
their probability of survival and the population proportions. The government
knows the probabilities of survival and the population proportion but cannot
infer the survival probability of an individual consumer. An annuity contract is
de…ned as a pair fav ; ³ v g where av is the number of units of the annuity that
must be purchased and ³ v the return. A consumer purchasing contract will
achieve utility level
dxi1 U 0 (³a)
= ¡½i 0 ; (14.100)
dx2 U (! ¡ a)
subject to the restriction that type Bs prefer their full insurance contract
µ ¶ µ ¶
! a1
[1 + ½B ] U ¸ U (! ¡ a1 ) + ½B U : (14.102)
1 + ½B ½A
the line describing actuarially fair contracts is as shown in (a). In that case a
contract such as P 00 will be preferred by both types and make positive pro…ts.
This will always be possible for small °. The separating equilibrium does exist
in (b) since no pooling contract can make positive pro…t. This proves (iii).
Having now characterised the competitive equilibrium, it is possible to con-
sider the e¤ect of introducing social security. The distinction between contracts
that can be o¤ered by private …rms and social security is that a social security
program can cross-subsidise the provision of annuities to one group with the
proceeds from another. If a competitive …rm attempted to do this, it would
be undercut by another …rm that o¤ered a slightly more attractive version of
the pro…t-making contract. To show that circumstances exist in which social
security can raise welfare, consider each consumer having to participate in a
mandatory program which involved the purchase of a units of annuity with an
actuarially fair return ½ = ½ 1+° based on the population survival probabil-
A+ °½B
ities. Figure 14.3 shows how the social security program raises welfare. The
forced purchase of annuities with value a at the actuarially fair rate leaves at
most ! ¡ a to consume in period 1. Beginning at this point on the popula-
tion fair rate line, the two groups can then purchase annuities along their own
fair-return lines. This modi…es the budget constraints from their initial position
in (a) to the new position in (b) with a consequent change in the separating
equilibrium. The new separating equilibrium is determined by the intersection
of the indi¤erence curve of type Bs through the full insurance point with the
fair-return line of type As. In (b) this intersection is shown above the initial
indi¤erence curve of type As. Therefore in this case social security leads to a
Pareto improvement. However, study of the Figure will show that this need not
be the case.
The outcome of this analysis is that social security may not always be able to
improve upon the equilibrium of the competitive market but, even when it can,
it will not lead to a Pareto e¢cient outcome. The government is constrained
by the same informational limitations as the competitive market and has only
the advantage of being able to cross-subsidise between contracts. This is not
su¢cient to achieve the Pareto e¢cient outcome of full insurance for both types.
It should also be noted that when the social security program does lead to a
Pareto improvement, the type As would prefer to exchange private annuities for
social security whereas the type Bs would prefer the opposite.
An alternative analysis of the e¤ect of adverse selection is given in Abel
(1986a). That analysis is generalised by the inclusion of a bequest motive and
private savings. However, only a pooling equilibrium in the provision of private
annuities is considered. It is shown that the rate of return on private annuities
is below the population (fair) rate and falls when social security, which is fair,
is introduced. The e¤ect of social security on the capital stock is ambiguous.
annuity is based upon ½ (e), the health-related activity also has an indirect cost
via the e¤ect it has upon the price of annuities. A consumer maximising subject
to …xed prices does not take this into account. This externality generates an
ine¢cient equilibrium as discussed in Chapter 10.
These ideas have been formalised by Davies and Kuhn (1992). They show
that the nature of the externality leads to an over-investment in the health
related activity in the sense that a reduction in investment accompanied by a
actuarially fair reduction in the price of annuities would raise welfare. Further-
more, since the government is constrained by the same informational de…ciency
as private …rms, provision of social security at fair returns cannot raise welfare
and will reduce it if mandatory purchases are above private purchases. Unlike
adverse selection where the government could pool risks when the …rms could
not, the government has no advantage over …rms in the case of moral hazard.
14.7 Conclusions
Many aspects of social security have been addressed in this chapter from the
design of an optimal program in the Diamond economy to the interaction of so-
cial security and asymmetric information. In terms of broad policy conclusions,
the most compelling must be that there are many circumstances in which the
introduction of a social security program can raise welfare and, of those consid-
ered above, only myopia involved any irrationality on the part of the agents in
the economy.
Without uncertainty, social security could be justi…ed by dynamic ine¢-
ciency in the economy even when the retirement decision was made endogenous.
More surprisingly, the con‡icting e¤ects of an increase in the rate of population
growth lead to there being several possible relations between it and the level of
welfare and, consequently, between the rate of population growth and the struc-
ture of social security. With aggregate uncertainty, social security could play a
limited redistributive role between fortunate and unfortunate generations. Indi-
vidual uncertainty introduced asymmetric information and, as the government
need have no informational advantage over other agents, it was not always pos-
sible for social security to raise welfare. Finally, it should also be noted that
voting mechanisms were shown to be an ine¢cient means of determining the
level of social security to be provided since there was no obvious connection
between the level they determined and the optimal level.
Chapter 15
15.1 Introduction
In the policy analyses of previous chapters it was invariably assumed that the
government revenue requirement was pre-determined and the policy instruments
were chosen to maximise welfare given this …xed requirement. The satisfaction of
the revenue constraint implicitly prevented the government issuing any debt. In
a static setting there is some sense in this procedure since, by its very nature, the
static setting prevents a comprehensive analysis of the e¤ects of the borrowing
and repayment process. Introducing time and considering the intertemporal
maximisation of welfare permits the endogenisation of government debt and
allows the determination of its optimal level to become part of the overall policy
formulation process. It also allows the interaction between debt and taxation
to be explored. The employment of both debt and taxation as instruments of
government policy will a¤ect the capital market of the economy and, through
this, the dynamic evolution of the economy and the eventual steady state.
The content of this chapter will re‡ect these intertemporal issues. Section 2
is concerned with the e¤ects of the maintenance of a constant stock of debt upon
the long-run equilibrium of the economy. Section 3 then analyses the relation
between lump-sum taxation and debt and characterises the optimal combination
of the two instruments. The focus of Section 4 is upon debt neutrality and the
circumstances in which this does, and does not, hold. Section 5 of the chapter
is more concerned with tax policy than debt and it studies the optimisation
of income and interest taxation in an economy with an heterogeneous popula-
tion. In this case, both intragenerational and intergenerational redistribution
are important.
It should be noted that the policy optimisation problems studied in this
chapter are complicated by the in…nite timespan of the economy. This leads to
the maximisation being subject to the in…nite set of constraints which describe
the evolution of the economy. Two ways of characterising the solutions to such
problems are illustrated. The …rst is based upon the methodology of dynamic
rate of return. The cost of …nancing internal debt is again met by either further
borrowing or by taxation. In contrast to external debt, internal debt does not
lead to any resources being transferred away from the economy that issues the
External Debt
It has already been noted that the analysis is conducted for a …xed stock of
debt. Before it can be undertaken, it is …rst necessary to clarify the sense in
which the level of debt is …xed since alternative interpretations are possible.
If the stock of debt were …xed in absolute terms, it would eventually have no
e¤ect upon the economy as population growth took place and the level of debt
per capita became asymptotically zero. Therefore, rather than …x the absolute
stock of debt, it is assumed that the level of debt per young consumer remains
constant and the e¤ect of changes in this ratio are analysed.
Denote the quantity of external debt by in period t by D1t and the debt per
young consumer ratio, Htt , by d1t . If the ratio is to remain constant, then the
growth of the absolute stock of debt is governed by
1 1
Dt+ 1 = [1 + n] Dt ; (15.1)
where n is the growth rate of the population. The payment of interest upon the
debt is …nanced either by new borrowing or through taxation. With interest
rate rt, the payment of interest upon the debt in period t is
rtDt1 ; (15.2)
represents that part of the interest payments that must be …nanced by taxation.
The tax employed to generate the required revenue is assumed to take the
form of a lump-sum tax on the young generation. Given (15.4), the level of this
T t = [rt ¡ n] = [rt ¡ n] d1t : (15.5)
With this tax payment included, the budget constraint of a consumer born in
period t becomes
x t+1
x tt + = wt ¡ [rt ¡ n] d1t ; (15.6)
1 + rt+ 1
ct , is given by
so that full income, M
ct = w t ¡ [rt ¡ n] d1 :
M (15.7)
¡ ¢
From the maximisation of the utility function U = U x tt; x t+1 t , subject to
(15.6), the savings function for a member of generation t is
³ ´ ³ ´
st = st Mct; rt+1 = wt ¡ [rt ¡ n] d1 ¡ xt M ct ; rt+1 : (15.8)
t t
path of the economy starting from an initial point r0 . It can be seen that, given
the assumptions placed on the gradients of the curves, the adjustment process
is convergent to the equilibrium at the intersection of the two curves.
To discover the e¤ect of changes in the level of external debt it is only
necessary to determine how the change a¤ects the à curve. From (15.10) it is
evident that the e¤ect will depend upon sgn.frt ¡ ng. If rt = n, so that the
Golden rule is achieved, there will be no e¤ect. From di¤erentiating (15.10),
holding rt constant, it can be found that
@rt+1 f 00 [n ¡ rt] @w
= t
: (15.11)
@d1 1 + n ¡ f 00 @r@ t+1
The assumption that the à curve is downward sloping restricts that denominator
of (15.11) to be positive. The numerator is positive if rt > n and negative for
rt < n. Hence, for given rt , the à curve pivots around the point r = n as the
level of external debt increases. This is illustrated in Figure 15.2 below.
It is now straight forward to exhibit the e¤ect of an increase in debt upon
Figure 15.3:
Figure 15.4:
From di¤erentiating (15.12) the e¤ect of an increase in external debt upon the
steady state interest rate is
@r f 00 [n ¡ r] @w
= : (15.13)
@d1 1 + n ¡ f 0 0 @s
+ f 00 d1 @@sw
The three possible outcomes, which depend upon the sign of n ¡ r, are shown
in Figure 15.3.
In both cases (a) and (c) where n ¡ r is non-zero, the increase in external
debt moves the steady state interest rate, determined by the intersection of the
curves, further from the Golden rule interest rate. If r < n, then the steady
state wage rate w rises and if r > n, then w falls. When the economy is already
at the Golden rule interest rate then the di¤erential increase in debt has no
The e¤ect upon the welfare level of a consumer via changes in the steady
state levels of r and w is found by di¤erentiating the utility function, de…ned
following (15.7), taking account of the demand function and using the factor
price frontier to eliminate the wage rate. Doing this gives
dU 1 dr k dr
= ¡U 1 [r ¡ n] + d + [r ¡ n] : (15.14)
dd1 dd1 1+ r dd1
The three terms in the bracket on the right-hand side of (15.14) are related to
the taxes required to …nance the debt, the change in the tax burden due to
interest rate changes and the change in factor payments respectively.
Theorem 15.1 summarises the e¤ects of external debt.
Theorem 67 (Diamond)
(i) If r > n, a di¤erential increase in external debt raises r, reduces w and
reduces utility;
(ii) If r < n, an di¤erential increase in external debt reduces r, raises w and
may increase utility;
(iii) If r = n, an di¤erential increase in external debt has no e¤ect.
Proof. (i) When r > n the …rst and second bracketed terms of (15.14) are
positive. As dd 1 has the sign of [r ¡ n], the third term is also positive. It is
then clear that utility will fall as the level of debt increases.
(ii)When r < n the …rst two terms of (15.14) are negative and the third
positive. Hence there are o¤setting e¤ects which arise due to r falling, but w
(iii) Obvious from (15.13) and (15.14).
The reasoning behind the conclusions of this theorem are that when r > n,
the capital stock is too small and the levying of a tax to service the debt has
the e¤ect of taking the economy further from the optimal level of capital. The
opposite applies when r < n and e¢ciency is increased by the reduction in the
capital stock. This gain has to be o¤set against the direct loss in welfare due to
the imposition of the tax and the net e¤ect may still be a reduction in welfare.
Internal Debt
In the case of internal debt, the issue of debt results in the government borrowing
from its own citizens. This leads to competition between government debt
and physical capital for consumer savings. Internal debt therefore a¤ects the
economy through both the taxes required to service the debt and through its
e¤ect on the capital market.
Denoting the ratio of internal debt to the number of young consumers in
period t by d2t , the savings function of a consumer of generation t is now given
¡ ¢
st = st w t ¡ [rt ¡ n] d2t ; rt+1 : (15.15)
In (15.15), the term [rt ¡ n] d2t captures the tax payment required to service the
debt. On the supply side of the capital market, there is now both private capital
and government bonds. Equilibrium requires that the aggregate level of saving
must be equal to the total stock of capital and debt, or
St ´ Ht st = Kt+1 + Dt+1 : (15.16)
The à curve for the case of internal debt is found by substituting from (15.17)
into rt+1 = f 0 (kt+1 ) to give
à ¡ ¢ !
st w t ¡ [rt ¡ n] d2t ; rt+1
rt+ 1 = f 0 ¡ d2t : (15.18)
Assuming that consumption is a normal good, so 0 < @w t
< 1, it follows that
@d 2
> 0. An increase in internal debt, holding rt constant, therefore causes
the à curve to move out to the right. The e¤ect of this upon the steady state is
to lower the wage rate but to increase the interest rate, regardless of the initial
position. This is shown in Figure 15.4.
The change in steady state utility brought about by the increase in debt can
be found by di¤erentiating the utility function to be
dU k + d2 dr
= ¡U 1 [r ¡ n] 1 + : (15.20)
dd2 1 + r dd2
Theorem 68 (Diamond)
(i) If r > n, utility is decreased by a di¤erential increase in internal debt.
(ii) If r < n, utility is increased by extra debt.
(iii) If r = n there is no e¤ect.
Proof. As dd 2 > 0, the second bracketed term in (15.20) is positive. The
x t+1 T tt+1
xtt + t
= w t` t ¡ Ttt ¡ : (15.21)
1 + rt+1 1 + rt+1
Ht T tt + Ht¡ 1 Tt¡
1 = R + [1 + t t ] Dt¡1 ¡ Dt ; (15.22)
[1 + n] e
kt+1 = w t `t ¡ T tt ¡ xtt ¡ dt ; (15.24)
where e
K t+1
kt+1 ´ H t+1
is the level of capital per young consumer. It is important
K t+1
to distinguish this from the capital labour ratio kt+ 1 ´ H t+1`t+1
since the two
are not equal when labour supply is variable.
© ª
A tax policy is a sequence of lump-sum taxes :::; T t¡1 t¡1 t ; T t ; T t+1 ; T t+1 ; :::
; T t¡1 t t t+1
and a debt policy is a sequence of government debt issues f:::; dt¡1 ; dt ; dt+ 1; :::g.
Together with the factor price frontier, (15.21), (15.22) and (15.24) describe the
equilibrium of the economy for any given tax policy and debt policy.
The following theorem, originally due to Bierwag et al. (1969), relates tax
policies and debt policies.
© t¡1
Theorem 69 (Bierwag, Grove, Khang) The combined tax policy :::; T t¡1 t
; T t¡1 ; T tt; T tt+1 ; T t+1
t+ 1
; :::
and debt policy f:::;ndt¡1 ; dt; dt+1 ; :::g lead to the same o real equilibria as:
t¡1 t t t+1 t+1
(i) a tax policy :::; Tbt¡ 1 ; Tbt¡1 ; Tbt ; Tbt ; Tbt+1 ; ::: and no debt, where Tbtt =
T tt + dt and Tbtt+1 =nTtt+1 ¡ [1 + rt+1 ] dt ; o n o
(ii) a tax policy :::; Tet¡1
; 0; Tett ; 0; Tet+1
; ::: and a debt policy :::; det¡ 1 ; det ; det+1 ; ::: ,
T tt+1 T tt+1
where Tett = T tt + 1+n rt+1
and det = dt ¡ 1+ rt+1
o n o
(iii) a tax policy t t+1 t+2
:::; 0; Tbt¡ 1 ; 0; Tbt ; 0; Tbt+1 ; ::: and a debt policy :::; dbt¡1 ; dbt; dbt+1 ; ::: ,
where Tbtt+1 = [1 + rt+1 ] T tt + Ttt+1 and dbt = dt + T tt;
and n o
(iv) a tax policy f:::; Tt¡ 1 ; Tt ; T t+1 ; :::g and a debt policy :::; d¸t¡ 1 ; ḑt ; ḑt+1 ; ::: ,
h ih t+1 i t+1
where T t = 1+r t+1
Ttt + 1+rTt
and d¸t = dt ¡ 2+r t+1
¡ 2+r t+1
Proof. (i) With the tax policy alone the equilibrium conditions become
xt+1 Tbtt+1
x tt + t
= w t `t ¡ Tbtt ¡ ; (15.25)
1 + rt+1 1 + rt+1
Tbtt + e
= R; (15.26)
1+ n
[1 + n] e
kt+1 = wt `t ¡ Tbtt ¡ xtt : (15.27)
Contrasting (15.24) and (15.27) shows that the capital market will be una¤ected
by the change in policy if Tbtt = T tt + dt . Substituting into (15.26) and equating
to (15.23) gives Tbtt+1 = T tt+ 1 ¡ [1 + rt+1 ] dt . It can also be seen that these
changes leave the consumer’s budget constraint una¤ected. Parts (ii) to (iv) are
proved in an identical manner.
The relevance of Theorem 15.3 is that it shows that a restricted lump-sum
tax policy, either one employing uniform taxes (case iv) or one with taxes levied
in only one period of life (cases ii and iii), and an appropriate debt policy is
as e¤ective as lump-sum taxes di¤erentiated across the lifecycle. It is arguable
that the uniform lump-sum tax policy requires less information than the di¤er-
entiated policy so that employing a uniform tax can economise on information
with no loss in potential welfare. The theorem also shows that in characterising
the optimal lump-sum tax policy, any one of the …ve combinations of tax and
debt policies will lead to the same real equilibrium.
Equation (15.30) can also be solved to express the capital stock of period t + 1
as a function of variables at t. Doing this gives
¸" Ã !
e t
e 1 k t x t¡1 e +e
kt+ 1 = `t f ¡ xtt ¡ ¡R kt : (15.32)
1+ n `t 1+ n
Di¤erentiating (15.34) with respect to the state variables e ks and Zs¡1 gives
@ª (s) ° @ª (s + 1)
= [1 + f 0] ; (15.37)
ks 1+n @e
and ¸ ¸
@ª (s) ° @ª (s + 1) @xss¡1 1
=¡ : (15.38)
@Zs¡1 1+ n @kes+1 @Zs¡1 1+n
Equations (15.37) to (15.39) provide the characterisation of the optimal policy.
The structure of the optimal policy is easily seen if the move is now made
to the steady state. In a steady state @ª(e s) = @ª(e s+1) = @ªe so that (15.38)
@ ks @ ks+1 @k
reduces to
1 + n = ° [1 + f 0 ] ; (15.39)
which is the modi…ed Golden rule. Unrestricted lump-sum taxes can therefore
take the economy to the modi…ed Golden rule equilibrium, even with variable
labour supply, since they cause no distortion on any of the markets. This result
should be contrasted to the results on social security in Chapter 14 Section 4.1
where the pension a¤ected the retirement decision. This e¤ect is absent in the
present framework.
In the steady state, (15.39) reduces to
¸ ¸
@ª ° @ª @x 2 1
=¡ ; (15.40)
@Z 1 + n @e k @Z 1 + n
where x i is the steady state level of consumption in the ith period of life. From
the budget constraint (15.21) di¤erentiation with respect to Z shows that in the
steady state
@` @x 1 1 @x 2
w ¡ =1+ : (15.41)
@Z @Z 1 + r @Z
Substituting from (15.41) and (15.42) then yields
@V ° @ª
= : (15.42)
@Z 1 + n @e k
Since @V
@Z is the private marginal utility of income, (15.40) and (15.43) show that
the optimal lump-sum tax policy will achieve the modi…ed Golden rule and will
equate the private marginal utility of income to the discounted return of further
investment in capital.
15.3.3 Summary
This section has detailed the connections between lump-sum tax policy and
debt policy and has shown the equivalence of unrestricted lump-sum tax poli-
cies to combinations of debt and restricted lump-sum taxes. Combined with
the analysis of optimal lump-sum taxes, these results show how the modi…ed
- 1 = - 0 + D ¡ DT L; (15.43)
where -0 is the consumers wealth before receiving the bonds, - 1 the level of
wealth after receiving the bonds, D the value of bonds received and DT L the
discounted tax liabilities arising due to the issue of the debt. Two di¤erent as-
sumptions on the structure of repayment of the debt are now shown to generate
the same neutrality conclusion.
Under the …rst set of assumptions the bond is paid o¤ with interest the year
after issue and the same set of consumers is alive in both years. In this case,
with interest rate r, the interest and principle paid the year after issue is given
by [1 + r] D. Discounting this back to the present shows that DT L has value
[1 + r] D
DT L = = D: (15.44)
Substituting from (15.45) into (15.44) shows immediately that the issue of the
debt has no net e¤ect upon wealth. This is a consequence of the recipients of the
bonds realising that they face the tax liability for its repayment. The receipt of
the bond is therefore not treated as an increase in wealth.
The second set of assumptions involve a bond that is never redeemed but on
which interest is paid in perpetuity and consumers who have in…nite lifespans.
In this case the discounted tax liabilities must be equal to the discounted value
of the stream of interest payments. This gives
Z 1
DT L = rDe¡rt dt; (15.45)
where rD is the tax payment per period. Thus DT L = D and the bond again
has no e¤ect upon net wealth.
The special feature of these two cases that makes the neutrality result so
transparent is that the consumers who receive the bonds also pay the future
taxes used to …nance them. In an overlapping generations economy, it would
appear at …rst sight that such a result could only apply in very particular cir-
cumstances since the set of living consumers changes each period. The impor-
tant insight of Barro (1974) was to show how intergenerational altruism could
support the neutrality result in general circumstances.
¡ ¢ U ¤ (t + 1)
U (t) = U xtt ; x t+1
t + ; (15.46)
xtt + s t = wt ¡ T t ; (15.47)
xtt +1 + [1 + n] b t = [1 + rt+1 ] [st + b t¡1 ] : (15.48)
These budget constraints embody the assumptions that each consumer in gener-
ation t has 1 + n descendants and leaves a bequest of b t. They receive a bequest
of bt¡ 1 in the second period of their lives and, since this was actually bequethed
in the previous period, it receives interest at the market rate. Lump-sum taxes,
T t , are paid in the …rst period of life.
The necessary conditions for the optimal choice of consumption and bequest
can be derived from (15.47) - (15.49) as
= 1 + rt+1 ; (15.49)
and ¸
@U 1 @U ¤ (t + 1)
t+1 [1 + n] ¸ ; (15.50)
@x t 1+± @b t
with b t = 0 if (15.51) is a strict inequality. Noting that an increase in the bequest
is simply an increase in second period lump-sum income for the descendants
which, after the addition of interest, must be valued at the marginal utility
@U ¤ (t+1)
of consumption, it follows that @b t = [1 + rt+2 ] @x@ t+2
so (15.51) can be
written as
@xtt 1 + rt+2
¸ : (15.51)
t+2 [1 + ±] [1 + n]
[1 + rt ] Dt¡1 = Dt + Ht T t : (15.52)
By de…ning dt = Ht , (15.53) can be alternatively written
[1 + rt ] dt¡1 = [1 + n] dt + [1 + n] Tt : (15.53)
To characterise the steady state, the level of debt and the lump-sum tax
rate are held constant at d and T . Substituting from the steady state ver-
sion of (15.53) and (15.54) into (15.48) and (15.49), the steady state levels of
consumption satisfy
¸ ¸
1 + f0
x1 = f ¡ kf 0 ¡ [1 + n] k + b ¡ d ; (15.55)
1+ n
and ¸ ¸
1 + f0
x 2 = [1 + n] [1 + f 0 ] k ¡ [1 + n] b ¡ d : (15.56)
The steady state conditions for consumer choice (15.50) and (15.52) reduce to
= 1 + f 0; (15.57)
[1 + n] [1 + ±] ¸ 1 + f 0: (15.58)
From (15.59) the bequest motive will only be operative in the steady state if
[1 + n] [1 + ±] = 1 + f 0 . Since ± > 0, this implies that the equilibrium interest
rate must be above the growth rate of population so the capital-labour ratio
must be below the Golden rule level for bequests to be positive.
It is now possible to prove the …rst neutrality result.
Proof. To see that there is no e¤ect upon the steady state equilibrium, it is
su¢cient to observe that the consumption levels hare determined
i by conditions
(15.56) dependent upon the values of k and b ¡ 1+f 1+n d. It is then clear that
any change in d can be o¤set by a change in b, leaving k and the steady state
consumption levels unchanged. Such a change also leaves (15.58) and (15.59)
To show that a change in the level of debt is neutral in the short run, consider
the government wishing to increase d to d + de starting at time t. It can achieve
this by giving each member of generation t ¡ 1 a quantity e
h i d of bonds, which
they will sell to generation t, and by selling bonds 1+n n
de to each member of
generation t. Toh …nance
i the interest payments on the bonds held by generation
rt ¡n e
t ¡ 1 a tax of 1+n d is levied on each member of generation t. With these
changes, the budget constraint of a member of generation t ¡ 1 in period t is
xtt¡ 1 = [1 + rt] [st¡ 1 + bt¡ 2 ] ¡ [1 + n] b t¡1 + [1 + rt ] d; (15.59)
x t+1
t = [1 + rt+1 ] [st + b t¡1 ] ¡ [1 + n] b t : (15.61)
The capital market equilibrium condition becomes
st + b t¡1 = [1 + n] kt + dt + d: (15.62)
To prove an identical result for the case of concern about forebears, assume
that the utility of a consumer in t takes the form
¡ ¢ U ¤ (t ¡ 1)
U (t) = U xtt ; xt+
+ ; (15.63)
where U ¤ (t ¡ 1) is the welfare level of the consumer’s forebearer. Denoting the
gift received by a forebear by gt , the budget constraints are
xtt + st + gt = w t ¡ T t; (15.64)
t = [1 + rt+1 ] st + gt+1 ; (15.65)
where these follow from the observation that each forebearer has [1 + n] descen-
dants. The necessary conditions for the optimal choice of consumption and gift
can be calculated to be
= 1 + rt+1 ; (15.66)
and ¸
@U 1+n @U ¤ (t ¡ 1)
t+1 [1 + rt+ 1 ] ¸ ; (15.67)
@x t 1+± @gt
with g t = 0 if (15.68) is a strict inequality. Exploiting the fact that an increase
in gift is equivalent to an increase in lump-sum income, (15.68) can be written
@U ¤ (t ¡ 1) @U
= : (15.68)
@gt @x tt¡1
The steady state levels of consumption satisfy
x 1 = f ¡ kf 0 ¡ [1 + n] k ¡ [g + [1 + f 0 ] d] ; (15.69)
x 2 = [1 + n] [1 + f 0 ] k + [g + [1 + f 0] d] (15.70)
and the steady state version of (15.68) is
1 + f0 ¸ : (15.71)
Gifts can be positive only when (15.72) is an equality which requires the economy
to be overcapitalised relative to the Golden rule.
Using these conditions, the second neutrality theorem follows.
Theorem 71 (Carmichael) If the gift motive is operative, so that gifts are pos-
itive, both before and after any change in the level of bonds, such a change has
no e¤ect upon either the short run equilibrium or the steady state equilibrium.
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ U ¤ (t ¡ 1)
U (t) = U x tt + ¯U xt+1
t + (15.72)
The steady state equilibrium in then the solution to
x1 = f ¡ kf 0 ¡ [1 + n] k + b = w (k) ¡ [1 + n] k + b; (15.73)
x 2 = [1 + n] [1 + f 0] k ¡ [1 + n] b = [1 + n] [1 + r (k)] k ¡ [1 + n] b; (15.74)
[1 + n] [1 + ±] = 1 + f 0 = 1 + r (k) ´ 1 + r¤ : (15.75)
The equality in (15.77) captures the assumption that the bequest motive is
If the optimal level of bequests is zero, (15.76) will be satis…ed when eval-
uated at b = 0. Substituting (15.74) and (15.75) into (15.76) then shows that
and, since k > k, r < r. Hence the bequest motive can only be operative
¤ ¤
when 1+± > 1+n
The assumptions employed in the proof of this theorem regarding the relation
of s (w; r)¡[1 + n] k to k are equivalent to the assumption that the unique steady
state of the economy without bequest motive is stable. From the conclusion of
the theorem, it can be seen that the bequest motive will be operative provided
the discount factor applied to descendants utility is su¢ciently great. That is,
there must be a su¢cient degree of intergenerational concern for bequests to be
This section has shown how bequest and gift motives can extend the two-
period lived consumers of the overlapping generations economy into in…nitely
lived dynasties connected by intergenerational altruism. Once this has been
done, it is not surprising that neutrality results which apply for in…nitely lived
consumers then apply in the overlapping generations framework. It is important
to stress that these results rely on changes in the level of bequests or gifts being
able to o¤set changes in the pattern of debt and taxes. If neither of these
motives are operative or the level of transfer is small, this may not be possible.
15.4.3 Generalisations
One aspect of the neutrality results described above that has received attention
is the assumption of certainty. Blanchard (1985) has considered the possibility
that the lifespan of each consumer may be of random length. The introduction
of such uncertainty has the implication that those who bene…t from any debt
issue will have a probability of less than one of being alive to face any future
tax payments. In the analysis of Blanchard each consumer has a constant prob-
ability of their life continuing (which gives rise to the description of such an
economy as embodying perpetual youth) and the population remains constant
as new consumers are born at each point in time to replace those who have died.
To prevent unintended bequests, a life insurance market o¤ering insurance at
fair terms is assumed to be operational. When there is no bequest motive, neu-
trality does not hold in such an economy. This analysis is extended by Buiter
(1988) to show that a necessary and su¢cient condition for debt neutrality to
apply in such an economy is that the sum of the probability of death and the
growth rate of population is identically zero. This is clearly violated in the
Blanchard analysis except when the consumers have a zero probability of death
and are therefore in…nitely lived.
Although the focus to this point has been upon debt neutrality, an economy
with an operative gift or bequest motive is capable of neutralising a broad range
of …scal policies. Since Bernheim and Bagwell (1988) show that almost any pol-
icy can be neutralised, the fact that this seems refuted by practice suggests
that the economy in which such propositions can be derived is not a successful
representation of reality. To attempt to achieve debt neutrality without the
neutrality of all policy, Abel and Bernheim (1991) note that changes in the level
of debt are often neutralised by exploiting only a few links in the intergenera-
tional chain whereas the neutralisation of other policies requires the exploitation
of many links. This observation motivates the introduction of friction into the
intergenerational altruism via the derivation of utility from the act of giving,
imperfect knowledge of the later generation’s preferences and social norms that
govern bequests. The …rst two allow approximate neutrality in the short run
but drive the marginal propensity to consume to zero. The third avoids this
conclusion but does lead to the conclusion that an exogenous increase in wealth
of any one consumer can never be a Pareto improvement. Due to these unpalat-
able conclusions, the introduction of friction in this way cannot be claimed to
be a successful mechanism for retaining debt neutrality whilst eliminating more
general neutralities.
Finally, it should be noted again that debt neutrality fails if the gift or be-
quest motives are not operative. In addition, it can also fail when the change in
policy leads to redistribution between consumers with di¤ering marginal propen-
sities to consume. This did not occur in the theorems above since all consumers
were identical and the policy a¤ected each equally. It can also occur when life-
times are uncertain and insurance markets are imperfect (Abel (1986)) and when
the tax instruments are not lump-sum. As yet, neither empirical evidence (see
Bernheim (1987) and Sweeney (1988)) nor experimental evidence (Cadsby and
Frank (1991)) has con…rmed or refuted whether neutrality applies in practice.
xt+ 1 ¡ ¢
x tt + t
= wt s`t ¡ T ` (wt s` t) ¡ Ts x t+1
t : (15.81)
1 + rt+1
In ¡(15.83),
¢ T ` (wt s` t) is the income tax function, with w t the wage rate, and
T s x t+1
t the tax on second-period consumption. The latter tax is essentially
equivalent to a tax on savings. To simplify the analysis by eliminating the
need for discounting in the government budget, it is assumed that the tax on
second-period consumption is pre-paid in the …rst period of life.
Given consumer choices xtt (s) ; xt+
(s) and ` t (s), total di¤erentiation of the
utility function with respect to s gives
dU z0 z0
= Ux tt xt0
t + Uxt+1 xt+10
t + U`t t ¡ U`t 2t : (15.82)
ds t s s
³ the argument ´of (5.13) - (5.15) that s0 = s must minimise U (s0) -
U x tt (s) ; x t+1
t (s) ; zts(s)
0 , it follows that
Uxtt x t0 t+10
t + Uxt+1x t + U` t = 0; (15.83)
t s
and hence that
dU z0
= ¡U`t 2t ¸ 0: (15.84)
ds s
Equation (15.86) is the …rst-order condition for self-selection that must constrain
the choice of tax functions. The¡ …nal part of the description¢ of the consumer is
to solve the identity U (s) = U x tt (s) ; x t+1
t (s) ; ` t (s) to write
¡ ¢
x tt (s) = x tt U (s) ; x t+1
t (s) ; `t (s) : (15.85)
The production ³function´ for the economy is given by the constant returns
to scale function F e
kt; z t where e kt is the level of capital stock per member
³ ´ ³ ´
of the young generation. The identities w t = F z e kt; zt and rt = F k ekt ; zt
determine the wage rate and interest rate via optimal choice of factors by …rms.
The capital stock left to generation t + 1 is given by
³ ´
kt+1 = F e kt ; zt + ekt ¡ x1t ¡ x 2t¡1 : (15.86)
³ ´ Z S
F ek t; z t + e
kt ¡ x tt (s) ° (s) ds ¡ x2t¡ 1 ¸ e
k t+1 ; (15.89)
where ¸t and ½t are the Lagrange multipliers on the constraints and ¹t (s) is
the co-state variable.
The next step is to exploit the requirement that x 2t and e kt+ 1 are Pareto
optimal to simplify (15.92). It follows from the interpretation of Lagrange mul-
t¤ t¤
tipliers that @W
= ¸t > 0 and @W = ¡½t < 0 where W t¤ is the maximum
t @e
k t+1
@W t¤
k t+1 @x2 ¸t
2 jW
t¤ = ¡
t¤ = > 0: (15.91)
@x t ½t
k t+1
@W t¤
kt @x2
t¡1 1
2 jW t¤ = ¡
@W t¤ = ³ ´; (15.92)
@x t¡1 et 1 + Fk ekt ; z t
@W t+1¤
kt+ 1 @x2 1
jW t+1¤ = ¡ @W t+1¤ = ³ ´: (15.93)
@x 2t e 1 + F e
k ; z
@ k t+1 k t+1 t+1
The allocation is Pareto e¢cient when the gradients given in (15.93) and (15.95)
are equal so that the indi¤erence curve of the social welfare function, de…ned
over x 2t and e
kt+1 , are tangential for periods t and t + 1. Therefore, at a point
on the lo cus of Pareto optima,
¸t 1
= ³ ´: (15.94)
½ 1 + Fk ekt+1 ; zt+1
The restriction in (15.96) can be substituted into the Hamiltonian to give the
simpli…ed form
U` `t (s)
H (s) = U (s) ° (s) + ¹t (s) ¡
2 3
x 2
¡ x t+1
(s) ³ ´
+½t 4 t ³ t ´ +F e
kt ; zt + e
kt ¡ xtt (s) ¡ x 2t¡1 ¡ e
k t+1 5 ° (s) :
1 + Fk e kt+1 ; zt+1
³ ´
e t+1 ; zt+1 and denote ¢¤ = x2
Next de…ne r¤t+1 = F k t
kt+1 . From the
second-period budget constraint of consumers it can be seen that ¢¤t is the
market value in period t of one-period bonds sold to consumers of generation t
and which will be redeemed in t + 1. The Hamiltonian can then be written as
t U` `t (s)
H (s) = U (s) ° (s) + ¹ (s) ¡
t+1 ³ ´ ¸
t ¤ xt (s) e e t 2 e
+½ ¢t ¡ ¤
+ F kt; zt + kt ¡ x t (s) ¡ x t¡1 ¡ k t+1 ° (s) : (15.96)
1 + rt+1
for the determination of the tax schedule T s (¢).
From condition (15.99), two theorems can be proved.
Theorem 73 (Ordover and Phelps) The marginal rate of interest income tax,
T s0 (¢), is zero at s = S.
As ½t > 0 and ° (S) > 0, (16.73) shows that there is no distortion in choice.
Theorem 74 (Ordover and Phelps) When the utility function is separable be-
tween consumption and labour, interest income is tax exempt.
¡ ¡ ¢ ¢
Proof. The separable utility function is written as U ª x tt ; xt+1
t ; `t .
@x tt (s) @x tt (s)
U `xtt + U`xt+1 = U`ª ªxtt + U`ªª xtt+1
@x t+1
t (s) t
= ¡U`ª ª xt+1 + U`ª ªxtt+ 1 = 0; (15.99)
@ xt(s) ªxt +1
where the second equality follows from using @xt+1 t
= ¡ ªt t . Equation
h i t x
@xtt (s)
(15.101) implies that ½t ¡ 1+r1¤ ¡ @xt+1 (s)
° (s) = 0 for all s which proves the
t+1 t
The argument behind Theorem 15.7 is essentially equivalent to that of The-
orem 5.6: given the upper-bound upon ability, there is no gain from having
the choices of that consumer distorted. Theorem 15.8 is di¤erent in nature and
shows that the tax on interest income is redundant when the utility function is
weakly separable and an optimal income tax is employed. Despite the di¤erent
e¤ects of the two taxes, there is nothing to be gained by having an interest tax
in addition to a nonlinear income tax when preferences are separable. Without
separability, both taxes will be employed.
15.6 Conclusions
The analysis of tax policy in dynamic economies involves consideration of both
intragenerational and intertemporal allocations. Compared with the static analy-
sis, there is also a broader range of instruments available since the use of debt
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