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Faa Biweekly 2024-02

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BIWEEKLY 2024-02
01/15/2024 - 01/28/2024

Federal Aviation Administration

Continued Operational Safety Policy Section, AIR-141
P.O. Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0460
AD No. Information Manufacturer Applicability
Information Key: E- Emergency; COR - Correction; R - Replaces, A- Affects

Biweekly 2024-01
2023-24-07 A 2019–20–06 Airbus SAS A310-203,A310-204,A310-221,A310-222,A310-
2023-24-08 Bombardier Inc. BD-700-1A10,BD-700-1A11
2023-25-01 MHI RJ Aviation ULC CL-600-2C10 (Regional Jet Series 700),CL-600-
2C10 (Regional Jet Series 701),CL-600-2C10
(Regional Jet Series 702),CL-600-2C11 (Regional
Jet Series 550),CL-600-2D15 (Regional Jet Series
705),CL-600-2D24 (Regional Jet Series 900),CL-
600-2E25 (Regional Jet Series 1000)

2023-25-04 R 2022–08–04 Airbus SAS A300 B4-2C,A300 B4-103,A300 B4-203

A 2018–19–17
2023-25-05 R 2022–07–15 Airbus SAS A319-151N,A319-153N,A319-171N,A320-
2023-25-06 Saab AB Support and Services SAAB 2000
2023-25-07 R 2023–04–10 Dassault Aviation Mystere-Falcon 900
A 2010–26–05
2023-25-09 Airbus SAS A318-111,A318-112,A318-121,A318-122,A319-

2023-25-10 The Boeing Company 787-8,787-9,787-10

2023-25-11 R 2021–02–18 Airbus Defense and Space S.A. CN-235,CN-235-100,CN-235-200,CN-235-300,C-
2023-25-12 Airbus SAS A318-112,A319-115,A319-132,A319-133,A319-

2023-25-13 Bombardier Inc. CL-600-2B16 (CL-604)

2023-25-15 R 2020–24–12 Airbus SAS A350-941
2023-26-01 Embraer S.A. ERJ 190-300,ERJ 190-400
2023-26-04 Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG Trent 1000-AE3,Trent 1000-CE3,Trent 1000-
D3,Trent 1000-G3,Trent 1000-H3,Trent 1000-
J3,Trent 1000-K3,Trent 1000-L3,Trent 1000-
M3,Trent 1000-N3,Trent 1000-P3,Trent 1000-
Q3,Trent 1000-R3
AD No. Information Manufacturer Applicability
Information Key: E- Emergency; COR - Correction; R - Replaces, A- Affects

2024-01-02 A 2023-11-10 Lockheed Aircraft Corporation,Lockheed Martin 382,382B,382E,382F,382G,382J,C-130A,C-

Aeronautics Company,LeSEA,T.B.M. Inc.,Western 130B,HP-C-130A,EC-130Q,C-130H,282-44A-05
International Aviation Inc.,USDA Forest (C-130B)
Service,Snow Aviation International
Inc.,International Air Response (IAR),Heavy Lift
Helicopters Inc,Hawkins & Powers Aviation
Inc.,Coulson Aviation (USA) Inc.,Lockheed-
Georgia Company

2024-02-51 E The Boeing Company 737-9

Biweekly 2024-02
2023-25-07 R 2023-04-10 Dassault Aviation Mystere-Falcon 900
A 2010-06-05
2023-25-07 R 2023–04–10 Dassault Aviation Mystere-Falcon 900
A 2010–26–05
2023-25-13 Bombardier Inc. CL-600-2B16 (CL-604)

2023-25-16 Airbus SAS A330-201, A330-202, A330-203, A330-223, A330-

243, A330-223F, A330-243F, A330-301, A330-302,
A330-303, A330-321, A330-322, A330-323, A330-
341, A330-342, A330-343, A330-841, A330-941

2023-26-02 Bombardier Inc. BD-100-1A10 (Challenger 300)

2023-26-07 General Electric Company GE90-90B, GE90-94B, GE90-110B1, GE90-115B

2024-01-03 R 2023-01-07 GE Aviation Czech s.r.o. H75-100, H75-200, H80, H80-100, H80-200, H85-
100, H85-200

2024-01-10 Airbus SAS A330-201, A330-202, A330-203, A330-223, A330-

223F, A330-243, A330-243F, A330-301, A330-302,
A330-303, A330-321, A330-322, A330-323, A330-
341, A330-342, A330-343, A330-841, A330-941,
A340-541, A340-642

2024-02-51 The Boeing Company 737-9

The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:


The FAA amends §39.13 by:

Removing Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2023–04–10, Amendment 39–22357 ( , April 7, 2023); and

Adding the following new AD:

2023–25–07Dassault Aviation: Amendment 39–22634; Docket No. FAA–2023–1502; Project Identifier


(a) Effective Date

This airworthiness directive (AD) is effective February 16, 2024.

(b) Affected ADs

(1) This AD replaces AD 2023–04–10, Amendment 39–22357 (, April 7, 2023) (AD 2023–04–10).

(2) This AD affects AD 2010–26–05, Amendment 39–16544 (, December 21, 2010) (AD 2010–26–05).

(c) Applicability
This AD applies to all Dassault Aviation Model MYSTERE–FALCON 900 airplanes, certificated in any

(d) Subject
Air Transport Association (ATA) of America Code 05, Time Limits/Maintenance Checks.

(e) Unsafe Condition

This AD was prompted by a determination that new or more restrictive airworthiness limitations are
necessary. The FAA is issuing this AD to address reduced structural integrity of the airplane.

(f) Compliance
Comply with this AD within the compliance times specified, unless already done.

(g) Retained Revision of the Existing Maintenance or Inspection

Program, With No Changes
This paragraph restates the requirements of paragraph (j) of AD 2023–04–10, with no changes. Except as
specified in paragraph (h) of this AD: Comply with all required actions and compliance times specified in,
and in accordance with, European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD 2022–0137, dated July 6,
2022 (EASA AD 2022- 0137). Accomplishing the revision of the existing maintenance or inspection
program required by paragraph (j) of this AD terminates the requirements of this paragraph.

(h) Retained Exceptions to EASA AD 2022–0137, With No Changes

This paragraph restates the exceptions specified in paragraph (k) of AD 2023–04- 10, with no changes.

(1) This AD does not adopt the requirements specified in paragraphs (1) and (2) of EASA AD 2022–0137.

(2) Paragraph (3) of EASA AD 2022–0137 specifies revising “the approved AMP” within 12 months after
its effective date, but this AD requires revising the existing maintenance or inspection program, as
applicable, within 90 days after May 12, 2023 (the effective date of AD 2023–04–10).

(3) The initial compliance time for doing the tasks specified in paragraph (3) of EASA AD 2022–0137 is at
the applicable “limitations” and “associated thresholds” as incorporated by the requirements of paragraph (3)
of EASA AD 2022–0137, or within 90 days after May 12, 2023 (the effective date of AD 2023–04–10),
whichever occurs later.

(4) This AD does not adopt the provisions specified in paragraphs (4) and (5) of EASA AD 2022–0137.

(5) This AD does not adopt the “Remarks” section of EASA AD 2022–0137

(i) Retained Restrictions on Alternative Actions or Intervals, With a

New Exception
This paragraph restates the requirements of paragraph (l) of AD 2023–04–10, with a new exception. Except
as required by paragraph (j) of this AD, after the maintenance or inspection program has been revised as
required by paragraph (g) of this AD, no alternative actions ( e.g., inspections) or intervals are allowed
unless they are approved as specified in the provisions of the “Ref. Publications” section of EASA AD 2022–

(j) New Revision of the Existing Maintenance or Inspection Program

Except as specified in paragraph (k) of this AD: Comply with all required actions and compliance times
specified in, and in accordance with, EASA AD 2023–0046, dated March 2, 2023 (EASA AD 2023–0046).
Accomplishing the revision of the existing maintenance or inspection program required by this paragraph
terminates the requirements of paragraph (g) of this AD.

(k) Exceptions to EASA AD 2023–0046

(1) This AD does not adopt the requirements specified in paragraphs (1) and (2) of EASA AD 2023–0046.

(2) Paragraph (3) of EASA AD 2023–0046 specifies revising “the approved AMP” within 12 months after
its effective date, but this AD requires revising the existing maintenance or inspection program, as
applicable, within 90 days after the effective date of this AD.
(3) The initial compliance time for doing the tasks specified in paragraph (3) of EASA AD 2023–0046 is at
the applicable “limitations” and “associated thresholds” as incorporated by the requirements of paragraph (3)
of EASA AD 2023–0046, or within 90 days after the effective date of this AD, whichever occurs later.

(4) This AD does not adopt the provisions specified in paragraphs (4) and (5) of EASA AD 2023–0046.

(5) This AD does not adopt the “Remarks” section of EASA AD 2023–0046.

(l) New Provisions for Alternative Actions and Intervals

After the existing maintenance or inspection program has been revised as required by paragraph (j) of this
AD, no alternative actions ( e.g., inspections) and intervals are allowed unless they are approved as specified
in the provisions of the “Ref. Publications” section of EASA AD 2023–0046.

(m) Terminating Action for AD 2010–26–05

Accomplishing the actions required by paragraph (g) or (j) of this AD terminates the requirements of
paragraph (g)(1) of AD 2010–26–05, for Dassault Aviation Model MYSTERE–FALCON 900 airplanes only.

(n) Additional AD Provisions

The following provisions also apply to this AD:

(1) Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs): The Manager, International Validation Branch, FAA, has
the authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, if requested using the procedures found in . In accordance with
, send your request to your principal inspector or responsible Flight Standards Office, as appropriate. If
sending information directly to the International Validation Branch, send it to the attention of the person
identified in paragraph (o) of this AD. Information may be emailed to: . Before using any approved AMOC,
notify your appropriate principal inspector, or lacking a principal inspector, the manager of the responsible
Flight Standards Office.

(2) Contacting the Manufacturer: For any requirement in this AD to obtain instructions from a manufacturer,
the instructions must be accomplished using a method approved by the Manager, International Validation
Branch, FAA; or EASA; or Dassault Aviation's EASA Design Organization Approval (DOA). If approved
by the DOA, the approval must include the DOA-authorized signature.

(o) Additional Information

For more information about this AD, contact Tom Rodriguez, Aviation Safety Engineer, FAA, 1600 Stewart
Avenue, Suite 410, Westbury, NY 11590; telephone: 206–231–3226; email .

(p) Material Incorporated by Reference

(1) The Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by reference (IBR) of the service
information listed in this paragraph under and .

(2) You must use this service information as applicable to do the actions required by this AD, unless this AD
specifies otherwise.

(3) The following service information was approved for IBR on February 7, 2024.
(i) European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD 2023–0046, dated March 2, 2023.

(ii) [Reserved]

(4) The following service information was approved for IBR on May 12, 2023 (, April 7, 2023).

(i) European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD 2022–0137, dated July 6, 2022.

(ii) [Reserved]

(5) For EASA ADs 2023–0046 and 2022–0137, contact EASA, Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne,
Germany; telephone +49 221 8999 000; email ; website easa.europa.eu. You may find these EASA ADs on
the EASA website at ad.easa.europa.eu.

(6) You may view this material at the FAA, Airworthiness Products Section, Operational Safety Branch,
2200 South 216th St., Des Moines, WA. For information on the availability of this material at the FAA, call

(7) You may view this material at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For
information on the availability of this material at NARA, visit .

Issued on December 14, 2023.

Victor Wicklund,

Deputy Director, Compliance & Airworthiness Division, Aircraft Certification Service.

[ Filed 1–17–24; 8:45 am]


The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:


The FAA amends §39.13 by:

Removing Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2023–04–10, Amendment 39–22357 ( , April 7, 2023); and

Adding the following new AD:

2023–25–07Dassault Aviation: Amendment 39–22634; Docket No. FAA–2023–1502; Project Identifier


(a) Effective Date

This airworthiness directive (AD) is effective February 16, 2024.

(b) Affected ADs

(1) This AD replaces AD 2023–04–10, Amendment 39–22357 (, April 7, 2023) (AD 2023–04–10).

(2) This AD affects AD 2010–26–05, Amendment 39–16544 (, December 21, 2010) (AD 2010–26–05).

(c) Applicability
This AD applies to all Dassault Aviation Model MYSTERE–FALCON 900 airplanes, certificated in any

(d) Subject
Air Transport Association (ATA) of America Code 05, Time Limits/Maintenance Checks.

(e) Unsafe Condition

This AD was prompted by a determination that new or more restrictive airworthiness limitations are
necessary. The FAA is issuing this AD to address reduced structural integrity of the airplane.

(f) Compliance
Comply with this AD within the compliance times specified, unless already done.

(g) Retained Revision of the Existing Maintenance or Inspection

Program, With No Changes
This paragraph restates the requirements of paragraph (j) of AD 2023–04–10, with no changes. Except as
specified in paragraph (h) of this AD: Comply with all required actions and compliance times specified in,
and in accordance with, European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD 2022–0137, dated July 6,
2022 (EASA AD 2022- 0137). Accomplishing the revision of the existing maintenance or inspection
program required by paragraph (j) of this AD terminates the requirements of this paragraph.

(h) Retained Exceptions to EASA AD 2022–0137, With No Changes

This paragraph restates the exceptions specified in paragraph (k) of AD 2023–04- 10, with no changes.

(1) This AD does not adopt the requirements specified in paragraphs (1) and (2) of EASA AD 2022–0137.

(2) Paragraph (3) of EASA AD 2022–0137 specifies revising “the approved AMP” within 12 months after
its effective date, but this AD requires revising the existing maintenance or inspection program, as
applicable, within 90 days after May 12, 2023 (the effective date of AD 2023–04–10).

(3) The initial compliance time for doing the tasks specified in paragraph (3) of EASA AD 2022–0137 is at
the applicable “limitations” and “associated thresholds” as incorporated by the requirements of paragraph (3)
of EASA AD 2022–0137, or within 90 days after May 12, 2023 (the effective date of AD 2023–04–10),
whichever occurs later.

(4) This AD does not adopt the provisions specified in paragraphs (4) and (5) of EASA AD 2022–0137.

(5) This AD does not adopt the “Remarks” section of EASA AD 2022–0137

(i) Retained Restrictions on Alternative Actions or Intervals, With a

New Exception
This paragraph restates the requirements of paragraph (l) of AD 2023–04–10, with a new exception. Except
as required by paragraph (j) of this AD, after the maintenance or inspection program has been revised as
required by paragraph (g) of this AD, no alternative actions ( e.g., inspections) or intervals are allowed
unless they are approved as specified in the provisions of the “Ref. Publications” section of EASA AD 2022–

(j) New Revision of the Existing Maintenance or Inspection Program

Except as specified in paragraph (k) of this AD: Comply with all required actions and compliance times
specified in, and in accordance with, EASA AD 2023–0046, dated March 2, 2023 (EASA AD 2023–0046).
Accomplishing the revision of the existing maintenance or inspection program required by this paragraph
terminates the requirements of paragraph (g) of this AD.

(k) Exceptions to EASA AD 2023–0046

(1) This AD does not adopt the requirements specified in paragraphs (1) and (2) of EASA AD 2023–0046.

(2) Paragraph (3) of EASA AD 2023–0046 specifies revising “the approved AMP” within 12 months after
its effective date, but this AD requires revising the existing maintenance or inspection program, as
applicable, within 90 days after the effective date of this AD.
(3) The initial compliance time for doing the tasks specified in paragraph (3) of EASA AD 2023–0046 is at
the applicable “limitations” and “associated thresholds” as incorporated by the requirements of paragraph (3)
of EASA AD 2023–0046, or within 90 days after the effective date of this AD, whichever occurs later.

(4) This AD does not adopt the provisions specified in paragraphs (4) and (5) of EASA AD 2023–0046.

(5) This AD does not adopt the “Remarks” section of EASA AD 2023–0046.

(l) New Provisions for Alternative Actions and Intervals

After the existing maintenance or inspection program has been revised as required by paragraph (j) of this
AD, no alternative actions ( e.g., inspections) and intervals are allowed unless they are approved as specified
in the provisions of the “Ref. Publications” section of EASA AD 2023–0046.

(m) Terminating Action for AD 2010–26–05

Accomplishing the actions required by paragraph (g) or (j) of this AD terminates the requirements of
paragraph (g)(1) of AD 2010–26–05, for Dassault Aviation Model MYSTERE–FALCON 900 airplanes only.

(n) Additional AD Provisions

The following provisions also apply to this AD:

(1) Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs): The Manager, International Validation Branch, FAA, has
the authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, if requested using the procedures found in . In accordance with
, send your request to your principal inspector or responsible Flight Standards Office, as appropriate. If
sending information directly to the International Validation Branch, send it to the attention of the person
identified in paragraph (o) of this AD. Information may be emailed to: . Before using any approved AMOC,
notify your appropriate principal inspector, or lacking a principal inspector, the manager of the responsible
Flight Standards Office.

(2) Contacting the Manufacturer: For any requirement in this AD to obtain instructions from a manufacturer,
the instructions must be accomplished using a method approved by the Manager, International Validation
Branch, FAA; or EASA; or Dassault Aviation's EASA Design Organization Approval (DOA). If approved
by the DOA, the approval must include the DOA-authorized signature.

(o) Additional Information

For more information about this AD, contact Tom Rodriguez, Aviation Safety Engineer, FAA, 1600 Stewart
Avenue, Suite 410, Westbury, NY 11590; telephone: 206–231–3226; email .

(p) Material Incorporated by Reference

(1) The Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by reference (IBR) of the service
information listed in this paragraph under and .

(2) You must use this service information as applicable to do the actions required by this AD, unless this AD
specifies otherwise.

(3) The following service information was approved for IBR on February 7, 2024.
(i) European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD 2023–0046, dated March 2, 2023.

(ii) [Reserved]

(4) The following service information was approved for IBR on May 12, 2023 (, April 7, 2023).

(i) European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD 2022–0137, dated July 6, 2022.

(ii) [Reserved]

(5) For EASA ADs 2023–0046 and 2022–0137, contact EASA, Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne,
Germany; telephone +49 221 8999 000; email ; website easa.europa.eu. You may find these EASA ADs on
the EASA website at ad.easa.europa.eu.

(6) You may view this material at the FAA, Airworthiness Products Section, Operational Safety Branch,
2200 South 216th St., Des Moines, WA. For information on the availability of this material at the FAA, call

(7) You may view this material at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For
information on the availability of this material at NARA, visit .

Issued on December 14, 2023.

Victor Wicklund,

Deputy Director, Compliance & Airworthiness Division, Aircraft Certification Service.

[ Filed 1–17–24; 8:45 am]


The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:


The FAA amends §39.13 by adding the following new airworthiness directive:

2023–25–13Bombardier, Inc.: Amendment 39–22640; Docket No. FAA–2023–1715; Project Identifier


(a) Effective Date

This airworthiness directive (AD) is effective February 7, 2024.

(b) Affected ADs


(c) Applicability
This AD applies to Bombardier, Inc., Model CL–600–2B16 (604 Variant) airplanes, certificated in any
category, with serial numbers as identified in the Bombardier Service Bulletin 604–35–008, Revision 02,
dated January 13, 2023.

(d) Subject
Air Transport Association (ATA) of America Code: 35, Oxygen.

(e) Unsafe Condition

This AD was prompted by a report that some airplanes were delivered without a portable protective
breathing equipment (PBE) device located in the left-side forward wardrobe, flight deck, or passenger cabin
area of the airplane. The FAA is issuing this AD to address a missing portable PBE device. The unsafe
condition, if not addressed, could result in inadequate protection for crew members when investigating or
combatting a fire in the cabin.

(f) Compliance
Comply with this AD within the compliance times specified, unless already done.

(g) Visual Inspection for Portable PBE

Within 12 months from the effective date of this AD, do a general visual inspection of the left-side forward
wardrobe, flight deck, or passenger cabin area of the airplane and verify if a portable PBE device, marked
with Technical Standard Order (TSO) C116 or C116a, is installed and placarded, in accordance with
paragraph 2.B.(1) of the Accomplishment Instructions of Bombardier Service Bulletin 604–35–008,
Revision 02, dated January 13, 2023. If the PBE device is missing, before further flight, install a portable
PBE device marked with TSO C116 or TSO C116a and its associated placard, in accordance with paragraph
2.B.(2) of the Accomplishment Instructions of Bombardier Service Bulletin 604–35–008, Revision 02, dated
January 13, 2023.

(h) Additional AD Provisions

The following provisions also apply to this AD:

(1) Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs): The Manager, International Validation Branch, FAA, has
the authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, if requested using the procedures found in . In accordance with
, send your request to your principal inspector or responsible Flight Standards Office, as appropriate. If
sending information directly to the manager, International Validation Branch, mail it to the address identified
in paragraph (i)(2) of this AD or email to: . If mailing information, also submit information by email. Before
using any approved AMOC, notify your appropriate principal inspector, or lacking a principal inspector, the
manager of the responsible Flight Standards Office.

(2) Contacting the Manufacturer: For any requirement in this AD to obtain instructions from a manufacturer,
the instructions must be accomplished using a method approved by the Manager, International Validation
Branch, FAA; or Transport Canada or Bombardier, Inc.'s Transport Canada Design Approval Organization
(DAO). If approved by the DAO, the approval must include the DAO-authorized signature.

(i) Additional Information

(1) Refer to Transport Canada AD CF–2023–21, dated March 30, 2023, for related information. This
Transport Canada AD may be found in the AD docket at regulations.gov under Docket No. FAA–2023–

(2) For more information about this AD, contact Gabriel Kim, Aviation Safety Engineer, FAA, 1600 Stewart
Avenue, Suite 410, Westbury, NY 11590; telephone 516–228–7300; email .

(j) Material Incorporated by Reference

(1) The Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by reference (IBR) of the service
information listed in this paragraph under and .

(2) You must use this service information as applicable to do the actions required by this AD, unless this AD
specifies otherwise.

(i) Bombardier Service Bulletin 604–35–008, Revision 02, dated January 13, 2023.

(ii) [Reserved]

(3) For service information identified in this AD, contact Bombardier, Inc., Business Aircraft Customer
Response Center, 400 Côte-Vertu Road West, Dorval, Québec H4S 1Y9, Canada; telephone 514–855–2999;
email: ; website: bombardier.com.

(4) You may view this service information at the FAA, Airworthiness Products Section, Operational Safety
Branch, 2200 South 216th Street, Des Moines, WA. For information on the availability of this material at the
FAA, call 206–231–3195.
(5) You may view this material at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For
information on the availability of this material at NARA, visit .

Issued on December 14, 2023.

Victor Wicklund,

Deputy Director, Compliance & Airworthiness Division, Aircraft Certification Service.

[ Filed 1–17–24; 8:45 am]


The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:


The FAA amends §39.13 by adding the following new airworthiness directive:

2023–25–16Airbus SAS: Amendment 39–22643; Docket No. FAA–2023–1498; Project Identifier MCAI–

(a) Effective Date

This airworthiness directive (AD) is effective February 27, 2024.

(b) Affected ADs


(c) Applicability
This AD applies to Airbus SAS airplanes, certificated in any category, specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through
(5) of this AD, and with serial numbers identified in Airbus Service Bulletin A330–28–3141, dated
December 16, 2022.

(1) Model A330–201, –202, –203, –223, and –243 airplanes.

(2) Model A330–223F and –243F airplanes.

(3) Model A330–301, –302, –303, –321, –322, –323, –341, –342, and –343 airplanes.

(4) Model A330–841 airplanes.

(5) Model A330–941 airplanes.

(d) Subject
Air Transport Association (ATA) of America Code 28, Fuel.

(e) Unsafe Condition

This AD was prompted by a determination that the differential pressure test across Rib 3, part of the
production ground test procedure used to confirm inner fuel tank integrity, had not been properly
accomplished on airplanes delivered before July 2021. The FAA is issuing this AD to address lack of inner
fuel tank integrity that, in the case of an uncontained engine rotor failure and subsequent fuel tank puncture,
could lead to insufficient fuel available to ensure continued safe flight and landing.

(f) Compliance
Comply with this AD within the compliance times specified, unless already done.

(g) Requirements
Except as specified in paragraph (h) of this AD: Comply with all required actions and compliance times
specified in, and in accordance with, European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD 2023–0052,
dated March 14, 2023 (EASA AD 2023–0052).

(h) Exceptions to EASA AD 2023–0052

(1) Where EASA AD 2023–0052 refers to its effective date, this AD requires using the effective date of this

(2) This AD does not adopt the “Remarks” section of EASA AD 2023–0052.

(3) Where the service information referenced in EASA AD 2023–0052 specifies repeating a step and
recording certain values, replace the text “Do step 1 b again and record the capacitance values and then
every 10 minutes for 60 min,” with “Repeat step 1 b and record the capacitance values every 10 minutes for
60 minutes.”

(4) Where the service information referenced in EASA AD 2023–0052 specifies “Set the R(L) INNER TK
(FIN 6QU1)(FIN 6QU2) switch to OPEN,” this AD requires replacing that text with “Set the L(R) INNER
TK (FIN 6QU1)(FIN 6QU2) switch to OPEN.”

(5) Where the service information referenced in EASA AD 2023–0052 specifies measuring certain
capacitance values, this AD does not require measuring the capacitance values for inner tank probe 6 FIN
24QT1 (FIN 24QT2).

(i) No Reporting Requirement

Although the service information referenced in EASA AD 2023–0052 specifies to submit certain
information to the manufacturer, this AD does not include that requirement.

(j) Additional AD Provisions

The following provisions also apply to this AD:

(1) Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs): The Manager, International Validation Branch, FAA, has
the authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, if requested using the procedures found in . In accordance with
, send your request to your principal inspector or responsible Flight Standards Office, as appropriate. If
sending information directly to the International Validation Branch, send it to the attention of the person
identified in paragraph (k) of this AD. Information may be emailed to: . Before using any approved AMOC,
notify your appropriate principal inspector, or lacking a principal inspector, the manager of the responsible
Flight Standards Office.

(2) Contacting the Manufacturer: For any requirement in this AD to obtain instructions from a manufacturer,
the instructions must be accomplished using a method approved by the Manager, International Validation
Branch, FAA; or EASA; or Airbus SAS's EASA Design Organization Approval (DOA). If approved by the
DOA, the approval must include the DOA-authorized signature.
(3) Required for Compliance (RC): Except as required by paragraph (j)(2) of this AD, if any service
information contains procedures or tests that are identified as RC, those procedures and tests must be done to
comply with this AD; any procedures or tests that are not identified as RC are recommended. Those
procedures and tests that are not identified as RC may be deviated from using accepted methods in
accordance with the operator's maintenance or inspection program without obtaining approval of an AMOC,
provided the procedures and tests identified as RC can be done and the airplane can be put back in an
airworthy condition. Any substitutions or changes to procedures or tests identified as RC require approval of
an AMOC.

(k) Additional Information

For more information about this AD, contact Vladimir Ulyanov, Aviation Safety Engineer, FAA, 1600
Stewart Avenue, Suite 410, Westbury, NY 11590; phone: 206–231–3229; email: .

(l) Material Incorporated by Reference

(1) The Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by reference (IBR) of the service
information listed in this paragraph under and .

(2) You must use this service information as applicable to do the actions required by this AD, unless this AD
specifies otherwise.

(i) Airbus Service Bulletin A330–28–3141, dated December 16, 2022.

(ii) European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD 2023–0052, dated March 14, 2023.

(3) For EASA AD 2023–0052, contact EASA, Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany;
telephone +49 221 8999 000; email ; website easa.europa.eu. You may find this EASA AD on the EASA
website at ad.easa.europa.eu.

(4) For Airbus service information identified in this AD, contact Airbus SAS, Airworthiness Office-EAL,
Rond-Point Emile Dewoitine No: 2, 31700 Blagnac Cedex, France; telephone +33 5 61 93 36 96; fax +33 5
61 93 45 80; email ; website airbus.com.

(5) You may view this service information at the FAA, Airworthiness Products Section, Operational Safety
Branch, 2200 South 216th St., Des Moines, WA. For information on the availability of this material at the
FAA, call 206–231–3195.

(6) You may view this service information at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
For information on the availability of this material at NARA, visit or email .

Issued on December 18, 2023.

Victor Wicklund,

Deputy Director, Compliance & Airworthiness Division, Aircraft Certification Service.

[ Filed 1–22–24; 8:45 am]


The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:


The FAA amends §39.13 by adding the following new airworthiness directive:

2023–26–02Bombardier, Inc.: Amendment 39–22645; Docket No. FAA–2023–1890; Project Identifier


(a) Effective Date

This airworthiness directive (AD) is effective February 27, 2024.

(b) Affected ADs


(c) Applicability
This AD applies to all Bombardier, Inc., Model BD–100–1A10 airplanes, certificated in any category.

(d) Subject
Air Transport Association (ATA) of America Code: 36, Pneumatic.

(e) Unsafe Condition

This AD was prompted by reports from the supplier that some overheat detection sensing elements of the
bleed air leak detection system were manufactured with insufficient salt fill. The FAA is issuing this AD to
address non-conforming sensing elements of the bleed air leak detection system. The unsafe condition, if not
addressed, could result in an inability to detect hot bleed air leaks and consequent damage to surrounding
structures and systems, which could prevent continued safe flight and landing.

(f) Compliance
Comply with this AD within the compliance times specified, unless already done.

(g) Definitions
(1) For purposes of this AD, an affected part is a sensing element marked with a date code A0448 through
A2104 inclusive and having an LTS/Kidde part number specified in Liebherr Service Bulletin CFD–F1958–
26–01, dated May 6, 2022, unless that sensing element meets the criteria specified in either paragraph (g)(1)
(i) or (ii) of this AD.
(i) The sensing element has been tested as specified in Section 3 of the Accomplishment Instructions of
Kidde Aerospace and Defense Service Bulletin CFD–26–1, Revision 6, dated February 28, 2022, or earlier
revisions, and has been found to be serviceable; and the sensing element has been marked on one face of its
connector hex nut and packaged as specified in Section 3.C. of the Accomplishment Instructions of Kidde
Aerospace and Defense Service Bulletin CFD–26–1, Revision 6, dated February 28, 2022, or earlier

(ii) The sensing element has been tested and found to be serviceable as specified in paragraph (i) of this AD;
and the sensing element has been marked on one face of one connector hex nut with one green mark, as
specified in Figure 11 of Bombardier Service Bulletin 100–36–10, dated December 23, 2022, or Bombardier
Service Bulletin 350–36–003, dated December 23, 2022, as applicable (the figure is representative for all
sensing elements).

(2) For purposes of this AD, a serviceable part is a sensing element that is not an affected part.

(h) Revision of the Existing Airplane Flight Manual (AFM)

For airplane serial numbers 20001 through 20457 inclusive and 20501 through 20906 inclusive: Within 30
days after the effective date of this AD, revise the existing AFM to include the information specified in
paragraphs (h)(1) and (2) of this AD, as applicable.

(1) For airplane serial numbers 20001 through 20457 inclusive: Section 05–42, Air Conditioning &
Pressurization, Non-Normal Procedures Section, Bombardier Challenger 300 AFM (Imperial Version),
Publication No. CSP 100–1, Revision 71, dated November 9, 2022.

Note 1 to Paragraph (h)(1): For obtaining the procedures for Bombardier Challenger 300 AFM (Imperial
Version), Publication No. CSP 100–1, use Document Identification No. CH 300 AFM–I.

(2) For airplane serial numbers 20501 through 20906 inclusive: Section 05–42, Airconditioning &
Pressurization, Non-Normal Procedures Section, Bombardier Challenger 350 AFM, Publication No. CH 350
AFM, Revision 37, dated November 9, 2022.

Note 2 to Paragraph (h)(2): For obtaining the procedures for Bombardier Challenger 350 AFM,
Publication No. CH 350 AFM, use Document Identification No. CH 350 AFM.

(i) Testing of Overheat Detection Sensing Elements

For airplane serial numbers 20001 through 20457 inclusive and 20501 through 20906 inclusive: Within
7,500 flight cycles or 96 months, whichever occurs first, from the effective date of this AD, test the overheat
detection sensing elements to determine if they are serviceable, in accordance with the Accomplishment
Instructions of Bombardier Service Bulletin 100–36–10, dated December 23, 2022; or Bombardier Service
Bulletin 350–36–003, dated December 23, 2022, as applicable.

(1) For each sensing element that is serviceable, before further flight, mark the sensing element with a
witness mark in accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions of Bombardier Service Bulletin 100–36–
10, dated December 23, 2022; or Bombardier Service Bulletin 350–36–003, dated December 23, 2022; as
(2) For each sensing element that is not serviceable, before further flight, replace the sensing element with a
serviceable part in accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions of Bombardier Service Bulletin 100–
36–10, dated December 23, 2022; or Bombardier Service Bulletin 350–36–003, dated December 23, 2022;
as applicable.

(j) Parts Installation Prohibition

As of the effective date of this AD, no person may install an affected part on any airplane.

(k) No Reporting Requirement

Although Bombardier Service Bulletin 100–36–10, dated December 23, 2022; and Bombardier Service
Bulletin 350–36–003, dated December 23, 2022; specify to submit certain information to the manufacturer,
this AD does not include that requirement.

(l) Additional AD Provisions

The following provisions also apply to this AD:

(1) Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs): The Manager, International Validation Branch, FAA, has
the authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, if requested using the procedures found in . In accordance with
, send your request to your principal inspector or responsible Flight Standards Office, as appropriate. If
sending information directly to the manager of the International Validation Branch, mail it to the address
identified in paragraph (m)(2) of this AD. Information may be emailed to: . Before using any approved
AMOC, notify your appropriate principal inspector, or lacking a principal inspector, the manager of the
responsible Flight Standards Office.

(2) Contacting the Manufacturer: For any requirement in this AD to obtain instructions from a manufacturer,
the instructions must be accomplished using a method approved by the Manager, International Validation
Branch, FAA; or Transport Canada; or Bombardier, Inc.'s Transport Canada Design Approval Organization
(DAO). If approved by the DAO, the approval must include the DAO-authorized signature.

(m) Additional Information

(1) Refer to Transport Canada AD CF–2023–09, dated February 14, 2023, for related information. This
Transport Canada AD may be found in the AD docket at regulations.gov under Docket No. FAA–2023–

(2) For more information about this AD, contact Steven Dzierzynski, Aviation Safety Engineer, FAA, 1600
Stewart Avenue, Suite 410, Westbury, NY 11590; telephone 516–228–7300; email .

(n) Material Incorporated by Reference

(1) The Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by reference (IBR) of the service
information listed in this paragraph under and .

(2) You must use this service information as applicable to do the actions required by this AD, unless this AD
specifies otherwise.
(i) Bombardier Service Bulletin 100–36–10, dated December 23, 2022.

(ii) Bombardier Service Bulletin 350–36–003, dated December 23, 2022.

(iii) Section 05–42, Air Conditioning & Pressurization, Non-Normal Procedures Section, Bombardier
Challenger 300 AFM (Imperial Version), Publication No. CSP 100–1, Revision 71, dated November 9, 2022.

Note 3 to Paragraph (n)(2)(iii): For obtaining the procedures for Bombardier Challenger 300 AFM
(Imperial Version), Publication No. CSP 100–1, use Document Identification No. CH 300 AFM–I.

(iv) Section 05–42, Air Conditioning & Pressurization, Non-Normal Procedures Section, Bombardier
Challenger 350 AFM, Publication No. CH 350 AFM, Revision 37, dated November 9, 2022.

Note 4 to Paragraph (n)(2)(iv): For obtaining the procedures for Bombardier Challenger 350 AFM,
Publication No. CH 350 AFM, use Document Identification No. CH 350 AFM.

(v) Liebherr Service Bulletin CFD–F1958–26–01, dated May 6, 2022.

(3) For Bombardier service information identified in this AD, contact Bombardier Business Aircraft
Customer Response Center, 400 Côte-Vertu Road West, Dorval, Québec H4S 1Y9, Canada; telephone 514–
855–2999; email ; website bombardier.com.

(4) For Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS service information identified in this AD, contact Liebherr-
Aerospace Toulouse SAS, 408, Avenue des Etats-Unis-B.P.52010, 31016 Toulouse Cedex, France;
telephone +33 (0); fax +33 (0); email ; website liebherr.aero.

(5) You may view this service information at the FAA, Airworthiness Products Section, Operational Safety
Branch, 2200 South 216th Street, Des Moines, WA. For information on the availability of this material at the
FAA, call 206–231–3195.

(6) You may view this material at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For
information on the availability of this material at NARA, visit , or email .

Issued on December 21, 2023.

Caitlin Locke,

Director, Compliance & Airworthiness Division, Aircraft Certification Service.

[ Filed 1–22–24; 8:45 am]


The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:


The FAA amends §39.13 by adding the following new airworthiness directive:

2023–26–07General Electric Company: Amendment 39–22650; Docket No. FAA–2023–1647; Project

Identifier AD–2023–00487–E.

(a) Effective Date

This airworthiness directive (AD) is effective February 27, 2024.

(b) Affected ADs


(c) Applicability
This AD applies to General Electric Company (GE) Model GE90–90B and GE90–94B engines with
interstage HPT seals listed in Table 1 to Paragraph (c) of this AD and GE90–110B1 and GE90–115B
engines with an installed high-pressure turbine (HPT) stage 1 disk, HPT stage 2 disk, forward HPT rotor
seal, or stages 7–9 compressor rotor spool part number (P/N) and serial number (S/N) identified in Table 1 to
Paragraph (c) of this AD, or identified in Paragraph 4. APPENDIX-A, Tables 1, 2, or 3, of GE GE90–100
Service Bulletin (SB) 72–0914, dated January 25, 2023 (GE90–100 SB 72–0914).

Table 1 to Paragraph (c)-Affected HPT Stage 1 and Stage 2 Disks,

and Interstage HPT Seals
Note 1 to paragraph (c): Part numbers and serial numbers for affected HPT stage 1 disks, HPT stage 2
disks, and interstage HPT seals are also listed in GE GE90–100 Service Bulletin (SB) 72–0904 R00, dated
May 25, 2022; GE GE90–100 SB 72–0911 R01, dated September 21, 2022; and GE GE90 SB 72–1223,
dated January 25, 2023.

(d) Subject
Joint Aircraft System Component (JASC) Code 7230, Turbine Engine Compressor Section; 7250, Turbine

(e) Unsafe Condition

This AD was prompted by a manufacturer investigation that revealed certain HPT stage 1 disks, HPT stage 2
disks, forward HPT rotor seals, interstage HPT seals, and stages 7–9 compressor rotor spools were
manufactured from powder metal material suspected to contain iron inclusion. The FAA is issuing this AD
to prevent premature fracture and subsequent uncontained failure. The unsafe condition, if not addressed,
could result in uncontained debris release, damage to the engine, and damage to the airplane.

(f) Compliance
Comply with this AD within the compliance times specified, unless already done.

(g) Required Actions

At the applicable times specified in paragraphs (g)(1) through (6) of this AD, remove each affected HPT
stage 1 disk, HPT stage 2 disk, forward HPT rotor seal, interstage HPT seal, and stages 7–9 compressor rotor
spool from service and replace with a part eligible for installation.

(1) For HPT stage 1 disks, before further flight.

(2) For HPT stage 2 disks with a part number and serial number identified in Paragraph 4. APPENDIX-A,
Table 1 of GE90–100 SB 72–0914, at the next piece part exposure or before exceeding 3,500 cycles since
new (CSN), whichever occurs first.

(3) For HPT stage 2 disks with a part number and serial number identified in Table 1 to paragraph (c) of this
AD, before further flight.

(4) For forward HPT rotor seals with a part number and serial number identified in Paragraph 4. APPENDIX-
A, Table 3 of GE90–100 SB 72–0914, at the next piece part exposure or before exceeding 14,200 CSN,
whichever occurs first.

(5) For interstage HPT seals, at the next piece part exposure or before exceeding 12,600 CSN, whichever
occurs first.

(6) For stages 7–9 compressor rotor spools, at the next piece part exposure or before exceeding the cyclic
removal thresholds identified in Paragraph 4. APPENDIX-A, Table 2 of GE90–100 SB 72–0914, whichever
occurs first.

(h) Definition
For the purpose of this AD, a “part eligible for installation” is any HPT stage 1 disk, HPT stage 2 disk,
stages 7–9 compressor rotor spool, forward HPT rotor seal, or interstage HPT seal with a part number and
serial number that is not identified in paragraph (c) of this AD.

(i) Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs)

(1) The Manager, AIR–520 Continued Operational Safety Branch, FAA, has the authority to approve
AMOCs for this AD, if requested using the procedures found in . In accordance with , send your request to
your principal inspector or local Flight Standards District Office, as appropriate. If sending information
directly to the manager of AIR–520 Continued Operational Safety Branch, send it to the attention of the
person identified in paragraph (j) of this AD and email to: .

(2) Before using any approved AMOC, notify your appropriate principal inspector, or lacking a principal
inspector, the manager of the local Flight Standards District Office/certificate holding district office.
(j) Additional Information
For more information about this AD, contact Alexei Marqueen, Aviation Safety Engineer, FAA, 2200 South
216th Street, Des Moines, WA 98198; phone: (781) 238–7178; email: .

(k) Material Incorporated by Reference

(1) The Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by reference (IBR) of the service
information listed in this paragraph under and .

(2) You must use this service information as applicable to do the actions required by this AD, unless the AD
specifies otherwise.

(i) General Electric GE90–100 Service Bulletin 72–0914, dated January 25, 2023.

(ii) [Reserved]

(3) For service information identified in this AD, contact General Electric Company, 1 Neumann Way,
Cincinnati, OH 45215; phone: (513) 552–3272; email: ; website: ge.com.

(4) You may view this service information at FAA, Airworthiness Products Section, Operational Safety
Branch, 1200 District Avenue, Burlington, MA 01803. For information on the availability of this material at
the FAA, call (817) 222–5110.

(5) You may view this service information that is incorporated by reference at the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, visit: or
email: .

Issued on January 2, 2024.

Caitlin Locke,

Director, Compliance & Airworthiness Division, Aircraft Certification Service.

[ Filed 1–22–24; 8:45 am]


The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:


The FAA amends §39.13 by:

Removing Airworthiness Directive 2023–01–07, Amendment 39–22301 ( , January 17, 2023; corrected
February 3, 2023 (); corrected February 16, 2023 ()); and

Adding the following new airworthiness directive:

2024–01–03GE Aviation Czech s.r.o. (Type Certificate Previously held by WALTER Engines a.s.,
Walter a.s., and MOTORLET a.s.): Amendment 39–22654; Docket No. FAA–2023–1811; Project
Identifier MCAI–2023–00146–E.

(a) Effective Date

This airworthiness directive (AD) is effective February 27, 2024.

(b) Affected ADs

This AD replaces AD 2023–01–07, Amendment 39–22301 (, January 17, 2023; corrected February 3,
2023 (); corrected February 16, 2023 ()).

(c) Applicability
This AD applies to GE Aviation Czech s.r.o. (type certificate previously held by WALTER Engines a.s.,
Walter a.s., and MOTORLET a.s.) Model H75–100, H75–200, H80, H80–100, H80–200, H85–100, and
H85–200 engines.

(d) Subject
Joint Aircraft System Component (JASC) Code 7200, Engine (Turbine/Turboprop).

(e) Unsafe Condition

This AD was prompted by the manufacturer revising the airworthiness limitations section (ALS) of the
existing engine maintenance manual (EMM) to introduce new and more restrictive airworthiness limitations
and associated thresholds and intervals for life-limited parts. The FAA is issuing this AD to prevent failure
of the engine. The unsafe condition, if not addressed, could result in uncontained release of a critical part,
damage to the engine, and damage to the airplane.

(f) Compliance
Comply with this AD within the compliance times specified, unless already done.
(g) Required Actions
(1) Except as specified in paragraph (h) of this AD: Perform all required actions within the compliance times
specified in, and in accordance with, European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD 2023–0021,
dated January 23, 2023 (EASA AD 2023–0021).

(2) The action required by paragraph (g)(1) of this AD may be performed by the owner/operator (pilot)
holding at least a private pilot certificate and must be entered into the aircraft records showing compliance
with this AD in accordance with and . The record must be maintained as required by , , or .

(h) Exceptions to EASA AD 2023–0021

(1) Where EASA AD 2023–0021 defines the AMP as “the approved Aircraft Maintenance Programme
containing the tasks on the basis of which the scheduled maintenance is conducted to ensure the continuing
airworthiness of each operated engine,” for this AD, replace that text with, “the aircraft maintenance
program containing the tasks on the basis of which the scheduled maintenance is conducted to ensure the
continuing airworthiness of each operated airplane.”

(2) Where EASA AD 2023–0021 defines the ALS as “the Airworthiness Limitations Section of GEAC
EMM No. 0983402 Revision 25, dated November 21, 2022,” for this AD, replace that text with, “the
airworthiness limitations section of GEAC EMM No. 0983402 Revision 26, dated February 1, 2023.” The
ALS in Revision 26 of the EMM is unchanged from Revision 25 of the EMM.

(3) Where EASA AD 2023–0021 refers to its effective date, this AD requires using the effective date of this

(4) Where paragraph (3) of EASA AD 2023–0021 specifies revising “the approved AMP within 12 months
after the effective date of EASA AD 2023–0021,” replace that text with, “the ALS of the existing approved
engine maintenance or inspection program, as applicable, within 90 days after the effective date of this AD.”

(5) This AD does not require compliance with paragraphs (1), (2), (4), and (5) of EASA AD 2023–0021.

(6) This AD does not adopt the Remarks paragraph of EASA AD 2023–0021.

(i) Provisions for Alternative Actions and Intervals

After performing the actions required by paragraph (g) of this AD, no alternative actions and associated
thresholds and intervals, including life limits, are allowed unless they are approved as specified in the
provisions of the “Ref. Publications” section of EASA AD 2023–0021.

(j) Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs)

(1) The Manager, International Validation Branch, FAA, has the authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, if
requested using the procedures found in . In accordance with , send your request to your principal inspector
or local Flight Standards District Office, as appropriate. If sending information directly to the manager of the
International Validation Branch, send it to the attention of the person identified in paragraph (k) of this AD
and email to .

(2) Before using any approved AMOC, notify your appropriate principal inspector, or lacking a principal
inspector, the manager of the local flight standards district office/certificate holding district office.
(k) Additional Information
For more information about this AD, contact Barbara Caufield, Aviation Safety Engineer, FAA, 1600
Stewart Avenue, Suite 410, Westbury, NY 11590; phone: (781) 238–7146; email: .

(l) Material Incorporated by Reference

(1) The Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by reference of the service information
listed in this paragraph under and .

(2) You must use this service information as applicable to do the actions required by this AD, unless the AD
specifies otherwise.

(i) European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD 2023–0021, dated January 23, 2023.

(ii) [Reserved]

(3) For EASA AD 2023–0021, contact EASA, Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany; phone:
+49 221 8999 000; email: ; website: easa.europa.eu. You may find this EASA AD on the EASA website at

(4) You may view this service information at FAA, Airworthiness Products Section, Operational Safety
Branch, 1200 District Avenue, Burlington, MA 01803. For information on the availability of this material at
the FAA, call (817) 222–5110.

(5) You may view this material at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For
information on the availability of this material at NARA, visit .

Issued on January 17, 2024.

Victor Wicklund,

Deputy Director, Compliance & Airworthiness Division, Aircraft Certification Service.

[ Filed 1–22–24; 8:45 am]


The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:


The FAA amends §39.13 by adding the following new airworthiness directive:

2024–01–10Airbus SAS: Amendment 39–22661; Docket No. FAA–2024–0033; Project Identifier MCAI–

(a) Effective Date

This airworthiness directive (AD) is effective February 6, 2024.

(b) Affected ADs


(c) Applicability
This AD applies to all Airbus SAS airplanes identified in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this AD, certificated in
any category.

(1) Model A330–201, –202, –203, –223, –223F, –243, –243F, –301, –302, –303, –321, –322, –323, –341,
–342, –343, –841, and –941 airplanes.

(2) Model A340–541 and –642 airplanes.

(d) Subject
Air Transport Association (ATA) of America Code 28, Fuel.

(e) Unsafe Condition

This AD was prompted by a report of temporary loss of the flight director (FD) and autothrottle (A/THR) on
an airplane dispatched under the provisions of a master minimum equipment list (MMEL) item for fuel
quantity indication. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the loss of the autopilot (AP), FD, and A/THR
when those systems are required for navigation performance-authorization required (RNP–AR) takeoffs and
landings. The unsafe condition, if not addressed, could result in failure to maintain safe flight and landing.

(f) Compliance
Comply with this AD within the compliance times specified, unless already done.

(g) Requirements
Except as specified in paragraph (h) of this AD: Comply with all required actions and compliance times
specified in, and in accordance with, EASA AD 2023–0206, dated November 21, 2023 (EASA AD 2023–

(h) Exceptions to EASA AD 2023–0206

(1) Where EASA AD 2023–0206 refers to its effective date, this AD requires using the effective date of this

(2) Where paragraph (1) of EASA AD 2023–0206 specifies to “implement the instructions of the MMEL
update, on basis of which the applicable MEL of each affected aeroplane must be amended,” this AD
requires replacing those words with “revise the operator's existing FAA-approved MEL by incorporating the
information identified in “The MMEL update” as defined in EASA AD 2023–0206.”

(3) Where paragraph (1) of EASA AD 2023–0206 specifies “and, thereafter, operate the aeroplane(s)
accordingly,” this AD does not require that action as it is already required by an existing FAA operating
regulation (see ).

(4) Where paragraph (2) of EASA AD 2023–0206 specifies “the instructions of the MMEL update are
implemented for that aeroplane,” this AD requires replacing those words with “the operator's existing FAA-
approved MEL is revised by incorporating the information identified in “The MMEL update” as defined in
EASA AD 2023–0206.”

(5) Where paragraph (2) of EASA AD 2023–0206 specifies implementing the instructions of the MMEL
update before next flight after modifying a Group 2 airplane into a Group 1 airplane, this AD requires
accomplishing the MEL update within 30 days after the effective date of this AD, or before further flight
after accomplishing the modification, whichever occurs later.

(6) This AD does not adopt the “Remarks” section of EASA AD 2023–0206.

(i) Additional AD Provisions

The following provisions also apply to this AD:

(1) Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs): The Manager, International Validation Branch, FAA, has
the authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, if requested using the procedures found in . In accordance with
, send your request to your principal inspector or responsible Flight Standards Office, as appropriate. If
sending information directly to the manager of the International Validation Branch, mail it to the address
identified in paragraph (j) of this AD. Information may be emailed to: . Before using any approved AMOC,
notify your appropriate principal inspector, or lacking a principal inspector, the manager of the responsible
Flight Standards Office.

(2) Contacting the Manufacturer: For any requirement in this AD to obtain instructions from a manufacturer,
the instructions must be accomplished using a method approved by the Manager, International Validation
Branch, FAA; or EASA; or Airbus SAS's EASA Design Organization Approval (DOA). If approved by the
DOA, the approval must include the DOA-authorized signature.

(j) Additional Information

For more information about this AD, contact Vladimir A. Ulyanov, Aviation Safety Engineer, FAA, 1600
Stewart Avenue, Suite 410, Westbury, NY 11590; phone 206–231–3229; email .
(k) Material Incorporated by Reference
(1) The Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by reference (IBR) of the service
information listed in this paragraph under and .

(2) You must use this service information as applicable to do the actions required by this AD, unless this AD
specifies otherwise.

(i) European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD 2023–0206, dated November 21, 2023.

(ii) [Reserved]

(3) For EASA AD 2023–0206, contact EASA, Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany; phone
+49 221 8999 000; email ; website easa.europa.eu. You may find this EASA AD on the EASA website at ad.

(4) You may view this material at the FAA, Airworthiness Products Section, Operational Safety Branch,
2200 South 216th St., Des Moines, WA. For information on the availability of this material at the FAA, call

(5) You may view this material at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For
information on the availability of this material at NARA, visit , or email .

Issued on January 10, 2024.

Victor Wicklund,

Deputy Director, Compliance & Airworthiness Division, Aircraft Certification Service.

[ Filed 1–18–24; 11:15 am]


The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:


The FAA amends §39.13 by adding the following new airworthiness directive:

2024–02–51The Boeing Company: Amendment 39–22663; Docket No. FAA–2024–0032; Project

Identifier AD–2024–00021–T.

(a) Effective Date

The FAA issued Emergency Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2024–02–51 on January 6, 2024, directly to
affected owners and operators. As a result of such actual notice, the emergency AD was effective for those
owners and operators on the date it was provided. This AD contains the same requirements as that
emergency AD and, for those who did not receive actual notice, is effective on January 18, 2024.

(b) Affected ADs


(c) Applicability
This AD applies to The Boeing Company Model 737–9 airplanes, certificated in any category, with a mid
cabin door plug installed.

(d) Subject
Air Transport Association (ATA) of America Code 52, Doors.

(e) Unsafe Condition

This AD was prompted by a report of an in-flight departure of a mid cabin door plug, which resulted in a
rapid decompression of the airplane. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the potential in-flight loss of a
mid cabin door plug, which could result in injury to passengers and crew, the door impacting the airplane,
and/or loss of control of the airplane.

(f) Compliance
Comply with this AD within the compliance times specified, unless already done.

(g) Inspection or Other Action

As of the effective date of this AD, further flight is prohibited until the airplane is inspected and all
applicable corrective actions have been performed using a method approved by the Manager, AIR–520,
Continued Operational Safety Branch, FAA.
(h) Special Flight Permits
Special flight permits, as described in and , are allowed only for unpressurized flights.

(i) Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs)

(1) The Manager, AIR–520, Continued Operational Safety Branch, FAA, has the authority to approve
AMOCs for this AD, if requested using the procedures found in . In accordance with , send your request to
your principal inspector or local Flight Standards District Office, as appropriate. If sending information
directly to the manager of the certification office, send it to the attention of the person identified in paragraph
(j) of this AD. Information may be emailed to: .

(2) Before using any approved AMOC, notify your appropriate principal inspector, or lacking a principal
inspector, the manager of the local flight standards district office/certificate holding district office.

(3) An AMOC that provides an acceptable level of safety may be used for any repair, modification, or
alteration required by this AD if it is approved by The Boeing Company Organization Designation
Authorization (ODA) that has been authorized by the Manager, AIR–520, Continued Operational Safety
Branch, FAA, to make those findings. To be approved, the repair method, modification deviation, or
alteration deviation must meet the certification basis of the airplane, and the approval must specifically refer
to this AD.

(j) Related Information

For further information about this AD, contact Michael Linegang, Manager, Operational Safety Branch,
FAA; phone: 817–222–5390; email: .

(k) Material Incorporated by Reference


Issued on January 12, 2024.

Caitlin Locke,

Director, Compliance & Airworthiness Division, Aircraft Certification Service.

[ Filed 1–16–24; 2:00 pm]


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