Pronoun is part of the part of speech that is used to replace nouns such as
names of people, animals, and other nouns. And as we know that noun can be
replace by pronoun. So that there are no repetitions of nouns.
● Types of pronouns :
e. Reflexive Pronoun
Reflexive Pronoun use to refer back to the subject of the clause or sentence.
The reflexive pronouns are : Myself, Yourself, Yourselves, Themselves, Ourselves,
Herself, Himself, itself
For example :
- I do it by myself = Aku melakukannya dengan diriku sendiri
- She washed a clothes herself = Dia mencuci bajunya dengan dirinya sendiri
- We proud of ourselves = Kami bangga dengan diri kami sendiri
Look at this example :
a. Her mother bake a cake for birthday party
In this sentence above means that “Ibunya memanggang kue untuk pesta
ulang tahun” where “Her” is an example of possessive pronoun as an adjective
which states ownership which means it belongs to her women
b. Randy gave himself a new motorcycle as birthday present
In this sentence above means that “Randy memberikan dirinya sendiri motor
sebagai hadiah ulang tahun”. The word “Randy” and “himself” is the same person
so it explain something that is done to oneself.
2. It is ….. car
a. He
b. His
c. Him
d. She
e. You
Answer : B
Discussion : In this sentence it refers to a possessive pronoun as an adjective, because
it shows an adjective which expresses ownership which is the ownership of the
subject and in the word “car” becomes the object. Then, in option A, D, E which are
subject personal pronouns which are used as the subject of a sentence. Whereas in
option C it is an objective personal pronoun where “him” is supposed to be the object
being discussed and it is usually at the end of the sentence.