SSRN Id4711138
SSRN Id4711138
SSRN Id4711138
Victormills Iyieke1.2 , Hesamaldin Jadidbonab1 , Jeremy Bryans1 , Abdur Rakib1 , Don
Dhaliwal2 , Odysseas Kosmas 2
Centre for Future Transport and Cities, Coventry University, UK
January 17, 2024
The increase in Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) and Intelligence Transport Sys-
tems (ITSs) by OEMs has increased the requirement for modern vehicle sophistication comprising
various software capabilities and functionality embedded in over 100 ECUs in a vehicle. This has
led to the need for over-the-air (OTA) updates. OTA updates can be delivered wirelessly, elimi-
nating the need to bring vehicles to the garage for updates. This is more convenient for owners,
reduces costs for OEMs, and lowers greenhouse gas emissions. Researchers, Industrial partners,
and OEMs have developed several OTA technology standards, such as the Uptane framework,
Open Mobile Alliance Device Management (OMA-DM) , ISO 24089, and ISO 21434 standards.
However, the systematic implementation of security-by-design applying ISO 21434 in OTA sys-
tems is not well-known, and there remains a gap in this practice of security-by-design that the
automotive industry can adapt to ensure a systematic approach to secure OTA update technology.
OTA update security hinges on identifying vulnerability pathways for potential malicious attacks.
Therefore, identifying and mitigating potential vulnerabilities throughout the OTA update pro-
cess is critical for robust security. This paper proposes a secure OTA update technique with an
adaptable security-by-design approach built and extended from our work in Iyieke et al. (2023).
The adaptable security-by-design approach is then applied to a developed prototype OTA update
system based on the Uptane framework as implemented by Toradex. Security-by-design is a well-
established concept in enterprise systems, but it is still developing in the cyber-physical system of
automotive cybersecurity. Our proposed approach covers the security engineering lifecycle, logical
security layered concept, and security architecture. A threat analysis and risk assessment (TARA)
is conducted based on the international automotive cybersecurity standard ISO/SAE 21434. The
highest threats identified from the TARA are formalized, and corresponding mitigation actions
are defined according to UNECE WP29. Penetration testing is conducted to verify the approach’s
capability to reinforce the security of the OTA update systems against some of the identified risks
and threats. Our proposed approach provides a systematic, adaptable security-by-design approach
for ensuring secure OTA updates in modern vehicles; OEMs and other stakeholders can use it to
develop secure OTA systems regardless of the OTA framework used.
1 Introduction
In response to the growing demand, automotive Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are in-
creasingly focusing on automation, electrification, intelligence, and connectivity, which has led to an
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increase in the number of Electronics Control Units (ECUs) in modern vehicles. This demands a
detailed and careful design, with over 100 ECUs [26] and millions of lines of software code [27].In
order to implement the CAVs and ITSs that OEMs are currently focussing on, a sophisticated de-
sign is necessary. At the core of this design implementation is system security, as well as how well
these systems can be updated and maintained in a way that is most convenient and economical for
OEMs and customers. As a result, there have been a reasonable number of research publications
that address prevalent themes in the automotive industry, including Secure OTA Software Updates in
Connected Vehicles [26], SFOTA [42], EVITA [46], UniSUF[49], and security-by-design framework for
Autonomous Vehicles (AV) [2]. Thus, the need for Over Air update (OTA) technology, which refers
explicitly to wireless delivery of new software/ firmware upgrades to the onboard vehicle ECUs or
components to avoid the unnecessary, inconvenient, time-consuming update of the ECU software by
the traditional methods [4]. The OTA technology is categorised into Firmware Over-The-Air (FOTA),
which updates the microprograms in the ECUs or components and while the Software Over-The-Air
(SOTA) updates the software that runs in these ECUs or components as categorized by Kim and Park
[38]. In essence, OTA updates address feature update or upgrades remotely and fixes performance
issues, enhance users’ experience, and potentially increases the efficiency of the vehicle, and most im-
portantly, it is very cost-effective [43]. Hence, for this research, the term OTA technology would be
used interchangeably to cover the firmware/software of an ECU. Any reference to the core application
or calibration file within the ECU will be mentioned. The Automotive OTA Technology is primarily
separated into an Off-Board system and an On-board system, as shown in Figure 1
The Off-Board is the back-end (cloud server) aspect, and the On-Board is the ECUs or components
in the vehicle; when taking the entire entities in the automotive OTA update systems, they comprised
back-end, Vehicles, Mobile phones, Tier 1 suppliers of parts, Software Distribution, Vehicles Owners,
Service Centre, Insurance Company Enforcement and Law Personnel [24]. The OTA technology is
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divided into three distinct parts: generating the update, managing its distribution, and executing the
update within the vehicle. Each square block in the OTA system represents a function that is carried
out either in the Off-Board or On-Board segment.
The following subsections discuss important components, corresponding related work, and the
research gaps.
The On-board system of OTA Update comprises the various processes and implementation of OTA
update in the vehicle. The OTA update is carried out in various ECUs, like the infotainment and
sensors domain of the vehicle, as illustrated in Figure 2. For this research, the ECUs are classified as
OTA Master, and OTA Target ECUs [9].
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OTA updates follow a ‘download, install, activate’ process per Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) ter-
minology [10], but OTA target ECUs are not involved in the download step. The design of the systems
shall aim to isolate the download functionality from the OTA target ECUs but consider their require-
ments for installation and activation of software updates.
to the embedded system that makes up a vehicle’s building block is becoming the norm [35]. Data
resources are also virtualized and built as cloud services. The cloud platform is a key factor of the
OTA Off-Board System as it enables data and information to be processed and stored beyond the
vehicles, providing connectivity via a wireless communication system and enabling OEMs to carry out
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many more business services on the cloud, as shown in Figure 3. The backend servers, which reside
in the Off-board System of the OTA update technology, recognize the remote instance which delivers
the FOTA Image to be downloaded into the Vehicle (e.g., via 3G, 4G, 5G, Wifi, etc.).
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Figure 3: OTA offboard services.
1.3 Contribution.
Based on our work built and extended from [36], our contribution to this paper is a systematic, adapt-
able security-by-design approach for ensuring secure OTA updates in modern vehicles, and it is also
applicable to any relevant automotive systems. It covers the security engineering lifecycle, a process
that significantly improves the ad hoc security practices often used in the automotive industry. A
novel approach known as the ”logical security layered concept” has been developed based on a mod-
ification of UNECE WP29 regulation, demonstrating a practical application in real-world scenarios.
Also, our approach, which uses penetration testing in addition to threat analysis and risk assessment
(TARA), effectively mitigates real-world security threats. Furthermore, we identified gaps in the au-
tomotive industry’s security-by-design practice for relevant systems; we suggested and implemented
our methodology to address the identified weakness in an OTA update system use case; and finally,
we argue that any relevant automotive system, in this case OTA systems, can use our approach to
and secure OTA update. Section 3 Design process and methodology, guided by ISO/SAE 21434 and
UNECE WP.29 (R155) for an adaptable security-by-design for OTA update security (includes life-
cycle, architecture). Section 4 describes the implementation of our approach, while Section 5 shows
various cybersecurity activities in consideration. Section 6 Threat formalization and mitigation, and
Section 7 presents the verification, in addition, discussion and result, and finally, Section 8 gives a
summary of the paper while highlighting areas of future work for expansion and improvement.
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2 Background
In this section, we review the state of the art of security-by-design and secured OTA updates within
the automotive industry.
2.1 Security-by-design
Building upon the Security-by-Design principles outlined in our work [36], this section highlights the
critical role of systematic, life-cycle security integration for robust automotive OTA updates. This
necessitates a meticulous examination of security characteristics throughout the system’s design and
development [19]. Such scrutiny fosters robust and resilient systems against threats, hazards, and
disruptions [19]. Expanding on this, [45] emphasises the inherent synergy between this approach and
systematically implementing processes across the entire development life cycle, encompassing pre- and
post-development activities. This includes thorough system testing to validate implemented security
controls and identify vulnerabilities [33], [45]. Therefore, [51] argues that the effectiveness of improving
security practices is maximized when considered from the very inception of the development process.
Consequently, Security-by-Design advocates for implementing proactive measures against known and
unknown threats, employing a ”secure-by-default” model in hardware design, software configuration,
and access policies. It necessitates embedding security as a core facet of system design, leveraging
both trusted hardware and rigorous software assurance processes. Taking software assurance as an
example, this entails comprehensive threat analysis, iterative code review, and adaptable countermea-
sures designed into the system architecture. Rigorous security testing then validates these measures,
solidifying security-by-design as a holistic principle and discipline within system engineering [33], [45].
This focus on life-cycle integration has led to the emergence of several Secure Development Life Cycles
(SDLs) built upon the Security-by-Design approach. OWASP [22], Open SAMM, Cisco SDL, and
Microsoft SDL are prominent examples [37]. These frameworks all incorporate threat modeling at the
development outset and ongoing security assessments throughout the process, bolstering the resilience
of OTA updates against diverse threats. [36]
Mahmud et al. [40], [40] discussed and proposed a secured architecture for solution for software updates
taking into consideration some precondition (i.e., the availability of multiple copies of updates being
sent) to ensure secure software updates. Multiple copies, on the other hand, are not feasible and
incur a number of infrastructural limitations, and this proposal does not cover automotive on-board
networks, where domains are customarily subdivided. In [41], [42] proposed a lightweight protocol and
verification for secured firmware updates over the air in SFOTA. During the firmware update process
of the SFOTA protocol, many characteristics are enforced (i.e., data integrity, data confidentiality,
and data freshness). However, in order to guarantee secured software updates, their technique relies
on strongly enforced assumptions: vehicle authentication is not taken into account, keys are expected
to be maintained securely, and their methods employ a single encryption key for all the ECUs in
the vehicle. Moreover, their proposed approach makes no explicit implementation platform (OTA
Master) requirements. In [41], key management for secured OTA update was discussed using the
multicast method to update the software on several ECUs. However, the methods still did not address
implementation platform (OTA Master) requirements. Bar-El [23] presented a software-based solution,
which are purely low-level application security functions that are detached from the hardware itself by
focusing on a framework that consists of a logical toolbox - a set of logical modules that offer security
functionality for automotive applications and are deployed in a range of embodiments (e.g., controllers).
The logical toolbox and enablers, which are low-level and application-level security operations in [23],
support a variety of onboard automotive use cases. Nevertheless, it kept the critical link to the
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the automotive OTA in a holistic and systematic manner as in the case of a web-based application
where a security-by-design systematic standardise approach is lead down by OWASP [21]. A robust
Adaptable Security-by-design approach for ensuring a [36] secure OTA update through the application
of ISO/SAE 21434 in modern vehicles that covers all aspects of the OTA Offboard systems and the
On-board systems (secure communication, data protection, and tamper-proof secure execution for
safety-critical component) is therefore imperative.
3 Design Process and Methodology
The international automotive cybersecurity standards ISO/SAE 21434 and UNECE/TRANS/WP.
29/2020/79 (R155) serves as general guidelines for our design process, which we refer to as our method-
ology. It is described in detail below and offers an adaptable security-by-design approach to ensure a
secure OTA update in modern vehicles [36].
3.1 Security Engineering Life-cycle
In line with the emphasis of our previous work on [36], our approach prioritises integrating security
activities into the early phases of the OTA development life cycle, as advocated by [29]. This initial
step forms the foundation of our methodology for tailoring a secure OTA update system for modern
vehicles. Integrating security entails applying ISO/SAE 21434 guidelines, encompassing aspects like
Organizational cybersecurity management, Project-dependent cybersecurity management, and contin-
uous cybersecurity activities throughout the Concept, Production development, and Post-development
phases [8]. This includes diverse subactivities within each primary stage, such as Product development,
Cybersecurity requirement and architectural design, and cybersecurity integration and validation [8].
To comprehensively embed cybersecurity in the OTA update design and development from the very
beginning, we leverage a well-defined and structured automotive cybersecurity engineering process.
This paper specifically focuses on the Concept and Product development phases of the security engi-
neering life cycle to minimise the risk of successful cyberattacks on the modern vehicle’s OTA update
system. Our approach commences in the Concept phase, incorporating systems security engineering by
prioritizing security considerations right from the outset when defining the OTA system’s requirements
[3]. Figure 4 illustrates our simplified approach for the OTA system, adhering to the Concept and
Product development phase steps outlined in [8]. It showcases the two primary phases – Concept and
Product development – around which cybersecurity considerations and the design of the OTA system
revolve. These activities are briefly summarized in Figure 4 below.
Figure 5 highlights our initial step: assessing cybersecurity relevance as noted in [36]. This crucial
checkpoint prevents unnecessary effort by pinpointing which OTA update systems actually require
dedicated cybersecurity activities. As [8] emphasises, an initial study for cybersecurity planning is
crucial to determine if a vehicle and its connected systems warrant cybersecurity considerations. Not
every component falls under this umbrella. Only features and details within or around the vehicle,
including aftersales and servicing parts, are deemed cybersecurity-relevant according to [8]. Therefore,
our relevance evaluation is built into the early stages of OTA development to ensure the proper appli-
cation of standard-mandated cybersecurity activities. While the standard lacks a prescribed method
for assessing relevance, our process, outlined as a decision tree in Figure 5, offers a clear path forward.
Once we establish cybersecurity relevance through the decision tree, our design process unfolds
Once we determine that the OTA is cybersecurity relevant based on the questions in the decision
tree, our design process is applied.
Though the concept phase precedes product development for OTA updates, its insights shape all subse-
quent stages. Customer needs typically drive the initial concept, focusing on shielding against potential
threats and cyberattacks that could compromise vehicle functions or data. Although we anticipate
some potential threat scenarios, accurately predicting future attacker motivations and capabilities re-
mains elusive. Thus, to navigate this challenge, we seek answers to critical questions: where and how
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Figure 4: Our cybersecurity activities for OTA update [36]
might the update be vulnerable, what damage could threats inflict, and how can we manage potential
impacts? These crucial inquiries are addressed through the cybersecurity risk assessment outlined in
Figure 4, point 3 (see also [8] ). This assessment begins by defining the subject of investigation (item
and relevant assets), followed by stipulating cybersecurity goals – high-level requirements based on
identified risks, explored in detail later. To mitigate an item’s risk, we prescribe cybersecurity require-
ments for its implementation. Conversely, cybersecurity claims articulate the rationale behind these
risk-treatment measures. [36]
identifying and listing all relevant information, including the OTA update technology’s constituent
subsystems (offboard and onboard systems), all interfaces, and their function within the E/E system
architecture. Importantly, [8] leaves the specific solution for item definition open, focusing instead on
defining items at the vehicle level and their interfaces [36].
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Figure 5: Decision tree for checking of cybersecurity relevance in OTA update [36]
description to inform comprehensive cybersecurity risk assessments. These assessments, in turn, guide
subsequent analytical activities, ensuring that cybersecurity design decisions for the OTA update prior-
itize the most significant threats. This risk-based approach avoids overreacting to low-impact threats,
preventing over-engineering and resource waste. While delving deeper into risk assessment methodolo-
gies like TARA lies beyond the scope of this paragraph, Section 4 will provide a detailed explanation.
For now, Figure 6 visually illustrates the interplay between our OTA update definitions, cybersecurity
Cybersecurity Goals: The cybersecurity goals produced in Figure 5 meticulously align with the
requirements outlined in Table 2. These goals serve to directly address potential damage scenarios
stemming from specific threats or attack vectors [36].
SAE J3061 ([3]) highlights a key point: when set for high-risk attacks, cybersecurity goals can
sometimes directly oppose the potential threat’s desired outcome. Imagine a Denial-of-Service (DoS)
attack targeting the OTA Master in the vehicle, disrupting communication with the cloud backend
server. The cybersecurity goal for such a scenario would be to prevent or minimize the likelihood of
this DoS attack, essentially negating the attacker’s objective. The following sections will delve deeper
Cybersecurity Claims: A cybersecurity claim acts as a statement regarding a risk, providing jus-
tification for either accepting or sharing it based on risk assessment findings. However, claims are
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Figure 6: Cybersecurity activities
[RQ-09-03] An analysis based on the item definition shall be performed that involves
a) asset identification per 15.3;
shall be specified.
[RQ-09-07] A verification shall be performed to confirm:
a) correctness and completeness of the result of [RQ-09-03] with respect to the
item definition;
b) completeness, correctness, and consistency of the risk treatment decisions
specifically mandated for risks involving controls outside the OTA system itself, demanding further
action. These situations arise when Implementing cybersecurity controls demonstrably reduces the
risk to an acceptable level. For example, OTA systems employ a robust cryptographic algorithm on
data and control flows between onboard and offboard systems. Transferring the risk based on justified
reasoning that its inherent impact or damage is deemed acceptable. Table 2, specifically requirement
number [RQ-09-06] with emphasis on part b), emphasizes the need to consider cybersecurity claims,
as outlined in [32]. These claims require ongoing monitoring, suggesting the valuable practice of main-
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taining a dedicated list. This list may initially have minimal entries at the development outset, but
should be regularly updated and enriched with new claims generated throughout the product’s lifecycle
assigned to various parts of an initial architectural design. The standard defines the cybersecurity
concept as a process that seamlessly integrates defined goals, stemming from component-specific re-
quirements, into a single entity encompassing: the complete Item definition, the Threat Analysis and
Risk Assessment (TARA), overall goals, and specific claims. This unified entity represents the nec-
essary prerequisites that must be readily available before embarking on any design or development
activities. As shown in Figure 7, our OTA cybersecurity concept outlines the specific prerequisites
demanded by the [8] guidelines. [36]
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Furthermore, the culmination of this process seamlessly blends inputs from the item definition, the
TARA, and the overarching cybersecurity goals into a unified, high-level strategy for securing the OTA
system. This holistic approach is crucial because the current standard, beyond outlining the high-level
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Table 3: Cybersecurity concept requirement [8], [36]
Cybersecurity concept Section 9.5.2
[RQ-09-08] Technical and/or operational cybersecurity controls
and their interactions to achieve the cybersecurity goals shall
be described,taking into account:
a) dependencies between the functions of the item; and/or
b) cybersecurity claims.
[RQ-09-09] Cybersecurity requirements of the item and
requirements on the operational environment shall be defined for the
cybersecurity goals in accordance with the description of [RQ-09-08].
[RQ-09-10] The cybersecurity requirements shall be allocated to the
item and if applicable to one or more of its components
RQ-09-06] If the risk treatment decision for a threat scenario includes:
a) sharing the risk; or
b) retaining the risk due to one or more assumptions used during the analysis
of [RQ-09-03], then one or more corresponding cybersecurity claims
shall be specified.
[RQ-09-11] The results of [RQ-09-08], [RQ-09-09] and [RQ-09-10] shall be
verified to confirm:
a) completeness, correctness, and consistency concerning cybersecurity goals; and
b) consistency concerning cybersecurity claims.
• Distribution of cybersecurity requirements to elements or components of the OTA Systems, etc
includes assessing the performance of the OTA system for any issues that may arise as a result of the
implementation of security controls, which are intended to reduce the risks of the threats. [36]
As extended from our works in [36], our ”logical security layered concept” forms a key security control
mechanism. It deconstructs threats, vulnerabilities, and attack methods according to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/79
(R155) [11]. Based on the identified threat type, security controls are implemented in distinct system
areas, akin to layers or levels. Annex 5 of R155 categorizes threats through this layered decompo-
sition, assigning specific areas of impact and corresponding controls to mitigate those threats across
different security layers. These layers encompass the vehicle itself, its external environment, IT back-
end, communication channels, interfaces, and more. Figure 8 visually depicts this concept, though
it’s important to note that R155 doesn’t dictate specific implementation methods for cybersecurity
controls. Instead, it sets requirements for mitigating identified threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks.
Part A of the R155 annex establishes the baseline for these elements, while Part B prescribes threat
mitigation specific to vehicle types, and Part C focuses on mitigating threats outside the vehicle, such
as in the IT backend [UNECE79]. Figure 8 further illustrates the logical security layered concept and
the diverse security controls within each layer. These controls address threats, vulnerabilities, and
attacks targeting the system and its boundaries, showcasing a comprehensive end-to-end cybersecurity
While each of the seven cybersecurity layers tackles distinct security aspects, the nature of OTA
updates spans multiple layers’ functionalities. However, covering every single area isn’t the objective
of our adaptable security-by-design approach for secure OTA updates. The following section highlights
the relevant logical security layers crucial for deploying secured OTA updates in vehicles.
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Figure 8: Logical security layered concept adapted from (R155) [36]
3.2.1 Product Development
Figure 4 showcase the subsequent phase: product development, where the OTA system itself occupies
the product spotlight. This stage encompasses the comprehensive product architecture, complete with
defining specifications, interfaces, and subsystems. It considers all elements involved in enabling OTA
updates, including the off-board backend service, the on-board system, and its supporting subsystems.
Furthermore, this phase hosts the development process’s critical final step, formalizing its completion.
As noted by [36], organizations must guarantee that during development, all crucial needs are com-
prehensively addressed, including those related to cybersecurity and those relevant to the product’s
subsequent life-cycle stages, such as manufacturing, operation, and decommissioning. Given the au-
tomotive industry’s specific nature, its tiered supplier network utilizes internal processes for product
development management. Therefore, this paper focuses on two primary aspects that define the spec-
ification of cybersecurity requirements and architectural design activities applicable to any business
undertaking the product development phase. Figure 9 depicts a V-model-based workflow illustrating
the application of OTA technology development activities within this framework. The cybersecurity
requirements specification aligns with the V-model’s left side, while the architectural design occupies
the right side. While alternative development strategies, such as agile software development, might
diverge from the V-model, organizations can adapt it to their specific needs. Regardless of individual
customization during the product development phase, the fundamental objective still adheres to the
standardized requirement for activities surrounding cybersecurity requirements specification, integra-
tion, and verification.
integration process, this refinement may occasionally necessitate some overlap in the workflow. As
mandated by the relevant standard, Table 4 details the high-level cybersecurity specification activities
for this ongoing refinement [36]. Regardless of the level of abstraction, three key elements guide the
formulation and continuous improvement of cybersecurity requirements [5];
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Figure 9: The V-model adapted from ISO/SAE 21434 [36]
• Cybersecurity requirements cascaded from higher levels of architectural abstraction: These in-
form the specific needs at the current level;
• Selection of applicable cybersecurity controls for implementation: The chosen controls should
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Table 4: Product development requirement [8], [?]
Product development Section 10.4.1
[RQ-10-01] Cybersecurity specifications shall be defined based on:
a) cybersecurity specifications from higher levels of architectural abstraction;
b) cybersecurity controls selected for implementation, if applicable; and
c) existing architectural design, if applicable.
RQ-10-02] The defined cybersecurity requirements shall be allocated
to architectural design components.
[RQ-10-03] Procedures to ensure cybersecurity after the development of
the component shall be specified, if applicable.
[RQ-10-04] If design, modeling, or programming notations or languages
are used for the cybersecurity specifications or their implementation,
the following shall be considered when selecting such a notation or language:
a) an unambiguous and comprehensible definition in both syntax and semantics;
b) support for the achievement of modularity, abstraction, and encapsulation;
c) support for the use of structured constructs;
d) support for the use of secure design and implementation techniques;
e) ability to integrate already existing components; and
f) resilience of the language against vulnerabilities due to its improper use.
[RQ-10-05] Criteria (see [RQ-10-04]) for suitable design, modeling, or
programming languages for cybersecurity that are not addressed by the language
itself shall be covered by design, modeling, and coding guidelines or by
the development environment.
RC-10-06] Established and trusted design and implementation principles should
be applied to avoid or minimize the introduction of weaknesses
RQ-10-07] The architectural design defined in [RQ-10-01] shall be
analysed to identify weaknesses.
RQ-10-08] The defined cybersecurity specifications shall be verified to ensure
Cybersecurity Integration and Verification Activities: Driving towards a secure OTA system,
our approach focuses on progressively building and integrating components into increasingly complex
”architectural abstractions,” culminating in the complete vehicle. This mirrors the right leg of the
V-model development process. Every step demands rigorous validation to ensure compliance with
defined cybersecurity standards, design specifications, and established security objectives. Table 5
outlines a high-level requirement encompassing both integration and verification activities for this cru-
cial stage. Furthermore, to guarantee the overall reliability and completeness of the OTA update, all
specification requirements and architectural design elements established during product development
must be seamlessly integrated and verified. This encompasses the entire OTA system architecture,
including subsystems, cloud services (off-board backend), and onboard OTA master. Integration, in-
volving both physical and functional merging of components, is accompanied by dedicated integration
testing. Cybersecurity considerations permeate this entire process. Additionally, comprehensive verifi-
cation procedures are implemented to confirm that the design is faithfully translated into a compliant
integrated system. Verification, beyond checking correct implementation, involves developing detailed
verification specifications and outlining intended test cases and anticipated outcomes, as emphasized
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Table 5: Integration and verification requirement [8], [36]
Integration and verification section 10.4.2
[RQ-10-09] Integration and verification activities shall verify that the
implementation and integration of components fulfill the defined cybersecurity
[RQ-10-10] The integration and verification activities of [RQ-10-09] shall be
specified considering:
a) the defined cybersecurity specifications;
b) configurations intended for series production, if applicable;
c) sufficient capability to support the functionality specified in the defined
cybersecurity specifications; and
e) conformity with the modeling, design, and coding guidelines of [RQ-10-05],
if applicable.
[RQ-10-11] If verification by testing is adopted, test coverage shall be
evaluated using defined test coverage metrics to determine the sufficiency of the test
RQ-09-06] Testing should be performed to confirm that unidentified
weaknesses and vulnerabilities remaining in the component are minimized.
[RQ-10-13] If testing in accordance with [RC-10-12] is not performed,
then a rationale shall be provided
Our initial consideration delves into system-level architecture, setting the foundation for the intricate
security architecture of the OTA update. We pose the fundamental question: How do we establish the
high-level framework for our OTA update, serving as the initial input for implementing our adaptable
security-by-design approach and ensuring secure automotive OTA updates?. Examining existing frame-
works [36], we observe that an illustrative systems-level architecture should encompass both logical and
physical data flows, as depicted in the operational environment of the OTA update shown in Figure 10.
To provide valuable input for subsequent cybersecurity development phases, the defined architecture
must comprehensively address control and data flows within its internal components, along with data
exchanges both internally and across the system boundaries. Building upon this premise, our OTA
update’s systems-level architecture leverages the Systems Modeling Language (SYSML). This robust
modeling language offers the versatility to specify, analyze, design, and verify complex systems, mak-
ing it ideal for crafting the foundation of our adaptable security-by-design approach. It is a Unified
Modeling Language (UML) profile that adds features for modeling systems [34]. Figure 10 shows an
illustrative block definition diagram of a systems-level architecture based on Torizon platform that
is based on the Uptane standards for automotive OTA updates generated from the above question.
The architecture on that Figure is illustrative of the Torizon platform relevant components based on
the Uptane framework [15],[39]. Even though the systems-level architecture diagram is illustrative,
it is sufficient for us to use in demonstrating our proposed approach as it includes physical hardware
OTA update components (Yavia carrier board embedded with Verdin iMX8M, Ethernet network with
DHCP, Host Machine laptop, keyboard, and Mouse, HMI monitor, and cables. The illustrative High-
level system architecture in the form of a block definition diagram of the Torizon OTA system, which
includes the following entities:
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4.1.1 Operational Environment
This is the environment in which the OTA update system will be deployed. It includes the device that
represents the vehicle ECU (carrier board embedded with NXP i.MX 8M Plue Computer on Module
Verdin iMX8M Plus), the network, The Host Machine, and the Torizon cloud.
Torizon Cloud is a cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that seamlessly integrates with
Torizon OS (formerly TorizonCore) and the development tools TorizonCore Builder and Torizon IDE
Extension, enabling a streamlined development and maintenance workflow.
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Figure 10: Illustrative High-level System Architecture
It implements a centralized update management system to ensure secure and reliable updates of
the Operating System (OS), Applications, and Bootloader. It also leverages synchronous updates to
streamline the update process, handling both the OS and applications as a single component and
also automating update triggers to initiate deployments whenever new updates become available. It
incorporates a safe mechanism to roll back automatically to the last working version of the OS or
application in case of an update failure, and finally, it employs update-blocking capabilities to prevent
application-initiated updates, ensuring uninterrupted operation of critical applications, among many
other capabilities not relevant to OTA update. The main components of Torizon Cloud are [14]:
• Torizon Cloud Web UI: The Torizon Cloud Web UI serves as a user-friendly interface for managing
your account, software, devices, fleets, and update information. It provides a centralized platform
for overseeing your entire IoT infrastructure.
• Torizon Cloud Servers: These servers host all the critical information about your devices, software
packages, updates, and security metadata. This includes encryption signing keys for quick-
starting purposes, allowing for rapid deployment of IoT devices. You can also maintain this
for interacting with Torizon Cloud features. It enables you to seamlessly integrate Torizon Cloud
with your own cloud solution, offering greater flexibility and a seamless end-user experience.
• Your Container Registry: Torizon builds and stores information about your packages, but you
have the flexibility to host your application images in the container registry solution that best
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suits your needs. This allows you to customize your IoT deployment according to your specific
4.1.3 Carrier Board (On-board or Vehicle Device/ ECU)
The carrier board in the high-level system architecture is a Yavia board embedded with a NXP
i.MX 8M Plue Computer on Module Verdin iMX8M Plus(SoM). The Yavia board is designed to
facilitate the application of software development; it offers a compact and user-friendly platform
for accessing the most prevalent features of the Verdin family With seamless compatibility with
both existing and forthcoming Verdin SoMs, which in our case is the Verdin iMX8M Plus.
The Yavia carrier board stands as a versatile and future-proof solution for embedded systems
development, enabling various connectivity such as USB 3.x, Gigabit Ethernet, HDMI, MIPI
CSI or PCIe, etc. For more detail see [20]. The embedded SoM (System on Module) Verdin
iMX8MP to the Yavia carrier board is powered by the NXP i.MX 8M Plus family of embedded
processors. The i.MX 8M Plus family comprises three variants: i.MX 8M Plus Quad, i.MX
8M Plus QuadLite, and i.MX 8M Plus Dual. The top-of-the-line i.MX 8M Plus Quad features
four Arm® Cortex®-A53 cores as its primary processor cluster. These cores provide full 64-bit
Arm®v8-A support while maintaining seamless backward compatibility with 32-bit Arm®v7-A
software. The main cores operate at up to 1.8 GHz for commercial-grade products and 1.6 GHz
for industrial-temperature-range products. The Verdin iMX8M Plus caters to a diverse range of
applications, including Industrial Automation, Medical, Transportation, Smart Cities, Test and
Measurement, and many more. The module offers a comprehensive suite of interfaces, ranging
from basic GPIOs to industry-standard I2C, SPI, CAN-FD, and UART buses, along with PCI
Express interfaces. The Verdin iMX8M Plus module features an integrated Gigabit Ethernet
PHY with Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) and IEEE1588 support. For further details see [1].
These both form the Hardware of the system that receives and installs the OTA updates.
4.1.4 Host Machine
The Host machine is used for hosting Torizon development tools, such as TorizonCore Builder
tool that allows the easy generation of a custom image of Torizon OS with device configuration
changes, a custom device tree and overlays, pre-provisioned containers, external kernel modules,
and the Torizon IDE Extension 2. This final image can then be deployed to the carrier board
using SSH, Toradex Easy Installer, or Torizon Cloud updates features. The tool is designed to
be used in production programming and on development as well. See [7] for more details. Each
element within the presented high-level system architecture, composed of software, hardware,
and interface components, will be individually explored and evaluated in the next section. This
analysis aims to identify potential candidate assets within the broader architecture, serving as
foundational building blocks for constructing the upcoming security architecture.. The system is
divided into three main parts: the off-board system, the on-board system, and the host machine,
all of which enable the OTA update.
tions and operating systems on Torizon OS devices. This feature is built on the OSTree and
Aktualizr technology stack. See [16]. Torizon remote update features allows the below to be
– Safely update the operating system and applications on connected devices.
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4.2.1 OTA Update Limitation
Our scope in this paper is to utilise the Torison platform to update the application of our
connected device (Yavia carrier board embedded with Verdin iMX8M Plues SoM). Obviously,
the focus of our methodology is not on implementing the various types of OTA updates that
can be carried out in embedded IoT’s devices, such as the Bootloader, Operating Systems,
Applications files, Calibrations and Configuration files etc. But rather we are showing the OTA
update on the application files of our device so as to enable the implementation of our adaptable
security-by-design approach for ensuring a secure OTA for modern vehicles. The device (Yavia
carrier board embedded with Verdin iMX8M Plues SoM) application that is updated via OTA
is taken to be an ECU within the on-board vehicle system; in the case of the Uptane Standard,
this is the Primary ECU, and for the OMA-DM protocol, this is the OTA master (TCU). For
this paper, we are only limited to updating the OTA master or Primary ECU.
4.2.2 Prerequisites for Updating Our Device
In order to perform remote updates on our device, the following are required;
– Deploy Applications to a Container Using a Torizon Pre-built Image. Torizon has suggested
two options to proceed with the application update. The first option is to use a Pre-built
Image to deploy the applications to a Container by pulling a Toradex container image from
the server via the device terminal. However, the modifications made to applications updates
within the container will not persist after the container is shut down. Hence, our choice of
the second option of building our application image as the pre-built application image is
suitable for troubleshooting or testing purposes but not for long-term development projects.
– Deploy Application in a Container Using our Custom-built Image. For this part, we carried
out the following steps illustrated in Figure 11, and for detailed steps, see [6]
TorizonCore Builder, we generated a custom image for our Yavia carrier board embedded with
our Verdin iMX8M Plus (SoM), and also flashed onto the SoM using the Toradex Easy Installer
through SSH, as well as pushing to the Torizon Cloud for deploying it remotely. See [18] for
more details. We registered an account with Torizon cloud in order to activate and configure
our Yavia carrier board embedded with Verdin iMX8MP. The provisioning of our device is done
in the off-board/ backend Torizon cloud by running a command that is provided in the cloud
on our Yavia carrier board embedded with Verdin iMX8MP. Torizon remote updates are the
recommended method for Over-the-Air updates using Torizon OS, which is built with OSTree
and Aktualizr together, forming the foundation for OTA update capabilities our device. [17].
The file is downloaded from your Torizon Plattform account section.
The creation of our Torizon application update package was done with our TorizonCore Builder
as detailed above and also the pushing of the application to a docker registry, so our device can
download it, although this could be done from the web UI or an IDE with an Extension for
Following the provisioning of our device in the Torizon cloud, our device is now visible for
selection, so we choose the application packages to be updated in a single device; this can also
be done in an entire fleet. As we initiate the update, four steps are required, starting with the
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Figure 11: Deploy Application in a Container Using Custom-built Image
selection of components and available update packages (including my uploaded built package),
a summary of the selection of the update package, and finally, the fourth step, the result. Our
target device or the devices in a fleet will have a new update to process when it goes online and
reaches the Torizon Cloud.
Our provisioned Yavia carrier board embedded with Verdin iMX8M will periodically search for
newly available instructions and update packages on the server, and the next time our provisioned
device for updates goes online it will download, validate, and deploy the update.
Defining the security architecture of our OTA update hinges on a crucial question: how do we
assign cybersecurity requirements to various system elements (subsystems, components, and in-
terfaces) within our overall design? To answer this, we first need to confirm the OTA update’s
cybersecurity relevance, addressed in the earlier design process (Figure 5) and detailed in our
prior work [36]. A decision flowchart in the concept phase guides this determination. Only for
cyber-relevant systems do cybersecurity specifications become necessary. These specifications
must include interface details between sub-components, ensuring fulfillment of defined cyber-
security requirements (static and dynamic) through their usage. Architecture modeling tools
like Enterprise Architect [12] or dedicated relationship matrices can facilitate this requirement
allocation to the architectural model. Linking requirements to architecture aligns not only with
ISO/SAE 21434 but also represents current best practices in both systems engineering and the
automotive industry.
Furthermore, the high-level systems architecture diagram for OTA updates (Figure 10) mirrors
the illustration provided in Annex H of ISO/SAE 21434 [8]. Key points to note include:
This preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at:
– Item boundary (See Figure 10),
– Item functions- Functional overview of the item: OTA updates are a way to remotely update
the software in a vehicle. This can be done over a cellular network, Wi-Fi, or other wireless
network. OTA updates allow automakers to deliver new features and bug fixes to vehicles
without requiring the owner to take the vehicle to a dealership. The functional overview of
automotive OTA updates includes:
∗ The vehicle (Device)/ backend checks for updates. The vehicle/backend will periodically
(every 5 minutes) check for updates from the automaker’s server (Torizon Cloud). This
can be done when the vehicle is connected to an Ethernet, cellular network, Wi-Fi, or
other wireless network.
∗ The vehicle downloads the update. If there is an update available, the vehicle will
download it from the automaker’s server. The update is typically downloaded to a
temporary storage area in the vehicle’s memory.
∗ The vehicle installs the update. Once the update has been downloaded, the vehicle will
install it. This process may take a few minutes.
∗ The vehicle activates the update by reboots. Once the update has been installed, the
vehicle will activate the updates by reboot. This is necessary to ensure that the new
software is properly loaded.
– Illustrative High-level System Architecture (see Figure 10).
Enterprise Architecture, to guide the development of the OTA update security architecture. De-
veloped collaboratively by the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and Lieber Group, Threat-
Get caters specifically to the automotive sector [36]. Threatget modelling is based on two com-
ponents [50]. The first component is called the System Model; in our case, this is the Security
Architecture shown in Figure 12. The system model contains an abstract representation of the
system under consideration. Looking at the depicted security architecture, two systems are
identified as item boundaries: the Torizon Cloud and the carrier board in a boundary block,
and within this, these systems contained the various elements (Web UI, Server, API, Container
registry, OSTree Repository) interface, connectors, ports and asset that form the operation en-
vironment or Operational design domain (ODD). Apart from the two blocks of systems, we have
the Host machine as well as instances (Ethernet, UART, HMI display to the device etc.) of data
transfer that can be seen in the depicted security architecture of the OTA update. Finally, within
the OTA security architecture are five Assets (based on Confidentiality, Integrity and Availabil-
ity) of the cybersecurity attributes and impact categories of (Privacy, Safety, Operational and
Financial) that determine the part of the system that is vital to be protected based on the form
of value to the system [36]. The Illustrative High-level System Architecture, shown in Figure 10,
has been converted using the Threatget plugin in the Enterprise Architect modelling tool. This is
then modeled into a system model (security architecture) using the ThreatGet analysis language
based on five patterns (Element, Asset, Connector, Interface or Flow), each referring to one of the
diagram components. The language is designed to be modular and extensible. This means that
the language can be easily modified to add new features or to accommodate new requirements.
The language structure is inspired by the data format JSON, which is a popular and well-known
format. This makes the language easy to read and write, and it also makes it easy to integrate
with other systems that use JSON [50].Building upon the design process outlined previously
above and in [36], the security architecture depicted in Figure 12 emerges directly from the item
definition stage of the concept phase, informed by our prior cybersecurity relevance assessment.
However, to effectively conduct a cybersecurity risk assessment for the OTA update system, a key
question remains: how can we develop a standardized Threat Assessment and Risk Assessment
(TARA) framework suitable for automated, efficient, and scalable deployments, supporting the
security-by-design approach for a specific system like the Uptane OTA update?
The answer to the above question is based on the analysis of using the second component in
ThreatGet called Threat Model. The threat model represents a knowledge base of known vul-
nerabilities and threat scenarios, including their exploitation techniques and methods[50]. This
threat model analysis leverages the STRIDE mnemonic, a framework devised by Microsoft for
This preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at:
Figure 12: Security Architecture
identifying potential threats by categorizing them into six distinct classes. STRIDE stands for
Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information disclosure, Denial of Service, and Elevation of
Privilege. These categories represent fundamental attack methods that can be applied to var-
ious systems, including the one under examination. By exploring how each STRIDE category
might translate into specific threat scenarios relevant to our context (see [32]), we can anticipate
and mitigate potential security vulnerabilities. The threat model is based on a set of rules that
are specified using a Domain-Specific Language. The rule consists of a title, a description, an
assigned threat type, an impact estimation, a likelihood estimation, and, most importantly, the
so-called Pattern [50]. The principle of THREATGET is based on the automatic comparison of
system model (which is generated from the system-level architecture) and the Threat model [50].
See Figure 13 below for the risk assessment process, which shows the different aspects that need
to be taken into consideration in answering the above question.
Pinpointing a system’s critical cybersecurity assets is the core of asset identification. Components
or parts become assets when their loss significantly impacts stakeholders, be it operationally,
financially, or in terms of safety or privacy. Each such asset, as Cyres notes, inherently possesses
at least one cybersecurity attribute like confidentiality, integrity, or availability [5]. Moreover,
[8] mandates damage scenario creation in the asset identification phase (requirement RQ-15-
01), emphasising the need to identify assets whose compromised cybersecurity properties could
materialize into detrimental consequences (RQ-15-02).
While analyzing damage scenarios helps us understand the negative consequences of compromised
assets, it doesn’t directly compare their relative severity. This necessitates returning to the core
objective of risk assessment, as [5] emphasises. To achieve an unbiased evaluation of harm, an
impact assessment rating system (impact rating method) becomes crucial. Unlike asset and
threat scenario identification, [8] offers a specific approach for impact assessment, outlined in
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Figure 13: A process of risk assessment according to [8], [36]
for road users in the impact categories of safety, financial, operational, and privacy
(S, F, O, P), respectively.
[RQ-15-05] The impact rating of a damage scenario shall be determined for each impact
category to be one of the following:
— severe;
— major;
— moderate; or
— negligible.
pict passive issues, attack trees map intentional, malicious actions an adversary might take to
compromise the target vehicle [48]. For detailed methods and applications of attack trees, refer
to[46, 39, 25, 48, 30] and [28]. As specified in requirement RQ-15-08, attack paths should men-
tion the threat scenarios they enable. Therefore, we analyse threat scenarios to identify attack
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paths, ensuring each path links to realisable threat scenarios [8]. Now, with established attack
vectors, the next step is to estimate the likelihood of each scenario materialising into an actual
attack, informing risk assessment. To refine this estimation, attack path analysis delves deeper,
meticulously documenting the specific steps an attacker might take to execute threat scenarios.
[8] proposes two methods;
– Vulnerability-driven (Bottom-up): This approach starts with a known vulnerability and
explores potential attacker actions that could lead to successful exploits, ultimately mapping
out possible threat scenarios.
– Initial weakness-based (Top-down): Taking an initial system weakness as a springboard, this
method identifies potential attacker actions and sequences that could exploit said weakness
and ultimately culminate in realized threat scenarios.
Building on our work in [36], we assess component vulnerability using attack feasibility rating.
To quantify risks, we develop threat scenarios identifying potential attack methods, followed by
meticulous attack path analysis pinpointing specific exploit possibilities. analysing attack path
information plays a critical role in gauging feasibility and likelihood. As [5] points out, quantifying
attack probability and potentially pairing it with a quantified impact measure facilitates efficient
numerical risk assessment. Table 7 outlines this key principle’s relevant requirements in [8].
remains. The risk level determined earlier helps prioritise but doesn’t provide specific mitigation
strategies. Section 15.9.2 of ISO 21434 provides guidance in [RQ-15-17], as highlighted in [8].
These steps include:
– Eliminating: Remove the risk source or avoid activities that create it,
effective risk management within the cybersecurity context.Additionally, it addresses the above
question on how we formulate a TARA for a given OTA update system. Leveraging ThreatGet
within Enterprise Architecture, we automate a comprehensive threat analysis using the security
architecture outlined in Figure 12. ThreatGet streamlines the various sections of Figure 13’s
risk assessment process (see Appendix A for a screenshot of the model). Our automated TARA
analysis, powered by ThreatGet, identified 151 distinct threats classified based on the STRIDE
model and drawing from diverse sources: UNECE WP29 Vehicle Threat List, European Telecom-
munications Standards Institute (ETSI), International Telecommunications Union (ITU), AIT
expertise, and academic literature. Figure 14 summarises these threats alongside their severity
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Figure 14: OTA Update TARA and Severity Summary
ThreatGet analyses potential hazards from its knowledge base, assigning each a likelihood and
impact score. Figure 14 presents these threats categorised by severity. Building on this, Figure
15 uses ThreatGet’s risk matrix (aligned with [8] and illustrated in [36]) to assign risk levels
based on individual threat impact and likelihood scores. Therefore, we leverage ThreatGet to
assess the severity of OTA update risks posed by each identified threat, assigning scores between
1 and 5 using this standardised risk matrix.
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6 Formalisation of Highest Level of Threats With a Cor-
responding Mitigation Action
Following on from our works in [36], defining the highest-level threats discovered in the OTA
system and outlining corresponding mitigation actions (presented in Appendix B) is a key cyber-
security goal. Essentially, this involves linking concept-level cybersecurity requirements, based
on one or more STRIDE threat scenarios, to specific OTA update assets (vulnerable properties
identified by the aforementioned model). Mitigation options, such as applying controls from
our layered security concept (Figure 8), are then mapped to these threats. By filtering our
ThreatGet-generated OTA update TARA down to the 20 most severe threats (level 3 and above
in STRIDE categories), as shown in Figure 16, we can prioritise requirement formulation. Con-
r ev
sidering our Logical Security Layered Concept (3.2), we recommend referencing UNECE WP29
Annex 5 (threat-mitigation pairings, part B) [11]for these high-severity threats.
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7 Verification
Building upon the layered security concept outlined in Section 2.2 and Figure 8, several key
elements bolster the resilience of our OTA update systems against high-priority threats, par-
ticularly Denial-of-Service (DoS) and Tampering (as shown in Figure 10). Verification through
cybersecurity penetration testing confirmed this, focusing on DoS attacks targeting the Torizon
Cloud backend, which connects the NXP i.MX8M Plus-based Device (Yavia board) and the host
machine. This testing ensures a functional OTA update system capable of receiving cloud-based
updates as specified by the campaign manager. The test specifically focused on the web UI
within the Torizon Cloud, as it serves as the interface between the Device, host machine, and
backend service. A SYN flood DoS attack simulated an attacker overwhelming the target with
malicious data packets, aiming to disrupt its functionality (source: [13]). Our TARA analysis
identified DoS as the most critical threat requiring immediate attention, excluding Tampering.
Appendix C provides a sample requirement and use case for the penetration test, adapted from
UNECE WP29 (source:[11]). This adaptation strengthens the security of our OTA update sys-
tems against targeted risks and threats, based on our methodology and the TARA-identified DoS
vulnerabilities. The DoS testing covered various attack vectors across the OTA update system,
including the secure backend service (layer 1), secure vehicle communication channel (layer 2),
and secure vehicle external connectivity/connections (layer 5, as detailed in Figure 88).
7.1 Cybersecurity Penetration Testing
The requirements and use cases in Appendix C are tested against denial of service (DOS) attacks
as identified by the TARA formalization of the highest level of threats discovered in the OTA
update system in section ?? above. We utilised a laptop with Windows edition: Windows 10
Enterpise. Processor: Inter® Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @1.60GHz. Installed memory (RAM):
8.00GB. Ensuring re-conditions such as;
– Installing of Oracle VM Virtual Box, and installing of Kali-Linux (though an alternative
method is available when using a different Operating system);
– Connect the Laptop to the same network hosting the TOrizon platform and the IP address
details of the target.
Furthermore, our test procedure for the SYN flooding of DOS attack utilised the ”HPING3”
command by opening the window command prompt, checked for own IP address,login to terminal
emulator of the Kali Linux virtual machine, checking for the target host IP address from the Kali
terminal, starting the Syn DoS attack on the targeted host by using hping3 (flood), and finally
Opening 4-10 kali-linux terminal and repeat the above steps
7.2 Discussion
From our attacking machine, upon initiating the DOS attack sudo hping3 -S 192.168.xx.x -a -p 22 –flood the target host (the web UI of Torizon Cloud) responded with ” A
webpage is slowing down your browser,” and ” A script on this page may be busy or it may
have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script
will complete”. From the kali linux terminal, a message ”hping in flood mode, no replies will be
shown” was revealed, indicating that the hping3 program is operating in ”flood mode,” which
means that it is sending packets to the target device as fast as possible without waiting for
replies. In this mode, hping3 does not print any replies to the console, as it is focused on sending
as many packets as possible. Flood mode is a useful tool for testing network performance and
identifying potential bottlenecks, hence causing a DOS attack by intentionally disrupting the
Web UI. See Appendix D. Our simulated SYN DOS attack successfully overwhelmed our own
test machine but failed to impact the target host, the Torizon Cloud Web UI. This UI is the
admin panel for campaign managers to set up OTA updates after connecting devices to the
Torizon Cloud. Several factors limited the attack’s effectiveness. Firstly, the Torizon platform’s
underlying Uptane Framework prioritises security and includes built-in defenses against various
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denial-of-service attacks, including the Freeze and Drop-request techniques used in our test.
Additionally, knowledge of the pen test credentials and attack origin narrowed its impact on
our test machine. Other network devices connected to the same router remained unaffected,
suggesting potential security controls implemented by the Torizon platform, as discussed in
section 3.2 on the Logical Security Layered Concepts. These controls likely include firewalls or
server-side filtering based on source IP address or port, preventing targeted SYN packet flooding.
8 Conclusion and future work
Modern vehicles rely on regular software updates for ongoing security, and this paper proposes
an adaptable Security-by-Design approach to secure Over-the-Air (OTA) updates against cyber-
attacks. While Security-by-Design is established for web applications (e.g., OWASP guidelines),
its application in automotive embedded systems is still evolving. Our methodology focuses
on identifying potential attack vectors and threat surfaces exploitable by malicious actors tar-
geting an automotive system’s OTA update. To address this, we leverage the entire Security
Engineering life cycle and begin by analysing the OTA update’s cybersecurity relevance in the
concept phase to ensure our approach’s effectiveness. Building on this analysis, we introduce the
Logical Security Layered Concept: a framework of seven security layers encompassing various
control mechanisms. These layers map to the decomposition of threats, vulnerabilities, and at-
tack methods outlined in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/79 (R155). This layered approach allows
for targeted implementation of security controls based on identified threats within each layer.
Additionally, we integrate cybersecurity activities throughout the product development process
using the V-cycle, starting with specification and requirement definition and culminating in ver-
ification and integration measures. Finally, our approach incorporates Security Architecture,
implemented through our design process, which itself leverages the Security Engineering life cy-
cle and the Logical Security Layered Concept. By adopting this Security-by-Design approach,
automotive OEMs, suppliers, and other stakeholders can develop significantly more robust and
secure systems, ultimately impacting the secure development of relevant automotive technologies.
In essence, we empower stakeholders to achieve enhanced system security through our adaptable
Security-by-Design approach, contributing to the secure future of automotive systems.
For future direction, we will extend the novel Logical Security Layered Concept that we proposed
in section 3.2, as a potential Software as a Service (SaaS) solution for implementing automotive
cybersecurity controls.
The authors assert that there are no known financial conflicts of interest or personal relationships
that could have influenced the research presented in this paper.
10 Acknowledgement
The authors gratefully acknowledge the invaluable support of CONIGITAL LTD for their gener-
ous sponsorship of this research through their PhD research student program. This collaboration
has been instrumental in advancing our understanding of security-by-design approaches for au-
tomotive systems, building upon the important work of Iyieke et al. [36] and further broadening
our knowledge in this critical area. We sincerely appreciate CONIGITAL LTD’s commitment to
fostering innovation and research in automotive security. It is important to note, however, that
the views expressed in this publication are solely those of the authors, and CONIGITAL LTD is
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