FSNR 20 112
FSNR 20 112
FSNR 20 112
Citation: Bertin NNG, Annie TN, Cédric KV. Formulation of Plantain Flour-Based Pasta: Process Optimization and Sensory Evaluation.
Food Sci Nutr Res. 2020; 3(2): 1-11.
In order to promote locally made agriproducts, diversify the use of plantain-based flours (Musa AAB) in Cameroon
and improve on the dietary situation of celiac patients in the world by formulating accessible gluten-free foods,
flour from a plantain variety (Big ebanga) was used for the production of pasta. Physicochemical characterization
of plantain flour and durum wheat flour was done. The Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to study the
effect of the quantity of 3 factors (water, egg white and xanthan gum) on the cooking quality of pasta (swelling index
and cooking loss). The optimal conditions were determined for each response. Therefore, the two formulations
retained and the classic one was coded for sensory evaluation using the 9-point hedonic scale. The physicochemical
characterization of flours revealed a significant difference (p<0.05) in the evaluated parameters except for lipid
content. Regarding optimization, only the quantity of xanthan gum influenced the evaluated responses. Sensory
evaluation results revealed three categories of panelists following their preferences, and enabled to bring out two
conclusions: 1. plantain-based flours are fit for the manufacture of pasta, and 2. it is relevant to improve on some
organoleptic qualities of plantain flour-based pasta in the framework of further studies.
Technical materials
The following laboratory equipment was used: - an electric scale Plantain
(model ADAM basic type NBL-4602i with a capacity of 4600 g �lour
and reading accuracy of 10-2) - a kneader (a Kitchen Aid brand
propeller mixer, Model 5KSM 150 made in USA) - a pasta
extruder machine (LACRANGE® pasta CREATIV brand which Hermetic packaging in plastic bags
has different parts: a part reserved for kneading and a part reserved at ambient temperature
for extrusion) – a muffle furnace (model VECSTAR) – an oven
(Memmert brand, model 600) - cookware made of knives, pots, Figure 1: Plantain flour flow chart (Adapted from [5]).
Where Y is the measured response - β1, β2 and β3 are coefficients Pasta preparation according to �lour
determined from the results of experiments, - X1, X2 and X3 are type
linear effect factors, - β12, β13, β23 are coefficients determined
respectively from the results of interaction effect of X1X2; X1X3
and X2X3 factors - β11, β22 and β33 are coefficients determined
respectively from the results of the quadratic effect of X21, X22 and “Control” Pasta “Test” Pasta
(Durum wheat) (Plantain �lour)
X23 factors.
The criterion used to accept the proposed model is given by the high Formula: 125 g of Formula: 125 g of �lour +
determination coefficient (R²) value, assumed as a value exceeding X3 of xanthan gum + X1
�lour + 55ml of
75%, leading to the conclusion that the model explains a high of water + X2 egg white+
water + 5ml of oil 5ml of oil
percentage of total variability [19]. The coefficient of significance
has been analyzed with reference to the factor contributing to the
adjustment of the model to a 5% level of significance. Kneading (≈20 mins.)
Production process
Pasta made from plantain flour consists of a mixture of plantain
flour to which water, egg white, xanthan gum, extra refined palm
oil and salt were added. The assembly was subjected to mechanical Shaping
transformations such as mixing, kneading, extrusion, drying and
packaging for subsequent analyses (Figure 2).
Drying (40°C/24h, residual
water content < 12%)
Appreciation of pasta quality
The properties that define the quality of pasta were determined
through their behavior during and after cooking (swelling and loss Packaging
(Small plastic boxes)
of materials), their nutritional value, their hygienic state and their
sensory quality [20]. Figure 2: Pasta manufacture flow chart.
Hedonic test
For reasons of space and convenience of the tasters, the sensory tests
were carried out in the Laboratories of CARBAP and University
of Dschang. They were implemented according to the AFNOR
Standard XP V 09-500 [23]. The consumer panel consisted of 92
persons of different educational level, different occupation, both
Figure 3: Cooked pasta made from durum wheat semolina (left) and sexes and variable ages. During the tests, consumers were invited
plantain flour (right). to taste each pasta shape one after the other while rinsing their
mouths with water between each product. They then gave their
Optimum cooking time (OCT) opinion on the color, the taste, the texture, the visual aspect and the
The optimal cooking time is considered as the time required to fully overall appreciation of each product tasted on a 9-points hedonic
gelatinizing the starch. A sample of pasta was immersed in a water scale: 9 = extremely pleasant to 1 = extremely unpleasant [24].
previously heated to boiling (pasta: water ratio = 1:30) without
the addition of salt and without stopping the boiling of water. Statistical analyses
Every 30s, a strand of pasta is removed and immediately crushed
The results obtained within the framework of this research are
between two glass plates. Optimal cooking time corresponds to the
the average of three repetitions. They were analyzed using –
time required for the disappearance of the central white part [21].
Stat graphics software version 5.0 for the experimental analysis
of optimization data - R software version 3.4.1 was used for the
Water absorption capacity (WAC) or Swelling index (SI)
analysis of physicochemical parameters of flours and - XLSTAT
Swelling is defined as the weight gain of pasta during cooking
and indicates the amount of water absorbed (starch gelatinization 2017 for the hedonic analysis of the cooked pasta. The comparison
and protein coagulation). This is therefore an index of the water of the means was done by the DUNCAN test to classify the
absorption capacity of the pasta [21]. A sample of 10g of plantain treatments which were significantly different at p<0.05 (5%
flour pasta was cooked in 300ml of water previously heated to threshold).
boiling at the optimal time of cooking. The cooked pasta was
drained and weighed. The swelling index is calculated using the Parameters Plantain flour Wheat flour
following equation: Moisture (%) 12.25 ± 0.15a 13.37 ± 0.34b
Proteins (%) 3.68 ± 0.25a 14.00 ± 0.44b
Lipids (%) 1.31 ± 0.024a 1.46 ± 0.006a
Carbohydrates (%) 81.50 ± 0.34a 70.37 ± 0.45b
Where WCP = Weight of Cooked Pasta and WPU =Weight of Ash (%) 1.24 ± 0.22a 0.78 ± 0.19b
Uncooked Pasta Total soluble solids contents (°Brix) 6.00 ± 0.34a 5.00 ± 0.17b
pH 5.43 ± 0.03a 5.840 ± 0.06b
Cooking Losses Total titratable acidity (meq/100g) 1529 ± 107a 1341 ± 70b
Disintegration represents a fundamental criterion of the culinary Table 3: Chemical characteristics of raw materials (plantain and durum
quality of cooked pasta and defines the behavior of pasta after wheat flour).
cooking [22]. The dry matter (DM) of the uncooked pasta is first The different letters in the same column indicate a significant difference
determined by drying 5 g of pasta in an oven at 105 ° C for 6 hours (p<0.05)
and weighing until a constant weight is obtained. A 5g sample of
pasta made from plantain flour is cooked to OCT and then rinsed Results and Discussion
with water and weighed. The dry matter of the cooked plantain Chemical characteristics of raw materials
flour-based pasta was determined after drying the pasta at 105 ° C Table 3 shows the average contents and the chemical properties
for 10 hours [24]. Cooking loss is calculated as follow: of the flours used in this study. The plantain flour used in pasta
Food Sci Nutr Res, 2020 Volume 3 | Issue 2 | 5 of 11
formulations was less moist and contained very little protein Optimizing the influence of the amount of xanthan gum, egg
compared to semolina, which was rich in total protein, and was white and water on the degree of disintegration
used for the production of “control” pasta. However, plantain Determination of the cooking time of manufactured and
flour was significantly more acidic, richer in total carbohydrates commercial pasta
and total ash, and had a higher pH and soluble solids content than The determination of the optimum cooking time is a necessary
durum wheat semolina. It is worth mentioning that lipid contents step to evaluate cooking losses (degree of disintegration). This
did not vary significantly in both flours. time corresponds to the optimal cooking time which results in the
complete gelatinization of all the starch contained in the grain [31].
Water and protein contents Figure 4 shows the optimal cooking time of control pasta made
The water content recorded for plantain flour is 12.25%, indicating from durum wheat semolina (8 min) and that of pasta formulations
that it is less moist than semolina wheat. However, this value is based on plantain flour (7 min).
higher than 8% and 10% during the characterization of plantain
flour for noodles and pancakes [8,25]. The difference in this water
10 A
content could be due to the variability of the harvesting season, 8
OCT (min )
the production location and the storage conditions as well as the 6
plantain variety. Analysis of the protein content of plantain flour 4
revealed that it contains less protein (3.68 % DM) compared to
Cavendish banana flour whose protein content obtained during the 2
nutritional assessment of banana flour was 4.14% [26]. The protein 0
contents of our plantain flour are in line with 3.40% DM and 3.9% Control MPU MPD
DM obtained respectively during the nutritional assessment of Samples
noodles produced from plantain flour and the use of bananas for The different letters indicate a signi�icant difference (p <0.05) between the cooking time
the manufacture of food products [25,27]. Figure 4: Optimum cooking time (min) of different samples.
Analysis of variance of cooking loss and swelling index
Ash, lipid and carbohydrate contents
Table 4 shows the analysis of variance of the responses. The
The ash content of Big ebanga flour is higher than that obtained
factors that significantly influence the cooking loss is the linear
from Cavendish banana flour (1.084%) and lower than that
effect of the quantity of gum, the quadratic effect of egg white
obtained on flour produced from the Orishele plantain variety
and the volume of water as their p-values was less than 0.05. The
[26,28]. These differences could either be linked to the agricultural
swelling index on the other side was significantly influenced by
production conditions (soil types, climate, planting season, nature
the quadratic effect of the volume of water and xanthan gum. The
of the fertilizers) or to the storage conditions (relative humidity of
coefficient of determination R2 of the water absorption and cooking
the storage room, type of packaging, etc.). The fat content of durum
losses are respectively 84.47% and 85.35%, showing that there is
wheat semolina used in the manufacture of the “control” pasta is
equivalence between the experimental values and the predicted
1.460% DM. This value is lower than 1.96% DM reported by Yesli
theoretical values [18].
[29]. The lipid content of Big ebanga flour (1.31% DM) is closer
to data obtained on other plantain varieties (1.35% - 1.8% DM)
Cooking loss Swelling index
[20,22]. The carbohydrate content of the plantain flour is 81.50%
sum of
DM. Similar values were obtained on some plantain cultivars [27]. source sum of squares p-value
However, the data obtained on Big ebanga was lower than that linear
found on a plantain variety analyzed in Nigeria (89.5% DM) [25]. X1:QW 0.744241 0.5384 0.0333208 0.9754
X2:QEW 1.03864 0.4702 38.8974 0.3138
Total soluble solids content, pH and total titratable acidity X3:QXG 23.4333 0.0106* 9.87806 0.5997
The refractive index (°Brix) of plantain flour derived from cv. Big quadratic
ebanga is greater than that obtained on flour from cv. Orishele [30]. X1X1 14.7043 0.0274* 60.2667 0.0188*
However, the result is similar to the value of 6.2 °Brix obtained X2X2 16.9638 0.0207* 9.72932 0.6023
during pancake formulation [8]. In addition, wheat semolina has X3X3 0.00000980224 0.9982 449.852 0.0096*
a lower refractometric index than plantain flour. This could mean interaction
that plantain flour is very energetic than wheat semolina. The pH X1X2 0.14553 0.7827 327.808 0.2203
X1X3 5.87045 0.1167 48.0102 0.2678
value of plantain flour is lower compared to 6.39 obtained on flour
X2X3 0.214185 0.7383 135.055 0.0865
from the same plantain variety (Big ebanga) [8]. The average
constant -308.884 409.056
titratable total acidity of plantain and wheat flours is respectively
R² 85.3526% 84.474%
1 529meq/100g and 1 341meq/100g. It increases as the pH
Table 4: Analysis of variance of the optimization of cooking loss (CL)
decreases. The titratable acidity of Big ebanga flour is lower than
and swelling index (SI).
that found on the same cultivar in 2017 (1741.2 meq/100g) [8]. *Significant effect for p<0.05;
The differences observed in both parameters could be attributed to QW: quantity of water;
the variability of the harvest season as the same cultivar was in the QEW: quantity of egg white;
same locality for both studies. QXG: quantity of xanthan gum
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Proposal of the model losses obtained on the isoresponse curves, and the optimal range
The regression equations of cooking loss (CL) and swelling index of cooking loss (CL <9%) xanthan gum [1,6 -1.87g], egg white
(SI) expressed as a function of the amount of water (X1), egg white [50.5-55g] and water [66.5-70 ml] were considered. In general,
(X2) and xanthan gum (X3) is presented below: the isoresponse curve plotted (Figure 5) shows that the CL varies
CL = -308.884 + 4.59725X1 + 7.63683X2 + 18.1853X3 between 9% and 15%. These results overlap with data obtained on
-0.0387768X21 + 0.0059304X1X2 - 0.283557X1X3 - 0.084998X22 gluten-free pasta made from rice ranging between 4.2% and 15.9%
- 0.077375X2X3- 0.00366192X23 [36]. However, these values are higher than that of durum wheat
SI = 409.056 - 3.04541X1 - 9.4528X2 + 184.51X3 - 0.0785034X21 pasta (5.6%) [32]. Whatever the level of xanthan gum, the cooking
+ 0.28146X1X2 - 0.810907X1X3 - 0.0643707X22 - 1.94295X2X3 loss of plantain flour-based pasta decreased with increasing levels
-24.8074X23 of water and egg white.
The negative sign in front of each linear or interaction coefficient
indicates that the factor decreases the responses and vice versa. The influence of xanthan gum on the degree of cooking loss as
shown by the analysis of variance (Table 4) was predictable.
Isoresponses curves for the amounts of xanthan gum, egg white Xanthan gum has been used by several researchers for the
and water on cooking loss and swelling index formulation of gluten-free pasta for the improvement of its
Figure 5 shows the isoresponse curves of cooking loss (a) and firmness and a significant decrease in cooking losses [37]. The
swelling index (b). It also presents the effects of the different control degree of disintegration decreases significantly when xanthan gum
variables on cooking loss and swelling index while delimiting the (1-2%) is added in the formulation of gluten-free pasta. This is
optimal zones. In general, the isoresponse curve indicates that the due to the development of a system by the soluble fibers around
CL % varies between 8 and 15%. The selected areas of interest are the granules of starch, thus leading to an increase in the cohesion
areas with low levels of degree of disintegration (below 9%) in between starch and proteins in the structure of the pasta [38]. High
order to have a CL close to that of durum wheat pasta (5.6%) [32]. concentrations of egg white significantly influence the degree of
Thus, the factor levels for optimal formulation of low cooking loss disintegration. Egg proteins (albumin) facilitate the formation of
are: QXG (1.4g - 1.87g), QEW (48g - 54g) and QW (64ml - 70ml). a network of tight proteins that coagulate under the effect of heat
Furthermore, the SI varies between 165% and 170%. Areas of and trap the granules of starch during cooking, therefore, limiting
interest were selected on the basis of the highest swelling index the swelling and losses during cooking [39,40].
(equal to 165%) close to that of durum wheat pasta (255%) [33].
Thus, the factor levels for a formulation with a high SI are: QXG Water absorption capacity or swelling index
(0.4g - 1.5g), QEW (40g - 54g) and QW (50ml - 70ml). The iso-response curve (Figure 5) shows that swelling index (SI)
varies between 135% and 170%. These results are in line with
Cooking Loss or degree of disintegration literature data obtained on gluten-free pasta with a swelling index
According to some authors, cooking loss would be the most at intervals of 77.3 to 141% [20,39,41] that appear to have a higher
important parameter to consider during the evaluation of the water absorption capacity, compared to durum wheat control pasta,
culinary quality of pasta [34,35]. Therefore, the minimum cooking 124.11% DM. No factor significantly influenced this response.
(a) (b)
Figure 5: Isoresponse curves of degree of cooking loss CL% (a) and swelling index (b) of pasta according to the amount of xanthan gum and egg white
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Several studies have shown the influence of xanthan gum and from the MPU and MPD samples in terms of visual appreciation,
egg white on water absorption. On pasta with rice, the increase texture, taste, color and overall rating. This could be explained by
in xanthan gum resulted in a significant decrease in the swelling the difference in raw materials used for pasta production [40,25].
index [42], due to the leaching of amylose during gelatinization
by formation of a gum-amylose complex. Opposite trends have Pasta
Water (ml) Egg (g) Xanthan gum (g) Oil (ml) Salt (g)
been observed where gums improve the swelling of gluten-free formulations
pasta due to their ability to form a gel even in small quantities that MBL (control) 55,0 ----- ----- 5,0 1,0
provide a high consistency, even at room temperature [43]. This MPU 66,5 50,5 1,60 5,0 1,0
MPD 70,0 54,0 1,65 5,0 1,0
thereby justifies the influence of the quadratic effect of xanthan
gum on the swelling of pasta made from plantain flour. In other Table 6: Composition of pasta used for hedonic analyzes.
words, the gums compete with the starch in the presence of water
and are responsible for the increase in the swelling of pasta during
cooking [44]. Regarding egg white, there is a close relationship
between pasta swelling during cooking and the agglutination as
well as the thickening properties of eggs in gluten-free pasta [45].
pasta regardless of egg white and xanthan gum. Figure 6: Sensory characteristic of the different pasta formulation.
“MBL” and two pasta made from plantain flour in the optimal
range “MPU” and “MPD”. The consumers gave their appreciation Figure 7: Different classes of consumers.
on some organoleptic properties such as: the taste, the color, the
texture, the visual aspect and the overall quality appreciation
using the 9-points hedonic scale: from 9 (extremely pleasant) 8
to 1 (extremely unpleasant). The composition of the different 7
Hedonic scale
© 2020 Bertin NNG, et al. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License