Ocd Case
Ocd Case
Ocd Case
Qualitative interpretation:
Mr. A.A showed high score on anger and repetitive thoughts and behavior. Which shows
that he might had obsessive compulsive disorder or anger issue.
Level 2-Anger-Adult
Table 4
Scoring of Level 2 – Anger -Adult
Statement no Statement rating
1 irritated 3
2 angry 3
3 explode 4
4 grouchy 2
5 annoyed 3
Raw Score 15
T Score 58.8
Quantitative interpretation
Raw sum ×number of items on the short form
Number of items that are answered.
Raw Score =15
T Score =58.8 (Mild)
Qualitative interpretation.
The T score of the client is 58.8 which lies in mild range. So, we can say that this point
indicates that the client is at the border of the mild stage, he might face severe consequences the
in future because of his anger.
Level 2 – Repetitive Thoughts and Behavior – Adult
Table 5
Scoring of level 2- Repetitive Thoughts and Behavior -Adult are given as
Statement no Statement rating
1 time 4
2 distress 4
3 control 3
4 avoid 3
5 interfere 3
Raw Score 17
Quantitative observation
Raw Score =17
Qualitative interpretation.
The client scored 17 on the OCD scale, which indicates the severity of OCD in my client.
And my client needs treatment for this to control his OCD behavior.
Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS)
Table 6
The scoring of Y-BOCS is given as
Statement no Statement Rating
1 The time occupied by obsessive thoughts 3
2 Interference due to obsessive thoughts 4
3 Distress associated with obsessive thoughts 3
4 resistance against obsessive thoughts 3
5 Degree of control over obsessive thought 2
6 Time spent performing a compulsive behavior 3
7 Interference due to compulsive behavior 4
8 Distress associated with compulsive behavior 4
9 Resistance against compulsive behavior 3
10 Degree of control over compulsive behavior 3
Raw Score 32
Quantitative observation
Raw Score =32
Qualitative interpretation.
The client scored 32 on the OCD scale, which indicates the severity of OCD in my client.
And my client needs treatment for this to control his OCD behavior.
Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank test
Table 7
Scoring of RISB is given as
code Obtained score frequency
C3 36 6
C2 35 7
C1 8 2
N 9 3
P1 16 8
P2 2 2
P3 o 5
Quantitative Interpretation
Obtained score Cut off score result
106 135 Well adjusted