3 Single Sample Exercise
3 Single Sample Exercise
3 Single Sample Exercise
1. In OpenLab Control Panel, launch the instrument (LC or GC) that you want to submit single sample
Note: You will be using the acquisition methods that you created by following instructions from
“Acquisition Method Exercise.pdf”.
2. In Acquisition, click “Single Sample” layout and go to the “Single Sample Analysis” window.
3. For each single sample run, enter the run and autosampler information provided in Table 1 and
then click “Run”. It is recommended that you use the browse/select option when available. If
browse/select is not available, you can type directly in the cell.
Note: Tokens are used for “Sample name” and “Result name”. Table 1 specifies a hyphen between
tokens, so remember to type “-” where needed in the “Sample name” and “Result name” fields.
Q1. After you click “Run” for each single sample, what happens in the “Run Queue”?
Q2. What is the result name for Run 1 since you left this field blank?
Q3. What are the different states that the run will normally go through?
1. While Run1 is “Acquiring” and the other 3 runs are in “Pending” state in the Run Queue, go to the
“Single Sample Analysis” window and enter the run and autosampler information for Run 5 as
shown in Table 2.
2. Select “Priority Sample” check box and click “Run” in the Single Sample Analysis window.
Q4. After you submit a “Priority Sample”, does the current acquiring single sample (i.e., Run 1)
continue or does it stop acquiring to let the priority sample start?
Q5. Where is the priority sample placed in the Run Queue?
3. While Run 5 (SampleB) is still in “Pending” state, submit Run 6 as a “Priority Sample”.
Q6. Is this possible to submit another “Priority Sample” while Run 5 is still in “Pending” state?
4. Wait for Run 5 to change state and then submit Run 6.
Q7. What state does Run 5 need to be in before you can submit Run 6 as “Priority Sample”?
Exercise 3 – Take snapshot of current acquiring sample and view snapshot data in Data
Snapshot allows you to analyze partially acquired data of the current acquiring sample.
Prerequisite: To take a snapshot, you must have “Review snapshot results” privilege in your role.
1. While Run 5 (SampleB) is “Acquiring”, go to “Online Signals” window and click on to “Create a
snapshot to review in results in Data Analysis”. This will launch Data Analysis and in the “Create
New Processing Method” window you will be asked to select a method configuration to use or
select “No method”.
2. Select “GC/LC Area Percent” and then click “Link and process”.
Note: With any method configuration that you select, you can choose “Link” (instead of “Link and
process”) and this will link the new method to the snapshot data but will not process the data.
3. Data Analysis is now opened and “In Snapshot Review – Data Analysis” is displayed on the top of
the window. Review the information displayed in this window.
Q8. What is the name given to the snapshot data file (.dx)?
Q9. On the left side, what other panel is shown below “Data Processing”?
4. Without closing “In Snapshot Review – Data Analysis” window, go back to Acquisition and observe
the state of the current running priority single sample (i.e., Run 5) in the “Run Queue” window.
Q10. What is the state of Run 5?
5. Go back to “In Snapshot Review – Data Analysis” window and click “x” to close the window. When
the message below appears, click “Exit, don’t save”.
Note: All pending runs in the Run Queue will stay in “Pending” state until you close this window or
until the 30-minute time out rule automatically closes this window.
6. Go back to “Run Queue” window and observe what is now displayed in the Run Queue.
1. While Run 6 (SampleC) is in “Acquiring” state, go to “Shutdown Method” field in the Run Queue
window and click to browse for shutdown method LC-SHD-01.amx (or GC-SHD-01.amx).
2. In the “Path” field, keep the location of the result folder as “C:\CDSProjects\DA-01\Results”.
3. Click “Submit Shutdown”.
Q12. Where is the shutdown method placed in the Run Queue?
4. Go to “Single Sample Analysis” window and submit Run 7 as shown in Table 7.
1. While Run 6 (SampleC) is in “Acquiring” state, click to “Enable run queue reordering”, which
automatically put all pending runs in “Paused” state.
2. In the “Run Queue – Reorder pending runs” window, select Run7 (SampleD), hold down left mouse
and drag it to the top of the queue. Then release left mouse to place it on top of all pending runs.
Q14. What pending run is missing in the “Run Queue – Reorder pending runs” window?
3. Click “Update” to update the run queue order and exit the “Run Queue – Reorder pending runs”
4. The Run Queue window now shows Run 7 (SampleD) is being acquired before Run 2 (as shown in
screenshot below).
1. In Acquisition, go to “Windows” ribbon and click “Activity Log”. The latest 1000 entries are shown
per page. The total number of entries includes the first entry recorded at the time the instrument
was created.
2. Click “Filters” to enter specific dates, user, and/or description that you want to search in the Activity
Log. By default, the “From” and “To” dates are the last 7 days. See example in screenshot below.
3. In the “Description” field, type “updated run queue” and click “Search”.
Q15. Does the search result show the entry where you re-ordered and updated pending Run 7
“SampleD” in Exercise 5 step 3?
4. To see all entries in the Activity Log again, you need to delete the text from the “Description” field
and click “Search”.
5. If there have been new activities since you last open the Activity Log window, you can click to
refresh the display.
6. The instrument Activity Log can also be viewed in Control Panel > Instruments. Select the
instrument (LC-01 or GC-01) and click “Activity Log (last 7 days)”. This view lets you quickly look at
the instrument activities in the last 7 days.
7. Click “2” to see the next 50 entries.
8. Click next to the date/time to get more details on an entry. See example in screenshot below.
9. Click “Date/Time” column header to view the oldest entries first. The columns “User” and
“Description” can also be sorted. Sorting of multiply columns is not supported.
Note: You cannot filter for specific dates, user, or detail in the “Activity Log (last 7 days)”.
10. Go to Administration panel and click “System Activity Log”.
Q16. Are there entries in the “System Activity Log” that are not in the “Activity Log”?
11. Click “Filters” to enter specific user, description, level, application, subsystem, and/or specific dates
that you want to search.