Gold Catalysts-06-00005-V2
Gold Catalysts-06-00005-V2
Gold Catalysts-06-00005-V2
Abstract: The development of high efficient and low energy consumption approaches for the
transformation of cellulose is of high significance for a sustainable production of high value-added
feedstocks. Herein, electrocatalytic oxidation technique was employed for the selective conversion of
cellulose to gluconate in alkaline medium by using concentrated HNO3 pretreated carbon aerogel
(CA) supported Au nanoparticles as anode. Results show that a high gluconate yield of 67.8% and
sum salts yield of 88.9% can be obtained after 18 h of electrolysis. The high conversion of cellulose and
high selectivity to gluconate could be attributed to the good dissolution of cellulose in NaOH solution
which promotes its hydrolysis, the surface oxidized CA support and Au nanoparticles catalyst which
possesses high amount of active sites. Moreover, the bubbled air also plays important role in the
enhancement of cellulose electrocatalytic conversion efficiency. Lastly, a probable mechanism for
electrocatalytic oxidation of cellulose to gluconate in alkaline medium was also proposed.
1. Introduction
Cellulose, the most abundant source of biomass, is considered the most attractive alternative
carbon source for the sustainable production of functionalized feedstocks since it is cheap, inedible
and available on a large scale [1,2]. However, the transformation of cellulose into the specific chemicals
is difficult because it owns low reactivity due to its crystalline fiber structure of β-1-4-glycosidic
linkages in its long chains. Moreover, the network of intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonds formed
between the hydroxyl groups in adjacent cellulose makes it insoluble in water and in most organic
solvents under mild conditions, which further aggravates the restriction for its utilization. In previous
studies, various approaches including mineral acids hydrolysis, hydrothermal oxidation, enzymes
hydrolysis, heterogeneous acids catalysis, metal and metal oxide catalysis, etc., were attempted to
transform cellulose [3–8]. High value-added chemicals and fuels, such as glucose, polyols and organic
acids, have been obtained. Among them, gluconic acid is an important industrial product, which
can be usually used as water-soluble cleaner or as the additive in food and beverages. Wang et al. [9]
performed the selective oxidation of cellobiose on Au nanoparticles supported on carbon nanotube
(CNT) at 145 ˝ C and 0.5 MPa O2 and obtained an 80% yield to gluconic acid. In their study, the surface
functional groups on CNT surfaces generated by pretreatment with HNO3 is considered a key factor
for the enhancement of the hydrolysis of cellobiose into glucose, while Au nanoparticles are attributed
mainly to the oxidation of glucose into gluconic acid. An et al. [4] detected the oxidation of cellobiose
to gluconic acid over polyoxometalate-supported Au nanoparticles. A 97% yield to gluconic acid was
achieved over Au/CS1.7 H1.3 PW12 O40 at 145 ˝ C and 0.5 MPa O2 , which was attributed to the high
acidity of the catalyst. Moreover, the same catalyst afforded a 70% conversion of a ball-milled cellulose
by oxidation at 145 ˝ C under 1 MPa of O2 , resulting in a 60% yield to gluconic acid after 11 h. By using
Au/TiO2 as catalyst, Borgna et al. [7] achieved a 93% conversion of cellobiose and a 73.7% selectivity of
goluconic acid. The high catalytic activity of Au/TiO2 is considered to depend on the catalyst as a
whole, especially the strong metal-support interaction between gold nanoparticles and titania support,
rather than the sole size range of Au nanoparticles.
Electrocatalytic oxidation is another potential technique for biomass resource utilization due to its
high reaction activity, low energy consumption and environmental compatibility. Many carbohydrates
could be effectively transformed in an electrochemical system under mild conditions [10–15].
For example, the conversion of glucose can be performed through electrocatalytic oxidation obtaining
a high selectivity to gluconic acid [16,17]. As we known, the glucose is a compulsory intermediate
for the transformation of cellulose, thus it makes possible for the selective conversion of cellulose to
gluconic acid in an electrocatalytic oxidation process. However, the investigations of cellulose directly
transforming via electrocatalytic oxidation were still quite limited, which might be ascribed to the
water insolubility of cellulose. Recently, alkaline aqueous solutions, such as NaOH, have been reported
the novel green solvents of cellulose, which can dissolve cellulose by a freezing-thawing process [18].
Moreover, the dissolved cellulose has been revealed more readily to be hydrolyzed because of the
broken of the intra- and inter-hydrogen bonding of cellulose [19]. Hence, we attempted to degrade
the cellulose pretreated by concentrated NaOH solution through electrocatalytic oxidation in this
study. Au nanoparticles supported on carbon aerogel (Au/CA) was designed as the electrocatalytic
anode. Many studies indicated that Au nanoparticles, especially those with the size less than 10 nm,
show superior catalytic performance and high selectivity in the conversion of cellobiose to gluconic
acid [9,20]. Moreover, Au can be applied in an alkaline medium with a superior stability. The relatively
high PH condition can even promote its catalytic activity [20,21]. While the CA support is selected
not only by its good electrical conductivity but also by the excellent adsorption properties due to its
high BET surface area and large pore volume [22]. Moreover, as a carbon support, it is expected to
promote the cellulose hydrolyzing into glucose via the activation of β-1-4-glycosidic bond of cellulose,
especially when the support was pretreated by concentrated mineral acid [9,23].
In this work, the properties of Au/CA electrocatalytic anode and the reaction condition were
carefully investigated for exploring the high selective conversion efficiency of cellulose. Moreover,
the main intermediates were also monitored with the variation of reaction time, which helps to
understand the probable mechanism for the electrocatalytic oxidation of cellulose in alkaline condition.
to be Catalysts
active 2016,
6, 4 towards the hydrolysis of cellulose [11,14], suggesting efficient glucose3/10
might be
produced in the cellulose-NaOH solution.
Catalysts 2016, 6, 4 3/10
Figure 1. Photographs of cellulose solution: (a) Dissolved in NaOH solution; the products after
Figure 1. Photographs electrolysisof
on; cellulose
(b) Au/carbon solution: (a)
aerogel (CA); (c) Dissolved
50 nm‐Au/CA; in NaOH solution; the products after
(d) Au/graphite.
electrolysis on;2.2.
(b) Au/carbon aerogel (CA); (c)
Characterization of Electrocatalytic Anode 50 nm-Au/CA; (d) Au/graphite.
Figure 1. Photographs of cellulose solution: (a) Dissolved in NaOH solution; the products after
electrolysis on;Figure 2 shows the SEM images of the CA support and Au/CA electrocatalyst. We can see that
(b) Au/carbon aerogel (CA); (c) 50 nm‐Au/CA; (d) Au/graphite.
the used CA support has a loose interconnected 3D network structure consisting of granular carbon
2.2. Characterization of Electrocatalytic Anode
sphere with the pore size mainly in the range from several to a dozen nanometers. Au nanoparticles
2.2. Characterization of Electrocatalytic
loaded are highly dispersed onAnode
the entire CA surface without aggregation. The further magnified
Figure 2 showsimagethe SEM
showed thatimages of the CA
the Au nanoparticles support
are mainly and Au/CA
sphere structure electrocatalyst.
with the uniform particles sizes We can see that
the used CA 2 shows
support nm.the
of ~10 has a SEM
The loose images of the
Au content determined byCA support
3D network
TG analysis and
is ~2% Au/CA electrocatalyst.
(as shown in Figure consistingWe
S2). can see that
of granular carbon
the used CA support has a loose interconnected 3D network structure
sphere with the pore size mainly in the range from several to a dozen nanometers. Au nanoparticlesconsisting of granular carbon
loaded with thedispersed
are highly pore size mainly
on theinentire
the rangeCAfromsurfaceseveral to a dozen
without nanometers.
aggregation. The Aufurther
loaded are highly dispersed on the entire CA surface without aggregation. The further magnified
image showed that the Au nanoparticles are mainly sphere structure with the uniform particles sizes
image showed that the Au nanoparticles are mainly sphere structure with the uniform particles sizes
of ~10 nm. The Au content determined by TG analysis is ~2% (as shown in Figure S2).
of ~10 nm. The Au content determined by TG analysis is ~2% (as shown in Figure S2).
Figure 2. SEM images of (A) CA; (B) Au/CA; (C) magnification of Au/CA.
XRD patterns of the nanoparticles were obtained to investigate their phase and structure, as
displayed in Figure 3a. The peaks at 22.1° and 43.2° were corresponded the typical characteristic
peaks of CA [22]. Those at 38.1°, 44.4°, 64.6° and 77.6° are attributed to the {111},{200},{220} and {311}
of Au, respectively. However, we can clearly see from Figure 3a, that Au/CA with the Au nanoparticle
size of ~10 nm shows relatively diffuse diffractions compared to those in 50 nm‐Au/CA, which are
similar to the 9 nm‐Au/C reported by Wang [26]. This might be ascribed to the presence of low lattice
stabilized gold atoms or clusters of atoms. As we known, the atoms or atoms clusters with low lattice
stability are usually considered active sites or hot spots, which afford good electrocatalytic activity [27].
According to the equation of Debye‐Scherrer, a rough estimate based on the {111} peak indicates that
the average
2. SEM2. SEM
size of Au images ofof
images (A)(A) CA;
CA; (B){111}
to (B)
the Au/CA; (C)
lattice face
Au/CA; about 7.3 nm, in of
magnification Au/CA.
of Au/CA. with
the result of the SEM measurement. In addition, XPS was also recorded for the as‐prepared Au/CA
to evaluate the chemical states of the different species. Figure 3b and 3c display the XPS spectra of the
XRD patterns of the nanoparticles were obtained to investigate their phase and structure, as
C1s and Au4f regions. From Figure 3b, we can see the C1s peaks centered at 284.3 eV is corresponded to
XRD patterns
displayed of the
in Figure
elemental 3a.
carbon, peaks
while those atat
285.5 andobtained
and 288.2 eV43.2° wereto
are assigned
investigate the
the oxygen bound species
phase and structure,
C–O and characteristic
as displayed in Figure 3a.
C=O, respectivelyThe peaks
[28]. at
While the 22.1
peaks at˝ 84.0
and and43.2 ˝ were
87.7 eV corresponded
can be attributed the
to the 4f7/2 and 4f5/2typical
. It is characteristic
peaks of CA [22]. Those at 38.1°, 44.4°, 64.6° and 77.6° are attributed to the {111},{200},{220} and {311}
reported that the 4f7/2˝of Au0 and˝ Au2O3 ˝are located at 83.8
˝ and 86.3 eV [9,28], respectively, suggesting
CA [22]. the
respectively. at 38.1 ,we
Au isHowever,
approximately 44.4
can, clearly
completely and
reduced. 77.6Figure
see from are attributed
3a, that Au/CA to the with{111},{200},{220} and {311}
the Au nanoparticle
of Au, respectively.
size of ~10 nm showsHowever, we can
relatively clearly
diffuse see fromcompared
diffractions Figure 3a,tothat Au/CA
those with the Au
in 50 nm‐Au/CA, nanoparticle
which are
size of ~10 nmto the 9 nm‐Au/C
shows reported
relatively by Wang
diffuse [26]. Thiscompared
diffractions might be ascribed
to those toin
nm-Au/CA, of low lattice
which are
similar to the 9gold atoms orreported
nm-Au/C clusters of
WangAs we known,
[26]. the atoms
This might or atoms
be ascribed toclusters with low
the presence of lattice
low lattice
stability are usually considered active sites or hot spots, which afford good electrocatalytic activity [27].
stabilized gold atoms or clusters of atoms. As we known, the atoms or atoms clusters with low lattice
According to the equation of Debye‐Scherrer, a rough estimate based on the {111} peak indicates that
stability are usually considered active sites or hot spots, which afford good electrocatalytic activity [27].
the average size of Au nanoparticles along to the {111} lattice face is about 7.3 nm, in comparable with
According to the equation of Debye-Scherrer, a rough estimate based on the {111} peak indicates that
the result of the SEM measurement. In addition, XPS was also recorded for the as‐prepared Au/CA
the average sizethe
to evaluate of chemical
Au nanoparticles along
states of the to the
different {111}Figure
species. lattice3b
about 7.3the
display nm,XPSin spectra
of the with
the result
C1s andofAu
the4f regions.
SEM measurement.
From Figure 3b, Inweaddition, XPS
can see the C1swas
peaksalso recorded
centered for eV
at 284.3 theisas-prepared
correspondedAu/CA to
to evaluate
chemicalwhile states
thoseofat the
and 288.2species. Figure to
eV are assigned 3b,c
thedisplay the XPS
oxygen bound spectra
species C–Oofand the C1s
and AuC=O, respectively
4f regions. [28].Figure
From While 3b,
the peaks
we can at see
84.0 the
andC87.7 eV cancentered
1s peaks be attributed to theeV
at 284.3 4f7/2
is and 4f5/2. It is to
reported that the 4f of Au 0 and Au2O3 are located at 83.8 and 86.3 eV [9,28], respectively, suggesting
elemental carbon, while those at 285.5 and 288.2 eV are assigned to the oxygen bound species C–O and
C=O,the Au is approximately
respectively [28]. While completely
the peaks reduced.
at 84.0 and 87.7 eV can be attributed to the 4f7/2 and 4f5/2 . It is
reported that the 4f7/2 of Au0 and Au2 O3 are located at 83.8 and 86.3 eV [9,28], respectively, suggesting
the Au is approximately completely reduced.
Catalysts 2016, 6, 5 4 of 10
Catalysts 2016, 6, 4 4/10
50nm-Au/CA 288.2
activated CA, assigned to –COO´ group [30]. According to the references [9,31,32], surface oxidized
carbons are promising water-tolerant materials that also demonstrated high catalytic performance for
hydrolysis of cellulose or cellobiose. This might be attributed to its favorable adsorption to oxygen
atoms of the 1-4-glycosidic bonds in cellulose molecules, so as to benefit the catalytic performance.
Moreover, the introduce of surface oxidized functional groups to carbon support can also increase the
interaction between Au nanoparticles and support, and at the same time, promote the selectivity of
gluconic acid [7,9].
In addition, although Au is one of the most active electrocatalysts for the oxidation of
cellulose [9,33], the high yield and high selectivity to gluconic acid (or gluconate) depends mainly on
the size, dispersion and electronic state of Au. For the 50 nm-Au/CA anode, it obtained a high cellulose
conversion; however, the selectivity of the gluconate is relatively lower, which might be ascribed to
the larger size of Au nanoparticles. Several studies demonstrated that the Au nanoparticles with the
diameter less than 10 nm have high performance of oxidation of glucose into gluconic acid [28,34,35].
In Au/CA electrode, the gold nanoparticles are highly dispersed on the surface of CA, with a uniform
size of ~10 um, approving for its high efficiency.
Considering that oxygen usually plays important roles in the selective oxidation of glucose to
gluconic acid, particularly Au-based catalysts [4,7,28], the effect of oxygen was also studied on cellulose
electrochemical oxidation by whether bubbling air into the reaction system or not. Experiment results
show that the products of cellulose electrolysis are constant regardless of with or without air aeration,
accompanying with a nearly unchanged products distribution. However, the aeration of air can
evidently increase the reaction rate. From Figure 4, we can see, after 18 h electrolysis, the gluconic acid
yield and sum acids yield are 49.6% and 68.2%, respectively, as no air aeration, while those reach 67.8%
and 88.9%, respectively, with bubbling of air. In the degradation of the lignin by PbO2 /Pb anode,
Zhang et al. [11] considered the insufflated air enhances the conversion of O2 to superoxide anion
radical (O2 ´ ) on cathode surface, leading to a higher efficiency for lignin transformation. Burke and
Nugent [36] studied the electrochemistry of gold and concluded that the dissolved oxidant can induce
Au to form AuOx at active sites, which often act as the mediators for oxidation reaction. While the
monomeric Au(III) hydroxyl complexes of the form Au(OH)6 3´ is proposed by Doyle and Lyons [37].
Moreover, the increment of oxygen can also effectively increase the O2 adsorption on Au surfaces by
forming linear O–Au–O structure, contributing to the high catalysis efficiency of gold [38,39]. Hence,
the aeration of air is deduced to increase the active Au-oxide species resulting in a better transformation
of cellulose. More importantly, the aeration of air can accelerate the cathode reaction. It is known that,
in alkaline media, H2 O and dissolved oxygen are the possible reductions which can be reduced at
cathode. As H2 O acts as the reductant, it reacts via the hydrogen evolution reaction:
As oxygen acting as the reductant, it is generally reduced via two pathways [40,41],
i.e., a four-electron pathway leading directly to OH´ , expressed as:
or a two-electron pathway with hydrogen peroxide (HO2 ´ in alkaline media) as the intermediate:
Formate Air
Formate Air
8080 Gluconate
Gluconate Air
Yield (%)
Yield (%)
4040 Air
00 18h
6h 12h
12h 18h
Reaction Time
Reaction Time
Figure 4. 4. Yield
4. Yield
Yield ofof
of organic
organic acidsalt
acid saltfrom
salt fromelectrocatalytic
from electrocatalyticoxidation
electrocatalytic oxidation of
oxidation of
cellulose onAu/CA
on Au/CAanode
Au/CA anode
andand without air bubbled in reaction system.
and without
without air
air bubbled
bubbled in
in reaction
reaction system.
For better understanding the mechanism of cellulose oxidation on Au/CA anode, the
For better
For better understanding
understanding the the mechanism
mechanismof ofcellulosecelluloseoxidation
oxidation on on Au/CAAu/CAanode, the
intermediates were monitored by HPLC with variation of reaction time. Figure 5 shows the yields of
the intermediates werewere
monitored by HPLC with variation of reaction time. Figure 5 shows 5the yieldstheof
gluconate, oxalate andmonitored by HPLC
formate, respectively, with variation
at different of reaction
the reaction time.time.
It canFigure shows
be observed that
yields oxalate
of gluconate, and formate,
oxalaterapidly respectively,
and formate, at different
respectively, at thenthe
different reaction time.
the reaction It can be observed
time. Itreduced that
can be observed
gluconate was produced in the initial 10 h, and it increased at a slightly rate till
that was
gluconate produced
was producedrapidly in the
rapidly initial
in the 10 h,
initial and
10 h,then
and it increased
then it
it reached the maximum yield of 67.8% at 18 h. Continuously increasing the reaction time,
at a
increased slightly
at a reducedreduced
slightly rate
it reached
rate till it the
the yield
maximum of 67.8%
yield of at
67.8%18 h.
at Continuously
18 h. Continuously increasing
concentration of gluconate was decreased, accompanying with the evident concentration increases of the reaction
the time,
reaction the
the concentration
oxalate, of gluconate
implying of gluconate waswas
the oxalate decreased,
might be theaccompanying
product withwith
for gluconate thethe
deep evidentconcentration
Thus, aincreases
oxidation. increases
probable of
of oxalate,
implying thethe
for electrocatalytic might
might bebethe
oxidation theproduct
of product
for gluconatedeep
gluconate in anoxidation.
deep oxidation. Thus,
Thus, aa probable
alkaline condition probable
can be
proposed for for electrocatalytic
as Scheme 1. oxidation of cellulose to gluconate in an alkaline
oxidation of cellulose to gluconate in an alkaline condition can condition can be be
proposed as Scheme
proposed as Scheme 1. 1.
80 Oxalate
Sum of three salts
80 Formate
60 Sum of three salts
Yield (%)
Yield (%)
0 5 10 15 20 25
0 5 10 15 20 25
Reaction Time (h)
Catalysts Figure
2016, 6, 5.
5 Yield of organic acid salt from electrocatalytic oxidation of cellulose on Au/CA anode varied 7 of 10
with reaction time.
3. Experimental Section
3.1. Materials
Cellulose and HAuCl4 ¨4H2 O were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Shanghai, China). Other
chemicals used were analytical grade. All solutions were prepared with deionized water.
4. Conclusions
In this work, the electrocatalytic oxidation of cellulose was performed on the concentrated HNO3
pretreated CA supported Au nanoparticles anode in an alkaline medium with the aeration of air.
Results show that cellulose can be effectively degraded on Au/CA anode and a high gluconate
yield of 67.8% can be obtained after 18 h of electrolysis. The high conversion of cellulose and high
selectivity to gluconic acid could be attributed not only to the properties of Au nanoparticles but
also the CA support. Moreover, the dissolution of cellulose in NaOH solution can promote the
hydrolysis of cellulose, which also plays important role in the cellulose conversion. Additionally,
a probable mechanism for electrocatalytic oxidation of cellulose to gluconate in an alkaline condition
was also proposed.
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(NO. 51208367, 21477085).
Author Contributions: The experimental work was conceived and designed by Guohua Zhao and
Hanshuang Xiao, Hanshuang Xiao performed the experiments; Hanshuang Xiao and Meifen Wu analyzed
the data and Hanshuang Xiao drafted the paper. The manuscript was amended through the comments of all
authors. All authors have given approval for the final version of the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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