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Chemistry Rapa

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Name: Rafael Prana Adi W.

Class: X Science 2

Number: 17


What is the definition of electrolyte substance and electrolyte solution?

 Electrolyte substance is a substance that dissolves or breaks down into ions and then the
solution becomes an electrically conductor , the ions are electrically charged atoms . Electrolytes
can be water, acids, bases or other chemical compounds
 An electrolyte solution is a solution that generally contains ions, atoms or molecules that have
lost or gained electrons, and is electrically conductive.

What is the definition of nonelectrolyte?

 Non-electrolyte solutions are solutions that cannot conduct electric current . This is because the
non-electrolyte solution cannot produce ions (not ionizing).

How does a substance conduct an electric?

 A substance can conduct electricity because it has ions which moves freely in the solution. These
ions will be the conductor. The more ions produced the better the solution conducts electricity

There are nonelectrolyte, weak electrolyte, and strong electrolytes in water solvent. Explain the
difference of them! Give the sample of them as much as you can! (Do these question by completing the
following table)

No. The difference Non electrolyte Weak electrolyte Strong electrolyte

1. The ability to conduct unable to conduct weak electrolytes Strong

electric electricity.In non- have relatively low electrolytes have
electrolyte conductivity even relatively high
solutions, dissolved though the conductivity even
nonelectrolyte concentration is though the
substances cannot relatively large. concentration is
be broken down relatively small
into ions, so there
are no free ions that
can conduct electric

2. The ability of the not ionized slight ionization complete

solute to be ionized (imperfect

3. The degree of a=0 a=more than 0 less a=1

than 1
ionization/dissociation value

4. The experiment result  lamp  lamp doesn't  Produce

doesn't turn turn on/dim much air
- Lamp lightening - Gas
on  produce a bubles
 doesn't very few air  lamp turn
produce air bubbles on/light

Ionization degree is....

 the degree of ionization (α) is the quotient of the total number of electrolyte molecules ionized
into ions. The number of concentrations that react or become ions will depend on the degree of
ionization (α) which is formulated as follows: α = Number of moles that are ionized / number of
moles at first.

Sign the following compounds by giving √ if it can conduct electric and – if it can not conduct electric!

Type of compound Solid (s) Liquid/Molten Solution

(l) (in water solvent) (aq)

Ionic compounds - √ √

Polar covalent - - √


Non polar covalent - - -

Acids, bases, salt and water can be grouped into electrolyte substances. What kind of substances which
can be grouped into strong electrolyte, weak electrolyte, and non electrolyte? Explain your answer!

 strong electrolyte
because there are has
-Strong or good electric current conductor -Perfectly ionized
-The constant or degree of ionization (a) a = 1
-When tested, a strong electrolyte solution has a bright light and a lot of gas bubbles appear

 weak electrolyte
it because has characteristics
-Poor or weak electrical conductor -Partially ionized
-Ionization constant or degree (a) 0 <a <1
-When tested, a weak electrolyte solution has a weak flame and a few gas bubbles appear.

 non electrolyte (water)

-Cannot conduct current or insulators -The constant or degree of ionization (a) a = 0

-If tested, the Non -Electrolyte Solution, does not ignite and does not appear gas bubbles

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