Fluid Lect
Fluid Lect
Fluid Lect
So far we have been using while loops in C, now C programming language also provides
you other kinds of loops.
Let’s look at some of them. The first alternative loop mechanism in C that we will look
at is what is known as a do-while loop?
So, you execute the x statement then test whether the expression is true or not, if it is true
you go back and the execute the statement again, so you loop. If the statement is false,
you get out of the loop. The difference from while loop and do while loop is the
following, you have statement that will be executed without testing the expression even
once. So, when you start executing the loop, you will first execute the statement without
testing the expression, and after testing the expression you will go back and test the loop
expression, if it is true and you start executing the loop again. So, the first execution of
the statement there is no test done for that.
So, let us see the comparison between a loop while loop and do while loop. So, we will
look at the following problem, you have to read numbers and output in integer until a -1
is seen. Now the difference is that in this problem you have to include the -1. So, read all
the numbers up to an including -1, and print all the numbers. So, we will have the
following programs using while loop and do while loop. Now the important thing to
notice is that the while construct and the do while construct are equally expressive. So,
you cannot right any more new programs using the do while construct, then you could
using the while construct, but certain kinds of programs or easier using or shorted using
the do while construct. For example let us all this problem using the while construct. So,
what you do initially is, you declare a variable then scan the variable; if the variable is -1,
you immediately exit out of the loop, and print -1 and finish the program.
If the number is not -1, you print the value and scan the next number. If the number you
scan this not -1, you just print it and repeat the loop. If it is -1, you exit out of the loop
and print the -1 that you show. So, here is the logic using the do while loop, in using the
while loop. And notice that when we existed out of the loop we needed a printf
statement, and before you yes, enter the loop you needed a scanf statement. So, this was
the structure of the program. This problem can be elegantly solved using the do while
loop. What you initially need to do is to declare a variable, then scan the variable and
print it any way. Either the number is -1 or it is not. In any case we need to print it.
So, go ahead and print it then test whether the number was -1. If it is -1, your done and
you exit out of the program. If it is not -1, you go back and scan the next number and
print it. So, this is a program that we have seen where you could do this same think with
the while loop. The only difference is that the do while program is shorter. And please be
careful about the syntactic difference between the while loop and the do while loop,
notice the semicolon at the end this causes a lot of confusion when you compile the
program it is easy to miss this.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:05)
If you are new to C programming, you can strict to one particular loop. As I said before
you cannot write any new programs that you can do is using the do while loop, then you
could previously do using the while loop. So, you can write the same logic, you can write
the same number of programs using the while loop, and the do while loop it gives you no
further power. So, it is recommended that you stick to one loop pick while or pick do
while whatever you do, but stick to that loop in when you right the program. When you
are comfortable with one of the loops programming using the other loop becomes easy.
So, if you recall from the lecture which covered the problem solving the longest
increasing subsequence, then you will see that the main structures in the code. The main
lines of logic in the code are pretty much the same. All I have done is to change the
while logic to the do while logic. And let see what that is accomplish for us. So, what
this does is that you will scan a particular number, if the particular number is bigger than
the previous number, then you extend the sequence. If it is less than or equal to the
previous number, then you stop this sequence and started new sequence, this was the
And when you start a new sequence the length is new start with 1. Then you say current
equal to the next number, and previous equal to the number that was just red. So, the
logic here is that the testing for whether the currently rate number is -1 is done at the end
of the loop. So, is the first number is -1, you just do all this and then say that the length
of the increasing subsequence is 1, then you test if the currently read number is -1 or not.
If the currently read number is -1, then you are already done and you exit out of the loop.
Then you check whether max length is less then length as before. ((Refer Time: 08:26))
difference between this logic, and the logic that we have seen before is that we do this
execution without testing whether the currently read number is -1. So, automatically
what happens is that if the number is -1, all these steps will be performed before we test
that the sequence has ended. So, automatically we ensure that -1 is also included when
we calculate the increasing subsequence.