Invertebrate Anatomy
Terminology and phylogeny used in these exercises correspond to usage in the
Invertebrate Zoology textbook by Ruppert, Fox, and Barnes (2004).
Arthropoda , Mandibulata , Tracheata, Hexapoda SC
P sP
, Insecta C , Dicondylia,
Pterygota, Metapterygota, Neoptera, Blattaria O , Blattoidea SF
, Blattidae F ,
Arthropoda, by far the largest and most diverse animal taxon, includes
chelicerates, insects, myriapods, and crustaceans as well as many extinct taxa. The
body is segmented and primitively bears a pair of jointed appendages on each segment.
The epidermis secretes a complex cuticular exoskeleton which must be molted to permit
increase in size. Extant arthropods exhibit regional specialization in the structure and
function of segments and appendages. The body is typically divided into a head and
trunk, of which the trunk is often itself divided into thorax and abdomen.
The gut consists of foregut, midgut, and hindgut and extends the length of the
body from anterior mouth to posterior anus. Foregut and hindgut are epidermal
invaginations, being derived from the embryonic stomodeum and proctodeum
respectively, and are lined by cuticle, as are all epidermal surfaces. The midgut is
endodermal and is responsible for most enzyme secretion, hydrolysis, and absorption.
The coelom is reduced to small spaces associated with the gonads and kidney.
The functional body cavity is a spacious hemocoel divided by a horizontal diaphragm
into a dorsal pericardial sinus and a much larger perivisceral sinus. Sometimes there is
a small ventral perineural sinus surrounding the ventral nerve cord.
The hemal system includes a dorsal, contractile, tubular, ostiate heart that
pumps blood to and from the hemocoel. Excretory organs vary with taxon and include
Malpighian tubules, saccate nephridia, and nephrocytes. Respiratory organs also vary
with taxon and include many types of gills, book lungs, and tracheae.
The nervous system consists of a dorsal, anterior brain of two or three pairs of
ganglia, circumenteric connectives, and a paired ventral nerve cord with segmental
ganglia and segmental peripheral nerves. Various degrees of condensation and
cephalization are found in different taxa.
Development is derived with centrolecithal eggs and superficial cleavage.
There is frequently a larva although development is direct in many. Juveniles pass
through a series of instars separated by molts until reaching the adult size and
reproductive condition. At this time molting and growth may cease or continue,
depending on taxon.
Mandibulata includes arthropods in which the third head segment bears a pair of
mandibles. As currently conceived this taxon includes myriapods, hexapods, and
Periplaneta americana
Periplaneta americana, the American cockroach, the largest widespread North
American cockroach, reaches 44 mm in length. It is dark reddish-brown with a pale
Laboratory Specimens
Periplaneta is available at modest cost, alive or preserved, from biological supply
companies. It can also be captured locally in homes or university buildings. Look for it
in warm, moist, dark places such as basements, drawers, wood piles, sewers, sunken
water meter enclosures, and compost piles. In the home it can be found wherever
there is food, including the usual debris on the kitchen floor and under the refrigerator,
on unwashed dishes left overnight in the sink, and even in your library where it eats the
bindings of your favorite books. Female Periplaneta are distinguished from other genera
by having a divided 7 th sternite.
Specimens may be dissected alive and anesthetized, recently sacrificed and
unpreserved, or preserved. Recently sacrificed is preferable unless you anticipate
making physiological observations, in which case the specimens should be alive and
anesthetized. Living specimens may be sacrificed in a covered dish with a cotton ball
dampened with ethyl acetate. Living specimens should be anesthetized using
chloroform, ether, or carbon dioxide. Sacrificed specimens should be immersed in
water or 80% ethanol (or 40% isopropanol) in a small dissecting pan.
If both external and internal anatomy are to be studied it is advantageous to
have separate specimens for these two undertakings. The study of external anatomy is
likely to damage the specimen to such an extent that it will not be useful for studying
internal anatomy. Students should have access to both sexes, either their own
specimens or by sharing with a lab partner.
External Anatomy
Species of Periplaneta are elongate, oval in outline and strongly dorso-ventrally
depressed, or flattened. The body is divided into the three tagmata characteristic of
insects, i.e. head, thorax, and abdomen (Fig 21-1C). The head is inconspicuous in
dorsal view but the pronotum of the thorax is very large. The remainder of the thorax
and abdomen are hidden by the two pairs of wings. Six pairs of similar, strong, spiny
Little of the head can be seen in dorsal view (Fig 1). Position the specimen with the
ventral surface up and examine the head with the dissecting microscope. The head is
flattened dorsoventrally and is more or less pear-shaped in outline with the mouthparts
extending posteriorly from the narrow end of the pear. The head is normally carried with
its flat front surface, the face, held horizontally facing the substratum (Fig 2). In this
position the mouth opens posteriorly, the mandibles project posteriorly, and the palps
touch the coxae of the forelegs. When feeding, the flattened face is held vertically with
the mouthparts located ventrally, toward the substratum. The flattened face is the
anterior aspect of the head even though it is oriented ventrally. Similarly, the thin edge
of the broad end of the pear is dorsal, even though it is normally held in an anterior
position. When in the feeding position the face is held anteriorly and the thin edge is
Cockroaches have typical unspecialized mouthparts and provide a good example of the
primitive insect mouthparts adapted for biting and chewing (Fig 21-1A,B). The head
Figure 2. Anterior view of the head of Periplaneta amricana
Head Capsule
The head consists of a complex of fused sclerites, which constitute the
epicranium, or head capsule, associated with unfused sclerites and appendages. This
hard sclerotized capsule encloses the mouthpart muscles, brain, and anteriormost
region of the gut and provides sites of attachment for the mouthparts and antennae.
The head capsule is divided into several regions. Locate the large compound
eyes on the dorsal edge of the head (Fig 1, 2). The antennae arise on the face
immediately ventral to the eyes. These are useful as convenient, easily recognized
The epicranial suture marks the junction of three fused sclerites that form the
face. In Periplaneta this suture is usually visible as a faint, yellow, Y-shaped line on the
face (Fig 2) but sometimes it cannot be found. The two arms of the "Y" begin at the
antennal sockets and converge between the two eyes. From the convergence the
single stem of the "Y" extends dorsally between the eyes over the top of the head. It
divides the top of the head into a pair of sclerites, the epicranial plates (Fig 2). The part
of the capsule between the two arms of the “Y” is the frons, or front, of the capsule (Fig
2). The frons is an unpaired sclerite.
Two white circular areas between the antennae and compound eyes, at the ends
of the arms of the epicranial suture, are the fenestrae and are the vestiges of the ocelli
of other insects (Fig 21-1A). Two additional pale circles on the frons, ventral and a little
medial to the fenestrae, mark the sites of muscle insertions inside the capsule.
Preoral Cavity
Ventrally the mouthparts surround and enclose a chamber, the preoral cavity,
from which the mouth opens (Fig 21-7). As its name suggests, the preoral cavity
precedes the mouth and is not considered to be part of the gut, although both
mechanical and chemical digestion begin there.
With the specimen positioned with its ventral side up, grasp the labrum and
mandibles with a pair of fine forceps and pull the head into the feeding position (i.e. with
the anterior face anterior, and the mouthparts ventral). Lift the labrum and look
beneath it using a second pair of forceps or a fine needle to move structures aside as
The labrum, which you are currently holding aside, is the anterior wall of the
cavity. The heavy, toothed mandibles and softer maxillae are its side walls and the
labium is its posterior wall. A soft, tonguelike, mostly unsclerotized outgrowth of the
ventral body wall, the hypopharynx, extends into the preoral cavity immediately
The two mandibles lie beside the mouth and form the lateral walls of the preoral
cavity (Fig 2, 21-1A, B). They are derived from a pair of segmental appendages. Each
mandible consists of a single article bearing a sclerotized, distal, cutting surface. The
cutting edge of the mandible consists of a lateral shearing incisor with three or four
sharp denticles and a more medial grinding molar (Fig 3, 21-1A).
The mandible is largely hidden from view but can be glimpsed on the side of the
head ventral to the gena and lateral to the clypeus (Fig 2, 4). With forceps carefully lift
the labrum and peer beneath it to get a better view of the mandible. Its dark, heavily
sclerotized denticles are visible in this view.
The mandible articulates with the head capsule by two ball and socket-like
condyles, one anterior and one posterior (Fig 3, 4). The anterior condyle can be seen
at the dorsolateral corner of the clypeus, on the face. The posterior condyle
articulates with the ventral corner of the gena and can be seen on the side of the head
capsule. Its plane of motion is transverse, perpendicular to the long axis of the body.
Movement in this plane brings the two mandibles together on the midline. In contrast,
vertebrate mandibles oppose each other by moving in the vertical plane. Observe the
mandible with the labrum moved aside and imagine the motion of the two mandibles
with respect to each other. Grasp the mandibles with forceps and move them in their
preferred plane of motion. If desired, one of the mandibles can be removed for closer
Figure 3. The left mandible. A. Anterior view. B. Posterior view. Blatt39L.gif
Figure 4. Oblique view of the head from the left showing the articulation of
the mandible with the head capsule of P. Americana. The labrum has been drawn
as if transparent to reveal the left mandible beneath it. The right mandible has
been omitted for clarity.
The hypopharynx, or tongue, is a long, process protruding from the ventral wall
of the head into the preoral cavity (Fig 7, 21-7). It is not a segmental appendage being
instead a fold of the body wall. It can be seen by looking into the preoral cavity, either
ventrally by spreading the mouthparts aside, or posteriorly by lifting (or removing) the
labium. The hypopharynx divides the preoral cavity into an anterior cibarium and a
posterior salivarium.
The thorax is the tagma specialized for locomotion and as such bears three
pairs of legs and, in adults, two pairs of wings and houses the muscles to operate them
The large powerful legs are responsible for the cursorial competency for which
cockroaches are reknown.
Three pairs are present, of course, one on each thoracic segment (Fig 8). The three
pairs are similar but increase in size from anterior to posterior. Each consists of a
large, flattened, proximal coxa, a small trochanter, a long femur, a tibia, and a long
tarsus (Fig 9, 21-1E). The femur and tibia bear strong spines. The tarsus is a series
of 5-articulate tarsomeres. Tarsomeres 1-4 each bear a posterior pad-like adhesive
pulvillus. Tarsomere 5 ends with a pair of tarsal claws beside a pad-like arolium.
This distal arrangement of claws and arolium is sometimes referred to as the pretarsus.
The arolium is an adaptation for clinging to smooth surfaces and makes it possible for
Periplaneta to climb smooth walls.
When flexed, the femur fits neatly into a recess in the surface of the coxa (Fig 8).
The articulations between coxa and trochanter and between femur and tibia are
dicondylic joints which restrict movement to a single plane (as, you may recall, does the
dicondylic joint between the mandible and head capsule). The coxa-body articulation is
monocondlyic and permits movement in a variety of planes as is the tibia-tarsus
articulation. Dicondylic joints are functionally similar to the hinge joints in your knee and
elbow whereas monocondylic joints function like ball and socket joints in your shoulder
and hip.
The meso- and metathorax of adults of both sexes of Periplaneta each bear a
pair of large wings. The anterior mesothoracic wings, or forewings (= wing covers,
often known as tegmina in orthopterans and blattarians), are obvious in dorsal view
whereas the equally large metathoracic wings (hindwings) are almost entirely hidden
by the forewings (Fig 10). The heavier, parchment-like forewings protect the more
delicate hindwings. The hindwings are membranous and fold in pleats when at rest
under the forewings. The folded wings completely cover the dorsal surface except for
the head and pronotum.
Use forceps and your fingers to extend the wings and examine their shape and
texture. Note the way in which the hindwing folds when at rest.
Cockroach nymphs, like immatures of other insects, lack wings, but like other
pauro- and hemimetabolous insects, develop wing pads in older instars (Fig 11). The
wing pads are transformed to functional wings by the last molt.
Thoracic Segments
The thorax consists of three segments but your view is obscured dorsally by the
wings and ventrally by the walking legs, especially their coxae. Each segment has the
expected complement of sclerites consisting of dorsal tergite (or notum), lateral
pleurites, and ventral sternites.
The ventral surface of the thorax consists of large expanses of unsclerotized,
flexible, white exoskeleton in which are embedded myriad hard, golden brown, sclerites.
Anchor the specimen on its back with a #1 stainless steel insect pin through the margin
of the pronotum. Move the legs aside as needed to reveal the ventral surface of the
thorax. The proximal end of the coxa of each thoracic limb articulates with a complex
of sclerotized pleurites (Fig 12, 21-1D). On the midline, between the right and left
pleurites, lies a series of thoracic sternites. The prosternum is a small, triangular,
median, unpaired sclerite in the center of the prothorax, between the clusters of
prothoracic pleurites. The mesosternum is more complicated than the prosternum and
The thorax is equipped with two pairs of spiracles which open into the tracheal
respiratory system. The spiracles are lateral and belong to the mesothorax and
metathorax although they have migrated anteriorly (Fig 12). Consequently, the
mesothoracic spiracle is on the posterior prothorax and the metathoracic spiracle is
in the membrane between the mesothorax and metathorax.
Study the dorsal thorax by moving the wings aside. The pronotum is not
obscured by wings and is always easily seen. It forms a large shield behind the head
and may be mistaken for the head by the uninitiated. It is heavily sclerotized and dark
in color with a pale border. The mesonotum (Fig 10) is a transverse, lightly sclerotized
plate covering the dorsal surface of the mesothorax. The metanotum is similar and
covers the mesothorax.
The abdomen is the largest of the three tagmata and contains most of the
The first seven segments, known as the pregenital, or visceral, segments are
similar, unspecialized, visible and countable. Segments 9 in males and 8-9 in females
are the genital segments and are modified for reproductive functions. Segment 10 (and
the vestigial 11) are postgenital and are also modified.
Dorsally each segment is covered by a sclerotized tergite and, similarly, is
covered ventrally by a sclerotized sternite. Consecutive sternites articulate with each
other by unsclerotized articular membranes (Fig 15). Laterally, tergites and sternites
are connected by unsclerotized flexible pleura.
Examine the dorsum of the abdomen and find the abdominal tergites (Fig 10).
Those of segments 1-7 are similar in size and easily distinguished but tergite 8 is
smaller and tergite 9 smaller still. These two tergites are usually telescoped under
tergite 7 and may be difficult to see until you lift tergite 7. Tergite 10 is a large
posteriorly bilobed plate overhanging the anus (Fig 10). Tergite 11 is fused with tergite
The anus is on segment 11 and lies ventral to the epiproct (tergite 11). It is
flanked by a pair of triangular sclerites, the paraprocts (Fig 14, 21-11B, 21-12B,C)
which are modifications of sternite 11. Sternite 10 is vestigial.
Most abdominal segments lack appendages but segment 10 bears a pair of
large, segmented cerci, which are visible in both dorsal and ventral views (Fig 8, 13,
21-1F). Embryologically the cerci arise as the appendages of the 11 segment but in
adults are attached to segment 10 since segment 11 has fused with segment 10. The
cercus, although segmented, does not contain intrinsic muscles. Extrinsic muscles,
however, extend from the cercus to the abdomen so it is capable of motion. Cerci bear
vibration-sensitive hair sensillae sensitive to air movements, including sound, and
perhaps to ground vibrations.
Eight pairs of spiracles are present in the abdomen and are much smaller than
the thoracic spiracles. The abdominal spiracles are located laterally on the
Genital Segments
Study the dorsum of the posterior abdomen of a female. The tergites of the
genital segments (abdominal segments 8, 9) are reduced and their tergites are largely
hidden by the overhang of tergite 7 (Fig 10). Tergite 10 (fused with tergite 11) is a
large, thin, fan-like plate extending posterior to the genital segments. It overhangs the
anus and genital pouch, which will be described shortly. In P. americana tergite 10 is
cleft posteriorly (Fig 10).
Figure 13. Ventral view of the posterior end of the abdomen of a female of P.
fuliginosa. Blatt49L.gif
Look at the ventral surface of the abdomen (Fig 13). Sternites 8 and 9 cannot be
Tergites 7-10 dorsally and sternite 7 ventrally enclose a large space. The
space is divided into dorsal and ventral regions by two lateral sclerites, the paraprocts
(Fig 14, 21-11B). The anus opens into the dorsal chamber whereas the oviduct and
seminal receptacle open into the ventral chamber, which is the genital pouch (Fig 15).
With forceps pull the paraprocts aside to reveal the anus on segment 10-11 under the
The genital pouch is formed by invagination of the exoskeleton of the sternum
which brings sternites 8 and 9 deep into the pouch (Fig 15). This is the reason you
could not see these sternites externally. With forceps and needles as needed, pull the
The dorsum of the male posterior abdomen is similar to that of the female.
Tergite 7 is large and tergites 8 and 9 are much smaller and obscured by the overhang
of 7 (Fig 16). Tergite 10 is a large, posteriorly cleft plate fused with tergite 11 to form
the epiproct.
Figure 16. Dorsal view of the posterior abdomen of P. americana. T = tergite.
The right phallomere is to the right of the ventral phallomere and gonopore and
is farther dorsal than either of the other two lobes. It is less complicated than the left
lobe but also has easily recognized sclerotized parts. These include a piece that looks
like a crayfish cheliped (= dikella, serrate lobe) and slender hooked piece (= falx).
Internal Anatomy
The cricket, Acheta, is recommended as an alternative for the study of internal
anatomy in preference to the cockroach. Even though it is smaller, it is easier to
dissect and its internal structures are easier to demonstrate.
Begin the study of cockroach internal anatomy with a fresh, undamaged
specimen if possible. The dissection will be made from the dorsal side so you must
first remove the wings by cutting their attachments with a pair of fine scissors. The
Anchor the specimen to the wax of the dissecting pan with a #1 stainless steel
insect pin through the left side of one of the thoracic segments, lateral to your incision.
Insert the pin at a 45 ° angle. Remove the abdominal and thoracic tergites beginning
with tergite 7. Lift each tergite and remove it without removing any of the underlying
soft tissues. The tergites are transparent and thin whereas the underlying tissues are
opaque. These tissues include muscles, heart, and tracheae. Do not remove the
opaque tissue at this time.
In the abdomen the tergal muscles form a broad thin sheet of longitudinal
muscle fibers (Fig 19). In the thorax the tergal muscles are smaller and confined by
other muscles, chiefly those operating the legs. Running along the midline of this
muscle layer is the heart. If you accidentally remove the muscle layer, the heart will be
destroyed, so be careful.
Near the junction of the mesothorax and metathorax the esophagus widens to
become the crop. This thin-walled, expansible storage organ may fill the perivisceral
hemocoel of the posterior thorax and anterior abdomen. Its thin, transparent walls may
push against the body wall and dorsal diaphragm. The crop of preserved specimens
may contain a large air bubble. Almost all hydrolysis occurs in the crop making use of
enzymes from two sources. Salivary amylase, is mixed with the food in the salivarium
and then ingested, whereas enzymes from the digestive ceca, move anteriorly from the
Excretory System
Cockroaches may employ several mechanisms for eliminating or inactivating
nitrogenous waste products, chiefly as uric acid. It is not known which is most important.
Some nitrogen may be transferred from the blood to the gut lumen, and thus to
the feces, by Malpighian tubules and the midgut. In most insects the Malpighian
tubules remove wastes and inorganic ions from the blood and secrete them into the gut
lumen, where they become incorporated in the feces and are eliminated. Uric acid has
Reproductive System
The female internal genitalia consist chiefly of a pair of ovaries, two colleterial
glands (= female accessory glands) with separate ducts, seminal receptacle (two in
some species), and oviducts (Fig 21-11A). Each ovary is a bundle of tapering tubes, the
ovarioles, which empty into an oviduct. Oogenesis and gamete maturation occur in the
ovarioles. The lateral oviducts, one from each of the two ovaries, join to form a
common oviduct that opens through sternite 8 into the genital pouch (Fig 15). The duct
from the seminal receptacle opens at the end of the receptacle papilla in the pouch (Fig
23). During copulation the male attaches a spermatophore a sternite in the female
genital pouch. Sperm exit the spermatophore, travel up the receptacle duct to the
seminal receptacle where they are stored, potentially for a year or more.
" The female reproductive system will not be visible until much of the fat body in
the dorsal abdomen has been removed. Begin first in the posterior abdomen and
remove tergites 7-9 if you have not already done so. The fat body covers and is packed
around the colleterial glands and ovaries and must be removed carefully without
damaging either. The size of the fat body varies depending on metabolic and
reproductive condition of the insect. Reserves stored in the fat body are transferred to
the developing eggs when the female is reproductive active.
Once you have removed the fat body, the left colleterial gland will be
conspicuous as spaghetti-like tangle of many long, slender, branching, opaque white
The male reproductive system consists of paired testes, each draining by a
sperm duct (= vas deferens) to a common ejaculatory duct which opens via the male
gonopore in the genital pouch (Fig 21-12A). Associated with the confluence of the two
sperm ducts are two clusters of secretory accessory glands. Near the confluence, the
sperm ducts are expanded to form seminal vesicles. It is thought that spermatogenesis
occurs in the testes during the last nymphal instar and the spermatozoa stored for later
use as an imago.
The testes are located dorsolaterally in segments 4 and 5 (Fig 20). They are
embedded in the white fat body and can be difficult or impossible to demonstrate in
adults, especially older specimens. Part of this difficulty is attributed to the alleged
(disputed) degeneration of the testes in older adults but most of the problem is due to
the fat bodies. Like the testes, the sperm ducts are difficult to demonstrate and you
probably will not see them.
Prior to copulation a spermatophore is formed in the male ejaculatory duct when
secretions of the accessory glands enclose and harden around a mass of sperm from
the seminal vesicles. During copulation the phallomeres open the female’s genital
pouch and hold the male’s genitalia in the correct position. The ejaculatory duct on the
ventral phallomere is held adjacent to the opening of the spermathecal papilla (Fig 23)
and the spermatophore released. It is believed that the spermatophore is glued in place
" In dorsal dissection your view of the male reproductive system is probably
obscured by lobes of the bright white fat body. Remove this region of the fat body and
tergite 8-9 if you have not already done so.
Following removal of the fat body, the male accessory gland (= mushroom
gland) is by far the most conspicuous of the male's internal genitalia (Fig 20). It
secretes the covering of the spermatophore and is a mass of worm-like diverticula in the
posterior hemocoel under tergites 7-8 beside the anterior end of the posterior colon and
anterior rectum. The mass includes large (utriculi majores) and small (utriculi
breviores) diverticula and is usually surrounded by lobes of the fat body.
The two sperm ducts enter the gland and the seminal vesicles are enclosed in
the mass of tubules. The thick ejaculatory duct, formed by the union of the sperm
ducts, exits ventrally from the center mass of accessory glands and extends deep into
the ventral body wall and then posteriorly to the gonopore on the dorsal surface of the
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