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SMoM Sample Exam 1

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Prof. Dr. M.

Winkler Statics and Mechanics of Materials

Statics and Mechanics of Materials

Sample exam 1
Duration: 90 min

Allowed materials:
- Distributed formulary (2 DIN A4 sheets; printed on both sides; landscape
format without scaling; additional notes are allowed)
- 1 DIN A4 sheet (written on both sides) hand-written notes

Name: ...........................................................

Registration number/Matr.-Nr.: ...........................................................

General hints:

1. Answer the questions on the exercise sheets. You can also write on the empty back
sides. The exercise sheets are stapled together and they have to be stapled
together in the correct order at the end of the exam.
2. Answer all questions. Read carefully. Simplify the results as far as possible.
3. Intermediate results and results without derivation, approach or unit cannot be
4. Do not use a lead pencil or a red pen. Write readable. If you have to cross out
something, it has to be clearly visible which solution has to be evaluated.
5. The exam consists of 13 pages and 4 problems, respectively.

A1 A2 A3 A4 Total


Of 13 20 27 30 90


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Prof. Dr. M. Winkler Statics and Mechanics of Materials

Problem 1 (13 points)

For a point of a steel component (Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio ) with a
plane stress state (𝜎 = 0) the strains in the x- and y-direction and one shear strain
value are known (𝜀 = 𝑎; 𝜀 = −𝑎; 𝛾 = 𝑎).

Determine the stresses 𝜎 , 𝜎 and 𝜏 as a function of the given quantities.

Given: 𝑎; 𝐸; 𝜈 =

Hint: The relationship between Young’s modulus and shear modulus in the section
transverse shear in the formulary is helpful for a part of the solution.

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Space for problem 1)

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Prof. Dr. M. Winkler Statics and Mechanics of Materials

Problem 2 (20 points)

The shown beam is given. It is loaded by a line load with the maximal value q0. The
function of the line load is given:

𝑞 (𝑥) = 𝑞 für 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝑎
𝑞 (𝑥) = 𝑞 für 𝑎 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 2𝑎

Determine the stress resultants (shear force and bending moment) as a function of x.

Use the defined coordinate system (origin at A)

Given: q0; a

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Space for problem 2)

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Space for problem 2)

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Prof. Dr. M. Winkler Statics and Mechanics of Materials

Problem 3 (27 points)

Determine the maximal deflection of the

shown beam (length L; flexural rigidity

Use the superposition method.

Given: F; L; EI

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Space for problem 3)

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Space for problem 3)

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Prof. Dr. M. Winkler Statics and Mechanics of Materials

Problem 4 (30 points)

The picture shows the undeformed (unloaded)
situation. The rods 1 and 3 have the same length L1
in the undeformed case. Rod 2 has the length L2 for
the undeformed case (L2 < L1). The grey parts on the
top and on the bottom are rigid. The line load q is
large enough so that all rods are loaded by
compression. All 3 rods have the cross-sectional
area A and the Young’s modulus E.

Determine the internal forces of the rods. Give the

result as a function of the given quantities.

 Lengths L1 and L2
 Line load q
 Length a
 Axial rigidity EA = 400 qa

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Space for problem 4)

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Space for problem 4)

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Space for problem 4)

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