Tension Test
Tension Test
Tension Test
Student Name : Student Reg. No : Section No. : Lab. Day : Lab. Date :
7 Tensile Test
Due Date:
29 / 11 / 2006
: Theory:
o The Tensile test is used to obtain basic design information on the strength of materials. When the standard methods of test are employed the results are acceptable criteria of quality of materials and a given level of quality means satisfactory behavior in service. o They typical stress-strain diagram with some of common nomenclature for a typical lowcarbon steel specimen is shown in fig (1). And fig (2) shows a typical stress - strain diagram for brittle materials.
o Figure (1) & (2) are plotted in terms of engineering stress, , and engineering strain ,, These are quantities based on the original dimensions of the specimens defined as:-
This ratio is valid only for elastic strain, and measured from the stress stain curve shown in fig (1), The amount of elastic strain can be determined by unloading the specimen at some deformation, when the load is removed, the specimen shortens by an amount equal to the stress divided by (E), Thus, ( = / E) in the elastic region. The value of E for a material shows the elastic resistance to an applied load that causes deformation. It is a measure of the stiffness of materials. -
Proportional limit: The curve in Fig (1) begins with a straight line from 0 to A. the
proportional limit is the place on the curve where it deviates for the first time from a straight line (point A). The material in this point is steel elastic. For low carbon steel this limit is in the range 200 to 280 MPa, but for high strength steel the proportional limit is 550 MPa and more.
Elastic limit: The elastic limit is the maximum load that can be applied to the
specimen without permanently deforming it.
Yield stress: If a slight increase in loading is applied to the elastic, the elongation
occurs for the first time without any increase in loading. The Method for finding the yield stress of the sample is to draw a line parallel to the original straight portion of the stress-strain curve, but offset from the origin of this curve by some value of (usually between 0.001 and 0.003, indicated as 0.1% to 0,3%), the value of is taken from a point of Intersection of this line and the curve.
Ultimate stress: It is the point on the curve that represents the maximum stress that
can be applied to a ductile material before fracture (point D). For brittle materials the fracture point is essentially the same as the ultimate stress.
Rupture stress: The stress at which the fracture occurs, the fracture is located at the
last point in the curve (point E).
The Modulus of Resilience (UR): is the amount of energy stored in stressing the
material to the elastic limit as given by the area under the elastic portion of - curve. This quantity is important in selecting materials for energy storage such as springs; the Modulus of Resilience is given by,
The modulus of Toughness (UT): is the total energy absorption capabilities of the
materials to failure and it is given by;
and is given by the total area under the - curve, it is often approximated by ), this quantity is important in selecting materials for applications where high overloads are
- Percentage of reduction in cross-sectional area of a specimen is another way to indicate the tensile property of ductility, thus
Note : If the percentage of elongation and reduction of cross-sectional are large, the material is said to be ductile; when they are low, the material is said to be brittle. - The stress-strain diagram previously discussed, using engineering quantities & , are based on area and lengths that no longer exist at the time of measurement. To correct this, situation true stress ( ) and true strain ( ) quantities are use. The true stress and true strain quantities are defined as:
Where: A : the instantaneous area at the time is measured L: the instantaneous length between gage marks at the time P is measured. A: the instantaneous cross-sectional area at the time P is measured. Note: These two definitions of true strain are equivalent in the plastic region where the material volume can be considered constant during deformation. Since A .L = A.L This is only true in the plastic region of deformation, in the elastic region the change in volume (V) per unit volume is given by the bulk Modulus (K), and,
o o i
Finally; the relation ship between the engineering values and true values are given below:
: Equipments:
Universal Testing Machine (UTM): The machine is digital type Tensile Strength Test Machine. Capable doing the following tests: 1. Tensile test. 2. Compression test. 3. 3 points bending test. 4. Direct shear test. It uses sensor which has high accuracy of the load value. Experimenters can get well-done results. Experimenter can save the result by mean of connecting the U.T.M. and Computer. The machine is composed of: Loading part: Main body, crosshead, crosshead moving part, jig part, load cell sensor, and displacement sensor. Measuring part: Load display, strain display, and speed control device.
0 0.12 0.24 0.3 0.42 0.48 0.6 0.66 0.84 1.2 1.32 1.56 2.04 3.06 4.8 5.28 6.6 7.92 9.6 12 14.4 15.6 16.8 18 19.2 20.4 21.6 22.8 23.98
Stress (Mpa)
0 42.43948444 63.65922666 84.87896888 106.0987111 127.3184533 148.5381955 169.7579378 190.97768 233.4171644 254.6369066 275.8566489 297.0763911 318.2961333 336.37221 341.0877083 352.0905376 360.7356177 369.8522477 381.9553599 392.6438227 395.6303049 400.1886199 403.1751022 406.1615844 407.4190506 407.5762339 408.6765168 408.6765168
0 0.00096 0.00192 0.0024 0.00336 0.00384 0.0048 0.00528 0.00672 0.0096 0.01056 0.01248 0.01632 0.02448 0.0384 0.04224 0.0528 0.06336 0.0768 0.096 0.1152 0.1248 0.1344 0.144 0.1536 0.1632 0.1728 0.1824 0.19184
Stress (M pa)
Sample of calculations: 1234567Proportional limit = 250 MPa. Yield point = 0.01 Yield stress for an offset 0.2% = 288.33 MPa. Ultimate stress = u = 406.67 MPa. Fracture (Rupture) stress = 406.67 MPa. Elongation = [23.98/125]*100% = 19.184 % Modulus of elasticity = E = slop = / = (250)/ (0.01) = 25000 MPa. 8- Modulus of resilience = UR = (250)2/ (2*25000) = 1.25 MPa. 9- Modulus of toughness = UT = (2/3) ( max * max) = (2/3)(406.67 * 0.192) = 52.054 MPa. 10- for brass = 0.3 11- Shear modulus of elasticity = G = (25000)/ [2 (1- 0.3 )] = 17857.1 MPa. 12- Bulk modulus of elasticity = K = (25000)/ [3 (1- 2* 0.3 )] = 20833.3 MPa.