This paper consists of section A and B. Answer question one in section A plus 3 questions in section B Candidates are advised to read questions carefully, organize their answers and present them precisely and logically, illustrating with well labelled diagram wherever necessary.
Adapt to the 21st century Biology Pedagogical skills.
1 SECTION A (40 Marks) n.b – question one is compulsory to all candidates. A scientist investigates the roles of organelles in the synthesis and transport of polypeptides through cells. The scientist: • Isolates cells and incubates them in a liquid containing radioactively labelled amino acids. Solution was isotonic, buffered and nutrient rich. • Leaves the cells for 80 minutes so that they have time to absorb the radioactively labelled amino acids and synthesise polypeptides. • Measures the radioactivity of 3 different types of organelle at 5-minute intervals. • Calculates the percentage of the total cell radioactivity in each type of organelle. Figure below shows the percentage of total cell radioactivity in the Rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body and Secretory vesicle. Study it carefully and provide credible responses.
a) Compare the percentage of total cell radioactivity in the Golgi body
and secretory vesicle. (07 marks) b) Describe the relationship between the percentage total cell radio- activities in the following organelles. (i) Rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi body. (05 marks) (ii) Golgi body and secretory vesicle. (05 marks)
Adapt to the 21st century Biology Pedagogical skills.
2 c) Explain the relationship between the total radio-activities in the following organelles. (i) Rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi body. (07 marks) (ii) Golgi body and secretory vesicle. (07 marks) d) With reasons, suggest explanations for the following observations. (i) Using amino acid that was radioactively labelled. (02 marks) ii) Buffered, isotonic and nutrient rich solution. (05 marks) e) Calculate the mean rate of change in percentage radioactivity from 60 to 80 minutes for secretory vesicle. (02 marks)
Section b (60 marks)
Choose three questions from this section. 2a) Describe the main components of connective tissues. (05 marks) b) Explain the significances of the main mammalian connective tissues. (15 marks) 3a) Describe the structure of the following protein levels. (i) Primary structure. (03 marks) (ii) Secondary structure. (07 marks) (iii) Tertiary structure. (05 marks) b) Explain the reasons behind the existence of a variety of carbohydrates. (05 marks) 4a) Describe the chemical composition of chromosomes. (07 marks) b) Explain how the following mechanisms cause genetic variation in populations. (i) Crossing over. (03 marks) (ii) Independent segregation and assortment. (05 marks) c) Differentiate between cell division and nuclear division in a life cycle of a cell. (05 marks)
Adapt to the 21st century Biology Pedagogical skills.
3 5a) Describe the structure of the cell membrane in accordance to the fluid mosaic model. (10 marks) b) Explain how the cell membrane shows selectivity of transport of materials. (10 marks) 6a) Describe the following key stages in protein synthesis. (i) Amino-acid synthesis. (05 marks) (ii) Amino acid activation. (05 marks) b) (i) What is meant by a genetic code? (03 marks) (ii) Describe the different properties of a genetic code.(07 marks)
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Adapt to the 21st century Biology Pedagogical skills.