DRUG STUDY (Furosemide)
DRUG STUDY (Furosemide)
DRUG STUDY (Furosemide)
Furosemide ● Furosemide is used ● Acute pulmonary edema ● Contraindicated in CNS:vertigo, headache, ● To prevent
(Lasix) to treat hypertension Adults: 40mg I.V. injected clients dizziness, paresthesia, nocturia, give
(high blood slowly over 1 to 2 minutes; then hypersensitive to weakness, restlessness, P.O. and I.M.
pressure). It is also 80mg I.V. in 60 to 90 minutes if drug and in those fever. preparations in
used to treat edema. needed. with anuria. the morning.
This is swelling due CV: orthostatic Give second
to fluid buildup in ● Edema ● Use cautiously in hypotension, dose in early
the body. Edema can Adults: 20 to 80mg P.O. daily in clients with hepatic thrombophlebitis with afternoon.
be caused by other the morning. If response is cirrhosis and in I.V. administration.
medical conditions inadequate, give a second dose, those allergic to ● Alert: Monitor
such as heart failure,
and each succeeding dose, every sulfonamides. Use EENT: transient weight, blood
cirrhosis of the liver,
6 to 8 hours. Carefully increase during pregnancy deafness, blurred or pressure and
or kidney disease. dose in 20 to 40mg increments up only if potential yellowed vision, pulse rate
to 600mg daily. Once an effective benefits to the tinnitus. routinely with
● Furosemide may be dose is attained, may give once or mother clearly long-term use
used as part of a twice daily. Or, 20 to 40mg I.V. outweigh risks to GI: abdominal and during
combination therapy or I.M., increased by 20mg every the fetus. discomfort and pain, rapid diuresis.
to treat high blood 2 hours until desired effect diarrhea, anorexia, Use can lead to
pressure. This means achieved. nausea, vomiting, profound water
you may need to constipation, and electrolyte
take it with other Infants and Children: 2mg/kg pancreatitis. depletion.
medications. P.O. daily, increased by 1 to 2
mg/kg in 6 to 8 hours if needed; GU: nocturia, polyuria, ● If oliguria or
carefully adjusted up to 6mg/kg frequent urination, azotemia
daily if needed. oliguria. develops or
increases, drug
● Hypertension Hematologic: may need to be
Adults: 40mg P.O. b.i.d. Dosage agranulocytosis, stopped.
adjusted based on response. May aplastic anemia,
be used as adjunct to other leukopenia, ● Monitor fluid
antihypertensives if needed. thrombocytopenia, intake and
azotemia, anemia. output and
Children: 0.5 to 2mg/kg P.O. electrolyte,
once or twice daily. Increase dose Hepatic: hepatic BUN and
as needed up to 6mg/kg daily. dysfunction, jaundice. carbon dioxide
I.V. Administration Metabolic: volume frequently.
● If it is discolored yellow, depletion and
don’t use it. dehydration, ● Watch for signs
● For direct injection, give asymptomatic of hypokalemia,
over 1 to 2 minutes. hyperuricemia, such as muscle
● For infusion, dilute with impaired glucose weakness and
D5W, normal saline tolerance, hypokalemia, cramps.
solution, or Lactated hypochloremic
Ringer solution. alkalosis, ● Consult
● To avoid ototoxicity, hyperglycemia, prescriber and
infuse no more than dilutional dietitian about a
4mg/minute. hyponatremia, high-potassium
● Use prepared infusion hypocalcemia, diet or
solutions within 24 hours. hypomagnesemia. potassium
Musculoskeletal: Foods rich in
muscle spasm. potassium
include citrus
Skin: dermatitis, fruits, tomatoes,
purpura, bananas, dates
photosensitivity and apricots.
reactions, transient pain
at I.M. injection site. ● Monitor
glucose level in
Other: gout. diabetic clients.
● Store tablets in
containers to
(doesn’t affect
Refrigerate oral
solution to
ensure drug
● Look
alike: Don’t
with torsemide
or Lasix with
Lonox, Lidex
or Luvox.
● Monitor client
for cushingoid
including moon
face, buffalo
hump, central
thinning hair,
and increased
susceptibility to
● Drugs may
mask or worsen
including latent
● Unless
give a
diet that’s high
in potassium
and protein.
Give potassium
supplements, as