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2019 - 2020 1959-2019

City Montessori School

Creating a better future for all children since 1959

Recipient of
the year 2002 -
UNESCO Prize CMS is the world’s
for Peace Education Largest City School


Rules and Regulations 2-3
School Uniform 4
Award of Merit Scholarships 5
Fee Collection Schedule 6-7
Achievements 2018-2019 8

Contact Us
City Montessori School (CMS)
HEAD OFFICE : 12, Station Road, Lucknow, India
Telephones : 2638483, 2637655, 2638606
3 students of CMS Fax : 2638008 and 2635497
E-mail : info@cmseducation.org
Visit us at : www.cmseducation.org

Helpline for Parents

We welcome all queries regarding classwork
ISC 2018 ISC 2018 ISC 2018
and studies.
Please call: Ms. Susmita Basu, Superior Principal
Tel: 2638301, Ext.-228 or 214
2638733, 2638533, 9415015029
Rules and Regulations ADMISSI
Admission 3. If you feel that your child is not
1. Application for admission is made to the Principal of the making the desired progress, RULES
concerned campus on a prescribed application form. please make it a point to
2. Admission to Pre-Primary classes and Playgroup is made
discuss it with the Principal, INGS
the class teacher and the
according to the age of the child: 3 years of age for
subject teacher.
Montessori; 4 years of age for Nursery and 5 years of age
for Kindergarten. A child's ability is also taken into 4. Criticism of a teacher or the school, in
consideration. Birth certificate issued by Municipal the presence of the student should be
Corporation is required. In case Birth Certificate is not avoided. This may cause the student to
available, alternative IDs are acceptable. lose respect for his teacher and the
Attendance and absence
5. Parents are not allowed to meet their
1. As regular attendance is an important requirement for children or their teachers during school
successful results, a written application for leave must be hours without prior permission of the Principal.
submitted well in advance. In case of illness and other
unforeseen circumstances, the guardian should inform 6. Parents are expected to participate regularly in school
functions especially when they are invited.
the Principal in writing as soon as possible. A minimum
attendance of 90% of the total working days is required 7. Our school teachers do not give private tuition. Therefore,
during the academic year, falling short of which the do not approach them to teach your wards privately.
student will not be allowed to take the examination that 8. Parents are requested to inform the school of any change of
year (rules of 90% attendance is strictly applicable address or phone number.
especially for classes IX to XII). However it is advisable 9. Visitors are not allowed to meet the teachers in their
that a student should have 100% attendance for good respective classrooms.
10. a) Parents are required to send their children to school on
2. School fees has to be paid in advance by the 10th of every time.
month (or by the 9th if 10th is a holiday or Sunday) only b) Presence of every child is compulsory in the prayer
after payment of fees in advance a child can be allowed to assembly.
attend the classes in any month. c) A child who fails to reach the school on time and does not
3. A student whose name has been struck off for absence attend the assembly may be sent back home.
without leave and who is habitually late or persistently d) Parents should not take the child out of station during
careless and indisciplined may not be re-admitted to the school days without the prior permission of the Principal.
e) No sick child may be sent to school with medicines to be
taken during school hours except in case of emergency
4. Every student must be present on the reopening day after medicine like inhalers for asthma. Parents should inform
each vacation. the class teacher in writing.
5. It is advisable to ensure that a student is not disturbed f) Children will not be allowed to go home from school in
during examination days and is not asked to attend social between school hours except for any unforeseen
functions. circumstance.

6. No student can leave the school premises during school 11. Please ensure and encourage that your child takes part in all
the activities of the school.
hours without the written permission of the Principal,
which may be granted under exceptional circumstances, Parent-Teacher Meetings
based on the written request of parents. Every campus periodically organises parent-teacher meetings,
7. The Principal has the right to suspend or to rusticate an where the progress of the child is discussed. Attendance of all
indisciplined student. The Principal may also ask the parents at such meetings is compulsory.
parents/guardians to withdraw their child from the school Transfers
if his/her conduct or educational progress is not Children may be transferred from one campus of the school to
satisfactory. another (subject to availability of seats). Withdrawal form filled
8. All entries of absence, late-coming or half-day leave by the campus and addressed to the Principal of the concerned
should be written or mentioned in the school diary. campus must be submitted along with by a transfer fee of Rs. 500/-
Classwork and Homework General Rules
1. Classwork, which includes oral work, written work and 1. Students of all classes should attend prayer meetings in the
class tests, is taken into consideration for promotion, and morning. Students coming late may not be allowed to enter
added to the half yearly and Annual Examination the class without the Principal’s permission.
2. Parents or attendants are not allowed to enter any
2. In the Primary, Junior, ICSE and ISC classes, homework in classroom. No servant is permitted on the school premises
English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science and other optional
until the school gets over.
subjects is given regularly. Guardians are requested to see
that their children complete their homework regularly. 3. No child should be absent without a prior written leave
application. In case of contagious illness, the child is not
Parental Cooperation
1. Parents are required to look into their children’s school allowed to attend school without a fitness certificate from
diary every day and see that the lessons and homework an authorised medical practitioner.
assigned are duly completed. 4. No jewellery is to be worn (except a wrist-watch) and no make-
2. Remarks made in the school diary should be up of any kind is to be used. Nails are to be kept trimmed.
acknowledged and countersigned regularly by the 5. Application of Mehndi is not permitted.

Rules and Regulations
6. The school does not accept responsibility for loss of books, Progress Report
money, clothes and other items belonging to the student. 1.) Parents are requested to collect the progress reports of
Each child is responsible for his/her own belongings. their wards regularly on the dates announced by the
7. Any damage to the school property or premises by a school after every examination.
student is to be replaced/borne by him/her. Students
2.) In case a duplicate report card is asked for, it will be issued
should keep their bicycles at the school bicycle-stand,
against payment of Rs. 500/-.
properly locked. School authorities will not be held
responsible for any loss of unlocked bicycles kept in the Library Rules
bicycle-stand. 1. Books will be issued and returned as per the rules framed
8. Every child is expected to abide by the values and by the concerned campus.
standards set by the school.
2. Books will be issued for a definite period of time only.
9. It is compulsory for students to participate in school
3. Only one book will be issued at a time.
functions, sports, cultural and literary activities. For at
least one function per year, the child will have to get a 4. A late fine of ` 2/- per book will be charged per day until
dress or a costume made, as per requirement. the book is returned.
10. No child is allowed to bring a mobile phone to school. 5. A student should point out any damage done to the books
11. As per govt. rules students who come by a two wheeler prior to getting them issued in his/her name; otherwise
should have a valid driving license and wear helmet while he/she will be charged for the damage.
driving, without which they will not be allowed to enter 6. Tearing, writing, scribbling or folding of pages in the books
the school campus. will be considered as damage done to the books.
12. If any child comes to school by bicycle or a two-wheeler or 7. Students losing books or damaging them will be asked to
gearless scooter (with a valid driving licence) parents pay the cost of the books.
must submit a written application and deposit the
required bicycle/two wheeler stand fees. 8. All the library books issued to students must be returned
before the commencement of the annual examination and
13. Parents' cooperation is solicited in maintaining punctuality, clearance slips must be obtained from the librarian.
regularity and discipline in all school functions.
Laboratory Rules
14. Tiffin & water bottle should be given to the student to
bring. It should not be sent later. The school has well-equipped laboratories to facilitate
experimental work in various sciences. The following rules
School Examination and Continuous Evaluation are to be observed in the laboratories:
1. Progress of the students will be assessed on the basis of 1. Equipment for use in the laboratories will be issued to
monthly assessments, half-yearly and annual students as per rules laid down by each campus.
examinations. The marks obtained in these tests will be
taken into consideration at the time of determining 2. No equipment is to be taken out of the laboratory without
annual promotion. written permission.
2. Promotion will be granted on the basis of the performance 3. Any damage to the equipment during practical lessons will
of the student for the whole year. be borne by the students.
3. Continuous evaluation is an integral part of the education 4. Any item issued from the laboratories must be returned
process and a child is appreciated for the following four before the commencement of the annual examinations
aspects: attitude, behaviour, effort and improvement. and a clearance certificate obtained from science
There are no “examinations” in the pre-school years, only teachers to allow the students to appear for their annual
continuous evaluation. examinations.
System of Continuous Assessment Junior Section
Personality development today is an integral part of In the junior section, subjects such as Moral education,
education. Both personality development and progress in Physical education, Art and Personality development are
academic performance form the basis of evaluation for the graded rather than given marks on the basis of tests. This
overall assessment. Teachers observe their students' grading gives teachers an opportunity to assess the child’s
personality traits throughout the year and award points development regularly instead of just twice a year
accordingly. Students showing outstanding personality traits continuously. Teachers observe the students' behaviour
and good performance in studies are awarded merit throughout the year and then grade them. This helps students
certificates and stars from Montessori to class II. Children at
to concentrate more on the core subjects for which they are
the Primary level must acquire distinction in English, Hindi,
Mathematics and must be well versed in Computers. These marked.
subjects have been considered as core subjects and are This step has reduced the stress of examinations and has also
evaluated monthly. This gives the teachers and parents a reduced the number of examination days.
regular feedback of the children's performance in the core
subjects and gives children an opportunity to improve their
performance gradually. Other subjects such as Art and Moral
Education are taught in correlation with the core subjects and
are evaluated through project work.

School Uniform for Summer School Uniform for Winter
1. Light blue 'A-Line' frock of Phagwara Terrycot JCT Mills: APS 108, white yoke 1. Red T-shirt-with CMS logo - round neck, full sleeves
and light blue baby collar, half – sleeved with white border in the end and one 2. Red sweat shirt with CMS logo
box – pleat in the centre (2” above the knee).
3. Steel grey track pants with red stripes.
2. On the left side of the white yoke, CMS to be written with light blue thread.
3. Pocket on the right side with white border on top. 4. Steelgreyjacketwithredfleeceinnerliningandattachedhood,withCMSlogo.
4. White mid-length socks with 3 sky blue stripes. White hairband/Ribbon 5. Black hair band / ribbons.
5. Black leather shoes with buckles. 6. Steel grey woolen socks.
6. Light blue hair band. 7. Black leather shoes with buckles.
1. White half-sleeve shirt and pocket on the left side with CMS written in light 1. Red T-shirt-with CMS logo - round neck, full sleeves
blue color on the pocket. 2. Red sweat shirt with CMS logo.
2. Light blue half pants with suspenders. 3. Steel grey track pants with red stripes.
3. White mid-length socks with 3 sky blue stripes. 4. Steelgreyjacketwithredfleeceinnerliningandattachedhood,withCMSlogo.
4. Black leather shoes with laces. 5. Steel grey woolen socks.
PRIMARY, JUNIOR AND SENIOR SECTIONS 6. Black leather shoes with laces.
1. Navy Blue Gaberdine half-sleeves pinafore with a box pleat and a light blue Primary (Class I to V)
sailor collar. GIRLS
2. Navy blue mid- length socks with CMS logo. 1. Light blue T- Shirt with CMS logo - round neck, Full sleeves
3. Black leather shoes with buckle. 2. Navy blue sweat shirt with CMS logo.
4. Light blue hair band with dark blue stripes/light blue ribbon. 3. Navy blue track Pant with blue stripes.
Primary (Class I to V) BOYS 4. Navy blue Jacket with fleece lining and detachable hood, with CMS logo.
5. Light blue hair band with dark blue stripes /Light blue ribbons.
1. Light blue stripe half sleeves shirt with pocket on right side with CMS logo.
2. Navy blue half pants with CMS logo near the pocket. 6. Navy blue socks with CMS logo.
3. Navy blue mid length socks with CMS logo. 7. Black leather shoes with buckle.
4. Black leather shoes with laces. Primary (Class I to V) BOYS
Junior (Class VI to VIII) GIRLS 1. Light blue T- Shirt with CMS logo round-neck, full sleeves
1. Light blue stripe, half sleeve shirt with sailor collar. 2. Navy blue sweat shirt with CMS logo.
2. Box pleat navy blue skirt with attached navy blue undershorts. 3. Navy blue track pant with blue stripes.
3. Navy blue mid length cotton socks with CMS logo. 4. Navy blue Jacket with fleece lining and detachable hood, with CMS logo.
4. Black leather strap shoes. 5. Navy blue socks with CMS logo.
5. Light blue hair band/with dark blue stripes/light blue ribbon. 6. Black leather shoes with laces.
Junior (Class VI to VIII) BOYS Junior (Class VI to VIII) GIRLS
1. Half sleeve light blue stripe shirt with open collar + CMS logo on left pocket. 1. Light blue stripe shirt-full sleeves.
2. Navy blue full length straight trousers with CMS logo near the pockets. 2. Box pleated navy blue skirt with attached navy blue undershorts.
3. School belt – navy blue with metal CMS logo buckle. 3. Navy blue sleeveless V neck ribbed pullover.
4. Navy blue mid- length cotton socks with CMS logo. 4. Single breasted navy blue mélange tweed blazer with CMS logo.
5. Black leather laced shoes. 5. Navy blue ribbed leggings.
Senior (Class IX to XII) GIRLS 6. Light blue hairband with dark blue stripe/light blue ribbons.
7. Black leather shoes with buckle.
1. T-Shirt collar, half-sleeve, light blue stripe kurti. CMS logo on left .
2. Navy blue straight trousers full length – side slant pockets. Junior (Class VI to VIII) BOYS
3. Navy blue mid- length cotton socks with CMS Logo. 1. Light blue stripe shirt with CMS Logo Full sleeves
4. Black leather strap shoes. 2. Navy blue full length straight trousers with CMS logo near the left pocket.
Senior (Class IX to XII) BOYS 3. Navy blue sleeveless V neck ribbed pullover .
1. Half sleeve light blue stripe shirt with open collar + CMS logo on left pocket. 4. Single breasted navy blue mélange tweed blazer with CMS logo.
2. Navy blue full length straight trousers with CMS logo near the pockets . 5. Navy blue tie with white stripe and CMS logo.
3. School belt – navy blue with metal CMS logo buckle. 6. Navy blue socks with CMS logo.
4. Navy blue mid- length cotton socks with CMS logo. 7. Black leather laced shoes.
5. Black leather laced shoes.
Senior (Class IX to XII) GIRLS
PT DRESS 1. Light blue stripe shirt - full sleeve – with CMS Logo
Primary: Girls 2. Navy blue sleeveless V neck ribbed pullover.
1. House coloured T-shirt with navy blue stripes. 3. Navy blue straight trousers full length side slant pockets- with CMS Logo
2. Navy blue skirt-wrap around with attached shorts. (4 inches above 4. Single breasted navy blue melange tweed blazer with CMS logo.
the knees) and CMS logo. 5. Light blue hairband with dark blue stripes/light blue ribbons.
3. White canvas shoes with laces, white mid-length socks, Navy blue 6 Black leather strap shoes.
ribbons / hairband. Senior (Class IX to XII) BOYS
Primary: Boys 1. Light blue stripe shirt - full sleeve - with CMS Logo
1. House coloured Half sleeves T-shirt with navy blue stripes. 2. Navy blue full length straight trousers with CMS logo near the pockets.
2. Navy blue shorts with CMS logo. 3. Navy blue sleeveless V neck ribbed pullover.
3. White canvas shoes with laces and white mid-length socks 4. Single breasted navy blue mélange tweed blazer with CMS logo.
Junior & Senior: Girls 5. Navy blue tie with white stripe and CMS logo.
1. House coloured Half sleeves T-shirt with navy blue stripes. 6. Navy blue socks with CMS logo.
2. Navy blue Track suit lowers with CMS logo. 7. Black leather laced shoes.
3. White canvas shoes with laces and white mid-length socks
NOTE : Parents are requested to purchase the School Uniform from any
4. Navy blue Hairband/Ribbon.
of the authorized shops so that uniformity of quality, colour and shade
Junior & Senior: Boys may be maintained.
1. House coloured half sleeves T-shirt with navy blue stripes.
2. Navy blue track suit lowers with CMS logo.
3. White canvas shoes with laces and white mid-length socks

Award of Merit Scholarships & Titles to Mothers
Titles to Mothers, School Merit Scholarships & prizes the basis of Half Yearly and Annual examinations. The
City Montessori School awards Merit Scholarships in cash mothers of position holders are also honoured with
(from ` 20/- to ` 200/-), to the first ten position holders various encouraging titles and certificates of honour.
in each section of every class from class III to ISC (XII) on The details of awards are mentioned below.

Position Titles Awarded to Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship

Mothers money for money for money for money for
Class XI Class IX Classes VI to VIII Classes III to V
1st Mother Queen ` 200 ` 150 ` 120 ` 100
2nd Mother Glory ` 150 ` 120 ` 100 ` 80
3rd Mother Majesty ` 120 ` 100 ` 80 ` 60
4th Mother Exalted ` 100 ` 80 ` 60 ` 40
5th Mother Magnificent ` 80 ` 60 ` 50 ` 30
6th Mother Excellent ` 60 ` 50 ` 40 ` 20
7th Mother Eminent ` 40 ` 40 ` 30 ` 20
8th Mother Splendid ` 30 ` 30 ` 20 ` 20
9th Mother Dignity ` 30 ` 20 ` 20 ` 20
10th Mother Great ` 30 ` 20 ` 20 ` 20

Mode & process of fee payment

1. Fee is payable by crossed and account payee cheque/bank draft Class, Section, CMS Branch and Mobile No. are to be written on
of Lucknow’s Bank at the school bank by the 10th (or if the 10th is the reverse of Cheque/Draft. No cheque or draft will be
a Sunday or public holiday, then by the 9th) of every month accepted on the Register Day. Late payment fine and re-
without any fine. After that ` 200/- will be charged as late fee admission charges will not be excused. For Class X and XII fee
fine. from December onwards will be accepted only by Bank Draft.
2. All existing parents are required to pay fee for their wards for July 7. a) All school fees and other dues must be cleared within the
2019 in advance in March or April to secure the child's seat for the prescribed period, failing which students will not be allowed to
next academic session of 2019-2020. attend classes and may be sent back home.
b) No student will be allowed to appear for the half-yearly or
If however, the fee for July 2019 is not paid in advance in March or
annual examinations unless all the school dues are cleared well
April 2019 it can be deposited latest by 10th (or if 10th is a
before the commencement of the examination.
holiday, then by 9th) July 2019 to ensure that the child will study
in CMS in this session of 2019-2020. 8. Please note, that in case a cheque bounces, the banks will charge
a fee for the ‘bounced cheque’ therefore an amount of
But if the fee is not deposited even by 10th (or if the 10th is a ` 300/- will be charged by the school in the next fee bill.
Sunday or public holiday, then by the 9th) July 2019 the child's 9. It is expected that from July 2019 onwards, parents will have
name will be struck off from the rolls in the evening of 10th July so online fee payment facility, but parents will be notified once this
that the seat may be given to a new aspirant for admission. service starts.
However, if there is any vacancy left, the child can be re-
10.A student who attends school even for one day in July and is later
admitted on payment of re-admission fee of ` 500/-.
withdrawn during mid-session for any reason, has to pay full fees
3. From the 11th till the end of the month, fee will be accepted only for the First Term i.e. upto December, regardless of whether
by Bank Draft. If fee is not paid by the last date of the month, the he/she takes the T.C. or not (Full fees inclusive of Composite fee).
name of the student will be struck off from the register and child 11.A student withdrawn from the institution after the month of
will not be allowed to sit in the class. The child will be re- December will have to pay the full fees for the Second Term i.e.
admitted only on payment of ` 500/- as re-admission fee and the upto 30th June whether he/she takes T.C. or not.
payment of the previous month's unpaid fee by Bank Draft only. 12.If a child is admitted mid-session, between 1st August and 31st
4. Children against whom any school dues are outstanding will not December, fee will be payable from 1st July.
be allowed to attend classes or take examination. All fee till 10th 13. TC fees will be ` 500/-.
of the month will be accepted only by Account Payee crossed 14. When a child leaves the school, the parent must apply for refund
cheque of a Lucknow Bank, or by Bank Draft in favour of “City of Caution Money within a period of 8 years from the date of
Montessori School, Lucknow”. leaving the school. In case the Caution Money is not claimed
5. No fee will be accepted in cash under any circumstances. within 8 years, the same will stand lapsed and will be used for the
Parents must have a Bank Account in Lucknow. development of the school.
6. No outstation cheque will be accepted. The child's name, 15. The fees for the duplicate fee bill will be ` 20/-.

School Transport
1. The number of school rickshaws, vans and buses is limited and alternative arrangements. However, the school tries its best
guardians are, therefore, requested to make their own to provide satisfactory transport service.
conveyance arrangements as far as possible. 4. One way rickshaw, van or bus service is not allowed. However
2. School rickshaw, van and bus facility, if availed by guardians, if a child wants to avail one way service, he/she will have to
will be for the entire session (12 months) i.e. from July 2019 pay full (both ways) applicable transportation fee.
to June 2020. In exceptional cases, a guardian may 5. In case of road construction or long term diversions the actual
discontinue it by giving one month's notice or one month’s distance travelled by the van/bus will be charged.
transport fee. 6. Children in a given van will have to stay in school till all other
Transport fee will not be refunded but it can be adjusted in children on their van route have finished school.
other fee that’s unpaid. 7. If any newly admitted child wants to avail school transport,
3. In case the school rickshaw, van or bus does not reach on time he/she must pay his/her bus/van/rickshaw fees from the
due to mechanical breakdown or due to the illness of the same month.
puller/driver, guardians are requested to make their own

Fee Collection Schedule 2019-2020
Fee will be realised as per the following schedule:

Fees for all classes from Pre-Primary to Intermediate. Fee for 12 months
12 months’ fee will be realized as per the following to be paid in
schedule in 8 instalments as follows: 8 instalments

Fee for July 2019 will be realized in advance in the months of March or April 2019 from existing students.
Students who take new admission in July 2019 will pay the fee for July 2019 latest by 10th July 2019.
Note - Full 12 months fee of the entire session of 2019-2020 can also be accepted in advance if the parents so desire.
Note - To avoid a late-fee fine, please deposit the month's fee by 10th of the month or by 9th, if 10th is a sunday/holiday.
1. July 2019 For new admissions & existing students (1st Instalment) latest by 10th July 2019
(i) Monthly composite fee for July 2019 (1st Instalment)
(ii) Rickshaw/bus/van/cycle stand fee for July 2019 One Month fee
(iii) Refundable security money for July 2019
(1st Instalment)
2. August 2019 (2nd Instalment) latest by 10th August, 2019
(i) Monthly composite fee for August 2019 (2nd Instalment)
(ii) Half-yearly examination fee from Montessori to Class XII One Month fee
(iii) Rickshaw/bus/van/cycle stand fees for August 2019 for August 2019
(2nd Instalment)
3. September 2019 (3rd Instalment) latest by 10th September 2019 (3rd Instalment)
(i) Monthly composite fee for two months for September 2019 and March 2020 Two Months fee
(ii) Rickshaw/bus/van/cycle stand fee for September 2019 and March 2020 for (i) Sep 2019 &
(3rd Instalment) for (ii) March 2020
4. October 2019 (4th Instalment) latest by 10th October 2019 (4th Instalment)
(i) Monthly composite fee for October 2019 One Month fee
(ii) Rickshaw/bus/van/cycle stand fee for October 2019 for October 2019
(4th Instalment)
5. November 2019 (5th Instalment) latest by 10th November 2019 (5th Instalment)
(i) Monthly composite fee for 2 months i.e. for November 2019 and April 2020 Two Months fee
(ii) Rickshaw/bus/van/cycle stand fee for two months i.e. November 2019 and April 2020 for (i) Nov. 2019
(5th Instalment) & for (ii) April 2020
6. December 2019 (6th Instalment) latest by 10th December 2019
(i) Monthly composite fee for two months i.e. for December 2019 and May 2020
(ii) Rickshaw/bus/van/cycle stand fee for December 2019 and May 2020 (6th Instalment)
(iii) Annual examinations fee from Mont to Class XII (Note — (1) students of Classes X & XII Two Months fee
will pay this fee for Pre-Board Examinations fees) & Mont to class II will pay this fee as for (i) December 2019
continuous Assessment fee. & for (ii) May 2020
Note: Monthly composite fee for Dec-2019 to be paid before the commencement of winter Break
(6th Instalment)
7a. January 2020 (7th Instalment) latest by 10th January 2020
(7th Instalment A)
(i) Monthly composite fee for two months i.e. Jan. 2020 and June 2020
Two Months fee
(ii) Rickshaw/bus/van/cycle stand fees for January 2020 and June 2020 for (i) January 2020
This 7th Instalment is for all classes except for classes X and XII & for (ii) June 2020
(7th Instalment)
7b. January 2020 (7th Instalment for only classes X and XII) latest by 10th January 2020
Students of Board classes i.e. classes X & XII have to pay three months composite fee ie. for (7th instalment B)
January, February and June 2020, as well as Transfer Certificate Fee (TC) before their Board Three Months fee
Exams. for (i) January 2020,
This 7th instalment (payable only by Demand Draft) is only for students appearing in the for (ii) February 2020 &
board exam of classes X & XII for (iii) June 2020
(7th Instalment)
8. February 2020 (8th Instalment for all classes except X & XII) latest by 10th February 2020
(i) Monthly composite fee for February 2020
(8th instalment)
(ii) Rickshaw/bus/van/cycle stand fee for February 2020
One Month fee
(iii) T.C. fee if in the last class of the school
for February 2020
Note: This 8th instalment is for all classes except for class X & XII
(8th instalment)

Students will not be allowed to sit in Annual Exam unless the February fee is paid before the
start of the exams.

Total Twelve Months fee for the session 2019-2020 Total for 12 Months
CMS scaled new heights in 2018
Academic Achievements and New Developments in a Nutshell
Sl. No. Highlights of Achievements Numbers Percentage
1. Number of CMS students who took the 2018 ICSE & ISC Exams 5,801 100.00%
2. Number of CMS students who passed 5,798 99.94%
3. Number of CMS students who secured 90% and above aggregate marks* 2,269 39.11%
4. Number of CMS students who secured 95% & above aggregate marks* 675 11.63%
5. Number of CMS students who secured 97% & above aggregate marks* 185 3.18%
6. Number of CMS students who secured 98% & above aggregate marks* 62 1.06%
7. Number of CMS students in the All India Merit List of ISC and ICSE board exams 133 2.29%
(holding the top 10 ranks nationally) (100 students in ISC & 33 in ICSE)
8. Number of CMS students who passed in 1st Division 5,750 99.12%
9. Number of CMS students who passed in 2nd Division 48 0.83%
10. Number of CMS students who secured 100% marks in one or more subjects in ICSE & ISC 1,258 21.68%
11. Nearly 1/3rd of Top Three All India Rank (AIR) in ISC 2018 (that is, 15 of 50 students in India) 15 30.00%
are CMS students with aggregate marks from 99.00% to 99.50%
1. Number of CMS alumni selected for the prestigious Indian Administrative Services (IAS) in 2018 2
2. Number of CMS alumni selected for the prestigious PCS-J in 2018 5
3. Number of CMS students securing admission in prestigious universities of USA, 59
UK, Canada, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Ireland etc.
4. Number of CMS students with scholarships to top foreign Universities 39
of USA, UK, Canada, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Ireland etc.
5. Number of CMS students who qualified IIT Advanced 2018 42
6. Number of CMS students who qualified NEET (All India Medical Entrance Exam) 51
7. Number of CMS students who qualified for the Govt. of India National Scholarship for Higher 80
Education in Science worth Rs 3,20,00,000/- (three crores and twenty lakhs of Rupees)
@ Rs 80,000/- per year for 5 years i.e. Rs. 4 lakhs for each student
8. Number of CMS students who qualified in the all India CLAT Exam 2018 9
9. Number of CMS students who qualified for the Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojna (KVPY) Scholarship 8
CMS produced these glittering achievements and successes while being highly socially inclusive,
with over 30% of its students being from SC, ST, OBC and Economically Weaker Sections.
1. CMS Gomti Nagar Campus I is the only SAT, AP, ACT and STEP Test Center in Uttar Pradesh.
2. CMS Gomti Nagar Campus II is also affiliated with the University of Cambridge
International Examinations board, U.K., alongwith ICSE and ISC affiliation.

* Marks obtained in English+best 3 subjects for ISC and English+best 4 subjects for ICSE

of CMS Mahanagar of CMS Mahanagar of CMS Kanpur Road of CMS Gomti Nagar I of CMS Kanpur Road of CMS Gomtinagar I of CMS Station Road
All India Topper 1st Rank All India Topper 1st Rank All India Topper 1st Rank All India 2nd Rank All India 2nd Rank UP Topper 1st Rank 2nd Rank in UP
in ISC (99.50%) in ISC (99.50%) in ISC (99.50%) in ISC (99.25%) in ISC (99.25%) All India 4th Rank All India 5th Rank
in ICSE (98.80%) in ICSE (98.60%)

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