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Shri Narendra Modi today—
Hon’ble Prime Minister beacons


As India envisions becoming a $5 trillion economy, our nation should focus on

making innovation the engine that drives economic growth. Today, India ranks third
amongst the global entrepreneurial ecosystems based on the count of its Unicorns,
Tech- start-ups, Incubators and Accelerators. Driven by ‘AatmaNirbhar Bharat’
and ‘Make in India’ initiatives, the Indian economy and start-up ecosystem is
gaining global attention and is presenting new opportunities for building a world
class incubation ecosystem.

Entrepreneurship in India is undergoing a transformation where the innovators are

increasingly working on providing unique and sustainable solutions to everyday
problems. These innovative solutions have an opportunity of turning into global
products, services, and processes.

To support the vision of an innovative India, the Government of India launched its
flagship program - Atal Innovation Mission. A one of its kind interventions which
is working in the direction of supporting upcoming and existing entrepreneurs
through their innovation expeditions. Atal Innovation Mission through Atal
Incubation Centres is creating a vibrant ecosystem of incubators across all states
and UTs in India. These incubators are dedicated to nurture start-ups in their pursuit
to become scalable, sustainable and global business enterprises. I feel delighted to
share the enthusiasm and energy of these start-ups working towards developing
world class innovations through this program.

I commend the AIM team for coming up with the compilation of these
Healthcare start-ups and highlighting their success stories. This book serves as an
encouragement and motivation to upcoming entrepreneurs to work on the path
of creativity and imagination. My heartiest congratulations to the AIM team for
coming a long way in this journey and best wishes for their dedicated efforts and
positive energy.
Even as the world continues to fight with the pandemic, the remarkable resilience
of India’s ever evolving start-up ecosystem has been on a display, with increasing
investments in EdTech, FinTech and Health based startups among others.

The launch of Start-Up India kick started an entrepreneurship revolution. Several

policy interventions were since announced, giving the entrepreneurial ecosystem
a much-needed launchpad. The Indian startup ecosystem has defied all the odds
and has created 12 unicorns with a pandemic-hit economy. Currently, India is
home to 38 Unicorns as per the Nasscom Tech Start up Report 2021 and eying to an
even greater number.

The Atal Innovation Mission has since built a strong ecosystem. Under its core
objectives, Atal Innovation Mission intends to support the establishment of
incubation centres as Atal Incubation Centres (AICs) that would nurture innovative
MSME, small-scale, large-scale start-up businesses in their pursuit to become
sustainable and scalable enterprises. Today, Atal Innovation Mission is supporting
68 Atal Incubation Centres which are a house to world class startups, spread across

My belief is that the development of these world-class startups requires skillful

application of technology, mentorship and strategy. This necessitates five critical
inputs: flow of innovation-hungry young entrepreneurs, supportive infrastructure,
correct outreach, empowering strategies and enabling policy environment.
Through the development of innovative strategies and technology solutions, India
can successfully claim its leadership in all sectors such as healthcare, education,
financial inclusion, modernization of agriculture and others.

This book is an attempt to showcase how this young India is slowly but steadily
moving towards becoming a world class leader. I indeed congratulate all the
entrepreneurs mentioned in this book for their commendable innovation and
support they have provided to the ecosystem and society in whole. My best wishes
to everyone contributing to this national movement.
FOREWORD The last decade has witnessed a tremendous growth in Indian startup and Innovation
ecosystem. Today, India stands with third largest group of scientists and technicians in the
world and is predicted to be the world’s largest supplier of university graduates by next decade.
In the recent times, India has prioritized fostering innovation and encouraging technology
development by engaging R&D institutes, academia, industries, start- ups and even individual
innovators. By 2030, India aims to become one of the largest economies, by focusing on the
innovation ecosystem in the country.

Entrepreneurial boost to the Indian economy has helped hundreds of startups pinning huge
success by attracting global investors and creating successful business models. The adaptation
to user centered innovation processes by start-ups, penetration of internet and infrastructure
connectivity has complemented the growth of new businesses and innovative solutions.

With a vision to establish India as a global hub for startups on the world map, Atal Innovation
Mission since its inception is working to becoming a power house of innovation and

Till today, Atal Innovation Mission has established a total of 68 Atal Incubation Centres. Spread
across the length and breadth of the country, these business incubators are supporting startups
by providing technological facilities and advice, initial growth funds, network and linkages, co-
working spaces, lab facilities, mentoring, and advisory support. These incubators are working
in sectors like Healthcare, AI, Deep-Tech, EdTech, Agriculture and allied, Renewable energy,
Electric Vehicles and Cleantech among others. It gives me immense pleasure to share that
these incubators are fostering the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs who will
be influencers of tomorrow.

This book is a collection of innovations contributed to the society by startups of Atal Incubation
Centres in Health Care sector. Many of these solutions have helped people in their fight against
the pandemic and will continue to do so.

I hope that this compilation inspires other entrepreneurs and young minds across the country
to create new, disruptive and innovative products, services and solutions which can pave a
path for a sustainable future.

Heartiest Congratulations to all the innovators and many out there who are passionately
working towards solving the HealthCare puzzle for a better tomorrow.
About Atal
Atal Innovation
Innovation Mission
Mission (AIM)
is Government of India’s
is Government of India’s flagshipflagship
initiative to
to create
create andand promote
a culture of innovation and
culture of innovation and
entrepreneurship across the
across the
length and breadth of our country.
and breadth of our country.
AIM’s objective is to develop new
objective is to develop new
programs and policies for
programs and policies for fosteringfostering
innovation in in different
different sectors
sectors of
the economy, provide
the economy, provide platformsplatforms
and collaboration
collaboration opportunities
opportunities forfor
different stakeholders, and
different stakeholders, and create create
an umbrella
umbrella structure
structure to to oversee
the innovation & entrepreneurship
the innovation & entrepreneurship
ecosystem of of the
the country.
About Atal Incubation
To create an ever-evolving ecosystem of start-ups and entrepreneurs,
Atal Innovation Mission has been establishing business incubators
called Atal Incubation Centres, also known as AICs, at universities,
institutions and corporates among others. These business incubators
are institutions that are geared towards speeding up the growth
and success of start-ups and early-stage companies by providing
technological facilities and advice, initial growth funds, network and
linkages, co-working spaces, lab facilities, mentoring, and advisory

By establishing Atal Incubation Centres, AIM hopes to achieve a

holistic ecosystem stretched along the length and breadth of our
country. The idea is to bring all aspiring and motivated start-ups
spread across varied topographies under the umbrella of innovation
ecosystem. Thereby, fulfilling the objective of ‘World Class Incubation’.

A special mention to the team of AIM supporting Atal Incubation

Centres – Manglesh Yadav, Rohit Gupta, Anish Somani, Vinay Garg,
Garima Ujjainia, Prithvi Sai Penumadu and Rajeev Kumar, to support
the Indian startup ecosystem and achieve its ultimate goal of
becoming #WorldClass.
20. Rises Analytics Solutions Pvt Ltd 40
21. Bionic Environment Solutions Pvt Ltd 42
● Message from PM ii
22. Vyom Digital Services Private Limited 44
● Message by Vice Chairman iv
23. Acupace Technologies Private Limited 46
● Message by VK Paul vi
24. Functional Medicine Clinic 48
● Message from CEO viii
25. Piltover Technologies 50
● Foreword By Dr Chintan – MD AIM x 26. Care Form Labs Pvt Ltd 52
● About Atal Innovation Mission xiii 27. AUUM Platforms Pvt Ltd 54
● About Atal Incubation Centres xv 28. Ziffytech Digital Healthcare Pvt Ltd 56
● Startups and their Innovation 1 29. Perkant Tech Private Limited 58

1. Sunfox Technologies Pvt Ltd 2 30. Omnicuris Healthcare Pvt Ltd 60

2. Neo Inventronix Pvt Ltd 4 31. Saathease Lifesciences Private Limited 62

3. Robosurg Medtech Pvt Ltd 6 32. Zexa Communication Pvt Ltd (Ayuryug) 64

4. Emapthy Design Labs Pvt Ltd 8 33. Volar Alta 66

5. Cloudspital Private Limited 10 34. Suchandra Technologies Pvt Ltd 68

6. Althion Tech Innovations Pvt Ltd 12 35. Qonect70

7. Huwel LifesciencesPvt Ltd 14 36. Picasoid Health Technology Pvt Ltd 72

8. SHPERO Health LLP 16 37. Heal Bridge Pvt Ltd 74

9. Smile in Hour LLP 18 38. Agatsa Software Private Limited 76

10. Thermaissance20 39. Coeo Labs 78

11. Jajal Medical Services (OPC) Pvt Ltd 22 40. BlackFrog Technologies 80

12. Edith Robotics Solutions LLP 24 41. Ubiqare Health 82

13. Desintox Technologies Pvt Ltd 26 42. B-Aegis Life Sciences & Research Pvt Ltd 84

14. TickTalkTo28 43. Redspectra Instruments Pvt Ltd 86

15. Spadent India Pvt Ltd 30 44. TruthShare Software Private Limited 88

16. Ameliorate Biotech Private Limited 32 45. Softwise Mechatronics Pvt Ltd 90

17. Power Factor 34 ● Message from Dr. Rakesh Sarwal  92

18. Sparcolife Digital Healthcare Technologies Pvt Ltd  36 ● Edited and Compiled by 93
19. Nutrition Dynamic Foods LLP 38
Sunfox Technologies
Pvt Ltd Sunfox Technologies is a health-tech R&D Lab, developing portable healthcare devices. The company
is engaged in the research, designing, development, manufacturing of smart & futuristic technologies
Founder/Co-Founder based on Artificial Intelligence. Founded in 2016, with a multidisciplinary engineering and business
Rajat Jain team to provide innovative solutions to everyday health problems.

The startup is presently focusing on cardiac diseases and trying to save millions of lives lost per year
Incubated at
due to cardiac attacks, with the help of the flagship product Spandan. It is the world’s smallest and
AIC AARTECH affordable ECG with main goal to provide an economical, efficient and much faster medical attention
to the patients.
Product Name
Spandan ECG device
Societal Relevance
Type With their portable ECG device “Spandan”, Sunfox Technologies Pvt Ltd aims to revolutionise the way
Product a medical equipment works and is perceived by the people not having any medical knowledge.
Spandan ECG device and Android Application is mainly designed for general household use, Hospitals
Stage and clinics. It is a unique product in the market which provides patients and health conscious
Commercialized individuals an easy access to check and maintain their heart health. Spandan AI is the official AI
module developed by engineers and researchers of Sunfox to make detection of classified abnormality
Target Market like STMI and ST segment elevation. This is a cutting edge technology developed to make the patient
Domestic to understand the dysfunction that will be the possible reason if Palpitation or chest pain is felt.

IP Status Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions

NA Funded by Startup Uttarakhand for piloting Spandan ECG, Won top third position at disruptive
innovation in health care sector in India by CII, Max healthcare and Deloitte. It also got nominated
among the top 80 startups in India at Janhit Jagaran Awards.

Spandan ECG machine was also the winner of Jancare Challenge organized by BIRAC (Dept of
Biotechnology, Govt of India) and NASSCOM Foundation

The startup has been appreciated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and has represented India at
World Economic Forum at Tianjin, China at Annual Meeting of New Champions.

rajat@sunfox.in Website

2 3
Neo Inventronix
Pvt Ltd
Neo Inventronix is a technocentric medical and health related product development and
G Srivalli Sirisha and manufacturing company. Intuitive and disruptive technologies are part of the company product
Gali Chakravarthy Srinivasa development processes. A subtle vision of eco and environmentally friendly products is a mark of the
Incubated at
Its mission is to design and develop intuitive, use disruptive technologies and manufacture user-
friendly medical devices and equipment
Product Name
GermiBAN Societal Relevance
GermiBAN™ fourfold super-sterilizer comes with integrated approach of room sterilization using
Type physical phenomenon of sterilization killing all pathogenic viruses, bacteria and other contaminants
Product to 99.99% in air and also physical surfaces within short period of time. It has a great value proposition
and can be used extensively for the containment of virus and pathogens spreading in the hospitals
Stage and isolation wards. GermiBAN™ offers quick sterilization for Hospitals, Bio Hazard Zones, Operation
MVP Theatres, ICU’s, NICU’s, Buses, Railway comp- artments, Courier service warehouses, as well as in
assisted living & extended care facilities.
Target Market
Domestic and International Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
IP Status ● Their technology is proven and tested at Chest Hospital & amp; Biotechnology Center ALEAP
In Process
● GermiBAN was tested on live corona virus, by CCMB, Hyderabad and found >99% efficacy

● GermiBAN® is having a registered Trademark

● Achieved Miety Tide2.0 initial grant of 4.5 lakh

● Achieved the eligibility for MEITY scale up grant of 38.5 lakh

neoinventronix@gmail.com Website

4 5
Medtech Pvt Ltd
Robotic Arms: Multi-Arm Novel Tele Robotic Assistance, the system, tested on 18 procedures in clinical
SUDHIR PREM SRIVASTAVA trials at New Delhi’s Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute, is capable of carrying out surgeries in all major
surgical specialties including urology, general surgery, gynaecology, thoracic, cardiac and head and
Incubated at
neck surgeries.
AIC AMTZ Medi Valley Incubation Council

Product Name
Societal Relevance
The Modular Robotic Arm The SSI Mantra Surgical Robotic System was developed to perform minimal access surgery with
high precision, control & dexterity.
Type It provides an ergonomic and user-friendly solution to the entire surgical team. SSI Mantra Surgical
Product Robotic System has developed a Modular Robotic Arm.

Stage The Modular Robotic Arms with multiple adjustments are mounted on individual motorized carts for
easy motion, positioning and docking. This design allows for total flexibility as to number of arms for
specific procedures (3-5 Arms), positioning based on target anatomy and body habitus.

Target Market
Domestic and International Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
SS Innovations’ Founder, Chairman and CEO, Dr. Sudhir Srivastava was honored with the prestigious
IP Status Atmanirbhar Bharat Award on the occasion of ‘National Atmanirbhar Bharat E-Summit’ also he was
NA honored with the prestigious position as one of ‘The Top 25 Healthcare Technology CEOs of Asia’ for
the year 2020 by the reputed ‘The Healthcare Technology Report’.

inforobosurgmedtech@gmail.com Website

6 7
Emapthy Design
Labs Pvt Ltd
Empathy Design Labs has developed a wearable & non-invasive IOT device that alerts parents
Ms. Shivi K 24-hours prior to a pregnancy turning into a stillbirth. Founders of Empathy Design Labs had a vision
of solving problems of with a simple and intuitive though process. The team at Empathy Design Labs
Incubated at
has people from - Research , Design , Healthcare, Technology, Development sectors. The startup is
AIC Banasthali Vidyapith Foundation incubated at Nasscom coe-IOT Lab and works from their co-working space.

Product Name
Societal Relevance
Kriya-Pregnancy Monitor
As per WHO, There are 136 Million pregnancies every year and about 3 Million pregnancies turns
Type into stillbirths. 4.2 Million women are currently suffering with depression associated to their stillbirths.
Product The startup is working towards reducing the burden of 2.6 Million Stillbirths (Pregnancy loss after
24 weeks of pregnancy) across the globe. With KRIYA- PREGNANCY MONITOR, KRIYA is an IOT
Stage (Internet of things) solution where a wearable design like a patch is placed on a mothers belly and
MVP it provides information, alerts and further suggestions on a mobile app. This will help parents to take
timely action. They have Identified 4 states as priority places for the pilot study to test the ICT and
Target Market patch design “Empathy Design Labs was a Winner in Healthcare segment of NSIF AWARDS 2018.
Domestic and International Moreover, the director of Empathy Design Labs - Shivi Kapil was chosen as one of the youngest
achievers at ICICI Women advantage award 2018.
IP Status
NA Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
The startup was alsp chosen among TOP 26 winners from India by WE Can Business Plan competition
by Dhriiti, US embassy and Cherie Blair Foundation.


8 9
Cloudspital Private
“CloudSpital Pvt Ltd is a platform manufacturer which aggregate doctors and hospitals. The platform
Shubham Shashank, Aditya Pandey and also provides 24 type of body details through self check up, it also provides free workout, diet and
Kritika Chaturvedi lifestyle plans. Cloudspital mainly focuses over School health and hygiene managment. Cloudspital
is also aiming to generate employment for 4 lakh+ Trained Nursing Staffs in different Schools.
Incubated at
Cloudspital also filed a patent with All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna over a specialised
AIC BV Foundation
product for CoVID-19 patients. The recent PICU digitalization project of Bihar Govt. is also done by
Product Name Cloudspital in association with AIIMS-P.

Tele Medicine Kiosk

Societal Relevance
Type Cloudspital is focused on innovating and manufacturing equipment related to the healthcare sector.
Product and Service The company primarily focuses on health and hygiene of the users. The Community Outreach and
Telemedicine Department under the supervision of Dr. Anil Kumar is also sharing a research over new
Stage technologies to enhance tele-medication.
In 2020, they reached a milestone in developing a remote stethoscope which can operate in real-
time scenario and it can be connected with a normal mobile device. Even in areas with no internet
Target Market
connectivity the heart oscillation can be heard on a voice call.

IP Status Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions

Provisional Cloudspital telemedicine project is running under the guidance of the most trusted government
hospital of India, All India Institute of Medical Science, Patna. The startup has also partnered with All
India Private School and Children Welfare Association for the upgradation of 2 Lakh Schools.

In addition to this, it has also gained DPIIT Recognition and passed the Vendor Assesment by Quality
Council of India.


10 11
Althion Tech
Innovations Pvt Ltd
Althion is a medical device company developing multiple products to address challenges. Their
Founder/Co-Founder products include IoT based remoting controlled ultra pure water purifier for dialysis, and a IoT enabled
Surya Rao RPKS and table top unit that produces type-1 and type-2 ultra-pure water for use in biotech/pharma companies,
Punardeepti Deevakonda diagnostic labs, and research institutions.

They have developed the ultra-pure water units based on novel RO membrane technology licensed
Incubated at
from CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad. Althion’s kidney dialysis water units
AIC Centre for Cellular and produce pure water and meets AAMI standards. The membrane configuration removes the need for
Molecular Biology a resin softener, thereby removing the need for salt, and saving water and electricity up to 25%.

Product Name
Societal Relevance
ultra pure water purifier
The kidney dialysis product enables high quality kidney dialysis by producing ultra-pure water that
Type can be monitored in real time. This is very important especially when considering the 40+ lakh dialysis
Product patients in the country, about 85% of whom do not have access to kidney dialysis (and about 2 lakh
patients are added ever year becasue of the high prevalence of diabetes and hypertension in our
Stage country). Low quality water has long term and short term implications on the health of the already
MVP weakened kidney failure patients.

The government of India has recognised the importance of the problem, and has introduced a National
Target Market Dialysis Programme, as part of the National Health Mission.
Domestic and International
Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
IP Status
● Department of Science and Technology and Indian Science And Technology Entrepreneurs
In Process
Parks And Business Incubator Association - Startup Award September 2019

● Tech Impact Award at Society for Technology Management - December 2019

● National Award for Startups from TDS, Ministry of Science and Technology


surya.rao@althion.in Website

12 13
Huwel Lifesciences
Pvt Ltd
RACHANA TRIPATHI and Huwel Lifesciences Pvt Ltd was established in February 2015 as a high-end molecular diagnostics
SHESHEER KUMAR MUNPALLY kit manufacturer which enable reference labs and hospitals to provide reliable and high-quality
diagnostics services to clinicians. The facility is well equipped with a state of the art ISO 7/8 clean rooms
Incubated at
for development and manufacturing of PCR, Real-Time PCR kits and Rapid real-time PCR machines
AIC Centre for Cellular and with reagents.
Molecular Biology
The company is backed with a very experienced team with a mission to deliver high-quality molecular
Product Name kits and reagents. Good manufacturing practices (GMP), adapting stringent quality control methods
and high level of documentation at Huwelensures delivery of high-quality kits with consistency.
Huwel Test Kit

Type Societal Relevance

Product Huwel lifesciences was established with the aim to make a mark in the area of molecular diagnostics.
Huwel aims at manufacturing and developing the accurate and cost-effective molecular test. All the
reagents and kits are manufactured following GMP guidelines under ISO 7 and 8 environment, and
Commercialized undergo strict Quality control testing before release.

Target Market
Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
IP Status ● Obtained Manufacturing Licences For IVD Kits
2 patents ● Association with Genesystems Korea for Rapid and real Time PCR

● Secured Project under National Bio Pharma Mission from BIRAC

● Launch of regents for Rapid Real Time PCR

● Creating ISO 7/ISO 8 facility for manufacturing enzymes and kits


14 15
The SHPERO Health LLP was founded in 2017 with a vision to build the most
sustainable system in the area of Healthcare & Agriculture and to develop products
from the multifarious xerophytes that focus more on Waste to Value & Sustainable
SHPERO Health LLP The brand name of product “Hempoin ® ” contains active ingredient Opuntia
Founder/Co-Founder vulgaris fruit extract which is indicated for the treatment of anaemia and approved
under schedule IV of the Food Safety and Standard Act, 2006. This is a health nutraceutical product and acts as
Mrs. Hetal Chauhan and
erythropoietic (blood formation process), immunomodulatory and antioxidant. The target for the erythropoiesis is
Dr Sanjay Chauhan
not as supplement but totally evaluated novel target called Hypoxia Inducing Factor Prolyl Hydroxylase Inhibitor,
Incubated at by which endogenous Erythropoietin level stimulates, facilitates iron exporter (enhance iron absorption from gut
as well transport stored iron from liver to bone marrow) and leads to erythropoiesis.
AIC GISC Foundation

Product Name Societal Relevance

Hempoin Low level of haemoglobin and Red Blood Count affect the quality of life of the human being. The development
of Hempoin ® not only helps to recover haemoglobin level but also strengthens the immune system of the body.
Type Presently, Iron preparation is preferred as the first choice of the drug in the pregnancy but never think about its side
Product effects like constipation and gastritis while Hempoin ® is more effective compared to iron and devoid of any such
side effects. In case of Renal anaemia, erythropoietin injection is the drug of choice for the treatment but it is an
Stage exogenous hormone and by discounting the injection, haemoglobin level goes down while Hempoin ® gradually
Commercialized stimulates the endogenous erythropoietin hormone and maintain the haemoglobin level.

By such mechanism of action Hempoin ® gives three actions (erythropoiesis, immunomodulatory and antioxidant)
Target Market
in one therapy which impacts the healthier life of the society. Moreover, Hempoin ® developed from the cactus
which is an xerophytic plant and widely grown in the arid and semi-arid region and roadside waste land. procure
raw material from such regions and provide employment to the rural people for the collection and cultivation.
IP Status
3 Trademark approved and
Patent received First Inspection Report
Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
● Gujarat technological university innovation and startup centre awarded startup awards in growth stage
to SHPERO HEALTH LLP on 14th february 2021.

● SHPERO HEALTH LLP has been awarded by Nationwide startup awards 2021 in the category of best
emerging health supplement brand - 2021 presented by business mint on 25th august 2021.

● The DIPP, Govt of India has recognised SHPERO Health LLP as “Startup”. (Certificate No.: DIPP10166)

● Industrial commissioner government of gujarat awarded seed fund of rs. 15 lakh. For the product
shperohealth@gmail.com Website development under startup gujarat policy.

16 17
Smile in Hour LLP
Dr. Bharat Agravat
Smile in an hour is India’s first Dental Start-up. to get listed in DPIIT Recognised startup and developed
Incubated at the Oral-care and Dental Product and Services. They are a DenTech startup with an aim to provide
AIC GISC Foundation innovative, cost-effective, and comprehensive solutions, products with strategic partnerships, and
collaborative relationships to help especially in Oralcare people to transcend their barriers.
Product Name
OSMF Mouth Opening Kit, developed by Smile in Hour LLP is a complete Oral Sub mucous Fibrosis
OSMF Mouth Opening Kit
Ayurvedic treatment kit, with a lollipop, a tablet for Trismus, and an UNIQUE mouth opening exercise
Type device. OSMF Mouth Opening Kit is recommended for patients who need additional treatment for
advanced stages of oral sub mucous fibrosis like Grade II and III, mouth ulceration and stiff jaw. It’s also
recommended for those patients who have suffered with these conditions for more than 6 months.

Commercialized Societal Relevance
Smile in Hour® are the launch heads of world’s first Mouth Opening Treatment @ Home webstore
Target Market www.osmfmouthopeningkit.com, a convenient way for you to order common every day dental and
Domestic and International personal oral care items. Their team is made up of clinicians, researchers, engineers, financial experts
and with outstanding expertise. They know the oral healthcare business from the bottom up and top
IP Status down. Smile in Hour vision is Healthy Smiles for all. Quit tobacco and Oral Cancer free world.
It is a new dentistry startup hoping to infuse life into an old-fashioned industry, aims to reduce that fear.
It aims to help dentists by providing new high-tech tools are making dentistry faster, more effective,
and less painful. They strive to offer the highest quality product to the dental & medical fraternity and
establish new standards with innovative products and win customers around the world with proficiency,
reputation, quality standards, and humanity.

Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
Smile in Hour is India’s first DenTech startup. Their flagship treatment product Endodeck procedure is
also an award-winning one that was formulated in a joint research with the AIC-GTU Centre, Advanced
Website Digital Endodontic System.

18 19
Founder/Co-Founder Thermaissance’s mission is to reduce the healthcare-associated and community-acquired infections.
Manish Raval and They have developed nanotechnology-based textiles that can successfully inactivate various viruses,
Hemali Sangani bacteria and fungi. Their fabric technology has been scientifically tested in various ISO certified
laboratories and have been proven to inactivate over 99.99% Coronavirus, Staphylococcus aureus,
Incubated at Klebsiella pneumoniae, E-coli, MRSA, VRE, CRE and Mucor species. The technology works 24/7 by
AIC GISC Foundation disrupting the membrane of viruses and bacteria, eventually killing them by hindering their ability to
Product Name
They use these fabrics to make various medical textiles such as scrubs, gowns, patient clothing, lab
Face Masks and clothing
coats, masks, gloves, head cap, Reusable PPE, Reusable Coverall, etc. These textiles are reusable for
100+ washes, making it long lasting and super cost effective. Further, their textiles are certified as non-
toxic, fire resistant and safe to use. At the same time, Thermaissance textiles are extremely skin friendly
and provide day-long comfort to the wearer.

Societal Relevance
They target various healthcare-associated and community-acquired infections that affect the society
Target Market at large. By reducing the infections, they want to ensure that people stay fit, mortality is reduced and
Domestic and International the work is not impacted. Their products for healthcare workers provide them adequate protection
as well as comfort and reduce the various heat-related illnesses that disposable textiles cause. The
IP Status products are reusable, recyclable and non-toxic. These can reduce the solid waste generation by over
NA 99%, and carbon emission by over 63% vis-a-vis disposables. They have also adopted 9 out of 17 UN’s
Sustainable Development Goals in their business model

Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
The product is Recognized by AGNIi Mission as Covid-19 Killer Products. Thermaissance is also
awarded Top 50 Innovative Healthcare Companies in the World in 2019 by International Forums on
Advancements in Healthcare (IFAH).

Thermaissance was also selected as Top 75 ideas (out of 18000+ ideas) by Economic Times Power of
manish.raval@thermaissance.com Ideas

20 21
Jajal Medical Services
(OPC) Pvt Ltd
Ketan Jajal
Jajal Medical is Asia’s leading patient-specific surgical solutions company. They support surgeons and
Incubated at medical device companies with theirdiverse services by providing better 3D visualization of patients’
AIC GUSEC Foundation anatomy, preparing virtual surgical plans, designing and manufacturing customized patient-specific
orthopedics 3D printed models, surgical guides, and custom implants.
Product Name Their online platform MySegmenter.com democratizes the use of 3D printing in healthcare globally.
3d printed micro-porous structure It is a kind of software as a service (SAAS) platform in the medical applications of 3D printing space.
This unique cloud-based point-of-care digital 3D printing platform allows healthcare professionals to
Type review and approve their virtual surgical plan from anywhere anytime.
Societal Relevance
With the customized implants oral cancer patients can live a normal life including eating food. They
also specialize in converting patient’s scan data (CT & MRI) into 3D models that help visualize and
Target Market pre-plan for complex surgeries.

Domestic and International Aligned with their mission and values, People at Jajal Medical Services are always motivated to
provide custom solutions for complex surgeries. Through their Digital Surgical Planning platform, they
IP Status help their customers to avoid surprises in surgery and improve clinical outcomes. In the end, it’s all
Filed about getting the patient’s life back on track.

ketan.jajal@jajalmedical.com Website

22 23
Edith Robotics
Solutions LLP
Edith Robotics Solutions LLP is a Research & Development company solving real world problems by
Shubham Shah applied science & industry 4.0 techno solutions. Startup has Provided different solutions till now in
different domains from Defence to Healthcare & created IP for the same.
Incubated at
The startup has devloped isolation pods for infection control. Their Products Airborne Infection Isolation
AIC GUSEC Foundation
Unit & Mobile Isolation Pods are used to isolate any infectious[virus/bacteria] patients, so patient
Product Name exhale cannot come directly into environment it is filtered down to 0.1 micron & sterilized before it’s
mixup within the environment.
Isolation Pod
One infectious patient is responsible for nearly 500 new transmissions. Their Product can play a vital
Type role in breaking this chain. By isolating infectious patients they can decrease the spread of viruses
Product drastically & save millions of lives.

Stage Societal Relevance

It aims to prevent the spread of any airbone virus/bacteria/fungal and save millions lifes who can be
infected with such pathogens. It also provides biosafty level 4 protection at healthcare facility - multiple
Target Market
infection patients can be treated at same place, low cost & portable negative pressure chamber with
Domestic and International
filteration & strilization to provide healthcare facilities in rural areas as well.

IP Status It is the India’s first individual patient Isolation solution for healthcare facilities.
Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
● Winner/Awards- INC COVID19 Challenge by Brihati Foundation [ Claris Group ]

● Winner/Awards- Covid19 Challenge by the Education department, Government of Gujarat.

● Winner/Awards- Makerfest Vadodara 2021

● Canada-india Healthcare Innovation Awards [ Recognition ]

● News channels : ABP Ashmita, Nirman News, Nation+ News, GTPL

shubhamshah7999@gmail.com Website
● Top 10 Healthcare startups by Tie Bangalore

24 25
Technologies Pvt Ltd
Don Paul and Sooraj C Desintox Technologies is a medical device assistive tech startup incubated at AIC IIIT KOTTAYAM,
Kerala and working with a vision to enable differently abled people/people with movement disability.
Incubated at They are into Research & Development and Manufacturing of advanced wheelchairs (with standing,
AIC IIIT Kottayam Foundation reclining, electric mobility feature) and patient transfer devices that gives a second life, filled with
happiness, to people with movement disabilities. Products under development include advanced
Product Name transfer device that can transfer patients even from complicated surfaces like vehicles, toilets, etc.
Standing Wheel Chair
Societal Relevance
Desintox’s products ease the life of differently abled people, increase their dignity and ease the
effort of caretakers. Their advanced standing wheelchair helps users to have mobility, accesibility
Stage and physiotherapy in same device. Patient transfer device helps in transfering persons from bed,
wheelchair, chair, etc with minimum effort thereby reducing number of caretakers required and effort
by caretakers.
Target Market Many differently abled people are confined to home as they require external help and are cast away
Domestic from mainstream of society. By the use of this product, the people will be able to go out and go for
work and will be able lead a better life connected to society and will have education and employment
IP Status opportunities and have a life free from poverty.
1 licensed, 2 provisional They try to achieve 8 out of 17 sustainable development goals by UN. The goals they focus include no
poverty, zero hunger, quality education, good health & well being, decent work & economic growth,
reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities and justice.

Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
Desintox has bagged funding from Kerala Startup Mission and Department of Science and Technology.
They have represented Kerala State Industries Department in IITF, 2017 and were also in Top ten
startup at AICTE National Startup Summit 2017

26 27
TickTalkTo is an app which helps people access immediate psychological and psychiatric
help. It connects them with mental health experts who can help them lead happier and
healthier lives.

TickTalkTo TickTalkTo’s goal is simple — to connect people with mental health professionals who can
help them lead happier and healthier lives. Around 80 per cent of Indian affected by mental health problems do
Founder/Co-Founder no seek professional help which has a lot of stigma attached to it. TickTalkTo aims to bridge this gap by providing
private, confidential and anonymous therapy. TickTalkTo improves access and affordability to mental health care
Abhay Singhal
in a stigma-free safe space.
Incubated at
AIC ISB Association Societal Relevance
Mental health is three-pronged challenge. Firstly, there is a huge mental illness burden. In India, more than 150
Product Name million people suffer from mental disorders. TickTalkTo leverages technology to provide a telepsychology platform
User Interface of TickTalkTo which can improve access to mental health care at scale. Secondly, there is a grossly inadequate mental health
care support structure. India has just about 1000 clinical psychologists and 4000 psychiatrists. TickTalkTo is able
Type to increase efficiency of existing practitioners by automating mechanical tasks. In addition, the platform also
Service–App based generates flexible livelihood opportunities for skilled mental healthcare manpower and hence pulling the existing
passive but skilled workforce into the active workforce. Finally, the uptake of mental health services is very low on
Stage account of lack of awareness, lack of access, lack of affordability and stigma.
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 lead to an incidental significant rise in mental health concerns.
They have been able to extend mental health services to various strata of society - frontline workers, countrymen
Target Market
directly and indirectly impacted by COVID-19 and marginalised groups like SC-ST etc. This has been made possible
due to their collaborations with organisations, like Department of Science and Technology, ICICI Knowledge Park
and DLabs ISB.
IP Status
Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
● Innovative Idea of the Year, Software Technology Parks of India (STPI)
● Recognised as a support solution w.r.t. COVID-19 pandemic, by AGNII, Govt. of India. (https://www.agnii.
● Winner, Digital Innovation Summit, HDFC Bank
● Second Prize in India Health Innovation Contest, George Institute and UNSW Sydney
● Top 10 Super Starters Inc. – the Healthcare Start-up Challenge, Fortis
● International Digital Health Symposium hosted by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GoI in
partnership with World Health Organization (WHO)
abhay@ticktalkto.com Website
● Covered in India Today, GQ, Inc42, Indian Express, DNA India, Times of India and The Week.

28 29
Spadent India Pvt Ltd
Founder/Co-Founder Spadent is dental service provider, providing dental services with their movable dental setups which can be installed
Dr. Nikhil Kaushik and de-installed in 15 minutes and they also have dental clinics. There are 16.9 million middle class and above
people residing in Delhi-NCR who are suffering from dental problems but only 20% of this segment goes to dentist
Incubated at for treatment in their life-time. Spadent is functional in dwarka where they provide on spot dental treatment at
AIC JKLU Foundation their different outreach programs and beneficiary of the same can also visit their nearby dental clinic for follow-
up, if beneficiary is somehow unable to visit their branch than they can schedule an appointment for home-visit
Product Name as well.
Societal Relevance
Spadent vision is Healthy Smiles for all; it wants to serve the community and groups such that the service will
Product and Service
not impose higher loads onto the pocket of customers and also help them in saving their time so that they can
Stage increase their productivity. Spadent wants to create an environment for the team which will help in maximizing
the output henceforth leading to growth and success of the team. Thus have benefits for both, customers and the
team; leading to healthy smiles for all. There are 178 million and 16.9 million middle class and above people residing
Target Market in India and Delhi-NCR, respectively; who are suffering from dental problems but only 20% of this segment goes
to dentist for treatment in their life-time. This complete work is done with the help of two portable setups and one
Domestic and International
dental clinic in 3 years and spadent is aiming to outreach 0.6 million customers with hundred movable setups and
IP Status fifty dental clinics within Delhi-NCR by 2026; 3.6 million customers with six hundred movable dental setups and
three hundred dental clinics in India by 2030 and having presence in multiple location of SEA by 2031.
Spadent name logo is registered.
With different outreach programs spadent can reduce customer DALYs of dental caries and periodontal diseases
by 30 percent and also reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases like oral cancer by pre-screening of oral
mucosal lesion at their early preventable stage and can refer and provide aids for cessation of the tobacco use as
key risk factor of the same.

Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
● Spadent was incubated in Nexus Startup Hub @American Center, DELHI; where spadent founder was
honored for most punctual startup of COHORT08.

● They were conferred with most visited startup award in 6th India International Msme Startup Expo &
spadentindia@gmail.com Website

30 31
Ameliorate Biotech
Private Limited
Ameliorate is a biotech company striving to make the healthcare unit better. The company was
co-founded by Dr. Rashbehari Tunga and Dr Binita S. Tunga in the year 2015. They are a young
Dr. Rashbehari Tunga and passionate and energetic team of dedicated professionals focused on working towards cost effective
Dr. Binita S. Tunga and convenient solutions in the healthcare segment. The field that they focus on are Diagnostic kits/
sensors for early stage and rapid diagnostics, Advanced probiotic formulation for increased immunity,
Incubated at
and Bio-therapeutic product development using patented platform technology without using
AIC Jyothy Institute Of Technology antibiotic. Specific area of interventions are: Diagnostic - Single rapid diagnostic kit for early detection
Foundation of malaria, chikungunya and dengue (ASSURED), Blood free Glucometer - A pain-free affordable and
self-use glucometer for accurate measurement of glucose from saliva used for testing blood glucose
Product Name
levels (SUGAM).
Diagnostic kits

Societal Relevance
Product Mosquito borne diseases are endemic in Andhra Pradesh, Telengana, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala
etc. the states like these have large rural populations. People in such areas when they get infected
Stage with fever visit local PHC or Gov hospitals, due to lack of diagnostic technologies in such rural areas
MVP identification of type of disease prolongs to a min of 7 days. Ameliorate’s innovation of ASSURED, an
early stage rapid detection kit is a boon for such areas. ASSURED is a low cost device and also detects
Target Market 3 diseases in one go. ASSURED helps in early detection and proper treatment. At the same time, all of
Domestic and International them are back on track to work which adds upto GDP of the country.

IP Status Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions

In Process Ameliorate Biotech has received a grant from BIRAC of Rs. 50 lakhs. Also received ELEVATE 100 award
and reward worth Rs. 20 lakhs, NIDHY Prayas funding of 10 lakhs, Infosys Aarohon award 2020 and
reward worth Rs. 20 lakhs, PRISM funding from DSIR of Rs. 20 lakhs and ZS prize runner-up award
and reward of 25 lakhs. They also have Rs. 2 Crore equity funding from ( LV foundation, DERBI, SINE,


32 33
Power Factor
Mr. Sriram Mokhasi

Incubated at Power Factor founded in 2017, a mission to conceive market-driven breakthrough products and
AIC Jyothy Institute of achieve global scale. They have vision to expand beyond high-tech product management and initiate
Technology Foundation Innovation incubation & new product development.

Problem:Airborne Infections, reduces Respiratory irritation and dust and pollen allergy problems.
Product Name
Solution: ZapC – Neutralise the positive ions such as Virus, Bacteria, Dust and Pollen partical in area
of 3ft radius for individual. ZapC emitts negative ions which are produced by electronically and thus
Type eventually individual will be protected from airborne and respiratory infections.

Societal Relevance
Personal Air purifier - A Negative Ion Generator, Zap-C, can help by killing bacteria, viruses and other
Commercialized harmful germs in one’s surroundings to prevent user from Airborne infection. Additionally, it can
also eliminate dust, pollen and other allergens helping people with severe allergies remain healthy
Target Market
irrespective of the weather. There are millions of people suffering from Allegies in metropolitan cities
Domestic and International and speding money on this. This one time investment will solve or reduce the sufferings of individual
who are suffering.
IP Status
In process

shriram.mokhasi1@gmail.com Website

34 35
Sparcolife Digital
Technologies Pvt Ltd Sparcolife is an Applied Behavioural Health Sciences Company involved in the Research, Design,
Development & Commercialization of an Integrated Care Delivery Platform that comprises
Founder/Co-Founder Multimodal Digital Diagnostics and Multisensory Stimulation based Digital Therapeutics. Recent
Ms. Pooja Hemmige Shwethadri studies involving working professionals in Corporate Urban India indicates that 1 in 4 women suffer
from Menstrual Irregularity, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men are affected due to Infertility. Sparcolife
Incubated at is a women-led enterprise, a recipient of the Nidhi Prayas grant, member of the present cohort
AIC Jyothy Institute of of the Acceleration Initiative for Diagnostics (AID) program of the Research and Innovation Circle
Technology Foundation of Hyderabad (RICH). It has recently launched its Integrated Behavioural & Mental Healthcare
platform called Vyana Life to serve the Reproductive Health needs of working professionals in Urban
Product Name India.
Vyana Life
Societal Relevance
Lifestyle diseases are on the rise at an alarming rate, impacting both the quality of life of people
and the workforce’s productivity. While medical interventions for chronic conditions are increasingly
Stage becoming available, complementary behavioural & mental healthcare needs require immediate
support. Introduction of their digital therapeutic platform (Vyana Life) to enable adoption of Integrated
Behavioural & Mental Healthcare alongside Medical Care & Chronic Diseases would have the
Target Market following benefits: Improved Quality of Care, Positive Impact on Clinical Outcomes, Enhance Medical
Adherence, and Reduces medical errors. Reduced healthcare costs, speedy recovery, and improved
Domestic and International
quality of life directly impact the country’s GDP.
IP Status
In Process Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
Selected for the second edition of T-Angel, a 45-day accelerator bootcamp which will feature the
startup who in turn will get support from angel investors upto Rs. 50 Lakhs.

pooja@sparclife.co Website

36 37
Nutrition Dynamic Nutrition Dynamic Foods LLP–NDF provides Economical self care management solutions by manufacturing 100% Plant
Based, Natural, Innovative Flavour Functional Beverage Premixes from Freeze dried Vegetables, Herbs and Spices for
Foods LLP Working Professional, Senior Executives and Senior Citizens suffering from Inflammatory Non Communicable Diseses
like Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, Obesity, cancer and mental diseases acclerated due to Stress and Dietary Choices.
Mrs. Arpita Doshi Societal Relevance
UNSDG – 3 – Good Health and Wellbeing
Incubated at ● 41 Million Globally and 5.81 million in India deaths has been recorded due to Non Communicable Diseases affecting
AIC LMCP Foundation age group between 30-70years.
● Unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol, tobacco has been contributing factors towards NCD.
Product Name ● Scientifically diet rich in Antioxidants helps in addressing NCD, however due to stress and time crunches convenience
NDF Food products options in terms of food has been the preferred choice.
● Medicines, Nutraceutical Supplements, Fortified Foods, Diet Counselling has often had its limitation in providing
Type sustainable solutions.
● NDF Products uses Freeze drying technology that retains Micronutrients and Naturality of the ingredients, based
on Effective Traditional Science translated to Modern Science and Convenience NDF products provides instant
Functional Beverage Premixes that can be carried anywhere anytime to attain your RDA of fruits and vegetables.
UNSDG – 9 – Industrial Innovation
● Food and Beverage Industry are unable to avoid sugar or its derivatives from the final product and are based on
Fruit and Vegetable combinations or Single Ingredient combinations using Spray drying or concentrate in their
Target Market
manufacturing process.
Domestic ● Indian Journal of Patents has published NDF Products for its combination and method of preparation as NDF
products uses Freeze drying technology, ingredients that are naturally sugarless or low sugar as vegetables like
IP Status Bottlegourd/Spinach/Moringa and natural flavours from spices like turmeric, ginger, black pepper, etc. which has
scientifically proven for its health imparting properties.
4 TM, 1 CR and 6 Patent Pendng
● In plant-based product combination is utmost important as to provide wholesome nutrition hence NDF has
polyherbal formulation for its products that provides wholesome nutrition of vegetables and spices by preserving
their natural dietary fibres.

Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
● Young Enterpreneur/Food Innovation Awards By AFSTI at CFTRI Maysore
● ET Enterprise Icon–Emerging MSME of the year Health and Nutritional Drink
● Business Leadership Award by Indian Achievers Forum

Website ● IIM Speaker–For student of ISK-G

● Gujarat Woman Leaders by World Women Leadership

38 39
Rises Analytics
Solutions Pvt Ltd
RISES is working on high-tech healthcare AI solutions at scale. It has a vision to bridge the gap
Mr. Ajit Deshpande between patients and timely medical intervention and to extend diagnostic decision support to health
care professionals in order to serve patients with efficacy, accuracies and insights, with innovative
Incubated at
technology TRAP (Treatment Response Assessment & Predictions).
AIC LMCP Foundation

Product Name
Societal Relevance
RISES AI Solution Rises Analytics Solutions, a high-tech Startup with healthcare AI software solutions. Rises Chronic &
Critical Care solutions for “Cancer and Pulmonary conditions including Covid-19” are getting traction
Type worldwide. It works as Clinical Decision Support Software for health care professionals, Deep Learning
Service–online analysis of primarily medical imaging data. For USA as well as India, the main issue is extending
the healthcare service at scale, especially the treatment effectiveness. In case of COVID-19 finding
Stage the comorbidity, risk score and other pulmonary disorders using patient data along with modalities
Commercialized like x-ray & CT scan. Healthcare system worldwide is facing challenges, as large number of patient’s
impacted due to pandemic situation, prevention and starting of treatment requires automation on
Target Market medical workflows and system which is mapped on the disease specific medical protocol. In some
Domestic and International case of patients identified as corona virus positive, the tracking the response to the treatment is not
easy, there will be danger of spreading the disease if not done systematically. In case of cancer, like
IP Status breast cancer Evidence Based Management, timely & accurate Assessment of Response to Treatment
In process would bring in efficiency and saves valuation time of oncologist, effectively benefitting the patients.
The solution is delivered on premise as well as cloud via rises.AI platform.

Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
Rises Analytics is registered as a startup to fight Corona : https://www.startupsvscovid.com/startups/

Also recognised among Top 10 startups in “AI-based technology for contactless entry” by Startupindia

ajit.deshpande@rises.io Website

40 41
Bionic Environment
Solutions Pvt Ltd
Bionics Environment Solutions Private Limited (BESPL) was established in 2017 with a vision to
Mr. Sreedhar Ramamurthi solve complex urban challenges by closing the gap between people and their understanding of
their immediate environment. They are at the verge of introducing to the world, smallest personal
Incubated at
environmental monitoring device. UrHealth device helps monitor environment and health of individuals
AIC LMCP Foundation and their family. Environmental parameters the device will monitor includes, particulate matter (1,
2.5 and 10 microns), temperature, relative humidity, ultra-violet radiation, noise and motion. It is a
Product Name
very small, less expensive, portable, easy to carry device to help individuals take informed decisions.
UrHealth device It provides contextual location-specific information along with inbuilt alerts and advisories which not
only indicate the levels of exposure but can also provide early warnings (using ML) to help its users
Type avoid adverse health impacts.
Societal Relevance
MVP The nature of the urban environment is complex, and individuals cannot use limited information
from few fixed-point sensors to take Informed actions. In the recent past, the extent of environmen
Target Market al degradation has started affecting personal health of citizens. The UrHealth monitoring device has
Asia, Middle East, Europe, the ability to provide information regarding a person’s immediate environment and suggest adaptive
Australia, USA measures one can take to minimize the impact of unfavourable environmental conditions. Unlike
fixed sensors, it provides contextual location specific information to its users. In addition, the warning
IP Status and advisories not indicate the levels of exposure but goes a step further and inform its users possible
consequences and what ‘they can do to improve their physical health.
In process

Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
They have been incubated within AIC-LMCP Foundation at L. M. College Of Pharmacy. They have
also been recently selected by Google for Startups: Sustainable Development Goals as one amongst
the 200 startups selected by Google globally which are working in the area of climate change and
sustainability. They have also applied for the state grant in Gujarat through their incubator and have
environics@gmail.com, cleared two rounds of interviews and are awaiting final selection.

42 43
Vyom Smart Care by Pi is an Android application which connects patients with carefully
selected and approved medical care professionals. Anybody can track their health records
with IoMT
Vyom Digital Services Their supported medical institutions:
● Vyom Smart Care Centers
Private Limited ● Private medical institutions
● Freelance medical doctors
● Medical institutions (E Insurance, E Pharmacy, E Clinic, E Hospital) can organize their work better.
Kapil Parashar and India’s best plans starting from INR 50 including ECG, Spo2, RRMAX, RRMIN, BPM, BP, Sugar, Doctor Consultancy, Diet and
Neetu Sharma Yoga.
Health on Wheel: Starting 500 INR includes above features, blood test, Family (Four members basic profile) at home.
Incubated at
Agan Wadi Workers (Rural Health on wheel with 100 INR) are provided complete health and lifestyle facility with tracking in
AIC Mahamana Foundation for Innovation rural and tier 2 cities. Pilot project has been done successfully in UP and expanding in Pan India soon.
and Entrepreneurship-IM-BHU
Societal Relevance
Product Name
India’s only Personalized Healthcare plan that enables e-health insurance, e-pharmacy and all health world class facilities
Vyom Smart Care by Pi with a click. Tracking of each individual with 11 tests including ECG, Temp,SPO2 etc. with COVID passport facility. It provides 24x7
tracking reduces secondary health care issues and smart Health Insurance for personalized care.
Type Provide Peace of Mind to Families: Home care providers can choose to share reassuring information with families, giving them
Product and Service valuable health insight into the lives of their loved ones.

Find Seniors with Smart Location Awareness: Vyom Devices displays near real time location of seniors in their homes on web
Stage and mobile apps. In areas of the home that families have determined might be dangerous for the senior, Tempo sends multi-
Commercialized mode (or geofence) alerts when the senior approaches a prohibited area.

Prioritize Home Care Needs: Vyom Smart Solutions helps home care providers prioritize staff time in areas where senior clients
Target Market need the most care.
Domestic and International Deliver Appropriate Level of Service: Vyom Smart Solution provides objective data to illustrate to families the need to increase
level of services provided
IP Status
Have all Copy Rights and Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
ISO certifactions ● Best UP E Health service provider by government of UP- 2021
● Best Startup award by BSE and Zone startup
● Ayushman Mela award by Ayushman BharatCooperation with European software company: Technology
● Vast Experience of the foreign partner in delivering projects for the medical industry.
● Expansion of Clients from the European Union, United States and Canada.
kapil.parashar1980@gmail.com Website ● Certifications - PCI DSS, ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certified.

44 45
Acupace Technologies
Private Limited
Sumit Kumar
Acupace Technologies is indulged in the development of IoT healthcare-based IT services and
Incubated at applications. Acupace deals in multiple ranges of upgraded technology products, which aims at
AIC Mahamana Foundation for Innovation improving lifestyle with technology, but to initiate with, they have launched a brand new product
and Entrepreneurship-IM-BHU (acuCLEAN) which will turn out to be a saviour in this crucial pandemic time of COVID 19, it’s an addition
to our ‘NEW NORMAL’(Mask, Gloves & Hand Sanitizer). acuCLEAN focuses on sanitization by
Product Name inactivating the microorganisms such as viruses, moulds, bacteria, and various other pathogens thus,
Acuclean this product not only aims to safeguard you from viruses of COVID 19 but also from other dangerous
microorganisms and gives you overall complete protection against any type of germs resulting to
Type which you lead a healthy and happy long life.
Societal Relevance
Their smart insole is digital and provides peace of mind for family members and those caring for
Commercialized the millions of people suffering from memory impairment and wandering which can be caused by
Alzheimer’s disease, Dementia, Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury or other cognitive memory disability.
Target Market
Domestic and International
Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
IP Status Acupace was selected by UNDP As Top Startup 25 And Top 100 Startup Across The Globe At Istanbul
NA Turkey.

acupace@gmail.com Website

46 47
Medicine Clinic
Dr. Ruhi Agarwala and
Dr. Ashwani Garg Functional Medicine Clinic is a health tech startup working towards Reversing chronic health
conditions (Diabetes, PCOS, Thyroid disorders, Autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis,
Incubated at psoriasis etc,) using P4 medicine approach (predictive, preventive, personalized & participative). This
AIC Manipal University Jaipur Precision Medicine based on Root cause approach uses multiple data points (sign, symptoms, markers
from blood work, DUTCH test, microbiome tests, heavy metal toxicity) to decode the root cause of
Product Name illness and then suggest personalized treatment plans. Their data-driven, personalized treatment is
FMC Platform ccompletely delivered online.

Type Societal Relevance

Service–online Functional Medicine is an evidence-based, systems biology approach that focuses on identifying
the root cause of disease. Functional medicine searches for the root issue that caused the symptoms
then works to correct that underlying issue. The symptoms will then typically reduce or resolve as a
Commercialized result. This is the only way to have a lasting benefit beyond just suppressing symptoms. They are on
a mission to decrease the chronic disease burden in India & make the society more productive and
Target Market
Domestic and International

IP Status

ruhi.agarwala@yahoo.com Website

48 49
Piltover Technologies
Manan Issar

Incubated at
Piltover’s mission is to build inclusive assistive technologies for the differently-abled starting with a
AIC Manipal University Jaipur
high-utility mechanical prosthetic hand. Unlike widely available cosmetic arms for Amputees, The
Mechanical arm offers the user a 80 Degree Movable Thumb, 180 Degree Movable Wrist & Adaptive
Product Name
Grip using the Patent Pending Self Locking Mechanism. Currently, they plan to build a portfolio of
Mechanical prosthetic hand inclusive technology products and raising 4th round of funding to ramp up production.

Societal Relevance
PiltoverTech is a for-profit social impact technology startup developing hi-tech solutions in the assisted
Stage technology market, starting with a feature-rich yet affordable mechanical prosthetic hand. The
MVP portfolio includes other limbs, electronic and bionic, being developed at extremely low costs flipping
frugal innovation on its head.
Target Market
Domestic and International Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
Acclaimed by the following institutions:
IP Status
● IIM C NDTV Smart Fifty Contest (Top 50 out of 15000 applications)
● Kerala Startup Mission Idea Day
● IIM A/ Startup Oasis, Social Accelerator
● TiE Delhi-Jerusalem ’18
● IIT Kanpur, Accessible India Competition
● IIT Kanpur, Manmohan Gill Bio Competition
● IIT Kanpur, Social Track Competition
● Startup World Cup Regionals (India), 3rd place
● IIT Bombay, Runners Up of Eureka (Social Track)
manan.issar@piltovertech.com Website

50 51
Care Form Labs Pvt Ltd is a SDGs-centric design lab that launched its first venture–Onpery™ in March
2021. The brand is aimed towards sustainable menstrual hygiene and ensuring comfortable periods.
The company launched its proprietary redesigned menstrual cup which has an innovative user-
centered design that helps menstruators navigate their cup journey in a seamless manner. Onpery™

Care Form Cup helps menstruators adapt to their zero waste journey with its ergonomic & intuitive design. The
design gives attention especially to those menstruators who have a low cervix as well as menstruators

Labs Pvt Ltd who are looking to transition towards hassle-free periods.

Founder/Co-Founder Societal Relevance

Mr. Pramod Priya Ranjan, ● Annually 9000 tons of menstrual waste is generated in India (which is from 12.1 billion generic Sanitary
Ms. Hiya Banerjee and Pads)
Dr. Prof. Nachiket Thakur ● Decomposition takes upto 500-800 years. Sanitary napkins are categorized under the category of ‘use & throw’
which is not economical and ends up being hazardous to the environment. A large number of users experience
Incubated at rashes, odour and discomfort with generic napkins.
AIC MIT ADT Incubator Forum ● 64% of menstruators in India are unable to use menstrual sanitary products which is usually credited to
financial challenges.
Product Name
Menstrual Cups are considered to be the most sustainable, hygienic and long term economical menstrual products. It is not
Onprey Menstrual Cup
popular among menstruators, as they find it difficult/confusing to insert/remove them. A considerable number of users who
have used cups find it to be an uncomfortable experience when the cup touches their cervix. They face spillage issues or pain.
Type There is hesitation regarding the hygiene factor along with its upkeep as well. There are numerous myths and taboos attached,
Product especially in the Indian context.

The novel design of the Onpery™ Cup solves the product-based apprehensions thanks to its ergonomic and intuitive design.
Stage After successfully communicating the design and offerings we expect more menstruators to feel comfortable adopting to a
new lifestyle. Since there are a lot of myths and taboos attached to the insertion and removal process, we aim to tackle those
with our upcoming offline and online campaigns.

Target Market 1 cup can be used for more than 5 years and replaces more than 750 sanitary napkins. It is made with medical grade silicone. It
is proven to be rash-free, odour-free and 100% suitable for activities such as sports,hiking. It moulds into any menstruator’s hectic
Domestic and International
work lifestyle. After 5 years of cup usage, it can be incinerated and disposed making it completely biodegredable.

IP Status
Patent and Design Registrations are
Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
● ‘Top 10 International Startups’ and awardee of 10,00,000 BDT (~$12,000 or 8,78,700 INR) grant in ‘Bangabandhu
complete in India and being filed in USA,
Innovation Grants (BIG) 2021 International Startup Competition’ hosted by ‘iDEA’ and ‘Startup Bangladesh Limited’
Germany and China and facilitated by ‘USMAC’, in May 2021.
● Winner (7,00,000 INR) at ‘National Innovation Challenge 2020’ of ‘Youth Co:Lab India’ supported by UNDP India, Citi
Foundation and NITI Aayog, in December 2020.
● Co-Winner ($5,333) at ‘Innovate4SDGs Contest’ of ‘UNDP Accelerator Lab India’, in November 2020.
● An awardee of ‘BIG’-Grant (48,00,000 INR) by ‘BIRAC (Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council)’ under
careformlabs@gmail.com Website the scheme ‘BIG-16 (Biotechnology Ignition Grant)’, by Department of Biotechnology, GoI, in August 2020.

52 53
Pvt Ltd
Founder/Co-Founder AUUM Platforms is a startup based out of the Temple City of India, Bhubaneswar. They work on
bringing products which can suit the needs of enterprises as well as consumers harnessing the
Mr. Sai Sambit Nayak
capabilities of emerging technologies. Their team began with Safe India hackathon organised by
Software Technology Parks of India back in March 2020. They finished in the top 10 in the hackathon,
Incubated at
and as they wanted to take their ideas & products forward they incorporated their startup AUUM
AIC Nalanda Institute of Technology
Platforms on 11th of November 2020.
The product, SWASNER PPE is a next generation PPE,which can provide the best protection in an
Product Name environment, and is fashionable. The product can be super beneficial for healthcare warriors,
Swasner Protection Kit servicemen like airline personnel, railway personnel and can be safe for students to use also.

Type Societal Relevance

Product The innovation helps preventing acute respiratory diseases and protects from direct exposure or
physical contact with viruses.
Commercialized The PPE designed by AUUM Platforms is a next level protective gear for the vulnerable workers,
frontline police personnel and people exposed to air borne diseases.
Target Market Their vision is to simply be one of India’s premier technology company, creating products which
Domestic harness the best of emerging technologies like Internet of Things(IoT), Blockchain technology,
automation, artificial intelligence, robotics, augmented reality (AR). Their products will cater to the
IP Status needs of both consumers as well as enterprises. They also believe to help achieving at least 4 United
Provisional patent filed Nations SDGs and dream to be the torchbearer in helping India achieve sustainable growth.

Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
● Recognised by Startup Odisha Hall of Fame

● Recommended by Dept of MSME for Govt Procurement

● Innovation acknowledged by Education Minister

saisambitnayak@gmail.com Website

54 55
Ziffytech Digital
Healthcare Pvt Ltd
Bigdata-Hadoop based IoT integrated 360* integrated healthcare platform(Hl-7), connecting
stakeholders in real time to ensure quality healthcare accessible by overriding the geo-terrain barriers.
Indra Jha
ZiffyHealth Solutions bridges the Gap between Doctors and Patients by: -
Incubated at ● RHEMOS (Remote Helath Monitoring Systme) integrated 3-Way Video Consulting: - Digital
AIC Pinnacle Entrepreneurship Forum Home Healthcare, Parent Care etc.
● 360* Integrated SOS Module: - Live status of hospital beds availability and realtime vitals
Product Name accessed Video Consulting with hospitals from Ambulance (While on the raod driving to
ZifftHealth App hospital)
● Instant Medical bill financing solution at 0% interest for uninsured through Fintech API
Type Integration
Service–App based
Societal Relevance
ZiffyHealth is aspiring to evolve as robust and scalable healthcare platform, whereby all stakeholders.
i.e. patients, doctors, diagnostics, paharmacies can plugin to have seamless yet highly secured flow
of health data so as healtcare delivery can be farmore accessible and affordable. They are working
Target Market
Domestic and International
● Making healthcare accessible to the bottom of sem-urbam and Rural Indian Population
IP Status ● Endeavouring to contribuite into building social capital through quality healthcare delivery
In process ● Liveraging technology for elederly care and women safety

Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
● Semi-Finalist of Ayushman Bharat Grand Challenge
● Cofounder was among top 100-finalist for Women Transforming Award-2019
● Among top-30 team for Hack The crisis India
● Next Round of selection for NIDHI4COVID 2.0 initiative of National Science and Technology
Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), Department of Science and Technology,
indra@ziffytech.com Website Govt. of India.

56 57
Perkant Tech Perkant Tech is an Innovative Med-Tech solutions provider company. Currently has developed and

Private Limited designed a revolutionary patented medical product:

● Abhay Parimiti that can detect many diseases with just a 20 second finger
Founder/Co-Founder ● placement including Hypertension, Diabetes, COVID-19, COPD, CKD and
Saniya Jeswani and Lokant Jain
● many other respiratory and cardiac diseases. This IoT enabled technology can bring
Incubated at healthcare accessibility to fingertips of all and introduce affordabilty for mass adoption.

AIC Prestige Inspire Foundation Indore

Societal Relevance
Product Name Perkant Tech has created an invention that is Made in India and can massively impact the
Abhay Parimiti healthscape of the nation. Abhay Parimiti: The complete health screening system has made health
easier, quicker and efficient. It is a first ever Multi-diseases prognosis system that in just 20 seconds
Type of fingerscan alerts and suggests for various diseases including COVID-19. This non invasive IoT device
Product takes complete health graph in just 20 seconds and with highly intelligent ML models ensures the
early identification of COVID-19, helps stop cluster formation and even helps in alerting the subject
Stage about stage of diseases (severe or non-severe).
Today Abhay Parimiti has safeguarded all premises including schools, colleges, hospitals, offices,
airports etc and has ensured COVID prognosis/screening can be made easier to stop the widespread
Target Market
by instant alerts. In hospitals Abhay Parimiti helps doctors with contactless OPD options and tools,
Domestic and International
introduces digital health management for patients and enables tracking of all patients easily and
quickly. Not just this, the product has helped various vaccination centers across the state to some
IP Status
extent to identify any COVID subject who might be availing the vaccination shot. In such cases, Abhay
IP–Provisonal Patent Application filed. has helped identifying COVID carriers/ Asymptomatic patients and has made vaccination safe for all.

Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
● Awarded most innovative startup by “Indore Management Association” during their one
minute pitch contest.

● Awarded most innovative and relevant product for the pandemic by senior doctors in
Doctor’s meet at AICPIF, Indore.
Website ● Shortlisted for Jancare healthcare challenge by NASSCOM, Govt. of India Startup India.

58 59
Omnicuris believes in “Health for all” and “Information for Action”. Omnicuris is
addressing unmet needs in the healthcare sector to increase both horizontal
and vertical accountability of the health systems. Omnicuris achieves it by
providing greater connectivity and participation to rural doctors with the

Omnicuris latest CMEs and encouraging community learning and evaluation, thereby
ensuring better health outcomes for the public health. Omnicuris enables training for Healthcare Professionals, by co-creating

Healthcare Pvt Ltd courses with important stakeholders and monitoring impact at all levels. This is especially important for those belonging to
underserved communities, since access to appropriate treatment is constrained by low mobility and affordability.
Unmet Needs:
● Accessibility: Educational Learning Hub, platform is device agnostic
Savitha Kuttan
● Equitable: Our programmes are free of cost for the Doctors

Incubated at ● Accountability: Creating the quality evidence based practice learning solutions for management of diseases in
collaboration with prestigious associations and institutions, medical councils across India
AIC Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini
● Skill Development: to increase interoperability and mobility for Doctors and Digital health stakeholders by reviewing
Foundation the legal and regulatory frameworks and setting minimum digital health competency in each of CMEs
They are leveraging their proprietary technology with the support of Machine Learning and AI to provide Healthcare
Product Name professionals with scheduled group and on-demand learning directly on their mobile phones and laptop. The designed
Omnicuris App program offers increased flexibility and responsiveness to the adult learning needs. The simple GUI with intuitive learning
model has penetrated the vertical of healthcare delivery resulting in 2,50,000 doctors enrolling for training across 52 specialites
and indirectly impacting health outcomes of 50 million patients annually.
Service–online Societal Relevance
Omnicuris has incorporated Triple Bottom Line Framework to align ROI and shareholders’ value to include environmental and
social determinants. Modern healthcare has led to enormous gains in life expectancy and quality of life, however the rising
Commercialized healthcare cost, increasing rates of chronic diseases and population has led to inequity in healthcare access. .Omnicuris helps in
capacity building of primary care doctors towards providing better preventive and treatment to patients. It is the platform that
Target Market collaborates with all academic bodies in medicine to provide engaging video based training modules leveraging cutting edge
technology for healthcare providers across the country. They have received a pilot project from NITI Aayog to train Primary
Domestic and International healthcare practitioners from Aspirational Districts in India.
Social: Omnicuris’ penetration, ease of access and intuitive learnings have democratized the healthcare delivery in Rural and
IP Status Urban areas. With major cost associated in the healthcare delivery is due to delayed intervention for the patient care, with the
Omnicuris secured TM on in-house CME’s on Omnicuris platform, the dessimationation of information has lowest TAT, leading to efficient triage of diseases, saving
precious time and associated cost for the Public health.
Medshots and Omnicuris.
Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
● Activated COVID- 19 Treatment Programme for Govt Doctors from 112 Aspirational Districts
● Awarded FOGSI We for Stree Award in recognition for expemplart service towards upliftment of Women’s Health
in India
● Awarded National Healthcare Leadership award by Zee Business
● Janani Awards for Best Digital Healthcare awarded by Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey, Government of India
savitha@omnicuris.com Website
● Digital CME-Dermatolgy awarded be Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venorarologists and Lephrologists
60 61
Saathease Lifesciences
Private Limited SaathEase provides health, social and logistical support to home-based elders and patients, to increase
their quality of life. The business is a provider of such high-quality services, while being flexible in the kind
Founder/Co-Founder of services needed by the customer. It aims as well, to provide peace of mind to the paying clients, usually
close relatives of the customers who are not living with them, through a system of a proprietary app-
Dr. S M Ausim and Shounak Ray
based monitoring and reporting system. The business generates income and employment for local semi-
Incubated at skilled population by hiring, training, and accrediting them as home-care providers.

AIC RNTU SaathEase services range from getting vital checks or customers’ medical checkups done, physiotherapy
sessions, ensuring right medications regime, taking the seniors out for social visits, and getting their
Product Name utility chores completed. Currently, the services are envisaged for Tier-2 cities in India, with the first unit
Saath Ease Platform operational at Bhopal since April 2021.

Type Societal Relevance

Service–App based
In India, government-provided social security systems are very limited and senior citizens and others
confined to their homes for health reasons are facing an unprecedented challenge. Without the social
safety net and extended family support, which is also diminishing, they are often isolated in their time
of need. Age-related physical challenges along with social isolation causes a rapid deterioration of their
overall wellbeing. According to some estimates, over half the urban senior citizens in India are mostly living
Target Market
on their own for long periods of time. The existing solutions to this problem, such as senior homes, long-
Domestic term hospital care and hired help, are either non-existent, too costly or come with a safety and quality risk.

IP Status This problem is growing faster in 2nd tier cities in India, where the younger members of immediate family
Trademark filing imminent often migrate to bigger cities for employment, leaving behind elder parents. Some of these younger family
members, especially those with better paying employment outside the country are willing to pay a
premium for their parents’ care, if quality of care can be guaranteed.

In keeping with challenge, SaathEase is poised to provide health and social support to the senior citizens,
disabled and convalscing patients in their homes and on-demand, especially in tier-2 cities of India.

Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
SaathEase is a social sector services effort, to bring in best-in-care practices and tech, to growing needs
info@saathease.com Website for daily support and health solutions for the elderly and the post-operative, at their very places of living.

62 63
Zexa Communication
Pvt Ltd (Ayuryug)
Sonam Jain and Romil jain
AyurYug is a platform of ZEXA Communication Pvt Ltd for Ayurvedic Health Solutions and AyurYug
Incubated at was founded with the mission of ‘taking Ayurveda to every home’. Their objective of making
AIC RNTU people happy and healthy through authentic Ayurvedic treatment delivered at their doorstep is a
direct response to the growing ailments and disorders such as diabetes, arthritis, asthma, obesity,
Product Name hypertension, spondylitis, piles, skin problems, sexual disorders, etc. Most of these diseases affecting
AyurYug the global community today do not have an effective treatment available in modern medicine.

Type Societal Relevance

Service–App based They are providing the preventive healthcare services as packages subscriptions to individuals, Family,
Elders, woman etc. like any vehicle / car need timely maintenance to perform well similar like that
every human need a preventive care so that they could be protected from the diseases. Hence, they
Commercialized provide health checkups, tests, diet plans, yoga session, overall physical and mental wellness on
schedule basis.
Target Market
Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
IP Status Recognized by the Ayurveda medicine and doctors association in Maharashtra.

rromiljain@gmail.com Website

64 65
Volar Alta
Volar Alta is the one-stop shop for drone-based services. They specialise in surveillance, asset inspections and
transportation of medical essentials in rural and hard-to-reach locations using drone, minimising the time
Niharika Kolte and and considering the safety factors. Their drones are capable of carrying out internal & external inspections to
Atharva Sabnis generate meaningful, actionable insights – all this without creating an explosion or any other occupational
hazard. By partnering with them,both these activities can be performed faster, at 1/4th the cost.
Incubated at
AIC RNTU Societal Relevance
Product Name Inspections : Industrial assets need periodic internal visual inspections to ensure continued optimal
Volar Alta performance. Such inspections conventionally require significant expense in terms of ancillary setup
(scaffolding etc.) and plant downtime. The conventional methods for these are time-consuming and
Type relatively expensive. Despite being willing to bear the expense, internal inspections of several equipment
Product classes are not possible due to technological gaps.

Medical Transportation using drones: Their mission is to prevent an estimated eight lakh people across rural
Stage India from dying each year, just because there isn’t any reliable infrastructure to make medical essentials
Commercialized like blood packs and injections available to hospitals in hard-to-reach places. Because these are medical
essentials that often require cold storage, it is extremely expensive to store them in a decentralized manner
Target Market across a large number of primary health centers.
Domestic and International
To counter this inequality, they are building an end-to-end solution for the last-mile delivery of cold-chain
medical essentials to hospitals in rural and hard-to-reach areas. These deliveries will occur on-demand,
IP Status
from centralized dispatch locations using autonomous drones which will ensure that time-critical medical
In Process essentials reach within hours, not days, i.e. fast enough to save lives!

Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
● Best Aerial Service Provider - Solar Quarter and Wind Insider
● Runners up at NASSCOM COE Smart Maufacturing Competition
● Recipient of 75k grant from NSRCEL - IIM B
● First ever drone partner of KEM Hospital Pune
● Finalist for UK India Innovation Fund
niharika@volaralta.com Website
● Best Service provider of the year Award for - Aerial Inspections for the year 2021

66 67
Technologies Pvt Ltd
Suchandra Technologies Pvt Ltd is entitled to be a novel green and clean tech startup. The company
Siddharoodha Angadi is registered under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) under MSME and recognized by both
the Central government of India and State government of Karnataka startup and has won many
Incubated at
competitions like Elevate Call 2, 2019 conducted by the Government of Karnataka. They have also
AIC SKU Confederation won the COVID -19 Innovation challenge conducted by the Central Government organization Atal
Innovation Mission (AIM) AIC-SKU.
Product Name
Societal Relevance
Type Thousands of people are using WizCleanzer with no side effects like Skin irritations, Allergens, Skin
Product burns rashes etc. They have reduced recurring investments of refill/Chemical based sanitization.
Special care is taken that no chemical effluents has been given out to mother nature as compared
Stage to chemical based sanitizers. There is also less risk of fire hazardous encountered when compared to
Commercialized liquid sanitizers. They have also trained trained about 55 innovator ideators in which around 4 have
started their own ventures.
Target Market
Domestic and International Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
● Winner ‘Elevate Call2’ by organized State Govt. of Karnataka in FY 2019-20
IP Status
● Winner ‘Covid’19 Innovation Challenge’ by Atal Innovation Mission, AIC-SKU in FY 2019-20
WizCleanzer is Indian Patent Filed
and U.S Patent Pending ● Awarded as Best Manufacturer by Salem Business Award in FY 2020-21

● WizCleanzer is going to be registered in Guinness World Records as World’s First Liquid Free

● WizCleanzer is Indian Patent Filed and U.S Patent Pending.

● Shortlisted for top 10 covid’19 innovations in India by India Today under Atmanirbhar Bharat.

siddharoodha.c.a@gmail.com Website

68 69
Lian Thangvung

Incubated at
AIC SMUTBI Qonect is a Digital Health Platform enabling affordable healthcare for uninsured and people who
meet their healthcare expenses out of pocket and funding Medical Emergency expenses to help cope
Product Name
with Catastrophic Health Expenditure, e-Lab Test Reports, OPD/Appointment Booking and provide
Qonect App Instant Loan at 0% interest for 90 days to meet the immediate cash need for medical emergency
Service–App based
Societal Relevance
Stage 65% of the Indian population meet their healthcare expenses out of pocket, and 57% of Indian have
Commercialized no health emergency fund, and have less than Rs. 5000 in their savings account. In the event of
unforeseen medical emergency one has to resort to multiple or more to cope with such emergency
Target Market event one has to sell their assets, reduction in consumption expenditure or borrow it private money
Domestic and International lenders at high interest rate which often result in catastrophic expenditures. Million of people are push
to poverty each year due to an increasing out of pocket expenditures.
IP Status Their goal is to make quality healthcare affordable and accessible by offering free Digital health card
IP Copyright & Trademarks that reduce the cost of medical expenses up to 50% and providing ease of access to medical emergency
filing in the process
Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
The first Start-Up from Manipur to received funding from Northeast Venture Fund Indias 500 awards.
They are also listed among TOP 50 successful startup in India at Strawberry Branding

lianthangvung@tpsqonect.com Website

70 71
Picasoid Health
Technology Pvt Ltd PiCaSoid is an abbreviation of “Patient Information Care Software ID”. A health platform that every individual,
doctor and healthcare centres can use. PiCaSoid makes healthcare information and services accessible very easily
Founder/Co-Founder and affordable, using mobile app. Our vision is to connect every individual with healthcare centres in India by
assigning “PiCaSoid Health ID” and making handsfree registration process ensuring reduction of wait time at
Leimapokpam Rojen Singh
hospital registration counter. Value propositions of PiCaSoid App includes:
and Ravi Kumar
● Look up for doctors and healthcare centres nearby.
Incubated at ● Online and offline appointment booking for doctors.
AIC SMUTBI ● Tele Consultation (Online Doctor Consultation).
● Repository of personal health records (PHR).
Product Name
● Interstate travelling assistance for patients.
PiCaSoid App
● Discount in LAB test booked through PiCaSoid Mobile App.
Type Currently PiCaSoid is operational in the state of Assam and Manipur.
Service–App based
Societal Relevance
PiCaSoid connects doctors and healthcare centres (Clinics, Hospitals, Labs) with patient and public in Northeast
India. PiCaSoid ensure easy access of healthcare information and services through a Pointer and mobile app
Target Market (Android and iOS). Hence, the burden of spending longer time at hospital OPD counter will be reduced. The
communication gap between patients and hospitals when a patient travels to different states will be bridge
through PiCaSoid App, ensuring easy access of healthcare information and making healthcare services affordable.
IP Status
Initiated Trademark Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
Registration Filing Process ● Selected for Startup Acceleration Program for North East (SAPNE 1.0), supported by AIM, NITI Aayog,
Government of India and Startup India, 2021.
● Awarded INNOVATIVE CONCEPT OF THE YEAR in “Business Award 2019” by “The Indian Awaz”.
● Selected by NRL (Numaligarh Refinery Limited) for StartUp Ideation 2018.
● Selected for Start-up Manipur 2018 under ESS Scheme, by Government of Manipur.
● Awarded 3rd prize in Redstart Start-up Challenge2018 organized by IIT Guwahati.
ravi@picasoid.co.in ● Awarded 1st prize in Start-up Pitch Up 2018, organized by India Network and Global Shapers.

72 73
Heal Bridge Pvt Ltd
Mr Sumesh Chettri and
Mr Karan Singh The Co-founders of Heal Bridge are Karan Singh and Sumesh Chettri. Heal Bridge is a home healthcare
platform which aims to provide the maximum healthcare services at the comfort of your home. It is
Incubated at a firm based in Sikkim which started operating on 29 September, 2020 and was incorporated on 18
AIC SMUTBI February, 202Since its inception, Heal Bridge has served 900+ satisfied customers.

Product Name Societal Relevance

Heal Bridge Platform Heal Bridge has identified the fragile points in the current healthcare system and has targeted a
few rural areas which did not have any access to medical stores or other medical facilities. They
are delivering medicines and providing proper healthcare services at the home in nearby villages.
Service–online Moreover, their upcoming plans also include conducting regular health camps at various rural places.
The system that Heal Bridge has built was helpful during the Second Phase of Lockdown. They
provided medical facilities to COVID affected families and people in quarantine. Free blood tests and
Commercialized medicines were also provided to COVID positive patients.

Target Market Their aim is to build such a healthcare system which is efficient and convenient for everyone.

Domestic and International

Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
IP Status
Due to its outstanding performance in the field of medical services and the impact it has on the
Filled trademark conventional medical system, Heal Bridge has been recognized by the Health Department of Govt.
of Sikkim. During the lockdown due to COVID-19, the Health Department found the system of Heal
Bridge very reliable and recommended it to people for their medical needs. Adding to this, Heal Bridge
has also been recognised by SEED SELL (Sikkim Entrepreneurs and Economic Development SELL) as
well as NITI Ayog.


74 75
Agatsa Software
Private Limited
Agatsa is a Leading Solution Provider for comprehensive digital health monitoring for both Doctors and Non
Founder/Co-Founder Doctors using its AI and IoT driven Platform called SanketLife

Rahul Rastogi and SanketLife Series of devices are affordable, MADE IN INDIA, pocket-sized devices that can perform complete
medical grade 12-Lead ECG tests and also offer multi-parameter monitoring range of devices (BP, SpO2,
Neha Rastogi
temperature). These devices are integration-ready, for easy data transfer and compilation for any kind of
technology solution offering.
Incubated at
Their Devices:
Amrita Technology Business Incubator
● Cardiac Care Range- SanketLife 2.0 ( World’s Smallest, Touch Based handheld, 12 Lead ECG Device)

Product Name ● SanketLife Pro+ (Leadless as well as Lead based 12 Lead ECG solution)
● SanketLife Multi Vital- Multi Parameter- 4 in one handheld device- Cuffless Blood Pressure, SpO2,
Contactless Temperature, 12 Lead Touch based ECG

Societal Relevance
Agatsa has been able to expand its portfolio from handheld ECG devices to multi parameter monitoring devices
that helped users during COVID time to monitor their parameter when the country was facing scarcity of
Stage monitoring options at home
Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
Target Market ● CII Best innovation in Healthcare category- 2015
Domestic and International ● Anjani Mashelkar award for best Frugal Innovation – 2015
● Best Innovation in Healthcare Rajasthan Summit-2016
IP Status ● Frost & Sullivan award for Best practices in Cardiac care- 2017
1 Patent published ● m-Billionth award for best Digital innovation in Healthcare- 2017
2 Patents applied ● Rising star from Apollo Hospitals- 2017
1 PCT applied ● Nasscom Emerge 50 award- 2017
● Millennium Alliance- 2018
● Woman Entrepreneur of the year (TIE Manufacturing Awards)- 2019Tie- BIRAC award for best
Entrepreneurial research in Biotechnology-2019
● 1ShethePeople award for women in Digital Entrepreneurship- 2019
● Marico Innovation Award- 2020
rahulrastogi@agatsa.com Website
● 1Founder Neha Rastogi among Forbes 10 Self made women on India

76 77
Coeo Labs
Mr. Nachiket Deval
Coeo Labs is a Bengaluru based startup up focused on innovative medical devices for Emergency,
Incubated at Trauma and Critical Care. 1st product, Saans, a portable and mechanical medical device known as
BioIncubator Centre at CCAMP a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) to assist neonates in respiratory distress. 2nd product,
VAPCare, a Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) preventive device which helps prevent patients
Product Name on ventilator from contracting infections, a common cause for ICU related deaths. The device has
Saans and VAPcare been granted a utility patent in India, China as well as the US. They won Aarohan Social Innovation
Awards, 2020 and Rashtriya Swayamsiddh Vishesh samman for Innovation & Technology, 2019.
Product Societal Relevance
Coeo Labs are one of the BIRAC – BIG startups, their first product developed is a portable and
mechanical medical device known as a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) called Saans
Commercialized to assist neonates in respiratory distress. The second product of Coeo Labs is VAPCare, a Ventilator
Associated Pneumonia (VAP) preventive device which helps prevent patients on the ventilator from
Target Market
contracting infections, a common cause for ICU-related deaths.
Domestic and International

IP Status Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions

Utility patent in India, ● They have been featured in BBC Hindi for their low-cost & portable CPAP device Saans to
China as well as the US. support neonates with breathing difficulty in low resource settings. They have also won the
Commonwealth Innovation Award 2019.

● Nitesh Jangir, Cofounder of CCAMP start-up, Coeo Labs is in the Forbes India 30U30 for the
year 201He is the only healthcare entrepreneur featured for this year. He also won Rashtriya
Swayamsiddh Vishesh Samman in innovation & technology by JSPL Foundation.

nachiketdeval@gmail.com Website

78 79
BlackFrog Blackfrog Technologies is a Manipal, Karnataka based technology startup that seeks to improve the efficiency of
immunization supply chains. Blackfrog Tech has developed EMVÓLIO- a patented rapid cooling technology for safe
Technologies last-mile transport of vaccines, breast-milk, blood-serums, medications & specimens with minimal freeze-thaw cycles.
They are supported by the country’s leading healthcare and impact investors, including Venture Centre (NCL, Pune),
BIRAC, Social Alpha, CCAMP (NITI Aayog). Recipient of the Forbes Marshall Award conducted by the Confederation of
Indian Industries (CII). Selected at TechSparks2020 as one of 30 promising Indian startups across categories. Received
Mayur Shetty CSR support from the HT Parekh Foundation and Hitachi ABB Power Grids for the deployment.

Incubated at Societal Relevance

BioIncubator Centre at CCAMP Blackfrog Tech has developed EMVÓLIO- a patented rapid cooling technology for safe last-mile transport of vaccines,
breast-milk, blood-serums, medications & specimens with minimal freeze-thaw cycles. They are keen on creating, and
Product Name their pragmatic perspective of the world ensures their creative energy is channeled into solving real-world problems. More
EMVÓLIO specifically, their priority is to make India a safe place to live in, through uncompromising innovation and indigenous

Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
● CamTech-X Medical Devices Hackathon: Runner-up at the National-level event conducted by Massachusetts
Stage General Hospital in New Delhi, 2017.

Commercialized ● Falling Walls Lab: Blackfrog was the National Level winner at the event conducted jointly by German Centre
for Research & Innovation (DWIH) and DAAD; Blackfrog represented India in the Falling-walls lab event in
Berlin, Nov 2019.
Target Market
● Qualcomm Design in India Cohort: One of the top-10 selected companies for a year-long incubation process &
Domestic and International

IP Status ● India Innovation Growth Programme 2.0: Among top-50 companies to attend a boot-camp at IIM-A, a
tripartite initiative of the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, Lockheed Martin and Tata
Secured a patent for EMVÓLIO Trusts.

● National Conference for Social Innovation 2019: Won the Social Innovation Award (urban category) during
NCSI 2019 conducted by Pune International Centre.

● Qualcomm Design in India Challenge (QDIC-2020): Jational winner of QDIC in March 2020 with a cash-
award and patenting support.

● Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) Startupreneur awards 2020: Won the Forbes-Marshall Manufacturing

● SAMADHAN- COVID-19: Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India- 2020: Winners in MHRD’s
mayurshetty@blackfrog.in Website SAMADHAN program for its efforts in mitigation of the COVID-19 crisis.

80 81
Ubiqare Health
Mr. Sundararajan Ubiqare Health is a Bengaluru based healthcare tech start-up, that pursues a vision of making healthcare ubiquitous,
easily accessible, collaborative, and smart. Ubiqare offers specialty mobility-Healthcare-as-a-Service (m-HaaS)
Incubated at platform that enables specialists and hospitals to deliver specialty follow-up care to post-acute and chronically
BioIncubator Centre at CCAMP ill patients at home with complex supportive, rehabilitative, and palliative care needs. This is a collaborative care
platform that enables specialty hospitals and healthcare organisations to extend their care (protocols, workflows,
Product Name therapies, diagnostics) to remote patients. The m-HaaS combines with a last-mile clinical network for co-ordinated
mobility-Healthcare-as-a-Service physical interventions and is driven by a team of care doctors working in collaboration with specialists in a hospital.
(m-HaaS) platform Selected as one of the 5 top palliative care startups 2021 globally by StarUs Insights.

Type Societal Relevance

Service–online They combine telemedicine and clinical network of proximity centers for home health care service & supportive
care in Bangalore to post-acute and chronic patients at home.
Their doctor-driven supportive care improves treatment outcomes and helps you get your life back together.

Target Market Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions

Domestic Ubiqare Health was selected to join the 1st Cohort of DEEP accelerator program launched by IKP Hyderabad.
Due diligence is ongoing. They were also amongst the 5 top palliative care start-ups impacting healthcare sector
IP Status
globally in March 202Ubiqare was also selected as the Star of the Week under CCAMP’s COVID Innovation
NA Deployment and Accelerator program. Apr 2020. They are identified by BIRAC to be one of the 20 In-Market
players to support the fight against COVID. BIRAC has given a grant-in-aid for repurposing the platform for COVID
care. It has been selected to the 2nd Cohort of Karnataka Start-up Advancement Program Bio 50 in late Nov 2019.

sundararajan.s@ubiqare.com Website

82 83
B-Aegis Life Sciences
& Research Pvt Ltd
B-Aegis is focusing on delivering cutting edge next-generation solutions in healthcare sector which
Dr. Nandu Surendran are accessible to everyone. Their expertise is in targeted nanomedicines for cancer theranostics. It was
formed on October 05, 2017, for solving the most complex problems in healthcare sectors, especially
Incubated at
in oncology, using simple yet futuristic & effective solutions. They are combining nanotechnology,
TREC-STEP life sciences and material sciences to produce the next generation of products and expanding this
expertise into services that they provide for their customers. They always try to collaborate with the
Product Name end customers from product conceptualization to the launch of the product into the market.
Societal Relevance
Product According to ICMR, there were 1.45 million new cases of cancer and 736,000 deaths in India in 2016.
The nation has less than 300 dedicated cancer-care centres , and nearly 40% of these are in eight
Stage metropolitan cities. As a result, about 80% of India’s cancer cases are detected at an advanced stage
MVP and nearly 70% of patients with cancer die of the disease in India, compared to about 30% in the US.
OncoSense is an affordable solution for early diagnosis of adenocarcinomas which requires minimal
Target Market infrastructure. Apart from the low cost, the time it takes to complete diagnostic tests will be also
Domestic and International reduced. For example, the time it takes to complete diagnostic tests for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
will be reduced from 19 days to 8 days.
IP Status
Indian patent application Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
published and trademark for the Represented AIM startups in the Second edition of Indo-French Knowledge Submit held at Lyon,
name OncoSense granted. France. They were shortlisted and participated in XPOMET Medicinale Globel event held at Berlin,
Germany. They have also topped the list of multiple hackathons conducted by BIRAC and Government
of India and received seed fund from Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited. They also
represented India in OiWeek X heald at Sao Paulo, Brazil.

In addition to this, they have recieved various grants:

● Productisation grant from Kerala Startup Mission
nandu@b-aegis.com Website ● Received exploration grant from IIT Mandi Catalyst

84 85
Instruments Pvt Ltd
Redspectra Instruments Pvt Ltd is involved in Research, Development & Manufacturing of Artificial
Rajavijayan, Raja Intelligent based Spectroscopic Analyzers and Process Controllers to Measure, Analyze & Optimize
Probiotic Beverage Fermentation, reducing the Fermentation duration without compromising quality.
Incubated at
They are also involved in Manufacturing of Pro-Biotic Beverages and Intelligent Tapping System,
TREC-STEP to dispense the Beverage with Anti-xoidants, Vitamins, Living Good Bacterias, Yeast and without
any preservatives. Taping System has built in Spectroscopy to detect microbial contamination and
Product Name
shuts off the beverage, if any contaminant is detected. Thus it ensures that, only quality beverage is
Spectroscopic Analyzer and dispensed to customers
Probiotic Beverages
Societal Relevance
Product Only affordable (in price of tender coconut) Probiotic Drink in the Market with rich Probiotics (good
bacteria & yeast), Anti-Oxidants, Vitamins & Essential Acids to Improve Immunity naturally, which is
Stage very essential during COVID Pandemic. Their Spectroscopic Analyzers+AI, will make a tecktonic shift
MVP in the fundamental behaviour of Beverages Industries Globally. That is because they make the 1st
move to sell beverages, without any preservatives. With no preservatives, any drink will tends to have
Target Market Microbial Contaminatoin issues, however with their Intelligent Taping System (Beverage Dispenser
Domestic and International + spectorscopy + AI), the contaminating bacteria will be identified and eliminated and the microbial
contamination problem will be successfully overcome.
IP Status
# Filed Indian Patent, Status–Pending Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
# Filed TradeMarks World’s 1st AI (Artificial Intelligence) controlled process for production of fermented probiotic Beverage.
Finalist (in 16th call) in Biotechnology Ignition Grant, BIRAC, Department of Science and Technology
(DST), Govt of India.

raja.vijayan@redspectra.com Website

86 87
TruthShare is a pioneer in privacy technologies and one of the earliest startups in this space in India.
They offer first of its kind privacy as a service to companies and government agencies.Data is the
new oil, internet & digital experiences are the new oil fields, hence privacy technologies are the new
refineries and AI systems are the new engines. Today the privacy refinery layer is missing and they
TruthShare Software are building it.

Private Limited They have launched two products: Event Horizon and Privacy X-Ray.
Event Horizon is a cutting edge privacy enhancing technology based data anonymization product, which helps organizations
convert personal data into non personal data and then unlock the value of data through collaboration without violating user’s
Founder/Co-Founder privacy.
Abilash Soundararajan Privacy X-Ray is a first of its kind privacy risk assessment software using privacy enhancing technology, which is first of its kind
globally. This product can be used as a tool by CIOs/ CISOs/DPOs to identify risks like singling out, linkage and inference risk,
Incubated at involved in sharing a dataset.

ANIC Winners
Societal Relevance
Product Name Privacy of user data is a key emerging requirement across industry verticals like – Finance, Healthcare, Insurance,
Truthshare platform Telecommunications, Smart cities, travel, e-commerce, edtech, adtech, marketing and digital payments.
With PDPB around the corner, privacy technologies can enable organizations to protect privacy of 1.3 Billion people across
Type various industry verticals.
Product Privacy is not just a requirement in India, but across the world. According to Gartner 65% of the global population will be under
modern privacy regulations, which can use TruthShare’s privacy technologies to protect their user’s privacy while using data
for informed decision making.
TruthShare’s products can have direct applications in digital public infrastructure of the nation like – National Digital health
Commercialized Mission, Account Aggregator ecosystem and Smart city initiative.
For example: COVID-19 patient data is very valuable for pharma companies, government agencies, insurance companies,
Target Market municipality corporations, healthcare organizations, laboratories and pharmaceuticals for various purposes. But this data can’t
Domestic and International be share as it is sensitive data and sharing can result in violation of privacy of patients. They enable organizations to privacy
preserve and anonymize data using advanced privacy technologies so that the data can be used for value creation for society
IP Status without violating privacy of citizens.

IP filed–Patent pending
Major achievements/Awards/Recognitions
TruthShare has won AIM, NITI Aayog and Ministry of Health and family Welfare’s - Aatmanirbhar Bharath Challenge for its
solution to enable privacy preserved epidemiological data collaboration. It has filed 9 patents in various privacy technologies.
One of the patents is already granted. Some of the patents have been published by US patent office and some are published
by World Intellectual Property Organization.

The startup was a finalist in 5G Security challenge (ongoing), providing solution for privacy preserved telco data collaboration,
where user IoT data will also play a major role in citizen’s privacy. The startup is also an AWS ISV partner and an AWS World-
wide public sector partner. TruthShare’s Event Horizon is globally first PET based anonymization partner solution on AWS
available as a Service. TruthShare has also been selected by Microsoft for Startups program and Google Cloud Platform’s
abilash@truthshare.tech Website
startup program.

88 89
Mechatronics Pvt Ltd
Nikhil Sanjay Bapat and
Softwise Mechatronics is working in the field of Internet of Things with in house capabilities of
Poorva Inamdar Bapat
electronics as well as software development. It has positioned itself as an in-depth engineering group
Incubated at with focus on the underlying basics. They don’t just design the product, they engineer it with attention
to the smallest detail. Design elegance is not just how the product looks and feels but how efficiently
ANIC Winners
it is engineered.
Product Name Today Softwise Mechatronics employs multiple engineering experts in the diverse fields of mechanical
Tru Monitor engineering, instrumentation, electronics and computer sciences building teams which can tackle any
problem thrown at them.
Product and Service Societal Relevance
Stage Keeping vaccines in proper temperature at all tiems is of paramount importance to maintain their
efficacy. According to a Inclen foundation study together with Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, temperature monitoring is one of the least compliant areas related to storage regulations
and practices. Vaccines are complex molecules which must be maintained under proper conditions
Target Market
until given to the patients. Having a reliable and intelligent cold chain monitoring system will improve
Domestic and International
the last leg of the chain efficiency of cold chain maintainance.

IP Status With TruTemp devices coupled with TruMonitor platform, temperature monitoring becomes an
NA easy task. The TruTemp9+ devices, with capacity to add additional sensor modules are ideal for large
warehouses and manufacturing locations.


90 91
Dr. Rakesh Sarwal
Additional Secretary (Health)
NITI Aayog
Never be
disheartened by failure.
Innovation is all about
finding the solution with
a different viewpoint.
Strive till you


Program Director, AIM, NITI Aayog


Young Professional, AIM, NITI Aayog
Special Mention to Dr Rakesh Sarwal, Additional Secretary -
Health, NITI Aayog and Dr. Chintan Vaishnav, Mission Director
Consultant, Health Vertical, NITI Aayog
- Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog for their continuous
guidance and support throughout compilation of the book.
Former Associate, Health Vertical, NITI Aayog

92 93
सत्त्वमात्मा शरीरं च त्रयमेतन्त्त्रिदण्डत् |
लोकस्तिष्ठति सं योगात्तत्र सर्वं प्रतिष्ठितम् ||
स पुमांश्र्चेतनं तच्च तच्चाधिकरणं स्मृतम् |
वेदस्यास्य, तदर्थं हि वेदोअयं सम्प्रकाशितः ||

Source: Charak Samhita Chapter 1 Shloka 46

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